User.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Base / System / Security / RightsManagement / User.cs / 1 / User.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//  This class implements the UnsignedPublishLicense class 
//   this class is the first step in the RightsManagement publishing process
// History:
//  06/01/2005: [....] :   Initial Implementation

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;           // for IEqualityComparer generic interface.
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using MS.Internal;                          // for Invariant
using MS.Internal.Security.RightsManagement; 
using SecurityHelper = MS.Internal.WindowsBase.SecurityHelper; 

namespace System.Security.RightsManagement 

    ///  This class represents a User for purposes of granting rights to that user, initializing secure environment for the user, 
    /// or enumerating rights granted to various users.
    ///     Critical:    This class expose access to methods that eventually do one or more of the the following
    ///             1. call into unmanaged code 
    ///             2. affects state/data that will eventually cross over unmanaged code boundary
    ///             3. Return some RM related information which is considered private
    ///     TreatAsSafe: This attrbiute automatically applied to all public entry points. All the public entry points have 
    ///     Demands for RightsManagementPermission at entry to counter the possible attacks that do
    ///     not lead to the unamanged code directly(which is protected by another Demand there) but rather leave 
    ///     some status/data behind which eventually might cross the unamanaged boundary. 
    public class ContentUser
        ///  This constructor creates a user that will be granted a right. Or used in other related scenarios like 
        /// initializing secure environment for the user, or enumerating rights granted to various users.
        public ContentUser(string name, AuthenticationType authenticationType) 

            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); 
            if (name.Trim().Length == 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("name"); 

            if ((authenticationType != AuthenticationType.Windows) &&
                (authenticationType != AuthenticationType.Passport) && 
                (authenticationType != AuthenticationType.WindowsPassport) &&
                (authenticationType != AuthenticationType.Internal)) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("authenticationType");

            // We only support Anyone for the internal mode at the moment
            if (authenticationType == AuthenticationType.Internal)
                if (!CompareToAnyone(name) && !CompareToOwner(name))
                    // we only support Anyone as internal user 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("name");

            _name = name;
            _authenticationType = authenticationType; 
        /// Currently only 2 Authentication types supported Windows and Passport
        public AuthenticationType AuthenticationType
                return _authenticationType; 

        /// Fully qualified SMTP address.
        public string Name

                return _name;

        /// Return true if the current User currently authenticated, which means that initialization 
        /// process will likely not require a prompt.
        /// We check if the machine and the user are activated. 
        /// We don't check the existence of a client licensor certificate since it is only
        ///     required for publishing only
        public bool IsAuthenticated() 
            // we can only have activated Windows or Passport users
            // undefined authentication type can only be used for building a UnsignedPublishLicense 
            if ((_authenticationType != AuthenticationType.Windows) &&
                 (_authenticationType != AuthenticationType.Passport))
                return false; 
            // User specific client session to check it's status 
            using (ClientSession userClientSession = new ClientSession(this))
                return (userClientSession.IsMachineActivated() &&

        /// Test for equality. 
        public override bool Equals(object obj) 

            if (obj == null) 
                return false;   // Standard behavior.
            if (GetType() != obj.GetType()) 
                return false;   // Different type.
            ContentUser userObj = (ContentUser)obj;

            return (String.CompareOrdinal(_name.ToUpperInvariant(), userObj._name.ToUpperInvariant()) == 0)
        /// Returns an instance of the User class that identifyes "Anyone" persona. 
        /// This user has authentication type "Internal" and Name "Anyone".
        /// If this such user was granted rights dutring publishing; server will issue Use License
        /// to anyone who requests one, but it will be attached to the requesting user.
        public static ContentUser AnyoneUser

                if (_anyoneUser == null)
                    _anyoneUser = new ContentUser(AnyoneUserName, AuthenticationType.Internal); 
                return _anyoneUser; 
        /// Returns an instance of the User class that identifies "Owner" persona.
        /// This user has authentication type Internal and Name "Owner".
        /// This is mostly used by the server side templates to give special rights to the 
        /// Publisher/author who would be building a protected document using those templates
        public static ContentUser OwnerUser 

                if (_ownerUser == null) 
                    _ownerUser = new ContentUser(OwnerUserName, AuthenticationType.Internal); 
                return _ownerUser;

        /// Compute hash code. 
        public override int GetHashCode() 
            if (!hashCalcIsDone)
                StringBuilder hashString = new StringBuilder(_name.ToUpperInvariant());

                hashValue = (hashString.ToString()).GetHashCode(); 
                hashCalcIsDone = true; 
            return hashValue;

        /// Converts  AuthenticationType to AuthenticationProviderType string require for a client session
        internal string AuthenticationProviderType 
                if (_authenticationType == AuthenticationType.Windows)
                    return WindowsAuthProvider; 
                else if (_authenticationType == AuthenticationType.Passport) 
                    return PassportAuthProvider;
                    Invariant.Assert(false, "AuthenticationProviderType can only be queried for Windows or Passport authentication");
                    return null; 

        /// Generic test for equality. This method allows any types based on ContentUser
        /// to be comparable.
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This method may be called indirectly from a Partial Trust environment.
        ///         It only performs a safe string comparison. 
        internal bool GenericEquals(ContentUser userObj) 
            // this checks for null argument
            if (userObj == null)
                return false;
                return (String.CompareOrdinal(_name.ToUpperInvariant(), userObj._name.ToUpperInvariant()) == 0) 

        /// Implements the IEqualityComparer generic interface to be 
        /// used in a Dictionary with ContentUser as key type.
        /// This interface allows any types based on ContentUser to be 
        /// comparable.
        ///     TreatAsSafe: The methods of this class may be called indirectly from 
        ///                  a Partial Trust environment.
        ///         Both methods only validate their parameters, then call other safe methods. 
        internal sealed class ContentUserComparer : IEqualityComparer 
            bool IEqualityComparer.Equals(ContentUser user1, ContentUser user2)
                Invariant.Assert(user1 != null, "user1 should not be null"); 
                return user1.GenericEquals(user2);
            int IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ContentUser user)
                Invariant.Assert(user != null, "user should not be null");
                return user.GetHashCode();

        /// A comparer that can be passed to a Dictionary to allow 
        /// generic match for different types based on ContentUser.
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This field will be accessed by SecurityTransparent code. It's static, readonly.
        ///             It's safe to allow access from SecurityTransparent code.
        internal static readonly ContentUserComparer _contentUserComparer = new ContentUserComparer(); 
        internal static bool CompareToAnyone(string name)
            return (0 == String.CompareOrdinal(AnyoneUserName.ToUpperInvariant(), name.ToUpperInvariant()));

        internal static bool CompareToOwner(string name) 
            return (0 == String.CompareOrdinal(OwnerUserName.ToUpperInvariant(), name.ToUpperInvariant())); 

        private const string WindowsAuthProvider = "WindowsAuthProvider"; 
        private const string PassportAuthProvider = "PassportAuthProvider";

        private const string OwnerUserName = "Owner";
        private static ContentUser _ownerUser; 

        private const string AnyoneUserName = "Anyone"; 
        private static ContentUser _anyoneUser; 

        private string _name; 
        private AuthenticationType _authenticationType;
        private int hashValue;
        private bool hashCalcIsDone;    // flag that indicates the value in hasValue is already calculated and usable

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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