/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / Util / Parser.cs / 1305376 / Parser.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== /*============================================================ ** ** CLASS: Parser ** **[....] ** ** ** PURPOSE: Parse "Elementary XML", that is, XML without ** attributes or DTDs, in other words, XML with ** elements only. ** ** ===========================================================*/ namespace System.Security.Util { using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System; using BinaryReader = System.IO.BinaryReader ; using ArrayList = System.Collections.ArrayList; using Stream = System.IO.Stream; using StreamReader = System.IO.StreamReader; using Encoding = System.Text.Encoding; sealed internal class Parser { private SecurityDocument _doc; private Tokenizer _t; internal SecurityElement GetTopElement() { if (!ParsedSuccessfully()) throw new XmlSyntaxException (_t.LineNo); return _doc.GetRootElement(); } internal bool ParsedSuccessfully() { return true; } private const short c_flag = 0x4000; private const short c_elementtag = (short)(SecurityDocument.c_element << 8 | c_flag); private const short c_attributetag = (short)(SecurityDocument.c_attribute << 8 | c_flag); private const short c_texttag = (short)(SecurityDocument.c_text << 8 | c_flag); private const short c_additionaltexttag = (short)(SecurityDocument.c_text << 8 | c_flag | 0x2000); private const short c_childrentag = (short)(SecurityDocument.c_children << 8 | c_flag); private const short c_wastedstringtag = (short)(0x1000 | c_flag); private void GetRequiredSizes( TokenizerStream stream, ref int index ) { // // Iteratively collect stuff up until the next end-tag. // We've already seen the open-tag. // bool needToBreak = false; bool needToPop = false; bool createdNode = false; bool intag = false; int stackDepth = 1; SecurityElementType type = SecurityElementType.Regular; String strValue = null; bool sawEquals = false; bool sawText = false; int status = 0; short i; do { for (i = stream.GetNextToken() ; i != -1 ; i = stream.GetNextToken()) { switch (i & 0x00FF) { case Tokenizer.cstr: { if (intag) { if (type == SecurityElementType.Comment) { // Ignore data in comments but still get the data // to keep the stream in the right place. stream.ThrowAwayNextString(); stream.TagLastToken( c_wastedstringtag ); } else { // We're in a regular tag, so we've found an attribute/value pair. if (strValue == null) { // Found attribute name, save it for later. strValue = stream.GetNextString(); } else { // Found attribute text, add the pair to the current element. if (!sawEquals) throw new XmlSyntaxException( _t.LineNo ); stream.TagLastToken( c_attributetag ); index += SecurityDocument.EncodedStringSize( strValue ) + SecurityDocument.EncodedStringSize( stream.GetNextString() ) + 1; strValue = null; sawEquals = false; } } } else { // We're not in a tag, so we've found text between tags. if (sawText) { stream.TagLastToken( c_additionaltexttag ); index += SecurityDocument.EncodedStringSize( stream.GetNextString() ) + SecurityDocument.EncodedStringSize( " " ); } else { stream.TagLastToken( c_texttag ); index += SecurityDocument.EncodedStringSize( stream.GetNextString() ) + 1; sawText = true; } } } break; case Tokenizer.bra: intag = true; sawText = false; i = stream.GetNextToken(); if (i == Tokenizer.slash) { stream.TagLastToken( c_childrentag ); while (true) { // spin; don't care what's in here i = stream.GetNextToken(); if (i == Tokenizer.cstr) { stream.ThrowAwayNextString(); stream.TagLastToken( c_wastedstringtag ); } else if (i == -1) throw new XmlSyntaxException (_t.LineNo, Environment.GetResourceString( "XMLSyntax_UnexpectedEndOfFile" )); else break; } if (i != Tokenizer.ket) { throw new XmlSyntaxException (_t.LineNo, Environment.GetResourceString( "XMLSyntax_ExpectedCloseBracket" )); } intag = false; // Found the end of this element index++; sawText = false; stackDepth--; needToBreak = true; } else if (i == Tokenizer.cstr) { // Found a child createdNode = true; stream.TagLastToken( c_elementtag ); index += SecurityDocument.EncodedStringSize( stream.GetNextString() ) + 1; if (type != SecurityElementType.Regular) throw new XmlSyntaxException( _t.LineNo ); needToBreak = true; stackDepth++; } else if (i == Tokenizer.bang) { // Found a child that is a comment node. Next up better be a cstr. status = 1; do { i = stream.GetNextToken(); switch (i) { case Tokenizer.bra: status++; break; case Tokenizer.ket: status--; break; case Tokenizer.cstr: stream.ThrowAwayNextString(); stream.TagLastToken( c_wastedstringtag ); break; default: break; } } while (status > 0); intag = false; sawText = false; needToBreak = true; } else if (i == { // Found a child that is a format node. Next up better be a cstr. i = stream.GetNextToken(); if (i != Tokenizer.cstr) throw new XmlSyntaxException( _t.LineNo ); createdNode = true; type = SecurityElementType.Format; stream.TagLastToken( c_elementtag ); index += SecurityDocument.EncodedStringSize( stream.GetNextString() ) + 1; status = 1; stackDepth++; needToBreak = true; } else { throw new XmlSyntaxException (_t.LineNo, Environment.GetResourceString( "XMLSyntax_ExpectedSlashOrString" )); } break ; case Tokenizer.equals: sawEquals = true; break; case Tokenizer.ket: if (intag) { intag = false; continue; } else { throw new XmlSyntaxException (_t.LineNo, Environment.GetResourceString( "XMLSyntax_UnexpectedCloseBracket" )); } // not reachable case Tokenizer.slash: i = stream.GetNextToken(); if (i == Tokenizer.ket) { // Found the end of this element stream.TagLastToken( c_childrentag ); index++; stackDepth--; sawText = false; needToBreak = true; } else { throw new XmlSyntaxException (_t.LineNo, Environment.GetResourceString( "XMLSyntax_ExpectedCloseBracket" )); } break; case if (intag && type == SecurityElementType.Format && status == 1) { i = stream.GetNextToken(); if (i == Tokenizer.ket) { stream.TagLastToken( c_childrentag ); index++; stackDepth--; sawText = false; needToBreak = true; } else { throw new XmlSyntaxException (_t.LineNo, Environment.GetResourceString( "XMLSyntax_ExpectedCloseBracket" )); } } else { throw new XmlSyntaxException (_t.LineNo); } break; case Tokenizer.dash: default: throw new XmlSyntaxException (_t.LineNo) ; } if (needToBreak) { needToBreak = false; needToPop = false; break; } else { needToPop = true; } } if (needToPop) { index++; stackDepth--; sawText = false; } else if (i == -1 && (stackDepth != 1 || !createdNode)) { // This means that we still have items on the stack, but the end of our // stream has been reached. throw new XmlSyntaxException( _t.LineNo, Environment.GetResourceString( "XMLSyntax_UnexpectedEndOfFile" )); } } while (stackDepth > 1); } private int DetermineFormat( TokenizerStream stream ) { if (stream.GetNextToken() == Tokenizer.bra) { if (stream.GetNextToken() == { _t.GetTokens( stream, -1, true ); stream.GoToPosition( 2 ); bool sawEquals = false; bool sawEncoding = false; short i; for (i = stream.GetNextToken(); i != -1 && i != Tokenizer.ket; i = stream.GetNextToken()) { switch (i) { case Tokenizer.cstr: if (sawEquals && sawEncoding) { _t.ChangeFormat( System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding( stream.GetNextString() ) ); return 0; } else if (!sawEquals) { if (String.Compare( stream.GetNextString(), "encoding", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) sawEncoding = true; } else { sawEquals = false; sawEncoding = false; stream.ThrowAwayNextString(); } break; case Tokenizer.equals: sawEquals = true; break; default: throw new XmlSyntaxException (_t.LineNo, Environment.GetResourceString( "XMLSyntax_UnexpectedEndOfFile" )); } } return 0; } } return 2; } private void ParseContents() { short i; TokenizerStream stream = new TokenizerStream(); _t.GetTokens( stream, 2, false ); stream.Reset(); int gotoPosition = DetermineFormat( stream ); stream.GoToPosition( gotoPosition ); _t.GetTokens( stream, -1, false ); stream.Reset(); int neededIndex = 0; GetRequiredSizes( stream, ref neededIndex ); _doc = new SecurityDocument( neededIndex ); int position = 0; stream.Reset(); for (i = stream.GetNextFullToken(); i != -1; i = stream.GetNextFullToken()) { if ((i & c_flag) != c_flag) continue; else { switch((short)(i & 0xFF00)) { case c_elementtag: _doc.AddToken( SecurityDocument.c_element, ref position ); _doc.AddString( stream.GetNextString(), ref position ); break; case c_attributetag: _doc.AddToken( SecurityDocument.c_attribute, ref position ); _doc.AddString( stream.GetNextString(), ref position ); _doc.AddString( stream.GetNextString(), ref position ); break; case c_texttag: _doc.AddToken( SecurityDocument.c_text, ref position ); _doc.AddString( stream.GetNextString(), ref position ); break; case c_additionaltexttag: _doc.AppendString( " ", ref position ); _doc.AppendString( stream.GetNextString(), ref position ); break; case c_childrentag: _doc.AddToken( SecurityDocument.c_children, ref position ); break; case c_wastedstringtag: stream.ThrowAwayNextString(); break; default: throw new XmlSyntaxException(); } } } } private Parser(Tokenizer t) { _t = t; _doc = null; try { ParseContents(); } finally { _t.Recycle(); } } internal Parser (String input) : this (new Tokenizer (input)) { } internal Parser (String input, String[] searchStrings, String[] replaceStrings) : this (new Tokenizer (input, searchStrings, replaceStrings)) { } internal Parser( byte[] array, Tokenizer.ByteTokenEncoding encoding ) : this (new Tokenizer( array, encoding, 0 ) ) { } internal Parser( byte[] array, Tokenizer.ByteTokenEncoding encoding, int startIndex ) : this (new Tokenizer( array, encoding, startIndex ) ) { } internal Parser( StreamReader input ) : this (new Tokenizer( input ) ) { } internal Parser( char[] array ) : this (new Tokenizer( array ) ) { } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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