ParserContext.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Markup / ParserContext.cs / 1305600 / ParserContext.cs

// File: ParserContext.cs
// Description: 
//   class for the main TypeConverterContext object passed to type converters
// History:
//    8/02/01:    rogerg        Created 
//    05/23/03:   peterost      Ported to wcp
//    03/16/05:   chandras      Changed the XmlnsDictionary usage
// Copyright (C) 2001 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
using System;
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Xml; 
using MS.Utility;
using System.Diagnostics; 
namespace MS.Internal.Markup 
using System.Windows;
using System.Security;
using MS.Internal; 

namespace System.Windows.Markup 

    ///     The IUriContext interface allows elements (like Frame, PageViewer) and type converters 
    ///     (like BitmapImage TypeConverters) a way to ensure that base uri is set on them by the
    ///     parser, codegen for xaml, baml and caml cases.  The elements can then use this base uri 
    ///     to navigate. 
    internal interface IUriContext 
        ///     Provides the base uri of the current context.
        Uri BaseUri

    ///  Provides all the context information required by Parser 
    internal class ParserContext : IUriContext 
    public class ParserContext : IUriContext

#region Public Methods 
        ///    Constructor 
        public ParserContext()
        // Initialize the ParserContext to a known, default state.  DO NOT wipe out 
        // data that may be able to be shared between seperate parses, such as the
        // xamlTypeMapper and the map table. 
        internal void Initialize()
            _xmlnsDictionary = null;    // created on its first use
            _nameScopeStack    = null;
            _xmlLang        = String.Empty; 
            _xmlSpace       = String.Empty;

        ///    Constructor that takes the XmlParserContext.
        ///    A parserContext object will be built based on this. 
        /// xmlParserContext to use
        public ParserContext(XmlParserContext xmlParserContext)
            if (xmlParserContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "xmlParserContext" );
            _xmlLang     = xmlParserContext.XmlLang;
            TypeConverter typeConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(XmlSpace));
            if (typeConverter != null)
                _xmlSpace = (string) typeConverter.ConvertToString(null, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, xmlParserContext.XmlSpace);
                _xmlSpace = String.Empty;
            _xmlnsDictionary = new XmlnsDictionary() ; 

            if (xmlParserContext.BaseURI != null && xmlParserContext.BaseURI.Length > 0) 
                _baseUri = new Uri(xmlParserContext.BaseURI, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            XmlNamespaceManager xmlnsManager = xmlParserContext.NamespaceManager;
            if (null != xmlnsManager) 
                foreach (string key in xmlnsManager) 
                    _xmlnsDictionary.Add(key, xmlnsManager.LookupNamespace(key));
        /// Constructor overload that takes an XmlReader, in order to
        /// pull the BaseURI, Lang, and Space from it.
        internal ParserContext( XmlReader xmlReader ) 
            if( xmlReader.BaseURI != null && xmlReader.BaseURI.Length != 0 ) 
                BaseUri = new Uri( xmlReader.BaseURI );

            XmlLang = xmlReader.XmlLang;

            if( xmlReader.XmlSpace != System.Xml.XmlSpace.None ) 
                XmlSpace = xmlReader.XmlSpace.ToString(); 

        ///    Constructor that takes the ParserContext. 
        ///    A parserContext object will be built based on this.
        /// xmlParserContext to use 
        internal ParserContext(ParserContext parserContext)
            _xmlLang     = parserContext.XmlLang;
            _xmlSpace    = parserContext.XmlSpace;
            _xamlTypeMapper      = parserContext.XamlTypeMapper;
            _mapTable    = parserContext.MapTable; 
            _baseUri     = parserContext.BaseUri;
            _rootElement = parserContext._rootElement; 
            if (parserContext._nameScopeStack != null)
                _nameScopeStack = (Stack)parserContext._nameScopeStack.Clone(); 
                _nameScopeStack = null;

            // Don't want to force the lazy init so we just set privates 
            _skipJournaledProperties = parserContext._skipJournaledProperties;
            _xmlnsDictionary = null; 

            // when there are no namespace prefix mappings in incoming ParserContext, 
             // we are not going to create an empty XmlnsDictionary.
            if (parserContext._xmlnsDictionary != null &&
                parserContext._xmlnsDictionary.Count > 0)
                _xmlnsDictionary = new XmlnsDictionary();
                XmlnsDictionary xmlDictionaryFrom = parserContext.XmlnsDictionary; 

                if (null != xmlDictionaryFrom) 
                    foreach (string key in xmlDictionaryFrom.Keys)
                        _xmlnsDictionary[key] = xmlDictionaryFrom[key]; 

        /// Pushes the context scope stack (modifications to the ParserContext only apply to levels below
        /// the modification in the stack, except for the XamlTypeMapper property) 
        internal void PushScope() 

            // Wait till the context needs XmlnsDictionary, create on first use.
            if (_xmlnsDictionary != null)
        /// Pops the context scope stack
        internal void PopScope()
            // Pop state off of the _langSpaceStack
            if (_repeat > 0) 
                if (null != _langSpaceStack && _langSpaceStack.Count > 0)
                    _repeat = (int) _langSpaceStack.Pop();
                    _targetType = (Type) _langSpaceStack.Pop(); 
                    _xmlSpace = (string) _langSpaceStack.Pop();
                    _xmlLang = (string) _langSpaceStack.Pop(); 
            // Pop state off of _currentFreezeStackFrame
            if (!_currentFreezeStackFrame.DecrementRepeatCount())
                // If the end of the current frame has been reached, pop 
                // the next frame off the freeze stack
                _currentFreezeStackFrame = (FreezeStackFrame) _freezeStack.Pop(); 

            // Wait till the context needs XmlnsDictionary, create on first use. 
            if (_xmlnsDictionary != null)


        /// XmlNamespaceDictionary 
        public XmlnsDictionary  XmlnsDictionary 
                // Entry Point to others, initialize if null. 
                if (_xmlnsDictionary == null)
                    _xmlnsDictionary = new XmlnsDictionary(); 
                return _xmlnsDictionary;

        /// XmlLang property 
        public string XmlLang 
                return _xmlLang;
                _xmlLang = (null == value ? String.Empty : value); 
        /// XmlSpace property
        // (Why isn't this of type XmlSpace?) 
        public string XmlSpace
                return _xmlSpace; 
                _xmlSpace = value;

        // TargetType
        // Keep track of the Style/Template TargetType's in the current context.  This allows Setters etc
        // to interpret properties without walking up the reader stack to see it.  This is internal and 
        // hard-coded to target type, but the intent in the future is to generalize this so that we don't
        // have to have the custom parser, and so that the designer can provide the same contextual information. 
        internal Type TargetType
                return _targetType;

                _targetType = value;

        // Items specific to XAML 
        ///  XamlTypeMapper that should be used when resolving XML 
        public XamlTypeMapper XamlTypeMapper
                return _xamlTypeMapper ; 
                // The BamlMapTable must always be kept in [....] with the XamlTypeMapper.  If
                // the XamlTypeMapper changes, then the map table must also be reset.
                if (_xamlTypeMapper != value)
                    _xamlTypeMapper = value;
                    _mapTable = new BamlMapTable(value); 
                    _xamlTypeMapper.MapTable = _mapTable; 
        ///  Gets or sets the list of INameScopes in parent chain 
        internal Stack NameScopeStack 
               if (_nameScopeStack == null)
                   _nameScopeStack = new Stack(2);

               return _nameScopeStack; 

        ///    Gets or sets the base Uri
        public Uri BaseUri
                return _baseUri ; 
                _baseUri = value;

        /// Should DependencyProperties marked with the Journal metadata flag be set or skipped?
        internal bool SkipJournaledProperties
            get { return _skipJournaledProperties; } 
            set { _skipJournaledProperties = value; }
        // The Assembly which hosts the Baml stream. 
        ///     Critical - because it sets the value of the _streamCreatedAssembly field, and that is
        ///                SecurityCritical Data as this field is used by the BamlRecordReader to 
        ///                allow legitimate internal types in Partial Trust.
        internal Assembly StreamCreatedAssembly 
            get { return _streamCreatedAssembly.Value; } 

            set { _streamCreatedAssembly.Value = value; }
        ///    Operator for Converting a ParserContext to an XmlParserContext
        /// ParserContext to Convert
        /// XmlParserContext
        public static implicit operator XmlParserContext(ParserContext parserContext)
            return ParserContext.ToXmlParserContext(parserContext);

        ///    Operator for Converting a ParserContext to an XmlParserContext
        /// ParserContext to Convert
        /// XmlParserContext 
        public static XmlParserContext ToXmlParserContext(ParserContext parserContext)
            if (parserContext == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "parserContext" ); 

            XmlNamespaceManager xmlnsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
            XmlSpace xmlSpace = System.Xml.XmlSpace.None; 

            if (parserContext.XmlSpace != null && parserContext.XmlSpace.Length != 0) 
                TypeConverter typeConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(System.Xml.XmlSpace));
                if (null != typeConverter) 
                        xmlSpace = (System.Xml.XmlSpace)typeConverter.ConvertFromString(null, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, parserContext.XmlSpace); 
                    catch (System.FormatException)  // If it's not a valid space value, ignore it 
                        xmlSpace = System.Xml.XmlSpace.None;

            // We start getting Keys list only if we have non-empty dictionary 

            if (parserContext._xmlnsDictionary != null) 
                foreach (string key in parserContext._xmlnsDictionary.Keys)
                    xmlnsMgr.AddNamespace(key, parserContext._xmlnsDictionary[key]);
            XmlParserContext xmlParserContext = new XmlParserContext(null, xmlnsMgr, parserContext.XmlLang, xmlSpace);
            if( parserContext.BaseUri == null) 
                xmlParserContext.BaseURI = null;
                string serializedSafe = parserContext.BaseUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.SerializationInfoString, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped);
                Uri sameUri = new Uri(serializedSafe); 
                string cannonicalString =  sameUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.SerializationInfoString, UriFormat.UriEscaped);
                xmlParserContext.BaseURI = cannonicalString; 

            return xmlParserContext; 

#endregion Public Methods
#region Internal
        // Reset stack to default state
        private void EndRepeat() 
            if (_repeat > 0)
                if (null == _langSpaceStack) 
                    _langSpaceStack = new Stack(1); 

                _repeat = 0; 
        /// LineNumber for the first character in the given 
        /// stream. This is used when parsing a section of a larger file so
        /// that proper line number in the overall file can be calculated.
        internal int LineNumber 
            get { return _lineNumber; } 
            set { _lineNumber = value; }

        /// LinePosition for the first character in the given
        /// stream. This is used when parsing a section of a larger file so 
        /// that proper line positions in the overall file can be calculated. 
        internal int LinePosition 
            get { return _linePosition; }
            set { _linePosition = value; } 
        internal bool IsDebugBamlStream 
            get { return _isDebugBamlStream; }
            set { _isDebugBamlStream = value; }

        /// Gets or sets the object at the root of the portion of the tree 
        /// currently being parsed.  Note that this may not be the very top of the tree
        /// if the parsing operation is scoped to a specific subtree, such as in Style 
        /// parsing.
        internal object RootElement
            get { return _rootElement; }
            set { _rootElement = value; } 

        // If this is false (default), then the parser does not own the stream and so if 
        // it has any defer loaded content, it needs to copy it into a byte array since
        // the owner\caller will close the stream when parsing is complete. Currently, this
        // is set to true only by the theme engine since the stream is a system-wide resource
        // an dso will always be open for teh lifetime of the process laoding the theme and so 
        // it can be re-used for perf reasons.
        internal bool OwnsBamlStream 
            get { return _ownsBamlStream; }
            set { _ownsBamlStream = value; } 

        /// Allows sharing a map table between instances of BamlReaders and Writers.
        internal BamlMapTable MapTable
            get { return _mapTable; }
                // The XamlTypeMapper and the map table must always be kept in [....].  If the
                // map table changes, update the XamlTypeMapper also 
                if (_mapTable != value) 
                    _mapTable = value; 
                    _xamlTypeMapper = _mapTable.XamlTypeMapper;
                    _xamlTypeMapper.MapTable = _mapTable;

        internal IStyleConnector StyleConnector
            get { return _styleConnector; }
            set { _styleConnector = value; } 

        // Keep a cached ProvideValueProvider so that we don't have to keep re-creating one. 
        internal ProvideValueServiceProvider ProvideValueProvider
                if (_provideValueServiceProvider == null)
                    _provideValueServiceProvider = new ProvideValueServiceProvider(this); 
                return _provideValueServiceProvider;
        /// This is used to resolve a StaticResourceId record within a deferred content 
        /// section against a StaticResourceExtension on the parent dictionary. 
        internal List StaticResourcesStack 
                if (_staticResourcesStack == null) 
                    _staticResourcesStack = new List(); 

                return _staticResourcesStack; 

        /// Says if we are we currently loading deferred content
        internal bool InDeferredSection 
            get { return (_staticResourcesStack != null && _staticResourcesStack.Count > 0); } 

        // Return a new Parser context that has the same instance variables as this instance, with 
        // only scope dependent variables deep copied.  Variables that are not dependent on scope
        // (such as the baml map table) are not deep copied. 
        internal ParserContext ScopedCopy() 
            return ScopedCopy( true /* copyNameScopeStack */ );

        ///     Critical - because it sets _streamCreatedAssembly on the ParserContext, and that is
        ///                SecurityCritical Data as this field is used by the BamlRecordReader to 
        ///                allow legitimate internal types in Partial Trust.
        ///     Safe - because it gets this value from a copy of itself that gets it from a stream that
        ///            implements an internal IStreamInfo interface and IStreamInfo.Assembly is set\
        ///            by the ResourceContainer code that is SecurityCritical, but treated as safe. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal ParserContext ScopedCopy(bool copyNameScopeStack) 
            ParserContext context = new ParserContext(); 

            context._baseUri = _baseUri;
            context._skipJournaledProperties = _skipJournaledProperties;
            context._xmlLang = _xmlLang; 
            context._xmlSpace = _xmlSpace;
            context._repeat = _repeat; 
            context._lineNumber = _lineNumber; 
            context._linePosition = _linePosition;
            context._isDebugBamlStream = _isDebugBamlStream; 
            context._mapTable = _mapTable;
            context._xamlTypeMapper = _xamlTypeMapper;
            context._targetType = _targetType;
            context._streamCreatedAssembly.Value = _streamCreatedAssembly.Value;
            context._rootElement = _rootElement; 
            context._styleConnector = _styleConnector; 

            // Copy the name scope stack, if necessary. 

            if (_nameScopeStack != null && copyNameScopeStack)
                context._nameScopeStack = (_nameScopeStack != null) ? (Stack)_nameScopeStack.Clone() : null;
                context._nameScopeStack = null;
            // Deep copy only selected scope dependent instance variables 
            context._langSpaceStack = (_langSpaceStack != null) ? (Stack)_langSpaceStack.Clone() : null;
            if (_xmlnsDictionary != null)
                context._xmlnsDictionary = new XmlnsDictionary(_xmlnsDictionary);
                context._xmlnsDictionary = null; 

            context._currentFreezeStackFrame = _currentFreezeStackFrame; 
            context._freezeStack = (_freezeStack != null) ? (Stack) _freezeStack.Clone() : null; 

            return context; 

        // This is called by a user of a parser context when it is a good time to drop unnecessary
        // references (today, just an empty stack). 

        internal void TrimState()

                if( _nameScopeStack != null && _nameScopeStack.Count == 0 ) 
                    _nameScopeStack = null; 


        // Return a new Parser context that has the same instance variables as this instance,
        // will all scoped and non-scoped complex properties deep copied. 
        internal ParserContext Clone() 
            ParserContext context = ScopedCopy();
            // Deep copy only selected instance variables
            context._mapTable = (_mapTable != null) ? _mapTable.Clone() : null;
            context._xamlTypeMapper = (_xamlTypeMapper != null) ? _xamlTypeMapper.Clone() : null;
            // Connect the XamlTypeMapper and bamlmaptable
            context._xamlTypeMapper.MapTable = context._mapTable; 
            context._mapTable.XamlTypeMapper = context._xamlTypeMapper; 

            return context; 

        // Set/Get whether or not Freezables within the current scope
        // should be Frozen. 
        internal bool FreezeFreezables 
                return _currentFreezeStackFrame.FreezeFreezables;
                // If the freeze flag isn't actually changing, we don't need to 
                // register a change
                if (value != _currentFreezeStackFrame.FreezeFreezables) 
                    // When this scope was entered the repeat count was initially incremented,
                    // indicating no _freezeFreezables state changes within this scope.
                    // Now that a state change has been found, we need to replace that no-op with
                    // a directive to restore the old state by un-doing the increment 
                    // and pushing the stack frame 
                    bool canDecrement = 
                    // We're replacing a no-op with a state change.  Detect if we accidently 
                    // start replacing actual state changes.  This might happen if we allowed
                    // FreezeFreezable to be set twice within the same scope, for 
                    // example. 
                    if (_freezeStack == null)
                        // Lazily allocate a _freezeStack if this is the first
                        // state change. 
                        _freezeStack = new Stack();
                    // Save the old frame

                    // Set the new frame
        internal bool TryCacheFreezable(string value, Freezable freezable)
            if (FreezeFreezables)
                if (freezable.CanFreeze)
                    if (!freezable.IsFrozen)
                    if (_freezeCache == null) 
                        _freezeCache = new Dictionary();
                    _freezeCache.Add(value, freezable); 
                    return true;

            return false; 

        internal Freezable TryGetFreezable(string value)
            Freezable freezable = null;
            if (_freezeCache != null) 
                _freezeCache.TryGetValue(value, out freezable);

            return freezable;

#endregion Internal 
#region Date
        private XamlTypeMapper          _xamlTypeMapper;
        private Uri                     _baseUri;

        private XmlnsDictionary         _xmlnsDictionary; 
        private String                  _xmlLang        = String.Empty;
        private String                  _xmlSpace       = String.Empty; 
        private Stack                   _langSpaceStack; 
        private int                     _repeat;
        private Type                    _targetType; 

        private bool                    _skipJournaledProperties;
        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet _streamCreatedAssembly; 
        private bool                    _ownsBamlStream;
        private ProvideValueServiceProvider _provideValueServiceProvider; 
        private IStyleConnector _styleConnector; 
        private Stack                   _nameScopeStack;
        private List          _staticResourcesStack; 

        object                                      _rootElement;  // RootElement for the Page scoping [temporary, should be
        // something like page name or baseUri]
        // Struct that maintains both the freezeFreezable state & stack depth 
        // between freezeFreezable state changes
        private struct FreezeStackFrame 
            internal void IncrementRepeatCount() { _repeatCount++; }

            // Returns false when the count reaches 0 such that the decrement can not occur 
            internal bool DecrementRepeatCount()
                if (_repeatCount > 0) 
                    return true;
                    return false;

            // Accessors for private state
            internal bool FreezeFreezables
                get { return _freezeFreezables; } 
            // Reset's this frame to a new scope.  Only used with _currentFreezeStackFrame. 
            internal void Reset(bool freezeFreezables)
                _freezeFreezables = freezeFreezables;
                _repeatCount = 0;
            // Whether or not Freezeables with the current scope should be Frozen
            private bool _freezeFreezables; 
            // The number of frames until the next state change.
            // We need to know how many times PopScope() is called until the
            // state changes.  That information is tracked by _repeatCount.
            private int _repeatCount; 
        // First frame is maintained off of the _freezeStack to avoid allocating 
        // a Stack for the common case where Freeze isn't specified.
        FreezeStackFrame _currentFreezeStackFrame; 

        // When cloning, it isn't necessary to copy this cache of freezables.
        // This cache allows frozen freezables to use a shared instance and save on memory. 
        private Dictionary _freezeCache;
        private Stack _freezeStack = null;
        private int _lineNumber = 0;    // number of lines between the start of the file and
                                        // our starting point (the starting point of this context)
        private int _linePosition=0;      // default start ot left of first character which is a zero
        private BamlMapTable _mapTable; 
        private bool _isDebugBamlStream = false; 
#endregion Data

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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