XhtmlBasicPageAdapter.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / MIT / System / Web / UI / MobileControls / Adapters / XhtmlAdapters / XhtmlBasicPageAdapter.cs / 1305376 / XhtmlBasicPageAdapter.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Web; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.Web.UI;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text; 
using System.Web.Mobile;
using System.Web.UI.MobileControls; 
using System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization; 

namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ShippedAdapterSource.XhtmlAdapters
namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters.XhtmlAdapters

    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")]
    public class XhtmlPageAdapter : XhtmlControlAdapter, IPageAdapter { 
        private static readonly TimeSpan _cacheExpirationTime = new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0);
        private const int DefaultPageWeight = 4000; 
        private IDictionary _cookielessDataDictionary = null;
        private int _defaultPageWeight = DefaultPageWeight; 
        private int _optimumPageWeight = 0;
        private MobilePage _page;
        private bool _persistCookielessData = true;
        private bool _pushedCssClassForBody = false; 

        public XhtmlPageAdapter() { 
        public virtual IList CacheVaryByHeaders {
            get {
                return null; 
        public IDictionary CookielessDataDictionary { 
            get {
                return _cookielessDataDictionary;
            set {
                _cookielessDataDictionary = value; 
        public virtual String EventArgumentKey {
            get {
                return Constants.EventArgumentID; 
        public virtual String EventSourceKey { 
            get {
                return Constants.EventSourceID;

        public virtual int OptimumPageWeight { 
            get {
                if (_optimumPageWeight == 0) { 
                    _optimumPageWeight = CalculateOptimumPageWeight(_defaultPageWeight);
                return _optimumPageWeight;
        public override MobilePage Page {
            get { 
                return _page;
            set {
                _page = value; 
        public bool PersistCookielessData { 
            get {
                return _persistCookielessData;
            set { 
                _persistCookielessData = value;

        // Helper function to add multiple values for the same key 
        private void AddValues(NameValueCollection sourceCollection,
            String sourceKey,
            NameValueCollection targetCollection) {
            String [] values = sourceCollection.GetValues(sourceKey); 
            foreach (String value in values) {
                targetCollection.Add(sourceKey, value); 
        private NameValueCollection CollectionFromForm(
            NameValueCollection form,
            String postEventSourceID,
            String postEventArgumentID) { 
            int i;
            int count = form.Count; 
            NameValueCollection collection = new NameValueCollection(); 
            bool isPostBack = false;
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                String name = form.GetKey(i);
                if (name == null || name.Length == 0) {
                // Pager navigation is rendered by buttons which have the 
                // targeted page number appended to the form id after
                // PagePrefix which is a constant string to identify this 
                // special case.  E.g. ControlID__PG_2
                int index = name.LastIndexOf(Constants.PagePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (index != -1) {
                    // We need to associate the form id with the event source 
                    // id and the page number with the event argument id in
                    // order to have the event raised properly by ASP.NET 
                    int pageBeginPos = index + Constants.PagePrefix.Length; 
                        name.Substring(0, index)); 
                        name.Length - pageBeginPos));
                // This is to determine if the request is a postback from 
                // the same mobile page.
                if (name == MobilePage.ViewStateID || 
                    name == EventSourceKey) {
                    isPostBack = true;
                // Default case, just preserve the value(s)
                AddValues(form, name, collection); 

            if (collection.Count == 0 || !isPostBack) { 
                // Returning null to indicate this is not a postback
                return null;
            else { 
                return collection;

        private NameValueCollection CollectionFromQueryString( 
            NameValueCollection queryString,
            String postEventSourceID,
            String postEventArgumentID) {
            NameValueCollection collection = new NameValueCollection(); 
            bool isPostBack = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < queryString.Count; i++) { 
                String name = queryString.GetKey(i);
                // ASSUMPTION: In query string, besides the expected
                // name/value pairs (ViewStateID, EventSource and
                // EventArgument), there are hidden variables, control
                // id/value pairs (if the form submit method is GET), unique 
                // file path suffix variable and custom query string text.
                // They will be in the above order if any of them present. 
                // Hidden variables and control id/value pairs should be added 
                // back to the collection intactly, but the other 2 items
                // should not be added to the collection. 

                // name can be null if there is a query name without equal
                // sign appended.  We should just ignored it in this case.
                if (name == null) { 
                else if (name == MobilePage.ViewStateID) { 
                    collection.Add(MobilePage.ViewStateID, queryString.Get(i));
                    isPostBack = true; 
                else if (name == Constants.EventSourceID) {
                    collection.Add(postEventSourceID, queryString.Get(i));
                    isPostBack = true; 
                else if (name == Constants.EventArgumentID) { 
                    collection.Add(postEventArgumentID, queryString.Get(i)); 
                else if (Constants.UniqueFilePathSuffixVariable.StartsWith(name, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { 
                    // At this point we know that the rest of them is
                    // the custom query string text, so we are done.
                else {
                    AddValues(queryString, name, collection); 
            if (collection.Count == 0 || !isPostBack) {
                // Returning null to indicate this is not a postback
                return null;
            else {
                return collection; 
        private void ConditionalRenderLinkElement (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            if (DoesDeviceRequireCssSuppression()) {

            String cssLocation = (String) Page.ActiveForm.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.StyleSheetLocationCustomAttribute]; 
            if (cssLocation != null && 
                cssLocation.Length != 0) {
                writer.WriteBeginTag ("link"); 
                writer.WriteAttribute ("type", "text/css");
                writer.WriteAttribute ("rel", "stylesheet");
                writer.WriteAttribute("href", cssLocation, true);
            else if (!writer.IsStyleSheetEmpty () && CssLocation!=StyleSheetLocation.Internal) { 
                writer.WriteLine (); 
                writer.WriteBeginTag ("link");
                writer.WriteAttribute ("type", "text/css"); 
                writer.WriteAttribute ("rel", "stylesheet");
                String queryStringValue = GetCssQueryStringValue(writer);
                writer.Write(" href=\"" + XhtmlConstants.CssMappedFileName + "?" + XhtmlConstants.CssQueryStringName + "=" + queryStringValue + "\"/>");
        private void ConditionalRenderStyleElement (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            if (!writer.IsStyleSheetEmpty () && CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.Internal) { 
                bool requiresComments = (String)Device["requiresCommentInStyleElement"] == "true";
                writer.Write(" type=\"text/css\">"); 
                if (requiresComments) { 

        public virtual HtmlTextWriter CreateTextWriter( TextWriter writer) {
            return new XhtmlMobileTextWriter (writer, Device);
        // Similar to CHTML.
        public virtual NameValueCollection DeterminePostBackMode( 
            HttpRequest request,
            String postEventSourceID, 
            String postEventArgumentID,
            NameValueCollection baseCollection) {

            if (baseCollection != null && baseCollection[EventSourceKey] == XhtmlConstants.PostedFromOtherFile) { 
                return null;
            else if (request == null) { 
                return baseCollection;
            else if (String.Compare(request.HttpMethod, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
                return CollectionFromForm(request.Form,
            else if (request.QueryString.Count == 0) { 
                return baseCollection; 
            else { 
                return CollectionFromQueryString(request.QueryString,
        public static bool DeviceQualifies(HttpContext context) {
            String type = ((MobileCapabilities)context.Request.Browser).PreferredRenderingType; 
            return String.Equals(type, "xhtml-basic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                String.Equals(type, "xhtml-mp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                String.Equals(type, "wml20", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

        private bool DoesDeviceRequireCssSuppression() { 
            return(String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true"; 
        private String GetCssQueryStringValue(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.ApplicationCache) {
                // Initialize the cache key
                return writer.CacheKey;
            else if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.SessionState) { 
                return writer.SessionKey; 
            Debug.Assert (StyleSheetLocationAttributeValue != null);
            return StyleSheetLocationAttributeValue;

        public virtual bool HandleError (Exception e, HtmlTextWriter writer) { 
            return false;

        public virtual bool HandlePagePostBackEvent (string eventSource, string eventArgument) {
            return false; 
        protected virtual void InitWriterState(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            writer.UseDivsForBreaks = (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.BreaksOnInlineElements] == "true"; 
            writer.SuppressNewLine = (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresNewLineSuppression] == "true";
            writer.SupportsNoWrapStyle = (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsNoWrapStyle] != "false";
        public override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { 
            if (Page.ActiveForm.Paginate && Page.ActiveForm.Action.Length > 0) { 
                Page.ActiveForm.Paginate = false;

        public override void Render (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            writer.BeginResponse (); 
            if (Page.Request.Browser["requiresPragmaNoCacheHeader"] == "true") { 
                Page.Response.AppendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
            writer.BeginCachedRendering ();
            // For consistency with HTML, we render the form style with body tag.
            // Certain WML 2.0 devices require that we write an onevent onenterforward setvar snippet.
            // We cannot know the relevant variables until after the form is rendered, so we mark this 
            // position.  The setvar elements will be inserted into the cached rendering here. 
            writer.MarkWmlOnEventLocation ();
            writer.ClearPendingBreak ();
            writer.EndCachedRendering ();
            // Note: first and third arguments are not used.
            writer.BeginFile (Page.Request.Url.ToString (), Page.Device.PreferredRenderingMime, Page.Response.Charset); 
            String supportsXmlDeclaration = Device["supportsXmlDeclaration"]; 
            // Invariant culture not needed, included for best practices compliance.
            if (supportsXmlDeclaration == null || 
                !String.Equals(supportsXmlDeclaration, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                writer.WriteXmlDeclaration ();
            // Review: Hard coded xmlns.
            writer.WriteFullBeginTag ("html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\""); 
            writer.WriteLine (); 
            writer.WriteFullBeginTag ("head");
            writer.WriteLine (); 
            writer.WriteFullBeginTag ("title");
            if (Page.ActiveForm.Title != null) {
            writer.WriteEndTag ("title");
            ConditionalRenderLinkElement (writer); 
            ConditionalRenderStyleElement (writer); 
            writer.WriteEndTag ("head");
            writer.WriteLine (); 
            writer.WriteCachedMarkup (); // includes body tag.
            writer.WriteLine ();
            writer.WriteEndTag ("html");
            writer.EndFile (); 
            if (!DoesDeviceRequireCssSuppression()) {
                if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.ApplicationCache && !writer.IsStyleSheetEmpty()) { 
                    // Recall that Page.Cache has application scope 
                    Page.Cache.Insert(writer.CacheKey, writer.GetStyles (), null, DateTime.MaxValue, _cacheExpirationTime);
                else if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.SessionState && !writer.IsStyleSheetEmpty()) {
                    Page.Session[writer.SessionKey] = writer.GetStyles();

            writer.EndResponse (); 

        private void RenderClosingBodyElement(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { 
            Style formStyle = ((ControlAdapter)Page.ActiveForm.Adapter).Style;
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) {
                if (_pushedCssClassForBody) { 
            else if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true" &&
                (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsBodyClassAttribute] != "false") { 
                writer.ExitStyle(formStyle); // writes the closing body element.
            else {
                writer.WriteEndTag ("body"); 
        private void RenderHiddenVariablesInUrl(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            if (Page.HasHiddenVariables()) { 
                String hiddenVariablePrefix = MobilePage.HiddenVariablePrefix;
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in Page.HiddenVariables) {
                    writer.WriteUrlParameter(hiddenVariablePrefix + (String)entry.Key, 
        private void RenderOpeningBodyElement(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            Form activeForm = Page.ActiveForm;
            Style formStyle = ((ControlAdapter)activeForm.Adapter).Style;
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) { 
                String cssClass = (String) activeForm.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.CssClassCustomAttribute];
                if (cssClass != null  && (String)Device["supportsBodyClassAttribute"] != "false") { 
                    writer.WriteAttribute("class", cssClass, true /* encode */);
                    _pushedCssClassForBody = true;
            else if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true" &&
                (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsBodyClassAttribute] != "false") { 
                writer.EnterStyle(formStyle, "body"); 
            else { 
                if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true" &&
                    (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsBodyClassAttribute] == "false") {

        public virtual void RenderUrlPostBackEvent (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer,
            String target,
            String argument) {
            String amp = (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsUrlAttributeEncoding] == "false"  ? "&" : "&";
            if ((String)Device["requiresAbsolutePostbackUrl"] == "true") { 
            else {
            writer.Write ("?"); 

            // Encode ViewStateID=.....&__ET=controlid&__EA=value in URL 
            // Note: the encoding needs to be agreed with the page 
            // adapter which handles the post back info
            String pageState = Page.ClientViewState; 
            if (pageState != null) {
                writer.WriteUrlParameter (MobilePage.ViewStateID, pageState);
                writer.Write (amp);
            writer.WriteUrlParameter (EventSourceKey, target);
            writer.Write (amp); 
            writer.WriteUrlParameter (EventArgumentKey, argument); 
            RenderHiddenVariablesInUrl (writer);
            // Unique file path suffix is used for identify if query
            // string text is present.  Corresponding code needs to agree
            // on this.  Even if the query string is empty, we still need
            // to output the suffix to indicate this. (this corresponds 
            // to the code that handles the postback)

            String queryStringText = PreprocessQueryString(Page.QueryStringText); 

            if (queryStringText != null && queryStringText.Length > 0) {
                writer.Write (amp);
                if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsUrlAttributeEncoding] != "false") { 
                else { 
                    writer.Write (queryStringText);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Web; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.Web.UI;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text; 
using System.Web.Mobile;
using System.Web.UI.MobileControls; 
using System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization; 

namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ShippedAdapterSource.XhtmlAdapters
namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters.XhtmlAdapters

    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")]
    public class XhtmlPageAdapter : XhtmlControlAdapter, IPageAdapter { 
        private static readonly TimeSpan _cacheExpirationTime = new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0);
        private const int DefaultPageWeight = 4000; 
        private IDictionary _cookielessDataDictionary = null;
        private int _defaultPageWeight = DefaultPageWeight; 
        private int _optimumPageWeight = 0;
        private MobilePage _page;
        private bool _persistCookielessData = true;
        private bool _pushedCssClassForBody = false; 

        public XhtmlPageAdapter() { 
        public virtual IList CacheVaryByHeaders {
            get {
                return null; 
        public IDictionary CookielessDataDictionary { 
            get {
                return _cookielessDataDictionary;
            set {
                _cookielessDataDictionary = value; 
        public virtual String EventArgumentKey {
            get {
                return Constants.EventArgumentID; 
        public virtual String EventSourceKey { 
            get {
                return Constants.EventSourceID;

        public virtual int OptimumPageWeight { 
            get {
                if (_optimumPageWeight == 0) { 
                    _optimumPageWeight = CalculateOptimumPageWeight(_defaultPageWeight);
                return _optimumPageWeight;
        public override MobilePage Page {
            get { 
                return _page;
            set {
                _page = value; 
        public bool PersistCookielessData { 
            get {
                return _persistCookielessData;
            set { 
                _persistCookielessData = value;

        // Helper function to add multiple values for the same key 
        private void AddValues(NameValueCollection sourceCollection,
            String sourceKey,
            NameValueCollection targetCollection) {
            String [] values = sourceCollection.GetValues(sourceKey); 
            foreach (String value in values) {
                targetCollection.Add(sourceKey, value); 
        private NameValueCollection CollectionFromForm(
            NameValueCollection form,
            String postEventSourceID,
            String postEventArgumentID) { 
            int i;
            int count = form.Count; 
            NameValueCollection collection = new NameValueCollection(); 
            bool isPostBack = false;
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                String name = form.GetKey(i);
                if (name == null || name.Length == 0) {
                // Pager navigation is rendered by buttons which have the 
                // targeted page number appended to the form id after
                // PagePrefix which is a constant string to identify this 
                // special case.  E.g. ControlID__PG_2
                int index = name.LastIndexOf(Constants.PagePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (index != -1) {
                    // We need to associate the form id with the event source 
                    // id and the page number with the event argument id in
                    // order to have the event raised properly by ASP.NET 
                    int pageBeginPos = index + Constants.PagePrefix.Length; 
                        name.Substring(0, index)); 
                        name.Length - pageBeginPos));
                // This is to determine if the request is a postback from 
                // the same mobile page.
                if (name == MobilePage.ViewStateID || 
                    name == EventSourceKey) {
                    isPostBack = true;
                // Default case, just preserve the value(s)
                AddValues(form, name, collection); 

            if (collection.Count == 0 || !isPostBack) { 
                // Returning null to indicate this is not a postback
                return null;
            else { 
                return collection;

        private NameValueCollection CollectionFromQueryString( 
            NameValueCollection queryString,
            String postEventSourceID,
            String postEventArgumentID) {
            NameValueCollection collection = new NameValueCollection(); 
            bool isPostBack = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < queryString.Count; i++) { 
                String name = queryString.GetKey(i);
                // ASSUMPTION: In query string, besides the expected
                // name/value pairs (ViewStateID, EventSource and
                // EventArgument), there are hidden variables, control
                // id/value pairs (if the form submit method is GET), unique 
                // file path suffix variable and custom query string text.
                // They will be in the above order if any of them present. 
                // Hidden variables and control id/value pairs should be added 
                // back to the collection intactly, but the other 2 items
                // should not be added to the collection. 

                // name can be null if there is a query name without equal
                // sign appended.  We should just ignored it in this case.
                if (name == null) { 
                else if (name == MobilePage.ViewStateID) { 
                    collection.Add(MobilePage.ViewStateID, queryString.Get(i));
                    isPostBack = true; 
                else if (name == Constants.EventSourceID) {
                    collection.Add(postEventSourceID, queryString.Get(i));
                    isPostBack = true; 
                else if (name == Constants.EventArgumentID) { 
                    collection.Add(postEventArgumentID, queryString.Get(i)); 
                else if (Constants.UniqueFilePathSuffixVariable.StartsWith(name, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { 
                    // At this point we know that the rest of them is
                    // the custom query string text, so we are done.
                else {
                    AddValues(queryString, name, collection); 
            if (collection.Count == 0 || !isPostBack) {
                // Returning null to indicate this is not a postback
                return null;
            else {
                return collection; 
        private void ConditionalRenderLinkElement (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            if (DoesDeviceRequireCssSuppression()) {

            String cssLocation = (String) Page.ActiveForm.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.StyleSheetLocationCustomAttribute]; 
            if (cssLocation != null && 
                cssLocation.Length != 0) {
                writer.WriteBeginTag ("link"); 
                writer.WriteAttribute ("type", "text/css");
                writer.WriteAttribute ("rel", "stylesheet");
                writer.WriteAttribute("href", cssLocation, true);
            else if (!writer.IsStyleSheetEmpty () && CssLocation!=StyleSheetLocation.Internal) { 
                writer.WriteLine (); 
                writer.WriteBeginTag ("link");
                writer.WriteAttribute ("type", "text/css"); 
                writer.WriteAttribute ("rel", "stylesheet");
                String queryStringValue = GetCssQueryStringValue(writer);
                writer.Write(" href=\"" + XhtmlConstants.CssMappedFileName + "?" + XhtmlConstants.CssQueryStringName + "=" + queryStringValue + "\"/>");
        private void ConditionalRenderStyleElement (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            if (!writer.IsStyleSheetEmpty () && CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.Internal) { 
                bool requiresComments = (String)Device["requiresCommentInStyleElement"] == "true";
                writer.Write(" type=\"text/css\">"); 
                if (requiresComments) { 

        public virtual HtmlTextWriter CreateTextWriter( TextWriter writer) {
            return new XhtmlMobileTextWriter (writer, Device);
        // Similar to CHTML.
        public virtual NameValueCollection DeterminePostBackMode( 
            HttpRequest request,
            String postEventSourceID, 
            String postEventArgumentID,
            NameValueCollection baseCollection) {

            if (baseCollection != null && baseCollection[EventSourceKey] == XhtmlConstants.PostedFromOtherFile) { 
                return null;
            else if (request == null) { 
                return baseCollection;
            else if (String.Compare(request.HttpMethod, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
                return CollectionFromForm(request.Form,
            else if (request.QueryString.Count == 0) { 
                return baseCollection; 
            else { 
                return CollectionFromQueryString(request.QueryString,
        public static bool DeviceQualifies(HttpContext context) {
            String type = ((MobileCapabilities)context.Request.Browser).PreferredRenderingType; 
            return String.Equals(type, "xhtml-basic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                String.Equals(type, "xhtml-mp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                String.Equals(type, "wml20", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

        private bool DoesDeviceRequireCssSuppression() { 
            return(String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true"; 
        private String GetCssQueryStringValue(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.ApplicationCache) {
                // Initialize the cache key
                return writer.CacheKey;
            else if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.SessionState) { 
                return writer.SessionKey; 
            Debug.Assert (StyleSheetLocationAttributeValue != null);
            return StyleSheetLocationAttributeValue;

        public virtual bool HandleError (Exception e, HtmlTextWriter writer) { 
            return false;

        public virtual bool HandlePagePostBackEvent (string eventSource, string eventArgument) {
            return false; 
        protected virtual void InitWriterState(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            writer.UseDivsForBreaks = (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.BreaksOnInlineElements] == "true"; 
            writer.SuppressNewLine = (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresNewLineSuppression] == "true";
            writer.SupportsNoWrapStyle = (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsNoWrapStyle] != "false";
        public override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { 
            if (Page.ActiveForm.Paginate && Page.ActiveForm.Action.Length > 0) { 
                Page.ActiveForm.Paginate = false;

        public override void Render (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            writer.BeginResponse (); 
            if (Page.Request.Browser["requiresPragmaNoCacheHeader"] == "true") { 
                Page.Response.AppendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
            writer.BeginCachedRendering ();
            // For consistency with HTML, we render the form style with body tag.
            // Certain WML 2.0 devices require that we write an onevent onenterforward setvar snippet.
            // We cannot know the relevant variables until after the form is rendered, so we mark this 
            // position.  The setvar elements will be inserted into the cached rendering here. 
            writer.MarkWmlOnEventLocation ();
            writer.ClearPendingBreak ();
            writer.EndCachedRendering ();
            // Note: first and third arguments are not used.
            writer.BeginFile (Page.Request.Url.ToString (), Page.Device.PreferredRenderingMime, Page.Response.Charset); 
            String supportsXmlDeclaration = Device["supportsXmlDeclaration"]; 
            // Invariant culture not needed, included for best practices compliance.
            if (supportsXmlDeclaration == null || 
                !String.Equals(supportsXmlDeclaration, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                writer.WriteXmlDeclaration ();
            // Review: Hard coded xmlns.
            writer.WriteFullBeginTag ("html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\""); 
            writer.WriteLine (); 
            writer.WriteFullBeginTag ("head");
            writer.WriteLine (); 
            writer.WriteFullBeginTag ("title");
            if (Page.ActiveForm.Title != null) {
            writer.WriteEndTag ("title");
            ConditionalRenderLinkElement (writer); 
            ConditionalRenderStyleElement (writer); 
            writer.WriteEndTag ("head");
            writer.WriteLine (); 
            writer.WriteCachedMarkup (); // includes body tag.
            writer.WriteLine ();
            writer.WriteEndTag ("html");
            writer.EndFile (); 
            if (!DoesDeviceRequireCssSuppression()) {
                if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.ApplicationCache && !writer.IsStyleSheetEmpty()) { 
                    // Recall that Page.Cache has application scope 
                    Page.Cache.Insert(writer.CacheKey, writer.GetStyles (), null, DateTime.MaxValue, _cacheExpirationTime);
                else if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.SessionState && !writer.IsStyleSheetEmpty()) {
                    Page.Session[writer.SessionKey] = writer.GetStyles();

            writer.EndResponse (); 

        private void RenderClosingBodyElement(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { 
            Style formStyle = ((ControlAdapter)Page.ActiveForm.Adapter).Style;
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) {
                if (_pushedCssClassForBody) { 
            else if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true" &&
                (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsBodyClassAttribute] != "false") { 
                writer.ExitStyle(formStyle); // writes the closing body element.
            else {
                writer.WriteEndTag ("body"); 
        private void RenderHiddenVariablesInUrl(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            if (Page.HasHiddenVariables()) { 
                String hiddenVariablePrefix = MobilePage.HiddenVariablePrefix;
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in Page.HiddenVariables) {
                    writer.WriteUrlParameter(hiddenVariablePrefix + (String)entry.Key, 
        private void RenderOpeningBodyElement(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            Form activeForm = Page.ActiveForm;
            Style formStyle = ((ControlAdapter)activeForm.Adapter).Style;
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) { 
                String cssClass = (String) activeForm.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.CssClassCustomAttribute];
                if (cssClass != null  && (String)Device["supportsBodyClassAttribute"] != "false") { 
                    writer.WriteAttribute("class", cssClass, true /* encode */);
                    _pushedCssClassForBody = true;
            else if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true" &&
                (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsBodyClassAttribute] != "false") { 
                writer.EnterStyle(formStyle, "body"); 
            else { 
                if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true" &&
                    (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsBodyClassAttribute] == "false") {

        public virtual void RenderUrlPostBackEvent (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer,
            String target,
            String argument) {
            String amp = (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsUrlAttributeEncoding] == "false"  ? "&" : "&";
            if ((String)Device["requiresAbsolutePostbackUrl"] == "true") { 
            else {
            writer.Write ("?"); 

            // Encode ViewStateID=.....&__ET=controlid&__EA=value in URL 
            // Note: the encoding needs to be agreed with the page 
            // adapter which handles the post back info
            String pageState = Page.ClientViewState; 
            if (pageState != null) {
                writer.WriteUrlParameter (MobilePage.ViewStateID, pageState);
                writer.Write (amp);
            writer.WriteUrlParameter (EventSourceKey, target);
            writer.Write (amp); 
            writer.WriteUrlParameter (EventArgumentKey, argument); 
            RenderHiddenVariablesInUrl (writer);
            // Unique file path suffix is used for identify if query
            // string text is present.  Corresponding code needs to agree
            // on this.  Even if the query string is empty, we still need
            // to output the suffix to indicate this. (this corresponds 
            // to the code that handles the postback)

            String queryStringText = PreprocessQueryString(Page.QueryStringText); 

            if (queryStringText != null && queryStringText.Length > 0) {
                writer.Write (amp);
                if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsUrlAttributeEncoding] != "false") { 
                else { 
                    writer.Write (queryStringText);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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