ViewUtilities.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / NetFx40 / Tools / System.Activities.Presentation / System / Activities / Presentation / View / ViewUtilities.cs / 1407647 / ViewUtilities.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Activities.Presentation.View 
    using System.Activities.Presentation.Model; 
    using System.Activities.Presentation.Services; 

    static class ViewUtilities 
        const string ExpandViewStateKey = "IsExpanded";
        internal static bool DoesParentAlwaysExpandChildren(ModelItem modelItem, EditingContext context)
            return IsParentOfType(modelItem, typeof(IExpandChild), context);
        internal static bool DoesParentAlwaysCollapseChildren(ModelItem modelItem, EditingContext context)
            bool parentAlwaysCollapsesChild = false;
            Type parentDesignerType = GetParentDesignerType(modelItem, context);
            if (typeof(WorkflowViewElement).IsAssignableFrom(parentDesignerType))
                ActivityDesignerOptionsAttribute options = WorkflowViewService.GetAttribute(parentDesignerType);
                parentAlwaysCollapsesChild = (options != null && options.AlwaysCollapseChildren); 
            return parentAlwaysCollapsesChild;

        // Determines whether a particular ModelItem's view will be visible for a given breadcrumb root.
        //It depends on whether the intermediate designers are expanded or collapsed.
        internal static bool IsViewVisible(ModelItem child, ModelItem root, EditingContext context) 
            ModelItem parent = child; 
            while (parent != null && !object.Equals(parent, root)) 
                parent = GetParentModelItemWithView(parent, context, false); 
                if (!IsViewExpanded(parent, context))
            return object.Equals(parent, root); 

        // Get the first parent ModelItem that has a view
        internal static ModelItem GetParentModelItemWithView(ModelItem modelItem, EditingContext context, bool allowDrillIn)
            if (modelItem == null) 
                return null; 
            ModelItem parent = modelItem.Parent;
            WorkflowViewService viewService = GetViewService(context); 
            while (parent != null)
                ActivityDesignerOptionsAttribute options = WorkflowViewService.GetAttribute(parent.ItemType);
                Type viewType = viewService.GetDesignerType(parent.ItemType); 
                if (typeof(WorkflowViewElement).IsAssignableFrom(viewType) && (!allowDrillIn || options == null || options.AllowDrillIn))
                parent = parent.Parent; 
            return parent;
        // Determine whether the view of a ModelItem is expanded without querying the view itself - the view may have not been constructed.
        internal static bool IsViewExpanded(ModelItem modelItem, EditingContext context) 
            if (modelItem == null)
                return false;

            bool isDesignerExpanded = true; 
            bool isDesignerPinned = false;
            object isExpandedViewState = GetViewStateService(context).RetrieveViewState(modelItem, ExpandViewStateKey); 
            object isPinnedViewState = GetViewStateService(context).RetrieveViewState(modelItem, WorkflowViewElement.PinnedViewStateKey); 
            if (isExpandedViewState != null)
                isDesignerExpanded = (bool)isExpandedViewState;
            if (isPinnedViewState != null)
                isDesignerPinned = (bool)isPinnedViewState;
            DesignerView designerView = context.Services.GetService();
            return ShouldShowExpanded(IsBreadcrumbRoot(modelItem, context), DoesParentAlwaysExpandChildren(modelItem, context),
                DoesParentAlwaysCollapseChildren(modelItem, context), isDesignerExpanded, designerView.ShouldExpandAll, designerView.ShouldCollapseAll, isDesignerPinned);
        internal static bool IsBreadcrumbRoot(ModelItem modelItem, EditingContext context)
            DesignerView designerView = context.Services.GetService(); 
            return modelItem != null && modelItem.View != null && modelItem.View.Equals(designerView.RootDesigner);

        internal static bool ShouldShowExpanded(
            bool isRootDesigner,
            bool parentAlwaysExpandChildren, 
            bool parentAlwaysCollapseChildren,
            bool expandState, 
            bool expandAll, 
            bool collapseAll,
            bool pinState) 
            //ShowExpanded based on ExpandAll, CollapseAll, PinState, ExpandState
            bool showExpanded;
            if (pinState) 
                showExpanded = expandState; 
                showExpanded = !collapseAll && (expandAll || expandState);
            //return value based on the position of the element in the workflow tree.
            return (isRootDesigner || parentAlwaysExpandChildren || (!parentAlwaysCollapseChildren && showExpanded)); 
        static WorkflowViewService GetViewService(EditingContext context) 
            return context.Services.GetService() as WorkflowViewService; 

        static ViewStateService GetViewStateService(EditingContext context)
            return context.Services.GetService();
        //Checks to see if the immediate parent WorkflowViewElement is of type "parentType".
        static bool IsParentOfType(ModelItem modelItem, Type parentType, EditingContext context) 
            Type parentDesignerType = GetParentDesignerType(modelItem, context);
            return parentType.IsAssignableFrom(parentDesignerType);

        static Type GetParentDesignerType(ModelItem modelItem, EditingContext context) 
            ModelItem parent = GetParentModelItemWithView(modelItem, context, false);
            if (parent != null) 
                return GetViewService(context).GetDesignerType(parent.ItemType);
            return null; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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