RtfToXamlReader.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / RtfToXamlReader.cs / 1 / RtfToXamlReader.cs

// File: RtfToXamlReader.cs
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
// Description: Rtf reader to convert the rtf content into Xaml content. 
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text; 
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media; // Color 
using Microsoft.Win32; // Registry for font substitutes 
using MS.Internal; // Invariant

namespace System.Windows.Documents
    /// Horizontal alignment
    internal enum HAlign 
    /// Horizontal alignment
    internal enum VAlign
    /// Flow direction 
    internal enum DirState

    internal enum FontSlot 
        LOCH = 0,
        DBCH = 1,
        HICH = 2 
    /// Underline state
    internal enum ULState
    /// Strikethrough state 
    internal enum StrikeState

    /// Document node type 
    /// WARNING: Keep in [....] with array used by GetTagName
    internal enum DocumentNodeType
        dnUnknown = 0,

    /// MarkerStyle
    internal enum MarkerStyle
        MarkerNone = -1,
        MarkerArabic = 0, 
        MarkerUpperRoman = 1, 
        MarkerLowerRoman = 2,
        MarkerUpperAlpha = 3, 
        MarkerLowerAlpha = 4,
        MarkerOrdinal = 5,
        MarkerCardinal = 6,
        MarkerBullet = 23, 
        MarkerHidden = 255          // pseudo-value for no list text
    /// Converters 
    internal static class Converters
        internal static double TwipToPx(double twip) 
            return (twip / 1440f) * 96f; 

        internal static double TwipToPositivePx(double twip) 
            double px = (twip / 1440f) * 96f;
            if (px < 0)
                px = 0;
            return px; 
        internal static double TwipToPositiveVisiblePx(double twip)
            double px = (twip / 1440f) * 96f;
            if (px < 0) 
                px = 0; 
            if (twip > 0.0 && px < 1.0)
                px = 1.0;
            return px;

        internal static string TwipToPxString(double twip) 
            double px = TwipToPx(twip);
            return px.ToString("f2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 

        internal static string TwipToPositivePxString(double twip)
            double px = TwipToPositivePx(twip);
            return px.ToString("f2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 

        internal static string TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(double twip) 
            double px = TwipToPositiveVisiblePx(twip);
            return px.ToString("f2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        internal static double PxToPt(double px) 
            return (px / 96) * 72f;

        internal static long PxToTwipRounded(double px)
            double twip = (px / 96f) * 1440f; 
            if (twip < 0)
                return (long)(twip - 0.5); 
                return (long)(twip + 0.5);

        internal static bool StringToDouble(string s, ref double d) 
            bool ret = true;
            d = 0.0;
                d = System.Convert.ToDouble(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
            catch (System.OverflowException) 
                ret = false;
            catch (System.FormatException)
                ret = false;

            return ret; 

        internal static bool StringToInt(string s, ref int i) 
            bool ret = true;

            i = 0; 
                i = System.Convert.ToInt32(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
            catch (System.OverflowException) 
                ret = false;
            catch (System.FormatException) 
                ret = false; 
            return ret;

        internal static string StringToXMLAttribute(string s)
            if (s.IndexOf('"') == -1) 
                return s; 

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

            for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                if (s[i] == '"') 
            return sb.ToString();
        internal static bool HexStringToInt(string s, ref int i)
            bool ret = true;

            i = 0;
                i = System.Int32.Parse(s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
            catch (System.OverflowException)
                ret = false;
            catch (System.FormatException)
                ret = false;
            return ret; 
        internal static string MarkerStyleToString(MarkerStyle ms)
            switch (ms)
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic:
                    return "Decimal"; 
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperRoman: 
                    return "UpperRoman";
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerRoman: 
                    return "LowerRoman";
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperAlpha:
                    return "UpperLatin";
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerAlpha: 
                    return "LowerLatin";
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerOrdinal: 
                    return "Decimal";               // Note no XAML support 
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerCardinal:
                    return "Decimal";               // Note no XAML support 
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerHidden:
                    return "None";
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet:
                    return "Disc"; 
                    return "Decimal"; 
        internal static string MarkerStyleToOldRTFString(MarkerStyle ms)
            switch (ms)
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet:
                    // return "\\pnbidia"; 
                    // return "\\pnbidib"; 
                    return "\\pnlvlblt";
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic:
                    // return "\\pndec";
                    return "\\pnlvlbody\\pndec";
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerCardinal: 
                    return "\\pnlvlbody\\pncard";
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperAlpha: 
                    return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnucltr"; 
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperRoman:
                    return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnucrm"; 
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerAlpha:
                    return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnlcltr";
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerRoman:
                    return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnlcrm"; 
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerOrdinal:
                    //return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnordt"; 
                    return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnord"; 

        // Convert FG, BG and shading to produce color to fill with.
        // Shading is in 100'ths of a percent (ie, 10000 is 100%)
        // A value of zero for shading means use all CB. 
        // A value of 10000 for shading means use all CF.
        // Intermediate values mean some combination of 
        internal static bool ColorToUse(ConverterState converterState, long cb, long cf, long shade, ref Color c) 
            ColorTableEntry entryCB = cb >= 0 ? converterState.ColorTable.EntryAt((int)cb) : null; 
            ColorTableEntry entryCF = cf >= 0 ? converterState.ColorTable.EntryAt((int)cf) : null;

            // No shading
            if (shade < 0) 
                if (entryCB == null) 
                    return false;
                    c = entryCB.Color;
                    return true; 
            // Shading
                Color cCB = entryCB != null ? entryCB.Color : Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0, 0, 0);
                Color cCF = entryCF != null ? entryCF.Color : Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 255, 255, 255);
                // No color specifies means shading is treated as a grey intensity.
                if (entryCF == null && entryCB == null) 
                    c = Color.FromArgb(0xff,
                                      (byte)(255 - (255 * shade / 10000)), 
                                      (byte)(255 - (255 * shade / 10000)),
                                      (byte)(255 - (255 * shade / 10000)));
                    return true;

                // Only CF means CF fades as shading goes from 10,000 to 0 
                else if (entryCB == null) 
                    c = Color.FromArgb(0xff, 
                                        (byte)(cCF.R + ((255 - cCF.R) * (10000 - shade) / 10000)),
                                        (byte)(cCF.G + ((255 - cCF.G) * (10000 - shade) / 10000)),
                                        (byte)(cCF.B + ((255 - cCF.B) * (10000 - shade) / 10000)));
                    return true; 
                // Only CB means CB gets larger impact (from black ) as shading goes from 10000 to 0 
                else if (entryCF == null)
                    c = Color.FromArgb(0xff,
                                        (byte)(cCB.R - (cCB.R * shade / 10000)),
                                        (byte)(cCB.G - (cCB.G * shade / 10000)),
                                        (byte)(cCB.B - (cCB.B * shade / 10000))); 
                    return true;
                // Both - need to mix colors
                    c = Color.FromArgb(0xff,
                                      (byte)((cCB.R * (10000 - shade) / 10000) +
                                              (cCF.R * shade / 10000)), 
                                      (byte)((cCB.G * (10000 - shade) / 10000) +
                                              (cCF.G * shade / 10000)), 
                                      (byte)((cCB.B * (10000 - shade) / 10000) + 
                                              (cCF.B * shade / 10000)));
                    return true; 
        internal static string AlignmentToString(HAlign a, DirState ds)
            switch (a) 
                case HAlign.AlignLeft: 
                    return (ds != DirState.DirRTL) ? "Left" : "Right";
                case HAlign.AlignRight:
                    return (ds != DirState.DirRTL) ? "Right" : "Left";
                case HAlign.AlignCenter: 
                    return "Center";
                case HAlign.AlignJustify: 
                    return "Justify"; 
                case HAlign.AlignDefault:
                    return "";
        internal static string MarkerCountToString(MarkerStyle ms, long nCount)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

            if (nCount < 0) 
                nCount = 0;
            switch (ms)
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperRoman: 
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerRoman:
                        return MarkerRomanCountToString(sb, ms, nCount);

                case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerAlpha: 
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperAlpha:
                        return MarkerAlphaCountToString(sb, ms, nCount); 
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic:
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerOrdinal:
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerCardinal:
                    return nCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 

                case MarkerStyle.MarkerHidden: 
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerNone: 
                    return "";
                case MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet:
                    return "\\'B7";
        private static string MarkerRomanCountToString(StringBuilder sb, MarkerStyle ms, long nCount) 
            while (nCount >= 1000) 
                nCount -= 1000;

            // 100's 
            switch (nCount / 100) 
                case 9: 
                    sb.Append("CM"); break;
                case 8:
                    sb.Append("DCCC"); break;
                case 7: 
                    sb.Append("DCC"); break;
                case 6: 
                    sb.Append("DC"); break; 
                case 5:
                    sb.Append("D"); break; 
                case 4:
                    sb.Append("CD"); break;
                case 3:
                    sb.Append("CCC"); break; 
                case 2:
                    sb.Append("CC"); break; 
                case 1: 
                    sb.Append("C"); break;
                case 0: 
            nCount = nCount % 100;
            // 10's
            switch (nCount / 10) 
                case 9:
                    sb.Append("XC"); break; 
                case 8:
                    sb.Append("LXXX"); break;
                case 7:
                    sb.Append("LXX"); break; 
                case 6:
                    sb.Append("LX"); break; 
                case 5: 
                    sb.Append("L"); break;
                case 4: 
                    sb.Append("XL"); break;
                case 3:
                    sb.Append("XXX"); break;
                case 2: 
                    sb.Append("XX"); break;
                case 1: 
                    sb.Append("X"); break; 
                case 0:
            nCount = nCount % 10;

            // 1's 
            switch (nCount)
                case 9: 
                    sb.Append("IX"); break;
                case 8: 
                    sb.Append("VIII"); break;
                case 7:
                    sb.Append("VII"); break;
                case 6: 
                    sb.Append("VI"); break;
                case 5: 
                    sb.Append("V"); break; 
                case 4:
                    sb.Append("IV"); break; 
                case 3:
                    sb.Append("III"); break;
                case 2:
                    sb.Append("II"); break; 
                case 1:
                    sb.Append("I"); break; 
                case 0: 

            if (ms == MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperRoman)
                return sb.ToString(); 
                return sb.ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        private static string MarkerAlphaCountToString(StringBuilder sb, MarkerStyle ms, long nCount)
            int toThe1 = 26;
            int toThe2 = 676; 
            int toThe3 = 17576; 
            int toThe4 = 456976;
            char[] ca = new char[1];
            int temp;

            temp = 0; 
            while (nCount > toThe4 + toThe3 + toThe2 + toThe1)
                nCount -= toThe4;
            if (temp > 0)
                if (temp > 26) temp = 26;
                ca[0] = (char)('A' + (temp - 1)); 
            temp = 0;
            while (nCount > toThe3 + toThe2 + toThe1) 
                nCount -= toThe3;
            if (temp > 0)
                ca[0] = (char)('A' + (temp - 1)); 

            temp = 0;
            while (nCount > toThe2 + toThe1)
                nCount -= toThe2; 
            if (temp > 0)
                ca[0] = (char)('A' + (temp - 1));
            temp = 0;
            while (nCount > toThe1) 
                nCount -= toThe1; 
            if (temp > 0)
                ca[0] = (char)('A' + (temp - 1)); 
            ca[0] = (char)('A' + (nCount - 1));

            if (ms == MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperAlpha)
                return sb.ToString(); 
                return sb.ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        // Convert byte to the hex data(0x3a ==> 0x33 and 0x61)
        internal static void ByteToHex(byte byteData, out byte firstHexByte, out byte secondHexByte) 
            firstHexByte = (byte)((byteData >> 4) & 0x0f); 
            secondHexByte = (byte)(byteData & 0x0f); 

            // First hex digit 
            if (firstHexByte >= 0x00 && firstHexByte <= 0x09)
                firstHexByte += 0x30;
            else if (firstHexByte >= 0xa && firstHexByte <= 0xf)
                firstHexByte += 'a' - 0xa; 
            // Second hex digit
            if (secondHexByte >= 0x00 && secondHexByte <= 0x09)
                secondHexByte += 0x30; 
            else if (secondHexByte >= 0xa && secondHexByte <= 0xf) 
                secondHexByte += 'a' - 0xa;

    internal static class Validators 
        internal static bool IsValidFontSize(long fs) 
            return fs >= 0 && fs <= 0x7FFF;

        internal static bool IsValidWidthType(long wt)
            return wt >= 0 && wt <= 3; 
        internal static long MakeValidShading(long s) 
            if (s > 10000) s = 10000; 
            return s;

        internal static long MakeValidBorderWidth(long w) 
            // Word's UI only supports values from 0 to 120.  But it will actually render larger 
            // values, so let's maintain them through the converter (but still have some kind of limit). 
            if (w < 0)
                w = 0;
            if (w > 1440)
                w = 1440;
            return w; 

    /// FormatState
    internal class FormatState
        //  Constructors 

        #region Constructors 

        internal FormatState() 
            // Other settings
            _dest = RtfDestination.DestNormal; 
            _stateSkip = 1;

            // Font settings

            // Para settings 

            // Row settings 

        internal FormatState(FormatState formatState) 
            // Font settings 
            Bold = formatState.Bold; 
            Italic = formatState.Italic;
            Engrave = formatState.Engrave; 
            Shadow = formatState.Shadow;
            SCaps = formatState.SCaps;
            Outline = formatState.Outline;
            Super = formatState.Super; 
            Sub = formatState.Sub;
            SuperOffset = formatState.SuperOffset; 
            FontSize = formatState.FontSize; 
            Font = formatState.Font;
            CodePage = formatState.CodePage; 
            CF = formatState.CF;
            CB = formatState.CB;
            DirChar = formatState.DirChar;
            UL = formatState.UL; 
            Strike = formatState.Strike;
            Expand = formatState.Expand; 
            Lang = formatState.Lang; 
            LangFE = formatState.LangFE;
            LangCur = formatState.LangCur; 
            FontSlot = formatState.FontSlot;

            // Para settings
            SB = formatState.SB; 
            SA = formatState.SA;
            FI = formatState.FI; 
            RI = formatState.RI; 
            LI = formatState.LI;
            SL = formatState.SL; 
            SLMult = formatState.SLMult;
            HAlign = formatState.HAlign;
            ILVL = formatState.ILVL;
            ITAP = formatState.ITAP; 
            ILS = formatState.ILS;
            DirPara = formatState.DirPara; 
            CFPara = formatState.CFPara; 
            CBPara = formatState.CBPara;
            ParaShading = formatState.ParaShading; 
            Marker = formatState.Marker;
            IsContinue = formatState.IsContinue;
            StartIndex = formatState.StartIndex;
            StartIndexDefault = formatState.StartIndexDefault; 
            IsInTable = formatState.IsInTable;
            _pb = formatState.HasParaBorder ? new ParaBorder(formatState.ParaBorder) : null; 
            // Row settings
            // For performance reasons, we don't make a full copy of the Row format information.  The implication 
            // of this is that changes to row format data will propagate back up from nested scopes, which is not
            // according to the strict semantics.  But in practice, all new rows are explicitly cleared with the
            // \trowd keyword, which clears this, so this should be fine.
            RowFormat = formatState._rowFormat; 

            // Other 
            RtfDestination = formatState.RtfDestination; 
            IsHidden = formatState.IsHidden;
            _stateSkip = formatState.UnicodeSkip;

        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods
        internal void SetCharDefaults()
            _fBold = false; 
            _fItalic = false;
            _fEngrave = false; 
            _fShadow = false;
            _fScaps = false;
            _fOutline = false;
            _fSub = false; 
            _fSuper = false;
            _superOffset = 0; 
            _fs = 24;           // Default for RTF 
            _font = -1;
            _codePage = -1; 
            _cf = -1;
            _cb = -1;
            _dirChar = DirState.DirLTR;
            _ul = ULState.ULNone; 
            _strike = StrikeState.StrikeNone;
            _expand = 0; 
            _fHidden = false; 
            _lang = -1;
            _langFE = -1; 
            _langCur = -1;
            _fontSlot = FontSlot.LOCH;
        internal void SetParaDefaults()
            _sb = 0; 
            _sa = 0;
            _fi = 0; 
            _ri = 0;
            _li = 0;
            _align = HAlign.AlignDefault;
            _ilvl = 0; 
            _pnlvl = 0;
            _itap = 0; 
            _ils = -1; 
            _dirPara = DirState.DirLTR;
            _cbPara = -1; 
            _nParaShading = -1;
            _cfPara = -1;
            _marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerNone;
            _fContinue = false; 
            _nStartIndex = -1;
            _nStartIndexDefault = -1; 
            _sl = 0; 
            _slMult = false;
            _pb = null; 

            _fInTable = false;
        internal void SetRowDefaults()
            // Just toss old info 
            RowFormat = null;

        internal bool IsEqual(FormatState formatState)
                // Font Settings
                   Bold == formatState.Bold 
                && Italic == formatState.Italic 
                && Engrave == formatState.Engrave
                && Shadow == formatState.Shadow 
                && SCaps == formatState.SCaps
                && Outline == formatState.Outline
                && Super == formatState.Super
                && Sub == formatState.Sub 
                && SuperOffset == formatState.SuperOffset
                && FontSize == formatState.FontSize 
                && Font == formatState.Font 
                && CodePage == formatState.CodePage
                && CF == formatState.CF 
                && CB == formatState.CB
                && DirChar == formatState.DirChar
                && UL == formatState.UL
                && Strike == formatState.Strike 
                && Expand == formatState.Expand
                && Lang == formatState.Lang 
                && LangFE == formatState.LangFE 
                && LangCur == formatState.LangCur
                && FontSlot == formatState.FontSlot 

                // Para settings
                && SB == formatState.SB
                && SA == formatState.SA 
                && FI == formatState.FI
                && RI == formatState.RI 
                && LI == formatState.LI 
                && HAlign == formatState.HAlign
                && ILVL == formatState.ILVL 
                && ITAP == formatState.ITAP
                && ILS == formatState.ILS
                && DirPara == formatState.DirPara
                && CFPara == formatState.CFPara 
                && CBPara == formatState.CBPara
                && ParaShading == formatState.ParaShading 
                && Marker == formatState.Marker 
                && IsContinue == formatState.IsContinue
                && StartIndex == formatState.StartIndex 
                && StartIndexDefault == formatState.StartIndexDefault
                && SL == formatState.SL
                && SLMult == formatState.SLMult
                && IsInTable == formatState.IsInTable 

                // Don't include para borders in this test 
                // Row Settings
                // Don't include row settings in this test. 

                // Other
                && RtfDestination == formatState.RtfDestination
                && IsHidden == formatState.IsHidden 
                && UnicodeSkip == formatState.UnicodeSkip;
        static internal FormatState EmptyFormatState
                if (_fsEmptyState == null)
                    _fsEmptyState = new FormatState();
                    _fsEmptyState.FontSize = -1; 

                return _fsEmptyState; 

        internal string GetBorderAttributeString(ConverterState converterState) 
            if (HasParaBorder) 
                return ParaBorder.GetBorderAttributeString(converterState);
                return string.Empty;
        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties 
        // Random Stacked Properties
        internal RtfDestination RtfDestination 
                return _dest; 
                _dest = value;

        internal bool IsHidden
                return _fHidden; 
                _fHidden = value;

        internal bool IsContentDestination 
                return _dest == RtfDestination.DestNormal
                    || _dest == RtfDestination.DestFieldResult
                    || _dest == RtfDestination.DestShapeResult
                    || _dest == RtfDestination.DestShape 
                    || _dest == RtfDestination.DestListText;

        // Character Style 
        internal bool Bold
                return _fBold;
                _fBold = value; 

        internal bool Italic 
                return _fItalic;
                _fItalic = value;
        internal bool Engrave 
                return _fEngrave;
                _fEngrave = value; 
        internal bool Shadow
                return _fShadow;
                _fShadow = value; 

        internal bool SCaps 
                return _fScaps;
                _fScaps = value;
        internal bool Outline 
                return _fOutline;
                _fOutline = value; 
        internal bool Sub
                return _fSub;
                _fSub = value; 

        internal bool Super 
                return _fSuper;
                _fSuper = value;
        internal long SuperOffset 
                return _superOffset;
                _superOffset = value; 
        internal long FontSize
                return _fs;
                _fs = value; 

        internal long Font 
                return _font;
                _font = value;
        internal int CodePage 
                return _codePage;
                _codePage = value; 
        internal long CF
                return _cf;
                _cf = value; 

        internal long CB 
                return _cb;
                _cb = value;
        internal DirState DirChar 
                return _dirChar;
                _dirChar = value; 
        internal ULState UL
                return _ul;
                _ul = value; 

        internal StrikeState Strike 
                return _strike;
                _strike = value;
        internal long Expand 
                return _expand;
                _expand = value; 
        internal long Lang
                return _lang;
                _lang = value; 

        internal long LangFE 
                return _langFE;
                _langFE = value;
        internal long LangCur 
                return _langCur;
                _langCur = value; 
        internal FontSlot FontSlot
                return _fontSlot;
                _fontSlot = value; 

        // Paragraph Style 
        internal long SB
                return _sb; 
                _sb = value; 
        internal long SA
                return _sa;
                _sa = value; 

        internal long FI
                return _fi; 
                _fi = value;
        internal long RI
                return _ri; 
                _ri = value; 
        internal long LI
                return _li;
                _li = value; 

        internal HAlign HAlign
                return _align; 
                _align = value;
        internal long ILVL
                return _ilvl; 
                if (value >= 0 && value <= MAX_LIST_DEPTH) 
                    _ilvl = value; 

        internal long PNLVL
                return _pnlvl; 
                _pnlvl = value;
        internal long ITAP
                return _itap; 
                if (value >= 0 && value <= MAX_TABLE_DEPTH) 
                    _itap = value; 

        internal long ILS
                return _ils; 
                _ils = value;
        internal DirState DirPara
                return _dirPara; 
                _dirPara = value; 
        internal long CFPara
                return _cfPara;
                _cfPara = value; 

        internal long CBPara
                return _cbPara; 
                _cbPara = value;
        internal long ParaShading
                return _nParaShading; 
                _nParaShading = Validators.MakeValidShading(value); 
        internal MarkerStyle Marker
                return _marker;
                _marker = value; 

        internal bool IsContinue
                return _fContinue; 
                _fContinue = value;
        internal long StartIndex
                return _nStartIndex; 
                _nStartIndex = value; 
        internal long StartIndexDefault
                return _nStartIndexDefault;
                _nStartIndexDefault = value; 

        internal long SL
                return _sl; 
                _sl = value;
        internal bool SLMult
                return _slMult; 
                _slMult = value; 
        internal bool IsInTable
                return _fInTable;
                _fInTable = value; 

        internal long TableLevel
                if (_fInTable || _itap > 0) 
                    return _itap > 0 ? _itap : 1;
                    return 0;
        internal long ListLevel
                if (_ils >= 0 || _ilvl > 0)
                    return _ilvl > 0 ? _ilvl + 1 : 1;
                else if (PNLVL > 0) 
                    return PNLVL; 
                else if (_marker != MarkerStyle.MarkerNone)
                    return 1; 
                    return 0;

        internal int UnicodeSkip 
                return _stateSkip;
                if (value >= 0 && value < 0xffff)
                    _stateSkip = value;
        internal RowFormat RowFormat
                // Allocate on access.
                if (_rowFormat == null) 
                    _rowFormat = new RowFormat();

                return _rowFormat;
                _rowFormat = value; 
        internal bool HasRowFormat
                return _rowFormat != null;

        internal ParaBorder ParaBorder 
                if (_pb == null) 
                    _pb = new ParaBorder(); 
                return _pb;

        internal bool HasParaBorder
                return _pb != null && !_pb.IsNone; 

        // Image type property
        internal RtfImageFormat ImageFormat
                return _imageFormat; 
                _imageFormat = value;

        // Image source name property 
        internal string ImageSource 
                return _imageSource;
                _imageSource = value; 
        // Image width property
        internal double ImageWidth
                return _imageWidth; 
                _imageWidth = value;
        // Image height property
        internal double ImageHeight 
                return _imageHeight;
                _imageHeight = value;

        // Image width property 
        internal double ImageScaleWidth
                return _imageScaleWidth;
                _imageScaleWidth = value; 

        // Image height property 
        internal double ImageScaleHeight
                return _imageScaleHeight; 
                _imageScaleHeight = value; 
        // IsImageDataBinary: The default is false that is hex data for image
        internal bool IsImageDataBinary 
                return _isImageDataBinary; 
                _isImageDataBinary = value;

        // Image stretch property to apply scale factor
        internal string ImageStretch 
                return _imageStretch;
                _imageStretch = value;
        // Image stretch direction property to apply scale factor 
        internal string ImageStretchDirection
                return _imageStretchDirection;
                _imageStretchDirection = value; 

        #endregion Internal Properties

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        private RtfDestination _dest;
        private bool _fBold; 
        private bool _fItalic;
        private bool _fSuper; 
        private bool _fSub; 
        private bool _fOutline;
        private bool _fEngrave; 
        private bool _fShadow;
        private bool _fScaps;

        private long _fs;                // Font size in half points 
        private long _font;              // Index into font table
        private int _codePage;           // Cache of code page from font 
        private long _superOffset;       // Sub/super offset 
        private long _cf;                // Foreground color index
        private long _cb;                // Background color index 
        private DirState _dirChar;       // Character level direction
        private ULState _ul;
        private StrikeState _strike;
        private long _expand; 
        private long _lang;
        private long _langFE; 
        private long _langCur; 
        private FontSlot _fontSlot;
        // Para style flags and values
        private long _sa;                // Space After
        private long _sb;                // Space Before
        private long _li;                // Left Indent 
        private long _ri;               // Right Indent
        private long _fi;                // First Indent 
        private HAlign _align;            // Paragraph alignment 
        private long _ils;                // List override index
        private long _ilvl;                // 0-based List level 
        private long _pnlvl;                // 1-based old style List level
        private long _itap;                // Table level
        private DirState _dirPara;        // Paragraph level direction
        private long _cfPara;            // Paragraph fill color 
        private long _cbPara;            // Paragraph pattern background color
        private long _nParaShading;     // Paragraph shading in 100's of a percent 
        private MarkerStyle _marker;    // Type of bullet for old-style RTF 
        private bool _fContinue;        // Continue list numbering? (without number)
        private long _nStartIndex;      // List start index 
        private long _nStartIndexDefault;      // List start index default value
        private long _sl;
        private bool _slMult;
        private ParaBorder _pb; 

        private bool _fInTable;         // Paragraph is in table 
        private bool _fHidden;          // Hidden text 

        private int _stateSkip; 

        private RowFormat _rowFormat;

        private static FormatState _fsEmptyState = null; 

        // Image property fields 
        private RtfImageFormat _imageFormat; 
        private string _imageSource;
        private double _imageWidth; 
        private double _imageHeight;
        private double _imageScaleWidth;
        private double _imageScaleHeight;
        private bool _isImageDataBinary; 
        private string _imageStretch;
        private string _imageStretchDirection; 
        #endregion Private Fields
        //  Private Const
        #region Private Const 

        private const int MAX_LIST_DEPTH = 32; 
        private const int MAX_TABLE_DEPTH = 32;

        #endregion Private Const
    internal enum BorderType 
        // ... lots more

    internal class BorderFormat 
        internal BorderFormat()

        internal BorderFormat(BorderFormat cb) 
            CF = cb.CF; 
            Width = cb.Width; 
            Type = cb.Type;

        //  Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        internal long CF
                return _cf;
                _cf = value; 

        internal long Width 
                return _width;
                _width = Validators.MakeValidBorderWidth(value);
        internal long EffectiveWidth 
                switch (Type)
                    case BorderType.BorderNone: return 0; 
                    case BorderType.BorderDouble: return Width * 2;
                    case BorderType.BorderSingle: return Width; 

        internal BorderType Type
                return _type; 
                _type = value;

        internal bool IsNone 
                return EffectiveWidth <= 0 || Type == BorderType.BorderNone;
        internal string RTFEncoding
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

                if (IsNone)
                    if (CF >= 0)
                return sb.ToString();

        static internal BorderFormat EmptyBorderFormat
                if (_emptyBorderFormat == null) 
                    _emptyBorderFormat = new BorderFormat(); 
                return _emptyBorderFormat;

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        internal void SetDefaults() 
            _cf = -1; 
            _width = 0;
            _type = BorderType.BorderNone;
        #endregion Internal Methods
        private long _cf; 
        private long _width;
        private BorderType _type; 
        static private BorderFormat _emptyBorderFormat = null;

    internal class ParaBorder 
        internal ParaBorder() 
            BorderLeft = new BorderFormat();
            BorderTop = new BorderFormat(); 
            BorderRight = new BorderFormat();
            BorderBottom = new BorderFormat();
            BorderAll = new BorderFormat();
            Spacing = 0; 
        internal ParaBorder(ParaBorder pb) 
            BorderLeft = new BorderFormat(pb.BorderLeft); 
            BorderTop = new BorderFormat(pb.BorderTop);
            BorderRight = new BorderFormat(pb.BorderRight);
            BorderBottom = new BorderFormat(pb.BorderBottom);
            BorderAll = new BorderFormat(pb.BorderAll); 
            Spacing = pb.Spacing;
        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        internal BorderFormat BorderLeft 
                return _bfLeft;
                _bfLeft = value; 
        internal BorderFormat BorderTop
                return _bfTop;
                _bfTop = value; 

        internal BorderFormat BorderRight 
                return _bfRight;
                _bfRight = value;
        internal BorderFormat BorderBottom 
                return _bfBottom;
                _bfBottom = value; 
        internal BorderFormat BorderAll
                return _bfAll;
                _bfAll = value; 

        internal long Spacing 
                return _nSpacing;
                _nSpacing = value;
        internal long CF 
                return BorderLeft.CF;
                BorderLeft.CF = value; 
                BorderTop.CF = value; 
                BorderRight.CF = value;
                BorderBottom.CF = value; 
                BorderAll.CF = value;
        internal bool IsNone
                return BorderLeft.IsNone && BorderTop.IsNone 
                    && BorderRight.IsNone && BorderBottom.IsNone
                    && BorderAll.IsNone;

        internal string GetBorderAttributeString(ConverterState converterState) 
            if (IsNone)
                return string.Empty;

            // Build the border attribute string based on border values 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            // Left,Top,Right,Bottom 
            sb.Append(" BorderThickness=\"");
            if (!BorderAll.IsNone) 
            ColorTableEntry entry = null; 
            if (CF >= 0)
                entry = converterState.ColorTable.EntryAt((int)CF);

            if (entry != null) 
                sb.Append(" BorderBrush=\""); 
                sb.Append(" BorderBrush=\"#FF000000\"");

            if (Spacing != 0) 
                sb.Append(" Padding=\"");

            return sb.ToString(); 
        internal string RTFEncoding 
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                if (IsNone) 
                    if (BorderLeft.CF >= 0)
                    if (BorderTop.CF >= 0)
                    if (BorderRight.CF >= 0)
                    if (BorderBottom.CF >= 0) 

                return sb.ToString(); 
        #endregion Internal Properties

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 

        private BorderFormat _bfLeft;
        private BorderFormat _bfTop;
        private BorderFormat _bfRight; 
        private BorderFormat _bfBottom;
        private BorderFormat _bfAll; 
        private long _nSpacing; 

        #endregion Private Fields 

    internal enum WidthType
        WidthIgnore = 0,
        WidthAuto = 1, 
        WidthPercent = 2,   // Actually 50ths 
        WidthTwips = 3

    internal class CellWidth
        internal CellWidth() 
            Type = WidthType.WidthAuto; 
            Value = 0; 
        internal CellWidth(CellWidth cw)
            Type = cw.Type;
            Value = cw.Value; 
        internal WidthType Type 
                return _type;
                _type = value; 
        internal long Value
                return _value;
                _value = value; 

        internal void SetDefaults() 
            Type = WidthType.WidthAuto; 
            Value = 0; 
        private WidthType _type;
        private long _value;
    internal class CellFormat
        internal CellFormat() 
            BorderLeft = new BorderFormat(); 
            BorderRight = new BorderFormat();
            BorderBottom = new BorderFormat();
            BorderTop = new BorderFormat();
            Width = new CellWidth();

            IsPending = true; 

        internal CellFormat(CellFormat cf)
            CellX = cf.CellX;
            IsCellXSet = cf.IsCellXSet; 
            Width = new CellWidth(cf.Width); 
            CB = cf.CB;
            CF = cf.CF; 
            Shading = cf.Shading;
            PaddingTop = cf.PaddingTop;
            PaddingBottom = cf.PaddingBottom;
            PaddingRight = cf.PaddingRight; 
            PaddingLeft = cf.PaddingLeft;
            BorderLeft = new BorderFormat(cf.BorderLeft); 
            BorderRight = new BorderFormat(cf.BorderRight); 
            BorderBottom = new BorderFormat(cf.BorderBottom);
            BorderTop = new BorderFormat(cf.BorderTop); 
            SpacingTop = cf.SpacingTop;
            SpacingBottom = cf.SpacingBottom;
            SpacingRight = cf.SpacingRight;
            SpacingLeft = cf.SpacingLeft; 
            VAlign = VAlign.AlignTop;
            IsPending = true; 
            IsHMerge = cf.IsHMerge; 
            IsHMergeFirst = cf.IsHMergeFirst;
            IsVMerge = cf.IsVMerge; 
            IsVMergeFirst = cf.IsVMergeFirst;

        //  Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties

        internal long CB
                return _cb; 
                _cb = value;

        internal long CF 
                return _cf;
                _cf = value;

        internal long Shading 
                return _nShading; 
                _nShading = Validators.MakeValidShading(value);

        internal long PaddingLeft
                return _padL; 
                _padL = value;

        internal long PaddingRight 
                return _padR;
                _padR = value;

        internal long PaddingTop 
                return _padT; 
                _padT = value;

        internal long PaddingBottom
                return _padB; 
                _padB = value;

        internal BorderFormat BorderTop 
                return _brdT;
                _brdT = value;

        internal BorderFormat BorderBottom 
                return _brdB; 
                _brdB = value;

        internal BorderFormat BorderLeft
                return _brdL; 
                _brdL = value;

        internal BorderFormat BorderRight 
                return _brdR;
                _brdR = value;

        internal CellWidth Width 
                return _width; 
                _width = value;

        internal long CellX
                return _nCellX; 
                _nCellX = value;
                _fCellXSet = true;
        internal bool IsCellXSet 
                return _fCellXSet;
                _fCellXSet = value; 
        internal VAlign VAlign
                _valign = value;

        internal long SpacingTop 
                return _spaceT; 
                _spaceT = value;

        internal long SpacingLeft
                return _spaceL; 
                _spaceL = value;

        internal long SpacingBottom 
                return _spaceB;
                _spaceB = value;

        internal long SpacingRight 
                return _spaceR; 
                _spaceR = value;

        internal bool IsPending
                return _fPending; 
                _fPending = value;

        internal bool IsHMerge 
                return _fHMerge;
                _fHMerge = value;

        internal bool IsHMergeFirst 
                return _fHMergeFirst; 
                _fHMergeFirst = value;

        internal bool IsVMerge
                return _fVMerge; 
                _fVMerge = value;

        internal bool IsVMergeFirst 
                return _fVMergeFirst;
                _fVMergeFirst = value;

        internal bool HasBorder 
                return BorderLeft.EffectiveWidth > 0 
                        || BorderRight.EffectiveWidth > 0
                        || BorderTop.EffectiveWidth > 0 
                        || BorderBottom.EffectiveWidth > 0; 

        internal string RTFEncodingForWidth
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
                int t = (int)Width.Type; 
                return sb.ToString(); 

        #endregion Internal Properties

        //  Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods

        internal void SetDefaults()
            CellX = -1;
            IsCellXSet = false; 
            CB = -1;
            CF = -1; 
            Shading = -1;
            PaddingTop = 0;
            PaddingBottom = 0;
            PaddingRight = 0; 
            PaddingLeft = 0;
            SpacingTop = 0;
            SpacingBottom = 0;
            SpacingRight = 0;
            SpacingLeft = 0; 
            VAlign = VAlign.AlignTop;
            IsHMerge = false; 
            IsHMergeFirst = false; 
            IsVMerge = false;
            IsVMergeFirst = false; 

        internal string GetBorderAttributeString(ConverterState converterState)
            // Build the border attribute string based on border values 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            // Left,Top,Right,Bottom
            sb.Append(" BorderThickness=\"");

            // Only grab one color
            ColorTableEntry entry = null; 
            if (BorderLeft.CF >= 0)
                entry = converterState.ColorTable.EntryAt((int)BorderLeft.CF); 
            if (entry != null)
                sb.Append(" BorderBrush=\"");
                sb.Append(" BorderBrush=\"#FF000000\""); 

            return sb.ToString();

        internal string GetPaddingAttributeString() 
            // Build the padding attribute string based on padding values
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

            // Left,Top,Right,Bottom
            sb.Append(" Padding=\"");

            return sb.ToString(); 
        #endregion Internal Methods 

        private long _cb; 
        private long _cf;
        private long _nShading;
        private long _padT;
        private long _padB; 
        private long _padR;
        private long _padL; 
        private long _spaceT; 
        private long _spaceB;
        private long _spaceR; 
        private long _spaceL;
        private long _nCellX;
        private CellWidth _width;
        private VAlign _valign; 
        private BorderFormat _brdL;
        private BorderFormat _brdR; 
        private BorderFormat _brdT; 
        private BorderFormat _brdB;
        private bool _fPending; 
        private bool _fHMerge;
        private bool _fHMergeFirst;
        private bool _fVMerge;
        private bool _fVMergeFirst; 
        private bool _fCellXSet;

    internal class RowFormat 
        internal RowFormat()
            _rowCellFormat = new CellFormat(); 
            _widthA = new CellWidth();
            _widthB = new CellWidth(); 
            _widthRow = new CellWidth(); 
            _cellFormats = new ArrayList();
            _dir = DirState.DirLTR; 
            _nTrgaph = -1;
            _nTrleft = 0;
        internal RowFormat(RowFormat ri)
            _rowCellFormat = new CellFormat(ri.RowCellFormat); 
            _cellFormats = new ArrayList();
            _widthA = new CellWidth(ri.WidthA); 
            _widthB = new CellWidth(ri.WidthB);
            _widthRow = new CellWidth(ri.WidthRow);
            _nTrgaph = ri.Trgaph;
            _dir = ri.Dir; 
            _nTrleft = ri._nTrleft;
            for (int i = 0; i < ri.CellCount; i++) 
                _cellFormats.Add(new CellFormat(ri.NthCellFormat(i))); 

        //  Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties

        internal CellFormat RowCellFormat
                return _rowCellFormat; 

        internal int CellCount
                return _cellFormats.Count; 
        internal CellFormat TopCellFormat
                return CellCount > 0 ? NthCellFormat(CellCount - 1) : null;

        internal CellWidth WidthA 
                return _widthA; 
        internal CellWidth WidthB
                return _widthB;
        internal CellWidth WidthRow 
                return _widthRow;

        internal long Trgaph 
                return _nTrgaph;
                _nTrgaph = value;

        internal long Trleft 
                return _nTrleft; 
                _nTrleft = value;

        internal DirState Dir
                return _dir; 
                _dir = value;

        internal bool IsVMerge 
                for (int i = 0; i < CellCount; i++)
                    if (NthCellFormat(i).IsVMerge)
                        return true;
                return false;

        #endregion Internal Properties
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods

        internal CellFormat NthCellFormat(int n) 
            // If asked for a cell format beyond the bounds specified, just use row defaults. 
            // This probably indicates malformed content, but makes reading more robust. 
            if (n < 0 || n >= CellCount)
                return RowCellFormat;

            return (CellFormat)_cellFormats[n]; 
        internal CellFormat NextCellFormat() 
            _cellFormats.Add(new CellFormat(RowCellFormat)); 
            return TopCellFormat;

        internal CellFormat CurrentCellFormat() 
            if (CellCount == 0 || !TopCellFormat.IsPending) 
                return NextCellFormat();
                return TopCellFormat;
        internal void CanonicalizeWidthsFromRTF() 
            if (CellCount == 0) 
            CellFormat cfPrev = null;
            long cellx = Trleft; 
            // Make sure widths and cellx are set up.  For merged cells, the first cell in the merged set has
            // the real width while the last cell in the merged set has the real CellX.  I put the real CellX 
            // in the first merged cell so I can just use that one.
            for (int i = 0; i < CellCount; i++)
                CellFormat cf = NthCellFormat(i); 

                // Ignore HMerge Cells 
                if (cf.IsHMerge) 

                // Grab CellX from last cell in range of merged cells
                if (cf.IsHMergeFirst) 
                    for (int k = i + 1; k < CellCount; k++) 
                        CellFormat cf1 = NthCellFormat(k);
                        if (cf1.IsHMerge)
                            cf.CellX = cf1.CellX;

                if (cf.Width.Value == 0 && cf.IsCellXSet)
                    cf.Width.Type = WidthType.WidthTwips;
                    cf.Width.Value = (cfPrev == null) ? cf.CellX - Trleft : cf.CellX - cfPrev.CellX; 
                else if (cf.Width.Value > 0 && !cf.IsCellXSet)
                    cellx += cf.Width.Value;
                    cf.CellX = cellx;
                cfPrev = cf; 
            // It's also important that CellX be monotonic. 
            cellx = NthCellFormat(0).CellX;
            for (int i = 1; i < CellCount; i++) 
                CellFormat cf = NthCellFormat(i);

                if (cf.CellX < cellx) 
                    cf.CellX = cellx + 1; 
                cellx = cf.CellX;

        internal void CanonicalizeWidthsFromXaml()
            long nCellX = Trleft;
            for (int i = 0; i < CellCount; i++) 
                CellFormat cf = NthCellFormat(i); 

                if (cf.Width.Type == WidthType.WidthTwips)
                    nCellX += cf.Width.Value; 
                    nCellX += 1440; // arbitrary - one inch.
                cf.CellX = nCellX;
        #endregion Internal Methods
        private CellFormat _rowCellFormat; 
        private CellWidth _widthA;
        private CellWidth _widthB; 
        private CellWidth _widthRow;
        private ArrayList _cellFormats;
        private long _nTrgaph;
        private long _nTrleft; 
        private DirState _dir;

    internal class MarkerListEntry 
        internal MarkerListEntry()
            _marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet; 
            _nILS = -1;
            _nStartIndexOverride = -1; 
            _nStartIndexDefault = -1; 
            _nVirtualListLevel = -1;

        internal MarkerStyle Marker
                return _marker; 
                _marker = value;
        internal long StartIndexOverride
                return _nStartIndexOverride; 
                _nStartIndexOverride = value; 
        internal long StartIndexDefault
                return _nStartIndexDefault;
                _nStartIndexDefault = value; 

        internal long VirtualListLevel
                return _nVirtualListLevel; 
                _nVirtualListLevel = value;
        internal long StartIndexToUse
                return _nStartIndexOverride > 0 ? _nStartIndexOverride : _nStartIndexDefault; 

        internal long ILS 
                return _nILS;
                _nILS = value;
        private MarkerStyle _marker; 
        private long _nStartIndexOverride;
        private long _nStartIndexDefault; 
        private long _nVirtualListLevel;
        private long _nILS;

    internal class MarkerList : ArrayList 
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors
        internal MarkerList() 
            : base(5)

        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods

        internal MarkerListEntry EntryAt(int index) 
            return (MarkerListEntry)this[index]; 

        internal void AddEntry(MarkerStyle m, long nILS, long nStartIndexOverride, long nStartIndexDefault, long nLevel) 
            MarkerListEntry entry = new MarkerListEntry();

            entry.Marker = m; 
            entry.StartIndexOverride = nStartIndexOverride;
            entry.StartIndexDefault = nStartIndexDefault; 
            entry.VirtualListLevel = nLevel; 
            entry.ILS = nILS;

        #endregion Internal Methods

    /// FontTableEntry
    internal class FontTableEntry
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors 

        internal FontTableEntry()
            _index = -1; 
            _codePage = -1;
            _charSet = 0; 
            _bNameSealed = false; 
            _bPending = true;

        #endregion Constructors

        //  Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties

        internal int Index
                return _index; 
                _index = value;

        internal string Name 
                return _name;
                _name = value;

        internal bool IsNameSealed 
                return _bNameSealed; 
                _bNameSealed = value;

        internal bool IsPending
                return _bPending; 
                _bPending = value;

        internal int CodePage 
                return _codePage;
                _codePage = value;

        internal int CodePageFromCharSet 
                int cp = CharSetToCodePage(value); 
                if (cp != 0)
                    CodePage = cp; 

        internal int CharSet
                return _charSet; 
                _charSet = value;

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        internal static int CharSetToCodePage(int cs) 
            switch (cs) 
                case 0: // ANSI
                    return 1252;    // ANSI means use 1252
                case 1: // DEFAULT 
                    return -1;    // -1 means use default code page
                case 2: // Symbol 
                    return 1252;  // Symbol isn't a charset 
                case 3: // Invalid
                    return -1;    // -1 means use ansicpg 
                case 77: // Mac
                    return 10000;
                case 78:  // Shift JIS - bug in MacWord98J
                case 128: // Shift JIS 
                    return 932;
                case 129: // Hangul 
                    return 949; 
                case 130: // Johab
                    return 1361; 
                case 134: // GB2312
                    return 936;
                case 136: // Big5
                    return 950; 
                case 161: // Greek
                    return 1253; 
                case 162: // Turkish 
                    return 1254;
                case 163: // Vietnamese 
                    return 1258;
                case 177: // Hebrew
                    return 1255;
                case 178: // Arabic 
                    return 1256;
                case 179: // Arabic Traditional 
                    return 1256; 
                case 180: // Arabic user
                    return 1256; 
                case 181: // Hebrew user
                    return 1255;
                case 186: // Baltic
                    return 1257; 
                case 204: // Russian
                    return 1251; 
                case 222: // Thai 
                    return 874;
                case 238: // Eastern European 
                    return 1250;
                case 254: // PC 437
                    return 437;
                case 255: // OEM 
                    return 850;
                    return 0; 

        internal void ComputePreferredCodePage()
            int[] CodePageList = { 
                1252, 932, 949, 1361, 936, 950, 1253, 1254, 1258, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1251, 874, 1250, 437, 850 };
            CodePage = 1252; 
            CharSet = 0;
            if (Name != null && Name.Length > 0)
                byte[] rgBytes = new byte[Name.Length * 6];
                char[] rgChars = new char[Name.Length * 6]; 

                for (int i = 0; i < CodePageList.Length; i++) 
                    Encoding e = Encoding.GetEncoding(CodePageList[i]);
                    int cb = e.GetBytes(Name, 0, Name.Length, rgBytes, 0);
                    int cch = e.GetChars(rgBytes, 0, cb, rgChars, 0);

                    if (cch == Name.Length) 
                        int k = 0; 
                        for (k = 0; k < cch; k++) 
                            if (rgChars[k] != Name[k]) 

                        // This code page can encode this font name. 
                        if (k == cch) 
                            CodePage = CodePageList[i]; 
                            CharSet = CodePageToCharSet(CodePage);
                // Set the symbol charset for symbol font 
                if (IsSymbolFont(Name))
                    CharSet = 2 /* Symbol Charset */;

        #endregion Internal Methods 
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        private static int CodePageToCharSet(int cp) 
            switch (cp) 
                case 1252: // ANSI
                    return 0;    // ANSI means use 1252
                case 10000: // Mac 
                    return 77;
                case 932: // Shift JIS 
                    return 128; 
                case 949: // Hangul
                    return 129; 
                case 1361: // Johab
                    return 130;
                case 936: // GB2312
                    return 134; 
                case 950: // Big5
                    return 136; 
                case 1253: // Greek 
                    return 161;
                case 1254: // Turkish 
                    return 162;
                case 1258: // Vietnamese
                    return 163;
                case 1255: // Hebrew 
                    return 177;
                case 1256: // Arabic 
                    return 178; 
                case 1257: // Baltic
                    return 186; 
                case 1251: // Russian
                    return 204;
                case 874: // Thai
                    return 222; 
                case 1250: // Eastern European
                    return 238; 
                case 437: // PC 437 
                    return 254;
                case 850: // OEM 
                    return 255;
                    return 0;
        /// Return true if the specified typeface name is the symbol font.
        private static bool IsSymbolFont(string typefaceName)
            bool isSymbolFont = false;
            Typeface typeface = new Typeface(typefaceName);
            if (typeface != null) 
                GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface = typeface.TryGetGlyphTypeface(); 

                if (glyphTypeface != null && glyphTypeface.Symbol)
                    isSymbolFont = true; 
            return isSymbolFont;

        #endregion Private Methods

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        private string _name;
        private int _index; 
        private int _codePage;
        private int _charSet; 
        private bool _bNameSealed; 
        private bool _bPending;
        #endregion Private Fields

    /// FontTable that includes the font table.
    internal class FontTable : ArrayList 
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors 
        internal FontTable()
            : base(20) 
            _fontMappings = null;
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 

        internal FontTableEntry DefineEntry(int index) 
            // Might happen with bad input
            FontTableEntry entry = FindEntryByIndex(index); 

            if (entry != null)
                // Re-open it 
                entry.IsPending = true;
                entry.Name = null; 
                return entry;

            entry = new FontTableEntry();

            entry.Index = index; 

            return entry;

        internal FontTableEntry FindEntryByIndex(int index)
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 
                FontTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i); 
                if (entry.Index == index)
                    return entry;
            return null;
        internal FontTableEntry FindEntryByName(string name)
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                FontTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i);
                if (name.Equals(entry.Name))
                    return entry; 

            return null;
        internal FontTableEntry EntryAt(int index)
            return (FontTableEntry)this[index]; 
        internal int DefineEntryByName(string name)
            int maxIndex = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 
                FontTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i); 
                if (name.Equals(entry.Name))
                    return entry.Index;
                if (entry.Index > maxIndex)
                    maxIndex = entry.Index;

            // Not there - define one. 
            FontTableEntry newEntry = new FontTableEntry();
            newEntry.Index = maxIndex + 1;
            newEntry.Name = name; 
            return maxIndex + 1;
        internal void MapFonts()
            Hashtable map = FontMappings;

            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                FontTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i);
                if (entry.Name != null) 
                    string mappedName = (string)map[entry.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)]; 
                    if (mappedName != null)
                        entry.Name = mappedName;
                        int iCP = entry.Name.IndexOf('('); 
                        if (iCP >= 0)
                            while (iCP > 0 && entry.Name[iCP - 1] == ' ')
                            entry.Name = entry.Name.Substring(0, iCP);
        #endregion Internal Methods

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties 

        internal FontTableEntry CurrentEntry
                if (Count == 0) 
                    return null;

                // Find Pending Entry
                for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    FontTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i);
                    if (entry.IsPending) 
                        return entry; 

                return EntryAt(Count - 1); 
        internal Hashtable FontMappings
                if (_fontMappings == null)
                    _fontMappings = new Hashtable();
                    RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes"); 
                    if (rk != null) 
                        string[] names = rk.GetValueNames(); 
                        foreach (string name in names)
                            string value = (string)rk.GetValue(name);
                            if (name.Length > 0 && value.Length > 0)
                                string lhs_name = name; 
                                string lhs_tag = string.Empty;
                                string rhs_name = value; 
                                string rhs_tag = string.Empty;

                                int i;
                                i = name.IndexOf(','); 
                                if (i >= 0)
                                    lhs_name = name.Substring(0, i); 
                                    lhs_tag = name.Substring(i + 1, name.Length - i - 1);
                                i = value.IndexOf(',');
                                if (i >= 0)
                                    rhs_name = value.Substring(0, i); 
                                    rhs_tag = value.Substring(i + 1, value.Length - i - 1);
                                if (lhs_name.Length > 0 && rhs_name.Length > 0) 
                                    bool bAdd = false; 
                                    // If both entries specify charset, they must match.
                                    if (lhs_tag.Length > 0 && rhs_tag.Length > 0)
                                        if (string.Compare(lhs_tag, rhs_tag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 
                                            bAdd = true; 
                                    // If neither specifies a charset, the tagged (left) entry must be a substring.
                                    else if (lhs_tag.Length == 0 && rhs_tag.Length == 0)
                                        if (lhs_name.Length > rhs_name.Length) 
                                            string s = lhs_name.Substring(0, rhs_name.Length); 
                                            if (string.Compare(s, rhs_name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 
                                                bAdd = true; 
                                    // If just the name specifies the charset, use it.
                                    else if (lhs_tag.Length > 0 && rhs_tag.Length == 0) 
                                        bAdd = true;

                                    // OK, actually add the mapping.
                                    if (bAdd)
                                        // Don't add a new mapping if one exists
                                        string keyname = lhs_name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
                                        if (_fontMappings[keyname] == null) 
                                            _fontMappings.Add(keyname, rhs_name); 

                return _fontMappings; 

        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields
        Hashtable _fontMappings;
        #endregion Private Fields 
    /// ColorTableEntry that includes color.
    internal class ColorTableEntry 
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors
        internal ColorTableEntry()
            _color = Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0, 0); 
            _bAuto = false;

        #endregion Constructors

        //  Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties

        internal Color Color
                return _color; 
                _color = value;

        internal bool IsAuto 
                return _bAuto;
                _bAuto = value;

        internal byte Red 
                _color = Color.FromArgb(0xff, value, _color.G, _color.B); 
        internal byte Green
                _color = Color.FromArgb(0xff, _color.R, value, _color.B);
        internal byte Blue 
                _color = Color.FromArgb(0xff, _color.R, _color.G, value);

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields
        private Color _color; 
        private bool _bAuto;
        #endregion Private Fields

    /// ColorTableEntry that includes color table.
    internal class ColorTable : ArrayList 
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors 
        internal ColorTable()
            : base(20) 
            _inProgress = false;
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 

        internal Color ColorAt(int index) 
            if (index >= 0 && index < Count)
                return EntryAt(index).Color;
                return Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0, 0);

        internal void FinishColor() 
            if (_inProgress)
                _inProgress = false; 
                int i = AddColor(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0, 0));
                // Initial unspecified color value is treated as "auto".
                EntryAt(i).IsAuto = true;

        internal int AddColor(Color color) 
            // First return existing one
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 
                if (ColorAt(i) == color)
                    return i; 
            // OK, need to add one
            ColorTableEntry entry = new ColorTableEntry(); 
            entry.Color = color;
            return Count - 1;

        internal ColorTableEntry EntryAt(int index) 
            if (index >= 0 && index < Count)
                return (ColorTableEntry)this[index];
                return null;

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        internal byte NewRed
                ColorTableEntry entry = GetInProgressEntry();
                if (entry != null) 
                    entry.Red = value;

        internal byte NewGreen 
                ColorTableEntry entry = GetInProgressEntry();
                if (entry != null) 
                    entry.Green = value;
        internal byte NewBlue 
                ColorTableEntry entry = GetInProgressEntry();
                if (entry != null)
                    entry.Blue = value;
        #endregion Internal Properties

        //  Private Methods

        #region Private Methods 

        private ColorTableEntry GetInProgressEntry()
            if (_inProgress) 
                return EntryAt(Count - 1); 
                _inProgress = true;

                ColorTableEntry entry = new ColorTableEntry();
                return entry; 

        #endregion Private Methods

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        private bool _inProgress;
        #endregion Private Fields
    /// ListLevel 
    internal class ListLevel
        //  Constructors 
        #region Constructors

        internal ListLevel()
            _nStartIndex = 1;
            _numberType = MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic; 

        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        internal long StartIndex
                return _nStartIndex;
                _nStartIndex = value; 

        internal MarkerStyle Marker 
                return _numberType;
                _numberType = value;
        internal FormatState FormatState 
                _formatState = value;

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields
        private long _nStartIndex; 
        private MarkerStyle _numberType;
        private FormatState _formatState; 

        #endregion Private Fields
    /// ListLevelTable 
    internal class ListLevelTable : ArrayList
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors 

        internal ListLevelTable() 
            : base(1)
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 

        internal ListLevel EntryAt(int index) 
            // Note - we silently handle out of range index values here since the lookup
            // might have been based on the structure of the file or the content of some 
            // keyword parameter.
            if (index > Count)
                index = Count - 1; 
            return (ListLevel)(Count > index && index >= 0 ? this[index] : null); 

        internal ListLevel AddEntry() 
            ListLevel entry = new ListLevel();


            return entry; 

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        internal ListLevel CurrentEntry
                return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null;

        #endregion Internal Properties 

    /// ListTableEntry 
    internal class ListTableEntry 
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors
        internal ListTableEntry() 
            _id = 0; 
            _templateID = 0;

            _levels = new ListLevelTable();

        #endregion Constructors 
        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        internal long ID 
                return _id;
                _id = value; 
        internal long TemplateID
                _templateID = value;

        internal bool Simple 
                _simple = value; 
        internal ListLevelTable Levels
                return _levels;
        #endregion Internal Properties
        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields 

        private long _id; 
        private long _templateID;

        private bool _simple;
        private ListLevelTable _levels;
        #endregion Private Fields 
    /// ListTable
    internal class ListTable : ArrayList 
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors
        internal ListTable()
            : base(20) 
        #endregion Constructors

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 

        internal ListTableEntry EntryAt(int index)
            return (ListTableEntry)this[index]; 
        internal ListTableEntry FindEntry(long id) 
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 
                ListTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i);

                if (entry.ID == id) 
                    return entry; 
            return null;

        internal ListTableEntry AddEntry() 
            ListTableEntry entry = new ListTableEntry(); 
            return entry;

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties
        internal ListTableEntry CurrentEntry
                return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; 

        #endregion Internal Properties 
    /// ListOverride
    internal class ListOverride
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors 

        internal ListOverride()
            _id = 0; 
            _index = 0;
            _levels = null; 
            _nStartIndex = -1; 
        #endregion Constructors

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties 

        internal long ID
                return _id; 
                _id = value;
        internal long Index
                return _index; 
                _index = value; 
        internal ListLevelTable Levels
                return _levels;
                _levels = value; 

        internal long StartIndex
                return _nStartIndex; 
                _nStartIndex = value;
        #endregion Internal Properties
        //  Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields 

        private long _id; 
        private long _index; 
        private long _nStartIndex;
        private ListLevelTable _levels; 

        #endregion Private Fields
    /// ListOverrideTable 
    internal class ListOverrideTable : ArrayList
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors 

        internal ListOverrideTable() 
            : base(20)
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 

        internal ListOverride EntryAt(int index) 
            return (ListOverride)this[index];

        internal ListOverride FindEntry(int index)
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 
                ListOverride entry = EntryAt(i); 
                if (entry.Index == index)
                    return entry;
            return null;
        internal ListOverride AddEntry()
            ListOverride entry = new ListOverride();

            return entry;
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties 

        internal ListOverride CurrentEntry 
                return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; 
        #endregion Internal Properties

    /// DocumentNode
    internal class DocumentNode
        //  Consts 

        #region Consts 

        internal static string[] HtmlNames = new string[] 

        internal static int[] HtmlLengths = new int[] 
            0,    // unknown 
            0,    // text 
            4,    // span
            2,    // br 
            1,    // a
            1,    // p
            2,    // ul
            2,    // li 
            5,    // table
            6,    // tbody 
            2,    // tr 
            2     // td

        internal static string[] XamlNames = new string[]
        #endregion Consts
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors 

        internal DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType) 
            _type = documentNodeType;
            _bPending = true;
            _childCount = 0; 
            _index = -1;
            _dna = null; 
            _parent = null; 
            _bTerminated = false;
            _bMatched = false; 
            _bHasMarkerContent = false;
            _sCustom = null;
            _nRowSpan = 1;
            _nColSpan = 1; 
            _nVirtualListLevel = -1;
            _csa = null; 
            _formatState = new FormatState();
            _contentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 

        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods

        internal void InheritFormatState(FormatState formatState) 
            _formatState = new FormatState(formatState); 
            // Reset non-inherited properties
            _formatState.LI = 0; 
            _formatState.RI = 0;
            _formatState.SB = 0;
            _formatState.SA = 0;
            _formatState.FI = 0; 
            _formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerNone;
            _formatState.CBPara = -1; 

        internal string GetTagName() 
            return XamlNames[(int)Type];
        internal DocumentNode GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType parentType)
            DocumentNode dn = Parent; 

            while (dn != null && dn.Type != parentType) 
                dn = dn.Parent;
            return dn;
        internal int GetTableDepth()
            DocumentNode dn = Parent;
            int nDepth = 0;

            while (dn != null) 
                if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable) 

                dn = dn.Parent;
            return nDepth;
        internal int GetListDepth()
            DocumentNode dn = Parent;
            int nDepth = 0;

            while (dn != null) 
                if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList) 
                else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell)
                dn = dn.Parent;
            return nDepth;

        internal void Terminate(ConverterState converterState)
            if (!IsTerminated) 
                string plaintext = StripInvalidChars(Xaml); 
                StringBuilder xamlBuilder = new StringBuilder(Xaml);
                Xaml = xamlBuilder.ToString();
                IsTerminated = true;
        internal void ConstrainFontPropagation(FormatState fsOrig) 
            // We only output certain font properties at the paragraph level.  Ensure the paragraph's formatstate 
            // only records those properties that are actually written there, so that inline nodes properly
            // generate the result.
            FormatState.Font = fsOrig.Font; 
            FormatState.FontSize = fsOrig.FontSize;
            FormatState.Bold = fsOrig.Bold; 
            FormatState.Italic = fsOrig.Italic; 

            // No, lang can't be written at paragraph level since I have no way of turning it "off", e.g. if 
            // \lang specified for \par but not for inline text.
            // FormatState.LangCur = fsOrig.LangCur;

            // No, font color can't be written at paragraph level since I have no way of turning it "off" once 
            // I've turned it on, so "automatic" color values can't be encoded.  I'll just have to skip it here.
            // FormatState.CF = fsOrig.CF; 
            // No, text decorations can't be written at paragraph level since they don't propagate.
            // FormatState.UL = fsOrig.UL; 
            // FormatState.Strike = fsOrig.Strike;

        internal bool RequiresXamlFontProperties() 
            FormatState fsThis = FormatState; 
            FormatState fsParent = ParentFormatStateForFont; 

            return      (fsThis.Strike != fsParent.Strike) 
                    ||  (fsThis.UL != fsParent.UL)
                    ||  (fsThis.Font != fsParent.Font && fsThis.Font >= 0)
                    ||  (fsThis.FontSize != fsParent.FontSize && fsThis.FontSize >= 0)
                    ||  (fsThis.CF != fsParent.CF) 
                    ||  (fsThis.Bold != fsParent.Bold)
                    ||  (fsThis.Italic != fsParent.Italic) 
                    ||  (fsThis.LangCur != fsParent.LangCur); 
        internal void AppendXamlFontProperties(ConverterState converterState, StringBuilder sb)
            FormatState fsThis = FormatState;
            FormatState fsParent = ParentFormatStateForFont; 

            bool bStrike = fsThis.Strike != fsParent.Strike; 
            bool bUL = fsThis.UL != fsParent.UL; 
            if (bStrike || bUL)
                sb.Append(" TextDecorations=\"");
                if (bUL)
                if (bUL && bStrike) 
                    sb.Append(", ");
                if (bStrike)
            if (fsThis.Font != fsParent.Font && fsThis.Font >= 0)
                FontTableEntry entry = converterState.FontTable.FindEntryByIndex((int)fsThis.Font);

                if (entry != null && entry.Name != null && !(entry.Name.Equals(string.Empty)))
                    sb.Append(" FontFamily=\"");
                    // FontFamily should be limited with LF_FACESIZE(32) characters, 
                    // because GDI doesn't support fonts that have the name with more than
                    // LF_FACESIZE characters. 
                    if (entry.Name.Length > 32)
                        sb.Append(entry.Name, 0, 32);
            if (fsThis.FontSize != fsParent.FontSize && fsThis.FontSize >= 0)
                sb.Append(" FontSize=\""); 
                double fs = (double)fsThis.FontSize;
                if (fs <= 1f) 
                    fs = 2f;
                sb.Append((fs / 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
            if (fsThis.Bold != fsParent.Bold)
                if (fsThis.Bold)
                    sb.Append(" FontWeight=\"Bold\"");
                    sb.Append(" FontWeight=\"Normal\""); 

            if (fsThis.Italic != fsParent.Italic)
                if (fsThis.Italic) 
                    sb.Append(" FontStyle=\"Italic\""); 
                    sb.Append(" FontStyle=\"Normal\"");
            if (fsThis.CF != fsParent.CF)
                ColorTableEntry entry = converterState.ColorTable.EntryAt((int)fsThis.CF); 

                if (entry != null && !entry.IsAuto) 
                    sb.Append(" Foreground=\"");
            // NB: 0x400 (1024) is reserved value for "lidNoProof" - not a real language code.
            if (fsThis.LangCur != fsParent.LangCur && fsThis.LangCur > 0 && fsThis.LangCur != 0x400) 
                    CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo((int)fsThis.LangCur); 
                    sb.Append(" xml:lang=\"");
                catch (System.ArgumentException) 
                    // Just omit xml:lang tag if this is not a valid value.
        internal string StripInvalidChars(string text) 
            if (text == null || text.Length == 0) 
                return text;
            StringBuilder sb = null;
            int i = 0; 
            for (; i < text.Length; i++)
                int iStart = i;
                for (; i < text.Length; i++)
                    if ((text[i] & 0xF800) == 0xD800)    // if surrogate 
                        if ((i + 1 == text.Length)             // and no trail char 
                            || ((text[i] & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00)   // or low surrogate occurs before high 
                            || ((text[i + 1] & 0xFC00) != 0xDC00) // or high not followed by low
                            break;  // then cull this
                            i++;    // move past first word of surrogate, then second at top of loop` 

                if (iStart != 0 || i != text.Length)
                    if (sb == null) 
                        sb = new StringBuilder(); 
                    if (i != iStart)
                        sb.Append(text, iStart, i - iStart);

            if (sb != null) 
                return sb.ToString();
                return text;
        internal void AppendXamlEncoded(string text) 
            StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(Xaml); 

            int index = 0;
            while (index < text.Length)
                int currentIndex = index;
                while (currentIndex < text.Length) 
                    if (text[currentIndex] < 32 
                        && text[currentIndex] != '\t')
                    if (text[currentIndex] == '&'
                        || text[currentIndex] == '>' 
                        || text[currentIndex] == '<' 
                        || text[currentIndex] == 0)

                if (currentIndex != index) 
                    string substring = text.Substring(index, currentIndex - index);
                if (currentIndex < text.Length)
                    if (text[currentIndex] < 32 && text[currentIndex] != '\t') 
                        switch (text[currentIndex]) 
                            case '\f':  // formfeed
                                int ic = (int)text[currentIndex];
                                xamlStringBuilder.Append(ic.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                                // don't care about low ANSI values - not supported by XAML 
                        switch (text[currentIndex]) 
                            case '&': xamlStringBuilder.Append("&"); break; 
                            case '<': xamlStringBuilder.Append("<"); break; 
                            case '>': xamlStringBuilder.Append(">"); break;
                            case (char)0: break; 
                index = currentIndex + 1; 
            Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); 

        internal void AppendXamlPrefix(ConverterState converterState) 
            DocumentNodeArray dna = converterState.DocumentNodeArray;

            if (IsHidden) 

            if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnImage) 
                // Append image xaml prefix
            if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnText || Type == DocumentNodeType.dnInline) 

            StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 

            // Do I need to wrap a font around this? 
            if (IsEmptyNode && RequiresXamlFontProperties()) 
                AppendXamlFontProperties(converterState, xamlStringBuilder);


            switch (Type) 
                case DocumentNodeType.dnTable:
                    // See below for writing out table column information
                case DocumentNodeType.dnCell: 
                    // Row stores cell properties.
                    AppendXamlPrefixCellProperties(xamlStringBuilder, dna, converterState); 

                case DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph:
                    AppendXamlPrefixParagraphProperties(xamlStringBuilder, converterState); 
                case DocumentNodeType.dnListItem: 
                    // List margins are handled at the paragraph level

                case DocumentNodeType.dnList:
                    // List margins are handled at the listitem level 
                case DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink:

            if (IsEmptyNode) 
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" /"); 


            // Do I need to wrap a font around this?
            if (IsEmptyNode && RequiresXamlFontProperties())
            // Anything after the start tag?
            switch (Type)
                case DocumentNodeType.dnTable: 

            Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); 

        private void AppendXamlPrefixTableProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder)
            // See below for writing out table column information
            if (FormatState.HasRowFormat) 
                if (FormatState.RowFormat.Dir == DirState.DirRTL)
                    xamlStringBuilder.Append(" FlowDirection=\"RightToLeft\"");

                RowFormat rf = FormatState.RowFormat; 
                CellFormat cf = rf.RowCellFormat;
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" CellSpacing=\""); 
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Margin=\""); 
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" CellSpacing=\"0\" Margin=\"0,0,0,0\""); 
        private void AppendXamlPrefixCellProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder, DocumentNodeArray dna, ConverterState converterState)
            Color cToUse = Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0, 0);
            // Row stores cell properties.
            DocumentNode dnRow = GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnRow); 
            Debug.Assert(dnRow != null);                        // Need row 
            Debug.Assert(dnRow != null && !dnRow.IsPending);   // Row props attached when row is closed
            Debug.Assert(dnRow != null && dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat != null); 

            if (dnRow != null && dnRow.FormatState.HasRowFormat)
                int nCol = GetCellColumn(); 
                CellFormat cf = dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat.NthCellFormat(nCol);
                if (Converters.ColorToUse(converterState, cf.CB, cf.CF, cf.Shading, ref cToUse)) 
                    xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Background=\"");

                if (cf.HasBorder) 
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" BorderBrush=\"#FF000000\" BorderThickness=\"1,1,1,1\"");

            if (ColSpan > 1) 
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" ColumnSpan=\""); 
            if (RowSpan > 1)
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" RowSpan=\"");

        private void AppendXamlDir(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder) 
            if (RequiresXamlDir)
                if (XamlDir == DirState.DirLTR) 
                    xamlStringBuilder.Append(" FlowDirection=\"LeftToRight\""); 
                    xamlStringBuilder.Append(" FlowDirection=\"RightToLeft\"");

        private void AppendXamlPrefixParagraphProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder, ConverterState converterState) 
            Color cToUse = Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0, 0);
            FormatState fsThis = FormatState; 

            if (Converters.ColorToUse(converterState, fsThis.CBPara, fsThis.CFPara, fsThis.ParaShading, ref cToUse))
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Background=\""); 

            // Handle paragraph direction 

            // Handle paragraph margins
            xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Margin=\""); 
            // FontFamily, Size, Bold, Italic
            AppendXamlFontProperties(converterState, xamlStringBuilder); 
            // Lineheight
            // NB: Avalon only supports "lineheight exact" - we're just not going to output it. 
            //if (fsThis.SL != 0)
            //    double px = (float)fsThis.SL;
            //    if (px < 0) px = -px; 

            // Whether SLMult is on or not is really moot.  The value is always defined in twips, 
            // the UI is the only thing that then interprets this as "multiple", probably when the 
            // paragraph font is reset.
            //    xamlStringBuilder.Append(" LineHeight=\"");
            //    xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.TwipToPxString(px));
            //    xamlStringBuilder.Append("\"");

            // Indent 
            if (fsThis.FI != 0) 
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" TextIndent=\""); 
            // Handle paragraph alignment
            if (fsThis.HAlign != HAlign.AlignDefault) 
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" TextAlignment=\"");
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.AlignmentToString(fsThis.HAlign, fsThis.DirPara)); 

            // Handle paragraph borders 
            if (fsThis.HasParaBorder)

        private void AppendXamlPrefixListItemProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder)
            // List margins are handled here normally. 
            // NB: Avalon doesn't render list markers if margin is zero.  Enforce a minimum indent in order
            // to ensure the marker is visible. 
            long lMargin = NearMargin; 
            if (lMargin < 360 && this.GetListDepth() == 1)
                DocumentNode dnList = Parent;

                if (dnList != null && dnList.FormatState.Marker != MarkerStyle.MarkerHidden)
                    lMargin = 360;
            xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Margin=\"");

            // Handle direction
        private void AppendXamlPrefixListProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder) 
            // List margins are handled at the listitem level 
            xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Margin=\"0,0,0,0\"");
            xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Padding=\"0,0,0,0\"");

            // Marker style 
            xamlStringBuilder.Append(" MarkerStyle=\"");

            // Note that we don't allow a value of zero here, since XAML doesn't support it. 
            if (FormatState.StartIndex > 0 && FormatState.StartIndex != 1)
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" StartIndex=\"");
            // Handle direction

        private void AppendXamlPrefixHyperlinkProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder)
            if (NavigateUri != null && NavigateUri.Length > 0)
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" NavigateUri=\""); 

        private void AppendXamlTableColumnsAfterStartTag(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder) 
            if (ColumnStateArray != null && ColumnStateArray.Count > 0) 
                long prevX = 0; 
                if (FormatState.HasRowFormat)
                    prevX = FormatState.RowFormat.Trleft;
                for (int i = 0; i < ColumnStateArray.Count; i++)
                    ColumnState cs = ColumnStateArray.EntryAt(i); 

                    long width = cs.CellX - prevX; 

                    if (width <= 0)
                        width = 1; 
                    prevX = cs.CellX; 
        internal void AppendXamlPostfix(ConverterState converterState) 
            if (IsHidden) 
            // Empty tag terminated above
            if (IsEmptyNode) 

            if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnImage)
                // Append image xaml postfix 

            if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnText || Type == DocumentNodeType.dnInline) 

            StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(Xaml); 

            if (IsBlock)
            Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString();

        internal void AppendInlineXamlPrefix(ConverterState converterState)
            StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 

            FormatState fsThis = this.FormatState; 
            FormatState fsParent = ParentFormatStateForFont; 

            // Wrap any text with formatting tags. 
            xamlStringBuilder.Append(" 0) 
            //    {
            //        xamlStringBuilder.Append(" FontStretch=\"Expanded\""); 
            //    } 
            //    else
            //    { 
            //        xamlStringBuilder.Append(" FontStretch=\"Condensed\"");
            //    }
            if (fsThis.Super != fsParent.Super)
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Typography.Variants=\"Superscript\""); 
            if (fsThis.Sub != fsParent.Sub)
                xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Typography.Variants=\"Subscript\"");

            Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString();

        internal void AppendInlineXamlPostfix(ConverterState converterState)
            StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(Xaml); 

            Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString();

        internal void AppendImageXamlPrefix()
            StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 
            Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); 

        internal void AppendImageXamlPostfix() 
            StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(Xaml);
            Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); 
        internal bool IsAncestorOf(DocumentNode documentNode) 
            int parentIndex = Index; 
            int parentLastChild = Index + ChildCount;

            return documentNode.Index > parentIndex && documentNode.Index <= parentLastChild;

        internal bool IsLastParagraphInCell() 
            DocumentNodeArray dna = DNA;
            if (Type != DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph)
                return false;

            DocumentNode dnCell = GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); 
            if (dnCell == null)
                return false; 
            int nFirst = dnCell.Index + 1;
            int nLast = dnCell.Index + dnCell.ChildCount;

            for (; nFirst <= nLast; nLast--) 
                DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(nLast); 
                if (dn == this)
                    return true;
                if (dn.IsBlock)
                    return false;

            return false; 

        internal DocumentNodeArray GetTableRows()
            DocumentNodeArray dna = DNA;
            DocumentNodeArray retArray = new DocumentNodeArray(); 
            if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable)
                int nStart = this.Index + 1;
                int nLast = this.Index + this.ChildCount;

                for (; nStart <= nLast; nStart++) 
                    DocumentNode dnRow = dna.EntryAt(nStart); 
                    if (dnRow.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow && this == dnRow.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnTable))

            return retArray; 

        internal DocumentNodeArray GetRowsCells() 
            DocumentNodeArray dna = DNA;
            DocumentNodeArray retArray = new DocumentNodeArray();
            if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow)
                int nStart = this.Index + 1; 
                int nLast = this.Index + this.ChildCount;
                for (; nStart <= nLast; nStart++)
                    DocumentNode dnCell = dna.EntryAt(nStart);
                    if (dnCell.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell && this == dnCell.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnRow))

            return retArray;

        internal int GetCellColumn() 
            DocumentNodeArray dna = DNA;
            int nCol = 0; 

            if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell)
                DocumentNode dnRow = this.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnRow); 

                if (dnRow != null) 
                    int nStart = dnRow.Index + 1;
                    int nLast = dnRow.Index + dnRow.ChildCount; 

                    for (; nStart <= nLast; nStart++)
                        DocumentNode dnCell = dna.EntryAt(nStart); 

                        if (dnCell == this) 

                        if (dnCell.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell && dnCell.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnRow) == dnRow)
            return nCol;

        internal ColumnStateArray ComputeColumns() 
            DocumentNodeArray dna = DNA; 
            Debug.Assert(Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable); 

            DocumentNodeArray dnaRows = GetTableRows(); 
            ColumnStateArray cols = new ColumnStateArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < dnaRows.Count; i++)
                DocumentNode dnRow = dnaRows.EntryAt(i);
                RowFormat rf = dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat; 
                long prevCellX = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < rf.CellCount; j++) 
                    CellFormat cf = rf.NthCellFormat(j);
                    bool bHandled = false;
                    long prevColX = 0; 

                    // Ignore merged cells 
                    if (cf.IsHMerge) 

                    for (int k = 0; k < cols.Count; k++)
                        ColumnState cs = (ColumnState)cols[k];
                        if (cs.CellX == cf.CellX) 
                            if (!cs.IsFilled && prevColX == prevCellX) 
                                cs.IsFilled = true;
                            bHandled = true; 
                        else if (cs.CellX > cf.CellX) 
                            // Hmmm, need to insert a new cell here 
                            ColumnState csNew = new ColumnState();
                            csNew.Row = dnRow;
                            csNew.CellX = cf.CellX;
                            csNew.IsFilled = (prevColX == prevCellX); 
                            cols.Insert(k, csNew);
                            bHandled = true; 
                        prevColX = cs.CellX;

                    // New cell at the end 
                    if (!bHandled)
                        ColumnState csNew = new ColumnState(); 
                        csNew.Row = dnRow;
                        csNew.CellX = cf.CellX; 
                        csNew.IsFilled = (prevColX == prevCellX);
                    prevCellX = cf.CellX;

            return cols; 

        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Private Methods 

        #region Private Methods

        #endregion Private Methods 

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties
        internal bool IsInline
                return _type == DocumentNodeType.dnText 
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnInline
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnImage
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnLineBreak
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnListText 
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink;

        internal bool IsBlock 
                return _type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph 
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnList
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem 
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable 
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow 
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnSection
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnFigure
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnFloater; 
        internal bool IsEmptyNode
                return _type == DocumentNodeType.dnLineBreak;
        internal bool IsHidden 
                return _type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldEnd
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnShape 
                    || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnListText;

        internal bool IsWhiteSpace 
                // Can't compute this on a terminated node, since non-text-data has been appended for properties. 
                if (IsTerminated)
                    return false; 
                if (_type == DocumentNodeType.dnText)
                    string textdata = Xaml.Trim();
                    return textdata.Length == 0; 
                return false; 
        internal bool IsPending
                // Can't be pending if no longer in main document array
                return Index >= 0 && _bPending; 
                _bPending = value;
        internal bool IsTerminated
                return _bTerminated; 
                _bTerminated = value; 
        internal bool IsMatched
                // This is only relevant for types that need matching.
                if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin) 
                    return _bMatched; 

                // Otherwise, always true. 
                return true;
                _bMatched = value;

        internal bool IsTrackedAsOpen 
                if (Index < 0) 
                    return false; 
                if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldEnd)
                    return false;
                if (IsPending && !IsTerminated)
                    return true;
                if (!IsMatched) 
                    return true; 
                return false;

        internal bool HasMarkerContent 
                return _bHasMarkerContent;
                _bHasMarkerContent = value;

        internal bool IsNonEmpty 
                return ChildCount > 0 || Xaml != null; 
        internal string ListLabel
                return _sCustom;
                _sCustom = value; 

        internal long VirtualListLevel
                return _nVirtualListLevel; 
                _nVirtualListLevel = value;
        internal string NavigateUri
                return _sCustom; 
                _sCustom = value; 
        internal DocumentNodeType Type
                return _type;
        internal FormatState FormatState 
                return _formatState;
                _formatState = value; 
        internal FormatState ParentFormatStateForFont
                DocumentNode dnPa = Parent;
                // Hyperlink doesn't record relevant font info 
                if (dnPa != null && dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink)
                    dnPa = dnPa.Parent;

                if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph || dnPa == null) 
                    return FormatState.EmptyFormatState; 

                return dnPa.FormatState; 

        internal int ChildCount 
                return _childCount;
                Debug.Assert(value >= 0);
                if (value >= 0)
                    _childCount = value; 

        internal int Index
                return _index; 
                _index = value;

        internal DocumentNodeArray DNA 
                return _dna;
                _dna = value;

        internal int LastChildIndex 
                return Index + ChildCount; 
        internal DocumentNode ClosedParent
                return _parent;
        internal DocumentNode Parent 
                if (_parent == null && DNA != null)
                    return DNA.GetOpenParentWhileParsing(this); 
                return _parent; 
                Debug.Assert(value == null || !value.IsPending);
                _parent = value;
        internal string Xaml 
                return _xaml;
                _xaml = value; 
        internal StringBuilder Content
                return _contentBuilder;

        internal int RowSpan 
                return _nRowSpan; 
                _nRowSpan = value;

        internal int ColSpan
                return _nColSpan; 
                _nColSpan = value;

        internal ColumnStateArray ColumnStateArray 
                return _csa;
                _csa = value;

        internal DirState XamlDir 
                // Inline's easy 
                if (IsInline)
                    return FormatState.DirChar; 
                // We only have valid direction on table, list and paragraph.
                if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable)
                    if (FormatState.HasRowFormat) 
                        return FormatState.RowFormat.Dir; 

                    return ParentXamlDir; 
                else if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList || Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph)
                    return FormatState.DirPara; 
                    for (DocumentNode dnPa = Parent; dnPa != null; dnPa = dnPa.Parent)
                        switch (dnPa.Type)
                            case DocumentNodeType.dnList:
                            case DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph: 
                            case DocumentNodeType.dnTable:
                                return dnPa.XamlDir; 
                    return DirState.DirLTR; 
        internal DirState ParentXamlDir
                return (Parent == null) ? DirState.DirLTR : Parent.XamlDir; 

        internal bool RequiresXamlDir 
                return XamlDir != ParentXamlDir;

        internal long NearMargin
                return ParentXamlDir == DirState.DirLTR ? FormatState.LI : FormatState.RI; 
                if (ParentXamlDir == DirState.DirLTR)
                    FormatState.LI = value; 
                    FormatState.RI = value;

        internal long FarMargin 
                return ParentXamlDir == DirState.DirLTR ? FormatState.RI : FormatState.LI;

        #endregion Internal Properties
        //  Internal Fields 

        #region Internal Fields

        private bool _bPending; 
        private bool _bTerminated;
        private DocumentNodeType _type; 
        private FormatState _formatState; 
        private string _xaml;
        private StringBuilder _contentBuilder; 

        // Used for "tree" semantics
        private int _childCount;
        private int _index; 
        private DocumentNode _parent;
        private DocumentNodeArray _dna; 
        // Custom fields for specific node types
        // Tables 
        private ColumnStateArray _csa;

        // Cells
        private int _nRowSpan; 
        private int _nColSpan;
        // Lists 
        private string _sCustom;    // Also used for Hyperlink
        private long _nVirtualListLevel; 

        // ListText
        private bool _bHasMarkerContent;
        // Fields
        private bool _bMatched; 
        #endregion Internal Fields

    internal class ColumnState
        internal ColumnState()
            _nCellX = 0; 
            _row = null;
            _fFilled = false; 

        internal long CellX
                return _nCellX; 
                _nCellX = value;

        internal DocumentNode Row 
                return _row;
                _row = value;

        internal bool IsFilled 
                return _fFilled; 
                _fFilled = value;

        private long _nCellX;
        private DocumentNode _row; 
        private bool _fFilled;
    internal class ColumnStateArray : ArrayList
        internal ColumnStateArray()
            : base(20)

        internal ColumnState EntryAt(int i) 
            return (ColumnState)this[i];

        internal int GetMinUnfilledRowIndex()
            int nUnfilledRowIndex = -1; 
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                ColumnState cs = EntryAt(i); 

                if (!cs.IsFilled && (nUnfilledRowIndex < 0 || nUnfilledRowIndex > cs.Row.Index)) 
                    // Don't split at row that is traversed by a row-spanning cell.
                    if (!cs.Row.FormatState.RowFormat.IsVMerge)
                        nUnfilledRowIndex = cs.Row.Index;
            Debug.Assert(nUnfilledRowIndex != 0);
            return nUnfilledRowIndex;

    /// class DocumentNodeArray: 
    ///     This array represents a depth-first walk through the tree of nodes.  Each node records its current
    ///     index in the array (for ease of mapping back to the array) as well as the number of descendants 
    ///     (confusingly called ChildCount).  A Parent pointer is also maintained, but this is essentially a
    ///     cache - the real structure is specified by the implicit ordering and the ChildCount value.
    ///     While the array is being constructed, nodes may be marked as "Pending".  The ChildCount of pending
    ///     nodes is not accurate.  ChildCount only becomes valid when a node is "Closed". 
    internal class DocumentNodeArray : ArrayList 
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors
        internal DocumentNodeArray() 
            : base(100)
            _fMain = false;
            _dnaOpen = null;
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 

        internal DocumentNode EntryAt(int nAt) 
            return (DocumentNode)this[nAt];

        internal void Push(DocumentNode documentNode)
            InsertNode(Count, documentNode); 
        internal DocumentNode Pop() 
            DocumentNode documentNode = Top; 

            if (Count > 0)
                Excise(Count - 1, 1); 
            return documentNode; 
        internal DocumentNode TopPending()
            for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(i);
                if (dn.IsPending) 
                    return dn; 

            return null; 
        internal bool TestTop(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType) 
            return ((Count > 0) && (EntryAt(Count - 1).Type == documentNodeType)); 

        internal void PreCoalesceChildren(ConverterState converterState, int nStart, bool bChild)
            // We process tables twice to handle first colspan, then rowspan
            DocumentNodeArray dnaTables = new DocumentNodeArray(); 
            bool fVMerged = false; 

            // Try to move paragraph margin to containing list items 
            DocumentNode dnCoalesce = EntryAt(nStart);
            int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount;
            Debug.Assert(nStart + nChild < Count);
            if (nStart + nChild >= Count) 
                nChild = Count - nStart - 1; 

            int nEnd = nStart + nChild; 

            // If bChild specified, we don't process parent
            if (bChild)
            // This is vaguely N^2 in the sense that for each list item, I process all containing paragraphs,
            // including ones contained in other list items.  But it's only a problem for very deep, very long 
            // lists, so we can live with it.
            for (int nAt = nStart; nAt <= nEnd; nAt++)
                DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt); 

                // Inline direction merging 
                if (dn.IsInline && dn.RequiresXamlDir && dn.ClosedParent != null) 
                    int nnAt = nAt + 1; 
                    for (; nnAt <= nEnd; nnAt++)
                        DocumentNode dnn = EntryAt(nnAt);
                        if (!dnn.IsInline
                            || dnn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink 
                            || dnn.FormatState.DirChar != dn.FormatState.DirChar 
                            || dnn.ClosedParent != dn.ClosedParent)
                    int nChildHere = nnAt - nAt;
                    if (nChildHere > 1) 

                        DocumentNode dnNewDir = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnInline); 
                        dnNewDir.FormatState = new FormatState(dn.Parent.FormatState);
                        dnNewDir.FormatState.DirChar = dn.FormatState.DirChar;

                        InsertChildAt(dn.ClosedParent, dnNewDir, nAt, nChildHere); 

                        // Adjust the loop end to account for the newly inserted element 
                        nEnd += 1; 

                else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem)
                else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList) 

                else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable)
                    nEnd += PreCoalesceTable(dn); 

                // Compute colspan 
                else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow)
                    PreCoalesceRow(dn, ref fVMerged);
            // Process tables to examine rowspan 
            if (fVMerged)
        internal void CoalesceChildren(ConverterState converterState, int nStart)
            Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (nStart >= 0 && nStart < Count)); 
            if (nStart >= Count || nStart < 0)

            // Do some fixups to match semantics for more complicated constructs 
            PreCoalesceChildren(converterState, nStart, false);
            DocumentNode dnCoalesce = EntryAt(nStart); 
            int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount;
            Debug.Assert(nStart + nChild < Count); 
            if (nStart + nChild >= Count)
                nChild = Count - nStart - 1;

            int nEnd = nStart + nChild; 
            for (int nAt = nEnd; nAt >= nStart; nAt--)
                DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt);

                if (dn.ChildCount == 0)
                    Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount <= nEnd); 

                    StringBuilder xamlBuilder = new StringBuilder(dn.Xaml); 
                    int nChildrenHere = dn.ChildCount;
                    int nEndHere = nAt + nChildrenHere; 
                    for (int i = nAt + 1; i <= nEndHere; i++) 
                        DocumentNode dnChild = EntryAt(i); 
                        Debug.Assert(dnChild.ChildCount == 0 && dnChild.IsTerminated);
                    dn.Xaml = xamlBuilder.ToString(); 
                    dn.IsTerminated = true; 
                    Excise(nAt + 1, nChildrenHere); 
                    nEnd -= nChildrenHere;

                // Zero out spanned columns 
                if (dn.ColSpan == 0)
                    dn.Xaml = string.Empty; 

        internal void CoalesceOnlyChildren(ConverterState converterState, int nStart)
            Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (nStart >= 0 && nStart < Count));
            if (nStart >= Count || nStart < 0) 

            // Do some fixups to match semantics for more complicated constructs
            PreCoalesceChildren(converterState, nStart, true);
            DocumentNode dnCoalesce = EntryAt(nStart);
            int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount; 
            Debug.Assert(nStart + nChild < Count); 
            if (nStart + nChild >= Count)
                nChild = Count - nStart - 1;

            int nEnd = nStart + nChild; 

            for (int nAt = nEnd; nAt >= nStart; nAt--) 
                DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt);
                if (dn.ChildCount == 0 && nAt != nStart)
                else if (dn.ChildCount > 0)
                    Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount <= nEnd); 
                    if (nAt != nStart)
                    StringBuilder xamlBuilder = new StringBuilder(dn.Xaml);
                    int nChildrenHere = dn.ChildCount; 
                    int nEndHere = nAt + nChildrenHere; 
                    for (int i = nAt + 1; i <= nEndHere; i++)
                        DocumentNode dnChild = EntryAt(i);
                        Debug.Assert(dnChild.ChildCount == 0 && dnChild.IsTerminated);
                    dn.Xaml = xamlBuilder.ToString();
                    if (nAt != nStart) 
                        dn.IsTerminated = true; 
                    Excise(nAt + 1, nChildrenHere);
                    nEnd -= nChildrenHere;
        internal void CoalesceAll(ConverterState converterState)
            for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++)
                CoalesceChildren(converterState, nAt);
        internal void CloseAtHelper(int index, int nChildCount) 
            Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (index >= 0 && index < Count)); 
            Debug.Assert(index + nChildCount < Count);
            if (index >= Count || index < 0 || index + nChildCount >= Count)
            DocumentNode dnClose = EntryAt(index); 
            if (!dnClose.IsPending)

            // Mark this as closed 
            dnClose.IsPending = false;
            dnClose.ChildCount = nChildCount; 

            int nAt = index + 1; 
            int nEnd = index + dnClose.ChildCount;
            while (nAt <= nEnd)
                DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt); 
                dn.Parent = dnClose;
                nAt += dn.ChildCount + 1; 
        internal void CloseAt(int index)
            Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (index >= 0 && index < Count));
            if (index >= Count || index < 0) 

            DocumentNode dnClose = EntryAt(index); 
            if (!dnClose.IsPending)


            // Make sure everything after its start is closed. 
            for (int i = Count - 1; i > index; i--)
                DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(i);
                if (dn.IsPending) 
            // Set up child/parent relationship
            CloseAtHelper(index, Count - index - 1);

        internal void AssertTreeInvariants()
            if (Invariant.Strict)
                for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++)
                    DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt);
                    for (int i = nAt + 1; i <= dn.LastChildIndex; i++) 
                        Debug.Assert(EntryAt(i).ClosedParent != null); 

                    Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount < Count);
                    for (DocumentNode dnPa = dn.Parent; dnPa != null; dnPa = dnPa.Parent)
                        Debug.Assert(dnPa.IsPending || (nAt > dnPa.Index && nAt <= dnPa.Index + dnPa.ChildCount)); 

        internal void AssertTreeSemanticInvariants() 
            if (Invariant.Strict) 
                for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++)
                    DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt);
                    DocumentNode dnPa = dn.Parent;

                    switch (dn.Type) 
                        case DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody: 
                            Debug.Assert(dnPa != null && dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable); 
                        case DocumentNodeType.dnRow: 
                            Debug.Assert(dnPa != null && dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody);
                        case DocumentNodeType.dnCell:
                            Debug.Assert(dnPa != null && dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow); 
                        case DocumentNodeType.dnListItem: 
                            Debug.Assert(dnPa != null && dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList); 
        internal void CloseAll()
            for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++) 
                if (EntryAt(nAt).IsPending) 
        internal int CountOpenNodes(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType)
            int nOpen = 0;

            if (_dnaOpen != null)
                for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
                    DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i);
                    if (dn.IsPending)
                        if (dn.Type == documentNodeType)
                        // Shape blocks nesting
                        else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnShape) 
            return nOpen;

        internal int CountOpenCells()
            return CountOpenNodes(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); 
        internal DocumentNode GetOpenParentWhileParsing(DocumentNode dn) 
            if (_dnaOpen != null) 
                for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    DocumentNode dnPa = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i);
                    if (dnPa.IsPending && dnPa.Index < dn.Index) 
                        return dnPa; 
            return null;
        internal DocumentNodeType GetTableScope()
            if (_dnaOpen != null)
                for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
                    DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); 
                    if (dn.IsPending)
                        if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable
                            || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody
                            || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow
                            || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell) 
                            return dn.Type; 

                        // Shape blocks table structure 
                        else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnShape)
                            return DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph;

            return DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph; 

        internal MarkerList GetOpenMarkerStyles()
            MarkerList ml = new MarkerList();
            if (_dnaOpen != null) 
                int nShape = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < _dnaOpen.Count; i++)
                    DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); 

                    if (dn.IsPending && dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnShape) 
                        nShape = i + 1;

                for (int i = nShape; i < _dnaOpen.Count; i++)
                    DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i);
                    if (dn.IsPending && dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList) 
                        ml.AddEntry(dn.FormatState.Marker, dn.FormatState.ILS, 
                                    dn.FormatState.StartIndexDefault, dn.VirtualListLevel);
            return ml; 
        internal MarkerList GetLastMarkerStyles(MarkerList mlHave, MarkerList mlWant)
            MarkerList ml = new MarkerList();
            if (mlHave.Count > 0 || mlWant.Count == 0) 
                return ml; 

            bool bAllBullet = true; 
            for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(i);
                // Don't reopen a list across a table.
                if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable) 

                if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem)
                    // Don't open a list item in a closed table. 
                    DocumentNode dnCell = dn.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnCell);
                    if (dnCell != null && !dnCell.IsPending) 

                    // Ignore list items in shapes - note the continue since these didn't effect list continuation.
                    DocumentNode dnShape = dn.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnShape);
                    if (dnShape != null && !dnShape.IsPending) 

                    // OK, gather up the list structure that I'm potentially reopening. 
                    for (DocumentNode dnList = dn.Parent; dnList != null; dnList = dnList.Parent)
                        // Note that I'm building this list up in the reverse order of GetOpenMarkerStyles
                        if (dnList.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList) 
                            MarkerListEntry mle = new MarkerListEntry(); 
                            mle.Marker = dnList.FormatState.Marker;
                            mle.StartIndexOverride = dnList.FormatState.StartIndex; 
                            mle.StartIndexDefault = dnList.FormatState.StartIndexDefault;
                            mle.VirtualListLevel = dnList.VirtualListLevel;
                            mle.ILS = dnList.FormatState.ILS;
                            ml.Insert(0, mle); 

                            if (mle.Marker != MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet) 
                                bAllBullet = false;

            // If all bullets at one level, don't do the continuation thing for simpler content generation.
            if (ml.Count == 1 && bAllBullet) 
                ml.RemoveRange(0, 1);
            return ml;
        internal void OpenLastList()
            for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(i);
                if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem)
                    // Don't do this for lists in shapes. 
                    DocumentNode dnShape = dn.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnShape);
                    if (dnShape != null && !dnShape.IsPending) 
                    // Make all this pending.
                    for (DocumentNode dnPa = dn; dnPa != null; dnPa = dnPa.Parent) 
                        if (dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList || dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem)
                            dnPa.IsPending = true;


        internal void OpenLastCell()
            // Be careful about nested cells - I want to open the last cell for the table/body/row that is 
            // currently pending, not the last cell in the depth-first walk of the tree.  So first find
            // the pending table scope. 
            for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
                DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); 

                if (dn.IsPending)
                    if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell) 
                        // Nothing to do! 
                    else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable 
                            || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody
                            || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow)
                        // OK, now find the cell 
                        for (int j = Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                            DocumentNode ddn = EntryAt(j); 

                            // Yikes, better find a child first. 
                            if (ddn == dn)
                            if (ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell && ddn.GetParentOfType(dn.Type) == dn) 
                                for (DocumentNode dnPa = ddn; dnPa != null && dnPa != dn; dnPa = dnPa.Parent) 
                                    dnPa.IsPending = true;

        internal int FindPendingFrom(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType, int nStart, int nLow)
            if (_dnaOpen != null) 
                for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i);
                    if (dn.Index > nStart)
                    if (dn.Index <= nLow) 
                    if (dn.IsPending)
                        if (dn.Type == documentNodeType) 
                            return dn.Index; 

                        // Don't return pending elements across shape boundaries
                        else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnShape) 

            return -1;

        internal int FindPending(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType, int nLow) 
            return FindPendingFrom(documentNodeType, Count - 1, nLow);

        internal int FindPending(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType)
            return FindPending(documentNodeType, -1); 
        internal int FindUnmatched(DocumentNodeType dnType) 
            if (_dnaOpen != null) 
                for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); 

                    if (dn.Type == dnType && !dn.IsMatched) 
                        return dn.Index;

            return -1; 
        internal void EstablishTreeRelationships() 
            // Record indices 
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                EntryAt(i).Index = i; 
            for (i = 1; i < Count; i++) 
                DocumentNode dnThis = EntryAt(i); 
                DocumentNode dnPrev = EntryAt(i - 1);

                // If prev isn't my parent, walk up its parent chain to find my parent
                if (dnPrev.ChildCount == 0) 
                    for (dnPrev = dnPrev.Parent; dnPrev != null; dnPrev = dnPrev.Parent) 
                        if (dnPrev.IsAncestorOf(dnThis))

                dnThis.Parent = dnPrev; 
        internal void CullOpen()
            int i = Count - 1;
            for (; i >= 0; i--) 
                DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(i); 
                if (dn.Index >= 0 && dn.IsTrackedAsOpen)
            int nCull = Count - (i + 1); 
            if (nCull > 0)
                RemoveRange(i + 1, nCull); 

        internal void InsertOpenNode(DocumentNode dn)

            int i = Count; 
            for (; i > 0; i--) 
                if (dn.Index > EntryAt(i - 1).Index) 
            Insert(i, dn);
        internal void InsertNode(int nAt, DocumentNode dn)
            Insert(nAt, dn);

            // Match sure Index values remain up-to-date.
            if (_fMain) 
                dn.Index = nAt; 
                dn.DNA = this; 
                for (nAt++; nAt < Count; nAt++)
                    EntryAt(nAt).Index = nAt;

                // Track open nodes 
                if (dn.IsTrackedAsOpen)
                    if (_dnaOpen == null) 
                        _dnaOpen = new DocumentNodeArray(); 
        internal void InsertChildAt(DocumentNode dnParent, DocumentNode dnNew, int nInsertAt, int nChild) 

            InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnNew);
            CloseAtHelper(nInsertAt, nChild);
            // Parent's parent shouldn't be the child document node
            if (dnParent != null && dnParent.Parent == dnNew) 
                Invariant.Assert(false, "Parent's Parent node shouldn't be the child node!");

            // Patch the child count of the ancestors
            dnNew.Parent = dnParent;
            for (; dnParent != null; dnParent = dnParent.ClosedParent) 
                dnParent.ChildCount += 1; 


        internal void Excise(int nAt, int nExcise)
            DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt);
            // Mark the nodes as deleted from main array 
            if (_fMain)
                int nEnd = nAt + nExcise;
                for (int i = nAt; i < nEnd; i++)
                    DocumentNode dn1 = EntryAt(i); 
                    dn1.Index = -1;
                    dn1.DNA = null; 
            // Remove from the array.
            RemoveRange(nAt, nExcise);

            if (_fMain) 
                // Patch the child count of the ancestors 
                for (DocumentNode dnPa = dn.Parent; dnPa != null; dnPa = dnPa.Parent) 
                    if (!dnPa.IsPending) 
                        Debug.Assert(dnPa.LastChildIndex >= nAt + nExcise - 1);
                        dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount - nExcise;
                // Patch the Index of trailing nodes 
                for (; nAt < Count; nAt++)
                    EntryAt(nAt).Index = nAt;

        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties 

        internal DocumentNode Top 
                return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; 
        internal bool IsMain
                _fMain = value;
        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Private Methods

        #region Private Methods 
        //      The PreCoalesce process for a ListItem involves seeing if I can migrate the left indent 
        //      from contained paragraphs to the ListItem itself.  This results in better bullet placement
        //      in the generated XAML.
        private void PreCoalesceListItem(DocumentNode dn)
            int nAt = dn.Index; 
            long nMargin = -1;
            int nEndItem = nAt + dn.ChildCount; 

            for (int nnAt = nAt + 1; nnAt <= nEndItem; nnAt++)
                DocumentNode ddn = EntryAt(nnAt); 

                if (ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph) 
                    if (nMargin == -1)
                        nMargin = ddn.NearMargin;
                    else if (ddn.NearMargin < nMargin && ddn.IsNonEmpty)
                        nMargin = ddn.NearMargin;
            dn.NearMargin = nMargin; 
            for (int nnAt = nAt; nnAt <= nEndItem; nnAt++)
                DocumentNode ddn = EntryAt(nnAt);
                if (ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph)
                    ddn.NearMargin = ddn.NearMargin - nMargin; 

        //      The PreCoalesce process for a List involves promoting the flowdirection if at all possible 
        //      from contained paragraphs to the list itself.  This ensures that Avalon displays the list
        //      bullets in the proper location. 

        private void PreCoalesceList(DocumentNode dn) 
            int nAt = dn.Index;
            bool bConflict = false;
            DirState ds = DirState.DirDefault; 
            int nEndItem = nAt + dn.ChildCount;
            for (int nnAt = nAt + 1; !bConflict && nnAt <= nEndItem; nnAt++) 
                DocumentNode ddn = EntryAt(nnAt);
                if (ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph && ddn.IsNonEmpty)
                    if (ds == DirState.DirDefault)
                        ds = ddn.FormatState.DirPara;
                    else if (ds != ddn.FormatState.DirPara) 
                        bConflict = true; 
            // OK, promote if possible.
            if (!bConflict && ds != DirState.DirDefault) 
                for (int nnAt = nAt; nnAt <= nEndItem; nnAt++)
                    DocumentNode ddn = EntryAt(nnAt);

                    if (ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList || ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem)
                        ddn.FormatState.DirPara = ds;

        //      Table column handling.  RTF tables allow each row to be arbitrarily aligned.  XAML (like HTML)
        //      doesn't allow that.  You can achieve that effect in HTML by inserting extra rows with spurious 
        //      cells propped to a specific width, but I'm not going to do that.  Instead, I'm going to split
        //      the rows into separate tables when combining some set of rows into a table would force me 
        //      to fabricate a column that doesn't contain any defined cell. 
        private int PreCoalesceTable(DocumentNode dn)
            int nInserted = 0;
            int nAt = dn.Index; 
            ColumnStateArray cols = dn.ComputeColumns();
            // OK, now I have a set of columns and information about which row caused the column to 
            // be instantiated.  The naive algorithm is to strip the first N rows from the table until
            // the row that caused an uninstantiated column, break the table there, and then run the 
            // algorithm again on the trailing table.
            int nUnfilledRowIndex = cols.GetMinUnfilledRowIndex();

            if (nUnfilledRowIndex > 0) 
                // OK, Need to insert a new table and table group around the remaining rows. 
                DocumentNode dnNewTable = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); 
                DocumentNode dnNewTableBody = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody);
                dnNewTable.FormatState = new FormatState(dn.FormatState); 
                dnNewTable.FormatState.RowFormat = EntryAt(nUnfilledRowIndex).FormatState.RowFormat;
                int nChildrenOldTable = nUnfilledRowIndex - dn.Index - 1;
                int nChildrenNewTable = dn.ChildCount - nChildrenOldTable;
                dn.ChildCount = nChildrenOldTable;  // Update old table child count 
                EntryAt(nAt + 1).ChildCount = nChildrenOldTable - 1;    // Update old TableBody child count
                InsertNode(nUnfilledRowIndex, dnNewTableBody); 
                CloseAtHelper(nUnfilledRowIndex, nChildrenNewTable); 
                InsertNode(nUnfilledRowIndex, dnNewTable);
                CloseAtHelper(nUnfilledRowIndex, nChildrenNewTable + 1); 

                // Adjust parent pointers
                dnNewTableBody.Parent = dnNewTable;
                dnNewTable.Parent = dn.ClosedParent; 
                for (DocumentNode dnPa = dnNewTable.ClosedParent; dnPa != null; dnPa = dnPa.ClosedParent)
                    dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount + 2; 
                // Adjust the loop end to account for the newly inserted elements
                nInserted = 2;

                // Need to recompute the ColumnStateArray for the newly truncated table. 
                dn.ColumnStateArray = dn.ComputeColumns();
                dn.ColumnStateArray = cols; 

            return nInserted;

        private void PreCoalesceRow(DocumentNode dn, ref bool fVMerged) 
            DocumentNodeArray dnaCells = dn.GetRowsCells();
            RowFormat rf = dn.FormatState.RowFormat; 
            DocumentNode dnTable = dn.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnTable);
            ColumnStateArray csa = (dnTable != null) ? dnTable.ColumnStateArray : null;

            // Normally number of cells and cell definitions are equal, but be careful. 
            int nCount = dnaCells.Count < rf.CellCount ? dnaCells.Count : rf.CellCount;
            // Non-unary colspan can arise both because I have "merged" cells specified 
            // as well as because I just have cells that exactly span some other cols.
            // The code in PreCoalesce enforces that the cells line up, so I can just 
            // test for that here.

            int nColsSeen = 0;
            int i = 0; 
            while (i < nCount)
                DocumentNode dnCell = dnaCells.EntryAt(i); 
                CellFormat cf = rf.NthCellFormat(i);
                long cellx = cf.CellX; 

                // optimization - record if we encountered a vmerged cell
                if (cf.IsVMerge)
                    fVMerged = true;
                // Determine colspan based on cells we will eliminate through the merge flags
                if (cf.IsHMergeFirst) 
                    for (i++; i < nCount; i++)
                        cf = rf.NthCellFormat(i); 
                        if (cf.IsVMerge)
                            fVMerged = true; 
                        if (cf.IsHMerge) 
                            dnaCells.EntryAt(i).ColSpan = 0;    // zero means omit this cell

                // Determine actual colspan based on cellx value
                if (csa != null)
                    int nColStart = nColsSeen;
                    while (nColsSeen < csa.Count) 
                        ColumnState cs = csa.EntryAt(nColsSeen); 

                        // This is the normal case
                        if (cs.CellX == cellx) 

                        // This is anomalous, but can occur with odd \cellx values (non-monotonically increasing). 
                        if (cs.CellX > cellx)
                    if (nColsSeen - nColStart > dnCell.ColSpan) 
                        dnCell.ColSpan = nColsSeen - nColStart; 

        private void ProcessTableRowSpan(DocumentNodeArray dnaTables) 
            for (int i = 0; i < dnaTables.Count; i++)
                DocumentNode dnTable = dnaTables.EntryAt(i);
                ColumnStateArray csa = dnTable.ColumnStateArray;
                if (csa == null || csa.Count == 0)
                int nDim = csa.Count; 

                DocumentNodeArray dnaRows = dnTable.GetTableRows(); 
                DocumentNodeArray dnaSpanCells = new DocumentNodeArray();
                for (int k = 0; k < nDim; k++)
                for (int j = 0; j < dnaRows.Count; j++) 
                    DocumentNode dnRow = dnaRows.EntryAt(j); 
                    RowFormat rf = dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat;
                    DocumentNodeArray dnaCells = dnRow.GetRowsCells();
                    int nCount = nDim;
                    if (rf.CellCount < nCount) 
                        nCount = rf.CellCount; 
                    if (dnaCells.Count < nCount)
                        nCount = dnaCells.Count;

                    // Nominally, the index into dnaSpanCells, dnaCells and RowFormat.NthCellFormat 
                    // should all be the same.  But in some cases we have spanning cells that don't
                    // actually have an explicit cell associated with it (the span is implicit in the 
                    // cellx/width values).  I can detect this case by finding a colspan > 1 that is 
                    // not then followed by a HMerged format.  In this case, I need to apply a correction
                    // to my iteration, since the ColumnStateArray will have an entry for that field. 

                    int kCSA = 0;   // this might advance faster
                    for (int k = 0; k < nCount && kCSA < dnaSpanCells.Count; k++)
                        DocumentNode dnCell = dnaCells.EntryAt(k);
                        CellFormat cf = rf.NthCellFormat(k); 
                        if (cf.IsVMerge) 
                            DocumentNode dnSpanningCell = dnaSpanCells.EntryAt(kCSA); 
                            if (dnSpanningCell != null)
                                dnSpanningCell.RowSpan = dnSpanningCell.RowSpan + 1;
                            kCSA += dnCell.ColSpan;
                            dnCell.ColSpan = 0; 
                            if (cf.IsVMergeFirst)
                                dnCell.RowSpan = 1;
                                dnaSpanCells[kCSA] = dnCell; 
                                dnaSpanCells[kCSA] = null;
                            for (int l = kCSA + 1; l < kCSA + dnCell.ColSpan; l++)
                                dnaSpanCells[l] = null;
                            kCSA += dnCell.ColSpan;

        #endregion PrivateMethods
        //  Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields

        private bool _fMain; 
        private DocumentNodeArray _dnaOpen;
        #endregion Private Fields 
    /// ConverterState
    internal class ConverterState 
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors
        /// ConverterState Constructor 
        internal ConverterState()
            _rtfFormatStack = new RtfFormatStack();
            _documentNodeArray = new DocumentNodeArray();
            _documentNodeArray.IsMain = true;
            _fontTable = new FontTable(); 
            _colorTable = new ColorTable();
            _listTable = new ListTable(); 
            _listOverrideTable = new ListOverrideTable(); 
            _defaultFont = -1;
            _defaultLang = -1; 
            _defaultLangFE = -1;
            _bMarkerWhiteSpace = false;
            _bMarkerPresent = false;
            _border = null; 
        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 
        internal FormatState PreviousTopFormatState(int fromTop)
            return _rtfFormatStack.PrevTop(fromTop);

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties
        internal RtfFormatStack RtfFormatStack
                return _rtfFormatStack; 

        internal FontTable FontTable 
                return _fontTable;

        internal ColorTable ColorTable
                return _colorTable; 

        internal ListTable ListTable
                return _listTable; 
        internal ListOverrideTable ListOverrideTable
                return _listOverrideTable;

        internal DocumentNodeArray DocumentNodeArray 
                return _documentNodeArray; 
        internal FormatState TopFormatState
                return _rtfFormatStack.Top();
        internal int CodePage 
                return _codePage;
                _codePage = value; 
        internal long DefaultFont
                return _defaultFont;
                _defaultFont = value; 

        internal long DefaultLang 
                return _defaultLang;
                _defaultLang = value;
        internal long DefaultLangFE 
                return _defaultLangFE;
                _defaultLangFE = value; 
        internal bool IsMarkerWhiteSpace
                return _bMarkerWhiteSpace;
                _bMarkerWhiteSpace = value; 

        internal bool IsMarkerPresent 
                return _bMarkerPresent;
                _bMarkerPresent = value;
        internal BorderFormat CurrentBorder 
                return _border;
                _border = value; 
        #endregion Internal Properties

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 

        private RtfFormatStack _rtfFormatStack;
        private DocumentNodeArray _documentNodeArray;
        private FontTable _fontTable; 
        private ColorTable _colorTable;
        private ListTable _listTable; 
        private ListOverrideTable _listOverrideTable; 
        private long _defaultFont;
        private long _defaultLang; 
        private long _defaultLangFE;
        private int _codePage;
        private bool _bMarkerWhiteSpace;
        private bool _bMarkerPresent; 
        private BorderFormat _border;
        #endregion Private Fields 
    /// RtfToXamlReader
    internal class RtfToXamlReader 
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors
        /// RtfToXamlReader Constructor 
        internal RtfToXamlReader(string rtfString)
            _rtfBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(rtfString);
            _bForceParagraph = false;

        private void Initialize() 
            _lexer = new RtfToXamlLexer(_rtfBytes); 

            _converterState = new ConverterState();
            _outerXamlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods 

        /// RtfToXamlError process
        internal RtfToXamlError Process()
            RtfToXamlError rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.None;
            RtfToken token = new RtfToken(); 
            bool findUnknownDestinationToken = false;
            int nStartCount = _converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count;

            while (rtfToXamlError == RtfToXamlError.None)
                rtfToXamlError = _lexer.Next(token, _converterState.TopFormatState);
                if (rtfToXamlError != RtfToXamlError.None) 

                switch (token.Type)
                    case RtfTokenType.TokenGroupStart:
                        findUnknownDestinationToken = false; 
                    case RtfTokenType.TokenGroupEnd:
                        findUnknownDestinationToken = false;

                    case RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid: 
                        rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.InvalidFormat; 
                    case RtfTokenType.TokenEOF:
                        // Handle any anomalous missing group ends.
                        while (_converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count > 2 && _converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count > nStartCount)

                        return RtfToXamlError.None;
                    case RtfTokenType.TokenDestination:
                        findUnknownDestinationToken = true;
                    case RtfTokenType.TokenControl:
                            RtfControlWordInfo controlWordInfo = token.RtfControlWordInfo; 

                            if (controlWordInfo != null && !findUnknownDestinationToken) 
                                if ((controlWordInfo.Flags & RtfControls.RTK_DESTINATION) != 0)
                                    findUnknownDestinationToken = true; 
                            if (findUnknownDestinationToken)
                                // Ignore unknown control on the current field result destination.
                                // Otherwise, the field result content will be ignoreed by the unknown rtf destination.
                                if (controlWordInfo != null &&
                                    controlWordInfo.Control == RtfControlWord.Ctrl_Unknown && 
                                    _converterState.TopFormatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFieldResult)
                                    controlWordInfo = null; 
                                    _converterState.TopFormatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestUnknown;
                                findUnknownDestinationToken = false; 
                            if (controlWordInfo != null) 
                                HandleControl(token, controlWordInfo); 


                    case RtfTokenType.TokenText: 
                    case RtfTokenType.TokenTextSymbol:
                    case RtfTokenType.TokenNewline:
                    case RtfTokenType.TokenNullChar: 
                        // Eaten 
                    case RtfTokenType.TokenPictureData:
            return rtfToXamlError; 
        #endregion Internal Methods

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties 

        /// Output Xaml string from converting of Rtf
        internal string Output
                return _outerXamlBuilder.ToString(); 

        internal bool ForceParagraph 
                return _bForceParagraph;
                _bForceParagraph = value;
        internal ConverterState ConverterState 
                return _converterState;

        // WpfPayload package that containing the image for the specified Xaml 
        internal WpfPayload WpfPayload 
                _wpfPayload = value;

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        internal bool TreeContainsBlock() 
            DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; 

            for (int i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++)
                DocumentNode documentNode = dna.EntryAt(i); 

                if (documentNode.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph || 
                    documentNode.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList || 
                    documentNode.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable)
                    return true;
            return false;
        internal void AppendDocument()
            DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray;

            // Remove any trailing whitespace that wasn't explicitly terminated
            while (dna.Count > 0) 
                DocumentNode dnLast = dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1); 
                if (dnLast.IsInline && dnLast.IsWhiteSpace)
                    dna.Excise(dna.Count - 1, 1);

            // If RTF ended with inline content and no \par, might need to force it. 
            if (ForceParagraph || TreeContainsBlock())
                if (dna.Count > 0)
                    DocumentNode dnLast = dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1);
                    if (dnLast.IsInline) 
                        FormatState formatState = _converterState.TopFormatState;
                        if (formatState != null) 
                            HandlePara(null, formatState);

            // Search for the paragraph node
            bool bBlock = ForceParagraph || TreeContainsBlock();
            // Add the document header
            if (bBlock) 
\r\n"); } else { _outerXamlBuilder.Append(""); } // Add the document content for (int i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++) { DocumentNode documentNode = dna.EntryAt(i); _outerXamlBuilder.Append(documentNode.Xaml); } // Add the document footer if (bBlock) { _outerXamlBuilder.Append("
"); } else { _outerXamlBuilder.Append(""); } } // // ProcessField is called when the \field group is closed. There should be content in this group with the // field instruction and the field result. All of these distinct content areas are wrapped by // dnField nodes. The RtfDestination in the FormatState of the DocumentNode specifies which field // property. // internal void ProcessField() { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnFieldBegin = null; DocumentNode dnFieldEnd = null; DocumentNode dnFieldInstBegin = null; DocumentNode dnFieldInstEnd = null; DocumentNode dnFieldResultBegin = null; DocumentNode dnFieldResultEnd = null; for (int i = dna.Count - 1; i >= 0 && dnFieldBegin == null; i--) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(i); if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin) { switch (dn.FormatState.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: dnFieldInstBegin = dn; break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: dnFieldResultBegin = dn; break; case RtfDestination.DestField: dnFieldBegin = dn; break; } } else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldEnd) { switch (dn.FormatState.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: dnFieldInstEnd = dn; break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: dnFieldResultEnd = dn; break; case RtfDestination.DestField: dnFieldEnd = dn; break; } } } // This is anomalous - bad input? if (dnFieldBegin == null || dnFieldEnd == null) { return; } // Get the text of the instruction to determine how to handle it. DocumentNode dnInstruction = null; string pictureUri = null; if (dnFieldInstBegin != null && dnFieldInstEnd != null) { if (dnFieldInstEnd.Index > dnFieldInstBegin.Index + 1) { string instructionName = string.Empty; // Get the field instruction from the each text node of the // field instruction child for (int fieldInstruction = dnFieldInstBegin.Index + 1; fieldInstruction < dnFieldInstEnd.Index; fieldInstruction++) { DocumentNode dnChild = dna.EntryAt(fieldInstruction); if (dnChild.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnText) { instructionName += dnChild.Xaml; } } if (instructionName.Length > 0 && instructionName[0] == ' ') { instructionName = instructionName.Substring(1); } // Processs the instruction as hyperlink or symbol if (instructionName.IndexOf("HYPERLINK", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { dnInstruction = ProcessHyperlinkField(instructionName); } else if (instructionName.IndexOf("SYMBOL", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { dnInstruction = ProcessSymbolField(instructionName); } else if (instructionName.IndexOf("INCLUDEPICTURE", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { pictureUri = GetIncludePictureUri(instructionName); } } } // Get rid of everything but field result contents if (dnFieldInstBegin != null && dnFieldInstEnd != null) { int nInst = dnFieldInstEnd.Index - dnFieldInstBegin.Index + 1; dna.Excise(dnFieldInstBegin.Index, nInst); } if (dnFieldResultBegin != null) dna.Excise(dnFieldResultBegin.Index, 1); if (dnFieldResultEnd != null) dna.Excise(dnFieldResultEnd.Index, 1); // Record the region that is going to be spanned by the new field node. int nInsertAt = dnFieldBegin.Index; int nChildCount = dnFieldEnd.Index - dnFieldBegin.Index - 1; DocumentNode dnPa = dnFieldBegin.ClosedParent; // Get rid of the field nodes themselves. dna.Excise(dnFieldBegin.Index, 1); dna.Excise(dnFieldEnd.Index, 1); if (pictureUri != null && nChildCount != 0) { DocumentNode dnImage = dna.EntryAt(nInsertAt); if (dnImage.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnImage) { // Replace the Image UriSource with the picture uri. // IE copying rtf content has the bogus wmetafile so the image quality // is very low. Now we replace image with the included picture uri to get // the image directly from the specified Uri. int uriSourceIndex = dnImage.Xaml.IndexOf("UriSource=", StringComparison.Ordinal); int uriSourceEndIndex = dnImage.Xaml.IndexOf("\"", uriSourceIndex + 11, StringComparison.Ordinal); string imageXaml = dnImage.Xaml.Substring(0, uriSourceIndex); imageXaml += "UriSource=\"" + pictureUri + "\""; imageXaml += dnImage.Xaml.Substring(uriSourceEndIndex + 1); dnImage.Xaml = imageXaml; } } // Now insert the node around the results. if (dnInstruction != null) { // Never insert an inline node around block content. For example, Word/HTML allows hyperlinks // around any content, but in XAML hyperlinks are only inline. bool bOK = true; if (dnInstruction.IsInline) { for (int i = nInsertAt; bOK && i < nInsertAt + nChildCount; i++) { if (dna.EntryAt(i).IsBlock) { bOK = false; } } } if (bOK) { // Insert the instruction node if it is text(symbol) or has the child count for // hyperlink or include picture if (dnInstruction.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnText || nChildCount != 0) { dna.InsertChildAt(dnPa, dnInstruction, nInsertAt, nChildCount); // No, don't coalesce since spanned content may need paragraph parent to determine props. // dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nInsertAt); } } // If hyperlink, need to wrap each paragraph's contents, since XAML treats hyperlink as inline. else if (dnInstruction.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink) { dnInstruction.AppendXamlPrefix(_converterState); for (int i = nInsertAt; i < nInsertAt + nChildCount; i++) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(i); if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph && !dn.IsTerminated) { Debug.Assert(dn.ChildCount == 0); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(dnInstruction.Xaml); sb.Append(dn.Xaml); sb.Append(""); dn.Xaml = sb.ToString(); } } // If I have trailing text that is not yet in a para, I need to wrap that as well int nInline = 0; int nInlineAt = nInsertAt + nChildCount - 1; for (; nInlineAt >= nInsertAt; nInlineAt--) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(nInlineAt); if (dn.IsInline) { nInline++; } else { break; } } if (nInline > 0) { WrapInlineInParagraph(nInlineAt + 1, nInline); DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(nInlineAt + 1); if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph && !dn.IsTerminated) { Debug.Assert(dn.ChildCount == 0); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(dnInstruction.Xaml); sb.Append(dn.Xaml); sb.Append(""); dn.Xaml = sb.ToString(); } } } } // If I processed a field result with block content, it's possible I left some hanging // inline nodes unwrapped in a paragraph before the field. Let's look for them and clean them up. bool bBlock = false; for (int i = nInsertAt; !bBlock && i < dna.Count; i++) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(i); bBlock = dn.IsBlock; } if (bBlock) { int nVisible = 0; nChildCount = 0; for (int i = nInsertAt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsInline || dn.IsHidden) { nChildCount++; if (!dn.IsHidden) { nVisible++; } } if (dn.IsBlock) { nChildCount -= dn.ChildCount; break; } } if (nVisible > 0) { WrapInlineInParagraph(nInsertAt - nChildCount, nChildCount); } } } private int HexToInt(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return (c - '0'); } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return (10 + c - 'a'); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return (10 + c - 'A'); } else { return 0; } } private int DecToInt(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return (c - '0'); } else { return 0; } } // Return the included picture Uri private string GetIncludePictureUri(string instructionName) { string pictureUri = null; int uriIndex = instructionName.IndexOf("http:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (uriIndex != -1) { pictureUri = instructionName.Substring(uriIndex, instructionName.Length - uriIndex - 1); int pictureUriEndIndex = pictureUri.IndexOf("\"", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (pictureUriEndIndex != -1) { pictureUri = pictureUri.Substring(0, pictureUriEndIndex); } if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(pictureUri, UriKind.Absolute)) { pictureUri = null; } } return pictureUri; } internal DocumentNode ProcessHyperlinkField(string instr) { DocumentNode dn = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink); dn.FormatState = new FormatState(_converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0)); string sUri = null; string sTarget = null; string sBookmark = null; bool bTargetNext = false; bool bBookmarkNext = false; // iterate, starting past " HYPERLINK" int i = 10; while (i < instr.Length) { // Skip spaces if (instr[i] == ' ') { i++; } // NavigateUri? else if (instr[i] == '"') { i++; if (i < instr.Length) { int iStart = i; int iEnd = i; for (; iEnd < instr.Length; iEnd++) { if (instr[iEnd] == '"') { break; } } string param = instr.Substring(iStart, iEnd - iStart); if (bTargetNext) { sTarget = param; bTargetNext = false; } else if (bBookmarkNext) { sBookmark = param; bBookmarkNext = false; } else if (sUri == null) sUri = param; // else eat the string i = iEnd + 1; } } // Instructions else if (instr[i] == '\\') { i++; if (i < instr.Length) { switch (instr[i]) { case 'l': // bookmark bBookmarkNext = true; bTargetNext = false; break; case 't': // target bBookmarkNext = false; bTargetNext = true; break; } i++; } } // Ignore other characters else i++; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (sUri != null) { sb.Append(sUri); } if (sBookmark != null) { sb.Append("#"); sb.Append(sBookmark); } // Remove the second backslash(which rtf specified) to keep only single backslash for (int uriIndex = 0; uriIndex < sb.Length; uriIndex++) { if (sb[uriIndex] == '\\' && uriIndex + 1 < sb.Length && sb[uriIndex + 1] == '\\') { // Remove the sceond backslash sb.Remove(uriIndex + 1, 1); } } dn.NavigateUri = sb.ToString(); return dn.NavigateUri.Length > 0 ? dn : null; } internal DocumentNode ProcessSymbolField(string instr) { DocumentNode dn = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnText); dn.FormatState = new FormatState(_converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0)); int nChar = -1; EncodeType encodeType = EncodeType.Ansi; // iterate, starting past " SYMBOL" int i = 7; while (i < instr.Length) { // Skip spaces if (instr[i] == ' ') { i++; } // Is this the character code? else if (nChar == -1 && instr[i] >= '0' && instr[i] <= '9') { // Hex or decimal? if (instr[i] == '0' && i < instr.Length - 1 && instr[i + 1] == 'x') { i += 2; nChar = 0; for (; i < instr.Length && instr[i] != ' ' && instr[i] != '\\'; i++) { if (nChar < 0xFFFF) { nChar = (nChar * 16) + HexToInt(instr[i]); } } } else { nChar = 0; for (; i < instr.Length && instr[i] != ' ' && instr[i] != '\\'; i++) { if (nChar < 0xFFFF) { nChar = (nChar * 10) + DecToInt(instr[i]); } } } } // Instructions else if (instr[i] == '\\') { i++; if (i < instr.Length) { ProcessSymbolFieldInstruction(dn, instr, ref i, ref encodeType); } } else { i++; } } // If no character code was specified, just bail if (nChar == -1) { return null; } // Otherwise, convert it to text ConvertSymbolCharValueToText(dn, nChar, encodeType); return (dn.Xaml != null && dn.Xaml.Length > 0) ? dn : null; } private void ProcessSymbolFieldInstruction(DocumentNode dn, string instr, ref int i, ref EncodeType encodeType) { int iStart = 0; switch (instr[i++]) { case 'a': encodeType = EncodeType.Ansi; break; case 'u': encodeType = EncodeType.Unicode; break; case 'j': encodeType = EncodeType.ShiftJis; break; case 'h': // linespacing instruction: ignore break; case 's': if (i < instr.Length && instr[i] == ' ') i++; // font size in points, not half-points iStart = i; for (; i < instr.Length && instr[i] != ' '; i++) { continue; } string ptString = instr.Substring(iStart, i - iStart); // Now convert number part bool ret = true; double d = 0f; try { d = System.Convert.ToDouble(ptString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (System.OverflowException) { ret = false; } catch (System.FormatException) { ret = false; } if (ret) { dn.FormatState.FontSize = (long)((d * 2) + 0.5); } break; case 'f': // Font Name if (i < instr.Length && instr[i] == ' ') { i++; } if (i < instr.Length && instr[i] == '"') { i++; } iStart = i; for (; i < instr.Length && instr[i] != '"'; i++) { continue; } string name = instr.Substring(iStart, i - iStart); // Move past trailing double-quote i++; if (name != null && name.Length > 0) { dn.FormatState.Font = _converterState.FontTable.DefineEntryByName(name); } break; } } // Process image that create image node for generating Xaml Image control // Disable inlining to avoid loading System.Drawing.Bitmap without need [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] internal void ProcessImage(FormatState formatState) { string contentType; string imagePartUriString; switch (formatState.ImageFormat) { case RtfImageFormat.Wmf: case RtfImageFormat.Png: contentType = "image/png"; break; case RtfImageFormat.Jpeg: contentType = "image/jpeg"; break; default: contentType = string.Empty; break; } bool skipImage = (formatState.ImageScaleWidth < 0) || (formatState.ImageScaleHeight < 0); if (_wpfPayload != null && contentType != string.Empty && !skipImage) { // Get image part URI string and image binary steam to write Rtf image data // into the container of WpfPayload Stream imageStream = _wpfPayload.CreateImageStream(_imageCount, contentType, out imagePartUriString); using (imageStream) { if (formatState.ImageFormat != RtfImageFormat.Wmf) { // Write the image binary data on the container from Rtf image data _lexer.WriteImageData(imageStream, formatState.IsImageDataBinary); } else { // Read the windows metafile from the rtf content and then convert it // to bitmap data then save it as PNG on the container image part MemoryStream metafileStream = new MemoryStream(); ; using (metafileStream) { // Get Windows Metafile from rtf content _lexer.WriteImageData(metafileStream, formatState.IsImageDataBinary); metafileStream.Position = 0; // Create the metafile from the windows metafile data that is on rtf content System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile metafile = new System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile(metafileStream); // Save image from the metafile to the container's image part as PNG type metafile.Save(imageStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } } } // Increase the image count to generate the image source name _imageCount++; formatState.ImageSource = imagePartUriString; // Create the image document node DocumentNode dnImage = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnImage); dnImage.FormatState = formatState; StringBuilder imageStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Add the xaml image element imageStringBuilder.Append(""); // Add the image source property as the complex property // This is for specifying BitmapImage.CacheOption as OnLoad instead of // the default OnDemand option. imageStringBuilder.Append(""); imageStringBuilder.Append(""); imageStringBuilder.Append(""); imageStringBuilder.Append(""); // Set Xaml for image element dnImage.Xaml = imageStringBuilder.ToString(); // Insert the image document node to the document node array DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; dna.Push(dnImage); dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); } else { // Skip the image data if the image type is unknown or WpfPayload is null _lexer.AdvanceForImageData(); } } private void ConvertSymbolCharValueToText(DocumentNode dn, int nChar, EncodeType encodeType) { switch (encodeType) { case EncodeType.Unicode: if (nChar < 0xFFFF) { char[] unicodeChar = new char[1]; unicodeChar[0] = (char)nChar; dn.AppendXamlEncoded(new string(unicodeChar)); } break; case EncodeType.ShiftJis: if (nChar < 0xFFFF) { // NB: How to interpret this numeric value as Shift-JIS? Encoding ec = Encoding.GetEncoding(932); int nChars = nChar > 256 ? 2 : 1; byte[] ba = new byte[2]; if (nChars == 1) { ba[0] = (byte)nChar; } else { ba[0] = (byte)((nChar >> 8) & 0xFF); ba[1] = (byte)(nChar & 0xFF); } dn.AppendXamlEncoded(ec.GetString(ba, 0, nChars)); } break; default: if (nChar < 256) { // Keep the byte char value as the unicode char singleChar = (char) nChar; dn.AppendXamlEncoded(new string(singleChar, 1)); } break; } } internal void ProcessListText() { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; int ndnListText = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnListText); if (ndnListText >= 0) { DocumentNode dnListText = dna.EntryAt(ndnListText); dna.CloseAt(ndnListText); // If I didn't throw away a picture, need to actually test for content. bool bWS = true; if (dnListText.HasMarkerContent) { bWS = false; } else { int nEnd = ndnListText + dnListText.ChildCount; for (int i = ndnListText + 1; bWS && i <= nEnd; i++) { DocumentNode dnText = dna.EntryAt(i); if (!dnText.IsWhiteSpace) { bWS = false; } } } dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, ndnListText); if (bWS) { _converterState.IsMarkerWhiteSpace = true; } dnListText.Xaml = string.Empty; _converterState.IsMarkerPresent = true; } } internal void ProcessShapeResult() { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; int nAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnShape); if (nAt >= 0) { // Make sure any pending inlines are wrapped. FormatState formatState = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (formatState != null) { WrapPendingInlineInParagraph(null, formatState); } // No structures should leak out of a shape result dna.CloseAt(nAt); } } private void ProcessRtfDestination(FormatState fsCur) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; int nAt; switch (fsCur.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestField: nAt = dna.FindUnmatched(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin); if (nAt >= 0) { DocumentNode dnEnd = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldEnd); dnEnd.FormatState = new FormatState(fsCur); dnEnd.IsPending = false; dna.Push(dnEnd); dna.EntryAt(nAt).IsMatched = true; ProcessField(); } break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: case RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate: case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: nAt = dna.FindUnmatched(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin); if (nAt >= 0) { DocumentNode dnEnd = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldEnd); dnEnd.FormatState = new FormatState(fsCur); dnEnd.IsPending = false; dna.Push(dnEnd); dna.EntryAt(nAt).IsMatched = true; } break; // The DestShape destination is only to distinguish the case of leaving a shaperesult destination // when shapes were nested. No processing is actually necessary here. case RtfDestination.DestShape: break; case RtfDestination.DestShapeResult: ProcessShapeResult(); break; case RtfDestination.DestListText: ProcessListText(); break; case RtfDestination.DestListLevel: { ListTableEntry listTableEntry = _converterState.ListTable.CurrentEntry; if (listTableEntry != null) { ListLevel listLevel = listTableEntry.Levels.CurrentEntry; listLevel.FormatState = new FormatState(fsCur); } } break; case RtfDestination.DestListOverride: break; case RtfDestination.DestList: break; case RtfDestination.DestFontName: FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.CurrentEntry; if (entry != null) { entry.IsNameSealed = true; entry.IsPending = false; } break; case RtfDestination.DestFontTable: _converterState.FontTable.MapFonts(); break; } } internal void ProcessGroupEnd() { // Pop the state for this group. Don't overpop if we are handed bad input if (_converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count > 2) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsNew = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); // Various interesting actions are taken when the destination changes if (fsCur.RtfDestination != fsNew.RtfDestination) { ProcessRtfDestination(fsCur); } else if (fsNew.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFontTable) { FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.CurrentEntry; if (entry != null) { entry.IsPending = false; } } _converterState.RtfFormatStack.Pop(); if (fsNew.CodePage == -1) { _lexer.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; } else { _lexer.CodePage = fsNew.CodePage; } // After seeing font table, setup default font for current state. if (fsCur.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFontTable && _converterState.DefaultFont >= 0) { SelectFont(_converterState.DefaultFont); } // If we ever pop to a state without a default font, re-assert it. else if (fsCur.Font < 0 && _converterState.DefaultFont >= 0) { SelectFont(_converterState.DefaultFont); } } } internal void SelectFont(long nFont) { FormatState formatState = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (formatState == null) { return; } formatState.Font = nFont; FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.FindEntryByIndex((int)formatState.Font); if (entry != null) { if (entry.CodePage == -1) { formatState.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; } else { formatState.CodePage = entry.CodePage; } _lexer.CodePage = formatState.CodePage; } } internal void HandleControl(RtfToken token, RtfControlWordInfo controlWordInfo) { FormatState formatState = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (formatState == null) { return; } switch (controlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_V: formatState.IsHidden = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DELETED: formatState.IsHidden = true; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_B: formatState.Bold = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_I: formatState.Italic = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_IMPR: formatState.Engrave = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_OUTL: formatState.Outline = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHAD: formatState.Shadow = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SCAPS: formatState.SCaps = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FS: if (Validators.IsValidFontSize(token.Parameter)) formatState.FontSize = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_EXPND: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_EXPNDTW: formatState.Expand = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_F: if (token.HasParameter) if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFontTable) { _converterState.FontTable.DefineEntry((int)token.Parameter); } else { SelectFont(token.Parameter); // Setting font also sets current language in effect if (formatState.FontSlot == FontSlot.DBCH) { if (formatState.LangFE > 0) { formatState.LangCur = formatState.LangFE; } else if (_converterState.DefaultLangFE > 0) { formatState.LangCur = _converterState.DefaultLangFE; } } else { if (formatState.Lang > 0) { formatState.LangCur = formatState.Lang; } else if (_converterState.DefaultLang > 0) { formatState.LangCur = _converterState.DefaultLang; } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DBCH: formatState.FontSlot = FontSlot.DBCH; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LOCH: formatState.FontSlot = FontSlot.LOCH; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_HICH: formatState.FontSlot = FontSlot.HICH; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LANG: formatState.Lang = token.Parameter; formatState.LangCur = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LANGFE: formatState.LangFE = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DEFLANG: _converterState.DefaultLang = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DEFLANGFE: _converterState.DefaultLangFE = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DEFF: _converterState.DefaultFont = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FNAME: { FormatState previousFormatState = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (previousFormatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFontTable) { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestFontName; FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.CurrentEntry; if (entry != null) { entry.Name = null; } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FCHARSET: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFontTable) { HandleFontTableTokens(token); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_HIGHLIGHT: formatState.CB = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CB: formatState.CB = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CF: formatState.CF = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SUB: formatState.Sub = token.FlagValue; if (formatState.Sub) { formatState.Super = false; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SUPER: formatState.Super = token.FlagValue; if (formatState.Super) { formatState.Sub = false; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NOSUPERSUB: formatState.Sub = false; formatState.Super = false; formatState.SuperOffset = 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UP: formatState.SuperOffset = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULC: // NB: underline color not implemented break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULDASH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULDASHD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULDASHDD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULDB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULHAIR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULHWAVE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULLDASH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTHD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTHDASH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTHDASHD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTHDASHDD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTHLDASH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULULDBWAVE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULWAVE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULW: formatState.UL = (token.ToggleValue > 0 ? ULState.ULNormal : ULState.ULNone); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULNONE: formatState.UL = ULState.ULNone; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_STRIKE: formatState.Strike = token.ToggleValue > 0 ? StrikeState.StrikeNormal : StrikeState.StrikeNone; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_STRIKED: formatState.Strike = token.ToggleValue > 0 ? StrikeState.StrikeDouble : StrikeState.StrikeNone; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PLAIN: formatState.SetCharDefaults(); if (_converterState.DefaultFont >= 0) { SelectFont(_converterState.DefaultFont); } break; // Paragraph settings case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PARD: formatState.SetParaDefaults(); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SB: formatState.SB = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SA: formatState.SA = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FI: // Word first indent(\fiN) and Avalon TextIndent concept is the different. // So we ignore the negative first indent safely which can make the content invisible. // Word: \fi-200 -200 0 200 // abc // xyz // Word: \fi200 -200 0 200 // abc // xyz if (token.Parameter > 0) { formatState.FI = token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LIN: // We ignore \lin and do RTL fixup on margins outselves. // formatState.LI = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LI: formatState.LI = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RIN: // We ignore \rin and do RTL fixup on margins outselves. // formatState.RI = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RI: formatState.RI = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_QC: formatState.HAlign = HAlign.AlignCenter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_QJ: formatState.HAlign = HAlign.AlignJustify; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_QL: formatState.HAlign = HAlign.AlignLeft; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_QR: formatState.HAlign = HAlign.AlignRight; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CFPAT: formatState.CFPara = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHADING: // Shading of the CFPAT color, in 100's of a percent. formatState.ParaShading = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CBPAT: formatState.CBPara = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SL: formatState.SL = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SLMULT: formatState.SLMult = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; // Special text case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LINE: ProcessHardLine(token, formatState); break; // LTR-RTL stuff case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRCH: formatState.DirChar = DirState.DirLTR; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRPAR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRDOC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRSECT: formatState.DirPara = DirState.DirLTR; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLCH: formatState.DirChar = DirState.DirRTL; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLPAR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLDOC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLSECT: formatState.DirPara = DirState.DirRTL; // RTF defaults paragraph alignment to left for both RTL and LTR paragraphs, but // Avalon switches the default. Hard-code the alignment here when dealing with RTL // paragraphs so that the distinction doesn't result in different defaults. if (formatState.HAlign == HAlign.AlignDefault) { formatState.HAlign = HAlign.AlignLeft; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRMARK: ProcessText(new string('\x200e', 1)); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLMARK: ProcessText(new string('\x200f', 1)); break; // Structure output case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PAR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SECT: HandlePara(token, formatState); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PAGE: HandlePage(token, formatState); break; // Table Tokens case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CELL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTCELL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ROW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TROWD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTROW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTTABLEPROPS: HandleTableTokens(token, formatState); break; // Table property tokens case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRGAPH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRLEFT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTHB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTHA: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTHB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTHA: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRAUTOFIT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLWWIDTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLFTSWIDTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRV: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLSHDRAWNIL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLSHDNG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLCBPAT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLCFPAT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CELLX: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRART: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRNIL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRNONE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTBL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRBAR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRBTW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRCF: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHDD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHDOTSTR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHSM: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDOT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDREMBOSS: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRENGRAVE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRFRAME: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRHAIR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRINSET: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDROUTSET: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRS: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRSH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNLG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNMG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNSG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHLG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHMG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHSG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNLG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNMG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNSG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTRIPLE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRWAVY: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRWAVYDB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRSP: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BOX: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLROW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRROW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLMGF: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLMRG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVMGF: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVMRG: HandleTableProperties(token, formatState); break; // Symbols case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TAB: ProcessText("\t"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_EMDASH: ProcessText("\x2014"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ENDASH: ProcessText("\x2013"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_EMSPACE: ProcessText("\x2003"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ENSPACE: ProcessText("\x2002"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_QMSPACE: ProcessText("\x2005"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BULLET: ProcessText("\x2022"); // Unicode bullet break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LQUOTE: ProcessText("\x2018"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RQUOTE: ProcessText("\x2019"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LDBLQUOTE: ProcessText("\x201c"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RDBLQUOTE: ProcessText("\x201d"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ZWJ: // zero-width-joiner ProcessText("\x200d"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ZWNJ: // zero-width-non-joiner ProcessText("\x200c"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ANSICPG: // This is just a hint for RTF output roundtripping - ignore. break; // CodePage Tokens case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ANSI: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_MAC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PCA: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UPR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UC: HandleCodePageTokens(token, formatState); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_U: HandleCodePageTokens(token, formatState); _lexer.AdvanceForUnicode(formatState.UnicodeSkip); break; // Field (hyperlink) commands case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FIELD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDRSLT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDINST: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDPRIV: HandleFieldTokens(token, formatState); break; // Structure commands case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ILVL: formatState.ILVL = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_INTBL: formatState.IsInTable = token.FlagValue; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LS: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverride) { HandleListTokens(token, formatState); } else { formatState.ILS = token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ITAP: formatState.ITAP = token.Parameter; break; // Other special parsing commands case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BIN: HandleBinControl(token, formatState); break; // List Table commands case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LIST: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTTEMPLATEID: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTHYBRID: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTSIMPLE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTLEVEL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTTEXT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNFC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNFCN: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELJC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELJCN: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELFOLLOW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELSTARTAT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELSPACE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELINDENT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELTEXT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELTEMPLATEID: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTID: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNUMBERS: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTOVERRIDE: HandleListTokens(token, formatState); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTPICTURE: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListPicture; break; // Old-style list info case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLBLT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLBODY: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLCONT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNCARD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNDEC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNUCLTR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNUCRM: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLCLTR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLCRM: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNORD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNORDT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNBIDIA: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNBIDIB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PN: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTXTA: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTXTB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTEXT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNSTART: HandleOldListTokens(token, formatState); break; // Shapes (we only read down-level info) case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DO: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHPRSLT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DPTXBXTEXT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHPPICT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NONSHPPICT: HandleShapeTokens(token, formatState); break; // Document tables case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FONTTBL: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestFontTable; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_COLORTBL: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestColorTable; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTTABLE: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListTable; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTOVERRIDETABLE: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListOverrideTable; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RED: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestColorTable) { _converterState.ColorTable.NewRed = (byte)token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_GREEN: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestColorTable) _converterState.ColorTable.NewGreen = (byte)token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BLUE: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestColorTable) { _converterState.ColorTable.NewBlue = (byte)token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHPINST: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestShapeInstruction; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PICT: { FormatState previousFormatState = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); // Filter the redundant picture or list picture if ((previousFormatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestShapePicture || previousFormatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestShapeInstruction) || (previousFormatState.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestNoneShapePicture && previousFormatState.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestShape && previousFormatState.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestListPicture)) { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestPicture; } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNGBLIP: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageFormat = RtfImageFormat.Png; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_JPEGBLIP: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageFormat = RtfImageFormat.Jpeg; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_WMETAFILE: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageFormat = RtfImageFormat.Wmf; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PICHGOAL: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageHeight = Converters.TwipToPositivePx(token.Parameter); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PICWGOAL: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageWidth = Converters.TwipToPositivePx(token.Parameter); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PICSCALEX: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageScaleWidth = token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PICSCALEY: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageScaleHeight = token.Parameter; } break; } } internal void ProcessText(RtfToken token) { FormatState fs = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (fs.IsHidden) { return; } switch (fs.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: case RtfDestination.DestShapeResult: case RtfDestination.DestNormal: case RtfDestination.DestListText: HandleNormalText(token.Text, fs); break; case RtfDestination.DestFontTable: case RtfDestination.DestFontName: ProcessFontTableText(token); break; case RtfDestination.DestColorTable: ProcessColorTableText(token); break; case RtfDestination.DestField: case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: case RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate: ProcessFieldText(token); break; } } internal void ProcessTextSymbol(RtfToken token) { // Quoted control character (be generous) - should be limited to "'-*;\_{|}~" if (token.Text.Length == 0) { return; } // Set token text with the quoted control character SetTokenTextWithControlCharacter(token); switch (_converterState.TopFormatState.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestNormal: case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: case RtfDestination.DestShapeResult: case RtfDestination.DestListText: HandleNormalText(token.Text, _converterState.TopFormatState); break; case RtfDestination.DestFontTable: ProcessFontTableText(token); break; case RtfDestination.DestColorTable: ProcessColorTableText(token); break; case RtfDestination.DestField: case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: case RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate: ProcessFieldText(token); break; } } internal void HandleBinControl(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { if (token.Parameter > 0) { if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.IsImageDataBinary = true; } else { _lexer.AdvanceForBinary((int)token.Parameter); } } } internal void HandlePara(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { // Ignore \par in other destinations if (!formatState.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { return; } // Arrival of paragraph tag allows us to rationalize structure information. // Various tags have told us things about this paragraph: // \INTBL: Paragraph is inside a table cell. // \ITAP{N}: Nesting level for table. Note that I may not have yet // seen any tags that start the nested table. // \LS{N}: Listtable override index. Any value indicates this paragraph // is in a list. // \ILVL: Nesting level for list. // If we're in a throw-away destination, just return. HandleParagraphFromText(formatState); // Make sure proper number of tables are open to reflect this paragraphs nest level HandleTableNesting(formatState); // Now handle lists, which always behave as if they are inside tables. HandleListNesting(formatState); } internal void WrapPendingInlineInParagraph(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { // Ignore \par in other destinations if (!formatState.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { return; } // Only treat \page as \par if there is already some inline content. In normal cases, // (e.g. Word output) a page break comes between paragraphs and we don't want to emit // anything extra in that case. DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dn; // Insert the paragraph before any text or inline nodes at the top of the stack. int nNoOpValue = dna.Count; int nInsertAt = dna.Count; // Default insertion location for (; nInsertAt > 0; nInsertAt--) { dn = dna.EntryAt(nInsertAt - 1); if (!dn.IsInline || dn.ClosedParent != null || !dn.IsMatched) { break; } // If we only have listtext on the stack, don't force a para. else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListText && !dn.IsPending && nInsertAt + dn.ChildCount == dna.Count) { nNoOpValue = nInsertAt - 1; } } // If there are no inline nodes, don't generate extra content. if (nInsertAt == nNoOpValue) { return; } // Otherwise, just treat as paragraph mark HandlePara(token, formatState); } internal void HandlePage(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { WrapPendingInlineInParagraph(token, formatState); } internal void HandleParagraphFromText(FormatState formatState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dn; // Insert the paragraph before any text or inline nodes at the top of the stack. int nInsertAt = dna.Count; // Default insertion location for (; nInsertAt > 0; nInsertAt--) { dn = dna.EntryAt(nInsertAt - 1); if (!dn.IsInline || (dn.ClosedParent != null && !dn.ClosedParent.IsInline) || !dn.IsMatched) { break; } } dn = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph); dn.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dn.ConstrainFontPropagation(formatState); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dn); // Now close immediately. dna.CloseAt(nInsertAt); dna.CoalesceOnlyChildren(_converterState, nInsertAt); } internal void WrapInlineInParagraph(int nInsertAt, int nChildren) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; Debug.Assert(nInsertAt >= 0 && nChildren > 0 && nInsertAt + nChildren - 1 < dna.Count); DocumentNode dnChild = dna.EntryAt(nInsertAt + nChildren - 1); DocumentNode dn = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph); dn.FormatState = new FormatState(dnChild.FormatState); dn.ConstrainFontPropagation(dn.FormatState); DocumentNode dnParent = null; // Parent shouldn't be the child of new inserted document node // to avoid the infinite loop on InsertChildAt() if (dnChild.ClosedParent != null && dnChild.ClosedParent.Index < nInsertAt && dnChild.ClosedParent.Index > (nInsertAt + nChildren - 1)) { dnParent = dnChild.ClosedParent; } dna.InsertChildAt(dnParent, dn, nInsertAt, nChildren); dna.CoalesceOnlyChildren(_converterState, nInsertAt); } internal void ProcessPendingTextAtRowEnd() { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; // Remove any pending inline content before closing the row. int nExcise = 0; for (int i = dna.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsInline && dn.ClosedParent == null) { nExcise++; } else { break; } } if (nExcise > 0) { dna.Excise(dna.Count - nExcise, nExcise); } } internal void HandleTableTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsOld = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (fsCur == null || fsOld == null) { return; } // Propagate current destination into nested table props destination keyword if (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control == RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTTABLEPROPS) { fsCur.RtfDestination = fsOld.RtfDestination; } if (!formatState.IsContentDestination) { return; } DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; int nCellAt; bool bOldHide = formatState.IsHidden; switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CELL: // Force a paragraph // Set intbl and itap values, then use paragraph code. formatState.IsInTable = true; formatState.ITAP = 1; formatState.IsHidden = false; HandlePara(token, formatState); formatState.IsHidden = bOldHide; nCellAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); if (nCellAt >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nCellAt); // Don't coalesce cell tag itself, since I might not have yet read the properties // I need for writing out the cell attributes. // Actually, even paragraph tags inside cell needs to have table info. // dna.CoalesceOnlyChildren(_converterState, nCellAt); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTCELL: // Force a paragraph out. formatState.IsHidden = false; HandlePara(token, formatState); formatState.IsHidden = bOldHide; // If we encounter an open row before an open cell, we need to open a new cell. // Or if we only have one level of table currently open. int nOpenCells = dna.CountOpenCells(); DocumentNodeType scope = dna.GetTableScope(); if (scope != DocumentNodeType.dnCell || nOpenCells < 2) { HandlePara(token, formatState); } // Now close the currently open cell nCellAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); if (nCellAt >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nCellAt); // Don't coalesce cell tag itself, since I might not have yet read the properties // I need for writing out the cell attributes. // Actually, even paragraph tags inside cell needs to have table info. // dna.CoalesceOnlyChildren(_converterState, nCellAt); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TROWD: formatState.IsHidden = false; formatState.SetRowDefaults(); formatState.IsHidden = bOldHide; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ROW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTROW: // Word puts out \row properties both before and after the cell contents. // \nestrow properties are only put out *after* the cell contents. formatState.IsHidden = false; int nRowAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnRow); if (nRowAt >= 0) { DocumentNode dnRow = dna.EntryAt(nRowAt); if (formatState.RowFormat != null) { dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat = new RowFormat(formatState.RowFormat); dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat.CanonicalizeWidthsFromRTF(); // Also cache the row information in the table node int nTable = dna.FindPendingFrom(DocumentNodeType.dnTable, nRowAt - 1, -1); if (nTable >= 0) { DocumentNode dnTable = dna.EntryAt(nTable); if (!dnTable.FormatState.HasRowFormat) { dnTable.FormatState.RowFormat = dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat; } } } // Anomalous, but possible for illegal content. ProcessPendingTextAtRowEnd(); dna.CloseAt(nRowAt); // Don't coalesce - I need to examine all cells before writing things out // dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nRowAt); } formatState.IsHidden = bOldHide; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTTABLEPROPS: // Handled above. break; } } internal ListOverride GetControllingListOverride() { ListTable lt = _converterState.ListTable; ListOverrideTable lot = _converterState.ListOverrideTable; RtfFormatStack formats = _converterState.RtfFormatStack; for (int i = formats.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FormatState fs = formats.EntryAt(i); if (fs.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverride) { return lot.CurrentEntry; } else if (fs.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListTable) { return null; } } return null; } internal ListLevelTable GetControllingLevelTable() { ListTable lt = _converterState.ListTable; ListOverrideTable lot = _converterState.ListOverrideTable; RtfFormatStack formats = _converterState.RtfFormatStack; for (int i = formats.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FormatState fs = formats.EntryAt(i); if (fs.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverride) { ListOverride lo = lot.CurrentEntry; if (lo.Levels == null) { lo.Levels = new ListLevelTable(); } return lo.Levels; } else if (fs.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListTable) { ListTableEntry lte = lt.CurrentEntry; if (lte != null) { return lte.Levels; } } } return null; } internal void HandleListTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { ListTable listTable = _converterState.ListTable; ListOverrideTable listOverrideTable = _converterState.ListOverrideTable; FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsOld = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (fsCur == null || fsOld == null) { return; } switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LIST: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListTable) { ListTableEntry listTableEntry = listTable.AddEntry(); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTTEMPLATEID: { ListTableEntry listTableEntry = listTable.CurrentEntry; if (listTableEntry != null) { listTableEntry.TemplateID = token.Parameter; } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTHYBRID: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTSIMPLE: { ListTableEntry listTableEntry = listTable.CurrentEntry; if (listTableEntry != null) { listTableEntry.Simple = token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control == RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTSIMPLE; } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTLEVEL: { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListLevel; ListLevelTable levels = GetControllingLevelTable(); if (levels != null) { ListLevel listLevel = levels.AddEntry(); } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTTEXT: if (fsOld.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListText; DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnl = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnListText); dnl.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dna.Push(dnl); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNFC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNFCN: { ListLevelTable levels = GetControllingLevelTable(); if (levels != null) { ListLevel listLevel = levels.CurrentEntry; if (listLevel != null) { listLevel.Marker = (MarkerStyle)token.Parameter; } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELJC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELJCN: // NB: Marker alignment not supported in XAML. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELFOLLOW: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELSTARTAT: { ListLevelTable levels = GetControllingLevelTable(); if (levels != null) { ListLevel listLevel = levels.CurrentEntry; if (listLevel != null) { listLevel.StartIndex = token.Parameter; } else { // This is the case where the list override *only* specifies startat override. ListOverride lo = GetControllingListOverride(); if (lo != null) { lo.StartIndex = token.Parameter; } } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELSPACE: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELINDENT: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELTEXT: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELTEMPLATEID: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTID: { if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverride) { ListOverride listOverride = listOverrideTable.CurrentEntry; if (listOverride != null) { listOverride.ID = token.Parameter; } } else { ListTableEntry listTableEntry = listTable.CurrentEntry; if (listTableEntry != null) { listTableEntry.ID = token.Parameter; } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNUMBERS: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTOVERRIDE: { FormatState previousFormatState = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (previousFormatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverrideTable) { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListOverride; ListOverride listOverride = listOverrideTable.AddEntry(); } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LS: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverride) { ListOverride listOverride = listOverrideTable.CurrentEntry; if (listOverride != null) { listOverride.Index = token.Parameter; } } break; } } internal void HandleShapeTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsOld = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (fsCur == null || fsOld == null) { return; } switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DO: // Just propagate destination through this keyword. fsCur.RtfDestination = fsOld.RtfDestination; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHPRSLT: if (fsOld.IsContentDestination) { fsCur.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestShape; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DPTXBXTEXT: if (fsOld.IsContentDestination) { // Track the destination so I can recognize when we leave this scope. fsCur.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestShapeResult; // Wrap any inline content that occurs before this shape anchor in a paragraph, // since the shape content itself will be block level. WrapPendingInlineInParagraph(token, formatState); DocumentNodeType t = dna.GetTableScope(); if (t != DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph) { if (t == DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody) { // If row has been closed, close overall table as well. int nAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); if (nAt >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nAt); dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nAt); } } else { // If I'm inside a table, reopen last cell to insert shape contents. Otherwise // table gets torqued. dna.OpenLastCell(); } } // The shape node generates no output but plays a large role in changing the // behavior of the "FindPending" routines to keep from looking outside this scope. DocumentNode dn = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnShape); formatState.SetParaDefaults(); formatState.SetCharDefaults(); dn.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dna.Push(dn); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHPPICT: // If this occurs in listtext context, mark listtext as non-empty. int ndnListText = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnListText); if (ndnListText >= 0) { DocumentNode dnListText = dna.EntryAt(ndnListText); dnListText.HasMarkerContent = true; } // Keep the rtf destination as the list picture to skip the list picture if (fsOld.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListPicture) { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListPicture; } else { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestShapePicture; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NONSHPPICT: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestNoneShapePicture; break; } } internal void HandleOldListTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsOld = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (fsCur == null || fsOld == null) { return; } // If we're in the PN destination, we push marker setting into the previous format state. if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPN) { formatState = fsOld; } switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVL: formatState.PNLVL = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLBLT: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet; formatState.IsContinue = false; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLBODY: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic; formatState.IsContinue = false; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLCONT: formatState.IsContinue = true; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNCARD: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerCardinal; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNDEC: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNUCLTR: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperAlpha; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNUCRM: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperRoman; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLCLTR: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerAlpha; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLCRM: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerRoman; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNORD: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerOrdinal; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNORDT: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerOrdinal; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNBIDIA: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNBIDIB: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PN: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestPN; fsOld.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTXTA: // Leave with unknown destination so text is tossed. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTXTB: // Leave with unknown destination so text is tossed. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTEXT: if (fsOld.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { fsCur.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListText; DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnl = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnListText); dnl.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dna.Push(dnl); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNSTART: formatState.StartIndex = token.Parameter; break; default: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet; break; } } internal void HandleTableProperties(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { if (!formatState.IsContentDestination) { return; } CellFormat cf = null; switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRGAPH: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRLEFT: formatState.RowFormat.Trleft = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQC: // Specifies overall alignment of the table row - ignore for now. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQL: // Specifies overall alignment of the table row - ignore for now. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQR: // Specifies overall alignment of the table row - ignore for now. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDL: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.PaddingLeft = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDR: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.PaddingRight = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDB: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.PaddingBottom = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDT: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.PaddingTop = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFL: // zero value indicates ignore trpaddl, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFT: // zero value indicates ignore trpaddt, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFB: // zero value indicates ignore trpaddb, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFR: // zero value indicates ignore trpaddr, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFB: if (token.Parameter == 0) formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingBottom = 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFL: if (token.Parameter == 0) formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingLeft = 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFR: if (token.Parameter == 0) formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingRight = 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFT: if (token.Parameter == 0) formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingTop = 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDB: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingBottom = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDL: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingLeft = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDR: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingRight = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDT: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingTop = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTH: // Row (table) width formatState.RowFormat.WidthRow.Value = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTH: // Units for WWIDTH (0 - ignore, 1 - auto, 2 - 50ths of a percent, 3 - twips) if (Validators.IsValidWidthType(token.Parameter)) formatState.RowFormat.WidthRow.Type = (WidthType)token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTHB: // Space before row width break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTHB: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTHA: // Space after row width formatState.RowFormat.WidthA.Value = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTHA: if (Validators.IsValidWidthType(token.Parameter)) formatState.RowFormat.WidthA.Type = (WidthType)token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRAUTOFIT: if (token.ToggleValue > 0) formatState.RowFormat.WidthRow.SetDefaults(); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLWWIDTH: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.Width.Value = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLFTSWIDTH: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); if (Validators.IsValidWidthType(token.Parameter)) cf.Width.Type = (WidthType)token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRT: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderTop; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRB: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderBottom; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRR: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderRight; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRL: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderLeft; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRV: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderLeft; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRH: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderTop; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALT: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.VAlign = VAlign.AlignTop; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALB: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.VAlign = VAlign.AlignBottom; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALC: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.VAlign = VAlign.AlignCenter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLSHDNG: // Cell shading in 100's of a percent cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.Shading = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLSHDRAWNIL: // No cell shading - clear color for now cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.Shading = -1; cf.CB = -1; cf.CF = -1; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRB: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); ConverterState.CurrentBorder = cf.BorderBottom; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRR: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); ConverterState.CurrentBorder = cf.BorderRight; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRT: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); ConverterState.CurrentBorder = cf.BorderTop; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRL: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); ConverterState.CurrentBorder = cf.BorderLeft; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLCBPAT: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.CB = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLCFPAT: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.CF = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADL: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.PaddingLeft = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADR: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.PaddingRight = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADB: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.PaddingBottom = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADT: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.PaddingTop = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFL: // zero value indicates ignore clpadl, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFT: // zero value indicates ignore clpadt, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFB: // zero value indicates ignore clpadb, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFR: // zero value indicates ignore clpadr, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CELLX: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.CellX = token.Parameter; cf.IsPending = false; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLROW: formatState.RowFormat.Dir = DirState.DirRTL; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRROW: formatState.RowFormat.Dir = DirState.DirLTR; break; // Cell merging case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLMGF: // First cell in range of table cells to be merged. cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.IsHMergeFirst = true; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLMRG: // Contents of this cell are merged with those of the preceding cell. cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.IsHMerge = true; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVMGF: // First cell in range of cells to be vertically merged. cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.IsVMergeFirst = true; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVMRG: // Contents of this cell are vertically merged with those of the preceding cell. cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.IsVMerge = true; break; // General borders, not just tables case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRL: // Left paragraph border ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.ParaBorder.BorderLeft; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRR: // Right paragraph border ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.ParaBorder.BorderRight; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRT: // Top paragraph border ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.ParaBorder.BorderTop; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRB: // Bottom paragraph border ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.ParaBorder.BorderBottom; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BOX: // All four borders ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.ParaBorder.BorderAll; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRNIL: // No borders ConverterState.CurrentBorder = null; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRSP: // Space in twips between borders and paragraph formatState.ParaBorder.Spacing = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTBL: // No cell borders if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderNone; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRART: // Art border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRBAR: // Border on outside edge of page (treat as BRDRL for XAML) break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRBTW: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRCF: if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.CF = token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASH: // Dashed border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHD: // Dash dot border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHDD: // Dot dot dash border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHDOTSTR: // Dash-dot border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHSM: // Small dash border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDB: // Double border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderDouble; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDOT: // Dotted border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDREMBOSS: // Emboss-style border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRENGRAVE: // Engrave-style border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRFRAME: // Frame-style border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRHAIR: // Hairline border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRINSET: // Inset border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDROUTSET: // Outset border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRS: if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRSH: // Shadow border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTH: if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderDouble; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNLG: // Thick-thin (large) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNMG: // Thick-thin (medium) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNSG: // Thick-thin-thin (thin) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHLG: // Thin-thick (large) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHMG: // Thick-thin-thin (medium) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHSG: // Thick-thin-thin (small) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNLG: // Thick-thin-thin (large) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNMG: // Thin-thick-thin (medium) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNSG: // Thick-thin-thin (small) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTRIPLE: // Triple border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRW: // Border thickness if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { // Note that propset does validation ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Width = token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRNONE: // No borders if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { // Note that propset does validation ConverterState.CurrentBorder.SetDefaults(); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRWAVY: // Wavy border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRWAVYDB: // Double border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderDouble; } break; } } internal void HandleFieldTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { // Don't start processing fields in non-normal destinatations FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsOld = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (fsCur == null || fsOld == null) { return; } switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FIELD: // Process fields in normal content or nested fields if (!fsOld.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { return; } formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestField; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDRSLT: if (fsOld.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestField) { return; } formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestFieldResult; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDPRIV: if (fsOld.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestField) { return; } formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDINST: if (fsOld.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestField) { return; } formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction; break; default: return; } DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnf = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin); dnf.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dnf.IsPending = false; // Field start mark should not impact other tags open/close behavior dnf.IsTerminated = true; dna.Push(dnf); } internal void HandleTableNesting(FormatState formatState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; // If we're in a throw-away destination, just return. if (!formatState.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { return; } // Make sure proper number of tables are open to reflect this paragraphs nest level int nTables = dna.CountOpenNodes(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); int nLevel = (int)formatState.TableLevel; // If we're not in a table, end early if (nTables == nLevel && nTables == 0) { return; } if (nTables > nLevel) { DocumentNode dnPara = dna.Pop(); bool bInField = dna.FindUnmatched(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin) >= 0; while (nTables > nLevel) { int nOpen = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); if (nOpen >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nOpen); if (!bInField) { dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nOpen); } } nTables--; } dna.Push(dnPara); } else { // Before opening the table, let's close any open lists. Word (RTF) allows somewhat // arbitrary interleaving (because there's no explicit nesting), but when converting to // XAML we have to choose an explicit nesting. We never create a table *inside* a list, so // let's just terminate any open lists right now. if (nTables < nLevel) { int nListAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnList); if (nListAt >= 0) { // I want the currently pending paragraph to be part of the table, not part of the list // I'm going to close. So I temporarily pop it off while closing off the list and then // push it back on before inserting the table(s). DocumentNode dnPara = dna.Pop(); while (nListAt >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nListAt); nListAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnList); } dna.Push(dnPara); } } // Ensure sufficient tables are open - this may be our first indication // Insert the table nodes right before the current paragraph. Debug.Assert(dna.Count > 0 && dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1).Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph); int nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; // Ensure row is open int nTable = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); if (nTable >= 0) { int nRow = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnRow, nTable); if (nRow == -1) { DocumentNode dnRow = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnRow); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt++, dnRow); nRow = nInsertAt - 1; } int nCell = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnCell, nRow); if (nCell == -1) { DocumentNode dnCell = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnCell); } } nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; while (nTables < nLevel) { DocumentNode dnTable = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); DocumentNode dnTableBody = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody); DocumentNode dnRow = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnRow); DocumentNode dnCell = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnCell); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnRow); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnTableBody); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnTable); nTables++; } } dna.AssertTreeSemanticInvariants(); } internal MarkerList GetMarkerStylesOfParagraph(MarkerList mlHave, FormatState fs, bool bMarkerPresent) { MarkerList mlWant = new MarkerList(); long nVirtualListLevel = fs.ListLevel; long nStartIndexOverride = -1; // No list? if (nVirtualListLevel < 1) { return mlWant; } // Use currently open list styles for all levels below requested one for (int i = 0; i < mlHave.Count; i++) if (mlHave.EntryAt(i).VirtualListLevel < nVirtualListLevel || fs.IsContinue) { MarkerListEntry mle = mlHave.EntryAt(i); mlWant.AddEntry(mle.Marker, mle.ILS, -1, mle.StartIndexDefault, mle.VirtualListLevel); } else { break; } // If I'm a continuation paragraph, I'm done. if (fs.IsContinue) { return mlWant; } // Now determine the list style for the list level I'm going to add. ListOverrideTable lot = _converterState.ListOverrideTable; ListOverride lo = lot.FindEntry((int)fs.ILS); if (lo != null) { ListLevelTable levels = lo.Levels; if (levels == null || levels.Count == 0) { ListTableEntry lte = _converterState.ListTable.FindEntry(lo.ID); if (lte != null) { levels = lte.Levels; } // Did the list override specify a start index? if (lo.StartIndex > 0) { nStartIndexOverride = lo.StartIndex; } } if (levels != null) { ListLevel listLevel = levels.EntryAt((int)nVirtualListLevel - 1); if (listLevel != null) { // If there was a marker present, we ignore the "Hidden" style in the list table. MarkerStyle ms = listLevel.Marker; if (ms == MarkerStyle.MarkerHidden && bMarkerPresent) { ms = MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet; } mlWant.AddEntry(ms, fs.ILS, nStartIndexOverride, listLevel.StartIndex, nVirtualListLevel); return mlWant; } } } // If there wasn't a list definition, use the marker type in the formatstate. mlWant.AddEntry(fs.Marker, fs.ILS, nStartIndexOverride, fs.StartIndex, nVirtualListLevel); return mlWant; } internal void HandleListNesting(FormatState formatState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnPara = dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1); bool bMarkerPresent = _converterState.IsMarkerPresent; // Test if we encountered list text if (_converterState.IsMarkerPresent) { _converterState.IsMarkerPresent = false; } // If we're in a throw-away destination, just return. if (!formatState.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { return; } // Treat no marker text present as a continuation paragraph if (!bMarkerPresent && formatState.ListLevel > 0) { // Allocate a new one here so that this change doesn't propagate beyond here. formatState = new FormatState(formatState); // If the only thing making this look like a list is the ILVL property, just clear it. if (formatState.ILVL > 0 && formatState.ILS < 0) { formatState.ILVL = 0; } else // otherwise treat this as a continuation paragraph. { formatState.IsContinue = true; } } // Make sure proper number of lists are open to reflect this paragraphs nest level MarkerList mlHave = dna.GetOpenMarkerStyles(); MarkerList mlWant = GetMarkerStylesOfParagraph(mlHave, formatState, bMarkerPresent); int nLists = mlHave.Count; int nLevel = mlWant.Count; // If we're not in a list end early if (nLists == nLevel && nLists == 0) { return; } // If we're not in a list and marked as a continuation, ignore this - anomaly. if (nLists == 0 && nLevel == 1 && formatState.IsContinue) { return; } // Propagate noticing that the specified text was empty. if (_converterState.IsMarkerWhiteSpace) { _converterState.IsMarkerWhiteSpace = false; if (nLevel > 0) { MarkerListEntry entry = mlWant.EntryAt(nLevel - 1); entry.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerHidden; } } // The ones we have are only "good" if the styles match what we want. int nMatch = GetMatchedMarkList(formatState, mlHave, mlWant); // If none match, we might do better by extending some previously open list. if (nMatch == 0) { MarkerList mlCouldHave = dna.GetLastMarkerStyles(mlHave, mlWant); MarkerList mlCouldWant = GetMarkerStylesOfParagraph(mlCouldHave, formatState, bMarkerPresent); nMatch = GetMatchedMarkList(formatState, mlCouldHave, mlCouldWant); // If I would re-open a previous list but close some set of them and then reopen another, // this is unlikely to be what the user intended. Instead, don't extend the previous list. // See Windows OS Bugs: 1373731. if (nMatch < mlCouldHave.Count && mlCouldWant.Count > nMatch) { nMatch = 0; } if (nMatch > 0) { mlHave = mlCouldHave; mlWant = mlCouldWant; dna.OpenLastList(); } } // Ensure list and listitem EnsureListAndListItem(formatState, dna, mlHave, mlWant, nMatch); // To get better results in XAML output, clear the FI for the first para in a list item. if (dna.Count > 1 && dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 2).Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem) { Debug.Assert(!dnPara.IsTerminated); dnPara.FormatState.FI = 0; } dna.AssertTreeSemanticInvariants(); } internal void HandleCodePageTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ANSI: // ANSI apparently means specifically 1252, not ACP. That makes a lot more sense... //_converterState.CodePage = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage; _converterState.CodePage = 1252; _lexer.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_MAC: _converterState.CodePage = 10000; _lexer.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PC: _converterState.CodePage = 437; _lexer.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PCA: _converterState.CodePage = 850; _lexer.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UPR: // We discard this ansi representation - \ud will then switch back to current. formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestUPR; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_U: { char[] unicodeChar = new char[1]; unicodeChar[0] = (char)token.Parameter; ProcessText(new string(unicodeChar)); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UD: { // We are parsing: {\upr ansi stuff{\*\ud unicode stuff }} // When we encountered the UPR we set state to a throwaway destination (DestUPR). // The nested group pushed a new format state but that now has DestUnknown because of this. // Now that we encountered the \ud destination, lets push back the original destination. FormatState previous = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); FormatState previousPrevious = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(2); if (previous != null && previousPrevious != null) { if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestUPR && previous.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestUnknown) { formatState.RtfDestination = previousPrevious.RtfDestination; } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UC: formatState.UnicodeSkip = (int)token.Parameter; break; } } internal void ProcessFieldText(RtfToken token) { switch (_converterState.TopFormatState.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestField: break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: // Gather up for later processing HandleNormalText(token.Text, _converterState.TopFormatState); break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate: // Discard break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: HandleNormalText(token.Text, _converterState.TopFormatState); break; } } internal void ProcessFontTableText(RtfToken token) { string tokenName = token.Text; // Strip line endings tokenName = tokenName.Replace("\r\n", ""); // Strip trailing semi-colon tokenName = tokenName.Replace(";", ""); FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.CurrentEntry; if (entry != null && tokenName.Length > 0 && !entry.IsNameSealed) { // If name not yet specified, just set it if (entry.Name == null) { entry.Name = tokenName; } else // Otherwise, append it { entry.Name += tokenName; } } } internal void HandleFontTableTokens(RtfToken token) { FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.CurrentEntry; FormatState formatState = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (entry != null) { switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FCHARSET: // Set the codepage to the font table entry entry.CodePageFromCharSet = (int)token.Parameter; // Also set lexer code page if (entry.CodePage == -1) { formatState.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; } else { formatState.CodePage = entry.CodePage; } _lexer.CodePage = formatState.CodePage; break; } } } internal void ProcessColorTableText(RtfToken token) { // This is just a separator for color table entries _converterState.ColorTable.FinishColor(); } internal void ProcessText(string text) { FormatState fs = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (fs.IsContentDestination && !fs.IsHidden && text != string.Empty) { HandleNormalTextRaw(text, fs); } } internal void HandleNormalText(string text, FormatState formatState) { // Normal CRLF's are eaten by the RTF lexer. Any ones that have slipped through here // were either escaped or hex-encoded and should be treated as a linebreak. int nStart = 0; while (nStart < text.Length) { int nEnd = nStart; while (nEnd < text.Length) { if (text[nEnd] == 0x0d || text[nEnd] == 0x0a) { break; } nEnd++; } // Handle text before newline if (nStart == 0 && nEnd == text.Length) { HandleNormalTextRaw(text, formatState); } else if (nEnd > nStart) { string subtext = text.Substring(nStart, nEnd - nStart); HandleNormalTextRaw(subtext, formatState); } // Handle newlines while (nEnd < text.Length && (text[nEnd] == 0x0d || text[nEnd] == 0x0a)) { ProcessNormalHardLine(formatState); if (nEnd + 1 < text.Length && text[nEnd] == 0x0d && text[nEnd] == 0x0a) { nEnd += 2; } else { nEnd += 1; } } nStart = nEnd; } } internal void HandleNormalTextRaw(string text, FormatState formatState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnTop = dna.Top; // See if I can just append the text content if the format is the same. if (dnTop != null && (dnTop.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnText)) { // If the format is not equal, close this text element and we'll open a new one. if (!dnTop.FormatState.IsEqual(formatState)) { dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); dnTop = null; } } // OK, create a text node if necessary if (dnTop == null || dnTop.Type != DocumentNodeType.dnText) { dnTop = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnText); dnTop.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dna.Push(dnTop); } Debug.Assert(!dnTop.IsTerminated); dnTop.AppendXamlEncoded(text); dnTop.IsPending = false; } internal void ProcessNormalHardLine(FormatState formatState) { // Close out pending text nodes DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; if (dna.TestTop(DocumentNodeType.dnText)) { dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); } DocumentNode documentNode = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnLineBreak); documentNode.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dna.Push(documentNode); dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, dna.Count - 1); } internal void ProcessHardLine(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { switch (_converterState.TopFormatState.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestNormal: case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: case RtfDestination.DestShapeResult: case RtfDestination.DestListText: ProcessNormalHardLine(formatState); break; case RtfDestination.DestFontTable: case RtfDestination.DestFontName: break; case RtfDestination.DestColorTable: break; case RtfDestination.DestField: break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: case RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate: ProcessNormalHardLine(formatState); break; } } #endregion Internal Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Methods private void SetTokenTextWithControlCharacter(RtfToken token) { switch (token.Text[0]) { case '~': // NBSP token.Text = new string('\xA0', 1); // Unicode NBSP break; case '-': // Optional hypen (not really in input) token.Text = string.Empty; break; case ':': // Sub-entry in index - leave as literal break; case '_': // Non-breaking hypen - convert to real hypen token.Text = new string('\x2011', 1); break; case '|': // Formula character - leave as literal (or toss?) break; // Escaped lexically special RTF characters - leave as literal text case '\\': case '{': case '}': break; } } private int GetMatchedMarkList(FormatState formatState, MarkerList mlHave, MarkerList mlWant) { // The ones we have are only "good" if the styles match what we want. int nMatch = 0; for (; nMatch < mlHave.Count && nMatch < mlWant.Count; nMatch++) { if (!formatState.IsContinue) { MarkerListEntry eHave = mlHave.EntryAt(nMatch); MarkerListEntry eWant = mlWant.EntryAt(nMatch); if (eHave.Marker != eWant.Marker || eHave.ILS != eWant.ILS || eHave.StartIndexDefault != eWant.StartIndexDefault || eWant.StartIndexOverride >= 0) { break; } } } return nMatch; } private void EnsureListAndListItem(FormatState formatState, DocumentNodeArray dna, MarkerList mlHave, MarkerList mlWant, int nMatch) { int nInsertAt; bool added = false; int nLists = mlHave.Count; int nLevel = mlWant.Count; // Close any open lists that don't match the ones we want. bool bInField = dna.FindUnmatched(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin) >= 0; if (nLists > nMatch) { DocumentNode documentNodePara = dna.Pop(); while (nLists > nMatch) { int nOpen = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnList); if (nOpen >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nOpen); // Only coalesce if this is a top-level list. Otherwise I want to get // the full structure to use for margin fixups so I delay coalescing. // No, don't coalesce since a later list may need to get merged with this one. // if (!bInField && dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnList) < 0) // dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nOpen); } nLists--; mlHave.RemoveRange(mlHave.Count - 1, 1); } dna.Push(documentNodePara); } if (nLists < nLevel) { // Multiple immediately nested lists are handled poorly in Avalon and are usually an indication // of bad input from Word (or some other word processor). Clip the number of lists we'll create here. if (nLevel != nLists + 1) { // I'm going to truncate, but make the list I create here of the specific type at this level. if (nLevel <= mlWant.Count) { mlWant[nLists] = mlWant[mlWant.Count - 1]; } nLevel = nLists + 1; } // Ensure sufficient lists are open - this may be our first indication // Insert the list nodes right before the current paragraph nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; while (nLists < nLevel) { added = true; DocumentNode dnList = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnList); DocumentNode dnLI = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnListItem); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnLI); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnList); // Set the list properties MarkerListEntry mle = mlWant.EntryAt(nLists); dnList.FormatState.Marker = mle.Marker; dnList.FormatState.StartIndex = mle.StartIndexToUse; dnList.FormatState.StartIndexDefault = mle.StartIndexDefault; dnList.VirtualListLevel = mle.VirtualListLevel; dnList.FormatState.ILS = mle.ILS; nLists++; } } // Ensure listitem is open nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; int nList = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnList); if (nList >= 0) { int nLI = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnListItem, nList); if (nLI >= 0 && !added && !formatState.IsContinue) { DocumentNode documentNodePara = dna.Pop(); dna.CloseAt(nLI); // Don't coalesce - I may need to do margin fixup. // dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nLI); dna.Push(documentNodePara); nLI = -1; nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; } if (nLI == -1) { DocumentNode dnLI = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnListItem); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnLI); } } } #endregion Private Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Enum // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Enum private enum EncodeType { Ansi, Unicode, ShiftJis } #endregion Private Enum //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private byte[] _rtfBytes; private StringBuilder _outerXamlBuilder; private RtfToXamlLexer _lexer; private ConverterState _converterState; private bool _bForceParagraph; // WpfPayload package that containing the image for the specified Xaml private WpfPayload _wpfPayload; // Rtf image count that is the unique image id which is on WpfPayload private int _imageCount; #endregion Private Fields //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Const // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Const private const int MAX_GROUP_DEPTH = 32; #endregion Private Const } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: RtfToXamlReader.cs // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Description: Rtf reader to convert the rtf content into Xaml content. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Media; // Color using Microsoft.Win32; // Registry for font substitutes using MS.Internal; // Invariant namespace System.Windows.Documents { /// /// Horizontal alignment /// internal enum HAlign { AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignCenter, AlignJustify, AlignDefault }; /// /// Horizontal alignment /// internal enum VAlign { AlignTop, AlignCenter, AlignBottom, }; /// /// Flow direction /// internal enum DirState { DirDefault, DirLTR, DirRTL }; internal enum FontSlot { LOCH = 0, DBCH = 1, HICH = 2 }; /// /// Underline state /// internal enum ULState { ULNone, ULNormal, ULDot, ULDash, ULDashDot, ULDashDotDot, ULDouble, ULHeavyWave, ULLongDash, ULThick, ULThickDot, ULThickDash, ULThickDashDot, ULThickDashDotDot, ULThickLongDash, ULDoubleWave, ULWord, ULWave }; /// /// Strikethrough state /// internal enum StrikeState { StrikeNone, StrikeNormal, StrikeDouble }; /// /// Document node type /// WARNING: Keep in [....] with array used by GetTagName /// internal enum DocumentNodeType { dnUnknown = 0, dnText, dnInline, dnLineBreak, dnHyperlink, dnParagraph, dnInlineUIContainer, dnBlockUIContainer, dnImage, dnList, dnListItem, dnTable, dnTableBody, dnRow, dnCell, dnSection, dnFigure, dnFloater, dnFieldBegin, dnFieldEnd, dnShape, dnListText }; /// /// MarkerStyle /// internal enum MarkerStyle { MarkerNone = -1, MarkerArabic = 0, MarkerUpperRoman = 1, MarkerLowerRoman = 2, MarkerUpperAlpha = 3, MarkerLowerAlpha = 4, MarkerOrdinal = 5, MarkerCardinal = 6, MarkerBullet = 23, MarkerHidden = 255 // pseudo-value for no list text }; /// /// Converters /// internal static class Converters { internal static double TwipToPx(double twip) { return (twip / 1440f) * 96f; } internal static double TwipToPositivePx(double twip) { double px = (twip / 1440f) * 96f; if (px < 0) { px = 0; } return px; } internal static double TwipToPositiveVisiblePx(double twip) { double px = (twip / 1440f) * 96f; if (px < 0) { px = 0; } if (twip > 0.0 && px < 1.0) { px = 1.0; } return px; } internal static string TwipToPxString(double twip) { double px = TwipToPx(twip); return px.ToString("f2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } internal static string TwipToPositivePxString(double twip) { double px = TwipToPositivePx(twip); return px.ToString("f2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } internal static string TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(double twip) { double px = TwipToPositiveVisiblePx(twip); return px.ToString("f2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } internal static double PxToPt(double px) { return (px / 96) * 72f; } internal static long PxToTwipRounded(double px) { double twip = (px / 96f) * 1440f; if (twip < 0) { return (long)(twip - 0.5); } else { return (long)(twip + 0.5); } } internal static bool StringToDouble(string s, ref double d) { bool ret = true; d = 0.0; try { d = System.Convert.ToDouble(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (System.OverflowException) { ret = false; } catch (System.FormatException) { ret = false; } return ret; } internal static bool StringToInt(string s, ref int i) { bool ret = true; i = 0; try { i = System.Convert.ToInt32(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (System.OverflowException) { ret = false; } catch (System.FormatException) { ret = false; } return ret; } internal static string StringToXMLAttribute(string s) { if (s.IndexOf('"') == -1) { return s; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { if (s[i] == '"') { sb.Append("""); } else { sb.Append(s[i]); } } return sb.ToString(); } internal static bool HexStringToInt(string s, ref int i) { bool ret = true; i = 0; try { i = System.Int32.Parse(s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (System.OverflowException) { ret = false; } catch (System.FormatException) { ret = false; } return ret; } internal static string MarkerStyleToString(MarkerStyle ms) { switch (ms) { case MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic: return "Decimal"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperRoman: return "UpperRoman"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerRoman: return "LowerRoman"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperAlpha: return "UpperLatin"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerAlpha: return "LowerLatin"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerOrdinal: return "Decimal"; // Note no XAML support case MarkerStyle.MarkerCardinal: return "Decimal"; // Note no XAML support case MarkerStyle.MarkerHidden: return "None"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet: return "Disc"; default: return "Decimal"; } } internal static string MarkerStyleToOldRTFString(MarkerStyle ms) { switch (ms) { case MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet: // return "\\pnbidia"; // return "\\pnbidib"; return "\\pnlvlblt"; default: case MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic: // return "\\pndec"; return "\\pnlvlbody\\pndec"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerCardinal: return "\\pnlvlbody\\pncard"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperAlpha: return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnucltr"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperRoman: return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnucrm"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerAlpha: return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnlcltr"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerRoman: return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnlcrm"; case MarkerStyle.MarkerOrdinal: //return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnordt"; return "\\pnlvlbody\\pnord"; } } // Convert FG, BG and shading to produce color to fill with. // Shading is in 100'ths of a percent (ie, 10000 is 100%) // A value of zero for shading means use all CB. // A value of 10000 for shading means use all CF. // Intermediate values mean some combination of internal static bool ColorToUse(ConverterState converterState, long cb, long cf, long shade, ref Color c) { ColorTableEntry entryCB = cb >= 0 ? converterState.ColorTable.EntryAt((int)cb) : null; ColorTableEntry entryCF = cf >= 0 ? converterState.ColorTable.EntryAt((int)cf) : null; // No shading if (shade < 0) { if (entryCB == null) { return false; } else { c = entryCB.Color; return true; } } // Shading else { Color cCB = entryCB != null ? entryCB.Color : Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0, 0, 0); Color cCF = entryCF != null ? entryCF.Color : Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 255, 255, 255); // No color specifies means shading is treated as a grey intensity. if (entryCF == null && entryCB == null) { c = Color.FromArgb(0xff, (byte)(255 - (255 * shade / 10000)), (byte)(255 - (255 * shade / 10000)), (byte)(255 - (255 * shade / 10000))); return true; } // Only CF means CF fades as shading goes from 10,000 to 0 else if (entryCB == null) { c = Color.FromArgb(0xff, (byte)(cCF.R + ((255 - cCF.R) * (10000 - shade) / 10000)), (byte)(cCF.G + ((255 - cCF.G) * (10000 - shade) / 10000)), (byte)(cCF.B + ((255 - cCF.B) * (10000 - shade) / 10000))); return true; } // Only CB means CB gets larger impact (from black ) as shading goes from 10000 to 0 else if (entryCF == null) { c = Color.FromArgb(0xff, (byte)(cCB.R - (cCB.R * shade / 10000)), (byte)(cCB.G - (cCB.G * shade / 10000)), (byte)(cCB.B - (cCB.B * shade / 10000))); return true; } // Both - need to mix colors else { c = Color.FromArgb(0xff, (byte)((cCB.R * (10000 - shade) / 10000) + (cCF.R * shade / 10000)), (byte)((cCB.G * (10000 - shade) / 10000) + (cCF.G * shade / 10000)), (byte)((cCB.B * (10000 - shade) / 10000) + (cCF.B * shade / 10000))); return true; } } } internal static string AlignmentToString(HAlign a, DirState ds) { switch (a) { case HAlign.AlignLeft: return (ds != DirState.DirRTL) ? "Left" : "Right"; case HAlign.AlignRight: return (ds != DirState.DirRTL) ? "Right" : "Left"; case HAlign.AlignCenter: return "Center"; case HAlign.AlignJustify: return "Justify"; case HAlign.AlignDefault: default: return ""; } } internal static string MarkerCountToString(MarkerStyle ms, long nCount) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (nCount < 0) { nCount = 0; } switch (ms) { case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperRoman: case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerRoman: { return MarkerRomanCountToString(sb, ms, nCount); } case MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerAlpha: case MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperAlpha: { return MarkerAlphaCountToString(sb, ms, nCount); } case MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic: case MarkerStyle.MarkerOrdinal: case MarkerStyle.MarkerCardinal: return nCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); case MarkerStyle.MarkerHidden: case MarkerStyle.MarkerNone: return ""; case MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet: default: return "\\'B7"; } } private static string MarkerRomanCountToString(StringBuilder sb, MarkerStyle ms, long nCount) { while (nCount >= 1000) { sb.Append("M"); nCount -= 1000; } // 100's switch (nCount / 100) { case 9: sb.Append("CM"); break; case 8: sb.Append("DCCC"); break; case 7: sb.Append("DCC"); break; case 6: sb.Append("DC"); break; case 5: sb.Append("D"); break; case 4: sb.Append("CD"); break; case 3: sb.Append("CCC"); break; case 2: sb.Append("CC"); break; case 1: sb.Append("C"); break; case 0: break; } nCount = nCount % 100; // 10's switch (nCount / 10) { case 9: sb.Append("XC"); break; case 8: sb.Append("LXXX"); break; case 7: sb.Append("LXX"); break; case 6: sb.Append("LX"); break; case 5: sb.Append("L"); break; case 4: sb.Append("XL"); break; case 3: sb.Append("XXX"); break; case 2: sb.Append("XX"); break; case 1: sb.Append("X"); break; case 0: break; } nCount = nCount % 10; // 1's switch (nCount) { case 9: sb.Append("IX"); break; case 8: sb.Append("VIII"); break; case 7: sb.Append("VII"); break; case 6: sb.Append("VI"); break; case 5: sb.Append("V"); break; case 4: sb.Append("IV"); break; case 3: sb.Append("III"); break; case 2: sb.Append("II"); break; case 1: sb.Append("I"); break; case 0: break; } if (ms == MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperRoman) { return sb.ToString(); } else { return sb.ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } private static string MarkerAlphaCountToString(StringBuilder sb, MarkerStyle ms, long nCount) { int toThe1 = 26; int toThe2 = 676; int toThe3 = 17576; int toThe4 = 456976; char[] ca = new char[1]; int temp; temp = 0; while (nCount > toThe4 + toThe3 + toThe2 + toThe1) { temp++; nCount -= toThe4; } if (temp > 0) { if (temp > 26) temp = 26; ca[0] = (char)('A' + (temp - 1)); sb.Append(ca); } temp = 0; while (nCount > toThe3 + toThe2 + toThe1) { temp++; nCount -= toThe3; } if (temp > 0) { ca[0] = (char)('A' + (temp - 1)); sb.Append(ca); } temp = 0; while (nCount > toThe2 + toThe1) { temp++; nCount -= toThe2; } if (temp > 0) { ca[0] = (char)('A' + (temp - 1)); sb.Append(ca); } temp = 0; while (nCount > toThe1) { temp++; nCount -= toThe1; } if (temp > 0) { ca[0] = (char)('A' + (temp - 1)); sb.Append(ca); } ca[0] = (char)('A' + (nCount - 1)); sb.Append(ca); if (ms == MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperAlpha) { return sb.ToString(); } else { return sb.ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } // Convert byte to the hex data(0x3a ==> 0x33 and 0x61) internal static void ByteToHex(byte byteData, out byte firstHexByte, out byte secondHexByte) { firstHexByte = (byte)((byteData >> 4) & 0x0f); secondHexByte = (byte)(byteData & 0x0f); // First hex digit if (firstHexByte >= 0x00 && firstHexByte <= 0x09) { firstHexByte += 0x30; } else if (firstHexByte >= 0xa && firstHexByte <= 0xf) { firstHexByte += 'a' - 0xa; } // Second hex digit if (secondHexByte >= 0x00 && secondHexByte <= 0x09) { secondHexByte += 0x30; } else if (secondHexByte >= 0xa && secondHexByte <= 0xf) { secondHexByte += 'a' - 0xa; } } }; internal static class Validators { internal static bool IsValidFontSize(long fs) { return fs >= 0 && fs <= 0x7FFF; } internal static bool IsValidWidthType(long wt) { return wt >= 0 && wt <= 3; } internal static long MakeValidShading(long s) { if (s > 10000) s = 10000; return s; } internal static long MakeValidBorderWidth(long w) { // Word's UI only supports values from 0 to 120. But it will actually render larger // values, so let's maintain them through the converter (but still have some kind of limit). if (w < 0) { w = 0; } if (w > 1440) { w = 1440; } return w; } }; /// /// FormatState /// internal class FormatState { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors internal FormatState() { // Other settings _dest = RtfDestination.DestNormal; _stateSkip = 1; // Font settings SetCharDefaults(); // Para settings SetParaDefaults(); // Row settings SetRowDefaults(); } internal FormatState(FormatState formatState) { // Font settings Bold = formatState.Bold; Italic = formatState.Italic; Engrave = formatState.Engrave; Shadow = formatState.Shadow; SCaps = formatState.SCaps; Outline = formatState.Outline; Super = formatState.Super; Sub = formatState.Sub; SuperOffset = formatState.SuperOffset; FontSize = formatState.FontSize; Font = formatState.Font; CodePage = formatState.CodePage; CF = formatState.CF; CB = formatState.CB; DirChar = formatState.DirChar; UL = formatState.UL; Strike = formatState.Strike; Expand = formatState.Expand; Lang = formatState.Lang; LangFE = formatState.LangFE; LangCur = formatState.LangCur; FontSlot = formatState.FontSlot; // Para settings SB = formatState.SB; SA = formatState.SA; FI = formatState.FI; RI = formatState.RI; LI = formatState.LI; SL = formatState.SL; SLMult = formatState.SLMult; HAlign = formatState.HAlign; ILVL = formatState.ILVL; ITAP = formatState.ITAP; ILS = formatState.ILS; DirPara = formatState.DirPara; CFPara = formatState.CFPara; CBPara = formatState.CBPara; ParaShading = formatState.ParaShading; Marker = formatState.Marker; IsContinue = formatState.IsContinue; StartIndex = formatState.StartIndex; StartIndexDefault = formatState.StartIndexDefault; IsInTable = formatState.IsInTable; _pb = formatState.HasParaBorder ? new ParaBorder(formatState.ParaBorder) : null; // Row settings // For performance reasons, we don't make a full copy of the Row format information. The implication // of this is that changes to row format data will propagate back up from nested scopes, which is not // according to the strict semantics. But in practice, all new rows are explicitly cleared with the // \trowd keyword, which clears this, so this should be fine. RowFormat = formatState._rowFormat; // Other RtfDestination = formatState.RtfDestination; IsHidden = formatState.IsHidden; _stateSkip = formatState.UnicodeSkip; } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods internal void SetCharDefaults() { _fBold = false; _fItalic = false; _fEngrave = false; _fShadow = false; _fScaps = false; _fOutline = false; _fSub = false; _fSuper = false; _superOffset = 0; _fs = 24; // Default for RTF _font = -1; _codePage = -1; _cf = -1; _cb = -1; _dirChar = DirState.DirLTR; _ul = ULState.ULNone; _strike = StrikeState.StrikeNone; _expand = 0; _fHidden = false; _lang = -1; _langFE = -1; _langCur = -1; _fontSlot = FontSlot.LOCH; } internal void SetParaDefaults() { _sb = 0; _sa = 0; _fi = 0; _ri = 0; _li = 0; _align = HAlign.AlignDefault; _ilvl = 0; _pnlvl = 0; _itap = 0; _ils = -1; _dirPara = DirState.DirLTR; _cbPara = -1; _nParaShading = -1; _cfPara = -1; _marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerNone; _fContinue = false; _nStartIndex = -1; _nStartIndexDefault = -1; _sl = 0; _slMult = false; _pb = null; _fInTable = false; } internal void SetRowDefaults() { // Just toss old info RowFormat = null; } internal bool IsEqual(FormatState formatState) { return // Font Settings Bold == formatState.Bold && Italic == formatState.Italic && Engrave == formatState.Engrave && Shadow == formatState.Shadow && SCaps == formatState.SCaps && Outline == formatState.Outline && Super == formatState.Super && Sub == formatState.Sub && SuperOffset == formatState.SuperOffset && FontSize == formatState.FontSize && Font == formatState.Font && CodePage == formatState.CodePage && CF == formatState.CF && CB == formatState.CB && DirChar == formatState.DirChar && UL == formatState.UL && Strike == formatState.Strike && Expand == formatState.Expand && Lang == formatState.Lang && LangFE == formatState.LangFE && LangCur == formatState.LangCur && FontSlot == formatState.FontSlot // Para settings && SB == formatState.SB && SA == formatState.SA && FI == formatState.FI && RI == formatState.RI && LI == formatState.LI && HAlign == formatState.HAlign && ILVL == formatState.ILVL && ITAP == formatState.ITAP && ILS == formatState.ILS && DirPara == formatState.DirPara && CFPara == formatState.CFPara && CBPara == formatState.CBPara && ParaShading == formatState.ParaShading && Marker == formatState.Marker && IsContinue == formatState.IsContinue && StartIndex == formatState.StartIndex && StartIndexDefault == formatState.StartIndexDefault && SL == formatState.SL && SLMult == formatState.SLMult && IsInTable == formatState.IsInTable // Don't include para borders in this test // Row Settings // Don't include row settings in this test. // Other && RtfDestination == formatState.RtfDestination && IsHidden == formatState.IsHidden && UnicodeSkip == formatState.UnicodeSkip; } static internal FormatState EmptyFormatState { get { if (_fsEmptyState == null) { _fsEmptyState = new FormatState(); _fsEmptyState.FontSize = -1; } return _fsEmptyState; } } internal string GetBorderAttributeString(ConverterState converterState) { if (HasParaBorder) { return ParaBorder.GetBorderAttributeString(converterState); } else { return string.Empty; } } #endregion Internal Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Properties // Random Stacked Properties internal RtfDestination RtfDestination { get { return _dest; } set { _dest = value; } } internal bool IsHidden { get { return _fHidden; } set { _fHidden = value; } } internal bool IsContentDestination { get { return _dest == RtfDestination.DestNormal || _dest == RtfDestination.DestFieldResult || _dest == RtfDestination.DestShapeResult || _dest == RtfDestination.DestShape || _dest == RtfDestination.DestListText; } } // Character Style internal bool Bold { get { return _fBold; } set { _fBold = value; } } internal bool Italic { get { return _fItalic; } set { _fItalic = value; } } internal bool Engrave { get { return _fEngrave; } set { _fEngrave = value; } } internal bool Shadow { get { return _fShadow; } set { _fShadow = value; } } internal bool SCaps { get { return _fScaps; } set { _fScaps = value; } } internal bool Outline { get { return _fOutline; } set { _fOutline = value; } } internal bool Sub { get { return _fSub; } set { _fSub = value; } } internal bool Super { get { return _fSuper; } set { _fSuper = value; } } internal long SuperOffset { get { return _superOffset; } set { _superOffset = value; } } internal long FontSize { get { return _fs; } set { _fs = value; } } internal long Font { get { return _font; } set { _font = value; } } internal int CodePage { get { return _codePage; } set { _codePage = value; } } internal long CF { get { return _cf; } set { _cf = value; } } internal long CB { get { return _cb; } set { _cb = value; } } internal DirState DirChar { get { return _dirChar; } set { _dirChar = value; } } internal ULState UL { get { return _ul; } set { _ul = value; } } internal StrikeState Strike { get { return _strike; } set { _strike = value; } } internal long Expand { get { return _expand; } set { _expand = value; } } internal long Lang { get { return _lang; } set { _lang = value; } } internal long LangFE { get { return _langFE; } set { _langFE = value; } } internal long LangCur { get { return _langCur; } set { _langCur = value; } } internal FontSlot FontSlot { get { return _fontSlot; } set { _fontSlot = value; } } // Paragraph Style internal long SB { get { return _sb; } set { _sb = value; } } internal long SA { get { return _sa; } set { _sa = value; } } internal long FI { get { return _fi; } set { _fi = value; } } internal long RI { get { return _ri; } set { _ri = value; } } internal long LI { get { return _li; } set { _li = value; } } internal HAlign HAlign { get { return _align; } set { _align = value; } } internal long ILVL { get { return _ilvl; } set { if (value >= 0 && value <= MAX_LIST_DEPTH) { _ilvl = value; } } } internal long PNLVL { get { return _pnlvl; } set { _pnlvl = value; } } internal long ITAP { get { return _itap; } set { if (value >= 0 && value <= MAX_TABLE_DEPTH) { _itap = value; } } } internal long ILS { get { return _ils; } set { _ils = value; } } internal DirState DirPara { get { return _dirPara; } set { _dirPara = value; } } internal long CFPara { get { return _cfPara; } set { _cfPara = value; } } internal long CBPara { get { return _cbPara; } set { _cbPara = value; } } internal long ParaShading { get { return _nParaShading; } set { _nParaShading = Validators.MakeValidShading(value); } } internal MarkerStyle Marker { get { return _marker; } set { _marker = value; } } internal bool IsContinue { get { return _fContinue; } set { _fContinue = value; } } internal long StartIndex { get { return _nStartIndex; } set { _nStartIndex = value; } } internal long StartIndexDefault { get { return _nStartIndexDefault; } set { _nStartIndexDefault = value; } } internal long SL { get { return _sl; } set { _sl = value; } } internal bool SLMult { get { return _slMult; } set { _slMult = value; } } internal bool IsInTable { get { return _fInTable; } set { _fInTable = value; } } internal long TableLevel { get { if (_fInTable || _itap > 0) { return _itap > 0 ? _itap : 1; } else { return 0; } } } internal long ListLevel { get { if (_ils >= 0 || _ilvl > 0) { return _ilvl > 0 ? _ilvl + 1 : 1; } else if (PNLVL > 0) { return PNLVL; } else if (_marker != MarkerStyle.MarkerNone) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } internal int UnicodeSkip { get { return _stateSkip; } set { if (value >= 0 && value < 0xffff) { _stateSkip = value; } } } internal RowFormat RowFormat { get { // Allocate on access. if (_rowFormat == null) { _rowFormat = new RowFormat(); } return _rowFormat; } set { _rowFormat = value; } } internal bool HasRowFormat { get { return _rowFormat != null; } } internal ParaBorder ParaBorder { get { if (_pb == null) { _pb = new ParaBorder(); } return _pb; } } internal bool HasParaBorder { get { return _pb != null && !_pb.IsNone; } } // Image type property internal RtfImageFormat ImageFormat { get { return _imageFormat; } set { _imageFormat = value; } } // Image source name property internal string ImageSource { get { return _imageSource; } set { _imageSource = value; } } // Image width property internal double ImageWidth { get { return _imageWidth; } set { _imageWidth = value; } } // Image height property internal double ImageHeight { get { return _imageHeight; } set { _imageHeight = value; } } // Image width property internal double ImageScaleWidth { get { return _imageScaleWidth; } set { _imageScaleWidth = value; } } // Image height property internal double ImageScaleHeight { get { return _imageScaleHeight; } set { _imageScaleHeight = value; } } // IsImageDataBinary: The default is false that is hex data for image internal bool IsImageDataBinary { get { return _isImageDataBinary; } set { _isImageDataBinary = value; } } // Image stretch property to apply scale factor internal string ImageStretch { get { return _imageStretch; } set { _imageStretch = value; } } // Image stretch direction property to apply scale factor internal string ImageStretchDirection { get { return _imageStretchDirection; } set { _imageStretchDirection = value; } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Fields private RtfDestination _dest; private bool _fBold; private bool _fItalic; private bool _fSuper; private bool _fSub; private bool _fOutline; private bool _fEngrave; private bool _fShadow; private bool _fScaps; private long _fs; // Font size in half points private long _font; // Index into font table private int _codePage; // Cache of code page from font private long _superOffset; // Sub/super offset private long _cf; // Foreground color index private long _cb; // Background color index private DirState _dirChar; // Character level direction private ULState _ul; private StrikeState _strike; private long _expand; private long _lang; private long _langFE; private long _langCur; private FontSlot _fontSlot; // Para style flags and values private long _sa; // Space After private long _sb; // Space Before private long _li; // Left Indent private long _ri; // Right Indent private long _fi; // First Indent private HAlign _align; // Paragraph alignment private long _ils; // List override index private long _ilvl; // 0-based List level private long _pnlvl; // 1-based old style List level private long _itap; // Table level private DirState _dirPara; // Paragraph level direction private long _cfPara; // Paragraph fill color private long _cbPara; // Paragraph pattern background color private long _nParaShading; // Paragraph shading in 100's of a percent private MarkerStyle _marker; // Type of bullet for old-style RTF private bool _fContinue; // Continue list numbering? (without number) private long _nStartIndex; // List start index private long _nStartIndexDefault; // List start index default value private long _sl; private bool _slMult; private ParaBorder _pb; private bool _fInTable; // Paragraph is in table private bool _fHidden; // Hidden text private int _stateSkip; private RowFormat _rowFormat; private static FormatState _fsEmptyState = null; // Image property fields private RtfImageFormat _imageFormat; private string _imageSource; private double _imageWidth; private double _imageHeight; private double _imageScaleWidth; private double _imageScaleHeight; private bool _isImageDataBinary; private string _imageStretch; private string _imageStretchDirection; #endregion Private Fields //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Const // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Const private const int MAX_LIST_DEPTH = 32; private const int MAX_TABLE_DEPTH = 32; #endregion Private Const } internal enum BorderType { BorderNone, BorderSingle, BorderDouble // ... lots more } internal class BorderFormat { internal BorderFormat() { SetDefaults(); } internal BorderFormat(BorderFormat cb) { CF = cb.CF; Width = cb.Width; Type = cb.Type; } //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Properties internal long CF { get { return _cf; } set { _cf = value; } } internal long Width { get { return _width; } set { _width = Validators.MakeValidBorderWidth(value); } } internal long EffectiveWidth { get { switch (Type) { case BorderType.BorderNone: return 0; case BorderType.BorderDouble: return Width * 2; default: case BorderType.BorderSingle: return Width; } } } internal BorderType Type { get { return _type; } set { _type = value; } } internal bool IsNone { get { return EffectiveWidth <= 0 || Type == BorderType.BorderNone; } } internal string RTFEncoding { get { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (IsNone) { sb.Append("\\brdrnone"); } else { sb.Append("\\brdrs\\brdrw"); sb.Append(EffectiveWidth.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (CF >= 0) { sb.Append("\\brdrcf"); sb.Append(CF.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } return sb.ToString(); } } static internal BorderFormat EmptyBorderFormat { get { if (_emptyBorderFormat == null) { _emptyBorderFormat = new BorderFormat(); } return _emptyBorderFormat; } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods internal void SetDefaults() { _cf = -1; _width = 0; _type = BorderType.BorderNone; } #endregion Internal Methods private long _cf; private long _width; private BorderType _type; static private BorderFormat _emptyBorderFormat = null; } internal class ParaBorder { internal ParaBorder() { BorderLeft = new BorderFormat(); BorderTop = new BorderFormat(); BorderRight = new BorderFormat(); BorderBottom = new BorderFormat(); BorderAll = new BorderFormat(); Spacing = 0; } internal ParaBorder(ParaBorder pb) { BorderLeft = new BorderFormat(pb.BorderLeft); BorderTop = new BorderFormat(pb.BorderTop); BorderRight = new BorderFormat(pb.BorderRight); BorderBottom = new BorderFormat(pb.BorderBottom); BorderAll = new BorderFormat(pb.BorderAll); Spacing = pb.Spacing; } //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal BorderFormat BorderLeft { get { return _bfLeft; } set { _bfLeft = value; } } internal BorderFormat BorderTop { get { return _bfTop; } set { _bfTop = value; } } internal BorderFormat BorderRight { get { return _bfRight; } set { _bfRight = value; } } internal BorderFormat BorderBottom { get { return _bfBottom; } set { _bfBottom = value; } } internal BorderFormat BorderAll { get { return _bfAll; } set { _bfAll = value; } } internal long Spacing { get { return _nSpacing; } set { _nSpacing = value; } } internal long CF { get { return BorderLeft.CF; } set { BorderLeft.CF = value; BorderTop.CF = value; BorderRight.CF = value; BorderBottom.CF = value; BorderAll.CF = value; } } internal bool IsNone { get { return BorderLeft.IsNone && BorderTop.IsNone && BorderRight.IsNone && BorderBottom.IsNone && BorderAll.IsNone; } } internal string GetBorderAttributeString(ConverterState converterState) { if (IsNone) { return string.Empty; } // Build the border attribute string based on border values StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Left,Top,Right,Bottom sb.Append(" BorderThickness=\""); if (!BorderAll.IsNone) { sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(BorderAll.EffectiveWidth)); } else { sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(BorderLeft.EffectiveWidth)); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(BorderTop.EffectiveWidth)); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(BorderRight.EffectiveWidth)); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(BorderBottom.EffectiveWidth)); } sb.Append("\""); ColorTableEntry entry = null; if (CF >= 0) { entry = converterState.ColorTable.EntryAt((int)CF); } if (entry != null) { sb.Append(" BorderBrush=\""); sb.Append(entry.Color.ToString()); sb.Append("\""); } else { sb.Append(" BorderBrush=\"#FF000000\""); } if (Spacing != 0) { sb.Append(" Padding=\""); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(Spacing)); sb.Append("\""); } return sb.ToString(); } internal string RTFEncoding { get { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (IsNone) { sb.Append("\\brdrnil"); } else { sb.Append("\\brdrl"); sb.Append(BorderLeft.RTFEncoding); if (BorderLeft.CF >= 0) { sb.Append("\\brdrcf"); sb.Append(BorderLeft.CF.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } sb.Append("\\brdrt"); sb.Append(BorderTop.RTFEncoding); if (BorderTop.CF >= 0) { sb.Append("\\brdrcf"); sb.Append(BorderTop.CF.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } sb.Append("\\brdrr"); sb.Append(BorderRight.RTFEncoding); if (BorderRight.CF >= 0) { sb.Append("\\brdrcf"); sb.Append(BorderRight.CF.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } sb.Append("\\brdrb"); sb.Append(BorderBottom.RTFEncoding); if (BorderBottom.CF >= 0) { sb.Append("\\brdrcf"); sb.Append(BorderBottom.CF.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } sb.Append("\\brsp"); sb.Append(Spacing.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } return sb.ToString(); } } #endregion Internal Properties //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private BorderFormat _bfLeft; private BorderFormat _bfTop; private BorderFormat _bfRight; private BorderFormat _bfBottom; private BorderFormat _bfAll; private long _nSpacing; #endregion Private Fields } internal enum WidthType { WidthIgnore = 0, WidthAuto = 1, WidthPercent = 2, // Actually 50ths WidthTwips = 3 } internal class CellWidth { internal CellWidth() { Type = WidthType.WidthAuto; Value = 0; } internal CellWidth(CellWidth cw) { Type = cw.Type; Value = cw.Value; } internal WidthType Type { get { return _type; } set { _type = value; } } internal long Value { get { return _value; } set { _value = value; } } internal void SetDefaults() { Type = WidthType.WidthAuto; Value = 0; } private WidthType _type; private long _value; } internal class CellFormat { internal CellFormat() { BorderLeft = new BorderFormat(); BorderRight = new BorderFormat(); BorderBottom = new BorderFormat(); BorderTop = new BorderFormat(); Width = new CellWidth(); SetDefaults(); IsPending = true; } internal CellFormat(CellFormat cf) { CellX = cf.CellX; IsCellXSet = cf.IsCellXSet; Width = new CellWidth(cf.Width); CB = cf.CB; CF = cf.CF; Shading = cf.Shading; PaddingTop = cf.PaddingTop; PaddingBottom = cf.PaddingBottom; PaddingRight = cf.PaddingRight; PaddingLeft = cf.PaddingLeft; BorderLeft = new BorderFormat(cf.BorderLeft); BorderRight = new BorderFormat(cf.BorderRight); BorderBottom = new BorderFormat(cf.BorderBottom); BorderTop = new BorderFormat(cf.BorderTop); SpacingTop = cf.SpacingTop; SpacingBottom = cf.SpacingBottom; SpacingRight = cf.SpacingRight; SpacingLeft = cf.SpacingLeft; VAlign = VAlign.AlignTop; IsPending = true; IsHMerge = cf.IsHMerge; IsHMergeFirst = cf.IsHMergeFirst; IsVMerge = cf.IsVMerge; IsVMergeFirst = cf.IsVMergeFirst; } //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal long CB { get { return _cb; } set { _cb = value; } } internal long CF { get { return _cf; } set { _cf = value; } } internal long Shading { get { return _nShading; } set { _nShading = Validators.MakeValidShading(value); } } internal long PaddingLeft { get { return _padL; } set { _padL = value; } } internal long PaddingRight { get { return _padR; } set { _padR = value; } } internal long PaddingTop { get { return _padT; } set { _padT = value; } } internal long PaddingBottom { get { return _padB; } set { _padB = value; } } internal BorderFormat BorderTop { get { return _brdT; } set { _brdT = value; } } internal BorderFormat BorderBottom { get { return _brdB; } set { _brdB = value; } } internal BorderFormat BorderLeft { get { return _brdL; } set { _brdL = value; } } internal BorderFormat BorderRight { get { return _brdR; } set { _brdR = value; } } internal CellWidth Width { get { return _width; } set { _width = value; } } internal long CellX { get { return _nCellX; } set { _nCellX = value; _fCellXSet = true; } } internal bool IsCellXSet { get { return _fCellXSet; } set { _fCellXSet = value; } } internal VAlign VAlign { set { _valign = value; } } internal long SpacingTop { get { return _spaceT; } set { _spaceT = value; } } internal long SpacingLeft { get { return _spaceL; } set { _spaceL = value; } } internal long SpacingBottom { get { return _spaceB; } set { _spaceB = value; } } internal long SpacingRight { get { return _spaceR; } set { _spaceR = value; } } internal bool IsPending { get { return _fPending; } set { _fPending = value; } } internal bool IsHMerge { get { return _fHMerge; } set { _fHMerge = value; } } internal bool IsHMergeFirst { get { return _fHMergeFirst; } set { _fHMergeFirst = value; } } internal bool IsVMerge { get { return _fVMerge; } set { _fVMerge = value; } } internal bool IsVMergeFirst { get { return _fVMergeFirst; } set { _fVMergeFirst = value; } } internal bool HasBorder { get { return BorderLeft.EffectiveWidth > 0 || BorderRight.EffectiveWidth > 0 || BorderTop.EffectiveWidth > 0 || BorderBottom.EffectiveWidth > 0; } } internal string RTFEncodingForWidth { get { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("\\clftsWidth"); int t = (int)Width.Type; sb.Append(t.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append("\\clwWidth"); sb.Append(Width.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append("\\cellx"); sb.Append(CellX.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); return sb.ToString(); } } #endregion Internal Properties //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods internal void SetDefaults() { CellX = -1; IsCellXSet = false; Width.SetDefaults(); CB = -1; CF = -1; Shading = -1; PaddingTop = 0; PaddingBottom = 0; PaddingRight = 0; PaddingLeft = 0; BorderLeft.SetDefaults(); BorderRight.SetDefaults(); BorderBottom.SetDefaults(); BorderTop.SetDefaults(); SpacingTop = 0; SpacingBottom = 0; SpacingRight = 0; SpacingLeft = 0; VAlign = VAlign.AlignTop; IsHMerge = false; IsHMergeFirst = false; IsVMerge = false; IsVMergeFirst = false; } internal string GetBorderAttributeString(ConverterState converterState) { Debug.Assert(HasBorder); // Build the border attribute string based on border values StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Left,Top,Right,Bottom sb.Append(" BorderThickness=\""); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(BorderLeft.EffectiveWidth)); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(BorderTop.EffectiveWidth)); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(BorderRight.EffectiveWidth)); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(BorderBottom.EffectiveWidth)); sb.Append("\""); // Only grab one color ColorTableEntry entry = null; if (BorderLeft.CF >= 0) { entry = converterState.ColorTable.EntryAt((int)BorderLeft.CF); } if (entry != null) { sb.Append(" BorderBrush=\""); sb.Append(entry.Color.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append("\""); } else { sb.Append(" BorderBrush=\"#FF000000\""); } return sb.ToString(); } internal string GetPaddingAttributeString() { // Build the padding attribute string based on padding values StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Left,Top,Right,Bottom sb.Append(" Padding=\""); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(PaddingLeft)); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(PaddingTop)); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(PaddingRight)); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(PaddingBottom)); sb.Append("\""); return sb.ToString(); } #endregion Internal Methods private long _cb; private long _cf; private long _nShading; private long _padT; private long _padB; private long _padR; private long _padL; private long _spaceT; private long _spaceB; private long _spaceR; private long _spaceL; private long _nCellX; private CellWidth _width; private VAlign _valign; private BorderFormat _brdL; private BorderFormat _brdR; private BorderFormat _brdT; private BorderFormat _brdB; private bool _fPending; private bool _fHMerge; private bool _fHMergeFirst; private bool _fVMerge; private bool _fVMergeFirst; private bool _fCellXSet; } internal class RowFormat { internal RowFormat() { _rowCellFormat = new CellFormat(); _widthA = new CellWidth(); _widthB = new CellWidth(); _widthRow = new CellWidth(); _cellFormats = new ArrayList(); _dir = DirState.DirLTR; _nTrgaph = -1; _nTrleft = 0; } internal RowFormat(RowFormat ri) { _rowCellFormat = new CellFormat(ri.RowCellFormat); _cellFormats = new ArrayList(); _widthA = new CellWidth(ri.WidthA); _widthB = new CellWidth(ri.WidthB); _widthRow = new CellWidth(ri.WidthRow); _nTrgaph = ri.Trgaph; _dir = ri.Dir; _nTrleft = ri._nTrleft; for (int i = 0; i < ri.CellCount; i++) { _cellFormats.Add(new CellFormat(ri.NthCellFormat(i))); } } //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Properties internal CellFormat RowCellFormat { get { return _rowCellFormat; } } internal int CellCount { get { return _cellFormats.Count; } } internal CellFormat TopCellFormat { get { return CellCount > 0 ? NthCellFormat(CellCount - 1) : null; } } internal CellWidth WidthA { get { return _widthA; } } internal CellWidth WidthB { get { return _widthB; } } internal CellWidth WidthRow { get { return _widthRow; } } internal long Trgaph { get { return _nTrgaph; } set { _nTrgaph = value; } } internal long Trleft { get { return _nTrleft; } set { _nTrleft = value; } } internal DirState Dir { get { return _dir; } set { _dir = value; } } internal bool IsVMerge { get { for (int i = 0; i < CellCount; i++) { if (NthCellFormat(i).IsVMerge) { return true; } } return false; } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods internal CellFormat NthCellFormat(int n) { // If asked for a cell format beyond the bounds specified, just use row defaults. // This probably indicates malformed content, but makes reading more robust. if (n < 0 || n >= CellCount) { return RowCellFormat; } return (CellFormat)_cellFormats[n]; } internal CellFormat NextCellFormat() { _cellFormats.Add(new CellFormat(RowCellFormat)); return TopCellFormat; } internal CellFormat CurrentCellFormat() { if (CellCount == 0 || !TopCellFormat.IsPending) { return NextCellFormat(); } else { return TopCellFormat; } } internal void CanonicalizeWidthsFromRTF() { if (CellCount == 0) { return; } CellFormat cfPrev = null; long cellx = Trleft; // Make sure widths and cellx are set up. For merged cells, the first cell in the merged set has // the real width while the last cell in the merged set has the real CellX. I put the real CellX // in the first merged cell so I can just use that one. for (int i = 0; i < CellCount; i++) { CellFormat cf = NthCellFormat(i); // Ignore HMerge Cells if (cf.IsHMerge) { continue; } // Grab CellX from last cell in range of merged cells if (cf.IsHMergeFirst) { for (int k = i + 1; k < CellCount; k++) { CellFormat cf1 = NthCellFormat(k); if (cf1.IsHMerge) { cf.CellX = cf1.CellX; } else { break; } } } if (cf.Width.Value == 0 && cf.IsCellXSet) { cf.Width.Type = WidthType.WidthTwips; cf.Width.Value = (cfPrev == null) ? cf.CellX - Trleft : cf.CellX - cfPrev.CellX; } else if (cf.Width.Value > 0 && !cf.IsCellXSet) { cellx += cf.Width.Value; cf.CellX = cellx; } cfPrev = cf; } // It's also important that CellX be monotonic. cellx = NthCellFormat(0).CellX; for (int i = 1; i < CellCount; i++) { CellFormat cf = NthCellFormat(i); if (cf.CellX < cellx) { cf.CellX = cellx + 1; } cellx = cf.CellX; } } internal void CanonicalizeWidthsFromXaml() { long nCellX = Trleft; for (int i = 0; i < CellCount; i++) { CellFormat cf = NthCellFormat(i); if (cf.Width.Type == WidthType.WidthTwips) { nCellX += cf.Width.Value; } else { nCellX += 1440; // arbitrary - one inch. } cf.CellX = nCellX; } } #endregion Internal Methods private CellFormat _rowCellFormat; private CellWidth _widthA; private CellWidth _widthB; private CellWidth _widthRow; private ArrayList _cellFormats; private long _nTrgaph; private long _nTrleft; private DirState _dir; } internal class MarkerListEntry { internal MarkerListEntry() { _marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet; _nILS = -1; _nStartIndexOverride = -1; _nStartIndexDefault = -1; _nVirtualListLevel = -1; } internal MarkerStyle Marker { get { return _marker; } set { _marker = value; } } internal long StartIndexOverride { get { return _nStartIndexOverride; } set { _nStartIndexOverride = value; } } internal long StartIndexDefault { get { return _nStartIndexDefault; } set { _nStartIndexDefault = value; } } internal long VirtualListLevel { get { return _nVirtualListLevel; } set { _nVirtualListLevel = value; } } internal long StartIndexToUse { get { return _nStartIndexOverride > 0 ? _nStartIndexOverride : _nStartIndexDefault; } } internal long ILS { get { return _nILS; } set { _nILS = value; } } private MarkerStyle _marker; private long _nStartIndexOverride; private long _nStartIndexDefault; private long _nVirtualListLevel; private long _nILS; } internal class MarkerList : ArrayList { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors internal MarkerList() : base(5) { } #endregion Constructors //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods internal MarkerListEntry EntryAt(int index) { return (MarkerListEntry)this[index]; } internal void AddEntry(MarkerStyle m, long nILS, long nStartIndexOverride, long nStartIndexDefault, long nLevel) { MarkerListEntry entry = new MarkerListEntry(); entry.Marker = m; entry.StartIndexOverride = nStartIndexOverride; entry.StartIndexDefault = nStartIndexDefault; entry.VirtualListLevel = nLevel; entry.ILS = nILS; Add(entry); } #endregion Internal Methods } /// /// FontTableEntry /// internal class FontTableEntry { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors internal FontTableEntry() { _index = -1; _codePage = -1; _charSet = 0; _bNameSealed = false; _bPending = true; } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal int Index { get { return _index; } set { _index = value; } } internal string Name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } } internal bool IsNameSealed { get { return _bNameSealed; } set { _bNameSealed = value; } } internal bool IsPending { get { return _bPending; } set { _bPending = value; } } internal int CodePage { get { return _codePage; } set { _codePage = value; } } internal int CodePageFromCharSet { set { int cp = CharSetToCodePage(value); if (cp != 0) { CodePage = cp; } } } internal int CharSet { get { return _charSet; } set { _charSet = value; } } #endregion Internal Properties //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods internal static int CharSetToCodePage(int cs) { switch (cs) { case 0: // ANSI return 1252; // ANSI means use 1252 case 1: // DEFAULT return -1; // -1 means use default code page case 2: // Symbol return 1252; // Symbol isn't a charset case 3: // Invalid return -1; // -1 means use ansicpg case 77: // Mac return 10000; case 78: // Shift JIS - bug in MacWord98J case 128: // Shift JIS return 932; case 129: // Hangul return 949; case 130: // Johab return 1361; case 134: // GB2312 return 936; case 136: // Big5 return 950; case 161: // Greek return 1253; case 162: // Turkish return 1254; case 163: // Vietnamese return 1258; case 177: // Hebrew return 1255; case 178: // Arabic return 1256; case 179: // Arabic Traditional return 1256; case 180: // Arabic user return 1256; case 181: // Hebrew user return 1255; case 186: // Baltic return 1257; case 204: // Russian return 1251; case 222: // Thai return 874; case 238: // Eastern European return 1250; case 254: // PC 437 return 437; case 255: // OEM return 850; default: return 0; } } internal void ComputePreferredCodePage() { int[] CodePageList = { 1252, 932, 949, 1361, 936, 950, 1253, 1254, 1258, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1251, 874, 1250, 437, 850 }; CodePage = 1252; CharSet = 0; if (Name != null && Name.Length > 0) { byte[] rgBytes = new byte[Name.Length * 6]; char[] rgChars = new char[Name.Length * 6]; for (int i = 0; i < CodePageList.Length; i++) { Encoding e = Encoding.GetEncoding(CodePageList[i]); int cb = e.GetBytes(Name, 0, Name.Length, rgBytes, 0); int cch = e.GetChars(rgBytes, 0, cb, rgChars, 0); if (cch == Name.Length) { int k = 0; for (k = 0; k < cch; k++) { if (rgChars[k] != Name[k]) { break; } } // This code page can encode this font name. if (k == cch) { CodePage = CodePageList[i]; CharSet = CodePageToCharSet(CodePage); break; } } } // Set the symbol charset for symbol font if (IsSymbolFont(Name)) { CharSet = 2 /* Symbol Charset */; } } } #endregion Internal Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Methods private static int CodePageToCharSet(int cp) { switch (cp) { case 1252: // ANSI return 0; // ANSI means use 1252 case 10000: // Mac return 77; case 932: // Shift JIS return 128; case 949: // Hangul return 129; case 1361: // Johab return 130; case 936: // GB2312 return 134; case 950: // Big5 return 136; case 1253: // Greek return 161; case 1254: // Turkish return 162; case 1258: // Vietnamese return 163; case 1255: // Hebrew return 177; case 1256: // Arabic return 178; case 1257: // Baltic return 186; case 1251: // Russian return 204; case 874: // Thai return 222; case 1250: // Eastern European return 238; case 437: // PC 437 return 254; case 850: // OEM return 255; default: return 0; } } /// /// Return true if the specified typeface name is the symbol font. /// private static bool IsSymbolFont(string typefaceName) { bool isSymbolFont = false; Typeface typeface = new Typeface(typefaceName); if (typeface != null) { GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface = typeface.TryGetGlyphTypeface(); if (glyphTypeface != null && glyphTypeface.Symbol) { isSymbolFont = true; } } return isSymbolFont; } #endregion Private Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private string _name; private int _index; private int _codePage; private int _charSet; private bool _bNameSealed; private bool _bPending; #endregion Private Fields } /// /// FontTable that includes the font table. /// internal class FontTable : ArrayList { //------------------------------------------------------ // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors internal FontTable() : base(20) { _fontMappings = null; } #endregion Constructors //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods internal FontTableEntry DefineEntry(int index) { // Might happen with bad input FontTableEntry entry = FindEntryByIndex(index); if (entry != null) { // Re-open it entry.IsPending = true; entry.Name = null; return entry; } entry = new FontTableEntry(); entry.Index = index; Add(entry); return entry; } internal FontTableEntry FindEntryByIndex(int index) { for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { FontTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i); if (entry.Index == index) { return entry; } } return null; } internal FontTableEntry FindEntryByName(string name) { for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { FontTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i); if (name.Equals(entry.Name)) { return entry; } } return null; } internal FontTableEntry EntryAt(int index) { return (FontTableEntry)this[index]; } internal int DefineEntryByName(string name) { int maxIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { FontTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i); if (name.Equals(entry.Name)) { return entry.Index; } if (entry.Index > maxIndex) { maxIndex = entry.Index; } } // Not there - define one. FontTableEntry newEntry = new FontTableEntry(); newEntry.Index = maxIndex + 1; Add(newEntry); newEntry.Name = name; return maxIndex + 1; } internal void MapFonts() { Hashtable map = FontMappings; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { FontTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i); if (entry.Name != null) { string mappedName = (string)map[entry.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)]; if (mappedName != null) { entry.Name = mappedName; } else { int iCP = entry.Name.IndexOf('('); if (iCP >= 0) { while (iCP > 0 && entry.Name[iCP - 1] == ' ') iCP--; entry.Name = entry.Name.Substring(0, iCP); } } } } } #endregion Internal Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal FontTableEntry CurrentEntry { get { if (Count == 0) { return null; } // Find Pending Entry for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FontTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i); if (entry.IsPending) { return entry; } } return EntryAt(Count - 1); } } internal Hashtable FontMappings { get { if (_fontMappings == null) { _fontMappings = new Hashtable(); RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes"); if (rk != null) { string[] names = rk.GetValueNames(); foreach (string name in names) { string value = (string)rk.GetValue(name); if (name.Length > 0 && value.Length > 0) { string lhs_name = name; string lhs_tag = string.Empty; string rhs_name = value; string rhs_tag = string.Empty; int i; i = name.IndexOf(','); if (i >= 0) { lhs_name = name.Substring(0, i); lhs_tag = name.Substring(i + 1, name.Length - i - 1); } i = value.IndexOf(','); if (i >= 0) { rhs_name = value.Substring(0, i); rhs_tag = value.Substring(i + 1, value.Length - i - 1); } if (lhs_name.Length > 0 && rhs_name.Length > 0) { bool bAdd = false; // If both entries specify charset, they must match. if (lhs_tag.Length > 0 && rhs_tag.Length > 0) { if (string.Compare(lhs_tag, rhs_tag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { bAdd = true; } } // If neither specifies a charset, the tagged (left) entry must be a substring. else if (lhs_tag.Length == 0 && rhs_tag.Length == 0) { if (lhs_name.Length > rhs_name.Length) { string s = lhs_name.Substring(0, rhs_name.Length); if (string.Compare(s, rhs_name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { bAdd = true; } } } // If just the name specifies the charset, use it. else if (lhs_tag.Length > 0 && rhs_tag.Length == 0) { bAdd = true; } // OK, actually add the mapping. if (bAdd) { // Don't add a new mapping if one exists string keyname = lhs_name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (_fontMappings[keyname] == null) { _fontMappings.Add(keyname, rhs_name); } } } } } } } return _fontMappings; } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Fields Hashtable _fontMappings; #endregion Private Fields } /// /// ColorTableEntry that includes color. /// internal class ColorTableEntry { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors internal ColorTableEntry() { _color = Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0, 0); _bAuto = false; } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal Color Color { get { return _color; } set { _color = value; } } internal bool IsAuto { get { return _bAuto; } set { _bAuto = value; } } internal byte Red { set { _color = Color.FromArgb(0xff, value, _color.G, _color.B); } } internal byte Green { set { _color = Color.FromArgb(0xff, _color.R, value, _color.B); } } internal byte Blue { set { _color = Color.FromArgb(0xff, _color.R, _color.G, value); } } #endregion Internal Properties //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private Color _color; private bool _bAuto; #endregion Private Fields } /// /// ColorTableEntry that includes color table. /// internal class ColorTable : ArrayList { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors internal ColorTable() : base(20) { _inProgress = false; } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods internal Color ColorAt(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < Count) { return EntryAt(index).Color; } else { return Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0, 0); } } internal void FinishColor() { if (_inProgress) { _inProgress = false; } else { int i = AddColor(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0, 0)); // Initial unspecified color value is treated as "auto". EntryAt(i).IsAuto = true; } } internal int AddColor(Color color) { // First return existing one for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { if (ColorAt(i) == color) { return i; } } // OK, need to add one ColorTableEntry entry = new ColorTableEntry(); entry.Color = color; Add(entry); return Count - 1; } internal ColorTableEntry EntryAt(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < Count) { return (ColorTableEntry)this[index]; } else { return null; } } #endregion Internal Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Properties internal byte NewRed { set { ColorTableEntry entry = GetInProgressEntry(); if (entry != null) { entry.Red = value; } } } internal byte NewGreen { set { ColorTableEntry entry = GetInProgressEntry(); if (entry != null) { entry.Green = value; } } } internal byte NewBlue { set { ColorTableEntry entry = GetInProgressEntry(); if (entry != null) { entry.Blue = value; } } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Methods private ColorTableEntry GetInProgressEntry() { if (_inProgress) { return EntryAt(Count - 1); } else { _inProgress = true; ColorTableEntry entry = new ColorTableEntry(); Add(entry); return entry; } } #endregion Private Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private bool _inProgress; #endregion Private Fields } /// /// ListLevel /// internal class ListLevel { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors internal ListLevel() { _nStartIndex = 1; _numberType = MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic; } #endregion Constructors //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Properties internal long StartIndex { get { return _nStartIndex; } set { _nStartIndex = value; } } internal MarkerStyle Marker { get { return _numberType; } set { _numberType = value; } } internal FormatState FormatState { set { _formatState = value; } } #endregion Internal Properties //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private long _nStartIndex; private MarkerStyle _numberType; private FormatState _formatState; #endregion Private Fields } /// /// ListLevelTable /// internal class ListLevelTable : ArrayList { //------------------------------------------------------ // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors internal ListLevelTable() : base(1) { } #endregion Constructors //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods internal ListLevel EntryAt(int index) { // Note - we silently handle out of range index values here since the lookup // might have been based on the structure of the file or the content of some // keyword parameter. if (index > Count) { index = Count - 1; } return (ListLevel)(Count > index && index >= 0 ? this[index] : null); } internal ListLevel AddEntry() { ListLevel entry = new ListLevel(); Add(entry); return entry; } #endregion Internal Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal ListLevel CurrentEntry { get { return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; } } #endregion Internal Properties } /// /// ListTableEntry /// internal class ListTableEntry { //------------------------------------------------------ // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors internal ListTableEntry() { _id = 0; _templateID = 0; _levels = new ListLevelTable(); } #endregion Constructors //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Properties internal long ID { get { return _id; } set { _id = value; } } internal long TemplateID { set { _templateID = value; } } internal bool Simple { set { _simple = value; } } internal ListLevelTable Levels { get { return _levels; } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private long _id; private long _templateID; private bool _simple; private ListLevelTable _levels; #endregion Private Fields } /// /// ListTable /// internal class ListTable : ArrayList { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors internal ListTable() : base(20) { } #endregion Constructors //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods internal ListTableEntry EntryAt(int index) { return (ListTableEntry)this[index]; } internal ListTableEntry FindEntry(long id) { for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { ListTableEntry entry = EntryAt(i); if (entry.ID == id) { return entry; } } return null; } internal ListTableEntry AddEntry() { ListTableEntry entry = new ListTableEntry(); Add(entry); return entry; } #endregion Internal Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal ListTableEntry CurrentEntry { get { return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; } } #endregion Internal Properties } /// /// ListOverride /// internal class ListOverride { //------------------------------------------------------ // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors internal ListOverride() { _id = 0; _index = 0; _levels = null; _nStartIndex = -1; } #endregion Constructors //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal long ID { get { return _id; } set { _id = value; } } internal long Index { get { return _index; } set { _index = value; } } internal ListLevelTable Levels { get { return _levels; } set { _levels = value; } } internal long StartIndex { get { return _nStartIndex; } set { _nStartIndex = value; } } #endregion Internal Properties //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private long _id; private long _index; private long _nStartIndex; private ListLevelTable _levels; #endregion Private Fields } /// /// ListOverrideTable /// internal class ListOverrideTable : ArrayList { //------------------------------------------------------ // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors internal ListOverrideTable() : base(20) { } #endregion Constructors //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods internal ListOverride EntryAt(int index) { return (ListOverride)this[index]; } internal ListOverride FindEntry(int index) { for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { ListOverride entry = EntryAt(i); if (entry.Index == index) { return entry; } } return null; } internal ListOverride AddEntry() { ListOverride entry = new ListOverride(); Add(entry); return entry; } #endregion Internal Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal ListOverride CurrentEntry { get { return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; } } #endregion Internal Properties } /// /// DocumentNode /// internal class DocumentNode { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Consts // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Consts internal static string[] HtmlNames = new string[] { "", "", "span", "br", "a", "p", "ul", "li", "table", "tbody", "tr", "td" }; internal static int[] HtmlLengths = new int[] { 0, // unknown 0, // text 4, // span 2, // br 1, // a 1, // p 2, // ul 2, // li 5, // table 6, // tbody 2, // tr 2 // td }; internal static string[] XamlNames = new string[] { "", "", "Span", "LineBreak", "Hyperlink", "Paragraph", "InlineUIContainer", "BlockUIContainer", "Image", "List", "ListItem", "Table", "TableRowGroup", "TableRow", "TableCell", "Section", "Figure", "Floater", "Field", "ListText" }; #endregion Consts //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors internal DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType) { _type = documentNodeType; _bPending = true; _childCount = 0; _index = -1; _dna = null; _parent = null; _bTerminated = false; _bMatched = false; _bHasMarkerContent = false; _sCustom = null; _nRowSpan = 1; _nColSpan = 1; _nVirtualListLevel = -1; _csa = null; _formatState = new FormatState(); _contentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods internal void InheritFormatState(FormatState formatState) { _formatState = new FormatState(formatState); // Reset non-inherited properties _formatState.LI = 0; _formatState.RI = 0; _formatState.SB = 0; _formatState.SA = 0; _formatState.FI = 0; _formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerNone; _formatState.CBPara = -1; } internal string GetTagName() { return XamlNames[(int)Type]; } internal DocumentNode GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType parentType) { DocumentNode dn = Parent; while (dn != null && dn.Type != parentType) { dn = dn.Parent; } return dn; } internal int GetTableDepth() { DocumentNode dn = Parent; int nDepth = 0; while (dn != null) { if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable) { nDepth++; } dn = dn.Parent; } return nDepth; } internal int GetListDepth() { DocumentNode dn = Parent; int nDepth = 0; while (dn != null) { if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList) { nDepth++; } else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell) { break; } dn = dn.Parent; } return nDepth; } internal void Terminate(ConverterState converterState) { if (!IsTerminated) { string plaintext = StripInvalidChars(Xaml); AppendXamlPrefix(converterState); StringBuilder xamlBuilder = new StringBuilder(Xaml); xamlBuilder.Append(plaintext); Xaml = xamlBuilder.ToString(); AppendXamlPostfix(converterState); IsTerminated = true; } } internal void ConstrainFontPropagation(FormatState fsOrig) { // We only output certain font properties at the paragraph level. Ensure the paragraph's formatstate // only records those properties that are actually written there, so that inline nodes properly // generate the result. FormatState.SetCharDefaults(); FormatState.Font = fsOrig.Font; FormatState.FontSize = fsOrig.FontSize; FormatState.Bold = fsOrig.Bold; FormatState.Italic = fsOrig.Italic; // No, lang can't be written at paragraph level since I have no way of turning it "off", e.g. if // \lang specified for \par but not for inline text. // FormatState.LangCur = fsOrig.LangCur; // No, font color can't be written at paragraph level since I have no way of turning it "off" once // I've turned it on, so "automatic" color values can't be encoded. I'll just have to skip it here. // FormatState.CF = fsOrig.CF; // No, text decorations can't be written at paragraph level since they don't propagate. // FormatState.UL = fsOrig.UL; // FormatState.Strike = fsOrig.Strike; } internal bool RequiresXamlFontProperties() { FormatState fsThis = FormatState; FormatState fsParent = ParentFormatStateForFont; return (fsThis.Strike != fsParent.Strike) || (fsThis.UL != fsParent.UL) || (fsThis.Font != fsParent.Font && fsThis.Font >= 0) || (fsThis.FontSize != fsParent.FontSize && fsThis.FontSize >= 0) || (fsThis.CF != fsParent.CF) || (fsThis.Bold != fsParent.Bold) || (fsThis.Italic != fsParent.Italic) || (fsThis.LangCur != fsParent.LangCur); } internal void AppendXamlFontProperties(ConverterState converterState, StringBuilder sb) { FormatState fsThis = FormatState; FormatState fsParent = ParentFormatStateForFont; bool bStrike = fsThis.Strike != fsParent.Strike; bool bUL = fsThis.UL != fsParent.UL; if (bStrike || bUL) { sb.Append(" TextDecorations=\""); if (bUL) { sb.Append("Underline"); } if (bUL && bStrike) { sb.Append(", "); } if (bStrike) { sb.Append("Strikethrough"); } sb.Append("\""); } if (fsThis.Font != fsParent.Font && fsThis.Font >= 0) { FontTableEntry entry = converterState.FontTable.FindEntryByIndex((int)fsThis.Font); if (entry != null && entry.Name != null && !(entry.Name.Equals(string.Empty))) { sb.Append(" FontFamily=\""); // FontFamily should be limited with LF_FACESIZE(32) characters, // because GDI doesn't support fonts that have the name with more than // LF_FACESIZE characters. if (entry.Name.Length > 32) { sb.Append(entry.Name, 0, 32); } else { sb.Append(entry.Name); } sb.Append("\""); } } if (fsThis.FontSize != fsParent.FontSize && fsThis.FontSize >= 0) { sb.Append(" FontSize=\""); double fs = (double)fsThis.FontSize; if (fs <= 1f) { fs = 2f; } sb.Append((fs / 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append("pt\""); } if (fsThis.Bold != fsParent.Bold) { if (fsThis.Bold) { sb.Append(" FontWeight=\"Bold\""); } else { sb.Append(" FontWeight=\"Normal\""); } } if (fsThis.Italic != fsParent.Italic) { if (fsThis.Italic) { sb.Append(" FontStyle=\"Italic\""); } else { sb.Append(" FontStyle=\"Normal\""); } } if (fsThis.CF != fsParent.CF) { ColorTableEntry entry = converterState.ColorTable.EntryAt((int)fsThis.CF); if (entry != null && !entry.IsAuto) { sb.Append(" Foreground=\""); sb.Append(entry.Color.ToString()); sb.Append("\""); } } // NB: 0x400 (1024) is reserved value for "lidNoProof" - not a real language code. if (fsThis.LangCur != fsParent.LangCur && fsThis.LangCur > 0 && fsThis.LangCur != 0x400) { try { CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo((int)fsThis.LangCur); sb.Append(" xml:lang=\""); sb.Append(ci.Name); sb.Append("\""); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { // Just omit xml:lang tag if this is not a valid value. } } } internal string StripInvalidChars(string text) { if (text == null || text.Length == 0) { return text; } StringBuilder sb = null; int i = 0; for (; i < text.Length; i++) { int iStart = i; for (; i < text.Length; i++) { if ((text[i] & 0xF800) == 0xD800) // if surrogate { if ((i + 1 == text.Length) // and no trail char || ((text[i] & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) // or low surrogate occurs before high || ((text[i + 1] & 0xFC00) != 0xDC00) // or high not followed by low ) { break; // then cull this } else { i++; // move past first word of surrogate, then second at top of loop` } } } if (iStart != 0 || i != text.Length) { if (sb == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(); } if (i != iStart) { sb.Append(text, iStart, i - iStart); } } } if (sb != null) { return sb.ToString(); } else { return text; } } internal void AppendXamlEncoded(string text) { StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(Xaml); int index = 0; while (index < text.Length) { int currentIndex = index; while (currentIndex < text.Length) { if (text[currentIndex] < 32 && text[currentIndex] != '\t') { break; } if (text[currentIndex] == '&' || text[currentIndex] == '>' || text[currentIndex] == '<' || text[currentIndex] == 0) { break; } currentIndex++; } if (currentIndex != index) { string substring = text.Substring(index, currentIndex - index); xamlStringBuilder.Append(substring); } if (currentIndex < text.Length) { if (text[currentIndex] < 32 && text[currentIndex] != '\t') { switch (text[currentIndex]) { case '\f': // formfeed xamlStringBuilder.Append("&#x"); int ic = (int)text[currentIndex]; xamlStringBuilder.Append(ic.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xamlStringBuilder.Append(";"); break; default: // don't care about low ANSI values - not supported by XAML break; } } else { switch (text[currentIndex]) { case '&': xamlStringBuilder.Append("&"); break; case '<': xamlStringBuilder.Append("<"); break; case '>': xamlStringBuilder.Append(">"); break; case (char)0: break; } } } index = currentIndex + 1; } Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); } internal void AppendXamlPrefix(ConverterState converterState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = converterState.DocumentNodeArray; if (IsHidden) { return; } if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnImage) { // Append image xaml prefix AppendImageXamlPrefix(); return; } if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnText || Type == DocumentNodeType.dnInline) { AppendInlineXamlPrefix(converterState); return; } StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Do I need to wrap a font around this? if (IsEmptyNode && RequiresXamlFontProperties()) { xamlStringBuilder.Append("<"); xamlStringBuilder.Append(XamlNames[(int)DocumentNodeType.dnInline]); AppendXamlFontProperties(converterState, xamlStringBuilder); xamlStringBuilder.Append(">"); } xamlStringBuilder.Append("<"); xamlStringBuilder.Append(GetTagName()); switch (Type) { case DocumentNodeType.dnTable: // See below for writing out table column information AppendXamlPrefixTableProperties(xamlStringBuilder); break; case DocumentNodeType.dnCell: // Row stores cell properties. AppendXamlPrefixCellProperties(xamlStringBuilder, dna, converterState); break; case DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph: AppendXamlPrefixParagraphProperties(xamlStringBuilder, converterState); break; case DocumentNodeType.dnListItem: // List margins are handled at the paragraph level AppendXamlPrefixListItemProperties(xamlStringBuilder); break; case DocumentNodeType.dnList: // List margins are handled at the listitem level AppendXamlPrefixListProperties(xamlStringBuilder); break; case DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink: AppendXamlPrefixHyperlinkProperties(xamlStringBuilder); break; } if (IsEmptyNode) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" /"); } xamlStringBuilder.Append(">"); // Do I need to wrap a font around this? if (IsEmptyNode && RequiresXamlFontProperties()) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(""); } // Anything after the start tag? switch (Type) { case DocumentNodeType.dnTable: AppendXamlTableColumnsAfterStartTag(xamlStringBuilder); break; } Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); } private void AppendXamlPrefixTableProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder) { // See below for writing out table column information if (FormatState.HasRowFormat) { if (FormatState.RowFormat.Dir == DirState.DirRTL) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" FlowDirection=\"RightToLeft\""); } RowFormat rf = FormatState.RowFormat; CellFormat cf = rf.RowCellFormat; xamlStringBuilder.Append(" CellSpacing=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.TwipToPositiveVisiblePxString(cf.SpacingLeft)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Margin=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(rf.Trleft)); xamlStringBuilder.Append(",0,0,0\""); } else { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" CellSpacing=\"0\" Margin=\"0,0,0,0\""); } } private void AppendXamlPrefixCellProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder, DocumentNodeArray dna, ConverterState converterState) { Color cToUse = Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0, 0); // Row stores cell properties. DocumentNode dnRow = GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnRow); Debug.Assert(dnRow != null); // Need row Debug.Assert(dnRow != null && !dnRow.IsPending); // Row props attached when row is closed Debug.Assert(dnRow != null && dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat != null); if (dnRow != null && dnRow.FormatState.HasRowFormat) { int nCol = GetCellColumn(); CellFormat cf = dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat.NthCellFormat(nCol); if (Converters.ColorToUse(converterState, cf.CB, cf.CF, cf.Shading, ref cToUse)) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Background=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(cToUse.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); } if (cf.HasBorder) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(cf.GetBorderAttributeString(converterState)); } xamlStringBuilder.Append(cf.GetPaddingAttributeString()); } else xamlStringBuilder.Append(" BorderBrush=\"#FF000000\" BorderThickness=\"1,1,1,1\""); if (ColSpan > 1) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" ColumnSpan=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(ColSpan.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); } if (RowSpan > 1) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" RowSpan=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(RowSpan.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); } } private void AppendXamlDir(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder) { if (RequiresXamlDir) { if (XamlDir == DirState.DirLTR) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" FlowDirection=\"LeftToRight\""); } else { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" FlowDirection=\"RightToLeft\""); } } } private void AppendXamlPrefixParagraphProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder, ConverterState converterState) { Color cToUse = Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0, 0); FormatState fsThis = FormatState; if (Converters.ColorToUse(converterState, fsThis.CBPara, fsThis.CFPara, fsThis.ParaShading, ref cToUse)) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Background=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(cToUse.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); } // Handle paragraph direction AppendXamlDir(xamlStringBuilder); // Handle paragraph margins xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Margin=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(NearMargin)); xamlStringBuilder.Append(","); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(fsThis.SB)); xamlStringBuilder.Append(","); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(FarMargin)); xamlStringBuilder.Append(","); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(fsThis.SA)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); // FontFamily, Size, Bold, Italic AppendXamlFontProperties(converterState, xamlStringBuilder); // Lineheight // NB: Avalon only supports "lineheight exact" - we're just not going to output it. //if (fsThis.SL != 0) //{ // double px = (float)fsThis.SL; // if (px < 0) px = -px; // Whether SLMult is on or not is really moot. The value is always defined in twips, // the UI is the only thing that then interprets this as "multiple", probably when the // paragraph font is reset. // xamlStringBuilder.Append(" LineHeight=\""); // xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.TwipToPxString(px)); // xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); //} // Indent if (fsThis.FI != 0) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" TextIndent=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.TwipToPxString(fsThis.FI)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); } // Handle paragraph alignment if (fsThis.HAlign != HAlign.AlignDefault) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" TextAlignment=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.AlignmentToString(fsThis.HAlign, fsThis.DirPara)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); } // Handle paragraph borders if (fsThis.HasParaBorder) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(fsThis.GetBorderAttributeString(converterState)); } } private void AppendXamlPrefixListItemProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder) { // List margins are handled here normally. // NB: Avalon doesn't render list markers if margin is zero. Enforce a minimum indent in order // to ensure the marker is visible. long lMargin = NearMargin; if (lMargin < 360 && this.GetListDepth() == 1) { DocumentNode dnList = Parent; if (dnList != null && dnList.FormatState.Marker != MarkerStyle.MarkerHidden) { lMargin = 360; } } xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Margin=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.TwipToPositivePxString(lMargin)); xamlStringBuilder.Append(",0,0,0\""); // Handle direction AppendXamlDir(xamlStringBuilder); } private void AppendXamlPrefixListProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder) { // List margins are handled at the listitem level xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Margin=\"0,0,0,0\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Padding=\"0,0,0,0\""); // Marker style xamlStringBuilder.Append(" MarkerStyle=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.MarkerStyleToString(FormatState.Marker)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); // Note that we don't allow a value of zero here, since XAML doesn't support it. if (FormatState.StartIndex > 0 && FormatState.StartIndex != 1) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" StartIndex=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(FormatState.StartIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); } // Handle direction AppendXamlDir(xamlStringBuilder); } private void AppendXamlPrefixHyperlinkProperties(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder) { if (NavigateUri != null && NavigateUri.Length > 0) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" NavigateUri=\""); xamlStringBuilder.Append(Converters.StringToXMLAttribute(NavigateUri)); xamlStringBuilder.Append("\""); } } private void AppendXamlTableColumnsAfterStartTag(StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder) { if (ColumnStateArray != null && ColumnStateArray.Count > 0) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(""); long prevX = 0; if (FormatState.HasRowFormat) { prevX = FormatState.RowFormat.Trleft; } for (int i = 0; i < ColumnStateArray.Count; i++) { ColumnState cs = ColumnStateArray.EntryAt(i); long width = cs.CellX - prevX; if (width <= 0) { width = 1; } prevX = cs.CellX; xamlStringBuilder.Append(""); } xamlStringBuilder.Append(""); } } internal void AppendXamlPostfix(ConverterState converterState) { if (IsHidden) { return; } // Empty tag terminated above if (IsEmptyNode) { return; } if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnImage) { // Append image xaml postfix AppendImageXamlPostfix(); return; } if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnText || Type == DocumentNodeType.dnInline) { AppendInlineXamlPostfix(converterState); return; } StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(Xaml); xamlStringBuilder.Append(""); if (IsBlock) { xamlStringBuilder.Append("\r\n"); } Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); } internal void AppendInlineXamlPrefix(ConverterState converterState) { StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); FormatState fsThis = this.FormatState; FormatState fsParent = ParentFormatStateForFont; // Wrap any text with formatting tags. xamlStringBuilder.Append(" 0) // { // xamlStringBuilder.Append(" FontStretch=\"Expanded\""); // } // else // { // xamlStringBuilder.Append(" FontStretch=\"Condensed\""); // } //} if (fsThis.Super != fsParent.Super) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Typography.Variants=\"Superscript\""); } if (fsThis.Sub != fsParent.Sub) { xamlStringBuilder.Append(" Typography.Variants=\"Subscript\""); } xamlStringBuilder.Append(">"); Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); } internal void AppendInlineXamlPostfix(ConverterState converterState) { StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(Xaml); xamlStringBuilder.Append(""); Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); } internal void AppendImageXamlPrefix() { StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); xamlStringBuilder.Append(""); Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); } internal void AppendImageXamlPostfix() { StringBuilder xamlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(Xaml); xamlStringBuilder.Append(""); Xaml = xamlStringBuilder.ToString(); } internal bool IsAncestorOf(DocumentNode documentNode) { int parentIndex = Index; int parentLastChild = Index + ChildCount; return documentNode.Index > parentIndex && documentNode.Index <= parentLastChild; } internal bool IsLastParagraphInCell() { DocumentNodeArray dna = DNA; if (Type != DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph) return false; DocumentNode dnCell = GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); if (dnCell == null) { return false; } int nFirst = dnCell.Index + 1; int nLast = dnCell.Index + dnCell.ChildCount; for (; nFirst <= nLast; nLast--) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(nLast); if (dn == this) { return true; } if (dn.IsBlock) { return false; } } return false; } internal DocumentNodeArray GetTableRows() { DocumentNodeArray dna = DNA; DocumentNodeArray retArray = new DocumentNodeArray(); if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable) { int nStart = this.Index + 1; int nLast = this.Index + this.ChildCount; for (; nStart <= nLast; nStart++) { DocumentNode dnRow = dna.EntryAt(nStart); if (dnRow.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow && this == dnRow.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnTable)) { retArray.Push(dnRow); } } } return retArray; } internal DocumentNodeArray GetRowsCells() { DocumentNodeArray dna = DNA; DocumentNodeArray retArray = new DocumentNodeArray(); if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow) { int nStart = this.Index + 1; int nLast = this.Index + this.ChildCount; for (; nStart <= nLast; nStart++) { DocumentNode dnCell = dna.EntryAt(nStart); if (dnCell.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell && this == dnCell.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnRow)) { retArray.Push(dnCell); } } } return retArray; } internal int GetCellColumn() { DocumentNodeArray dna = DNA; int nCol = 0; if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell) { DocumentNode dnRow = this.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnRow); if (dnRow != null) { int nStart = dnRow.Index + 1; int nLast = dnRow.Index + dnRow.ChildCount; for (; nStart <= nLast; nStart++) { DocumentNode dnCell = dna.EntryAt(nStart); if (dnCell == this) { break; } if (dnCell.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell && dnCell.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnRow) == dnRow) { nCol++; } } } } return nCol; } internal ColumnStateArray ComputeColumns() { DocumentNodeArray dna = DNA; Debug.Assert(Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable); DocumentNodeArray dnaRows = GetTableRows(); ColumnStateArray cols = new ColumnStateArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dnaRows.Count; i++) { DocumentNode dnRow = dnaRows.EntryAt(i); RowFormat rf = dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat; long prevCellX = 0; for (int j = 0; j < rf.CellCount; j++) { CellFormat cf = rf.NthCellFormat(j); bool bHandled = false; long prevColX = 0; // Ignore merged cells if (cf.IsHMerge) { continue; } for (int k = 0; k < cols.Count; k++) { ColumnState cs = (ColumnState)cols[k]; if (cs.CellX == cf.CellX) { if (!cs.IsFilled && prevColX == prevCellX) { cs.IsFilled = true; } bHandled = true; break; } else if (cs.CellX > cf.CellX) { // Hmmm, need to insert a new cell here ColumnState csNew = new ColumnState(); csNew.Row = dnRow; csNew.CellX = cf.CellX; csNew.IsFilled = (prevColX == prevCellX); cols.Insert(k, csNew); bHandled = true; break; } prevColX = cs.CellX; } // New cell at the end if (!bHandled) { ColumnState csNew = new ColumnState(); csNew.Row = dnRow; csNew.CellX = cf.CellX; csNew.IsFilled = (prevColX == prevCellX); cols.Add(csNew); } prevCellX = cf.CellX; } } return cols; } #endregion Internal Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Methods #endregion Private Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal bool IsInline { get { return _type == DocumentNodeType.dnText || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnInline || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnImage || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnLineBreak || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnListText || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink; } } internal bool IsBlock { get { return _type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnList || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnSection || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnFigure || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnFloater; } } internal bool IsEmptyNode { get { return _type == DocumentNodeType.dnLineBreak; } } internal bool IsHidden { get { return _type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldEnd || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnShape || _type == DocumentNodeType.dnListText; } } internal bool IsWhiteSpace { get { // Can't compute this on a terminated node, since non-text-data has been appended for properties. if (IsTerminated) { return false; } if (_type == DocumentNodeType.dnText) { string textdata = Xaml.Trim(); return textdata.Length == 0; } return false; } } internal bool IsPending { get { // Can't be pending if no longer in main document array return Index >= 0 && _bPending; } set { _bPending = value; } } internal bool IsTerminated { get { return _bTerminated; } set { _bTerminated = value; } } internal bool IsMatched { get { // This is only relevant for types that need matching. if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin) { return _bMatched; } // Otherwise, always true. return true; } set { _bMatched = value; } } internal bool IsTrackedAsOpen { get { if (Index < 0) { return false; } if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldEnd) { return false; } if (IsPending && !IsTerminated) { return true; } if (!IsMatched) { return true; } return false; } } internal bool HasMarkerContent { get { return _bHasMarkerContent; } set { _bHasMarkerContent = value; } } internal bool IsNonEmpty { get { return ChildCount > 0 || Xaml != null; } } internal string ListLabel { get { return _sCustom; } set { _sCustom = value; } } internal long VirtualListLevel { get { return _nVirtualListLevel; } set { _nVirtualListLevel = value; } } internal string NavigateUri { get { return _sCustom; } set { _sCustom = value; } } internal DocumentNodeType Type { get { return _type; } } internal FormatState FormatState { get { return _formatState; } set { _formatState = value; } } internal FormatState ParentFormatStateForFont { get { DocumentNode dnPa = Parent; // Hyperlink doesn't record relevant font info if (dnPa != null && dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink) { dnPa = dnPa.Parent; } if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph || dnPa == null) { return FormatState.EmptyFormatState; } return dnPa.FormatState; } } internal int ChildCount { get { return _childCount; } set { Debug.Assert(value >= 0); Debug.Assert(!IsPending); if (value >= 0) { _childCount = value; } } } internal int Index { get { return _index; } set { _index = value; } } internal DocumentNodeArray DNA { get { return _dna; } set { _dna = value; } } internal int LastChildIndex { get { return Index + ChildCount; } } internal DocumentNode ClosedParent { get { return _parent; } } internal DocumentNode Parent { get { if (_parent == null && DNA != null) { return DNA.GetOpenParentWhileParsing(this); } return _parent; } set { Debug.Assert(value == null || !value.IsPending); _parent = value; } } internal string Xaml { get { return _xaml; } set { _xaml = value; } } internal StringBuilder Content { get { return _contentBuilder; } } internal int RowSpan { get { return _nRowSpan; } set { _nRowSpan = value; } } internal int ColSpan { get { return _nColSpan; } set { _nColSpan = value; } } internal ColumnStateArray ColumnStateArray { get { return _csa; } set { _csa = value; } } internal DirState XamlDir { get { // Inline's easy if (IsInline) { return FormatState.DirChar; } // We only have valid direction on table, list and paragraph. if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable) { if (FormatState.HasRowFormat) { return FormatState.RowFormat.Dir; } return ParentXamlDir; } else if (Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList || Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph) { return FormatState.DirPara; } else { for (DocumentNode dnPa = Parent; dnPa != null; dnPa = dnPa.Parent) { switch (dnPa.Type) { case DocumentNodeType.dnList: case DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph: case DocumentNodeType.dnTable: return dnPa.XamlDir; } } return DirState.DirLTR; } } } internal DirState ParentXamlDir { get { return (Parent == null) ? DirState.DirLTR : Parent.XamlDir; } } internal bool RequiresXamlDir { get { return XamlDir != ParentXamlDir; } } internal long NearMargin { get { return ParentXamlDir == DirState.DirLTR ? FormatState.LI : FormatState.RI; } set { if (ParentXamlDir == DirState.DirLTR) { FormatState.LI = value; } else { FormatState.RI = value; } } } internal long FarMargin { get { return ParentXamlDir == DirState.DirLTR ? FormatState.RI : FormatState.LI; } } #endregion Internal Properties //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Fields private bool _bPending; private bool _bTerminated; private DocumentNodeType _type; private FormatState _formatState; private string _xaml; private StringBuilder _contentBuilder; // Used for "tree" semantics private int _childCount; private int _index; private DocumentNode _parent; private DocumentNodeArray _dna; // Custom fields for specific node types // Tables private ColumnStateArray _csa; // Cells private int _nRowSpan; private int _nColSpan; // Lists private string _sCustom; // Also used for Hyperlink private long _nVirtualListLevel; // ListText private bool _bHasMarkerContent; // Fields private bool _bMatched; #endregion Internal Fields } internal class ColumnState { internal ColumnState() { _nCellX = 0; _row = null; _fFilled = false; } internal long CellX { get { return _nCellX; } set { _nCellX = value; } } internal DocumentNode Row { get { return _row; } set { _row = value; } } internal bool IsFilled { get { return _fFilled; } set { _fFilled = value; } } private long _nCellX; private DocumentNode _row; private bool _fFilled; } internal class ColumnStateArray : ArrayList { internal ColumnStateArray() : base(20) { } internal ColumnState EntryAt(int i) { return (ColumnState)this[i]; } internal int GetMinUnfilledRowIndex() { int nUnfilledRowIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { ColumnState cs = EntryAt(i); if (!cs.IsFilled && (nUnfilledRowIndex < 0 || nUnfilledRowIndex > cs.Row.Index)) { // Don't split at row that is traversed by a row-spanning cell. if (!cs.Row.FormatState.RowFormat.IsVMerge) { nUnfilledRowIndex = cs.Row.Index; } } } Debug.Assert(nUnfilledRowIndex != 0); return nUnfilledRowIndex; } } /// /// class DocumentNodeArray: /// This array represents a depth-first walk through the tree of nodes. Each node records its current /// index in the array (for ease of mapping back to the array) as well as the number of descendants /// (confusingly called ChildCount). A Parent pointer is also maintained, but this is essentially a /// cache - the real structure is specified by the implicit ordering and the ChildCount value. /// While the array is being constructed, nodes may be marked as "Pending". The ChildCount of pending /// nodes is not accurate. ChildCount only becomes valid when a node is "Closed". /// internal class DocumentNodeArray : ArrayList { //------------------------------------------------------ // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors internal DocumentNodeArray() : base(100) { _fMain = false; _dnaOpen = null; } #endregion Constructors //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods internal DocumentNode EntryAt(int nAt) { return (DocumentNode)this[nAt]; } internal void Push(DocumentNode documentNode) { InsertNode(Count, documentNode); } internal DocumentNode Pop() { DocumentNode documentNode = Top; if (Count > 0) { Excise(Count - 1, 1); } return documentNode; } internal DocumentNode TopPending() { for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsPending) { return dn; } } return null; } internal bool TestTop(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType) { return ((Count > 0) && (EntryAt(Count - 1).Type == documentNodeType)); } internal void PreCoalesceChildren(ConverterState converterState, int nStart, bool bChild) { // We process tables twice to handle first colspan, then rowspan DocumentNodeArray dnaTables = new DocumentNodeArray(); bool fVMerged = false; // Try to move paragraph margin to containing list items DocumentNode dnCoalesce = EntryAt(nStart); int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount; Debug.Assert(nStart + nChild < Count); if (nStart + nChild >= Count) { nChild = Count - nStart - 1; } int nEnd = nStart + nChild; // If bChild specified, we don't process parent if (bChild) { nStart++; } // This is vaguely N^2 in the sense that for each list item, I process all containing paragraphs, // including ones contained in other list items. But it's only a problem for very deep, very long // lists, so we can live with it. for (int nAt = nStart; nAt <= nEnd; nAt++) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt); // Inline direction merging if (dn.IsInline && dn.RequiresXamlDir && dn.ClosedParent != null) { int nnAt = nAt + 1; for (; nnAt <= nEnd; nnAt++) { DocumentNode dnn = EntryAt(nnAt); if (!dnn.IsInline || dnn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink || dnn.FormatState.DirChar != dn.FormatState.DirChar || dnn.ClosedParent != dn.ClosedParent) { break; } } int nChildHere = nnAt - nAt; if (nChildHere > 1) { DocumentNode dnNewDir = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnInline); dnNewDir.FormatState = new FormatState(dn.Parent.FormatState); dnNewDir.FormatState.DirChar = dn.FormatState.DirChar; InsertChildAt(dn.ClosedParent, dnNewDir, nAt, nChildHere); // Adjust the loop end to account for the newly inserted element nEnd += 1; } } else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem) { PreCoalesceListItem(dn); } else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList) { PreCoalesceList(dn); } else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable) { dnaTables.Add(dn); nEnd += PreCoalesceTable(dn); } // Compute colspan else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow) { PreCoalesceRow(dn, ref fVMerged); } } // Process tables to examine rowspan if (fVMerged) { ProcessTableRowSpan(dnaTables); } } internal void CoalesceChildren(ConverterState converterState, int nStart) { Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (nStart >= 0 && nStart < Count)); if (nStart >= Count || nStart < 0) { return; } // Do some fixups to match semantics for more complicated constructs PreCoalesceChildren(converterState, nStart, false); DocumentNode dnCoalesce = EntryAt(nStart); int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount; Debug.Assert(nStart + nChild < Count); if (nStart + nChild >= Count) { nChild = Count - nStart - 1; } int nEnd = nStart + nChild; for (int nAt = nEnd; nAt >= nStart; nAt--) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt); if (dn.ChildCount == 0) { dn.Terminate(converterState); } else { Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount <= nEnd); Debug.Assert(!dn.IsTerminated); dn.AppendXamlPrefix(converterState); StringBuilder xamlBuilder = new StringBuilder(dn.Xaml); int nChildrenHere = dn.ChildCount; int nEndHere = nAt + nChildrenHere; for (int i = nAt + 1; i <= nEndHere; i++) { DocumentNode dnChild = EntryAt(i); Debug.Assert(dnChild.ChildCount == 0 && dnChild.IsTerminated); xamlBuilder.Append(dnChild.Xaml); } dn.Xaml = xamlBuilder.ToString(); dn.AppendXamlPostfix(converterState); dn.IsTerminated = true; Excise(nAt + 1, nChildrenHere); nEnd -= nChildrenHere; AssertTreeInvariants(); } // Zero out spanned columns if (dn.ColSpan == 0) { dn.Xaml = string.Empty; } } } internal void CoalesceOnlyChildren(ConverterState converterState, int nStart) { Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (nStart >= 0 && nStart < Count)); if (nStart >= Count || nStart < 0) { return; } // Do some fixups to match semantics for more complicated constructs PreCoalesceChildren(converterState, nStart, true); DocumentNode dnCoalesce = EntryAt(nStart); int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount; Debug.Assert(nStart + nChild < Count); if (nStart + nChild >= Count) { nChild = Count - nStart - 1; } int nEnd = nStart + nChild; for (int nAt = nEnd; nAt >= nStart; nAt--) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt); if (dn.ChildCount == 0 && nAt != nStart) { dn.Terminate(converterState); } else if (dn.ChildCount > 0) { Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount <= nEnd); Debug.Assert(!dn.IsTerminated); if (nAt != nStart) { dn.AppendXamlPrefix(converterState); } StringBuilder xamlBuilder = new StringBuilder(dn.Xaml); int nChildrenHere = dn.ChildCount; int nEndHere = nAt + nChildrenHere; for (int i = nAt + 1; i <= nEndHere; i++) { DocumentNode dnChild = EntryAt(i); Debug.Assert(dnChild.ChildCount == 0 && dnChild.IsTerminated); xamlBuilder.Append(dnChild.Xaml); } dn.Xaml = xamlBuilder.ToString(); if (nAt != nStart) { dn.AppendXamlPostfix(converterState); dn.IsTerminated = true; } Excise(nAt + 1, nChildrenHere); nEnd -= nChildrenHere; } } } internal void CoalesceAll(ConverterState converterState) { for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++) { CoalesceChildren(converterState, nAt); } } internal void CloseAtHelper(int index, int nChildCount) { Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (index >= 0 && index < Count)); Debug.Assert(index + nChildCount < Count); if (index >= Count || index < 0 || index + nChildCount >= Count) { return; } DocumentNode dnClose = EntryAt(index); if (!dnClose.IsPending) { return; } // Mark this as closed dnClose.IsPending = false; dnClose.ChildCount = nChildCount; int nAt = index + 1; int nEnd = index + dnClose.ChildCount; while (nAt <= nEnd) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt); dn.Parent = dnClose; nAt += dn.ChildCount + 1; } } internal void CloseAt(int index) { Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (index >= 0 && index < Count)); if (index >= Count || index < 0) { return; } DocumentNode dnClose = EntryAt(index); if (!dnClose.IsPending) { return; } AssertTreeInvariants(); AssertTreeSemanticInvariants(); // Make sure everything after its start is closed. for (int i = Count - 1; i > index; i--) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsPending) { CloseAt(i); } } // Set up child/parent relationship CloseAtHelper(index, Count - index - 1); AssertTreeInvariants(); AssertTreeSemanticInvariants(); } internal void AssertTreeInvariants() { if (Invariant.Strict) { for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt); for (int i = nAt + 1; i <= dn.LastChildIndex; i++) { Debug.Assert(EntryAt(i).ClosedParent != null); } Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount < Count); for (DocumentNode dnPa = dn.Parent; dnPa != null; dnPa = dnPa.Parent) { Debug.Assert(dnPa.IsPending || (nAt > dnPa.Index && nAt <= dnPa.Index + dnPa.ChildCount)); } } } } internal void AssertTreeSemanticInvariants() { if (Invariant.Strict) { for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt); DocumentNode dnPa = dn.Parent; switch (dn.Type) { case DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody: Debug.Assert(dnPa != null && dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable); break; case DocumentNodeType.dnRow: Debug.Assert(dnPa != null && dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody); break; case DocumentNodeType.dnCell: Debug.Assert(dnPa != null && dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow); break; case DocumentNodeType.dnListItem: Debug.Assert(dnPa != null && dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList); break; } } } } internal void CloseAll() { for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++) { if (EntryAt(nAt).IsPending) { CloseAt(nAt); break; } } } internal int CountOpenNodes(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType) { int nOpen = 0; if (_dnaOpen != null) { _dnaOpen.CullOpen(); for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsPending) { if (dn.Type == documentNodeType) { nOpen++; } // Shape blocks nesting else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnShape) { break; } } } } return nOpen; } internal int CountOpenCells() { return CountOpenNodes(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); } internal DocumentNode GetOpenParentWhileParsing(DocumentNode dn) { if (_dnaOpen != null) { _dnaOpen.CullOpen(); for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dnPa = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); if (dnPa.IsPending && dnPa.Index < dn.Index) { return dnPa; } } } return null; } internal DocumentNodeType GetTableScope() { if (_dnaOpen != null) { _dnaOpen.CullOpen(); for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsPending) { if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell) { return dn.Type; } // Shape blocks table structure else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnShape) { return DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph; } } } } return DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph; } internal MarkerList GetOpenMarkerStyles() { MarkerList ml = new MarkerList(); if (_dnaOpen != null) { _dnaOpen.CullOpen(); int nShape = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _dnaOpen.Count; i++) { DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsPending && dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnShape) { nShape = i + 1; } } for (int i = nShape; i < _dnaOpen.Count; i++) { DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsPending && dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList) { ml.AddEntry(dn.FormatState.Marker, dn.FormatState.ILS, dn.FormatState.StartIndex, dn.FormatState.StartIndexDefault, dn.VirtualListLevel); } } } return ml; } internal MarkerList GetLastMarkerStyles(MarkerList mlHave, MarkerList mlWant) { MarkerList ml = new MarkerList(); if (mlHave.Count > 0 || mlWant.Count == 0) { return ml; } bool bAllBullet = true; for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(i); // Don't reopen a list across a table. if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable) { break; } if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem) { // Don't open a list item in a closed table. DocumentNode dnCell = dn.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); if (dnCell != null && !dnCell.IsPending) { break; } // Ignore list items in shapes - note the continue since these didn't effect list continuation. DocumentNode dnShape = dn.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnShape); if (dnShape != null && !dnShape.IsPending) { continue; } // OK, gather up the list structure that I'm potentially reopening. for (DocumentNode dnList = dn.Parent; dnList != null; dnList = dnList.Parent) { // Note that I'm building this list up in the reverse order of GetOpenMarkerStyles if (dnList.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList) { MarkerListEntry mle = new MarkerListEntry(); mle.Marker = dnList.FormatState.Marker; mle.StartIndexOverride = dnList.FormatState.StartIndex; mle.StartIndexDefault = dnList.FormatState.StartIndexDefault; mle.VirtualListLevel = dnList.VirtualListLevel; mle.ILS = dnList.FormatState.ILS; ml.Insert(0, mle); if (mle.Marker != MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet) { bAllBullet = false; } } } break; } } // If all bullets at one level, don't do the continuation thing for simpler content generation. if (ml.Count == 1 && bAllBullet) { ml.RemoveRange(0, 1); } return ml; } internal void OpenLastList() { for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(i); if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem) { // Don't do this for lists in shapes. DocumentNode dnShape = dn.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnShape); if (dnShape != null && !dnShape.IsPending) { continue; } // Make all this pending. for (DocumentNode dnPa = dn; dnPa != null; dnPa = dnPa.Parent) { if (dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList || dnPa.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem) { dnPa.IsPending = true; _dnaOpen.InsertOpenNode(dnPa); } } break; } } } internal void OpenLastCell() { // Be careful about nested cells - I want to open the last cell for the table/body/row that is // currently pending, not the last cell in the depth-first walk of the tree. So first find // the pending table scope. for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsPending) { if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell) { // Nothing to do! return; } else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody || dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnRow) { // OK, now find the cell for (int j = Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { DocumentNode ddn = EntryAt(j); // Yikes, better find a child first. if (ddn == dn) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } if (ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnCell && ddn.GetParentOfType(dn.Type) == dn) { for (DocumentNode dnPa = ddn; dnPa != null && dnPa != dn; dnPa = dnPa.Parent) { dnPa.IsPending = true; _dnaOpen.InsertOpenNode(dnPa); } return; } } } } } } internal int FindPendingFrom(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType, int nStart, int nLow) { if (_dnaOpen != null) { _dnaOpen.CullOpen(); for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); if (dn.Index > nStart) { continue; } if (dn.Index <= nLow) { break; } if (dn.IsPending) { if (dn.Type == documentNodeType) { return dn.Index; } // Don't return pending elements across shape boundaries else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnShape) { break; } } } } return -1; } internal int FindPending(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType, int nLow) { return FindPendingFrom(documentNodeType, Count - 1, nLow); } internal int FindPending(DocumentNodeType documentNodeType) { return FindPending(documentNodeType, -1); } internal int FindUnmatched(DocumentNodeType dnType) { if (_dnaOpen != null) { for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = _dnaOpen.EntryAt(i); if (dn.Type == dnType && !dn.IsMatched) { return dn.Index; } } } return -1; } internal void EstablishTreeRelationships() { // Record indices int i; for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { EntryAt(i).Index = i; } for (i = 1; i < Count; i++) { DocumentNode dnThis = EntryAt(i); DocumentNode dnPrev = EntryAt(i - 1); // If prev isn't my parent, walk up its parent chain to find my parent if (dnPrev.ChildCount == 0) { for (dnPrev = dnPrev.Parent; dnPrev != null; dnPrev = dnPrev.Parent) { if (dnPrev.IsAncestorOf(dnThis)) { break; } } } dnThis.Parent = dnPrev; } } internal void CullOpen() { int i = Count - 1; for (; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(i); if (dn.Index >= 0 && dn.IsTrackedAsOpen) { break; } } int nCull = Count - (i + 1); if (nCull > 0) { RemoveRange(i + 1, nCull); } } internal void InsertOpenNode(DocumentNode dn) { CullOpen(); int i = Count; for (; i > 0; i--) { if (dn.Index > EntryAt(i - 1).Index) { break; } } Insert(i, dn); } internal void InsertNode(int nAt, DocumentNode dn) { Insert(nAt, dn); // Match sure Index values remain up-to-date. if (_fMain) { dn.Index = nAt; dn.DNA = this; for (nAt++; nAt < Count; nAt++) { EntryAt(nAt).Index = nAt; } // Track open nodes if (dn.IsTrackedAsOpen) { if (_dnaOpen == null) { _dnaOpen = new DocumentNodeArray(); } _dnaOpen.InsertOpenNode(dn); } } } internal void InsertChildAt(DocumentNode dnParent, DocumentNode dnNew, int nInsertAt, int nChild) { Debug.Assert(_fMain); InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnNew); CloseAtHelper(nInsertAt, nChild); // Parent's parent shouldn't be the child document node if (dnParent != null && dnParent.Parent == dnNew) { Invariant.Assert(false, "Parent's Parent node shouldn't be the child node!"); } // Patch the child count of the ancestors dnNew.Parent = dnParent; for (; dnParent != null; dnParent = dnParent.ClosedParent) { dnParent.ChildCount += 1; } AssertTreeInvariants(); } internal void Excise(int nAt, int nExcise) { DocumentNode dn = EntryAt(nAt); // Mark the nodes as deleted from main array if (_fMain) { int nEnd = nAt + nExcise; for (int i = nAt; i < nEnd; i++) { DocumentNode dn1 = EntryAt(i); dn1.Index = -1; dn1.DNA = null; } } // Remove from the array. RemoveRange(nAt, nExcise); if (_fMain) { // Patch the child count of the ancestors for (DocumentNode dnPa = dn.Parent; dnPa != null; dnPa = dnPa.Parent) { if (!dnPa.IsPending) { Debug.Assert(dnPa.LastChildIndex >= nAt + nExcise - 1); dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount - nExcise; } } // Patch the Index of trailing nodes for (; nAt < Count; nAt++) { EntryAt(nAt).Index = nAt; } AssertTreeInvariants(); } } #endregion Internal Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal DocumentNode Top { get { return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; } } internal bool IsMain { set { _fMain = value; } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Methods // // The PreCoalesce process for a ListItem involves seeing if I can migrate the left indent // from contained paragraphs to the ListItem itself. This results in better bullet placement // in the generated XAML. // private void PreCoalesceListItem(DocumentNode dn) { int nAt = dn.Index; long nMargin = -1; int nEndItem = nAt + dn.ChildCount; for (int nnAt = nAt + 1; nnAt <= nEndItem; nnAt++) { DocumentNode ddn = EntryAt(nnAt); if (ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph) { if (nMargin == -1) { nMargin = ddn.NearMargin; } else if (ddn.NearMargin < nMargin && ddn.IsNonEmpty) { nMargin = ddn.NearMargin; } } } dn.NearMargin = nMargin; for (int nnAt = nAt; nnAt <= nEndItem; nnAt++) { DocumentNode ddn = EntryAt(nnAt); if (ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph) { ddn.NearMargin = ddn.NearMargin - nMargin; } } } // // The PreCoalesce process for a List involves promoting the flowdirection if at all possible // from contained paragraphs to the list itself. This ensures that Avalon displays the list // bullets in the proper location. // private void PreCoalesceList(DocumentNode dn) { int nAt = dn.Index; bool bConflict = false; DirState ds = DirState.DirDefault; int nEndItem = nAt + dn.ChildCount; for (int nnAt = nAt + 1; !bConflict && nnAt <= nEndItem; nnAt++) { DocumentNode ddn = EntryAt(nnAt); if (ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph && ddn.IsNonEmpty) { if (ds == DirState.DirDefault) { ds = ddn.FormatState.DirPara; } else if (ds != ddn.FormatState.DirPara) { bConflict = true; } } } // OK, promote if possible. if (!bConflict && ds != DirState.DirDefault) { for (int nnAt = nAt; nnAt <= nEndItem; nnAt++) { DocumentNode ddn = EntryAt(nnAt); if (ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList || ddn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem) { ddn.FormatState.DirPara = ds; } } } } // // Table column handling. RTF tables allow each row to be arbitrarily aligned. XAML (like HTML) // doesn't allow that. You can achieve that effect in HTML by inserting extra rows with spurious // cells propped to a specific width, but I'm not going to do that. Instead, I'm going to split // the rows into separate tables when combining some set of rows into a table would force me // to fabricate a column that doesn't contain any defined cell. // private int PreCoalesceTable(DocumentNode dn) { int nInserted = 0; int nAt = dn.Index; ColumnStateArray cols = dn.ComputeColumns(); // OK, now I have a set of columns and information about which row caused the column to // be instantiated. The naive algorithm is to strip the first N rows from the table until // the row that caused an uninstantiated column, break the table there, and then run the // algorithm again on the trailing table. int nUnfilledRowIndex = cols.GetMinUnfilledRowIndex(); if (nUnfilledRowIndex > 0) { // OK, Need to insert a new table and table group around the remaining rows. DocumentNode dnNewTable = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); DocumentNode dnNewTableBody = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody); dnNewTable.FormatState = new FormatState(dn.FormatState); dnNewTable.FormatState.RowFormat = EntryAt(nUnfilledRowIndex).FormatState.RowFormat; int nChildrenOldTable = nUnfilledRowIndex - dn.Index - 1; int nChildrenNewTable = dn.ChildCount - nChildrenOldTable; dn.ChildCount = nChildrenOldTable; // Update old table child count EntryAt(nAt + 1).ChildCount = nChildrenOldTable - 1; // Update old TableBody child count InsertNode(nUnfilledRowIndex, dnNewTableBody); CloseAtHelper(nUnfilledRowIndex, nChildrenNewTable); InsertNode(nUnfilledRowIndex, dnNewTable); CloseAtHelper(nUnfilledRowIndex, nChildrenNewTable + 1); // Adjust parent pointers dnNewTableBody.Parent = dnNewTable; dnNewTable.Parent = dn.ClosedParent; for (DocumentNode dnPa = dnNewTable.ClosedParent; dnPa != null; dnPa = dnPa.ClosedParent) { dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount + 2; } // Adjust the loop end to account for the newly inserted elements nInserted = 2; // Need to recompute the ColumnStateArray for the newly truncated table. dn.ColumnStateArray = dn.ComputeColumns(); } else { dn.ColumnStateArray = cols; } return nInserted; } private void PreCoalesceRow(DocumentNode dn, ref bool fVMerged) { DocumentNodeArray dnaCells = dn.GetRowsCells(); RowFormat rf = dn.FormatState.RowFormat; DocumentNode dnTable = dn.GetParentOfType(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); ColumnStateArray csa = (dnTable != null) ? dnTable.ColumnStateArray : null; // Normally number of cells and cell definitions are equal, but be careful. int nCount = dnaCells.Count < rf.CellCount ? dnaCells.Count : rf.CellCount; // Non-unary colspan can arise both because I have "merged" cells specified // as well as because I just have cells that exactly span some other cols. // The code in PreCoalesce enforces that the cells line up, so I can just // test for that here. int nColsSeen = 0; int i = 0; while (i < nCount) { DocumentNode dnCell = dnaCells.EntryAt(i); CellFormat cf = rf.NthCellFormat(i); long cellx = cf.CellX; // optimization - record if we encountered a vmerged cell if (cf.IsVMerge) { fVMerged = true; } // Determine colspan based on cells we will eliminate through the merge flags if (cf.IsHMergeFirst) { for (i++; i < nCount; i++) { cf = rf.NthCellFormat(i); if (cf.IsVMerge) { fVMerged = true; } if (cf.IsHMerge) { dnaCells.EntryAt(i).ColSpan = 0; // zero means omit this cell } } } else { i++; } // Determine actual colspan based on cellx value if (csa != null) { int nColStart = nColsSeen; while (nColsSeen < csa.Count) { ColumnState cs = csa.EntryAt(nColsSeen); nColsSeen++; // This is the normal case if (cs.CellX == cellx) { break; } // This is anomalous, but can occur with odd \cellx values (non-monotonically increasing). if (cs.CellX > cellx) { break; } } if (nColsSeen - nColStart > dnCell.ColSpan) { dnCell.ColSpan = nColsSeen - nColStart; } } } } private void ProcessTableRowSpan(DocumentNodeArray dnaTables) { for (int i = 0; i < dnaTables.Count; i++) { DocumentNode dnTable = dnaTables.EntryAt(i); ColumnStateArray csa = dnTable.ColumnStateArray; if (csa == null || csa.Count == 0) { continue; } int nDim = csa.Count; DocumentNodeArray dnaRows = dnTable.GetTableRows(); DocumentNodeArray dnaSpanCells = new DocumentNodeArray(); for (int k = 0; k < nDim; k++) { dnaSpanCells.Add(null); } for (int j = 0; j < dnaRows.Count; j++) { DocumentNode dnRow = dnaRows.EntryAt(j); RowFormat rf = dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat; DocumentNodeArray dnaCells = dnRow.GetRowsCells(); int nCount = nDim; if (rf.CellCount < nCount) { nCount = rf.CellCount; } if (dnaCells.Count < nCount) { nCount = dnaCells.Count; } // Nominally, the index into dnaSpanCells, dnaCells and RowFormat.NthCellFormat // should all be the same. But in some cases we have spanning cells that don't // actually have an explicit cell associated with it (the span is implicit in the // cellx/width values). I can detect this case by finding a colspan > 1 that is // not then followed by a HMerged format. In this case, I need to apply a correction // to my iteration, since the ColumnStateArray will have an entry for that field. int kCSA = 0; // this might advance faster for (int k = 0; k < nCount && kCSA < dnaSpanCells.Count; k++) { DocumentNode dnCell = dnaCells.EntryAt(k); CellFormat cf = rf.NthCellFormat(k); if (cf.IsVMerge) { DocumentNode dnSpanningCell = dnaSpanCells.EntryAt(kCSA); if (dnSpanningCell != null) { dnSpanningCell.RowSpan = dnSpanningCell.RowSpan + 1; } kCSA += dnCell.ColSpan; dnCell.ColSpan = 0; } else { if (cf.IsVMergeFirst) { dnCell.RowSpan = 1; dnaSpanCells[kCSA] = dnCell; } else { dnaSpanCells[kCSA] = null; } for (int l = kCSA + 1; l < kCSA + dnCell.ColSpan; l++) { dnaSpanCells[l] = null; } kCSA += dnCell.ColSpan; } } } } } #endregion PrivateMethods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Fields private bool _fMain; private DocumentNodeArray _dnaOpen; #endregion Private Fields } /// /// ConverterState /// internal class ConverterState { //------------------------------------------------------ // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors /// /// ConverterState Constructor /// internal ConverterState() { _rtfFormatStack = new RtfFormatStack(); _documentNodeArray = new DocumentNodeArray(); _documentNodeArray.IsMain = true; _fontTable = new FontTable(); _colorTable = new ColorTable(); _listTable = new ListTable(); _listOverrideTable = new ListOverrideTable(); _defaultFont = -1; _defaultLang = -1; _defaultLangFE = -1; _bMarkerWhiteSpace = false; _bMarkerPresent = false; _border = null; } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods internal FormatState PreviousTopFormatState(int fromTop) { return _rtfFormatStack.PrevTop(fromTop); } #endregion Internal Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties internal RtfFormatStack RtfFormatStack { get { return _rtfFormatStack; } } internal FontTable FontTable { get { return _fontTable; } } internal ColorTable ColorTable { get { return _colorTable; } } internal ListTable ListTable { get { return _listTable; } } internal ListOverrideTable ListOverrideTable { get { return _listOverrideTable; } } internal DocumentNodeArray DocumentNodeArray { get { return _documentNodeArray; } } internal FormatState TopFormatState { get { return _rtfFormatStack.Top(); } } internal int CodePage { get { return _codePage; } set { _codePage = value; } } internal long DefaultFont { get { return _defaultFont; } set { _defaultFont = value; } } internal long DefaultLang { get { return _defaultLang; } set { _defaultLang = value; } } internal long DefaultLangFE { get { return _defaultLangFE; } set { _defaultLangFE = value; } } internal bool IsMarkerWhiteSpace { get { return _bMarkerWhiteSpace; } set { _bMarkerWhiteSpace = value; } } internal bool IsMarkerPresent { get { return _bMarkerPresent; } set { _bMarkerPresent = value; } } internal BorderFormat CurrentBorder { get { return _border; } set { _border = value; } } #endregion Internal Properties //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private RtfFormatStack _rtfFormatStack; private DocumentNodeArray _documentNodeArray; private FontTable _fontTable; private ColorTable _colorTable; private ListTable _listTable; private ListOverrideTable _listOverrideTable; private long _defaultFont; private long _defaultLang; private long _defaultLangFE; private int _codePage; private bool _bMarkerWhiteSpace; private bool _bMarkerPresent; private BorderFormat _border; #endregion Private Fields } /// /// RtfToXamlReader /// internal class RtfToXamlReader { //------------------------------------------------------ // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors /// /// RtfToXamlReader Constructor /// internal RtfToXamlReader(string rtfString) { _rtfBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(rtfString); _bForceParagraph = false; Initialize(); } private void Initialize() { _lexer = new RtfToXamlLexer(_rtfBytes); _converterState = new ConverterState(); _converterState.RtfFormatStack.Push(); _outerXamlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } #endregion Constructors //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods /// /// RtfToXamlError process /// internal RtfToXamlError Process() { RtfToXamlError rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.None; RtfToken token = new RtfToken(); bool findUnknownDestinationToken = false; int nStartCount = _converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count; while (rtfToXamlError == RtfToXamlError.None) { rtfToXamlError = _lexer.Next(token, _converterState.TopFormatState); if (rtfToXamlError != RtfToXamlError.None) { break; } switch (token.Type) { case RtfTokenType.TokenGroupStart: _converterState.RtfFormatStack.Push(); findUnknownDestinationToken = false; break; case RtfTokenType.TokenGroupEnd: ProcessGroupEnd(); findUnknownDestinationToken = false; break; case RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid: rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.InvalidFormat; break; case RtfTokenType.TokenEOF: // Handle any anomalous missing group ends. while (_converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count > 2 && _converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count > nStartCount) ProcessGroupEnd(); AppendDocument(); return RtfToXamlError.None; case RtfTokenType.TokenDestination: findUnknownDestinationToken = true; break; case RtfTokenType.TokenControl: { RtfControlWordInfo controlWordInfo = token.RtfControlWordInfo; if (controlWordInfo != null && !findUnknownDestinationToken) { if ((controlWordInfo.Flags & RtfControls.RTK_DESTINATION) != 0) { findUnknownDestinationToken = true; } } if (findUnknownDestinationToken) { // Ignore unknown control on the current field result destination. // Otherwise, the field result content will be ignoreed by the unknown rtf destination. if (controlWordInfo != null && controlWordInfo.Control == RtfControlWord.Ctrl_Unknown && _converterState.TopFormatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFieldResult) { controlWordInfo = null; } else { _converterState.TopFormatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestUnknown; } findUnknownDestinationToken = false; } if (controlWordInfo != null) { HandleControl(token, controlWordInfo); } break; } case RtfTokenType.TokenText: ProcessText(token); break; case RtfTokenType.TokenTextSymbol: ProcessTextSymbol(token); break; case RtfTokenType.TokenNewline: case RtfTokenType.TokenNullChar: // Eaten break; case RtfTokenType.TokenPictureData: ProcessImage(_converterState.TopFormatState); break; } } return rtfToXamlError; } #endregion Internal Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Properties /// /// Output Xaml string from converting of Rtf /// internal string Output { get { return _outerXamlBuilder.ToString(); } } internal bool ForceParagraph { get { return _bForceParagraph; } set { _bForceParagraph = value; } } internal ConverterState ConverterState { get { return _converterState; } } // WpfPayload package that containing the image for the specified Xaml internal WpfPayload WpfPayload { set { _wpfPayload = value; } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods internal bool TreeContainsBlock() { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; for (int i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++) { DocumentNode documentNode = dna.EntryAt(i); if (documentNode.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph || documentNode.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnList || documentNode.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnTable) { return true; } } return false; } internal void AppendDocument() { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; // Remove any trailing whitespace that wasn't explicitly terminated while (dna.Count > 0) { DocumentNode dnLast = dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1); if (dnLast.IsInline && dnLast.IsWhiteSpace) { dna.Excise(dna.Count - 1, 1); } else { break; } } // If RTF ended with inline content and no \par, might need to force it. if (ForceParagraph || TreeContainsBlock()) { if (dna.Count > 0) { DocumentNode dnLast = dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1); if (dnLast.IsInline) { FormatState formatState = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (formatState != null) { HandlePara(null, formatState); } } } } dna.CloseAll(); dna.CoalesceAll(_converterState); // Search for the paragraph node bool bBlock = ForceParagraph || TreeContainsBlock(); // Add the document header if (bBlock) { _outerXamlBuilder.Append("
\r\n"); } else { _outerXamlBuilder.Append(""); } // Add the document content for (int i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++) { DocumentNode documentNode = dna.EntryAt(i); _outerXamlBuilder.Append(documentNode.Xaml); } // Add the document footer if (bBlock) { _outerXamlBuilder.Append("
"); } else { _outerXamlBuilder.Append(""); } } // // ProcessField is called when the \field group is closed. There should be content in this group with the // field instruction and the field result. All of these distinct content areas are wrapped by // dnField nodes. The RtfDestination in the FormatState of the DocumentNode specifies which field // property. // internal void ProcessField() { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnFieldBegin = null; DocumentNode dnFieldEnd = null; DocumentNode dnFieldInstBegin = null; DocumentNode dnFieldInstEnd = null; DocumentNode dnFieldResultBegin = null; DocumentNode dnFieldResultEnd = null; for (int i = dna.Count - 1; i >= 0 && dnFieldBegin == null; i--) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(i); if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin) { switch (dn.FormatState.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: dnFieldInstBegin = dn; break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: dnFieldResultBegin = dn; break; case RtfDestination.DestField: dnFieldBegin = dn; break; } } else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnFieldEnd) { switch (dn.FormatState.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: dnFieldInstEnd = dn; break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: dnFieldResultEnd = dn; break; case RtfDestination.DestField: dnFieldEnd = dn; break; } } } // This is anomalous - bad input? if (dnFieldBegin == null || dnFieldEnd == null) { return; } // Get the text of the instruction to determine how to handle it. DocumentNode dnInstruction = null; string pictureUri = null; if (dnFieldInstBegin != null && dnFieldInstEnd != null) { if (dnFieldInstEnd.Index > dnFieldInstBegin.Index + 1) { string instructionName = string.Empty; // Get the field instruction from the each text node of the // field instruction child for (int fieldInstruction = dnFieldInstBegin.Index + 1; fieldInstruction < dnFieldInstEnd.Index; fieldInstruction++) { DocumentNode dnChild = dna.EntryAt(fieldInstruction); if (dnChild.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnText) { instructionName += dnChild.Xaml; } } if (instructionName.Length > 0 && instructionName[0] == ' ') { instructionName = instructionName.Substring(1); } // Processs the instruction as hyperlink or symbol if (instructionName.IndexOf("HYPERLINK", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { dnInstruction = ProcessHyperlinkField(instructionName); } else if (instructionName.IndexOf("SYMBOL", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { dnInstruction = ProcessSymbolField(instructionName); } else if (instructionName.IndexOf("INCLUDEPICTURE", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { pictureUri = GetIncludePictureUri(instructionName); } } } // Get rid of everything but field result contents if (dnFieldInstBegin != null && dnFieldInstEnd != null) { int nInst = dnFieldInstEnd.Index - dnFieldInstBegin.Index + 1; dna.Excise(dnFieldInstBegin.Index, nInst); } if (dnFieldResultBegin != null) dna.Excise(dnFieldResultBegin.Index, 1); if (dnFieldResultEnd != null) dna.Excise(dnFieldResultEnd.Index, 1); // Record the region that is going to be spanned by the new field node. int nInsertAt = dnFieldBegin.Index; int nChildCount = dnFieldEnd.Index - dnFieldBegin.Index - 1; DocumentNode dnPa = dnFieldBegin.ClosedParent; // Get rid of the field nodes themselves. dna.Excise(dnFieldBegin.Index, 1); dna.Excise(dnFieldEnd.Index, 1); if (pictureUri != null && nChildCount != 0) { DocumentNode dnImage = dna.EntryAt(nInsertAt); if (dnImage.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnImage) { // Replace the Image UriSource with the picture uri. // IE copying rtf content has the bogus wmetafile so the image quality // is very low. Now we replace image with the included picture uri to get // the image directly from the specified Uri. int uriSourceIndex = dnImage.Xaml.IndexOf("UriSource=", StringComparison.Ordinal); int uriSourceEndIndex = dnImage.Xaml.IndexOf("\"", uriSourceIndex + 11, StringComparison.Ordinal); string imageXaml = dnImage.Xaml.Substring(0, uriSourceIndex); imageXaml += "UriSource=\"" + pictureUri + "\""; imageXaml += dnImage.Xaml.Substring(uriSourceEndIndex + 1); dnImage.Xaml = imageXaml; } } // Now insert the node around the results. if (dnInstruction != null) { // Never insert an inline node around block content. For example, Word/HTML allows hyperlinks // around any content, but in XAML hyperlinks are only inline. bool bOK = true; if (dnInstruction.IsInline) { for (int i = nInsertAt; bOK && i < nInsertAt + nChildCount; i++) { if (dna.EntryAt(i).IsBlock) { bOK = false; } } } if (bOK) { // Insert the instruction node if it is text(symbol) or has the child count for // hyperlink or include picture if (dnInstruction.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnText || nChildCount != 0) { dna.InsertChildAt(dnPa, dnInstruction, nInsertAt, nChildCount); // No, don't coalesce since spanned content may need paragraph parent to determine props. // dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nInsertAt); } } // If hyperlink, need to wrap each paragraph's contents, since XAML treats hyperlink as inline. else if (dnInstruction.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink) { dnInstruction.AppendXamlPrefix(_converterState); for (int i = nInsertAt; i < nInsertAt + nChildCount; i++) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(i); if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph && !dn.IsTerminated) { Debug.Assert(dn.ChildCount == 0); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(dnInstruction.Xaml); sb.Append(dn.Xaml); sb.Append(""); dn.Xaml = sb.ToString(); } } // If I have trailing text that is not yet in a para, I need to wrap that as well int nInline = 0; int nInlineAt = nInsertAt + nChildCount - 1; for (; nInlineAt >= nInsertAt; nInlineAt--) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(nInlineAt); if (dn.IsInline) { nInline++; } else { break; } } if (nInline > 0) { WrapInlineInParagraph(nInlineAt + 1, nInline); DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(nInlineAt + 1); if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph && !dn.IsTerminated) { Debug.Assert(dn.ChildCount == 0); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(dnInstruction.Xaml); sb.Append(dn.Xaml); sb.Append(""); dn.Xaml = sb.ToString(); } } } } // If I processed a field result with block content, it's possible I left some hanging // inline nodes unwrapped in a paragraph before the field. Let's look for them and clean them up. bool bBlock = false; for (int i = nInsertAt; !bBlock && i < dna.Count; i++) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(i); bBlock = dn.IsBlock; } if (bBlock) { int nVisible = 0; nChildCount = 0; for (int i = nInsertAt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsInline || dn.IsHidden) { nChildCount++; if (!dn.IsHidden) { nVisible++; } } if (dn.IsBlock) { nChildCount -= dn.ChildCount; break; } } if (nVisible > 0) { WrapInlineInParagraph(nInsertAt - nChildCount, nChildCount); } } } private int HexToInt(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return (c - '0'); } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return (10 + c - 'a'); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return (10 + c - 'A'); } else { return 0; } } private int DecToInt(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return (c - '0'); } else { return 0; } } // Return the included picture Uri private string GetIncludePictureUri(string instructionName) { string pictureUri = null; int uriIndex = instructionName.IndexOf("http:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (uriIndex != -1) { pictureUri = instructionName.Substring(uriIndex, instructionName.Length - uriIndex - 1); int pictureUriEndIndex = pictureUri.IndexOf("\"", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (pictureUriEndIndex != -1) { pictureUri = pictureUri.Substring(0, pictureUriEndIndex); } if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(pictureUri, UriKind.Absolute)) { pictureUri = null; } } return pictureUri; } internal DocumentNode ProcessHyperlinkField(string instr) { DocumentNode dn = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnHyperlink); dn.FormatState = new FormatState(_converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0)); string sUri = null; string sTarget = null; string sBookmark = null; bool bTargetNext = false; bool bBookmarkNext = false; // iterate, starting past " HYPERLINK" int i = 10; while (i < instr.Length) { // Skip spaces if (instr[i] == ' ') { i++; } // NavigateUri? else if (instr[i] == '"') { i++; if (i < instr.Length) { int iStart = i; int iEnd = i; for (; iEnd < instr.Length; iEnd++) { if (instr[iEnd] == '"') { break; } } string param = instr.Substring(iStart, iEnd - iStart); if (bTargetNext) { sTarget = param; bTargetNext = false; } else if (bBookmarkNext) { sBookmark = param; bBookmarkNext = false; } else if (sUri == null) sUri = param; // else eat the string i = iEnd + 1; } } // Instructions else if (instr[i] == '\\') { i++; if (i < instr.Length) { switch (instr[i]) { case 'l': // bookmark bBookmarkNext = true; bTargetNext = false; break; case 't': // target bBookmarkNext = false; bTargetNext = true; break; } i++; } } // Ignore other characters else i++; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (sUri != null) { sb.Append(sUri); } if (sBookmark != null) { sb.Append("#"); sb.Append(sBookmark); } // Remove the second backslash(which rtf specified) to keep only single backslash for (int uriIndex = 0; uriIndex < sb.Length; uriIndex++) { if (sb[uriIndex] == '\\' && uriIndex + 1 < sb.Length && sb[uriIndex + 1] == '\\') { // Remove the sceond backslash sb.Remove(uriIndex + 1, 1); } } dn.NavigateUri = sb.ToString(); return dn.NavigateUri.Length > 0 ? dn : null; } internal DocumentNode ProcessSymbolField(string instr) { DocumentNode dn = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnText); dn.FormatState = new FormatState(_converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0)); int nChar = -1; EncodeType encodeType = EncodeType.Ansi; // iterate, starting past " SYMBOL" int i = 7; while (i < instr.Length) { // Skip spaces if (instr[i] == ' ') { i++; } // Is this the character code? else if (nChar == -1 && instr[i] >= '0' && instr[i] <= '9') { // Hex or decimal? if (instr[i] == '0' && i < instr.Length - 1 && instr[i + 1] == 'x') { i += 2; nChar = 0; for (; i < instr.Length && instr[i] != ' ' && instr[i] != '\\'; i++) { if (nChar < 0xFFFF) { nChar = (nChar * 16) + HexToInt(instr[i]); } } } else { nChar = 0; for (; i < instr.Length && instr[i] != ' ' && instr[i] != '\\'; i++) { if (nChar < 0xFFFF) { nChar = (nChar * 10) + DecToInt(instr[i]); } } } } // Instructions else if (instr[i] == '\\') { i++; if (i < instr.Length) { ProcessSymbolFieldInstruction(dn, instr, ref i, ref encodeType); } } else { i++; } } // If no character code was specified, just bail if (nChar == -1) { return null; } // Otherwise, convert it to text ConvertSymbolCharValueToText(dn, nChar, encodeType); return (dn.Xaml != null && dn.Xaml.Length > 0) ? dn : null; } private void ProcessSymbolFieldInstruction(DocumentNode dn, string instr, ref int i, ref EncodeType encodeType) { int iStart = 0; switch (instr[i++]) { case 'a': encodeType = EncodeType.Ansi; break; case 'u': encodeType = EncodeType.Unicode; break; case 'j': encodeType = EncodeType.ShiftJis; break; case 'h': // linespacing instruction: ignore break; case 's': if (i < instr.Length && instr[i] == ' ') i++; // font size in points, not half-points iStart = i; for (; i < instr.Length && instr[i] != ' '; i++) { continue; } string ptString = instr.Substring(iStart, i - iStart); // Now convert number part bool ret = true; double d = 0f; try { d = System.Convert.ToDouble(ptString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (System.OverflowException) { ret = false; } catch (System.FormatException) { ret = false; } if (ret) { dn.FormatState.FontSize = (long)((d * 2) + 0.5); } break; case 'f': // Font Name if (i < instr.Length && instr[i] == ' ') { i++; } if (i < instr.Length && instr[i] == '"') { i++; } iStart = i; for (; i < instr.Length && instr[i] != '"'; i++) { continue; } string name = instr.Substring(iStart, i - iStart); // Move past trailing double-quote i++; if (name != null && name.Length > 0) { dn.FormatState.Font = _converterState.FontTable.DefineEntryByName(name); } break; } } // Process image that create image node for generating Xaml Image control // Disable inlining to avoid loading System.Drawing.Bitmap without need [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] internal void ProcessImage(FormatState formatState) { string contentType; string imagePartUriString; switch (formatState.ImageFormat) { case RtfImageFormat.Wmf: case RtfImageFormat.Png: contentType = "image/png"; break; case RtfImageFormat.Jpeg: contentType = "image/jpeg"; break; default: contentType = string.Empty; break; } bool skipImage = (formatState.ImageScaleWidth < 0) || (formatState.ImageScaleHeight < 0); if (_wpfPayload != null && contentType != string.Empty && !skipImage) { // Get image part URI string and image binary steam to write Rtf image data // into the container of WpfPayload Stream imageStream = _wpfPayload.CreateImageStream(_imageCount, contentType, out imagePartUriString); using (imageStream) { if (formatState.ImageFormat != RtfImageFormat.Wmf) { // Write the image binary data on the container from Rtf image data _lexer.WriteImageData(imageStream, formatState.IsImageDataBinary); } else { // Read the windows metafile from the rtf content and then convert it // to bitmap data then save it as PNG on the container image part MemoryStream metafileStream = new MemoryStream(); ; using (metafileStream) { // Get Windows Metafile from rtf content _lexer.WriteImageData(metafileStream, formatState.IsImageDataBinary); metafileStream.Position = 0; // Create the metafile from the windows metafile data that is on rtf content System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile metafile = new System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile(metafileStream); // Save image from the metafile to the container's image part as PNG type metafile.Save(imageStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } } } // Increase the image count to generate the image source name _imageCount++; formatState.ImageSource = imagePartUriString; // Create the image document node DocumentNode dnImage = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnImage); dnImage.FormatState = formatState; StringBuilder imageStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Add the xaml image element imageStringBuilder.Append(""); // Add the image source property as the complex property // This is for specifying BitmapImage.CacheOption as OnLoad instead of // the default OnDemand option. imageStringBuilder.Append(""); imageStringBuilder.Append(""); imageStringBuilder.Append(""); imageStringBuilder.Append(""); // Set Xaml for image element dnImage.Xaml = imageStringBuilder.ToString(); // Insert the image document node to the document node array DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; dna.Push(dnImage); dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); } else { // Skip the image data if the image type is unknown or WpfPayload is null _lexer.AdvanceForImageData(); } } private void ConvertSymbolCharValueToText(DocumentNode dn, int nChar, EncodeType encodeType) { switch (encodeType) { case EncodeType.Unicode: if (nChar < 0xFFFF) { char[] unicodeChar = new char[1]; unicodeChar[0] = (char)nChar; dn.AppendXamlEncoded(new string(unicodeChar)); } break; case EncodeType.ShiftJis: if (nChar < 0xFFFF) { // NB: How to interpret this numeric value as Shift-JIS? Encoding ec = Encoding.GetEncoding(932); int nChars = nChar > 256 ? 2 : 1; byte[] ba = new byte[2]; if (nChars == 1) { ba[0] = (byte)nChar; } else { ba[0] = (byte)((nChar >> 8) & 0xFF); ba[1] = (byte)(nChar & 0xFF); } dn.AppendXamlEncoded(ec.GetString(ba, 0, nChars)); } break; default: if (nChar < 256) { // Keep the byte char value as the unicode char singleChar = (char) nChar; dn.AppendXamlEncoded(new string(singleChar, 1)); } break; } } internal void ProcessListText() { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; int ndnListText = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnListText); if (ndnListText >= 0) { DocumentNode dnListText = dna.EntryAt(ndnListText); dna.CloseAt(ndnListText); // If I didn't throw away a picture, need to actually test for content. bool bWS = true; if (dnListText.HasMarkerContent) { bWS = false; } else { int nEnd = ndnListText + dnListText.ChildCount; for (int i = ndnListText + 1; bWS && i <= nEnd; i++) { DocumentNode dnText = dna.EntryAt(i); if (!dnText.IsWhiteSpace) { bWS = false; } } } dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, ndnListText); if (bWS) { _converterState.IsMarkerWhiteSpace = true; } dnListText.Xaml = string.Empty; _converterState.IsMarkerPresent = true; } } internal void ProcessShapeResult() { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; int nAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnShape); if (nAt >= 0) { // Make sure any pending inlines are wrapped. FormatState formatState = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (formatState != null) { WrapPendingInlineInParagraph(null, formatState); } // No structures should leak out of a shape result dna.CloseAt(nAt); } } private void ProcessRtfDestination(FormatState fsCur) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; int nAt; switch (fsCur.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestField: nAt = dna.FindUnmatched(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin); if (nAt >= 0) { DocumentNode dnEnd = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldEnd); dnEnd.FormatState = new FormatState(fsCur); dnEnd.IsPending = false; dna.Push(dnEnd); dna.EntryAt(nAt).IsMatched = true; ProcessField(); } break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: case RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate: case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: nAt = dna.FindUnmatched(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin); if (nAt >= 0) { DocumentNode dnEnd = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldEnd); dnEnd.FormatState = new FormatState(fsCur); dnEnd.IsPending = false; dna.Push(dnEnd); dna.EntryAt(nAt).IsMatched = true; } break; // The DestShape destination is only to distinguish the case of leaving a shaperesult destination // when shapes were nested. No processing is actually necessary here. case RtfDestination.DestShape: break; case RtfDestination.DestShapeResult: ProcessShapeResult(); break; case RtfDestination.DestListText: ProcessListText(); break; case RtfDestination.DestListLevel: { ListTableEntry listTableEntry = _converterState.ListTable.CurrentEntry; if (listTableEntry != null) { ListLevel listLevel = listTableEntry.Levels.CurrentEntry; listLevel.FormatState = new FormatState(fsCur); } } break; case RtfDestination.DestListOverride: break; case RtfDestination.DestList: break; case RtfDestination.DestFontName: FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.CurrentEntry; if (entry != null) { entry.IsNameSealed = true; entry.IsPending = false; } break; case RtfDestination.DestFontTable: _converterState.FontTable.MapFonts(); break; } } internal void ProcessGroupEnd() { // Pop the state for this group. Don't overpop if we are handed bad input if (_converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count > 2) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsNew = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); // Various interesting actions are taken when the destination changes if (fsCur.RtfDestination != fsNew.RtfDestination) { ProcessRtfDestination(fsCur); } else if (fsNew.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFontTable) { FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.CurrentEntry; if (entry != null) { entry.IsPending = false; } } _converterState.RtfFormatStack.Pop(); if (fsNew.CodePage == -1) { _lexer.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; } else { _lexer.CodePage = fsNew.CodePage; } // After seeing font table, setup default font for current state. if (fsCur.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFontTable && _converterState.DefaultFont >= 0) { SelectFont(_converterState.DefaultFont); } // If we ever pop to a state without a default font, re-assert it. else if (fsCur.Font < 0 && _converterState.DefaultFont >= 0) { SelectFont(_converterState.DefaultFont); } } } internal void SelectFont(long nFont) { FormatState formatState = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (formatState == null) { return; } formatState.Font = nFont; FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.FindEntryByIndex((int)formatState.Font); if (entry != null) { if (entry.CodePage == -1) { formatState.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; } else { formatState.CodePage = entry.CodePage; } _lexer.CodePage = formatState.CodePage; } } internal void HandleControl(RtfToken token, RtfControlWordInfo controlWordInfo) { FormatState formatState = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (formatState == null) { return; } switch (controlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_V: formatState.IsHidden = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DELETED: formatState.IsHidden = true; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_B: formatState.Bold = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_I: formatState.Italic = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_IMPR: formatState.Engrave = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_OUTL: formatState.Outline = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHAD: formatState.Shadow = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SCAPS: formatState.SCaps = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FS: if (Validators.IsValidFontSize(token.Parameter)) formatState.FontSize = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_EXPND: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_EXPNDTW: formatState.Expand = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_F: if (token.HasParameter) if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFontTable) { _converterState.FontTable.DefineEntry((int)token.Parameter); } else { SelectFont(token.Parameter); // Setting font also sets current language in effect if (formatState.FontSlot == FontSlot.DBCH) { if (formatState.LangFE > 0) { formatState.LangCur = formatState.LangFE; } else if (_converterState.DefaultLangFE > 0) { formatState.LangCur = _converterState.DefaultLangFE; } } else { if (formatState.Lang > 0) { formatState.LangCur = formatState.Lang; } else if (_converterState.DefaultLang > 0) { formatState.LangCur = _converterState.DefaultLang; } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DBCH: formatState.FontSlot = FontSlot.DBCH; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LOCH: formatState.FontSlot = FontSlot.LOCH; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_HICH: formatState.FontSlot = FontSlot.HICH; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LANG: formatState.Lang = token.Parameter; formatState.LangCur = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LANGFE: formatState.LangFE = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DEFLANG: _converterState.DefaultLang = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DEFLANGFE: _converterState.DefaultLangFE = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DEFF: _converterState.DefaultFont = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FNAME: { FormatState previousFormatState = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (previousFormatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFontTable) { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestFontName; FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.CurrentEntry; if (entry != null) { entry.Name = null; } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FCHARSET: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestFontTable) { HandleFontTableTokens(token); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_HIGHLIGHT: formatState.CB = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CB: formatState.CB = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CF: formatState.CF = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SUB: formatState.Sub = token.FlagValue; if (formatState.Sub) { formatState.Super = false; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SUPER: formatState.Super = token.FlagValue; if (formatState.Super) { formatState.Sub = false; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NOSUPERSUB: formatState.Sub = false; formatState.Super = false; formatState.SuperOffset = 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UP: formatState.SuperOffset = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULC: // NB: underline color not implemented break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULDASH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULDASHD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULDASHDD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULDB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULHAIR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULHWAVE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULLDASH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTHD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTHDASH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTHDASHD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTHDASHDD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULTHLDASH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULULDBWAVE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULWAVE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULW: formatState.UL = (token.ToggleValue > 0 ? ULState.ULNormal : ULState.ULNone); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ULNONE: formatState.UL = ULState.ULNone; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_STRIKE: formatState.Strike = token.ToggleValue > 0 ? StrikeState.StrikeNormal : StrikeState.StrikeNone; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_STRIKED: formatState.Strike = token.ToggleValue > 0 ? StrikeState.StrikeDouble : StrikeState.StrikeNone; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PLAIN: formatState.SetCharDefaults(); if (_converterState.DefaultFont >= 0) { SelectFont(_converterState.DefaultFont); } break; // Paragraph settings case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PARD: formatState.SetParaDefaults(); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SB: formatState.SB = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SA: formatState.SA = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FI: // Word first indent(\fiN) and Avalon TextIndent concept is the different. // So we ignore the negative first indent safely which can make the content invisible. // Word: \fi-200 -200 0 200 // abc // xyz // Word: \fi200 -200 0 200 // abc // xyz if (token.Parameter > 0) { formatState.FI = token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LIN: // We ignore \lin and do RTL fixup on margins outselves. // formatState.LI = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LI: formatState.LI = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RIN: // We ignore \rin and do RTL fixup on margins outselves. // formatState.RI = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RI: formatState.RI = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_QC: formatState.HAlign = HAlign.AlignCenter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_QJ: formatState.HAlign = HAlign.AlignJustify; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_QL: formatState.HAlign = HAlign.AlignLeft; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_QR: formatState.HAlign = HAlign.AlignRight; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CFPAT: formatState.CFPara = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHADING: // Shading of the CFPAT color, in 100's of a percent. formatState.ParaShading = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CBPAT: formatState.CBPara = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SL: formatState.SL = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SLMULT: formatState.SLMult = token.ToggleValue > 0; break; // Special text case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LINE: ProcessHardLine(token, formatState); break; // LTR-RTL stuff case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRCH: formatState.DirChar = DirState.DirLTR; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRPAR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRDOC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRSECT: formatState.DirPara = DirState.DirLTR; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLCH: formatState.DirChar = DirState.DirRTL; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLPAR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLDOC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLSECT: formatState.DirPara = DirState.DirRTL; // RTF defaults paragraph alignment to left for both RTL and LTR paragraphs, but // Avalon switches the default. Hard-code the alignment here when dealing with RTL // paragraphs so that the distinction doesn't result in different defaults. if (formatState.HAlign == HAlign.AlignDefault) { formatState.HAlign = HAlign.AlignLeft; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRMARK: ProcessText(new string('\x200e', 1)); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLMARK: ProcessText(new string('\x200f', 1)); break; // Structure output case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PAR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SECT: HandlePara(token, formatState); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PAGE: HandlePage(token, formatState); break; // Table Tokens case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CELL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTCELL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ROW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TROWD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTROW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTTABLEPROPS: HandleTableTokens(token, formatState); break; // Table property tokens case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRGAPH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRLEFT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTHB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTHA: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTHB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTHA: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRAUTOFIT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLWWIDTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLFTSWIDTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRV: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLSHDRAWNIL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLSHDNG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLCBPAT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLCFPAT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CELLX: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRART: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRNIL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRNONE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTBL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRBAR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRBTW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRCF: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHDD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHDOTSTR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHSM: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDOT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDREMBOSS: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRENGRAVE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRFRAME: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRHAIR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRINSET: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDROUTSET: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRS: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRSH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTH: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNLG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNMG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNSG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHLG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHMG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHSG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNLG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNMG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNSG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTRIPLE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRWAVY: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRWAVYDB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRSP: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BOX: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLROW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRROW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLMGF: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLMRG: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVMGF: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVMRG: HandleTableProperties(token, formatState); break; // Symbols case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TAB: ProcessText("\t"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_EMDASH: ProcessText("\x2014"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ENDASH: ProcessText("\x2013"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_EMSPACE: ProcessText("\x2003"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ENSPACE: ProcessText("\x2002"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_QMSPACE: ProcessText("\x2005"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BULLET: ProcessText("\x2022"); // Unicode bullet break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LQUOTE: ProcessText("\x2018"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RQUOTE: ProcessText("\x2019"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LDBLQUOTE: ProcessText("\x201c"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RDBLQUOTE: ProcessText("\x201d"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ZWJ: // zero-width-joiner ProcessText("\x200d"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ZWNJ: // zero-width-non-joiner ProcessText("\x200c"); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ANSICPG: // This is just a hint for RTF output roundtripping - ignore. break; // CodePage Tokens case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ANSI: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_MAC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PCA: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UPR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UC: HandleCodePageTokens(token, formatState); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_U: HandleCodePageTokens(token, formatState); _lexer.AdvanceForUnicode(formatState.UnicodeSkip); break; // Field (hyperlink) commands case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FIELD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDRSLT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDINST: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDPRIV: HandleFieldTokens(token, formatState); break; // Structure commands case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ILVL: formatState.ILVL = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_INTBL: formatState.IsInTable = token.FlagValue; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LS: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverride) { HandleListTokens(token, formatState); } else { formatState.ILS = token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ITAP: formatState.ITAP = token.Parameter; break; // Other special parsing commands case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BIN: HandleBinControl(token, formatState); break; // List Table commands case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LIST: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTTEMPLATEID: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTHYBRID: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTSIMPLE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTLEVEL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTTEXT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNFC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNFCN: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELJC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELJCN: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELFOLLOW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELSTARTAT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELSPACE: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELINDENT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELTEXT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELTEMPLATEID: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTID: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNUMBERS: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTOVERRIDE: HandleListTokens(token, formatState); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTPICTURE: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListPicture; break; // Old-style list info case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVL: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLBLT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLBODY: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLCONT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNCARD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNDEC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNUCLTR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNUCRM: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLCLTR: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLCRM: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNORD: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNORDT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNBIDIA: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNBIDIB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PN: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTXTA: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTXTB: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTEXT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNSTART: HandleOldListTokens(token, formatState); break; // Shapes (we only read down-level info) case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DO: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHPRSLT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DPTXBXTEXT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHPPICT: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NONSHPPICT: HandleShapeTokens(token, formatState); break; // Document tables case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FONTTBL: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestFontTable; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_COLORTBL: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestColorTable; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTTABLE: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListTable; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTOVERRIDETABLE: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListOverrideTable; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RED: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestColorTable) { _converterState.ColorTable.NewRed = (byte)token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_GREEN: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestColorTable) _converterState.ColorTable.NewGreen = (byte)token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BLUE: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestColorTable) { _converterState.ColorTable.NewBlue = (byte)token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHPINST: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestShapeInstruction; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PICT: { FormatState previousFormatState = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); // Filter the redundant picture or list picture if ((previousFormatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestShapePicture || previousFormatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestShapeInstruction) || (previousFormatState.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestNoneShapePicture && previousFormatState.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestShape && previousFormatState.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestListPicture)) { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestPicture; } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNGBLIP: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageFormat = RtfImageFormat.Png; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_JPEGBLIP: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageFormat = RtfImageFormat.Jpeg; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_WMETAFILE: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageFormat = RtfImageFormat.Wmf; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PICHGOAL: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageHeight = Converters.TwipToPositivePx(token.Parameter); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PICWGOAL: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageWidth = Converters.TwipToPositivePx(token.Parameter); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PICSCALEX: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageScaleWidth = token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PICSCALEY: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.ImageScaleHeight = token.Parameter; } break; } } internal void ProcessText(RtfToken token) { FormatState fs = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (fs.IsHidden) { return; } switch (fs.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: case RtfDestination.DestShapeResult: case RtfDestination.DestNormal: case RtfDestination.DestListText: HandleNormalText(token.Text, fs); break; case RtfDestination.DestFontTable: case RtfDestination.DestFontName: ProcessFontTableText(token); break; case RtfDestination.DestColorTable: ProcessColorTableText(token); break; case RtfDestination.DestField: case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: case RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate: ProcessFieldText(token); break; } } internal void ProcessTextSymbol(RtfToken token) { // Quoted control character (be generous) - should be limited to "'-*;\_{|}~" if (token.Text.Length == 0) { return; } // Set token text with the quoted control character SetTokenTextWithControlCharacter(token); switch (_converterState.TopFormatState.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestNormal: case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: case RtfDestination.DestShapeResult: case RtfDestination.DestListText: HandleNormalText(token.Text, _converterState.TopFormatState); break; case RtfDestination.DestFontTable: ProcessFontTableText(token); break; case RtfDestination.DestColorTable: ProcessColorTableText(token); break; case RtfDestination.DestField: case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: case RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate: ProcessFieldText(token); break; } } internal void HandleBinControl(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { if (token.Parameter > 0) { if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { formatState.IsImageDataBinary = true; } else { _lexer.AdvanceForBinary((int)token.Parameter); } } } internal void HandlePara(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { // Ignore \par in other destinations if (!formatState.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { return; } // Arrival of paragraph tag allows us to rationalize structure information. // Various tags have told us things about this paragraph: // \INTBL: Paragraph is inside a table cell. // \ITAP{N}: Nesting level for table. Note that I may not have yet // seen any tags that start the nested table. // \LS{N}: Listtable override index. Any value indicates this paragraph // is in a list. // \ILVL: Nesting level for list. // If we're in a throw-away destination, just return. HandleParagraphFromText(formatState); // Make sure proper number of tables are open to reflect this paragraphs nest level HandleTableNesting(formatState); // Now handle lists, which always behave as if they are inside tables. HandleListNesting(formatState); } internal void WrapPendingInlineInParagraph(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { // Ignore \par in other destinations if (!formatState.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { return; } // Only treat \page as \par if there is already some inline content. In normal cases, // (e.g. Word output) a page break comes between paragraphs and we don't want to emit // anything extra in that case. DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dn; // Insert the paragraph before any text or inline nodes at the top of the stack. int nNoOpValue = dna.Count; int nInsertAt = dna.Count; // Default insertion location for (; nInsertAt > 0; nInsertAt--) { dn = dna.EntryAt(nInsertAt - 1); if (!dn.IsInline || dn.ClosedParent != null || !dn.IsMatched) { break; } // If we only have listtext on the stack, don't force a para. else if (dn.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListText && !dn.IsPending && nInsertAt + dn.ChildCount == dna.Count) { nNoOpValue = nInsertAt - 1; } } // If there are no inline nodes, don't generate extra content. if (nInsertAt == nNoOpValue) { return; } // Otherwise, just treat as paragraph mark HandlePara(token, formatState); } internal void HandlePage(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { WrapPendingInlineInParagraph(token, formatState); } internal void HandleParagraphFromText(FormatState formatState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dn; // Insert the paragraph before any text or inline nodes at the top of the stack. int nInsertAt = dna.Count; // Default insertion location for (; nInsertAt > 0; nInsertAt--) { dn = dna.EntryAt(nInsertAt - 1); if (!dn.IsInline || (dn.ClosedParent != null && !dn.ClosedParent.IsInline) || !dn.IsMatched) { break; } } dn = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph); dn.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dn.ConstrainFontPropagation(formatState); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dn); // Now close immediately. dna.CloseAt(nInsertAt); dna.CoalesceOnlyChildren(_converterState, nInsertAt); } internal void WrapInlineInParagraph(int nInsertAt, int nChildren) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; Debug.Assert(nInsertAt >= 0 && nChildren > 0 && nInsertAt + nChildren - 1 < dna.Count); DocumentNode dnChild = dna.EntryAt(nInsertAt + nChildren - 1); DocumentNode dn = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph); dn.FormatState = new FormatState(dnChild.FormatState); dn.ConstrainFontPropagation(dn.FormatState); DocumentNode dnParent = null; // Parent shouldn't be the child of new inserted document node // to avoid the infinite loop on InsertChildAt() if (dnChild.ClosedParent != null && dnChild.ClosedParent.Index < nInsertAt && dnChild.ClosedParent.Index > (nInsertAt + nChildren - 1)) { dnParent = dnChild.ClosedParent; } dna.InsertChildAt(dnParent, dn, nInsertAt, nChildren); dna.CoalesceOnlyChildren(_converterState, nInsertAt); } internal void ProcessPendingTextAtRowEnd() { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; // Remove any pending inline content before closing the row. int nExcise = 0; for (int i = dna.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DocumentNode dn = dna.EntryAt(i); if (dn.IsInline && dn.ClosedParent == null) { nExcise++; } else { break; } } if (nExcise > 0) { dna.Excise(dna.Count - nExcise, nExcise); } } internal void HandleTableTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsOld = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (fsCur == null || fsOld == null) { return; } // Propagate current destination into nested table props destination keyword if (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control == RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTTABLEPROPS) { fsCur.RtfDestination = fsOld.RtfDestination; } if (!formatState.IsContentDestination) { return; } DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; int nCellAt; bool bOldHide = formatState.IsHidden; switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CELL: // Force a paragraph // Set intbl and itap values, then use paragraph code. formatState.IsInTable = true; formatState.ITAP = 1; formatState.IsHidden = false; HandlePara(token, formatState); formatState.IsHidden = bOldHide; nCellAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); if (nCellAt >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nCellAt); // Don't coalesce cell tag itself, since I might not have yet read the properties // I need for writing out the cell attributes. // Actually, even paragraph tags inside cell needs to have table info. // dna.CoalesceOnlyChildren(_converterState, nCellAt); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTCELL: // Force a paragraph out. formatState.IsHidden = false; HandlePara(token, formatState); formatState.IsHidden = bOldHide; // If we encounter an open row before an open cell, we need to open a new cell. // Or if we only have one level of table currently open. int nOpenCells = dna.CountOpenCells(); DocumentNodeType scope = dna.GetTableScope(); if (scope != DocumentNodeType.dnCell || nOpenCells < 2) { HandlePara(token, formatState); } // Now close the currently open cell nCellAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); if (nCellAt >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nCellAt); // Don't coalesce cell tag itself, since I might not have yet read the properties // I need for writing out the cell attributes. // Actually, even paragraph tags inside cell needs to have table info. // dna.CoalesceOnlyChildren(_converterState, nCellAt); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TROWD: formatState.IsHidden = false; formatState.SetRowDefaults(); formatState.IsHidden = bOldHide; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ROW: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTROW: // Word puts out \row properties both before and after the cell contents. // \nestrow properties are only put out *after* the cell contents. formatState.IsHidden = false; int nRowAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnRow); if (nRowAt >= 0) { DocumentNode dnRow = dna.EntryAt(nRowAt); if (formatState.RowFormat != null) { dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat = new RowFormat(formatState.RowFormat); dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat.CanonicalizeWidthsFromRTF(); // Also cache the row information in the table node int nTable = dna.FindPendingFrom(DocumentNodeType.dnTable, nRowAt - 1, -1); if (nTable >= 0) { DocumentNode dnTable = dna.EntryAt(nTable); if (!dnTable.FormatState.HasRowFormat) { dnTable.FormatState.RowFormat = dnRow.FormatState.RowFormat; } } } // Anomalous, but possible for illegal content. ProcessPendingTextAtRowEnd(); dna.CloseAt(nRowAt); // Don't coalesce - I need to examine all cells before writing things out // dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nRowAt); } formatState.IsHidden = bOldHide; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NESTTABLEPROPS: // Handled above. break; } } internal ListOverride GetControllingListOverride() { ListTable lt = _converterState.ListTable; ListOverrideTable lot = _converterState.ListOverrideTable; RtfFormatStack formats = _converterState.RtfFormatStack; for (int i = formats.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FormatState fs = formats.EntryAt(i); if (fs.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverride) { return lot.CurrentEntry; } else if (fs.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListTable) { return null; } } return null; } internal ListLevelTable GetControllingLevelTable() { ListTable lt = _converterState.ListTable; ListOverrideTable lot = _converterState.ListOverrideTable; RtfFormatStack formats = _converterState.RtfFormatStack; for (int i = formats.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FormatState fs = formats.EntryAt(i); if (fs.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverride) { ListOverride lo = lot.CurrentEntry; if (lo.Levels == null) { lo.Levels = new ListLevelTable(); } return lo.Levels; } else if (fs.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListTable) { ListTableEntry lte = lt.CurrentEntry; if (lte != null) { return lte.Levels; } } } return null; } internal void HandleListTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { ListTable listTable = _converterState.ListTable; ListOverrideTable listOverrideTable = _converterState.ListOverrideTable; FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsOld = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (fsCur == null || fsOld == null) { return; } switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LIST: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListTable) { ListTableEntry listTableEntry = listTable.AddEntry(); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTTEMPLATEID: { ListTableEntry listTableEntry = listTable.CurrentEntry; if (listTableEntry != null) { listTableEntry.TemplateID = token.Parameter; } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTHYBRID: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTSIMPLE: { ListTableEntry listTableEntry = listTable.CurrentEntry; if (listTableEntry != null) { listTableEntry.Simple = token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control == RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTSIMPLE; } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTLEVEL: { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListLevel; ListLevelTable levels = GetControllingLevelTable(); if (levels != null) { ListLevel listLevel = levels.AddEntry(); } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTTEXT: if (fsOld.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListText; DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnl = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnListText); dnl.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dna.Push(dnl); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNFC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNFCN: { ListLevelTable levels = GetControllingLevelTable(); if (levels != null) { ListLevel listLevel = levels.CurrentEntry; if (listLevel != null) { listLevel.Marker = (MarkerStyle)token.Parameter; } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELJC: case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELJCN: // NB: Marker alignment not supported in XAML. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELFOLLOW: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELSTARTAT: { ListLevelTable levels = GetControllingLevelTable(); if (levels != null) { ListLevel listLevel = levels.CurrentEntry; if (listLevel != null) { listLevel.StartIndex = token.Parameter; } else { // This is the case where the list override *only* specifies startat override. ListOverride lo = GetControllingListOverride(); if (lo != null) { lo.StartIndex = token.Parameter; } } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELSPACE: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELINDENT: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELTEXT: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELTEMPLATEID: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTID: { if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverride) { ListOverride listOverride = listOverrideTable.CurrentEntry; if (listOverride != null) { listOverride.ID = token.Parameter; } } else { ListTableEntry listTableEntry = listTable.CurrentEntry; if (listTableEntry != null) { listTableEntry.ID = token.Parameter; } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LEVELNUMBERS: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LISTOVERRIDE: { FormatState previousFormatState = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (previousFormatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverrideTable) { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListOverride; ListOverride listOverride = listOverrideTable.AddEntry(); } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LS: if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListOverride) { ListOverride listOverride = listOverrideTable.CurrentEntry; if (listOverride != null) { listOverride.Index = token.Parameter; } } break; } } internal void HandleShapeTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsOld = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (fsCur == null || fsOld == null) { return; } switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DO: // Just propagate destination through this keyword. fsCur.RtfDestination = fsOld.RtfDestination; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHPRSLT: if (fsOld.IsContentDestination) { fsCur.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestShape; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_DPTXBXTEXT: if (fsOld.IsContentDestination) { // Track the destination so I can recognize when we leave this scope. fsCur.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestShapeResult; // Wrap any inline content that occurs before this shape anchor in a paragraph, // since the shape content itself will be block level. WrapPendingInlineInParagraph(token, formatState); DocumentNodeType t = dna.GetTableScope(); if (t != DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph) { if (t == DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody) { // If row has been closed, close overall table as well. int nAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); if (nAt >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nAt); dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nAt); } } else { // If I'm inside a table, reopen last cell to insert shape contents. Otherwise // table gets torqued. dna.OpenLastCell(); } } // The shape node generates no output but plays a large role in changing the // behavior of the "FindPending" routines to keep from looking outside this scope. DocumentNode dn = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnShape); formatState.SetParaDefaults(); formatState.SetCharDefaults(); dn.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dna.Push(dn); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_SHPPICT: // If this occurs in listtext context, mark listtext as non-empty. int ndnListText = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnListText); if (ndnListText >= 0) { DocumentNode dnListText = dna.EntryAt(ndnListText); dnListText.HasMarkerContent = true; } // Keep the rtf destination as the list picture to skip the list picture if (fsOld.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestListPicture) { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListPicture; } else { formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestShapePicture; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_NONSHPPICT: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestNoneShapePicture; break; } } internal void HandleOldListTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsOld = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (fsCur == null || fsOld == null) { return; } // If we're in the PN destination, we push marker setting into the previous format state. if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPN) { formatState = fsOld; } switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVL: formatState.PNLVL = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLBLT: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet; formatState.IsContinue = false; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLBODY: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic; formatState.IsContinue = false; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLVLCONT: formatState.IsContinue = true; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNCARD: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerCardinal; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNDEC: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNUCLTR: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperAlpha; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNUCRM: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerUpperRoman; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLCLTR: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerAlpha; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNLCRM: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerLowerRoman; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNORD: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerOrdinal; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNORDT: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerOrdinal; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNBIDIA: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNBIDIB: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerArabic; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PN: formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestPN; fsOld.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTXTA: // Leave with unknown destination so text is tossed. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTXTB: // Leave with unknown destination so text is tossed. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNTEXT: if (fsOld.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { fsCur.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestListText; DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnl = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnListText); dnl.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dna.Push(dnl); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PNSTART: formatState.StartIndex = token.Parameter; break; default: formatState.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet; break; } } internal void HandleTableProperties(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { if (!formatState.IsContentDestination) { return; } CellFormat cf = null; switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRGAPH: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRLEFT: formatState.RowFormat.Trleft = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQC: // Specifies overall alignment of the table row - ignore for now. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQL: // Specifies overall alignment of the table row - ignore for now. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRQR: // Specifies overall alignment of the table row - ignore for now. break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDL: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.PaddingLeft = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDR: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.PaddingRight = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDB: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.PaddingBottom = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDT: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.PaddingTop = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFL: // zero value indicates ignore trpaddl, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFT: // zero value indicates ignore trpaddt, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFB: // zero value indicates ignore trpaddb, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRPADDFR: // zero value indicates ignore trpaddr, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFB: if (token.Parameter == 0) formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingBottom = 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFL: if (token.Parameter == 0) formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingLeft = 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFR: if (token.Parameter == 0) formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingRight = 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDFT: if (token.Parameter == 0) formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingTop = 0; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDB: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingBottom = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDL: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingLeft = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDR: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingRight = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRSPDT: formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.SpacingTop = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTH: // Row (table) width formatState.RowFormat.WidthRow.Value = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTH: // Units for WWIDTH (0 - ignore, 1 - auto, 2 - 50ths of a percent, 3 - twips) if (Validators.IsValidWidthType(token.Parameter)) formatState.RowFormat.WidthRow.Type = (WidthType)token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTHB: // Space before row width break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTHB: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRWWIDTHA: // Space after row width formatState.RowFormat.WidthA.Value = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRFTSWIDTHA: if (Validators.IsValidWidthType(token.Parameter)) formatState.RowFormat.WidthA.Type = (WidthType)token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRAUTOFIT: if (token.ToggleValue > 0) formatState.RowFormat.WidthRow.SetDefaults(); break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLWWIDTH: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.Width.Value = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLFTSWIDTH: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); if (Validators.IsValidWidthType(token.Parameter)) cf.Width.Type = (WidthType)token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRT: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderTop; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRB: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderBottom; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRR: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderRight; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRL: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderLeft; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRV: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderLeft; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_TRBRDRH: ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.RowFormat.RowCellFormat.BorderTop; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALT: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.VAlign = VAlign.AlignTop; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALB: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.VAlign = VAlign.AlignBottom; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVERTALC: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.VAlign = VAlign.AlignCenter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLSHDNG: // Cell shading in 100's of a percent cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.Shading = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLSHDRAWNIL: // No cell shading - clear color for now cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.Shading = -1; cf.CB = -1; cf.CF = -1; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRB: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); ConverterState.CurrentBorder = cf.BorderBottom; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRR: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); ConverterState.CurrentBorder = cf.BorderRight; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRT: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); ConverterState.CurrentBorder = cf.BorderTop; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLBRDRL: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); ConverterState.CurrentBorder = cf.BorderLeft; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLCBPAT: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.CB = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLCFPAT: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.CF = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADL: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.PaddingLeft = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADR: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.PaddingRight = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADB: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.PaddingBottom = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADT: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.PaddingTop = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFL: // zero value indicates ignore clpadl, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFT: // zero value indicates ignore clpadt, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFB: // zero value indicates ignore clpadb, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLPADFR: // zero value indicates ignore clpadr, three means treat it as twips break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CELLX: cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.CellX = token.Parameter; cf.IsPending = false; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_RTLROW: formatState.RowFormat.Dir = DirState.DirRTL; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_LTRROW: formatState.RowFormat.Dir = DirState.DirLTR; break; // Cell merging case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLMGF: // First cell in range of table cells to be merged. cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.IsHMergeFirst = true; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLMRG: // Contents of this cell are merged with those of the preceding cell. cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.IsHMerge = true; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVMGF: // First cell in range of cells to be vertically merged. cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.IsVMergeFirst = true; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_CLVMRG: // Contents of this cell are vertically merged with those of the preceding cell. cf = formatState.RowFormat.CurrentCellFormat(); cf.IsVMerge = true; break; // General borders, not just tables case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRL: // Left paragraph border ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.ParaBorder.BorderLeft; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRR: // Right paragraph border ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.ParaBorder.BorderRight; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRT: // Top paragraph border ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.ParaBorder.BorderTop; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRB: // Bottom paragraph border ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.ParaBorder.BorderBottom; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BOX: // All four borders ConverterState.CurrentBorder = formatState.ParaBorder.BorderAll; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRNIL: // No borders ConverterState.CurrentBorder = null; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRSP: // Space in twips between borders and paragraph formatState.ParaBorder.Spacing = token.Parameter; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTBL: // No cell borders if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderNone; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRART: // Art border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRBAR: // Border on outside edge of page (treat as BRDRL for XAML) break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRBTW: break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRCF: if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.CF = token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASH: // Dashed border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHD: // Dash dot border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHDD: // Dot dot dash border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHDOTSTR: // Dash-dot border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDASHSM: // Small dash border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDB: // Double border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderDouble; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRDOT: // Dotted border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDREMBOSS: // Emboss-style border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRENGRAVE: // Engrave-style border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRFRAME: // Frame-style border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRHAIR: // Hairline border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRINSET: // Inset border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDROUTSET: // Outset border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRS: if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRSH: // Shadow border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTH: if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderDouble; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNLG: // Thick-thin (large) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNMG: // Thick-thin (medium) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTHTNSG: // Thick-thin-thin (thin) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHLG: // Thin-thick (large) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHMG: // Thick-thin-thin (medium) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHSG: // Thick-thin-thin (small) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNLG: // Thick-thin-thin (large) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNMG: // Thin-thick-thin (medium) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTNTHTNSG: // Thick-thin-thin (small) border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRTRIPLE: // Triple border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRW: // Border thickness if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { // Note that propset does validation ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Width = token.Parameter; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRNONE: // No borders if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { // Note that propset does validation ConverterState.CurrentBorder.SetDefaults(); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRWAVY: // Wavy border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderSingle; } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BRDRWAVYDB: // Double border if (ConverterState.CurrentBorder != null) { ConverterState.CurrentBorder.Type = BorderType.BorderDouble; } break; } } internal void HandleFieldTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { // Don't start processing fields in non-normal destinatations FormatState fsCur = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(0); FormatState fsOld = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); if (fsCur == null || fsOld == null) { return; } switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FIELD: // Process fields in normal content or nested fields if (!fsOld.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { return; } formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestField; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDRSLT: if (fsOld.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestField) { return; } formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestFieldResult; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDPRIV: if (fsOld.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestField) { return; } formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FLDINST: if (fsOld.RtfDestination != RtfDestination.DestField) { return; } formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction; break; default: return; } DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnf = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin); dnf.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dnf.IsPending = false; // Field start mark should not impact other tags open/close behavior dnf.IsTerminated = true; dna.Push(dnf); } internal void HandleTableNesting(FormatState formatState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; // If we're in a throw-away destination, just return. if (!formatState.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { return; } // Make sure proper number of tables are open to reflect this paragraphs nest level int nTables = dna.CountOpenNodes(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); int nLevel = (int)formatState.TableLevel; // If we're not in a table, end early if (nTables == nLevel && nTables == 0) { return; } if (nTables > nLevel) { DocumentNode dnPara = dna.Pop(); bool bInField = dna.FindUnmatched(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin) >= 0; while (nTables > nLevel) { int nOpen = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); if (nOpen >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nOpen); if (!bInField) { dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nOpen); } } nTables--; } dna.Push(dnPara); } else { // Before opening the table, let's close any open lists. Word (RTF) allows somewhat // arbitrary interleaving (because there's no explicit nesting), but when converting to // XAML we have to choose an explicit nesting. We never create a table *inside* a list, so // let's just terminate any open lists right now. if (nTables < nLevel) { int nListAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnList); if (nListAt >= 0) { // I want the currently pending paragraph to be part of the table, not part of the list // I'm going to close. So I temporarily pop it off while closing off the list and then // push it back on before inserting the table(s). DocumentNode dnPara = dna.Pop(); while (nListAt >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nListAt); nListAt = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnList); } dna.Push(dnPara); } } // Ensure sufficient tables are open - this may be our first indication // Insert the table nodes right before the current paragraph. Debug.Assert(dna.Count > 0 && dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1).Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph); int nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; // Ensure row is open int nTable = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); if (nTable >= 0) { int nRow = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnRow, nTable); if (nRow == -1) { DocumentNode dnRow = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnRow); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt++, dnRow); nRow = nInsertAt - 1; } int nCell = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnCell, nRow); if (nCell == -1) { DocumentNode dnCell = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnCell); } } nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; while (nTables < nLevel) { DocumentNode dnTable = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnTable); DocumentNode dnTableBody = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnTableBody); DocumentNode dnRow = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnRow); DocumentNode dnCell = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnCell); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnCell); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnRow); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnTableBody); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnTable); nTables++; } } dna.AssertTreeSemanticInvariants(); } internal MarkerList GetMarkerStylesOfParagraph(MarkerList mlHave, FormatState fs, bool bMarkerPresent) { MarkerList mlWant = new MarkerList(); long nVirtualListLevel = fs.ListLevel; long nStartIndexOverride = -1; // No list? if (nVirtualListLevel < 1) { return mlWant; } // Use currently open list styles for all levels below requested one for (int i = 0; i < mlHave.Count; i++) if (mlHave.EntryAt(i).VirtualListLevel < nVirtualListLevel || fs.IsContinue) { MarkerListEntry mle = mlHave.EntryAt(i); mlWant.AddEntry(mle.Marker, mle.ILS, -1, mle.StartIndexDefault, mle.VirtualListLevel); } else { break; } // If I'm a continuation paragraph, I'm done. if (fs.IsContinue) { return mlWant; } // Now determine the list style for the list level I'm going to add. ListOverrideTable lot = _converterState.ListOverrideTable; ListOverride lo = lot.FindEntry((int)fs.ILS); if (lo != null) { ListLevelTable levels = lo.Levels; if (levels == null || levels.Count == 0) { ListTableEntry lte = _converterState.ListTable.FindEntry(lo.ID); if (lte != null) { levels = lte.Levels; } // Did the list override specify a start index? if (lo.StartIndex > 0) { nStartIndexOverride = lo.StartIndex; } } if (levels != null) { ListLevel listLevel = levels.EntryAt((int)nVirtualListLevel - 1); if (listLevel != null) { // If there was a marker present, we ignore the "Hidden" style in the list table. MarkerStyle ms = listLevel.Marker; if (ms == MarkerStyle.MarkerHidden && bMarkerPresent) { ms = MarkerStyle.MarkerBullet; } mlWant.AddEntry(ms, fs.ILS, nStartIndexOverride, listLevel.StartIndex, nVirtualListLevel); return mlWant; } } } // If there wasn't a list definition, use the marker type in the formatstate. mlWant.AddEntry(fs.Marker, fs.ILS, nStartIndexOverride, fs.StartIndex, nVirtualListLevel); return mlWant; } internal void HandleListNesting(FormatState formatState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnPara = dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1); bool bMarkerPresent = _converterState.IsMarkerPresent; // Test if we encountered list text if (_converterState.IsMarkerPresent) { _converterState.IsMarkerPresent = false; } // If we're in a throw-away destination, just return. if (!formatState.IsContentDestination || formatState.IsHidden) { return; } // Treat no marker text present as a continuation paragraph if (!bMarkerPresent && formatState.ListLevel > 0) { // Allocate a new one here so that this change doesn't propagate beyond here. formatState = new FormatState(formatState); // If the only thing making this look like a list is the ILVL property, just clear it. if (formatState.ILVL > 0 && formatState.ILS < 0) { formatState.ILVL = 0; } else // otherwise treat this as a continuation paragraph. { formatState.IsContinue = true; } } // Make sure proper number of lists are open to reflect this paragraphs nest level MarkerList mlHave = dna.GetOpenMarkerStyles(); MarkerList mlWant = GetMarkerStylesOfParagraph(mlHave, formatState, bMarkerPresent); int nLists = mlHave.Count; int nLevel = mlWant.Count; // If we're not in a list end early if (nLists == nLevel && nLists == 0) { return; } // If we're not in a list and marked as a continuation, ignore this - anomaly. if (nLists == 0 && nLevel == 1 && formatState.IsContinue) { return; } // Propagate noticing that the specified text was empty. if (_converterState.IsMarkerWhiteSpace) { _converterState.IsMarkerWhiteSpace = false; if (nLevel > 0) { MarkerListEntry entry = mlWant.EntryAt(nLevel - 1); entry.Marker = MarkerStyle.MarkerHidden; } } // The ones we have are only "good" if the styles match what we want. int nMatch = GetMatchedMarkList(formatState, mlHave, mlWant); // If none match, we might do better by extending some previously open list. if (nMatch == 0) { MarkerList mlCouldHave = dna.GetLastMarkerStyles(mlHave, mlWant); MarkerList mlCouldWant = GetMarkerStylesOfParagraph(mlCouldHave, formatState, bMarkerPresent); nMatch = GetMatchedMarkList(formatState, mlCouldHave, mlCouldWant); // If I would re-open a previous list but close some set of them and then reopen another, // this is unlikely to be what the user intended. Instead, don't extend the previous list. // See Windows OS Bugs: 1373731. if (nMatch < mlCouldHave.Count && mlCouldWant.Count > nMatch) { nMatch = 0; } if (nMatch > 0) { mlHave = mlCouldHave; mlWant = mlCouldWant; dna.OpenLastList(); } } // Ensure list and listitem EnsureListAndListItem(formatState, dna, mlHave, mlWant, nMatch); // To get better results in XAML output, clear the FI for the first para in a list item. if (dna.Count > 1 && dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 2).Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem) { Debug.Assert(!dnPara.IsTerminated); dnPara.FormatState.FI = 0; } dna.AssertTreeSemanticInvariants(); } internal void HandleCodePageTokens(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_ANSI: // ANSI apparently means specifically 1252, not ACP. That makes a lot more sense... //_converterState.CodePage = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage; _converterState.CodePage = 1252; _lexer.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_MAC: _converterState.CodePage = 10000; _lexer.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PC: _converterState.CodePage = 437; _lexer.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_PCA: _converterState.CodePage = 850; _lexer.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UPR: // We discard this ansi representation - \ud will then switch back to current. formatState.RtfDestination = RtfDestination.DestUPR; break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_U: { char[] unicodeChar = new char[1]; unicodeChar[0] = (char)token.Parameter; ProcessText(new string(unicodeChar)); } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UD: { // We are parsing: {\upr ansi stuff{\*\ud unicode stuff }} // When we encountered the UPR we set state to a throwaway destination (DestUPR). // The nested group pushed a new format state but that now has DestUnknown because of this. // Now that we encountered the \ud destination, lets push back the original destination. FormatState previous = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(1); FormatState previousPrevious = _converterState.PreviousTopFormatState(2); if (previous != null && previousPrevious != null) { if (formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestUPR && previous.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestUnknown) { formatState.RtfDestination = previousPrevious.RtfDestination; } } } break; case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_UC: formatState.UnicodeSkip = (int)token.Parameter; break; } } internal void ProcessFieldText(RtfToken token) { switch (_converterState.TopFormatState.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestField: break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: // Gather up for later processing HandleNormalText(token.Text, _converterState.TopFormatState); break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate: // Discard break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: HandleNormalText(token.Text, _converterState.TopFormatState); break; } } internal void ProcessFontTableText(RtfToken token) { string tokenName = token.Text; // Strip line endings tokenName = tokenName.Replace("\r\n", ""); // Strip trailing semi-colon tokenName = tokenName.Replace(";", ""); FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.CurrentEntry; if (entry != null && tokenName.Length > 0 && !entry.IsNameSealed) { // If name not yet specified, just set it if (entry.Name == null) { entry.Name = tokenName; } else // Otherwise, append it { entry.Name += tokenName; } } } internal void HandleFontTableTokens(RtfToken token) { FontTableEntry entry = _converterState.FontTable.CurrentEntry; FormatState formatState = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (entry != null) { switch (token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control) { case RtfControlWord.Ctrl_FCHARSET: // Set the codepage to the font table entry entry.CodePageFromCharSet = (int)token.Parameter; // Also set lexer code page if (entry.CodePage == -1) { formatState.CodePage = _converterState.CodePage; } else { formatState.CodePage = entry.CodePage; } _lexer.CodePage = formatState.CodePage; break; } } } internal void ProcessColorTableText(RtfToken token) { // This is just a separator for color table entries _converterState.ColorTable.FinishColor(); } internal void ProcessText(string text) { FormatState fs = _converterState.TopFormatState; if (fs.IsContentDestination && !fs.IsHidden && text != string.Empty) { HandleNormalTextRaw(text, fs); } } internal void HandleNormalText(string text, FormatState formatState) { // Normal CRLF's are eaten by the RTF lexer. Any ones that have slipped through here // were either escaped or hex-encoded and should be treated as a linebreak. int nStart = 0; while (nStart < text.Length) { int nEnd = nStart; while (nEnd < text.Length) { if (text[nEnd] == 0x0d || text[nEnd] == 0x0a) { break; } nEnd++; } // Handle text before newline if (nStart == 0 && nEnd == text.Length) { HandleNormalTextRaw(text, formatState); } else if (nEnd > nStart) { string subtext = text.Substring(nStart, nEnd - nStart); HandleNormalTextRaw(subtext, formatState); } // Handle newlines while (nEnd < text.Length && (text[nEnd] == 0x0d || text[nEnd] == 0x0a)) { ProcessNormalHardLine(formatState); if (nEnd + 1 < text.Length && text[nEnd] == 0x0d && text[nEnd] == 0x0a) { nEnd += 2; } else { nEnd += 1; } } nStart = nEnd; } } internal void HandleNormalTextRaw(string text, FormatState formatState) { DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; DocumentNode dnTop = dna.Top; // See if I can just append the text content if the format is the same. if (dnTop != null && (dnTop.Type == DocumentNodeType.dnText)) { // If the format is not equal, close this text element and we'll open a new one. if (!dnTop.FormatState.IsEqual(formatState)) { dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); dnTop = null; } } // OK, create a text node if necessary if (dnTop == null || dnTop.Type != DocumentNodeType.dnText) { dnTop = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnText); dnTop.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dna.Push(dnTop); } Debug.Assert(!dnTop.IsTerminated); dnTop.AppendXamlEncoded(text); dnTop.IsPending = false; } internal void ProcessNormalHardLine(FormatState formatState) { // Close out pending text nodes DocumentNodeArray dna = _converterState.DocumentNodeArray; if (dna.TestTop(DocumentNodeType.dnText)) { dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); } DocumentNode documentNode = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnLineBreak); documentNode.FormatState = new FormatState(formatState); dna.Push(documentNode); dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, dna.Count - 1); } internal void ProcessHardLine(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { switch (_converterState.TopFormatState.RtfDestination) { case RtfDestination.DestNormal: case RtfDestination.DestFieldResult: case RtfDestination.DestShapeResult: case RtfDestination.DestListText: ProcessNormalHardLine(formatState); break; case RtfDestination.DestFontTable: case RtfDestination.DestFontName: break; case RtfDestination.DestColorTable: break; case RtfDestination.DestField: break; case RtfDestination.DestFieldInstruction: case RtfDestination.DestFieldPrivate: ProcessNormalHardLine(formatState); break; } } #endregion Internal Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Methods private void SetTokenTextWithControlCharacter(RtfToken token) { switch (token.Text[0]) { case '~': // NBSP token.Text = new string('\xA0', 1); // Unicode NBSP break; case '-': // Optional hypen (not really in input) token.Text = string.Empty; break; case ':': // Sub-entry in index - leave as literal break; case '_': // Non-breaking hypen - convert to real hypen token.Text = new string('\x2011', 1); break; case '|': // Formula character - leave as literal (or toss?) break; // Escaped lexically special RTF characters - leave as literal text case '\\': case '{': case '}': break; } } private int GetMatchedMarkList(FormatState formatState, MarkerList mlHave, MarkerList mlWant) { // The ones we have are only "good" if the styles match what we want. int nMatch = 0; for (; nMatch < mlHave.Count && nMatch < mlWant.Count; nMatch++) { if (!formatState.IsContinue) { MarkerListEntry eHave = mlHave.EntryAt(nMatch); MarkerListEntry eWant = mlWant.EntryAt(nMatch); if (eHave.Marker != eWant.Marker || eHave.ILS != eWant.ILS || eHave.StartIndexDefault != eWant.StartIndexDefault || eWant.StartIndexOverride >= 0) { break; } } } return nMatch; } private void EnsureListAndListItem(FormatState formatState, DocumentNodeArray dna, MarkerList mlHave, MarkerList mlWant, int nMatch) { int nInsertAt; bool added = false; int nLists = mlHave.Count; int nLevel = mlWant.Count; // Close any open lists that don't match the ones we want. bool bInField = dna.FindUnmatched(DocumentNodeType.dnFieldBegin) >= 0; if (nLists > nMatch) { DocumentNode documentNodePara = dna.Pop(); while (nLists > nMatch) { int nOpen = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnList); if (nOpen >= 0) { dna.CloseAt(nOpen); // Only coalesce if this is a top-level list. Otherwise I want to get // the full structure to use for margin fixups so I delay coalescing. // No, don't coalesce since a later list may need to get merged with this one. // if (!bInField && dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnList) < 0) // dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nOpen); } nLists--; mlHave.RemoveRange(mlHave.Count - 1, 1); } dna.Push(documentNodePara); } if (nLists < nLevel) { // Multiple immediately nested lists are handled poorly in Avalon and are usually an indication // of bad input from Word (or some other word processor). Clip the number of lists we'll create here. if (nLevel != nLists + 1) { // I'm going to truncate, but make the list I create here of the specific type at this level. if (nLevel <= mlWant.Count) { mlWant[nLists] = mlWant[mlWant.Count - 1]; } nLevel = nLists + 1; } // Ensure sufficient lists are open - this may be our first indication // Insert the list nodes right before the current paragraph nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; while (nLists < nLevel) { added = true; DocumentNode dnList = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnList); DocumentNode dnLI = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnListItem); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnLI); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnList); // Set the list properties MarkerListEntry mle = mlWant.EntryAt(nLists); dnList.FormatState.Marker = mle.Marker; dnList.FormatState.StartIndex = mle.StartIndexToUse; dnList.FormatState.StartIndexDefault = mle.StartIndexDefault; dnList.VirtualListLevel = mle.VirtualListLevel; dnList.FormatState.ILS = mle.ILS; nLists++; } } // Ensure listitem is open nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; int nList = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnList); if (nList >= 0) { int nLI = dna.FindPending(DocumentNodeType.dnListItem, nList); if (nLI >= 0 && !added && !formatState.IsContinue) { DocumentNode documentNodePara = dna.Pop(); dna.CloseAt(nLI); // Don't coalesce - I may need to do margin fixup. // dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, nLI); dna.Push(documentNodePara); nLI = -1; nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; } if (nLI == -1) { DocumentNode dnLI = new DocumentNode(DocumentNodeType.dnListItem); dna.InsertNode(nInsertAt, dnLI); } } } #endregion Private Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Enum // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Enum private enum EncodeType { Ansi, Unicode, ShiftJis } #endregion Private Enum //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private byte[] _rtfBytes; private StringBuilder _outerXamlBuilder; private RtfToXamlLexer _lexer; private ConverterState _converterState; private bool _bForceParagraph; // WpfPayload package that containing the image for the specified Xaml private WpfPayload _wpfPayload; // Rtf image count that is the unique image id which is on WpfPayload private int _imageCount; #endregion Private Fields //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Const // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Const private const int MAX_GROUP_DEPTH = 32; #endregion Private Const } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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