DeviceSpecificDesigner.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / MIT / System / Web / UI / MobileControls / Design / DeviceSpecificDesigner.cs / 1305376 / DeviceSpecificDesigner.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls 
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Web.UI; 
    using System.Web.UI.Design;
    using System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Adapters; 
    using System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Util;
    using System.Web.UI.MobileControls;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] 
    internal class DeviceSpecificDesigner : MobileTemplatedControlDesigner, IDeviceSpecificDesigner
        internal static BooleanSwitch DeviceSpecificDesignerSwitch =
            new BooleanSwitch("DeviceSpecificDesigner", "Enable DeviceSpecific designer general purpose traces."); 

        private DeviceSpecific _ds; 
        private bool _isDuplicate; 
        private System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Panel _parentContainer;
        internal static readonly String _strictlyFormPanelContainmentErrorMessage =

        private const String _designTimeHTML = 
DeviceSpecific - {0}
Template Device Filter:{1}
"; private const String _duplicateDesignTimeHTML = @"
DeviceSpecific - {0}
Template Device Filter:{1}
"; private const String _propertyOverridesPropName = "PropertyOverrides"; private const String _dataBindingsPropName = "DataBindings"; private const int _headerFooterTemplates = 0; private const int _contentTemplate = 0; private bool FormDeviceSpecific { get { Debug.Assert(_parentContainer != null); return _parentContainer is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Form; } } private static readonly String[] _templateFramesForForm = new String [] { Constants.HeaderTemplateTag, Constants.FooterTemplateTag }; private static readonly String[] _templateFramesForPanel = new String [] { Constants.ContentTemplateTag }; protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { ParentContainerInvalid(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } protected override TemplateEditingVerb[] GetCachedTemplateEditingVerbs() { if (_isDuplicate) { return null; } return base.GetCachedTemplateEditingVerbs(); } private void ParentContainerInvalid() { // MessageBox.Show("ParentContainerInvalid call"); if (null != _parentContainer && _ds == _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific) { _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific = null; // container's enabled deviceSpecific control is deleted. // another disabled deviceSpecific child may need to be enabled. foreach (System.Web.UI.Control control in _parentContainer.Controls) { if (control is DeviceSpecific && control != _ds) { // found a valid candidate DeviceSpecific newDS = (DeviceSpecific) control; if (newDS.Site != null) { IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost) newDS.Site.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); Debug.Assert(host != null, "host is null in DeviceSpecificDesigner"); IDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner((IComponent) newDS); // this designer could be null if the page is disposing the controls (Page.Dispose). if (designer != null) { _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific = newDS; DeviceSpecificDesigner dsd = (DeviceSpecificDesigner) designer; dsd.TreatAsDuplicate(false); break; } } } } } } public override void Initialize(IComponent component) { Debug.Assert(component is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.DeviceSpecific, "DeviceSpecificControlDesigner.Initialize - Invalid DeviceSpecific Control"); _ds = (System.Web.UI.MobileControls.DeviceSpecific) component; base.Initialize(component); _isDuplicate = false; } public override DeviceSpecific CurrentDeviceSpecific { get { Debug.Assert(null != _ds); return _ds; } } protected override String GetDesignTimeNormalHtml() { String curChoice, message; bool _isNonHtmlSchema = false; if (null == CurrentChoice) { curChoice = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceSpecific_PropNotSet); message = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceSpecific_DefaultMessage); } else { if (CurrentChoice.Filter.Length == 0) { curChoice = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceFilter_DefaultChoice); } else { curChoice = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(DesignerUtility.ChoiceToUniqueIdentifier(CurrentChoice)); } if (IsHTMLSchema(CurrentChoice)) { message = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceSpecific_TemplateEditingMessage); } else { _isNonHtmlSchema = true; message = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceSpecific_DefaultMessage); } } if (_isDuplicate || _isNonHtmlSchema) { return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, _duplicateDesignTimeHTML, new Object[] { _ds.Site.Name, curChoice, message, _isDuplicate ? MobileControlDesigner.errorIcon : MobileControlDesigner.infoIcon, _isDuplicate ? SR.GetString(SR.DeviceSpecific_DuplicateWarningMessage) : SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_NonHtmlSchemaErrorMessage) }); } else { return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, _designTimeHTML, _ds.Site.Name, curChoice, message); } } private bool ValidContainment { get { return (ContainmentStatus == ContainmentStatus.InForm || ContainmentStatus == ContainmentStatus.InPanel); } } protected override String GetErrorMessage(out bool infoMode) { infoMode = false; if (!DesignerAdapterUtil.InMobileUserControl(_ds)) { if (DesignerAdapterUtil.InUserControl(_ds)) { infoMode = true; return MobileControlDesigner._userControlWarningMessage; } if (!DesignerAdapterUtil.InMobilePage(_ds)) { return MobileControlDesigner._mobilePageErrorMessage; } } if (!ValidContainment) { return _strictlyFormPanelContainmentErrorMessage; } // No error condition, return null; return null; } internal void TreatAsDuplicate(bool isDuplicate) { if (isDuplicate != _isDuplicate) { _isDuplicate = isDuplicate; SetTemplateVerbsDirty(); // MessageBox.Show("TreatAsDuplicate: Changing status of " + _ds.Site.Name + " to _isDuplicate=" + _isDuplicate.ToString()); } UpdateDesignTimeHtml(); } public override void OnSetParent() { // MessageBox.Show("OnSetParent call for _ds.Site.Name=" + _ds.Site.Name + ", _ds.ID=" + _ds.ID); base.OnSetParent(); Debug.Assert(_ds.Parent != null, "_ds.Parent is null"); if (null != _parentContainer) { ParentContainerInvalid(); } System.Web.UI.Control parentContainer = _ds.Parent; if (parentContainer is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Panel) { _parentContainer = (System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Panel) parentContainer; _ds.SetOwner(_parentContainer); if (null != _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific && 0 != String.Compare(_ds.ID, _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific.ID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // the parent container already has a deviceSpecific child. // this instance is a duplicate and needs to update its rendering. // MessageBox.Show("OnSetParent - this instance is a duplicate"); TreatAsDuplicate(true); // the current valid DeviceSpecific is intentionaly refreshed because // if this deviceSpecific instance is recreated via a Undo operation // the current valid DeviceSpecific appears as a duplicate if not refreshed. IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost) GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); Debug.Assert(host != null, "Did not get a valid IDesignerHost reference"); IDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner((IComponent) _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific); Debug.Assert(designer != null, "designer is null in DeviceSpecificDesigner"); DeviceSpecificDesigner dsd = (DeviceSpecificDesigner) designer; dsd.UpdateRendering(); } else { // MessageBox.Show("OnSetParent - this instance becomes the valid ds"); _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific = _ds; if (_isDuplicate) { TreatAsDuplicate(false); } } } else { _parentContainer = null; } // Invalidate the type descriptor so that the PropertyOverrides // property browsable status gets updated TypeDescriptor.Refresh(Component); } protected override String[] GetTemplateFrameNames(int index) { Debug.Assert(index == 0); return FormDeviceSpecific ? _templateFramesForForm : _templateFramesForPanel; } protected override void PreFilterProperties(IDictionary properties) { base.PreFilterProperties(properties); PropertyDescriptor prop = (PropertyDescriptor)properties[_propertyOverridesPropName]; Debug.Assert(prop != null); properties[_propertyOverridesPropName] = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty( GetType(), prop, InTemplateMode || _parentContainer == null? BrowsableAttribute.No : BrowsableAttribute.Yes); } protected override TemplateEditingVerb[] GetTemplateVerbs() { TemplateEditingVerb[] templateVerbs = new TemplateEditingVerb[1]; if (FormDeviceSpecific) { templateVerbs[0] = new TemplateEditingVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_HeaderFooterTemplates), _headerFooterTemplates, this); } else { templateVerbs[0] = new TemplateEditingVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_ContentTemplate), _contentTemplate, this); } return templateVerbs; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin IDeviceSpecificDesigner Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Object IDeviceSpecificDesigner.UnderlyingObject { get { return _parentContainer == null ? (Object)_ds : _parentContainer; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End IDeviceSpecificDesigner Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Globalization; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.Design; using System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Adapters; using System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Util; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls; using System.Windows.Forms; [ System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode) ] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] internal class DeviceSpecificDesigner : MobileTemplatedControlDesigner, IDeviceSpecificDesigner { internal static BooleanSwitch DeviceSpecificDesignerSwitch = new BooleanSwitch("DeviceSpecificDesigner", "Enable DeviceSpecific designer general purpose traces."); private DeviceSpecific _ds; private bool _isDuplicate; private System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Panel _parentContainer; internal static readonly String _strictlyFormPanelContainmentErrorMessage = SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_StrictlyFormPanelContainmentErrorMessage); private const String _designTimeHTML = @"
DeviceSpecific - {0}
Template Device Filter:{1}
"; private const String _duplicateDesignTimeHTML = @"
DeviceSpecific - {0}
Template Device Filter:{1}
"; private const String _propertyOverridesPropName = "PropertyOverrides"; private const String _dataBindingsPropName = "DataBindings"; private const int _headerFooterTemplates = 0; private const int _contentTemplate = 0; private bool FormDeviceSpecific { get { Debug.Assert(_parentContainer != null); return _parentContainer is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Form; } } private static readonly String[] _templateFramesForForm = new String [] { Constants.HeaderTemplateTag, Constants.FooterTemplateTag }; private static readonly String[] _templateFramesForPanel = new String [] { Constants.ContentTemplateTag }; protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { ParentContainerInvalid(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } protected override TemplateEditingVerb[] GetCachedTemplateEditingVerbs() { if (_isDuplicate) { return null; } return base.GetCachedTemplateEditingVerbs(); } private void ParentContainerInvalid() { // MessageBox.Show("ParentContainerInvalid call"); if (null != _parentContainer && _ds == _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific) { _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific = null; // container's enabled deviceSpecific control is deleted. // another disabled deviceSpecific child may need to be enabled. foreach (System.Web.UI.Control control in _parentContainer.Controls) { if (control is DeviceSpecific && control != _ds) { // found a valid candidate DeviceSpecific newDS = (DeviceSpecific) control; if (newDS.Site != null) { IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost) newDS.Site.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); Debug.Assert(host != null, "host is null in DeviceSpecificDesigner"); IDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner((IComponent) newDS); // this designer could be null if the page is disposing the controls (Page.Dispose). if (designer != null) { _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific = newDS; DeviceSpecificDesigner dsd = (DeviceSpecificDesigner) designer; dsd.TreatAsDuplicate(false); break; } } } } } } public override void Initialize(IComponent component) { Debug.Assert(component is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.DeviceSpecific, "DeviceSpecificControlDesigner.Initialize - Invalid DeviceSpecific Control"); _ds = (System.Web.UI.MobileControls.DeviceSpecific) component; base.Initialize(component); _isDuplicate = false; } public override DeviceSpecific CurrentDeviceSpecific { get { Debug.Assert(null != _ds); return _ds; } } protected override String GetDesignTimeNormalHtml() { String curChoice, message; bool _isNonHtmlSchema = false; if (null == CurrentChoice) { curChoice = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceSpecific_PropNotSet); message = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceSpecific_DefaultMessage); } else { if (CurrentChoice.Filter.Length == 0) { curChoice = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceFilter_DefaultChoice); } else { curChoice = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(DesignerUtility.ChoiceToUniqueIdentifier(CurrentChoice)); } if (IsHTMLSchema(CurrentChoice)) { message = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceSpecific_TemplateEditingMessage); } else { _isNonHtmlSchema = true; message = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceSpecific_DefaultMessage); } } if (_isDuplicate || _isNonHtmlSchema) { return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, _duplicateDesignTimeHTML, new Object[] { _ds.Site.Name, curChoice, message, _isDuplicate ? MobileControlDesigner.errorIcon : MobileControlDesigner.infoIcon, _isDuplicate ? SR.GetString(SR.DeviceSpecific_DuplicateWarningMessage) : SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_NonHtmlSchemaErrorMessage) }); } else { return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, _designTimeHTML, _ds.Site.Name, curChoice, message); } } private bool ValidContainment { get { return (ContainmentStatus == ContainmentStatus.InForm || ContainmentStatus == ContainmentStatus.InPanel); } } protected override String GetErrorMessage(out bool infoMode) { infoMode = false; if (!DesignerAdapterUtil.InMobileUserControl(_ds)) { if (DesignerAdapterUtil.InUserControl(_ds)) { infoMode = true; return MobileControlDesigner._userControlWarningMessage; } if (!DesignerAdapterUtil.InMobilePage(_ds)) { return MobileControlDesigner._mobilePageErrorMessage; } } if (!ValidContainment) { return _strictlyFormPanelContainmentErrorMessage; } // No error condition, return null; return null; } internal void TreatAsDuplicate(bool isDuplicate) { if (isDuplicate != _isDuplicate) { _isDuplicate = isDuplicate; SetTemplateVerbsDirty(); // MessageBox.Show("TreatAsDuplicate: Changing status of " + _ds.Site.Name + " to _isDuplicate=" + _isDuplicate.ToString()); } UpdateDesignTimeHtml(); } public override void OnSetParent() { // MessageBox.Show("OnSetParent call for _ds.Site.Name=" + _ds.Site.Name + ", _ds.ID=" + _ds.ID); base.OnSetParent(); Debug.Assert(_ds.Parent != null, "_ds.Parent is null"); if (null != _parentContainer) { ParentContainerInvalid(); } System.Web.UI.Control parentContainer = _ds.Parent; if (parentContainer is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Panel) { _parentContainer = (System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Panel) parentContainer; _ds.SetOwner(_parentContainer); if (null != _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific && 0 != String.Compare(_ds.ID, _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific.ID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // the parent container already has a deviceSpecific child. // this instance is a duplicate and needs to update its rendering. // MessageBox.Show("OnSetParent - this instance is a duplicate"); TreatAsDuplicate(true); // the current valid DeviceSpecific is intentionaly refreshed because // if this deviceSpecific instance is recreated via a Undo operation // the current valid DeviceSpecific appears as a duplicate if not refreshed. IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost) GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); Debug.Assert(host != null, "Did not get a valid IDesignerHost reference"); IDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner((IComponent) _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific); Debug.Assert(designer != null, "designer is null in DeviceSpecificDesigner"); DeviceSpecificDesigner dsd = (DeviceSpecificDesigner) designer; dsd.UpdateRendering(); } else { // MessageBox.Show("OnSetParent - this instance becomes the valid ds"); _parentContainer.DeviceSpecific = _ds; if (_isDuplicate) { TreatAsDuplicate(false); } } } else { _parentContainer = null; } // Invalidate the type descriptor so that the PropertyOverrides // property browsable status gets updated TypeDescriptor.Refresh(Component); } protected override String[] GetTemplateFrameNames(int index) { Debug.Assert(index == 0); return FormDeviceSpecific ? _templateFramesForForm : _templateFramesForPanel; } protected override void PreFilterProperties(IDictionary properties) { base.PreFilterProperties(properties); PropertyDescriptor prop = (PropertyDescriptor)properties[_propertyOverridesPropName]; Debug.Assert(prop != null); properties[_propertyOverridesPropName] = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty( GetType(), prop, InTemplateMode || _parentContainer == null? BrowsableAttribute.No : BrowsableAttribute.Yes); } protected override TemplateEditingVerb[] GetTemplateVerbs() { TemplateEditingVerb[] templateVerbs = new TemplateEditingVerb[1]; if (FormDeviceSpecific) { templateVerbs[0] = new TemplateEditingVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_HeaderFooterTemplates), _headerFooterTemplates, this); } else { templateVerbs[0] = new TemplateEditingVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_ContentTemplate), _contentTemplate, this); } return templateVerbs; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin IDeviceSpecificDesigner Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Object IDeviceSpecificDesigner.UnderlyingObject { get { return _parentContainer == null ? (Object)_ds : _parentContainer; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End IDeviceSpecificDesigner Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.

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