OdbcUtils.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / Odbc / OdbcUtils.cs / 1 / OdbcUtils.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
// [....]
using System;
using System.Data; 
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Diagnostics;                   // Debug services
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text; 

namespace System.Data.Odbc 
    sealed internal class CNativeBuffer : System.Data.ProviderBase.DbBuffer {
        internal CNativeBuffer (int initialSize) : base(initialSize) {

        internal short ShortLength { 
            get {
                return checked((short)Length); 
        internal  object MarshalToManaged(int offset, ODBC32.SQL_C sqlctype, int cb) {
            object value;
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.WCHAR:
                    //Note: We always bind as unicode 
                    if(cb == ODBC32.SQL_NTS) { 
                        value = PtrToStringUni(offset);
                    Debug.Assert((cb > 0), "Character count negative ");
                    Debug.Assert((Length >= cb), "Native buffer too small ");
                    cb = Math.Min(cb/2, (Length-2)/2); 
                    value= PtrToStringUni(offset, cb);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.CHAR:
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.BINARY: 
                    Debug.Assert((cb > 0), "Character count negative ");
                    Debug.Assert((Length >= cb), "Native buffer too small ");
                    cb = Math.Min(cb, Length);
                    value = ReadBytes(offset, cb); 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SSHORT: 
                     value = ReadInt16(offset);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SLONG:
                     value = ReadInt32(offset);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SBIGINT: 
                     value = ReadInt64(offset); 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.BIT:
                     Byte b = ReadByte(offset);
                    value = (b != 0x00);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.REAL: 
                     value = ReadSingle(offset); 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.DOUBLE:
                     value = ReadDouble(offset);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.UTINYINT:
                     value = ReadByte(offset); 

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.GUID: 
                     value = ReadGuid(offset);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_TIMESTAMP: 
                    //So we are mapping this ourselves.
                    //typedef struct tagTIMESTAMP_STRUCT 
                    //      SQLSMALLINT    year;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   month; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   day;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   hour;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   minute;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   second; 
                    //      SQLUINTEGER    fraction;    (billoniths of a second)
                    value = ReadDateTime(offset);

                // Note: System does not provide a date-only type
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_DATE:
                    //  typedef struct tagDATE_STRUCT 
                    //  {
                    //      SQLSMALLINT    year; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   month; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   day;
                    //  } DATE_STRUCT; 

                    value = ReadDate(offset);
                // Note: System does not provide a date-only type
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_TIME: 
                    //  typedef struct tagTIME_STRUCT 
                    //  {
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   hour; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   minute;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   second;
                    //  } TIME_STRUCT;
                    value = ReadTime(offset);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.NUMERIC:
                    //Note: Unfortunatly the ODBC NUMERIC structure and the URT DECIMAL structure do not 
                    //align, so we can't so do the typical "PtrToStructure" call (below) like other types
                    //We actually have to go through the pain of pulling our raw bytes and building the decimal
                    //  Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(decimal));
                    //So we are mapping this ourselves
                    //typedef struct tagSQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT 
                    //  SQLCHAR     precision;
                    //  SQLSCHAR    scale; 
                    //  SQLCHAR     sign;   /* 1 if positive, 0 if negative */
                    //  SQLCHAR     val[SQL_MAX_NUMERIC_LEN];
                    //} SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT;
                    value = ReadNumeric(offset);
                    Debug.Assert (false, "UnknownSQLCType"); 
                    value = null;
             return value; 
        // if sizeorprecision applies only for wchar and numeric values 
        // for wchar the a value of null means take the value's size
        internal void MarshalToNative(int offset, object value, ODBC32.SQL_C sqlctype, int sizeorprecision, int valueOffset) {
            switch(sqlctype) {
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.WCHAR:
                    //Note: We always bind as unicode
                    //Note: StructureToPtr fails indicating string it a non-blittable type 
                    //and there is no MarshalStringTo* that moves to an existing buffer, 
                    //they all alloc and return a new one, not at all what we want...
                    //So we have to copy the raw bytes of the string ourself?!

                    Char[] rgChars;
                    int length; 
                    Debug.Assert(value is string || value is char[],"Only string or char[] can be marshaled to WCHAR");
                    if (value is string) { 
                        length = Math.Max(0, ((string)value).Length - valueOffset);
                        if ((sizeorprecision > 0)  && (sizeorprecision < length)) {
                            length = sizeorprecision;
                        rgChars = ((string)value).ToCharArray(valueOffset, length);
                        Debug.Assert(rgChars.Length < (base.Length - valueOffset), "attempting to extend parameter buffer!"); 
                        WriteCharArray(offset, rgChars, 0, rgChars.Length);
                        WriteInt16(offset+(rgChars.Length * 2), 0); // Add the null terminator 
                    else {
                        length = Math.Max(0, ((char[])value).Length - valueOffset);
                        if ((sizeorprecision > 0)  && (sizeorprecision < length)) { 
                            length = sizeorprecision;
                        rgChars = (char[])value; 
                        Debug.Assert(rgChars.Length < (base.Length - valueOffset), "attempting to extend parameter buffer!");
                        WriteCharArray(offset, rgChars, valueOffset, length);
                        WriteInt16(offset+(rgChars.Length * 2), 0); // Add the null terminator
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.BINARY: 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.CHAR:
                    Byte[] rgBytes = (Byte[])value;
                    int length = rgBytes.Length;

                    Debug.Assert ((valueOffset <= length), "Offset out of Range" ); 

                    // reduce length by the valueOffset 
                    length -= valueOffset;
                    // reduce length to be no more than size (if size is given)
                    if ((sizeorprecision > 0)  && (sizeorprecision < length)) {
                        length = sizeorprecision; 
                    //buffer = DangerousAllocateAndGetHandle();      // Realloc may have changed buffer address
                    Debug.Assert(length < (base.Length - valueOffset), "attempting to extend parameter buffer!"); 

                    WriteBytes(offset, rgBytes, valueOffset, length);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.UTINYINT: 
                    WriteByte(offset, (Byte)value); 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SSHORT:   //Int16
                    WriteInt16(offset, (Int16)value);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SLONG:    //Int32
                    WriteInt32(offset, (Int32)value); 

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.REAL:     //float 
                    WriteSingle(offset, (Single)value);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SBIGINT:  //Int64 
                    WriteInt64(offset, (Int64)value);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.DOUBLE:   //Double
                    WriteDouble(offset, (Double)value); 

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.GUID:     //Guid
                    WriteGuid(offset, (Guid)value); 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.BIT: 
                    WriteByte(offset, (Byte)(((bool)value) ? 1 : 0));

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
                    //typedef struct tagTIMESTAMP_STRUCT 
                    //      SQLSMALLINT    year; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   month; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   day;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   hour; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   minute;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   second;
                    //      SQLUINTEGER    fraction;    (billoniths of a second)

                    //We have to map this ourselves, due to the different structures between 
                    //ODBC TIMESTAMP and URT DateTime, (ie: can't use StructureToPtr) 

                    WriteODBCDateTime(offset, (DateTime)value); 

                // Note: System does not provide a date-only type 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_DATE:
                    //  typedef struct tagDATE_STRUCT 
                    //  {
                    //      SQLSMALLINT    year; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   month;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   day;
                    //  } DATE_STRUCT;
                    WriteDate(offset, (DateTime)value);

                // Note: System does not provide a date-only type 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_TIME:
                    //  typedef struct tagTIME_STRUCT
                    //  { 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   hour;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   minute; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   second; 
                    //  } TIME_STRUCT;
                    WriteTime(offset, (TimeSpan)value);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.NUMERIC:
                    WriteNumeric(offset, (Decimal)value, checked((byte)sizeorprecision)); 

                    Debug.Assert (false, "UnknownSQLCType");
        internal HandleRef PtrOffset(int offset, int length) {
            // NOTE: You must have called DangerousAddRef before calling this
            //       method, or you run the risk of allowing Handle Recycling
            //       to occur!
            Validate(offset, length);
            IntPtr ptr = ADP.IntPtrOffset(DangerousGetHandle(), offset); 
            return new HandleRef(this, ptr);

        internal void WriteODBCDateTime(int offset, DateTime value) {
            short[] buffer = new short[6] {
            WriteInt16Array(offset, buffer, 0, 6);
            WriteInt32(offset + 12, value.Millisecond*1000000); //fraction
    sealed internal class CStringTokenizer {
        readonly StringBuilder _token; 
        readonly string _sqlstatement;
        readonly char _quote;         // typically the semicolon '"'
        readonly char _escape;        // typically the same char as the quote
        int _len = 0; 
        int _idx = 0;
        internal CStringTokenizer(string text, char quote, char escape) { 
            _token = new StringBuilder();
            _quote = quote; 
            _escape = escape;
            _sqlstatement = text;
            if (text != null) {
                int iNul = text.IndexOf('\0'); 
                _len = (0>iNul)?text.Length:iNul;
            else { 
                _len = 0;

        internal int CurrentPosition {
              get{ return _idx; } 
        // Returns the next token in the statement, advancing the current index to 
        //  the start of the token
        internal String NextToken() { 
            if (_token.Length != 0) {                   // if we've read a token before
                _idx += _token.Length;                  // proceed the internal marker (_idx) behind the token
                _token.Remove(0, _token.Length);        // and start over with a fresh token

            while((_idx < _len) && Char.IsWhiteSpace(_sqlstatement[_idx])) { 
                // skip whitespace 

            if (_idx == _len) {
                // return if string is empty
                return String.Empty; 
            int curidx = _idx;                          // start with internal index at current index 
            bool endtoken = false;                      //
            // process characters until we reache the end of the token or the end of the string
            while (!endtoken && curidx < _len) {
                if (IsValidNameChar(_sqlstatement[curidx])) { 
                    while ((curidx < _len) && IsValidNameChar(_sqlstatement[curidx])) {
                else {
                    char currentchar = _sqlstatement[curidx];
                    if (currentchar == '[') {
                        curidx = GetTokenFromBracket(curidx); 
                    else if (' ' != _quote && currentchar == _quote) { // if the ODBC driver does not support quoted identifiers it returns a single blank character 
                        curidx = GetTokenFromQuote(curidx); 
                    else { 
                        // Some other marker like , ; ( or )
                        // could also be * or ?
                        if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(currentchar)) {
                            switch (currentchar) { 
                                case ',':
                                    // commas are not part of a token so we'll only append them if they are at the beginning 
                                    if (curidx == _idx) 
                        endtoken = true; 

            return (_token.Length > 0) ? _token.ToString() : String.Empty ;
        private int GetTokenFromBracket(int curidx) { 
            Debug.Assert((_sqlstatement[curidx] == '['), "GetTokenFromQuote: character at starting position must be same as quotechar");
            while (curidx < _len) { 
                if (_sqlstatement[curidx-1] == ']')
            return curidx; 

        // attempts to complete an encapsulated token (e.g. "scott") 
        // double quotes are valid part of the token (e.g. "foo""bar")
        private int GetTokenFromQuote(int curidx) {
            Debug.Assert(_quote != ' ', "ODBC driver doesn't support quoted identifiers -- GetTokenFromQuote should not be used in this case"); 
            Debug.Assert((_sqlstatement[curidx] == _quote), "GetTokenFromQuote: character at starting position must be same as quotechar");
            int localidx = curidx;                                  // start with local index at current index 
            while (localidx < _len) {                               // run to the end of the statement
                _token.Append(_sqlstatement[localidx]);             // append current character to token 
                if (_sqlstatement[localidx] == _quote) {
                    if(localidx > curidx) {                         // don't care for the first char
                        if (_sqlstatement[localidx-1] != _escape) { // if it's not escape we look at the following char
                            if (localidx+1 < _len) {                // do not overrun the end of the string 
                                if (_sqlstatement[localidx+1] != _quote) {
                                    return localidx+1;              // We've reached the end of the quoted text 
            return localidx;
        private bool IsValidNameChar(char ch) {
            return (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || 
                    (ch == '_') || (ch == '-') ||(ch == '.') ||
                    (ch == '$') || (ch == '#') || (ch == '@') ||
                    (ch == '~') || (ch == '`') || (ch == '%') ||
                    (ch == '^') || (ch == '&') || (ch == '|') ) ; 
        // Searches for the token given, starting from the current position 
        // If found, positions the currentindex at the
        // beginning of the token if found. 
        internal int FindTokenIndex(String tokenString) {
            String nextToken;
            while (true) {
                nextToken = NextToken(); 
                if ((_idx == _len) || ADP.IsEmpty(nextToken)) { // fxcop
                if (String.Compare(tokenString, nextToken, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
                    return _idx; 
            return -1;

        // Skips the white space found in the beginning of the string. 
        internal bool StartsWith(String tokenString) { 
            int     tempidx = 0;
            while((tempidx < _len) && Char.IsWhiteSpace(_sqlstatement[tempidx])) { 
            if ((_len - tempidx) < tokenString.Length) {
                return false; 
            if (0 == String.Compare(_sqlstatement, tempidx, tokenString, 0, tokenString.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { 
                // Reset current position and token
                _idx = 0; 
                return true;
            return false; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
// [....]
using System;
using System.Data; 
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Diagnostics;                   // Debug services
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text; 

namespace System.Data.Odbc 
    sealed internal class CNativeBuffer : System.Data.ProviderBase.DbBuffer {
        internal CNativeBuffer (int initialSize) : base(initialSize) {

        internal short ShortLength { 
            get {
                return checked((short)Length); 
        internal  object MarshalToManaged(int offset, ODBC32.SQL_C sqlctype, int cb) {
            object value;
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.WCHAR:
                    //Note: We always bind as unicode 
                    if(cb == ODBC32.SQL_NTS) { 
                        value = PtrToStringUni(offset);
                    Debug.Assert((cb > 0), "Character count negative ");
                    Debug.Assert((Length >= cb), "Native buffer too small ");
                    cb = Math.Min(cb/2, (Length-2)/2); 
                    value= PtrToStringUni(offset, cb);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.CHAR:
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.BINARY: 
                    Debug.Assert((cb > 0), "Character count negative ");
                    Debug.Assert((Length >= cb), "Native buffer too small ");
                    cb = Math.Min(cb, Length);
                    value = ReadBytes(offset, cb); 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SSHORT: 
                     value = ReadInt16(offset);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SLONG:
                     value = ReadInt32(offset);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SBIGINT: 
                     value = ReadInt64(offset); 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.BIT:
                     Byte b = ReadByte(offset);
                    value = (b != 0x00);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.REAL: 
                     value = ReadSingle(offset); 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.DOUBLE:
                     value = ReadDouble(offset);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.UTINYINT:
                     value = ReadByte(offset); 

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.GUID: 
                     value = ReadGuid(offset);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_TIMESTAMP: 
                    //So we are mapping this ourselves.
                    //typedef struct tagTIMESTAMP_STRUCT 
                    //      SQLSMALLINT    year;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   month; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   day;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   hour;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   minute;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   second; 
                    //      SQLUINTEGER    fraction;    (billoniths of a second)
                    value = ReadDateTime(offset);

                // Note: System does not provide a date-only type
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_DATE:
                    //  typedef struct tagDATE_STRUCT 
                    //  {
                    //      SQLSMALLINT    year; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   month; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   day;
                    //  } DATE_STRUCT; 

                    value = ReadDate(offset);
                // Note: System does not provide a date-only type
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_TIME: 
                    //  typedef struct tagTIME_STRUCT 
                    //  {
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   hour; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   minute;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   second;
                    //  } TIME_STRUCT;
                    value = ReadTime(offset);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.NUMERIC:
                    //Note: Unfortunatly the ODBC NUMERIC structure and the URT DECIMAL structure do not 
                    //align, so we can't so do the typical "PtrToStructure" call (below) like other types
                    //We actually have to go through the pain of pulling our raw bytes and building the decimal
                    //  Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(decimal));
                    //So we are mapping this ourselves
                    //typedef struct tagSQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT 
                    //  SQLCHAR     precision;
                    //  SQLSCHAR    scale; 
                    //  SQLCHAR     sign;   /* 1 if positive, 0 if negative */
                    //  SQLCHAR     val[SQL_MAX_NUMERIC_LEN];
                    //} SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT;
                    value = ReadNumeric(offset);
                    Debug.Assert (false, "UnknownSQLCType"); 
                    value = null;
             return value; 
        // if sizeorprecision applies only for wchar and numeric values 
        // for wchar the a value of null means take the value's size
        internal void MarshalToNative(int offset, object value, ODBC32.SQL_C sqlctype, int sizeorprecision, int valueOffset) {
            switch(sqlctype) {
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.WCHAR:
                    //Note: We always bind as unicode
                    //Note: StructureToPtr fails indicating string it a non-blittable type 
                    //and there is no MarshalStringTo* that moves to an existing buffer, 
                    //they all alloc and return a new one, not at all what we want...
                    //So we have to copy the raw bytes of the string ourself?!

                    Char[] rgChars;
                    int length; 
                    Debug.Assert(value is string || value is char[],"Only string or char[] can be marshaled to WCHAR");
                    if (value is string) { 
                        length = Math.Max(0, ((string)value).Length - valueOffset);
                        if ((sizeorprecision > 0)  && (sizeorprecision < length)) {
                            length = sizeorprecision;
                        rgChars = ((string)value).ToCharArray(valueOffset, length);
                        Debug.Assert(rgChars.Length < (base.Length - valueOffset), "attempting to extend parameter buffer!"); 
                        WriteCharArray(offset, rgChars, 0, rgChars.Length);
                        WriteInt16(offset+(rgChars.Length * 2), 0); // Add the null terminator 
                    else {
                        length = Math.Max(0, ((char[])value).Length - valueOffset);
                        if ((sizeorprecision > 0)  && (sizeorprecision < length)) { 
                            length = sizeorprecision;
                        rgChars = (char[])value; 
                        Debug.Assert(rgChars.Length < (base.Length - valueOffset), "attempting to extend parameter buffer!");
                        WriteCharArray(offset, rgChars, valueOffset, length);
                        WriteInt16(offset+(rgChars.Length * 2), 0); // Add the null terminator
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.BINARY: 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.CHAR:
                    Byte[] rgBytes = (Byte[])value;
                    int length = rgBytes.Length;

                    Debug.Assert ((valueOffset <= length), "Offset out of Range" ); 

                    // reduce length by the valueOffset 
                    length -= valueOffset;
                    // reduce length to be no more than size (if size is given)
                    if ((sizeorprecision > 0)  && (sizeorprecision < length)) {
                        length = sizeorprecision; 
                    //buffer = DangerousAllocateAndGetHandle();      // Realloc may have changed buffer address
                    Debug.Assert(length < (base.Length - valueOffset), "attempting to extend parameter buffer!"); 

                    WriteBytes(offset, rgBytes, valueOffset, length);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.UTINYINT: 
                    WriteByte(offset, (Byte)value); 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SSHORT:   //Int16
                    WriteInt16(offset, (Int16)value);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SLONG:    //Int32
                    WriteInt32(offset, (Int32)value); 

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.REAL:     //float 
                    WriteSingle(offset, (Single)value);

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.SBIGINT:  //Int64 
                    WriteInt64(offset, (Int64)value);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.DOUBLE:   //Double
                    WriteDouble(offset, (Double)value); 

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.GUID:     //Guid
                    WriteGuid(offset, (Guid)value); 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.BIT: 
                    WriteByte(offset, (Byte)(((bool)value) ? 1 : 0));

                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
                    //typedef struct tagTIMESTAMP_STRUCT 
                    //      SQLSMALLINT    year; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   month; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   day;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   hour; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   minute;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   second;
                    //      SQLUINTEGER    fraction;    (billoniths of a second)

                    //We have to map this ourselves, due to the different structures between 
                    //ODBC TIMESTAMP and URT DateTime, (ie: can't use StructureToPtr) 

                    WriteODBCDateTime(offset, (DateTime)value); 

                // Note: System does not provide a date-only type 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_DATE:
                    //  typedef struct tagDATE_STRUCT 
                    //  {
                    //      SQLSMALLINT    year; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   month;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   day;
                    //  } DATE_STRUCT;
                    WriteDate(offset, (DateTime)value);

                // Note: System does not provide a date-only type 
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.TYPE_TIME:
                    //  typedef struct tagTIME_STRUCT
                    //  { 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   hour;
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   minute; 
                    //      SQLUSMALLINT   second; 
                    //  } TIME_STRUCT;
                    WriteTime(offset, (TimeSpan)value);
                case ODBC32.SQL_C.NUMERIC:
                    WriteNumeric(offset, (Decimal)value, checked((byte)sizeorprecision)); 

                    Debug.Assert (false, "UnknownSQLCType");
        internal HandleRef PtrOffset(int offset, int length) {
            // NOTE: You must have called DangerousAddRef before calling this
            //       method, or you run the risk of allowing Handle Recycling
            //       to occur!
            Validate(offset, length);
            IntPtr ptr = ADP.IntPtrOffset(DangerousGetHandle(), offset); 
            return new HandleRef(this, ptr);

        internal void WriteODBCDateTime(int offset, DateTime value) {
            short[] buffer = new short[6] {
            WriteInt16Array(offset, buffer, 0, 6);
            WriteInt32(offset + 12, value.Millisecond*1000000); //fraction
    sealed internal class CStringTokenizer {
        readonly StringBuilder _token; 
        readonly string _sqlstatement;
        readonly char _quote;         // typically the semicolon '"'
        readonly char _escape;        // typically the same char as the quote
        int _len = 0; 
        int _idx = 0;
        internal CStringTokenizer(string text, char quote, char escape) { 
            _token = new StringBuilder();
            _quote = quote; 
            _escape = escape;
            _sqlstatement = text;
            if (text != null) {
                int iNul = text.IndexOf('\0'); 
                _len = (0>iNul)?text.Length:iNul;
            else { 
                _len = 0;

        internal int CurrentPosition {
              get{ return _idx; } 
        // Returns the next token in the statement, advancing the current index to 
        //  the start of the token
        internal String NextToken() { 
            if (_token.Length != 0) {                   // if we've read a token before
                _idx += _token.Length;                  // proceed the internal marker (_idx) behind the token
                _token.Remove(0, _token.Length);        // and start over with a fresh token

            while((_idx < _len) && Char.IsWhiteSpace(_sqlstatement[_idx])) { 
                // skip whitespace 

            if (_idx == _len) {
                // return if string is empty
                return String.Empty; 
            int curidx = _idx;                          // start with internal index at current index 
            bool endtoken = false;                      //
            // process characters until we reache the end of the token or the end of the string
            while (!endtoken && curidx < _len) {
                if (IsValidNameChar(_sqlstatement[curidx])) { 
                    while ((curidx < _len) && IsValidNameChar(_sqlstatement[curidx])) {
                else {
                    char currentchar = _sqlstatement[curidx];
                    if (currentchar == '[') {
                        curidx = GetTokenFromBracket(curidx); 
                    else if (' ' != _quote && currentchar == _quote) { // if the ODBC driver does not support quoted identifiers it returns a single blank character 
                        curidx = GetTokenFromQuote(curidx); 
                    else { 
                        // Some other marker like , ; ( or )
                        // could also be * or ?
                        if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(currentchar)) {
                            switch (currentchar) { 
                                case ',':
                                    // commas are not part of a token so we'll only append them if they are at the beginning 
                                    if (curidx == _idx) 
                        endtoken = true; 

            return (_token.Length > 0) ? _token.ToString() : String.Empty ;
        private int GetTokenFromBracket(int curidx) { 
            Debug.Assert((_sqlstatement[curidx] == '['), "GetTokenFromQuote: character at starting position must be same as quotechar");
            while (curidx < _len) { 
                if (_sqlstatement[curidx-1] == ']')
            return curidx; 

        // attempts to complete an encapsulated token (e.g. "scott") 
        // double quotes are valid part of the token (e.g. "foo""bar")
        private int GetTokenFromQuote(int curidx) {
            Debug.Assert(_quote != ' ', "ODBC driver doesn't support quoted identifiers -- GetTokenFromQuote should not be used in this case"); 
            Debug.Assert((_sqlstatement[curidx] == _quote), "GetTokenFromQuote: character at starting position must be same as quotechar");
            int localidx = curidx;                                  // start with local index at current index 
            while (localidx < _len) {                               // run to the end of the statement
                _token.Append(_sqlstatement[localidx]);             // append current character to token 
                if (_sqlstatement[localidx] == _quote) {
                    if(localidx > curidx) {                         // don't care for the first char
                        if (_sqlstatement[localidx-1] != _escape) { // if it's not escape we look at the following char
                            if (localidx+1 < _len) {                // do not overrun the end of the string 
                                if (_sqlstatement[localidx+1] != _quote) {
                                    return localidx+1;              // We've reached the end of the quoted text 
            return localidx;
        private bool IsValidNameChar(char ch) {
            return (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || 
                    (ch == '_') || (ch == '-') ||(ch == '.') ||
                    (ch == '$') || (ch == '#') || (ch == '@') ||
                    (ch == '~') || (ch == '`') || (ch == '%') ||
                    (ch == '^') || (ch == '&') || (ch == '|') ) ; 
        // Searches for the token given, starting from the current position 
        // If found, positions the currentindex at the
        // beginning of the token if found. 
        internal int FindTokenIndex(String tokenString) {
            String nextToken;
            while (true) {
                nextToken = NextToken(); 
                if ((_idx == _len) || ADP.IsEmpty(nextToken)) { // fxcop
                if (String.Compare(tokenString, nextToken, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
                    return _idx; 
            return -1;

        // Skips the white space found in the beginning of the string. 
        internal bool StartsWith(String tokenString) { 
            int     tempidx = 0;
            while((tempidx < _len) && Char.IsWhiteSpace(_sqlstatement[tempidx])) { 
            if ((_len - tempidx) < tokenString.Length) {
                return false; 
            if (0 == String.Compare(_sqlstatement, tempidx, tokenString, 0, tokenString.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { 
                // Reset current position and token
                _idx = 0; 
                return true;
            return false; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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