FileSystemInfo.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / IO / FileSystemInfo.cs / 1 / FileSystemInfo.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
** Class:  FileSystemInfo 
** Purpose:

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace System.IO { 
    public abstract class FileSystemInfo : MarshalByRefObject, ISerializable {
        internal Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA _data; // Cache the file information
        internal int _dataInitialised = -1; // We use this field in conjunction with the Refresh methods, if we succeed 
                                           // we store a zero, on failure we store the HResult in it so that we can
                                           // give back a generic error back. 
        private const int ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87;
        internal const int ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x5; 

        protected String FullPath;  // fully qualified path of the directory
        protected String OriginalPath; // path passed in by the user
        protected FileSystemInfo()

        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
        protected FileSystemInfo(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            if (info == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("info");
            // Must use V1 field names here, since V1 didn't implement 
            // ISerializable.
            FullPath = Path.GetFullPathInternal(info.GetString("FullPath")); 
            OriginalPath = info.GetString("OriginalPath");

            // Lazily initialize the file attributes.
            _dataInitialised = -1; 
        // Full path of the direcory/file
        public virtual String FullName { 
                String demandDir;
                if (this is DirectoryInfo) 
                    demandDir = Directory.GetDemandDir(FullPath, true);
                    demandDir = FullPath; 
                new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, demandDir).Demand();
                return FullPath; 

        public String Extension 
                // GetFullPathInternal would have already stripped out the terminating "." if present.
               int length = FullPath.Length; 
                for (int i = length; --i >= 0;) {
                    char ch = FullPath[i];
                    if (ch == '.')
                        return FullPath.Substring(i, length - i); 
                    if (ch == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar || ch == Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar || ch == Path.VolumeSeparatorChar)
                return String.Empty;

        // For files name of the file is returned, for directories the last directory in hierarchy is returned if possible,
        // otherwise the fully qualified name s returned 
        public abstract String Name {

        // Whether a file/directory exists 
        public abstract bool Exists

        // Delete a file/directory 
           public abstract void Delete(); 

       public DateTime CreationTime { 
            get {
                return CreationTimeUtc.ToLocalTime();
            set {
                CreationTimeUtc = value.ToUniversalTime(); 
       public DateTime CreationTimeUtc {
            get {
                if (_dataInitialised == -1) { 
                    _data = new Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();

                if (_dataInitialised != 0) // Refresh was unable to initialise the data 
                    __Error.WinIOError(_dataInitialised, OriginalPath);

                long fileTime = ((long)_data.ftCreationTimeHigh << 32) | _data.ftCreationTimeLow;
                return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime); 

            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
            set {
                if (this is DirectoryInfo)
                _dataInitialised = -1; 
        public DateTime LastAccessTime {
            get {
                return LastAccessTimeUtc.ToLocalTime();
            set {
                LastAccessTimeUtc = value.ToUniversalTime(); 
        public DateTime LastAccessTimeUtc {
            get {
                if (_dataInitialised == -1) { 
                    _data = new Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();

                if (_dataInitialised != 0) // Refresh was unable to initialise the data 
                    __Error.WinIOError(_dataInitialised, OriginalPath);

                long fileTime = ((long)_data.ftLastAccessTimeHigh << 32) | _data.ftLastAccessTimeLow;
                return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime); 

            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
            set {
                if (this is DirectoryInfo)
                _dataInitialised = -1; 
        public DateTime LastWriteTime {
            get {
                return LastWriteTimeUtc.ToLocalTime();
            set {
                LastWriteTimeUtc = value.ToUniversalTime(); 
        public DateTime LastWriteTimeUtc {
            get {
                if (_dataInitialised == -1) { 
                    _data = new Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();

                if (_dataInitialised != 0) // Refresh was unable to initialise the data 
                    __Error.WinIOError(_dataInitialised, OriginalPath);

                long fileTime = ((long)_data.ftLastWriteTimeHigh << 32) | _data.ftLastWriteTimeLow; 
                return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime);
            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
            set {
                if (this is DirectoryInfo)
                _dataInitialised = -1; 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
        public void Refresh()
            _dataInitialised = File.FillAttributeInfo(FullPath, ref _data, false, false);
        public FileAttributes Attributes {
            get { 
                if (_dataInitialised == -1) {
                    _data = new Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();
                    Refresh(); // Call refresh to intialise the data

                if (_dataInitialised != 0) // Refresh was unable to initialise the data 
                    __Error.WinIOError(_dataInitialised, OriginalPath); 

                return (FileAttributes) _data.fileAttributes; 
            set {
                new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, FullPath).Demand();
                bool r = Win32Native.SetFileAttributes(FullPath, (int) value); 
                if (!r) {
                    int hr = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
                    if (hr==ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
                        throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidFileAttrs")); 

                    // For whatever reason we are turning ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED into
                    // ArgumentException here (probably done for some 9x code path).
                    // We can't change this now but special casing the error message instead. 
                    if (hr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
                        throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_NoPathName")); 
                    __Error.WinIOError(hr, OriginalPath); 
                _dataInitialised = -1; 

        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)]
        public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, FullPath).Demand();
            info.AddValue("OriginalPath", OriginalPath, typeof(String));
            info.AddValue("FullPath", FullPath, typeof(String));

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
** Class:  FileSystemInfo 
** Purpose:

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace System.IO { 
    public abstract class FileSystemInfo : MarshalByRefObject, ISerializable {
        internal Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA _data; // Cache the file information
        internal int _dataInitialised = -1; // We use this field in conjunction with the Refresh methods, if we succeed 
                                           // we store a zero, on failure we store the HResult in it so that we can
                                           // give back a generic error back. 
        private const int ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87;
        internal const int ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x5; 

        protected String FullPath;  // fully qualified path of the directory
        protected String OriginalPath; // path passed in by the user
        protected FileSystemInfo()

        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
        protected FileSystemInfo(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            if (info == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("info");
            // Must use V1 field names here, since V1 didn't implement 
            // ISerializable.
            FullPath = Path.GetFullPathInternal(info.GetString("FullPath")); 
            OriginalPath = info.GetString("OriginalPath");

            // Lazily initialize the file attributes.
            _dataInitialised = -1; 
        // Full path of the direcory/file
        public virtual String FullName { 
                String demandDir;
                if (this is DirectoryInfo) 
                    demandDir = Directory.GetDemandDir(FullPath, true);
                    demandDir = FullPath; 
                new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, demandDir).Demand();
                return FullPath; 

        public String Extension 
                // GetFullPathInternal would have already stripped out the terminating "." if present.
               int length = FullPath.Length; 
                for (int i = length; --i >= 0;) {
                    char ch = FullPath[i];
                    if (ch == '.')
                        return FullPath.Substring(i, length - i); 
                    if (ch == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar || ch == Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar || ch == Path.VolumeSeparatorChar)
                return String.Empty;

        // For files name of the file is returned, for directories the last directory in hierarchy is returned if possible,
        // otherwise the fully qualified name s returned 
        public abstract String Name {

        // Whether a file/directory exists 
        public abstract bool Exists

        // Delete a file/directory 
           public abstract void Delete(); 

       public DateTime CreationTime { 
            get {
                return CreationTimeUtc.ToLocalTime();
            set {
                CreationTimeUtc = value.ToUniversalTime(); 
       public DateTime CreationTimeUtc {
            get {
                if (_dataInitialised == -1) { 
                    _data = new Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();

                if (_dataInitialised != 0) // Refresh was unable to initialise the data 
                    __Error.WinIOError(_dataInitialised, OriginalPath);

                long fileTime = ((long)_data.ftCreationTimeHigh << 32) | _data.ftCreationTimeLow;
                return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime); 

            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
            set {
                if (this is DirectoryInfo)
                _dataInitialised = -1; 
        public DateTime LastAccessTime {
            get {
                return LastAccessTimeUtc.ToLocalTime();
            set {
                LastAccessTimeUtc = value.ToUniversalTime(); 
        public DateTime LastAccessTimeUtc {
            get {
                if (_dataInitialised == -1) { 
                    _data = new Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();

                if (_dataInitialised != 0) // Refresh was unable to initialise the data 
                    __Error.WinIOError(_dataInitialised, OriginalPath);

                long fileTime = ((long)_data.ftLastAccessTimeHigh << 32) | _data.ftLastAccessTimeLow;
                return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime); 

            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
            set {
                if (this is DirectoryInfo)
                _dataInitialised = -1; 
        public DateTime LastWriteTime {
            get {
                return LastWriteTimeUtc.ToLocalTime();
            set {
                LastWriteTimeUtc = value.ToUniversalTime(); 
        public DateTime LastWriteTimeUtc {
            get {
                if (_dataInitialised == -1) { 
                    _data = new Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();

                if (_dataInitialised != 0) // Refresh was unable to initialise the data 
                    __Error.WinIOError(_dataInitialised, OriginalPath);

                long fileTime = ((long)_data.ftLastWriteTimeHigh << 32) | _data.ftLastWriteTimeLow; 
                return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime);
            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
            set {
                if (this is DirectoryInfo)
                _dataInitialised = -1; 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
        public void Refresh()
            _dataInitialised = File.FillAttributeInfo(FullPath, ref _data, false, false);
        public FileAttributes Attributes {
            get { 
                if (_dataInitialised == -1) {
                    _data = new Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();
                    Refresh(); // Call refresh to intialise the data

                if (_dataInitialised != 0) // Refresh was unable to initialise the data 
                    __Error.WinIOError(_dataInitialised, OriginalPath); 

                return (FileAttributes) _data.fileAttributes; 
            set {
                new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, FullPath).Demand();
                bool r = Win32Native.SetFileAttributes(FullPath, (int) value); 
                if (!r) {
                    int hr = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
                    if (hr==ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
                        throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidFileAttrs")); 

                    // For whatever reason we are turning ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED into
                    // ArgumentException here (probably done for some 9x code path).
                    // We can't change this now but special casing the error message instead. 
                    if (hr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
                        throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_NoPathName")); 
                    __Error.WinIOError(hr, OriginalPath); 
                _dataInitialised = -1; 

        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)]
        public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, FullPath).Demand();
            info.AddValue("OriginalPath", OriginalPath, typeof(String));
            info.AddValue("FullPath", FullPath, typeof(String));

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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