cryptoapiTransform.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / Cryptography / cryptoapiTransform.cs / 1305376 / cryptoapiTransform.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
// [....]
// CryptoAPITransform.cs 

namespace System.Security.Cryptography {
    using System.Security.AccessControl;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;
    using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; 


    internal enum CryptoAPITransformMode {
        Encrypt = 0, 
        Decrypt = 1 
    public sealed class CryptoAPITransform : ICryptoTransform {
        private int BlockSizeValue;
        private byte[] IVValue; 
        private CipherMode ModeValue;
        private PaddingMode PaddingValue; 
        private CryptoAPITransformMode encryptOrDecrypt; 
        private byte[] _rgbKey;
        private byte[] _depadBuffer = null; 
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical /*auto-generated*/]
        private SafeKeyHandle _safeKeyHandle;
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical /*auto-generated*/]
        private SafeProvHandle _safeProvHandle; 

        private CryptoAPITransform () {} 
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated 
        internal CryptoAPITransform(int algid, int cArgs, int[] rgArgIds,
                                    Object[] rgArgValues, byte[] rgbKey, PaddingMode padding, 
                                    CipherMode cipherChainingMode, int blockSize,
                                    int feedbackSize, bool useSalt,
                                    CryptoAPITransformMode encDecMode) {
            int dwValue; 
            byte[] rgbValue;
            BlockSizeValue = blockSize; 
            ModeValue = cipherChainingMode;
            PaddingValue = padding; 
            encryptOrDecrypt = encDecMode;

            // Copy the input args
            int _cArgs = cArgs; 
            int[] _rgArgIds = new int[rgArgIds.Length];
            Array.Copy(rgArgIds, _rgArgIds, rgArgIds.Length); 
            _rgbKey = new byte[rgbKey.Length]; 
            Array.Copy(rgbKey, _rgbKey, rgbKey.Length);
            Object[] _rgArgValues = new Object[rgArgValues.Length]; 
            // an element of rgArgValues can only be an int or a byte[]
            for (int j = 0; j < rgArgValues.Length; j++) {
                if (rgArgValues[j] is byte[]) {
                    byte[] rgbOrig = (byte[]) rgArgValues[j]; 
                    byte[] rgbNew = new byte[rgbOrig.Length];
                    Array.Copy(rgbOrig, rgbNew, rgbOrig.Length); 
                    _rgArgValues[j] = rgbNew; 
                if (rgArgValues[j] is int) {
                    _rgArgValues[j] = (int) rgArgValues[j];
                if (rgArgValues[j] is CipherMode) {
                    _rgArgValues[j] = (int) rgArgValues[j]; 

            _safeProvHandle = Utils.AcquireProvHandle(new CspParameters(Utils.DefaultRsaProviderType));

            SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle = SafeKeyHandle.InvalidHandle; 
            // _ImportBulkKey will check for failures and throw an exception
            Utils._ImportBulkKey(_safeProvHandle, algid, useSalt, _rgbKey, ref safeKeyHandle); 
            _safeKeyHandle = safeKeyHandle; 

            for (int i=0; i inputBuffer.Length)) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue")); 
            if ((inputBuffer.Length - inputCount) < inputOffset) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOffLen"));

            if (encryptOrDecrypt == CryptoAPITransformMode.Encrypt) {
                // if we're encrypting we can always push out the bytes because no padding mode
                // removes bytes during encryption 
                return Utils._EncryptData(_safeKeyHandle, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, ref outputBuffer, outputOffset, PaddingValue, false);
            } else { 
                if (PaddingValue == PaddingMode.Zeros || PaddingValue == PaddingMode.None) { 
                    // like encryption, if we're using None or Zeros padding on decrypt we can write out all
                    // the bytes.  Note that we cannot depad a block partially padded with Zeros because 
                    // we can't tell if those zeros are plaintext or pad.
                    return Utils._DecryptData(_safeKeyHandle, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, ref outputBuffer, outputOffset, PaddingValue, false);
                } else {
                    // OK, now we're in the special case.  Check to see if this is the *first* block we've seen 
                    // If so, buffer it and return null zero bytes
                    if (_depadBuffer == null) { 
                        _depadBuffer = new byte[InputBlockSize]; 
                        // copy the last InputBlockSize bytes to _depadBuffer everything else gets processed and returned
                        int inputToProcess = inputCount - InputBlockSize; 
                        Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, inputOffset+inputToProcess, _depadBuffer, 0, InputBlockSize);
                        return Utils._DecryptData(_safeKeyHandle, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputToProcess, ref outputBuffer, outputOffset, PaddingValue, false);
                    } else {
                        // we already have a depad buffer, so we need to decrypt that info first & copy it out 
                        int r = Utils._DecryptData(_safeKeyHandle, _depadBuffer, 0, _depadBuffer.Length, ref outputBuffer, outputOffset, PaddingValue, false);
                        outputOffset += OutputBlockSize; 
                        int inputToProcess = inputCount - InputBlockSize; 
                        Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, inputOffset+inputToProcess, _depadBuffer, 0, InputBlockSize);
                        r = Utils._DecryptData(_safeKeyHandle, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputToProcess, ref outputBuffer, outputOffset, PaddingValue, false); 
                        return (OutputBlockSize + r);
        [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated 
        public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount) {
            if (inputBuffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("inputBuffer"); 
            if (inputOffset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputOffset", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
            if ((inputCount < 0) || (inputCount > inputBuffer.Length)) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue"));
            if ((inputBuffer.Length - inputCount) < inputOffset) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOffLen"));

            if (encryptOrDecrypt == CryptoAPITransformMode.Encrypt) { 
                // If we're encrypting we can always return what we compute because there's no _depadBuffer 
                byte[] transformedBytes = null;
                Utils._EncryptData(_safeKeyHandle, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, ref transformedBytes, 0, PaddingValue, true); 
                return transformedBytes;
            } else {
                if (inputCount%InputBlockSize != 0) 
                    throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_SSD_InvalidDataSize"));
                if (_depadBuffer == null) { 
                    byte[] transformedBytes = null;
                    Utils._DecryptData(_safeKeyHandle, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, ref transformedBytes, 0, PaddingValue, true); 
                    return transformedBytes;
                } else {
                    byte[] temp = new byte[_depadBuffer.Length + inputCount]; 
                    Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(_depadBuffer, 0, temp, 0, _depadBuffer.Length);
                    Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, inputOffset, temp, _depadBuffer.Length, inputCount); 
                    byte[] transformedBytes = null; 
                    Utils._DecryptData(_safeKeyHandle, temp, 0, temp.Length, ref transformedBytes, 0, PaddingValue, true);
                    return transformedBytes;
#endif // !SILVERLIGHT
    public enum CspProviderFlags { 
        NoFlags                 = 0x0000,
        UseMachineKeyStore      = 0x0001, 
        UseDefaultKeyContainer  = 0x0002, 
        UseNonExportableKey     = 0x0004,
        UseExistingKey          = 0x0008, 
        UseArchivableKey        = 0x0010,
        UseUserProtectedKey     = 0x0020,
        NoPrompt                = 0x0040,
        CreateEphemeralKey      = 0x0080 
    internal sealed class CspParameters
#if false 
#endif // false
    public sealed class CspParameters 
        public int          ProviderType;
        public string       ProviderName;
        public string       KeyContainerName; 
        public int          KeyNumber;
        private int m_flags; 
        public CspProviderFlags Flags {
            get { return (CspProviderFlags) m_flags; } 
            set {
                int allFlags = 0x00FF; // this should change if more values are added to CspProviderFlags
                Contract.Assert((CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore |
                                CspProviderFlags.UseDefaultKeyContainer | 
                                CspProviderFlags.UseNonExportableKey |
                                CspProviderFlags.UseExistingKey | 
                                CspProviderFlags.UseArchivableKey | 
                                CspProviderFlags.UseUserProtectedKey |
                                CspProviderFlags.NoPrompt | 
                                CspProviderFlags.CreateEphemeralKey) == (CspProviderFlags)allFlags, "allFlags does not match all CspProviderFlags");

                int flags = (int) value;
                if ((flags & ~allFlags) != 0) 
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_EnumIllegalVal", (int)value), "value");
                m_flags = flags; 
        private CryptoKeySecurity m_cryptoKeySecurity;
        public CryptoKeySecurity CryptoKeySecurity {
            get { 
                return m_cryptoKeySecurity;
            set { 
                m_cryptoKeySecurity = value;

        private SecureString m_keyPassword;
        public SecureString KeyPassword { 
            get { 
                return m_keyPassword;
            set {
                m_keyPassword = value;
                // Parent handle and PIN are mutually exclusive.
                m_parentWindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero; 
        private IntPtr m_parentWindowHandle;
        public IntPtr ParentWindowHandle { 
            get {
                return m_parentWindowHandle;
            set { 
                m_parentWindowHandle = value; 
                // Parent handle and PIN are mutually exclusive.
                m_keyPassword = null; 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
        public CspParameters () : this(Utils.DefaultRsaProviderType, null, null) {}
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
        public CspParameters (int dwTypeIn) : this(dwTypeIn, null, null) {}
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
        public CspParameters (int dwTypeIn, string strProviderNameIn) : this(dwTypeIn, strProviderNameIn, null) {} 

        public CspParameters (int dwTypeIn, string strProviderNameIn, string strContainerNameIn) :
            this (dwTypeIn, strProviderNameIn, strContainerNameIn, CspProviderFlags.NoFlags) {}
        public CspParameters (int providerType, string providerName, string keyContainerName,
                              CryptoKeySecurity cryptoKeySecurity, SecureString keyPassword) 
            : this (providerType, providerName, keyContainerName) {
            m_cryptoKeySecurity = cryptoKeySecurity;
            m_keyPassword = keyPassword;

        public CspParameters (int providerType, string providerName, string keyContainerName,
                              CryptoKeySecurity cryptoKeySecurity, IntPtr parentWindowHandle) 
            : this (providerType, providerName, keyContainerName) {
            m_cryptoKeySecurity = cryptoKeySecurity;
            m_parentWindowHandle = parentWindowHandle;
        internal CspParameters (int providerType, string providerName, string keyContainerName, CspProviderFlags flags) {
            ProviderType = providerType; 
            ProviderName = providerName;
            KeyContainerName = keyContainerName;
            KeyNumber = -1;
            Flags = flags; 
#else // !SILVERLIGHT 
        internal CspParameters() { 
            ProviderType = (int)CapiNative.ProviderType.RsaFull;
            KeyNumber = -1; 
#endif // !SILVERLIGHT

        // copy constructor 
        internal CspParameters (CspParameters parameters) {
            ProviderType = parameters.ProviderType; 
            ProviderName = parameters.ProviderName; 
            KeyContainerName = parameters.KeyContainerName;
            KeyNumber = parameters.KeyNumber; 
            Flags = parameters.Flags;
            m_cryptoKeySecurity = parameters.m_cryptoKeySecurity;
#endif // FEATURE_MACL 
            m_keyPassword = parameters.m_keyPassword; 
            m_parentWindowHandle = parameters.m_parentWindowHandle; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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