oledbconnectionstring.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / OleDb / oledbconnectionstring.cs / 1305376 / oledbconnectionstring.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
// [....]
namespace System.Data.OleDb {
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.Common; 
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Text;
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;
    internal struct SchemaSupport { 
        internal Guid _schemaRowset;
        internal int  _restrictions; 

    internal sealed class OleDbConnectionString : DbConnectionOptions {
        // instances of this class are intended to be immutable, i.e readonly 
        // used by pooling classes so it is much easier to verify correctness
        // when not worried about the class being modified during execution 
        internal static class KEY {
            internal const string Asynchronous_Processing = "asynchronous processing"; 
            internal const string Connect_Timeout         = "connect timeout";
            internal const string Data_Provider           = "data provider";
            internal const string Data_Source             = "data source";
            internal const string Extended_Properties     = "extended properties"; 
            internal const string File_Name               = "file name";
            internal const string Initial_Catalog         = "initial catalog"; 
            internal const string Ole_DB_Services         = "ole db services"; 
            internal const string Persist_Security_Info   = "persist security info";
            internal const string Prompt                  = "prompt"; 
            internal const string Provider                = "provider";
            internal const string RemoteProvider          = "remote provider";
            internal const string WindowHandle            = "window handle";

        // registry key and dword value entry for udl pooling 
        private static class UDL { 
            internal const string Header   = "\xfeff[oledb]\r\n; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring\r\n";
            internal const string Location = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\DataAccess\\Udl Pooling"; 
            internal const string Pooling  = "Cache Size";

            static internal volatile bool      _PoolSizeInit;
            static internal int                _PoolSize; 

            static internal volatile Dictionary _Pool; 
            static internal object             _PoolLock = new object(); 
        private static class VALUES {
            internal const string NoPrompt = "noprompt";
        // set during ctor
        internal readonly bool PossiblePrompt; 
        internal readonly string ActualConnectionString; // cached value passed to GetDataSource 

        private readonly string _expandedConnectionString; 

        internal SchemaSupport[] _schemaSupport;

        internal int _sqlSupport; 
        internal bool _supportMultipleResults;
        internal bool _supportIRow; 
        internal bool _hasSqlSupport; 
        internal bool _hasSupportMultipleResults, _hasSupportIRow;
        private int _oledbServices;

        // these are cached delegates (per unique connectionstring)
        internal UnsafeNativeMethods.IUnknownQueryInterface        DangerousDataSourceIUnknownQueryInterface; 
        internal UnsafeNativeMethods.IDBInitializeInitialize       DangerousIDBInitializeInitialize;
        internal UnsafeNativeMethods.IDBCreateSessionCreateSession DangerousIDBCreateSessionCreateSession; 
        internal UnsafeNativeMethods.IDBCreateCommandCreateCommand DangerousIDBCreateCommandCreateCommand; 

        // since IDBCreateCommand interface may not be supported for a particular provider (only IOpenRowset) 
        // we cache that fact rather than call QueryInterface on every call to Open
        internal bool HaveQueriedForCreateCommand;

        // SxS: if user specifies a value for "File Name=" (UDL) in connection string, OleDbConnectionString will load the connection string 
        // from the UDL file. The UDL file is opened as FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, allowing concurrent access to it.
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
        internal OleDbConnectionString(string connectionString, bool validate) : base(connectionString) {
            string prompt = this[KEY.Prompt]; 
            PossiblePrompt = ((!ADP.IsEmpty(prompt) && (0 != String.Compare(prompt, VALUES.NoPrompt, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                              || !ADP.IsEmpty(this[KEY.WindowHandle]));

            if (!IsEmpty) { 
                string udlConnectionString = null;
                if (!validate) { 
                    int position = 0; 
                    string udlFileName = null;
                    _expandedConnectionString = ExpandDataDirectories(ref udlFileName, ref position); 

                    if (!ADP.IsEmpty(udlFileName)) { // fail via new FileStream vs. GetFullPath
                        udlFileName = ADP.GetFullPath(udlFileName); // MDAC 82833
                    if (null != udlFileName) {
                        udlConnectionString = LoadStringFromStorage(udlFileName); 
                        if (!ADP.IsEmpty(udlConnectionString)) {
                            _expandedConnectionString = _expandedConnectionString.Substring(0, position) + udlConnectionString + ';' + _expandedConnectionString.Substring(position); 
                if (validate || ADP.IsEmpty(udlConnectionString)) { 
                    ActualConnectionString = ValidateConnectionString(connectionString);
        internal int ConnectTimeout {
            get { return base.ConvertValueToInt32(KEY.Connect_Timeout, ADP.DefaultConnectionTimeout); }
        internal string DataSource {
            get { return base.ConvertValueToString(KEY.Data_Source, ADP.StrEmpty); } 

        internal string InitialCatalog { 
            get { return base.ConvertValueToString(KEY.Initial_Catalog, ADP.StrEmpty); }

        internal string Provider { 
            get {
                Debug.Assert(!ADP.IsEmpty(this[KEY.Provider]), "no Provider"); 
                return this[KEY.Provider]; 

        internal int OleDbServices {
            get {
                return _oledbServices; 
        internal SchemaSupport[] SchemaSupport { // OleDbConnection.GetSchemaRowsetInformation
            get { return _schemaSupport; } 
            set { _schemaSupport = value; }

        protected internal override System.Security.PermissionSet CreatePermissionSet() { 
            System.Security.PermissionSet permissionSet;
            if (PossiblePrompt) { 
                permissionSet = new NamedPermissionSet("FullTrust"); 
            else { 
                permissionSet = new System.Security.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState.None);
                permissionSet.AddPermission(new OleDbPermission(this));
            return permissionSet; 
        protected internal override string Expand() { 
            if (null != _expandedConnectionString) {
                return _expandedConnectionString; 
            else {
                return base.Expand();
        internal int GetSqlSupport(OleDbConnection connection) { 
            int sqlSupport = _sqlSupport;
            if (!_hasSqlSupport) { 
                object value = connection.GetDataSourcePropertyValue(OleDbPropertySetGuid.DataSourceInfo, ODB.DBPROP_SQLSUPPORT);
                if (value is Int32) { // not OleDbPropertyStatus
                    sqlSupport = (int) value;
                _sqlSupport = sqlSupport;
                _hasSqlSupport = true; 
            return sqlSupport;

        internal bool GetSupportIRow(OleDbConnection connection, OleDbCommand command) {
            bool supportIRow = _supportIRow;
            if (!_hasSupportIRow) { 
                object value = command.GetPropertyValue(OleDbPropertySetGuid.Rowset, ODB.DBPROP_IRow);
                // SQLOLEDB always returns VARIANT_FALSE for DBPROP_IROW, so base the answer on existance 
                supportIRow = !(value is OleDbPropertyStatus);
                _supportIRow = supportIRow; 
                _hasSupportIRow = true;
            return supportIRow;

        internal bool GetSupportMultipleResults(OleDbConnection connection) { 
            bool supportMultipleResults = _supportMultipleResults; 
            if (!_hasSupportMultipleResults) {
                object value = connection.GetDataSourcePropertyValue(OleDbPropertySetGuid.DataSourceInfo, ODB.DBPROP_MULTIPLERESULTS); 
                if (value is Int32) {// not OleDbPropertyStatus
                    supportMultipleResults = (ODB.DBPROPVAL_MR_NOTSUPPORTED != (int) value);
                _supportMultipleResults = supportMultipleResults; 
                _hasSupportMultipleResults = true;
            return supportMultipleResults; 
        static private int UdlPoolSize { // MDAC 69925
            // SxS: UdpPoolSize reads registry value to get the pool size
            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
            get {
                int poolsize = UDL._PoolSize; 
                if (!UDL._PoolSizeInit) { 
                    object value = ADP.LocalMachineRegistryValue(UDL.Location, UDL.Pooling);
                    if (value is Int32) { 
                        poolsize = (int) value;
                        poolsize = ((0 < poolsize) ? poolsize : 0);
                        UDL._PoolSize = poolsize;
                    UDL._PoolSizeInit = true;
                return poolsize; 

        static private string LoadStringFromStorage(string udlfilename) { 
            string udlConnectionString = null;
            Dictionary udlcache = UDL._Pool; 
            if ((null == udlcache) || !udlcache.TryGetValue(udlfilename, out udlConnectionString)) {
                udlConnectionString = LoadStringFromFileStorage(udlfilename); 
                if (null != udlConnectionString) {
                    Debug.Assert(!ADP.IsEmpty(udlfilename), "empty filename didn't fail");

                    if (0 < UdlPoolSize) { 
                        Debug.Assert(udlfilename == ADP.GetFullPath(udlfilename), "only cache full path filenames"); // MDAC 82833
                        if (null == udlcache) { 
                            udlcache = new Dictionary();
                            udlcache[udlfilename] = udlConnectionString; 

                            lock(UDL._PoolLock) {
                                if (null != UDL._Pool) {
                                    udlcache = UDL._Pool; 
                                else { 
                                    UDL._Pool = udlcache; 
                                    udlcache = null;
                        if (null != udlcache) {
                            lock(udlcache) { 
                                udlcache[udlfilename] = udlConnectionString;
            return udlConnectionString;
        static private string LoadStringFromFileStorage(string udlfilename) { 
            // Microsoft Data Link File Format
            // The first two lines of a .udl file must have exactly the following contents in order to work properly: 
            //  [oledb]
            //  ; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
            string connectionString = null; 
            Exception failure = null;
            try { 
                int hdrlength = ADP.CharSize*UDL.Header.Length; 
                using(FileStream fstream = new FileStream(udlfilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) {
                    long length = fstream.Length; 
                    if (length < hdrlength || (0 != length%ADP.CharSize)) {
                        failure = ADP.InvalidUDL();
                    else { 
                        byte[] bytes = new Byte[hdrlength];
                        int count = fstream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); 
                        if (count < hdrlength) { 
                            failure = ADP.InvalidUDL();
                        else if (System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes, 0, hdrlength) != UDL.Header) {
                            failure = ADP.InvalidUDL();
                        else { // please verify header before allocating memory block for connection string 
                            bytes = new Byte[length - hdrlength];
                            count = fstream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); 
                            connectionString = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes, 0, count); 
            catch(Exception e) {
                if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {

                throw ADP.UdlFileError(e); 
            if (null != failure) {
                throw failure;
            return connectionString.Trim();
        [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] // reads OleDbServices value for the provider
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
        private string ValidateConnectionString(string connectionString) {
            if (ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.Asynchronous_Processing, false)) {
                throw ODB.AsynchronousNotSupported();

            int connectTimeout = ConvertValueToInt32(KEY.Connect_Timeout, 0); 
            if (connectTimeout < 0) { 
                throw ADP.InvalidConnectTimeoutValue();

            string progid = ConvertValueToString(KEY.Data_Provider, null); // MDAC 71923
            if (null != progid) {
                progid = progid.Trim(); 
                if (0 < progid.Length) { // don't fail on empty 'Data Provider' value
            progid = ConvertValueToString(KEY.RemoteProvider, null); // MDAC 71923 
            if (null != progid) {
                progid = progid.Trim();
                if (0 < progid.Length) { // don't fail on empty 'Data Provider' value
            progid = ConvertValueToString(KEY.Provider, ADP.StrEmpty).Trim(); 
            ValidateProvider(progid); // will fail on empty 'Provider' value
            // SQLBU VSTS 59322: initialize to default
            // If the value is not provided in connection string and OleDbServices registry key has not been set by the provider,
            // the default for the provider is -1 (all services are ON).
            // our default is -13, we turn off ODB.DBPROPVAL_OS_AGR_AFTERSESSION and ODB.DBPROPVAL_OS_CLIENTCURSOR flags 
            _oledbServices = DbConnectionStringDefaults.OleDbServices;
            bool hasOleDBServices = (base.ContainsKey(KEY.Ole_DB_Services) && !ADP.IsEmpty((string)base[KEY.Ole_DB_Services])); 
            if (!hasOleDBServices) { // don't touch registry if they have OLE DB Services
                string classid = (string) ADP.ClassesRootRegistryValue(progid + "\\CLSID", String.Empty); 
                if ((null != classid) && (0 < classid.Length)) {
                    // CLSID detection of 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers'
                    Guid classidProvider = new Guid(classid);
                    if (ODB.CLSID_MSDASQL == classidProvider) { 
                        throw ODB.MSDASQLNotSupported();
                    object tmp = ADP.ClassesRootRegistryValue("CLSID\\{" + classidProvider.ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "}", ODB.OLEDB_SERVICES); 
                    if (null != tmp) {
                        // @devnote: some providers like MSDataShape don't have the OLEDB_SERVICES value
                        // the MSDataShape provider doesn't support the 'Ole Db Services' keyword
                        // hence, if the value doesn't exist - don't prepend to string
                        try { 
                            _oledbServices = (int)tmp;
                        catch(InvalidCastException e) { 
                        _oledbServices &= ~(ODB.DBPROPVAL_OS_AGR_AFTERSESSION | ODB.DBPROPVAL_OS_CLIENTCURSOR); // NT 347436, MDAC 58606

                        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                        connectionString = builder.ToString(); 
            else { 
                // SQLBU VSTS 59322: parse the Ole Db Services value from connection string
                _oledbServices = ConvertValueToInt32(KEY.Ole_DB_Services, DbConnectionStringDefaults.OleDbServices); 

            return connectionString; 

        internal static bool IsMSDASQL(string progid) {
            return (("msdasql" == progid) || progid.StartsWith("msdasql.", StringComparison.Ordinal) || ("microsoft ole db provider for odbc drivers" == progid)); 
        static private void ValidateProvider(string progid) { 
            if (ADP.IsEmpty(progid)) {
                throw ODB.NoProviderSpecified(); 
            if (ODB.MaxProgIdLength <= progid.Length) { // MDAC 63151
                throw ODB.InvalidProviderSpecified();
            progid = progid.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (IsMSDASQL(progid)) { 
                // fail msdasql even if not on the machine. 
                throw ODB.MSDASQLNotSupported();

        static internal void ReleaseObjectPool() {
            UDL._PoolSizeInit = false; 
            UDL._Pool = null;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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