_NegoState.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / SecureProtocols / _NegoState.cs / 2 / _NegoState.cs

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:
        The internal class is used by Negotiate Client&Server and by (internal) NegoStream.
        It encapsulates security context and does the real work in authentication and 
        user data encryption with NEGO SSPI package.

    Alexei Vopilov    12-Aug-2003 

Revision History: 
    12-Aug-2003 New design that has obsoleted Authenticator class 


namespace System.Net.Security {
    using System;
    using System.Net; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Principal; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Security.Authentication;
    using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection;
    // The class maintains the state of the authentication process and the security context. 
    // On the success it returns the remote side identites created as the result 
    // of authentication.
    internal class NegoState {

        private const int ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE = 1790;   //used to serialize protectionLevel or impersonationLevel mismatch error to the remote side
        private static readonly byte[]  _EmptyMessage = new byte[0];
        private static readonly AsyncCallback   _ReadCallback   = new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback); 
        private static readonly AsyncCallback   _WriteCallback  = new AsyncCallback(WriteCallback); 

        private Stream              _InnerStream; 
        private bool                _LeaveStreamOpen;

        private Exception           _Exception;
        private StreamFramer        _Framer;
        private NTAuthentication    _Context; 
        private int                 _NestedAuth;
        internal const int          c_MaxReadFrameSize   = 64*1024;
        internal const int          c_MaxWriteDataSize   = 63*1024; //we give 1k for the framing and trailer that is laways less as per SSPI.

        private  bool                       _CanRetryAuthentication; 
        private  ProtectionLevel            _ExpectedProtectionLevel;
        private  TokenImpersonationLevel    _ExpectedImpersonationLevel; 
        private  uint                       _WriteSequenceNumber; 
        private  uint                       _ReadSequenceNumber;
        private ExtendedProtectionPolicy    _ExtendedProtectionPolicy;

        // SSPI does not send a server ack on successfull auth.
        // So, this is a state variable used to gracefully handle auth confirmation 
        private bool _RemoteOk = false;
        internal NegoState(Stream innerStream, bool leaveStreamOpen) {
            if (innerStream==null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
            _InnerStream = innerStream;
            _LeaveStreamOpen = leaveStreamOpen; 
        internal static string DefaultPackage { 
            get {
                return ComNetOS.IsWin9x? NegotiationInfoClass.NTLM: NegotiationInfoClass.Negotiate;
        internal void ValidateCreateContext(string package,
                                            NetworkCredential credential, 
                                            string servicePrincipalName,
                                            ExtendedProtectionPolicy policy,
                                            ProtectionLevel protectionLevel,
                                            TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel) 
            if (policy != null) 
                // One of these must be set if EP is turned on
                if (policy.CustomChannelBinding == null && policy.CustomServiceNames == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_must_specify_extended_protection_scheme), "policy");

                _ExtendedProtectionPolicy = policy;
                _ExtendedProtectionPolicy = new ExtendedProtectionPolicy(PolicyEnforcement.Never); 
            ValidateCreateContext(package, true, credential, servicePrincipalName, _ExtendedProtectionPolicy.CustomChannelBinding, protectionLevel, impersonationLevel);
        internal void ValidateCreateContext( 
                                            string package,
                                            bool isServer, 
                                            NetworkCredential credential, 
                                            string servicePrincipalName,
                                            ChannelBinding channelBinding, 
                                            ProtectionLevel         protectionLevel,
                                            TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel

            if (_Exception != null && !_CanRetryAuthentication) { 
                throw _Exception; 
            if (_Context != null && _Context.IsValidContext) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_reauth));
            if (credential == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("credential"); 

            if (servicePrincipalName == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("servicePrincipalName");

            if (ComNetOS.IsWin9x && protectionLevel != ProtectionLevel.None) 
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_no_protection_on_win9x)); 

            if (impersonationLevel != TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification && 
                impersonationLevel != TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation &&
                impersonationLevel != TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("impersonationLevel", impersonationLevel.ToString(), SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_supported_impl_levels)); 
            if (_Context != null && IsServer != isServer) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_client_server));

            _Exception = null;
            _RemoteOk = false;
            _Framer = new StreamFramer(_InnerStream); 
            _Framer.WriteHeader.MessageId = FrameHeader.HandshakeId;
            _ExpectedProtectionLevel    = protectionLevel; 
            _ExpectedImpersonationLevel = isServer? impersonationLevel: TokenImpersonationLevel.None;
            _WriteSequenceNumber        = 0; 
            _ReadSequenceNumber         = 0;

            ContextFlags flags = ContextFlags.Connection;
            // A workaround for the client when talking to Win9x on the server side
            if (protectionLevel == ProtectionLevel.None && !isServer) 
                package = NegotiationInfoClass.NTLM;

            else if (protectionLevel == ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign)
                flags |= ContextFlags.Confidentiality; 
            else if (protectionLevel == ProtectionLevel.Sign) 
                // Assuming user expects NT4 SP4 and above
                flags |= ContextFlags.ReplayDetect | ContextFlags.SequenceDetect | ContextFlags.InitIntegrity; 

            if (isServer)
                if (_ExtendedProtectionPolicy.PolicyEnforcement == PolicyEnforcement.WhenSupported) { flags |= ContextFlags.AllowMissingBindings; }
                if (_ExtendedProtectionPolicy.PolicyEnforcement != PolicyEnforcement.Never && 
                    _ExtendedProtectionPolicy.ProtectionScenario == ProtectionScenario.TrustedProxy) 
                    flags |= ContextFlags.ProxyBindings; 
                // According to lzhu server side should not request any of these flags
                if (protectionLevel != ProtectionLevel.None)                        {flags |= ContextFlags.MutualAuth;} 
                if (impersonationLevel == TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification)   {flags |= ContextFlags.InitIdentify;} 
                if (impersonationLevel == TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation)       {flags |= ContextFlags.Delegate;}

            _CanRetryAuthentication = false;
            // Security: We used to rely on NetworkCredential class to demand permission 
            //           Switched over to explicit ControlPrincipalPermission demand (except for DefaultCredential case) 
            //           The mitigated attack is brute-force pasword guessing through SSPI.
            if (!(credential is SystemNetworkCredential)) 

            try {
                _Context = new NTAuthentication(isServer, package, credential, servicePrincipalName, flags, channelBinding);
            catch (Win32Exception e) 
                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_SSPI), e); 

        private Exception SetException(Exception e) 
            if (_Exception == null || !(_Exception is ObjectDisposedException))
                _Exception = e;
            if (_Exception != null && _Context != null) {
            return _Exception; 

        // General informational properties

        internal bool IsAuthenticated { 
            get { 
                return _Context != null && HandshakeComplete && _Exception == null && _RemoteOk;
        internal  bool IsMutuallyAuthenticated {
            get { 
                if (!IsAuthenticated) 
                    return false;
                // On Win9x it is alwasy false
                if (ComNetOS.IsWin9x)
                    return false;
                // Suppressing for NTLM since SSPI does not return correct value int the context flags.
                if (_Context.IsNTLM) 
                    return false; 

                return _Context.IsMutualAuthFlag; 
        internal  bool IsEncrypted { 
            get {
                return IsAuthenticated && _Context.IsConfidentialityFlag; 
        internal  bool IsSigned {
            get {
                return IsAuthenticated && (_Context.IsIntegrityFlag || _Context.IsConfidentialityFlag);
        internal bool IsServer { 
            get {
                return _Context != null && _Context.IsServer; 
        // NEGO specific informational properties 
        internal bool CanGetSecureStream { 
            get {
                return (_Context.IsConfidentialityFlag || _Context.IsIntegrityFlag); 
        internal TokenImpersonationLevel AllowedImpersonation { 
            get { 
                return PrivateImpersonationLevel; 
        private TokenImpersonationLevel PrivateImpersonationLevel { 
            get {
                // according to lzhu we should suppress dlegate flag in NTLM case 
                return  (_Context.IsDelegationFlag && _Context.ProtocolName != NegotiationInfoClass.NTLM) ? TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation 
                        :_Context.IsIdentifyFlag?   TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification
                        :(ComNetOS.IsWin9x && _Context.IsServer) ? TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification  //Win9x workaround. 
        private bool HandshakeComplete { 
            get {
                return _Context.IsCompleted && _Context.IsValidContext; 
        // Note that method will demand PrincipalControlPermission 
        // which essentially means demanding full trust
        internal IIdentity GetIdentity() { 


            IIdentity result = null;
            string name = _Context.IsServer? _Context.AssociatedName: _Context.Spn;
            string protocol = "NTLM"; 

            if (!ComNetOS.IsWin9x) { 
                protocol = _Context.ProtocolName; 
            if (_Context.IsServer && !ComNetOS.IsWin9x) {
                SafeCloseHandle token = null;
                try {
                    token = _Context.GetContextToken(); 
                    string authtype = _Context.ProtocolName;
                    result = new WindowsIdentity(token.DangerousGetHandle(), authtype, WindowsAccountType.Normal, true); 
                    return result; 
                catch (SecurityException) { 
                    //ignore and construct generic Identity if failed due to security problem
                finally {
                    if (token != null) { 
            // on the client we don't have access to the remote side identity. 
            result = new GenericIdentity(name, protocol);
            return result;
        // Methods 

        internal void CheckThrow(bool authSucessCheck) {
            if (_Exception != null) {
                throw _Exception; 
            if (authSucessCheck && !IsAuthenticated) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_noauth)); 
        // This is to not depend on GC&SafeHandle class if the context is not needed anymore.
        internal void Close() { 
            // Mark this instance as disposed
            _Exception = new ObjectDisposedException("NegotiateStream"); 
            if (_Context != null) { 
        internal void ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _NestedAuth, 1) == 1) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_invalidnestedcall, lazyResult==null?"BeginAuthenticate":"Authenticate", "authenticate")); 

            try {
                if (_Context.IsServer) 
                    // Listen for a client blob 
                    // we start with the first blob
                    StartSendBlob(null, lazyResult);
            catch (Exception e) 
                // Roundtrip it through the SetException()
                e = SetException(e); 
                throw e;
            catch {
                // Roundtrip it through the SetException() 
                Exception e = SetException(new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.net_nonClsCompliantException)));
                throw e; 
                if (lazyResult == null || _Exception != null) {
                    _NestedAuth = 0;
        internal void EndProcessAuthentication(IAsyncResult result) 
            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncResult"); 
            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = result as LazyAsyncResult; 
            if (lazyResult == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_async_result, result.GetType().FullName), "asyncResult");

            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _NestedAuth, 0) == 0) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_invalidendcall, "EndAuthenticate")); 

            // No "artificial" timeouts implemented so far, InnerStream controls that. 

            Exception e = lazyResult.Result as Exception;
            if (e != null)
                // Roundtrip it through the SetException() 
                e = SetException(e);
                throw e; 

        private bool CheckSpn()
            if (_Context.IsKerberos) 
                return true; 

            if (_ExtendedProtectionPolicy.PolicyEnforcement == PolicyEnforcement.Never ||
                    _ExtendedProtectionPolicy.CustomServiceNames == null) 
                return true; 

            string clientSpn = _Context.ClientSpecifiedSpn; 

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientSpn))
                if (_ExtendedProtectionPolicy.PolicyEnforcement == PolicyEnforcement.WhenSupported) 
                    return true; 
                foreach (string serviceName in _ExtendedProtectionPolicy.CustomServiceNames)
                    if (String.Compare(clientSpn, serviceName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 
                        return true; 

            return false;
        // Client side starts here, but server also loops through this method 
        private void StartSendBlob(byte[] message, LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
            Win32Exception win32exception = null;
            if (message != _EmptyMessage)
                message = GetOutgoingBlob(message, ref win32exception); 
            if (win32exception != null) 
                // signal remote side on a failed attempt 
                StartSendAuthResetSignal(lazyResult, message, win32exception);
            if (HandshakeComplete)
                if (_Context.IsServer && !CheckSpn()) 
                    Exception exception = new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_bad_client_creds_or_target_mismatch)); 
                    int statusCode = ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE;
                    message = new byte[8];  //sizeof(long)

                    for (int i = message.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) 
                        message[i] = (byte)(statusCode & 0xFF); 
                        statusCode = (int)((uint)statusCode >> 8); 
                    StartSendAuthResetSignal(lazyResult, message, exception);
                if (PrivateImpersonationLevel < _ExpectedImpersonationLevel)
                    Exception exception = new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_context_expectation, _ExpectedImpersonationLevel.ToString(), PrivateImpersonationLevel.ToString())); 
                    int statusCode = ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE;
                    message = new byte[8];  //sizeof(long) 

                    for (int i = message.Length-1; i >= 0; --i)
                        message[i] = (byte)(statusCode & 0xFF); 
                        statusCode = (int) ((uint) statusCode >> 8);
                    StartSendAuthResetSignal(lazyResult, message, exception);

                ProtectionLevel result = _Context.IsConfidentialityFlag? ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign: _Context.IsIntegrityFlag? ProtectionLevel.Sign: ProtectionLevel.None;
                if (result < _ExpectedProtectionLevel)
                    Exception exception = new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_context_expectation, result.ToString(), _ExpectedProtectionLevel.ToString())); 
                    int statusCode = ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE;
                    message = new byte[8];  //sizeof(long) 

                    for (int i = message.Length-1; i >= 0; --i)
                        message[i] = (byte)(statusCode & 0xFF); 
                        statusCode = (int) ((uint) statusCode >> 8);
                    StartSendAuthResetSignal(lazyResult, message, exception);

                // Signal remote party that we are done
                _Framer.WriteHeader.MessageId = FrameHeader.HandshakeDoneId; 
                if (_Context.IsServer)
                    // Server may complete now because client SSPI would not complain at this point. 
                    _RemoteOk = true;
                    // However the client will wait for server to send this ACK
                    //Force signalling server OK to the client
                    if (message == null)
                        message = _EmptyMessage;
            else if (message == null || message == _EmptyMessage) { 
                throw new InternalException();

            if (message != null) 
                //even if we are comleted, there could be a blob for sending. 
                if (lazyResult == null) 
                    IAsyncResult ar = _Framer.BeginWriteMessage(message, _WriteCallback, lazyResult); 
                    if (!ar.CompletedSynchronously)
        // This will check and logically complete the auth handshake 
        private void CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
            if (HandshakeComplete && _RemoteOk)
                //we are done with success
                if (lazyResult != null) 
        // Server side starts here, but client also loops through this method 
        private void StartReceiveBlob(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult) 
            byte[] message;
            if (lazyResult == null) 
                message = _Framer.ReadMessage();
                IAsyncResult ar = _Framer.BeginReadMessage(_ReadCallback, lazyResult); 
                if (!ar.CompletedSynchronously) 
                message = _Framer.EndReadMessage(ar);
            ProcessReceivedBlob(message, lazyResult); 
        private void ProcessReceivedBlob(byte[] message, LazyAsyncResult lazyResult) 
            // This is an EOF otherwise we would get at least *empty* message but not a null one.
            if (message == null)
                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_eof), null);
            //Process Header information
            if (_Framer.ReadHeader.MessageId == FrameHeader.HandshakeErrId) 
                Win32Exception e = null;
                if (message.Length >= 8)    // sizeof(long)
                    // Try to recover remote win32 Exception
                    long error = 0; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) 
                        error = (error<<8) + message[i];
                    e = new Win32Exception((int)error); 
                if (e != null)
                     if (e.NativeErrorCode == (int)SecurityStatus.LogonDenied) 
                        throw new InvalidCredentialException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_bad_client_creds), e);
                     if (e.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE) 
                         throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_context_expectation_remote), e);

                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_alert), e);
            if (_Framer.ReadHeader.MessageId == FrameHeader.HandshakeDoneId)
                _RemoteOk = true; 
            else if (_Framer.ReadHeader.MessageId != FrameHeader.HandshakeId) 
                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_header_id, "MessageId", _Framer.ReadHeader.MessageId, FrameHeader.HandshakeId), null);
            CheckCompletionBeforeNextSend(message, lazyResult); 
        // This will check and logically complete the auth handshake 
        private void CheckCompletionBeforeNextSend(byte[] message, LazyAsyncResult lazyResult) 
            //If we are done don't go into send
            if (HandshakeComplete)
                if (!_RemoteOk)
                    throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_header_id, "MessageId", _Framer.ReadHeader.MessageId, FrameHeader.HandshakeDoneId), null); 
                if (lazyResult != null) 
            // Not yet done, get a new blob and send it if any 
            StartSendBlob(message, lazyResult);
        //  This is to reset auth state on remote side.
        //  If this write succeeds we will allow auth retrying.
        private void StartSendAuthResetSignal(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult, byte[] message, Exception exception)
            _Framer.WriteHeader.MessageId = FrameHeader.HandshakeErrId; 

            Win32Exception win32exception = exception as Win32Exception; 

            if (win32exception != null && win32exception.NativeErrorCode == (int)SecurityStatus.LogonDenied)
                if (IsServer)
                    exception = new InvalidCredentialException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_bad_client_creds), exception); 
                    exception = new InvalidCredentialException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_bad_client_creds_or_target_mismatch), exception); 
            if (!(exception is AuthenticationException))
                exception = new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_SSPI), exception); 

            if (lazyResult == null)
                lazyResult.Result = exception;
                IAsyncResult ar = _Framer.BeginWriteMessage(message, _WriteCallback, lazyResult); 
            _CanRetryAuthentication = true;
            throw exception; 
        private static void WriteCallback(IAsyncResult transportResult)
            GlobalLog.Assert(transportResult.AsyncState is LazyAsyncResult, "WriteCallback|State type is wrong, expected LazyAsyncResult."); 
            if (transportResult.CompletedSynchronously)

            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = (LazyAsyncResult) transportResult.AsyncState; 

            // Async completion 
                NegoState authState = (NegoState)lazyResult.AsyncObject; 

                //special case for an error notification
                if (lazyResult.Result is Exception) 
                    authState._CanRetryAuthentication = true; 
                    throw (Exception)lazyResult.Result; 
            catch (Exception e)
                if (lazyResult.InternalPeekCompleted) { 
                    // This will throw on a worker thread.
            catch {
                if (lazyResult.InternalPeekCompleted) {
                    // This will throw on a worker thread.
                lazyResult.InvokeCallback(new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.net_nonClsCompliantException))); 
        private static void ReadCallback(IAsyncResult transportResult)
            GlobalLog.Assert(transportResult.AsyncState is LazyAsyncResult, "ReadCallback|State type is wrong, expected LazyAsyncResult.");
            if (transportResult.CompletedSynchronously) 

            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = (LazyAsyncResult) transportResult.AsyncState;

            // Async completion 
                NegoState authState = (NegoState)lazyResult.AsyncObject; 
                byte[] message = authState._Framer.EndReadMessage(transportResult);
                authState.ProcessReceivedBlob(message, lazyResult); 
            catch (Exception e)
                if (lazyResult.InternalPeekCompleted) { 
                    // This will throw on a worker thread.

            catch {
                if (lazyResult.InternalPeekCompleted) {
                    // This will throw on a worker thread. 
                lazyResult.InvokeCallback(new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.net_nonClsCompliantException)));
        private unsafe byte[] GetOutgoingBlob(byte[] incomingBlob, ref Win32Exception e) {
            SecurityStatus statusCode; 
            byte[] message = _Context.GetOutgoingBlob(incomingBlob, false, out statusCode);
            if (((int) statusCode & unchecked((int) 0x80000000)) != 0)
                e = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception((int) statusCode);
                message = new byte[8];  //sizeof(long)
                for (int i = message.Length-1; i >= 0; --i) 
                    message[i] = (byte) ((uint) statusCode & 0xFF);
                    statusCode = (SecurityStatus) ((uint) statusCode >> 8); 

            if (message != null && message.Length == 0) { 
                message = _EmptyMessage;
            return message; 
        internal int EncryptData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, ref byte[] outBuffer)
            // Well, this is to play by the rules but in reality SSPI seems to ignore this sequence number. 
            // Means we could simply pass 0
            return _Context.Encrypt(buffer, offset, count, ref outBuffer, _WriteSequenceNumber);
        internal int DecryptData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, out int newOffset) 
            // Well, this is to play by the rules but in reality SSPI seems to ignore this sequence number.
            // Means we could simply pass 0
            return _Context.Decrypt(buffer, offset, count, out newOffset, _ReadSequenceNumber); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:
        The internal class is used by Negotiate Client&Server and by (internal) NegoStream.
        It encapsulates security context and does the real work in authentication and 
        user data encryption with NEGO SSPI package.

    Alexei Vopilov    12-Aug-2003 

Revision History: 
    12-Aug-2003 New design that has obsoleted Authenticator class 


namespace System.Net.Security {
    using System;
    using System.Net; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Principal; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Security.Authentication;
    using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection;
    // The class maintains the state of the authentication process and the security context. 
    // On the success it returns the remote side identites created as the result 
    // of authentication.
    internal class NegoState {

        private const int ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE = 1790;   //used to serialize protectionLevel or impersonationLevel mismatch error to the remote side
        private static readonly byte[]  _EmptyMessage = new byte[0];
        private static readonly AsyncCallback   _ReadCallback   = new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback); 
        private static readonly AsyncCallback   _WriteCallback  = new AsyncCallback(WriteCallback); 

        private Stream              _InnerStream; 
        private bool                _LeaveStreamOpen;

        private Exception           _Exception;
        private StreamFramer        _Framer;
        private NTAuthentication    _Context; 
        private int                 _NestedAuth;
        internal const int          c_MaxReadFrameSize   = 64*1024;
        internal const int          c_MaxWriteDataSize   = 63*1024; //we give 1k for the framing and trailer that is laways less as per SSPI.

        private  bool                       _CanRetryAuthentication; 
        private  ProtectionLevel            _ExpectedProtectionLevel;
        private  TokenImpersonationLevel    _ExpectedImpersonationLevel; 
        private  uint                       _WriteSequenceNumber; 
        private  uint                       _ReadSequenceNumber;
        private ExtendedProtectionPolicy    _ExtendedProtectionPolicy;

        // SSPI does not send a server ack on successfull auth.
        // So, this is a state variable used to gracefully handle auth confirmation 
        private bool _RemoteOk = false;
        internal NegoState(Stream innerStream, bool leaveStreamOpen) {
            if (innerStream==null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
            _InnerStream = innerStream;
            _LeaveStreamOpen = leaveStreamOpen; 
        internal static string DefaultPackage { 
            get {
                return ComNetOS.IsWin9x? NegotiationInfoClass.NTLM: NegotiationInfoClass.Negotiate;
        internal void ValidateCreateContext(string package,
                                            NetworkCredential credential, 
                                            string servicePrincipalName,
                                            ExtendedProtectionPolicy policy,
                                            ProtectionLevel protectionLevel,
                                            TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel) 
            if (policy != null) 
                // One of these must be set if EP is turned on
                if (policy.CustomChannelBinding == null && policy.CustomServiceNames == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_must_specify_extended_protection_scheme), "policy");

                _ExtendedProtectionPolicy = policy;
                _ExtendedProtectionPolicy = new ExtendedProtectionPolicy(PolicyEnforcement.Never); 
            ValidateCreateContext(package, true, credential, servicePrincipalName, _ExtendedProtectionPolicy.CustomChannelBinding, protectionLevel, impersonationLevel);
        internal void ValidateCreateContext( 
                                            string package,
                                            bool isServer, 
                                            NetworkCredential credential, 
                                            string servicePrincipalName,
                                            ChannelBinding channelBinding, 
                                            ProtectionLevel         protectionLevel,
                                            TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel

            if (_Exception != null && !_CanRetryAuthentication) { 
                throw _Exception; 
            if (_Context != null && _Context.IsValidContext) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_reauth));
            if (credential == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("credential"); 

            if (servicePrincipalName == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("servicePrincipalName");

            if (ComNetOS.IsWin9x && protectionLevel != ProtectionLevel.None) 
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_no_protection_on_win9x)); 

            if (impersonationLevel != TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification && 
                impersonationLevel != TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation &&
                impersonationLevel != TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("impersonationLevel", impersonationLevel.ToString(), SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_supported_impl_levels)); 
            if (_Context != null && IsServer != isServer) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_client_server));

            _Exception = null;
            _RemoteOk = false;
            _Framer = new StreamFramer(_InnerStream); 
            _Framer.WriteHeader.MessageId = FrameHeader.HandshakeId;
            _ExpectedProtectionLevel    = protectionLevel; 
            _ExpectedImpersonationLevel = isServer? impersonationLevel: TokenImpersonationLevel.None;
            _WriteSequenceNumber        = 0; 
            _ReadSequenceNumber         = 0;

            ContextFlags flags = ContextFlags.Connection;
            // A workaround for the client when talking to Win9x on the server side
            if (protectionLevel == ProtectionLevel.None && !isServer) 
                package = NegotiationInfoClass.NTLM;

            else if (protectionLevel == ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign)
                flags |= ContextFlags.Confidentiality; 
            else if (protectionLevel == ProtectionLevel.Sign) 
                // Assuming user expects NT4 SP4 and above
                flags |= ContextFlags.ReplayDetect | ContextFlags.SequenceDetect | ContextFlags.InitIntegrity; 

            if (isServer)
                if (_ExtendedProtectionPolicy.PolicyEnforcement == PolicyEnforcement.WhenSupported) { flags |= ContextFlags.AllowMissingBindings; }
                if (_ExtendedProtectionPolicy.PolicyEnforcement != PolicyEnforcement.Never && 
                    _ExtendedProtectionPolicy.ProtectionScenario == ProtectionScenario.TrustedProxy) 
                    flags |= ContextFlags.ProxyBindings; 
                // According to lzhu server side should not request any of these flags
                if (protectionLevel != ProtectionLevel.None)                        {flags |= ContextFlags.MutualAuth;} 
                if (impersonationLevel == TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification)   {flags |= ContextFlags.InitIdentify;} 
                if (impersonationLevel == TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation)       {flags |= ContextFlags.Delegate;}

            _CanRetryAuthentication = false;
            // Security: We used to rely on NetworkCredential class to demand permission 
            //           Switched over to explicit ControlPrincipalPermission demand (except for DefaultCredential case) 
            //           The mitigated attack is brute-force pasword guessing through SSPI.
            if (!(credential is SystemNetworkCredential)) 

            try {
                _Context = new NTAuthentication(isServer, package, credential, servicePrincipalName, flags, channelBinding);
            catch (Win32Exception e) 
                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_SSPI), e); 

        private Exception SetException(Exception e) 
            if (_Exception == null || !(_Exception is ObjectDisposedException))
                _Exception = e;
            if (_Exception != null && _Context != null) {
            return _Exception; 

        // General informational properties

        internal bool IsAuthenticated { 
            get { 
                return _Context != null && HandshakeComplete && _Exception == null && _RemoteOk;
        internal  bool IsMutuallyAuthenticated {
            get { 
                if (!IsAuthenticated) 
                    return false;
                // On Win9x it is alwasy false
                if (ComNetOS.IsWin9x)
                    return false;
                // Suppressing for NTLM since SSPI does not return correct value int the context flags.
                if (_Context.IsNTLM) 
                    return false; 

                return _Context.IsMutualAuthFlag; 
        internal  bool IsEncrypted { 
            get {
                return IsAuthenticated && _Context.IsConfidentialityFlag; 
        internal  bool IsSigned {
            get {
                return IsAuthenticated && (_Context.IsIntegrityFlag || _Context.IsConfidentialityFlag);
        internal bool IsServer { 
            get {
                return _Context != null && _Context.IsServer; 
        // NEGO specific informational properties 
        internal bool CanGetSecureStream { 
            get {
                return (_Context.IsConfidentialityFlag || _Context.IsIntegrityFlag); 
        internal TokenImpersonationLevel AllowedImpersonation { 
            get { 
                return PrivateImpersonationLevel; 
        private TokenImpersonationLevel PrivateImpersonationLevel { 
            get {
                // according to lzhu we should suppress dlegate flag in NTLM case 
                return  (_Context.IsDelegationFlag && _Context.ProtocolName != NegotiationInfoClass.NTLM) ? TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation 
                        :_Context.IsIdentifyFlag?   TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification
                        :(ComNetOS.IsWin9x && _Context.IsServer) ? TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification  //Win9x workaround. 
        private bool HandshakeComplete { 
            get {
                return _Context.IsCompleted && _Context.IsValidContext; 
        // Note that method will demand PrincipalControlPermission 
        // which essentially means demanding full trust
        internal IIdentity GetIdentity() { 


            IIdentity result = null;
            string name = _Context.IsServer? _Context.AssociatedName: _Context.Spn;
            string protocol = "NTLM"; 

            if (!ComNetOS.IsWin9x) { 
                protocol = _Context.ProtocolName; 
            if (_Context.IsServer && !ComNetOS.IsWin9x) {
                SafeCloseHandle token = null;
                try {
                    token = _Context.GetContextToken(); 
                    string authtype = _Context.ProtocolName;
                    result = new WindowsIdentity(token.DangerousGetHandle(), authtype, WindowsAccountType.Normal, true); 
                    return result; 
                catch (SecurityException) { 
                    //ignore and construct generic Identity if failed due to security problem
                finally {
                    if (token != null) { 
            // on the client we don't have access to the remote side identity. 
            result = new GenericIdentity(name, protocol);
            return result;
        // Methods 

        internal void CheckThrow(bool authSucessCheck) {
            if (_Exception != null) {
                throw _Exception; 
            if (authSucessCheck && !IsAuthenticated) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_noauth)); 
        // This is to not depend on GC&SafeHandle class if the context is not needed anymore.
        internal void Close() { 
            // Mark this instance as disposed
            _Exception = new ObjectDisposedException("NegotiateStream"); 
            if (_Context != null) { 
        internal void ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _NestedAuth, 1) == 1) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_invalidnestedcall, lazyResult==null?"BeginAuthenticate":"Authenticate", "authenticate")); 

            try {
                if (_Context.IsServer) 
                    // Listen for a client blob 
                    // we start with the first blob
                    StartSendBlob(null, lazyResult);
            catch (Exception e) 
                // Roundtrip it through the SetException()
                e = SetException(e); 
                throw e;
            catch {
                // Roundtrip it through the SetException() 
                Exception e = SetException(new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.net_nonClsCompliantException)));
                throw e; 
                if (lazyResult == null || _Exception != null) {
                    _NestedAuth = 0;
        internal void EndProcessAuthentication(IAsyncResult result) 
            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncResult"); 
            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = result as LazyAsyncResult; 
            if (lazyResult == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_async_result, result.GetType().FullName), "asyncResult");

            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _NestedAuth, 0) == 0) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_invalidendcall, "EndAuthenticate")); 

            // No "artificial" timeouts implemented so far, InnerStream controls that. 

            Exception e = lazyResult.Result as Exception;
            if (e != null)
                // Roundtrip it through the SetException() 
                e = SetException(e);
                throw e; 

        private bool CheckSpn()
            if (_Context.IsKerberos) 
                return true; 

            if (_ExtendedProtectionPolicy.PolicyEnforcement == PolicyEnforcement.Never ||
                    _ExtendedProtectionPolicy.CustomServiceNames == null) 
                return true; 

            string clientSpn = _Context.ClientSpecifiedSpn; 

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientSpn))
                if (_ExtendedProtectionPolicy.PolicyEnforcement == PolicyEnforcement.WhenSupported) 
                    return true; 
                foreach (string serviceName in _ExtendedProtectionPolicy.CustomServiceNames)
                    if (String.Compare(clientSpn, serviceName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 
                        return true; 

            return false;
        // Client side starts here, but server also loops through this method 
        private void StartSendBlob(byte[] message, LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
            Win32Exception win32exception = null;
            if (message != _EmptyMessage)
                message = GetOutgoingBlob(message, ref win32exception); 
            if (win32exception != null) 
                // signal remote side on a failed attempt 
                StartSendAuthResetSignal(lazyResult, message, win32exception);
            if (HandshakeComplete)
                if (_Context.IsServer && !CheckSpn()) 
                    Exception exception = new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_bad_client_creds_or_target_mismatch)); 
                    int statusCode = ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE;
                    message = new byte[8];  //sizeof(long)

                    for (int i = message.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) 
                        message[i] = (byte)(statusCode & 0xFF); 
                        statusCode = (int)((uint)statusCode >> 8); 
                    StartSendAuthResetSignal(lazyResult, message, exception);
                if (PrivateImpersonationLevel < _ExpectedImpersonationLevel)
                    Exception exception = new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_context_expectation, _ExpectedImpersonationLevel.ToString(), PrivateImpersonationLevel.ToString())); 
                    int statusCode = ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE;
                    message = new byte[8];  //sizeof(long) 

                    for (int i = message.Length-1; i >= 0; --i)
                        message[i] = (byte)(statusCode & 0xFF); 
                        statusCode = (int) ((uint) statusCode >> 8);
                    StartSendAuthResetSignal(lazyResult, message, exception);

                ProtectionLevel result = _Context.IsConfidentialityFlag? ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign: _Context.IsIntegrityFlag? ProtectionLevel.Sign: ProtectionLevel.None;
                if (result < _ExpectedProtectionLevel)
                    Exception exception = new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_context_expectation, result.ToString(), _ExpectedProtectionLevel.ToString())); 
                    int statusCode = ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE;
                    message = new byte[8];  //sizeof(long) 

                    for (int i = message.Length-1; i >= 0; --i)
                        message[i] = (byte)(statusCode & 0xFF); 
                        statusCode = (int) ((uint) statusCode >> 8);
                    StartSendAuthResetSignal(lazyResult, message, exception);

                // Signal remote party that we are done
                _Framer.WriteHeader.MessageId = FrameHeader.HandshakeDoneId; 
                if (_Context.IsServer)
                    // Server may complete now because client SSPI would not complain at this point. 
                    _RemoteOk = true;
                    // However the client will wait for server to send this ACK
                    //Force signalling server OK to the client
                    if (message == null)
                        message = _EmptyMessage;
            else if (message == null || message == _EmptyMessage) { 
                throw new InternalException();

            if (message != null) 
                //even if we are comleted, there could be a blob for sending. 
                if (lazyResult == null) 
                    IAsyncResult ar = _Framer.BeginWriteMessage(message, _WriteCallback, lazyResult); 
                    if (!ar.CompletedSynchronously)
        // This will check and logically complete the auth handshake 
        private void CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
            if (HandshakeComplete && _RemoteOk)
                //we are done with success
                if (lazyResult != null) 
        // Server side starts here, but client also loops through this method 
        private void StartReceiveBlob(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult) 
            byte[] message;
            if (lazyResult == null) 
                message = _Framer.ReadMessage();
                IAsyncResult ar = _Framer.BeginReadMessage(_ReadCallback, lazyResult); 
                if (!ar.CompletedSynchronously) 
                message = _Framer.EndReadMessage(ar);
            ProcessReceivedBlob(message, lazyResult); 
        private void ProcessReceivedBlob(byte[] message, LazyAsyncResult lazyResult) 
            // This is an EOF otherwise we would get at least *empty* message but not a null one.
            if (message == null)
                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_eof), null);
            //Process Header information
            if (_Framer.ReadHeader.MessageId == FrameHeader.HandshakeErrId) 
                Win32Exception e = null;
                if (message.Length >= 8)    // sizeof(long)
                    // Try to recover remote win32 Exception
                    long error = 0; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) 
                        error = (error<<8) + message[i];
                    e = new Win32Exception((int)error); 
                if (e != null)
                     if (e.NativeErrorCode == (int)SecurityStatus.LogonDenied) 
                        throw new InvalidCredentialException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_bad_client_creds), e);
                     if (e.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE) 
                         throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_context_expectation_remote), e);

                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_alert), e);
            if (_Framer.ReadHeader.MessageId == FrameHeader.HandshakeDoneId)
                _RemoteOk = true; 
            else if (_Framer.ReadHeader.MessageId != FrameHeader.HandshakeId) 
                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_header_id, "MessageId", _Framer.ReadHeader.MessageId, FrameHeader.HandshakeId), null);
            CheckCompletionBeforeNextSend(message, lazyResult); 
        // This will check and logically complete the auth handshake 
        private void CheckCompletionBeforeNextSend(byte[] message, LazyAsyncResult lazyResult) 
            //If we are done don't go into send
            if (HandshakeComplete)
                if (!_RemoteOk)
                    throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_header_id, "MessageId", _Framer.ReadHeader.MessageId, FrameHeader.HandshakeDoneId), null); 
                if (lazyResult != null) 
            // Not yet done, get a new blob and send it if any 
            StartSendBlob(message, lazyResult);
        //  This is to reset auth state on remote side.
        //  If this write succeeds we will allow auth retrying.
        private void StartSendAuthResetSignal(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult, byte[] message, Exception exception)
            _Framer.WriteHeader.MessageId = FrameHeader.HandshakeErrId; 

            Win32Exception win32exception = exception as Win32Exception; 

            if (win32exception != null && win32exception.NativeErrorCode == (int)SecurityStatus.LogonDenied)
                if (IsServer)
                    exception = new InvalidCredentialException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_bad_client_creds), exception); 
                    exception = new InvalidCredentialException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_bad_client_creds_or_target_mismatch), exception); 
            if (!(exception is AuthenticationException))
                exception = new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_SSPI), exception); 

            if (lazyResult == null)
                lazyResult.Result = exception;
                IAsyncResult ar = _Framer.BeginWriteMessage(message, _WriteCallback, lazyResult); 
            _CanRetryAuthentication = true;
            throw exception; 
        private static void WriteCallback(IAsyncResult transportResult)
            GlobalLog.Assert(transportResult.AsyncState is LazyAsyncResult, "WriteCallback|State type is wrong, expected LazyAsyncResult."); 
            if (transportResult.CompletedSynchronously)

            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = (LazyAsyncResult) transportResult.AsyncState; 

            // Async completion 
                NegoState authState = (NegoState)lazyResult.AsyncObject; 

                //special case for an error notification
                if (lazyResult.Result is Exception) 
                    authState._CanRetryAuthentication = true; 
                    throw (Exception)lazyResult.Result; 
            catch (Exception e)
                if (lazyResult.InternalPeekCompleted) { 
                    // This will throw on a worker thread.
            catch {
                if (lazyResult.InternalPeekCompleted) {
                    // This will throw on a worker thread.
                lazyResult.InvokeCallback(new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.net_nonClsCompliantException))); 
        private static void ReadCallback(IAsyncResult transportResult)
            GlobalLog.Assert(transportResult.AsyncState is LazyAsyncResult, "ReadCallback|State type is wrong, expected LazyAsyncResult.");
            if (transportResult.CompletedSynchronously) 

            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = (LazyAsyncResult) transportResult.AsyncState;

            // Async completion 
                NegoState authState = (NegoState)lazyResult.AsyncObject; 
                byte[] message = authState._Framer.EndReadMessage(transportResult);
                authState.ProcessReceivedBlob(message, lazyResult); 
            catch (Exception e)
                if (lazyResult.InternalPeekCompleted) { 
                    // This will throw on a worker thread.

            catch {
                if (lazyResult.InternalPeekCompleted) {
                    // This will throw on a worker thread. 
                lazyResult.InvokeCallback(new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.net_nonClsCompliantException)));
        private unsafe byte[] GetOutgoingBlob(byte[] incomingBlob, ref Win32Exception e) {
            SecurityStatus statusCode; 
            byte[] message = _Context.GetOutgoingBlob(incomingBlob, false, out statusCode);
            if (((int) statusCode & unchecked((int) 0x80000000)) != 0)
                e = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception((int) statusCode);
                message = new byte[8];  //sizeof(long)
                for (int i = message.Length-1; i >= 0; --i) 
                    message[i] = (byte) ((uint) statusCode & 0xFF);
                    statusCode = (SecurityStatus) ((uint) statusCode >> 8); 

            if (message != null && message.Length == 0) { 
                message = _EmptyMessage;
            return message; 
        internal int EncryptData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, ref byte[] outBuffer)
            // Well, this is to play by the rules but in reality SSPI seems to ignore this sequence number. 
            // Means we could simply pass 0
            return _Context.Encrypt(buffer, offset, count, ref outBuffer, _WriteSequenceNumber);
        internal int DecryptData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, out int newOffset) 
            // Well, this is to play by the rules but in reality SSPI seems to ignore this sequence number.
            // Means we could simply pass 0
            return _Context.Decrypt(buffer, offset, count, out newOffset, _ReadSequenceNumber); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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