ColumnHeader.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / ColumnHeader.cs / 1 / ColumnHeader.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms {
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Drawing.Design; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting; 
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Globalization;

    ///       Displays a single column header in a  
    ///       control.
    public class ColumnHeader : Component, ICloneable { 

        internal int index = -1;
        internal string text = null;
        internal string name = null; 
        internal int width = 60;
        // Use TextAlign property instead of this member variable, always 
        private HorizontalAlignment textAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left; 
        private bool textAlignInitialized = false;
        private int displayIndexInternal = -1; 
        private ColumnHeaderImageListIndexer imageIndexer = null;

        object userData;
        private ListView listview;
        // We need to send some messages to ListView when it gets initialized. 
        internal ListView OwnerListview 
                return listview;
                int width = this.Width; 
                listview = value;
                // The below properties are set into the listview.
                this.Width = width;

        ///     Creates a new ColumnHeader object
        public ColumnHeader() {
            imageIndexer = new ColumnHeaderImageListIndexer(this);
        ///     Creates a new ColumnHeader object 
        public ColumnHeader(int imageIndex) : this () { 
            this.ImageIndex = imageIndex;

        ///     Creates a new ColumnHeader object 
        public ColumnHeader(string imageKey) : this () {
            this.ImageKey = imageKey; 

        internal int ActualImageIndex_Internal {
            get { 
                int imgIndex = this.imageIndexer.ActualIndex;
                if (this.ImageList == null || this.ImageList.Images == null || imgIndex >= this.ImageList.Images.Count) { 
                    // the ImageIndex equivalent of a ImageKey that does not exist in the ImageList 
                    return -1;
                } else { 
                    return imgIndex;

        public int DisplayIndex {
            get { 
                return this.DisplayIndexInternal; 
	    set {

                // When the list is being deserialized we need
                // to take the display index as is. ListView 
                // does correctly synchronize the indices.
                if (this.listview == null) { 
                   this.DisplayIndexInternal = value; 

 	        if (value < 0 || value> (this.listview.Columns.Count - 1)) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("DisplayIndex", SR.GetString(SR.ColumnHeaderBadDisplayIndex));

                int lowDI = Math.Min(this.DisplayIndexInternal, value); 
                int hiDI = Math.Max(this.DisplayIndexInternal, value); 
                int[] colsOrder = new int[this.listview.Columns.Count];
                // set the display indices. This is not an expensive operation because
                // we only set an integer in the column header class
                bool hdrMovedForward = value > this.DisplayIndexInternal;
                ColumnHeader movedHdr = null; 
                for (int i = 0; i < this.listview.Columns.Count; i ++) {
                    ColumnHeader hdr = this.listview.Columns[i]; 
                    if (hdr.DisplayIndex == this.DisplayIndexInternal) {
                        movedHdr = hdr; 
                    } else if (hdr.DisplayIndex >= lowDI && hdr.DisplayIndex <= hiDI) {
                        hdr.DisplayIndexInternal -= hdrMovedForward ? 1 : -1;
                    if (i != this.Index) { 
                       colsOrder[ hdr.DisplayIndexInternal ] = i;

                movedHdr.DisplayIndexInternal = value; 
                colsOrder[ movedHdr.DisplayIndexInternal ] = movedHdr.Index;
                SetDisplayIndices( colsOrder );

        internal int DisplayIndexInternal { 
            get { 
                return this.displayIndexInternal;
            set {
                this.displayIndexInternal = value;

        ///     The index of this column.  This index does not necessarily correspond
        ///     to the current visual position of the column in the ListView, because the 
        ///     user may orerder columns if the allowColumnReorder property is true.
        [ Browsable(false)]
        public int Index { 
            get {
                if (listview != null) 
                    return listview.GetColumnIndex(this); 
                return -1;

        Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ImageIndexEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public int ImageIndex {
            get {
                if (imageIndexer.Index != -1 && ImageList != null && imageIndexer.Index >= ImageList.Images.Count) { 
                    return ImageList.Images.Count - 1;
                return imageIndexer.Index; 
            set { 
                if (value < -1) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("ImageIndex", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidLowBoundArgumentEx, "ImageIndex", (value).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), (-1).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));
                if (imageIndexer.Index != value) {
                    imageIndexer.Index = value; 
                    if (ListView != null && ListView.IsHandleCreated) {
                        ListView.SetColumnInfo(NativeMethods.LVCF_IMAGE, this); 

        public ImageList ImageList {
            // we added the ImageList property so that the ImageIndexConverter can find our image list 
            get {
                return this.imageIndexer.ImageList;

        Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ImageIndexEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)),
        public string ImageKey {
            get { 
                return imageIndexer.Key; 
            set { 
                if (value != imageIndexer.Key) {
                    imageIndexer.Key = value;

                    if (ListView != null && ListView.IsHandleCreated) { 
                        ListView.SetColumnInfo(NativeMethods.LVCF_IMAGE, this);

        ///     Returns the ListView control that this column is displayed in.  May be null 
        [ Browsable(false) ] 
        public ListView ListView { 
            get {
                return this.listview; 

        ///     The Name of the column header 
        public string Name {
            get { 
                return WindowsFormsUtils.GetComponentName(this,name);
            set { 
                if (value == null) {
           = ""; 
                else {
           = value;
                if(Site != null) {
                    Site.Name = value; 

        ///     The text displayed in the column header
        public string Text {
            get {
                return(text != null ? text : "ColumnHeader"); 
            set { 
                if (value == null) { 
                    this.text = "";
                else {
                    this.text = value;
                if (listview != null) { 
                    listview.SetColumnInfo(NativeMethods.LVCF_TEXT, this);


        ///     The horizontal alignment of the text contained in this column 
        public HorizontalAlignment TextAlign {
            get {
                if (!textAlignInitialized && (listview != null)) 
                        textAlignInitialized = true; 
                        // See below for an explanation of (Index != 0) 
                        //Added !IsMirrored for VSWhidbey # 365437
                        if ((Index != 0) && (listview.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) && !listview.IsMirrored) 
                                this.textAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                return this.textAlign;
            set { 
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2.
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)HorizontalAlignment.Left, (int)HorizontalAlignment.Center)){ 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(HorizontalAlignment));

                this.textAlign = value; 

                // The first column must be left-aligned 
                if (Index == 0 && this.textAlign != HorizontalAlignment.Left) { 
                    this.textAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;

                if (listview != null) {
                    listview.SetColumnInfo(NativeMethods.LVCF_FMT, this);

        public object Tag { 
            get {
                return userData;
            set { 
                userData = value;

        internal int WidthInternal { 
            get {
                return width;
        ///     The width of the column in pixels. 
        public int Width {
            get { 
                // Since we can't keep our private width in sync with the real width because 
                // we don't get notified when the user changes it, we need to get this info
                // from the underlying control every time we're asked. 
                // The underlying control will only report the correct width if it's in Report view
                if (listview != null && listview.IsHandleCreated && !listview.Disposing && listview.View == View.Details) {

                    // Make sure this column has already been added to the ListView, else just return width 
                    IntPtr hwndHdr = UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(listview, listview.Handle), NativeMethods.LVM_GETHEADER, 0, 0); 
                    if (hwndHdr != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                        int nativeColumnCount = (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(listview, hwndHdr), NativeMethods.HDM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0);
                        if (Index < nativeColumnCount) { 
                            width = (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(listview, listview.Handle), NativeMethods.LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH, Index, 0);

                return width; 
            set {
                this.width = value; 
                if (listview != null)
                    listview.SetColumnWidth(Index, ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.None);

        public void AutoResize(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle headerAutoResize) { 

            if (headerAutoResize < ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.None || headerAutoResize > ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent) { 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("headerAutoResize", (int)headerAutoResize, typeof(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle));

            if (this.listview != null) { 
                this.listview.AutoResizeColumn(this.Index, headerAutoResize);

        ///     Creates an identical ColumnHeader, unattached to any ListView
        public object Clone() {
            Type clonedType = this.GetType(); 
            ColumnHeader columnHeader = null; 

            if (clonedType == typeof(ColumnHeader)) { 
                columnHeader = new ColumnHeader();
            else {
                // SECREVIEW : Late-binding does not represent a security thread, see bug#411899 for more info.. 
                columnHeader = (ColumnHeader)Activator.CreateInstance(clonedType); 

            columnHeader.text = text; 
            columnHeader.Width = width;
            columnHeader.textAlign = TextAlign;
            return columnHeader;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
            if (disposing) {
                if (listview != null) {
                    int index = Index; 
                    if (index != -1) {

	private void ResetText() { 
		Text = null;
        // Set the display indices of the listview columns
        private void SetDisplayIndices(int[] cols) { 

            if (this.listview.IsHandleCreated && !this.listview.Disposing) {
  	       UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this.listview, this.listview.Handle), NativeMethods.LVM_SETCOLUMNORDERARRAY, cols.Length, cols);
        private bool ShouldSerializeName() { 
            return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(;

        private bool ShouldSerializeDisplayIndex() {
            return this.DisplayIndex != this.Index;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        internal bool ShouldSerializeText() {
            return(text != null);
        ///     Returns a string representation of this column header 
        public override string ToString() { 
            return "ColumnHeader: Text: " + Text;

        internal class ColumnHeaderImageListIndexer : ImageList.Indexer { 
            private ColumnHeader owner = null;
            public ColumnHeaderImageListIndexer(ColumnHeader ch) { 
                owner = ch; 
            public override ImageList ImageList {
                get {
                    if (owner != null && owner.ListView != null) {
                        return owner.ListView.SmallImageList; 
                    return null; 
                set {
                    Debug.Assert(false, "We should never set the image list"); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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