ScriptResourceAttribute.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Extensions / UI / ScriptResourceAttribute.cs / 1305376 / ScriptResourceAttribute.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.UI { 
    using System; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Reflection; 
    using System.Resources;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Text;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Handlers;
    using System.Web.Resources; 
    using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
    using System.Web.Util; 
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public sealed class ScriptResourceAttribute : Attribute { 
        private string _scriptName;
        private string _stringResourceName;
        private string _stringResourceClientTypeName;
        private static readonly Regex _webResourceRegEx = new Regex( 
            RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline); 
        public ScriptResourceAttribute(string scriptName)
            : this(scriptName, null, null) { 

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming","CA1720:IdentifiersShouldNotContainTypeNames", MessageId="string", Justification="Refers to 'string resource', not string the type.")]
        public ScriptResourceAttribute(string scriptName, string stringResourceName, string stringResourceClientTypeName) { 
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptName)) {
                throw new ArgumentException(AtlasWeb.Common_NullOrEmpty, "scriptName"); 
            _scriptName = scriptName;
            _stringResourceName = stringResourceName; 
            _stringResourceClientTypeName = stringResourceClientTypeName;

        public string ScriptName { 
            get {
                return _scriptName; 
        [Obsolete("This property is obsolete. Use StringResourceName instead.")]
        public string ScriptResourceName {
            get {
                return StringResourceName; 
        public string StringResourceClientTypeName {
            get { 
                return _stringResourceClientTypeName;
        public string StringResourceName {
            get { 
                return _stringResourceName; 

        [Obsolete("This property is obsolete. Use StringResourceClientTypeName instead.")]
        public string TypeName {
            get { 
                return StringResourceClientTypeName;

        private static void AddResources(Dictionary resources, 
            ResourceManager resourceManager, ResourceSet neutralSet) {
            foreach (DictionaryEntry res in neutralSet) {
                string key = (string)res.Key;
                string value = resourceManager.GetObject(key) as string; 
                if (value != null) {
                    resources[key] = value; 

        private static Dictionary CombineResources(
            ResourceManager resourceManager, ResourceSet neutralSet,
            ResourceManager releaseResourceManager, ResourceSet releaseNeutralSet) { 
            Dictionary resources = new Dictionary(StringComparer.Ordinal);
            // add release resources first 
            AddResources(resources, releaseResourceManager, releaseNeutralSet); 
            // then debug, overwriting any existing release resources
            AddResources(resources, resourceManager, neutralSet); 
            return resources;

        private static void CopyScriptToStringBuilderWithSubstitution( 
            string content, Assembly assembly, bool zip, StringBuilder output) {
            // Looking for something of the form: WebResource("resourcename") 
            MatchCollection matches = _webResourceRegEx.Matches(content);
            int startIndex = 0; 
            foreach (Match match in matches) {
                output.Append(content.Substring(startIndex, match.Index - startIndex));

                Group group = match.Groups["resourceName"]; 
                string embeddedResourceName = group.Value;
                bool isScriptResource = String.Equals( 
                    match.Groups["resourceType"].Value, "ScriptResource", StringComparison.Ordinal); 
                try {
                    if (isScriptResource) { 
                            assembly, embeddedResourceName, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, zip));
                    else { 
                            assembly, embeddedResourceName, false, true, null)); 
                catch (HttpException e) { 
                    throw new HttpException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                        embeddedResourceName), e);

                startIndex = match.Index + match.Length; 

            output.Append(content.Substring(startIndex, content.Length - startIndex)); 

        internal static ResourceManager GetResourceManager(string resourceName, Assembly assembly) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceName)) { 
                return null;
            return new ResourceManager(GetResourceName(resourceName), assembly); 
        private static string GetResourceName(string rawResourceName) {
            if (rawResourceName.EndsWith(".resources", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                return rawResourceName.Substring(0, rawResourceName.Length - 10);
            return rawResourceName;
        internal static string GetScriptFromWebResourceInternal(
            Assembly assembly, string resourceName, CultureInfo culture, 
            bool zip, out string contentType) {

            ScriptResourceInfo resourceInfo = ScriptResourceInfo.GetInstance(assembly, resourceName);
            ScriptResourceInfo releaseResourceInfo = null; 
            if (resourceName.EndsWith(".debug.js", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                // This is a debug script, we'll need to merge the debug resource 
                // with the release one. 
                string releaseResourceName = resourceName.Substring(0, resourceName.Length - 9) + ".js";
                releaseResourceInfo = ScriptResourceInfo.GetInstance(assembly, releaseResourceName); 
            if ((resourceInfo == ScriptResourceInfo.Empty) &&
                ((releaseResourceInfo == null) || (releaseResourceInfo == ScriptResourceInfo.Empty))) {
                throw new HttpException(AtlasWeb.ScriptResourceHandler_InvalidRequest);
            ResourceManager resourceManager = null;
            ResourceSet neutralSet = null; 
            ResourceManager releaseResourceManager = null;
            ResourceSet releaseNeutralSet = null;
            CultureInfo previousCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
            try {
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture; 
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceInfo.ScriptResourceName)) {
                    resourceManager = GetResourceManager(resourceInfo.ScriptResourceName, assembly); 
                    // The following may throw MissingManifestResourceException
                    neutralSet = resourceManager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, true, true);
                if ((releaseResourceInfo != null) && 
                    !String.IsNullOrEmpty(releaseResourceInfo.ScriptResourceName)) {
                    releaseResourceManager = GetResourceManager(releaseResourceInfo.ScriptResourceName, assembly); 
                    releaseNeutralSet = releaseResourceManager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, true, true);
                if ((releaseResourceInfo != null) &&
                    !String.IsNullOrEmpty(releaseResourceInfo.ScriptResourceName) &&
                    !String.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceInfo.ScriptResourceName) &&
                    (releaseResourceInfo.TypeName != resourceInfo.TypeName)) { 
                    throw new HttpException(String.Format(

                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                    resourceInfo, releaseResourceInfo, 
                    resourceManager, neutralSet,
                    releaseResourceManager, releaseNeutralSet, 
                    zip, builder); 
                contentType = resourceInfo.ContentType;
                return builder.ToString(); 
            finally {
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = previousCulture;
                if (releaseNeutralSet != null) {
                if (neutralSet != null) {
        private static void RegisterNamespace(StringBuilder builder, string typeName, bool isDebug) {
            int lastDot = typeName.LastIndexOf('.'); 
            if (lastDot != -1) { 
                builder.Append(typeName.Substring(0, lastDot)); 
                if (isDebug) builder.AppendLine();

        private static void WriteResource(StringBuilder builder, 
            Dictionary resources, 
            bool isDebug) {
            bool first = true; 
            foreach (KeyValuePair res in resources) {
                if (first) {
                    first = false;
                else {
                if (isDebug) {
        private static void WriteResource(
            StringBuilder builder,
            ResourceManager resourceManager,
            ResourceSet neutralSet, 
            bool isDebug) {
            bool first = true; 
            foreach (DictionaryEntry res in neutralSet) {
                string key = (string)res.Key; 
                string value = resourceManager.GetObject(key) as string;
                if (value != null) {
                    if (first) {
                        first = false; 
                    else { 
                    if (isDebug) builder.AppendLine(); 
        private static void WriteResourceToStringBuilder(
            ScriptResourceInfo resourceInfo,
            ScriptResourceInfo releaseResourceInfo,
            ResourceManager resourceManager, 
            ResourceSet neutralSet,
            ResourceManager releaseResourceManager, 
            ResourceSet releaseNeutralSet, 
            StringBuilder builder) {
            if ((resourceManager != null) || (releaseResourceManager != null)) {
                string typeName = resourceInfo.TypeName;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName)) {
                    typeName = releaseResourceInfo.TypeName; 
                WriteResources(builder, typeName, resourceManager, neutralSet, 
                    releaseResourceManager, releaseNeutralSet, resourceInfo.IsDebug); 

        private static void WriteResources(StringBuilder builder, string typeName,
            ResourceManager resourceManager, ResourceSet neutralSet,
            ResourceManager releaseResourceManager, ResourceSet releaseNeutralSet, 
            bool isDebug) {
            // DevDiv Bugs 131109: Resources and notification should go on a new line even in release mode 
            // because main script may not end in a semi-colon or may end in a javascript comment.
            RegisterNamespace(builder, typeName, isDebug);
            if ((resourceManager != null) && (releaseResourceManager != null)) { 
                WriteResource(builder, CombineResources(resourceManager, neutralSet, releaseResourceManager, releaseNeutralSet), isDebug);
            else { 
                if (resourceManager != null) {
                    WriteResource(builder, resourceManager, neutralSet, isDebug); 
                else if (releaseResourceManager != null) {
                    WriteResource(builder, releaseResourceManager, releaseNeutralSet, isDebug);
            if (isDebug) { 

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2106:SecureAsserts", Justification="Violation is no longer relevant due to 4.0 CAS model")] 
        [FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)] 
        private static void WriteScript(Assembly assembly, 
            ScriptResourceInfo resourceInfo, ScriptResourceInfo releaseResourceInfo,
            ResourceManager resourceManager, ResourceSet neutralSet,
            ResourceManager releaseResourceManager, ResourceSet releaseNeutralSet,
            bool zip, StringBuilder output) { 

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( 
                assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceInfo.ScriptName), true)) { 

                if (resourceInfo.IsDebug) { 
                    // Output version information
                    AssemblyName assemblyName = assembly.GetName();
                    output.AppendLine("// Name:        " + resourceInfo.ScriptName);
                    output.AppendLine("// Assembly:    " + assemblyName.Name); 
                    output.AppendLine("// Version:     " + assemblyName.Version.ToString());
                    output.AppendLine("// FileVersion: " + AssemblyUtil.GetAssemblyFileVersion(assembly)); 
                if (resourceInfo.PerformSubstitution) {
                        reader.ReadToEnd(), assembly, zip, output);
                else {
                WriteResourceToStringBuilder(resourceInfo, releaseResourceInfo, 
                    resourceManager, neutralSet, 
                    releaseResourceManager, releaseNeutralSet,

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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