RegistryDataKey.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / ObjectToken / RegistryDataKey.cs / 1 / RegistryDataKey.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//		Encapsulation of the Registry Key.
// History:
//		7/1/2004	[....]		
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
using System.Security; 
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Text; 
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages.
using RegistryEntry = System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair;

namespace System.Speech.Internal.ObjectTokens
    /// Summary description for SpRegDataKey. 
    [DebuggerDisplay ("{Name}")] 
    internal class RegistryDataKey : ISpDataKey, IEnumerable, IDisposable
        // Constructors 
        #region Constructors

        protected RegistryDataKey (string keyId, RegistryKey hkey)
            // Set the name
            _sKeyId = keyId; 
            _hkey = hkey; 
        internal static RegistryDataKey Create (string tokenId, bool fCreateIfNotExist)
            // Sanity check
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (tokenId)) 
                return null; 

            // If the last character is a '\', get rid of it 
            string id = (string) tokenId.Clone ();

            // Create the registry entry key
            RegistryKey hkey = CreateKey (tokenId, fCreateIfNotExist, out id); 
            if (hkey == null)
                return null; 
            return new RegistryDataKey (id, hkey); 

        internal static RegistryDataKey Create (string keyId, RegistryKey hkey)
            return new RegistryDataKey (keyId, hkey);
        internal static RegistryKey CreateKey (string tokenId, bool fCreateIfNotExist, out string id)
            // If the last character is a '\', get rid of it
            id = (string) tokenId.Clone ();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (tokenId)) 
                return null; 

            int cLen = id.Length; 
            if (cLen > 0 && id [cLen - 1] == '\\')
                id = id.Substring (0, cLen - 1);

            // Create the registry entry key 
            return RegistryPathToHkey (tokenId, fCreateIfNotExist, false); 
        /// Needed by IEnumerable!!!
        public void Dispose () 
            Dispose (true); 

        ~RegistryDataKey () 
            Dispose (false);
        // Internal Methods 

        #region internal Methods 

        #region ISpDataKey Implementation 
        // ISpDataKey Methods
        /// Writes the specified binary data to the registry.
        public int SetData ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, UInt32 cbData, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] Byte [] data) 
            int error = -1;
            if (_rwKey || MakeKeyWrite ())
                    _hkey.SetValue (valueName, data, RegistryValueKind.Binary); 
                    error = 0;
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    error = (int) SAPIErrorCodes.SPERR_NOT_FOUND;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (!CanSwallowRegistryException (e)) 
                    error = -1;
            return error;
        /// Reads the specified binary data from the registry. 
        public int GetData ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, ref UInt32 pcbData, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1), Out] Byte [] data) 
            int error = -1; 

            if (data != null)
                object result = null; 
                error = GetRegistryValue (valueName, ref result);
                if (error == 0) 
                    byte [] dataResult = result as byte [];
                    if (result == null || dataResult == null) 
                        error = (int) SAPIErrorCodes.SPERR_NOT_FOUND;
                    else if (dataResult.Length > (int) pcbData) 
                        error = (int) SAPIErrorCodes.ERROR_MORE_DATA; 
                        pcbData = (uint) dataResult.Length;
                        Array.Copy (dataResult, data, dataResult.Length);
                        error = 0;
            return error; 
        /// Writes the specified string value from the registry. If valueName
        /// is NULL then the default value of the registry key is read.
        public int SetStringValue ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string value) 
            int error = -1;
            if (_rwKey || MakeKeyWrite ())
                error = SetString (valueName, value) ? 0 : -1;
            return error; 
        /// Reads the specified string value to the registry. If valueName is
        /// NULL then the default value of the registy key is read.
        public int GetStringValue ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string value) 
            value = null;
            int error = 0;
            if (!TryGetString (valueName, out value)) 
                error = (int) SAPIErrorCodes.SPERR_NOT_FOUND; 
            return error;

        /// Writes the specified DWORD to the registry.
        public int SetDWORD ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, UInt32 value) 
            int error = -1;
            if (_rwKey || MakeKeyWrite ())
                    _hkey.SetValue (valueName, unchecked ((int) value), RegistryValueKind.DWord); 
                    error = 0;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (!CanSwallowRegistryException (e))
                    error = -1; 
            return error;

        /// Reads the specified DWORD from the registry.
        public int GetDWORD ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, ref UInt32 pdwValue)
            int error = 0; 

            if (!TryGetDWORD (valueName, ref pdwValue)) 
                error = (int) SAPIErrorCodes.SPERR_NOT_FOUND;
            return error;

        /// Opens a sub-key and returns a new object which supports SpDataKey
        /// for the specified sub-key. 
        public int OpenKey ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string subKeyName, out ISpDataKey ppSubKey)
            int error = 0;
            ppSubKey = null; 
            RegistryDataKey key; 
            if (TryOpenKey (subKeyName, out key))
                ppSubKey = (ISpDataKey) key;
                error = (int) SAPIErrorCodes.SPERR_NOT_FOUND;
            return error; 
        /// Creates a sub-key and returns a new object which supports SpDataKey
        /// for the specified sub-key.
        public int CreateKey ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string subKeyName, out ISpDataKey ppSubKey) 
            int error = 0;
            ppSubKey = null;
                RegistryDataKey key = CreateKey (subKeyName); 
                ppSubKey = (ISpDataKey) key; 
#pragma warning disable 56500 // Transferring exceptions to the native world 
                error = -1;
            return error;
#pragma warning restore 56500 

        /// Deletes the specified key.
        public int DeleteKey ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string subKeyName) 
            int error = -1;
                if (_rwKey || MakeKeyWrite ())
                    _hkey.DeleteSubKey (subKeyName); 
                    error = 0;
            catch (ArgumentException)
                error = (int) SAPIErrorCodes.SPERR_NOT_FOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!CanSwallowRegistryException (e))
                error = -1; 
            return error;
        /// Deletes the specified value from the key. 
        public int DeleteValue ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName)
            int error = -1; 
            if (_rwKey || MakeKeyWrite ())
                    _hkey.DeleteValue (valueName, true); 
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    error = (int) SAPIErrorCodes.SPERR_NOT_FOUND; 
                catch (Exception e) 
                    if (!CanSwallowRegistryException (e))
                    error = -1;
            return error; 

        /// Retrieve a key name by index
        public int EnumKeys (UInt32 index, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string ppszSubKeyName) 
            int error = 0; 
            ppszSubKeyName = null;
                ppszSubKeyName = _hkey.GetSubKeyNames () [index]; 
            catch (Exception e) 
                if (!CanSwallowRegistryException (e))
                error = -1;
            return error;
        /// Retreives a key value by index 
        public int EnumValues (UInt32 index, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string valueName) 
            int error = 0;
            valueName = null; 
                valueName = _hkey.GetValueNames () [index];
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!CanSwallowRegistryException (e)) 
                error = -1;
            return error; 

        /// Full path and name for the key
        internal string Id 
                return _sKeyId;

        /// Key Name (no path) 
        internal string Name 
                int iPosSlash = _sKeyId.LastIndexOf ('\\');
                return _sKeyId.Substring (iPosSlash + 1);

        /// Writes the specified string value from the registry. If valueName 
        /// is NULL then the default value of the registry key is read.
        internal bool SetString (string valueName, string sValue)
            bool result = false;
                _hkey.SetValue (valueName, sValue, RegistryValueKind.String);
                result = true; 
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!CanSwallowRegistryException (e)) 
                result = false;
            return result;

        // Disable parameter validation check 
#pragma warning disable 56507
        /// Reads the specified string value to the registry. If valueName is
        /// NULL then the default value of the registy key is read. 
        internal bool TryGetString (string valueName, out string value)
            bool success = false; 
            object result = null;
            value = null; 
            if (GetRegistryValue (valueName, ref result) == 0)
                value = result as string;
                string [] aValues = result as string []; 
                if (result == null && value == null && aValues == null)
                    return false; 
                if (aValues != null)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
                    foreach (string s in aValues) 
                        sb.Append (s); 
                    value = sb.ToString ();
                success = true;
            return success;

#pragma warning restore 56507 
        /// Opens a sub-key and returns a new object which supports SpDataKey 
        /// for the specified sub-key.
        internal bool HasValue (string valueName)
            object value = null; 
            return GetRegistryValue (valueName, ref value) == 0 && value != null;

        /// Reads the specified DWORD from the registry.
        internal bool TryGetDWORD (string valueName, ref UInt32 value)
            object result = value;
            bool success = false;
            if (GetRegistryValue (valueName, ref result) == 0)
                if (result != null && result is int)
                    value = unchecked ((UInt32) (int) result); 
                    success = true;
            return success;
        /// Opens a sub-key and returns a new object which supports SpDataKey 
        /// for the specified sub-key. 
        internal RegistryDataKey OpenKey (string keyName)
            Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (keyName, "keyName"); 
            return RegistryDataKey.Create (_sKeyId + @"\" + keyName, false);
        /// Creates a sub-key and returns a new object which supports SpDataKey 
        /// for the specified sub-key.
        internal RegistryDataKey CreateKey (string keyName)
            Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (keyName, "keyName"); 
            return RegistryDataKey.Create (_sKeyId + @"\" + keyName, true);


        /// Delete a registry key based on a registry path (string)
        internal static void DeleteRegistryPath (string sRegPath, string keyName) 
            // We may need to parse sRegPath for the root and the sub key ...

            string dstrRegPathRoot; 

            if (keyName == null) 
                // To best understand the parsing, here's an example:
                //              RegistryKey\Key1\Key2\Key3
                // sRegPath   ^
                // sLastSlash               ^
                // sLastSlash - sRegPath = 14;
                // dstrRegPathRoot = "RegistryKey\Key1\Key2" 
                // keyName = "Key3"
                // To find the root, and the keyname, we first need to find
                // the last slash
                int iLastSlash = sRegPath.LastIndexOf ('\\');
                int cRegPath = sRegPath.Length; 
                if (iLastSlash < 0 || iLastSlash == cRegPath - 1)
                    throw new FormatException (SR.Get (SRID.InvalidTokenId)); 
                keyName = sRegPath.Substring (iLastSlash + 1, cRegPath - (iLastSlash + 1)); 
                dstrRegPathRoot = sRegPath.Substring (0, iLastSlash);
                // No need to parse, the caller passed both in ...
                dstrRegPathRoot = sRegPath; 

            // Try to convert the regpath into an actual key 
            RegistryKey hkeyRoot = RegistryPathToHkey (dstrRegPathRoot, false, true);
            if (hkeyRoot == null)
                throw new FormatException (SR.Get (SRID.InvalidTokenId)); 
            hkeyRoot.DeleteSubKeyTree (keyName); 

        /// returns the name for all the values in this registry entry 
        internal string [] GetValueNames () 
            return _hkey.GetValueNames (); 

        #region IEnumerable implementation
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
            string [] keys = null; 
                keys = _hkey.GetSubKeyNames ();

            catch (Exception e) 
                if (!CanSwallowRegistryException (e)) 
            if (keys != null)
                foreach (string keyName in keys) 
                    yield return RegistryDataKey.Create (_sKeyId + @"\" + keyName, false); 

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
            return ((IEnumerable) this).GetEnumerator (); 


        // Protected Methods 
        #region Protected Methods
        /// TODOC
        protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
            if (disposing && _hkey != null) 
                ((IDisposable) _hkey).Dispose (); 
                _hkey = null;

            // Suppress finalization of this disposed instance. 
            if (disposing)
                GC.SuppressFinalize (this); 


        // Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods

        /// Initialize the token for the specified static token. For example: 
        ///     sCategoryId = HKEY...\Recognizers 
        ///     tokenId    = HKEY...\Recognizer\Tokens\MSASR English 
        private static RegistryKey RegistryPathToHkey (RegistryKey hkeyRoot, string sRegPath, bool fCreateIfNotExist, bool openReadWrite) 
            RegistryKey hkey = null;

            int iPosSlash = sRegPath.IndexOf ('\\'); 
            int cRegPath = sRegPath.Length;
            if (iPosSlash < 0 || iPosSlash >= cRegPath) 
                return null;
            sRegPath = sRegPath.Substring (iPosSlash + 1, cRegPath - (iPosSlash + 1));

            // Try to create/open the key with read / write access
                if (fCreateIfNotExist) 
                    hkey = hkeyRoot.CreateSubKey (sRegPath);
                    hkey = hkeyRoot.OpenSubKey (sRegPath, openReadWrite);
            catch (Exception e) 
                if (!CanSwallowRegistryException (e))
                return null;

            return hkey; 

        private static RegistryKey RegistryPathToHkey (string sRegPath, bool fCreateIfNotExist, bool openReadWrite) 
            RegistryKey hkey = null;

            RegistryKey [] registryClasses = new RegistryKey [] { Registry.ClassesRoot, Registry.LocalMachine, Registry.CurrentUser, 
#if !_WIN32_WCE
#endif // _WIN32_WCE 
            // Loop thru the different keys we know about
            for (int i = 0; hkey == null && i < registryClasses.Length; i++)
                // If we've foudn the match 
                string s = registryClasses [i].ToString ();
                if (sRegPath.IndexOf (s, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 
                    hkey = RegistryPathToHkey (registryClasses [i], sRegPath, fCreateIfNotExist, openReadWrite); 
            return hkey;

        /// Try to open a sub-key and returns a new object which supports SpDataKey 
        /// for the specified sub-key.
        internal bool TryOpenKey (string keyName, out RegistryDataKey key) 
            key = null; 
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (keyName)) 
                return false; 

            string keyId = _sKeyId + @"\" + keyName;
            // If the last character is a '\', get rid of it 
            int cLen = keyId.Length;
            if (cLen > 0 && keyId [cLen - 1] == '\\') 
                keyId = keyId.Substring (0, cLen - 1);

            // Convert the token id into a datakey
            // Convert the string to an hkey
            RegistryKey hkey = RegistryPathToHkey (keyId, false, false); 

            // If we got the data key, assign the category and token id 
            if (hkey == null) 
                return false; 

            key = new RegistryDataKey (keyId, hkey);
            return true; 
        private int GetRegistryValue (string valueName, ref object value) 
            int error = -1; 
                value = _hkey.GetValue (valueName);
                error = 0; 
            catch (Exception e) 
                if (!CanSwallowRegistryException (e))
                error = -1;
            return error;
        /// Checks for one of the expected exception on can't read a registry entry 
        static private bool CanSwallowRegistryException (Exception e) 
            return e is ArgumentException || e is IOException || e is SecurityException || e is UnauthorizedAccessException || e is IndexOutOfRangeException; 


        // Internal Fields 
        #region Internal Fields
        internal string _sKeyId;

        internal RegistryKey _hkey;
        internal bool _rwKey;

        // Private Method

        #region Private Method 
        private bool MakeKeyWrite ()
            bool ok = false;
            RegistryKey key = RegistryPathToHkey (Id, false, true);
            if (key != null)
                _hkey.Close ();
                _hkey = key; 
                _rwKey = true; 
                ok = true;
            return ok;


        // Private Types

        #region private Types
        internal enum SAPIErrorCodes
            STG_E_FILENOTFOUND = -2147287038,  // 0x80030002 
            SPERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT = -2147201021,  // 0x80045003
            SPERR_DEVICE_BUSY = -2147201018,  // 0x80045006 
            SPERR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -2147201017,  // 0x80045007
            SPERR_DEVICE_NOT_ENABLED = -2147201016,  // 0x80045008
            SPERR_NO_DRIVER = -2147201015,  // 0x80045009
            SPERR_TOO_MANY_GRAMMARS = -2147200990,  // 0x80045022 
            SPERR_INVALID_IMPORT = -2147200988,  // 0x80045024
            SPERR_AUDIO_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = -2147200977,  // 0x8004502F 
            SPERR_NO_AUDIO_DATA = -2147200976,  // 0x80045030 
            SPERR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = -2147200967,  // 0x80045039
            SPERR_NOT_FOUND = -2147200966,  // 0x8004503A 
            SPERR_GENERIC_MMSYS_ERROR = -2147200964,  // 0x8004503C
            SPERR_NOT_TOPLEVEL_RULE = -2147200940,  // 0x80045054
            SPERR_NOT_ACTIVE_SESSION = -2147200925,  // 0x80045063
            SPERR_SML_GENERATION_FAIL = -2147200921,  // 0x80045067 
            SPERR_SHARED_ENGINE_DISABLED = -2147200906,  // 0x80045076
            SPERR_RECOGNIZER_NOT_FOUND = -2147200905,  // 0x80045077 
            SPERR_AUDIO_NOT_FOUND = -2147200904,  // 0x80045078 
            S_OK = 0,            // 0x00000000
            S_FALSE = 1,            // 0x00000001 
            SP_NO_RULES_TO_ACTIVATE = 282747,       // 0x0004507B
            ERROR_MORE_DATA = 0x50EA,
    #region SAPI Interface
    [ComImport, Guid ("14056581-E16C-11D2-BB90-00C04F8EE6C0"), InterfaceType (ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    internal interface ISpDataKey
        // ISpDataKey Methods 
        int SetData ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, UInt32 cbData, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] Byte [] data); 
        int GetData ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, ref UInt32 pcbData, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1), Out] Byte [] data);
        int SetStringValue ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string value);
        int GetStringValue ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string value);
        int SetDWORD ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, UInt32 dwValue);
        int GetDWORD ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName, ref UInt32 pdwValue); 
        int OpenKey ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string subKeyName, out ISpDataKey ppSubKey); 
        int CreateKey ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string subKey, out ISpDataKey ppSubKey);
        int DeleteKey ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string subKey); 
        int DeleteValue ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string valueName); 
        int EnumKeys (UInt32 index, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string ppszSubKeyName);
        int EnumValues (UInt32 index, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string valueName);



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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