exports.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Graphics / include / exports.cs / 1 / exports.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// File: exports.cs 
// Description: 
//     Managed exports from MIL core. 
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; 
using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Win32; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Security; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using Microsoft.Internal; 
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;

using UnsafeNativeMethods=MS.Win32.PresentationCore.UnsafeNativeMethods;
using SafeNativeMethods=MS.Win32.PresentationCore.SafeNativeMethods; 
using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR;
using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID; 
 * For the time being the flat composition api will be implemented on
 * top of milcore.h (the protocol api), this is only temporary we will
 * be adding type safe unmanaged exports to milcore.dll which will be
 * be called from the static functions. 

namespace System.Windows.Media.Composition 

    // enumeration of marshal types supported by the transport.
    internal enum ChannelMarshalType 
        ChannelMarshalTypeInvalid = 0x0, 
        ChannelMarshalTypeSameThread = 0x1, 
        ChannelMarshalTypeCrossThread = 0x2,
        ChannelMarshalTypeCrossProcess = 0x3, 
        ChannelMarshalTypeCrossMachine = 0x4

    /// Lock replacement till the CLR team gives us support to resolve the reentrancy issues
    /// with the CLR lock. 
    /// Prefered usage pattern: 
    ///    using (CompositionEngineLock.Acquire())
    ///    { 
    ///        ...
    ///    } 
    /// If you don't use this pattern remember to have a try finally block to release the lock 
    /// in the event of an exception.
    internal struct CompositionEngineLock : IDisposable
        /// Aquires the composition engine lock. 
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code 
        /// TreatAsSafe - all inputs validated, locking is safe
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal static CompositionEngineLock Acquire() 
            return new CompositionEngineLock();

        /// Releases the composition engine lock. Using Dispose enables the using syntax.
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code 
        /// TreatAsSafe - all inputs validated, unlocking is safe 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        public void Dispose()
    /// The following class only exists to clearly seperate the DUCE APIs 
    /// from the legacy resource APIs.
    internal partial class DUCE
        /// CopyBytes - Poor-man's mem copy.  Copies cbData from pbFrom to pbTo. 
        /// pbFrom and pbTo must be DWORD aligned, and cbData must be a multiple of 4. 
        ///  byte* pointing to the "to" array.  Must be DWORD aligned.  
        ///  byte* pointing to the "from" array.  Must be DWORD aligned. 
        ///  int - count of bytes to copy.  Must be a multiple of 4. 
        ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
        internal static unsafe void CopyBytes(byte* pbTo, 
                                              byte* pbFrom,
                                              int cbData) 
            // We'd like to only handle QWORD aligned data, but the CLR can't enforce this.
            // If there's no data to copy, it's ok if the pointers aren't aligned
            Debug.Assert((cbData == 0) || ((Int64)(IntPtr)pbFrom) % 4 == 0); 
            Debug.Assert((cbData == 0) || ((Int64)(IntPtr)pbTo) % 4 == 0);
            Debug.Assert(cbData % 4 == 0); 
            Debug.Assert(cbData >= 0); 

            Int32* pCurFrom32 = (Int32*)pbFrom; 
            Int32* pCurTo32 = (Int32*)pbTo;

            for (int i = 0; i < cbData / 4; i++)
                pCurTo32[i] = pCurFrom32[i];

        /// Critical - pinvoke wrappers
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        private static class UnsafeNativeMethods 
            internal static extern /*HRESULT*/ int MilResource_CreateOrAddRefOnChannel( 
                IntPtr pChannel,
                DUCE.ResourceType resourceType, 
                ref DUCE.ResourceHandle hResource

            internal static extern /*HRESULT*/ int MilResource_DuplicateHandle(
                IntPtr pSourceChannel, 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle original, 
                IntPtr pTargetChannel,
                ref DUCE.ResourceHandle duplicate 

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilConnection_CreateChannel")]//CASRemoval:
            internal static extern int MilConnection_CreateChannel( 
                IntPtr pTransport,
                IntPtr hChannel, 
                out IntPtr channelHandle); 

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilConnection_DestroyChannel")]//CASRemoval: 
            internal static extern int MilConnection_DestroyChannel(
                IntPtr channelHandle);

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilChannel_CommitChannel")]//CASRemoval: 
            internal static extern int MilConnection_CommitChannel(
                IntPtr channelHandle); 
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilSyncPacketTransport_Present")]//CASRemoval:
            internal static extern int MilSyncPacketTransport_Present( 
                IntPtr pPacketTransport);

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilChannel_GetMarshalType")]
            internal static extern int MilChannel_GetMarshalType(IntPtr channelHandle, out ChannelMarshalType marshalType); 

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_SendCommand")]//CASRemoval: 
            unsafe internal static extern int MilResource_SendCommand( 
                byte *pbData,
                uint cbSize, 
                IntPtr pChannel);

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilChannel_BeginCommand")]//CASRemoval:
            unsafe internal static extern int MilChannel_BeginCommand( 
                IntPtr pChannel,
                byte *pbData, 
                uint cbSize, 
                uint cbExtra

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilChannel_AppendCommandData")]//CASRemoval:
            unsafe internal static extern int MilChannel_AppendCommandData(
                IntPtr pChannel, 
                byte *pbData,
                uint cbSize 

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilChannel_EndCommand")]//CASRemoval: 
            unsafe internal static extern int MilChannel_EndCommand(
                IntPtr pChannel);

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_SendCommandMedia")]//CASRemoval: 
            unsafe internal static extern int MilResource_SendCommandMedia(
                ResourceHandle handle, 
                SafeMediaHandle pMedia, 
                ResourceHandle  hImageSource,
                IntPtr pChannel, 
                bool  notifyUceDirect,
                bool  isRemote);

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_SendCommandBitmapSource")]//CASRemoval: 
            unsafe internal static extern int MilResource_SendCommandBitmapSource(
                ResourceHandle handle, 
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle pBitmapSource, 
                bool shareBitmap,
                bool systemMemoryBitmap, 
                IntPtr pChannel);

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_ReleaseOnChannel")]//CASRemoval:
            internal static extern /*HRESULT*/ int MilResource_ReleaseOnChannel( 
                IntPtr pChannel,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hResource, 
                out int deleted 
            internal static extern int MilChannel_SetNotificationWindow(
                IntPtr pChannel,
                IntPtr hwnd, 
                int message
            internal static extern int MilComposition_WaitForNextMessage( 
                IntPtr pChannel,
                int nCount,
                IntPtr[] handles,
                int bWaitAll, 
                UInt32 waitTimeout,
                out int waitReturn 

            internal static extern int MilComposition_PeekNextMessage(
                IntPtr pChannel,
                out MilMessage.Message message,
                /* size_t */ IntPtr messageSize, 
                out int messageRetrieved
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_GetRefCountOnChannel")]
            internal static extern /*HRESULT*/ int MilResource_GetRefCountOnChannel( 
                IntPtr pChannel,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hResource,
                out uint refCount
        /// Define the value of an infinte wait in WaitForNextMessage.
        internal const UInt32 waitInfinite = UInt32.MaxValue;

        internal static class MilMessage
            /// The ID of each type of back-channel notification messages. 
            internal enum Type
                Invalid             = 0x00,

                SyncFlushReply      = 0x01,
                CaptureBitsReply    = 0x02, 
                Caps                = 0x04,
                PartitionIsZombie   = 0x06, 
                SyncModeStatus      = 0x09, 
                Presented           = 0x0A,
                BadPixelShader      = 0x10, 

                ForceDWORD          = unchecked((int)0xffffffff)
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)]
            internal struct CapsData 
                [FieldOffset(0)] internal Int32 CommonMinimumCaps;
                [FieldOffset(4)] internal UInt32 DisplayUniqueness; 
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal MilGraphicsAccelerationCaps Caps;

            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)] 
            internal struct PartitionIsZombieStatus
                [FieldOffset(0)] internal int HRESULTFailureCode; 
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)]
            internal struct SyncModeStatus
                [FieldOffset(0)] internal int Enabled; 
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)] 
            internal struct Presented
                [FieldOffset(0)] internal MIL_PRESENTATION_RESULTS PresentationResults;
                [FieldOffset(4)] internal int RefreshRate;
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal long PresentationTime;

            /// The union of all known back-channel notification messages. 
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)] 
            internal struct Message
                [FieldOffset(0)] internal Type Type;
                [FieldOffset(4)] internal int Reserved; 
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal CapsData Caps;
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal PartitionIsZombieStatus HRESULTFailure; 
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal Presented Presented; 
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal SyncModeStatus SyncModeStatus;

        /// A channel set is a container for a matched pair of channels, 
        /// one primary channel and out of band channel
        internal struct ChannelSet 
            internal Channel Channel; 
            internal Channel OutOfBandChannel;

        /// A Channel is a command pipe into a composition device.
        /// The commands send through a Channel are not executed till 
        /// Channel.Commit is called. Committing a Channel is an atomic operation. In 
        /// other words, all the commands are executed before the next frame is
        /// rendered. 
        /// A channel is also a hard boundary for UCE resources. That means that UCE
        /// resources created on one channel can not interact with resources on a different
        /// channel. 
        internal sealed partial class Channel 
            /// Primary channel. 
            /// Critical - Track usage of the channel pointer.
            IntPtr _hChannel; 
            private GlyphCache _glyphCache;
            private Channel _referenceChannel; 
            private bool _isSynchronous;
            private bool _isOutOfBandChannel;
            private bool _isLayeredWindowChannel;
            IntPtr _pSyncPacketTransport;
            /// The RemoveAndRelease-queue to hold parent and child information for
            /// performing a delayed remove and release on channel. 
            private List RemoveAndReleaseQueue;

            IntPtr _pTransport; 

            internal GlyphCache GlyphCache 
                    return _glyphCache;
            /// This function is called during removal and deletion 
            /// of Visual/Visual3D so that we don't put the command 
            /// immediately on the channel. Only when we process the
            /// queue at a later time, do we enqueue the command. 
            internal void AddToRemoveAndReleaseQueue(
                IResource parent,
                IResource child) 
                ParentAndChildResources p = new ParentAndChildResources(parent, child); 
            /// To clear out the queue once we are done processing them
            internal void ClearRemoveAndReleaseQueue() 

            /// returns whether the RemoveAndReleaseQueue is empty.
            internal bool IsRemoveAndReleaseQueueEmpty()
                return (RemoveAndReleaseQueue.Count == 0);

            /// This function processes the handles in the queue and removes
            /// the child from the parent for each entry by calling RemoveChild.
            internal void ProcessRemoveCommand() 
                int count = RemoveAndReleaseQueue.Count; 
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
                    DUCE.ParentAndChildResources node = RemoveAndReleaseQueue[i]; 
                    // We only send the Remove command if there is a parent.
                    // In case of RootVisual, there is no parent.
                    if (node.Parent != null)
                        // Depending upon the child (Visual/Visual3D)
                        // call the appropriate command. 
                        IResource v = node.Child;
            /// This function processes the Visual/Visual3D in the queues
            /// and calls ReleaseOnChannel for them.
            internal void ProcessReleaseCommand()
                int count = RemoveAndReleaseQueue.Count; 
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    IResource v = RemoveAndReleaseQueue[i].Child;

            /// Creates a channel and associates it with channel group (partition).
            /// New create channel will belong to the same partition as the given referenceChannel. 
            /// To create the very first channel in the group, use null argument.
            /// Critical - accesses critical resources (handles) 
            public Channel(Channel referenceChannel, bool isOutOfBandChannel, bool isLayeredWindowChannel, IntPtr pTransport, IntPtr pSyncPTransport) 
                IntPtr referenceChannelHandle = IntPtr.Zero; 

                _referenceChannel = referenceChannel;
                _pTransport = pTransport;
                _pSyncPacketTransport = pSyncPTransport; 
                _isOutOfBandChannel = isOutOfBandChannel;
                _isLayeredWindowChannel = isLayeredWindowChannel; 
                _isSynchronous = (pSyncPTransport != IntPtr.Zero);
                if (referenceChannel != null)
                    referenceChannelHandle = referenceChannel._hChannel;

                RemoveAndReleaseQueue = new List(); 
                    out _hChannel));

                _glyphCache = new GlyphCache(this); 
            /// Commits the commands enqueued into the Channel.
            ///    Critical: This code calls into MilConnection_CommitChannel which causes an elevation
            ///    TreatAsSafe: This commits operations to the channel.Commiting to a channel is safe
            internal void Commit() 
                if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                    // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more
                    // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished 
                    // processing the disconnect messages.


            ///   Flush the currently recorded commands to the target device and prepare 
            ///   to receive new commands. Block until last command was executed.
            ///   Critical - This code calls into MilComposition_SyncFlush which causes an elevation.
            ///   TreatAsSafe - The net effect is to wait until render completes.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal void SyncFlush() 
                if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                    // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more
                    // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished 
                    // processing the disconnect messages.



            /// Commits the channel and then closes it. 
            /// Critical - This code calls into MilConnection_CommitChannel and
            ///            MilConnection_DestroyChannel which causes an elevation.
            /// TreatAsSafe - Even if called prematurely, this will simply make all the subsequent
            ///               channel operations fail (whether silently or by raising an exception). 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal void Close() 
                if (_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero) 
                // If there is something stored in the queue, then we should process 
                // them before closing the channel. Otherwise we would leak memory 

                _glyphCache = null;
                _referenceChannel = null; 

                if (_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero) 

                    _hChannel = IntPtr.Zero; 
            /// Commits the commands enqueued into the Channel. 
            /// Critical    -- Calls into MilChannel_Present which causes an elevation.
            /// TreatAsSafe -- This call is only relevant to synchronous channels and causes the compositor 
            ///                associated with the synchronous channel to compose and present, which is
            ///                considered safe. Asynchronous channels no-op this call. 
            internal void Present() 
            /// Internal only: CreateOrAddRefOnChannel addrefs the resource corresponding to the 
            /// specified handle on the channel. 
            /// Returns true iff the resource was created on the channel. The caller is responsible to
            /// update the resource appropriately.
            /// Critical - Calls into MilResource_CreateOrAddRefOnChannel which causes an elevation.
            /// TreatAsSafe - All inputs are safe wrappers, manipulating handle on the channel 
            /// will only affect resources that belong to the current process. 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal bool CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(ref DUCE.ResourceHandle handle, DUCE.ResourceType resourceType)
                bool handleNeedsCreation = handle.IsNull;
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);
                    ref handle

                //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("CreateOrAddRefOnChannel: Channel: {0}, Resource: {1}, Type: {2},  ", _hChannel, handle._handle, resourceType)); 

                return handleNeedsCreation; 

            /// DuplicateHandle attempts to duplicate a handle from one channel to another.
            /// Naturally, this can only work if both the source and target channels are
            /// within the same partition.
            /// It is the responsibility of the caller to commit the source channel 
            /// to assure that duplication took place. 
            /// tables.
            /// Returns the duplicated handle (valid on the target channel) or the null
            /// handle if duplication failed.
            ///     Critical - Calls security critical code. 
            ///     TreatAsSafe - All inputs are safe wrappers, manipulating handle on the channel 
            ///                   will only affect resources that belong to the current process.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal DUCE.ResourceHandle DuplicateHandle(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle original,
                DUCE.Channel targetChannel 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle duplicate = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null; 

                //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("DuplicateHandle: Channel: {0}, Resource: {1}, Target channel: {2},  ", _hChannel, original._handle, targetChannel)); 

                    ref duplicate 

                return duplicate; 

            /// Internal only: ReleaseOnChannel releases the resource corresponding to the specified
            /// handle on the channel. 
            /// Returns true iff the resource is not on this channel anymore. 
            /// Critical - Calls security critical code.
            /// TreatAsSafe - All inputs are safe wrappers, manipulating handle on the channel 
            /// will only affect resources that belong to the current process.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal bool ReleaseOnChannel(DUCE.ResourceHandle handle)
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);

                //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("ReleaseOnChannel: Channel: {0}, Resource: {1}", _hChannel, handle._handle)); 

                int releasedOnChannel; 
                    out releasedOnChannel
                return (releasedOnChannel != 0);
            /// Internal only: GetRefCount returns the reference count of a resource 
            /// corresponding to the specified handle on the channel.
            /// Returns the ref count for a resource on this channel. 
            /// Critical - Calls security critical code. 
            /// TreatAsSafe - All inputs are safe wrappers, manipulating handle on the channel
            /// will only affect resources that belong to the current process. 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal uint GetRefCount(DUCE.ResourceHandle handle)
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);
                uint refCount;
                    out refCount 
                return refCount; 

            /// IsConnected returns true if the channel is connected.
            /// Critical - this code performs an elevation. 
            /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return whether a channel is connected or not. 
            internal bool IsConnected 
                [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
                    return MediaContext.CurrentMediaContext.IsConnected;

            /// MarshalType returns the marshal type of the channel.
            /// Critical - this code performs an elevation. 
            /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return a channel's marshal type.
            internal ChannelMarshalType MarshalType 
                [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                    Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);
                    ChannelMarshalType marshalType;
                        out marshalType

                    return marshalType;

            /// Returns whether the given channel is synchronous. 
            internal bool IsSynchronous 
                    return _isSynchronous; 
            /// Returns whether the given channel is an out of band channel. 
            internal bool IsOutOfBandChannel
                    return _isOutOfBandChannel; 
            /// Returns whether this is a specially purposed channel for
            /// drawing the local layered windows in a TS scenario
            internal bool IsLayeredWindowChannel
                    return _isLayeredWindowChannel; 

            /// SendCommand sends a command struct through the composition thread.
            /// Critical - This code performs an elevation.
            /// TreatAsSafe - This method is safe, as Channel structures can only be created 
            ///               by MediaContext and are hardened against invalid data.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
            unsafe internal void SendCommand( 
                byte *pCommandData,
                int cSize) 
                    Invariant.Assert(pCommandData != (byte*)0 && cSize > 0);

                    int hr = HRESULT.S_OK;
                    if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                        // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                        // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more 
                        // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished
                        // processing the disconnect messages.
                    // The pCommandData should not contain SecurityCritical resources; 
                    // SendSecurityCriticalCommand should be called instead.
                        hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilResource_SendCommand( 
                    catch (AccessViolationException)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Channel_InvalidCommandBufferPointer));

            /// SendSecurityCriticalCommand sends a command struct to the composition thread.
            /// It is used for sending commands which contain security critical fields like 
            /// hwnd and pointers 
            /// Critical - This code performs an elevation.
            unsafe internal void SendSecurityCriticalCommand( 
                byte *pCommandData,
                int cSize) 
                    Invariant.Assert(pCommandData != (byte*)0 && cSize > 0);

                    int hr = HRESULT.S_OK;
                    if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                        // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                        // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more 
                        // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished
                        // processing the disconnect messages.
                    // Make sure that this function is only called for SecurityCritical 
                    // command. Otherwise SendCommand should be called.
                        hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilResource_SendCommand( 
                    catch (AccessViolationException)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Channel_InvalidCommandBufferPointer));

            /// BeginCommand opens a command on a channel 
            /// Critical - This code performs an elevation. 
            /// TreatAsSafe - This method is safe, as Channel structures can only be created
            ///               by MediaContext and are hardened against invalid data. 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            unsafe internal void BeginCommand(
                byte *pbCommandData, 
                int cbSize,
                int cbExtra) 
                    Invariant.Assert(cbSize > 0);

                    int hr = HRESULT.S_OK;
                    if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                        // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                        // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more 
                        // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished
                        // processing the disconnect messages.
                        hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilChannel_BeginCommand(
                    catch (AccessViolationException)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Channel_InvalidCommandBufferPointer));

            /// AppendCommandData appends data to an open command on a channel 
            /// Critical - This code performs an elevation.
            /// TreatAsSafe - This method is safe, as Channel structures can only be created 
            ///               by MediaContext and are hardened against invalid data.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            unsafe internal void AppendCommandData(
                byte *pbCommandData, 
                int cbSize)
                    Invariant.Assert(pbCommandData != (byte*)0 && cbSize > 0);
                    int hr = HRESULT.S_OK; 

                    if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero) 
                        // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                        // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more 
                        // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished
                        // processing the disconnect messages. 


                        hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilChannel_AppendCommandData(
                    catch (AccessViolationException)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Channel_InvalidCommandBufferPointer)); 

            /// EndCommand closes an open command on a channel
            /// Critical - this code performs an elevation. 
            /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to end a command in a well known channel. 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal void EndCommand()
                if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen 
                    // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more 
                    // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished
                    // processing the disconnect messages. 



            /// SendCommand that creates an slave bitmap resource
            /// Critical - this code performs an elevation. 
            internal void SendCommandBitmapSource( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle imageHandle,
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle pBitmapSource, 
                bool shareBitmap,
                bool systemMemoryBitmap)
                Invariant.Assert(pBitmapSource != null && !pBitmapSource.IsInvalid); 
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);

            /// SendCommand that creates an slave media resource 
            /// Critical - this code performs an elevation.
            internal void SendCommandMedia( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle mediaHandle,
                SafeMediaHandle pMedia, 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle imageSourceHandle, 
                bool notifyUceDirect,
                bool isRemote 
                Invariant.Assert(pMedia != null && !pMedia.IsInvalid);
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);
            /// Specifies the window and window message to be sent when messages
            /// become available in the back channel. 
            /// The target of the notification messages. If this parameter is null
            /// then the channel stop sending window messages. 
            /// The window message ID. If the hwnd parameter is null then this 
            /// parameter is ignored.
            /// Critical        - Passes a window handle to native code. This will
            ///                   cause milcore to periodically post the specified
            ///                   message to the specified window. The caller is 
            ///                   safe if it owns the window and the message was
            ///                   registered with RegisterMessage. 
            internal void SetNotificationWindow(IntPtr hwnd, int message) 
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);


            /// Waits until a message is available on this channel. The message
            /// can be later retrieved with the PeekNextMessage method. 
            /// The method may return with no available messages if the channel 
            /// is disconnected while waiting.
            /// Critical        - Blocks the thread until the channel receives
            ///                   a message. This is unsafe if done by any
            ///                   component other than the owner of the channel 
            ///                   because the channel may not send any
            ///                   messages, in which case the function will 
            ///                   never return. Only the owner of the channel 
            ///                   knows whether a message can be reasonably
            ///                   expected to eventually be sent. 
            internal void WaitForNextMessage()
                int waitReturn;
                    1, /* true */
                    out waitReturn 
            /// Gets the next available message on this channel. This method 
            /// does not wait if a message is not immediately available.
            /// Receives the message. 
            /// True if a message was retrieved, false otherwise. 
            /// Critical        - Removes a message from the channel. This is
            ///                   unsafe if done by any component other than
            ///                   the owner of the channel because eating
            ///                   messages may result in the process hanging. 
            ///                   Also has an unsafe block, but that is safe
            ///                   to callers because we just need it to use 
            ///                   the sizeof operator. 
            internal bool PeekNextMessage(out MilMessage.Message message)
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);
                int messageRetrieved;
                            out message, 
                            out messageRetrieved 

                return (messageRetrieved != 0);

        /// Store the parent and child  for sending remove and release commands on 
        /// the channel at a later time.
        internal struct ParentAndChildResources
            private IResource _parent;
            private IResource _child; 

            public ParentAndChildResources( 
                IResource parent, 
                IResource child)
                _parent = parent;
                _child = child;
            public IResource Child
                    return _child; 

            public IResource Parent 
                    return _parent;

        /// The Resource structure encapsulates the functionality
        /// required to hold on to a UCE resource. A resource can be sent to a 
        /// channel by calling CreateOrAddRefOnChannel. The resource can be deleted 
        /// from a channel by calling ReleaseOnChannel.
        /// With resources the handle management is completely hidden from the caller.
        internal struct Resource
            public static readonly Resource Null = new Resource(DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null);
            private DUCE.ResourceHandle _handle; 
            private Channel _debugOnly_Channel; 

            /// Creates a resource from a type and ResourceHandle.
            /// This is currently only used for some hwnd interop code in the VisualManager. 
            public Resource(DUCE.ResourceHandle h)
                _handle = h;
                _debugOnly_Channel = null;
            /// CreatesOrAddRefs the resource on the specified channel.
            public bool CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(Channel channel, DUCE.ResourceType type)
                Debug.Assert(channel != null);
#if DEBUG 
                _debugOnly_Channel = channel;
                return channel.CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(ref _handle, type);

            /// Releases the resource from the specified channel.
            /// Returns true if the resource is not anymore on the specified channel 
            /// otherwise false. 
            /// Returns true iff the resource is not used on the specified channel anymore.
            public bool ReleaseOnChannel(Channel channel)
                Debug.Assert(channel != null);
#if DEBUG 
                Debug.Assert(_debugOnly_Channel == channel); 
                if (channel.ReleaseOnChannel(_handle)) 
                    _handle = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null;
                    return true;
                return false;
            /// Checks if a resource was created on the specified channel. 
            public bool IsOnChannel(Channel channel)
#if DEBUG 
                Debug.Assert(_debugOnly_Channel == channel);
                return !_handle.IsNull; 

            /// Returns the real UInt32 handle.
            public DUCE.ResourceHandle Handle { get { return _handle; } }
        /// ResourceHandle currently encapsulates an unmanaged resource handle. 
        internal struct ResourceHandle
            public static readonly ResourceHandle Null = new ResourceHandle(0);
            public static explicit operator uint(ResourceHandle r) 
                return r._handle; 

            private UInt32 _handle; 
            public ResourceHandle(UInt32 handle) { _handle = handle; }
            /// Checks if the handle is null.
            public bool IsNull { get { return (_handle == 0); } }

        /// This is a generic map that maps a key to a value. It is heavily optimized
        /// for a single entry. 
        /// We are using this map to map a resource onto multple channels. This is non-optimal 
        /// solution. The map is currently used by the MultiChannelResource. Eventually, when all
        /// the UCE underlyings are in place, we will be able to remove the MultiChannelResource.
        internal struct Map 
            /// Struct for single entry. 
            private struct Entry 
                public Entry(object k, ValueType v)
                    _key = k; 
                    _value = v;
                public object _key;
                public ValueType _value; 

            private const int FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE = -1;
            private const int NOT_FOUND = -2; 

            // This data structure is optimized for single entry. _first is the one entry that we inline 
            // into the struct for that purpose. 
            private Entry _first;
            // All other entries go into the generic _others list. 
            private List _others;

            public bool IsEmpty()
                if (_first._key != null)
                    return false; 
                if (_others != null)
                    return false;

                return true; 

            /// Finds the index of the entry with the specified key. Returns FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE if the
            /// key is stored in the _first inlined entry and NOT_FOUND if the key could not be found.
            /// Otherwise the method returns the index into the _others list.
            private int Find(object key)
                int index = NOT_FOUND; // Not found. 

                if (_first._key != null) 
                    if (_first._key == key)
                        index = FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE; // It's stored in our inlined storage. 
                        if (_others != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < _others.Count; i++)
                                if (_others[i]._key == key)
                                    index = i;
                    Debug.Assert(_others == null, "There shouldn't be anything stored in the others array."); 
                return index;

            /// Associates a key with the specified value. If the entry already exits the old value is overriden.
            public void Set(object key, ValueType value) 
                int index = Find(key); 

                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE)
                    _first._value = value; 
                    if (index == NOT_FOUND)
                        if (_first._key == null)
                            _first = new Entry(key, value);
                            if (_others == null) 
                                _others = new List(2); // by default we have two entries in the extra storage. 

                            _others.Add(new Entry(key, value));
                        _others[index] = new Entry(key, value);

            /// Removes an entry from the map. Returns true if the entry to the specified index existed and was removed
            /// otherwise false. 
            public bool Remove(object key)
                int index = Find(key);

                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE)
                    if (_others != null)
                        Debug.Assert(_others.Count > 0); 
                        int j = _others.Count-1;
                        _first = _others[j]; 
                        if (j == 0) // Only one entry in the array.
                            _others = null;
                    _first = new Entry();
                    return true; 
                    if (index >= 0)
                        if (_others.Count == 1) 
                            Debug.Assert(index == 0); 
                            _others = null; 
                        return true;
                return false;

            /// Gets the value for the specified key. If the entry for the specified key could not
            /// be found the Get method returns false otherwise true. 
            public bool Get(object key, out ValueType value) 
                int index = Find(key);
                value = default(ValueType);

                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE)
                    value = _first._value;
                    return true; 
                    if (index >= 0)
                        value = _others[index]._value;
                        return true; 
                        return false;

            /// Gets the object count in the map.
            public int Count() 
                if (_first._key == null) 
                    return 0;
                else if (_others == null) 
                    return 1; 
                    return _others.Count + 1;
            /// Gets the object at a given index. 
            public object Get(int index)
                if (index >= Count())
                    return null;

                if (index == 0) 
                    return _first._key;

                return _others[index - 1]._key;
        /// This is a generic map that maps a key to a value. It is heavily optimized
        /// for a single entry. 
        /// We are using this map to map a resource onto multple channels. This is non-optimal
        /// solution. The map is currently used by the MultiChannelResource. Eventually, when all 
        /// the UCE underlyings are in place, we will be able to remove the MultiChannelResource.
        internal struct Map 
            /// Struct for single entry.
            private struct Entry
                public Entry(object k, DUCE.ResourceHandle v)
                    _key = k; 
                    _value = v;

                public object _key;
                public DUCE.ResourceHandle _value;

            private const int FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE = -1; 
            private const int NOT_FOUND = -2; 

            // This data structure is optimized for single entry. _head is the one entry that we inline 
            // into the struct for that purpose.  If there are more than one entries, we store a list of
            // entries in _head._key and DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null in _value.
            private Entry _head;
            public bool IsEmpty()
                return _head._key == null; 
            /// Finds the index of the entry with the specified key. Returns FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE if the
            /// key is stored in the _head inlined entry and NOT_FOUND if the key could not be found.
            /// Otherwise the method returns the index into the "others" list. 
            private int Find(object key) 
                int index = NOT_FOUND; // Not found.
                if (_head._key != null)
                    if (_head._key == key)
                        index = FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE; // It's stored in our inlined storage.
                        if (_head._value.IsNull) 
                            List others = (List)(_head._key);

                            for (int i = 0; i < others.Count; i++) 
                                if (others[i]._key == key) 
                                    index = i;
                return index; 
            /// Associates a key with the specified value. If the entry already exits the old value is overriden.
            public void Set(object key, DUCE.ResourceHandle value) 
                int index = Find(key); 
                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE)
                    _head._value = value;
                    if (index == NOT_FOUND)
                        // The key was not found. 
                        // Is the Map empty?
                        if (_head._key == null) 
                            _head = new Entry(key, value);
                            // The Map isn't empty - does it have 1 entry (!_value.IsNull) or more? 
                            if (!_head._value.IsNull) 
                                // There's 1 entry - allocate a list... 
                                List others = new List(2); // by default we have two entries in the extra storage.

                                // ...move the old single entry into the List...
                                // ...add the new entry...
                                others.Add(new Entry(key, value)); 
                                // ... and replace the single entry
                                _head._key = others; 
                                _head._value = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null;

                                // There's already a List - simply add the new entry to the list. 
                                ((List)(_head._key)).Add(new Entry(key, value)); 
                        ((List)(_head._key))[index] = new Entry(key, value); 

            /// Removes an entry from the map. Returns true if the entry to the specified index existed and was removed
            /// otherwise false.
            public bool Remove(object key) 
                int index = Find(key); 
                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE)
                    _head = new Entry();

                    return true;
                    if (index >= 0) 
                        List others = (List)_head._key; 

                        // If the Count() is 1, index would either have been FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE or
                        // NOT_FOUND, so Count() must be 2 or more.
                        // If it is exactly 2, this means that after removal there will only be one 
                        // value left, which will be stored in _head.
                        if (Count() == 2) 
                            Debug.Assert(index <= 1);
                            // If the index is 0, we remove 0 and store 1 in _head.
                            // If the index is 1, we remove 1 and store 0 in _head.

                            _head = others[1 - index]; 

                        return true;
                return false;
            /// Gets the value for the specified key. If the entry for the specified key could not 
            /// be found the Get method returns false otherwise true.
            public bool Get(object key, out DUCE.ResourceHandle value)
                int index = Find(key);
                value = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null; 

                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE) 
                    value = _head._value;
                    return true;
                    if (index >= 0) 
                        value = ((List)_head._key)[index]._value; 
                        return true;
                        return false;
            /// Gets the object count in the map.
            public int Count() 
                if (_head._key == null) 
                    return 0;
                else if (!_head._value.IsNull)
                    return 1;
                    return ((List)_head._key).Count; 

            /// Gets the object at a given index.
            public object Get(int index)
                if ((index >= Count()) || (index < 0)) 
                    return null; 

                if (Count() == 1)
                    Debug.Assert(index == 0);
                    return _head._key; 

                return ((List)_head._key)[index]._key; 

        /// ShareableDUCEMultiChannelResource class - this class simply wraps a MultiChannelResource, 
        /// enabling it to be shared/handed off/etc via reference semantics. 
        /// Note that this is ~8 bytes larger than the struct MultiChannelResource.
        internal class ShareableDUCEMultiChannelResource
            public MultiChannelResource _duceResource;

        /// A multi-channel resource encapsulates a resource that can be used on multiple channels at the same time.
        internal struct MultiChannelResource
            private Map _map;
            /// CreatesOrAddRefs the resource on the specified channel. 
            /// Returns true iff the resource is not used on the specified channel anymore.
            /// The method is not synchronized. If the resource is used in a multi-threaded scenario, the
            /// caller is responsible for taking a lock before calling CreateOrAddRefOnChannel or ReleaseOnChannel. 
            public bool CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(Channel channel, DUCE.ResourceType type) 
                Debug.Assert(channel != null);
                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle; 
                bool inmap = _map.Get(channel, out handle);

                bool created = channel.CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(ref handle, type);
                if (!inmap)
                    _map.Set(channel, handle); 
                return created;

            /// Attempts to duplicate a handle to the specified target channel.
            /// The idea here is to attempt to find a compatible channel among
            /// the channels this resource has been marshalled to. 
            /// The channel to duplicate the handle from.
            /// The channel to duplicate the handle to.
            public DUCE.ResourceHandle DuplicateHandle(Channel sourceChannel, Channel targetChannel) 
                Debug.Assert(sourceChannel != null); 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle duplicate = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null; 

                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null; 
                bool found = _map.Get(sourceChannel, out handle);

                // The multi channel resource should not exist on the target channel.
                // Our current implementation only keeps a map of the channel and the handle 
                // so only one instance of this resource can be on one channel. 
                Debug.Assert(!(_map.Get(targetChannel, out duplicate))); 

                duplicate = sourceChannel.DuplicateHandle(handle, targetChannel);

                if (!duplicate.IsNull) 
                    _map.Set(targetChannel, duplicate); 

                return duplicate; 

            /// Releases the resource from the specified channel. 
            /// Returns true if the resource is not anymore on the specified channel
            /// otherwise false. 
            /// The method is not synchronized. If the resource is used in a multi-threaded scenario, the 
            /// caller is responsible for taking a lock before calling CreateOrAddRefOnChannel or ReleaseOnChannel.
            /// Returns true iff the resource is not used on the specified channel anymore. 
            public bool ReleaseOnChannel(Channel channel) 
                Debug.Assert(channel != null);
                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle;

                bool found = _map.Get(channel, out handle);

                if (channel.ReleaseOnChannel(handle)) 
                    // The handle isn't used on the specified channel anymore. Therefore 
                    // we can reclaim the handle.
                    return true;
                return false;
            /// Returns the ResourceHandle for this resource on the specified channel. 
            public DUCE.ResourceHandle GetHandle(Channel channel)
                DUCE.ResourceHandle h; 

                if (channel != null) 
                    _map.Get(channel, out h);
                    h = ResourceHandle.Null;
                return h;
            /// Checks if a resource was created on the specified channel. 
            public bool IsOnChannel(Channel channel)
                return !GetHandle(channel).IsNull; 
            /// Checks if a resource was created on any channel.
            public bool IsOnAnyChannel
                    return !_map.IsEmpty();

            public int GetChannelCount() 
                return _map.Count();
            public DUCE.Channel GetChannel(int index)
                return _map.Get(index) as DUCE.Channel; 

            public uint GetRefCountOnChannel(Channel channel)
                Debug.Assert(channel != null); 

                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle; 
                bool found = _map.Get(channel, out handle);

                return channel.GetRefCount(handle);

        internal static class CompositionNode 
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Public imports for composition nodes. 
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            internal static void SetTransform( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hTransform, 
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETTRANSFORM command;
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetTransform;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                command.hTransform = hTransform; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            internal static void SetEffect( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hEffect,
                Channel channel) 
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETEFFECT command;

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetEffect; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hEffect = hEffect; 

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetOffset(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                double offsetX, 
                double offsetY,
                Channel channel) 
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETOFFSET command;
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetOffset;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                command.offsetX = offsetX;
                command.offsetY = offsetY; 
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void SetContent( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hContent, 
                Channel channel) 
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETCONTENT command; 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetContent;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hContent = hContent; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void SetAlpha(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                double alpha, 
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETALPHA command; 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetAlpha; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.alpha = alpha;


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void SetAlphaMask( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hAlphaMaskBrush,
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETALPHAMASK command;
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetAlphaMask; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hAlphaMask = hAlphaMaskBrush; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetClip( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hClip, 
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETCLIP command;
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetClip;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                command.hClip = hClip; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetRenderOptions(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                MILRenderOptions renderOptions, 
                Channel channel)

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetRenderOptions;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                command.renderOptions = renderOptions;

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void RemoveChild( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hChild, 
                Channel channel) 
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_REMOVECHILD command; 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualRemoveChild;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hChild = hChild; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void RemoveChildOutOfBand(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hChild, 
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_REMOVECHILD command; 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualRemoveChild; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hChild = hChild;



            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void RemoveAllChildren(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                Channel channel) 
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualRemoveAllChildren;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void InsertChildAt( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hChild, 
                UInt32 iPosition,
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_INSERTCHILDAT command; 
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualInsertChildAt; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hChild = hChild; 
                command.index = iPosition;


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetGuidelineCollection(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                DoubleCollection guidelinesX,
                DoubleCollection guidelinesY,
                Channel channel

                    int countX = guidelinesX == null ? 0 : guidelinesX.Count;
                    int countY = guidelinesY == null ? 0 : guidelinesY.Count;
                    int countXY = countX + countY; 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetGuidelineCollection; 
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                    command.countX = (UInt16)countX;
                    command.countY = (UInt16)countY; 

                    if (countX == 0 && countY == 0)
                        double[] doubleArray = new double[countXY];
                        if (countX != 0) 
                            guidelinesX.CopyTo(doubleArray, 0); 
                            Array.Sort(doubleArray, 0, countX);

                        if (countY != 0) 
                            guidelinesY.CopyTo(doubleArray, countX); 
                            Array.Sort(doubleArray, countX, countY); 
                        float[] floatArray = new float[countXY];
                        for (int i = 0; i < countXY; i++)
                            floatArray[i] = (float)(double)(doubleArray[i]); 
                                sizeof(float) * countXY

                            fixed (float* pData = floatArray) 
                                    sizeof(float) * countXY

        internal static class Viewport3DVisualNode
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            internal static void SetCamera(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCamera,
                Channel channel) 
                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdViewport3DVisualSetCamera;
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                    command.hCamera = hCamera;

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            internal static void SetViewport(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                Rect viewport,
                Channel channel)
                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdViewport3DVisualSetViewport;
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                    command.Viewport = viewport;

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            internal static void Set3DChild( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hVisual3D,
                Channel channel) 
                    DUCE.MILCMD_VIEWPORT3DVISUAL_SET3DCHILD command; 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdViewport3DVisualSet3DChild; 
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                    command.hChild = hVisual3D;

        internal static class Visual3DNode 
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void RemoveChild( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hChild, 
                Channel channel)
                    DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL3D_REMOVECHILD command;
                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisual3DRemoveChild; 
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                    command.hChild = hChild; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void RemoveAllChildren(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                Channel channel) 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisual3DRemoveAllChildren; 
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void InsertChildAt(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hChild,
                UInt32 iPosition, 
                Channel channel)
                    DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL3D_INSERTCHILDAT command; 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisual3DInsertChildAt;
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                    command.hChild = hChild;
                    command.index = iPosition; 

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void SetContent(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hContent, 
                Channel channel)
                    DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL3D_SETCONTENT command; 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisual3DSetContent;
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                    command.hContent = hContent; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            internal static void SetTransform( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hTransform,
                Channel channel)
                    DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL3D_SETTRANSFORM command; 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisual3DSetTransform; 
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                    command.hTransform = hTransform;


        internal static class DrawingGroupNode
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetContent(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hDrawingGroup,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hContent,
                Channel channel) 
                    DUCE.MILCMD_DRAWINGGROUP_SETCONTENT command;
                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdDrawingGroupSetContent;
                    command.Handle = hDrawingGroup;
                    command.hContent = hContent;


        internal static class CompositionTarget 
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Public imports for composition targets. 
            ///     Critical: This code calls into unsafe code blocks and initialized hwnd for composition target
            internal static void HwndInitialize( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                IntPtr hWnd,
                int nWidth, 
                int nHeight,
                bool softwareOnly,
                Channel channel
                DUCE.MILCMD_HWNDTARGET_CREATE command; 
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdHwndTargetCreate;
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget; 

                    // If the HWND has the highest bit set, casting it to UInt64
                    // directly will cause sign extension. Prevent this by casting 
                    // through a pointer and UIntPtr first. 
                    UIntPtr hWndUIntPtr = new UIntPtr(hWnd.ToPointer());
                    command.hwnd = (UInt64)hWndUIntPtr;
                command.width = (UInt32)nWidth;
                command.height = (UInt32)nHeight; 
                command.clearColor.b = 0.0f; 
                command.clearColor.r = 0.0f;
                command.clearColor.g = 0.0f; 
                command.clearColor.a = 1.0f;
                command.flags =
                    (UInt32)(MILRTInitializationFlags.MIL_RT_PRESENT_IMMEDIATELY |

                if (softwareOnly) 
                    // In some scenarios, we will want to ensure that the rendered content is 
                    // accessible through ntuser redirection. This is to allow graphics stream
                    // clients to selectively magnify some WPF applications through the use
                    // of the graphics stream, and some of them through legacy magnification
                    // (it could be triggered by versioning problems, rendering errors on the 
                    // graphics stream client side, etc.).
                    command.flags |= (UInt32)MILRTInitializationFlags.MIL_RT_SOFTWARE_ONLY;

                command.preFilteringDisabled = 0;
                command.hBitmap = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null;
                command.stride = 0; 
                command.ePixelFormat = 0;
                command.hSection = 0; 
                command.masterDevice = 0; 
                command.deviceId = MediaSystem.DeviceId;
            ///     Critical: This code calls into unsafe code blocks and suppresses remoting for a hwnd
            internal static void SuppressLayered(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                bool suppress, 
                Channel channel

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdHwndTargetSuppressLayered; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget;
                command.Suppress = (uint)(suppress ? 1 : 0); 
                Invariant.Assert(channel.IsLayeredWindowChannel, "This command is not valid for a primary channel");

            /// Critical - 1) The command being sent contains an unmanaged pointer.
            ///            2) This code accesses an unsafe code block. 
            internal static void PrintInitialize( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget,
                IntPtr pRenderTarget, 
                int nWidth,
                int nHeight,
                Channel channel
                DUCE.MILCMD_GENERICTARGET_CREATE command; 
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdGenericTargetCreate;
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget; 
                command.hwnd = 0;
                command.pRenderTarget = (UInt64)pRenderTarget;
                command.width = (UInt32)nWidth;
                command.height = (UInt32)nHeight; 
                command.dummy = 0;
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void SetClearColor(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                Color color,
                Channel channel 
                DUCE.MILCMD_TARGET_SETCLEARCOLOR command; 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdTargetSetClearColor;
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget;
                command.clearColor.b = color.ScB; 
                command.clearColor.r = color.ScR;
                command.clearColor.g = color.ScG; 
                command.clearColor.a = color.ScA; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetRenderingMode(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                MILRTInitializationFlags nRenderingMode, 
                Channel channel
                DUCE.MILCMD_TARGET_SETFLAGS command;

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdTargetSetFlags; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget;
                command.flags = (UInt32)nRenderingMode; 

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetRoot(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hRoot, 
                Channel channel
                DUCE.MILCMD_TARGET_SETROOT command;

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdTargetSetRoot; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget;
                command.hRoot = hRoot; 

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block.
            ///               We also pass across a handle to an event, which we get via SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle.
            internal static void UpdateWindowSettings(
                ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                NativeMethods.RECT windowRect, 
                Color colorKey,
                float constantAlpha, 
                MILWindowLayerType windowLayerType,
                MILTransparencyFlags transparencyMode,
                bool isChild,
                bool isRTL, 
                bool renderingEnabled,
                int disableCookie, 
                Channel channel 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdTargetUpdateWindowSettings;
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget; 

                command.renderingEnabled = (uint)(renderingEnabled ? 1 : 0); 
                command.disableCookie = (uint) disableCookie; 

                command.windowRect = windowRect; 

                command.colorKey.b = colorKey.ScB;
                command.colorKey.r = colorKey.ScR;
                command.colorKey.g = colorKey.ScG; 
                command.colorKey.a = colorKey.ScA;
                command.constantAlpha = constantAlpha; 
                command.transparencyMode = transparencyMode;
                command.windowLayerType = windowLayerType; 

                command.isChild = (uint)(isChild ? 1 : 0);
                command.isRTL = (uint)(isRTL ? 1 : 0);

                if (!renderingEnabled) 
                    // Wait for the command to be processed -- [....] flush will take care 
                    // of that while being safe w.r.t. zombie partitions.

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void Invalidate( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget,
                ref NativeMethods.RECT pRect, 
                Channel channel 
                DUCE.MILCMD_TARGET_INVALIDATE command;

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdTargetInvalidate;
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget; 
                command.rc = pRect;

        internal static class ETWEvent
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe:  It does not return any pointers and is safe to call
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void RaiseEvent(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hEtwEvent, 
                UInt32 id,
                Channel channel
                DUCE.MILCMD_ETWEVENTRESOURCE command;
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdEtwEventResource; 
                command.Handle = hEtwEvent;
                command.id = id; 


        /// DUCE.IResource
        internal interface IResource 
            DUCE.ResourceHandle AddRefOnChannel(Channel channel); 

            int GetChannelCount();

            DUCE.Channel GetChannel(int index); 

            void ReleaseOnChannel(Channel channel); 
            DUCE.ResourceHandle GetHandle(Channel channel);
            /// Only Vieport3DVisual and Visual3D implement this.
            /// Vieport3DVisual has two handles. One stored in _proxy
            /// and the other one stored in _proxy3D. This function returns 
            /// the handle stored in _proxy3D.
            DUCE.ResourceHandle Get3DHandle(Channel channel); 

            /// Sends a command to compositor to remove the child
            /// from its parent on the channel.
            void RemoveChildFromParent( 
                    IResource parent,
                    DUCE.Channel channel); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// File: exports.cs 
// Description: 
//     Managed exports from MIL core. 
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; 
using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Win32; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Security; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using Microsoft.Internal; 
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;

using UnsafeNativeMethods=MS.Win32.PresentationCore.UnsafeNativeMethods;
using SafeNativeMethods=MS.Win32.PresentationCore.SafeNativeMethods; 
using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR;
using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID; 
 * For the time being the flat composition api will be implemented on
 * top of milcore.h (the protocol api), this is only temporary we will
 * be adding type safe unmanaged exports to milcore.dll which will be
 * be called from the static functions. 

namespace System.Windows.Media.Composition 

    // enumeration of marshal types supported by the transport.
    internal enum ChannelMarshalType 
        ChannelMarshalTypeInvalid = 0x0, 
        ChannelMarshalTypeSameThread = 0x1, 
        ChannelMarshalTypeCrossThread = 0x2,
        ChannelMarshalTypeCrossProcess = 0x3, 
        ChannelMarshalTypeCrossMachine = 0x4

    /// Lock replacement till the CLR team gives us support to resolve the reentrancy issues
    /// with the CLR lock. 
    /// Prefered usage pattern: 
    ///    using (CompositionEngineLock.Acquire())
    ///    { 
    ///        ...
    ///    } 
    /// If you don't use this pattern remember to have a try finally block to release the lock 
    /// in the event of an exception.
    internal struct CompositionEngineLock : IDisposable
        /// Aquires the composition engine lock. 
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code 
        /// TreatAsSafe - all inputs validated, locking is safe
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal static CompositionEngineLock Acquire() 
            return new CompositionEngineLock();

        /// Releases the composition engine lock. Using Dispose enables the using syntax.
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code 
        /// TreatAsSafe - all inputs validated, unlocking is safe 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        public void Dispose()
    /// The following class only exists to clearly seperate the DUCE APIs 
    /// from the legacy resource APIs.
    internal partial class DUCE
        /// CopyBytes - Poor-man's mem copy.  Copies cbData from pbFrom to pbTo. 
        /// pbFrom and pbTo must be DWORD aligned, and cbData must be a multiple of 4. 
        ///  byte* pointing to the "to" array.  Must be DWORD aligned.  
        ///  byte* pointing to the "from" array.  Must be DWORD aligned. 
        ///  int - count of bytes to copy.  Must be a multiple of 4. 
        ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
        internal static unsafe void CopyBytes(byte* pbTo, 
                                              byte* pbFrom,
                                              int cbData) 
            // We'd like to only handle QWORD aligned data, but the CLR can't enforce this.
            // If there's no data to copy, it's ok if the pointers aren't aligned
            Debug.Assert((cbData == 0) || ((Int64)(IntPtr)pbFrom) % 4 == 0); 
            Debug.Assert((cbData == 0) || ((Int64)(IntPtr)pbTo) % 4 == 0);
            Debug.Assert(cbData % 4 == 0); 
            Debug.Assert(cbData >= 0); 

            Int32* pCurFrom32 = (Int32*)pbFrom; 
            Int32* pCurTo32 = (Int32*)pbTo;

            for (int i = 0; i < cbData / 4; i++)
                pCurTo32[i] = pCurFrom32[i];

        /// Critical - pinvoke wrappers
        [SecurityCritical(SecurityCriticalScope.Everything), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        private static class UnsafeNativeMethods 
            internal static extern /*HRESULT*/ int MilResource_CreateOrAddRefOnChannel( 
                IntPtr pChannel,
                DUCE.ResourceType resourceType, 
                ref DUCE.ResourceHandle hResource

            internal static extern /*HRESULT*/ int MilResource_DuplicateHandle(
                IntPtr pSourceChannel, 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle original, 
                IntPtr pTargetChannel,
                ref DUCE.ResourceHandle duplicate 

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilConnection_CreateChannel")]//CASRemoval:
            internal static extern int MilConnection_CreateChannel( 
                IntPtr pTransport,
                IntPtr hChannel, 
                out IntPtr channelHandle); 

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilConnection_DestroyChannel")]//CASRemoval: 
            internal static extern int MilConnection_DestroyChannel(
                IntPtr channelHandle);

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilChannel_CommitChannel")]//CASRemoval: 
            internal static extern int MilConnection_CommitChannel(
                IntPtr channelHandle); 
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilSyncPacketTransport_Present")]//CASRemoval:
            internal static extern int MilSyncPacketTransport_Present( 
                IntPtr pPacketTransport);

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilChannel_GetMarshalType")]
            internal static extern int MilChannel_GetMarshalType(IntPtr channelHandle, out ChannelMarshalType marshalType); 

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_SendCommand")]//CASRemoval: 
            unsafe internal static extern int MilResource_SendCommand( 
                byte *pbData,
                uint cbSize, 
                IntPtr pChannel);

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilChannel_BeginCommand")]//CASRemoval:
            unsafe internal static extern int MilChannel_BeginCommand( 
                IntPtr pChannel,
                byte *pbData, 
                uint cbSize, 
                uint cbExtra

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilChannel_AppendCommandData")]//CASRemoval:
            unsafe internal static extern int MilChannel_AppendCommandData(
                IntPtr pChannel, 
                byte *pbData,
                uint cbSize 

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilChannel_EndCommand")]//CASRemoval: 
            unsafe internal static extern int MilChannel_EndCommand(
                IntPtr pChannel);

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_SendCommandMedia")]//CASRemoval: 
            unsafe internal static extern int MilResource_SendCommandMedia(
                ResourceHandle handle, 
                SafeMediaHandle pMedia, 
                ResourceHandle  hImageSource,
                IntPtr pChannel, 
                bool  notifyUceDirect,
                bool  isRemote);

            [DllImport (DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_SendCommandBitmapSource")]//CASRemoval: 
            unsafe internal static extern int MilResource_SendCommandBitmapSource(
                ResourceHandle handle, 
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle pBitmapSource, 
                bool shareBitmap,
                bool systemMemoryBitmap, 
                IntPtr pChannel);

            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_ReleaseOnChannel")]//CASRemoval:
            internal static extern /*HRESULT*/ int MilResource_ReleaseOnChannel( 
                IntPtr pChannel,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hResource, 
                out int deleted 
            internal static extern int MilChannel_SetNotificationWindow(
                IntPtr pChannel,
                IntPtr hwnd, 
                int message
            internal static extern int MilComposition_WaitForNextMessage( 
                IntPtr pChannel,
                int nCount,
                IntPtr[] handles,
                int bWaitAll, 
                UInt32 waitTimeout,
                out int waitReturn 

            internal static extern int MilComposition_PeekNextMessage(
                IntPtr pChannel,
                out MilMessage.Message message,
                /* size_t */ IntPtr messageSize, 
                out int messageRetrieved
            [DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilResource_GetRefCountOnChannel")]
            internal static extern /*HRESULT*/ int MilResource_GetRefCountOnChannel( 
                IntPtr pChannel,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hResource,
                out uint refCount
        /// Define the value of an infinte wait in WaitForNextMessage.
        internal const UInt32 waitInfinite = UInt32.MaxValue;

        internal static class MilMessage
            /// The ID of each type of back-channel notification messages. 
            internal enum Type
                Invalid             = 0x00,

                SyncFlushReply      = 0x01,
                CaptureBitsReply    = 0x02, 
                Caps                = 0x04,
                PartitionIsZombie   = 0x06, 
                SyncModeStatus      = 0x09, 
                Presented           = 0x0A,
                BadPixelShader      = 0x10, 

                ForceDWORD          = unchecked((int)0xffffffff)
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)]
            internal struct CapsData 
                [FieldOffset(0)] internal Int32 CommonMinimumCaps;
                [FieldOffset(4)] internal UInt32 DisplayUniqueness; 
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal MilGraphicsAccelerationCaps Caps;

            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)] 
            internal struct PartitionIsZombieStatus
                [FieldOffset(0)] internal int HRESULTFailureCode; 
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)]
            internal struct SyncModeStatus
                [FieldOffset(0)] internal int Enabled; 
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)] 
            internal struct Presented
                [FieldOffset(0)] internal MIL_PRESENTATION_RESULTS PresentationResults;
                [FieldOffset(4)] internal int RefreshRate;
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal long PresentationTime;

            /// The union of all known back-channel notification messages. 
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)] 
            internal struct Message
                [FieldOffset(0)] internal Type Type;
                [FieldOffset(4)] internal int Reserved; 
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal CapsData Caps;
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal PartitionIsZombieStatus HRESULTFailure; 
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal Presented Presented; 
                [FieldOffset(8)] internal SyncModeStatus SyncModeStatus;

        /// A channel set is a container for a matched pair of channels, 
        /// one primary channel and out of band channel
        internal struct ChannelSet 
            internal Channel Channel; 
            internal Channel OutOfBandChannel;

        /// A Channel is a command pipe into a composition device.
        /// The commands send through a Channel are not executed till 
        /// Channel.Commit is called. Committing a Channel is an atomic operation. In 
        /// other words, all the commands are executed before the next frame is
        /// rendered. 
        /// A channel is also a hard boundary for UCE resources. That means that UCE
        /// resources created on one channel can not interact with resources on a different
        /// channel. 
        internal sealed partial class Channel 
            /// Primary channel. 
            /// Critical - Track usage of the channel pointer.
            IntPtr _hChannel; 
            private GlyphCache _glyphCache;
            private Channel _referenceChannel; 
            private bool _isSynchronous;
            private bool _isOutOfBandChannel;
            private bool _isLayeredWindowChannel;
            IntPtr _pSyncPacketTransport;
            /// The RemoveAndRelease-queue to hold parent and child information for
            /// performing a delayed remove and release on channel. 
            private List RemoveAndReleaseQueue;

            IntPtr _pTransport; 

            internal GlyphCache GlyphCache 
                    return _glyphCache;
            /// This function is called during removal and deletion 
            /// of Visual/Visual3D so that we don't put the command 
            /// immediately on the channel. Only when we process the
            /// queue at a later time, do we enqueue the command. 
            internal void AddToRemoveAndReleaseQueue(
                IResource parent,
                IResource child) 
                ParentAndChildResources p = new ParentAndChildResources(parent, child); 
            /// To clear out the queue once we are done processing them
            internal void ClearRemoveAndReleaseQueue() 

            /// returns whether the RemoveAndReleaseQueue is empty.
            internal bool IsRemoveAndReleaseQueueEmpty()
                return (RemoveAndReleaseQueue.Count == 0);

            /// This function processes the handles in the queue and removes
            /// the child from the parent for each entry by calling RemoveChild.
            internal void ProcessRemoveCommand() 
                int count = RemoveAndReleaseQueue.Count; 
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
                    DUCE.ParentAndChildResources node = RemoveAndReleaseQueue[i]; 
                    // We only send the Remove command if there is a parent.
                    // In case of RootVisual, there is no parent.
                    if (node.Parent != null)
                        // Depending upon the child (Visual/Visual3D)
                        // call the appropriate command. 
                        IResource v = node.Child;
            /// This function processes the Visual/Visual3D in the queues
            /// and calls ReleaseOnChannel for them.
            internal void ProcessReleaseCommand()
                int count = RemoveAndReleaseQueue.Count; 
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    IResource v = RemoveAndReleaseQueue[i].Child;

            /// Creates a channel and associates it with channel group (partition).
            /// New create channel will belong to the same partition as the given referenceChannel. 
            /// To create the very first channel in the group, use null argument.
            /// Critical - accesses critical resources (handles) 
            public Channel(Channel referenceChannel, bool isOutOfBandChannel, bool isLayeredWindowChannel, IntPtr pTransport, IntPtr pSyncPTransport) 
                IntPtr referenceChannelHandle = IntPtr.Zero; 

                _referenceChannel = referenceChannel;
                _pTransport = pTransport;
                _pSyncPacketTransport = pSyncPTransport; 
                _isOutOfBandChannel = isOutOfBandChannel;
                _isLayeredWindowChannel = isLayeredWindowChannel; 
                _isSynchronous = (pSyncPTransport != IntPtr.Zero);
                if (referenceChannel != null)
                    referenceChannelHandle = referenceChannel._hChannel;

                RemoveAndReleaseQueue = new List(); 
                    out _hChannel));

                _glyphCache = new GlyphCache(this); 
            /// Commits the commands enqueued into the Channel.
            ///    Critical: This code calls into MilConnection_CommitChannel which causes an elevation
            ///    TreatAsSafe: This commits operations to the channel.Commiting to a channel is safe
            internal void Commit() 
                if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                    // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more
                    // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished 
                    // processing the disconnect messages.


            ///   Flush the currently recorded commands to the target device and prepare 
            ///   to receive new commands. Block until last command was executed.
            ///   Critical - This code calls into MilComposition_SyncFlush which causes an elevation.
            ///   TreatAsSafe - The net effect is to wait until render completes.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal void SyncFlush() 
                if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                    // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more
                    // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished 
                    // processing the disconnect messages.



            /// Commits the channel and then closes it. 
            /// Critical - This code calls into MilConnection_CommitChannel and
            ///            MilConnection_DestroyChannel which causes an elevation.
            /// TreatAsSafe - Even if called prematurely, this will simply make all the subsequent
            ///               channel operations fail (whether silently or by raising an exception). 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal void Close() 
                if (_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero) 
                // If there is something stored in the queue, then we should process 
                // them before closing the channel. Otherwise we would leak memory 

                _glyphCache = null;
                _referenceChannel = null; 

                if (_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero) 

                    _hChannel = IntPtr.Zero; 
            /// Commits the commands enqueued into the Channel. 
            /// Critical    -- Calls into MilChannel_Present which causes an elevation.
            /// TreatAsSafe -- This call is only relevant to synchronous channels and causes the compositor 
            ///                associated with the synchronous channel to compose and present, which is
            ///                considered safe. Asynchronous channels no-op this call. 
            internal void Present() 
            /// Internal only: CreateOrAddRefOnChannel addrefs the resource corresponding to the 
            /// specified handle on the channel. 
            /// Returns true iff the resource was created on the channel. The caller is responsible to
            /// update the resource appropriately.
            /// Critical - Calls into MilResource_CreateOrAddRefOnChannel which causes an elevation.
            /// TreatAsSafe - All inputs are safe wrappers, manipulating handle on the channel 
            /// will only affect resources that belong to the current process. 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal bool CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(ref DUCE.ResourceHandle handle, DUCE.ResourceType resourceType)
                bool handleNeedsCreation = handle.IsNull;
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);
                    ref handle

                //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("CreateOrAddRefOnChannel: Channel: {0}, Resource: {1}, Type: {2},  ", _hChannel, handle._handle, resourceType)); 

                return handleNeedsCreation; 

            /// DuplicateHandle attempts to duplicate a handle from one channel to another.
            /// Naturally, this can only work if both the source and target channels are
            /// within the same partition.
            /// It is the responsibility of the caller to commit the source channel 
            /// to assure that duplication took place. 
            /// tables.
            /// Returns the duplicated handle (valid on the target channel) or the null
            /// handle if duplication failed.
            ///     Critical - Calls security critical code. 
            ///     TreatAsSafe - All inputs are safe wrappers, manipulating handle on the channel 
            ///                   will only affect resources that belong to the current process.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal DUCE.ResourceHandle DuplicateHandle(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle original,
                DUCE.Channel targetChannel 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle duplicate = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null; 

                //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("DuplicateHandle: Channel: {0}, Resource: {1}, Target channel: {2},  ", _hChannel, original._handle, targetChannel)); 

                    ref duplicate 

                return duplicate; 

            /// Internal only: ReleaseOnChannel releases the resource corresponding to the specified
            /// handle on the channel. 
            /// Returns true iff the resource is not on this channel anymore. 
            /// Critical - Calls security critical code.
            /// TreatAsSafe - All inputs are safe wrappers, manipulating handle on the channel 
            /// will only affect resources that belong to the current process.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal bool ReleaseOnChannel(DUCE.ResourceHandle handle)
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);

                //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("ReleaseOnChannel: Channel: {0}, Resource: {1}", _hChannel, handle._handle)); 

                int releasedOnChannel; 
                    out releasedOnChannel
                return (releasedOnChannel != 0);
            /// Internal only: GetRefCount returns the reference count of a resource 
            /// corresponding to the specified handle on the channel.
            /// Returns the ref count for a resource on this channel. 
            /// Critical - Calls security critical code. 
            /// TreatAsSafe - All inputs are safe wrappers, manipulating handle on the channel
            /// will only affect resources that belong to the current process. 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal uint GetRefCount(DUCE.ResourceHandle handle)
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);
                uint refCount;
                    out refCount 
                return refCount; 

            /// IsConnected returns true if the channel is connected.
            /// Critical - this code performs an elevation. 
            /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return whether a channel is connected or not. 
            internal bool IsConnected 
                [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
                    return MediaContext.CurrentMediaContext.IsConnected;

            /// MarshalType returns the marshal type of the channel.
            /// Critical - this code performs an elevation. 
            /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return a channel's marshal type.
            internal ChannelMarshalType MarshalType 
                [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                    Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);
                    ChannelMarshalType marshalType;
                        out marshalType

                    return marshalType;

            /// Returns whether the given channel is synchronous. 
            internal bool IsSynchronous 
                    return _isSynchronous; 
            /// Returns whether the given channel is an out of band channel. 
            internal bool IsOutOfBandChannel
                    return _isOutOfBandChannel; 
            /// Returns whether this is a specially purposed channel for
            /// drawing the local layered windows in a TS scenario
            internal bool IsLayeredWindowChannel
                    return _isLayeredWindowChannel; 

            /// SendCommand sends a command struct through the composition thread.
            /// Critical - This code performs an elevation.
            /// TreatAsSafe - This method is safe, as Channel structures can only be created 
            ///               by MediaContext and are hardened against invalid data.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
            unsafe internal void SendCommand( 
                byte *pCommandData,
                int cSize) 
                    Invariant.Assert(pCommandData != (byte*)0 && cSize > 0);

                    int hr = HRESULT.S_OK;
                    if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                        // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                        // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more 
                        // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished
                        // processing the disconnect messages.
                    // The pCommandData should not contain SecurityCritical resources; 
                    // SendSecurityCriticalCommand should be called instead.
                        hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilResource_SendCommand( 
                    catch (AccessViolationException)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Channel_InvalidCommandBufferPointer));

            /// SendSecurityCriticalCommand sends a command struct to the composition thread.
            /// It is used for sending commands which contain security critical fields like 
            /// hwnd and pointers 
            /// Critical - This code performs an elevation.
            unsafe internal void SendSecurityCriticalCommand( 
                byte *pCommandData,
                int cSize) 
                    Invariant.Assert(pCommandData != (byte*)0 && cSize > 0);

                    int hr = HRESULT.S_OK;
                    if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                        // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                        // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more 
                        // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished
                        // processing the disconnect messages.
                    // Make sure that this function is only called for SecurityCritical 
                    // command. Otherwise SendCommand should be called.
                        hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilResource_SendCommand( 
                    catch (AccessViolationException)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Channel_InvalidCommandBufferPointer));

            /// BeginCommand opens a command on a channel 
            /// Critical - This code performs an elevation. 
            /// TreatAsSafe - This method is safe, as Channel structures can only be created
            ///               by MediaContext and are hardened against invalid data. 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            unsafe internal void BeginCommand(
                byte *pbCommandData, 
                int cbSize,
                int cbExtra) 
                    Invariant.Assert(cbSize > 0);

                    int hr = HRESULT.S_OK;
                    if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                        // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                        // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more 
                        // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished
                        // processing the disconnect messages.
                        hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilChannel_BeginCommand(
                    catch (AccessViolationException)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Channel_InvalidCommandBufferPointer));

            /// AppendCommandData appends data to an open command on a channel 
            /// Critical - This code performs an elevation.
            /// TreatAsSafe - This method is safe, as Channel structures can only be created 
            ///               by MediaContext and are hardened against invalid data.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            unsafe internal void AppendCommandData(
                byte *pbCommandData, 
                int cbSize)
                    Invariant.Assert(pbCommandData != (byte*)0 && cbSize > 0);
                    int hr = HRESULT.S_OK; 

                    if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero) 
                        // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen
                        // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more 
                        // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished
                        // processing the disconnect messages. 


                        hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.MilChannel_AppendCommandData(
                    catch (AccessViolationException)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Channel_InvalidCommandBufferPointer)); 

            /// EndCommand closes an open command on a channel
            /// Critical - this code performs an elevation. 
            /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to end a command in a well known channel. 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal void EndCommand()
                if (_hChannel == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // If the channel has been closed, fail silently. This could happen 
                    // for the service channel if we are in disconnected state whhen more 
                    // that one media contexts are present and not all of them have finished
                    // processing the disconnect messages. 



            /// SendCommand that creates an slave bitmap resource
            /// Critical - this code performs an elevation. 
            internal void SendCommandBitmapSource( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle imageHandle,
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle pBitmapSource, 
                bool shareBitmap,
                bool systemMemoryBitmap)
                Invariant.Assert(pBitmapSource != null && !pBitmapSource.IsInvalid); 
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);

            /// SendCommand that creates an slave media resource 
            /// Critical - this code performs an elevation.
            internal void SendCommandMedia( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle mediaHandle,
                SafeMediaHandle pMedia, 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle imageSourceHandle, 
                bool notifyUceDirect,
                bool isRemote 
                Invariant.Assert(pMedia != null && !pMedia.IsInvalid);
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);
            /// Specifies the window and window message to be sent when messages
            /// become available in the back channel. 
            /// The target of the notification messages. If this parameter is null
            /// then the channel stop sending window messages. 
            /// The window message ID. If the hwnd parameter is null then this 
            /// parameter is ignored.
            /// Critical        - Passes a window handle to native code. This will
            ///                   cause milcore to periodically post the specified
            ///                   message to the specified window. The caller is 
            ///                   safe if it owns the window and the message was
            ///                   registered with RegisterMessage. 
            internal void SetNotificationWindow(IntPtr hwnd, int message) 
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);


            /// Waits until a message is available on this channel. The message
            /// can be later retrieved with the PeekNextMessage method. 
            /// The method may return with no available messages if the channel 
            /// is disconnected while waiting.
            /// Critical        - Blocks the thread until the channel receives
            ///                   a message. This is unsafe if done by any
            ///                   component other than the owner of the channel 
            ///                   because the channel may not send any
            ///                   messages, in which case the function will 
            ///                   never return. Only the owner of the channel 
            ///                   knows whether a message can be reasonably
            ///                   expected to eventually be sent. 
            internal void WaitForNextMessage()
                int waitReturn;
                    1, /* true */
                    out waitReturn 
            /// Gets the next available message on this channel. This method 
            /// does not wait if a message is not immediately available.
            /// Receives the message. 
            /// True if a message was retrieved, false otherwise. 
            /// Critical        - Removes a message from the channel. This is
            ///                   unsafe if done by any component other than
            ///                   the owner of the channel because eating
            ///                   messages may result in the process hanging. 
            ///                   Also has an unsafe block, but that is safe
            ///                   to callers because we just need it to use 
            ///                   the sizeof operator. 
            internal bool PeekNextMessage(out MilMessage.Message message)
                Invariant.Assert(_hChannel != IntPtr.Zero);
                int messageRetrieved;
                            out message, 
                            out messageRetrieved 

                return (messageRetrieved != 0);

        /// Store the parent and child  for sending remove and release commands on 
        /// the channel at a later time.
        internal struct ParentAndChildResources
            private IResource _parent;
            private IResource _child; 

            public ParentAndChildResources( 
                IResource parent, 
                IResource child)
                _parent = parent;
                _child = child;
            public IResource Child
                    return _child; 

            public IResource Parent 
                    return _parent;

        /// The Resource structure encapsulates the functionality
        /// required to hold on to a UCE resource. A resource can be sent to a 
        /// channel by calling CreateOrAddRefOnChannel. The resource can be deleted 
        /// from a channel by calling ReleaseOnChannel.
        /// With resources the handle management is completely hidden from the caller.
        internal struct Resource
            public static readonly Resource Null = new Resource(DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null);
            private DUCE.ResourceHandle _handle; 
            private Channel _debugOnly_Channel; 

            /// Creates a resource from a type and ResourceHandle.
            /// This is currently only used for some hwnd interop code in the VisualManager. 
            public Resource(DUCE.ResourceHandle h)
                _handle = h;
                _debugOnly_Channel = null;
            /// CreatesOrAddRefs the resource on the specified channel.
            public bool CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(Channel channel, DUCE.ResourceType type)
                Debug.Assert(channel != null);
#if DEBUG 
                _debugOnly_Channel = channel;
                return channel.CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(ref _handle, type);

            /// Releases the resource from the specified channel.
            /// Returns true if the resource is not anymore on the specified channel 
            /// otherwise false. 
            /// Returns true iff the resource is not used on the specified channel anymore.
            public bool ReleaseOnChannel(Channel channel)
                Debug.Assert(channel != null);
#if DEBUG 
                Debug.Assert(_debugOnly_Channel == channel); 
                if (channel.ReleaseOnChannel(_handle)) 
                    _handle = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null;
                    return true;
                return false;
            /// Checks if a resource was created on the specified channel. 
            public bool IsOnChannel(Channel channel)
#if DEBUG 
                Debug.Assert(_debugOnly_Channel == channel);
                return !_handle.IsNull; 

            /// Returns the real UInt32 handle.
            public DUCE.ResourceHandle Handle { get { return _handle; } }
        /// ResourceHandle currently encapsulates an unmanaged resource handle. 
        internal struct ResourceHandle
            public static readonly ResourceHandle Null = new ResourceHandle(0);
            public static explicit operator uint(ResourceHandle r) 
                return r._handle; 

            private UInt32 _handle; 
            public ResourceHandle(UInt32 handle) { _handle = handle; }
            /// Checks if the handle is null.
            public bool IsNull { get { return (_handle == 0); } }

        /// This is a generic map that maps a key to a value. It is heavily optimized
        /// for a single entry. 
        /// We are using this map to map a resource onto multple channels. This is non-optimal 
        /// solution. The map is currently used by the MultiChannelResource. Eventually, when all
        /// the UCE underlyings are in place, we will be able to remove the MultiChannelResource.
        internal struct Map 
            /// Struct for single entry. 
            private struct Entry 
                public Entry(object k, ValueType v)
                    _key = k; 
                    _value = v;
                public object _key;
                public ValueType _value; 

            private const int FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE = -1;
            private const int NOT_FOUND = -2; 

            // This data structure is optimized for single entry. _first is the one entry that we inline 
            // into the struct for that purpose. 
            private Entry _first;
            // All other entries go into the generic _others list. 
            private List _others;

            public bool IsEmpty()
                if (_first._key != null)
                    return false; 
                if (_others != null)
                    return false;

                return true; 

            /// Finds the index of the entry with the specified key. Returns FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE if the
            /// key is stored in the _first inlined entry and NOT_FOUND if the key could not be found.
            /// Otherwise the method returns the index into the _others list.
            private int Find(object key)
                int index = NOT_FOUND; // Not found. 

                if (_first._key != null) 
                    if (_first._key == key)
                        index = FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE; // It's stored in our inlined storage. 
                        if (_others != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < _others.Count; i++)
                                if (_others[i]._key == key)
                                    index = i;
                    Debug.Assert(_others == null, "There shouldn't be anything stored in the others array."); 
                return index;

            /// Associates a key with the specified value. If the entry already exits the old value is overriden.
            public void Set(object key, ValueType value) 
                int index = Find(key); 

                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE)
                    _first._value = value; 
                    if (index == NOT_FOUND)
                        if (_first._key == null)
                            _first = new Entry(key, value);
                            if (_others == null) 
                                _others = new List(2); // by default we have two entries in the extra storage. 

                            _others.Add(new Entry(key, value));
                        _others[index] = new Entry(key, value);

            /// Removes an entry from the map. Returns true if the entry to the specified index existed and was removed
            /// otherwise false. 
            public bool Remove(object key)
                int index = Find(key);

                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE)
                    if (_others != null)
                        Debug.Assert(_others.Count > 0); 
                        int j = _others.Count-1;
                        _first = _others[j]; 
                        if (j == 0) // Only one entry in the array.
                            _others = null;
                    _first = new Entry();
                    return true; 
                    if (index >= 0)
                        if (_others.Count == 1) 
                            Debug.Assert(index == 0); 
                            _others = null; 
                        return true;
                return false;

            /// Gets the value for the specified key. If the entry for the specified key could not
            /// be found the Get method returns false otherwise true. 
            public bool Get(object key, out ValueType value) 
                int index = Find(key);
                value = default(ValueType);

                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE)
                    value = _first._value;
                    return true; 
                    if (index >= 0)
                        value = _others[index]._value;
                        return true; 
                        return false;

            /// Gets the object count in the map.
            public int Count() 
                if (_first._key == null) 
                    return 0;
                else if (_others == null) 
                    return 1; 
                    return _others.Count + 1;
            /// Gets the object at a given index. 
            public object Get(int index)
                if (index >= Count())
                    return null;

                if (index == 0) 
                    return _first._key;

                return _others[index - 1]._key;
        /// This is a generic map that maps a key to a value. It is heavily optimized
        /// for a single entry. 
        /// We are using this map to map a resource onto multple channels. This is non-optimal
        /// solution. The map is currently used by the MultiChannelResource. Eventually, when all 
        /// the UCE underlyings are in place, we will be able to remove the MultiChannelResource.
        internal struct Map 
            /// Struct for single entry.
            private struct Entry
                public Entry(object k, DUCE.ResourceHandle v)
                    _key = k; 
                    _value = v;

                public object _key;
                public DUCE.ResourceHandle _value;

            private const int FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE = -1; 
            private const int NOT_FOUND = -2; 

            // This data structure is optimized for single entry. _head is the one entry that we inline 
            // into the struct for that purpose.  If there are more than one entries, we store a list of
            // entries in _head._key and DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null in _value.
            private Entry _head;
            public bool IsEmpty()
                return _head._key == null; 
            /// Finds the index of the entry with the specified key. Returns FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE if the
            /// key is stored in the _head inlined entry and NOT_FOUND if the key could not be found.
            /// Otherwise the method returns the index into the "others" list. 
            private int Find(object key) 
                int index = NOT_FOUND; // Not found.
                if (_head._key != null)
                    if (_head._key == key)
                        index = FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE; // It's stored in our inlined storage.
                        if (_head._value.IsNull) 
                            List others = (List)(_head._key);

                            for (int i = 0; i < others.Count; i++) 
                                if (others[i]._key == key) 
                                    index = i;
                return index; 
            /// Associates a key with the specified value. If the entry already exits the old value is overriden.
            public void Set(object key, DUCE.ResourceHandle value) 
                int index = Find(key); 
                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE)
                    _head._value = value;
                    if (index == NOT_FOUND)
                        // The key was not found. 
                        // Is the Map empty?
                        if (_head._key == null) 
                            _head = new Entry(key, value);
                            // The Map isn't empty - does it have 1 entry (!_value.IsNull) or more? 
                            if (!_head._value.IsNull) 
                                // There's 1 entry - allocate a list... 
                                List others = new List(2); // by default we have two entries in the extra storage.

                                // ...move the old single entry into the List...
                                // ...add the new entry...
                                others.Add(new Entry(key, value)); 
                                // ... and replace the single entry
                                _head._key = others; 
                                _head._value = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null;

                                // There's already a List - simply add the new entry to the list. 
                                ((List)(_head._key)).Add(new Entry(key, value)); 
                        ((List)(_head._key))[index] = new Entry(key, value); 

            /// Removes an entry from the map. Returns true if the entry to the specified index existed and was removed
            /// otherwise false.
            public bool Remove(object key) 
                int index = Find(key); 
                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE)
                    _head = new Entry();

                    return true;
                    if (index >= 0) 
                        List others = (List)_head._key; 

                        // If the Count() is 1, index would either have been FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE or
                        // NOT_FOUND, so Count() must be 2 or more.
                        // If it is exactly 2, this means that after removal there will only be one 
                        // value left, which will be stored in _head.
                        if (Count() == 2) 
                            Debug.Assert(index <= 1);
                            // If the index is 0, we remove 0 and store 1 in _head.
                            // If the index is 1, we remove 1 and store 0 in _head.

                            _head = others[1 - index]; 

                        return true;
                return false;
            /// Gets the value for the specified key. If the entry for the specified key could not 
            /// be found the Get method returns false otherwise true.
            public bool Get(object key, out DUCE.ResourceHandle value)
                int index = Find(key);
                value = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null; 

                if (index == FOUND_IN_INLINE_STORAGE) 
                    value = _head._value;
                    return true;
                    if (index >= 0) 
                        value = ((List)_head._key)[index]._value; 
                        return true;
                        return false;
            /// Gets the object count in the map.
            public int Count() 
                if (_head._key == null) 
                    return 0;
                else if (!_head._value.IsNull)
                    return 1;
                    return ((List)_head._key).Count; 

            /// Gets the object at a given index.
            public object Get(int index)
                if ((index >= Count()) || (index < 0)) 
                    return null; 

                if (Count() == 1)
                    Debug.Assert(index == 0);
                    return _head._key; 

                return ((List)_head._key)[index]._key; 

        /// ShareableDUCEMultiChannelResource class - this class simply wraps a MultiChannelResource, 
        /// enabling it to be shared/handed off/etc via reference semantics. 
        /// Note that this is ~8 bytes larger than the struct MultiChannelResource.
        internal class ShareableDUCEMultiChannelResource
            public MultiChannelResource _duceResource;

        /// A multi-channel resource encapsulates a resource that can be used on multiple channels at the same time.
        internal struct MultiChannelResource
            private Map _map;
            /// CreatesOrAddRefs the resource on the specified channel. 
            /// Returns true iff the resource is not used on the specified channel anymore.
            /// The method is not synchronized. If the resource is used in a multi-threaded scenario, the
            /// caller is responsible for taking a lock before calling CreateOrAddRefOnChannel or ReleaseOnChannel. 
            public bool CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(Channel channel, DUCE.ResourceType type) 
                Debug.Assert(channel != null);
                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle; 
                bool inmap = _map.Get(channel, out handle);

                bool created = channel.CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(ref handle, type);
                if (!inmap)
                    _map.Set(channel, handle); 
                return created;

            /// Attempts to duplicate a handle to the specified target channel.
            /// The idea here is to attempt to find a compatible channel among
            /// the channels this resource has been marshalled to. 
            /// The channel to duplicate the handle from.
            /// The channel to duplicate the handle to.
            public DUCE.ResourceHandle DuplicateHandle(Channel sourceChannel, Channel targetChannel) 
                Debug.Assert(sourceChannel != null); 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle duplicate = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null; 

                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null; 
                bool found = _map.Get(sourceChannel, out handle);

                // The multi channel resource should not exist on the target channel.
                // Our current implementation only keeps a map of the channel and the handle 
                // so only one instance of this resource can be on one channel. 
                Debug.Assert(!(_map.Get(targetChannel, out duplicate))); 

                duplicate = sourceChannel.DuplicateHandle(handle, targetChannel);

                if (!duplicate.IsNull) 
                    _map.Set(targetChannel, duplicate); 

                return duplicate; 

            /// Releases the resource from the specified channel. 
            /// Returns true if the resource is not anymore on the specified channel
            /// otherwise false. 
            /// The method is not synchronized. If the resource is used in a multi-threaded scenario, the 
            /// caller is responsible for taking a lock before calling CreateOrAddRefOnChannel or ReleaseOnChannel.
            /// Returns true iff the resource is not used on the specified channel anymore. 
            public bool ReleaseOnChannel(Channel channel) 
                Debug.Assert(channel != null);
                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle;

                bool found = _map.Get(channel, out handle);

                if (channel.ReleaseOnChannel(handle)) 
                    // The handle isn't used on the specified channel anymore. Therefore 
                    // we can reclaim the handle.
                    return true;
                return false;
            /// Returns the ResourceHandle for this resource on the specified channel. 
            public DUCE.ResourceHandle GetHandle(Channel channel)
                DUCE.ResourceHandle h; 

                if (channel != null) 
                    _map.Get(channel, out h);
                    h = ResourceHandle.Null;
                return h;
            /// Checks if a resource was created on the specified channel. 
            public bool IsOnChannel(Channel channel)
                return !GetHandle(channel).IsNull; 
            /// Checks if a resource was created on any channel.
            public bool IsOnAnyChannel
                    return !_map.IsEmpty();

            public int GetChannelCount() 
                return _map.Count();
            public DUCE.Channel GetChannel(int index)
                return _map.Get(index) as DUCE.Channel; 

            public uint GetRefCountOnChannel(Channel channel)
                Debug.Assert(channel != null); 

                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle; 
                bool found = _map.Get(channel, out handle);

                return channel.GetRefCount(handle);

        internal static class CompositionNode 
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Public imports for composition nodes. 
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            internal static void SetTransform( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hTransform, 
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETTRANSFORM command;
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetTransform;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                command.hTransform = hTransform; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            internal static void SetEffect( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hEffect,
                Channel channel) 
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETEFFECT command;

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetEffect; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hEffect = hEffect; 

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetOffset(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                double offsetX, 
                double offsetY,
                Channel channel) 
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETOFFSET command;
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetOffset;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                command.offsetX = offsetX;
                command.offsetY = offsetY; 
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void SetContent( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hContent, 
                Channel channel) 
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETCONTENT command; 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetContent;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hContent = hContent; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void SetAlpha(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                double alpha, 
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETALPHA command; 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetAlpha; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.alpha = alpha;


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void SetAlphaMask( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hAlphaMaskBrush,
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETALPHAMASK command;
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetAlphaMask; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hAlphaMask = hAlphaMaskBrush; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetClip( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hClip, 
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_SETCLIP command;
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetClip;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                command.hClip = hClip; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetRenderOptions(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                MILRenderOptions renderOptions, 
                Channel channel)

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetRenderOptions;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                command.renderOptions = renderOptions;

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void RemoveChild( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hChild, 
                Channel channel) 
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_REMOVECHILD command; 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualRemoveChild;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hChild = hChild; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void RemoveChildOutOfBand(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hChild, 
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_REMOVECHILD command; 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualRemoveChild; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hChild = hChild;



            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void RemoveAllChildren(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                Channel channel) 
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualRemoveAllChildren;
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void InsertChildAt( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hChild, 
                UInt32 iPosition,
                Channel channel)
                DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL_INSERTCHILDAT command; 
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualInsertChildAt; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                command.hChild = hChild; 
                command.index = iPosition;


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetGuidelineCollection(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                DoubleCollection guidelinesX,
                DoubleCollection guidelinesY,
                Channel channel

                    int countX = guidelinesX == null ? 0 : guidelinesX.Count;
                    int countY = guidelinesY == null ? 0 : guidelinesY.Count;
                    int countXY = countX + countY; 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisualSetGuidelineCollection; 
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                    command.countX = (UInt16)countX;
                    command.countY = (UInt16)countY; 

                    if (countX == 0 && countY == 0)
                        double[] doubleArray = new double[countXY];
                        if (countX != 0) 
                            guidelinesX.CopyTo(doubleArray, 0); 
                            Array.Sort(doubleArray, 0, countX);

                        if (countY != 0) 
                            guidelinesY.CopyTo(doubleArray, countX); 
                            Array.Sort(doubleArray, countX, countY); 
                        float[] floatArray = new float[countXY];
                        for (int i = 0; i < countXY; i++)
                            floatArray[i] = (float)(double)(doubleArray[i]); 
                                sizeof(float) * countXY

                            fixed (float* pData = floatArray) 
                                    sizeof(float) * countXY

        internal static class Viewport3DVisualNode
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            internal static void SetCamera(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCamera,
                Channel channel) 
                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdViewport3DVisualSetCamera;
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                    command.hCamera = hCamera;

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            internal static void SetViewport(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                Rect viewport,
                Channel channel)
                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdViewport3DVisualSetViewport;
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                    command.Viewport = viewport;

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            internal static void Set3DChild( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hVisual3D,
                Channel channel) 
                    DUCE.MILCMD_VIEWPORT3DVISUAL_SET3DCHILD command; 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdViewport3DVisualSet3DChild; 
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                    command.hChild = hVisual3D;

        internal static class Visual3DNode 
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void RemoveChild( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hChild, 
                Channel channel)
                    DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL3D_REMOVECHILD command;
                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisual3DRemoveChild; 
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                    command.hChild = hChild; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void RemoveAllChildren(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode, 
                Channel channel) 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisual3DRemoveAllChildren; 
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void InsertChildAt(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hChild,
                UInt32 iPosition, 
                Channel channel)
                    DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL3D_INSERTCHILDAT command; 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisual3DInsertChildAt;
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode; 
                    command.hChild = hChild;
                    command.index = iPosition; 

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void SetContent(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hContent, 
                Channel channel)
                    DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL3D_SETCONTENT command; 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisual3DSetContent;
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                    command.hContent = hContent; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            internal static void SetTransform( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionNode,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hTransform,
                Channel channel)
                    DUCE.MILCMD_VISUAL3D_SETTRANSFORM command; 

                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdVisual3DSetTransform; 
                    command.Handle = hCompositionNode;
                    command.hTransform = hTransform;


        internal static class DrawingGroupNode
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetContent(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hDrawingGroup,
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hContent,
                Channel channel) 
                    DUCE.MILCMD_DRAWINGGROUP_SETCONTENT command;
                    command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdDrawingGroupSetContent;
                    command.Handle = hDrawingGroup;
                    command.hContent = hContent;


        internal static class CompositionTarget 
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Public imports for composition targets. 
            ///     Critical: This code calls into unsafe code blocks and initialized hwnd for composition target
            internal static void HwndInitialize( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                IntPtr hWnd,
                int nWidth, 
                int nHeight,
                bool softwareOnly,
                Channel channel
                DUCE.MILCMD_HWNDTARGET_CREATE command; 
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdHwndTargetCreate;
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget; 

                    // If the HWND has the highest bit set, casting it to UInt64
                    // directly will cause sign extension. Prevent this by casting 
                    // through a pointer and UIntPtr first. 
                    UIntPtr hWndUIntPtr = new UIntPtr(hWnd.ToPointer());
                    command.hwnd = (UInt64)hWndUIntPtr;
                command.width = (UInt32)nWidth;
                command.height = (UInt32)nHeight; 
                command.clearColor.b = 0.0f; 
                command.clearColor.r = 0.0f;
                command.clearColor.g = 0.0f; 
                command.clearColor.a = 1.0f;
                command.flags =
                    (UInt32)(MILRTInitializationFlags.MIL_RT_PRESENT_IMMEDIATELY |

                if (softwareOnly) 
                    // In some scenarios, we will want to ensure that the rendered content is 
                    // accessible through ntuser redirection. This is to allow graphics stream
                    // clients to selectively magnify some WPF applications through the use
                    // of the graphics stream, and some of them through legacy magnification
                    // (it could be triggered by versioning problems, rendering errors on the 
                    // graphics stream client side, etc.).
                    command.flags |= (UInt32)MILRTInitializationFlags.MIL_RT_SOFTWARE_ONLY;

                command.preFilteringDisabled = 0;
                command.hBitmap = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null;
                command.stride = 0; 
                command.ePixelFormat = 0;
                command.hSection = 0; 
                command.masterDevice = 0; 
                command.deviceId = MediaSystem.DeviceId;
            ///     Critical: This code calls into unsafe code blocks and suppresses remoting for a hwnd
            internal static void SuppressLayered(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                bool suppress, 
                Channel channel

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdHwndTargetSuppressLayered; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget;
                command.Suppress = (uint)(suppress ? 1 : 0); 
                Invariant.Assert(channel.IsLayeredWindowChannel, "This command is not valid for a primary channel");

            /// Critical - 1) The command being sent contains an unmanaged pointer.
            ///            2) This code accesses an unsafe code block. 
            internal static void PrintInitialize( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget,
                IntPtr pRenderTarget, 
                int nWidth,
                int nHeight,
                Channel channel
                DUCE.MILCMD_GENERICTARGET_CREATE command; 
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdGenericTargetCreate;
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget; 
                command.hwnd = 0;
                command.pRenderTarget = (UInt64)pRenderTarget;
                command.width = (UInt32)nWidth;
                command.height = (UInt32)nHeight; 
                command.dummy = 0;
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void SetClearColor(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                Color color,
                Channel channel 
                DUCE.MILCMD_TARGET_SETCLEARCOLOR command; 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdTargetSetClearColor;
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget;
                command.clearColor.b = color.ScB; 
                command.clearColor.r = color.ScR;
                command.clearColor.g = color.ScG; 
                command.clearColor.a = color.ScA; 


            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetRenderingMode(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                MILRTInitializationFlags nRenderingMode, 
                Channel channel
                DUCE.MILCMD_TARGET_SETFLAGS command;

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdTargetSetFlags; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget;
                command.flags = (UInt32)nRenderingMode; 

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void SetRoot(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hRoot, 
                Channel channel
                DUCE.MILCMD_TARGET_SETROOT command;

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdTargetSetRoot; 
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget;
                command.hRoot = hRoot; 

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block.
            ///               We also pass across a handle to an event, which we get via SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle.
            internal static void UpdateWindowSettings(
                ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget, 
                NativeMethods.RECT windowRect, 
                Color colorKey,
                float constantAlpha, 
                MILWindowLayerType windowLayerType,
                MILTransparencyFlags transparencyMode,
                bool isChild,
                bool isRTL, 
                bool renderingEnabled,
                int disableCookie, 
                Channel channel 

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdTargetUpdateWindowSettings;
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget; 

                command.renderingEnabled = (uint)(renderingEnabled ? 1 : 0); 
                command.disableCookie = (uint) disableCookie; 

                command.windowRect = windowRect; 

                command.colorKey.b = colorKey.ScB;
                command.colorKey.r = colorKey.ScR;
                command.colorKey.g = colorKey.ScG; 
                command.colorKey.a = colorKey.ScA;
                command.constantAlpha = constantAlpha; 
                command.transparencyMode = transparencyMode;
                command.windowLayerType = windowLayerType; 

                command.isChild = (uint)(isChild ? 1 : 0);
                command.isRTL = (uint)(isRTL ? 1 : 0);

                if (!renderingEnabled) 
                    // Wait for the command to be processed -- [....] flush will take care 
                    // of that while being safe w.r.t. zombie partitions.

            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe: Operation is ok to call. It does not return any pointers and sending a pointer to a channel is safe
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal static void Invalidate( 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hCompositionTarget,
                ref NativeMethods.RECT pRect, 
                Channel channel 
                DUCE.MILCMD_TARGET_INVALIDATE command;

                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdTargetInvalidate;
                command.Handle = hCompositionTarget; 
                command.rc = pRect;

        internal static class ETWEvent
            ///     Critical: This code accesses an unsafe code block 
            ///     TreatAsSafe:  It does not return any pointers and is safe to call
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal static void RaiseEvent(
                DUCE.ResourceHandle hEtwEvent, 
                UInt32 id,
                Channel channel
                DUCE.MILCMD_ETWEVENTRESOURCE command;
                command.Type = MILCMD.MilCmdEtwEventResource; 
                command.Handle = hEtwEvent;
                command.id = id; 


        /// DUCE.IResource
        internal interface IResource 
            DUCE.ResourceHandle AddRefOnChannel(Channel channel); 

            int GetChannelCount();

            DUCE.Channel GetChannel(int index); 

            void ReleaseOnChannel(Channel channel); 
            DUCE.ResourceHandle GetHandle(Channel channel);
            /// Only Vieport3DVisual and Visual3D implement this.
            /// Vieport3DVisual has two handles. One stored in _proxy
            /// and the other one stored in _proxy3D. This function returns 
            /// the handle stored in _proxy3D.
            DUCE.ResourceHandle Get3DHandle(Channel channel); 

            /// Sends a command to compositor to remove the child
            /// from its parent on the channel.
            void RemoveChildFromParent( 
                    IResource parent,
                    DUCE.Channel channel); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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