/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Map / ViewGeneration / Structures / JoinTreeNode.cs / 2 / JoinTreeNode.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....] // @backupOwner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Data.Common.Utils; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; namespace System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Structures { // JoinTreeNode represents a node in the tree that represents the FROM // part of a cell query. It stores information such as whether the node // is optional, whether the node joined, etc internal abstract class JoinTreeNode : InternalBase { #region Enums ////// How many times does a particular attribute node occur /// E.g., for compositions, it can be Zero .. Many /// internal enum Occurrences { Zero, Once, Many } #endregion #region Constructors/Factories // effects: A private constructor where all the fields are initalized protected JoinTreeNode(bool isOptional, IEnumerablechildren, MetadataWorkspace workspace) { Debug.Assert(children != null, "Cannot have a null children list"); Debug.Assert(workspace != null, "MetadataWorkspace should never be null"); // m_memberPath is left as null. It will be cached when MemberPath is first called m_isOptional = isOptional; m_children = new List (children); m_workspace = workspace; // Set the parent field in each child foreach (JoinTreeNode child in m_children) { Debug.Assert(child.m_parent == null, "Child already has parent"); child.m_parent = this; } } #endregion #region Fields // A cached path for optimization private MemberPath m_memberPath; // The nodes emanating from this node, e.g., if p is this node, a // child could be or p.addrs // All the children are members - so strongly type that private List m_children; // Reference to parent for easy navigation up and member path determination -- root has this as null private JoinTreeNode m_parent; // Whether the node restricts the number of tuples of its parent // (isOptional is false iff restriction) private bool m_isOptional; private MetadataWorkspace m_workspace; #endregion #region Properties // effects: Returns the full metadata path from the root extent to // this node, e.g., internal MemberPath MemberPath { get { MemberPath result = m_memberPath; EntitySetBase extent = null; if (m_memberPath == null) { List path = new List (); JoinTreeNode node = this; // Go up the parent chain and then reverse the result while (node != null) { MemberJoinTreeNode memberNode = node as MemberJoinTreeNode; if (memberNode != null) { path.Add(memberNode.Member); } else { // We are at the root and node better correspond to an extent! ExtentJoinTreeNode extentNode = (ExtentJoinTreeNode) node; extent = extentNode.Extent; Debug.Assert(extent != null && node.m_parent == null, "Non-member node better be extent and its parent needs to be null"); } node = node.m_parent; } path.Reverse(); Debug.Assert(extent != null, "Tree must contain extent at root"); result = new MemberPath(extent, path, this.MetadataWorkspace); } Debug.Assert(m_memberPath == null || MemberPath.EqualityComparer.Equals(result, m_memberPath), "Cached memberPath not the same as the current position of the node in the tree?"); m_memberPath = result; return m_memberPath; } } // effects: Returns the minimum number of times that this node occurs // in its parent internal static Occurrences MinOccurs { // CHANGE_[....]_FEATURE_COMPOSITION: Fix for composition and nested collections get {return Occurrences.Once;} } // effects: Returns the edm type of this node internal abstract EdmType NodeType { get;} // effects: Returns the name of the context, i.e., member name or extentname protected abstract string ContextName { get;} internal MetadataWorkspace MetadataWorkspace { get { return m_workspace; } } #endregion #region Methods // effects: Returns true if the second reporesent the same // extent/member as this protected abstract bool IsSameContext(JoinTreeNode second); // effects: Creates an empty JoinTreeNode from this's Context and nodeIsOptional protected abstract JoinTreeNode CreateNodeFromContext(bool nodeIsOptional, List children); // effects: Determines all the identifiers used in this and adds them to identifiers internal abstract void GetIdentifiers(CqlIdentifiers identifiers); // requires: member is a child of "this.MemberPath" // effects: Creates a join tree node corresponding to member as a child // node of this and returns the child -- if it is already present, // returns the existing node internal JoinTreeNode CreateAttributeNode(EdmMember member) { Debug.Assert(member != null, "Bad member object"); // Check whether this child is already in the tree foreach (MemberJoinTreeNode child in m_children) { if (member.Equals(child.Member)) { return child; // already present } } MemberJoinTreeNode result = new MemberJoinTreeNode(member, false /* not optional */, new MemberJoinTreeNode[] { }, m_workspace); Add(result); // The parent pointer is automatically set return result; } // effects: Collects all the slots in the tree rooted at this and adds them to slots internal void GatherDescendantSlots(List slots) { slots.Add(new JoinTreeSlot(this)); foreach (JoinTreeNode child in m_children) { child.GatherDescendantSlots(slots); } } // requires: node1 and node2 // effects: Given that node1 and node2 are currently connected using // operator "opType", merges them into a single node and returns the // merged node. Modifies remap to hold information about remapping // different slots in the node. // Modifies g1 (g2) such that it evaluates to true if a tuple // originates from node1 (node2). // If node1 and node2 do not have the same Value, no merge // occurs and null is returned internal JoinTreeNode TryMergeNode(JoinTreeNode node2, CellTreeOpType opType, ref BoolExpression g1, ref BoolExpression g2, Dictionary remap, MemberDomainMap memberDomainMap) { JoinTreeNode node1 = this; Debug.Assert(node1.m_parent == null && node2.m_parent == null || MemberPath.EqualityComparer.Equals(node1.m_parent.MemberPath, node2.m_parent.MemberPath), "MergeNode on nodes that do not match till parent"); if (node1.IsSameContext(node2) == false) { return null; // cannot merge } Debug.Assert(opType == CellTreeOpType.FOJ || opType == CellTreeOpType.LOJ || opType == CellTreeOpType.IJ || opType == CellTreeOpType.Union || opType == CellTreeOpType.LASJ, "Unexpected operator type"); // IsOptional appearing in the join tree distinguishes between inner // and left outer join (n is the node for S): // R loj S: n.IsOptional = true // R join S: n.IsOptional = false // // We have the following algebraic equivalences: // (R loj T) JOIN (S loj T) = (R join S) Loj T // (R loj T) JOIN (S join T) = (R join S) Join T // (R join T) JOIN (S loj T) = (R join S) Join T // (R join T) JOIN (S join T) = (R join S) Join T // (R loj T) LOJ (S loj T) = (R loj S) Loj T // (R loj T) LOJ (S join T) = (R loj S) Loj T // (R join T) LOJ (S loj T) = (R loj S) Join T // (R join T) LOJ (S join T) = (R loj S) Join T // (R loj T) FOJ (S loj T) = (R foj S) Loj S // (R loj T) FOJ (S join T) = (R foj S) Loj T // (R join T) FOJ (S loj T) = (R foj S) Loj T // (R join T) FOJ (S join T) = (R foj S) Join T // CHANGE_[....]_IMPROVE: Convert to actual declarative calls bool nodeIsOptional = false; // The following values are obtained from the above table. // opType is the operator in upper case in the above table // We are currently at the node for "T" (i.e., node1 and node2 // correspond to T) in both join trees. We are trying to merge // them to get the right side, i.e., get the capitalized operator on // the right for T switch (opType) { case CellTreeOpType.IJ: // If both are optional nodeIsOptional = node1.m_isOptional && node2.m_isOptional; break; case CellTreeOpType.LOJ: // The right side's optionality is ignored case CellTreeOpType.LASJ: nodeIsOptional = node1.m_isOptional; break; case CellTreeOpType.FOJ: // Optional if either one is optional case CellTreeOpType.Union: nodeIsOptional = node1.m_isOptional || node2.m_isOptional; break; } JoinTreeNode node = node1.CreateNodeFromContext(nodeIsOptional, new List ()); // Essentially, evey boolean in the cell query needs to be true // when a tuple comes from its corresponding cell. Since we are // merging two cells, we need to change the booleans accordingly. // g1 and g2 help us in doing that // Note: We choose node1.VarIfThisJoined in g1 and g2 -- we could // have chosen node2.VarIfThisJoined. The reason we do not choose // node.VarIfThisJoined is that we need to remap later -- so all // expressions must use the old nodes! if (node.m_isOptional && !node2.m_isOptional) { // If right side is non-optional, set g2 to keep track of // this, i.e., when we produce an expression, we will place a // value in the right side's SELECT so that we can identify // where this tuple came from IfJoinedCondition node2IfJoined = new IfJoinedCondition(node2); g2 = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(g2, BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(node2IfJoined, memberDomainMap)); } if (node.m_isOptional && !node1.m_isOptional) { // This will only happen in FOJ for us IfJoinedCondition node1IfJoined = new IfJoinedCondition(node1); g1 = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(g1, BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(node1IfJoined, memberDomainMap)); } // Bitmaps to keep track of which children in node1 and node2 // were found bool[] matched1 = new bool[node1.m_children.Count]; bool[] matched2 = new bool[node2.m_children.Count]; // Process children that match and merge them for (int i = 0; i < node1.m_children.Count; i++) { MemberJoinTreeNode child1 = node1.m_children[i]; // Find the matching child for child1 in node2 if any for (int j = 0; j < node2.m_children.Count; j++) { MemberJoinTreeNode child2 = node2.m_children[j]; if (child1.Member.Equals(child2.Member)) { // Matching child found -- merge the two children -- we will always get back a member node MemberJoinTreeNode newChild = (MemberJoinTreeNode) child1.TryMergeNode(child2, opType, ref g1, ref g2, remap, memberDomainMap); Debug.Assert(newChild != null, "Merge node cannot fail for same values"); node.Add(newChild); Debug.Assert(false == matched1[i] && false == matched2[j], "Nodes match multiple time?"); matched1[i] = true; matched2[j] = true; } } } // Process unmatched children of node1 and node2 // Note: For node1 (node2), we pass g2 (g1) since an unmatched // child can produce extra children that requires g2(g1) to be modified g2 = ProcessUnmergedChildren(node, node1, g2, remap, matched1, opType, memberDomainMap); g1 = ProcessUnmergedChildren(node, node2, g1, remap, matched2, opType, memberDomainMap); remap[node1] = node; remap[node2] = node; return node; } /// /// effects: Processes the unmatched children of node (given by /// matched) by adding them as children of mergedNode. opType /// indicates the operation that is being used to connect the two join trees /// Modifies remap with the old to new mapping. Returns a boolean /// expression (that augments g) such that it evaluates to true if /// node adds extra tuples to the output /// private static BoolExpression ProcessUnmergedChildren(JoinTreeNode mergedNode, JoinTreeNode node, BoolExpression g, Dictionaryremap, bool[] matched, CellTreeOpType opType, MemberDomainMap memberDomainMap) { for (int j = 0; j < node.m_children.Count; j++) { if (matched[j]) { continue; } // Recall: optional = true means LOJ; else it means JOIN // The table below says: make unmatched child non-optional if // op=join and the child is non-optional. Otherwise, it's // optional // g2 needs to be adjusted in two cases marked below (where // join becomes loj). Similarly, for g1 // (R) JOIN (R loj S) = (R loj S) // (R) JOIN (R join S) = (R join S) // (R) LOJ (R loj S) = (R loj S) // (R) LOJ (R join S) = (R loj S) // adjust g2 // (R) FOJ (R loj S) = (R loj S) // (R) FOJ (R join S) = (R loj S) // adjust g2 // childCopy refers to S. Essentially, S is only present on // one join tree and not the other. S's optionality is // determined from the table above (opType is capitalized // operator above) // Make a copy of this unmatched child and it merged node JoinTreeNode child = node.m_children[j]; // Set IsOptional to true according to table AND only if // child can occur zero times bool newIsOptional = !(opType == CellTreeOpType.IJ && false == child.m_isOptional) && JoinTreeNode.MinOccurs == Occurrences.Zero; MemberJoinTreeNode childCopy = (MemberJoinTreeNode) child.DeepClone(newIsOptional, remap); mergedNode.Add(childCopy); // Adjust g only for the cases where the optionality changed // (as shown in the table above) bool ifAdjustG = childCopy.m_isOptional != child.m_isOptional; if (ifAdjustG) { // For node1: T1 (left side) possibly adds extra tuples to the // result of T (node); update g2 so we can identify T2 // (node2) tuples. Similarly for node2. // Note: We choose child.VarIfThisJoined in g -- we do not choose // the new node since we need to remap later -- so all // expressions must use the old nodes! IfJoinedCondition childIfJoined = new IfJoinedCondition(child); g = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(g, BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(childIfJoined, memberDomainMap)); } } return g; } // effects: Adds node as a child of this node (sets parent field as well) private void Add(MemberJoinTreeNode node) { Debug.Assert(node.m_parent == null, "Attempt to add node that already belongs to some parent"); m_children.Add(node); node.m_parent = this; } // effects: Asserts if this node or its children are malformed (for // debugging only) [Conditional("DEBUG")] internal void Validate() { EdmType nodeType = NodeType; foreach (MemberJoinTreeNode child in m_children) { Debug.Assert(child != null, "Null child"); EdmMember member = child.Member; Debug.Assert(member is EdmProperty || member is RelationshipEndMember, "Malformed join tree: MemberMetadata in a non-root JoinTreeNode must be either property or relation end"); child.Validate(); } } // effects: Performs a deep clone of JoinTreeNode while modifying // remap to store a mapping from the old nodes to the new nodes private JoinTreeNode DeepClone(bool isOptionalForNode, Dictionary remap) { List children = new List (); // Clone the children first foreach (MemberJoinTreeNode child in m_children) { children.Add((MemberJoinTreeNode)child.DeepClone(child.m_isOptional, remap)); } // Now create a copy of the node and update remap JoinTreeNode newNode = CreateNodeFromContext(isOptionalForNode, children); remap[this] = newNode; return newNode; } #endregion #region String methods // effects: Converts the tree rooted at this into string form // (modifies stringBuilder) internal override void ToFullString(StringBuilder builder) { builder.Append(ContextName); if (m_isOptional) { builder.Append('?'); } bool first = true; foreach (MemberJoinTreeNode child in m_children) { if (first) { builder.Append('<'); first = false; } else { builder.Append(", "); } child.ToFullString(builder); } if (!first) { builder.Append('>'); } } internal override void ToCompactString(StringBuilder builder) { MemberPath.ToCompactString(builder); } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....] // @backupOwner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Data.Common.Utils; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; namespace System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Structures { // JoinTreeNode represents a node in the tree that represents the FROM // part of a cell query. It stores information such as whether the node // is optional, whether the node joined, etc internal abstract class JoinTreeNode : InternalBase { #region Enums ////// How many times does a particular attribute node occur /// E.g., for compositions, it can be Zero .. Many /// internal enum Occurrences { Zero, Once, Many } #endregion #region Constructors/Factories // effects: A private constructor where all the fields are initalized protected JoinTreeNode(bool isOptional, IEnumerablechildren, MetadataWorkspace workspace) { Debug.Assert(children != null, "Cannot have a null children list"); Debug.Assert(workspace != null, "MetadataWorkspace should never be null"); // m_memberPath is left as null. It will be cached when MemberPath is first called m_isOptional = isOptional; m_children = new List (children); m_workspace = workspace; // Set the parent field in each child foreach (JoinTreeNode child in m_children) { Debug.Assert(child.m_parent == null, "Child already has parent"); child.m_parent = this; } } #endregion #region Fields // A cached path for optimization private MemberPath m_memberPath; // The nodes emanating from this node, e.g., if p is this node, a // child could be or p.addrs // All the children are members - so strongly type that private List m_children; // Reference to parent for easy navigation up and member path determination -- root has this as null private JoinTreeNode m_parent; // Whether the node restricts the number of tuples of its parent // (isOptional is false iff restriction) private bool m_isOptional; private MetadataWorkspace m_workspace; #endregion #region Properties // effects: Returns the full metadata path from the root extent to // this node, e.g., internal MemberPath MemberPath { get { MemberPath result = m_memberPath; EntitySetBase extent = null; if (m_memberPath == null) { List path = new List (); JoinTreeNode node = this; // Go up the parent chain and then reverse the result while (node != null) { MemberJoinTreeNode memberNode = node as MemberJoinTreeNode; if (memberNode != null) { path.Add(memberNode.Member); } else { // We are at the root and node better correspond to an extent! ExtentJoinTreeNode extentNode = (ExtentJoinTreeNode) node; extent = extentNode.Extent; Debug.Assert(extent != null && node.m_parent == null, "Non-member node better be extent and its parent needs to be null"); } node = node.m_parent; } path.Reverse(); Debug.Assert(extent != null, "Tree must contain extent at root"); result = new MemberPath(extent, path, this.MetadataWorkspace); } Debug.Assert(m_memberPath == null || MemberPath.EqualityComparer.Equals(result, m_memberPath), "Cached memberPath not the same as the current position of the node in the tree?"); m_memberPath = result; return m_memberPath; } } // effects: Returns the minimum number of times that this node occurs // in its parent internal static Occurrences MinOccurs { // CHANGE_[....]_FEATURE_COMPOSITION: Fix for composition and nested collections get {return Occurrences.Once;} } // effects: Returns the edm type of this node internal abstract EdmType NodeType { get;} // effects: Returns the name of the context, i.e., member name or extentname protected abstract string ContextName { get;} internal MetadataWorkspace MetadataWorkspace { get { return m_workspace; } } #endregion #region Methods // effects: Returns true if the second reporesent the same // extent/member as this protected abstract bool IsSameContext(JoinTreeNode second); // effects: Creates an empty JoinTreeNode from this's Context and nodeIsOptional protected abstract JoinTreeNode CreateNodeFromContext(bool nodeIsOptional, List children); // effects: Determines all the identifiers used in this and adds them to identifiers internal abstract void GetIdentifiers(CqlIdentifiers identifiers); // requires: member is a child of "this.MemberPath" // effects: Creates a join tree node corresponding to member as a child // node of this and returns the child -- if it is already present, // returns the existing node internal JoinTreeNode CreateAttributeNode(EdmMember member) { Debug.Assert(member != null, "Bad member object"); // Check whether this child is already in the tree foreach (MemberJoinTreeNode child in m_children) { if (member.Equals(child.Member)) { return child; // already present } } MemberJoinTreeNode result = new MemberJoinTreeNode(member, false /* not optional */, new MemberJoinTreeNode[] { }, m_workspace); Add(result); // The parent pointer is automatically set return result; } // effects: Collects all the slots in the tree rooted at this and adds them to slots internal void GatherDescendantSlots(List slots) { slots.Add(new JoinTreeSlot(this)); foreach (JoinTreeNode child in m_children) { child.GatherDescendantSlots(slots); } } // requires: node1 and node2 // effects: Given that node1 and node2 are currently connected using // operator "opType", merges them into a single node and returns the // merged node. Modifies remap to hold information about remapping // different slots in the node. // Modifies g1 (g2) such that it evaluates to true if a tuple // originates from node1 (node2). // If node1 and node2 do not have the same Value, no merge // occurs and null is returned internal JoinTreeNode TryMergeNode(JoinTreeNode node2, CellTreeOpType opType, ref BoolExpression g1, ref BoolExpression g2, Dictionary remap, MemberDomainMap memberDomainMap) { JoinTreeNode node1 = this; Debug.Assert(node1.m_parent == null && node2.m_parent == null || MemberPath.EqualityComparer.Equals(node1.m_parent.MemberPath, node2.m_parent.MemberPath), "MergeNode on nodes that do not match till parent"); if (node1.IsSameContext(node2) == false) { return null; // cannot merge } Debug.Assert(opType == CellTreeOpType.FOJ || opType == CellTreeOpType.LOJ || opType == CellTreeOpType.IJ || opType == CellTreeOpType.Union || opType == CellTreeOpType.LASJ, "Unexpected operator type"); // IsOptional appearing in the join tree distinguishes between inner // and left outer join (n is the node for S): // R loj S: n.IsOptional = true // R join S: n.IsOptional = false // // We have the following algebraic equivalences: // (R loj T) JOIN (S loj T) = (R join S) Loj T // (R loj T) JOIN (S join T) = (R join S) Join T // (R join T) JOIN (S loj T) = (R join S) Join T // (R join T) JOIN (S join T) = (R join S) Join T // (R loj T) LOJ (S loj T) = (R loj S) Loj T // (R loj T) LOJ (S join T) = (R loj S) Loj T // (R join T) LOJ (S loj T) = (R loj S) Join T // (R join T) LOJ (S join T) = (R loj S) Join T // (R loj T) FOJ (S loj T) = (R foj S) Loj S // (R loj T) FOJ (S join T) = (R foj S) Loj T // (R join T) FOJ (S loj T) = (R foj S) Loj T // (R join T) FOJ (S join T) = (R foj S) Join T // CHANGE_[....]_IMPROVE: Convert to actual declarative calls bool nodeIsOptional = false; // The following values are obtained from the above table. // opType is the operator in upper case in the above table // We are currently at the node for "T" (i.e., node1 and node2 // correspond to T) in both join trees. We are trying to merge // them to get the right side, i.e., get the capitalized operator on // the right for T switch (opType) { case CellTreeOpType.IJ: // If both are optional nodeIsOptional = node1.m_isOptional && node2.m_isOptional; break; case CellTreeOpType.LOJ: // The right side's optionality is ignored case CellTreeOpType.LASJ: nodeIsOptional = node1.m_isOptional; break; case CellTreeOpType.FOJ: // Optional if either one is optional case CellTreeOpType.Union: nodeIsOptional = node1.m_isOptional || node2.m_isOptional; break; } JoinTreeNode node = node1.CreateNodeFromContext(nodeIsOptional, new List ()); // Essentially, evey boolean in the cell query needs to be true // when a tuple comes from its corresponding cell. Since we are // merging two cells, we need to change the booleans accordingly. // g1 and g2 help us in doing that // Note: We choose node1.VarIfThisJoined in g1 and g2 -- we could // have chosen node2.VarIfThisJoined. The reason we do not choose // node.VarIfThisJoined is that we need to remap later -- so all // expressions must use the old nodes! if (node.m_isOptional && !node2.m_isOptional) { // If right side is non-optional, set g2 to keep track of // this, i.e., when we produce an expression, we will place a // value in the right side's SELECT so that we can identify // where this tuple came from IfJoinedCondition node2IfJoined = new IfJoinedCondition(node2); g2 = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(g2, BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(node2IfJoined, memberDomainMap)); } if (node.m_isOptional && !node1.m_isOptional) { // This will only happen in FOJ for us IfJoinedCondition node1IfJoined = new IfJoinedCondition(node1); g1 = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(g1, BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(node1IfJoined, memberDomainMap)); } // Bitmaps to keep track of which children in node1 and node2 // were found bool[] matched1 = new bool[node1.m_children.Count]; bool[] matched2 = new bool[node2.m_children.Count]; // Process children that match and merge them for (int i = 0; i < node1.m_children.Count; i++) { MemberJoinTreeNode child1 = node1.m_children[i]; // Find the matching child for child1 in node2 if any for (int j = 0; j < node2.m_children.Count; j++) { MemberJoinTreeNode child2 = node2.m_children[j]; if (child1.Member.Equals(child2.Member)) { // Matching child found -- merge the two children -- we will always get back a member node MemberJoinTreeNode newChild = (MemberJoinTreeNode) child1.TryMergeNode(child2, opType, ref g1, ref g2, remap, memberDomainMap); Debug.Assert(newChild != null, "Merge node cannot fail for same values"); node.Add(newChild); Debug.Assert(false == matched1[i] && false == matched2[j], "Nodes match multiple time?"); matched1[i] = true; matched2[j] = true; } } } // Process unmatched children of node1 and node2 // Note: For node1 (node2), we pass g2 (g1) since an unmatched // child can produce extra children that requires g2(g1) to be modified g2 = ProcessUnmergedChildren(node, node1, g2, remap, matched1, opType, memberDomainMap); g1 = ProcessUnmergedChildren(node, node2, g1, remap, matched2, opType, memberDomainMap); remap[node1] = node; remap[node2] = node; return node; } /// /// effects: Processes the unmatched children of node (given by /// matched) by adding them as children of mergedNode. opType /// indicates the operation that is being used to connect the two join trees /// Modifies remap with the old to new mapping. Returns a boolean /// expression (that augments g) such that it evaluates to true if /// node adds extra tuples to the output /// private static BoolExpression ProcessUnmergedChildren(JoinTreeNode mergedNode, JoinTreeNode node, BoolExpression g, Dictionaryremap, bool[] matched, CellTreeOpType opType, MemberDomainMap memberDomainMap) { for (int j = 0; j < node.m_children.Count; j++) { if (matched[j]) { continue; } // Recall: optional = true means LOJ; else it means JOIN // The table below says: make unmatched child non-optional if // op=join and the child is non-optional. Otherwise, it's // optional // g2 needs to be adjusted in two cases marked below (where // join becomes loj). Similarly, for g1 // (R) JOIN (R loj S) = (R loj S) // (R) JOIN (R join S) = (R join S) // (R) LOJ (R loj S) = (R loj S) // (R) LOJ (R join S) = (R loj S) // adjust g2 // (R) FOJ (R loj S) = (R loj S) // (R) FOJ (R join S) = (R loj S) // adjust g2 // childCopy refers to S. Essentially, S is only present on // one join tree and not the other. S's optionality is // determined from the table above (opType is capitalized // operator above) // Make a copy of this unmatched child and it merged node JoinTreeNode child = node.m_children[j]; // Set IsOptional to true according to table AND only if // child can occur zero times bool newIsOptional = !(opType == CellTreeOpType.IJ && false == child.m_isOptional) && JoinTreeNode.MinOccurs == Occurrences.Zero; MemberJoinTreeNode childCopy = (MemberJoinTreeNode) child.DeepClone(newIsOptional, remap); mergedNode.Add(childCopy); // Adjust g only for the cases where the optionality changed // (as shown in the table above) bool ifAdjustG = childCopy.m_isOptional != child.m_isOptional; if (ifAdjustG) { // For node1: T1 (left side) possibly adds extra tuples to the // result of T (node); update g2 so we can identify T2 // (node2) tuples. Similarly for node2. // Note: We choose child.VarIfThisJoined in g -- we do not choose // the new node since we need to remap later -- so all // expressions must use the old nodes! IfJoinedCondition childIfJoined = new IfJoinedCondition(child); g = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(g, BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(childIfJoined, memberDomainMap)); } } return g; } // effects: Adds node as a child of this node (sets parent field as well) private void Add(MemberJoinTreeNode node) { Debug.Assert(node.m_parent == null, "Attempt to add node that already belongs to some parent"); m_children.Add(node); node.m_parent = this; } // effects: Asserts if this node or its children are malformed (for // debugging only) [Conditional("DEBUG")] internal void Validate() { EdmType nodeType = NodeType; foreach (MemberJoinTreeNode child in m_children) { Debug.Assert(child != null, "Null child"); EdmMember member = child.Member; Debug.Assert(member is EdmProperty || member is RelationshipEndMember, "Malformed join tree: MemberMetadata in a non-root JoinTreeNode must be either property or relation end"); child.Validate(); } } // effects: Performs a deep clone of JoinTreeNode while modifying // remap to store a mapping from the old nodes to the new nodes private JoinTreeNode DeepClone(bool isOptionalForNode, Dictionary remap) { List children = new List (); // Clone the children first foreach (MemberJoinTreeNode child in m_children) { children.Add((MemberJoinTreeNode)child.DeepClone(child.m_isOptional, remap)); } // Now create a copy of the node and update remap JoinTreeNode newNode = CreateNodeFromContext(isOptionalForNode, children); remap[this] = newNode; return newNode; } #endregion #region String methods // effects: Converts the tree rooted at this into string form // (modifies stringBuilder) internal override void ToFullString(StringBuilder builder) { builder.Append(ContextName); if (m_isOptional) { builder.Append('?'); } bool first = true; foreach (MemberJoinTreeNode child in m_children) { if (first) { builder.Append('<'); first = false; } else { builder.Append(", "); } child.ToFullString(builder); } if (!first) { builder.Append('>'); } } internal override void ToCompactString(StringBuilder builder) { MemberPath.ToCompactString(builder); } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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