PriorityBindingExpression.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / System / Windows / Data / PriorityBindingExpression.cs / 2 / PriorityBindingExpression.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Defines PriorityBindingExpression object, which chooses a BindingExpression out 
//              of a list of BindingExpressions in order of "priority" (and falls back 
//              to the next BindingExpression as each BindingExpression fails)
// See spec at [....]/connecteddata/Specs/Data%20Binding.mht
using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;   // Collection 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading; 
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Data; 
using MS.Utility;
namespace System.Windows.Data 
///  Describes a collection of BindingExpressions attached to a single property.
///     These behave as "priority" BindingExpressions, meaning that the property
///     receives its value from the first BindingExpression in the collection that 
///     can produce a legal value.
public sealed class PriorityBindingExpression : BindingExpressionBase 
    //  Constructors
    private PriorityBindingExpression(PriorityBinding binding, BindingExpressionBase owner) 
        : base(binding, owner)

    //  Public Properties

    ///  Binding from which this expression was created  
    public PriorityBinding ParentPriorityBinding { get { return (PriorityBinding)ParentBindingBase; } }

    ///  List of inner BindingExpression 
    public ReadOnlyCollection   BindingExpressions 
        get { return new ReadOnlyCollection(MutableBindingExpressions); } 

    ///  Returns the active BindingExpression (or null)  
    public BindingExpressionBase ActiveBindingExpression
        get { return (_activeIndex < 0) ? null : MutableBindingExpressions[_activeIndex]; }

    //  Public Methods

#region Expression overrides
    ///     Called to evaluate the Expression value 
    /// DependencyObject being queried
    /// Property being queried 
    /// Computed value. Unset if unavailable.
    internal override object GetValue(DependencyObject d, DependencyProperty dp)
        return Value; 
    ///     Allows Expression to store set values
    /// DependencyObject being set
    /// Property being set
    /// Value being set
    /// true if Expression handled storing of the value 
    internal override bool SetValue(DependencyObject d, DependencyProperty dp, object value)
        BindingExpressionBase bindExpr = ActiveBindingExpression; 
        if (bindExpr != null)
            return bindExpr.SetValue(d, dp, value); 

        // If we couldn't find the active binding, just return true to keep the property
        // engine from removing the PriorityBinding.
        return true; 
    ///     Notification that a Dependent that this Expression established has
    ///     been invalidated as a result of a Source invalidation 
    /// DependencyObject that was invalidated
    /// Changed event args for the property that was invalidated
    internal override void OnPropertyInvalidation(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args) 
        // If this method is changed to use d or dp directly, uncomment these lines 
        //if (d == null) 
        //    throw new ArgumentNullException(d);
        //if (dp == null) 
        //    throw new ArgumentNullException(dp);

        // if the notification arrived on the right Dispatcher, handle it now.
        if (Dispatcher.Thread == Thread.CurrentThread) 
            HandlePropertyInvalidation(d, args); 
        else    // Otherwise, marshal it to the right Dispatcher.
                new DispatcherOperationCallback(HandlePropertyInvalidationOperation),
                new object[]{d, args}); 
#endregion  Expression overrides
    //  Internal Methods
    // Create a new BindingExpression from the given Binding description 
    internal static PriorityBindingExpression CreateBindingExpression(DependencyObject d, DependencyProperty dp, PriorityBinding binding, BindingExpressionBase owner)
        FrameworkPropertyMetadata fwMetaData = dp.GetMetadata(d.DependencyObjectType) as FrameworkPropertyMetadata;

        if ((fwMetaData != null && !fwMetaData.IsDataBindingAllowed) || dp.ReadOnly)
            throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.PropertyNotBindable, dp.Name), "dp"); 

        // create the BindingExpression 
        PriorityBindingExpression bindExpr = new PriorityBindingExpression(binding, owner); 

        return bindExpr; 

    //  Protected Internal Properties

    ///     Number of BindingExpressions that have been attached and are listening
    internal int AttentiveBindingExpressions
        get { return (_activeIndex == NoActiveBindingExpressions) ? MutableBindingExpressions.Count : _activeIndex + 1; }
    //  Protected Internal Methods
    ///     Attach a BindingExpression to the given target (element, property) 
    /// DependencyObject being set
    /// Property being set 
    internal override void AttachOverride(DependencyObject d, DependencyProperty dp)
        base.AttachOverride(d, dp);
        DependencyObject target = TargetElement;
        if (target == null) 


        int count = ParentPriorityBinding.Bindings.Count;
        _activeIndex = NoActiveBindingExpressions;
        Debug.Assert(MutableBindingExpressions.Count == 0, "expect to encounter empty BindingExpression collection when attaching MultiBinding"); 
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            AttachBindingExpression(i, false);   // create new binding and have it added to end 

    ///  sever all connections 
    internal override void DetachOverride()
        // Theoretically, we only need to detach number of AttentiveBindings,
        // but we'll traverse the whole list anyway and do aggressive clean-up. 
        int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            BindingExpressionBase b = MutableBindingExpressions[i];
            if (b != null)


    /// Invalidate the given child expression.
    internal override void InvalidateChild(BindingExpressionBase bindingExpression)
        // Prevent re-entrancy, because ChooseActiveBindingExpression() may 
        // activate/deactivate a BindingExpression that indirectly calls this again.
        if (_isInInvalidateBinding) 
        _isInInvalidateBinding = true;

        int index = MutableBindingExpressions.IndexOf(bindingExpression); 
        DependencyObject target = TargetElement;
        if (target != null && 0 <= index && index < AttentiveBindingExpressions) 
            // Optimization: only look for new ActiveBindingExpression when necessary: 
            // 1. it is a higher priority BindingExpression (or there's no ActiveBindingExpression), or
            // 2. the existing ActiveBindingExpression is broken
            if (    index != _activeIndex
                ||  (bindingExpression.Status != BindingStatus.Active && !bindingExpression.UsingFallbackValue)) 

            // update the value 
            UsingFallbackValue = false;
            BindingExpressionBase bindExpr = ActiveBindingExpression;
            object newValue = (bindExpr != null) ? bindExpr.GetValue(target, TargetProperty) : UseFallbackValue();
            ChangeValue(newValue, true); 

            if (TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(this, TraceDataLevel.Transfer)) 
            // don't invalidate during Attach.  The property engine does it 
            // already, and it would interfere with the on-demand activation
            // of style-defined BindingExpressions. 
            if (!IsAttaching)
                // recompute expression
        _isInInvalidateBinding = false;

    /// Change the dependency sources for the given child expression.
    internal override void ChangeSourcesForChild(BindingExpressionBase bindingExpression, WeakDependencySource[] newSources)
        int index = MutableBindingExpressions.IndexOf(bindingExpression); 
        DependencyObject target = TargetElement;
        if (target != null && index >= 0)
            WeakDependencySource[] combinedSources = CombineSources(index, MutableBindingExpressions, AttentiveBindingExpressions, newSources);
    /// Replace the given child expression with a new one. 
    internal override void ReplaceChild(BindingExpressionBase bindingExpression)
        int index = MutableBindingExpressions.IndexOf(bindingExpression); 
        DependencyObject target = TargetElement;
        if (index >= 0 && target != null) 
            // clean up the old BindingExpression 

            // create a replacement BindingExpression and put it in the collection
            bindingExpression = AttachBindingExpression(index, true); 
    //  Private Properties
    /// expose a mutable version of the list of all BindingExpressions; 
    /// derived internal classes need to be able to populate this list 
    private Collection MutableBindingExpressions 
        get { return _list; }
    //  Private Methods 

    // Create a BindingExpression for position i
    BindingExpressionBase AttachBindingExpression(int i, bool replaceExisting) 
        DependencyObject target = TargetElement; 
        if (target == null) 
            return null;
        BindingBase binding = ParentPriorityBinding.Bindings[i];

        BindingExpressionBase bindExpr = binding.CreateBindingExpression(target, TargetProperty, this);
        if (replaceExisting) // replace exisiting or add as new binding? 
            MutableBindingExpressions[i] = bindExpr;

        bindExpr.Attach(target, TargetProperty); 
        return bindExpr;

    // Re-evaluate the choice of active BindingExpression 
    void ChooseActiveBindingExpression(DependencyObject target)
        int i, count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 
        for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            BindingExpressionBase bindExpr = MutableBindingExpressions[i];

            // Try to activate the BindingExpression if it isn't already activate
            if (bindExpr.Status == BindingStatus.Inactive) 
            if (bindExpr.Status == BindingStatus.Active || bindExpr.UsingFallbackValue) 

        int newActiveIndex = (i < count) ? i : NoActiveBindingExpressions;

        // if active changes, tell the property engine the new list of sources 
        if (newActiveIndex != _activeIndex)
            int oldActiveIndex = _activeIndex; 

            // get new list of sources 
            _activeIndex = newActiveIndex;
            WeakDependencySource[] newSources = CombineSources(-1, MutableBindingExpressions, AttentiveBindingExpressions, null);

            // tell property engine 
            // deactivate BindingExpressions that don't need to be attentive 
            if (newActiveIndex != NoActiveBindingExpressions) 
                for (i = oldActiveIndex; i > newActiveIndex; --i)

    private void ChangeValue() 
    private object HandlePropertyInvalidationOperation(object o)
        // This is the case where the source of the Binding belonged to a different Dispatcher
        // than the target. For this scenario the source marshals off the invalidation information 
        // onto the target's Dispatcher queue. This is where we unpack the marshalled information
        // to fire the invalidation on the target object. 
        object[] args = (object[])o;
        HandlePropertyInvalidation((DependencyObject)args[0], (DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)args[1]); 
        return null;

    private void HandlePropertyInvalidation(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args) 
        DependencyProperty dp = args.Property; 
        int n = AttentiveBindingExpressions; 

        if (TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(this, TraceDataLevel.Events)) 

        for (int i=0; i  _list = new Collection();
    int         _activeIndex            = UnknownActiveBindingExpression;
    bool        _isInInvalidateBinding  = false; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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