/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Dom / XmlLoader.cs / 1305376 / XmlLoader.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml { using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Globalization; internal class XmlLoader { XmlDocument doc; XmlReader reader; bool preserveWhitespace; public XmlLoader() { } internal void Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, bool preserveWhitespace ) { this.doc = doc; // perf: unwrap XmlTextReader if no one derived from it if ( reader.GetType() == typeof( System.Xml.XmlTextReader ) ) { this.reader = ((XmlTextReader)reader).Impl; } else { this.reader = reader; } this.preserveWhitespace = preserveWhitespace; if (doc == null) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_Load_NoDocument)); if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_Load_NoReader)); doc.SetBaseURI( reader.BaseURI ); if (reader.Settings != null && reader.Settings.ValidationType == ValidationType.Schema) { doc.Schemas = reader.Settings.Schemas; } if ( this.reader.ReadState != ReadState.Interactive ) { if ( !this.reader.Read() ) return; } LoadDocSequence( doc); } //The function will start loading the document from where current XmlReader is pointing at. private void LoadDocSequence( XmlDocument parentDoc ) { Debug.Assert( this.reader != null ); Debug.Assert( parentDoc != null ); XmlNode node = null; while ( ( node = LoadNode(true) ) != null ) { parentDoc.AppendChildForLoad( node, parentDoc ); if ( !this.reader.Read() ) return; } } internal XmlNode ReadCurrentNode(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader) { this.doc = doc; this.reader = reader; // WS are optional only for loading (see XmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace) this.preserveWhitespace = true; if (doc == null) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_Load_NoDocument)); if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_Load_NoReader)); if( reader.ReadState == ReadState.Initial ) { reader.Read(); } if( reader.ReadState == ReadState.Interactive ) { XmlNode n = LoadNode(true); // Move to the next node if ( n.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Attribute ) reader.Read(); return n; } return null; } private XmlNode LoadNode(bool skipOverWhitespace) { XmlReader r = this.reader; XmlNode parent = null; XmlElement element; IXmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo; do { XmlNode node = null; switch ( r.NodeType ) { case XmlNodeType.Element: bool fEmptyElement = r.IsEmptyElement; element = doc.CreateElement( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI ); element.IsEmpty = fEmptyElement; if ( r.MoveToFirstAttribute() ) { XmlAttributeCollection attributes = element.Attributes; do { XmlAttribute attr = LoadAttributeNode(); attributes.Append( attr ); // special case for load } while( r.MoveToNextAttribute() ); r.MoveToElement(); } // recursively load all children. if ( !fEmptyElement ) { if ( parent != null ) { parent.AppendChildForLoad( element, doc ); } parent = element; continue; } else { schemaInfo = r.SchemaInfo; if (schemaInfo != null) { element.XmlName = doc.AddXmlName(element.Prefix, element.LocalName, element.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); } node = element; break; } case XmlNodeType.EndElement: if ( parent == null ) { return null; } Debug.Assert( parent.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element ); schemaInfo = r.SchemaInfo; if (schemaInfo != null) { element = parent as XmlElement; if (element != null) { element.XmlName = doc.AddXmlName(element.Prefix, element.LocalName, element.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); } } if ( parent.ParentNode == null ) { return parent; } parent = parent.ParentNode; continue; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: node = LoadEntityReferenceNode( false ); break; case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: Debug.Assert( parent == null ); return null; case XmlNodeType.Attribute: node = LoadAttributeNode(); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: node = doc.CreateTextNode( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: node = doc.CreateSignificantWhitespace( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: if ( preserveWhitespace ) { node = doc.CreateWhitespace( r.Value ); break; } else if (parent == null && !skipOverWhitespace) { // if called from LoadEntityReferenceNode, just return null return null; } else { continue; } case XmlNodeType.CDATA: node = doc.CreateCDataSection( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: node = LoadDeclarationNode(); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: node = doc.CreateProcessingInstruction( r.Name, r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: node = doc.CreateComment( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: node = LoadDocumentTypeNode(); break; default: throw UnexpectedNodeType( r.NodeType ); } Debug.Assert( node != null ); if ( parent != null ) { parent.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } else { return node; } } while ( r.Read()); // when the reader ended before full subtree is read, return whatever we have created so far if ( parent != null ) { while ( parent.ParentNode != null ) { parent = parent.ParentNode; } } return parent; } private XmlAttribute LoadAttributeNode() { Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute); XmlReader r = reader; if (r.IsDefault) { return LoadDefaultAttribute(); } XmlAttribute attr = doc.CreateAttribute(r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI); IXmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo = r.SchemaInfo; if (schemaInfo != null) { attr.XmlName = doc.AddAttrXmlName(attr.Prefix, attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); } while ( r.ReadAttributeValue() ) { XmlNode node; switch (r.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Text: node = doc.CreateTextNode( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: node = doc.CreateEntityReference( r.LocalName ); if ( r.CanResolveEntity ) { r.ResolveEntity(); LoadAttributeValue( node, false ); // Code internally relies on the fact that an EntRef nodes has at least one child (even an empty text node). Ensure that this holds true, // if the reader does not present any children for the ent-ref if ( node.FirstChild == null ) { node.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode(string.Empty), doc ); } } break; default: throw UnexpectedNodeType( r.NodeType ); } Debug.Assert( node != null ); attr.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } return attr; } private XmlAttribute LoadDefaultAttribute() { Debug.Assert( reader.IsDefault ); XmlReader r = reader; XmlAttribute attr = doc.CreateDefaultAttribute( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI ); IXmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo = r.SchemaInfo; if (schemaInfo != null) { attr.XmlName = doc.AddAttrXmlName(attr.Prefix, attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); } LoadAttributeValue( attr, false ); XmlUnspecifiedAttribute defAttr = attr as XmlUnspecifiedAttribute; // If user overrides CreateDefaultAttribute, then attr will NOT be a XmlUnspecifiedAttribute instance. if ( defAttr != null ) defAttr.SetSpecified( false ); return attr; } private void LoadAttributeValue( XmlNode parent, bool direct ) { XmlReader r = reader; while ( r.ReadAttributeValue() ) { XmlNode node; switch ( r.NodeType ) { case XmlNodeType.Text: node = direct ? new XmlText( r.Value, doc ) : doc.CreateTextNode( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: return; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: node = direct ? new XmlEntityReference( reader.LocalName, doc ) : doc.CreateEntityReference( reader.LocalName ); if ( r.CanResolveEntity ) { r.ResolveEntity(); LoadAttributeValue( node, direct ); // Code internally relies on the fact that an EntRef nodes has at least one child (even an empty text node). Ensure that this holds true, // if the reader does not present any children for the ent-ref if ( node.FirstChild == null ) { node.AppendChildForLoad( direct ? new XmlText( string.Empty ) : doc.CreateTextNode( string.Empty ), doc ); } } break; default: throw UnexpectedNodeType( r.NodeType ); } Debug.Assert( node != null ); parent.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } return; } private XmlEntityReference LoadEntityReferenceNode( bool direct ) { Debug.Assert( reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EntityReference ); XmlEntityReference eref = direct ? new XmlEntityReference( reader.Name, this.doc ) : doc.CreateEntityReference( reader.Name ); if ( reader.CanResolveEntity ) { reader.ResolveEntity(); while ( reader.Read() && reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndEntity ) { XmlNode node = direct ? LoadNodeDirect() : LoadNode(false); if ( node != null ) { eref.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } } // Code internally relies on the fact that an EntRef nodes has at least one child (even an empty text node). Ensure that this holds true, // if the reader does not present any children for the ent-ref if ( eref.LastChild == null ) eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode(string.Empty), doc ); } return eref; } private XmlDeclaration LoadDeclarationNode() { Debug.Assert( reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration ); //parse data string version = null; string encoding = null; string standalone = null; // Try first to use the reader to get the xml decl "attributes". Since not all readers are required to support this, it is possible to have // implementations that do nothing while(reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { switch (reader.Name) { case "version": version = reader.Value; break; case "encoding": encoding = reader.Value; break; case "standalone": standalone = reader.Value; break; default: Debug.Assert( false ); break; } } // For readers that do not break xml decl into attributes, we must parse the xml decl ourselfs. We use version attr, b/c xml decl MUST contain // at least version attr, so if the reader implements them as attr, then version must be present if ( version == null ) ParseXmlDeclarationValue( reader.Value, out version, out encoding, out standalone ); return doc.CreateXmlDeclaration( version, encoding, standalone ); } private XmlDocumentType LoadDocumentTypeNode() { Debug.Assert( reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.DocumentType ); String publicId = null; String systemId = null; String internalSubset = reader.Value; String localName = reader.LocalName; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { switch (reader.Name) { case "PUBLIC" : publicId = reader.Value; break; case "SYSTEM": systemId = reader.Value; break; } } XmlDocumentType dtNode = doc.CreateDocumentType( localName, publicId, systemId, internalSubset ); IDtdInfo dtdInfo = reader.DtdInfo; if ( dtdInfo != null ) LoadDocumentType( dtdInfo, dtNode ); else { //construct our own XmlValidatingReader to parse the DocumentType node so we could get Entities and notations information ParseDocumentType( dtNode ); } return dtNode; } // LoadNodeDirect does not use creator functions on XmlDocument. It is used loading nodes that are children of entity nodes, // becaouse we do not want to let users extend these (if we would allow this, XmlDataDocument would have a problem, becaouse // they do not know that those nodes should not be mapped). It can be also used for an optimized load path when if the // XmlDocument is not extended if XmlDocumentType and XmlDeclaration handling is added. private XmlNode LoadNodeDirect() { XmlReader r = this.reader; XmlNode parent = null; do { XmlNode node = null; switch ( r.NodeType ) { case XmlNodeType.Element: bool fEmptyElement = reader.IsEmptyElement; XmlElement element = new XmlElement( reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI, this.doc ); element.IsEmpty = fEmptyElement; if ( reader.MoveToFirstAttribute() ) { XmlAttributeCollection attributes = element.Attributes; do { XmlAttribute attr = LoadAttributeNodeDirect(); attributes.Append( attr ); // special case for load } while( r.MoveToNextAttribute() ); } // recursively load all children. if ( !fEmptyElement ) { parent.AppendChildForLoad( element, doc ); parent = element; continue; } else { node = element; break; } case XmlNodeType.EndElement: Debug.Assert( parent.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element ); if ( parent.ParentNode == null ) { return parent; } parent = parent.ParentNode; continue; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: node = LoadEntityReferenceNode( true ); break; case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: continue; case XmlNodeType.Attribute: node = LoadAttributeNodeDirect(); break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: node = new XmlSignificantWhitespace( reader.Value, this.doc ); break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: if ( preserveWhitespace ) { node = new XmlWhitespace( reader.Value, this.doc ); } else { continue; } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: node = new XmlText( reader.Value, this.doc ); break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: node = new XmlCDataSection( reader.Value, this.doc ); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: node = new XmlProcessingInstruction( reader.Name, reader.Value, this.doc ); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: node = new XmlComment( reader.Value, this.doc ); break; default: throw UnexpectedNodeType( reader.NodeType ); } Debug.Assert( node != null ); if ( parent != null ) { parent.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } else { return node; } } while ( r.Read()); return null; } private XmlAttribute LoadAttributeNodeDirect() { XmlReader r = reader; XmlAttribute attr; if ( r.IsDefault ) { XmlUnspecifiedAttribute defattr = new XmlUnspecifiedAttribute( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI, this.doc ); LoadAttributeValue( defattr, true ); defattr.SetSpecified( false ); return defattr; } else { attr = new XmlAttribute( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI, this.doc ); LoadAttributeValue( attr, true ); return attr; } } internal void ParseDocumentType ( XmlDocumentType dtNode ) { XmlDocument doc = dtNode.OwnerDocument; //if xmlresolver is set on doc, use that one, otherwise use the default one being created by xmlvalidatingreader if ( doc.HasSetResolver ) ParseDocumentType( dtNode, true, doc.GetResolver() ); else ParseDocumentType( dtNode, false, null ); } private void ParseDocumentType ( XmlDocumentType dtNode, bool bUseResolver, XmlResolver resolver ) { this.doc = dtNode.OwnerDocument; XmlParserContext pc = new XmlParserContext(null, new XmlNamespaceManager( this.doc.NameTable ), null, null, null, null, this.doc.BaseURI, string.Empty, XmlSpace.None); XmlTextReaderImpl tr = new XmlTextReaderImpl("", XmlNodeType.Element, pc); tr.Namespaces = dtNode.ParseWithNamespaces; if (bUseResolver) { tr.XmlResolver = resolver; } IDtdParser dtdParser = DtdParser.Create(); XmlTextReaderImpl.DtdParserProxy proxy = new XmlTextReaderImpl.DtdParserProxy(tr); IDtdInfo dtdInfo = dtdParser.ParseFreeFloatingDtd(this.doc.BaseURI, dtNode.Name, dtNode.PublicId, dtNode.SystemId, dtNode.InternalSubset, proxy ); LoadDocumentType( dtdInfo, dtNode ); } private void LoadDocumentType( IDtdInfo dtdInfo, XmlDocumentType dtNode ) { SchemaInfo schInfo = dtdInfo as SchemaInfo; if (schInfo == null) { throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InternalError, string.Empty); } dtNode.DtdSchemaInfo = schInfo; if (schInfo != null) { //set the schema information into the document doc.DtdSchemaInfo = schInfo; // Notation hashtable if (schInfo.Notations != null) { foreach( SchemaNotation scNot in schInfo.Notations.Values ) { dtNode.Notations.SetNamedItem(new XmlNotation( scNot.Name.Name, scNot.Pubid, scNot.SystemLiteral, doc )); } } // Entity hashtables if (schInfo.GeneralEntities != null) { foreach( SchemaEntity scEnt in schInfo.GeneralEntities.Values ) { XmlEntity ent = new XmlEntity( scEnt.Name.Name, scEnt.Text, scEnt.Pubid, scEnt.Url, scEnt.NData.IsEmpty ? null : scEnt.NData.Name, doc ); ent.SetBaseURI( scEnt.DeclaredURI ); dtNode.Entities.SetNamedItem( ent ); } } if (schInfo.ParameterEntities != null) { foreach( SchemaEntity scEnt in schInfo.ParameterEntities.Values ) { XmlEntity ent = new XmlEntity( scEnt.Name.Name, scEnt.Text, scEnt.Pubid, scEnt.Url, scEnt.NData.IsEmpty ? null : scEnt.NData.Name, doc ); ent.SetBaseURI( scEnt.DeclaredURI ); dtNode.Entities.SetNamedItem( ent ); } } doc.Entities = dtNode.Entities; //extract the elements which has attribute defined as ID from the element declarations IDictionaryEnumerator elementDecls = schInfo.ElementDecls.GetEnumerator(); if (elementDecls != null) { elementDecls.Reset(); while (elementDecls.MoveNext()) { SchemaElementDecl elementDecl = (SchemaElementDecl)elementDecls.Value; if (elementDecl.AttDefs != null) { IDictionaryEnumerator attDefs = elementDecl.AttDefs.GetEnumerator(); while (attDefs.MoveNext()) { SchemaAttDef attdef = (SchemaAttDef)attDefs.Value; if (attdef.Datatype.TokenizedType == XmlTokenizedType.ID) { //we only register the XmlElement based on their Prefix/LocalName and skip the namespace doc.AddIdInfo( doc.AddXmlName(elementDecl.Prefix, elementDecl.Name.Name, string.Empty, null), doc.AddAttrXmlName(attdef.Prefix, attdef.Name.Name, string.Empty, null)); break; } } } } } } } #pragma warning restore 618 private XmlParserContext GetContext ( XmlNode node ) { String lang = null; XmlSpace spaceMode = XmlSpace.None; XmlDocumentType docType = this.doc.DocumentType; String baseURI = this.doc.BaseURI; //constructing xmlnamespace Hashtable prefixes = new Hashtable(); XmlNameTable nt = this.doc.NameTable; XmlNamespaceManager mgr = new XmlNamespaceManager( nt ); bool bHasDefXmlnsAttr = false; // Process all xmlns, xmlns:prefix, xml:space and xml:lang attributes while ( node != null && node != doc ) { if ( node is XmlElement && ((XmlElement)node).HasAttributes ) { mgr.PushScope(); foreach( XmlAttribute attr in ((XmlElement)node).Attributes ) { if ( attr.Prefix == doc.strXmlns && prefixes.Contains( attr.LocalName ) == false ) { // Make sure the next time we will not add this prefix prefixes.Add( attr.LocalName, attr.LocalName ); mgr.AddNamespace( attr.LocalName, attr.Value ); } else if ( !bHasDefXmlnsAttr && attr.Prefix.Length == 0 && attr.LocalName == doc.strXmlns ) { // Save the case xmlns="..." where xmlns is the LocalName mgr.AddNamespace( String.Empty, attr.Value ); bHasDefXmlnsAttr = true; } else if ( spaceMode == XmlSpace.None && attr.Prefix == doc.strXml && attr.LocalName == doc.strSpace ) { // Save xml:space context if ( attr.Value=="default" ) spaceMode = XmlSpace.Default; else if (attr.Value=="preserve") spaceMode = XmlSpace.Preserve; } else if ( lang == null && attr.Prefix == doc.strXml && attr.LocalName == doc.strLang ) { // Save xml:lag context lang = attr.Value; } } } node = node.ParentNode; } return new XmlParserContext( nt, mgr, ( docType == null ) ? null : docType.Name, ( docType == null ) ? null : docType.PublicId, ( docType == null ) ? null : docType.SystemId, ( docType == null ) ? null : docType.InternalSubset, baseURI, lang, spaceMode ); } internal XmlNamespaceManager ParsePartialContent( XmlNode parentNode, string innerxmltext, XmlNodeType nt) { //the function shouldn't be used to set innerxml for XmlDocument node Debug.Assert( parentNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Document ); this.doc = parentNode.OwnerDocument; Debug.Assert( this.doc != null ); XmlParserContext pc = GetContext( parentNode ); this.reader = CreateInnerXmlReader( innerxmltext, nt, pc, this.doc ); try { this.preserveWhitespace = true; bool bOrigLoading = doc.IsLoading; doc.IsLoading = true; if ( nt == XmlNodeType.Entity ) { XmlNode node = null; while ( reader.Read() && ( node = LoadNodeDirect() ) != null ) { parentNode.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } } else { XmlNode node = null; while ( reader.Read() && ( node = LoadNode(true) ) != null ) { parentNode.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } } doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoading; } finally { this.reader.Close(); } return pc.NamespaceManager; } internal void LoadInnerXmlElement(XmlElement node, string innerxmltext ) { //construct a tree underneth the node XmlNamespaceManager mgr = ParsePartialContent( node, innerxmltext, XmlNodeType.Element ); //remove the duplicate namesapce if ( node.ChildNodes.Count > 0 ) RemoveDuplicateNamespace( (XmlElement) node, mgr, false ); } internal void LoadInnerXmlAttribute(XmlAttribute node, string innerxmltext ) { ParsePartialContent( node, innerxmltext, XmlNodeType.Attribute ); } private void RemoveDuplicateNamespace( XmlElement elem, XmlNamespaceManager mgr, bool fCheckElemAttrs ) { //remove the duplicate attributes on current node first mgr.PushScope(); XmlAttributeCollection attrs = elem.Attributes; int cAttrs = attrs.Count; if ( fCheckElemAttrs && cAttrs > 0 ) { for ( int i = cAttrs - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { XmlAttribute attr = attrs[i]; if ( attr.Prefix == doc.strXmlns ) { string nsUri = mgr.LookupNamespace(attr.LocalName); if ( nsUri != null ) { if ( attr.Value == nsUri ) elem.Attributes.RemoveNodeAt(i); } else { // Add this namespace, so it we will behave corectly when setting "" as // InnerXml on this foo elem where foo is like this " " // If do not do this, then we will remove the inner p prefix definition and will let the 1st p to be in scope for // the subsequent InnerXml_set or setting an EntRef inside. mgr.AddNamespace( attr.LocalName, attr.Value ); } } else if ( attr.Prefix.Length == 0 && attr.LocalName == doc.strXmlns ) { string nsUri = mgr.DefaultNamespace; if ( nsUri != null ) { if ( attr.Value == nsUri ) elem.Attributes.RemoveNodeAt(i); } else { // Add this namespace, so it we will behave corectly when setting " " as // InnerXml on this foo elem where foo is like this " " // If do not do this, then we will remove the inner p prefix definition and will let the 1st p to be in scope for // the subsequent InnerXml_set or setting an EntRef inside. mgr.AddNamespace( attr.LocalName, attr.Value ); } } } } //now recursively remove the duplicate attributes on the children XmlNode child = elem.FirstChild; while ( child != null ) { XmlElement childElem = child as XmlElement; if ( childElem != null ) RemoveDuplicateNamespace( childElem, mgr, true ); child = child.NextSibling; } mgr.PopScope(); } private String EntitizeName(String name) { return "&"+name+";"; } //The function is called when expanding the entity when its children being asked internal void ExpandEntity(XmlEntity ent) { ParsePartialContent( ent, EntitizeName(ent.Name), XmlNodeType.Entity ); } //The function is called when expanding the entity ref. ( inside XmlEntityReference.SetParent ) internal void ExpandEntityReference(XmlEntityReference eref) { //when the ent ref is not associated w/ an entity, append an empty string text node as child this.doc = eref.OwnerDocument; bool bOrigLoadingState = doc.IsLoading; doc.IsLoading = true; switch ( eref.Name ) { case "lt": eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "<" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; return; case "gt": eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( ">" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; return; case "amp": eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "&" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; return; case "apos": eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "'" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; return; case "quot": eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "\"" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; return; } XmlNamedNodeMap entities = doc.Entities; foreach ( XmlEntity ent in entities ) { if ( Ref.Equal( ent.Name, eref.Name ) ) { ParsePartialContent( eref, EntitizeName(eref.Name), XmlNodeType.EntityReference ); return; } } //no fit so far if( !( doc.ActualLoadingStatus ) ) { eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; } else { doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; throw new XmlException( Res.Xml_UndeclaredParEntity, eref.Name ); } } #pragma warning disable 618 // Creates a XmlValidatingReader suitable for parsing InnerXml strings private XmlReader CreateInnerXmlReader( String xmlFragment, XmlNodeType nt, XmlParserContext context, XmlDocument doc ) { XmlNodeType contentNT = nt; if ( contentNT == XmlNodeType.Entity || contentNT == XmlNodeType.EntityReference ) contentNT = XmlNodeType.Element; XmlTextReaderImpl tr = new XmlTextReaderImpl( xmlFragment, contentNT, context ); tr.XmlValidatingReaderCompatibilityMode = true; if ( doc.HasSetResolver ) { tr.XmlResolver = doc.GetResolver(); } if( !( doc.ActualLoadingStatus ) ) { tr.DisableUndeclaredEntityCheck = true; } Debug.Assert( tr.EntityHandling == EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities ); XmlDocumentType dtdNode = doc.DocumentType; if ( dtdNode != null ) { tr.Namespaces = dtdNode.ParseWithNamespaces; if ( dtdNode.DtdSchemaInfo != null ) { tr.SetDtdInfo( dtdNode.DtdSchemaInfo ); } else { IDtdParser dtdParser = DtdParser.Create(); XmlTextReaderImpl.DtdParserProxy proxy = new XmlTextReaderImpl.DtdParserProxy(tr); IDtdInfo dtdInfo = dtdParser.ParseFreeFloatingDtd(context.BaseURI, context.DocTypeName, context.PublicId, context.SystemId, context.InternalSubset, proxy); // dtdNode.DtdSchemaInfo = dtdInfo as SchemaInfo; tr.SetDtdInfo( dtdInfo ); } } if ( nt == XmlNodeType.Entity || nt == XmlNodeType.EntityReference ) { tr.Read(); //this will skip the first element "wrapper" tr.ResolveEntity(); } return tr; } #pragma warning restore 618 internal static void ParseXmlDeclarationValue( string strValue, out string version, out string encoding, out string standalone ) { version = null; encoding = null; standalone = null; XmlTextReaderImpl tempreader = new XmlTextReaderImpl( strValue, (XmlParserContext)null); try { tempreader.Read(); //get version info. if (tempreader.MoveToAttribute( "version" )) version = tempreader.Value; //get encoding info if (tempreader.MoveToAttribute( "encoding" )) encoding = tempreader.Value; //get standalone info if (tempreader.MoveToAttribute( "standalone" )) standalone = tempreader.Value; } finally { tempreader.Close(); } } static internal Exception UnexpectedNodeType( XmlNodeType nodetype ) { return new InvalidOperationException( string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Res.GetString(Res.Xml_UnexpectedNodeType), nodetype.ToString())); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml { using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Globalization; internal class XmlLoader { XmlDocument doc; XmlReader reader; bool preserveWhitespace; public XmlLoader() { } internal void Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, bool preserveWhitespace ) { this.doc = doc; // perf: unwrap XmlTextReader if no one derived from it if ( reader.GetType() == typeof( System.Xml.XmlTextReader ) ) { this.reader = ((XmlTextReader)reader).Impl; } else { this.reader = reader; } this.preserveWhitespace = preserveWhitespace; if (doc == null) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_Load_NoDocument)); if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_Load_NoReader)); doc.SetBaseURI( reader.BaseURI ); if (reader.Settings != null && reader.Settings.ValidationType == ValidationType.Schema) { doc.Schemas = reader.Settings.Schemas; } if ( this.reader.ReadState != ReadState.Interactive ) { if ( !this.reader.Read() ) return; } LoadDocSequence( doc); } //The function will start loading the document from where current XmlReader is pointing at. private void LoadDocSequence( XmlDocument parentDoc ) { Debug.Assert( this.reader != null ); Debug.Assert( parentDoc != null ); XmlNode node = null; while ( ( node = LoadNode(true) ) != null ) { parentDoc.AppendChildForLoad( node, parentDoc ); if ( !this.reader.Read() ) return; } } internal XmlNode ReadCurrentNode(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader) { this.doc = doc; this.reader = reader; // WS are optional only for loading (see XmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace) this.preserveWhitespace = true; if (doc == null) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_Load_NoDocument)); if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_Load_NoReader)); if( reader.ReadState == ReadState.Initial ) { reader.Read(); } if( reader.ReadState == ReadState.Interactive ) { XmlNode n = LoadNode(true); // Move to the next node if ( n.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Attribute ) reader.Read(); return n; } return null; } private XmlNode LoadNode(bool skipOverWhitespace) { XmlReader r = this.reader; XmlNode parent = null; XmlElement element; IXmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo; do { XmlNode node = null; switch ( r.NodeType ) { case XmlNodeType.Element: bool fEmptyElement = r.IsEmptyElement; element = doc.CreateElement( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI ); element.IsEmpty = fEmptyElement; if ( r.MoveToFirstAttribute() ) { XmlAttributeCollection attributes = element.Attributes; do { XmlAttribute attr = LoadAttributeNode(); attributes.Append( attr ); // special case for load } while( r.MoveToNextAttribute() ); r.MoveToElement(); } // recursively load all children. if ( !fEmptyElement ) { if ( parent != null ) { parent.AppendChildForLoad( element, doc ); } parent = element; continue; } else { schemaInfo = r.SchemaInfo; if (schemaInfo != null) { element.XmlName = doc.AddXmlName(element.Prefix, element.LocalName, element.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); } node = element; break; } case XmlNodeType.EndElement: if ( parent == null ) { return null; } Debug.Assert( parent.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element ); schemaInfo = r.SchemaInfo; if (schemaInfo != null) { element = parent as XmlElement; if (element != null) { element.XmlName = doc.AddXmlName(element.Prefix, element.LocalName, element.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); } } if ( parent.ParentNode == null ) { return parent; } parent = parent.ParentNode; continue; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: node = LoadEntityReferenceNode( false ); break; case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: Debug.Assert( parent == null ); return null; case XmlNodeType.Attribute: node = LoadAttributeNode(); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: node = doc.CreateTextNode( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: node = doc.CreateSignificantWhitespace( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: if ( preserveWhitespace ) { node = doc.CreateWhitespace( r.Value ); break; } else if (parent == null && !skipOverWhitespace) { // if called from LoadEntityReferenceNode, just return null return null; } else { continue; } case XmlNodeType.CDATA: node = doc.CreateCDataSection( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: node = LoadDeclarationNode(); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: node = doc.CreateProcessingInstruction( r.Name, r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: node = doc.CreateComment( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: node = LoadDocumentTypeNode(); break; default: throw UnexpectedNodeType( r.NodeType ); } Debug.Assert( node != null ); if ( parent != null ) { parent.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } else { return node; } } while ( r.Read()); // when the reader ended before full subtree is read, return whatever we have created so far if ( parent != null ) { while ( parent.ParentNode != null ) { parent = parent.ParentNode; } } return parent; } private XmlAttribute LoadAttributeNode() { Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute); XmlReader r = reader; if (r.IsDefault) { return LoadDefaultAttribute(); } XmlAttribute attr = doc.CreateAttribute(r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI); IXmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo = r.SchemaInfo; if (schemaInfo != null) { attr.XmlName = doc.AddAttrXmlName(attr.Prefix, attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); } while ( r.ReadAttributeValue() ) { XmlNode node; switch (r.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Text: node = doc.CreateTextNode( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: node = doc.CreateEntityReference( r.LocalName ); if ( r.CanResolveEntity ) { r.ResolveEntity(); LoadAttributeValue( node, false ); // Code internally relies on the fact that an EntRef nodes has at least one child (even an empty text node). Ensure that this holds true, // if the reader does not present any children for the ent-ref if ( node.FirstChild == null ) { node.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode(string.Empty), doc ); } } break; default: throw UnexpectedNodeType( r.NodeType ); } Debug.Assert( node != null ); attr.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } return attr; } private XmlAttribute LoadDefaultAttribute() { Debug.Assert( reader.IsDefault ); XmlReader r = reader; XmlAttribute attr = doc.CreateDefaultAttribute( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI ); IXmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo = r.SchemaInfo; if (schemaInfo != null) { attr.XmlName = doc.AddAttrXmlName(attr.Prefix, attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); } LoadAttributeValue( attr, false ); XmlUnspecifiedAttribute defAttr = attr as XmlUnspecifiedAttribute; // If user overrides CreateDefaultAttribute, then attr will NOT be a XmlUnspecifiedAttribute instance. if ( defAttr != null ) defAttr.SetSpecified( false ); return attr; } private void LoadAttributeValue( XmlNode parent, bool direct ) { XmlReader r = reader; while ( r.ReadAttributeValue() ) { XmlNode node; switch ( r.NodeType ) { case XmlNodeType.Text: node = direct ? new XmlText( r.Value, doc ) : doc.CreateTextNode( r.Value ); break; case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: return; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: node = direct ? new XmlEntityReference( reader.LocalName, doc ) : doc.CreateEntityReference( reader.LocalName ); if ( r.CanResolveEntity ) { r.ResolveEntity(); LoadAttributeValue( node, direct ); // Code internally relies on the fact that an EntRef nodes has at least one child (even an empty text node). Ensure that this holds true, // if the reader does not present any children for the ent-ref if ( node.FirstChild == null ) { node.AppendChildForLoad( direct ? new XmlText( string.Empty ) : doc.CreateTextNode( string.Empty ), doc ); } } break; default: throw UnexpectedNodeType( r.NodeType ); } Debug.Assert( node != null ); parent.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } return; } private XmlEntityReference LoadEntityReferenceNode( bool direct ) { Debug.Assert( reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EntityReference ); XmlEntityReference eref = direct ? new XmlEntityReference( reader.Name, this.doc ) : doc.CreateEntityReference( reader.Name ); if ( reader.CanResolveEntity ) { reader.ResolveEntity(); while ( reader.Read() && reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndEntity ) { XmlNode node = direct ? LoadNodeDirect() : LoadNode(false); if ( node != null ) { eref.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } } // Code internally relies on the fact that an EntRef nodes has at least one child (even an empty text node). Ensure that this holds true, // if the reader does not present any children for the ent-ref if ( eref.LastChild == null ) eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode(string.Empty), doc ); } return eref; } private XmlDeclaration LoadDeclarationNode() { Debug.Assert( reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration ); //parse data string version = null; string encoding = null; string standalone = null; // Try first to use the reader to get the xml decl "attributes". Since not all readers are required to support this, it is possible to have // implementations that do nothing while(reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { switch (reader.Name) { case "version": version = reader.Value; break; case "encoding": encoding = reader.Value; break; case "standalone": standalone = reader.Value; break; default: Debug.Assert( false ); break; } } // For readers that do not break xml decl into attributes, we must parse the xml decl ourselfs. We use version attr, b/c xml decl MUST contain // at least version attr, so if the reader implements them as attr, then version must be present if ( version == null ) ParseXmlDeclarationValue( reader.Value, out version, out encoding, out standalone ); return doc.CreateXmlDeclaration( version, encoding, standalone ); } private XmlDocumentType LoadDocumentTypeNode() { Debug.Assert( reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.DocumentType ); String publicId = null; String systemId = null; String internalSubset = reader.Value; String localName = reader.LocalName; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { switch (reader.Name) { case "PUBLIC" : publicId = reader.Value; break; case "SYSTEM": systemId = reader.Value; break; } } XmlDocumentType dtNode = doc.CreateDocumentType( localName, publicId, systemId, internalSubset ); IDtdInfo dtdInfo = reader.DtdInfo; if ( dtdInfo != null ) LoadDocumentType( dtdInfo, dtNode ); else { //construct our own XmlValidatingReader to parse the DocumentType node so we could get Entities and notations information ParseDocumentType( dtNode ); } return dtNode; } // LoadNodeDirect does not use creator functions on XmlDocument. It is used loading nodes that are children of entity nodes, // becaouse we do not want to let users extend these (if we would allow this, XmlDataDocument would have a problem, becaouse // they do not know that those nodes should not be mapped). It can be also used for an optimized load path when if the // XmlDocument is not extended if XmlDocumentType and XmlDeclaration handling is added. private XmlNode LoadNodeDirect() { XmlReader r = this.reader; XmlNode parent = null; do { XmlNode node = null; switch ( r.NodeType ) { case XmlNodeType.Element: bool fEmptyElement = reader.IsEmptyElement; XmlElement element = new XmlElement( reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI, this.doc ); element.IsEmpty = fEmptyElement; if ( reader.MoveToFirstAttribute() ) { XmlAttributeCollection attributes = element.Attributes; do { XmlAttribute attr = LoadAttributeNodeDirect(); attributes.Append( attr ); // special case for load } while( r.MoveToNextAttribute() ); } // recursively load all children. if ( !fEmptyElement ) { parent.AppendChildForLoad( element, doc ); parent = element; continue; } else { node = element; break; } case XmlNodeType.EndElement: Debug.Assert( parent.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element ); if ( parent.ParentNode == null ) { return parent; } parent = parent.ParentNode; continue; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: node = LoadEntityReferenceNode( true ); break; case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: continue; case XmlNodeType.Attribute: node = LoadAttributeNodeDirect(); break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: node = new XmlSignificantWhitespace( reader.Value, this.doc ); break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: if ( preserveWhitespace ) { node = new XmlWhitespace( reader.Value, this.doc ); } else { continue; } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: node = new XmlText( reader.Value, this.doc ); break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: node = new XmlCDataSection( reader.Value, this.doc ); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: node = new XmlProcessingInstruction( reader.Name, reader.Value, this.doc ); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: node = new XmlComment( reader.Value, this.doc ); break; default: throw UnexpectedNodeType( reader.NodeType ); } Debug.Assert( node != null ); if ( parent != null ) { parent.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } else { return node; } } while ( r.Read()); return null; } private XmlAttribute LoadAttributeNodeDirect() { XmlReader r = reader; XmlAttribute attr; if ( r.IsDefault ) { XmlUnspecifiedAttribute defattr = new XmlUnspecifiedAttribute( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI, this.doc ); LoadAttributeValue( defattr, true ); defattr.SetSpecified( false ); return defattr; } else { attr = new XmlAttribute( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI, this.doc ); LoadAttributeValue( attr, true ); return attr; } } internal void ParseDocumentType ( XmlDocumentType dtNode ) { XmlDocument doc = dtNode.OwnerDocument; //if xmlresolver is set on doc, use that one, otherwise use the default one being created by xmlvalidatingreader if ( doc.HasSetResolver ) ParseDocumentType( dtNode, true, doc.GetResolver() ); else ParseDocumentType( dtNode, false, null ); } private void ParseDocumentType ( XmlDocumentType dtNode, bool bUseResolver, XmlResolver resolver ) { this.doc = dtNode.OwnerDocument; XmlParserContext pc = new XmlParserContext(null, new XmlNamespaceManager( this.doc.NameTable ), null, null, null, null, this.doc.BaseURI, string.Empty, XmlSpace.None); XmlTextReaderImpl tr = new XmlTextReaderImpl("", XmlNodeType.Element, pc); tr.Namespaces = dtNode.ParseWithNamespaces; if (bUseResolver) { tr.XmlResolver = resolver; } IDtdParser dtdParser = DtdParser.Create(); XmlTextReaderImpl.DtdParserProxy proxy = new XmlTextReaderImpl.DtdParserProxy(tr); IDtdInfo dtdInfo = dtdParser.ParseFreeFloatingDtd(this.doc.BaseURI, dtNode.Name, dtNode.PublicId, dtNode.SystemId, dtNode.InternalSubset, proxy ); LoadDocumentType( dtdInfo, dtNode ); } private void LoadDocumentType( IDtdInfo dtdInfo, XmlDocumentType dtNode ) { SchemaInfo schInfo = dtdInfo as SchemaInfo; if (schInfo == null) { throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InternalError, string.Empty); } dtNode.DtdSchemaInfo = schInfo; if (schInfo != null) { //set the schema information into the document doc.DtdSchemaInfo = schInfo; // Notation hashtable if (schInfo.Notations != null) { foreach( SchemaNotation scNot in schInfo.Notations.Values ) { dtNode.Notations.SetNamedItem(new XmlNotation( scNot.Name.Name, scNot.Pubid, scNot.SystemLiteral, doc )); } } // Entity hashtables if (schInfo.GeneralEntities != null) { foreach( SchemaEntity scEnt in schInfo.GeneralEntities.Values ) { XmlEntity ent = new XmlEntity( scEnt.Name.Name, scEnt.Text, scEnt.Pubid, scEnt.Url, scEnt.NData.IsEmpty ? null : scEnt.NData.Name, doc ); ent.SetBaseURI( scEnt.DeclaredURI ); dtNode.Entities.SetNamedItem( ent ); } } if (schInfo.ParameterEntities != null) { foreach( SchemaEntity scEnt in schInfo.ParameterEntities.Values ) { XmlEntity ent = new XmlEntity( scEnt.Name.Name, scEnt.Text, scEnt.Pubid, scEnt.Url, scEnt.NData.IsEmpty ? null : scEnt.NData.Name, doc ); ent.SetBaseURI( scEnt.DeclaredURI ); dtNode.Entities.SetNamedItem( ent ); } } doc.Entities = dtNode.Entities; //extract the elements which has attribute defined as ID from the element declarations IDictionaryEnumerator elementDecls = schInfo.ElementDecls.GetEnumerator(); if (elementDecls != null) { elementDecls.Reset(); while (elementDecls.MoveNext()) { SchemaElementDecl elementDecl = (SchemaElementDecl)elementDecls.Value; if (elementDecl.AttDefs != null) { IDictionaryEnumerator attDefs = elementDecl.AttDefs.GetEnumerator(); while (attDefs.MoveNext()) { SchemaAttDef attdef = (SchemaAttDef)attDefs.Value; if (attdef.Datatype.TokenizedType == XmlTokenizedType.ID) { //we only register the XmlElement based on their Prefix/LocalName and skip the namespace doc.AddIdInfo( doc.AddXmlName(elementDecl.Prefix, elementDecl.Name.Name, string.Empty, null), doc.AddAttrXmlName(attdef.Prefix, attdef.Name.Name, string.Empty, null)); break; } } } } } } } #pragma warning restore 618 private XmlParserContext GetContext ( XmlNode node ) { String lang = null; XmlSpace spaceMode = XmlSpace.None; XmlDocumentType docType = this.doc.DocumentType; String baseURI = this.doc.BaseURI; //constructing xmlnamespace Hashtable prefixes = new Hashtable(); XmlNameTable nt = this.doc.NameTable; XmlNamespaceManager mgr = new XmlNamespaceManager( nt ); bool bHasDefXmlnsAttr = false; // Process all xmlns, xmlns:prefix, xml:space and xml:lang attributes while ( node != null && node != doc ) { if ( node is XmlElement && ((XmlElement)node).HasAttributes ) { mgr.PushScope(); foreach( XmlAttribute attr in ((XmlElement)node).Attributes ) { if ( attr.Prefix == doc.strXmlns && prefixes.Contains( attr.LocalName ) == false ) { // Make sure the next time we will not add this prefix prefixes.Add( attr.LocalName, attr.LocalName ); mgr.AddNamespace( attr.LocalName, attr.Value ); } else if ( !bHasDefXmlnsAttr && attr.Prefix.Length == 0 && attr.LocalName == doc.strXmlns ) { // Save the case xmlns="..." where xmlns is the LocalName mgr.AddNamespace( String.Empty, attr.Value ); bHasDefXmlnsAttr = true; } else if ( spaceMode == XmlSpace.None && attr.Prefix == doc.strXml && attr.LocalName == doc.strSpace ) { // Save xml:space context if ( attr.Value=="default" ) spaceMode = XmlSpace.Default; else if (attr.Value=="preserve") spaceMode = XmlSpace.Preserve; } else if ( lang == null && attr.Prefix == doc.strXml && attr.LocalName == doc.strLang ) { // Save xml:lag context lang = attr.Value; } } } node = node.ParentNode; } return new XmlParserContext( nt, mgr, ( docType == null ) ? null : docType.Name, ( docType == null ) ? null : docType.PublicId, ( docType == null ) ? null : docType.SystemId, ( docType == null ) ? null : docType.InternalSubset, baseURI, lang, spaceMode ); } internal XmlNamespaceManager ParsePartialContent( XmlNode parentNode, string innerxmltext, XmlNodeType nt) { //the function shouldn't be used to set innerxml for XmlDocument node Debug.Assert( parentNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Document ); this.doc = parentNode.OwnerDocument; Debug.Assert( this.doc != null ); XmlParserContext pc = GetContext( parentNode ); this.reader = CreateInnerXmlReader( innerxmltext, nt, pc, this.doc ); try { this.preserveWhitespace = true; bool bOrigLoading = doc.IsLoading; doc.IsLoading = true; if ( nt == XmlNodeType.Entity ) { XmlNode node = null; while ( reader.Read() && ( node = LoadNodeDirect() ) != null ) { parentNode.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } } else { XmlNode node = null; while ( reader.Read() && ( node = LoadNode(true) ) != null ) { parentNode.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); } } doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoading; } finally { this.reader.Close(); } return pc.NamespaceManager; } internal void LoadInnerXmlElement(XmlElement node, string innerxmltext ) { //construct a tree underneth the node XmlNamespaceManager mgr = ParsePartialContent( node, innerxmltext, XmlNodeType.Element ); //remove the duplicate namesapce if ( node.ChildNodes.Count > 0 ) RemoveDuplicateNamespace( (XmlElement) node, mgr, false ); } internal void LoadInnerXmlAttribute(XmlAttribute node, string innerxmltext ) { ParsePartialContent( node, innerxmltext, XmlNodeType.Attribute ); } private void RemoveDuplicateNamespace( XmlElement elem, XmlNamespaceManager mgr, bool fCheckElemAttrs ) { //remove the duplicate attributes on current node first mgr.PushScope(); XmlAttributeCollection attrs = elem.Attributes; int cAttrs = attrs.Count; if ( fCheckElemAttrs && cAttrs > 0 ) { for ( int i = cAttrs - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { XmlAttribute attr = attrs[i]; if ( attr.Prefix == doc.strXmlns ) { string nsUri = mgr.LookupNamespace(attr.LocalName); if ( nsUri != null ) { if ( attr.Value == nsUri ) elem.Attributes.RemoveNodeAt(i); } else { // Add this namespace, so it we will behave corectly when setting "" as // InnerXml on this foo elem where foo is like this " " // If do not do this, then we will remove the inner p prefix definition and will let the 1st p to be in scope for // the subsequent InnerXml_set or setting an EntRef inside. mgr.AddNamespace( attr.LocalName, attr.Value ); } } else if ( attr.Prefix.Length == 0 && attr.LocalName == doc.strXmlns ) { string nsUri = mgr.DefaultNamespace; if ( nsUri != null ) { if ( attr.Value == nsUri ) elem.Attributes.RemoveNodeAt(i); } else { // Add this namespace, so it we will behave corectly when setting " " as // InnerXml on this foo elem where foo is like this " " // If do not do this, then we will remove the inner p prefix definition and will let the 1st p to be in scope for // the subsequent InnerXml_set or setting an EntRef inside. mgr.AddNamespace( attr.LocalName, attr.Value ); } } } } //now recursively remove the duplicate attributes on the children XmlNode child = elem.FirstChild; while ( child != null ) { XmlElement childElem = child as XmlElement; if ( childElem != null ) RemoveDuplicateNamespace( childElem, mgr, true ); child = child.NextSibling; } mgr.PopScope(); } private String EntitizeName(String name) { return "&"+name+";"; } //The function is called when expanding the entity when its children being asked internal void ExpandEntity(XmlEntity ent) { ParsePartialContent( ent, EntitizeName(ent.Name), XmlNodeType.Entity ); } //The function is called when expanding the entity ref. ( inside XmlEntityReference.SetParent ) internal void ExpandEntityReference(XmlEntityReference eref) { //when the ent ref is not associated w/ an entity, append an empty string text node as child this.doc = eref.OwnerDocument; bool bOrigLoadingState = doc.IsLoading; doc.IsLoading = true; switch ( eref.Name ) { case "lt": eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "<" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; return; case "gt": eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( ">" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; return; case "amp": eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "&" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; return; case "apos": eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "'" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; return; case "quot": eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "\"" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; return; } XmlNamedNodeMap entities = doc.Entities; foreach ( XmlEntity ent in entities ) { if ( Ref.Equal( ent.Name, eref.Name ) ) { ParsePartialContent( eref, EntitizeName(eref.Name), XmlNodeType.EntityReference ); return; } } //no fit so far if( !( doc.ActualLoadingStatus ) ) { eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "" ), doc ); doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; } else { doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; throw new XmlException( Res.Xml_UndeclaredParEntity, eref.Name ); } } #pragma warning disable 618 // Creates a XmlValidatingReader suitable for parsing InnerXml strings private XmlReader CreateInnerXmlReader( String xmlFragment, XmlNodeType nt, XmlParserContext context, XmlDocument doc ) { XmlNodeType contentNT = nt; if ( contentNT == XmlNodeType.Entity || contentNT == XmlNodeType.EntityReference ) contentNT = XmlNodeType.Element; XmlTextReaderImpl tr = new XmlTextReaderImpl( xmlFragment, contentNT, context ); tr.XmlValidatingReaderCompatibilityMode = true; if ( doc.HasSetResolver ) { tr.XmlResolver = doc.GetResolver(); } if( !( doc.ActualLoadingStatus ) ) { tr.DisableUndeclaredEntityCheck = true; } Debug.Assert( tr.EntityHandling == EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities ); XmlDocumentType dtdNode = doc.DocumentType; if ( dtdNode != null ) { tr.Namespaces = dtdNode.ParseWithNamespaces; if ( dtdNode.DtdSchemaInfo != null ) { tr.SetDtdInfo( dtdNode.DtdSchemaInfo ); } else { IDtdParser dtdParser = DtdParser.Create(); XmlTextReaderImpl.DtdParserProxy proxy = new XmlTextReaderImpl.DtdParserProxy(tr); IDtdInfo dtdInfo = dtdParser.ParseFreeFloatingDtd(context.BaseURI, context.DocTypeName, context.PublicId, context.SystemId, context.InternalSubset, proxy); // dtdNode.DtdSchemaInfo = dtdInfo as SchemaInfo; tr.SetDtdInfo( dtdInfo ); } } if ( nt == XmlNodeType.Entity || nt == XmlNodeType.EntityReference ) { tr.Read(); //this will skip the first element "wrapper" tr.ResolveEntity(); } return tr; } #pragma warning restore 618 internal static void ParseXmlDeclarationValue( string strValue, out string version, out string encoding, out string standalone ) { version = null; encoding = null; standalone = null; XmlTextReaderImpl tempreader = new XmlTextReaderImpl( strValue, (XmlParserContext)null); try { tempreader.Read(); //get version info. if (tempreader.MoveToAttribute( "version" )) version = tempreader.Value; //get encoding info if (tempreader.MoveToAttribute( "encoding" )) encoding = tempreader.Value; //get standalone info if (tempreader.MoveToAttribute( "standalone" )) standalone = tempreader.Value; } finally { tempreader.Close(); } } static internal Exception UnexpectedNodeType( XmlNodeType nodetype ) { return new InvalidOperationException( string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Res.GetString(Res.Xml_UnexpectedNodeType), nodetype.ToString())); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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