/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / EventRouteFactory.cs / 1305600 / EventRouteFactory.cs
using System; using System.Windows; using MS.Utility; namespace System.Windows { ////// Creates and recycles instance of EventRoute /// internal static class EventRouteFactory { #region Operations ////// Fetch a recycled object if available /// else create a new instance /// internal static EventRoute FetchObject(RoutedEvent routedEvent) { EventRoute eventRoute = Pop(); if (eventRoute == null) { eventRoute = new EventRoute(routedEvent); } else { eventRoute.RoutedEvent = routedEvent; } return eventRoute; } ////// Recycle the given instance of EventRoute /// internal static void RecycleObject(EventRoute eventRoute) { // Cleanup all refernces held eventRoute.Clear(); // Push instance on to the stack Push(eventRoute); } #endregion Operations #region HelperMethods ////// Push the given instance of EventRoute on to the stack /// private static void Push(EventRoute eventRoute) { lock (_synchronized) { // In a normal scenario it is extremely rare to // require more than 2 EventRoutes at the same time if (_eventRouteStack == null) { _eventRouteStack = new EventRoute[2]; _stackTop = 0; } if (_stackTop < 2) { _eventRouteStack[_stackTop++] = eventRoute; } } } ////// Pop off the last instance of EventRoute in the stack /// private static EventRoute Pop() { lock (_synchronized) { if (_stackTop > 0) { EventRoute eventRoute = _eventRouteStack[--_stackTop]; _eventRouteStack[_stackTop] = null; return eventRoute; } } return null; } #endregion HelperMethods #region Data private static EventRoute[] _eventRouteStack; private static int _stackTop; private static object _synchronized = new object(); #endregion Data } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. using System; using System.Windows; using MS.Utility; namespace System.Windows { ////// Creates and recycles instance of EventRoute /// internal static class EventRouteFactory { #region Operations ////// Fetch a recycled object if available /// else create a new instance /// internal static EventRoute FetchObject(RoutedEvent routedEvent) { EventRoute eventRoute = Pop(); if (eventRoute == null) { eventRoute = new EventRoute(routedEvent); } else { eventRoute.RoutedEvent = routedEvent; } return eventRoute; } ////// Recycle the given instance of EventRoute /// internal static void RecycleObject(EventRoute eventRoute) { // Cleanup all refernces held eventRoute.Clear(); // Push instance on to the stack Push(eventRoute); } #endregion Operations #region HelperMethods ////// Push the given instance of EventRoute on to the stack /// private static void Push(EventRoute eventRoute) { lock (_synchronized) { // In a normal scenario it is extremely rare to // require more than 2 EventRoutes at the same time if (_eventRouteStack == null) { _eventRouteStack = new EventRoute[2]; _stackTop = 0; } if (_stackTop < 2) { _eventRouteStack[_stackTop++] = eventRoute; } } } ////// Pop off the last instance of EventRoute in the stack /// private static EventRoute Pop() { lock (_synchronized) { if (_stackTop > 0) { EventRoute eventRoute = _eventRouteStack[--_stackTop]; _eventRouteStack[_stackTop] = null; return eventRoute; } } return null; } #endregion HelperMethods #region Data private static EventRoute[] _eventRouteStack; private static int _stackTop; private static object _synchronized = new object(); #endregion Data } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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