ProcessInfo.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / ProcessInfo.cs / 1 / ProcessInfo.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

 * ProcessInfo class 
namespace System.Web { 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Security.Permissions;

    ///    Provides enumerated values representing status of a process. 
    public enum ProcessStatus {
        ///    Specifies that the process is running.
        Alive         = 1, 

        ///    Specifies that the process has begun shutting down. 
        ShuttingDown  = 2, 

        ///    Specifies the the process has been shut down.
        ShutDown      = 3,
        ///    Specifies that the process has been terminated.
        Terminated    = 4

    ///    Provides enumerated values representing the reason a process has shut 
    ///       down. 
    public enum ProcessShutdownReason { 

        ///    Specifies that the process has not been shut down.
        None                = 0,           // alive
        ///    Specifies that the process has been shut down unexpectedly.
        Unexpected          = 1,

        ///    Specifies that the process request exceeded the limit on number of 
        ///       processes.
        RequestsLimit       = 2, 

        ///    Specifies that the process request exceeded the limit on number of
        ///       processes in que.
        RequestQueueLimit   = 3, 

        ///    Specifies that the process timed out. 
        Timeout             = 4, 

        ///    Specifies that the process exceeded the limit on process idle time.
        IdleTimeout         = 5,
        ///    Specifies that the process exceeded the limit of memory available per process.
        MemoryLimitExceeded = 6,

        PingFailed = 7, 

        DeadlockSuspected = 8 

    ///    Provides information on processes.
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] 
    public class ProcessInfo { 

        ///    Indicates the time a process was started.
        public DateTime               StartTime { get { return _StartTime;}}
        ///    Indicates the length of time the process has been running. 
        public TimeSpan               Age { get { return _Age;}}
        ///    Indicates the process id of the process.
        public int                    ProcessID { get { return _ProcessID;}} 

        public int                    RequestCount { get { return _RequestCount;}} 
        ///    Indicates the current status of the process. 
        public ProcessStatus          Status { get { return _Status;}}

        ///    Indicates the reason the process shut down.
        public ProcessShutdownReason  ShutdownReason { get { return _ShutdownReason;}} 

        ///    Indicates the maximum amount of memory the process has used.
        public int                    PeakMemoryUsed { get { return _PeakMemoryUsed;}}
        private DateTime               _StartTime;
        private TimeSpan               _Age; 
        private int                    _ProcessID; 
        private int                    _RequestCount;
        private ProcessStatus          _Status; 
        private ProcessShutdownReason  _ShutdownReason;
        private int                    _PeakMemoryUsed;

        ///    Sets internal information indicating the status of the process. 
        public void SetAll (DateTime startTime, TimeSpan age, int processID, int requestCount, ProcessStatus status,
                            ProcessShutdownReason  shutdownReason, int peakMemoryUsed) { 
            _StartTime = startTime;
            _Age = age;
            _ProcessID = processID;
            _RequestCount = requestCount; 
            _Status = status;
            _ShutdownReason = shutdownReason; 
            _PeakMemoryUsed = peakMemoryUsed; 

        /// Initializes a new instance of the  class and sets internal information
        ///    indicating the status of the process. 
        public ProcessInfo (DateTime startTime, TimeSpan age, int processID, int requestCount, ProcessStatus status, 
                            ProcessShutdownReason  shutdownReason, int peakMemoryUsed) { 
            _StartTime = startTime;
            _Age = age; 
            _ProcessID = processID;
            _RequestCount = requestCount;
            _Status = status;
            _ShutdownReason = shutdownReason; 
            _PeakMemoryUsed = peakMemoryUsed;

        public ProcessInfo() { 



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