Predicate.cs source code in C# .NET

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/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Query / PlanCompiler / Predicate.cs / 1305376 / Predicate.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Diagnostics; // Please use PlanCompiler.Assert instead of Debug.Assert in this class...
using System.Globalization;
using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees;
namespace System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler 
    /// The Predicate class represents a condition (predicate) in CNF.
    /// A predicate consists of a number of "simple" parts, and the parts are considered to be
    /// ANDed together
    /// This class provides a number of useful functions related to
    ///   - Single Table predicates 
    ///   - Join predicates 
    ///   - Key preservation
    ///   - Null preservation 
    /// etc.
    /// Note: This class doesn't really convert node trees into CNF form. It looks for
    /// basic CNF patterns, and reasons about them. For example, 
    ///    (a AND b) OR c
    /// can technically be translated into (a OR c) AND (b OR c), 
    /// but we don't bother. 
    /// At some future point of time, it might be appropriate to consider this
    internal class Predicate
        #region private state 
        private Command m_command;
        private List m_parts; 

        #region constructors 
        /// Create an empty predicate
        internal Predicate(Command command)
            m_command = command; 
            m_parts = new List();

        /// Create a predicate from a node tree
        /// current iqt command
        /// the node tree 
        internal Predicate(Command command, Node andTree) 
            : this(command)
            PlanCompiler.Assert(andTree != null, "null node passed to Predicate() constructor");

        #region public surface 
        #region construction APIs
        /// Add a new "part" (simple predicate) to the current list of predicate parts
        /// simple predicate
        internal void AddPart(Node n) 
        #region Reconstruction (of node tree)
        /// Build up an AND tree based on the current parts.
        /// Specifically, if I have parts (p1, p2, ..., pn), we build up a tree that looks like 
        ///    p1 AND p2 AND ... AND pn
        /// If we have no parts, we return a null reference 
        /// If we have only one part, then we return just that part
        /// the and subtree
        internal Node BuildAndTree()
            Node andNode = null; 
            foreach (Node n in m_parts)
                if (andNode == null) 
                    andNode = n; 
                    andNode = m_command.CreateNode(m_command.CreateConditionalOp(OpType.And), 
                        andNode, n);
            return andNode;

        #region SingleTable (Filter) Predicates
        /// Partition the current predicate into predicates that only apply 
        /// to the specified table (single-table-predicates), and others 
        /// current columns defined by the table 
        /// non-single-table predicates
        /// single-table-predicates
        internal Predicate GetSingleTablePredicates(VarVec tableDefinitions,
            out Predicate otherPredicates) 
            List tableDefinitionList = new List(); 
            List singleTablePredicateList;
            GetSingleTablePredicates(tableDefinitionList, out singleTablePredicateList, out otherPredicates); 
            return singleTablePredicateList[0];
        #region EquiJoins
        /// Get the set of equi-join columns from this predicate 
        internal void GetEquiJoinPredicates(VarVec leftTableDefinitions, VarVec rightTableDefinitions,
            out List leftTableEquiJoinColumns, out List rightTableEquiJoinColumns, 
            out Predicate otherPredicates) 
            otherPredicates = new Predicate(m_command); 
            leftTableEquiJoinColumns = new List();
            rightTableEquiJoinColumns = new List();
            foreach (Node part in m_parts)
                Var leftTableVar;
                Var rightTableVar; 
                if (IsEquiJoinPredicate(part, leftTableDefinitions, rightTableDefinitions, out leftTableVar, out rightTableVar))

        internal Predicate GetJoinPredicates(VarVec leftTableDefinitions, VarVec rightTableDefinitions,
            out Predicate otherPredicates)
            Predicate joinPredicate = new Predicate(m_command);
            otherPredicates = new Predicate(m_command); 
            foreach (Node part in m_parts)
                Var leftTableVar;
                Var rightTableVar;

                if (Predicate.IsEquiJoinPredicate(part, leftTableDefinitions, rightTableDefinitions, out leftTableVar, out rightTableVar)) 
            return joinPredicate; 
        #region Keys
        /// Is the current predicate a "key-satisfying" predicate?
        /// list of keyVars
        /// current table definitions 
        /// true, if this predicate satisfies the keys
        internal bool SatisfiesKey(VarVec keyVars, VarVec definitions) 
            if (keyVars.Count > 0)
                VarVec missingKeys = keyVars.Clone();
                foreach (Node part in m_parts)
                    if (part.Op.OpType != OpType.EQ) 
                    Var keyVar;
                    if (IsKeyPredicate(part.Child0, part.Child1, keyVars, definitions, out keyVar)) 
                    else if (IsKeyPredicate(part.Child1, part.Child0, keyVars, definitions, out keyVar)) 
                return missingKeys.IsEmpty;
            return false;
        #region Nulls 
        /// Does this predicate preserve nulls for the table columns? 
        /// If the ansiNullSemantics parameter is set, then we simply return true
        /// always - this shuts off most optimizations
        /// list of columns to consider 
        /// use ansi null semantics 
        /// true, if the predicate preserves nulls
        internal bool PreservesNulls(VarVec tableColumns, bool ansiNullSemantics) 
            // Don't mess with non-ansi semantics
            if (!ansiNullSemantics)
                return true;
            // If at least one part does not preserve nulls, then we simply return false
            foreach (Node part in m_parts) 
                if (!PreservesNulls(part, tableColumns))
                    return false; 
            return true; 


        #region private methods 
        #region construction
        private void InitFromAndTree(Node andTree) 
            if (andTree.Op.OpType == OpType.And)

        #region Single Table Predicates

        private void GetSingleTablePredicates(List tableDefinitions, 
            out List singleTablePredicates, out Predicate otherPredicates)
            singleTablePredicates = new List(); 
            foreach (VarVec vec in tableDefinitions)
                singleTablePredicates.Add(new Predicate(m_command));
            otherPredicates = new Predicate(m_command);
            VarVec externalRefs = m_command.CreateVarVec(); 

            foreach (Node part in m_parts) 
                NodeInfo nodeInfo = m_command.GetNodeInfo(part);
                bool singleTablePart = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < tableDefinitions.Count; i++)
                    VarVec tableColumns = tableDefinitions[i]; 
                    if (tableColumns != null)
                        if (externalRefs.IsEmpty) 
                            singleTablePart = true;
                if (!singleTablePart)

        #region EquiJoins
        /// Is this "simple" predicate an equi-join predicate?
        ///   (ie) is it of the form "var1 = var2"
        /// Return "var1" and "var2"
        /// the simple predicate
        /// var on the left-side 
        /// var on the right 
        /// true, if this is an equijoin predicate
        private static bool IsEquiJoinPredicate(Node simplePredicateNode, out Var leftVar, out Var rightVar) 
            leftVar = null;
            rightVar = null;
            if (simplePredicateNode.Op.OpType != OpType.EQ) 
                return false; 

            VarRefOp leftVarOp = simplePredicateNode.Child0.Op as VarRefOp; 
            if (leftVarOp == null)
                return false;
            VarRefOp rightVarOp = simplePredicateNode.Child1.Op as VarRefOp;
            if (rightVarOp == null) 
                return false;

            leftVar = leftVarOp.Var;
            rightVar = rightVarOp.Var;
            return true; 
        /// Is this an equi-join predicate involving columns from the specified tables?
        /// On output, if this was indeed an equijoin predicate, "leftVar" is the 
        /// column of the left table, while "rightVar" is the column of the right table
        /// and the predicate itself is of the form "leftVar = rightVar"
        /// the simple predicate node 
        /// interesting columns of the left table
        /// interesting columns of the right table 
        /// join column of the left table 
        /// join column of the right table
        /// true, if this is an equijoin predicate involving columns from the 2 tables 
        private static bool IsEquiJoinPredicate(Node simplePredicateNode,
            VarVec leftTableDefinitions, VarVec rightTableDefinitions,
            out Var leftVar, out Var rightVar)
            Var tempLeftVar;
            Var tempRightVar; 
            leftVar = null;
            rightVar = null; 
            if (!Predicate.IsEquiJoinPredicate(simplePredicateNode, out tempLeftVar, out tempRightVar))
                return false;

            if (leftTableDefinitions.IsSet(tempLeftVar) && 
                leftVar = tempLeftVar; 
                rightVar = tempRightVar;
            else if (leftTableDefinitions.IsSet(tempRightVar) &&
                leftVar = tempRightVar; 
                rightVar = tempLeftVar; 
                return false;
            return true;

        #region Nulls 
        /// Does this predicate preserve nulls on the specified columns of the table?
        /// If any of the columns participates in a comparison predicate, or in a
        /// not-null predicate, then, nulls are not preserved 
        /// the "simple" predicate node 
        /// list of table columns 
        /// true, if nulls are preserved
        private static bool PreservesNulls(Node simplePredNode, VarVec tableColumns) 
            VarRefOp varRefOp;

            switch (simplePredNode.Op.OpType) 
                case OpType.EQ: 
                case OpType.NE: 
                case OpType.GT:
                case OpType.GE: 
                case OpType.LT:
                case OpType.LE:
                    varRefOp = simplePredNode.Child0.Op as VarRefOp;
                    if (varRefOp != null && tableColumns.IsSet(varRefOp.Var)) 
                        return false; 
                    varRefOp = simplePredNode.Child1.Op as VarRefOp;
                    if (varRefOp != null && tableColumns.IsSet(varRefOp.Var)) 
                        return false;
                    return true; 

                case OpType.Not: 
                    if (simplePredNode.Child0.Op.OpType != OpType.IsNull) 
                        return true; 
                    varRefOp = simplePredNode.Child0.Child0.Op as VarRefOp;
                    return (varRefOp == null || !tableColumns.IsSet(varRefOp.Var));
                case OpType.Like:
                    // If the predicate is "column LIKE constant ...", then the 
                    // predicate does not preserve nulls 
                    ConstantBaseOp constantOp = simplePredNode.Child1.Op as ConstantBaseOp;
                    if (constantOp == null || (constantOp.OpType == OpType.Null)) 
                        return true;
                    varRefOp = simplePredNode.Child0.Op as VarRefOp; 
                    if (varRefOp != null && tableColumns.IsSet(varRefOp.Var))
                        return false; 
                    return true; 

                    return true;
        #region Keys
        private bool IsKeyPredicate(Node left, Node right, VarVec keyVars, VarVec definitions, out Var keyVar) 
            keyVar = null;

            // If the left-side is not a Var, then return false 
            if (left.Op.OpType != OpType.VarRef)
                return false; 
            VarRefOp varRefOp = (VarRefOp)left.Op; 
            keyVar = varRefOp.Var;

            // Not a key of this table?
            if (!keyVars.IsSet(keyVar)) 
                return false; 

            // Make sure that the other side is either a constant, or has no 
            // references at all to us
            NodeInfo otherNodeInfo = m_command.GetNodeInfo(right);
            VarVec otherVarExternalReferences = otherNodeInfo.ExternalReferences.Clone();
            return otherVarExternalReferences.IsEmpty;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Diagnostics; // Please use PlanCompiler.Assert instead of Debug.Assert in this class...
using System.Globalization;
using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees;
namespace System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler 
    /// The Predicate class represents a condition (predicate) in CNF.
    /// A predicate consists of a number of "simple" parts, and the parts are considered to be
    /// ANDed together
    /// This class provides a number of useful functions related to
    ///   - Single Table predicates 
    ///   - Join predicates 
    ///   - Key preservation
    ///   - Null preservation 
    /// etc.
    /// Note: This class doesn't really convert node trees into CNF form. It looks for
    /// basic CNF patterns, and reasons about them. For example, 
    ///    (a AND b) OR c
    /// can technically be translated into (a OR c) AND (b OR c), 
    /// but we don't bother. 
    /// At some future point of time, it might be appropriate to consider this
    internal class Predicate
        #region private state 
        private Command m_command;
        private List m_parts; 

        #region constructors 
        /// Create an empty predicate
        internal Predicate(Command command)
            m_command = command; 
            m_parts = new List();

        /// Create a predicate from a node tree
        /// current iqt command
        /// the node tree 
        internal Predicate(Command command, Node andTree) 
            : this(command)
            PlanCompiler.Assert(andTree != null, "null node passed to Predicate() constructor");

        #region public surface 
        #region construction APIs
        /// Add a new "part" (simple predicate) to the current list of predicate parts
        /// simple predicate
        internal void AddPart(Node n) 
        #region Reconstruction (of node tree)
        /// Build up an AND tree based on the current parts.
        /// Specifically, if I have parts (p1, p2, ..., pn), we build up a tree that looks like 
        ///    p1 AND p2 AND ... AND pn
        /// If we have no parts, we return a null reference 
        /// If we have only one part, then we return just that part
        /// the and subtree
        internal Node BuildAndTree()
            Node andNode = null; 
            foreach (Node n in m_parts)
                if (andNode == null) 
                    andNode = n; 
                    andNode = m_command.CreateNode(m_command.CreateConditionalOp(OpType.And), 
                        andNode, n);
            return andNode;

        #region SingleTable (Filter) Predicates
        /// Partition the current predicate into predicates that only apply 
        /// to the specified table (single-table-predicates), and others 
        /// current columns defined by the table 
        /// non-single-table predicates
        /// single-table-predicates
        internal Predicate GetSingleTablePredicates(VarVec tableDefinitions,
            out Predicate otherPredicates) 
            List tableDefinitionList = new List(); 
            List singleTablePredicateList;
            GetSingleTablePredicates(tableDefinitionList, out singleTablePredicateList, out otherPredicates); 
            return singleTablePredicateList[0];
        #region EquiJoins
        /// Get the set of equi-join columns from this predicate 
        internal void GetEquiJoinPredicates(VarVec leftTableDefinitions, VarVec rightTableDefinitions,
            out List leftTableEquiJoinColumns, out List rightTableEquiJoinColumns, 
            out Predicate otherPredicates) 
            otherPredicates = new Predicate(m_command); 
            leftTableEquiJoinColumns = new List();
            rightTableEquiJoinColumns = new List();
            foreach (Node part in m_parts)
                Var leftTableVar;
                Var rightTableVar; 
                if (IsEquiJoinPredicate(part, leftTableDefinitions, rightTableDefinitions, out leftTableVar, out rightTableVar))

        internal Predicate GetJoinPredicates(VarVec leftTableDefinitions, VarVec rightTableDefinitions,
            out Predicate otherPredicates)
            Predicate joinPredicate = new Predicate(m_command);
            otherPredicates = new Predicate(m_command); 
            foreach (Node part in m_parts)
                Var leftTableVar;
                Var rightTableVar;

                if (Predicate.IsEquiJoinPredicate(part, leftTableDefinitions, rightTableDefinitions, out leftTableVar, out rightTableVar)) 
            return joinPredicate; 
        #region Keys
        /// Is the current predicate a "key-satisfying" predicate?
        /// list of keyVars
        /// current table definitions 
        /// true, if this predicate satisfies the keys
        internal bool SatisfiesKey(VarVec keyVars, VarVec definitions) 
            if (keyVars.Count > 0)
                VarVec missingKeys = keyVars.Clone();
                foreach (Node part in m_parts)
                    if (part.Op.OpType != OpType.EQ) 
                    Var keyVar;
                    if (IsKeyPredicate(part.Child0, part.Child1, keyVars, definitions, out keyVar)) 
                    else if (IsKeyPredicate(part.Child1, part.Child0, keyVars, definitions, out keyVar)) 
                return missingKeys.IsEmpty;
            return false;
        #region Nulls 
        /// Does this predicate preserve nulls for the table columns? 
        /// If the ansiNullSemantics parameter is set, then we simply return true
        /// always - this shuts off most optimizations
        /// list of columns to consider 
        /// use ansi null semantics 
        /// true, if the predicate preserves nulls
        internal bool PreservesNulls(VarVec tableColumns, bool ansiNullSemantics) 
            // Don't mess with non-ansi semantics
            if (!ansiNullSemantics)
                return true;
            // If at least one part does not preserve nulls, then we simply return false
            foreach (Node part in m_parts) 
                if (!PreservesNulls(part, tableColumns))
                    return false; 
            return true; 


        #region private methods 
        #region construction
        private void InitFromAndTree(Node andTree) 
            if (andTree.Op.OpType == OpType.And)

        #region Single Table Predicates

        private void GetSingleTablePredicates(List tableDefinitions, 
            out List singleTablePredicates, out Predicate otherPredicates)
            singleTablePredicates = new List(); 
            foreach (VarVec vec in tableDefinitions)
                singleTablePredicates.Add(new Predicate(m_command));
            otherPredicates = new Predicate(m_command);
            VarVec externalRefs = m_command.CreateVarVec(); 

            foreach (Node part in m_parts) 
                NodeInfo nodeInfo = m_command.GetNodeInfo(part);
                bool singleTablePart = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < tableDefinitions.Count; i++)
                    VarVec tableColumns = tableDefinitions[i]; 
                    if (tableColumns != null)
                        if (externalRefs.IsEmpty) 
                            singleTablePart = true;
                if (!singleTablePart)

        #region EquiJoins
        /// Is this "simple" predicate an equi-join predicate?
        ///   (ie) is it of the form "var1 = var2"
        /// Return "var1" and "var2"
        /// the simple predicate
        /// var on the left-side 
        /// var on the right 
        /// true, if this is an equijoin predicate
        private static bool IsEquiJoinPredicate(Node simplePredicateNode, out Var leftVar, out Var rightVar) 
            leftVar = null;
            rightVar = null;
            if (simplePredicateNode.Op.OpType != OpType.EQ) 
                return false; 

            VarRefOp leftVarOp = simplePredicateNode.Child0.Op as VarRefOp; 
            if (leftVarOp == null)
                return false;
            VarRefOp rightVarOp = simplePredicateNode.Child1.Op as VarRefOp;
            if (rightVarOp == null) 
                return false;

            leftVar = leftVarOp.Var;
            rightVar = rightVarOp.Var;
            return true; 
        /// Is this an equi-join predicate involving columns from the specified tables?
        /// On output, if this was indeed an equijoin predicate, "leftVar" is the 
        /// column of the left table, while "rightVar" is the column of the right table
        /// and the predicate itself is of the form "leftVar = rightVar"
        /// the simple predicate node 
        /// interesting columns of the left table
        /// interesting columns of the right table 
        /// join column of the left table 
        /// join column of the right table
        /// true, if this is an equijoin predicate involving columns from the 2 tables 
        private static bool IsEquiJoinPredicate(Node simplePredicateNode,
            VarVec leftTableDefinitions, VarVec rightTableDefinitions,
            out Var leftVar, out Var rightVar)
            Var tempLeftVar;
            Var tempRightVar; 
            leftVar = null;
            rightVar = null; 
            if (!Predicate.IsEquiJoinPredicate(simplePredicateNode, out tempLeftVar, out tempRightVar))
                return false;

            if (leftTableDefinitions.IsSet(tempLeftVar) && 
                leftVar = tempLeftVar; 
                rightVar = tempRightVar;
            else if (leftTableDefinitions.IsSet(tempRightVar) &&
                leftVar = tempRightVar; 
                rightVar = tempLeftVar; 
                return false;
            return true;

        #region Nulls 
        /// Does this predicate preserve nulls on the specified columns of the table?
        /// If any of the columns participates in a comparison predicate, or in a
        /// not-null predicate, then, nulls are not preserved 
        /// the "simple" predicate node 
        /// list of table columns 
        /// true, if nulls are preserved
        private static bool PreservesNulls(Node simplePredNode, VarVec tableColumns) 
            VarRefOp varRefOp;

            switch (simplePredNode.Op.OpType) 
                case OpType.EQ: 
                case OpType.NE: 
                case OpType.GT:
                case OpType.GE: 
                case OpType.LT:
                case OpType.LE:
                    varRefOp = simplePredNode.Child0.Op as VarRefOp;
                    if (varRefOp != null && tableColumns.IsSet(varRefOp.Var)) 
                        return false; 
                    varRefOp = simplePredNode.Child1.Op as VarRefOp;
                    if (varRefOp != null && tableColumns.IsSet(varRefOp.Var)) 
                        return false;
                    return true; 

                case OpType.Not: 
                    if (simplePredNode.Child0.Op.OpType != OpType.IsNull) 
                        return true; 
                    varRefOp = simplePredNode.Child0.Child0.Op as VarRefOp;
                    return (varRefOp == null || !tableColumns.IsSet(varRefOp.Var));
                case OpType.Like:
                    // If the predicate is "column LIKE constant ...", then the 
                    // predicate does not preserve nulls 
                    ConstantBaseOp constantOp = simplePredNode.Child1.Op as ConstantBaseOp;
                    if (constantOp == null || (constantOp.OpType == OpType.Null)) 
                        return true;
                    varRefOp = simplePredNode.Child0.Op as VarRefOp; 
                    if (varRefOp != null && tableColumns.IsSet(varRefOp.Var))
                        return false; 
                    return true; 

                    return true;
        #region Keys
        private bool IsKeyPredicate(Node left, Node right, VarVec keyVars, VarVec definitions, out Var keyVar) 
            keyVar = null;

            // If the left-side is not a Var, then return false 
            if (left.Op.OpType != OpType.VarRef)
                return false; 
            VarRefOp varRefOp = (VarRefOp)left.Op; 
            keyVar = varRefOp.Var;

            // Not a key of this table?
            if (!keyVars.IsSet(keyVar)) 
                return false; 

            // Make sure that the other side is either a constant, or has no 
            // references at all to us
            NodeInfo otherNodeInfo = m_command.GetNodeInfo(right);
            VarVec otherVarExternalReferences = otherNodeInfo.ExternalReferences.Clone();
            return otherVarExternalReferences.IsEmpty;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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