AdRotator.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / MIT / System / Web / UI / MobileControls / AdRotator.cs / 1305376 / AdRotator.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Web.Mobile; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.Util;
using WebCntrls = System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Security.Permissions; 

namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls 

     * Mobile AdRotator class.
     * The AdRotator control is for rotating advertisement links every time the
     * same page is revisited.
     * This class aggregates the corresponding ASP.NET AdRotator for delegating
     * the random selection task of advertisement info to the aggregated 
     * class.  The ad info is selected during the PreRender phase of the 
     * aggregated control (So the aggregated control needs to have the
     * property Visible set to true when entering the PreRender process). 
     * For markup adapters that collect the selected ad info for rendering,
     * they should subscribe to AdCreated event property and collect the ad
     * info through the event argument.
     * This class also contains a mobile Image control for delegating the
     * rendering since AdRotator's rendering is the same as Image's rendering 
     * by setting the corresponding properties on the control. 
     * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation 
        ToolboxData("<{0}:AdRotator runat=\"server\">"),
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] 
    public class AdRotator : MobileControl
        private WebCntrls.AdRotator _webAdRotator; 
        private Image _image = new Image();
        private static readonly Object EventAdCreated = new Object();
        private const String ImageKeyDefault = "ImageUrl";
        private const String NavigateUrlKeyDefault = "NavigateUrl";
        public AdRotator() : base() 
            _webAdRotator = CreateWebAdRotator();
            _image.EnableViewState = false;


            // The default value of the Target property of the web AdRotator is 
            // set to "_top".  Since we are not exposing this property, we need 
            // to explicity set it to empty string so this property will not be
            // shown in the rendered markup when the web AdRotator is used to do 
            // the rendering.
            _webAdRotator.Target = String.Empty;

            // Due to the fact that C# compiler doesn't allow direct 
            // manipulation of event properties outside of the class that
            // defines the event variable, the way we delegate the event 
            // handlers to the aggregated web control is to provide a wrapper 
            // to capture the raised event from the aggregated control and
            // apply the event argument to the event handlers subscribed to 
            // this class.
            AdCreatedEventHandler adCreatedEventHandler =
                new AdCreatedEventHandler(WebAdCreated);
            _webAdRotator.AdCreated += adCreatedEventHandler;
        protected virtual WebCntrls.AdRotator CreateWebAdRotator() 
            return new WebCntrls.AdRotator();
        // Mimic the properties exposed in the original AdRotator. 
        // The properties are got and set directly from the original AdRotator. 
        /// Gets or sets the path to the XML file that contains advertisement data. 
        /// The path to the XML file containing the properties of the advertisements to 
        /// render in the .
            Editor(typeof(System.Web.UI.Design.XmlUrlEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public String AdvertisementFile
                return _webAdRotator.AdvertisementFile; 
                _webAdRotator.AdvertisementFile = value;
        /// Gets or sets a keyword used to match related advertisements in the ad file.
        /// The keyword used to identify advertisements within a specific catagory. 
        /// If the ad source is AdvertisementFile and this property is not empty, an ad 
        /// with a matching keyword will be selected.
        /// If the ad source is AdvertisementFile and this property set, but no match 
        /// exists, a blank image is displayed and a trace warning is generated.
        /// If this property is not set, keyword filtering is not used to select an ad. 
        public String KeywordFilter 
                return _webAdRotator.KeywordFilter;
                _webAdRotator.KeywordFilter = value;

        public String ImageKey 
                String s = (String) ViewState["ImageKey"];
                return((s != null) ? s : ImageKeyDefault);
                ViewState["ImageKey"] = value; 

        public String NavigateUrlKey 
                String s = (String) ViewState["NavigateUrlKey"]; 
                return((s != null) ? s : NavigateUrlKeyDefault);
                ViewState["NavigateUrlKey"] = value; 

        public event AdCreatedEventHandler AdCreated 
                Events.AddHandler(EventAdCreated, value); 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventAdCreated, value);

        // protected method (which can be overridden by subclasses) for
        // raising user events 
        protected virtual void OnAdCreated(AdCreatedEventArgs e) 
            AdCreatedEventHandler handler = (AdCreatedEventHandler)Events[EventAdCreated];
            if (handler != null) 
                handler(this, e);

        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) 
            const String accesskeyName = "accesskey"; 

            // Delegate specific custom attribute to the child Image control
            String accesskey = ((IAttributeAccessor) this).GetAttribute(accesskeyName);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(accesskey)) 
                _image.CustomAttributes[accesskeyName] = accesskey; 


        private void WebAdCreated(Object sender, AdCreatedEventArgs e)
            // Override the value since it may have been changed by device
            // select 
            // AdProperties can be null when ad file is not specified
            // correctly. 
            if (e.AdProperties != null)
                e.ImageUrl = (String) e.AdProperties[ImageKey];
                e.NavigateUrl = (String) e.AdProperties[NavigateUrlKey]; 
            // Then invoke user events for further manipulation specified by 
            // user

            // Finally, set the necessary properties to the base Image class
            _image.ImageUrl = ResolveAdRotatorUrl(e.ImageUrl);
            _image.AlternateText = e.AlternateText; 
            _image.NavigateUrl = ResolveAdRotatorUrl(e.NavigateUrl);
        // Helper function adopted from ASP.NET AdRotator class (modified
        // slightly) 
        private String ResolveAdRotatorUrl(String relativeUrl)
            if (relativeUrl == null)
                return String.Empty;
            // check if it is already absolute, or points to another form
            if (!UrlPath.IsRelativeUrl(relativeUrl) || 
                relativeUrl.StartsWith(Constants.FormIDPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return relativeUrl;

            // Deal with app relative syntax (e.g. ~/foo) 
            string tplSourceDir = UrlPath.MakeVirtualPathAppAbsolute(TemplateSourceDirectory); 

            // For the AdRotator, use the AdvertisementFile directory as the 
            // base, and fall back to the page/user control location as the
            // base.
            String absoluteFile = UrlPath.Combine(tplSourceDir,
            String fileDirectory = UrlPath.GetDirectory(absoluteFile);
            String baseUrl = String.Empty; 
            if (fileDirectory != null)
                baseUrl = fileDirectory;
            if (baseUrl.Length == 0)
                baseUrl = tplSourceDir;
            if (baseUrl.Length == 0) 
                return relativeUrl; 

            // make it absolute
            return UrlPath.Combine(baseUrl, relativeUrl); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Web.Mobile; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.Util;
using WebCntrls = System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Security.Permissions; 

namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls 

     * Mobile AdRotator class.
     * The AdRotator control is for rotating advertisement links every time the
     * same page is revisited.
     * This class aggregates the corresponding ASP.NET AdRotator for delegating
     * the random selection task of advertisement info to the aggregated 
     * class.  The ad info is selected during the PreRender phase of the 
     * aggregated control (So the aggregated control needs to have the
     * property Visible set to true when entering the PreRender process). 
     * For markup adapters that collect the selected ad info for rendering,
     * they should subscribe to AdCreated event property and collect the ad
     * info through the event argument.
     * This class also contains a mobile Image control for delegating the
     * rendering since AdRotator's rendering is the same as Image's rendering 
     * by setting the corresponding properties on the control. 
     * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation 
        ToolboxData("<{0}:AdRotator runat=\"server\">"),
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] 
    public class AdRotator : MobileControl
        private WebCntrls.AdRotator _webAdRotator; 
        private Image _image = new Image();
        private static readonly Object EventAdCreated = new Object();
        private const String ImageKeyDefault = "ImageUrl";
        private const String NavigateUrlKeyDefault = "NavigateUrl";
        public AdRotator() : base() 
            _webAdRotator = CreateWebAdRotator();
            _image.EnableViewState = false;


            // The default value of the Target property of the web AdRotator is 
            // set to "_top".  Since we are not exposing this property, we need 
            // to explicity set it to empty string so this property will not be
            // shown in the rendered markup when the web AdRotator is used to do 
            // the rendering.
            _webAdRotator.Target = String.Empty;

            // Due to the fact that C# compiler doesn't allow direct 
            // manipulation of event properties outside of the class that
            // defines the event variable, the way we delegate the event 
            // handlers to the aggregated web control is to provide a wrapper 
            // to capture the raised event from the aggregated control and
            // apply the event argument to the event handlers subscribed to 
            // this class.
            AdCreatedEventHandler adCreatedEventHandler =
                new AdCreatedEventHandler(WebAdCreated);
            _webAdRotator.AdCreated += adCreatedEventHandler;
        protected virtual WebCntrls.AdRotator CreateWebAdRotator() 
            return new WebCntrls.AdRotator();
        // Mimic the properties exposed in the original AdRotator. 
        // The properties are got and set directly from the original AdRotator. 
        /// Gets or sets the path to the XML file that contains advertisement data. 
        /// The path to the XML file containing the properties of the advertisements to 
        /// render in the .
            Editor(typeof(System.Web.UI.Design.XmlUrlEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public String AdvertisementFile
                return _webAdRotator.AdvertisementFile; 
                _webAdRotator.AdvertisementFile = value;
        /// Gets or sets a keyword used to match related advertisements in the ad file.
        /// The keyword used to identify advertisements within a specific catagory. 
        /// If the ad source is AdvertisementFile and this property is not empty, an ad 
        /// with a matching keyword will be selected.
        /// If the ad source is AdvertisementFile and this property set, but no match 
        /// exists, a blank image is displayed and a trace warning is generated.
        /// If this property is not set, keyword filtering is not used to select an ad. 
        public String KeywordFilter 
                return _webAdRotator.KeywordFilter;
                _webAdRotator.KeywordFilter = value;

        public String ImageKey 
                String s = (String) ViewState["ImageKey"];
                return((s != null) ? s : ImageKeyDefault);
                ViewState["ImageKey"] = value; 

        public String NavigateUrlKey 
                String s = (String) ViewState["NavigateUrlKey"]; 
                return((s != null) ? s : NavigateUrlKeyDefault);
                ViewState["NavigateUrlKey"] = value; 

        public event AdCreatedEventHandler AdCreated 
                Events.AddHandler(EventAdCreated, value); 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventAdCreated, value);

        // protected method (which can be overridden by subclasses) for
        // raising user events 
        protected virtual void OnAdCreated(AdCreatedEventArgs e) 
            AdCreatedEventHandler handler = (AdCreatedEventHandler)Events[EventAdCreated];
            if (handler != null) 
                handler(this, e);

        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) 
            const String accesskeyName = "accesskey"; 

            // Delegate specific custom attribute to the child Image control
            String accesskey = ((IAttributeAccessor) this).GetAttribute(accesskeyName);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(accesskey)) 
                _image.CustomAttributes[accesskeyName] = accesskey; 


        private void WebAdCreated(Object sender, AdCreatedEventArgs e)
            // Override the value since it may have been changed by device
            // select 
            // AdProperties can be null when ad file is not specified
            // correctly. 
            if (e.AdProperties != null)
                e.ImageUrl = (String) e.AdProperties[ImageKey];
                e.NavigateUrl = (String) e.AdProperties[NavigateUrlKey]; 
            // Then invoke user events for further manipulation specified by 
            // user

            // Finally, set the necessary properties to the base Image class
            _image.ImageUrl = ResolveAdRotatorUrl(e.ImageUrl);
            _image.AlternateText = e.AlternateText; 
            _image.NavigateUrl = ResolveAdRotatorUrl(e.NavigateUrl);
        // Helper function adopted from ASP.NET AdRotator class (modified
        // slightly) 
        private String ResolveAdRotatorUrl(String relativeUrl)
            if (relativeUrl == null)
                return String.Empty;
            // check if it is already absolute, or points to another form
            if (!UrlPath.IsRelativeUrl(relativeUrl) || 
                relativeUrl.StartsWith(Constants.FormIDPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return relativeUrl;

            // Deal with app relative syntax (e.g. ~/foo) 
            string tplSourceDir = UrlPath.MakeVirtualPathAppAbsolute(TemplateSourceDirectory); 

            // For the AdRotator, use the AdvertisementFile directory as the 
            // base, and fall back to the page/user control location as the
            // base.
            String absoluteFile = UrlPath.Combine(tplSourceDir,
            String fileDirectory = UrlPath.GetDirectory(absoluteFile);
            String baseUrl = String.Empty; 
            if (fileDirectory != null)
                baseUrl = fileDirectory;
            if (baseUrl.Length == 0)
                baseUrl = tplSourceDir;
            if (baseUrl.Length == 0) 
                return relativeUrl; 

            // make it absolute
            return UrlPath.Combine(baseUrl, relativeUrl); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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