/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / Sockets / _AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult.cs / 1 / _AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Net.Sockets { using System; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.Win32; // // AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult - used to take care of storage for async Socket BeginAccept call. // internal class AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult : BaseOverlappedAsyncResult { // // internal class members // private int m_LocalBytesTransferred; private Socket m_ListenSocket; private Socket m_AcceptSocket; private int m_AddressBufferLength; private byte[] m_Buffer; // Constructor. We take in the socket that's creating us, the caller's // state object, and the buffer on which the I/O will be performed. // We save the socket and state, pin the callers's buffer, and allocate // an event for the WaitHandle. // internal AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult(Socket listenSocket, Object asyncState, AsyncCallback asyncCallback) : base(listenSocket, asyncState, asyncCallback) { m_ListenSocket = listenSocket; } #if !FEATURE_PAL // // This method will be called by us when the IO completes synchronously and // by the ThreadPool when the IO completes asynchronously. (only called on WinNT) // internal override object PostCompletion(int numBytes) { SocketError errorCode = (SocketError)ErrorCode; SocketAddress remoteSocketAddress = null; if (errorCode==SocketError.Success) { m_LocalBytesTransferred = numBytes; if(Logging.On)LogBuffer((long)numBytes); //get the endpoint remoteSocketAddress = m_ListenSocket.m_RightEndPoint.Serialize(); IntPtr localAddr; int localAddrLength; IntPtr remoteAddr; UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.GetAcceptExSockaddrs( Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_Buffer, 0), m_Buffer.Length - (m_AddressBufferLength * 2), m_AddressBufferLength, m_AddressBufferLength, out localAddr, out localAddrLength, out remoteAddr, out remoteSocketAddress.m_Size ); Marshal.Copy(remoteAddr, remoteSocketAddress.m_Buffer, 0, remoteSocketAddress.m_Size); //set the socket context try { IntPtr handle = m_ListenSocket.SafeHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); errorCode = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.setsockopt( m_AcceptSocket.SafeHandle, SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.UpdateAcceptContext, ref handle, Marshal.SizeOf(handle)); if (errorCode == SocketError.SocketError) errorCode = (SocketError) Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); GlobalLog.Print("AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::PostCallback() setsockopt handle:" + handle.ToString() + " AcceptSocket:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(m_AcceptSocket) + " itsHandle:" + m_AcceptSocket.SafeHandle.DangerousGetHandle().ToString() + " returns:" + errorCode.ToString()); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { errorCode = SocketError.OperationAborted; } ErrorCode = (int)errorCode; } if (errorCode==SocketError.Success) { return m_ListenSocket.UpdateAcceptSocket(m_AcceptSocket, m_ListenSocket.m_RightEndPoint.Create(remoteSocketAddress), false); } else return null; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL // // SetUnmanagedStructures - // Fills in Overlapped Structures used in an Async Overlapped Winsock call // these calls are outside the runtime and are unmanaged code, so we need // to prepare specific structures and ints that lie in unmanaged memory // since the Overlapped calls can be Async // internal void SetUnmanagedStructures(byte[] buffer, int addressBufferLength) { // has to be called first to pin memory base.SetUnmanagedStructures(buffer); // // Fill in Buffer Array structure that will be used for our send/recv Buffer // m_AddressBufferLength = addressBufferLength; m_Buffer = buffer; } /* // Consider removing. internal void SetUnmanagedStructures(byte[] buffer, int addressBufferLength, ref OverlappedCache overlappedCache) { SetupCache(ref overlappedCache); SetUnmanagedStructures(buffer, addressBufferLength); } */ void LogBuffer(long size) { GlobalLog.Assert(Logging.On, "AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult#{0}::LogBuffer()|Logging is off!", ValidationHelper.HashString(this)); IntPtr pinnedBuffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_Buffer, 0); if (pinnedBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { if (size > -1) { Logging.Dump(Logging.Sockets, m_ListenSocket, "PostCompletion", pinnedBuffer, (int)Math.Min(size, (long)m_Buffer.Length)); } else { Logging.Dump(Logging.Sockets, m_ListenSocket, "PostCompletion", pinnedBuffer, (int)m_Buffer.Length); } } } internal byte[] Buffer { get { return m_Buffer; } } internal int BytesTransferred { get { return m_LocalBytesTransferred; } } internal Socket AcceptSocket { set { m_AcceptSocket = value; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Net.Sockets { using System; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.Win32; // // AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult - used to take care of storage for async Socket BeginAccept call. // internal class AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult : BaseOverlappedAsyncResult { // // internal class members // private int m_LocalBytesTransferred; private Socket m_ListenSocket; private Socket m_AcceptSocket; private int m_AddressBufferLength; private byte[] m_Buffer; // Constructor. We take in the socket that's creating us, the caller's // state object, and the buffer on which the I/O will be performed. // We save the socket and state, pin the callers's buffer, and allocate // an event for the WaitHandle. // internal AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult(Socket listenSocket, Object asyncState, AsyncCallback asyncCallback) : base(listenSocket, asyncState, asyncCallback) { m_ListenSocket = listenSocket; } #if !FEATURE_PAL // // This method will be called by us when the IO completes synchronously and // by the ThreadPool when the IO completes asynchronously. (only called on WinNT) // internal override object PostCompletion(int numBytes) { SocketError errorCode = (SocketError)ErrorCode; SocketAddress remoteSocketAddress = null; if (errorCode==SocketError.Success) { m_LocalBytesTransferred = numBytes; if(Logging.On)LogBuffer((long)numBytes); //get the endpoint remoteSocketAddress = m_ListenSocket.m_RightEndPoint.Serialize(); IntPtr localAddr; int localAddrLength; IntPtr remoteAddr; UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.GetAcceptExSockaddrs( Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_Buffer, 0), m_Buffer.Length - (m_AddressBufferLength * 2), m_AddressBufferLength, m_AddressBufferLength, out localAddr, out localAddrLength, out remoteAddr, out remoteSocketAddress.m_Size ); Marshal.Copy(remoteAddr, remoteSocketAddress.m_Buffer, 0, remoteSocketAddress.m_Size); //set the socket context try { IntPtr handle = m_ListenSocket.SafeHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); errorCode = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.setsockopt( m_AcceptSocket.SafeHandle, SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.UpdateAcceptContext, ref handle, Marshal.SizeOf(handle)); if (errorCode == SocketError.SocketError) errorCode = (SocketError) Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); GlobalLog.Print("AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::PostCallback() setsockopt handle:" + handle.ToString() + " AcceptSocket:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(m_AcceptSocket) + " itsHandle:" + m_AcceptSocket.SafeHandle.DangerousGetHandle().ToString() + " returns:" + errorCode.ToString()); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { errorCode = SocketError.OperationAborted; } ErrorCode = (int)errorCode; } if (errorCode==SocketError.Success) { return m_ListenSocket.UpdateAcceptSocket(m_AcceptSocket, m_ListenSocket.m_RightEndPoint.Create(remoteSocketAddress), false); } else return null; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL // // SetUnmanagedStructures - // Fills in Overlapped Structures used in an Async Overlapped Winsock call // these calls are outside the runtime and are unmanaged code, so we need // to prepare specific structures and ints that lie in unmanaged memory // since the Overlapped calls can be Async // internal void SetUnmanagedStructures(byte[] buffer, int addressBufferLength) { // has to be called first to pin memory base.SetUnmanagedStructures(buffer); // // Fill in Buffer Array structure that will be used for our send/recv Buffer // m_AddressBufferLength = addressBufferLength; m_Buffer = buffer; } /* // Consider removing. internal void SetUnmanagedStructures(byte[] buffer, int addressBufferLength, ref OverlappedCache overlappedCache) { SetupCache(ref overlappedCache); SetUnmanagedStructures(buffer, addressBufferLength); } */ void LogBuffer(long size) { GlobalLog.Assert(Logging.On, "AcceptOverlappedAsyncResult#{0}::LogBuffer()|Logging is off!", ValidationHelper.HashString(this)); IntPtr pinnedBuffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_Buffer, 0); if (pinnedBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { if (size > -1) { Logging.Dump(Logging.Sockets, m_ListenSocket, "PostCompletion", pinnedBuffer, (int)Math.Min(size, (long)m_Buffer.Length)); } else { Logging.Dump(Logging.Sockets, m_ListenSocket, "PostCompletion", pinnedBuffer, (int)m_Buffer.Length); } } } internal byte[] Buffer { get { return m_Buffer; } } internal int BytesTransferred { get { return m_LocalBytesTransferred; } } internal Socket AcceptSocket { set { m_AcceptSocket = value; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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