TextProperties.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / TextFormatting / TextProperties.cs / 1 / TextProperties.cs

//  Microsoft Windows Client Platform
//  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2001
//  File:      TextProperties.cs
//  Contents:  Properties of text, text line and paragraph 
//  Created:   2-25-2003 Worachai Chaoweeraprasit (wchao) 

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.Shaping;
namespace MS.Internal.TextFormatting 
    /// Internal paragraph properties wrapper
    internal sealed class ParaProp
        /// Constructing paragraph properties 
        /// Text formatter
        /// paragraph properties 
        /// produce optimal break
        internal ParaProp(
            TextFormatterImp        formatter,
            TextParagraphProperties paragraphProperties, 
            bool                    optimalBreak
            _paragraphProperties = paragraphProperties;
            _emSize = formatter.RealToIdeal(paragraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.FontRenderingEmSize);
            _indent = formatter.RealToIdeal(paragraphProperties.Indent);
            _paragraphIndent = formatter.RealToIdeal(paragraphProperties.ParagraphIndent);
            _height = formatter.RealToIdeal(paragraphProperties.LineHeight); 

            if (_paragraphProperties.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft) 
                _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.Rtl;

            if (optimalBreak)
                _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.OptimalBreak; 

        private enum StatusFlags
            Rtl             = 0x00000001,   // right-to-left reading
            OptimalBreak    = 0x00000002,   // produce optimal break 
        internal bool RightToLeft 
            get { return (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.Rtl) != 0; } 

        internal bool OptimalBreak
            get { return (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.OptimalBreak) != 0; }
        internal bool FirstLineInParagraph
            get { return _paragraphProperties.FirstLineInParagraph; }

        internal bool AlwaysCollapsible 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.AlwaysCollapsible; } 

        internal int Indent 
            get { return _indent; }
        internal int ParagraphIndent
            get { return _paragraphIndent; } 
        internal double DefaultIncrementalTab
            get { return _paragraphProperties.DefaultIncrementalTab; }

        internal IList Tabs 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.Tabs; }

        internal TextAlignment Align
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextAlignment; } 
        internal bool Justify 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextAlignment == TextAlignment.Justify; } 

        internal bool EmergencyWrap
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextWrapping == TextWrapping.Wrap; }
        internal bool Wrap
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextWrapping == TextWrapping.WrapWithOverflow || EmergencyWrap; }

        internal Typeface DefaultTypeface 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.Typeface; } 

        internal int EmSize 
            get { return _emSize; }
        internal int LineHeight
            get { return _height; } 
        internal TextMarkerProperties TextMarkerProperties
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextMarkerProperties; }

        internal TextLexicalService Hyphenator 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.Hyphenator; }

        internal TextDecorationCollection TextDecorations
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextDecorations; } 
        internal Brush DefaultTextDecorationsBrush 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.ForegroundBrush; } 

        private StatusFlags                 _statusFlags;
        private TextParagraphProperties     _paragraphProperties; 
        private int                         _emSize;
        private int                         _indent; 
        private int                         _paragraphIndent; 
        private int                         _height;

    /// State of textrun started when it's fetched
    internal sealed class TextRunInfo 
        private CharacterBufferRange _charBufferRange; 
        private int                  _textRunLength;
        private int                  _offsetToFirstCp;
        private TextRun              _textRun;
        private Plsrun               _plsrun; 
        private CultureInfo          _digitCulture;
        private ushort               _charFlags; 
        private ushort               _runFlags; 
        private TextModifierScope    _modifierScope;
        private TextRunProperties    _properties; 

        /// Constructing a textrun info
        /// characte buffer range for the run
        /// textrun length 
        /// character offset to run first cp 
        /// text run
        /// the internal LS run type  
        /// character attribute flags
        /// digit culture for the run
        /// contextual number substitution for the run
        /// if true, indicates a text run in a symbol (i.e., non-Unicode) font 
        /// The current TextModifier scope for this TextRunInfo
        internal TextRunInfo( 
            CharacterBufferRange charBufferRange, 
            int                  textRunLength,
            int                  offsetToFirstCp, 
            TextRun              textRun,
            Plsrun               lsRunType,
            ushort               charFlags,
            CultureInfo          digitCulture, 
            bool                 contextualSubstitution,
            bool                 symbolTypeface, 
            TextModifierScope    modifierScope 
            _charBufferRange = charBufferRange;
            _textRunLength = textRunLength;
            _offsetToFirstCp = offsetToFirstCp;
            _textRun = textRun; 
            _plsrun = lsRunType;
            _charFlags = charFlags; 
            _digitCulture = digitCulture; 
            _runFlags = 0;
            _modifierScope = modifierScope; 

            if (contextualSubstitution)
                _runFlags |= (ushort)RunFlags.ContextualSubstitution; 
            if (symbolTypeface) 
                _runFlags |= (ushort)RunFlags.IsSymbol; 

        /// Text run 
        internal TextRun TextRun
            get { return _textRun; }

        /// The final TextRunProperties of the TextRun
        internal TextRunProperties Properties 
                // The non-null value is cached
                if (_properties == null)
                    if (_modifierScope != null)
                        _properties = _modifierScope.ModifyProperties(_textRun.Properties); 
                        _properties = _textRun.Properties;

                return _properties; 
        /// character buffer
        internal CharacterBuffer CharacterBuffer 
            get { return _charBufferRange.CharacterBuffer; } 

        /// Character offset to run first character in the buffer
        internal int OffsetToFirstChar 
            get { return _charBufferRange.OffsetToFirstChar; } 

        /// Character offset to run first cp from line start
        internal int OffsetToFirstCp 
            get { return _offsetToFirstCp; } 

        /// String length
        internal int StringLength 
            get { return _charBufferRange.Length; } 
            set { _charBufferRange = new CharacterBufferRange(_charBufferRange.CharacterBufferReference, value); } 

        /// Run length
        internal int Length
            get { return _textRunLength; } 
            set { _textRunLength = value; }

        /// State of character in the run 
        internal ushort CharacterAttributeFlags 
            get { return _charFlags; }
            set { _charFlags = value; } 

        /// Digit culture for the run.
        internal CultureInfo DigitCulture 
            get { return _digitCulture; } 

        /// Specifies whether the run requires contextual number substitution.
        internal bool ContextualSubstitution 
            get { return (_runFlags & (ushort)RunFlags.ContextualSubstitution) != 0; } 

        /// Specifies whether the run is in a non-Unicode font, such as Symbol or Wingdings.
        /// Non-Unicode runs require special handling because code points do not have their
        /// standard Unicode meanings. 
        internal bool IsSymbol
            get { return (_runFlags & (ushort)RunFlags.IsSymbol) != 0; } 
        /// Plsrun type 
        internal Plsrun Plsrun
            get { return _plsrun; } 
        /// Is run an end of line? 
        internal bool IsEndOfLine
            get { return _textRun is TextEndOfLine; } 
        /// The modification scope of this run
        internal TextModifierScope TextModifierScope
            get { return _modifierScope; }

        /// Get rough width of the run
        internal int GetRoughWidth(double realToIdeal)
            TextRunProperties properties = _textRun.Properties;
            if (properties != null)
                // estimate rough width of each character in a run being 75% of Em. 
                return (int)Math.Round(properties.FontRenderingEmSize * 0.75 * _textRunLength * realToIdeal);
            return 0;

        /// Map TextRun type to known plsrun type 
        internal static Plsrun GetRunType(TextRun textRun)
            if (textRun is ITextSymbols || textRun is TextShapeableSymbols)
                return Plsrun.Text;

            if (textRun is TextEmbeddedObject) 
                return Plsrun.InlineObject;
            if (textRun is TextEndOfParagraph) 
                return Plsrun.ParaBreak;
            if (textRun is TextEndOfLine)
                return Plsrun.LineBreak;

            // Other text run type are all considered hidden by LS 
            return Plsrun.Hidden;

        private enum RunFlags
            ContextualSubstitution  = 0x0001,
            IsSymbol                = 0x0002, 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//  Microsoft Windows Client Platform
//  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2001
//  File:      TextProperties.cs
//  Contents:  Properties of text, text line and paragraph 
//  Created:   2-25-2003 Worachai Chaoweeraprasit (wchao) 

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.Shaping;
namespace MS.Internal.TextFormatting 
    /// Internal paragraph properties wrapper
    internal sealed class ParaProp
        /// Constructing paragraph properties 
        /// Text formatter
        /// paragraph properties 
        /// produce optimal break
        internal ParaProp(
            TextFormatterImp        formatter,
            TextParagraphProperties paragraphProperties, 
            bool                    optimalBreak
            _paragraphProperties = paragraphProperties;
            _emSize = formatter.RealToIdeal(paragraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.FontRenderingEmSize);
            _indent = formatter.RealToIdeal(paragraphProperties.Indent);
            _paragraphIndent = formatter.RealToIdeal(paragraphProperties.ParagraphIndent);
            _height = formatter.RealToIdeal(paragraphProperties.LineHeight); 

            if (_paragraphProperties.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft) 
                _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.Rtl;

            if (optimalBreak)
                _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.OptimalBreak; 

        private enum StatusFlags
            Rtl             = 0x00000001,   // right-to-left reading
            OptimalBreak    = 0x00000002,   // produce optimal break 
        internal bool RightToLeft 
            get { return (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.Rtl) != 0; } 

        internal bool OptimalBreak
            get { return (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.OptimalBreak) != 0; }
        internal bool FirstLineInParagraph
            get { return _paragraphProperties.FirstLineInParagraph; }

        internal bool AlwaysCollapsible 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.AlwaysCollapsible; } 

        internal int Indent 
            get { return _indent; }
        internal int ParagraphIndent
            get { return _paragraphIndent; } 
        internal double DefaultIncrementalTab
            get { return _paragraphProperties.DefaultIncrementalTab; }

        internal IList Tabs 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.Tabs; }

        internal TextAlignment Align
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextAlignment; } 
        internal bool Justify 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextAlignment == TextAlignment.Justify; } 

        internal bool EmergencyWrap
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextWrapping == TextWrapping.Wrap; }
        internal bool Wrap
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextWrapping == TextWrapping.WrapWithOverflow || EmergencyWrap; }

        internal Typeface DefaultTypeface 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.Typeface; } 

        internal int EmSize 
            get { return _emSize; }
        internal int LineHeight
            get { return _height; } 
        internal TextMarkerProperties TextMarkerProperties
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextMarkerProperties; }

        internal TextLexicalService Hyphenator 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.Hyphenator; }

        internal TextDecorationCollection TextDecorations
            get { return _paragraphProperties.TextDecorations; } 
        internal Brush DefaultTextDecorationsBrush 
            get { return _paragraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.ForegroundBrush; } 

        private StatusFlags                 _statusFlags;
        private TextParagraphProperties     _paragraphProperties; 
        private int                         _emSize;
        private int                         _indent; 
        private int                         _paragraphIndent; 
        private int                         _height;

    /// State of textrun started when it's fetched
    internal sealed class TextRunInfo 
        private CharacterBufferRange _charBufferRange; 
        private int                  _textRunLength;
        private int                  _offsetToFirstCp;
        private TextRun              _textRun;
        private Plsrun               _plsrun; 
        private CultureInfo          _digitCulture;
        private ushort               _charFlags; 
        private ushort               _runFlags; 
        private TextModifierScope    _modifierScope;
        private TextRunProperties    _properties; 

        /// Constructing a textrun info
        /// characte buffer range for the run
        /// textrun length 
        /// character offset to run first cp 
        /// text run
        /// the internal LS run type  
        /// character attribute flags
        /// digit culture for the run
        /// contextual number substitution for the run
        /// if true, indicates a text run in a symbol (i.e., non-Unicode) font 
        /// The current TextModifier scope for this TextRunInfo
        internal TextRunInfo( 
            CharacterBufferRange charBufferRange, 
            int                  textRunLength,
            int                  offsetToFirstCp, 
            TextRun              textRun,
            Plsrun               lsRunType,
            ushort               charFlags,
            CultureInfo          digitCulture, 
            bool                 contextualSubstitution,
            bool                 symbolTypeface, 
            TextModifierScope    modifierScope 
            _charBufferRange = charBufferRange;
            _textRunLength = textRunLength;
            _offsetToFirstCp = offsetToFirstCp;
            _textRun = textRun; 
            _plsrun = lsRunType;
            _charFlags = charFlags; 
            _digitCulture = digitCulture; 
            _runFlags = 0;
            _modifierScope = modifierScope; 

            if (contextualSubstitution)
                _runFlags |= (ushort)RunFlags.ContextualSubstitution; 
            if (symbolTypeface) 
                _runFlags |= (ushort)RunFlags.IsSymbol; 

        /// Text run 
        internal TextRun TextRun
            get { return _textRun; }

        /// The final TextRunProperties of the TextRun
        internal TextRunProperties Properties 
                // The non-null value is cached
                if (_properties == null)
                    if (_modifierScope != null)
                        _properties = _modifierScope.ModifyProperties(_textRun.Properties); 
                        _properties = _textRun.Properties;

                return _properties; 
        /// character buffer
        internal CharacterBuffer CharacterBuffer 
            get { return _charBufferRange.CharacterBuffer; } 

        /// Character offset to run first character in the buffer
        internal int OffsetToFirstChar 
            get { return _charBufferRange.OffsetToFirstChar; } 

        /// Character offset to run first cp from line start
        internal int OffsetToFirstCp 
            get { return _offsetToFirstCp; } 

        /// String length
        internal int StringLength 
            get { return _charBufferRange.Length; } 
            set { _charBufferRange = new CharacterBufferRange(_charBufferRange.CharacterBufferReference, value); } 

        /// Run length
        internal int Length
            get { return _textRunLength; } 
            set { _textRunLength = value; }

        /// State of character in the run 
        internal ushort CharacterAttributeFlags 
            get { return _charFlags; }
            set { _charFlags = value; } 

        /// Digit culture for the run.
        internal CultureInfo DigitCulture 
            get { return _digitCulture; } 

        /// Specifies whether the run requires contextual number substitution.
        internal bool ContextualSubstitution 
            get { return (_runFlags & (ushort)RunFlags.ContextualSubstitution) != 0; } 

        /// Specifies whether the run is in a non-Unicode font, such as Symbol or Wingdings.
        /// Non-Unicode runs require special handling because code points do not have their
        /// standard Unicode meanings. 
        internal bool IsSymbol
            get { return (_runFlags & (ushort)RunFlags.IsSymbol) != 0; } 
        /// Plsrun type 
        internal Plsrun Plsrun
            get { return _plsrun; } 
        /// Is run an end of line? 
        internal bool IsEndOfLine
            get { return _textRun is TextEndOfLine; } 
        /// The modification scope of this run
        internal TextModifierScope TextModifierScope
            get { return _modifierScope; }

        /// Get rough width of the run
        internal int GetRoughWidth(double realToIdeal)
            TextRunProperties properties = _textRun.Properties;
            if (properties != null)
                // estimate rough width of each character in a run being 75% of Em. 
                return (int)Math.Round(properties.FontRenderingEmSize * 0.75 * _textRunLength * realToIdeal);
            return 0;

        /// Map TextRun type to known plsrun type 
        internal static Plsrun GetRunType(TextRun textRun)
            if (textRun is ITextSymbols || textRun is TextShapeableSymbols)
                return Plsrun.Text;

            if (textRun is TextEmbeddedObject) 
                return Plsrun.InlineObject;
            if (textRun is TextEndOfParagraph) 
                return Plsrun.ParaBreak;
            if (textRun is TextEndOfLine)
                return Plsrun.LineBreak;

            // Other text run type are all considered hidden by LS 
            return Plsrun.Hidden;

        private enum RunFlags
            ContextualSubstitution  = 0x0001,
            IsSymbol                = 0x0002, 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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