/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Metadata / TypeHelpers.cs / 1 / TypeHelpers.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....] // @owner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Common { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; ////// Represents a set of static Type helpers operating on TypeMetadata /// internal static class TypeHelpers { #region Assert Types ////// Asserts types are in Model space /// /// [Conditional("DEBUG")] internal static void AssertEdmType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { EdmType type = typeUsage.EdmType; if (TypeSemantics.IsCollectionType(typeUsage)) { AssertEdmType(TypeHelpers.GetElementTypeUsage(typeUsage)); } else if (TypeSemantics.IsStructuralType(typeUsage) && !Helper.IsComplexType(typeUsage.EdmType) && !Helper.IsEntityType(typeUsage.EdmType)) { foreach (EdmMember m in TypeHelpers.GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(typeUsage)) { AssertEdmType(m.TypeUsage); } } else if (TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(typeUsage)) { PrimitiveType pType = type as PrimitiveType; if (null != pType) { if (pType.DataSpace != DataSpace.CSpace) throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "PrimitiveType must be CSpace '{0}'", typeUsage.ToString())); } } } ////// Asserts querycommandtrees are in model space type terms /// /// [Conditional("DEBUG")] internal static void AssertEdmType(DbCommandTree commandTree) { DbQueryCommandTree queryCommandTree = commandTree as DbQueryCommandTree; if (null != queryCommandTree) { AssertEdmType(queryCommandTree.Query.ResultType); } } #endregion // // Type Semantics // #region Type Semantics ////// Determines whether a given typeUsage is valid as OrderBy sort key /// /// ///internal static bool IsValidSortOpKeyType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { if (TypeSemantics.IsRowType(typeUsage)) { RowType rowType = (RowType)typeUsage.EdmType; foreach (EdmProperty property in rowType.Properties) { if (!IsValidSortOpKeyType(property.TypeUsage)) { return false; } } return true; } else { return TypeSemantics.IsOrderComparable(typeUsage); } } /// /// Determines whether a given typeusage is valid as GroupBy key /// /// ///internal static bool IsValidGroupKeyType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { return IsSetComparableOpType(typeUsage); } /// /// Determine wheter a given typeusage is valid for Distinct operator /// /// ///internal static bool IsValidDistinctOpType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { return IsSetComparableOpType(typeUsage); } /// /// Determine wheter a given typeusage is valid for set comparison operator such as UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT /// /// ///internal static bool IsSetComparableOpType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { if (Helper.IsEntityType(typeUsage.EdmType) || Helper.IsPrimitiveType(typeUsage.EdmType) || Helper.IsRefType(typeUsage.EdmType) ) { return true; } else if (TypeSemantics.IsRowType(typeUsage)) { RowType rowType = (RowType)typeUsage.EdmType; foreach (EdmProperty property in rowType.Properties) { if (!IsSetComparableOpType(property.TypeUsage)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } /// /// Returns true if typeUsage type is valid for IS [NOT] NULL (expr) operator /// /// ///internal static bool IsValidIsNullOpType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { return TypeSemantics.IsReferenceType(typeUsage) || TypeSemantics.IsEntityType(typeUsage) || TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(typeUsage) || TypeSemantics.IsNullType(typeUsage); } internal static bool IsValidInOpType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { return TypeSemantics.IsReferenceType(typeUsage) || TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(typeUsage) || TypeSemantics.IsEntityType(typeUsage); } internal static TypeUsage GetCommonTypeUsage(TypeUsage typeUsage1, TypeUsage typeUsage2) { return TypeSemantics.GetCommonType(typeUsage1, typeUsage2); } internal static TypeUsage GetCommonTypeUsage(IEnumerable types) { TypeUsage commonType = null; foreach (TypeUsage testType in types) { if (null == testType) { return null; } if (null == commonType) { commonType = testType; } else { commonType = TypeSemantics.GetCommonType(commonType, testType); if (null == commonType) { break; } } } return commonType; } #endregion // // Type property extractors // #region Type property extractors internal static bool TryGetClosestPromotableType(TypeUsage fromType, out TypeUsage promotableType) { promotableType = null; if (Helper.IsPrimitiveType(fromType.EdmType)) { PrimitiveType fromPrimitiveType = (PrimitiveType)fromType.EdmType; IList promotableTypes = EdmProviderManifest.Instance.GetPromotionTypes(fromPrimitiveType); int index = promotableTypes.IndexOf(fromPrimitiveType); if (-1 != index && index + 1 < promotableTypes.Count) { promotableType = TypeUsage.Create(promotableTypes[index + 1]); } } return (null != promotableType); } #endregion // // Facet Helpers // #region Facet Helpers internal static bool TryGetBooleanFacetValue(TypeUsage type, string facetName, out bool boolValue) { boolValue = false; Facet boolFacet; if (type.Facets.TryGetValue(facetName, false, out boolFacet) && boolFacet.Value != null) { boolValue = (bool)boolFacet.Value; return true; } return false; } internal static bool TryGetByteFacetValue(TypeUsage type, string facetName, out byte byteValue) { byteValue = 0; Facet byteFacet; if (type.Facets.TryGetValue(facetName, false, out byteFacet) && byteFacet.Value != null && !Helper.IsUnboundedFacetValue(byteFacet)) { byteValue = (byte)byteFacet.Value; return true; } return false; } internal static bool TryGetIntFacetValue(TypeUsage type, string facetName, out int intValue) { intValue = 0; Facet intFacet; if (type.Facets.TryGetValue(facetName, false, out intFacet) && intFacet.Value != null && !Helper.IsUnboundedFacetValue(intFacet)) { intValue = (int)intFacet.Value; return true; } return false; } internal static bool TryGetIsFixedLength(TypeUsage type, out bool isFixedLength) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.String) && !TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.Binary)) { isFixedLength = false; return false; } // Binary and String MaxLength facets share the same name return TypeHelpers.TryGetBooleanFacetValue(type, DbProviderManifest.FixedLengthFacetName, out isFixedLength); } internal static bool TryGetIsUnicode(TypeUsage type, out bool isUnicode) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.String)) { isUnicode = false; return false; } return TypeHelpers.TryGetBooleanFacetValue(type, DbProviderManifest.UnicodeFacetName, out isUnicode); } internal static bool IsFacetValueConstant(TypeUsage type, string facetName) { // Binary and String FixedLength facets share the same name return Helper.GetFacet(((PrimitiveType)type.EdmType).FacetDescriptions, facetName).IsConstant; } internal static bool TryGetMaxLength(TypeUsage type, out int maxLength) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.String) && !TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.Binary)) { maxLength = 0; return false; } // Binary and String FixedLength facets share the same name return TypeHelpers.TryGetIntFacetValue(type, DbProviderManifest.MaxLengthFacetName, out maxLength); } internal static bool TryGetPrecision(TypeUsage type, out byte precision) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal)) { precision = 0; return false; } return TypeHelpers.TryGetByteFacetValue(type, DbProviderManifest.PrecisionFacetName, out precision); } internal static bool TryGetScale(TypeUsage type, out byte scale) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal)) { scale = 0; return false; } return TypeHelpers.TryGetByteFacetValue(type, DbProviderManifest.ScaleFacetName, out scale); } internal static bool TryGetPrimitiveTypeKind(TypeUsage type, out PrimitiveTypeKind typeKind) { if (type != null && type.EdmType != null && type.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType) { typeKind = ((PrimitiveType)type.EdmType).PrimitiveTypeKind; return true; } typeKind = default(PrimitiveTypeKind); return false; } #endregion // // Type Constructors // #region Type Constructors internal static CollectionType CreateCollectionType(TypeUsage elementType) { return new CollectionType(elementType); } internal static TypeUsage CreateCollectionTypeUsage(TypeUsage elementType) { return CreateCollectionTypeUsage(elementType, false /* readOnly */ ); } internal static TypeUsage CreateCollectionTypeUsage(TypeUsage elementType, bool readOnly) { return TypeUsage.Create(new CollectionType(elementType)); } internal static RowType CreateRowType(IEnumerable > columns) { List rowElements = new List (); foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in columns) { rowElements.Add(new EdmProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value)); } return new RowType(rowElements); } internal static TypeUsage CreateRowTypeUsage(IEnumerable > columns, bool readOnly) { return TypeUsage.Create(CreateRowType(columns)); } internal static RefType CreateReferenceType(EntityTypeBase entityType) { return new RefType((EntityType)entityType); } internal static TypeUsage CreateReferenceTypeUsage(EntityType entityType) { return TypeUsage.Create(CreateReferenceType(entityType)); } /// /// Creates metadata for a new row type with column names and types based on the key members of the specified Entity type /// /// The Entity type that provides the Key members on which the column names and types of the new row type will be based /// workspace containing all the metadata information ///A new RowType info with column names and types corresponding to the Key members of the specified Entity type internal static RowType CreateKeyRowType(EntityTypeBase entityType, MetadataWorkspace metadataWorkspace) { IEnumerableentityKeys = entityType.KeyMembers; if (null == entityKeys) { throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Metadata_EntityTypeNullKeyMembersInvalid, "entityType"); } List > resultCols = new List >(); //int idx = 0; foreach (EdmProperty keyProperty in entityKeys) { //this.CheckMember(keyProperty, "property", CommandTreeUtils.FormatIndex("entityType.KeyMembers", idx++)); resultCols.Add(new KeyValuePair (keyProperty.Name, Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(keyProperty))); } if (resultCols.Count < 1) { throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Metadata_EntityTypeEmptyKeyMembersInvalid, "entityType"); } return TypeHelpers.CreateRowType(resultCols); } #endregion // // Type extractors // #region Type Extractors /// /// Retrieves Properties and/or RelationshipEnds declared by the specified type or any base type. /// /// ///internal static IBaseList GetAllStructuralMembers(TypeUsage type) { return GetAllStructuralMembers(type.EdmType); } internal static IBaseList GetAllStructuralMembers(EdmType edmType) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(edmType != null); switch (edmType.BuiltInTypeKind) { case BuiltInTypeKind.AssociationType: return (IBaseList )((AssociationType)edmType).AssociationEndMembers; case BuiltInTypeKind.ComplexType: return (IBaseList )((ComplexType)edmType).Properties; case BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType: return (IBaseList )((EntityType)edmType).Properties; case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType: return (IBaseList )((RowType)edmType).Properties; default: return EmptyArrayEdmProperty; } } /// /// Retrieves Properties and/or RelationshipEnds declared by (and ONLY by) the specified type. /// /// ///internal static IEnumerable GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(TypeUsage type) { return GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(type.EdmType); } /// /// Retrieves Properties and/or RelationshipEnds declared by (and ONLY by) the specified type. /// /// ///internal static IEnumerable GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(EdmType edmType) { switch (edmType.BuiltInTypeKind) { case BuiltInTypeKind.AssociationType: return ((AssociationType)edmType).GetDeclaredOnlyMembers (); case BuiltInTypeKind.ComplexType: return ((ComplexType)edmType).GetDeclaredOnlyMembers (); case BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType: return ((EntityType)edmType).GetDeclaredOnlyMembers (); case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType: return ((RowType)edmType).GetDeclaredOnlyMembers (); default: return EmptyArrayEdmProperty; } } internal static readonly ReadOnlyMetadataCollection EmptyArrayEdmMember = new ReadOnlyMetadataCollection (new MetadataCollection ().SetReadOnly()); internal static readonly FilteredReadOnlyMetadataCollection EmptyArrayEdmProperty = new FilteredReadOnlyMetadataCollection (EmptyArrayEdmMember, null); internal static ReadOnlyMetadataCollection GetProperties(TypeUsage typeUsage) { return GetProperties(typeUsage.EdmType); } internal static ReadOnlyMetadataCollection GetProperties(EdmType edmType) { switch (edmType.BuiltInTypeKind) { case BuiltInTypeKind.ComplexType: return ((ComplexType)edmType).Properties; case BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType: return ((EntityType)edmType).Properties; case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType: return ((RowType)edmType).Properties; default: return EmptyArrayEdmProperty; } } internal static TypeUsage GetElementTypeUsage(TypeUsage type) { if (TypeSemantics.IsCollectionType(type)) { return ((CollectionType)type.EdmType).TypeUsage; } else if (TypeSemantics.IsReferenceType(type)) { return TypeUsage.Create(((RefType)type.EdmType).ElementType); } return null; } // // Element type // internal static bool TryGetCollectionElementType(TypeUsage type, out TypeUsage elementType) { CollectionType collectionType; if (TypeHelpers.TryGetEdmType (type, out collectionType)) { elementType = collectionType.TypeUsage; return (elementType != null); } elementType = null; return false; } /// /// If the type refered to by the TypeUsage is a RefType, extracts the EntityType and returns true, /// otherwise returns false. /// /// TypeUsage that may or may not refer to a RefType /// Non-null if the TypeUsage refers to a RefType, null otherwise ///True if the TypeUsage refers to a RefType, false otherwise internal static bool TryGetRefEntityType(TypeUsage type, out EntityType referencedEntityType) { RefType refType; if (TryGetEdmType(type, out refType) && Helper.IsEntityType(refType.ElementType)) { referencedEntityType = (EntityType)refType.ElementType; return true; } referencedEntityType = null; return false; } internal static TEdmType GetEdmType (TypeUsage typeUsage) where TEdmType : EdmType { return (TEdmType)typeUsage.EdmType; } internal static bool TryGetEdmType (TypeUsage typeUsage, out TEdmType type) where TEdmType : EdmType { type = typeUsage.EdmType as TEdmType; return (type != null); } #endregion // // Misc // #region Misc internal static TypeUsage GetReadOnlyType(TypeUsage type) { if (!(type.IsReadOnly)) { type.SetReadOnly(); } return type; } // // Type Description // internal static string GetFullName(TypeUsage type) { return type.ToString(); } internal static string GetStrongName(TypeUsage type) { return TypeHelpers.GetStrongName(type.EdmType); } internal static string GetFullName(EdmType type) { return GetFullName(type.NamespaceName, type.Name); } internal static string GetFullName(EntitySetBase entitySet) { Debug.Assert(entitySet.EntityContainer != null, "entitySet.EntityContainer is null"); return GetFullName(entitySet.EntityContainer.Name, entitySet.Name); } internal static string GetStrongName(EdmType type) { return GetFullName(type.NamespaceName, type.Name); } internal static string GetFullName(string qualifier, string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qualifier)) { return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", name); } else { return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}", qualifier, name); } } /// /// Converts the given CLR type into a DbType /// /// The CLR type to convert ///internal static DbType ConvertClrTypeToDbType(Type clrType) { switch (Type.GetTypeCode(clrType)) { case TypeCode.Empty: throw EntityUtil.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.Empty); case TypeCode.Object: if (clrType == typeof(System.Byte[])) { return DbType.Binary; } if (clrType == typeof(System.Char[])) { // Always treat char and char[] as string return DbType.String; } else if (clrType == typeof(System.Guid)) { return DbType.Guid; } else if (clrType == typeof(System.TimeSpan)) { return DbType.Time; } else if (clrType == typeof(System.DateTimeOffset)) { return DbType.DateTimeOffset; } return DbType.Object; case TypeCode.DBNull: return DbType.Object; case TypeCode.Boolean: return DbType.Boolean; case TypeCode.SByte: return DbType.SByte; case TypeCode.Byte: return DbType.Byte; case TypeCode.Char: // Always treat char and char[] as string return DbType.String; case TypeCode.Int16: return DbType.Int16; case TypeCode.UInt16: return DbType.UInt16; case TypeCode.Int32: return DbType.Int32; case TypeCode.UInt32: return DbType.UInt32; case TypeCode.Int64: return DbType.Int64; case TypeCode.UInt64: return DbType.UInt64; case TypeCode.Single: return DbType.Single; case TypeCode.Double: return DbType.Double; case TypeCode.Decimal: return DbType.Decimal; case TypeCode.DateTime: return DbType.DateTime; case TypeCode.String: return DbType.String; default: throw EntityUtil.UnknownDataTypeCode(clrType, Type.GetTypeCode(clrType)); } } internal static bool IsIntegerConstant(TypeUsage valueType, object value, long expectedValue) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsIntegerNumericType(valueType)) { return false; } if (null == value) { return false; } PrimitiveType intType = (PrimitiveType)valueType.EdmType; switch (intType.PrimitiveTypeKind) { case PrimitiveTypeKind.Byte: return (expectedValue == (byte)value); case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int16: return (expectedValue == (short)value); case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32: return (expectedValue == (int)value); case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int64: return (expectedValue == (long)value); case PrimitiveTypeKind.SByte: return (expectedValue == (sbyte)value); default: { Debug.Assert(false, "Integer primitive type was not one of Byte, Int16, Int32, Int64, SByte?"); return false; } } } /// /// returns a Typeusage /// /// ///static internal TypeUsage GetLiteralTypeUsage(PrimitiveTypeKind primitiveTypeKind) { // all clr strings by default are unicode return GetLiteralTypeUsage(primitiveTypeKind, true /* unicode */); } static internal TypeUsage GetLiteralTypeUsage(PrimitiveTypeKind primitiveTypeKind, bool isUnicode) { TypeUsage typeusage; PrimitiveType primitiveType = EdmProviderManifest.Instance.GetPrimitiveType(primitiveTypeKind); switch (primitiveTypeKind) { case PrimitiveTypeKind.String: typeusage = TypeUsage.Create(primitiveType, new FacetValues{ Unicode = isUnicode, MaxLength = TypeUsage.DefaultMaxLengthFacetValue, FixedLength = false, Nullable = false}); break; default: typeusage = TypeUsage.Create(primitiveType, new FacetValues{ Nullable = false }); break; } return typeusage; } #endregion #region Canonical Function Helpers internal static bool IsCanonicalFunction(EdmFunction function) { return function.DataSpace == DataSpace.CSpace && !function.IsCachedStoreFunction; } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....] // @owner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Common { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; ////// Represents a set of static Type helpers operating on TypeMetadata /// internal static class TypeHelpers { #region Assert Types ////// Asserts types are in Model space /// /// [Conditional("DEBUG")] internal static void AssertEdmType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { EdmType type = typeUsage.EdmType; if (TypeSemantics.IsCollectionType(typeUsage)) { AssertEdmType(TypeHelpers.GetElementTypeUsage(typeUsage)); } else if (TypeSemantics.IsStructuralType(typeUsage) && !Helper.IsComplexType(typeUsage.EdmType) && !Helper.IsEntityType(typeUsage.EdmType)) { foreach (EdmMember m in TypeHelpers.GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(typeUsage)) { AssertEdmType(m.TypeUsage); } } else if (TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(typeUsage)) { PrimitiveType pType = type as PrimitiveType; if (null != pType) { if (pType.DataSpace != DataSpace.CSpace) throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "PrimitiveType must be CSpace '{0}'", typeUsage.ToString())); } } } ////// Asserts querycommandtrees are in model space type terms /// /// [Conditional("DEBUG")] internal static void AssertEdmType(DbCommandTree commandTree) { DbQueryCommandTree queryCommandTree = commandTree as DbQueryCommandTree; if (null != queryCommandTree) { AssertEdmType(queryCommandTree.Query.ResultType); } } #endregion // // Type Semantics // #region Type Semantics ////// Determines whether a given typeUsage is valid as OrderBy sort key /// /// ///internal static bool IsValidSortOpKeyType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { if (TypeSemantics.IsRowType(typeUsage)) { RowType rowType = (RowType)typeUsage.EdmType; foreach (EdmProperty property in rowType.Properties) { if (!IsValidSortOpKeyType(property.TypeUsage)) { return false; } } return true; } else { return TypeSemantics.IsOrderComparable(typeUsage); } } /// /// Determines whether a given typeusage is valid as GroupBy key /// /// ///internal static bool IsValidGroupKeyType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { return IsSetComparableOpType(typeUsage); } /// /// Determine wheter a given typeusage is valid for Distinct operator /// /// ///internal static bool IsValidDistinctOpType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { return IsSetComparableOpType(typeUsage); } /// /// Determine wheter a given typeusage is valid for set comparison operator such as UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT /// /// ///internal static bool IsSetComparableOpType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { if (Helper.IsEntityType(typeUsage.EdmType) || Helper.IsPrimitiveType(typeUsage.EdmType) || Helper.IsRefType(typeUsage.EdmType) ) { return true; } else if (TypeSemantics.IsRowType(typeUsage)) { RowType rowType = (RowType)typeUsage.EdmType; foreach (EdmProperty property in rowType.Properties) { if (!IsSetComparableOpType(property.TypeUsage)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } /// /// Returns true if typeUsage type is valid for IS [NOT] NULL (expr) operator /// /// ///internal static bool IsValidIsNullOpType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { return TypeSemantics.IsReferenceType(typeUsage) || TypeSemantics.IsEntityType(typeUsage) || TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(typeUsage) || TypeSemantics.IsNullType(typeUsage); } internal static bool IsValidInOpType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { return TypeSemantics.IsReferenceType(typeUsage) || TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(typeUsage) || TypeSemantics.IsEntityType(typeUsage); } internal static TypeUsage GetCommonTypeUsage(TypeUsage typeUsage1, TypeUsage typeUsage2) { return TypeSemantics.GetCommonType(typeUsage1, typeUsage2); } internal static TypeUsage GetCommonTypeUsage(IEnumerable types) { TypeUsage commonType = null; foreach (TypeUsage testType in types) { if (null == testType) { return null; } if (null == commonType) { commonType = testType; } else { commonType = TypeSemantics.GetCommonType(commonType, testType); if (null == commonType) { break; } } } return commonType; } #endregion // // Type property extractors // #region Type property extractors internal static bool TryGetClosestPromotableType(TypeUsage fromType, out TypeUsage promotableType) { promotableType = null; if (Helper.IsPrimitiveType(fromType.EdmType)) { PrimitiveType fromPrimitiveType = (PrimitiveType)fromType.EdmType; IList promotableTypes = EdmProviderManifest.Instance.GetPromotionTypes(fromPrimitiveType); int index = promotableTypes.IndexOf(fromPrimitiveType); if (-1 != index && index + 1 < promotableTypes.Count) { promotableType = TypeUsage.Create(promotableTypes[index + 1]); } } return (null != promotableType); } #endregion // // Facet Helpers // #region Facet Helpers internal static bool TryGetBooleanFacetValue(TypeUsage type, string facetName, out bool boolValue) { boolValue = false; Facet boolFacet; if (type.Facets.TryGetValue(facetName, false, out boolFacet) && boolFacet.Value != null) { boolValue = (bool)boolFacet.Value; return true; } return false; } internal static bool TryGetByteFacetValue(TypeUsage type, string facetName, out byte byteValue) { byteValue = 0; Facet byteFacet; if (type.Facets.TryGetValue(facetName, false, out byteFacet) && byteFacet.Value != null && !Helper.IsUnboundedFacetValue(byteFacet)) { byteValue = (byte)byteFacet.Value; return true; } return false; } internal static bool TryGetIntFacetValue(TypeUsage type, string facetName, out int intValue) { intValue = 0; Facet intFacet; if (type.Facets.TryGetValue(facetName, false, out intFacet) && intFacet.Value != null && !Helper.IsUnboundedFacetValue(intFacet)) { intValue = (int)intFacet.Value; return true; } return false; } internal static bool TryGetIsFixedLength(TypeUsage type, out bool isFixedLength) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.String) && !TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.Binary)) { isFixedLength = false; return false; } // Binary and String MaxLength facets share the same name return TypeHelpers.TryGetBooleanFacetValue(type, DbProviderManifest.FixedLengthFacetName, out isFixedLength); } internal static bool TryGetIsUnicode(TypeUsage type, out bool isUnicode) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.String)) { isUnicode = false; return false; } return TypeHelpers.TryGetBooleanFacetValue(type, DbProviderManifest.UnicodeFacetName, out isUnicode); } internal static bool IsFacetValueConstant(TypeUsage type, string facetName) { // Binary and String FixedLength facets share the same name return Helper.GetFacet(((PrimitiveType)type.EdmType).FacetDescriptions, facetName).IsConstant; } internal static bool TryGetMaxLength(TypeUsage type, out int maxLength) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.String) && !TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.Binary)) { maxLength = 0; return false; } // Binary and String FixedLength facets share the same name return TypeHelpers.TryGetIntFacetValue(type, DbProviderManifest.MaxLengthFacetName, out maxLength); } internal static bool TryGetPrecision(TypeUsage type, out byte precision) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal)) { precision = 0; return false; } return TypeHelpers.TryGetByteFacetValue(type, DbProviderManifest.PrecisionFacetName, out precision); } internal static bool TryGetScale(TypeUsage type, out byte scale) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(type, PrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal)) { scale = 0; return false; } return TypeHelpers.TryGetByteFacetValue(type, DbProviderManifest.ScaleFacetName, out scale); } internal static bool TryGetPrimitiveTypeKind(TypeUsage type, out PrimitiveTypeKind typeKind) { if (type != null && type.EdmType != null && type.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType) { typeKind = ((PrimitiveType)type.EdmType).PrimitiveTypeKind; return true; } typeKind = default(PrimitiveTypeKind); return false; } #endregion // // Type Constructors // #region Type Constructors internal static CollectionType CreateCollectionType(TypeUsage elementType) { return new CollectionType(elementType); } internal static TypeUsage CreateCollectionTypeUsage(TypeUsage elementType) { return CreateCollectionTypeUsage(elementType, false /* readOnly */ ); } internal static TypeUsage CreateCollectionTypeUsage(TypeUsage elementType, bool readOnly) { return TypeUsage.Create(new CollectionType(elementType)); } internal static RowType CreateRowType(IEnumerable > columns) { List rowElements = new List (); foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in columns) { rowElements.Add(new EdmProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value)); } return new RowType(rowElements); } internal static TypeUsage CreateRowTypeUsage(IEnumerable > columns, bool readOnly) { return TypeUsage.Create(CreateRowType(columns)); } internal static RefType CreateReferenceType(EntityTypeBase entityType) { return new RefType((EntityType)entityType); } internal static TypeUsage CreateReferenceTypeUsage(EntityType entityType) { return TypeUsage.Create(CreateReferenceType(entityType)); } /// /// Creates metadata for a new row type with column names and types based on the key members of the specified Entity type /// /// The Entity type that provides the Key members on which the column names and types of the new row type will be based /// workspace containing all the metadata information ///A new RowType info with column names and types corresponding to the Key members of the specified Entity type internal static RowType CreateKeyRowType(EntityTypeBase entityType, MetadataWorkspace metadataWorkspace) { IEnumerableentityKeys = entityType.KeyMembers; if (null == entityKeys) { throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Metadata_EntityTypeNullKeyMembersInvalid, "entityType"); } List > resultCols = new List >(); //int idx = 0; foreach (EdmProperty keyProperty in entityKeys) { //this.CheckMember(keyProperty, "property", CommandTreeUtils.FormatIndex("entityType.KeyMembers", idx++)); resultCols.Add(new KeyValuePair (keyProperty.Name, Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(keyProperty))); } if (resultCols.Count < 1) { throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Metadata_EntityTypeEmptyKeyMembersInvalid, "entityType"); } return TypeHelpers.CreateRowType(resultCols); } #endregion // // Type extractors // #region Type Extractors /// /// Retrieves Properties and/or RelationshipEnds declared by the specified type or any base type. /// /// ///internal static IBaseList GetAllStructuralMembers(TypeUsage type) { return GetAllStructuralMembers(type.EdmType); } internal static IBaseList GetAllStructuralMembers(EdmType edmType) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(edmType != null); switch (edmType.BuiltInTypeKind) { case BuiltInTypeKind.AssociationType: return (IBaseList )((AssociationType)edmType).AssociationEndMembers; case BuiltInTypeKind.ComplexType: return (IBaseList )((ComplexType)edmType).Properties; case BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType: return (IBaseList )((EntityType)edmType).Properties; case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType: return (IBaseList )((RowType)edmType).Properties; default: return EmptyArrayEdmProperty; } } /// /// Retrieves Properties and/or RelationshipEnds declared by (and ONLY by) the specified type. /// /// ///internal static IEnumerable GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(TypeUsage type) { return GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(type.EdmType); } /// /// Retrieves Properties and/or RelationshipEnds declared by (and ONLY by) the specified type. /// /// ///internal static IEnumerable GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(EdmType edmType) { switch (edmType.BuiltInTypeKind) { case BuiltInTypeKind.AssociationType: return ((AssociationType)edmType).GetDeclaredOnlyMembers (); case BuiltInTypeKind.ComplexType: return ((ComplexType)edmType).GetDeclaredOnlyMembers (); case BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType: return ((EntityType)edmType).GetDeclaredOnlyMembers (); case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType: return ((RowType)edmType).GetDeclaredOnlyMembers (); default: return EmptyArrayEdmProperty; } } internal static readonly ReadOnlyMetadataCollection EmptyArrayEdmMember = new ReadOnlyMetadataCollection (new MetadataCollection ().SetReadOnly()); internal static readonly FilteredReadOnlyMetadataCollection EmptyArrayEdmProperty = new FilteredReadOnlyMetadataCollection (EmptyArrayEdmMember, null); internal static ReadOnlyMetadataCollection GetProperties(TypeUsage typeUsage) { return GetProperties(typeUsage.EdmType); } internal static ReadOnlyMetadataCollection GetProperties(EdmType edmType) { switch (edmType.BuiltInTypeKind) { case BuiltInTypeKind.ComplexType: return ((ComplexType)edmType).Properties; case BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType: return ((EntityType)edmType).Properties; case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType: return ((RowType)edmType).Properties; default: return EmptyArrayEdmProperty; } } internal static TypeUsage GetElementTypeUsage(TypeUsage type) { if (TypeSemantics.IsCollectionType(type)) { return ((CollectionType)type.EdmType).TypeUsage; } else if (TypeSemantics.IsReferenceType(type)) { return TypeUsage.Create(((RefType)type.EdmType).ElementType); } return null; } // // Element type // internal static bool TryGetCollectionElementType(TypeUsage type, out TypeUsage elementType) { CollectionType collectionType; if (TypeHelpers.TryGetEdmType (type, out collectionType)) { elementType = collectionType.TypeUsage; return (elementType != null); } elementType = null; return false; } /// /// If the type refered to by the TypeUsage is a RefType, extracts the EntityType and returns true, /// otherwise returns false. /// /// TypeUsage that may or may not refer to a RefType /// Non-null if the TypeUsage refers to a RefType, null otherwise ///True if the TypeUsage refers to a RefType, false otherwise internal static bool TryGetRefEntityType(TypeUsage type, out EntityType referencedEntityType) { RefType refType; if (TryGetEdmType(type, out refType) && Helper.IsEntityType(refType.ElementType)) { referencedEntityType = (EntityType)refType.ElementType; return true; } referencedEntityType = null; return false; } internal static TEdmType GetEdmType (TypeUsage typeUsage) where TEdmType : EdmType { return (TEdmType)typeUsage.EdmType; } internal static bool TryGetEdmType (TypeUsage typeUsage, out TEdmType type) where TEdmType : EdmType { type = typeUsage.EdmType as TEdmType; return (type != null); } #endregion // // Misc // #region Misc internal static TypeUsage GetReadOnlyType(TypeUsage type) { if (!(type.IsReadOnly)) { type.SetReadOnly(); } return type; } // // Type Description // internal static string GetFullName(TypeUsage type) { return type.ToString(); } internal static string GetStrongName(TypeUsage type) { return TypeHelpers.GetStrongName(type.EdmType); } internal static string GetFullName(EdmType type) { return GetFullName(type.NamespaceName, type.Name); } internal static string GetFullName(EntitySetBase entitySet) { Debug.Assert(entitySet.EntityContainer != null, "entitySet.EntityContainer is null"); return GetFullName(entitySet.EntityContainer.Name, entitySet.Name); } internal static string GetStrongName(EdmType type) { return GetFullName(type.NamespaceName, type.Name); } internal static string GetFullName(string qualifier, string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qualifier)) { return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", name); } else { return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}", qualifier, name); } } /// /// Converts the given CLR type into a DbType /// /// The CLR type to convert ///internal static DbType ConvertClrTypeToDbType(Type clrType) { switch (Type.GetTypeCode(clrType)) { case TypeCode.Empty: throw EntityUtil.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.Empty); case TypeCode.Object: if (clrType == typeof(System.Byte[])) { return DbType.Binary; } if (clrType == typeof(System.Char[])) { // Always treat char and char[] as string return DbType.String; } else if (clrType == typeof(System.Guid)) { return DbType.Guid; } else if (clrType == typeof(System.TimeSpan)) { return DbType.Time; } else if (clrType == typeof(System.DateTimeOffset)) { return DbType.DateTimeOffset; } return DbType.Object; case TypeCode.DBNull: return DbType.Object; case TypeCode.Boolean: return DbType.Boolean; case TypeCode.SByte: return DbType.SByte; case TypeCode.Byte: return DbType.Byte; case TypeCode.Char: // Always treat char and char[] as string return DbType.String; case TypeCode.Int16: return DbType.Int16; case TypeCode.UInt16: return DbType.UInt16; case TypeCode.Int32: return DbType.Int32; case TypeCode.UInt32: return DbType.UInt32; case TypeCode.Int64: return DbType.Int64; case TypeCode.UInt64: return DbType.UInt64; case TypeCode.Single: return DbType.Single; case TypeCode.Double: return DbType.Double; case TypeCode.Decimal: return DbType.Decimal; case TypeCode.DateTime: return DbType.DateTime; case TypeCode.String: return DbType.String; default: throw EntityUtil.UnknownDataTypeCode(clrType, Type.GetTypeCode(clrType)); } } internal static bool IsIntegerConstant(TypeUsage valueType, object value, long expectedValue) { if (!TypeSemantics.IsIntegerNumericType(valueType)) { return false; } if (null == value) { return false; } PrimitiveType intType = (PrimitiveType)valueType.EdmType; switch (intType.PrimitiveTypeKind) { case PrimitiveTypeKind.Byte: return (expectedValue == (byte)value); case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int16: return (expectedValue == (short)value); case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32: return (expectedValue == (int)value); case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int64: return (expectedValue == (long)value); case PrimitiveTypeKind.SByte: return (expectedValue == (sbyte)value); default: { Debug.Assert(false, "Integer primitive type was not one of Byte, Int16, Int32, Int64, SByte?"); return false; } } } /// /// returns a Typeusage /// /// ///static internal TypeUsage GetLiteralTypeUsage(PrimitiveTypeKind primitiveTypeKind) { // all clr strings by default are unicode return GetLiteralTypeUsage(primitiveTypeKind, true /* unicode */); } static internal TypeUsage GetLiteralTypeUsage(PrimitiveTypeKind primitiveTypeKind, bool isUnicode) { TypeUsage typeusage; PrimitiveType primitiveType = EdmProviderManifest.Instance.GetPrimitiveType(primitiveTypeKind); switch (primitiveTypeKind) { case PrimitiveTypeKind.String: typeusage = TypeUsage.Create(primitiveType, new FacetValues{ Unicode = isUnicode, MaxLength = TypeUsage.DefaultMaxLengthFacetValue, FixedLength = false, Nullable = false}); break; default: typeusage = TypeUsage.Create(primitiveType, new FacetValues{ Nullable = false }); break; } return typeusage; } #endregion #region Canonical Function Helpers internal static bool IsCanonicalFunction(EdmFunction function) { return function.DataSpace == DataSpace.CSpace && !function.IsCachedStoreFunction; } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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