UnsafeNativeMethodsMilCoreApi.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Media / UnsafeNativeMethodsMilCoreApi.cs / 1407647 / UnsafeNativeMethodsMilCoreApi.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//   -- This file contains native methods which are deemed NOT SAFE in the sense that any usage of them 
//      must be carefully reviewed.   FXCop will flag callers of these for review. 
//   -- These methods DO have the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute which means stalk walks for unmanaged
//      code will stop with the immediate caler. 
//   -- Put methods in here when a stack walk is innappropriate due to performance concerns
//   -- If you have questions about how to use this file, email avsee
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; 
using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; 
using System;
using MS.Internal; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO; 
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Media.Composition; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows; 
using Microsoft.Internal;
using MS.Win32;
using IComDataObject = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject;
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691  // suppressing PreSharp warnings
namespace MS.Win32.PresentationCore 
    internal static partial class UnsafeNativeMethods 
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class MilCoreApi
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilCompositionEngine_EnterCompositionEngineLock")]
            internal static extern void EnterCompositionEngineLock(); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilCompositionEngine_ExitCompositionEngineLock")]
            internal static extern void ExitCompositionEngineLock(); 
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilCompositionEngine_EnterMediaSystemLock")]
            internal static extern void EnterMediaSystemLock(); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilCompositionEngine_ExitMediaSystemLock")]
            internal static extern void ExitMediaSystemLock(); 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            internal static extern int MilVersionCheck(
                uint uiCallerMilSdkVersion 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            internal static extern bool WgxConnection_ShouldForceSoftwareForGraphicsStreamClient();

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            internal static extern int WgxConnection_Create(
            	bool requestSynchronousTransport, 
 				out IntPtr ppConnection);

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            internal static extern int WgxConnection_Disconnect(IntPtr pTranspManager); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            internal extern static int /* HRESULT */ MILCreateStreamFromStreamDescriptor(ref System.Windows.Media.StreamDescriptor pSD, out IntPtr ppStream); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            unsafe internal static extern void MilUtility_GetTileBrushMapping(
                D3DMATRIX* transform,
                D3DMATRIX* relativeTransform,
                Stretch stretch, 
                AlignmentX alignmentX,
                AlignmentY alignmentY, 
                BrushMappingMode viewPortUnits, 
                BrushMappingMode viewBoxUnits,
                Rect* shapeFillBounds, 
                Rect* contentBounds,
                ref Rect viewport,
                ref Rect viewbox,
                out D3DMATRIX contentToShape, 
                out int brushIsEmpty
            ///                       This seems safe - the net effect of this command is to return the bounds of a Path. 
            ///                       Although this seems safe - I'm putting it in unsafe as it takes pointers and is using the unsafe keyword.
            ///                       The unmanaged function does some validation - but it looks like you can pass it bogus data.
            ///                       However it looks like the worse that can happen - is you get invalid Rect returned.
            internal unsafe static extern int MilUtility_PathGeometryBounds( 
                MIL_PEN_DATA *pPenData, 
                double *pDashArray,
                MilMatrix3x2D* pWorldMatrix, 
                FillRule fillRule,
                byte* pPathData,
                UInt32 nSize,
                MilMatrix3x2D* pGeometryMatrix, 
                double rTolerance,
                bool fRelative, 
                bool fSkipHollows, 
                MilRectD* pBounds);
            ///                       Seems safe - the net effect combines one path with another.
            ///                       Left in Unsafe native methods - as it manipulates pointers.
            internal unsafe static extern int MilUtility_PathGeometryCombine( 
                MilMatrix3x2D* pMatrix, 
                MilMatrix3x2D* pMatrix1,
                FillRule fillRule1, 
                byte* pPathData1,
                UInt32 nSize1,
                MilMatrix3x2D* pMatrix2,
                FillRule fillRule2, 
                byte* pPathData2,
                UInt32 nSize2, 
                double rTolerance, 
                bool fRelative,
                Delegate addFigureCallback, 
                GeometryCombineMode combineMode,
                out FillRule resultFillRule);

            ///                       Creates one flavor of a Path from another.
            ///                       use of "unsafe" keyword prevents this from being considered safe. 
            internal unsafe static extern int MilUtility_PathGeometryWiden( 
                MIL_PEN_DATA *pPenData,
                double *pDashArray,
                MilMatrix3x2D* pMatrix,
                FillRule fillRule, 
                byte* pPathData,
                UInt32 nSize, 
                double rTolerance, 
                bool fRelative,
                Delegate addFigureCallback, 
                out FillRule widenedFillRule);

            ///                       Creates one flavor of a Path from another. 
            ///                       use of "unsafe" keyword prevents this from being considered safe.
            internal unsafe static extern int MilUtility_PathGeometryOutline(
                MilMatrix3x2D* pMatrix, 
                FillRule fillRule,
                byte* pPathData,
                UInt32 nSize,
                double rTolerance, 
                bool fRelative,
                Delegate addFigureCallback, 
                out FillRule outlinedFillRule); 

            ///                       Creates one flavor of a Path from another.
            ///                       use of "unsafe" keyword prevents this from being considered safe.
            internal unsafe static extern int MilUtility_PathGeometryFlatten(
                MilMatrix3x2D* pMatrix, 
                FillRule fillRule, 
                byte* pPathData,
                UInt32 nSize, 
                double rTolerance,
                bool fRelative,
                Delegate addFigureCallback,
                out FillRule resultFillRule); 

            /// Sets a global callback pointer to the function that creates Glyph bitmaps. 
            /// Use of "unsafe" keyword prevents this from being considered safe.
            internal unsafe static extern int /* HRESULT */ MilGlyphCache_SetCreateGlyphBitmapsCallback(
                MulticastDelegate del

            /// Emulates DUCE.Channel.BeginCommand but circumvents the channel directly to CMilSlaveGlyphCache. 
            /// Use of "unsafe" keyword prevents this from being considered safe.
            internal unsafe static extern int MilGlyphCache_BeginCommandAtRenderTime(
                IntPtr pMilSlaveGlyphCacheTarget,
                byte* pbData, 
                uint cbSize,
                uint cbExtra 

            /// Emulates DUCE.Channel.AppendCommandData but circumvents the channel directly to CMilSlaveGlyphCache.
            /// Use of "unsafe" keyword prevents this from being considered safe.
            internal unsafe static extern int MilGlyphCache_AppendCommandDataAtRenderTime(
                IntPtr pMilSlaveGlyphCacheTarget, 
                byte* pbData, 
                uint cbSize

            /// Emulates DUCE.Channel.EndCommand but circumvents the channel directly to CMilSlaveGlyphCache.
            /// Use of "unsafe" keyword prevents this from being considered safe. 
            internal unsafe static extern int MilGlyphCache_EndCommandAtRenderTime( 
                IntPtr pMilSlaveGlyphCacheTarget

            /// Circumvents channel and access a CGlyphRunResource directly
            /// Use of "unsafe" keyword prevents this from being considered safe. 
            internal unsafe static extern int MilGlyphRun_SetGeometryAtRenderTime( 
                IntPtr pMilGlyphRunTarget,
                byte* pCmd, 
                uint cbCmd

            internal unsafe static extern int MilGlyphRun_GetGlyphOutline(
                IntPtr pFontFace, 
                ushort glyphIndex, 
                bool sideways,
                double renderingEmSize, 
                out byte* pPathGeometryData,
                out UInt32 pSize,
                out FillRule pFillRule

            internal unsafe static extern int MilGlyphRun_ReleasePathGeometryData( 
                byte* pPathGeometryData

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilCreateReversePInvokeWrapper")]
            internal unsafe static extern /*HRESULT*/ int MilCreateReversePInvokeWrapper(
                IntPtr pFcn, 
                out IntPtr reversePInvokeWrapper);
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilReleasePInvokePtrBlocking")] 
            internal unsafe static extern void MilReleasePInvokePtrBlocking(
                IntPtr reversePInvokeWrapper); 

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "RenderOptions_ForceSoftwareRenderingModeForProcess")]
            internal unsafe static extern void RenderOptions_ForceSoftwareRenderingModeForProcess(
                bool fForce); 

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "RenderOptions_IsSoftwareRenderingForcedForProcess")] 
            internal unsafe static extern bool RenderOptions_IsSoftwareRenderingForcedForProcess(); 

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_CreateCWICWrapperBitmap")] 
            internal unsafe static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateCWICWrapperBitmap(
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ pIWICBitmapSource,
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* CWICWrapperBitmap as IWICBitmapSource */ pCWICWrapperBitmap);

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICComponentInfo 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICComponentInfo_GetCLSID_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetCLSID( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICComponentInfo */ THIS_PTR,
                out Guid pclsid); 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICComponentInfo_GetAuthor_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetAuthor(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICComponentInfo */ THIS_PTR, 
                UInt32 cchAuthor,
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder wzAuthor, 
                out UInt32 pcchActual); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICComponentInfo_GetVersion_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetVersion( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICComponentInfo */ THIS_PTR,
                UInt32 cchVersion, 
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder wzVersion, 
                out UInt32 pcchActual);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICComponentInfo_GetSpecVersion_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetSpecVersion(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICComponentInfo */ THIS_PTR, 
                UInt32 cchSpecVersion, 
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder wzSpecVersion,
                out UInt32 pcchActual); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICComponentInfo_GetFriendlyName_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetFriendlyName( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICComponentInfo */ THIS_PTR, 
                UInt32 cchFriendlyName,
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder wzFriendlyName, 
                out UInt32 pcchActual);

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICBitmapCodecInfo
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapCodecInfo_GetContainerFormat_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetContainerFormat(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapCodecInfo */ THIS_PTR,
                out Guid pguidContainerFormat); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapCodecInfo_GetDeviceManufacturer_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetDeviceManufacturer(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapCodecInfo */ THIS_PTR,
                UInt32 cchDeviceManufacturer,
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder wzDeviceManufacturer, 
                out UInt32 pcchActual
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapCodecInfo_GetDeviceModels_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetDeviceModels(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapCodecInfo */ THIS_PTR, 
                UInt32 cchDeviceModels,
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder wzDeviceModels, 
                out UInt32 pcchActual 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapCodecInfo_GetMimeTypes_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetMimeTypes(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapCodecInfo */ THIS_PTR, 
                UInt32 cchMimeTypes, 
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder wzMimeTypes,
                out UInt32 pcchActual 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapCodecInfo_GetFileExtensions_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetFileExtensions( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapCodecInfo */ THIS_PTR,
                UInt32 cchFileExtensions, 
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder wzFileExtensions,
                out UInt32 pcchActual
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapCodecInfo_DoesSupportAnimation_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ DoesSupportAnimation( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapCodecInfo */ THIS_PTR,
                out bool pfSupportAnimation
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapCodecInfo_DoesSupportLossless_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ DoesSupportLossless( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapCodecInfo */ THIS_PTR,
                out bool pfSupportLossless
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapCodecInfo_DoesSupportMultiframe_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ DoesSupportMultiframe( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapCodecInfo */ THIS_PTR,
                out bool pfSupportMultiframe
        /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WICMetadataQueryReader
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICMetadataQueryReader_GetContainerFormat_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetContainerFormat(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryReader */ THIS_PTR, 
                out Guid pguidContainerFormat);

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICMetadataQueryReader_GetLocation_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetLocation( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryReader */ THIS_PTR,
                UInt32 cchLocation, 
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder wzNamespace,
                out UInt32 pcchActual
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICMetadataQueryReader_GetMetadataByName_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetMetadataByName( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryReader */ THIS_PTR,
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String wzName,
                ref System.Windows.Media.Imaging.PROPVARIANT propValue

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICMetadataQueryReader_GetMetadataByName_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ ContainsMetadataByName(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryReader */ THIS_PTR,
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String wzName,
                IntPtr propVar 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICMetadataQueryReader_GetEnumerator_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetEnumerator(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryReader */ THIS_PTR,
                out System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IEnumString */ enumString 
        /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WICMetadataQueryWriter
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICMetadataQueryWriter_SetMetadataByName_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ SetMetadataByName( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryWriter */ THIS_PTR,
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String wzName,
                ref System.Windows.Media.Imaging.PROPVARIANT propValue

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICMetadataQueryWriter_RemoveMetadataByName_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ RemoveMetadataByName(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryWriter */ THIS_PTR,
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String wzName
        /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WICFastMetadataEncoder
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICFastMetadataEncoder_Commit_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Commit(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICFastMetadataEncoder */ THIS_PTR 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICFastMetadataEncoder_GetMetadataQueryWriter_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetMetadataQueryWriter( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICFastMetadataEncoder */ THIS_PTR,
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryWriter */ ppIQueryWriter 

        /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class EnumString
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IEnumString_Next_WIC_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Next(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IEnumString */ THIS_PTR, 
                Int32 celt, 
                ref IntPtr rgElt,
                ref Int32 pceltFetched 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IEnumString_Reset_WIC_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Reset( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IEnumString */ THIS_PTR

        /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class IPropertyBag2 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IPropertyBag2_Write_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Write( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IPropertyBag2 */ THIS_PTR,
                UInt32 cProperties, 
                ref System.Windows.Media.Imaging.PROPBAG2 propBag, 
                ref System.Windows.Media.Imaging.PROPVARIANT propValue

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WICBitmapSource 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapSource_GetSize_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetSize(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ THIS_PTR,
                out UInt32 puiWidth,
                out UInt32 puiHeight); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapSource_GetPixelFormat_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetPixelFormat(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ THIS_PTR,
                out Guid pPixelFormatEnum);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapSource_GetResolution_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetResolution( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ THIS_PTR,
                out double pDpiX,
                out double pDpiY);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapSource_CopyPalette_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CopyPalette( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ THIS_PTR,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IMILPalette */ pIPalette);

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapSource_CopyPixels_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CopyPixels(
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ THIS_PTR, 
                ref Int32Rect prc,
                UInt32 cbStride,
                UInt32 cbBufferSize,
                IntPtr /* BYTE* */ pvPixels); 
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICBitmapDecoder
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapDecoder_GetDecoderInfo_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetDecoderInfo(
                SafeMILHandle THIS_PTR, 
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapDecoderInfo */ ppIDecoderInfo); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapDecoder_CopyPalette_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CopyPalette( 
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapDecoder */ THIS_PTR,
                SafeMILHandle /* IMILPalette */ pIPalette); 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapDecoder_GetPreview_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetPreview(
                SafeMILHandle THIS_PTR, 
                out IntPtr /* IWICBitmapSource */ ppIBitmapSource
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapDecoder_GetColorContexts_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetColorContexts(
                SafeMILHandle THIS_PTR, 
                uint count,
                IntPtr[] /* IWICColorContext */ ppIColorContext, 
                out uint pActualCount 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapDecoder_GetThumbnail_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetThumbnail(
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapDecoder */ THIS_PTR, 
                out IntPtr /* IWICBitmapSource */ ppIThumbnail 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapDecoder_GetMetadataQueryReader_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetMetadataQueryReader(
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapDecoder */ THIS_PTR, 
                out IntPtr /* IWICMetadataQueryReader */ ppIQueryReader 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapDecoder_GetFrameCount_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetFrameCount(
                SafeMILHandle THIS_PTR, 
                out uint pFrameCount 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapDecoder_GetFrame_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetFrame(
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapDecoder */ THIS_PTR, 
                UInt32 index, 
                out IntPtr /* IWICBitmapFrameDecode */ ppIFrameDecode

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WICBitmapFrameDecode 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapFrameDecode_GetThumbnail_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetThumbnail(
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameDecode */ THIS_PTR,
                out IntPtr /* IWICBitmap */ ppIThumbnail

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapFrameDecode_GetMetadataQueryReader_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetMetadataQueryReader(
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameDecode */ THIS_PTR,
                out IntPtr /* IWICMetadataQueryReader */ ppIQueryReader

            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapFrameDecode_GetColorContexts_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetColorContexts( 
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameDecode */ THIS_PTR,
                uint count, 
                IntPtr[] /* IWICColorContext */ ppIColorContext,
                out uint pActualCount
        /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class MILUnknown
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MILAddRef")] 
            internal static extern UInt32 AddRef(SafeMILHandle pIUnkown);
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MILAddRef")] 
            internal static extern UInt32 AddRef(SafeReversePInvokeWrapper pIUnknown);
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MILRelease"), ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
            internal static extern int Release(IntPtr pIUnkown);

            internal static void ReleaseInterface(ref IntPtr ptr) 
                if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) 
                    #pragma warning suppress 6031 // Return value ignored on purpose.
                    ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MILQueryInterface")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ QueryInterface( 
                IntPtr pIUnknown, 
                ref Guid guid,
                out IntPtr ppvObject); 

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MILQueryInterface")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ QueryInterface(
                SafeMILHandle pIUnknown, 
                ref Guid guid,
                out IntPtr ppvObject); 

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICStream
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICStream_InitializeFromIStream_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ InitializeFromIStream( 
                IntPtr pIWICStream,
                IntPtr pIStream); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICStream_InitializeFromMemory_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ InitializeFromMemory( 
                IntPtr pIWICStream, 
                IntPtr pbBuffer,
                uint cbSize); 

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WindowsCodecApi 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "WICCreateBitmapFromSection")] 
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateBitmapFromSection(
                UInt32 width,
                UInt32 height,
                ref Guid pixelFormatGuid, 
                IntPtr hSection,
                UInt32 stride, 
                UInt32 offset, 
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmap */ ppIBitmap);

        internal static class WICBitmapFrameEncode
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapFrameEncode_Initialize_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Initialize(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameEncode*  */ THIS_PTR,
                SafeMILHandle /* IPropertyBag2* */ pIEncoderOptions);

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapFrameEncode_Commit_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Commit(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameEncode*  */ THIS_PTR);

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapFrameEncode_SetSize_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ SetSize(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameEncode*  */ THIS_PTR, 
                int width,
                int height);

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
           [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapFrameEncode_SetResolution_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ SetResolution(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameEncode*  */ THIS_PTR,
                double dpiX,
                double dpiY);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapFrameEncode_WriteSource_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ WriteSource(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameEncode*  */ THIS_PTR,
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource* */ pIBitmapSource,
                ref Int32Rect /* MILRect* */ r); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapFrameEncode_SetThumbnail_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ SetThumbnail(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameEncode*  */ THIS_PTR,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource* */ pIThumbnail); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapFrameEncode_GetMetadataQueryWriter_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetMetadataQueryWriter(
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameEncode */ THIS_PTR, 
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryWriter */ ppIQueryWriter
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapFrameEncode_SetColorContexts_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ SetColorContexts(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapEncoder*  */ THIS_PTR,
                    uint nIndex, 
                    IntPtr[] /* IWICColorContext */ ppIColorContext 

        internal static class WICBitmapEncoder
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapEncoder_Initialize_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Initialize(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapEncoder* */ THIS_PTR,
                IntPtr /* IStream */ pStream,
                WICBitmapEncodeCacheOption option); 

            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapEncoder_GetEncoderInfo_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetEncoderInfo(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapEncoder* */ THIS_PTR, 
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapEncoderInfo ** */ ppIEncoderInfo

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapEncoder_CreateNewFrame_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateNewFrame(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapEncoder* */ THIS_PTR,
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameEncode ** */ ppIFramEncode, 
                out SafeMILHandle /* IPropertyBag2 ** */ ppIEncoderOptions

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapEncoder_SetThumbnail_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ SetThumbnail(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapEncoder*  */ THIS_PTR,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource* */ pIThumbnail);

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapEncoder_SetPalette_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ SetPalette(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapEncoder*  */ THIS_PTR,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICPalette* */ pIPalette);

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapEncoder_GetMetadataQueryWriter_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetMetadataQueryWriter(
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapEncoder */ THIS_PTR,
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryWriter */ ppIQueryWriter

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICBitmapEncoder_Commit_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Commit(SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapEncoder* */ THIS_PTR);

        internal static class WICPalette 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICPalette_InitializePredefined_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ InitializePredefined(System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICPalette */ THIS_PTR, 
                WICPaletteType ePaletteType,
                bool fAddTransparentColor);

            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICPalette_InitializeCustom_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ InitializeCustom(System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICPalette */ THIS_PTR,
                IntPtr /* MILColor* */ pColors, 
                int colorCount); 

            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICPalette_InitializeFromBitmap_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ InitializeFromBitmap(System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICPalette */ THIS_PTR,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource* */ pISurface,
                int colorCount,
                bool fAddTransparentColor); 

            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICPalette_InitializeFromPalette_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ InitializeFromPalette(IntPtr /* IWICPalette */ THIS_PTR, 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICPalette */ pIWICPalette);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICPalette_GetType_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetType(System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICPalette */ THIS_PTR, 
                out WICPaletteType pePaletteType);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICPalette_GetColorCount_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetColorCount(System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICPalette */ THIS_PTR, 
                out int pColorCount);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICPalette_GetColors_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetColors(System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICPalette */ THIS_PTR, 
                int colorCount,
                IntPtr /* MILColor* */ pColors, 
                out int pcActualCount);

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint="IWICPalette_HasAlpha_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ HasAlpha(System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICPalette */ THIS_PTR, 
                   out bool pfHasAlpha);

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICImagingFactory
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateDecoderFromStream_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateDecoderFromStream(
                IntPtr pICodecFactory,
                IntPtr /* IStream */ pIStream, 
                ref Guid guidVendor,
                UInt32 metadataFlags, 
                out IntPtr /* IWICBitmapDecoder */ ppIDecode); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateDecoderFromFileHandle_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateDecoderFromFileHandle( 
                IntPtr pICodecFactory,
                Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle  /*ULONG_PTR*/ hFileHandle, 
                ref Guid guidVendor, 
                UInt32 metadataFlags,
                out IntPtr /* IWICBitmapDecoder */ ppIDecode); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateComponentInfo_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateComponentInfo( 
                IntPtr pICodecFactory, 
                ref Guid clsidComponent,
                out IntPtr /* IWICComponentInfo */ ppIComponentInfo); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreatePalette_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreatePalette( 
                IntPtr pICodecFactory, 
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICPalette */ ppIPalette);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateFormatConverter_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateFormatConverter(
                IntPtr pICodecFactory, 
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICFormatConverter */ ppFormatConverter); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateBitmapScaler_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateBitmapScaler( 
                IntPtr pICodecFactory,
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapScaler */ ppBitmapScaler); 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateBitmapClipper_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateBitmapClipper(
                IntPtr pICodecFactory, 
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapClipper */ ppBitmapClipper);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateBitmapFlipRotator_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateBitmapFlipRotator(
                IntPtr pICodecFactory,
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFlipRotator */ ppBitmapFlipRotator); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateStream_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateStream(
                IntPtr pICodecFactory,
                out IntPtr /* IWICBitmapStream */ ppIStream);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateEncoder_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateEncoder( 
                IntPtr pICodecFactory,
                ref Guid guidContainerFormat,
                ref Guid guidVendor,
                out SafeMILHandle /* IUnknown** */ ppICodec); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateBitmapFromSource_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateBitmapFromSource(
                IntPtr THIS_PTR,
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ pIBitmapSource,
                WICBitmapCreateCacheOptions options, 
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmap */ ppIBitmap);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateBitmapFromMemory_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateBitmapFromMemory(
                IntPtr THIS_PTR,
                UInt32 width, 
                UInt32 height,
                ref Guid pixelFormatGuid, 
                UInt32 stride, 
                UInt32 cbBufferSize,
                IntPtr /* BYTE* */ pvPixels, 
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmap */ ppIBitmap);

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateBitmap_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateBitmap( 
                IntPtr THIS_PTR,
                UInt32 width, 
                UInt32 height,
                ref Guid pixelFormatGuid,
                WICBitmapCreateCacheOptions options,
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmap */ ppIBitmap); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(
                IntPtr THIS_PTR,
                IntPtr hBitmap,
                IntPtr hPalette, 
                WICBitmapAlphaChannelOption options,
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmap */ ppIBitmap); 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateBitmapFromHICON_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateBitmapFromHICON(
                IntPtr THIS_PTR, 
                IntPtr hIcon,
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmap */ ppIBitmap); 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateFastMetadataEncoderFromDecoder_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateFastMetadataEncoderFromDecoder(
                IntPtr THIS_PTR, 
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapDecoder */ pIDecoder,
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICFastMetadataEncoder */ ppIFME); 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateFastMetadataEncoderFromFrameDecode_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateFastMetadataEncoderFromFrameDecode(
                IntPtr THIS_PTR, 
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameDecode */ pIFrameDecode,
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICFastMetadataEncoder */ ppIBitmap); 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateQueryWriter_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateQueryWriter(
                IntPtr THIS_PTR, 
                ref Guid metadataFormat,
                ref Guid guidVendor, 
                out IntPtr /* IWICMetadataQueryWriter */ queryWriter 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICImagingFactory_CreateQueryWriterFromReader_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateQueryWriterFromReader(
                IntPtr THIS_PTR, 
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataQueryReader */ queryReader, 
                ref Guid guidVendor,
                out IntPtr /* IWICMetadataQueryWriter */ queryWriter 

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICComponentFactory
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICComponentFactory_CreateMetadataWriterFromReader_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateMetadataWriterFromReader(
                IntPtr pICodecFactory,
                SafeMILHandle pIMetadataReader, 
                ref Guid guidVendor,
                out IntPtr metadataWriter 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICComponentFactory_CreateQueryWriterFromBlockWriter_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateQueryWriterFromBlockWriter( 
                IntPtr pICodecFactory,
                IntPtr pIBlockWriter, 
                ref IntPtr ppIQueryWriter 

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WICMetadataBlockReader
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICMetadataBlockReader_GetCount_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ GetCount( 
                IntPtr pIBlockReader,
                out UInt32 count
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICMetadataBlockReader_GetReaderByIndex_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ GetReaderByIndex( 
                IntPtr pIBlockReader,
                UInt32 index,
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICMetadataReader* */ pIMetadataReader
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICPixelFormatInfo
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICPixelFormatInfo_GetBitsPerPixel_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ GetBitsPerPixel(
                IntPtr /* IWICPixelFormatInfo */ pIPixelFormatInfo, 
                out UInt32 uiBitsPerPixel 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICPixelFormatInfo_GetChannelCount_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ GetChannelCount(
                IntPtr /* IWICPixelFormatInfo */ pIPixelFormatInfo, 
                out UInt32 uiChannelCount 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICPixelFormatInfo_GetChannelMask_Proxy")] 
            internal unsafe static extern int /*HRESULT*/ GetChannelMask(
                IntPtr /* IWICPixelFormatInfo */ pIPixelFormatInfo, 
                UInt32 uiChannelIndex, 
                UInt32 cbMaskBuffer,
                byte *pbMaskBuffer, 
                out UInt32 cbActual
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WICBitmapClipper 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapClipper_Initialize_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Initialize(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapClipper */ THIS_PTR, 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ source,
                ref Int32Rect prc); 

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICBitmapFlipRotator
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapFlipRotator_Initialize_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Initialize( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFlipRotator */ THIS_PTR,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ source, 
                WICBitmapTransformOptions options);

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICBitmapScaler
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapScaler_Initialize_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Initialize(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapScaler */ THIS_PTR,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ source, 
                uint width,
                uint height, 
                WICInterpolationMode mode); 
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WICFormatConverter
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICFormatConverter_Initialize_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Initialize(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICFormatConverter */ THIS_PTR, 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ source,
                ref Guid dstFormat,
                DitherType dither,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapPalette */ bitmapPalette, 
                double alphaThreshold,
                WICPaletteType paletteTranslate 
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class IWICColorContext
            internal enum WICColorContextType : uint
                WICColorContextUninitialized  = 0,
                WICColorContextProfile        = 1, 
                WICColorContextExifColorSpace = 2 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICColorContext_InitializeFromMemory_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ InitializeFromMemory(
                SafeMILHandle THIS_PTR,
                byte[] pbBuffer, 
                uint cbBufferSize
            // We import the following functions from MilCore because WindowsCodecs does not have
            // them built-in 
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "IWICColorContext_GetProfileBytes_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetProfileBytes(
                SafeMILHandle THIS_PTR,
                uint cbBuffer, 
                /* inout */ byte[] pbBuffer,
                out uint pcbActual 

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "IWICColorContext_GetType_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetType(
                SafeMILHandle THIS_PTR,
                out WICColorContextType pType

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "IWICColorContext_GetExifColorSpace_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetExifColorSpace( 
                SafeMILHandle THIS_PTR,
                out uint pValue 

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICColorTransform
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecsExt, EntryPoint = "IWICColorTransform_Initialize_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Initialize(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICColorTransform */ THIS_PTR,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ source, 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICColorContext */ pIContextSource,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICColorContext */ pIContextDest, 
                ref Guid pixelFmtDest 

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WICBitmap
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmap_Lock_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Lock( 
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmap */ THIS_PTR,
                ref Int32Rect prcLock,
                LockFlags flags,
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapLock* */ ppILock); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmap_SetResolution_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ SetResolution(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmap */ THIS_PTR,
                double dpiX,
                double dpiY); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmap_SetPalette_Proxy")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ SetPalette(
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmap */ THIS_PTR,
                System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IMILPalette */ pIPalette);

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class WICBitmapLock 
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapLock_GetStride_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetStride( 
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapLock */ pILock,
                ref uint pcbStride 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "IWICBitmapLock_GetDataPointer_STA_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetDataPointer( 
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapLock */ pILock,
                ref uint pcbBufferSize, 
                ref IntPtr ppbData 

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class WICCodec
            // When updating this value be sure to update milrender.h's version
            // Reserve the number by editing and resubmitting SDKVersion.txt 
            internal const int WINCODEC_SDK_VERSION = 0x0236; 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "WICCreateImagingFactory_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int CreateImagingFactory( 
                UInt32 SDKVersion,
                out IntPtr ppICodecFactory 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "WICConvertBitmapSource")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ WICConvertBitmapSource( 
                ref Guid dstPixelFormatGuid,
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ pISrc, 
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource* */ ppIDst); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "WICSetEncoderFormat_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ WICSetEncoderFormat( 
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ pSourceIn,
                SafeMILHandle /* IMILPalette */ pIPalette, 
                SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapFrameEncode*  */ pIFrameEncode, 
                out SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource**  */ ppSourceOut);
            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "WICMapGuidToShortName")]//CASRemoval: 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ WICMapGuidToShortName(
                ref Guid guid, 
                uint cchName, 
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder wzName,
                ref uint pcchActual); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation.
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "WICMapShortNameToGuid")]//CASRemoval:
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ WICMapShortNameToGuid( 
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String wzName, 
                ref Guid guid);
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecsExt, EntryPoint = "WICCreateColorTransform_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateColorTransform(
                out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle  /* IWICColorTransform */ ppWICColorTransform);
            [DllImport(DllImport.WindowsCodecs, EntryPoint = "WICCreateColorContext_Proxy")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateColorContext( 
                IntPtr pICodecFactory, 
                out System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICColorContext */ ppColorContext);
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CoInitialize(
                    IntPtr reserved);
            internal static extern void CoUninitialize(); 
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class Mscms
            [DllImport(DllImport.Mscms, EntryPoint = "CreateMultiProfileTransform")] 
            internal static extern ColorTransformHandle /* HTRANSFORM */ CreateMultiProfileTransform(IntPtr[] /* PHPROFILE */ pahProfiles, UInt32 nProfiles, UInt32[] padwIntent, UInt32 nIntents, UInt32 dwFlags, UInt32 indexPreferredCMM);
            [DllImport(DllImport.Mscms, EntryPoint = "DeleteColorTransform", SetLastError = true)] 
            internal static extern bool DeleteColorTransform(IntPtr /* HTRANSFORM */ hColorTransform);
            [DllImport(DllImport.Mscms, EntryPoint = "TranslateColors")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ TranslateColors(ColorTransformHandle /* HTRANSFORM */ hColorTransform, IntPtr paInputColors, UInt32 nColors, UInt32 ctInput, IntPtr paOutputColors, UInt32 ctOutput);

            [DllImport(DllImport.Mscms, EntryPoint = "OpenColorProfile")] 
            internal static extern SafeProfileHandle /* HANDLE */ OpenColorProfile(ref MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.PROFILE pProfile, UInt32 dwDesiredAccess, UInt32 dwShareMode, UInt32 dwCreationMode);
            [DllImport(DllImport.Mscms, EntryPoint = "CloseColorProfile", SetLastError = true)] 
            internal static extern bool CloseColorProfile(IntPtr /* HANDLE */ phProfile);
            [DllImport(DllImport.Mscms, EntryPoint = "GetColorProfileHeader", SetLastError = true)]
            internal static extern bool GetColorProfileHeader(SafeProfileHandle /* HANDLE */ phProfile, out MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.PROFILEHEADER pHeader);

            [DllImport(DllImport.Mscms, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping = false)] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetColorDirectory(IntPtr pMachineName, StringBuilder pBuffer, out uint pdwSize);
            [DllImport(DllImport.Mscms, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping = false)] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ GetStandardColorSpaceProfile(IntPtr pMachineName, uint dwProfileID, StringBuilder pProfileName, out uint pdwSize);
            [DllImport(DllImport.Mscms, EntryPoint = "GetColorProfileFromHandle", SetLastError = true)]
            internal static extern bool GetColorProfileFromHandle(SafeProfileHandle /* HANDLE */ hProfile, byte[] pBuffer, ref uint pdwSize);
        /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        internal static class MILFactory2 
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MILCreateFactory")]
            internal static extern int CreateFactory(
                out IntPtr ppIFactory, 
                UInt32 SDKVersion
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MILFactoryCreateMediaPlayer")]
            internal static extern int /*HRESULT*/ CreateMediaPlayer( 
                IntPtr THIS_PTR,
                SafeMILHandle /* CEventProxy */ pEventProxy,
                bool canOpenAllMedia,
                out SafeMediaHandle /* IMILMedia */ ppMedia); 

            /// Critical as this code performs an elevation. 
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MILFactoryCreateBitmapRenderTarget")] 
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateBitmapRenderTarget(
                IntPtr THIS_PTR,
                UInt32 width,
                UInt32 height, 
                PixelFormatEnum pixelFormatEnum,
                float dpiX, 
                float dpiY, 
                MILRTInitializationFlags dwFlags,
                out SafeMILHandle /* IMILRenderTargetBitmap */ ppIRenderTargetBitmap); 

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MILFactoryCreateSWRenderTargetForBitmap")]
            internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ CreateBitmapRenderTargetForBitmap(
                IntPtr THIS_PTR, 
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmap */ pIBitmap,
                out SafeMILHandle /* IMILRenderTargetBitmap */ ppIRenderTargetBitmap); 

        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] 
        internal static class InteropDeviceBitmap
            internal delegate void FrontBufferAvailableCallback(bool lost, uint version);
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "InteropDeviceBitmap_Create")]
            internal static extern int Create( 
                IntPtr d3dResource, 
                double dpiX,
                double dpiY, 
                uint version,
                FrontBufferAvailableCallback pfnCallback,
                out SafeMILHandle ppInteropDeviceBitmap,
                out uint pixelWidth, 
                out uint pixelHeight
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "InteropDeviceBitmap_Detach")]
            internal static extern void Detach( 
                SafeMILHandle pInteropDeviceBitmap

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "InteropDeviceBitmap_AddDirtyRect")] 
            internal static extern int AddDirtyRect(

                int x, 
                int y, 
                int w,
                int h, 
                SafeMILHandle pInteropDeviceBitmap

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "InteropDeviceBitmap_GetAsSoftwareBitmap")] 
            internal static extern int GetAsSoftwareBitmap(SafeMILHandle pInteropDeviceBitmap, out BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle pIWICBitmapSource);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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