/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / System / Windows / Controls / RichTextBox.cs / 3 / RichTextBox.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: RichTextBox.cs // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Description: The stock rich text editing control. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Controls { using MS.Internal; using MS.Internal.Documents; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.Windows.Input; // KeyboardNavigation using System.ComponentModel; // DefaultValue using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; // TextBoxBase using System.Windows.Documents; // TextEditor using System.Windows.Automation.Peers; // AutomationPattern using System.Windows.Media; // GlyphRun using System.Windows.Markup; // IAddChild using System.Collections; // IEnumerator using System.Collections.ObjectModel; // ReadOnlyCollection using MS.Internal.Automation; // For TextAdaptor using MS.Internal.Controls; // EmptyEnumerator ////// RichTextBox control /// [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.Inherit)] [ContentProperty("Document")] public class RichTextBox : TextBoxBase, IAddChild { // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // // ----------------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors ////// Static constructor for RichTextBox. /// static RichTextBox() { DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(RichTextBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(RichTextBox))); _dType = DependencyObjectType.FromSystemTypeInternal(typeof(RichTextBox)); // Default value for AcceptsReturn is true KeyboardNavigation.AcceptsReturnProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(RichTextBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true)); // Default value for AutoWordSelection is false. We want true. TextBoxBase.AutoWordSelectionProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(RichTextBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true)); // We need to transfer all character formatting properties and some behavioral inheriting properties // from RichTextBox level into its FlowDocument. // For this purpose we set listeners for all these properties: HookupInheritablePropertyListeners(); } ////// Initializes a new instance of RichTextBox control. /// ////// Creates implicit instance of a FlowDocument as its oinitial content. /// The initial document will contain one Paragraph with an empty Run in it. /// public RichTextBox() : this(null) { } ////// Initializes a new instance of RichTextBox control ans specifies a FlowDocument as its content /// /// /// A FlowDocument specified as a content for this instance of RichTextBox. /// public RichTextBox(FlowDocument document) : base() { // Register static editing command handlers. // This only has an effect that first time we make the call. // We don't use the static ctor because there are cases // where another control will want to alias our properties // but doesn't need this overhead. TextEditor.RegisterCommandHandlers(typeof(RichTextBox), /*acceptsRichContent:*/true, /*readOnly*/false, /*registerEventListeners*/false); // Create TextContainer and TextEditor associated with it if (document == null) { document = new FlowDocument(); document.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph()); // Mark the document as implicit. // This flag will affect these behaviors: // a) RichTextBox serialization will not output FlowDocument child if it is implicit and still empty // b) IAddChild will allow adding the first child (which will become non-implicit, and would not allow the subsecuent additions) // c) Property inheritance from RichTextBox to its FlowDocument will work only for implicit document // This call must be done after Document assignment, as it always clears the _implicitDocument field. _implicitDocument = true; } // Initialize the Document property. // Note that _implicitDocument flag was set to true/false just before that. // The peemptive flag setting has its effect only when _document is null (this case only), // otherwise the new document would be considered as explicit (so flag would be cleared by the Document property assignment). this.Document = document; // Values that must be set as a side effect of Document assignment, // that are required for the RichTextBox instance functioning. Invariant.Assert(this.TextContainer != null); Invariant.Assert(this.TextEditor != null); Invariant.Assert(this.TextEditor.TextContainer == this.TextContainer); } #endregion Constructors // ------------------------------------------------------------ // // Public Methods // // ----------------------------------------------------------- #region Public Methods // ------------------------------------------------------------ // // IAddChild interface // // ------------------------------------------------------------ ////// This method is called to Add the object as a child of the RichTextBox. This method is used primarily /// by the parser; a more direct way of adding a child to a RichTextBox is to use the /// /// The object to add as a child; it must be a UIElement. /// void IAddChild.AddChild(Object value) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } if (!(value is FlowDocument)) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedParameterType, value.GetType(), typeof(FlowDocument)), "value"); } if (!_implicitDocument) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.CanOnlyHaveOneChild, this.GetType(), value.GetType())); } this.Document = (FlowDocument)value; } ////// property. /// /// This method is called by the parser when text appears under the tag in markup. /// As RichTextBox do not support text, calling this method has no effect if the text /// is all whitespace. For non-whitespace text, throw an exception. /// /// /// Text to add as a child. /// void IAddChild.AddText(string text) { if (text == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("text"); } XamlSerializerUtil.ThrowIfNonWhiteSpaceInAddText(text, this); } ////// Returns the TextPointer located closest to a supplied Point. /// /// /// Point to query, in the coordinate space of the RichTextBox. /// /// /// If true, this method will always return a TextPointer -- /// the closest position as calculated by the control's heuristics. /// If false, this method will return a null position if the test /// point does not fall within any character bounding box. /// ////// The closest TextPointer to the supplied Point, or null if /// snapToText is false and the supplied Point is not contained /// within any character bounding box, or if no content element yet exists. /// ////// Throws InvalidOperationException if layout is dirty. /// public TextPointer GetPositionFromPoint(Point point, bool snapToText) { if (this.RenderScope == null) { return null; } return (TextPointer)GetTextPositionFromPointInternal(point, snapToText); } ////// Returns the associated SpellingError at a specified position. /// /// /// Position of text to query. /// ////// The position and its LogicalDirection specify a character to query. /// If the specificed character is not part of a misspelled word then /// this method will return null. /// public SpellingError GetSpellingError(TextPointer position) { ValidationHelper.VerifyPosition(this.TextContainer, position); return this.TextEditor.GetSpellingErrorAtPosition(position, position.LogicalDirection); } ////// Returns the TextRange covering a misspelled word at a specified /// position. /// /// /// Position of text to query. /// ////// The position and its LogicalDirection specify a character to query. /// If the specificed character is not part of a misspelled word then /// this method will return null. /// public TextRange GetSpellingErrorRange(TextPointer position) { ValidationHelper.VerifyPosition(this.TextContainer, position); SpellingError spellingError = this.TextEditor.GetSpellingErrorAtPosition(position, position.LogicalDirection); return (spellingError == null) ? null : new TextRange(spellingError.Start, spellingError.End); } ////// Returns the position of the next character in a specificed direction /// that is the start of a misspelled word. /// /// /// Position of text to query. /// /// /// Direction to query. /// ////// The position and its LogicalDirection specify a character to query. /// The search includes the spelling error containing the character /// specified by position/direction (if any). /// /// If no misspelled word is encountered, the method returns null. /// public TextPointer GetNextSpellingErrorPosition(TextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction) { ValidationHelper.VerifyPosition(this.TextContainer, position); return (TextPointer)this.TextEditor.GetNextSpellingErrorPosition(position, direction); } #endregion Public Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Protected Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Protected Methods ////// Creates AutomationPeer ( protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer() { return new RichTextBoxAutomationPeer(this); } ///) /// /// Measurement override. Implement your size-to-content logic here. /// /// /// Sizing constraint. /// protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) { if (constraint.Width == Double.PositiveInfinity) { // If we're sized to infinity, we won't behave the same way TextBox does under // the same conditions. So, we fake it. constraint.Width = this.MinWidth; } return base.MeasureOverride(constraint); } // Allocates the initial render scope for this control. internal override FrameworkElement CreateRenderScope() { FlowDocumentView renderScope = new FlowDocumentView(); renderScope.Document = this.Document; // Set a margin so that the BiDi Or Italic caret has room to render at the edges of content. // Otherwise, anti-aliasing or italic causes the caret to be partially clipped. renderScope.Document.PagePadding = new Thickness(CaretElement.CaretPaddingWidth, 0, CaretElement.CaretPaddingWidth, 0); // We want current style to ignore all properties from theme style for renderScope. renderScope.OverridesDefaultStyle = true; return renderScope; } #endregion Protected Methods // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // Public Properties // // ----------------------------------------------------------- #region Public Properties ////// A Property representing a content of this RichTextBox /// public FlowDocument Document { get { Invariant.Assert(_document != null); return _document; } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } if (value != _document && value.StructuralCache != null && value.StructuralCache.TextContainer != null && value.StructuralCache.TextContainer.TextSelection != null) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RichTextBox_DocumentBelongsToAnotherRichTextBoxAlready)); } if (_document != null && this.TextSelectionInternal.ChangeBlockLevel > 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.RichTextBox_CantSetDocumentInsideChangeBlock)); } if (value == _document) { // Same document nothing to do. return; } // Identify the case for the _document initialization bool initialSetting = _document == null; // Detach existing FlowDocument if (_document != null) { // Detach PageSize change listener _document.PageSizeChanged -= new EventHandler(this.OnPageSizeChangedHandler); // Remove the document from the logical tree this.RemoveLogicalChild(_document); // Stop collecting text changes _document.TextContainer.CollectTextChanges = false; // Clear thereference to a document _document = null; } // Clear the implicitDocument flag. // Any assignment to the Document property clears the _implicitDocument flag // expect for the initial one, which may happen from a RichTextBox constructor which // can create an empolicit document and sets _implicitDocument flag before // the Document property assignment. if (!initialSetting) { _implicitDocument = false; } // Store the document for future use - just for comparing when it changes and detaching from it _document = value; // Save existing renderScope before calling TextBoxBase.InitializeTextContainer, // because it will discard it. UIElement renderScope = this.RenderScope; // Start collecting text changes _document.TextContainer.CollectTextChanges = true; // Attach to new text container and re-create TextEditor instance this.InitializeTextContainer(_document.TextContainer); // Add listener for PageSize - to redirect it to inner renderScope.Width _document.PageSizeChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnPageSizeChangedHandler); // Add the document as a child to the logical tree this.AddLogicalChild(_document); // Re-attach to visual tree if (renderScope != null) { // Re-atach to visual tree if we have a new TextContainer. this.AttachToVisualTree(); } // Make sure that all inherited properties properly transferred // to the new document according to its Standalone/Inherited status. TransferInheritedPropertiesToFlowDocument(); // Raise a TextChanged event for all assignments except initializing one. if (!initialSetting) { Invariant.Assert(this.PendingUndoAction == UndoAction.None); this.PendingUndoAction = UndoAction.Clear; try { this.OnTextChanged(new TextChangedEventArgs(TextChangedEvent, UndoAction.Clear)); } finally { this.PendingUndoAction = UndoAction.None; } } } } ////// This method is used by TypeDescriptor to determine if this property should /// be serialized. /// // According to the contract with the serializer the (private) method named as // ShouldSerializetells the serializer whether it should serialize the // property for this instance or not. // We want to avoid serializing implicitly created document if it does not have any meaningful content. [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public bool ShouldSerializeDocument() { Block firstBlock = _document.Blocks.FirstBlock; if (_implicitDocument && (firstBlock == null || firstBlock == _document.Blocks.LastBlock && firstBlock is Paragraph)) { Inline firstInline = (firstBlock == null) ? null : ((Paragraph)firstBlock).Inlines.FirstInline; if (firstInline == null || firstInline == ((Paragraph)firstBlock).Inlines.LastInline && firstInline is Run && firstInline.ContentStart.CompareTo(firstInline.ContentEnd) == 0) { // We have implicit document without any text content. return false; } } // In all other cases we should serialize the FlowDocument child. return true; } /// /// Enables or disables TextElements and UIElements contained in this RichTextBox's FlowDocument. /// ////// By default child elements have their IsEnabled property coerced /// false when hosted by RichTextBox. Use this property to enable /// contained elements. /// public static readonly DependencyProperty IsDocumentEnabledProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("IsDocumentEnabled", typeof(bool), typeof(RichTextBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnIsDocumentEnabledChanged))); ////// Enables or disables TextElements and UIElements contained in this RichTextBox's FlowDocument. /// ////// public bool IsDocumentEnabled { get { return (bool)GetValue(IsDocumentEnabledProperty); } set { SetValue(IsDocumentEnabledProperty, value); } } // ........................................................... // // Content Accessing Properties // // .......................................................... #region Content Accessing Properties ////// /// Returns enumerator to logical children /// protected internal override IEnumerator LogicalChildren { get { if (this._document == null) { // Using _document (not .Document),as it can be null on destruction scenarios // (even though .Document cannot be null) - it is called for property invalidation reasons... return EmptyEnumerator.Instance; } else { return new SingleChildEnumerator(this._document); } } } ////// Text Selection (readonly) /// public TextSelection Selection { get { return (TextSelection)TextSelectionInternal; } } ////// Position of the caret. /// [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public TextPointer CaretPosition { get { return Selection.MovingPosition; } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } if (!Selection.Start.IsInSameDocument(value)) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RichTextBox_PointerNotInSameDocument), "value"); } Selection.SetCaretToPosition(value, value.LogicalDirection, /*allowStopAtLineEnd:*/true, /*allowStopNearSpace:*/false); } } #endregion Content Accessing Properties #endregion Public Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods // Returns the DependencyObjectType for the registered ThemeStyleKey's default // value. Controls will override this method to return approriate types. internal override DependencyObjectType DTypeThemeStyleKey { get { return _dType; } } #endregion Internal Methods // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // // ------------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Methods // ........................................................... // // Transferring Properties from RichTextBox down to FlowDocument // // ........................................................... // We need to transfer all character formatting properties from RichTextBox level into its FlowDocument. // // Note that we have to set all properties explicitly - not even trying // to bypass some of them when using assumptions about their default values (for non-implicit document) // or a coincidence with the current context values (for implicit document) - // the FlowDocument mast have all properties explicitly set to keep them intact // after being moved to another contextual location (both in Save-Load and in Print scenarios). // For this purpose we set listeners for all these properties: private static void HookupInheritablePropertyListeners() { // All inhgeriting formatting properties need to be transferred over the implicit document boundary. // This is required for treating UIContext as default setting for implicit document. // Note that mechanism is not applied to explicit document. PropertyChangedCallback formattingPropertyCallback = new PropertyChangedCallback(OnFormattingPropertyChanged); DependencyProperty[] inheritableFormattingProperties = TextSchema.GetInheritableProperties(typeof(FlowDocument)); for (int i = 0; i < inheritableFormattingProperties.Length; i++) { inheritableFormattingProperties[i].OverrideMetadata(typeof(RichTextBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(formattingPropertyCallback)); } // Inheriting behavioral properties need to be transferred over any Standalone document boundary. PropertyChangedCallback behavioralPropertyCallback = new PropertyChangedCallback(OnBehavioralPropertyChanged); DependencyProperty[] inheritableBehavioralProperties = TextSchema.BehavioralProperties; for (int i = 0; i < inheritableBehavioralProperties.Length; i++) { inheritableBehavioralProperties[i].OverrideMetadata(typeof(RichTextBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(behavioralPropertyCallback)); } } // Transfer all properties from the current context to this // implicit document - to simulate inheritance. // This is how implicit document gets its initial values - // from the context. // After that RichTextBox will maintain such inheritance simulation // (for implicit document only) by listening for property // change notifications. private void TransferInheritedPropertiesToFlowDocument() { // Implicit document needs all formatting properties be transferred to it if (_implicitDocument) { DependencyProperty[] inheritableFormattingProperties = TextSchema.GetInheritableProperties(typeof(FlowDocument)); for (int i = 0; i < inheritableFormattingProperties.Length; i++) { DependencyProperty property = inheritableFormattingProperties[i]; TransferFormattingProperty(property, this.GetValue(property)); } } // Behavioral properties must be transferred to any document whether it has Standalone // or Inherited FormattingDefaults. All such values are set as local values even // in case when they are equal to the ones inherited from the UI context // (see TransferBehavioralProperty method implementation). // Such strong logic is needed to work correctly in any sequence of // setting FormattingDefaults property and adding children. DependencyProperty[] inheritableBehavioralProperties = TextSchema.BehavioralProperties; for (int i = 0; i < inheritableBehavioralProperties.Length; i++) { DependencyProperty property = inheritableBehavioralProperties[i]; TransferBehavioralProperty(property, this.GetValue(property)); } } ////// Callback for changes to the any text formatting property. /// Transfers the new value to explisit setting on a FlowDocument. /// private static void OnFormattingPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { RichTextBox richTextBox = (RichTextBox)d; if (richTextBox._implicitDocument) { richTextBox.TransferFormattingProperty(e.Property, e.NewValue); } } // Transfers single formatting property from this RichTextBox to its implicit document private void TransferFormattingProperty(DependencyProperty property, object inheritedValue) { Invariant.Assert(_implicitDocument, "We only supposed to do this for implicit documents"); object defaultValue = _document.GetValue(property); if (!TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(inheritedValue, defaultValue)) { _document.ClearValue(property); defaultValue = _document.GetValue(property); if (!TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(inheritedValue, defaultValue)) { _document.SetValue(property, inheritedValue); } } } ////// Callback for changes to the any behavioral property. /// Transfers the new value to a FlowDocument. /// ////// Behavioral properties must be transferred to any document whether it has Standalone /// or Inherited FormattingDefaults. All such values are set as local values even /// in case when they are equal to the ones inherited from the UI context. /// Such strong logic is needed to work correctly in any sequence of /// setting FormattingDefaults property and adding children. /// private static void OnBehavioralPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { RichTextBox richTextBox = (RichTextBox)d; richTextBox.TransferBehavioralProperty(e.Property, e.NewValue); } ////// Transfers single behavioral property from this RichTextBox to its implicit document /// ////// Behavioral properties must be transferred to any document whether it has Standalone /// or Inherited FormattingDefaults. All such values are set as local values even /// in case when they are equal to the ones inherited from the UI context. /// Such strong logic is needed to work correctly in any sequence of /// setting FormattingDefaults property and adding children. /// private void TransferBehavioralProperty(DependencyProperty property, object inheritedValue) { // Set the value unconditionally as explicit local value _document.SetValue(property, inheritedValue); } // ........................................................... // // TextEditor Parameterization Properties Access // // ........................................................... #region TextEditor Parameterization Propeties Access private void OnPageSizeChangedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.RenderScope == null) { return; } // Make sure that the TextWrapping property is set correctly if (this.Document != null) { this.Document.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; } // The Document does not have explicit PageWidth set OR Wrap/WrapWithOverflow is requested. // The RenderScope must occupy as much space as its content required (no wrapping) // We could set Width to positive infinity, but that would make horizontal scrollbar // look wrong. So we need to make sure that render scope has a size of // its actual content. For that we clear loal value of Width property // from RenderScope. // To let RenderScope occupy all space we clear Width local value on it. this.RenderScope.ClearValue(FlowDocumentView.WidthProperty); // Set alighment to Stretch - for RenderScope to occupy the whole viewport. this.RenderScope.ClearValue(FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignmentProperty); // Normally TextBox style does not set any balue for HorizontalAlignment property, // so clearing would set it to a required default - Stretch. // However, if style author sets some other value - it will be set as a result of ClearValue, // so we need to enforce that. // Note, that trying to clear first saves a memory for inline property application. if (this.RenderScope.HorizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.Stretch) { this.RenderScope.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; } } #endregion TextEditor Parameterization Properties Access // Callback for IsDocumentEnabledProperty changes. // Forces a coercion of the child FlowDocument, with the new setting. private static void OnIsDocumentEnabledChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { RichTextBox richTextBox = (RichTextBox)d; if (richTextBox.Document != null) { richTextBox.Document.CoerceValue(IsEnabledProperty); } } #endregion Private Methods // ------------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // // ----------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private FlowDocument _document; private bool _implicitDocument; // true if Document property was set by AddChild or Document setter (not in constructor) private static DependencyObjectType _dType; // Needed for property system optimization #endregion Private Fields } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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