StrokeRenderer.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / Ink / StrokeRenderer.cs / 1305600 / StrokeRenderer.cs

                            //#define DEBUG_RENDERING_FEEDBACK 
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Ink;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Diagnostics; 

using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR; 
using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID; 
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; 

namespace MS.Internal.Ink
    /// An internal utility class that knows how to render a stroke
    /// into an Avalon's DrawingContext. 
    internal static class StrokeRenderer
        #region Static API

        /// Calculate the StreamGeometry for the StrokeNodes.
        /// This method is one of our most sensitive perf paths.  It has been optimized to 
        /// create the minimum path figures in the StreamGeometry.  There are two structures 
        /// we create for each point in a stroke, the strokenode and the connecting quad.  Adding
        /// strokenodes is very expensive later when MIL renders it, so this method has been optimized 
        /// to only add strokenodes when either pressure changes, or the angle of the stroke changes.
        internal static void CalcGeometryAndBoundsWithTransform(StrokeNodeIterator iterator,
                                                               DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, 
                                                               MatrixTypes stylusTipMatrixType,
                                                               bool calculateBounds, 
                                                               out Geometry geometry, 
                                                               out Rect bounds)
            Debug.Assert(iterator != null);
            Debug.Assert(drawingAttributes != null);

            StreamGeometry streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); 
            streamGeometry.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
            StreamGeometryContext context = streamGeometry.Open(); 
            geometry = streamGeometry;
            bounds = Rect.Empty; 
                List connectingQuadPoints = new List(iterator.Count * 4);
                //the index that the cb quad points are copied to
                int cdIndex = iterator.Count * 2; 
                //the index that the ab quad points are copied to 
                int abIndex = 0;
                for (int x = 0; x < cdIndex; x++) 
                    //initialize so we can start copying to cdIndex later
                    connectingQuadPoints.Add(new Point(0d, 0d));

                List strokeNodePoints = new List(); 
                double lastAngle = 0.0d; 
                bool previousPreviousNodeRendered = false;
                Rect lastRect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);

                for (int index = 0; index < iterator.Count; index++)
                    StrokeNode strokeNode = iterator[index];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(true == strokeNode.IsValid); 
                    //the only code that calls this with !calculateBounds
                    //is dynamic rendering, which already draws enough strokeNodes 
                    //to hide any visual artifacts.
                    //static rendering calculatesBounds, and we use those
                    //bounds below to figure out what angle to lay strokeNodes down for.
                    Rect strokeNodeBounds = strokeNode.GetBounds(); 
                    if (calculateBounds)
                    //if the angle between this and the last position has changed
                    //too much relative to the angle between the last+1 position and the last position
                    //we need to lay down stroke node
                    double delta = Math.Abs(GetAngleDeltaFromLast(strokeNode.PreviousPosition, strokeNode.Position, ref lastAngle)); 

                    double angleTolerance = 45d; 
                    if (stylusTipMatrixType == MatrixTypes.TRANSFORM_IS_UNKNOWN) 
                        //probably a skew is thrown in, we need to fall back to being very conservative 
                        //about how many strokeNodes we prune
                        angleTolerance = 10d;
                    else if (strokeNodeBounds.Height > 40d || strokeNodeBounds.Width > 40d) 
                        //if the strokeNode gets above a certain size, we need to lay down more strokeNodes 
                        //to prevent visual artifacts 
                        angleTolerance = 20d;
                    bool directionChanged = delta > angleTolerance && delta < (360d - angleTolerance);

                    double prevArea = lastRect.Height * lastRect.Width;
                    double currArea = strokeNodeBounds.Height * strokeNodeBounds.Width; 
                    bool areaChangedOverThreshold = false;
                    if ((Math.Min(prevArea, currArea) / Math.Max(prevArea, currArea)) <= 0.70d) 
                        //the min area is < 70% of the max area
                        areaChangedOverThreshold = true; 

                    lastRect = strokeNodeBounds;
                    //render the stroke node for the first two nodes and last two nodes always
                    if (index <= 1 || index >= iterator.Count - 2 || directionChanged || areaChangedOverThreshold) 
                        //special case... the direction has changed and we need to
                        //insert a stroke node in the StreamGeometry before we render the current one 
                        if (directionChanged && !previousPreviousNodeRendered && index > 1 && index < iterator.Count - 1)
                            //insert a stroke node for the previous node
                            AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, strokeNodePoints, strokeNode.IsEllipse/*isBezierFigure*/); 
                            previousPreviousNodeRendered = true;

                        //render the stroke node
                        AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, strokeNodePoints, strokeNode.IsEllipse/*isBezierFigure*/);
                    if (!directionChanged)
                        previousPreviousNodeRendered = false;

                    //add the end points of the connecting quad 
                    Quad quad = strokeNode.GetConnectingQuad();
                    if (!quad.IsEmpty) 
                        connectingQuadPoints[abIndex++] = quad.A;
                        connectingQuadPoints[abIndex++] = quad.B; 
                    if (strokeNode.IsLastNode)
                        Debug.Assert(index == iterator.Count - 1); 
                        if (abIndex > 0)
                            //we added something to the connecting quad points.
                            //now we need to do three things
                            //1) Shift the dc points down to the ab points
                            int cbStartIndex = iterator.Count * 2; 
                            int cbEndIndex = connectingQuadPoints.Count - 1;
                            for (int i = abIndex, j = cbStartIndex; j <= cbEndIndex; i++, j++) 
                                connectingQuadPoints[i] = connectingQuadPoints[j];

                            //2) trim the exess off the end of the array
                            int countToRemove = cbStartIndex - abIndex;
                            connectingQuadPoints.RemoveRange((cbEndIndex - countToRemove) + 1, countToRemove); 

                            //3) reverse the dc points to make them cd points 
                            for (int i = abIndex, j = connectingQuadPoints.Count - 1; i < j; i++, j--) 
                                Point temp = connectingQuadPoints[i]; 
                                connectingQuadPoints[i] = connectingQuadPoints[j];
                                connectingQuadPoints[j] = temp;
                            //now render away!
                            AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, connectingQuadPoints, false/*isBezierFigure*/); 

        /// Calculate the StreamGeometry for the StrokeNodes.
        /// This method is one of our most sensitive perf paths.  It has been optimized to
        /// create the minimum path figures in the StreamGeometry.  There are two structures 
        /// we create for each point in a stroke, the strokenode and the connecting quad.  Adding
        /// strokenodes is very expensive later when MIL renders it, so this method has been optimized 
        /// to only add strokenodes when either pressure changes, or the angle of the stroke changes. 
        internal static void CalcGeometryAndBounds(StrokeNodeIterator iterator,
                                                   DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes,
                                                   DrawingContext debugDC, 
                                                   double feedbackSize,
                                                   bool showFeedback, 
                                                   bool calculateBounds,
                                                   out Geometry geometry, 
                                                   out Rect bounds)

            Debug.Assert(iterator != null && drawingAttributes != null); 

            //we can use our new algorithm for identity only. 
            Matrix stylusTipTransform = drawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform; 
            if (stylusTipTransform != Matrix.Identity && stylusTipTransform._type != MatrixTypes.TRANSFORM_IS_SCALING)
                //second best optimization
                CalcGeometryAndBoundsWithTransform(iterator, drawingAttributes, stylusTipTransform._type, calculateBounds, out geometry, out bounds);
                StreamGeometry streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); 
                streamGeometry.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
                StreamGeometryContext context = streamGeometry.Open();
                geometry = streamGeometry;
                Rect empty = Rect.Empty;
                bounds = empty; 
                    // We keep track of three StrokeNodes as we iterate across
                    // the Stroke. Since these are structs, the default ctor will 
                    // be called and .IsValid will be false until we initialize them
                    StrokeNode emptyStrokeNode = new StrokeNode();
                    StrokeNode prevPrevStrokeNode = new StrokeNode(); 
                    StrokeNode prevStrokeNode = new StrokeNode();
                    StrokeNode strokeNode = new StrokeNode(); 
                    Rect prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds = empty;
                    Rect prevStrokeNodeBounds = empty; 
                    Rect strokeNodeBounds = empty;

                    //percentIntersect is a function of drawingAttributes height / width
                    double percentIntersect = 95d; 
                    double maxExtent = Math.Max(drawingAttributes.Height, drawingAttributes.Width);
                    percentIntersect += Math.Min(4.99999d, ((maxExtent / 20d) * 5d)); 
                    double prevAngle = double.MinValue;
                    bool isStartOfSegment = true; 
                    bool isEllipse = drawingAttributes.StylusTip == StylusTip.Ellipse;
                    bool ignorePressure = drawingAttributes.IgnorePressure;
                    // Two List's that get reused for adding figures 
                    // to the streamgeometry.
                    List pathFigureABSide = new List();//don't prealloc.  It causes Gen2 collections to rise and doesn't help execution time 
                    List pathFigureDCSide = new List();
                    List polyLinePoints =  new List(4); 

                    int iteratorCount = iterator.Count;
                    for (int index = 0, previousIndex = -1; index < iteratorCount; )
                        if (!prevPrevStrokeNode.IsValid)
                            if (prevStrokeNode.IsValid) 
                                //we're sliding our pointers forward 
                                prevPrevStrokeNode = prevStrokeNode;
                                prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds = prevStrokeNodeBounds;
                                prevStrokeNode = emptyStrokeNode;
                                prevPrevStrokeNode = iterator[index++, previousIndex++]; 
                                prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds = prevPrevStrokeNode.GetBounds();
                                continue; //so we always check if index < iterator.Count 

                        //we know prevPrevStrokeNode is valid 
                        if (!prevStrokeNode.IsValid)
                            if (strokeNode.IsValid) 
                                //we're sliding our pointers forward 
                                prevStrokeNode = strokeNode;
                                prevStrokeNodeBounds = strokeNodeBounds;
                                strokeNode = emptyStrokeNode;
                                //get the next strokeNode, but don't automatically update previousIndex 
                                prevStrokeNode = iterator[index++, previousIndex];
                                prevStrokeNodeBounds = prevStrokeNode.GetBounds(); 

                                RectCompareResult result =
                                    FuzzyContains(  prevStrokeNodeBounds,
                                                    isStartOfSegment ? 99.99999d : percentIntersect);
                                if (result == RectCompareResult.Rect1ContainsRect2) 
                                    // this node already contains the prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds (PP): 
                                    //  |------------|
                                    //  | |----|     |
                                    //  | | PP |  P  | 
                                    //  | |----|     |
                                    //  |------------| 
                                    prevPrevStrokeNode = iterator[index - 1, prevPrevStrokeNode.Index - 1]; ;
                                    prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds = Rect.Union(prevStrokeNodeBounds, prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds); 

                                    // at this point prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds already contains this node
                                    // we can just ignore this node
                                    prevStrokeNode = emptyStrokeNode; 

                                    // update previousIndex to point to this node 
                                    previousIndex = index - 1; 

                                    // go back to our main loop 
                                else if (result == RectCompareResult.Rect2ContainsRect1)
                                    // this prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds (PP) already contains this node:
                                    //  |------------| 
                                    //  |      |----||
                                    //  |  PP  | P  || 
                                    //  |      |----||
                                    //  |------------|
                                    //prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds already contains this node
                                    //we can just ignore this node 
                                    prevStrokeNode = emptyStrokeNode; 

                                    // go back to our main loop, but do not update previousIndex 
                                    // because it should continue to point to previousPrevious
                                Debug.Assert(!prevStrokeNode.GetConnectingQuad().IsEmpty, "prevStrokeNode.GetConnectingQuad() is Empty!");
                                // if neither was true, we now have two of our three nodes required to 
                                // start our computation, we need to update previousIndex to point
                                // to our current, valid prevStrokeNode 
                                previousIndex = index - 1;
                                continue; //so we always check if index < iterator.Count

                        //we know prevPrevStrokeNode and prevStrokeNode are both valid 
                        if (!strokeNode.IsValid) 
                            strokeNode = iterator[index++, previousIndex]; 
                            strokeNodeBounds = strokeNode.GetBounds();

                            RectCompareResult result =
                                    FuzzyContains(  strokeNodeBounds, 
                                                    isStartOfSegment ? 99.99999 : percentIntersect); 
                            RectCompareResult result2 =
                                    FuzzyContains(  strokeNodeBounds, 
                                                    isStartOfSegment ? 99.99999 : percentIntersect);

                            if ( isStartOfSegment && 
                                 result == RectCompareResult.Rect1ContainsRect2 &&
                                 result2 == RectCompareResult.Rect1ContainsRect2) 
                                if (pathFigureABSide.Count > 0)
                                    //we've started a stroke, we need to end it before resetting
                                    prevStrokeNode.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, debugDC, feedbackSize, showFeedback); 
                                    prevStrokeNode.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide); 
                                    ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(context, pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, polyLinePoints, isEllipse, true/*clear the point collections*/); 
                                //we're resetting
                                //prevPrevStrokeNode.  We need to gen one
                                //without a connecting quad 
                                prevPrevStrokeNode = iterator[index - 1, prevPrevStrokeNode.Index - 1];
                                prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds = prevPrevStrokeNode.GetBounds(); 
                                prevStrokeNode = emptyStrokeNode; 
                                strokeNode = emptyStrokeNode;
                                // increment previousIndex to to point to this node
                                previousIndex = index - 1;
                            else if (result == RectCompareResult.Rect1ContainsRect2) 
                                // this node (C) already contains the prevStrokeNodeBounds (P):
                                //          |------------|
                                //  |----|  | |----|     |
                                //  | PP |  | | P  |  C  |
                                //  |----|  | |----|     | 
                                //          |------------|
                                //we have to generate a new stroke node that points 
                                //to pp since the connecting quad from C to P could be empty
                                //if they have the same point 
                                strokeNode = iterator[index - 1, prevStrokeNode.Index - 1];
                                if (!strokeNode.GetConnectingQuad().IsEmpty)
                                    //only update prevStrokeNode if we have a valid connecting quad 
                                    prevStrokeNode = strokeNode;
                                    prevStrokeNodeBounds = Rect.Union(strokeNodeBounds, prevStrokeNodeBounds); 
                                    // update previousIndex, since it should point to this node now
                                    previousIndex = index - 1; 

                                // at this point we can just ignore this node
                                strokeNode = emptyStrokeNode; 
                                //strokeNodeBounds = empty;
                                prevAngle = double.MinValue; //invalidate 

                                // go back to our main loop 
                            else if (result == RectCompareResult.Rect2ContainsRect1)
                                // this prevStrokeNodeBounds (P) already contains this node (C):
                                //          |------------| 
                                // |----|   |      |----||
                                // | PP |   |  P   | C  || 
                                // |----|   |      |----||
                                //          |------------|
                                //prevStrokeNodeBounds already contains this node 
                                //we can just ignore this node
                                strokeNode = emptyStrokeNode; 
                                // go back to our main loop, but do not update previousIndex
                                // because it should continue to point to previous 

                            Debug.Assert(!strokeNode.GetConnectingQuad().IsEmpty, "strokeNode.GetConnectingQuad was empty, this is unexpected"); 

                            // NOTE: we do not check if C contains PP, or PP contains C because 
                            // that indicates a change in direction, which we handle below
                            // if neither was true P and C are separate,
                            // we now have all three nodes required to
                            // start our computation, we need to update previousIndex to point
                            // to our current, valid prevStrokeNode 
                            previousIndex = index - 1;

                        // see if we have an overlap between the first and third node 
                        bool overlap = prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds.IntersectsWith(strokeNodeBounds);

                        // prevPrevStrokeNode, prevStrokeNode and strokeNode are all
                        // valid nodes now.  Now we need to figure out what do add to our 
                        // PathFigure.  First calc bounds on the strokeNode we know we need to render
                        if (calculateBounds) 

                        // determine what points to add to pathFigureABSide and pathFigureDCSide
                        // from prevPrevStrokeNode
                        if (pathFigureABSide.Count == 0) 
                            Debug.Assert(pathFigureDCSide.Count == 0); 
                            if (calculateBounds) 

                            if (isStartOfSegment && overlap)
                                //render a complete first stroke node or we can get artifacts
                                AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, polyLinePoints, prevPrevStrokeNode.IsEllipse/*isBezierFigure*/); 

                            // we're starting a new pathfigure
                            // we need to add parts of the prevPrevStrokeNode contour
                            // to pathFigureABSide and pathFigureDCSide 
                            prevStrokeNode.GetPointsAtStartOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, debugDC, feedbackSize, showFeedback); 
                            prevStrokeNode.GetPointsAtStartOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide);

                            //set our marker, we're no longer at the start of the stroke
                            isStartOfSegment = false;

                        if (prevAngle == double.MinValue)
                            //prevAngle is no longer valid
                            prevAngle = GetAngleBetween(prevPrevStrokeNode.Position, prevStrokeNode.Position);
                        double delta = GetAngleDeltaFromLast(prevStrokeNode.Position, strokeNode.Position, ref prevAngle); 
                        bool directionChangedOverAbsoluteThreshold = Math.Abs(delta) > 90d && Math.Abs(delta) < (360d - 90d);
                        bool directionChangedOverOverlapThreshold = overlap && !(ignorePressure || strokeNode.PressureFactor == 1f) && Math.Abs(delta) > 30d && Math.Abs(delta) < (360d - 30d); 
                        double prevArea = prevStrokeNodeBounds.Height * prevStrokeNodeBounds.Width;
                        double currArea = strokeNodeBounds.Height * strokeNodeBounds.Width; 

                        bool areaChanged = !(prevArea == currArea && prevArea == (prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds.Height * prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds.Width));
                        bool areaChangeOverThreshold = false;
                        if (overlap && areaChanged) 
                            if ((Math.Min(prevArea, currArea) / Math.Max(prevArea, currArea)) <= 0.90d) 
                                //the min area is < 70% of the max area
                                areaChangeOverThreshold = true; 

                        if (areaChanged || delta != 0.0d || index >= iteratorCount) 
                            //the area changed between the three nodes OR there was an angle delta OR we're at the end 
                            //of the stroke...  either way, this is a significant node.  If not, we're going to drop it. 
                            if ((overlap && (directionChangedOverOverlapThreshold || areaChangeOverThreshold)) ||
                                // we need to stop the pathfigure at P
                                // and render the pathfigure 
                                //  |--|      |--|    |--||--|   |------| 
                                //  |PP|------|P |    |PP||P |   |PP P C| 
                                //  |--|      |--|    |--||--|   |------|
                                //           /           |C | 
                                //      |--|             |--|
                                //      |C |
                                //      |--|

                                prevStrokeNode.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, debugDC, feedbackSize, showFeedback); 
                                //end the figure 
                                prevStrokeNode.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide);
                                ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(context, pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, polyLinePoints, isEllipse, true/*clear the point collections*/); 

                                if (areaChangeOverThreshold) 
                                    //render a complete stroke node or we can get artifacts
                                    AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, polyLinePoints, prevStrokeNode.IsEllipse/*isBezierFigure*/);
                                // direction didn't change over the threshold, add the midpoint data
                                //  |--|      |--| 
                                //  |PP|------|P |
                                //  |--|      |--|
                                //                \
                                //                  |--| 
                                //                  |C |
                                //                  |--| 
                                bool endSegment; //flag that tell us if we missed an intersection 
                                strokeNode.GetPointsAtMiddleSegment(prevStrokeNode, delta, pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, out endSegment, debugDC, feedbackSize, showFeedback); 
                                strokeNode.GetPointsAtMiddleSegment(prevStrokeNode, delta, pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, out endSegment);
                                if (endSegment) 
                                    //we have a missing intersection, we need to end the 
                                    //segment at P 
                                    prevStrokeNode.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, debugDC, feedbackSize, showFeedback); 
                                    //end the figure
                                    prevStrokeNode.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide);
                                    ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(context, pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, polyLinePoints, isEllipse, true/*clear the point collections*/); 

                        // either way... slide our pointers forward, to do this, we simply mark
                        // our first pointer as 'empty' 
                        prevPrevStrokeNode = emptyStrokeNode; 
                        prevPrevStrokeNodeBounds = empty; 


                    // anything left to render? 
                    if (prevPrevStrokeNode.IsValid) 
                        if (prevStrokeNode.IsValid)
                            if (calculateBounds)
                            // we never made it to strokeNode, render two points, OR
                            // strokeNode was a dupe 
                            if (pathFigureABSide.Count > 0)
                                prevStrokeNode.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, debugDC, feedbackSize, showFeedback);
                                // strokeNode was a dupe, we just need to render the end of the stroke
                                // which is at prevStrokeNode 
                                prevStrokeNode.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide);
                                ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(context, pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, polyLinePoints, isEllipse, false/*clear the point collections*/);
                                // we've only seen two points to render 
                                Debug.Assert(pathFigureDCSide.Count == 0);
                                //contains all the logic to render two stroke nodes
                                RenderTwoStrokeNodes(   context,

                            if (calculateBounds) 

                            // we only have a single point to render 
                            Debug.Assert(pathFigureABSide.Count == 0);
                            AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, pathFigureABSide, prevPrevStrokeNode.IsEllipse/*isBezierFigure*/);
                    else if (prevStrokeNode.IsValid && strokeNode.IsValid) 
                        if (calculateBounds) 

                        // typical case, we hit the end of the stroke 
                        // see if we need to start a stroke, or just end one 
                        if (pathFigureABSide.Count > 0)
                            strokeNode.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, debugDC, feedbackSize, showFeedback);
                            strokeNode.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide); 
                            ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(context, pathFigureABSide, pathFigureDCSide, polyLinePoints, isEllipse, false/*clear the point collections*/);
                            if (FuzzyContains(strokeNodeBounds, prevStrokeNodeBounds, 70d) != RectCompareResult.NoItersection)
                                //render a complete stroke node or we can get artifacts
                                AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, polyLinePoints, strokeNode.IsEllipse/*isBezierFigure*/);
                            Debug.Assert(pathFigureDCSide.Count == 0);
                            //contains all the logic to render two stroke nodes
                            RenderTwoStrokeNodes(   context,


        /// Helper routine to render two distinct stroke nodes 
        private static void RenderTwoStrokeNodes(   StreamGeometryContext context, 
                                                    StrokeNode strokeNodePrevious, 
                                                    Rect strokeNodePreviousBounds,
                                                    StrokeNode strokeNodeCurrent, 
                                                    Rect strokeNodeCurrentBounds,
                                                    List pointBuffer1,
                                                    List pointBuffer2,
                                                    List pointBuffer3 
                                                   ,DrawingContext debugDC, 
                                                   double feedbackSize, 
                                                   bool showFeedback
            Debug.Assert(pointBuffer1 != null);
            Debug.Assert(pointBuffer2 != null); 
            Debug.Assert(pointBuffer3 != null);
            Debug.Assert(context != null); 

            //see if we need to render a quad - if there is not at least a 70% overlap 
            if (FuzzyContains(strokeNodePreviousBounds, strokeNodeCurrentBounds, 70d) != RectCompareResult.NoItersection)
                //we're between 100% and 70% overlapped
                //just render two distinct figures with a connecting quad (if needed) 
                AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, pointBuffer1, strokeNodePrevious.IsEllipse/*isBezierFigure*/); 
                Quad quad = strokeNodeCurrent.GetConnectingQuad();
                if (!quad.IsEmpty) 
                    AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, pointBuffer3, false/*isBezierFigure*/); 

                AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, pointBuffer2, strokeNodeCurrent.IsEllipse/*isBezierFigure*/);
                //we're less than 70% overlapped, it's safe to run our optimization
                strokeNodeCurrent.GetPointsAtStartOfSegment(pointBuffer1, pointBuffer2, debugDC, feedbackSize, showFeedback); 
                strokeNodeCurrent.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pointBuffer1, pointBuffer2, debugDC, feedbackSize, showFeedback);
                strokeNodeCurrent.GetPointsAtStartOfSegment(pointBuffer1, pointBuffer2);
                strokeNodeCurrent.GetPointsAtEndOfSegment(pointBuffer1, pointBuffer2);
                ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(context, pointBuffer1, pointBuffer2, pointBuffer3, strokeNodeCurrent.IsEllipse, false/*clear the point collections*/);

        /// ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear
        private static void ReverseDCPointsRenderAndClear(StreamGeometryContext context, List abPoints, List dcPoints, List polyLinePoints, bool isEllipse, bool clear)
            //we need to reverse the cd side points
            Point temp; 
            for (int i = 0, j = dcPoints.Count - 1; i < j; i++, j--) 
                temp = dcPoints[i]; 
                dcPoints[i] = dcPoints[j];
                dcPoints[j] = temp;
            if (isEllipse) 
                AddArcToFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, abPoints, dcPoints, polyLinePoints); 
                //for rectangles, render a single path figure by combining both sides
                AddPolylineFigureToStreamGeometryContext(context, abPoints, dcPoints);
            if (clear)
        /// FuzzyContains for two rects
        private static RectCompareResult FuzzyContains(Rect rect1, Rect rect2, double percentIntersect)
            Debug.Assert(percentIntersect >= 0.0 && percentIntersect <= 100.0d); 

            double intersectLeft = Math.Max(rect1.Left, rect2.Left);
            double intersectTop = Math.Max(rect1.Top, rect2.Top);
            double intersectWidth = Math.Max((double)(Math.Min(rect1.Right, rect2.Right) - intersectLeft), (double)0);
            double intersectHeight = Math.Max((double)(Math.Min(rect1.Bottom, rect2.Bottom) - intersectTop), (double)0); 

            if (intersectWidth == 0.0d || intersectHeight == 0.0d) 
                return RectCompareResult.NoItersection;

            //we have an intersection, see if it is enough
            double rect1Area = rect1.Height * rect1.Width;
            double rect2Area = rect2.Height * rect2.Width; 
            double minArea = Math.Min(rect1Area, rect2Area);
            double intersectionArea = intersectWidth * intersectHeight; 
            double intersect = (intersectionArea / minArea) * 100d; 
            if (intersect >= percentIntersect)
                if (rect1Area >= rect2Area)
                    return RectCompareResult.Rect1ContainsRect2;
                return RectCompareResult.Rect2ContainsRect1;
            return RectCompareResult.NoItersection;

        /// Private helper to render a path figure to the SGC
        private static void AddFigureToStreamGeometryContext(StreamGeometryContext context, List points, bool isBezierFigure)
            Debug.Assert(context != null); 
            Debug.Assert(points != null);
            Debug.Assert(points.Count > 0); 

            context.BeginFigure(points[points.Count - 1], //start point
                                        true,   //isFilled
                                        true);  //IsClosed 

            if (isBezierFigure) 
                                     true,      //isStroked 
                                     true);     //isSmoothJoin
                                     true,      //isStroked 
                                     true);     //isSmoothJoin 

        /// Private helper to render a path figure to the SGC 
        private static void AddPolylineFigureToStreamGeometryContext(StreamGeometryContext context, List abPoints, List dcPoints) 
            Debug.Assert(context != null);
            Debug.Assert(abPoints != null && dcPoints != null); 
            Debug.Assert(abPoints.Count > 0 && dcPoints.Count > 0);

            context.BeginFigure(abPoints[0], //start point
                                        true,   //isFilled 
                                        true);  //IsClosed
                                 true,      //isStroked
                                 true);     //isSmoothJoin 

                                 true,      //isStroked
                                 true);     //isSmoothJoin 

        /// Private helper to render a path figure to the SGC 
        private static void AddArcToFigureToStreamGeometryContext(StreamGeometryContext context, List abPoints, List dcPoints, List polyLinePoints)
            Debug.Assert(context != null); 
            Debug.Assert(abPoints != null && dcPoints != null);
            Debug.Assert(polyLinePoints != null); 
            //Debug.Assert(abPoints.Count > 0 && dcPoints.Count > 0); 
            if (abPoints.Count == 0 || dcPoints.Count == 0)

            context.BeginFigure(abPoints[0], //start point 
                                        true,   //isFilled
                                        true);  //IsClosed 
            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                List points = j == 0 ? abPoints : dcPoints;
                int startIndex = j == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < points.Count; )
                    Point next = points[i];
                    if (next == StrokeRenderer.ArcToMarker) 
                        if (polyLinePoints.Count > 0)
                            //polyline first
                            context.PolyLineTo(  polyLinePoints,
                                                 true,      //isStroked
                                                 true);     //isSmoothJoin 
                        //we're arcing, pull out height, width and the arc to point 
                        Debug.Assert(i + 2 < points.Count);
                        if (i + 2 < points.Count) 
                            Point sizePoint = points[i + 1];
                            Size ellipseSize = new Size(sizePoint.X / 2/*width*/, sizePoint.Y / 2/*height*/);
                            Point arcToPoint = points[i + 2]; 

                            bool isLargeArc = false; //>= 180 
                            context.ArcTo(  arcToPoint,
                                            0d,             //rotation
                                            isLargeArc,     //isLargeArc
                                            true,           //isStroked 
                                            true);          //isSmoothJoin
                        i += 3; //advance past this arcTo block 
                        //walk forward until we find an arc marker or the end
                if (polyLinePoints.Count > 0) 
                                         true,      //isStroked
                                         true);     //isSmoothJoin

        /// calculates the angle between the previousPosition and the current one and then computes the delta between
        /// the lastAngle.  lastAngle is also updated
        private static double GetAngleDeltaFromLast(Point previousPosition, Point currentPosition, ref double lastAngle) 
            double delta = 0.0d; 
            //input points typically come in very close to each other
            double dx = (currentPosition.X * 1000) - (previousPosition.X * 1000); 
            double dy = (currentPosition.Y * 1000) - (previousPosition.Y * 1000);
            if ((Int64)dx == 0 && (Int64)dy == 0)
                //the points are close enough not to matter 
                //don't update lastAngle
                return delta; 

            double angle = GetAngleBetween(previousPosition, currentPosition); 

            //special case when angle / lastAngle span 0 degrees
            if (lastAngle >= 270 && angle <= 90)
                delta = lastAngle - (360d + angle);
            else if (lastAngle <= 90 && angle >= 270) 
                delta = (360d + lastAngle) - angle; 
                delta = (lastAngle - angle); 
            lastAngle = angle; 
            // Return
            return delta; 

        /// calculates the angle between the previousPosition and the current one and then computes the delta between 
        /// the lastAngle.  lastAngle is also updated
        private static double GetAngleBetween(Point previousPosition, Point currentPosition) 
            double angle = 0.0d; 

            //input points typically come in very close to each other
            double dx = (currentPosition.X * 1000) - (previousPosition.X * 1000);
            double dy = (currentPosition.Y * 1000) - (previousPosition.Y * 1000); 
            if ((Int64)dx == 0 && (Int64)dy == 0)
                //the points are close enough not to matter 
                return angle;

            // Calculate angle
            if (dx == 0.0)
                if (dy == 0.0)
                    angle = 0.0; 
                else if (dy > 0.0) 
                    angle = Math.PI / 2.0;
                    angle = Math.PI * 3.0 / 2.0; 
            else if (dy == 0.0) 
                if (dx > 0.0)
                    angle = 0.0; 
                    angle = Math.PI;
                if (dx < 0.0) 
                    angle = Math.Atan(dy / dx) + Math.PI; 
                else if (dy < 0.0)
                    angle = Math.Atan(dy / dx) + (2 * Math.PI);
                    angle = Math.Atan(dy / dx);

            // Convert to degrees 
            angle = angle * 180 / Math.PI;

            // Return
            return angle; 
        /// Get the DrawingAttributes to use for a highlighter stroke. The return value is a copy of
        /// the DA passed in if color.A != 255 with color.A overriden to be 255. Otherwise it returns 
        /// the DA passed in.
        internal static DrawingAttributes GetHighlighterAttributes(Stroke stroke, DrawingAttributes da)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(da.IsHighlighter = true);
            if (da.Color.A != SolidStrokeAlpha) 
                DrawingAttributes copy = stroke.DrawingAttributes.Clone();
                copy.Color = GetHighlighterColor(copy.Color); 
                return copy;

            return da; 
        /// Get the color used to draw a highlighter.
        internal static Color GetHighlighterColor(Color color)
            // For a highlighter stroke, the color.A is overriden to be 255
            color.A = SolidStrokeAlpha; 
            return color;
        // Opacity for highlighter container visuals
        internal static readonly double HighlighterOpacity = 0.5; 
        internal static readonly byte SolidStrokeAlpha = 0xFF;
        internal static readonly Point ArcToMarker = new Point(Double.MinValue, Double.MinValue);

        /// Simple helper enum
        private enum RectCompareResult 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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