EntityViewGenerator.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntityDesign / Design / System / Data / Entity / Design / EntityViewGeneration / EntityViewGenerator.cs / 1599186 / EntityViewGenerator.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System; 
using System.CodeDom;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Text;
using System.Data; 
using System.Data.SqlClient; 
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Mapping; 
using System.Data.EntityClient;
using System.Data.EntityModel;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees;
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Data.Entity.Design.Common; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Data.Common.Utils; 
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Linq;
namespace System.Data.Entity.Design
    /// EntityViewGenerator class produces the views for the extents in the passed in StorageMappingItemCollection.
    /// The views are written as code to the passed in output stream. There are a set of options that user 
    /// can use to control the code generation process. The options should be apssed into the constrcutor.
    /// While storing the views in the code, the view generator class also stores a Hash value produced based
    /// on the content of the views and the names of extents. We also generate a hash for each schema file( csdl, ssdl and msl)
    /// that was used in view generation process and store the hash in the generated code.The entity runtime will try to discover this 
    /// type and if it does discover it will use the generated views in this type. The discovery process is
    /// explained in detail in the comments for StorageMappingItemCollection class. 
    /// The runtime will throw an exception if any of the the hash values produced in the design time does not match 
    /// the hash values produced at the runtime.
    public class EntityViewGenerator
        #region Constructors
        /// Create the instance of ViewGenerator with the given language option.
        /// Language Option for generated code. 
        public EntityViewGenerator(LanguageOption languageOption)
            m_languageOption = EDesignUtil.CheckLanguageOptionArgument(languageOption, "languageOption");

        /// Create the instance of ViewGenerator using C# as the default
        /// language option. 
        public EntityViewGenerator()
            : this(LanguageOption.GenerateCSharpCode) 


        #region Fields 
        private LanguageOption m_languageOption; 
        private static readonly int MAXONELINELENGTH = 2046;
        private static readonly int ONELINELENGTH = 80; 

        #region Properties
        /// Language Option for generated code.
        public LanguageOption LanguageOption 
            get { return m_languageOption; } 
            set { m_languageOption = EDesignUtil.CheckLanguageOptionArgument(value, "value"); }
        #region Methods
        /// Generates the views for the extents in the mapping item collection and produces 
        /// the code for a type that will cache these views. The methods also produces
        /// a hash based on the StorageEntityContainerMapping, which contains all the 
        /// metadata and mapping. It also produces a hash based
        /// on the view content and the name of the extents.
        /// Mapping Item Collection for which views should be generated 
        /// Uri to which generated code needs to be written
        [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Machine)] //Exposes the outputPath as part of ConnectionString which are a Machine resource. 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine)] //For StreamWriter constructor call. But the path to the stream is not created in this method. 
        public IList GenerateViews(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, string outputPath) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(mappingCollection, "mappingCollection");
            EDesignUtil.CheckStringArgument(outputPath, "outputPath");
            TextWriter outputWriter = null;
                return InternalGenerateViews(mappingCollection, () => new StreamWriter(outputPath), out outputWriter);
                if (outputWriter != null)
        /// Generates the views for the extents in the mapping item collection and produces
        /// the code for a type that will cache these views. The methods also produces
        /// a hash based on the storageEntityContainerMapping object, which contains all the 
        /// metadata and mapping. It also produces a hash based
        /// on the view content and the name of the extents. 
        /// Mapping Item Collection for which views should be generated
        /// Output writer to which we want to write the code 
        public IList GenerateViews(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, TextWriter outputWriter)
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(mappingCollection, "mappingCollection"); 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(outputWriter, "outputWriter");
            TextWriter writer; 
            return InternalGenerateViews(mappingCollection, () => outputWriter, out writer);

        /// Generates the views for the extents in the mapping item collection and produces
        /// the code for a type that will cache these views. The methods also produces 
        /// a hash based on the storageEntityContainerMapping object, which contains all the
        /// metadata and mapping. It also produces a hash based 
        /// on the view content and the name of the extents. 
        /// Mapping Item Collection for which views should be generated 
        /// Output writer to which we want to write the code
        public IList GenerateViews(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, TextWriter outputWriter, Version targetEntityFrameworkVersion)
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(mappingCollection, "mappingCollection");
            EDesignUtil.CheckTargetEntityFrameworkVersionArgument(targetEntityFrameworkVersion, "targetEntityFrameworkVersion"); 
            CheckForCompatibleSchemaAndTarget(mappingCollection, targetEntityFrameworkVersion, "targetEntityFrameworkVersion");
            return GenerateViews(mappingCollection, outputWriter); 

        private static void CheckForCompatibleSchemaAndTarget(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, Version targetEntityFrameworkVersion, string parameter)
            if (targetEntityFrameworkVersion < EntityFrameworkVersions.ConvertToVersion(mappingCollection.MappingVersion) ||
                targetEntityFrameworkVersion < EntityFrameworkVersions.ConvertToVersion(mappingCollection.EdmItemCollection.EdmVersion)) 
                throw EDesignUtil.Argument(Strings.TargetVersionEdmOrMslSchemaVersionMismatch(parameter), null);


        private IList InternalGenerateViews( 
            StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection,
            Func GetWriter, 
            out TextWriter outputWriter) 
            IList schemaErrors; 
            CodeDomProvider provider;
            Dictionary generatedViews;
            if (GetViewsWithErrors(mappingCollection, out provider, out schemaErrors, out generatedViews))
                outputWriter = null;
                return schemaErrors; 

            outputWriter = GetWriter(); 
            GenerateAndStoreViews(mappingCollection, generatedViews,
                outputWriter, provider, schemaErrors);

            return schemaErrors; 
        /// Validates the mappingCollections and returns the schemaErrors.
        /// list of EdmSchemaError
        public static IList Validate(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, Version targetEntityFrameworkVersion) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckTargetEntityFrameworkVersionArgument(targetEntityFrameworkVersion, "targetEntityFrameworkVersion"); 
            CheckForCompatibleSchemaAndTarget(mappingCollection, targetEntityFrameworkVersion, "targetEntityFrameworkVersion"); 

            return Validate(mappingCollection); 

        /// Validates the mappingCollections and returns the schemaErrors. 
        /// list of EdmSchemaError 
        public static IList Validate(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection) 
            // purpose of this API is to validate the mappingCollection, it basically will call GetViews

            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(mappingCollection, "mappingCollection"); 

            // we need a temp var to to pass it to GetViews (since we will directly invoke GetViews) 
            Dictionary generatedViews; 
            // mappingCollection will be validated and schemaErrors will be returned from GetViews API
            IList schemaErrors; 

            GetViews(mappingCollection, out schemaErrors, out generatedViews);

            Debug.Assert(schemaErrors != null, "schemaErrors is null"); 
            return schemaErrors;
        private bool GetViewsWithErrors(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, out CodeDomProvider provider, out IList schemaErrors, out Dictionary generatedViews)
            GetViewsAndCodeDomProvider(mappingCollection, out provider, out schemaErrors, out generatedViews);
            //If the generated views are empty because of errors or warnings, then don't create an output file.
            if (generatedViews.Count == 0 && schemaErrors.Count > 0)
                return true;
            return false; 
        private void GetViewsAndCodeDomProvider(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, out CodeDomProvider provider, out IList schemaErrors, out Dictionary generatedViews)
            //Create a CodeDomProvider based on options.
            provider = null; 
            switch (m_languageOption)
                case LanguageOption.GenerateCSharpCode: 
                    provider = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider();

                case LanguageOption.GenerateVBCode:
                    provider = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider();
            //Get the views for the Entity Sets and Association Sets in the mapping item collection 

            GetViews(mappingCollection, out schemaErrors, out generatedViews);

        private static void GetViews(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection, 
            out IList schemaErrors, out Dictionary generatedViews)
            generatedViews = mappingCollection.GetViews(out schemaErrors); 
        /// Generates the code to store the views in a C# or a VB file based on the
        /// options passed in by the user.
        private static void GenerateAndStoreViews(StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection,
            Dictionary generatedViews, TextWriter sourceWriter, CodeDomProvider provider, IList schemaErrors)
            EdmItemCollection edmCollection = mappingCollection.EdmItemCollection; 
            StoreItemCollection storeCollection = mappingCollection.StoreItemCollection;
            //Create an emtpty compile unit and build up the generated code 
            CodeCompileUnit compileUnit = new CodeCompileUnit();
            //Add the namespace for generated code
            CodeNamespace codeNamespace = new CodeNamespace(EntityViewGenerationConstants.NamespaceName);
            //Add copyright notice to the namespace comment.

            foreach (var storageEntityContainerMapping in mappingCollection.GetItems()) 

                //Throw warning when containerMapping contains query view for bug 547285. 
                if (HasQueryView(storageEntityContainerMapping))
                    schemaErrors.Add(new EdmSchemaError(
                #region Class Declaration

                string edmContainerName = storageEntityContainerMapping.EdmEntityContainer.Name;
                string storeContainerName = storageEntityContainerMapping.StorageEntityContainer.Name; 

                string hashOverMappingClosure = MetadataMappingHasherVisitor.GetMappingClosureHash(edmCollection.EdmVersion, storageEntityContainerMapping); 
                StringBuilder inputForTypeNameContent = new StringBuilder(hashOverMappingClosure);
                string viewStorageTypeName = EntityViewGenerationConstants.ViewGenerationTypeNamePrefix + StringHashBuilder.ComputeHash(MetadataHelper.CreateMetadataHashAlgorithm(edmCollection.EdmVersion),  inputForTypeNameContent.ToString()).ToUpperInvariant();

                //Add typeof expression to get the type that contains ViewGen type. This will help us in avoiding to go through
                //all the types in the assembly. I have also verified that this works with VB with a root namespace prepended to the 
                //namespace since VB is picking up the type correctly as long as it is in the same assembly even with out the root namespace.
                CodeTypeOfExpression viewGenTypeOfExpression = new CodeTypeOfExpression(EntityViewGenerationConstants.NamespaceName + "." + viewStorageTypeName); 
                //Add the assembly attribute that marks the assembly as the one that contains the generated views 
                CodeAttributeDeclaration viewGenAttribute = new CodeAttributeDeclaration(EntityViewGenerationConstants.ViewGenerationCustomAttributeName);
                CodeAttributeArgument viewGenTypeArgument = new CodeAttributeArgument(viewGenTypeOfExpression); 

                //Add the type which will be the class that contains all the views in this assembly 
                CodeTypeDeclaration viewStoringType = CreateTypeForStoringViews(viewStorageTypeName);
                //Add the constructor, this will be the only method that this type will contain 
                //Create empty constructor.
                CodeConstructor viewStoringTypeConstructor = CreateConstructorForViewStoringType(); 
                viewStoringType.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public;

                //Get an expression that expresses this instance 
                CodeThisReferenceExpression thisRef = new CodeThisReferenceExpression();
                string viewHash = MetadataHelper.GenerateHashForAllExtentViewsContent(edmCollection.EdmVersion, GenerateDictionaryForEntitySetNameAndView(generatedViews));

                CodeAssignStatement EdmEntityContainerNameStatement =
                    new CodeAssignStatement(
                        new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(thisRef, EntityViewGenerationConstants.EdmEntityContainerName), 
                        new CodePrimitiveExpression(edmContainerName));
                CodeAssignStatement StoreEntityContainerNameStatement = 
                    new CodeAssignStatement( 
                        new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(thisRef, EntityViewGenerationConstants.StoreEntityContainerName),
                        new CodePrimitiveExpression(storeContainerName)); 
                CodeAssignStatement HashOverMappingClosureStatement =
                    new CodeAssignStatement(
                        new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(thisRef, EntityViewGenerationConstants.HashOverMappingClosure),
                        new CodePrimitiveExpression(hashOverMappingClosure)); 
                CodeAssignStatement HashOverAllExtentViewsStatement =
                    new CodeAssignStatement( 
                        new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(thisRef, EntityViewGenerationConstants.HashOverAllExtentViews), 
                        new CodePrimitiveExpression(viewHash));
                CodeAssignStatement ViewCountStatement = 
                    new CodeAssignStatement(
                        new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(thisRef, EntityViewGenerationConstants.ViewCountPropertyName),
                        new CodePrimitiveExpression(generatedViews.Count));

                //Add the constructor to the type
                //Add the method to store views to the type 
                CreateAndAddGetViewAtMethod(viewStoringType, generatedViews);
                //Add the type to the namespace 

            if (codeNamespace.Types.Count > 0) 
                GenerateCode(sourceWriter, provider, compileUnit); 

        private static bool HasQueryView(StorageEntityContainerMapping storageEntityContainerMapping)
            foreach (EntitySetBase extent in storageEntityContainerMapping.EdmEntityContainer.BaseEntitySets) 
                if (storageEntityContainerMapping.HasQueryViewForSetMap(extent.Name)) 
                    return true;
            return false;
        private static Dictionary GenerateDictionaryForEntitySetNameAndView(Dictionary dictionary)
            Dictionary newDictionary = new Dictionary(); 
            foreach (var item in dictionary)
                newDictionary.Add(GetExtentFullName(item.Key), item.Value);
            return newDictionary;

        /// Write code to the given stream from the compile unit. 
        private static void GenerateCode(TextWriter sourceWriter, CodeDomProvider provider, CodeCompileUnit compileUnit)
            CodeGeneratorOptions styleOptions = new CodeGeneratorOptions();
            styleOptions.BracingStyle = "C"; 
            styleOptions.BlankLinesBetweenMembers = true; 
            styleOptions.VerbatimOrder = true;
            provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, sourceWriter, styleOptions); 

        /// Generate Code to put the views in the generated code. 
        private static void CreateAndAddGetViewAtMethod(CodeTypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, Dictionary generatedViews) 

            //Add the views to a method
            CodeMemberMethod getViewAtMethod = new CodeMemberMethod(); 
            getViewAtMethod.Name = EntityViewGenerationConstants.GetViewAtMethodName;
            getViewAtMethod.ReturnType = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(KeyValuePair<,>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) })); 
            CodeParameterDeclarationExpression parameter = new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression(new CodeTypeReference(typeof(int)), "index"); 
            getViewAtMethod.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(EntityViewGenerationConstants.SummaryStartElement, true /*docComment*/)); 
            getViewAtMethod.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(Strings.GetViewAtMethodComments, true /*docComment*/));
            getViewAtMethod.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(EntityViewGenerationConstants.SummaryEndElement, true /*docComment*/));

            getViewAtMethod.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Family | MemberAttributes.Override; 

            int index = 0;
            CodeVariableReferenceExpression indexParameterReference = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression(getViewAtMethod.Parameters[0].Name); 

            foreach (KeyValuePair generatedViewPair in generatedViews)
                // the CodeDom does not support the following scenarios 
                // 1. switch statement
                // 2. if(){} else if(){} 
                // The original design here was to have the following code, 
                // if() { else { if(){} } }
                // but this had some drawbacks as described in TFS workitem 590996 
                // Given the not supported scenarios in CodeDom, we choose only use if statement in this case

                // if(index == 0)
                CodeConditionStatement currentIf = new CodeConditionStatement(new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression( 
                indexParameterReference, CodeBinaryOperatorType.ValueEquality, new CodePrimitiveExpression(index)));

                EntitySetBase entitySet = generatedViewPair.Key; 
                string extentFullName = GetExtentFullName(entitySet);
                CodeMemberMethod viewMethod = CreateViewReturnMethod(extentFullName, index, generatedViewPair.Value);
                // return GetNorthwindContext_Customers();
                CodeMethodReturnStatement returnViewMethodCall = new CodeMethodReturnStatement(new CodeMethodInvokeExpression(new CodeMethodReferenceExpression(null, viewMethod.Name))); 


            // if an invalid index is asked for throw
            getViewAtMethod.Statements.Add(new CodeThrowExceptionStatement( 
                                            new CodeObjectCreateExpression(new CodeTypeReference(typeof(IndexOutOfRangeException)))));
        private static CodeMemberMethod CreateViewReturnMethod(string extentFullName, int index, string viewText)
            //Add the views to a method
            CodeMemberMethod viewMethod = new CodeMemberMethod();
            viewMethod.Name = "GetView" + index.ToString();
            viewMethod.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private;
            viewMethod.ReturnType = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(KeyValuePair<,>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) })); 
            viewMethod.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(EntityViewGenerationConstants.SummaryStartElement, true /*docComment*/)); 
            viewMethod.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(Strings.IndividualViewComments(extentFullName), true /*docComment*/));
            viewMethod.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(EntityViewGenerationConstants.SummaryEndElement, true /*docComment*/)); 

            CodeExpression viewTextExpression;
            // only use the StringBuilder if we have to.
            if (viewText.Length > MAXONELINELENGTH) 
                CreateSizedStringBuilder(viewMethod.Statements, viewText.Length); 
                foreach (var appendExpression in GetAppendViewStringsExpressions(viewText)) 
                    // viewString.Append(xxx); 

                viewTextExpression = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression(GetViewStringBuilderVariable(), "ToString"); 
                viewTextExpression = new CodePrimitiveExpression(viewText);

            // return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair("dbo.Products", viewString.ToString());
            // or
            // return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair("dbo.Products", "SELECT value c..."); 
            CodeObjectCreateExpression newExpression =
                new CodeObjectCreateExpression( 
                    new CodePrimitiveExpression(extentFullName),
            viewMethod.Statements.Add(new CodeMethodReturnStatement(newExpression));

            return viewMethod;

        private static void CreateSizedStringBuilder(CodeStatementCollection statements, int capacity) 
            // StringBuilder viewString = new StringBuilder(237);
            CodeVariableDeclarationStatement viewStringDeclaration = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement(typeof(StringBuilder), "viewString"); 
            CodeObjectCreateExpression viewStringConstruct = new CodeObjectCreateExpression(typeof(StringBuilder), new CodePrimitiveExpression(capacity));
            viewStringDeclaration.InitExpression = viewStringConstruct;

        private static IEnumerable SplitViewStrings(string largeViewString) 
            for (int i = 0; i <= largeViewString.Length / ONELINELENGTH; i++) 
                if (i * ONELINELENGTH + ONELINELENGTH < largeViewString.Length)
                    yield return largeViewString.Substring(i * ONELINELENGTH, ONELINELENGTH); 
                    // the very last part of the splited string
                    yield return largeViewString.Substring(i * ONELINELENGTH); 
        private static IEnumerable GetViewStringsAppendToStringBuilder(
            params string[] viewStrings) 
            foreach (var viewString in viewStrings)
                // viewString.Append("xxx");
                yield return AppendStringToStringBuilder(GetViewStringBuilderVariable(), viewString);

        private static CodeVariableReferenceExpression GetViewStringBuilderVariable() 
            return new CodeVariableReferenceExpression("viewString");

        private static CodeMethodInvokeExpression AppendStringToStringBuilder(
            CodeVariableReferenceExpression stringBuilder, string stringToAppend)
            return new CodeMethodInvokeExpression(
                stringBuilder, "Append", new CodePrimitiveExpression(stringToAppend)); 

        private static IEnumerable GetAppendViewStringsExpressions(string viewString) 
            if (viewString.Length > MAXONELINELENGTH)
                // if the string is longer than 2046 charactors, we splitted them in to 80 each 
                // and append them using StringBuilder
                return GetViewStringsAppendToStringBuilder(SplitViewStrings(viewString).ToArray()); 
                return GetViewStringsAppendToStringBuilder(viewString);
        private static string GetExtentFullName(EntitySetBase entitySet)
            //We store the full Extent Name in the generated code which is 
            //EntityContainer name + "." + entitysetName
            return entitySet.EntityContainer.Name + EntityViewGenerationConstants.QualificationCharacter + entitySet.Name; 


        /// Get the constructor for the type that will contain the generated views
        private static CodeConstructor CreateConstructorForViewStoringType()
            CodeConstructor constructor = new CodeConstructor();
            //Mark it as public
            constructor.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public;
            //Add constructor comments 
            constructor.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(EntityViewGenerationConstants.SummaryStartElement, true /*docComment*/));
            constructor.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(Strings.ConstructorComments, true /*docComment*/)); 
            constructor.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(EntityViewGenerationConstants.SummaryEndElement, true /*docComment*/)); 
            return constructor;

        /// Get the type declaration for the type that will contain the views.
        private static CodeTypeDeclaration CreateTypeForStoringViews(string viewStorageTypeName) 
            CodeTypeDeclaration typeDecl = new CodeTypeDeclaration(viewStorageTypeName);
            typeDecl.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.Public; 
            //This type should derive from the framework type EntityViewContainer which reduces the amount
            //of generated code
            //Add type comments 
            typeDecl.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(EntityViewGenerationConstants.SummaryStartElement, true /*docComment*/));
            typeDecl.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(Strings.TypeComments, true /*docComment*/)); 
            typeDecl.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(EntityViewGenerationConstants.SummaryEndElement, true /*docComment*/)); 
            return typeDecl;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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