Optimizer.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Print / Reach / AlphaFlattener / Optimizer.cs / 1 / Optimizer.cs

//  Microsoft Printing
//  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2005
//  File:       Optimizer.cs 
//  History: 
//      [....]: 06/24/2005  Created 
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;              // for ArrayList
using System.Windows;                  // for Rect                        WindowsBase.dll 
using System.Windows.Media;            // for Geometry, Brush, ImageData. PresentationCore.dll
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Windows.Xps.Serialization;
namespace Microsoft.Internal.AlphaFlattener
    internal class Cluster
        #region Private Fields
        private List m_primitives; 
        private Rect m_bounds;
        private bool      m_debugRasterize;
        private int m_lowestPrimitive;     // lowest index in m_primitives

        #region Constructors 

        public Cluster()
            m_primitives = new List(); 
            m_bounds     = Rect.Empty;
            m_lowestPrimitive = int.MaxValue; 

        #region Public Methods
        public void Render(List commands, IProxyDrawingContext dc)

            int width  = (int)Math.Round(m_bounds.Width * Configuration.RasterizationDPI / 96); 
            int height = (int)Math.Round(m_bounds.Height * Configuration.RasterizationDPI / 96);

            if ((width >= 1) && (height >= 1)) // Skip shape which is too small
                Matrix mat = Utility.CreateMappingTransform(m_bounds, width, height);
                RenderTargetBitmap brushImage = new RenderTargetBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32); 

                DrawingVisual visual = new DrawingVisual(); 

                // clip image to the primitives it contains
                Geometry clip = null;
                using (DrawingContext ctx = visual.RenderOpen())
                    ctx.PushTransform(new MatrixTransform(mat)); 


                    foreach (int i in m_primitives)
                        Primitive primitive = commands[i].primitive; 

                        // Fix bug 1396393: Can't use AddToCluster without fixing that bug. 
                        // We need to clip cluster to primitives in case primitives have clipping. 
                        Debug.Assert(GetPrimitiveIntersectAction() == PrimitiveIntersectAction.ClipToCluster);
                        bool empty;
                        Geometry geometry = Utility.Intersect(primitive.GetShapeGeometry(), primitive.Clip, Matrix.Identity, out empty);

                        if (!empty) 
                            // clip cluster to this clipped primitive. we must have geometry information,
                            // otherwise the primitive will be clipped away. 
                            Debug.Assert(geometry != null, "No geometry available for primitive");

                            if (clip == null)
                                clip = geometry;
                                CombinedGeometry cg = new CombinedGeometry(); 

                                // Opt-out of inheritance through the new Freezable.
                                cg.CanBeInheritanceContext = false;
                                cg.GeometryCombineMode     = GeometryCombineMode.Union; 
                                cg.Geometry1               = clip;
                                cg.Geometry2               = geometry; 
                                clip = cg;

                        commands[i] = null; // Command can be deleted after cluster is rendered




                dc.DrawImage(new ImageProxy(brushImage), m_bounds, clip, Matrix.Identity); 
        #region Public Static Methods

        public static void CheckForRasterization(List clusters, List commands)
            foreach (Cluster c in clusters)
                if (c.BetterRasterize(commands)) 
#if DEBUG 
                    c.m_debugRasterize = true;

                    foreach (int i in c.m_primitives) 
                        commands[i].m_cluster = c; 

        public static List CalculateCluster(List commands, int count, bool disjoint, List[] oldUnderlay)
            List transparentCluster = new List();
            // indicates which primitives have been added to any cluster 
            bool[] addedPrimitives = new bool[commands.Count];
            // calculate clusters until cluster bounds stabilize
            while (true)
                bool clusterBoundsChanged = CalculateClusterCore( 

                if (!clusterBoundsChanged || GetPrimitiveIntersectAction() != PrimitiveIntersectAction.AddToCluster) 
                // Cluster bounds have changed somewhere, need to examine all primitives that haven't
                // been added to a cluster and test for intersection with cluster. We add primitives 
                // that intersect and rendered before the cluster.
                // Note that here we check even opaque primitives, since they might get covered
                // by a transparent cluster, and thus need to be rasterized with a cluster if intersection 
                // exists.
                for (int primIndex = 0; primIndex < addedPrimitives.Length; primIndex++) 
                    if (!addedPrimitives[primIndex] && commands[primIndex] != null) 
                        PrimitiveInfo primitive = commands[primIndex];

                        for (int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < transparentCluster.Count; clusterIndex++) 
                            Cluster cluster = transparentCluster[clusterIndex]; 
                            if (primitive.GetClippedBounds().IntersectsWith(cluster.m_bounds) &&
                                primIndex < cluster.m_lowestPrimitive) 
                                // primitive intersects this cluster, add to cluster

            return transparentCluster; 


        #region Private Methods

        /// What action to take to handle cases where primitives intersect a cluster's bounding box,
        /// but does not touch any of the cluster's primitives. 
        private enum PrimitiveIntersectAction
            /// Don't do anything, behavior corresponds to
            /// bug 1267200: MGC - ToolBarTray element does not print in some cases.
            /// Adds the primitive to the cluster for rasterization.

            /// Clips the cluster rasterized image to the primitives it contains. 

        private static PrimitiveIntersectAction GetPrimitiveIntersectAction() 
            // Fix bug 1396393: Printing: Background pictures are only partially printed for an xCal calendar
            // The bug involves printing a calendar. What happens is the January ImagePrimitive is clipped
            // to the rectangle for January, but it's rasterized as part of a cluster with a color fill of 
            // that same rectangle. Cluster rasterization loses the clipping on the picture, which effectively 
            // makes the cluster grow to overlap April below January. This causes April to appear clipped.
            // Fixing involves clipping clusters to its clipped primitives. As such, AddToCluster cannot
            // be used without further fixes.
            return PrimitiveIntersectAction.ClipToCluster; 
        /// Adds primitive to this cluster.
        /// primitive index
        /// underlay information
        /// list of primitives
        /// indicates which primitives have been added to any cluster 
        private void Add(
            int i, 
            List[] underlay, 
            List commands,
            bool[] addedPrimitives 
            // clip bounds to avoid generating excessively large cluster
            Rect bounds = commands[i].GetClippedBounds(); 

            addedPrimitives[i] = true;
            if (i < m_lowestPrimitive)
                m_lowestPrimitive = i;

            // Add all primitives covered by i recursively 
            if ((underlay != null) && (underlay[i] != null)) 
                foreach (int j in underlay[i]) 
                    if ((commands[j] != null) && m_primitives.IndexOf(j) < 0)
                        Add(j, underlay, commands, addedPrimitives); 
        private void MergeWith(Cluster c)
            for (int i = 0; i < c.m_primitives.Count; i++)
                if (m_primitives.IndexOf(c.m_primitives[i]) < 0) 
        /// Check if the whole cluster is complex enough such that rasterizing the whole thing is better than flattening it 
        private bool BetterRasterize(List commands)
            double clustersize = m_bounds.Width * m_bounds.Height;
            double diff = - Configuration.RasterizationCost(m_bounds.Width, m_bounds.Height);
            // Estimate cost of geometry operations (intersecting) 
            double pathComplexity = 1;
            foreach (int i in m_primitives)
                PrimitiveInfo pi = commands[i];
                Primitive p = pi.primitive;
                GeometryPrimitive gp = p as GeometryPrimitive; 

                Rect bounds = pi.GetClippedBounds(); 

                bool rasterize = true;

                if (gp != null) 
                    double complexity = 1; 
                    Geometry geo = gp.Geometry;
                    if (geo != null)
                        complexity = Utility.GetGeometryPointCount(geo);
                        // weight down the complexity of small region
                        complexity *= bounds.Width * bounds.Height / clustersize; 

                    BrushProxy bp = gp.Brush; 

                    if (bp == null)
                        bp = gp.Pen.StrokeBrush; 

                        // Widen path would at least double the points 
                        complexity *= 3; 
                    if (complexity > 1)
                        pathComplexity *= complexity;
                        if (pathComplexity > 100000) // 333 x 333
                            return true; 

                    if (bp != null)
                        Brush b = bp.Brush; 

                        if ((b != null) && ((b is SolidColorBrush) || (b is LinearGradientBrush))) 
                            // SolidColorBrush does not need full rasterization
                            // Vertical/Horizontal linear gradient brush does not need full rasterization 
                            rasterize = false;

                if (rasterize) 
                    diff += Configuration.RasterizationCost(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
                    if (diff > 0)
            return diff > 0;

        /// Calculates list of transparent clusters, returning true if clusters added or bounding rectangles changed.
        private static bool CalculateClusterCore(
            List commands, 
            int count, 
            bool disjoint,
            List [] oldUnderlay, 
            List transparentCluster,
            bool[] addedPrimitives      // primitives added to clusters
            bool clusterBoundsChanged = false;
            // Build clusters of transparent primitives 
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                PrimitiveInfo pi = commands[i];

                // When disjoint is true (flattening a subtree), add all primitives to a single cluster
                if ((pi != null) && (disjoint || !pi.primitive.IsOpaque) && !addedPrimitives[i]) 
                    Rect bounds = pi.GetClippedBounds(); 
                    Cluster home = null;
                    for (int j = 0; j < transparentCluster.Count; j++)
                        Cluster c = transparentCluster[j];
                        if (disjoint || bounds.IntersectsWith(c.m_bounds))
                            home = c; 

                    if (home == null)
                        home = new Cluster();

                    Rect oldClusterBounds = home.m_bounds; 

                    home.Add(i, oldUnderlay, commands, addedPrimitives);

                    if (!clusterBoundsChanged && oldClusterBounds != home.m_bounds) 
                        // cluster bounds have changed 
                        clusterBoundsChanged = true; 

            // Merges clusters which touch each other
            bool changed; 

                changed = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < transparentCluster.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < transparentCluster.Count; j++)
                        if (transparentCluster[i].m_bounds.IntersectsWith(transparentCluster[j].m_bounds)) 
                            // cluster bounds have changed since merging two clusters
                            clusterBoundsChanged = true; 

                            changed = true;
            while (changed);
            return clusterBoundsChanged;


        #if DEBUG 
        internal List DebugPrimitives
                return m_primitives;
        internal Rect DebugBounds 
                return m_bounds;

        internal bool DebugRasterize 
                return m_debugRasterize;
} // end of namespace 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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