DependencyObject.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Base / System / Windows / DependencyObject.cs / 4 / DependencyObject.cs

                            // #define NESTED_OPERATIONS_ 

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization; // For CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Security.Permissions; // For LinkDemand 

using System.Windows.Threading; 

using MS.Utility;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.WindowsBase; 

namespace System.Windows 
    ///     DependencyObject is an object that participates in the property dependency system 
    ///     DependencyObject encompasses all property engine services. It's primary function
    ///     is providing facilities to compute a property's value based on other properties. 
    ///     The Property Engine introduces a new type of property: attached properties. Attached 
    ///     properties are identified via  and are read and 
    ///     written using GetValue and SetValue.
    ///     Attached properties may be set and queried on any DependencyObject-derived type.
    ///      is used to define relationships between properties. SetValue
    ///     is used to apply the Expression to the property on the instance. 
    ///     DependencyObject services include the following: 
    ///         Dependency-based property value evaluation through Expressions 
    ///         Property invalidation dependent traversal through Expressions
    ///         Attached property support
    ///         Invalidation notification services
    /// This attribute allows designers looking at metadata through TypeDescriptor to see dependency properties 
    /// and attached properties. 
    public class DependencyObject : DispatcherObject 
        ///     Default DependencyObject constructor
        ///     Automatic determination of current Dispatcher. Use alternative constructor 
        ///     that accepts a Dispatcher for best performance. 
        public DependencyObject() 
        /// Returns the DType that represents the CLR type of this instance
        public DependencyObjectType DependencyObjectType 
                if (_dType == null)
                    // Specialized type identification
                    _dType = DependencyObjectType.FromSystemTypeInternal(GetType()); 
                // Do not call VerifyAccess because this method is trivial. 
                return _dType;

        private void Initialize()
            CanBeInheritanceContext = true;
            CanModifyEffectiveValues = true; 

        ///     Makes this object Read-Only state of this object; when in a Read-Only state, SetValue is not permitted,
        ///     though the effective value for a property may change.
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. 
        internal virtual void Seal()
            Debug.Assert(!(this is Freezable), "A Freezable should not call DO's implementation of Seal()"); 

            // Currently DependencyObject.Seal() is semantically different than Freezable.Freeze(). 
            // Though freezing implies sealing the reverse isn't true.  The salient difference
            // here is that sealing a DependencyObject does not force all DPs on that object to
            // also be sealed.  Thus, when we Seal(), we promote all cached values to locally set
            // so that the user can continue to modify them.  Freezable types instead strip off 
            // the promotion handler and freeze the cached default. Note that when / if we make
            // Seal() == Freeze this code should go away in favor of the behavior used for Freezables. 

            // Since Freeze doesn't call Seal the code below will also be duplicated in Freeze(). 

            // Since this object no longer changes it won't be able to notify dependents
            DO_Sealed = true;
        ///     Indicates whether or not this object is in a Read-Only state; when in a Read-Only state, SetValue is not permitted, 
        ///     though the effective value for a property may change.
        public bool IsSealed
                return DO_Sealed; 

        ///     We override Equals() to seal it to prevent custom Equals()
        ///     implementations. 
        ///     There are only two scenarios where overriding Equals makes 
        ///     sense: 
        ///         1.  You are a value type (passed by copy). 
        ///         2.  You are an immutable reference type (e.g., System.String).
        ///     Otherwise you are going to cause problems with keyed and
        ///     some types of sorted datastructures because your values 
        ///     can mutate to be equals or not equals while they reside in
        ///     the store (bad news for System.Collections(.Generic)). 
        ///     Furthermore, defining equality for two DOs is a very slippery
        ///     slope.  Are two brushes "equal" if they both paint red?  What 
        ///     if one is only red this frame because it is animated?  What if
        ///     one is databound?  What if one is frozen?  ...and so on.
        ///     Since a DO can never be immutable (attached properties, etc.) 
        ///     it makes sense to disallow overriding of Equals.
        public override sealed bool Equals(Object obj) 
            return base.Equals(obj); 

        ///     CS0659: Required when overriding Equals().  Overriding 
        ///     GetHashCode() is a bad idea for similar reasons.
        public override sealed int GetHashCode() 
            return base.GetHashCode(); 

        ///     Retrieve the value of a property 
        /// Dependency property 
        /// The computed value 
        public object GetValue(DependencyProperty dp)
            // Do not allow foreign threads access.
            // (This is a noop if this object is not assigned to a Dispatcher.)

            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp");

            // Call Forwarded
            return GetValueEntry(
        ///     This overload of GetValue returns UnsetValue if the property doesn't
        ///     have an entry in the _effectiveValues. This way we will avoid inheriting
        ///     the default value from the parent. 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core. 
        internal EffectiveValueEntry GetValueEntry( 
            EntryIndex          entryIndex,
            DependencyProperty  dp, 
            PropertyMetadata    metadata,
            RequestFlags        requests)
            EffectiveValueEntry entry; 

            if (dp.ReadOnly) 
                if (metadata == null)
                    metadata = dp.GetMetadata(DependencyObjectType);

                GetReadOnlyValueCallback getValueCallback = metadata.GetReadOnlyValueCallback; 
                if (getValueCallback != null)
                    BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource; 
                    entry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp);
                    entry.Value = getValueCallback(this, out valueSource); 
                    entry.BaseValueSourceInternal = valueSource;
                    return entry;

            if (entryIndex.Found) 
                if ((requests & RequestFlags.RawEntry) != 0)
                    entry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index];
                    entry = GetEffectiveValue(
                entry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown); 
            if (entry.Value == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) 
                if (dp.IsPotentiallyInherited) 
                    if (metadata == null)
                        metadata = dp.GetMetadata(DependencyObjectType); 
                    if (metadata.IsInherited) 
                        DependencyObject inheritanceParent = InheritanceParent; 
                        if (inheritanceParent != null)
                            entryIndex = inheritanceParent.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex);
                            if (entryIndex.Found)
                                entry = inheritanceParent.GetEffectiveValue( 
                                                requests & RequestFlags.DeferredReferences);
                                entry.BaseValueSourceInternal = BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited;
                    if (entry.Value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) 
                        return entry; 

                if ((requests & RequestFlags.SkipDefault) == 0) 
                    if (dp.IsPotentiallyUsingDefaultValueFactory) 
                        if (metadata == null)
                            metadata = dp.GetMetadata(DependencyObjectType);

                        if (((requests & (RequestFlags.DeferredReferences | RequestFlags.RawEntry)) != 0) && metadata.UsingDefaultValueFactory) 
                            entry.BaseValueSourceInternal = BaseValueSourceInternal.Default; 
                            entry.IsDeferredReference = true; 
                            entry.Value = new DeferredMutableDefaultReference(metadata, this, dp);
                            return entry; 
                    else if (!dp.IsDefaultValueChanged)
                        return EffectiveValueEntry.CreateDefaultValueEntry(dp, dp.DefaultMetadata.DefaultValue);
                    if (metadata == null)
                        metadata = dp.GetMetadata(DependencyObjectType);

                    return EffectiveValueEntry.CreateDefaultValueEntry(dp, metadata.GetDefaultValue(this, dp)); 
            return entry; 
        ///     This overload of GetValue assumes that entryIndex is valid.
        ///      It also does not do the check storage on the InheritanceParent.
        private EffectiveValueEntry GetEffectiveValue(
            EntryIndex          entryIndex, 
            DependencyProperty  dp, 
            RequestFlags        requests)
            EffectiveValueEntry entry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index];
            EffectiveValueEntry effectiveEntry = entry.GetFlattenedEntry(requests);

            if (((requests & (RequestFlags.DeferredReferences | RequestFlags.RawEntry)) != 0) || !effectiveEntry.IsDeferredReference) 
                return effectiveEntry; 

            if (!entry.HasModifiers) 
                // For thread-safety, sealed DOs can't modify _effectiveValues.
                Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified");
                if (!entry.HasExpressionMarker)
                    // The value for this property was meant to come from a dictionary 
                    // and the creation of that value had been deferred until this
                    // time for better performance. Now is the time to actually instantiate 
                    // this value by querying it from the dictionary. Once we have the
                    // value we can actually replace the deferred reference marker
                    // with the actual value.
                    DeferredReference reference = (DeferredReference)entry.Value; 
                    object value = reference.GetValue(entry.BaseValueSourceInternal);
                    if (!dp.IsValidValue(value)) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidPropertyValue, value, dp.Name)); 

                    // Make sure the entryIndex is in sync after
                    // the inflation of the deferred reference. 
                    entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex);
                    entry.Value = value; 
                    entry.IsDeferredReference = false;
                    _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index] = entry; 
                    return entry;
                Debug.Assert(entry.IsExpression && !entry.IsAnimated && !entry.IsCoerced, "the only modified value that can have deferredreferences is an expression"); 
                ModifiedValue modifiedValue = entry.ModifiedValue;
                Debug.Assert(entry.IsExpression == true);

                // The value for this property was meant to come from a dictionary
                // and the creation of that value had been deferred until this 
                // time for better performance. Now is the time to actually instantiate
                // this value by querying it from the dictionary. Once we have the 
                // value we can actually replace the deferred reference marker 
                // with the actual value.
                DeferredReference reference = (DeferredReference) modifiedValue.ExpressionValue; 
                object value = reference.GetValue(entry.BaseValueSourceInternal);

                if (!dp.IsValidValue(value))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidPropertyValue, value, dp.Name));
                // Make sure the entryIndex is in sync after
                // the inflation of the deferred reference. 
                entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex);

                modifiedValue.ExpressionValue = value;
                entry.IsDeferredReference = false; 
                _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index] = entry;
                effectiveEntry.IsDeferredReference = false; 
                effectiveEntry.Value = value; 
            return effectiveEntry; 

        ///     Sets the local value of a property 
        /// Dependency property 
        /// New local value 
        public void SetValue(DependencyProperty dp, object value)
            // Do not allow foreign threads access.
            // (This is a noop if this object is not assigned to a Dispatcher.)

            // Cache the metadata object this method needed to get anyway. 
            PropertyMetadata metadata = SetupPropertyChange(dp); 

            // Do standard property set 
            SetValueCommon(dp, value, metadata, false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */, OperationType.Unknown, false /* isInternal */);

        ///     Sets the local value of a property
        /// The purpose of this internal method is to reuse BooleanBoxes when setting boolean value 
        /// Dependency property
        /// New local value 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core and Framework.
        internal void SetValue(DependencyProperty dp, bool value)
            SetValue(dp, MS.Internal.KnownBoxes.BooleanBoxes.Box(value)); 
        ///     Internal version of SetValue that bypasses type check in IsValidValue;
        ///     This is used in property setters 
        /// Dependency property
        /// New local value
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core and Framework. 
        internal void SetValueInternal(DependencyProperty dp, object value)
            // Do not allow foreign threads access. 
            // (This is a noop if this object is not assigned to a Dispatcher.)

            // Cache the metadata object this method needed to get anyway.
            PropertyMetadata metadata = SetupPropertyChange(dp); 

            // Do standard property set 
            SetValueCommon(dp, value, metadata, false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */, OperationType.Unknown, true /* isInternal */); 
        /// Sets the local value of a property.
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. 
        internal void SetDeferredValue(DependencyProperty dp, DeferredReference deferredReference)
            // Cache the metadata object this method needed to get anyway. 
            PropertyMetadata metadata = SetupPropertyChange(dp);
            // Do standard property set
            SetValueCommon(dp, deferredReference, metadata, true /* coerceWithDeferredReference */, OperationType.Unknown, false /* isInternal */);
        /// Sets the local value of a property with a mutable default value. 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework.
        internal void SetMutableDefaultValue(DependencyProperty dp, object value) 
            // Cache the metadata object this method needed to get anyway.
            PropertyMetadata metadata = SetupPropertyChange(dp);
            // Do standard property set
            SetValueCommon(dp, value, metadata, false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */, OperationType.ChangeMutableDefaultValue, false /* isInternal */); 

        ///     Sets the local value of a property
        /// The purpose of this internal method is to reuse BooleanBoxes when setting boolean value
        /// Dependency property key 
        /// New local value
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core and Framework. 
        internal void SetValue(DependencyPropertyKey dp, bool value) 
            SetValue(dp, MS.Internal.KnownBoxes.BooleanBoxes.Box(value)); 

        ///     Sets the local value of a property 
        public void SetValue(DependencyPropertyKey key, object value) 
            // Do not allow foreign threads access.
            // (This is a noop if this object is not assigned to a Dispatcher.) 

            DependencyProperty dp; 

            // Cache the metadata object this method needed to get anyway. 
            PropertyMetadata metadata = SetupPropertyChange(key, out dp); 

            // Do standard property set 
            SetValueCommon(dp, value, metadata, false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */, OperationType.Unknown, false /* isInternal */);

        ///     Called by SetValue or ClearValue to verify that the property
        /// can be changed. 
        private PropertyMetadata SetupPropertyChange(DependencyProperty dp)
            if ( dp != null )
                if ( !dp.ReadOnly )
                    // Get type-specific metadata for this property
                    return dp.GetMetadata(DependencyObjectType); 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ReadOnlyChangeNotAllowed, dp.Name));
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp"); 
        ///     Called by SetValue or ClearValue to verify that the property
        /// can be changed.
        private PropertyMetadata SetupPropertyChange(DependencyPropertyKey key, out DependencyProperty dp)
            if ( key != null ) 
                dp = key.DependencyProperty; 

                if ( dp != null )

                    // Get type-specific metadata for this property 
                    return dp.GetMetadata(DependencyObjectType); 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.ReadOnlyKeyNotAuthorized, dp.Name));
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); 

        ///     The common code shared by all variants of SetValue
        // Takes metadata from caller because most of them have already retrieved it
        //  for their own purposes, avoiding the duplicate GetMetadata call. 
        private void SetValueCommon( 
            DependencyProperty  dp,
            object              value, 
            PropertyMetadata    metadata,
            bool                coerceWithDeferredReference,
            OperationType       operationType,
            bool                isInternal) 
            if (IsSealed) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.SetOnReadOnlyObjectNotAllowed, this));

            Expression newExpr = null;
            DependencySource[] newSources = null;
            EntryIndex entryIndex = LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex);
            // Treat Unset as a Clear 
            if( value == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue )
                // Parameters should have already been validated, so we call
                //  into the private method to avoid validating again.
                ClearValueCommon(entryIndex, dp, metadata);
            // Validate the "value" against the DP. 
            bool isDeferredReference = false;
            bool newValueHasExpressionMarker = (value == ExpressionInAlternativeStore); 

            // First try to validate the value; only after this validation fails should we
            // do the more expensive checks (type checks) for the less common scenarios
            if (!newValueHasExpressionMarker) 
                bool isValidValue = isInternal ? dp.IsValidValueInternal(value) : dp.IsValidValue(value); 
                // for properties of type "object", we have to always check for expression & deferredreference
                if (!isValidValue || dp.IsObjectType) 
                    // 2nd most common is expression
                    newExpr = value as Expression;
                    if (newExpr != null) 
                        // For Expressions, perform additional validation 
                        // Make sure Expression is "attachable" 
                        if (!newExpr.Attachable)
                            throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.SharingNonSharableExpression));

                        // Check dispatchers of all Sources 
                        // CALLBACK
                        newSources = newExpr.GetSources(); 
                        ValidateSources(this, newSources, newExpr); 
                        // and least common is DeferredReference
                        isDeferredReference = (value is DeferredReference);
                        if (!isDeferredReference) 
                            if (!isValidValue) 
                                // it's not a valid value & it's not an expression, so throw
                                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidPropertyValue, value, dp.Name)); 
            // Get old value 
            EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry;
            if (operationType == OperationType.ChangeMutableDefaultValue) 
                oldEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, BaseValueSourceInternal.Default);
                oldEntry.Value = value;
                oldEntry = GetValueEntry(entryIndex, dp, metadata, RequestFlags.RawEntry); 
            // Get current local value
            object current = oldEntry.LocalValue;

            // if there's an expression in some other store, fetch it now 
            Expression currentExpr = null;
            Expression alternativeExpression = null; 
            bool hasExpressionMarker = oldEntry.HasExpressionMarker; 
            if (hasExpressionMarker)
                if (newExpr == null)
                    alternativeExpression = _getExpressionCore(this, dp, metadata);

                if (alternativeExpression != null) 
                    current = alternativeExpression;
                    currentExpr = alternativeExpression; 
                    // if we're not going to delegate to the alternative expression, 
                    // treat the local value as "unset"
                    current = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 
                currentExpr = (oldEntry.IsExpression) ? (current as Expression) : null;

            Debug.Assert(!(current is Expression && current is Freezable), 
                         "Assuming that Expression and Freezable don't co-derive.  If this is not the case, need to re-think"); 

            // Allow expression to store value if new value is 
            // not an Expression, if applicable

            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry;
            bool handled = false;
            if ((currentExpr != null) && (newExpr == null)) 
                // Resolve deferred references because we haven't modified
                // the expression code to work with DeferredReference yet. 
                if (isDeferredReference)
                    value = ((DeferredReference) value).GetValue(BaseValueSourceInternal.Local);
                    isDeferredReference = false; 
                // CALLBACK 
                handled = currentExpr.SetValue(this, dp, value);
                entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex); 

            // If expression handled set, then done
            if (handled) 
                if (entryIndex.Found) 
                    newEntry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index];
                    // the expression.SetValue resulted in this value being removed from the table;
                    // use the default value. 
                    newEntry = EffectiveValueEntry.CreateDefaultValueEntry(dp, metadata.GetDefaultValue(this, dp));
                newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, BaseValueSourceInternal.Local);

                // Inform expression of attachment and old expression
                // of detachment, if applicable 
                if (currentExpr != null && currentExpr != alternativeExpression)
                    // CALLBACK 
                    DependencySource[] currentSources = currentExpr.GetSources();
                    UpdateSourceDependentLists(this, dp, currentSources, currentExpr, false);  // Remove

                    // CALLBACK
                    currentExpr.OnDetach(this, dp); 
                    entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex);
                if (newExpr == null)
                    // simple local value set ... set the value and deferred reference status
                    newEntry.IsDeferredReference = isDeferredReference;
                    newEntry.Value = value;
                    newEntry.HasExpressionMarker = newValueHasExpressionMarker; 
                    // First put the expression in the effectivevalueentry table for this object;
                    // this allows the expression to update the value accordingly in OnAttach 
                    SetEffectiveValue(entryIndex, dp, dp.GlobalIndex, metadata, newExpr, BaseValueSourceInternal.Local);

                    // Before the expression is attached it has default value
                    object defaultValue = metadata.GetDefaultValue(this, dp); 
                    entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex);
                    SetExpressionValue(entryIndex, defaultValue, newExpr); 
                    UpdateSourceDependentLists(this, dp, newSources, newExpr, true);  // Add 


                    // CALLBACK
                    newExpr.OnAttach(this, dp);
                    // the attach may have added entries in the effective value table ...
                    // so, update the entryIndex accordingly. 
                    entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex); 

                    newEntry = EvaluateExpression( 
                    entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex);

                ref newEntry,

        //  This is a helper routine to set this DO as the inheritance context of another,
        //  which has been set as a DP value here. 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core & Framework.
        internal bool ProvideSelfAsInheritanceContext( object value, DependencyProperty dp ) 
            DependencyObject doValue = value as DependencyObject;
            if (doValue != null)
                return ProvideSelfAsInheritanceContext(doValue, dp);
                return false; 

        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core & Framework. 
        internal bool ProvideSelfAsInheritanceContext( DependencyObject doValue, DependencyProperty dp )
            // We have to call Freezable.AddInheritanceContext even if the request 
            // for a new InheritanceContext is not allowed, because Freezable depends
            // on side-effects from setting the "Freezable context".  Freezable's 
            // implementation does its own checks of the conditions omitted here.

            if (doValue != null &&
                this.ShouldProvideInheritanceContext(doValue, dp) && 
                (doValue is Freezable || 
                    (this.CanBeInheritanceContext &&
                DependencyObject oldInheritanceContext = doValue.InheritanceContext;
                doValue.AddInheritanceContext(this, dp); 

                // return true if the inheritance context actually changed to the new value 
                return (this == doValue.InheritanceContext && this != oldInheritanceContext); 
                return false;

        //  This is a helper routine to remove this DO as the inheritance context of another. 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core & Framework. 
        internal bool RemoveSelfAsInheritanceContext( object value, DependencyProperty dp )
            DependencyObject doValue = value as DependencyObject;
            if (doValue != null) 
                return RemoveSelfAsInheritanceContext(doValue, dp); 
                return false;
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core & Framework.
        internal bool RemoveSelfAsInheritanceContext( DependencyObject doValue, DependencyProperty dp ) 
            // We have to call Freezable.RemoveInheritanceContext even if the request
            // for a new InheritanceContext is not allowed, because Freezable depends 
            // on side-effects from setting the "Freezable context".  Freezable's
            // implementation does its own checks of the conditions omitted here.

            if (doValue != null && 
                this.ShouldProvideInheritanceContext(doValue, dp) && 
                (doValue is Freezable ||
                    (this.CanBeInheritanceContext && 
                DependencyObject oldInheritanceContext = doValue.InheritanceContext; 
                doValue.RemoveInheritanceContext(this, dp);
                // return true if the inheritance context actually changed to the new value 
                return (this == oldInheritanceContext && doValue.InheritanceContext != oldInheritanceContext);
                return false;
        ///     Clears the local value of a property 
        /// Dependency property
        public void ClearValue(DependencyProperty dp)
            // Do not allow foreign threads to clear properties.
            // (This is a noop if this object is not assigned to a Dispatcher.) 
            // Cache the metadata object this method needed to get anyway.
            PropertyMetadata metadata = SetupPropertyChange(dp);

            EntryIndex entryIndex = LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex); 

            ClearValueCommon(entryIndex, dp, metadata); 

        ///     Clears the local value of a property
        public void ClearValue(DependencyPropertyKey key)
            // Do not allow foreign threads to clear properties.
            // (This is a noop if this object is not assigned to a Dispatcher.) 
            DependencyProperty dp;

            // Cache the metadata object this method needed to get anyway.
            PropertyMetadata metadata = SetupPropertyChange(key, out dp); 

            EntryIndex entryIndex = LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex); 
            ClearValueCommon(entryIndex, dp, metadata);

        ///     The common code shared by all variants of ClearValue
        private void ClearValueCommon(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata)
            if (IsSealed) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ClearOnReadOnlyObjectNotAllowed, this)); 

            // Get old value
            EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry = GetValueEntry( 
            // Get current local value
            // (No need to go through read local callback, just checking
            // for presence of Expression)
            object current = oldEntry.LocalValue; 

            // Get current expression 
            Expression currentExpr = (oldEntry.IsExpression) ? (current as Expression) : null; 

            // Inform value expression of detachment, if applicable 
            if (currentExpr != null)
                // CALLBACK
                DependencySource[] currentSources = currentExpr.GetSources(); 

                UpdateSourceDependentLists(this, dp, currentSources, currentExpr, false);  // Remove 
                // CALLBACK
                currentExpr.OnDetach(this, dp); 
                entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex);

            // valuesource == Local && value == UnsetValue indicates that we are clearing the local value 
            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, BaseValueSourceInternal.Local);
            // Property is now invalid 
                    ref newEntry, 
                    false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */,

        ///     This method is called by DependencyObjectPropertyDescriptor to determine
        ///     if a value is set for a given DP.
        internal bool ContainsValue(DependencyProperty dp) 
            EntryIndex entryIndex = LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex); 
            if (!entryIndex.Found)
                return false;

            object value = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index].LocalValue; 
            return !object.ReferenceEquals(value, DependencyProperty.UnsetValue);
        // Changes the sources of an existing Expression 
        internal static void ChangeExpressionSources(Expression expr, DependencyObject d, DependencyProperty dp, DependencySource[] newSources)
            if (!expr.ForwardsInvalidations) 
                // Get current local value (should be provided Expression) 
                // (No need to go through read local callback, just checking 
                // for presence of Expression)
                EntryIndex entryIndex = d.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex); 

                if (!entryIndex.Found || (d._effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index].LocalValue != expr))
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.SourceChangeExpressionMismatch)); 
            // Get current sources
            // CALLBACK 
            DependencySource[] currentSources = expr.GetSources();

            // Remove old
            if (currentSources != null) 
                UpdateSourceDependentLists(d, dp, currentSources, expr, false);  // Remove 

            // Add new 
            if (newSources != null)
                UpdateSourceDependentLists(d, dp, newSources, expr, true);  // Add
        ///     Coerce a property value
        /// Dependency property
        public void CoerceValue(DependencyProperty dp)
            // Do not allow foreign threads access. 
            // (This is a noop if this object is not assigned to a Dispatcher.)

            // IsCoerced == true && value == UnsetValue indicates that we need to re-coerce this value 
            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, FullValueSource.IsCoerced);

                    new EffectiveValueEntry() /* oldEntry */, 
                    ref newEntry,
                    false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */, 

        ///     This is to enable some performance-motivated shortcuts in property
        /// invalidation.  When this is called, it means the caller knows the 
        /// value of the property is pointing to the same object instance as 
        /// before, but the meaning has changed because something within that
        /// object has changed. 
        /// Clients who are unaware of this will still behave correctly, if not
        ///  particularly performant, by assuming that we have a new instance. 
        /// Since invalidation operations are synchronous, we can set a bit
        ///  to maintain this knowledge through the invalidation operation. 
        /// This would be problematic in cross-thread operations, but the only 
        ///  time DependencyObject can be used across thread in today's design
        ///  is when it is a Freezable object that has been Frozen.  Frozen 
        ///  means no more changes, which means no more invalidations.
        /// This is being done as an internal method to enable the performance
        ///  bug fix #1114409.  This is candidate for a public API but we can't 
        ///  do that kind of work at the moment.
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. 
        internal void InvalidateSubProperty(DependencyProperty dp)
            // when a sub property changes, send a Changed notification with old and new value being the same, and with
            // IsASubPropertyChange set to true
            NotifyPropertyChange(new DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs(dp, dp.GetMetadata(DependencyObjectType), GetValue(dp)));

        ///     Notify the current DependencyObject that a "sub-property" 
        /// change has occurred on the given DependencyProperty.
        /// This does the same work as InvalidateSubProperty, and in addition
        /// it raise the Freezable.Changed event if the current DependencyObject
        /// is a Freezable.  This method should be called whenever an 
        /// intermediate object is responsible for propagating the Freezable.Changed
        /// event (i.e. when the Freezable system doesn't propagate the event itself). 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework.
        internal void NotifySubPropertyChange(DependencyProperty dp) 

            // if the target is a Freezable, call FireChanged to kick off 
            // notifications to the Freezable's parent chain.
            Freezable freezable = this as Freezable; 
            if (freezable != null) 

        ///     Invalidates a property
        /// Dependency property 
        //[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647
        public void InvalidateProperty(DependencyProperty dp) 
            // Do not allow foreign threads access.
            // (This is a noop if this object is not assigned to a Dispatcher.)
            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp"); 

            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown);
                    new EffectiveValueEntry() /* oldEntry */, 
                    ref newEntry,
                    false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */,

        //  This method 
        //  1. Re-evaluates the effective value for the given property and fires the property changed notification
        //  2. When this method is invoked with the coersion flag set to false it means that we will simply 
        //     coerce and will not try to re-evaluate the base value for the property
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Declared in Base also used in Framework
        internal UpdateResult UpdateEffectiveValue( 
                EntryIndex          entryIndex,
                DependencyProperty  dp, 
                PropertyMetadata    metadata, 
                EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry,
            ref EffectiveValueEntry newEntry, 
                bool                coerceWithDeferredReference,
                OperationType       operationType)
            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp"); 

#region EventTracing 
            bool isDynamicTracing = EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose); // This was under "normal"
            if (isDynamicTracing)
                if( InvalidationCount % 100 == 0 ) 
                                                         InvalidationCount );

                string TypeAndName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}]{1}({2})",GetType().Name,dp.Name,base.GetHashCode()); // FxCop wanted the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture 

                                                     base.GetHashCode(), TypeAndName); // base.GetHashCode() to avoid calling a virtual, which FxCop doesn't like.

#endregion EventTracing 

            // Are we invalidating out of control? 
            if( NestedOperations > NestedOperationMaximum )
                // We're invalidating out of control, time to abort.
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many levels of nested DependencyProperty invalidations.  This usually indicates a circular reference in the application and the cycle needs to be broken.");
            NestedOperations++; // Decrement in the finally block 
            int targetIndex = dp.GlobalIndex; 
            if (oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal == BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown)
                // Do a full get value of the old entry if it isn't supplied.
                // It isn't supplied in cases where we are *unsetting* a value
                // (e.g. ClearValue, style unapply, trigger unapply)
                oldEntry = GetValueEntry( 

            object oldValue = oldEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved).Value;

            if( TraceDependencyProperty.IsEnabled ) 
                    oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal ); 

            // check for early-out opportunities:
            //  1) the new entry is of lower priority than the current entry 
            if ((newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal != BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown) &&
                (newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal < oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal)) 
                return 0;

            bool isReEvaluate = false;
            bool isCoerceValue = false;
            bool isClearValue = false; 

            if (newEntry.Value == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) 
                FullValueSource fullValueSource = newEntry.FullValueSource;
                isCoerceValue = (fullValueSource == FullValueSource.IsCoerced); 
                isReEvaluate = true;

                if (newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal == BaseValueSourceInternal.Local)
                    isClearValue = true;

            // if we're not in an animation update (caused by AnimationStorage.OnCurrentTimeInvalidated) 
            // then always force a re-evaluation if (a) there was an animation in play or (b) there's
            // an expression evaluation to be made
            if (isReEvaluate ||
                (!newEntry.IsAnimated && 
                 (oldEntry.IsAnimated ||
                 (oldEntry.IsExpression && newEntry.IsExpression && (newEntry.ModifiedValue.BaseValue == oldEntry.ModifiedValue.BaseValue))))) 
                // we have to compute the new value
                if (!isCoerceValue) 
                    newEntry = EvaluateEffectiveValue(entryIndex, dp, metadata, oldEntry, newEntry, operationType);

                    // Make sure that the call out did not cause a change to entryIndex 
                    entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, targetIndex);
                    bool found = (newEntry.Value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue); 
                    if (!found && metadata.IsInherited)
                        DependencyObject inheritanceParent = InheritanceParent;
                        if (inheritanceParent != null)
                            // Fetch the IsDeferredValue flag from the InheritanceParent 
                            EntryIndex parentEntryIndex = inheritanceParent.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex);
                            if (parentEntryIndex.Found) 
                                found = true;
                                newEntry = inheritanceParent._effectiveValues[parentEntryIndex.Index].GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved); 
                                newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal = BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited;

                    // interesting that I just had to add this ... suggests that we are now overinvalidating 
                    if (!found) 
                        newEntry = EffectiveValueEntry.CreateDefaultValueEntry(dp, metadata.GetDefaultValue(this, dp)); 
                    if (!oldEntry.HasModifiers)
                        newEntry = oldEntry; 
                        newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal);
                        ModifiedValue modifiedValue = oldEntry.ModifiedValue;
                        object baseValue = modifiedValue.BaseValue; 
                        newEntry.Value = baseValue;
                        newEntry.IsDeferredReference = oldEntry.IsDeferredReference; 
                        newEntry.HasExpressionMarker = oldEntry.HasExpressionMarker; 

                        if (oldEntry.IsExpression) 
                            newEntry.SetExpressionValue(modifiedValue.ExpressionValue, baseValue);
                        if (oldEntry.IsAnimated)
                            newEntry.SetAnimatedValue(modifiedValue.AnimatedValue, baseValue); 

            // Coerce Value 
            if (metadata.CoerceValueCallback != null &&
                !(isClearValue && newEntry.FullValueSource == (FullValueSource)BaseValueSourceInternal.Default)) 
                // CALLBACK
                object baseValue = newEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.CoercionBaseValue).Value; 
                bool oldValueIsDeferred = oldEntry.IsDeferredReference;

                if (newEntry.IsDeferredReference)
                    // Allow values to stay deferred through coercion callbacks in
                    // limited circumstances, when we know the listener is internal. 
                    // Since we never assign DeferredReference instances to 
                    // non-internal (non-friend assembly) classes, it's safe to skip
                    // the dereference if the callback is to the DP owner (and not 
                    // a derived type).  This is consistent with passing raw
                    // DeferredReference instances to ValidateValue callbacks, which
                    // only ever go to the owner class.
                    if (!coerceWithDeferredReference || 
                        dp.OwnerType != metadata.CoerceValueCallback.Method.DeclaringType) // Need 2nd check to rule out derived class callback overrides.
                        // Resolve deferred references because we need the actual 
                        // baseValue to evaluate the correct animated value. This is done
                        // by invoking GetValue for this property. 
                        DeferredReference dr = (DeferredReference) baseValue;
                        baseValue = dr.GetValue(newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal);

                        // Set the baseValue back into the entry and clear the 
                        // IsDeferredReference flag
                        newEntry.IsDeferredReference = false; 

                        entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, targetIndex); 

                object coercedValue = metadata.CoerceValueCallback(this, baseValue); 

                // Make sure that the call out did not cause a change to entryIndex 
                entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, targetIndex); 

                if (!Equals(dp, coercedValue, baseValue)) 
                    // returning DependencyProperty.UnsetValue from a Coercion callback means "don't do the set" ...
                    // or "use previous value"
                    if (coercedValue == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) 
                        if (oldValueIsDeferred) 
                            DeferredReference reference = (DeferredReference)oldValue;
                            oldValue = reference.GetValue(oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal); 
                            oldValueIsDeferred = false;

                            entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, targetIndex);

                        coercedValue = oldValue; 

                    // Note that we do not support the value being coerced to a 
                    // DeferredReference
                    if (!dp.IsValidValue(coercedValue))
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidPropertyValue, coercedValue, dp.Name)); 
                    // Set the coerced value here. All other values would 
                    // have been set during EvaluateEffectiveValue/GetValueCore.
                    newEntry.SetCoercedValue(coercedValue, baseValue); 

            if (newEntry.FullValueSource != (FullValueSource) BaseValueSourceInternal.Default) 
                Debug.Assert(newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal != BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown, "Value source should be known at this point"); 
                if ((newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal == BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited) && !IsSelfInheritanceParent) 
                    UnsetEffectiveValue(entryIndex, dp, metadata); 
                    SetEffectiveValue(entryIndex, dp, metadata, newEntry, oldEntry); 
                UnsetEffectiveValue(entryIndex, dp, metadata); 

            // Change notifications are fired when the value actually changed or in
            // the case of the Freezable mutable factories when the value source changes. 
            // Try AvaCop without the second condition to repro this problem.
            bool isAValueChange = !Equals(dp, oldValue, newEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved).Value); 
            UpdateResult result = isAValueChange ? UpdateResult.ValueChanged : 0;
            if (isAValueChange ||
                (operationType == OperationType.ChangeMutableDefaultValue && oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal != newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal) ||
                (metadata.IsInherited && oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal != newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal && operationType != OperationType.AddChild && operationType != OperationType.RemoveChild && operationType != OperationType.Inherit))
                result |= UpdateResult.NotificationSent;
                    // fire change notification 
                            new DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs(

#region EventTracing 
            if (isDynamicTracing)
                if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose)) 
                    EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.PROPERTYINVALIDATIONGUID, MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent); 
#endregion EventTracing

            if( TraceDependencyProperty.IsEnabled )
                    this, dp, dp.OwnerType,
                    newEntry.Value, newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal );

            // There are two cases in which we need to adjust inheritance contexts: 
            //     1.  The value pointed to this DP has changed, in which case
            //         we need to move the context from the old value to the 
            //         new value.
            //     2.  The value has not changed, but the ValueSource for the
            //         property has.  (For example, we've gone from being a local 
            //         value to the result of a binding expression that just
            //         happens to return the same DO instance.)  In which case 
            //         we may need to add or remove contexts even though we 
            //         did not raise change notifications.
            // We don't want to provide an inheritance context if the entry is
            // animated, coerced, is an expression, is coming from a style or
            // template, etc.  To avoid this, we explicitly check that the
            // FullValueSource is Local.  By checking FullValueSource rather than 
            // BaseValueSource we are implicitly filtering out any sources which
            // have modifiers.  (e.g., IsExpression, IsAnimated, etc.) 
            bool oldEntryHadContext = oldEntry.FullValueSource == (FullValueSource) BaseValueSourceInternal.Local;
            bool newEntryNeedsContext = newEntry.FullValueSource == (FullValueSource) BaseValueSourceInternal.Local; 

            // NOTE:  We use result rather than isAValueChange below so that we
            //        pick up mutable default promotion, etc.
            if (result != 0 || (oldEntryHadContext != newEntryNeedsContext)) 
                if (oldEntryHadContext) 
                    // RemoveSelfAsInheritanceContext no-ops null, non-DO values, etc.
                    RemoveSelfAsInheritanceContext(oldEntry.LocalValue, dp); 

                // Become the context for the new value. This is happens after
                // invalidation so that FE has a chance to hookup the logical 
                // tree first. This is done only if the current DependencyObject
                // wants to be in the InheritanceContext tree. 
                if (newEntryNeedsContext) 
                    // ProvideSelfAsInheritanceContext no-ops null, non-DO values, etc. 
                    ProvideSelfAsInheritanceContext(newEntry.LocalValue, dp);

                // DANGER:  Callout might add/remove entries in the effective value table. 
                //          Uncomment the following if you need to use entryIndex post
                //          context hookup. 
                // entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex);

            return result;
        /// This is a helper method that is used to fire the property change notification through 
        /// the callbacks and to all the dependents of this property such as bindings etc. 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. 
        internal void NotifyPropertyChange(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            // fire change notification

            if (args.IsAValueChange || args.IsASubPropertyChange) 
                // Invalidate all Dependents of this Source invalidation due
                // to Expression dependencies 

                DependencyProperty dp = args.Property;
                object objectDependentsListMap = DependentListMapField.GetValue(this);
                if (objectDependentsListMap != null) 
                    FrugalMap dependentListMap = (FrugalMap)objectDependentsListMap; 
                    object dependentList = dependentListMap[dp.GlobalIndex]; 
                    Debug.Assert(dependentList != null, "dependentList should either be unset or non-null");
                    if (dependentList != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                        // The list can "go empty" if the items it references "went away"
                        if (((DependentList)dependentList).IsEmpty) 
                            dependentListMap[dp.GlobalIndex] = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
                            ((DependentList)dependentList).InvalidateDependents(this, args); 

        private EffectiveValueEntry EvaluateExpression(
            EntryIndex entryIndex, 
            DependencyProperty dp, 
            Expression expr,
            PropertyMetadata metadata, 
            EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry,
            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry)
            object value = expr.GetValue(this, dp); 
            bool isDeferredReference = false;
            if (value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue && value != Expression.NoValue) 
                isDeferredReference = (value is DeferredReference); 
                if (!isDeferredReference && !dp.IsValidValue(value))
#region EventTracing
                    if (isDynamicTracing)
                        if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose)) 
                                                                EventTrace.PROPERTYVALIDATION, 0xFFF );
#endregion EventTracing 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidPropertyValue, value, dp.Name)); 
                if (value == Expression.NoValue)
                    // The expression wants to "hide".  First set the
                    // expression value to NoValue to indicate "hiding". 
                    newEntry.SetExpressionValue(Expression.NoValue, expr); 

                    // Next, get the expression value some other way. 
                    if (!dp.ReadOnly)
                        EvaluateBaseValueCore(dp, metadata, ref newEntry);
                        value = newEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved).Value; 
                        value = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;

                // if there is still no value, use the default
                if (value == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) 
                    value = metadata.GetDefaultValue(this, dp); 
            // Set the expr and its evaluated value into
            // the _effectiveValues cache
            newEntry.IsDeferredReference = isDeferredReference;
            newEntry.SetExpressionValue(value, expr); 
            return newEntry;
        //[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647
        private EffectiveValueEntry EvaluateEffectiveValue( 
            EntryIndex entryIndex,
            DependencyProperty dp,
            PropertyMetadata metadata,
            EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry, 
            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry, // this is only used to recognize if this is a clear local value
            OperationType operationType) 
#region EventTracing
            bool isDynamicTracing = EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose); // This was under "normal"
            if (isDynamicTracing)
                if( ValidationCount % 100 == 0 )
                                                         ValidationCount ); 

                string TypeAndName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}]{1}({2})",GetType().Name,dp.Name,base.GetHashCode());  // FxCop wanted the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
                                                     base.GetHashCode(), TypeAndName ); // base.GetHashCode() to avoid calling a virtual, which FxCop doesn't like. 
#endregion EventTracing

            // Are we validating out of control? 
            if( NestedOperations > NestedOperationMaximum )
                // We're validating out of control, time to abort. 
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many levels of nested DependencyProperty GetValue calls.  This usually indicates a circular reference in the application and the cycle needs to be broken.");
            NestedOperations++; // Decrement in the finally block

            object value = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 

                // Read local storage
                bool isSetValue = (newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal == BaseValueSourceInternal.Local); 
                bool isClearLocalValue = isSetValue && (newEntry.Value == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue);
                bool oldLocalIsExpression = false;

                if (isClearLocalValue) 
                    newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal = BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown; 
                    // if we reached this on a re-evaluate of a setvalue, we need to make sure
                    // we don't lose track of the newly specified local value.
                    // for all other cases, the oldEntry will have the local value we should
                    // use. 
                    value = isSetValue ? newEntry.LocalValue : oldEntry.LocalValue;
                    if (value == ExpressionInAlternativeStore) 
                        value = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 
                        oldLocalIsExpression = isSetValue ? newEntry.IsExpression : oldEntry.IsExpression; 
                // (If local storage not Unset and not an Expression, return)
                if (value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) 
                    newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, BaseValueSourceInternal.Local);
                    newEntry.Value = value;
                    newEntry.IsDeferredReference = value is DeferredReference; 

                    // Check if an Expression is set 
                    if (oldLocalIsExpression) 
                        // CALLBACK 
                        newEntry = EvaluateExpression(
                            (Expression) value, 

                        entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex); 

                        value = newEntry.ModifiedValue.ExpressionValue;

                // Subclasses are not allowed to resolve/modify the value for read-only properties. 
                if( !dp.ReadOnly ) 
                    // Give subclasses a chance to resolve/modify the value 
                    EvaluateBaseValueCore(dp, metadata, ref newEntry);

                    // we need to have the default value in the entry before we do the animation check
                    if (newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal == BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown) 
                        newEntry = EffectiveValueEntry.CreateDefaultValueEntry(dp, metadata.GetDefaultValue(this, dp)); 

                    value = newEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved).Value; 

                    entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex);

                    if (oldEntry.IsAnimated) 
                        EvaluateAnimatedValueCore(dp, metadata, ref newEntry); 
                        value = newEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved).Value;
#region EventTracing
            if (isDynamicTracing)
                if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose))
                    int UsingDefault = 1; 
                    if (value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                        UsingDefault = 0; 
#endregion EventTracing 

            if (value == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) 
                newEntry = EffectiveValueEntry.CreateDefaultValueEntry(dp, metadata.GetDefaultValue(this, dp));
            return newEntry;
        ///     Allows subclasses to participate in property base value computation 
        internal virtual void EvaluateBaseValueCore(
                DependencyProperty  dp,
                PropertyMetadata    metadata, 
            ref EffectiveValueEntry newEntry)

        ///     Allows subclasses to participate in property animated value computation
        internal virtual void EvaluateAnimatedValueCore(
                DependencyProperty  dp, 
                PropertyMetadata    metadata,
            ref EffectiveValueEntry newEntry) 
        ///     Notification that a specified property has been changed
        /// EventArgs that contains the property, metadata, old value, and new value for this change 
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // Do not call VerifyAccess because this is a virtual, and is used as a call-out. 

            if( e.Property == null ) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e.Property");
            if (e.IsAValueChange || e.IsASubPropertyChange || e.OperationType == OperationType.ChangeMutableDefaultValue)
                // Inform per-type/property invalidation listener, if exists 
                PropertyMetadata metadata = e.Metadata;
                if ((metadata != null) && (metadata.PropertyChangedCallback != null)) 
                    metadata.PropertyChangedCallback(this, e);
        /// Override this method to control whether a DependencyProperty should be serialized.
        /// The base implementation returns true if the property is set (locally) on this object. 
        protected internal virtual bool ShouldSerializeProperty( DependencyProperty dp )
            return ContainsValue( dp ); 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core & Framework. 
        internal BaseValueSourceInternal GetValueSource(DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata, out bool hasModifiers)
            bool isExpression, isAnimated, isCoerced;
            return GetValueSource(dp, metadata, out hasModifiers, out isExpression, out isAnimated, out isCoerced);
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core & Framework.
        internal BaseValueSourceInternal GetValueSource(DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata, 
                out bool hasModifiers, out bool isExpression, out bool isAnimated, out bool isCoerced) 
            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp");
            EntryIndex entryIndex = LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex);
            if (entryIndex.Found) 
                EffectiveValueEntry entry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index]; 
                hasModifiers = entry.HasModifiers;
                isExpression = entry.IsExpression;
                isAnimated = entry.IsAnimated;
                isCoerced = entry.IsCoerced; 
                return entry.BaseValueSourceInternal;
                isExpression = false; 
                isAnimated = false;
                isCoerced = false;

                if (dp.ReadOnly) 
                    if (metadata == null) 
                        metadata = dp.GetMetadata(DependencyObjectType);

                    GetReadOnlyValueCallback callback = metadata.GetReadOnlyValueCallback;
                    if (callback != null)
                        BaseValueSourceInternal source;
                        callback(this, out source); 
                        hasModifiers = false; 
                        return source;

                if (dp.IsPotentiallyInherited)
                    if (metadata == null)
                        metadata = dp.GetMetadata(DependencyObjectType); 
                    if (metadata.IsInherited)
                        DependencyObject inheritanceParent = InheritanceParent;
                        if (inheritanceParent != null && inheritanceParent.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex).Found) 
                            hasModifiers = false; 
                            return BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited; 

            hasModifiers = false; 
            return BaseValueSourceInternal.Default;
        ///     Retrieve the local value of a property (if set) 
        /// Dependency property
        ///     The local value. DependencyProperty.UnsetValue if no local value was 
        ///     set via .
        public object ReadLocalValue(DependencyProperty dp) 
            // Do not allow foreign threads access. 
            // (This is a noop if this object is not assigned to a Dispatcher.)
            if (dp == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp"); 
            EntryIndex entryIndex = LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex);

            // Call Forwarded
            return ReadLocalValueEntry(entryIndex, dp, false /* allowDeferredReferences */); 
        ///     Retrieve the local value of a property (if set)
        ///     The local value. DependencyProperty.UnsetValue if no local value was
        ///     set via .
        internal object ReadLocalValueEntry(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp, bool allowDeferredReferences)
            if (!entryIndex.Found) 
                return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 

            EffectiveValueEntry entry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index];
            object value = entry.LocalValue; 

            // convert a deferred reference into a real value 
            if (!allowDeferredReferences && entry.IsDeferredReference) 
                // localValue may still not be a DeferredReference, e.g. 
                // if it is an expression whose value is a DeferredReference.
                // So a little more work is needed before converting the value.
                DeferredReference dr = value as DeferredReference;
                if (dr != null) 
                    value = dr.GetValue(entry.BaseValueSourceInternal); 
            // treat Expression marker as "unset"
            if (value == ExpressionInAlternativeStore)
                value = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 
            return value; 
        ///     Create a local value enumerator for this instance
        /// Local value enumerator (stack based) 
        public LocalValueEnumerator GetLocalValueEnumerator()
            // Do not allow foreign threads access. 
            // (This is a noop if this object is not assigned to a Dispatcher.)

            uint effectiveValuesCount = EffectiveValuesCount;
            LocalValueEntry[] snapshot = new LocalValueEntry[effectiveValuesCount]; 
            int count = 0;
            // Iterate through the sorted effectiveValues 
            for (uint i=0; i 
        ///     This is how we track if someone is enumerating the _effectiveValues 
        ///     cache. This flag should be set to false before doing that.
        private bool CanModifyEffectiveValues
            get { return (_packedData & 0x00080000) != 0; }
                Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); 

                if (value) 
                    _packedData |= 0x00080000;
                    _packedData &= 0xFFF7FFFF; 

        [FriendAccessAllowed]   // defined in Base, used in Core and Framework
        internal bool IsInheritanceContextSealed
            get { return (_packedData & 0x01000000) != 0; }
                if (value)
                    _packedData |= 0x01000000;
                    _packedData &= 0xFEFFFFFF;
        private bool DO_Sealed
            get { return (_packedData & 0x00400000) != 0; }
            set { if (value) { _packedData |= 0x00400000; } else { _packedData &= 0xFFBFFFFF; } } 
        // Freezable State stored here for size optimization: 
        // Freezable is immutable
        internal bool Freezable_Frozen 
            // uses the same bit as Sealed ... even though they are not quite synonymous
            // Since Frozen implies Sealed, and calling Seal() is disallowed on Freezable,
            // this is ok. 
            get { return DO_Sealed; }
            set { DO_Sealed = value; } 

        // Freezable State stored here for size optimization: 
        // Freezable is being referenced in multiple places and hence cannot have a single InheritanceContext
        internal bool Freezable_HasMultipleInheritanceContexts
            get { return (_packedData & 0x02000000) != 0; } 
            set { if (value) { _packedData |= 0x02000000; } else { _packedData &= 0xFDFFFFFF; } }
        // Freezable State stored here for size optimization:
        // Handlers stored in a dictionary 
        internal bool Freezable_UsingHandlerList
            get { return (_packedData & 0x04000000) != 0; }
            set { if (value) { _packedData |= 0x04000000; } else { _packedData &= 0xFBFFFFFF; } } 
        // Freezable State stored here for size optimization: 
        // Context stored in a dictionary
        internal bool Freezable_UsingContextList 
            get { return (_packedData & 0x08000000) != 0; }
            set { if (value) { _packedData |= 0x08000000; } else { _packedData &= 0xF7FFFFFF; } }

        // Freezable State stored here for size optimization: 
        // Freezable has a single handler 
        internal bool Freezable_UsingSingletonHandler
            get { return (_packedData & 0x10000000) != 0; }
            set { if (value) { _packedData |= 0x10000000; } else { _packedData &= 0xEFFFFFFF; } }
        // Freezable State stored here for size optimization:
        // Freezable has a single context 
        internal bool Freezable_UsingSingletonContext 
            get { return (_packedData & 0x20000000) != 0; } 
            set { if (value) { _packedData |= 0x20000000; } else { _packedData &= 0xDFFFFFFF; } }

        // Animatable State stored here for size optimization:
        internal bool Animatable_IsResourceInvalidationNecessary 
            [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, but used by Core. 
            get { return (_packedData & 0x40000000) != 0; }
            [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, but used by Core.
            set { if (value) { _packedData |= 0x40000000; } else { _packedData &= 0xBFFFFFFF; } }

        // IAnimatable State stored here for size optimization: 
        // Returns true if this IAnimatable implemention has animations on its properties 
        // but doesn't check the sub-properties for animations.
        internal bool IAnimatable_HasAnimatedProperties 
            [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, but used by Core.
            get { return (_packedData & 0x80000000) != 0; }
            [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, but used by Core. 
            set { if (value) { _packedData |= 0x80000000; } else { _packedData &= 0x7FFFFFFF; } }
        internal static void UpdateSourceDependentLists(DependencyObject d, DependencyProperty dp, DependencySource[] sources, Expression expr, bool add)
            // Sources already validated to be on the same thread as Dependent (d)

            if (sources != null)
                // don't hold a reference on the dependent if the expression is doing
                // the invalidations.  This helps avoid memory leaks (bug 871139) 
                if (expr.ForwardsInvalidations) 
                    d = null; 
                    dp = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < sources.Length; i++) 
                    DependencySource source = sources[i]; 
                    // A Sealed DependencyObject does not have a Dependents list
                    // so don't bother updating it (or attempt to add one). 

                    Debug.Assert((!source.DependencyObject.IsSealed) ||
                            (DependentListMapField.GetValue(source.DependencyObject) == default(object)));
                    if (!source.DependencyObject.IsSealed)
                        // Retrieve the DependentListMap for this source 
                        // The list of dependents to invalidate is stored using a special negative key
                        FrugalMap dependentListMap;
                        object value = DependentListMapField.GetValue(source.DependencyObject);
                        if (value != null)
                            dependentListMap = (FrugalMap)value;
                            dependentListMap = new FrugalMap(); 

                        // Get list of DependentList off of ID map of Source
                        object dependentListObj = dependentListMap[source.DependencyProperty.GlobalIndex]; 
                        Debug.Assert(dependentListObj != null, "dependentList should either be unset or non-null");
                        // Add/Remove new Dependent (this) to Source's list 
                        if (add)
                            DependentList dependentList;
                            if (dependentListObj == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                                dependentListMap[source.DependencyProperty.GlobalIndex] = dependentList = new DependentList(); 
                                dependentList = (DependentList)dependentListObj;

                            dependentList.Add(d, dp, expr);
                            if (dependentListObj != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) 
                                DependentList dependentList = (DependentList)dependentListObj;
                                dependentList.Remove(d, dp, expr);

                                if (dependentList.IsEmpty)
                                    // No more dependencies for this property; reclaim the space if we can.
                                    dependentListMap[source.DependencyProperty.GlobalIndex] = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 

                        // Set the updated struct back into the source's _localStore.
                        DependentListMapField.SetValue(source.DependencyObject, dependentListMap);

        internal static void ValidateSources(DependencyObject d, DependencySource[] newSources, Expression expr) 
            // Make sure all Sources are owned by the same thread.
            if (newSources != null)
                Dispatcher dispatcher = d.Dispatcher;
                for (int i = 0; i < newSources.Length; i++) 
                    Dispatcher sourceDispatcher = newSources[i].DependencyObject.Dispatcher;
                    if (sourceDispatcher != dispatcher && !(expr.SupportsUnboundSources && sourceDispatcher == null)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.SourcesMustBeInSameThread));
        /// Register the two callbacks that are used to implement the "alternative 
        /// Expression storage" feature, and return the two methods used to access
        /// the feature.
        /// This method should only be called (once) from the Framework.  It should
        /// not be called directly by users. 
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework.
        internal static void RegisterForAlternativeExpressionStorage( 
                            AlternativeExpressionStorageCallback getExpressionCore,
                            out AlternativeExpressionStorageCallback getExpression)
            Debug.Assert(getExpressionCore != null, "getExpressionCore cannot be null"); 
            Debug.Assert(_getExpressionCore == null, "The 'alternative Expression storage' feature has already been registered");
            _getExpressionCore = getExpressionCore; 

            getExpression = new AlternativeExpressionStorageCallback(GetExpression); 

        /// Used to determine whether a DependencyObject has a value with an expression, such as a resource reference. 
        /// True if Dependency object has a value with an expression 
        internal bool HasAnyExpression() 
            EffectiveValueEntry[] effectiveValues = EffectiveValues;
            uint numEffectiveValues = EffectiveValuesCount;
            bool result = false; 

            for (uint i = 0; i < numEffectiveValues; i++) 
                DependencyProperty dp =

                if (dp != null)
                    EntryIndex entryIndex = new EntryIndex(i); 
                    // The expression check only needs to be done when isChecking is true
                    // because if we return false here the Freeze() call will fail. 
                    if (HasExpression(entryIndex, dp)) 
                        result = true; 

            return result; 

        /// Return true iff the property has an expression applied to it.
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core and Framework.
        internal bool HasExpression(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp) 
            if (!entryIndex.Found) 
                return false;

            EffectiveValueEntry entry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index];

            object o = entry.LocalValue; 

            bool result = (entry.HasExpressionMarker || o is Expression); 
            return result; 
        /// Return the Expression (if any) currently in effect for the given property.
        private static Expression GetExpression(DependencyObject d, DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata) 
            EntryIndex entryIndex = d.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex); 
            if (!entryIndex.Found)
                return null;

            EffectiveValueEntry entry = d._effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index]; 

            if (entry.HasExpressionMarker) 
                if (_getExpressionCore != null)
                    return _getExpressionCore(d, dp, metadata);

                return null; 
            // no expression marker -- check local value itself 
            if (entry.IsExpression)
                return (Expression) entry.LocalValue;

            return null; 
        #region InheritanceContext 

        ///     InheritanceContext
        internal virtual DependencyObject InheritanceContext
            [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core and Framework.
            get { return null; } 

        ///     You have a new InheritanceContext
        ///     This method is equivalent to OnNewParent of 
        ///     the yesteryears on an element. Note that the
        ///     implementation may choose to ignore this new 
        ///     context, e.g. in the case of a Freezable that 
        ///     is being shared.

/// Do not call this method directly. Instead call /// ProvideSelfAsInheritanceContext, which checks various /// preconditions and then calls AddInheritanceContext for you. /// internal virtual void AddInheritanceContext(DependencyObject context, DependencyProperty property) { } ///

/// You have lost an InheritanceContext /// /// ///

/// Do not call this method directly. Instead call /// RemoveSelfAsInheritanceContext, which checks various /// preconditions and then calls RemoveInheritanceContext for you. /// internal virtual void RemoveInheritanceContext(DependencyObject context, DependencyProperty property) { } ///

/// You are about to provided as the InheritanceContext for the target. /// You can choose to allow this or not. /// internal virtual bool ShouldProvideInheritanceContext(DependencyObject target, DependencyProperty property) { return true; } /// /// The InheritanceContext for an ancestor /// has changed /// /// /// This is the equivalent of OnAncestorChanged /// for an element /// [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core. internal void OnInheritanceContextChanged(EventArgs args) { // Fire the event that BindingExpression and // ResourceReferenceExpression will be listening to. EventHandler handlers = InheritanceContextChangedHandlersField.GetValue(this); if (handlers != null) { handlers(this, args); } CanModifyEffectiveValues = false; try { // Notify all those DO that the current instance is a // context for (we will call these inheritanceChildren) about the // change in the context. This is like a recursive tree walk. // Iterate through the sorted effectiveValues uint effectiveValuesCount = EffectiveValuesCount; for (uint i=0; i /// This is a means for subclasses to get notification /// of InheritanceContext changes and then they can do /// their own thing. /// [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core. internal virtual void OnInheritanceContextChangedCore(EventArgs args) { } /// /// Event for InheritanceContextChanged. This is /// the event that BindingExpression and /// ResourceReferenceExpressions will be listening to. /// /// /// make this pay-for-play by storing handlers /// in an uncommon field /// internal event EventHandler InheritanceContextChanged { [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. add { // Get existing event hanlders EventHandler handlers = InheritanceContextChangedHandlersField.GetValue(this); if (handlers != null) { // combine to a multicast delegate handlers = (EventHandler)Delegate.Combine(handlers, value); } else { handlers = value; } // Set the delegate as an uncommon field InheritanceContextChangedHandlersField.SetValue(this, handlers); } [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. remove { // Get existing event hanlders EventHandler handlers = InheritanceContextChangedHandlersField.GetValue(this); if (handlers != null) { // Remove the given handler handlers = (EventHandler)Delegate.Remove(handlers, value); if (handlers == null) { // Clear the value for the uncommon field // cause there are no more handlers InheritanceContextChangedHandlersField.ClearValue(this); } else { // Set the remaining handlers as an uncommon field InheritanceContextChangedHandlersField.SetValue(this, handlers); } } } } /// /// By default this is false since it doesn't have a context /// internal virtual bool HasMultipleInheritanceContexts { get { return false; } } /// /// By default this is true since every DependencyObject can be an InheritanceContext /// internal bool CanBeInheritanceContext { [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. get { return (_packedData & 0x00200000) != 0; } [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. set { if (value) { _packedData |= 0x00200000; } else { _packedData &= 0xFFDFFFFF; } } } /// /// Debug-only method that asserts that the current DO does not have any /// listeners on its InheritanceContextChanged event. This is used by /// Freezable (frozen Freezables can't have listeners). /// [Conditional ("DEBUG")] internal void Debug_AssertNoInheritanceContextListeners() { Debug.Assert(InheritanceContextChangedHandlersField.GetValue(this) == null, "This object should not have any listeners to its InheritanceContextChanged event"); } // This uncommon field is used to store the handlers for the InheritanceContextChanged event private static readonly UncommonField InheritanceContextChangedHandlersField = new UncommonField(); #endregion InheritanceContext #region EffectiveValues // The rest of DependencyObject is its EffectiveValues cache // The cache of effective (aka "computed" aka "resolved") property // values for this DO. If a DP does not have an entry in this array // it means one of two things: // 1) if it's an inheritable property, then its value may come from // this DO's InheritanceParent // 2) if it's not an inheritable property (or this DO's InheritanceParent // doesn't have an entry for this DP either), then the value for // that DP on this DO is the default value. // Otherwise, the DP will have an entry in this array describing the // current value of the DP, where this value came from, and how it // has been modified internal EffectiveValueEntry[] EffectiveValues { [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. get { return _effectiveValues; } } // The total number of entries in the above EffectiveValues cache internal uint EffectiveValuesCount { [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. get { return _packedData & 0x000003FF; } private set { _packedData = (_packedData & 0xFFFFFC00) | (value & 0x000003FF); } } // The number of entries in the above EffectiveValues cache that // correspond to DPs that are inheritable on this DO; this count // helps us during "tree change" invalidations to know how big // of a "working change list" we have to construct. internal uint InheritableEffectiveValuesCount { [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. get { return (_packedData >> 10) & 0x1FF; } set { Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); _packedData = ((value & 0x1FF) << 10) | (_packedData & 0xFFF803FF); } } // This flag indicates whether or not we are in "Property Initialization // Mode". This is an opt-in mode: a DO starts out *not* in Property // Initialization Mode. In this mode, the EffectiveValues cache grows // at a more liberal (2.0) rate. Normally, outside of this mode, the // cache grows at a much stingier (1.2) rate. // Internal customers (currently only UIElement) access this mode // through the BeginPropertyInitialization/EndPropertyInitialization // methods below private bool IsInPropertyInitialization { get { return (_packedData & 0x00800000) != 0; } set { if (value) { _packedData |= 0x00800000; } else { _packedData &= 0xFF7FFFFF; } } } // A DependencyObject calls this method to indicate to the property // system that a bunch of property sets are about to happen; the // property system responds by elevating the growth rate of the // EffectiveValues cache, to speed up initialization by requiring // fewer reallocations [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core and Framework. internal void BeginPropertyInitialization() { IsInPropertyInitialization = true; } // A DependencyObject calls this method to indicate to the property // system that it is now done with the bunch of property sets that // accompanied the initialization of this element; the property // system responds by returning the growth rate of the // EffectiveValues cache to its normal rate, and then trimming // the cache to get rid of any excess bloat incurred by the // aggressive growth rate during initialization mode. [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core and Framework. internal void EndPropertyInitialization() { IsInPropertyInitialization = false; if (_effectiveValues != null) { uint effectiveValuesCount = EffectiveValuesCount; if (effectiveValuesCount != 0) { uint endLength = effectiveValuesCount; if (((float) endLength / (float) _effectiveValues.Length) < 0.8) { // For thread-safety, sealed DOs can't modify _effectiveValues. Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); EffectiveValueEntry[] destEntries = new EffectiveValueEntry[endLength]; Array.Copy(_effectiveValues, 0, destEntries, 0, effectiveValuesCount); _effectiveValues = destEntries; } } } } internal DependencyObject InheritanceParent { [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. get { if ((_packedData & 0x3E100000) == 0) { return (DependencyObject) _contextStorage; } // return null if this DO has any of the following set: // IsSelfInheritanceParent // Freezable_HasMultipleInheritanceContexts // Freezable_UsingHandlerList // Freezable_UsingContextList // Freezable_UsingSingletonHandler // Freezable_UsingSingletonContext return null; } } private void SetInheritanceParent(DependencyObject newParent) { Debug.Assert((_packedData & 0x3E000000) == 0, "InheritanceParent should not be set in a Freezable, which manages its own inheritance context."); // For thread-safety, sealed DOs can't modify _contextStorage Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); if (_contextStorage != null) { Debug.Assert(!IsSelfInheritanceParent, "If the IsSelfInheritanceParent is set then the InheritanceParent should have been nuked."); _contextStorage = newParent; } else { if (newParent != null) { // Merge all the inheritable properties on the inheritanceParent into the EffectiveValues // store on the current node because someone had set an effective value for an // inheritable property on this node. if (IsSelfInheritanceParent) { MergeInheritableProperties(newParent); } else { _contextStorage = newParent; } } else { // Do nothing because before and after values are both null } } } internal bool IsSelfInheritanceParent { [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. get { return (_packedData & 0x00100000) != 0; } } // Currently we only have support for turning this flag on. Once set this flag never goes false after that. [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. internal void SetIsSelfInheritanceParent() { // Merge all the inheritable properties on the inheritanceParent into the EffectiveValues // store on the current node because someone tried to set an effective value for an // inheritable property on this node. DependencyObject inheritanceParent = InheritanceParent; if (inheritanceParent != null) { MergeInheritableProperties(inheritanceParent); // Get rid of the InheritanceParent since we won't need it anymore for // having cached all the inheritable properties on self SetInheritanceParent(null); } Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); _packedData |= 0x00100000; } // // This method // 1. Recalculates the InheritanceParent with respect to the given FrameworkParent // 2. Is called from [FE/FCE].OnAncestorChangedInternal // [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. internal void SynchronizeInheritanceParent(DependencyObject parent) { // If this flag is true it indicates that all the inheritable properties for this node // are cached on itself and hence we will not need the InheritanceParent pointer at all. if (!this.IsSelfInheritanceParent) { if (parent != null) { if (!parent.IsSelfInheritanceParent) { SetInheritanceParent(parent.InheritanceParent); } else { SetInheritanceParent(parent); } } else { SetInheritanceParent(null); } } } // // This method // 1. Merges the inheritable properties from the parent into the EffectiveValues store on self // private void MergeInheritableProperties(DependencyObject inheritanceParent) { Debug.Assert(inheritanceParent != null, "Must have inheritanceParent"); Debug.Assert(inheritanceParent.IsSelfInheritanceParent, "An inheritanceParent should always be one that has all the inheritable properties cached on self"); EffectiveValueEntry[] parentEffectiveValues = inheritanceParent.EffectiveValues; uint parentEffectiveValuesCount = inheritanceParent.EffectiveValuesCount; for (uint i=0; i 0 && _effectiveValues.Length > entryIndex.Index) { EffectiveValueEntry entry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index]; if (entry.PropertyIndex == targetIndex) { return new EntryIndex(entryIndex.Index); } } return LookupEntry(targetIndex); } // look for an entry that matches the given dp // return value has Found set to true if an entry is found // return value has Index set to the index of the found entry (if Found is true) // or the location to insert an entry for this dp (if Found is false) [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. internal EntryIndex LookupEntry(int targetIndex) { int checkIndex; uint iLo = 0; uint iHi = EffectiveValuesCount; if (iHi <= 0) { return new EntryIndex(0, false /* Found */); } // Do a binary search to find the value while (iHi - iLo > 3) { uint iPv = (iHi + iLo) / 2; checkIndex = _effectiveValues[iPv].PropertyIndex; if (targetIndex == checkIndex) { return new EntryIndex(iPv); } if (targetIndex <= checkIndex) { iHi = iPv; } else { iLo = iPv + 1; } } // Now we only have three values to search; switch to a linear search do { checkIndex = _effectiveValues[iLo].PropertyIndex; if (checkIndex == targetIndex) { return new EntryIndex(iLo); } if (checkIndex > targetIndex) { // we've gone past the targetIndex - return not found break; } iLo++; } while (iLo < iHi); return new EntryIndex(iLo, false /* Found */); } // insert the given entry at the given index // this function assumes that entryIndex is at the right // location such that the resulting list remains sorted by EffectiveValueEntry.PropertyIndex private void InsertEntry(EffectiveValueEntry entry, uint entryIndex) { // For thread-safety, sealed DOs can't modify _effectiveValues. Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); #if DEBUG EntryIndex debugIndex = LookupEntry(entry.PropertyIndex); Debug.Assert(!debugIndex.Found && debugIndex.Index == entryIndex, "Inserting duplicate"); #endif if (CanModifyEffectiveValues == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.LocalValueEnumerationInvalidated)); } uint effectiveValuesCount = EffectiveValuesCount; if (effectiveValuesCount > 0) { if (_effectiveValues.Length == effectiveValuesCount) { int newSize = (int) (effectiveValuesCount * (IsInPropertyInitialization ? 2.0 : 1.2)); if (newSize == effectiveValuesCount) { newSize++; } EffectiveValueEntry[] destEntries = new EffectiveValueEntry[newSize]; Array.Copy(_effectiveValues, 0, destEntries, 0, entryIndex); destEntries[entryIndex] = entry; Array.Copy(_effectiveValues, entryIndex, destEntries, entryIndex + 1, effectiveValuesCount - entryIndex); _effectiveValues = destEntries; } else { Array.Copy(_effectiveValues, entryIndex, _effectiveValues, entryIndex + 1, effectiveValuesCount - entryIndex); _effectiveValues[entryIndex] = entry; } } else { if (_effectiveValues == null) { _effectiveValues = new EffectiveValueEntry[EffectiveValuesInitialSize]; } _effectiveValues[0] = entry; } EffectiveValuesCount = effectiveValuesCount + 1; } // remove the entry at the given index private void RemoveEntry(uint entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp) { // For thread-safety, sealed DOs can't modify _effectiveValues. Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); if (CanModifyEffectiveValues == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.LocalValueEnumerationInvalidated)); } uint effectiveValuesCount = EffectiveValuesCount; Array.Copy(_effectiveValues, entryIndex + 1, _effectiveValues, entryIndex, (effectiveValuesCount - entryIndex) - 1); effectiveValuesCount--; EffectiveValuesCount = effectiveValuesCount; // clear last entry _effectiveValues[effectiveValuesCount].Clear(); } // // This property // 1. Finds the correct initial size for the _effectiveValues store on the current DependencyObject // 2. This is a performance optimization // [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core and Framework. internal virtual int EffectiveValuesInitialSize { get { return 2; } } internal void SetEffectiveValue(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata, EffectiveValueEntry newEntry, EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry) { if (metadata != null && metadata.IsInherited && newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal != BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited && !IsSelfInheritanceParent) { SetIsSelfInheritanceParent(); entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex); } bool restoreMarker = false; if (oldEntry.HasExpressionMarker && !newEntry.HasExpressionMarker) { BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource = newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal; restoreMarker = (valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ThemeStyle || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ThemeStyleTrigger || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.Style || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.TemplateTrigger || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.StyleTrigger || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ParentTemplate || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ParentTemplateTrigger); } if (restoreMarker) { newEntry.RestoreExpressionMarker(); } else if (oldEntry.IsExpression && oldEntry.ModifiedValue.ExpressionValue == Expression.NoValue) { // we now have a value for an expression that is "hiding" - save it // as the expression value newEntry.SetExpressionValue(newEntry.Value, oldEntry.ModifiedValue.BaseValue); } #if DEBUG object baseValue; if (!newEntry.HasModifiers) { baseValue = newEntry.Value; } else { if (!newEntry.IsExpression) { baseValue = newEntry.ModifiedValue.BaseValue; } else { baseValue = newEntry.ModifiedValue.ExpressionValue; } } Debug.Assert(newEntry.IsDeferredReference == (baseValue is DeferredReference)); #endif if (entryIndex.Found) { _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index] = newEntry; } else { InsertEntry(newEntry, entryIndex.Index); if (metadata != null && metadata.IsInherited) { InheritableEffectiveValuesCount++; } } Debug.Assert(dp == null || (dp.GlobalIndex == newEntry.PropertyIndex), "EffectiveValueEntry & DependencyProperty do not match"); } // // This method // 1. Create a new EffectiveValueEntry for the given DP and inserts it into the EffectiveValues list // [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core and Framework. internal void SetEffectiveValue(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp, int targetIndex, PropertyMetadata metadata, object value, BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource) { Debug.Assert(value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue, "Value to be set cannot be UnsetValue"); Debug.Assert(valueSource != BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown, "ValueSource cannot be Unknown"); // For thread-safety, sealed DOs can't modify _effectiveValues. Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); if (metadata != null && metadata.IsInherited && valueSource != BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited && !IsSelfInheritanceParent) { SetIsSelfInheritanceParent(); entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex); } EffectiveValueEntry entry; if (entryIndex.Found) { entry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index]; } else { entry = new EffectiveValueEntry(); entry.PropertyIndex = targetIndex; InsertEntry(entry, entryIndex.Index); if (metadata != null && metadata.IsInherited) { InheritableEffectiveValuesCount++; } } bool hasExpressionMarker = (value == ExpressionInAlternativeStore); if (!hasExpressionMarker && entry.HasExpressionMarker && (valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ThemeStyle || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ThemeStyleTrigger || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.Style || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.TemplateTrigger || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.StyleTrigger || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ParentTemplate || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.ParentTemplateTrigger)) { entry.BaseValueSourceInternal = valueSource; entry.IsDeferredReference = false; entry.SetExpressionValue(value, ExpressionInAlternativeStore); entry.ResetAnimatedValue(); entry.ResetCoercedValue(); } else if (entry.IsExpression && entry.ModifiedValue.ExpressionValue == Expression.NoValue) { // we now have a value for an expression that is "hiding" - save it // as the expression value entry.SetExpressionValue(value, entry.ModifiedValue.BaseValue); } else { Debug.Assert(entry.BaseValueSourceInternal != BaseValueSourceInternal.Local || valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.Local, "No one but another local value can stomp over an existing local value. The only way is to clear the entry"); entry.BaseValueSourceInternal = valueSource; entry.ResetValue(value, hasExpressionMarker); // These are the only possible ValueSources when we could have a // DeferredDictionaryReference set as the entry's value. if (valueSource != BaseValueSourceInternal.Default) { entry.IsDeferredReference = (value is DeferredReference); } else { entry.IsDeferredReference = false; } } Debug.Assert(dp == null || (dp.GlobalIndex == entry.PropertyIndex), "EffectiveValueEntry & DependencyProperty do not match"); _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index] = entry; } // // This method // 1. Removes the entry if there is one with valueSource >= the specified // internal void UnsetEffectiveValue(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata) { if (entryIndex.Found) { RemoveEntry(entryIndex.Index, dp); if (metadata != null && metadata.IsInherited) { InheritableEffectiveValuesCount--; } } } // // This method // 1. clears the animation and coersion modifiers from the entry // private void UnsetAnimatedValue(EntryIndex entryIndex) { if (entryIndex.Found) { _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index].ResetAnimatedValue(); _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index].ResetCoercedValue(); } } // // This method // 1. Sets the expression on a ModifiedValue entry // private void SetExpressionValue(EntryIndex entryIndex, object value, object baseValue) { Debug.Assert(value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue, "Value to be set cannot be UnsetValue"); Debug.Assert(baseValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue, "BaseValue to be set cannot be UnsetValue"); Debug.Assert(entryIndex.Found == true, "The baseValue for the expression should have been inserted prior to this and hence there should already been an entry for it."); // For thread-safety, sealed DOs can't modify _effectiveValues. Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); EffectiveValueEntry entry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index]; // Deferred reference is possible only in the case of ResourceReferenceExpression // not when the expression originates from an alternate store. if (baseValue != ExpressionInAlternativeStore) { entry.IsDeferredReference = (value is DeferredReference); } else { entry.IsDeferredReference = false; } entry.SetExpressionValue(value, baseValue); entry.ResetAnimatedValue(); entry.ResetCoercedValue(); _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index] = entry; } // // This method // 1. Sets the animated value on a ModifiedValue entry // [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Core and Framework. internal void SetAnimatedValue(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata, object value, object baseValue) { Debug.Assert(value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue, "Value to be set cannot be UnsetValue"); // For thread-safety, sealed DOs can't modify _effectiveValues. Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); if (baseValue == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) { object defaultValue = metadata.GetDefaultValue(this, dp); baseValue = defaultValue; if (!entryIndex.Found || _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index].BaseValueSourceInternal == BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown) { // If the default value has been animated we need to make a new entry for it SetEffectiveValue(entryIndex, dp, dp.GlobalIndex, metadata, baseValue, BaseValueSourceInternal.Default); entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex); } } else { Debug.Assert(entryIndex.Found || (!IsSelfInheritanceParent && metadata.IsInherited), "The baseValue for the animation should have been inserted prior to this and hence there should already been an entry for it." + " The only exception to this rule is when an inherited property is not cached on this node but is being held on a parent node."); if (!entryIndex.Found && !IsSelfInheritanceParent && metadata.IsInherited) { // Now is the time to cache all the inheritable values on the current // node because one of them is animated and requires caching SetIsSelfInheritanceParent(); entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex); } } EffectiveValueEntry entry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index]; entry.SetAnimatedValue(value, baseValue); entry.ResetCoercedValue(); _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index] = entry; } // // This method // 1. Sets the coerced value on a ModifiedValue entry // private EffectiveValueEntry SetCoercedValue(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata, object value, object baseValue) { Debug.Assert(value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue, "Value to be set cannot be UnsetValue"); Debug.Assert(baseValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue, "BaseValue to be set cannot be UnsetValue"); // For thread-safety, sealed DOs can't modify _effectiveValues. Debug.Assert(!DO_Sealed, "A Sealed DO cannot be modified"); object defaultValue = metadata.GetDefaultValue(this, dp); if (Equals(dp, baseValue, defaultValue)) { if (!entryIndex.Found || _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index].BaseValueSourceInternal == BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown) { // If the default value has been coerced we need to make a new entry for it SetEffectiveValue(entryIndex, dp, dp.GlobalIndex, metadata, defaultValue, BaseValueSourceInternal.Default); entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex); } } else { Debug.Assert(entryIndex.Found || (!IsSelfInheritanceParent && metadata.IsInherited), "The baseValue for the coersion should have been inserted prior to this and hence there should already been an entry for it." + " The only exception to this rule is when an inherited property is not cached on this node but is being held on a parent node."); if (!entryIndex.Found && !IsSelfInheritanceParent && metadata.IsInherited) { // Now is the time to cache all the inheritable values on the current // node because one of them is coerced and requires caching SetIsSelfInheritanceParent(); entryIndex = CheckEntryIndex(entryIndex, dp.GlobalIndex); } } EffectiveValueEntry entry = _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index]; entry.SetCoercedValue(value, baseValue); _effectiveValues[entryIndex.Index] = entry; return entry; } /// /// Helper method to compare two DP values /// private bool Equals(DependencyProperty dp, object value1, object value2) { if (dp.IsValueType || dp.IsStringType) { // Use Object.Equals for Strings and ValueTypes return Object.Equals(value1, value2); } else { // Use Object.ReferenceEquals for all other ReferenceTypes return Object.ReferenceEquals(value1, value2); } } #endregion EffectiveValues #region InstanceData // Specialized Type identification private DependencyObjectType _dType; // For Freezable: // To save working set this object will initially reference a // single delegate/context. If a second object is added // of the same type, we will convert to a list/list, which will // be stored in _contextStorage. If the user ever adds an object of the // other type, we will create a HandlerContextStorage class, which _contextStorage // will then point at. // For FrameworkContentElement/FrameworkElement: // This is the parent whose effective values store would contain the // value for the inheritable property on you. This change part of the // performance optimization around inheritable properties whereby you // wouldn't store the inheritable property on each and every node but // will hold it only the node that the property was actually set. internal object _contextStorage; // The cache of effective values for this DependencyObject // This is an array sorted by DP.GlobalIndex. This ordering is // maintained via an insertion sort algorithm. private EffectiveValueEntry[] _effectiveValues; // Stores: // Bits 0- 9 (0x000003FF): EffectiveValuesCount (0-1023) // Bits 10-18 (0x0007FC00): InheritableEffectiveValuesCount (0-511) // Bit 19 (0x00080000): CanModifyEffectiveValues, says if you can change the _effectiveValues cache on the current element. // Bit 20 (0x00100000): IsSelfInheritanceParent, says if all your inheritable property values are built into your effectiveValues store // Bit 21 (0x00200000): CanBeInheritanceContext, says if you can be an InheritanceContext for someone // Bit 22 (0x00400000): IsSealed: whether or not this DO is in readonly mode // Bit 23 (0x00800000): PropertyInitialization mode // Bit 24 (0x01000000): IsInheritanceContextSealed, says if you can change InheritanceContext // Bit 25 (0x02000000): Freezable_HasMultipleInheritanceContexts // Bit 26 (0x04000000): Freezable_UsingHandlerList // Bit 27 (0x08000000): Freezable_UsingContextList // Bit 28 (0x10000000): Freezable_UsingSingletonHandler // Bit 29 (0x20000000): Freezable_UsingSingletonContext // Bit 30 (0x40000000): Animatable_IsResourceInvalidationNecessary // Bit 31 (0x80000000): Animatable_HasAnimatedProperties private UInt32 _packedData = 0; #endregion InstanceData #region StaticData // special value in local store meaning that some alternative store (e.g. // the Framework's per-instance StyleData) is holding an Expression to // which we want to delegate SetValue. [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. internal static readonly object ExpressionInAlternativeStore = new NamedObject("ExpressionInAlternativeStore"); // callbacks used for alternative expression storage private static AlternativeExpressionStorageCallback _getExpressionCore; #if VERBOSE_PROPERTY_EVENT internal static int ValidationCount; internal static int InvalidationCount; #endif // This field stores the list of dependents in a FrugalMap. // The field is of type object for two reasons: // 1) FrugalMap is a struct, and generics over value types have perf issues // 2) so that we can have the default value of "null" mean Unset. internal static readonly UncommonField DependentListMapField = new UncommonField(); // Optimization, to avoid calling FromSystemType too often internal static DependencyObjectType DType = DependencyObjectType.FromSystemTypeInternal(typeof(DependencyObject)); private const int NestedOperationMaximum = 153; #endregion StaticData } /// Callback used by the "alternative Expression storage" feature /// /// This should only be used by the Framework. It should not be used directly by users. /// [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. internal delegate Expression AlternativeExpressionStorageCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata); [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. internal enum UpdateResult { ValueChanged = 0x01, NotificationSent = 0x02, } [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework. internal enum RequestFlags { FullyResolved = 0x00, AnimationBaseValue = 0x01, CoercionBaseValue = 0x02, DeferredReferences = 0x04, SkipDefault = 0x08, RawEntry = 0x10, } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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