StaticContext.cs source code in C# .NET

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/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Common / EntitySql / StaticContext.cs / 1305376 / StaticContext.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

namespace System.Data.Common.EntitySql 
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics; 

    using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees; 
    using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder; 
    using System.Data.Entity;
    using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; 

    /// Represents a scope of key-value pairs.
    internal sealed class Scope : IEnumerable>
        private readonly Dictionary _scopeEntries; 

        /// Initialize using a given key comparer.
        internal Scope(IEqualityComparer keyComparer) 
            _scopeEntries = new Dictionary(keyComparer); 

        /// Add new key to the scope. If key already exists - throw.
        internal Scope Add(string key, ScopeEntry value)
            _scopeEntries.Add(key, value);
            return this; 

        /// Remove an entry from the scope.
        internal void Remove(string key)

        internal void Replace(string key, ScopeEntry value) 
            _scopeEntries[key] = value;

        /// Returns true if the key belongs to the scope. 
        internal bool Contains(string key) 
            return _scopeEntries.ContainsKey(key);
        /// Search item by key. Returns true in case of success and false otherwise. 
        internal bool TryLookup(string key, out ScopeEntry value)
            return (_scopeEntries.TryGetValue(key, out value));

        #region GetEnumerator 
        public Dictionary.Enumerator GetEnumerator()
            return _scopeEntries.GetEnumerator(); 
        System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator()
            return _scopeEntries.GetEnumerator();

        System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
            return _scopeEntries.GetEnumerator();

    internal enum ScopeEntryKind 
        /// Represents a group input scope entry that should no longer be referenced.
    /// Represents an entry in the scope.
    internal abstract class ScopeEntry
        private readonly ScopeEntryKind _scopeEntryKind;
        internal ScopeEntry(ScopeEntryKind scopeEntryKind)
            _scopeEntryKind = scopeEntryKind; 
        internal ScopeEntryKind EntryKind
            get { return _scopeEntryKind; }

        /// Returns CQT expression corresponding to the scope entry. 
        internal abstract DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx); 

    internal interface IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo
        /// Returns  based expression during the  construction process, otherwise null. 
        DbExpression GroupVarBasedExpression { get; }
        /// Returns  based expression during the  construction process, otherwise null.
        DbExpression GroupAggBasedExpression { get; } 
    internal interface IGetAlternativeName 
        /// If current scope entry reperesents an alternative group key name (see SemanticAnalyzer.ProcessGroupByClause(...) for more info)
        /// then this property returns the alternative name, otherwise null.
        string[] AlternativeName { get; } 
    /// Represents simple source var scope entry.
    internal sealed class SourceScopeEntry : ScopeEntry, IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo, IGetAlternativeName
        private readonly string[] _alternativeName;
        private List _propRefs; 
        private DbExpression _varBasedExpression;
        private DbExpression _groupVarBasedExpression; 
        private DbExpression _groupAggBasedExpression; 
        private bool _joinClauseLeftExpr = false;
        internal SourceScopeEntry(DbVariableReferenceExpression varRef) : this(varRef, null) { }

        internal SourceScopeEntry(DbVariableReferenceExpression varRef, string[] alternativeName)
            : base(ScopeEntryKind.SourceVar) 
            _varBasedExpression = varRef; 
            _alternativeName = alternativeName; 
        internal override DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx)
            return _varBasedExpression;

        DbExpression IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupVarBasedExpression 
            get { return _groupVarBasedExpression; }

        DbExpression IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupAggBasedExpression
            get { return _groupAggBasedExpression; } 
        internal bool IsJoinClauseLeftExpr 
            get { return _joinClauseLeftExpr; } 
            set { _joinClauseLeftExpr = value; }

        string[] IGetAlternativeName.AlternativeName 
            get { return _alternativeName; } 

        /// Prepend  to the property chain.
        internal SourceScopeEntry AddParentVar(DbVariableReferenceExpression parentVarRef)
            // No parent var adjustment is allowed while adjusted to group var (see AdjustToGroupVar(...) for more info). 
            Debug.Assert(_groupVarBasedExpression == null, "_groupVarBasedExpression == null");
            Debug.Assert(_groupAggBasedExpression == null, "_groupAggBasedExpression == null"); 

            if (_propRefs == null)
                Debug.Assert(_varBasedExpression is DbVariableReferenceExpression, "_varBasedExpression is DbVariableReferenceExpression"); 
                _propRefs = new List(2);

            _varBasedExpression = parentVarRef; 
            for (int i = _propRefs.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                _varBasedExpression = _varBasedExpression.Property(_propRefs[i]);
            return this; 
        /// Replace existing var at the head of the property chain with the new .
        internal void ReplaceParentVar(DbVariableReferenceExpression parentVarRef) 
            // No parent var adjustment is allowed while adjusted to group var (see AdjustToGroupVar(...) for more info). 
            Debug.Assert(_groupVarBasedExpression == null, "_groupVarBasedExpression == null"); 
            Debug.Assert(_groupAggBasedExpression == null, "_groupAggBasedExpression == null");

            if (_propRefs == null)
                Debug.Assert(_varBasedExpression is DbVariableReferenceExpression, "_varBasedExpression is DbVariableReferenceExpression");
                _varBasedExpression = parentVarRef; 
                Debug.Assert(_propRefs.Count > 0, "_propRefs.Count > 0");
                _propRefs.RemoveAt(_propRefs.Count - 1);
        /// Rebuild the current scope entry expression as the property chain off the  expression.
        /// Also build 
        ///     -  off the  expression;
        ///     -  off the  expression.
        /// This adjustment is reversable by (...).
        internal void AdjustToGroupVar(DbVariableReferenceExpression parentVarRef, DbVariableReferenceExpression parentGroupVarRef, DbVariableReferenceExpression groupAggRef)
            // Adjustment is not reentrant. 
            Debug.Assert(_groupVarBasedExpression == null, "_groupVarBasedExpression == null");
            Debug.Assert(_groupAggBasedExpression == null, "_groupAggBasedExpression == null"); 

            // Let's assume this entry represents variable "x" in the following query:
            //      select x, y, z from {1, 2} as x join {2, 3} as y on x = y join {3, 4} as z on y = z 
            // In this case _propRefs contains x._##join0._##join1 and the corresponding input expression looks like this:
            //     |_Input : '_##join1' 
            //     | |_InnerJoin 
            //     |   |_Left : '_##join0'
            //     |   | |_InnerJoin 
            //     |   |   |_Left : 'x'
            //     |   |   |_Right : 'y'
            //     |   |_Right : 'z'
            // When we start processing a group by, like in this query: 
            //      select k1, k2, k3 from {1, 2} as x join {2, 3} as y on x = y join {3, 4} as z on y = z group by x as k1, y as k2, z as k3
            // we are switching to the following input expression: 
            //     |_Input : '_##geb2', '_##group3' 
            //     | |_InnerJoin
            //     |   |_Left : '_##join0' 
            //     |   | |_InnerJoin
            //     |   |   |_Left : 'x'
            //     |   |   |_Right : 'y'
            //     |   |_Right : 'z' 
            // where _##join1 is replaced by _##geb2 for the regular expression and by _##group3 for the group var based expression.
            // So the switch, or the adjustment, is done by 
            //      a. replacing _##join1 with _##geb2 in _propRefs and rebuilding the regular expression accordingly to get 
            //         the following property chain: _##geb2._##join1.x
            //      b. building a group var based expression using _##group3 instead of _##geb2 to get 
            //         the following property chain: _##group3._##join1.x

            // Rebuild ScopeEntry.Expression using the new parent var.

            // Build the GroupVarBasedExpression and GroupAggBasedExpression,
            // take into account that parentVarRef has already been added to the _propRefs in the AdjustToParentVar(...) call, so ignore it.
            _groupVarBasedExpression = parentGroupVarRef; 
            _groupAggBasedExpression = groupAggRef;
            if (_propRefs != null) 
                for (int i = _propRefs.Count - 2/*ignore the parentVarRef*/; i >= 0; --i)
                    _groupVarBasedExpression = _groupVarBasedExpression.Property(_propRefs[i]);
                    _groupAggBasedExpression = _groupAggBasedExpression.Property(_propRefs[i]);
        /// Rolls back the (...) adjustment, clears the .
        internal void RollbackAdjustmentToGroupVar(DbVariableReferenceExpression pregroupParentVarRef)
            Debug.Assert(_groupVarBasedExpression != null, "_groupVarBasedExpression != null");
            _groupVarBasedExpression = null;
            _groupAggBasedExpression = null; 

    /// Represents a group input scope entry that should no longer be referenced.
    internal sealed class InvalidGroupInputRefScopeEntry : ScopeEntry
        internal InvalidGroupInputRefScopeEntry() 
            : base(ScopeEntryKind.InvalidGroupInputRef) { }
        internal override DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx)
            throw EntityUtil.EntitySqlError(errCtx, Strings.InvalidGroupIdentifierReference(refName));
    /// Represents group key during GROUP BY clause processing phase, used during group aggregate search mode.
    /// This entry will be replaced by the  when GROUP BY processing is complete. 
    internal sealed class GroupKeyDefinitionScopeEntry : ScopeEntry, IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo, IGetAlternativeName
        private readonly DbExpression _varBasedExpression; 
        private readonly DbExpression _groupVarBasedExpression;
        private readonly DbExpression _groupAggBasedExpression; 
        private readonly string[] _alternativeName; 

        internal GroupKeyDefinitionScopeEntry( 
            DbExpression varBasedExpression,
            DbExpression groupVarBasedExpression, DbExpression
            string[] alternativeName) : base(ScopeEntryKind.GroupKeyDefinition) 
            _varBasedExpression = varBasedExpression; 
            _groupVarBasedExpression = groupVarBasedExpression; 
            _groupAggBasedExpression = groupAggBasedExpression;
            _alternativeName = alternativeName; 

        internal override DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx)
            return _varBasedExpression;
        DbExpression IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupVarBasedExpression
                return _groupVarBasedExpression;
        DbExpression IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupAggBasedExpression 
            get { return _groupAggBasedExpression; } 

        string[] IGetAlternativeName.AlternativeName
            get { return _alternativeName; }

    /// Represents a projection item definition scope entry.
    internal sealed class ProjectionItemDefinitionScopeEntry : ScopeEntry
        private readonly DbExpression _expression;
        internal ProjectionItemDefinitionScopeEntry(DbExpression expression) 
            : base(ScopeEntryKind.ProjectionItemDefinition)
            _expression = expression;

        internal override DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx) 
            return _expression; 
    /// Represents a free variable scope entry.
    /// Example: parameters of an inline function definition are free variables in the scope of the function definition.
    internal sealed class FreeVariableScopeEntry : ScopeEntry
        private readonly DbVariableReferenceExpression _varRef; 

        internal FreeVariableScopeEntry(DbVariableReferenceExpression varRef) 
            : base(ScopeEntryKind.FreeVar)
            _varRef = varRef;

        internal override DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx) 
            return _varRef;

    /// Represents a generic list of scopes. 
    internal sealed class ScopeManager 
        private readonly IEqualityComparer _keyComparer;
        private readonly List _scopes = new List(); 

        /// Initialize scope manager using given key-string comparer.
        internal ScopeManager(IEqualityComparer keyComparer)
            _keyComparer = keyComparer; 
        /// Enter a new scope.
        internal void EnterScope() 
            _scopes.Add(new Scope(_keyComparer)); 

        /// Leave the current scope.
        internal void LeaveScope()
            Debug.Assert(CurrentScopeIndex >= 0);

        /// Return current scope index.
        /// Outer scopes have smaller index values than inner scopes.
        internal int CurrentScopeIndex 
                return _scopes.Count - 1;

        /// Return current scope. 
        internal Scope CurrentScope 
                return _scopes[CurrentScopeIndex];
        /// Get a scope by the index. 
        internal Scope GetScopeByIndex(int scopeIndex)
            Debug.Assert(scopeIndex >= 0, "scopeIndex >= 0");
            Debug.Assert(scopeIndex <= CurrentScopeIndex, "scopeIndex <= CurrentScopeIndex");
            if (0 > scopeIndex || scopeIndex > CurrentScopeIndex)
                throw EntityUtil.EntitySqlError(Strings.InvalidScopeIndex);
            return _scopes[scopeIndex]; 
        /// Rollback all scopes to the scope at the index.
        internal void RollbackToScope(int scopeIndex) 
            // assert preconditions 
            Debug.Assert(scopeIndex >= 0, "[PRE] savePoint.ScopeIndex >= 0"); 
            Debug.Assert(scopeIndex <= CurrentScopeIndex, "[PRE] savePoint.ScopeIndex <= CurrentScopeIndex");
            Debug.Assert(CurrentScopeIndex >= 0, "[PRE] CurrentScopeIndex >= 0");

            if (scopeIndex > CurrentScopeIndex || scopeIndex < 0 || CurrentScopeIndex < 0) 
                throw EntityUtil.EntitySqlError(Strings.InvalidSavePoint); 

            int delta = CurrentScopeIndex - scopeIndex; 
            if (delta > 0)
                _scopes.RemoveRange(scopeIndex + 1, CurrentScopeIndex - scopeIndex);

            // make sure invariants are preserved 
            Debug.Assert(scopeIndex == CurrentScopeIndex, "[POST] savePoint.ScopeIndex == CurrentScopeIndex"); 
            Debug.Assert(CurrentScopeIndex >= 0, "[POST] CurrentScopeIndex >= 0");

        /// True if key exists in current scope. 
        internal bool IsInCurrentScope(string key)
            return CurrentScope.Contains(key);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

namespace System.Data.Common.EntitySql 
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics; 

    using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees; 
    using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder; 
    using System.Data.Entity;
    using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; 

    /// Represents a scope of key-value pairs.
    internal sealed class Scope : IEnumerable>
        private readonly Dictionary _scopeEntries; 

        /// Initialize using a given key comparer.
        internal Scope(IEqualityComparer keyComparer) 
            _scopeEntries = new Dictionary(keyComparer); 

        /// Add new key to the scope. If key already exists - throw.
        internal Scope Add(string key, ScopeEntry value)
            _scopeEntries.Add(key, value);
            return this; 

        /// Remove an entry from the scope.
        internal void Remove(string key)

        internal void Replace(string key, ScopeEntry value) 
            _scopeEntries[key] = value;

        /// Returns true if the key belongs to the scope. 
        internal bool Contains(string key) 
            return _scopeEntries.ContainsKey(key);
        /// Search item by key. Returns true in case of success and false otherwise. 
        internal bool TryLookup(string key, out ScopeEntry value)
            return (_scopeEntries.TryGetValue(key, out value));

        #region GetEnumerator 
        public Dictionary.Enumerator GetEnumerator()
            return _scopeEntries.GetEnumerator(); 
        System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator()
            return _scopeEntries.GetEnumerator();

        System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
            return _scopeEntries.GetEnumerator();

    internal enum ScopeEntryKind 
        /// Represents a group input scope entry that should no longer be referenced.
    /// Represents an entry in the scope.
    internal abstract class ScopeEntry
        private readonly ScopeEntryKind _scopeEntryKind;
        internal ScopeEntry(ScopeEntryKind scopeEntryKind)
            _scopeEntryKind = scopeEntryKind; 
        internal ScopeEntryKind EntryKind
            get { return _scopeEntryKind; }

        /// Returns CQT expression corresponding to the scope entry. 
        internal abstract DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx); 

    internal interface IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo
        /// Returns  based expression during the  construction process, otherwise null. 
        DbExpression GroupVarBasedExpression { get; }
        /// Returns  based expression during the  construction process, otherwise null.
        DbExpression GroupAggBasedExpression { get; } 
    internal interface IGetAlternativeName 
        /// If current scope entry reperesents an alternative group key name (see SemanticAnalyzer.ProcessGroupByClause(...) for more info)
        /// then this property returns the alternative name, otherwise null.
        string[] AlternativeName { get; } 
    /// Represents simple source var scope entry.
    internal sealed class SourceScopeEntry : ScopeEntry, IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo, IGetAlternativeName
        private readonly string[] _alternativeName;
        private List _propRefs; 
        private DbExpression _varBasedExpression;
        private DbExpression _groupVarBasedExpression; 
        private DbExpression _groupAggBasedExpression; 
        private bool _joinClauseLeftExpr = false;
        internal SourceScopeEntry(DbVariableReferenceExpression varRef) : this(varRef, null) { }

        internal SourceScopeEntry(DbVariableReferenceExpression varRef, string[] alternativeName)
            : base(ScopeEntryKind.SourceVar) 
            _varBasedExpression = varRef; 
            _alternativeName = alternativeName; 
        internal override DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx)
            return _varBasedExpression;

        DbExpression IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupVarBasedExpression 
            get { return _groupVarBasedExpression; }

        DbExpression IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupAggBasedExpression
            get { return _groupAggBasedExpression; } 
        internal bool IsJoinClauseLeftExpr 
            get { return _joinClauseLeftExpr; } 
            set { _joinClauseLeftExpr = value; }

        string[] IGetAlternativeName.AlternativeName 
            get { return _alternativeName; } 

        /// Prepend  to the property chain.
        internal SourceScopeEntry AddParentVar(DbVariableReferenceExpression parentVarRef)
            // No parent var adjustment is allowed while adjusted to group var (see AdjustToGroupVar(...) for more info). 
            Debug.Assert(_groupVarBasedExpression == null, "_groupVarBasedExpression == null");
            Debug.Assert(_groupAggBasedExpression == null, "_groupAggBasedExpression == null"); 

            if (_propRefs == null)
                Debug.Assert(_varBasedExpression is DbVariableReferenceExpression, "_varBasedExpression is DbVariableReferenceExpression"); 
                _propRefs = new List(2);

            _varBasedExpression = parentVarRef; 
            for (int i = _propRefs.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                _varBasedExpression = _varBasedExpression.Property(_propRefs[i]);
            return this; 
        /// Replace existing var at the head of the property chain with the new .
        internal void ReplaceParentVar(DbVariableReferenceExpression parentVarRef) 
            // No parent var adjustment is allowed while adjusted to group var (see AdjustToGroupVar(...) for more info). 
            Debug.Assert(_groupVarBasedExpression == null, "_groupVarBasedExpression == null"); 
            Debug.Assert(_groupAggBasedExpression == null, "_groupAggBasedExpression == null");

            if (_propRefs == null)
                Debug.Assert(_varBasedExpression is DbVariableReferenceExpression, "_varBasedExpression is DbVariableReferenceExpression");
                _varBasedExpression = parentVarRef; 
                Debug.Assert(_propRefs.Count > 0, "_propRefs.Count > 0");
                _propRefs.RemoveAt(_propRefs.Count - 1);
        /// Rebuild the current scope entry expression as the property chain off the  expression.
        /// Also build 
        ///     -  off the  expression;
        ///     -  off the  expression.
        /// This adjustment is reversable by (...).
        internal void AdjustToGroupVar(DbVariableReferenceExpression parentVarRef, DbVariableReferenceExpression parentGroupVarRef, DbVariableReferenceExpression groupAggRef)
            // Adjustment is not reentrant. 
            Debug.Assert(_groupVarBasedExpression == null, "_groupVarBasedExpression == null");
            Debug.Assert(_groupAggBasedExpression == null, "_groupAggBasedExpression == null"); 

            // Let's assume this entry represents variable "x" in the following query:
            //      select x, y, z from {1, 2} as x join {2, 3} as y on x = y join {3, 4} as z on y = z 
            // In this case _propRefs contains x._##join0._##join1 and the corresponding input expression looks like this:
            //     |_Input : '_##join1' 
            //     | |_InnerJoin 
            //     |   |_Left : '_##join0'
            //     |   | |_InnerJoin 
            //     |   |   |_Left : 'x'
            //     |   |   |_Right : 'y'
            //     |   |_Right : 'z'
            // When we start processing a group by, like in this query: 
            //      select k1, k2, k3 from {1, 2} as x join {2, 3} as y on x = y join {3, 4} as z on y = z group by x as k1, y as k2, z as k3
            // we are switching to the following input expression: 
            //     |_Input : '_##geb2', '_##group3' 
            //     | |_InnerJoin
            //     |   |_Left : '_##join0' 
            //     |   | |_InnerJoin
            //     |   |   |_Left : 'x'
            //     |   |   |_Right : 'y'
            //     |   |_Right : 'z' 
            // where _##join1 is replaced by _##geb2 for the regular expression and by _##group3 for the group var based expression.
            // So the switch, or the adjustment, is done by 
            //      a. replacing _##join1 with _##geb2 in _propRefs and rebuilding the regular expression accordingly to get 
            //         the following property chain: _##geb2._##join1.x
            //      b. building a group var based expression using _##group3 instead of _##geb2 to get 
            //         the following property chain: _##group3._##join1.x

            // Rebuild ScopeEntry.Expression using the new parent var.

            // Build the GroupVarBasedExpression and GroupAggBasedExpression,
            // take into account that parentVarRef has already been added to the _propRefs in the AdjustToParentVar(...) call, so ignore it.
            _groupVarBasedExpression = parentGroupVarRef; 
            _groupAggBasedExpression = groupAggRef;
            if (_propRefs != null) 
                for (int i = _propRefs.Count - 2/*ignore the parentVarRef*/; i >= 0; --i)
                    _groupVarBasedExpression = _groupVarBasedExpression.Property(_propRefs[i]);
                    _groupAggBasedExpression = _groupAggBasedExpression.Property(_propRefs[i]);
        /// Rolls back the (...) adjustment, clears the .
        internal void RollbackAdjustmentToGroupVar(DbVariableReferenceExpression pregroupParentVarRef)
            Debug.Assert(_groupVarBasedExpression != null, "_groupVarBasedExpression != null");
            _groupVarBasedExpression = null;
            _groupAggBasedExpression = null; 

    /// Represents a group input scope entry that should no longer be referenced.
    internal sealed class InvalidGroupInputRefScopeEntry : ScopeEntry
        internal InvalidGroupInputRefScopeEntry() 
            : base(ScopeEntryKind.InvalidGroupInputRef) { }
        internal override DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx)
            throw EntityUtil.EntitySqlError(errCtx, Strings.InvalidGroupIdentifierReference(refName));
    /// Represents group key during GROUP BY clause processing phase, used during group aggregate search mode.
    /// This entry will be replaced by the  when GROUP BY processing is complete. 
    internal sealed class GroupKeyDefinitionScopeEntry : ScopeEntry, IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo, IGetAlternativeName
        private readonly DbExpression _varBasedExpression; 
        private readonly DbExpression _groupVarBasedExpression;
        private readonly DbExpression _groupAggBasedExpression; 
        private readonly string[] _alternativeName; 

        internal GroupKeyDefinitionScopeEntry( 
            DbExpression varBasedExpression,
            DbExpression groupVarBasedExpression, DbExpression
            string[] alternativeName) : base(ScopeEntryKind.GroupKeyDefinition) 
            _varBasedExpression = varBasedExpression; 
            _groupVarBasedExpression = groupVarBasedExpression; 
            _groupAggBasedExpression = groupAggBasedExpression;
            _alternativeName = alternativeName; 

        internal override DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx)
            return _varBasedExpression;
        DbExpression IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupVarBasedExpression
                return _groupVarBasedExpression;
        DbExpression IGroupExpressionExtendedInfo.GroupAggBasedExpression 
            get { return _groupAggBasedExpression; } 

        string[] IGetAlternativeName.AlternativeName
            get { return _alternativeName; }

    /// Represents a projection item definition scope entry.
    internal sealed class ProjectionItemDefinitionScopeEntry : ScopeEntry
        private readonly DbExpression _expression;
        internal ProjectionItemDefinitionScopeEntry(DbExpression expression) 
            : base(ScopeEntryKind.ProjectionItemDefinition)
            _expression = expression;

        internal override DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx) 
            return _expression; 
    /// Represents a free variable scope entry.
    /// Example: parameters of an inline function definition are free variables in the scope of the function definition.
    internal sealed class FreeVariableScopeEntry : ScopeEntry
        private readonly DbVariableReferenceExpression _varRef; 

        internal FreeVariableScopeEntry(DbVariableReferenceExpression varRef) 
            : base(ScopeEntryKind.FreeVar)
            _varRef = varRef;

        internal override DbExpression GetExpression(string refName, ErrorContext errCtx) 
            return _varRef;

    /// Represents a generic list of scopes. 
    internal sealed class ScopeManager 
        private readonly IEqualityComparer _keyComparer;
        private readonly List _scopes = new List(); 

        /// Initialize scope manager using given key-string comparer.
        internal ScopeManager(IEqualityComparer keyComparer)
            _keyComparer = keyComparer; 
        /// Enter a new scope.
        internal void EnterScope() 
            _scopes.Add(new Scope(_keyComparer)); 

        /// Leave the current scope.
        internal void LeaveScope()
            Debug.Assert(CurrentScopeIndex >= 0);

        /// Return current scope index.
        /// Outer scopes have smaller index values than inner scopes.
        internal int CurrentScopeIndex 
                return _scopes.Count - 1;

        /// Return current scope. 
        internal Scope CurrentScope 
                return _scopes[CurrentScopeIndex];
        /// Get a scope by the index. 
        internal Scope GetScopeByIndex(int scopeIndex)
            Debug.Assert(scopeIndex >= 0, "scopeIndex >= 0");
            Debug.Assert(scopeIndex <= CurrentScopeIndex, "scopeIndex <= CurrentScopeIndex");
            if (0 > scopeIndex || scopeIndex > CurrentScopeIndex)
                throw EntityUtil.EntitySqlError(Strings.InvalidScopeIndex);
            return _scopes[scopeIndex]; 
        /// Rollback all scopes to the scope at the index.
        internal void RollbackToScope(int scopeIndex) 
            // assert preconditions 
            Debug.Assert(scopeIndex >= 0, "[PRE] savePoint.ScopeIndex >= 0"); 
            Debug.Assert(scopeIndex <= CurrentScopeIndex, "[PRE] savePoint.ScopeIndex <= CurrentScopeIndex");
            Debug.Assert(CurrentScopeIndex >= 0, "[PRE] CurrentScopeIndex >= 0");

            if (scopeIndex > CurrentScopeIndex || scopeIndex < 0 || CurrentScopeIndex < 0) 
                throw EntityUtil.EntitySqlError(Strings.InvalidSavePoint); 

            int delta = CurrentScopeIndex - scopeIndex; 
            if (delta > 0)
                _scopes.RemoveRange(scopeIndex + 1, CurrentScopeIndex - scopeIndex);

            // make sure invariants are preserved 
            Debug.Assert(scopeIndex == CurrentScopeIndex, "[POST] savePoint.ScopeIndex == CurrentScopeIndex"); 
            Debug.Assert(CurrentScopeIndex >= 0, "[POST] CurrentScopeIndex >= 0");

        /// True if key exists in current scope. 
        internal bool IsInCurrentScope(string key)
            return CurrentScope.Contains(key);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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