GridViewHeaderRowPresenter.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / System / Windows / Controls / GridViewHeaderRowPresenter.cs / 4 / GridViewHeaderRowPresenter.cs

// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System.Collections.Generic;           // List 
using System.Collections.Specialized;       // NotifyCollectionChangedAction
using System.ComponentModel;                // DesignerSerializationVisibility 
using System.Windows.Automation.Peers;      // AutomationPeer
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;   // GridViewRowPresenterBase
using System.Windows.Data;                  // Binding
using System.Windows.Input;                 // MouseEventArgs 
using System.Windows.Media;                 // SolidColorBrush
using System.Diagnostics; 
using MS.Internal;                          // Helper

namespace System.Windows.Controls
    /// GridViewHeaderRowPresenter is used within the style to denote the headers place
    /// in GridView's visual tree 
    [StyleTypedProperty(Property = "ColumnHeaderContainerStyle", StyleTargetType = typeof(GridViewColumnHeader))]
    public class GridViewHeaderRowPresenter : GridViewRowPresenterBase 
        //  Constructors 
        //  Public Methods
        //  Public Properties 

        #region Public Properties

        #region ColumnHeaderContainerStyle 

        /// ColumnHeaderContainerStyleProperty DependencyProperty 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnHeaderContainerStyleProperty = 
                    new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                        new PropertyChangedCallback(PropertyChanged)) 
        /// header container's style
        public Style ColumnHeaderContainerStyle
            get { return (Style)GetValue(ColumnHeaderContainerStyleProperty); }
            set { SetValue(ColumnHeaderContainerStyleProperty, value); } 
        #endregion // ColumnHeaderContainerStyle 

        #region ColumnHeaderTemplate 

        /// ColumnHeaderTemplate DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnHeaderTemplateProperty =
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(PropertyChanged)) 

        /// column header template 
        public DataTemplate ColumnHeaderTemplate 
            get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(ColumnHeaderTemplateProperty); }
            set { SetValue(ColumnHeaderTemplateProperty, value); } 

        #endregion  ColumnHeaderTemplate
        #region ColumnHeaderTemplateSelector
        /// ColumnHeaderTemplateSelector DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnHeaderTemplateSelectorProperty =
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(PropertyChanged))
        /// header template selector 
        ///     This property is ignored if  is set.
        public DataTemplateSelector ColumnHeaderTemplateSelector 
            get { return (DataTemplateSelector)GetValue(ColumnHeaderTemplateSelectorProperty); }
            set { SetValue(ColumnHeaderTemplateSelectorProperty, value); } 

        #endregion ColumnHeaderTemplateSelector
        #region AllowsColumnReorder
        /// AllowsColumnReorder DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty AllowsColumnReorderProperty =

        /// Allow column re-order or not 
        public bool AllowsColumnReorder 
            get { return (bool)GetValue(AllowsColumnReorderProperty); }
            set { SetValue(AllowsColumnReorderProperty, value); }

        #endregion  AllowsColumnReorder 
        #region ColumnHeaderContextMenu
        /// ColumnHeaderContextMenu DependencyProperty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnHeaderContextMenuProperty = 
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(PropertyChanged))

        /// ColumnHeaderContextMenu
        public ContextMenu ColumnHeaderContextMenu
            get { return (ContextMenu)GetValue(ColumnHeaderContextMenuProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(ColumnHeaderContextMenuProperty, value); }

        #endregion  ColumnHeaderContextMenu

        #region ColumnHeaderToolTip 

        /// ColumnHeaderToolTip DependencyProperty 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnHeaderToolTipProperty = 
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                    new PropertyChangedCallback(PropertyChanged)) 
        /// ColumnHeaderToolTip
        public object ColumnHeaderToolTip
            get { return GetValue(ColumnHeaderToolTipProperty); }
            set { SetValue(ColumnHeaderToolTipProperty, value); } 
        private static void PropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            GridViewHeaderRowPresenter presenter = (GridViewHeaderRowPresenter)d; 

            if (e.Property == ColumnHeaderTemplateProperty || e.Property == ColumnHeaderTemplateSelectorProperty)
                // Check to prevent Template and TemplateSelector at the same time 
                Helper.CheckTemplateAndTemplateSelector("GridViewHeaderRowPresenter", ColumnHeaderTemplateProperty, ColumnHeaderTemplateSelectorProperty, presenter);

        #endregion  ColumnHeaderToolTip


        // Protected Methods

        #region Protected Methods
        /// Override of . 
        /// Constraint size is an "upper limit" that the return value should not exceed.
        /// The GridViewHeaderRowPresenter's desired size. 
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            GridViewColumnCollection columns = Columns;
            UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
            double maxHeight = 0.0;           // Max height of children. 
            double accumulatedWidth = 0.0;    // Total width consumed by children.
            double constraintHeight = constraint.Height; 
            bool desiredWidthListEnsured = false;

            if (columns != null)
                // Measure working headers
                for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; ++i) 
                    UIElement child = children[GetVisualIndex(i)];
                    if (child == null) { continue; } 

                    double childConstraintWidth = Math.Max(0.0, constraint.Width - accumulatedWidth);

                    GridViewColumn column = columns[i]; 

                    if (column.State == ColumnMeasureState.Init) 
                        if (!desiredWidthListEnsured)
                            LayoutUpdated += new EventHandler(OnLayoutUpdated);
                            desiredWidthListEnsured = true;

                        child.Measure(new Size(childConstraintWidth, constraintHeight)); 
                        DesiredWidthList[column.ActualIndex] = column.EnsureWidth(child.DesiredSize.Width);
                        accumulatedWidth += column.DesiredWidth;
                    else if (column.State == ColumnMeasureState.Headered
                        || column.State == ColumnMeasureState.Data) 
                        childConstraintWidth = Math.Min(childConstraintWidth, column.DesiredWidth); 
                        child.Measure(new Size(childConstraintWidth, constraintHeight));
                        accumulatedWidth += column.DesiredWidth;
                    else // ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth
                        childConstraintWidth = Math.Min(childConstraintWidth, column.Width);
                        child.Measure(new Size(childConstraintWidth, constraintHeight)); 

                        accumulatedWidth += column.Width; 

                    maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, child.DesiredSize.Height);
            // Measure padding header 
            Debug.Assert(_paddingHeader != null, "padding header is null");
            _paddingHeader.Measure(new Size(0.0, constraintHeight)); 
            maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, _paddingHeader.DesiredSize.Height);

            // reserve space for padding header next to the last column
            accumulatedWidth += c_PaddingHeaderMinWidth; 

            // Measure indicator & floating header in re-ordering 
            if (_isHeaderDragging) 
                Debug.Assert(_indicator != null, "_indicator is null"); 
                Debug.Assert(_floatingHeader != null, "_floatingHeader is null");

                // Measure indicator

                // Measure floating header 
            return (new Size(accumulatedWidth, maxHeight));

        /// GridViewHeaderRowPresenter computes the position of its children inside each child's Margin and calls Arrange
        /// on each child. 
        /// Size the GridViewHeaderRowPresenter will assume.
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize) 
            GridViewColumnCollection columns = Columns;

            UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 

            double accumulatedWidth = 0.0; 
            double remainingWidth = arrangeSize.Width; 
            Rect rect;

            if (columns != null)
                // Arrange working headers
                for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; ++i) 
                    UIElement child = children[GetVisualIndex(i)];
                    if (child == null) { continue; } 

                    GridViewColumn column = columns[i];

                    // has a given value or 'auto' 
                    double childArrangeWidth = Math.Min(remainingWidth, ((column.State == ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth) ? column.Width : column.DesiredWidth));
                    // calculate the header rect 
                    rect = new Rect(accumulatedWidth, 0.0, childArrangeWidth, arrangeSize.Height);
                    // arrange header

                    //Store rect in HeadersPositionList as i-th column position 
                    remainingWidth -= childArrangeWidth; 
                    accumulatedWidth += childArrangeWidth;

                // check width to hide previous header's right half gripper, from the first working header to padding header
                // only happens after column delete, insert, move
                if (_isColumnChangedOrCreated) 
                    for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; ++i) 
                        GridViewColumnHeader header = children[GetVisualIndex(i)] as GridViewColumnHeader;


                    _isColumnChangedOrCreated = false; 
            // Arrange padding header
            Debug.Assert(_paddingHeader != null, "padding header is null");
            rect = new Rect(accumulatedWidth, 0.0, Math.Max(remainingWidth, 0.0), arrangeSize.Height);
            // if re-order started, arrange floating header & indicator 
            if (_isHeaderDragging)
                _floatingHeader.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(_currentPos.X - _relativeStartPos.X, 0), HeadersPositionList[_startColumnIndex].Size));

                Point pos = FindPositionByIndex(_desColumnIndex);
                _indicator.Arrange(new Rect(pos, new Size(_indicator.DesiredSize.Width, arrangeSize.Height))); 
            return arrangeSize; 
        /// This is the method that responds to the MouseButtonEvent event.
        /// Event arguments 
        protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            GridViewColumnHeader header = e.Source as GridViewColumnHeader; 

            if (header != null && AllowsColumnReorder) 
                PrepareHeaderDrag(header, e.GetPosition(this), e.GetPosition(header), false);

            e.Handled = true; 


        /// This is the method that responds to the MouseButtonEvent event. 
        /// Event arguments 
        protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
            // Important to clean the prepare dragging state 
            _prepareDragging = false;

            if (_isHeaderDragging)
            e.Handled = true;

        /// This is the method that responds to the MouseEvent event.
        /// Event arguments 
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                // if prepare re-order or already re-order
                if (_prepareDragging) 
                    Debug.Assert(_draggingSrcHeader != null, "_draggingSrcHeader is null");
                    _currentPos = e.GetPosition(this);
                    _desColumnIndex = FindIndexByPosition(_currentPos, true);

                    if (!_isHeaderDragging) 
                        // Re-order begins only if horizontal move exceeds threshold 
                        if (CheckStartHeaderDrag(_currentPos, _startPos)) 
                            // header dragging start 

                            // need to measure indicator because floating header is updated
                    else // NOTE: Not-Dragging/Dragging should be divided into two stages in MouseMove 
                        // Check floating & indicator visibility 
                        // Display floating header if vertical move not exceeds header.Height * 2
                        bool isDisplayingFloatingHeader = IsMousePositionValid(_floatingHeader, _currentPos, 2.0);

                        // floating header and indicator are visibile/invisible at the same time 
                        _indicator.Visibility = _floatingHeader.Visibility = isDisplayingFloatingHeader ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden;

            e.Handled = true;

        /// Cancel header dragging if we lost capture 
        protected override void OnLostMouseCapture(MouseEventArgs e)
            // OnLostMouseCapture is invoked before OnMouseLeftButtonUp, so we need to distinguish
            // the cause of capture lose 
            //      if LeftButton is pressed when lost mouse capture, we treat it as cancel 
            //      Because GridViewHeaderRowPresenter never capture Mouse (GridViewColumnHeader did this),
            //      the Mouse.Captured is always null 
            if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed && _isHeaderDragging)

            // Important to clean the prepare dragging state 
            _prepareDragging = false; 
        #endregion Protected Methods

        // Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 

        /// create the headers tree
        internal override void OnPreApplyTemplate()
            //  +-- GridViewHeaderRowPresenter ----------------------------+ 
            //  |                                                          |
            //  |  +- Header1 ---+ +- Header2 ---+ +- PaddingHeader -+     | 
            //  |  |         +--------+      +--------+            |       |
            //  |  |         +Gripper +      +Gripper +            |  ...  |
            //  |  |         +--------+      +--------+            |       |
            //  |  +-------------+ +-------------+ +---------------+       | 
            //  +---------------------------------------------------------+
            //  Given a column collection with 3 columns
            //      { A, B, C },
            //  Visually, GridViewHeaderRowPresenter will them present as:
            //      { A, B, C, Padding }
            //  If in Reorder-Mode, there will be 2 more be visible: 
            //      { A, [Indctr],     B,      C,    Padding    } 
            //      {           [-- Float --]                 }
            //  And internally the visual child collection is in order of:
            //      { Padding, C, B, A, Indicator, Float}
            //  Method GetVisualIndex() is for coverting a Columns based 
            //  index to visual child collection based index.
            //  E.g., Columns based index of column A is 0, while
            //  and it lives 3rd in the visual collection, so
            //      GetVisualIndex(0) = 3. 

            if (NeedUpdateVisualTree) 
                // build the whole collection from draft.

                // IMPORTANT! 
                // The correct sequence to build the VisualTree in Z-order:
                // 1. Padding header 
                // 2. The working Column header (if any) 
                // 3. Indicator
                // 4. Floating header 

                UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
                GridViewColumnCollection columns = Columns; 

                // renew ScrollViewer, ScrollChanged event, ItemsControl and KeyDown event 

                if (children.Count == 0) 
                    // Build and add the padding header, even if no GridViewColumn is defined
                    // Create and add indicator
                    // Create and add floating header
                else if (children.Count > 3)
                    // clear column headers left from last view. 
                    int count = children.Count - 3;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
                        RemoveHeader(null, 1);

                // Build the column header. 
                // The interesting thing is headers must be built from right to left, 
                // in order to make the left header's gripper overlay the right header
                if (columns != null)
                    int visualIndex = 1;
                    for (int columnIndex = columns.Count - 1; columnIndex >= 0; columnIndex--)
                        GridViewColumn column = columns[columnIndex]; 

                        GridViewColumnHeader header = CreateAndInsertHeader(column, visualIndex++); 

                // Link headers 
                NeedUpdateVisualTree = false; 

                _isColumnChangedOrCreated = true; 

        /// Override column's PropertyChanged event handler. Update  correspondent
        /// property if change is of Width / Header / 
        /// HeaderContainerStyle / Template / Selector. 
        internal override void OnColumnPropertyChanged(GridViewColumn column, string propertyName) 
            Debug.Assert(column != null);
            if (column.ActualIndex >= 0)
                GridViewColumnHeader header = FindHeaderByColumn(column);
                if (header != null) 
                    if (GridViewColumn.WidthProperty.Name.Equals(propertyName)
                        || GridViewColumn.c_ActualWidthName.Equals(propertyName)) 
                    else if (GridViewColumn.HeaderProperty.Name.Equals(propertyName)) 
                        if (!header.IsInternalGenerated /* the old header is its own container */ 
                            || column.Header is GridViewColumnHeader /* the new header is its own container */) 
                            // keep the header index in Children collection 
                            int i = InternalChildren.IndexOf(header);

                            // Remove the old header
                            RemoveHeader(header, -1); 

                            // Insert a (the) new header 
                            GridViewColumnHeader newHeader = CreateAndInsertHeader(column, i); 

                            // Link headers 
                        DependencyProperty columnDP = GetColumnDPFromName(propertyName);

                        if (columnDP != null)
                            UpdateHeaderProperty(header, columnDP);

        internal override void OnColumnCollectionChanged(GridViewColumnCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
            int index; 
            GridViewColumnHeader header;
            UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 
            GridViewColumn column;

            switch (e.Action)
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
                    int start = GetVisualIndex(e.OldStartingIndex); 
                    int end = GetVisualIndex(e.NewStartingIndex); 

                    header = (GridViewColumnHeader)children[start]; 
                    children.InsertInternal(end, header);


                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: 
                    index = GetVisualIndex(e.NewStartingIndex); 
                    column = (GridViewColumn)(e.NewItems[0]);
                    CreateAndInsertHeader(column, index + 1); // index + 1 because visual index is reversed from column index

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                    RemoveHeader(null, GetVisualIndex(e.OldStartingIndex)); 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                    index = GetVisualIndex(e.OldStartingIndex);
                    RemoveHeader(null, index);
                    column = (GridViewColumn)(e.NewItems[0]);
                    CreateAndInsertHeader(column, index); 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
                    int count = e.ClearedColumns.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        RemoveHeader(null, 1);

            // Link headers
            _isColumnChangedOrCreated = true; 
        // Make the parent got focus if it's ItemsControl 
        // make this method internal, so GVCH can call it when header is invoked through access key
        internal void MakeParentItemsControlGotFocus() 
            if (_itemsControl != null && !_itemsControl.IsKeyboardFocusWithin)
                // send focus to item. 
                ListBox parent = _itemsControl as ListBox;
                if (parent != null && parent.LastActionItem != null) 
        /// Refresh a dp of a header. Column is the 1st priority source, GridView 2nd. 
        /// the header to update
        /// the DP which trigger this update
        internal void UpdateHeaderProperty(GridViewColumnHeader header, DependencyProperty property) 
            DependencyProperty gvDP, columnDP, headerDP; 
            GetMatchingDPs(property, out gvDP, out columnDP, out headerDP); 

            UpdateHeaderProperty(header, headerDP, columnDP, gvDP); 

        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Accessibility 

        #region Accessibility

        /// Creates AutomationPeer ()
        protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer() 
            return new GridViewHeaderRowPresenterAutomationPeer(this); 

        // Private Methods 

        #region Private Methods

        private void OnLayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            bool desiredWidthChanged = false; // whether the shared minimum width has been changed since last layout 
            foreach (GridViewColumn column in Columns)
                if ((column.State != ColumnMeasureState.SpecificWidth))
                    if (column.State == ColumnMeasureState.Init)
                        column.State = ColumnMeasureState.Headered;
                    if (DesiredWidthList == null || column.ActualIndex >= DesiredWidthList.Count)
                        // How can this happen?
                        // Between the last measure was called and this update is called, there can be a
                        // change done to the ColumnCollection and result in DesiredWidthList out of sync
                        // with the columnn collection. What can we do is end this call asap and the next 
                        // measure will fix it.
                        desiredWidthChanged = true; 
                    if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(column.DesiredWidth, DesiredWidthList[column.ActualIndex]))
                        // Update the record because collection operation latter on might
                        // need to verified this list again, e.g. insert an 'auto' 
                        // column, so that we won't trigger unnecessary update due to
                        // inconsistency of this column. 
                        DesiredWidthList[column.ActualIndex] = column.DesiredWidth; 

                        desiredWidthChanged = true; 
            if (desiredWidthChanged)
            LayoutUpdated -= new EventHandler(OnLayoutUpdated);

        // Map column collection index to header collection index in visual tree 
        private int GetVisualIndex(int columnIndex)
            // Elements in visual tree: working headers, padding header, indicator, and floating header 
            int index = InternalChildren.Count - 3 - columnIndex;
            Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < InternalChildren.Count, "Error index when GetVisualIndex"); 

            return index;
        // Link headers from right to left
        private void BuildHeaderLinks() 
            GridViewColumnHeader lastHeader = null;
            if (Columns != null)
                // link working headers.
                for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++) 
                    GridViewColumnHeader header = (GridViewColumnHeader)InternalChildren[GetVisualIndex(i)]; 
                    header.PreviousVisualHeader = lastHeader; 
                    lastHeader = header;

            // link padding header to last header
            if (_paddingHeader != null) 
                _paddingHeader.PreviousVisualHeader = lastHeader; 
        // This method will do following tasks:
        //  1. Disconnect header from visual parent and logical parent, if any.
        //  2. Create a new header or use the header directly if the GridViewColumn.Header property 
        //      is qualify for its own container;
        //  3. Insert the header in the InternalChildren collection 
        //  4. Perform routine update and hookup jobs 
        private GridViewColumnHeader CreateAndInsertHeader(GridViewColumn column, int index) 
            object header = column.Header;
            GridViewColumnHeader headerContainer = header as GridViewColumnHeader;
            // NOTE: when theme chagned, all properties, templates and styles will be reevaluated. 
            // But there are 2 cases we need to handle: 
            //  1: header property is a qualified container for itself 
            //  2: header property is a Visual element

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