/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Serialization / XmlSerializationReader.cs / 1 / XmlSerializationReader.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Serialization { using System.IO; using System; using System.Security; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Configuration; using System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration; ////// public abstract class XmlSerializationReader : XmlSerializationGeneratedCode { XmlReader r; XmlCountingReader countingReader; XmlDocument d; Hashtable callbacks; Hashtable types; Hashtable typesReverse; XmlDeserializationEvents events; Hashtable targets; Hashtable referencedTargets; ArrayList targetsWithoutIds; ArrayList fixups; ArrayList collectionFixups; bool soap12; bool isReturnValue; bool decodeName = true; string schemaNsID; string schemaNs1999ID; string schemaNs2000ID; string schemaNonXsdTypesNsID; string instanceNsID; string instanceNs2000ID; string instanceNs1999ID; string soapNsID; string soap12NsID; string schemaID; string wsdlNsID; string wsdlArrayTypeID; string nullID; string nilID; string typeID; string arrayTypeID; string itemTypeID; string arraySizeID; string arrayID; string urTypeID; string stringID; string intID; string booleanID; string shortID; string longID; string floatID; string doubleID; string decimalID; string dateTimeID; string qnameID; string dateID; string timeID; string hexBinaryID; string base64BinaryID; string base64ID; string unsignedByteID; string byteID; string unsignedShortID; string unsignedIntID; string unsignedLongID; string oldDecimalID; string oldTimeInstantID; string anyURIID; string durationID; string ENTITYID; string ENTITIESID; string gDayID; string gMonthID; string gMonthDayID; string gYearID; string gYearMonthID; string IDID; string IDREFID; string IDREFSID; string integerID; string languageID; string NameID; string NCNameID; string NMTOKENID; string NMTOKENSID; string negativeIntegerID; string nonPositiveIntegerID; string nonNegativeIntegerID; string normalizedStringID; string NOTATIONID; string positiveIntegerID; string tokenID; string charID; string guidID; static bool checkDeserializeAdvances; static XmlSerializationReader() { XmlSerializerSection configSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(ConfigurationStrings.XmlSerializerSectionPath) as XmlSerializerSection; checkDeserializeAdvances = (configSection == null) ? false : configSection.CheckDeserializeAdvances; } /// protected abstract void InitIDs(); // this method must be called before any generated deserialization methods are called internal void Init(XmlReader r, XmlDeserializationEvents events, string encodingStyle, TempAssembly tempAssembly) { = events; if (checkDeserializeAdvances) { this.countingReader = new XmlCountingReader(r); this.r = this.countingReader; } else this.r = r; this.d = null; this.soap12 = (encodingStyle == Soap12.Encoding); Init(tempAssembly); schemaNsID = r.NameTable.Add(XmlSchema.Namespace); schemaNs2000ID = r.NameTable.Add(""); schemaNs1999ID = r.NameTable.Add(""); schemaNonXsdTypesNsID = r.NameTable.Add(UrtTypes.Namespace); instanceNsID = r.NameTable.Add(XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); instanceNs2000ID = r.NameTable.Add(""); instanceNs1999ID = r.NameTable.Add(""); soapNsID = r.NameTable.Add(Soap.Encoding); soap12NsID = r.NameTable.Add(Soap12.Encoding); schemaID = r.NameTable.Add("schema"); wsdlNsID = r.NameTable.Add(Wsdl.Namespace); wsdlArrayTypeID = r.NameTable.Add(Wsdl.ArrayType); nullID = r.NameTable.Add("null"); nilID = r.NameTable.Add("nil"); typeID = r.NameTable.Add("type"); arrayTypeID = r.NameTable.Add("arrayType"); itemTypeID = r.NameTable.Add("itemType"); arraySizeID = r.NameTable.Add("arraySize"); arrayID = r.NameTable.Add("Array"); urTypeID = r.NameTable.Add(Soap.UrType); InitIDs(); } /// protected bool DecodeName { get { return decodeName; } set { decodeName = value; } } /// protected XmlReader Reader { get { return r; } } /// protected int ReaderCount { get { return checkDeserializeAdvances ? countingReader.AdvanceCount : 0; } } /// protected XmlDocument Document { get { if (d == null) { d = new XmlDocument(r.NameTable); d.SetBaseURI(r.BaseURI); } return d; } } /// /// protected static Assembly ResolveDynamicAssembly(string assemblyFullName){ return DynamicAssemblies.Get(assemblyFullName); } void InitPrimitiveIDs() { if (tokenID != null) return; object ns = r.NameTable.Add(XmlSchema.Namespace); object ns2 = r.NameTable.Add(UrtTypes.Namespace); stringID = r.NameTable.Add("string"); intID = r.NameTable.Add("int"); booleanID = r.NameTable.Add("boolean"); shortID = r.NameTable.Add("short"); longID = r.NameTable.Add("long"); floatID = r.NameTable.Add("float"); doubleID = r.NameTable.Add("double"); decimalID = r.NameTable.Add("decimal"); dateTimeID = r.NameTable.Add("dateTime"); qnameID = r.NameTable.Add("QName"); dateID = r.NameTable.Add("date"); timeID = r.NameTable.Add("time"); hexBinaryID = r.NameTable.Add("hexBinary"); base64BinaryID = r.NameTable.Add("base64Binary"); unsignedByteID = r.NameTable.Add("unsignedByte"); byteID = r.NameTable.Add("byte"); unsignedShortID = r.NameTable.Add("unsignedShort"); unsignedIntID = r.NameTable.Add("unsignedInt"); unsignedLongID = r.NameTable.Add("unsignedLong"); oldDecimalID = r.NameTable.Add("decimal"); oldTimeInstantID = r.NameTable.Add("timeInstant"); charID = r.NameTable.Add("char"); guidID = r.NameTable.Add("guid"); base64ID = r.NameTable.Add("base64"); anyURIID = r.NameTable.Add("anyURI"); durationID = r.NameTable.Add("duration"); ENTITYID = r.NameTable.Add("ENTITY"); ENTITIESID = r.NameTable.Add("ENTITIES"); gDayID = r.NameTable.Add("gDay"); gMonthID = r.NameTable.Add("gMonth"); gMonthDayID = r.NameTable.Add("gMonthDay"); gYearID = r.NameTable.Add("gYear"); gYearMonthID = r.NameTable.Add("gYearMonth"); IDID = r.NameTable.Add("ID"); IDREFID = r.NameTable.Add("IDREF"); IDREFSID = r.NameTable.Add("IDREFS"); integerID = r.NameTable.Add("integer"); languageID = r.NameTable.Add("language"); NameID = r.NameTable.Add("Name"); NCNameID = r.NameTable.Add("NCName"); NMTOKENID = r.NameTable.Add("NMTOKEN"); NMTOKENSID = r.NameTable.Add("NMTOKENS"); negativeIntegerID = r.NameTable.Add("negativeInteger"); nonNegativeIntegerID = r.NameTable.Add("nonNegativeInteger"); nonPositiveIntegerID = r.NameTable.Add("nonPositiveInteger"); normalizedStringID = r.NameTable.Add("normalizedString"); NOTATIONID = r.NameTable.Add("NOTATION"); positiveIntegerID = r.NameTable.Add("positiveInteger"); tokenID = r.NameTable.Add("token"); } /// /// /// protected XmlQualifiedName GetXsiType() { string type = r.GetAttribute(typeID, instanceNsID); if (type == null) { type = r.GetAttribute(typeID, instanceNs2000ID); if (type == null) { type = r.GetAttribute(typeID, instanceNs1999ID); if (type == null) return null; } } return ToXmlQualifiedName(type, false); } // throwOnUnknown flag controls whether this method throws an exception or just returns // null if typeName.Namespace is unknown. the method still throws if typeName.Namespace // is recognized but typeName.Name isn't. Type GetPrimitiveType(XmlQualifiedName typeName, bool throwOnUnknown) { InitPrimitiveIDs(); if ((object)typeName.Namespace == (object)schemaNsID || (object)typeName.Namespace == (object)soapNsID || (object)typeName.Namespace == (object)soap12NsID) { if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) stringID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) durationID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) ENTITYID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) ENTITIESID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gDayID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gMonthID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gMonthDayID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gYearID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gYearMonthID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDREFID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDREFSID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) integerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) languageID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NameID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NCNameID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NMTOKENID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NMTOKENSID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) negativeIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) nonPositiveIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) nonNegativeIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) normalizedStringID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NOTATIONID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) positiveIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) tokenID) return typeof(string); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) intID) return typeof(int); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) booleanID) return typeof(bool); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) shortID) return typeof(short); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) longID) return typeof(long); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) floatID) return typeof(float); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) doubleID) return typeof(double); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) decimalID) return typeof(decimal); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) dateTimeID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) qnameID) return typeof(XmlQualifiedName); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) dateID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) timeID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) hexBinaryID) return typeof(byte[]); else if ((object)typeName.Name == (object)base64BinaryID) return typeof(byte[]); else if ((object)typeName.Name == (object)unsignedByteID) return typeof(byte); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) byteID) return typeof(SByte); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedShortID) return typeof(UInt16); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedIntID) return typeof(UInt32); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedLongID) return typeof(UInt64); else throw CreateUnknownTypeException(typeName); } else if ((object) typeName.Namespace == (object) schemaNs2000ID || (object) typeName.Namespace == (object) schemaNs1999ID) { if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) stringID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) durationID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) ENTITYID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) ENTITIESID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gDayID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gMonthID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gMonthDayID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gYearID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gYearMonthID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDREFID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDREFSID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) integerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) languageID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NameID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NCNameID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NMTOKENID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NMTOKENSID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) negativeIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) nonPositiveIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) nonNegativeIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) normalizedStringID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NOTATIONID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) positiveIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) tokenID) return typeof(string); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) intID) return typeof(int); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) booleanID) return typeof(bool); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) shortID) return typeof(short); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) longID) return typeof(long); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) floatID) return typeof(float); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) doubleID) return typeof(double); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) oldDecimalID) return typeof(decimal); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) oldTimeInstantID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) qnameID) return typeof(XmlQualifiedName); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) dateID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) timeID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) hexBinaryID) return typeof(byte[]); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) byteID) return typeof(SByte); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedShortID) return typeof(UInt16); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedIntID) return typeof(UInt32); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedLongID) return typeof(UInt64); else throw CreateUnknownTypeException(typeName); } else if ((object) typeName.Namespace == (object) schemaNonXsdTypesNsID) { if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) charID) return typeof(char); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) guidID) return typeof(Guid); else throw CreateUnknownTypeException(typeName); } else if (throwOnUnknown) throw CreateUnknownTypeException(typeName); else return null; } bool IsPrimitiveNamespace(string ns) { return (object) ns == (object) schemaNsID || (object) ns == (object) schemaNonXsdTypesNsID || (object) ns == (object) soapNsID || (object) ns == (object) soap12NsID || (object) ns == (object) schemaNs2000ID || (object) ns == (object) schemaNs1999ID; } private string ReadStringValue(){ if (r.IsEmptyElement){ r.Skip(); return string.Empty; } r.ReadStartElement(); string retVal = r.ReadString(); ReadEndElement(); return retVal; } private XmlQualifiedName ReadXmlQualifiedName(){ string s; bool isEmpty = false; if (r.IsEmptyElement) { s = string.Empty; isEmpty = true; } else{ r.ReadStartElement(); s = r.ReadString(); } XmlQualifiedName retVal = ToXmlQualifiedName(s); if (isEmpty) r.Skip(); else ReadEndElement(); return retVal; } private byte[] ReadByteArray(bool isBase64) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); const int MAX_ALLOC_SIZE = 64*1024; int currentSize = 1024; byte[] buffer; int bytes = -1; int offset = 0; int total = 0; buffer = new byte[currentSize]; list.Add(buffer); while (bytes != 0) { if (offset == buffer.Length) { currentSize = Math.Min(currentSize*2, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE); buffer = new byte[currentSize]; offset = 0; list.Add(buffer); } if (isBase64) { bytes = r.ReadElementContentAsBase64(buffer, offset, buffer.Length-offset); } else { bytes = r.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(buffer, offset, buffer.Length-offset); } offset += bytes; total += bytes; } byte[] result = new byte[total]; offset = 0; foreach (byte[] block in list) { currentSize = Math.Min(block.Length, total); if (currentSize > 0) { Buffer.BlockCopy(block, 0, result, offset, currentSize); offset += currentSize; total -= currentSize; } } list.Clear(); return result; } ///[To be supplied.] ///protected object ReadTypedPrimitive(XmlQualifiedName type) { return ReadTypedPrimitive(type, false); } private object ReadTypedPrimitive(XmlQualifiedName type, bool elementCanBeType) { InitPrimitiveIDs(); object value = null; if (!IsPrimitiveNamespace(type.Namespace) || (object)type.Name == (object)urTypeID) return ReadXmlNodes(elementCanBeType); if ((object)type.Namespace == (object)schemaNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soapNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soap12NsID) { if ((object) type.Name == (object) stringID || (object) type.Name == (object) normalizedStringID) value = ReadStringValue(); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) type.Name == (object) durationID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITYID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITIESID || (object) type.Name == (object) gDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFSID || (object) type.Name == (object) integerID || (object) type.Name == (object) languageID || (object) type.Name == (object) NameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NCNameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENSID || (object) type.Name == (object) negativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonPositiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonNegativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) NOTATIONID || (object) type.Name == (object) positiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) tokenID) value = CollapseWhitespace(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) intID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt32(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) booleanID) value = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) shortID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt16(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) longID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt64(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)floatID) value = XmlConvert.ToSingle(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)doubleID) value = XmlConvert.ToDouble(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)decimalID) value = XmlConvert.ToDecimal(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)dateTimeID) value = ToDateTime(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) qnameID) value = ReadXmlQualifiedName(); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) dateID) value = ToDate(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) timeID) value = ToTime(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedByteID) value = XmlConvert.ToByte(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) byteID) value = XmlConvert.ToSByte(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedShortID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt16(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedIntID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt32(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedLongID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt64(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) hexBinaryID) value = ToByteArrayHex(false); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) base64BinaryID) value = ToByteArrayBase64(false); else if ((object) type.Name == (object)base64ID && ((object)type.Namespace == (object)soapNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soap12NsID)) value = ToByteArrayBase64(false); else value = ReadXmlNodes(elementCanBeType); } else if ((object) type.Namespace == (object) schemaNs2000ID || (object) type.Namespace == (object) schemaNs1999ID) { if ((object) type.Name == (object) stringID || (object) type.Name == (object) normalizedStringID) value = ReadStringValue(); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) type.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) type.Name == (object) durationID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITYID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITIESID || (object) type.Name == (object) gDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFSID || (object) type.Name == (object) integerID || (object) type.Name == (object) languageID || (object) type.Name == (object) NameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NCNameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENSID || (object) type.Name == (object) negativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonPositiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonNegativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) NOTATIONID || (object) type.Name == (object) positiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) tokenID) value = CollapseWhitespace(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) intID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt32(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) booleanID) value = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) shortID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt16(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) longID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt64(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)floatID) value = XmlConvert.ToSingle(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)doubleID) value = XmlConvert.ToDouble(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object) oldDecimalID) value = XmlConvert.ToDecimal(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object) oldTimeInstantID) value = ToDateTime(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) qnameID) value = ReadXmlQualifiedName(); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) dateID) value = ToDate(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) timeID) value = ToTime(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedByteID) value = XmlConvert.ToByte(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) byteID) value = XmlConvert.ToSByte(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedShortID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt16(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedIntID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt32(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedLongID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt64(ReadStringValue()); else value = ReadXmlNodes(elementCanBeType); } else if ((object) type.Namespace == (object) schemaNonXsdTypesNsID) { if ((object) type.Name == (object) charID) value = ToChar(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) guidID) value = new Guid(CollapseWhitespace(ReadStringValue())); else value = ReadXmlNodes(elementCanBeType); } else value = ReadXmlNodes(elementCanBeType); return value; } /// protected object ReadTypedNull(XmlQualifiedName type) { InitPrimitiveIDs(); object value = null; if (!IsPrimitiveNamespace(type.Namespace) || (object)type.Name == (object)urTypeID) { return null; } if ((object)type.Namespace == (object)schemaNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soapNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soap12NsID) { if ((object) type.Name == (object) stringID || (object) type.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) type.Name == (object) durationID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITYID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITIESID || (object) type.Name == (object) gDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFSID || (object) type.Name == (object) integerID || (object) type.Name == (object) languageID || (object) type.Name == (object) NameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NCNameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENSID || (object) type.Name == (object) negativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonPositiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonNegativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) normalizedStringID || (object) type.Name == (object) NOTATIONID || (object) type.Name == (object) positiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) tokenID) value = null; else if ((object) type.Name == (object) intID) { value = default(Nullable ); } else if ((object) type.Name == (object) booleanID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) shortID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) longID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)floatID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)doubleID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)decimalID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)dateTimeID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) qnameID) value = null; else if ((object) type.Name == (object) dateID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) timeID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedByteID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) byteID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedShortID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedIntID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedLongID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) hexBinaryID) value = null; else if ((object) type.Name == (object) base64BinaryID) value = null; else if ((object) type.Name == (object)base64ID && ((object)type.Namespace == (object)soapNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soap12NsID)) value = null; else value = null; } else if ((object) type.Namespace == (object) schemaNonXsdTypesNsID) { if ((object) type.Name == (object) charID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) guidID) value = default(Nullable ); else value = null; } else value = null; return value; } /// protected bool IsXmlnsAttribute(string name) { if (!name.StartsWith("xmlns", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return false; if (name.Length == 5) return true; return name[5] == ':'; } /// protected void ParseWsdlArrayType(XmlAttribute attr) { if ((object)attr.LocalName == (object)wsdlArrayTypeID && (object)attr.NamespaceURI == (object)wsdlNsID ) { int colon = attr.Value.LastIndexOf(':'); if (colon < 0) { attr.Value = r.LookupNamespace("") + ":" + attr.Value; } else { attr.Value = r.LookupNamespace(attr.Value.Substring(0, colon)) + ":" + attr.Value.Substring(colon + 1); } } return; } /// protected bool IsReturnValue { // value only valid for soap 1.1 get { return isReturnValue && !soap12; } set { isReturnValue = value; } } /// protected bool ReadNull() { if (!GetNullAttr()) return false; if (r.IsEmptyElement) { r.Skip(); return true; } r.ReadStartElement(); int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { UnknownNode(null); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } ReadEndElement(); return true; } /// protected bool GetNullAttr() { string isNull = r.GetAttribute(nilID, instanceNsID); if(isNull == null) isNull = r.GetAttribute(nullID, instanceNsID); if (isNull == null) { isNull = r.GetAttribute(nullID, instanceNs2000ID); if (isNull == null) isNull = r.GetAttribute(nullID, instanceNs1999ID); } if (isNull == null || !XmlConvert.ToBoolean(isNull)) return false; return true; } /// protected string ReadNullableString() { if (ReadNull()) return null; return r.ReadElementString(); } /// /// /// protected XmlQualifiedName ReadNullableQualifiedName() { if (ReadNull()) return null; return ReadElementQualifiedName(); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// /// protected XmlQualifiedName ReadElementQualifiedName() { if (r.IsEmptyElement) { XmlQualifiedName empty = new XmlQualifiedName(string.Empty, r.LookupNamespace("")); r.Skip(); return empty; } XmlQualifiedName qname = ToXmlQualifiedName(CollapseWhitespace(r.ReadString())); r.ReadEndElement(); return qname; } ///[To be supplied.] ///protected XmlDocument ReadXmlDocument(bool wrapped) { XmlNode n = ReadXmlNode(wrapped); if (n == null) return null; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.AppendChild(doc.ImportNode(n, true)); return doc; } /// protected string CollapseWhitespace(string value) { if (value == null) return null; return value.Trim(); } /// protected XmlNode ReadXmlNode(bool wrapped) { XmlNode node = null; if (wrapped) { if (ReadNull()) return null; r.ReadStartElement(); r.MoveToContent(); if (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) node = Document.ReadNode(r); int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { UnknownNode(null); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } r.ReadEndElement(); } else { node = Document.ReadNode(r); } return node; } /// protected static byte[] ToByteArrayBase64(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToByteArrayBase64(value); } /// protected byte[] ToByteArrayBase64(bool isNull) { if (isNull) { return null; } return ReadByteArray(true); //means use Base64 } /// protected static byte[] ToByteArrayHex(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToByteArrayHex(value); } /// protected byte[] ToByteArrayHex(bool isNull) { if (isNull) { return null; } return ReadByteArray(false); //means use BinHex } /// protected int GetArrayLength(string name, string ns) { if (GetNullAttr()) return 0; string arrayType = r.GetAttribute(arrayTypeID, soapNsID); SoapArrayInfo arrayInfo = ParseArrayType(arrayType); if (arrayInfo.dimensions != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayDimentions, CurrentTag())); XmlQualifiedName qname = ToXmlQualifiedName(arrayInfo.qname, false); if (qname.Name != name) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayTypeName, qname.Name, name, CurrentTag())); if (qname.Namespace != ns) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayTypeNamespace, qname.Namespace, ns, CurrentTag())); return arrayInfo.length; } struct SoapArrayInfo { /// public string qname; /// public int dimensions; /// public int length; public int jaggedDimensions; } private SoapArrayInfo ParseArrayType(string value) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMissingArrayType, CurrentTag())); } if (value.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlEmptyArrayType, CurrentTag()), "value"); } char[] chars = value.ToCharArray(); int charsLength = chars.Length; SoapArrayInfo soapArrayInfo = new SoapArrayInfo(); // Parse backwards to get length first, then optional dimensions, then qname. int pos = charsLength - 1; // Must end with ] if (chars[pos] != ']') { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArraySyntax), "value"); } pos--; // Find [ while (pos != -1 && chars[pos] != '[') { if (chars[pos] == ',') throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayDimentions, CurrentTag()), "value"); pos--; } if (pos == -1) { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMismatchedArrayBrackets), "value"); } int len = charsLength - pos - 2; if (len > 0) { string lengthString = new String(chars, pos + 1, len); try { soapArrayInfo.length = Int32.Parse(lengthString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException) { throw; } throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayLength, lengthString), "value"); } catch { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayLength, lengthString), "value"); } } else { soapArrayInfo.length = -1; } pos--; soapArrayInfo.jaggedDimensions = 0; while (pos != -1 && chars[pos] == ']') { pos--; if (pos < 0) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMismatchedArrayBrackets), "value"); if (chars[pos] == ',') throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayDimentions, CurrentTag()), "value"); else if (chars[pos] != '[') throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArraySyntax), "value"); pos--; soapArrayInfo.jaggedDimensions++; } soapArrayInfo.dimensions = 1; // everything else is qname - validation of qnames? soapArrayInfo.qname = new String(chars, 0, pos + 1); return soapArrayInfo; } private SoapArrayInfo ParseSoap12ArrayType(string itemType, string arraySize) { SoapArrayInfo soapArrayInfo = new SoapArrayInfo(); if (itemType != null && itemType.Length > 0) soapArrayInfo.qname = itemType; else soapArrayInfo.qname = ""; string[] dimensions; if (arraySize != null && arraySize.Length > 0) dimensions = arraySize.Split(null); else dimensions = new string[0]; soapArrayInfo.dimensions = 0; soapArrayInfo.length = -1; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.Length; i++) { if (dimensions[i].Length > 0) { if (dimensions[i] == "*") { soapArrayInfo.dimensions++; } else { try { soapArrayInfo.length = Int32.Parse(dimensions[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); soapArrayInfo.dimensions++; } catch (Exception e) { if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException) { throw; } throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayLength, dimensions[i]), "value"); } catch { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayLength, dimensions[i]), "value"); } } } } if (soapArrayInfo.dimensions == 0) soapArrayInfo.dimensions = 1; // default is 1D even if no arraySize is specified return soapArrayInfo; } /// protected static DateTime ToDateTime(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToDateTime(value); } /// protected static DateTime ToDate(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToDate(value); } /// protected static DateTime ToTime(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToTime(value); } /// protected static char ToChar(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToChar(value); } /// protected static long ToEnum(string value, Hashtable h, string typeName) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToEnum(value, h, typeName, true); } /// protected static string ToXmlName(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToXmlName(value); } /// protected static string ToXmlNCName(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToXmlNCName(value); } /// protected static string ToXmlNmToken(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToXmlNmToken(value); } /// protected static string ToXmlNmTokens(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToXmlNmTokens(value); } /// protected XmlQualifiedName ToXmlQualifiedName(string value) { return ToXmlQualifiedName(value, DecodeName); } internal XmlQualifiedName ToXmlQualifiedName(string value, bool decodeName) { int colon = value == null ? -1 : value.LastIndexOf(':'); string prefix = colon < 0 ? null : value.Substring(0, colon); string localName = value.Substring(colon + 1); if (decodeName) { prefix = XmlConvert.DecodeName(prefix); localName = XmlConvert.DecodeName(localName); } if (prefix == null || prefix.Length == 0) { return new XmlQualifiedName(r.NameTable.Add(value), r.LookupNamespace(String.Empty)); } else { string ns = r.LookupNamespace(prefix); if (ns == null) { // Namespace prefix '{0}' is not defined. throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlUndefinedAlias, prefix)); } return new XmlQualifiedName(r.NameTable.Add(localName), ns); } } /// /// protected void UnknownAttribute(object o, XmlAttribute attr) { UnknownAttribute(o, attr, null); } /// protected void UnknownAttribute(object o, XmlAttribute attr, string qnames) { if (events.OnUnknownAttribute != null) { int lineNumber, linePosition; GetCurrentPosition(out lineNumber, out linePosition); XmlAttributeEventArgs e = new XmlAttributeEventArgs(attr, lineNumber, linePosition, o, qnames); events.OnUnknownAttribute(events.sender, e); } } /// protected void UnknownElement(object o, XmlElement elem) { UnknownElement(o, elem, null); } /// protected void UnknownElement(object o, XmlElement elem, string qnames) { if (events.OnUnknownElement != null) { int lineNumber, linePosition; GetCurrentPosition(out lineNumber, out linePosition); XmlElementEventArgs e = new XmlElementEventArgs(elem, lineNumber, linePosition, o, qnames); events.OnUnknownElement(events.sender, e); } } /// protected void UnknownNode(object o) { UnknownNode(o, null); } /// protected void UnknownNode(object o, string qnames) { if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None || r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace) { r.Read(); return; } if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) return; if (events.OnUnknownNode != null) { UnknownNode(Document.ReadNode(r), o, qnames); } else if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute && events.OnUnknownAttribute == null) { return; } else if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && events.OnUnknownElement == null) { r.Skip(); return; } else { UnknownNode(Document.ReadNode(r), o, qnames); } } void UnknownNode(XmlNode unknownNode, object o, string qnames) { if (unknownNode == null) return; if (unknownNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.None && unknownNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Whitespace && events.OnUnknownNode != null) { int lineNumber, linePosition; GetCurrentPosition(out lineNumber, out linePosition); XmlNodeEventArgs e = new XmlNodeEventArgs(unknownNode, lineNumber, linePosition, o); events.OnUnknownNode(events.sender, e); } if (unknownNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute) { UnknownAttribute(o, (XmlAttribute)unknownNode, qnames); } else if (unknownNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { UnknownElement(o, (XmlElement)unknownNode, qnames); } } void GetCurrentPosition(out int lineNumber, out int linePosition){ if (Reader is IXmlLineInfo){ IXmlLineInfo lineInfo = (IXmlLineInfo)Reader; lineNumber = lineInfo.LineNumber; linePosition = lineInfo.LinePosition; } else lineNumber = linePosition = -1; } /// protected void UnreferencedObject(string id, object o) { if (events.OnUnreferencedObject != null) { UnreferencedObjectEventArgs e = new UnreferencedObjectEventArgs(o, id); events.OnUnreferencedObject(events.sender, e); } } string CurrentTag() { switch (r.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: return "<" + r.LocalName + " xmlns='" + r.NamespaceURI + "'>"; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: return ">"; case XmlNodeType.Text: return r.Value; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: return "CDATA"; case XmlNodeType.Comment: return "<--"; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: return ""; default: return "(unknown)"; } } /// protected Exception CreateUnknownTypeException(XmlQualifiedName type) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlUnknownType, type.Name, type.Namespace, CurrentTag())); } /// protected Exception CreateReadOnlyCollectionException(string name) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlReadOnlyCollection, name)); } /// protected Exception CreateAbstractTypeException(string name, string ns) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlAbstractType, name, ns, CurrentTag())); } /// protected Exception CreateInaccessibleConstructorException(string typeName) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlConstructorInaccessible, typeName)); } /// protected Exception CreateCtorHasSecurityException(string typeName) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlConstructorHasSecurityAttributes, typeName)); } /// protected Exception CreateUnknownNodeException() { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlUnknownNode, CurrentTag())); } /// protected Exception CreateUnknownConstantException(string value, Type enumType) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlUnknownConstant, value, enumType.Name)); } /// protected Exception CreateInvalidCastException(Type type, object value) { return CreateInvalidCastException(type, value, null); } /// protected Exception CreateInvalidCastException(Type type, object value, string id) { if (value == null) return new InvalidCastException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidNullCast, type.FullName)); else if (id == null) return new InvalidCastException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidCast, value.GetType().FullName, type.FullName)); else return new InvalidCastException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidCastWithId, value.GetType().FullName, type.FullName, id)); } /// protected Exception CreateBadDerivationException(string xsdDerived, string nsDerived, string xsdBase, string nsBase, string clrDerived, string clrBase) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlSerializableBadDerivation, xsdDerived, nsDerived, xsdBase, nsBase, clrDerived, clrBase)); } /// protected Exception CreateMissingIXmlSerializableType(string name, string ns, string clrType) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlSerializableMissingClrType, name, ns, typeof(XmlIncludeAttribute).Name, clrType)); //XmlSerializableMissingClrType= Type '{0}' from namespace '{1}' doesnot have corresponding IXmlSerializable type. Please consider adding {2} to '{3}'. } /// protected Array EnsureArrayIndex(Array a, int index, Type elementType) { if (a == null) return Array.CreateInstance(elementType, 32); if (index < a.Length) return a; Array b = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, a.Length * 2); Array.Copy(a, b, index); return b; } /// protected Array ShrinkArray(Array a, int length, Type elementType, bool isNullable) { if (a == null) { if (isNullable) return null; return Array.CreateInstance(elementType, 0); } if (a.Length == length) return a; Array b = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, length); Array.Copy(a, b, length); return b; } /// protected string ReadString(string value) { return ReadString(value, false); } /// protected string ReadString(string value, bool trim) { string str = r.ReadString(); if (str != null && trim) str = str.Trim(); if (value == null || value.Length == 0) return str; return value + str; } /// protected IXmlSerializable ReadSerializable(IXmlSerializable serializable) { return ReadSerializable(serializable, false); } /// protected IXmlSerializable ReadSerializable(IXmlSerializable serializable, bool wrappedAny) { string name = null; string ns = null; if (wrappedAny) { name = r.LocalName; ns = r.NamespaceURI; r.Read(); r.MoveToContent(); } serializable.ReadXml(r); if (wrappedAny) { while (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace) r.Skip(); if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None) r.Skip(); if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && r.LocalName == name && r.NamespaceURI == ns) { Reader.Read(); } } return serializable; } /// protected bool ReadReference(out string fixupReference) { string href = soap12 ? r.GetAttribute("ref", Soap12.Encoding) : r.GetAttribute("href"); if (href == null) { fixupReference = null; return false; } if (!soap12) { // soap 1.1 href starts with '#'; soap 1.2 ref does not if (!href.StartsWith("#", StringComparison.Ordinal)) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMissingHref, href)); fixupReference = href.Substring(1); } else fixupReference = href; if (r.IsEmptyElement) { r.Skip(); } else { r.ReadStartElement(); ReadEndElement(); } return true; } /// protected void AddTarget(string id, object o) { if (id == null) { if (targetsWithoutIds == null) targetsWithoutIds = new ArrayList(); if (o != null) targetsWithoutIds.Add(o); } else { if (targets == null) targets = new Hashtable(); if (!targets.Contains(id)) targets.Add(id, o); } } /// protected void AddFixup(Fixup fixup) { if (fixups == null) fixups = new ArrayList(); fixups.Add(fixup); } /// protected void AddFixup(CollectionFixup fixup) { if (collectionFixups == null) collectionFixups = new ArrayList(); collectionFixups.Add(fixup); } /// protected object GetTarget(string id) { object target = targets != null ? targets[id] : null; if (target == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidHref, id)); } Referenced(target); return target; } /// protected void Referenced(object o) { if (o == null) return; if (referencedTargets == null) referencedTargets = new Hashtable(); referencedTargets[o] = o; } void HandleUnreferencedObjects() { if (targets != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry target in targets) { if (referencedTargets == null || !referencedTargets.Contains(target.Value)) { UnreferencedObject((string)target.Key, target.Value); } } } if (targetsWithoutIds != null) { foreach (object o in targetsWithoutIds) { if (referencedTargets == null || !referencedTargets.Contains(o)) { UnreferencedObject(null, o); } } } } void DoFixups() { if (fixups == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < fixups.Count; i++) { Fixup fixup = (Fixup)fixups[i]; fixup.Callback(fixup); } if (collectionFixups == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < collectionFixups.Count; i++) { CollectionFixup collectionFixup = (CollectionFixup)collectionFixups[i]; collectionFixup.Callback(collectionFixup.Collection, collectionFixup.CollectionItems); } } /// protected void FixupArrayRefs(object fixup) { Fixup f = (Fixup)fixup; Array array = (Array)f.Source; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string id = f.Ids[i]; if (id == null) continue; object o = GetTarget(id); try { array.SetValue(o, i); } catch (InvalidCastException) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayRef, id, o.GetType().FullName, i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } } } object ReadArray(string typeName, string typeNs) { SoapArrayInfo arrayInfo; Type fallbackElementType = null; if (soap12) { string itemType = r.GetAttribute(itemTypeID, soap12NsID); string arraySize = r.GetAttribute(arraySizeID, soap12NsID); Type arrayType = (Type)types[new XmlQualifiedName(typeName, typeNs)]; // no indication that this is an array? if (itemType == null && arraySize == null && (arrayType == null || !arrayType.IsArray)) return null; arrayInfo = ParseSoap12ArrayType(itemType, arraySize); if (arrayType != null) fallbackElementType = TypeScope.GetArrayElementType(arrayType, null); } else { string arrayType = r.GetAttribute(arrayTypeID, soapNsID); if (arrayType == null) return null; arrayInfo = ParseArrayType(arrayType); } if (arrayInfo.dimensions != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayDimentions, CurrentTag())); // NOTE: don't use the array size that is specified since an evil client might pass // a number larger than the actual number of items in an attempt to harm the server. XmlQualifiedName qname; bool isPrimitive; Type elementType = null; XmlQualifiedName urTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(urTypeID, schemaNsID); if (arrayInfo.qname.Length > 0) { qname = ToXmlQualifiedName(arrayInfo.qname, false); elementType = (Type)types[qname]; } else qname = urTypeName; // try again if the best we could come up with was object if (soap12 && elementType == typeof(object)) elementType = null; if (elementType == null) { if (!soap12) { elementType = GetPrimitiveType(qname, true); isPrimitive = true; } else { // try it as a primitive if (qname != urTypeName) elementType = GetPrimitiveType(qname, false); if (elementType != null) { isPrimitive = true; } else { // still nothing: go with fallback type or object if (fallbackElementType == null) { elementType = typeof(object); isPrimitive = false; } else { elementType = fallbackElementType; XmlQualifiedName newQname = (XmlQualifiedName)typesReverse[elementType]; if (newQname == null) { newQname = XmlSerializationWriter.GetPrimitiveTypeNameInternal(elementType); isPrimitive = true; } else isPrimitive = elementType.IsPrimitive; if (newQname != null) qname = newQname; } } } } else isPrimitive = elementType.IsPrimitive; if (!soap12 && arrayInfo.jaggedDimensions > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayInfo.jaggedDimensions; i++) elementType = elementType.MakeArrayType(); } if (r.IsEmptyElement) { r.Skip(); return Array.CreateInstance(elementType, 0); } r.ReadStartElement(); r.MoveToContent(); int arrayLength = 0; Array array = null; if (elementType.IsValueType) { if (!isPrimitive && !elementType.IsEnum) { throw new NotSupportedException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlRpcArrayOfValueTypes, elementType.FullName)); } // int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { array = EnsureArrayIndex(array, arrayLength, elementType); array.SetValue(ReadReferencedElement(qname.Name, qname.Namespace), arrayLength); arrayLength++; r.MoveToContent(); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } array = ShrinkArray(array, arrayLength, elementType, false); } else { string type; string typens; string[] ids = null; int idsLength = 0; int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { array = EnsureArrayIndex(array, arrayLength, elementType); ids = (string[])EnsureArrayIndex(ids, idsLength, typeof(string)); // if (r.NamespaceURI.Length != 0){ type = r.LocalName; if ((object)r.NamespaceURI == (object)soapNsID) typens = XmlSchema.Namespace; else typens = r.NamespaceURI; } else { type = qname.Name; typens = qname.Namespace; } array.SetValue(ReadReferencingElement(type, typens, out ids[idsLength]), arrayLength); arrayLength++; idsLength++; // r.MoveToContent(); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } // special case for soap 1.2: try to get a better fit than object[] when no metadata is known // this applies in the doc/enc/bare case if (soap12 && elementType == typeof(object)) { Type itemType = null; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { object currItem = array.GetValue(i); if (currItem != null) { Type currItemType = currItem.GetType(); if (currItemType.IsValueType) { itemType = null; break; } if (itemType == null || currItemType.IsAssignableFrom(itemType)) { itemType = currItemType; } else if (!itemType.IsAssignableFrom(currItemType)) { itemType = null; break; } } } if (itemType != null) elementType = itemType; } ids = (string[])ShrinkArray(ids, idsLength, typeof(string), false); array = ShrinkArray(array, arrayLength, elementType, false); Fixup fixupArray = new Fixup(array, new XmlSerializationFixupCallback(this.FixupArrayRefs), ids); AddFixup(fixupArray); } // ReadEndElement(); return array; } /// protected abstract void InitCallbacks(); /// protected void ReadReferencedElements() { r.MoveToContent(); string dummy; int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement && r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.None) { ReadReferencingElement(null, null, true, out dummy); r.MoveToContent(); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } DoFixups(); HandleUnreferencedObjects(); } /// protected object ReadReferencedElement() { return ReadReferencedElement(null, null); } /// protected object ReadReferencedElement(string name, string ns) { string dummy; return ReadReferencingElement(name, ns, out dummy); } /// protected object ReadReferencingElement(out string fixupReference) { return ReadReferencingElement(null, null, out fixupReference); } /// protected object ReadReferencingElement(string name, string ns, out string fixupReference) { return ReadReferencingElement(name, ns, false, out fixupReference); } /// protected object ReadReferencingElement(string name, string ns, bool elementCanBeType, out string fixupReference) { object o = null; if (callbacks == null) { callbacks = new Hashtable(); types = new Hashtable(); XmlQualifiedName urType = new XmlQualifiedName(urTypeID, r.NameTable.Add(XmlSchema.Namespace)); types.Add(urType, typeof(object)); typesReverse = new Hashtable(); typesReverse.Add(typeof(object), urType); InitCallbacks(); } r.MoveToContent(); if (ReadReference(out fixupReference)) return null; if (ReadNull()) return null; string id = soap12 ? r.GetAttribute("id", Soap12.Encoding) : r.GetAttribute("id", null); if ((o = ReadArray(name, ns)) == null) { XmlQualifiedName typeId = GetXsiType(); if (typeId == null) { if (name == null) typeId = new XmlQualifiedName(r.NameTable.Add(r.LocalName), r.NameTable.Add(r.NamespaceURI)); else typeId = new XmlQualifiedName(r.NameTable.Add(name), r.NameTable.Add(ns)); } XmlSerializationReadCallback callback = (XmlSerializationReadCallback)callbacks[typeId]; if (callback != null) { o = callback(); } else o = ReadTypedPrimitive(typeId, elementCanBeType); } AddTarget(id, o); return o; } /// protected void AddReadCallback(string name, string ns, Type type, XmlSerializationReadCallback read) { XmlQualifiedName typeName = new XmlQualifiedName(r.NameTable.Add(name), r.NameTable.Add(ns)); callbacks[typeName] = read; types[typeName] = type; typesReverse[type] = typeName; } /// protected void ReadEndElement() { while (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace) r.Skip(); if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None) r.Skip(); else r.ReadEndElement(); } object ReadXmlNodes(bool elementCanBeType) { ArrayList xmlNodeList = new ArrayList(); string elemLocalName = Reader.LocalName; string elemNs = Reader.NamespaceURI; string elemName = Reader.Name; string xsiTypeName = null; string xsiTypeNs = null; int skippableNodeCount = 0; int lineNumber = -1, linePosition=-1; XmlNode unknownNode = null; if(Reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute){ XmlAttribute attr = Document.CreateAttribute(elemName, elemNs); attr.Value = Reader.Value; unknownNode = attr; } else unknownNode = Document.CreateElement(elemName, elemNs); GetCurrentPosition(out lineNumber, out linePosition); XmlElement unknownElement = unknownNode as XmlElement; while (Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (IsXmlnsAttribute(Reader.Name) || (Reader.Name == "id" && (!soap12 || Reader.NamespaceURI == Soap12.Encoding))) skippableNodeCount++; if ( (object)Reader.LocalName == (object)typeID && ( (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)instanceNsID || (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)instanceNs2000ID || (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)instanceNs1999ID ) ){ string value = Reader.Value; int colon = value.LastIndexOf(':'); xsiTypeName = (colon >= 0) ? value.Substring(colon+1) : value; xsiTypeNs = Reader.LookupNamespace((colon >= 0) ? value.Substring(0, colon) : ""); } XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = (XmlAttribute)Document.ReadNode(r); xmlNodeList.Add(xmlAttribute); if (unknownElement != null) unknownElement.SetAttributeNode(xmlAttribute); } // If the node is referenced (or in case of paramStyle = bare) and if xsi:type is not // specified then the element name is used as the type name. Reveal this to the user // by adding an extra attribute node "xsi:type" with value as the element name. if(elementCanBeType && xsiTypeName == null){ xsiTypeName = elemLocalName; xsiTypeNs = elemNs; XmlAttribute xsiTypeAttribute = Document.CreateAttribute(typeID, instanceNsID); xsiTypeAttribute.Value = elemName; xmlNodeList.Add(xsiTypeAttribute); } if( xsiTypeName == Soap.UrType && ( (object)xsiTypeNs == (object)schemaNsID || (object)xsiTypeNs == (object)schemaNs1999ID || (object)xsiTypeNs == (object)schemaNs2000ID ) ) skippableNodeCount++; Reader.MoveToElement(); if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) { Reader.Skip(); } else { Reader.ReadStartElement(); Reader.MoveToContent(); int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (Reader.NodeType != System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EndElement) { XmlNode xmlNode = Document.ReadNode(r); xmlNodeList.Add(xmlNode); if (unknownElement != null) unknownElement.AppendChild(xmlNode); Reader.MoveToContent(); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } ReadEndElement(); } if(xmlNodeList.Count <= skippableNodeCount) return new object(); XmlNode[] childNodes = (XmlNode[])xmlNodeList.ToArray(typeof(XmlNode)); UnknownNode(unknownNode, null, null); return childNodes; } /// protected void CheckReaderCount(ref int whileIterations, ref int readerCount) { if (checkDeserializeAdvances) { whileIterations++; if ((whileIterations & 0x80) == 0x80) { if (readerCount == ReaderCount) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorReaderAdvance)); readerCount = ReaderCount; } } } /// /// protected class Fixup { XmlSerializationFixupCallback callback; object source; string[] ids; /// public Fixup(object o, XmlSerializationFixupCallback callback, int count) : this (o, callback, new string[count]) { } /// public Fixup(object o, XmlSerializationFixupCallback callback, string[] ids) { this.callback = callback; this.Source = o; this.ids = ids; } /// public XmlSerializationFixupCallback Callback { get { return callback; } } /// public object Source { get { return source; } set { source = value; } } /// public string[] Ids { get { return ids; } } } /// protected class CollectionFixup { XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback callback; object collection; object collectionItems; /// public CollectionFixup(object collection, XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback callback, object collectionItems) { this.callback = callback; this.collection = collection; this.collectionItems = collectionItems; } /// public XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback Callback { get { return callback; } } /// public object Collection { get { return collection; } } /// public object CollectionItems { get { return collectionItems; } } } } /// /// public delegate void XmlSerializationFixupCallback(object fixup); /// /// public delegate void XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback(object collection, object collectionItems); /// /// public delegate object XmlSerializationReadCallback(); internal class XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen : XmlSerializationCodeGen { Hashtable idNames = new Hashtable(); Hashtable enums; Hashtable createMethods = new Hashtable(); int nextCreateMethodNumber = 0; int nextIdNumber = 0; int nextWhileLoopIndex = 0; internal Hashtable Enums { get { if (enums == null) { enums = new Hashtable(); } return enums; } } class CreateCollectionInfo { string name; TypeDesc td; internal CreateCollectionInfo(string name, TypeDesc td) { = name; = td; } internal string Name { get { return name; } } internal TypeDesc TypeDesc { get { return td; } } } class Member { string source; string arrayName; string arraySource; string choiceArrayName; string choiceSource; string choiceArraySource; MemberMapping mapping; bool isArray; bool isList; bool isNullable; bool multiRef; int fixupIndex = -1; string paramsReadSource; string checkSpecifiedSource; internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping) : this(outerClass, source, null, arrayName, i, mapping, false, null) { } internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping, string choiceSource) : this(outerClass, source, null, arrayName, i, mapping, false, choiceSource) { } internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arraySource, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping) : this (outerClass, source, arraySource, arrayName, i, mapping, false, null) { } internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arraySource, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping, string choiceSource) : this (outerClass, source, arraySource, arrayName, i, mapping, false, choiceSource) { } internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping, bool multiRef) : this(outerClass, source, null, arrayName, i, mapping, multiRef, null) { } internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arraySource, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping, bool multiRef, string choiceSource) { this.source = source; this.arrayName = arrayName + "_" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); this.choiceArrayName = "choice_" + this.arrayName; this.choiceSource = choiceSource; ElementAccessor[] elements = mapping.Elements; if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsArrayLike) { if (arraySource != null) this.arraySource = arraySource; else this.arraySource = outerClass.GetArraySource(mapping.TypeDesc, this.arrayName, multiRef); isArray = mapping.TypeDesc.IsArray; isList = !isArray; if (mapping.ChoiceIdentifier != null) { this.choiceArraySource = outerClass.GetArraySource(mapping.TypeDesc, this.choiceArrayName, multiRef); string a = choiceArrayName; string c = "c" + a; bool choiceUseReflection = mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string choiceTypeFullName = mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; string castString = choiceUseReflection?"":"(" + choiceTypeFullName + "[])"; string init = a + " = " + castString + "EnsureArrayIndex(" + a + ", " + c + ", " + outerClass.RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(choiceTypeFullName, choiceUseReflection) + ");"; this.choiceArraySource = init + outerClass.RaCodeGen.GetStringForArrayMember(a, c + "++", mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc); } else { this.choiceArraySource = this.choiceSource; } } else { this.arraySource = arraySource == null ? source : arraySource; this.choiceArraySource = this.choiceSource; } this.mapping = mapping; } internal MemberMapping Mapping { get { return mapping; } } internal string Source { get { return source; } } internal string ArrayName { get { return arrayName; } } internal string ArraySource { get { return arraySource; } } internal bool IsList { get { return isList; } } internal bool IsArrayLike { get { return (isArray || isList); } } internal bool IsNullable { get { return isNullable; } set { isNullable = value; } } internal bool MultiRef { get { return multiRef; } set { multiRef = value; } } internal int FixupIndex { get { return fixupIndex; } set { fixupIndex = value; } } internal string ParamsReadSource { get { return paramsReadSource; } set { paramsReadSource = value; } } internal string CheckSpecifiedSource { get { return checkSpecifiedSource; } set { checkSpecifiedSource = value; } } internal string ChoiceSource { get { return choiceSource; } } internal string ChoiceArrayName { get { return choiceArrayName; } } internal string ChoiceArraySource { get { return choiceArraySource; } } } internal XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen(IndentedWriter writer, TypeScope[] scopes, string access, string className) : base(writer, scopes, access, className) { } internal void GenerateBegin() { Writer.Write(Access); Writer.Write(" class "); Writer.Write(ClassName); Writer.Write(" : "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlSerializationReader).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(" {"); Writer.Indent++; foreach (TypeScope scope in Scopes) { foreach (TypeMapping mapping in scope.TypeMappings) { if (mapping is StructMapping || mapping is EnumMapping || mapping is NullableMapping) MethodNames.Add(mapping, NextMethodName(mapping.TypeDesc.Name)); } RaCodeGen.WriteReflectionInit(scope); } // pre-generate read methods only for the encoded soap foreach (TypeScope scope in Scopes) { foreach (TypeMapping mapping in scope.TypeMappings) { if (!mapping.IsSoap) continue; if (mapping is StructMapping) WriteStructMethod((StructMapping)mapping); else if (mapping is EnumMapping) WriteEnumMethod((EnumMapping)mapping); else if (mapping is NullableMapping) { WriteNullableMethod((NullableMapping)mapping); } } } } internal override void GenerateMethod(TypeMapping mapping) { if (GeneratedMethods.Contains(mapping)) return; GeneratedMethods[mapping] = mapping; if (mapping is StructMapping) { WriteStructMethod((StructMapping)mapping); } else if (mapping is EnumMapping) { WriteEnumMethod((EnumMapping)mapping); } else if (mapping is NullableMapping) { WriteNullableMethod((NullableMapping)mapping); } } internal void GenerateEnd() { GenerateEnd(new string[0], new XmlMapping[0], new Type[0]); } internal void GenerateEnd(string[] methods, XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types) { GenerateReferencedMethods(); GenerateInitCallbacksMethod(); foreach (CreateCollectionInfo c in createMethods.Values) { WriteCreateCollectionMethod(c); } Writer.WriteLine(); foreach (string idName in idNames.Values) { Writer.Write("string "); Writer.Write(idName); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.WriteLine("protected override void InitIDs() {"); Writer.Indent++; foreach (string id in idNames.Keys) { // string idName = (string)idNames[id]; Writer.Write(idName); Writer.Write(" = Reader.NameTable.Add("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(id); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } internal string GenerateElement(XmlMapping xmlMapping) { if (!xmlMapping.IsReadable) return null; if (!xmlMapping.GenerateSerializer) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError), "xmlMapping"); if (xmlMapping is XmlTypeMapping) return GenerateTypeElement((XmlTypeMapping)xmlMapping); else if (xmlMapping is XmlMembersMapping) return GenerateMembersElement((XmlMembersMapping)xmlMapping); else throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError), "xmlMapping"); } void WriteIsStartTag(string name, string ns) { Writer.Write("if (Reader.IsStartElement("); WriteID(name); Writer.Write(", "); WriteID(ns); Writer.WriteLine(")) {"); Writer.Indent++; } void WriteUnknownNode(string func, string node, ElementAccessor e, bool anyIfs) { if (anyIfs) { Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; } Writer.Write(func); Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(node); if (e != null) { Writer.Write(", "); string expectedElement = e.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? e.Namespace : ""; expectedElement += ":"; expectedElement += e.Name; ReflectionAwareCodeGen.WriteQuotedCSharpString(Writer, expectedElement); } Writer.WriteLine(");"); if (anyIfs) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } void GenerateInitCallbacksMethod() { Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.WriteLine("protected override void InitCallbacks() {"); Writer.Indent++; string dummyArrayMethodName = NextMethodName("Array"); bool needDummyArrayMethod = false; foreach (TypeScope scope in Scopes) { foreach (TypeMapping mapping in scope.TypeMappings) { if (mapping.IsSoap && (mapping is StructMapping || mapping is EnumMapping || mapping is ArrayMapping || mapping is NullableMapping) && !mapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) { string methodName; if (mapping is ArrayMapping) { methodName = dummyArrayMethodName; needDummyArrayMethod = true; } else methodName = (string)MethodNames[mapping]; Writer.Write("AddReadCallback("); WriteID(mapping.TypeName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteID(mapping.Namespace); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName,mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection)); Writer.Write(", new "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlSerializationReadCallback).FullName); Writer.Write("(this."); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("));"); } } } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (needDummyArrayMethod) { Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("object "); Writer.Write(dummyArrayMethodName); Writer.WriteLine("() {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("// dummy array method"); Writer.WriteLine("UnknownNode(null);"); Writer.WriteLine("return null;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } string GenerateMembersElement(XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping) { if (xmlMembersMapping.Accessor.IsSoap) return GenerateEncodedMembersElement(xmlMembersMapping); else return GenerateLiteralMembersElement(xmlMembersMapping); } string GetChoiceIdentifierSource(MemberMapping[] mappings, MemberMapping member) { string choiceSource = null; if (member.ChoiceIdentifier != null) { for (int j = 0; j < mappings.Length; j++) { if (mappings[j].Name == member.ChoiceIdentifier.MemberName) { choiceSource = "p[" + j.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; break; } } #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (choiceSource == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorDetails, "Can not find " + member.ChoiceIdentifier.MemberName + " in the members mapping.")); #endif } return choiceSource; } string GetChoiceIdentifierSource(MemberMapping mapping, string parent, TypeDesc parentTypeDesc) { if (mapping.ChoiceIdentifier == null) return ""; CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.MemberName); return RaCodeGen.GetStringForMember(parent, mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.MemberName, parentTypeDesc); } string GenerateLiteralMembersElement(XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping) { ElementAccessor element = xmlMembersMapping.Accessor; MemberMapping[] mappings = ((MembersMapping)element.Mapping).Members; bool hasWrapperElement = ((MembersMapping)element.Mapping).HasWrapperElement; string methodName = NextMethodName(element.Name); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("public object[] "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("() {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); Writer.Write("object[] p = new object["); Writer.Write(mappings.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine("];"); InitializeValueTypes("p", mappings); int wrapperLoopIndex = 0; if (hasWrapperElement) { wrapperLoopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; WriteIsStartTag(element.Name, element.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? element.Namespace : ""); } Member anyText = null; Member anyElement = null; Member anyAttribute = null; ArrayList membersList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList textOrArrayMembersList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList attributeMembersList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) { MemberMapping mapping = mappings[i]; string source = "p[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; string arraySource = source; if (mapping.Xmlns != null) { arraySource = "((" + mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName + ")" + source + ")"; } string choiceSource = GetChoiceIdentifierSource(mappings, mapping); Member member = new Member(this, source, arraySource, "a", i, mapping, choiceSource); Member anyMember = new Member(this, source, null, "a", i, mapping, choiceSource); if (!mapping.IsSequence) member.ParamsReadSource = "paramsRead[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; if (mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite) { string nameSpecified = mapping.Name + "Specified"; for (int j = 0; j < mappings.Length; j++) { if (mappings[j].Name == nameSpecified) { member.CheckSpecifiedSource = "p[" + j.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; break; } } } bool foundAnyElement = false; if (mapping.Text != null) anyText = anyMember; if (mapping.Attribute != null && mapping.Attribute.Any) anyAttribute = anyMember; if (mapping.Attribute != null || mapping.Xmlns != null) attributeMembersList.Add(member); else if (mapping.Text != null) textOrArrayMembersList.Add(member); if (!mapping.IsSequence) { for (int j = 0; j < mapping.Elements.Length; j++) { if (mapping.Elements[j].Any && mapping.Elements[j].Name.Length == 0) { anyElement = anyMember; if (mapping.Attribute == null && mapping.Text == null) textOrArrayMembersList.Add(anyMember); foundAnyElement = true; break; } } } if (mapping.Attribute != null || mapping.Text != null || foundAnyElement) membersList.Add(anyMember); else if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsArrayLike && !(mapping.Elements.Length == 1 && mapping.Elements[0].Mapping is ArrayMapping)) { membersList.Add(anyMember); textOrArrayMembersList.Add(anyMember); } else { if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsArrayLike && !mapping.TypeDesc.IsArray) member.ParamsReadSource = null; // collection membersList.Add(member); } } Member[] members = (Member[]) membersList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); Member[] textOrArrayMembers = (Member[]) textOrArrayMembersList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); if (members.Length > 0 && members[0].Mapping.IsReturnValue) Writer.WriteLine("IsReturnValue = true;"); WriteParamsRead(mappings.Length); if (attributeMembersList.Count > 0) { Member[] attributeMembers = (Member[]) attributeMembersList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); WriteMemberBegin(attributeMembers); WriteAttributes(attributeMembers, anyAttribute, "UnknownNode", "(object)p"); WriteMemberEnd(attributeMembers); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToElement();"); } WriteMemberBegin(textOrArrayMembers); if (hasWrapperElement) { Writer.WriteLine("if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) { Reader.Skip(); Reader.MoveToContent(); continue; }"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); } if (IsSequence(members)) { Writer.WriteLine("int state = 0;"); } int loopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; string unknownNode = "UnknownNode((object)p, " + ExpectedElements(members) + ");"; WriteMemberElements(members, unknownNode, unknownNode, anyElement, anyText, null); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); WriteMemberEnd(textOrArrayMembers); if (hasWrapperElement) { Writer.WriteLine("ReadEndElement();"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); WriteUnknownNode("UnknownNode", "null", element, true); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(wrapperLoopIndex); } Writer.WriteLine("return p;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); return methodName; } void InitializeValueTypes(string arrayName, MemberMapping[] mappings) { for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) { if (!mappings[i].TypeDesc.IsValueType) continue; Writer.Write(arrayName); Writer.Write("["); Writer.Write(i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.Write("] = "); if (mappings[i].TypeDesc.IsOptionalValue && mappings[i].TypeDesc.BaseTypeDesc.UseReflection) { Writer.Write("null"); } else { Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(mappings[i].TypeDesc.CSharpName, mappings[i].TypeDesc.UseReflection, false, false)); } Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } string GenerateEncodedMembersElement(XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping) { ElementAccessor element = xmlMembersMapping.Accessor; MembersMapping membersMapping = (MembersMapping)element.Mapping; MemberMapping[] mappings = membersMapping.Members; bool hasWrapperElement = membersMapping.HasWrapperElement; bool writeAccessors = membersMapping.WriteAccessors; string methodName = NextMethodName(element.Name); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("public object[] "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("() {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); Writer.Write("object[] p = new object["); Writer.Write(mappings.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine("];"); InitializeValueTypes("p", mappings); if (hasWrapperElement) { WriteReadNonRoots(); if (membersMapping.ValidateRpcWrapperElement) { Writer.Write("if (!"); WriteXmlNodeEqual("Reader", element.Name, element.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? element.Namespace : ""); Writer.WriteLine(") throw CreateUnknownNodeException();"); } Writer.WriteLine("bool isEmptyWrapper = Reader.IsEmptyElement;"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); } Member[] members = new Member[mappings.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) { MemberMapping mapping = mappings[i]; string source = "p[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; string arraySource = source; if (mapping.Xmlns != null) { arraySource = "((" + mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName + ")" + source + ")"; } Member member = new Member(this,source, arraySource, "a", i, mapping); if (!mapping.IsSequence) member.ParamsReadSource = "paramsRead[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; members[i] = member; if (mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite) { string nameSpecified = mapping.Name + "Specified"; for (int j = 0; j < mappings.Length; j++) { if (mappings[j].Name == nameSpecified) { member.CheckSpecifiedSource = "p[" + j.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; break; } } } } string fixupMethodName = "fixup_" + methodName; bool anyFixups = WriteMemberFixupBegin(members, fixupMethodName, "p"); if (members.Length > 0 && members[0].Mapping.IsReturnValue) Writer.WriteLine("IsReturnValue = true;"); string checkTypeHrefSource = (!hasWrapperElement && !writeAccessors) ? "hrefList" : null; if (checkTypeHrefSource != null) WriteInitCheckTypeHrefList(checkTypeHrefSource); WriteParamsRead(mappings.Length); int loopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; string unrecognizedElementSource = checkTypeHrefSource == null ? "UnknownNode((object)p);" : "if (Reader.GetAttribute(\"id\", null) != null) { ReadReferencedElement(); } else { UnknownNode((object)p); }"; WriteMemberElements(members, unrecognizedElementSource, "UnknownNode((object)p);", null, null, checkTypeHrefSource); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); if (hasWrapperElement) Writer.WriteLine("if (!isEmptyWrapper) ReadEndElement();"); if (checkTypeHrefSource != null) WriteHandleHrefList(members, checkTypeHrefSource); Writer.WriteLine("ReadReferencedElements();"); Writer.WriteLine("return p;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (anyFixups) WriteFixupMethod(fixupMethodName, members, "object[]", false, false, "p"); return methodName; } void WriteCreateCollection(TypeDesc td, string source) { bool useReflection = td.UseReflection; string item = (td.ArrayElementTypeDesc == null ? "object" : td.ArrayElementTypeDesc.CSharpName) + "[]"; bool arrayElementUseReflection = td.ArrayElementTypeDesc == null?false:td.ArrayElementTypeDesc.UseReflection; //cannot call WriteArrayLocalDecl since 'ci' is always //array and 'td' corresponds to 'c' if (arrayElementUseReflection) item = typeof(Array).FullName; Writer.Write(item); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write("ci ="); Writer.Write("("+item+")"); Writer.Write(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.WriteLine("for (int i = 0; i < ci.Length; i++) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForMethod("c", td.CSharpName,"Add",useReflection)); //cannot call GetStringForArrayMember since 'ci' is always //array and 'td' corresponds to 'c' if (!arrayElementUseReflection) Writer.Write( "ci[i]"); else Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetReflectionVariable(typeof(Array).FullName, "0") + "[ci , i]"); if (useReflection) Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine(");"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } string GenerateTypeElement(XmlTypeMapping xmlTypeMapping) { ElementAccessor element = xmlTypeMapping.Accessor; TypeMapping mapping = element.Mapping; string methodName = NextMethodName(element.Name); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("public object "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("() {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("object o = null;"); MemberMapping member = new MemberMapping(); member.TypeDesc = mapping.TypeDesc; //member.ReadOnly = !mapping.TypeDesc.HasDefaultConstructor; member.Elements = new ElementAccessor[] { element }; Member[] members = new Member[] { new Member(this,"o", "o", "a", 0, member) }; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); string unknownNode = "UnknownNode(null, " + ExpectedElements(members) + ");"; WriteMemberElements(members, "throw CreateUnknownNodeException();", unknownNode, element.Any ? members[0] : null, null, null); if (element.IsSoap) { Writer.WriteLine("Referenced(o);"); Writer.WriteLine("ReadReferencedElements();"); } Writer.WriteLine("return (object)o;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); return methodName; } string NextMethodName(string name) { return "Read" + (++NextMethodNumber).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + CodeIdentifier.MakeValidInternal(name); } string NextIdName(string name) { return "id" + (++nextIdNumber).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + CodeIdentifier.MakeValidInternal(name); } void WritePrimitive(TypeMapping mapping, string source) { if (mapping is EnumMapping) { string enumMethodName = ReferenceMapping(mapping); if (enumMethodName == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMissingMethodEnum, mapping.TypeDesc.Name)); if (mapping.IsSoap) { // SOAP methods are not strongly-typed (the return object), so we need to add a cast Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.Write(")"); } Writer.Write(enumMethodName); Writer.Write("("); if (!mapping.IsSoap) Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(")"); } else if (mapping.TypeDesc == StringTypeDesc) { Writer.Write(source); } else if (mapping.TypeDesc.FormatterName == "String") { if (mapping.TypeDesc.CollapseWhitespace) { Writer.Write("CollapseWhitespace("); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(")"); } else { Writer.Write(source); } } else { if (!mapping.TypeDesc.HasCustomFormatter) { Writer.Write(typeof(XmlConvert).FullName); Writer.Write("."); } Writer.Write("To"); Writer.Write(mapping.TypeDesc.FormatterName); Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(")"); } } string MakeUnique(EnumMapping mapping, string name) { string uniqueName = name; object m = Enums[uniqueName]; if (m != null) { if (m == mapping) { // we already have created the hashtable return null; } int i = 0; while (m != null) { i++; uniqueName = name + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); m = Enums[uniqueName]; } } Enums.Add(uniqueName, mapping); return uniqueName; } string WriteHashtable(EnumMapping mapping, string typeName) { CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(typeName); string propName = MakeUnique(mapping, typeName + "Values"); if (propName == null) return CodeIdentifier.GetCSharpName(typeName); string memberName = MakeUnique(mapping, "_" + propName); propName = CodeIdentifier.GetCSharpName(propName); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write(typeof(Hashtable).FullName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(memberName); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("internal "); Writer.Write(typeof(Hashtable).FullName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(propName); Writer.WriteLine(" {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("get {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("if ((object)"); Writer.Write(memberName); Writer.WriteLine(" == null) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(typeof(Hashtable).FullName); Writer.Write(" h = new "); Writer.Write(typeof(Hashtable).FullName); Writer.WriteLine("();"); ConstantMapping[] constants = mapping.Constants; for (int i = 0; i < constants.Length; i++) { Writer.Write("h.Add("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(constants[i].XmlName); if (!mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection){ Writer.Write(", (long)"); Writer.Write(mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.Write(".@"); CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(constants[i].Name); Writer.Write(constants[i].Name); } else{ Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(constants[i].Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)+"L"); } Writer.WriteLine(");"); } Writer.Write(memberName); Writer.WriteLine(" = h;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Write("return "); Writer.Write(memberName); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); return propName; } void WriteEnumMethod(EnumMapping mapping) { string tableName = null; if (mapping.IsFlags) tableName = WriteHashtable(mapping, mapping.TypeDesc.Name); string methodName = (string)MethodNames[mapping]; Writer.WriteLine(); bool useReflection = mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string fullTypeName = mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; if (mapping.IsSoap) { Writer.Write("object"); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("() {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("string s = Reader.ReadElementString();"); } else { Writer.Write(useReflection?"object":fullTypeName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("(string s) {"); Writer.Indent++; } ConstantMapping[] constants = mapping.Constants; if (mapping.IsFlags) { if (useReflection){ Writer.Write("return "); Writer.Write(typeof(Enum).FullName); Writer.Write(".ToObject("); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(fullTypeName, useReflection)); Writer.Write(", ToEnum(s, "); Writer.Write(tableName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(fullTypeName); Writer.WriteLine("));"); } else{ Writer.Write("return ("); Writer.Write(fullTypeName); Writer.Write(")ToEnum(s, "); Writer.Write(tableName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(fullTypeName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } } else { Writer.WriteLine("switch (s) {"); Writer.Indent++; Hashtable cases = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < constants.Length; i++) { ConstantMapping c = constants[i]; CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(c.Name); if (cases[c.XmlName] == null) { Writer.Write("case "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(c.XmlName); Writer.Write(": return "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForEnumMember(fullTypeName, c.Name, useReflection)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); cases[c.XmlName] = c.XmlName; } } Writer.Write("default: throw CreateUnknownConstantException(s, "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(fullTypeName, useReflection)); Writer.WriteLine(");"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteDerivedTypes(StructMapping mapping, bool isTypedReturn, string returnTypeName) { for (StructMapping derived = mapping.DerivedMappings; derived != null; derived = derived.NextDerivedMapping) { Writer.Write("else if ("); WriteQNameEqual("xsiType", derived.TypeName, derived.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(")"); Writer.Indent++; string methodName = ReferenceMapping(derived); #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (methodName == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorMethod, derived.TypeDesc.Name)); #endif Writer.Write("return "); if (derived.TypeDesc.UseReflection && isTypedReturn) Writer.Write("(" + returnTypeName + ")"); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.Write("("); if (derived.TypeDesc.IsNullable) Writer.Write("isNullable, "); Writer.WriteLine("false);"); Writer.Indent--; WriteDerivedTypes(derived, isTypedReturn, returnTypeName); } } void WriteEnumAndArrayTypes() { foreach (TypeScope scope in Scopes) { foreach (Mapping m in scope.TypeMappings) { if (m.IsSoap) continue; if (m is EnumMapping) { EnumMapping mapping = (EnumMapping)m; Writer.Write("else if ("); WriteQNameEqual("xsiType", mapping.TypeName, mapping.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); string methodName = ReferenceMapping(mapping); #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (methodName == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorMethod, mapping.TypeDesc.Name)); #endif Writer.Write("object e = "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("(CollapseWhitespace(Reader.ReadString()));"); Writer.WriteLine("ReadEndElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("return e;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } else if (m is ArrayMapping) { ArrayMapping mapping = (ArrayMapping) m; if (mapping.TypeDesc.HasDefaultConstructor) { Writer.Write("else if ("); WriteQNameEqual("xsiType", mapping.TypeName, mapping.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; MemberMapping memberMapping = new MemberMapping(); memberMapping.TypeDesc = mapping.TypeDesc; memberMapping.Elements = mapping.Elements; Member member = new Member(this,"a", "z", 0, memberMapping); TypeDesc td = mapping.TypeDesc; string fullTypeName = mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; if (td.UseReflection){ if (td.IsArray) Writer.Write(typeof(Array).FullName); else Writer.Write("object"); } else Writer.Write(fullTypeName); Writer.Write(" a = "); if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(fullTypeName, td.UseReflection, false, false)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } else Writer.WriteLine("null;"); WriteArray(member.Source, member.ArrayName, mapping, false, false, -1); Writer.WriteLine("return a;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } } } } void WriteNullableMethod(NullableMapping nullableMapping) { string methodName = (string)MethodNames[nullableMapping]; bool useReflection = nullableMapping.BaseMapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string typeName = useReflection ? "object" : nullableMapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write(typeName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("(bool checkType) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(typeName); Writer.Write(" o = "); if (useReflection) { Writer.Write("null"); } else { Writer.Write("default("); Writer.Write(typeName); Writer.Write(")"); } Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.WriteLine("if (ReadNull())"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("return o;"); Writer.Indent--; ElementAccessor element = new ElementAccessor(); element.Mapping = nullableMapping.BaseMapping; element.Any = false; element.IsNullable = nullableMapping.BaseMapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable; WriteElement("o", null, null, element, null, null, false, false, -1, -1); Writer.WriteLine("return o;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteStructMethod(StructMapping structMapping) { if (structMapping.IsSoap) WriteEncodedStructMethod(structMapping); else WriteLiteralStructMethod(structMapping); } void WriteLiteralStructMethod(StructMapping structMapping) { string methodName = (string)MethodNames[structMapping]; bool useReflection = structMapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string typeName = useReflection ? "object" : structMapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write(typeName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.Write("("); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable) Writer.Write("bool isNullable, "); Writer.WriteLine("bool checkType) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(typeof(XmlQualifiedName).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(" xsiType = checkType ? GetXsiType() : null;"); Writer.WriteLine("bool isNull = false;"); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable) Writer.WriteLine("if (isNullable) isNull = ReadNull();"); Writer.WriteLine("if (checkType) {"); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) { Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("if (isNull) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("if (xsiType != null) return (" + typeName + ")ReadTypedNull(xsiType);"); Writer.Write("else return "); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(structMapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName, useReflection, false, false)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } else Writer.WriteLine("null;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } Writer.Write("if (xsiType == null"); if (!structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) { Writer.Write(" || "); WriteQNameEqual("xsiType", structMapping.TypeName, structMapping.Namespace); } Writer.WriteLine(") {"); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) { Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("return ReadTypedPrimitive(new System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName(\"" + Soap.UrType + "\", \"" + XmlSchema.Namespace + "\"));"); Writer.Indent--; } Writer.WriteLine("}"); WriteDerivedTypes(structMapping, !useReflection && !structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot, typeName); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) WriteEnumAndArrayTypes(); Writer.WriteLine("else"); Writer.Indent++; if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) Writer.Write("return ReadTypedPrimitive(("); else Writer.Write("throw CreateUnknownTypeException(("); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlQualifiedName).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(")xsiType);"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable) Writer.WriteLine("if (isNull) return null;"); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsAbstract) { Writer.Write("throw CreateAbstractTypeException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(structMapping.TypeName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(structMapping.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } else { if (structMapping.TypeDesc.Type != null && typeof(XmlSchemaObject).IsAssignableFrom(structMapping.TypeDesc.Type)) { Writer.WriteLine("DecodeName = false;"); } WriteCreateMapping(structMapping, "o"); MemberMapping[] mappings = TypeScope.GetAllMembers(structMapping); Member anyText = null; Member anyElement = null; Member anyAttribute = null; bool isSequence = structMapping.HasExplicitSequence(); ArrayList arraysToDeclareList = new ArrayList(mappings.Length); ArrayList arraysToSetList = new ArrayList(mappings.Length); ArrayList allMembersList = new ArrayList(mappings.Length); for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) { MemberMapping mapping = mappings[i]; CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(mapping.Name); string source = RaCodeGen.GetStringForMember("o", mapping.Name, structMapping.TypeDesc); Member member = new Member(this, source, "a", i, mapping, GetChoiceIdentifierSource(mapping, "o", structMapping.TypeDesc)); if (!mapping.IsSequence) member.ParamsReadSource = "paramsRead[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; member.IsNullable = mapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable; if (mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite) member.CheckSpecifiedSource = RaCodeGen.GetStringForMember("o", mapping.Name + "Specified", structMapping.TypeDesc); if (mapping.Text != null) anyText = member; if (mapping.Attribute != null && mapping.Attribute.Any) anyAttribute = member; if (!isSequence) { // find anyElement if present. for (int j = 0; j < mapping.Elements.Length; j++) { if (mapping.Elements[j].Any && (mapping.Elements[j].Name == null || mapping.Elements[j].Name.Length == 0)) { anyElement = member; break; } } } else if (mapping.IsParticle && !mapping.IsSequence) { StructMapping declaringMapping; structMapping.FindDeclaringMapping(mapping, out declaringMapping, structMapping.TypeName); throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlSequenceHierarchy, structMapping.TypeDesc.FullName, mapping.Name, declaringMapping.TypeDesc.FullName, "Order")); } if (mapping.Attribute == null && mapping.Elements.Length == 1 && mapping.Elements[0].Mapping is ArrayMapping) { Member arrayMember = new Member(this, source, source, "a", i, mapping, GetChoiceIdentifierSource(mapping, "o", structMapping.TypeDesc)); arrayMember.CheckSpecifiedSource = member.CheckSpecifiedSource; allMembersList.Add(arrayMember); } else { allMembersList.Add(member); } if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsArrayLike) { arraysToDeclareList.Add(member); if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsArrayLike && !(mapping.Elements.Length == 1 && mapping.Elements[0].Mapping is ArrayMapping)) { member.ParamsReadSource = null; // flat arrays -- don't want to count params read. if (member != anyText && member != anyElement) { arraysToSetList.Add(member); } } else if (!mapping.TypeDesc.IsArray) { member.ParamsReadSource = null; // collection } } } if (anyElement != null) arraysToSetList.Add(anyElement); if (anyText != null && anyText != anyElement) arraysToSetList.Add(anyText); Member[] arraysToDeclare = (Member[]) arraysToDeclareList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); Member[] arraysToSet = (Member[]) arraysToSetList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); Member[] allMembers = (Member[]) allMembersList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); WriteMemberBegin(arraysToDeclare); WriteParamsRead(mappings.Length); WriteAttributes(allMembers, anyAttribute, "UnknownNode", "(object)o"); if (anyAttribute != null) WriteMemberEnd(arraysToDeclare); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.Skip();"); WriteMemberEnd(arraysToSet); Writer.WriteLine("return o;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); if (IsSequence(allMembers)) { Writer.WriteLine("int state = 0;"); } int loopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; string unknownNode = "UnknownNode((object)o, " + ExpectedElements(allMembers) + ");"; WriteMemberElements(allMembers, unknownNode, unknownNode, anyElement, anyText, null); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); WriteMemberEnd(arraysToSet); Writer.WriteLine("ReadEndElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("return o;"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteEncodedStructMethod(StructMapping structMapping) { if(structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) return; bool useReflection = structMapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string methodName = (string)MethodNames[structMapping]; Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("object"); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.Write("("); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; Member[] members; bool anyFixups; string fixupMethodName; if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsAbstract) { Writer.Write("throw CreateAbstractTypeException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(structMapping.TypeName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(structMapping.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(");"); members = new Member[0]; anyFixups = false; fixupMethodName = null; } else { WriteCreateMapping(structMapping, "o"); MemberMapping[] mappings = TypeScope.GetAllMembers(structMapping); members = new Member[mappings.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) { MemberMapping mapping = mappings[i]; CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(mapping.Name); string source = RaCodeGen.GetStringForMember("o", mapping.Name, structMapping.TypeDesc); Member member = new Member(this,source, source, "a", i, mapping, GetChoiceIdentifierSource(mapping, "o", structMapping.TypeDesc)); if (mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite) member.CheckSpecifiedSource = RaCodeGen.GetStringForMember("o", mapping.Name + "Specified", structMapping.TypeDesc); if (!mapping.IsSequence) member.ParamsReadSource = "paramsRead[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; members[i] = member; } fixupMethodName = "fixup_" + methodName; anyFixups = WriteMemberFixupBegin(members, fixupMethodName, "o"); // we're able to not do WriteMemberBegin here because we don't allow arrays as attributes WriteParamsRead(mappings.Length); WriteAttributes(members, null, "UnknownNode", "(object)o"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) { Reader.Skip(); return o; }"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); int loopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; WriteMemberElements(members, "UnknownNode((object)o);", "UnknownNode((object)o);", null, null, null); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); Writer.WriteLine("ReadEndElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("return o;"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (anyFixups) WriteFixupMethod(fixupMethodName, members, structMapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName, structMapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection, true, "o"); } void WriteFixupMethod(string fixupMethodName, Member[] members, string typeName, bool useReflection, bool typed, string source) { Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("void "); Writer.Write(fixupMethodName); Writer.WriteLine("(object objFixup) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Fixup fixup = (Fixup)objFixup;"); WriteLocalDecl(typeName, source, "fixup.Source", useReflection); Writer.WriteLine("string[] ids = fixup.Ids;"); for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = members[i]; if (member.MultiRef) { string fixupIndex = member.FixupIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Writer.Write("if (ids["); Writer.Write(fixupIndex); Writer.WriteLine("] != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; string memberSource = /*member.IsList ? source + ".Add(" :*/ member.ArraySource; string targetSource = "GetTarget(ids[" + fixupIndex + "])"; TypeDesc td = member.Mapping.TypeDesc; if (td.IsCollection || td.IsEnumerable) { WriteAddCollectionFixup(td, member.Mapping.ReadOnly, memberSource, targetSource); } else { if (typed) { Writer.WriteLine("try {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBeginTyped(memberSource, member.Mapping.TypeDesc); } else WriteSourceBegin(memberSource); Writer.Write(targetSource); WriteSourceEnd(memberSource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (member.Mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite && member.CheckSpecifiedSource != null && member.CheckSpecifiedSource.Length > 0) { Writer.Write(member.CheckSpecifiedSource); Writer.WriteLine(" = true;"); } if (typed) { WriteCatchCastException(member.Mapping.TypeDesc, targetSource, "ids[" + fixupIndex + "]"); } } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteAddCollectionFixup(TypeDesc typeDesc, bool readOnly, string memberSource, string targetSource) { Writer.WriteLine("// get array of the collection items"); bool useReflection = typeDesc.UseReflection; CreateCollectionInfo create = (CreateCollectionInfo)createMethods[typeDesc]; if (create == null) { string createName = "create" + (++nextCreateMethodNumber).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + typeDesc.Name; create = new CreateCollectionInfo(createName, typeDesc); createMethods.Add(typeDesc, create); } Writer.Write("if ((object)("); Writer.Write(memberSource); Writer.WriteLine(") == null) {"); Writer.Indent++; if (readOnly) { Writer.Write("throw CreateReadOnlyCollectionException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(typeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } else { Writer.Write(memberSource); Writer.Write(" = "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(typeDesc.CSharpName, typeDesc.UseReflection, typeDesc.CannotNew, true)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Write("CollectionFixup collectionFixup = new CollectionFixup("); Writer.Write(memberSource); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write("new "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback).FullName); Writer.Write("(this."); Writer.Write(create.Name); Writer.Write("), "); Writer.Write(targetSource); Writer.WriteLine(");"); Writer.WriteLine("AddFixup(collectionFixup);"); } void WriteCreateCollectionMethod(CreateCollectionInfo c) { Writer.Write("void "); Writer.Write(c.Name); Writer.WriteLine("(object collection, object collectionItems) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("if (collectionItems == null) return;"); Writer.WriteLine("if (collection == null) return;"); TypeDesc td = c.TypeDesc; bool useReflection = td.UseReflection; string fullTypeName = td.CSharpName; WriteLocalDecl(fullTypeName, "c", "collection", useReflection); WriteCreateCollection(td, "collectionItems"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteQNameEqual(string source, string name, string ns) { Writer.Write("((object) (("); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlQualifiedName).FullName); Writer.Write(")"); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(").Name == (object)"); WriteID(name); Writer.Write(" && (object) (("); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlQualifiedName).FullName); Writer.Write(")"); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(").Namespace == (object)"); WriteID(ns); Writer.Write(")"); } void WriteXmlNodeEqual(string source, string name, string ns) { Writer.Write("("); if (name != null && name.Length > 0) { Writer.Write("(object) "); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(".LocalName == (object)"); WriteID(name); Writer.Write(" && "); } Writer.Write("(object) "); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(".NamespaceURI == (object)"); WriteID(ns); Writer.Write(")"); } void WriteID(string name) { if (name == null) { //Writer.Write("null"); //return; name = ""; } string idName = (string)idNames[name]; if (idName == null) { idName = NextIdName(name); idNames.Add(name, idName); } Writer.Write(idName); } void WriteAttributes(Member[] members, Member anyAttribute, string elseCall, string firstParam) { int count = 0; Member xmlnsMember = null; ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList(); Writer.WriteLine("while (Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) {"); Writer.Indent++; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.Mapping.Xmlns != null) { xmlnsMember = member; continue; } if (member.Mapping.Ignore) continue; AttributeAccessor attribute = member.Mapping.Attribute; if (attribute == null) continue; if (attribute.Any) continue; attributes.Add(attribute); if (count++ > 0) Writer.Write("else "); Writer.Write("if ("); if (member.ParamsReadSource != null) { Writer.Write("!"); Writer.Write(member.ParamsReadSource); Writer.Write(" && "); } if (attribute.IsSpecialXmlNamespace) { WriteXmlNodeEqual("Reader", attribute.Name, XmlReservedNs.NsXml); } else WriteXmlNodeEqual("Reader", attribute.Name, attribute.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? attribute.Namespace : ""); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteAttribute(member); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } if (count > 0) Writer.Write("else "); if (xmlnsMember != null) { Writer.WriteLine("if (IsXmlnsAttribute(Reader.Name)) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("if ("); Writer.Write(xmlnsMember.Source); Writer.Write(" == null) "); Writer.Write(xmlnsMember.Source); Writer.Write(" = new "); Writer.Write(xmlnsMember.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.WriteLine("();"); //Writer.Write(xmlnsMember.ArraySource); Writer.Write("(("+xmlnsMember.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName+")"+ xmlnsMember.ArraySource+")"); Writer.WriteLine(".Add(Reader.Name.Length == 5 ? \"\" : Reader.LocalName, Reader.Value);"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; } else { Writer.WriteLine("if (!IsXmlnsAttribute(Reader.Name)) {"); Writer.Indent++; } if (anyAttribute != null) { Writer.Write(typeof(XmlAttribute).FullName); Writer.Write(" attr = "); Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlAttribute).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(") Document.ReadNode(Reader);"); Writer.WriteLine("ParseWsdlArrayType(attr);"); WriteAttribute(anyAttribute); } else { Writer.Write(elseCall); Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(firstParam); if (attributes.Count > 0) { Writer.Write(", "); string qnames = ""; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) { AttributeAccessor attribute = (AttributeAccessor)attributes[i]; if (i > 0) qnames += ", "; qnames += attribute.IsSpecialXmlNamespace ? XmlReservedNs.NsXml : (attribute.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? attribute.Namespace : "") + ":" + attribute.Name; } WriteQuotedCSharpString(qnames); } Writer.WriteLine(");"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteAttribute(Member member) { AttributeAccessor attribute = member.Mapping.Attribute; if (attribute.Mapping is SpecialMapping) { SpecialMapping special = (SpecialMapping)attribute.Mapping; if (special.TypeDesc.Kind == TypeKind.Attribute) { WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); Writer.Write("attr"); WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } else if (special.TypeDesc.CanBeAttributeValue) { Writer.Write("if (attr is "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlAttribute).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlAttribute).FullName); Writer.Write(")attr"); WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } else throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError)); } else { if (attribute.IsList) { Writer.WriteLine("string listValues = Reader.Value;"); Writer.WriteLine("string[] vals = listValues.Split(null);"); Writer.WriteLine("for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++) {"); Writer.Indent++; string attributeSource = GetArraySource(member.Mapping.TypeDesc, member.ArrayName); WriteSourceBegin(attributeSource); WritePrimitive(attribute.Mapping, "vals[i]"); WriteSourceEnd(attributeSource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } else { WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); WritePrimitive(attribute.Mapping, attribute.IsList ? "vals[i]" : "Reader.Value"); WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } if (member.Mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite && member.CheckSpecifiedSource != null && member.CheckSpecifiedSource.Length > 0) { Writer.Write(member.CheckSpecifiedSource); Writer.WriteLine(" = true;"); } if (member.ParamsReadSource != null) { Writer.Write(member.ParamsReadSource); Writer.WriteLine(" = true;"); } } bool WriteMemberFixupBegin(Member[] members, string fixupMethodName, string source) { int fixupCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.Mapping.Elements.Length == 0) continue; TypeMapping mapping = member.Mapping.Elements[0].Mapping; if (mapping is StructMapping || mapping is ArrayMapping || mapping is PrimitiveMapping || mapping is NullableMapping) { member.MultiRef = true; member.FixupIndex = fixupCount++; } } if (fixupCount > 0) { Writer.Write("Fixup fixup = new Fixup("); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write("new "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlSerializationFixupCallback).FullName); Writer.Write("(this."); Writer.Write(fixupMethodName); Writer.Write("), "); Writer.Write(fixupCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine(");"); Writer.WriteLine("AddFixup(fixup);"); return true; } return false; } void WriteMemberBegin(Member[] members) { for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.IsArrayLike) { string a = member.ArrayName; string c = "c" + a; TypeDesc typeDesc = member.Mapping.TypeDesc; string typeDescFullName = typeDesc.CSharpName; if (member.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsArray) { WriteArrayLocalDecl(typeDesc.CSharpName, a, "null", typeDesc); Writer.Write("int "); Writer.Write(c); Writer.WriteLine(" = 0;"); if (member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier != null) { WriteArrayLocalDecl(member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName+"[]", member.ChoiceArrayName, "null", member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc); Writer.Write("int c"); Writer.Write(member.ChoiceArrayName); Writer.WriteLine(" = 0;"); } } else { bool useReflection = typeDesc.UseReflection; if (member.Source[member.Source.Length - 1] == '(' || member.Source[member.Source.Length - 1] == '{') { WriteCreateInstance(typeDescFullName, a, useReflection, typeDesc.CannotNew); Writer.Write(member.Source); Writer.Write(a); if (member.Source[member.Source.Length - 1] == '{') Writer.WriteLine("});"); else Writer.WriteLine(");"); } else { if (member.IsList && !member.Mapping.ReadOnly && member.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable) { // we need to new the Collections and ArrayLists Writer.Write("if ((object)("); Writer.Write(member.Source); Writer.Write(") == null) "); if (!member.Mapping.TypeDesc.HasDefaultConstructor) { Writer.Write("throw CreateReadOnlyCollectionException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(member.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } else { Writer.Write(member.Source); Writer.Write(" = "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(typeDescFullName, useReflection, typeDesc.CannotNew, true)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } WriteLocalDecl(typeDescFullName, a, member.Source, useReflection); } } } } } string ExpectedElements(Member[] members) { if (IsSequence(members)) return "null"; string qnames = string.Empty; bool firstElement = true; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.Mapping.Xmlns != null) continue; if (member.Mapping.Ignore) continue; if (member.Mapping.IsText || member.Mapping.IsAttribute) continue; ElementAccessor[] elements = member.Mapping.Elements; for (int j = 0; j < elements.Length; j++) { ElementAccessor e = elements[j]; string ns = e.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? e.Namespace : ""; if (e.Any && (e.Name == null || e.Name.Length == 0)) continue; if (!firstElement) qnames += ", "; qnames += ns + ":" + e.Name; firstElement = false; } } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ReflectionAwareCodeGen.WriteQuotedCSharpString(new IndentedWriter(writer, true), qnames); return writer.ToString(); } void WriteMemberElements(Member[] members, string elementElseString, string elseString, Member anyElement, Member anyText, string checkTypeHrefsSource) { bool checkType = (checkTypeHrefsSource != null && checkTypeHrefsSource.Length > 0); if (anyText != null) { Writer.WriteLine("string tmp = null;"); } Writer.Write("if (Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".Element) {"); Writer.Indent++; if (checkType) { WriteIfNotSoapRoot(elementElseString + " continue;"); WriteMemberElementsCheckType(checkTypeHrefsSource); } else { WriteMemberElementsIf(members, anyElement, elementElseString, null); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (anyText != null) WriteMemberText(anyText, elseString); Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine(elseString); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteMemberText(Member anyText, string elseString) { Writer.Write("else if (Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".Text || "); Writer.Write("Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".CDATA || "); Writer.Write("Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".Whitespace || "); Writer.Write("Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".SignificantWhitespace) {"); Writer.Indent++; if (anyText != null) { WriteText(anyText); } else { Writer.Write(elseString); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteText(Member member) { TextAccessor text = member.Mapping.Text; if (text.Mapping is SpecialMapping) { SpecialMapping special = (SpecialMapping)text.Mapping; WriteSourceBeginTyped(member.ArraySource, special.TypeDesc); switch (special.TypeDesc.Kind) { case TypeKind.Node: Writer.Write("Document.CreateTextNode(Reader.ReadString())"); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError)); } WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); } else { if (member.IsArrayLike) { WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); if (text.Mapping.TypeDesc.CollapseWhitespace) { Writer.Write("CollapseWhitespace(Reader.ReadString())"); } else { Writer.Write("Reader.ReadString()"); } } else { if (text.Mapping.TypeDesc == StringTypeDesc || text.Mapping.TypeDesc.FormatterName == "String") { Writer.Write("tmp = ReadString(tmp, "); if (text.Mapping.TypeDesc.CollapseWhitespace) Writer.WriteLine("true);"); else Writer.WriteLine("false);"); WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); Writer.Write("tmp"); } else { WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); WritePrimitive(text.Mapping, "Reader.ReadString()"); } } WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); } Writer.WriteLine(";"); } void WriteMemberElementsCheckType(string checkTypeHrefsSource) { Writer.WriteLine("string refElemId = null;"); Writer.WriteLine("object refElem = ReadReferencingElement(null, null, true, out refElemId);"); Writer.WriteLine("if (refElemId != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(checkTypeHrefsSource); Writer.WriteLine(".Add(refElemId);"); Writer.Write(checkTypeHrefsSource); Writer.WriteLine("IsObject.Add(false);"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine("else if (refElem != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(checkTypeHrefsSource); Writer.WriteLine(".Add(refElem);"); Writer.Write(checkTypeHrefsSource); Writer.WriteLine("IsObject.Add(true);"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteMemberElementsElse(Member anyElement, string elementElseString) { if (anyElement != null) { ElementAccessor[] elements = anyElement.Mapping.Elements; for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++) { ElementAccessor element = elements[i]; if (element.Any && element.Name.Length == 0) { WriteElement(anyElement.ArraySource, anyElement.ArrayName, anyElement.ChoiceArraySource, element, anyElement.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier, anyElement.Mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite ? anyElement.CheckSpecifiedSource : null, false, false, -1, i); break; } } } else { Writer.WriteLine(elementElseString); } } bool IsSequence(Member[] members) { for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { if (members[i].Mapping.IsParticle && members[i].Mapping.IsSequence) return true; } return false; } void WriteMemberElementsIf(Member[] members, Member anyElement, string elementElseString, string checkTypeSource) { bool checkType = checkTypeSource != null && checkTypeSource.Length > 0; //int count = checkType ? 1 : 0; int count = 0; bool isSequence = IsSequence(members); if (isSequence) { Writer.WriteLine("switch (state) {"); } int cases = 0; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.Mapping.Xmlns != null) continue; if (member.Mapping.Ignore) continue; if (isSequence && (member.Mapping.IsText || member.Mapping.IsAttribute)) continue; bool firstElement = true; ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice = member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier; ElementAccessor[] elements = member.Mapping.Elements; for (int j = 0; j < elements.Length; j++) { ElementAccessor e = elements[j]; string ns = e.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? e.Namespace : ""; if (!isSequence && e.Any && (e.Name == null || e.Name.Length == 0)) continue; if (!firstElement || (!isSequence && count > 0)) { Writer.Write("else "); } else if (isSequence) { Writer.Write("case "); Writer.Write(cases.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine(":"); Writer.Indent++; } count++; firstElement = false; Writer.Write("if ("); if (member.ParamsReadSource != null) { Writer.Write("!"); Writer.Write(member.ParamsReadSource); Writer.Write(" && "); } if (checkType) { if (e.Mapping is NullableMapping) { TypeDesc td = ((NullableMapping)e.Mapping).BaseMapping.TypeDesc; Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(td.CSharpName, td.UseReflection)); } else { Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(e.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName, e.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection)); } Writer.Write(".IsAssignableFrom("); Writer.Write(checkTypeSource); Writer.Write("Type)"); } else { if (member.Mapping.IsReturnValue) Writer.Write("(IsReturnValue || "); if (isSequence && e.Any && e.AnyNamespaces == null) { Writer.Write("true"); } else { WriteXmlNodeEqual("Reader", e.Name, ns); } if (member.Mapping.IsReturnValue) Writer.Write(")"); } Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; if (checkType) { if (e.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType || e.Mapping is NullableMapping) { Writer.Write("if ("); Writer.Write(checkTypeSource); Writer.WriteLine(" != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; } if (e.Mapping is NullableMapping) { WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); TypeDesc td = ((NullableMapping)e.Mapping).BaseMapping.TypeDesc; Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(e.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName, e.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection, false, true, "(" + td.CSharpName + ")" + checkTypeSource)); } else { WriteSourceBeginTyped(member.ArraySource, e.Mapping.TypeDesc); Writer.Write(checkTypeSource); } WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (e.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } if (member.FixupIndex >= 0) { Writer.Write("fixup.Ids["); Writer.Write(member.FixupIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.Write("] = "); Writer.Write(checkTypeSource); Writer.WriteLine("Id;"); } } else { WriteElement(member.ArraySource, member.ArrayName, member.ChoiceArraySource, e, choice, member.Mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite ? member.CheckSpecifiedSource : null, member.IsList && member.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable, member.Mapping.ReadOnly, member.FixupIndex, j); } if (member.Mapping.IsReturnValue) Writer.WriteLine("IsReturnValue = false;"); if (member.ParamsReadSource != null) { Writer.Write(member.ParamsReadSource); Writer.WriteLine(" = true;"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } if (isSequence) { if (member.IsArrayLike) { Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; } cases++; Writer.Write("state = "); Writer.Write(cases.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (member.IsArrayLike) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } Writer.WriteLine("break;"); Writer.Indent--; } } if (count > 0) { if (isSequence) Writer.WriteLine("default:"); else Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; } WriteMemberElementsElse(anyElement, elementElseString); if (count > 0) { if (isSequence) { Writer.WriteLine("break;"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } string GetArraySource(TypeDesc typeDesc, string arrayName) { return GetArraySource(typeDesc, arrayName, false); } string GetArraySource(TypeDesc typeDesc, string arrayName, bool multiRef) { string a = arrayName; string c = "c" + a; string init = ""; if (multiRef) { init = "soap = (System.Object[])EnsureArrayIndex(soap, " + c + "+2, typeof(System.Object)); "; } bool useReflection = typeDesc.UseReflection; if (typeDesc.IsArray) { string arrayTypeFullName = typeDesc.ArrayElementTypeDesc.CSharpName; bool arrayUseReflection = typeDesc.ArrayElementTypeDesc.UseReflection; string castString = useReflection?"":"(" + arrayTypeFullName + "[])"; init = init + a + " = " + castString + "EnsureArrayIndex(" + a + ", " + c + ", "+ RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(arrayTypeFullName, arrayUseReflection) + ");"; string arraySource = RaCodeGen.GetStringForArrayMember(a, c+"++", typeDesc); if (multiRef) { init = init + " soap[1] = " + a + ";"; init = init + " if (ReadReference(out soap[" + c + "+2])) " + arraySource + " = null; else "; } return init + arraySource; } else { return RaCodeGen.GetStringForMethod(arrayName,typeDesc.CSharpName,"Add",useReflection); } } void WriteMemberEnd(Member[] members) { WriteMemberEnd(members, false); } void WriteMemberEnd(Member[] members, bool soapRefs) { for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.IsArrayLike) { TypeDesc typeDesc = member.Mapping.TypeDesc; if (typeDesc.IsArray) { WriteSourceBegin(member.Source); if (soapRefs) Writer.Write(" soap[1] = "); string a = member.ArrayName; string c = "c" + a; bool arrayUseReflection = typeDesc.ArrayElementTypeDesc.UseReflection; string arrayTypeFullName = typeDesc.ArrayElementTypeDesc.CSharpName; if (!arrayUseReflection) Writer.Write("(" +arrayTypeFullName +"[])"); Writer.Write("ShrinkArray("); Writer.Write(a); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(c); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(arrayTypeFullName, arrayUseReflection)); Writer.Write(", "); WriteBooleanValue(member.IsNullable); Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(member.Source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier != null) { WriteSourceBegin(member.ChoiceSource); a = member.ChoiceArrayName; c = "c" + a; bool choiceUseReflection = member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string choiceTypeName = member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; if(!choiceUseReflection) Writer.Write("(" +choiceTypeName+"[])"); Writer.Write("ShrinkArray("); Writer.Write(a); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(c); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(choiceTypeName, choiceUseReflection)); Writer.Write(", "); WriteBooleanValue(member.IsNullable); Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(member.ChoiceSource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } else if (typeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Write(member.Source); Writer.Write(" = "); Writer.Write(member.ArrayName); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } } } void WriteSourceBeginTyped(string source, TypeDesc typeDesc) { WriteSourceBegin(source); if (typeDesc != null && !typeDesc.UseReflection) { Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(typeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.Write(")"); } } void WriteSourceBegin(string source) { Writer.Write(source); if (source[source.Length - 1] != '(' && source[source.Length - 1] != '{') Writer.Write(" = "); } void WriteSourceEnd(string source) { // source could be of the form "var", "arrayVar[i]", // "collection.Add(" or "methodInfo.Invoke(collection, new object[] {" if (source[source.Length - 1] == '(' ) Writer.Write(")"); else if( source[source.Length - 1] == '{') Writer.Write("})"); } void WriteArray(string source, string arrayName, ArrayMapping arrayMapping, bool readOnly, bool isNullable, int fixupIndex) { if (arrayMapping.IsSoap) { Writer.Write("object rre = "); Writer.Write(fixupIndex >= 0 ? "ReadReferencingElement" : "ReadReferencedElement"); Writer.Write("("); WriteID(arrayMapping.TypeName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteID(arrayMapping.Namespace); if (fixupIndex >= 0) { Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write("out fixup.Ids["); Writer.Write((fixupIndex).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.Write("]"); } Writer.WriteLine(");"); TypeDesc td = arrayMapping.TypeDesc; if (td.IsEnumerable || td.IsCollection) { Writer.WriteLine("if (rre != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteAddCollectionFixup(td, readOnly, source, "rre"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } else { Writer.WriteLine("try {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBeginTyped(source, arrayMapping.TypeDesc); Writer.Write("rre"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); WriteCatchCastException(arrayMapping.TypeDesc, "rre", null); } } else { Writer.WriteLine("if (!ReadNull()) {"); Writer.Indent++; MemberMapping memberMapping = new MemberMapping(); memberMapping.Elements = arrayMapping.Elements; memberMapping.TypeDesc = arrayMapping.TypeDesc; memberMapping.ReadOnly = readOnly; Member member = new Member(this, source, arrayName, 0, memberMapping, false); member.IsNullable = false;//Note, [....]: IsNullable is set to false since null condition (xsi:nil) is already handled by 'ReadNull()' Member[] members = new Member[] { member }; WriteMemberBegin(members); if (readOnly) { Writer.Write("if (((object)("); Writer.Write(member.ArrayName); Writer.Write(") == null) || "); } else { Writer.Write("if ("); } Writer.WriteLine("(Reader.IsEmptyElement)) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.Skip();"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); int loopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; string unknownNode = "UnknownNode(null, " + ExpectedElements(members) + ");"; WriteMemberElements(members, unknownNode, unknownNode, null, null, null); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("ReadEndElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("}"); WriteMemberEnd(members, false); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (isNullable) { Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; member.IsNullable = true; WriteMemberBegin(members); WriteMemberEnd(members); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } } void WriteElement(string source, string arrayName, string choiceSource, ElementAccessor element, ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice, string checkSpecified, bool checkForNull, bool readOnly, int fixupIndex, int elementIndex) { if (checkSpecified != null && checkSpecified.Length > 0) { Writer.Write(checkSpecified); Writer.WriteLine(" = true;"); } if (element.Mapping is ArrayMapping) { WriteArray(source, arrayName, (ArrayMapping)element.Mapping, readOnly, element.IsNullable, fixupIndex); } else if (element.Mapping is NullableMapping) { string methodName = ReferenceMapping(element.Mapping); #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (methodName == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorMethod, element.Mapping.TypeDesc.Name)); #endif WriteSourceBegin(source); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.Write("(true)"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } else if (!element.Mapping.IsSoap && (element.Mapping is PrimitiveMapping)) { if (element.IsNullable) { Writer.WriteLine("if (ReadNull()) {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBegin(source); if (element.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(element.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName, element.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection, false, false)); } else { Writer.Write("null"); } WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Write("else "); } if (element.Default != null && element.Default != DBNull.Value && element.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.WriteLine("if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.Skip();"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine("else {"); } else { Writer.WriteLine("{"); } Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBegin(source); if (element.Mapping.TypeDesc == QnameTypeDesc) Writer.Write("ReadElementQualifiedName()"); else { string readFunc; switch (element.Mapping.TypeDesc.FormatterName) { case "ByteArrayBase64": case "ByteArrayHex": readFunc = "false"; break; default: readFunc = "Reader.ReadElementString()"; break; } WritePrimitive(element.Mapping, readFunc); } WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } else if (element.Mapping is StructMapping || (element.Mapping.IsSoap && element.Mapping is PrimitiveMapping)) { TypeMapping mapping = element.Mapping; if (mapping.IsSoap) { Writer.Write("object rre = "); Writer.Write(fixupIndex >= 0 ? "ReadReferencingElement" : "ReadReferencedElement"); Writer.Write("("); WriteID(mapping.TypeName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteID(mapping.Namespace); if (fixupIndex >= 0) { Writer.Write(", out fixup.Ids["); Writer.Write((fixupIndex).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.Write("]"); } Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.WriteLine("if (rre != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; } Writer.WriteLine("try {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBeginTyped(source, mapping.TypeDesc); Writer.Write("rre"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); WriteCatchCastException(mapping.TypeDesc, "rre", null); Writer.Write("Referenced("); Writer.Write(source); Writer.WriteLine(");"); if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } else { string methodName = ReferenceMapping(mapping); #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (methodName == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorMethod, mapping.TypeDesc.Name)); #endif if (checkForNull) { Writer.Write("if ((object)("); Writer.Write(arrayName); Writer.Write(") == null) Reader.Skip(); else "); } WriteSourceBegin(source); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.Write("("); if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable) { WriteBooleanValue(element.IsNullable); Writer.Write(", "); } Writer.Write("true"); Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } else if (element.Mapping is SpecialMapping) { SpecialMapping special = (SpecialMapping)element.Mapping; switch (special.TypeDesc.Kind) { case TypeKind.Node: bool isDoc = special.TypeDesc.FullName == typeof(XmlDocument).FullName; WriteSourceBeginTyped(source, special.TypeDesc); Writer.Write(isDoc ? "ReadXmlDocument(" : "ReadXmlNode("); Writer.Write(element.Any ? "false" : "true"); Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); break; case TypeKind.Serializable: SerializableMapping sm = (SerializableMapping)element.Mapping; // check to see if we need to do the derivation if (sm.DerivedMappings != null) { Writer.Write(typeof(XmlQualifiedName).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(" tser = GetXsiType();"); Writer.Write("if (tser == null"); Writer.Write(" || "); WriteQNameEqual("tser", sm.XsiType.Name, sm.XsiType.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; } WriteSourceBeginTyped(source, sm.TypeDesc); Writer.Write("ReadSerializable(( "); Writer.Write(typeof(IXmlSerializable).FullName); Writer.Write(")"); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(sm.TypeDesc.CSharpName, sm.TypeDesc.UseReflection, sm.TypeDesc.CannotNew, false)); bool isWrappedAny = !element.Any && IsWildcard(sm); if (isWrappedAny) { Writer.WriteLine(", true"); } Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (sm.DerivedMappings != null) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); WriteDerivedSerializable(sm, sm, source, isWrappedAny); WriteUnknownNode("UnknownNode", "null", null, true); } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError)); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError)); } if (choice != null) { #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (choiceSource == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorDetails, "need parent for the " + source)); #endif string enumTypeName = choice.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; Writer.Write(choiceSource); Writer.Write(" = "); CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(choice.MemberIds[elementIndex]); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForEnumMember(enumTypeName, choice.MemberIds[elementIndex], choice.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } void WriteDerivedSerializable(SerializableMapping head, SerializableMapping mapping, string source, bool isWrappedAny) { if (mapping == null) return; for (SerializableMapping derived = mapping.DerivedMappings; derived != null; derived = derived.NextDerivedMapping) { Writer.Write("else if (tser == null"); Writer.Write(" || "); WriteQNameEqual("tser", derived.XsiType.Name, derived.XsiType.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; if (derived.Type != null) { if (head.Type.IsAssignableFrom(derived.Type)) { WriteSourceBeginTyped(source, head.TypeDesc); Writer.Write("ReadSerializable(( "); Writer.Write(typeof(IXmlSerializable).FullName); Writer.Write(")"); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(derived.TypeDesc.CSharpName, derived.TypeDesc.UseReflection, derived.TypeDesc.CannotNew, false)); if (isWrappedAny) { Writer.WriteLine(", true"); } Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } else { Writer.Write("throw CreateBadDerivationException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(derived.XsiType.Name); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(derived.XsiType.Namespace); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(head.XsiType.Name); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(head.XsiType.Namespace); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(derived.Type.FullName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(head.Type.FullName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } } else { Writer.WriteLine("// " + "missing real mapping for " + derived.XsiType); Writer.Write("throw CreateMissingIXmlSerializableType("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(derived.XsiType.Name); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(derived.XsiType.Namespace); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(head.Type.FullName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); WriteDerivedSerializable(head, derived, source, isWrappedAny); } } int WriteWhileNotLoopStart() { Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); int loopIndex = WriteWhileLoopStartCheck(); Writer.Write("while (Reader.NodeType != "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.Write(".EndElement && Reader.NodeType != "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".None) {"); return loopIndex; } void WriteWhileLoopEnd(int loopIndex) { WriteWhileLoopEndCheck(loopIndex); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } int WriteWhileLoopStartCheck() { Writer.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "int whileIterations{0} = 0;", nextWhileLoopIndex)); Writer.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "int readerCount{0} = ReaderCount;", nextWhileLoopIndex)); return nextWhileLoopIndex++; } void WriteWhileLoopEndCheck(int loopIndex) { Writer.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations{0}, ref readerCount{1});", loopIndex, loopIndex)); } void WriteParamsRead(int length) { Writer.Write("bool[] paramsRead = new bool["); Writer.Write(length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine("];"); } void WriteReadNonRoots() { Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); int loopIndex = WriteWhileLoopStartCheck(); Writer.Write("while (Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".Element) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("string root = Reader.GetAttribute(\"root\", \""); Writer.Write(Soap.Encoding); Writer.WriteLine("\");"); Writer.Write("if (root == null || "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlConvert).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".ToBoolean(root)) break;"); Writer.WriteLine("ReadReferencedElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); } void WriteBooleanValue(bool value) { Writer.Write(value ? "true" : "false"); } void WriteInitCheckTypeHrefList(string source) { Writer.Write(typeof(ArrayList).FullName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(" = new "); Writer.Write(typeof(ArrayList).FullName); Writer.WriteLine("();"); Writer.Write(typeof(ArrayList).FullName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write("IsObject = new "); Writer.Write(typeof(ArrayList).FullName); Writer.WriteLine("();"); } void WriteHandleHrefList(Member[] members, string listSource) { Writer.WriteLine("int isObjectIndex = 0;"); Writer.Write("foreach (object obj in "); Writer.Write(listSource); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("bool isReferenced = true;"); Writer.Write("bool isObject = (bool)"); Writer.Write(listSource); Writer.WriteLine("IsObject[isObjectIndex++];"); Writer.WriteLine("object refObj = isObject ? obj : GetTarget((string)obj);"); Writer.WriteLine("if (refObj == null) continue;"); Writer.Write(typeof(Type).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(" refObjType = refObj.GetType();"); Writer.WriteLine("string refObjId = null;"); WriteMemberElementsIf(members, null, "isReferenced = false;", "refObj"); Writer.WriteLine("if (isObject && isReferenced) Referenced(refObj); // need to mark this obj as ref'd since we didn't do GetTarget"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteIfNotSoapRoot(string source) { Writer.Write("if (Reader.GetAttribute(\"root\", \""); Writer.Write(Soap.Encoding); Writer.WriteLine("\") == \"0\") {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine(source); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteCreateMapping(TypeMapping mapping, string local) { string fullTypeName = mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; bool useReflection = mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; bool ctorInaccessible = mapping.TypeDesc.CannotNew; Writer.Write(useReflection ? "object" : fullTypeName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(local); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (ctorInaccessible) { Writer.WriteLine("try {"); Writer.Indent++; } Writer.Write(local); Writer.Write(" = "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(fullTypeName, useReflection, mapping.TypeDesc.CannotNew, true)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (ctorInaccessible) { WriteCatchException(typeof(MissingMethodException)); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("throw CreateInaccessibleConstructorException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(fullTypeName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); WriteCatchException(typeof(SecurityException)); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("throw CreateCtorHasSecurityException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(fullTypeName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } void WriteCatchException(Type exceptionType) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Write("catch ("); Writer.Write(exceptionType.FullName); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); } void WriteCatchCastException(TypeDesc typeDesc, string source, string id) { WriteCatchException(typeof(InvalidCastException)); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("throw CreateInvalidCastException("); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(typeDesc.CSharpName, typeDesc.UseReflection)); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(source); if (id == null) Writer.WriteLine(", null);"); else { Writer.Write(", (string)"); Writer.Write(id); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteArrayLocalDecl( string typeName, string variableName, string initValue, TypeDesc arrayTypeDesc) { RaCodeGen.WriteArrayLocalDecl(typeName, variableName, initValue, arrayTypeDesc); } void WriteCreateInstance(string escapedName, string source, bool useReflection, bool ctorInaccessible){ RaCodeGen.WriteCreateInstance(escapedName, source, useReflection, ctorInaccessible); } void WriteLocalDecl(string typeFullName, string variableName, string initValue, bool useReflection) { RaCodeGen.WriteLocalDecl(typeFullName, variableName, initValue, useReflection); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Serialization { using System.IO; using System; using System.Security; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Configuration; using System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration; ////// public abstract class XmlSerializationReader : XmlSerializationGeneratedCode { XmlReader r; XmlCountingReader countingReader; XmlDocument d; Hashtable callbacks; Hashtable types; Hashtable typesReverse; XmlDeserializationEvents events; Hashtable targets; Hashtable referencedTargets; ArrayList targetsWithoutIds; ArrayList fixups; ArrayList collectionFixups; bool soap12; bool isReturnValue; bool decodeName = true; string schemaNsID; string schemaNs1999ID; string schemaNs2000ID; string schemaNonXsdTypesNsID; string instanceNsID; string instanceNs2000ID; string instanceNs1999ID; string soapNsID; string soap12NsID; string schemaID; string wsdlNsID; string wsdlArrayTypeID; string nullID; string nilID; string typeID; string arrayTypeID; string itemTypeID; string arraySizeID; string arrayID; string urTypeID; string stringID; string intID; string booleanID; string shortID; string longID; string floatID; string doubleID; string decimalID; string dateTimeID; string qnameID; string dateID; string timeID; string hexBinaryID; string base64BinaryID; string base64ID; string unsignedByteID; string byteID; string unsignedShortID; string unsignedIntID; string unsignedLongID; string oldDecimalID; string oldTimeInstantID; string anyURIID; string durationID; string ENTITYID; string ENTITIESID; string gDayID; string gMonthID; string gMonthDayID; string gYearID; string gYearMonthID; string IDID; string IDREFID; string IDREFSID; string integerID; string languageID; string NameID; string NCNameID; string NMTOKENID; string NMTOKENSID; string negativeIntegerID; string nonPositiveIntegerID; string nonNegativeIntegerID; string normalizedStringID; string NOTATIONID; string positiveIntegerID; string tokenID; string charID; string guidID; static bool checkDeserializeAdvances; static XmlSerializationReader() { XmlSerializerSection configSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(ConfigurationStrings.XmlSerializerSectionPath) as XmlSerializerSection; checkDeserializeAdvances = (configSection == null) ? false : configSection.CheckDeserializeAdvances; } /// protected abstract void InitIDs(); // this method must be called before any generated deserialization methods are called internal void Init(XmlReader r, XmlDeserializationEvents events, string encodingStyle, TempAssembly tempAssembly) { = events; if (checkDeserializeAdvances) { this.countingReader = new XmlCountingReader(r); this.r = this.countingReader; } else this.r = r; this.d = null; this.soap12 = (encodingStyle == Soap12.Encoding); Init(tempAssembly); schemaNsID = r.NameTable.Add(XmlSchema.Namespace); schemaNs2000ID = r.NameTable.Add(""); schemaNs1999ID = r.NameTable.Add(""); schemaNonXsdTypesNsID = r.NameTable.Add(UrtTypes.Namespace); instanceNsID = r.NameTable.Add(XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); instanceNs2000ID = r.NameTable.Add(""); instanceNs1999ID = r.NameTable.Add(""); soapNsID = r.NameTable.Add(Soap.Encoding); soap12NsID = r.NameTable.Add(Soap12.Encoding); schemaID = r.NameTable.Add("schema"); wsdlNsID = r.NameTable.Add(Wsdl.Namespace); wsdlArrayTypeID = r.NameTable.Add(Wsdl.ArrayType); nullID = r.NameTable.Add("null"); nilID = r.NameTable.Add("nil"); typeID = r.NameTable.Add("type"); arrayTypeID = r.NameTable.Add("arrayType"); itemTypeID = r.NameTable.Add("itemType"); arraySizeID = r.NameTable.Add("arraySize"); arrayID = r.NameTable.Add("Array"); urTypeID = r.NameTable.Add(Soap.UrType); InitIDs(); } /// protected bool DecodeName { get { return decodeName; } set { decodeName = value; } } /// protected XmlReader Reader { get { return r; } } /// protected int ReaderCount { get { return checkDeserializeAdvances ? countingReader.AdvanceCount : 0; } } /// protected XmlDocument Document { get { if (d == null) { d = new XmlDocument(r.NameTable); d.SetBaseURI(r.BaseURI); } return d; } } /// /// protected static Assembly ResolveDynamicAssembly(string assemblyFullName){ return DynamicAssemblies.Get(assemblyFullName); } void InitPrimitiveIDs() { if (tokenID != null) return; object ns = r.NameTable.Add(XmlSchema.Namespace); object ns2 = r.NameTable.Add(UrtTypes.Namespace); stringID = r.NameTable.Add("string"); intID = r.NameTable.Add("int"); booleanID = r.NameTable.Add("boolean"); shortID = r.NameTable.Add("short"); longID = r.NameTable.Add("long"); floatID = r.NameTable.Add("float"); doubleID = r.NameTable.Add("double"); decimalID = r.NameTable.Add("decimal"); dateTimeID = r.NameTable.Add("dateTime"); qnameID = r.NameTable.Add("QName"); dateID = r.NameTable.Add("date"); timeID = r.NameTable.Add("time"); hexBinaryID = r.NameTable.Add("hexBinary"); base64BinaryID = r.NameTable.Add("base64Binary"); unsignedByteID = r.NameTable.Add("unsignedByte"); byteID = r.NameTable.Add("byte"); unsignedShortID = r.NameTable.Add("unsignedShort"); unsignedIntID = r.NameTable.Add("unsignedInt"); unsignedLongID = r.NameTable.Add("unsignedLong"); oldDecimalID = r.NameTable.Add("decimal"); oldTimeInstantID = r.NameTable.Add("timeInstant"); charID = r.NameTable.Add("char"); guidID = r.NameTable.Add("guid"); base64ID = r.NameTable.Add("base64"); anyURIID = r.NameTable.Add("anyURI"); durationID = r.NameTable.Add("duration"); ENTITYID = r.NameTable.Add("ENTITY"); ENTITIESID = r.NameTable.Add("ENTITIES"); gDayID = r.NameTable.Add("gDay"); gMonthID = r.NameTable.Add("gMonth"); gMonthDayID = r.NameTable.Add("gMonthDay"); gYearID = r.NameTable.Add("gYear"); gYearMonthID = r.NameTable.Add("gYearMonth"); IDID = r.NameTable.Add("ID"); IDREFID = r.NameTable.Add("IDREF"); IDREFSID = r.NameTable.Add("IDREFS"); integerID = r.NameTable.Add("integer"); languageID = r.NameTable.Add("language"); NameID = r.NameTable.Add("Name"); NCNameID = r.NameTable.Add("NCName"); NMTOKENID = r.NameTable.Add("NMTOKEN"); NMTOKENSID = r.NameTable.Add("NMTOKENS"); negativeIntegerID = r.NameTable.Add("negativeInteger"); nonNegativeIntegerID = r.NameTable.Add("nonNegativeInteger"); nonPositiveIntegerID = r.NameTable.Add("nonPositiveInteger"); normalizedStringID = r.NameTable.Add("normalizedString"); NOTATIONID = r.NameTable.Add("NOTATION"); positiveIntegerID = r.NameTable.Add("positiveInteger"); tokenID = r.NameTable.Add("token"); } /// /// /// protected XmlQualifiedName GetXsiType() { string type = r.GetAttribute(typeID, instanceNsID); if (type == null) { type = r.GetAttribute(typeID, instanceNs2000ID); if (type == null) { type = r.GetAttribute(typeID, instanceNs1999ID); if (type == null) return null; } } return ToXmlQualifiedName(type, false); } // throwOnUnknown flag controls whether this method throws an exception or just returns // null if typeName.Namespace is unknown. the method still throws if typeName.Namespace // is recognized but typeName.Name isn't. Type GetPrimitiveType(XmlQualifiedName typeName, bool throwOnUnknown) { InitPrimitiveIDs(); if ((object)typeName.Namespace == (object)schemaNsID || (object)typeName.Namespace == (object)soapNsID || (object)typeName.Namespace == (object)soap12NsID) { if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) stringID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) durationID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) ENTITYID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) ENTITIESID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gDayID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gMonthID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gMonthDayID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gYearID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gYearMonthID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDREFID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDREFSID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) integerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) languageID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NameID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NCNameID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NMTOKENID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NMTOKENSID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) negativeIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) nonPositiveIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) nonNegativeIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) normalizedStringID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NOTATIONID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) positiveIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) tokenID) return typeof(string); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) intID) return typeof(int); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) booleanID) return typeof(bool); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) shortID) return typeof(short); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) longID) return typeof(long); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) floatID) return typeof(float); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) doubleID) return typeof(double); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) decimalID) return typeof(decimal); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) dateTimeID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) qnameID) return typeof(XmlQualifiedName); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) dateID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) timeID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) hexBinaryID) return typeof(byte[]); else if ((object)typeName.Name == (object)base64BinaryID) return typeof(byte[]); else if ((object)typeName.Name == (object)unsignedByteID) return typeof(byte); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) byteID) return typeof(SByte); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedShortID) return typeof(UInt16); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedIntID) return typeof(UInt32); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedLongID) return typeof(UInt64); else throw CreateUnknownTypeException(typeName); } else if ((object) typeName.Namespace == (object) schemaNs2000ID || (object) typeName.Namespace == (object) schemaNs1999ID) { if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) stringID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) durationID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) ENTITYID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) ENTITIESID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gDayID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gMonthID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gMonthDayID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gYearID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) gYearMonthID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDREFID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) IDREFSID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) integerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) languageID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NameID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NCNameID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NMTOKENID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NMTOKENSID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) negativeIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) nonPositiveIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) nonNegativeIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) normalizedStringID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) NOTATIONID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) positiveIntegerID || (object) typeName.Name == (object) tokenID) return typeof(string); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) intID) return typeof(int); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) booleanID) return typeof(bool); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) shortID) return typeof(short); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) longID) return typeof(long); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) floatID) return typeof(float); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) doubleID) return typeof(double); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) oldDecimalID) return typeof(decimal); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) oldTimeInstantID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) qnameID) return typeof(XmlQualifiedName); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) dateID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) timeID) return typeof(DateTime); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) hexBinaryID) return typeof(byte[]); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) byteID) return typeof(SByte); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedShortID) return typeof(UInt16); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedIntID) return typeof(UInt32); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) unsignedLongID) return typeof(UInt64); else throw CreateUnknownTypeException(typeName); } else if ((object) typeName.Namespace == (object) schemaNonXsdTypesNsID) { if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) charID) return typeof(char); else if ((object) typeName.Name == (object) guidID) return typeof(Guid); else throw CreateUnknownTypeException(typeName); } else if (throwOnUnknown) throw CreateUnknownTypeException(typeName); else return null; } bool IsPrimitiveNamespace(string ns) { return (object) ns == (object) schemaNsID || (object) ns == (object) schemaNonXsdTypesNsID || (object) ns == (object) soapNsID || (object) ns == (object) soap12NsID || (object) ns == (object) schemaNs2000ID || (object) ns == (object) schemaNs1999ID; } private string ReadStringValue(){ if (r.IsEmptyElement){ r.Skip(); return string.Empty; } r.ReadStartElement(); string retVal = r.ReadString(); ReadEndElement(); return retVal; } private XmlQualifiedName ReadXmlQualifiedName(){ string s; bool isEmpty = false; if (r.IsEmptyElement) { s = string.Empty; isEmpty = true; } else{ r.ReadStartElement(); s = r.ReadString(); } XmlQualifiedName retVal = ToXmlQualifiedName(s); if (isEmpty) r.Skip(); else ReadEndElement(); return retVal; } private byte[] ReadByteArray(bool isBase64) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); const int MAX_ALLOC_SIZE = 64*1024; int currentSize = 1024; byte[] buffer; int bytes = -1; int offset = 0; int total = 0; buffer = new byte[currentSize]; list.Add(buffer); while (bytes != 0) { if (offset == buffer.Length) { currentSize = Math.Min(currentSize*2, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE); buffer = new byte[currentSize]; offset = 0; list.Add(buffer); } if (isBase64) { bytes = r.ReadElementContentAsBase64(buffer, offset, buffer.Length-offset); } else { bytes = r.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(buffer, offset, buffer.Length-offset); } offset += bytes; total += bytes; } byte[] result = new byte[total]; offset = 0; foreach (byte[] block in list) { currentSize = Math.Min(block.Length, total); if (currentSize > 0) { Buffer.BlockCopy(block, 0, result, offset, currentSize); offset += currentSize; total -= currentSize; } } list.Clear(); return result; } ///[To be supplied.] ///protected object ReadTypedPrimitive(XmlQualifiedName type) { return ReadTypedPrimitive(type, false); } private object ReadTypedPrimitive(XmlQualifiedName type, bool elementCanBeType) { InitPrimitiveIDs(); object value = null; if (!IsPrimitiveNamespace(type.Namespace) || (object)type.Name == (object)urTypeID) return ReadXmlNodes(elementCanBeType); if ((object)type.Namespace == (object)schemaNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soapNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soap12NsID) { if ((object) type.Name == (object) stringID || (object) type.Name == (object) normalizedStringID) value = ReadStringValue(); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) type.Name == (object) durationID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITYID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITIESID || (object) type.Name == (object) gDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFSID || (object) type.Name == (object) integerID || (object) type.Name == (object) languageID || (object) type.Name == (object) NameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NCNameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENSID || (object) type.Name == (object) negativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonPositiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonNegativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) NOTATIONID || (object) type.Name == (object) positiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) tokenID) value = CollapseWhitespace(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) intID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt32(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) booleanID) value = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) shortID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt16(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) longID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt64(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)floatID) value = XmlConvert.ToSingle(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)doubleID) value = XmlConvert.ToDouble(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)decimalID) value = XmlConvert.ToDecimal(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)dateTimeID) value = ToDateTime(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) qnameID) value = ReadXmlQualifiedName(); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) dateID) value = ToDate(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) timeID) value = ToTime(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedByteID) value = XmlConvert.ToByte(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) byteID) value = XmlConvert.ToSByte(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedShortID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt16(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedIntID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt32(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedLongID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt64(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) hexBinaryID) value = ToByteArrayHex(false); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) base64BinaryID) value = ToByteArrayBase64(false); else if ((object) type.Name == (object)base64ID && ((object)type.Namespace == (object)soapNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soap12NsID)) value = ToByteArrayBase64(false); else value = ReadXmlNodes(elementCanBeType); } else if ((object) type.Namespace == (object) schemaNs2000ID || (object) type.Namespace == (object) schemaNs1999ID) { if ((object) type.Name == (object) stringID || (object) type.Name == (object) normalizedStringID) value = ReadStringValue(); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) type.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) type.Name == (object) durationID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITYID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITIESID || (object) type.Name == (object) gDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFSID || (object) type.Name == (object) integerID || (object) type.Name == (object) languageID || (object) type.Name == (object) NameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NCNameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENSID || (object) type.Name == (object) negativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonPositiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonNegativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) NOTATIONID || (object) type.Name == (object) positiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) tokenID) value = CollapseWhitespace(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) intID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt32(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) booleanID) value = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) shortID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt16(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) longID) value = XmlConvert.ToInt64(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)floatID) value = XmlConvert.ToSingle(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)doubleID) value = XmlConvert.ToDouble(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object) oldDecimalID) value = XmlConvert.ToDecimal(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object)type.Name == (object) oldTimeInstantID) value = ToDateTime(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) qnameID) value = ReadXmlQualifiedName(); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) dateID) value = ToDate(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) timeID) value = ToTime(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedByteID) value = XmlConvert.ToByte(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) byteID) value = XmlConvert.ToSByte(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedShortID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt16(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedIntID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt32(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedLongID) value = XmlConvert.ToUInt64(ReadStringValue()); else value = ReadXmlNodes(elementCanBeType); } else if ((object) type.Namespace == (object) schemaNonXsdTypesNsID) { if ((object) type.Name == (object) charID) value = ToChar(ReadStringValue()); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) guidID) value = new Guid(CollapseWhitespace(ReadStringValue())); else value = ReadXmlNodes(elementCanBeType); } else value = ReadXmlNodes(elementCanBeType); return value; } /// protected object ReadTypedNull(XmlQualifiedName type) { InitPrimitiveIDs(); object value = null; if (!IsPrimitiveNamespace(type.Namespace) || (object)type.Name == (object)urTypeID) { return null; } if ((object)type.Namespace == (object)schemaNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soapNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soap12NsID) { if ((object) type.Name == (object) stringID || (object) type.Name == (object) anyURIID || (object) type.Name == (object) durationID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITYID || (object) type.Name == (object) ENTITIESID || (object) type.Name == (object) gDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) gMonthDayID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearID || (object) type.Name == (object) gYearMonthID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFID || (object) type.Name == (object) IDREFSID || (object) type.Name == (object) integerID || (object) type.Name == (object) languageID || (object) type.Name == (object) NameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NCNameID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENID || (object) type.Name == (object) NMTOKENSID || (object) type.Name == (object) negativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonPositiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) nonNegativeIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) normalizedStringID || (object) type.Name == (object) NOTATIONID || (object) type.Name == (object) positiveIntegerID || (object) type.Name == (object) tokenID) value = null; else if ((object) type.Name == (object) intID) { value = default(Nullable ); } else if ((object) type.Name == (object) booleanID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) shortID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) longID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)floatID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)doubleID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)decimalID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object)type.Name == (object)dateTimeID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) qnameID) value = null; else if ((object) type.Name == (object) dateID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) timeID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedByteID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) byteID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedShortID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedIntID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) unsignedLongID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) hexBinaryID) value = null; else if ((object) type.Name == (object) base64BinaryID) value = null; else if ((object) type.Name == (object)base64ID && ((object)type.Namespace == (object)soapNsID || (object)type.Namespace == (object)soap12NsID)) value = null; else value = null; } else if ((object) type.Namespace == (object) schemaNonXsdTypesNsID) { if ((object) type.Name == (object) charID) value = default(Nullable ); else if ((object) type.Name == (object) guidID) value = default(Nullable ); else value = null; } else value = null; return value; } /// protected bool IsXmlnsAttribute(string name) { if (!name.StartsWith("xmlns", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return false; if (name.Length == 5) return true; return name[5] == ':'; } /// protected void ParseWsdlArrayType(XmlAttribute attr) { if ((object)attr.LocalName == (object)wsdlArrayTypeID && (object)attr.NamespaceURI == (object)wsdlNsID ) { int colon = attr.Value.LastIndexOf(':'); if (colon < 0) { attr.Value = r.LookupNamespace("") + ":" + attr.Value; } else { attr.Value = r.LookupNamespace(attr.Value.Substring(0, colon)) + ":" + attr.Value.Substring(colon + 1); } } return; } /// protected bool IsReturnValue { // value only valid for soap 1.1 get { return isReturnValue && !soap12; } set { isReturnValue = value; } } /// protected bool ReadNull() { if (!GetNullAttr()) return false; if (r.IsEmptyElement) { r.Skip(); return true; } r.ReadStartElement(); int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { UnknownNode(null); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } ReadEndElement(); return true; } /// protected bool GetNullAttr() { string isNull = r.GetAttribute(nilID, instanceNsID); if(isNull == null) isNull = r.GetAttribute(nullID, instanceNsID); if (isNull == null) { isNull = r.GetAttribute(nullID, instanceNs2000ID); if (isNull == null) isNull = r.GetAttribute(nullID, instanceNs1999ID); } if (isNull == null || !XmlConvert.ToBoolean(isNull)) return false; return true; } /// protected string ReadNullableString() { if (ReadNull()) return null; return r.ReadElementString(); } /// /// /// protected XmlQualifiedName ReadNullableQualifiedName() { if (ReadNull()) return null; return ReadElementQualifiedName(); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// /// protected XmlQualifiedName ReadElementQualifiedName() { if (r.IsEmptyElement) { XmlQualifiedName empty = new XmlQualifiedName(string.Empty, r.LookupNamespace("")); r.Skip(); return empty; } XmlQualifiedName qname = ToXmlQualifiedName(CollapseWhitespace(r.ReadString())); r.ReadEndElement(); return qname; } ///[To be supplied.] ///protected XmlDocument ReadXmlDocument(bool wrapped) { XmlNode n = ReadXmlNode(wrapped); if (n == null) return null; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.AppendChild(doc.ImportNode(n, true)); return doc; } /// protected string CollapseWhitespace(string value) { if (value == null) return null; return value.Trim(); } /// protected XmlNode ReadXmlNode(bool wrapped) { XmlNode node = null; if (wrapped) { if (ReadNull()) return null; r.ReadStartElement(); r.MoveToContent(); if (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) node = Document.ReadNode(r); int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { UnknownNode(null); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } r.ReadEndElement(); } else { node = Document.ReadNode(r); } return node; } /// protected static byte[] ToByteArrayBase64(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToByteArrayBase64(value); } /// protected byte[] ToByteArrayBase64(bool isNull) { if (isNull) { return null; } return ReadByteArray(true); //means use Base64 } /// protected static byte[] ToByteArrayHex(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToByteArrayHex(value); } /// protected byte[] ToByteArrayHex(bool isNull) { if (isNull) { return null; } return ReadByteArray(false); //means use BinHex } /// protected int GetArrayLength(string name, string ns) { if (GetNullAttr()) return 0; string arrayType = r.GetAttribute(arrayTypeID, soapNsID); SoapArrayInfo arrayInfo = ParseArrayType(arrayType); if (arrayInfo.dimensions != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayDimentions, CurrentTag())); XmlQualifiedName qname = ToXmlQualifiedName(arrayInfo.qname, false); if (qname.Name != name) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayTypeName, qname.Name, name, CurrentTag())); if (qname.Namespace != ns) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayTypeNamespace, qname.Namespace, ns, CurrentTag())); return arrayInfo.length; } struct SoapArrayInfo { /// public string qname; /// public int dimensions; /// public int length; public int jaggedDimensions; } private SoapArrayInfo ParseArrayType(string value) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMissingArrayType, CurrentTag())); } if (value.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlEmptyArrayType, CurrentTag()), "value"); } char[] chars = value.ToCharArray(); int charsLength = chars.Length; SoapArrayInfo soapArrayInfo = new SoapArrayInfo(); // Parse backwards to get length first, then optional dimensions, then qname. int pos = charsLength - 1; // Must end with ] if (chars[pos] != ']') { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArraySyntax), "value"); } pos--; // Find [ while (pos != -1 && chars[pos] != '[') { if (chars[pos] == ',') throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayDimentions, CurrentTag()), "value"); pos--; } if (pos == -1) { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMismatchedArrayBrackets), "value"); } int len = charsLength - pos - 2; if (len > 0) { string lengthString = new String(chars, pos + 1, len); try { soapArrayInfo.length = Int32.Parse(lengthString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException) { throw; } throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayLength, lengthString), "value"); } catch { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayLength, lengthString), "value"); } } else { soapArrayInfo.length = -1; } pos--; soapArrayInfo.jaggedDimensions = 0; while (pos != -1 && chars[pos] == ']') { pos--; if (pos < 0) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMismatchedArrayBrackets), "value"); if (chars[pos] == ',') throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayDimentions, CurrentTag()), "value"); else if (chars[pos] != '[') throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArraySyntax), "value"); pos--; soapArrayInfo.jaggedDimensions++; } soapArrayInfo.dimensions = 1; // everything else is qname - validation of qnames? soapArrayInfo.qname = new String(chars, 0, pos + 1); return soapArrayInfo; } private SoapArrayInfo ParseSoap12ArrayType(string itemType, string arraySize) { SoapArrayInfo soapArrayInfo = new SoapArrayInfo(); if (itemType != null && itemType.Length > 0) soapArrayInfo.qname = itemType; else soapArrayInfo.qname = ""; string[] dimensions; if (arraySize != null && arraySize.Length > 0) dimensions = arraySize.Split(null); else dimensions = new string[0]; soapArrayInfo.dimensions = 0; soapArrayInfo.length = -1; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.Length; i++) { if (dimensions[i].Length > 0) { if (dimensions[i] == "*") { soapArrayInfo.dimensions++; } else { try { soapArrayInfo.length = Int32.Parse(dimensions[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); soapArrayInfo.dimensions++; } catch (Exception e) { if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException) { throw; } throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayLength, dimensions[i]), "value"); } catch { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayLength, dimensions[i]), "value"); } } } } if (soapArrayInfo.dimensions == 0) soapArrayInfo.dimensions = 1; // default is 1D even if no arraySize is specified return soapArrayInfo; } /// protected static DateTime ToDateTime(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToDateTime(value); } /// protected static DateTime ToDate(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToDate(value); } /// protected static DateTime ToTime(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToTime(value); } /// protected static char ToChar(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToChar(value); } /// protected static long ToEnum(string value, Hashtable h, string typeName) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToEnum(value, h, typeName, true); } /// protected static string ToXmlName(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToXmlName(value); } /// protected static string ToXmlNCName(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToXmlNCName(value); } /// protected static string ToXmlNmToken(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToXmlNmToken(value); } /// protected static string ToXmlNmTokens(string value) { return XmlCustomFormatter.ToXmlNmTokens(value); } /// protected XmlQualifiedName ToXmlQualifiedName(string value) { return ToXmlQualifiedName(value, DecodeName); } internal XmlQualifiedName ToXmlQualifiedName(string value, bool decodeName) { int colon = value == null ? -1 : value.LastIndexOf(':'); string prefix = colon < 0 ? null : value.Substring(0, colon); string localName = value.Substring(colon + 1); if (decodeName) { prefix = XmlConvert.DecodeName(prefix); localName = XmlConvert.DecodeName(localName); } if (prefix == null || prefix.Length == 0) { return new XmlQualifiedName(r.NameTable.Add(value), r.LookupNamespace(String.Empty)); } else { string ns = r.LookupNamespace(prefix); if (ns == null) { // Namespace prefix '{0}' is not defined. throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlUndefinedAlias, prefix)); } return new XmlQualifiedName(r.NameTable.Add(localName), ns); } } /// /// protected void UnknownAttribute(object o, XmlAttribute attr) { UnknownAttribute(o, attr, null); } /// protected void UnknownAttribute(object o, XmlAttribute attr, string qnames) { if (events.OnUnknownAttribute != null) { int lineNumber, linePosition; GetCurrentPosition(out lineNumber, out linePosition); XmlAttributeEventArgs e = new XmlAttributeEventArgs(attr, lineNumber, linePosition, o, qnames); events.OnUnknownAttribute(events.sender, e); } } /// protected void UnknownElement(object o, XmlElement elem) { UnknownElement(o, elem, null); } /// protected void UnknownElement(object o, XmlElement elem, string qnames) { if (events.OnUnknownElement != null) { int lineNumber, linePosition; GetCurrentPosition(out lineNumber, out linePosition); XmlElementEventArgs e = new XmlElementEventArgs(elem, lineNumber, linePosition, o, qnames); events.OnUnknownElement(events.sender, e); } } /// protected void UnknownNode(object o) { UnknownNode(o, null); } /// protected void UnknownNode(object o, string qnames) { if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None || r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace) { r.Read(); return; } if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) return; if (events.OnUnknownNode != null) { UnknownNode(Document.ReadNode(r), o, qnames); } else if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute && events.OnUnknownAttribute == null) { return; } else if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && events.OnUnknownElement == null) { r.Skip(); return; } else { UnknownNode(Document.ReadNode(r), o, qnames); } } void UnknownNode(XmlNode unknownNode, object o, string qnames) { if (unknownNode == null) return; if (unknownNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.None && unknownNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Whitespace && events.OnUnknownNode != null) { int lineNumber, linePosition; GetCurrentPosition(out lineNumber, out linePosition); XmlNodeEventArgs e = new XmlNodeEventArgs(unknownNode, lineNumber, linePosition, o); events.OnUnknownNode(events.sender, e); } if (unknownNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute) { UnknownAttribute(o, (XmlAttribute)unknownNode, qnames); } else if (unknownNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { UnknownElement(o, (XmlElement)unknownNode, qnames); } } void GetCurrentPosition(out int lineNumber, out int linePosition){ if (Reader is IXmlLineInfo){ IXmlLineInfo lineInfo = (IXmlLineInfo)Reader; lineNumber = lineInfo.LineNumber; linePosition = lineInfo.LinePosition; } else lineNumber = linePosition = -1; } /// protected void UnreferencedObject(string id, object o) { if (events.OnUnreferencedObject != null) { UnreferencedObjectEventArgs e = new UnreferencedObjectEventArgs(o, id); events.OnUnreferencedObject(events.sender, e); } } string CurrentTag() { switch (r.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: return "<" + r.LocalName + " xmlns='" + r.NamespaceURI + "'>"; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: return ">"; case XmlNodeType.Text: return r.Value; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: return "CDATA"; case XmlNodeType.Comment: return "<--"; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: return ""; default: return "(unknown)"; } } /// protected Exception CreateUnknownTypeException(XmlQualifiedName type) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlUnknownType, type.Name, type.Namespace, CurrentTag())); } /// protected Exception CreateReadOnlyCollectionException(string name) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlReadOnlyCollection, name)); } /// protected Exception CreateAbstractTypeException(string name, string ns) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlAbstractType, name, ns, CurrentTag())); } /// protected Exception CreateInaccessibleConstructorException(string typeName) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlConstructorInaccessible, typeName)); } /// protected Exception CreateCtorHasSecurityException(string typeName) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlConstructorHasSecurityAttributes, typeName)); } /// protected Exception CreateUnknownNodeException() { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlUnknownNode, CurrentTag())); } /// protected Exception CreateUnknownConstantException(string value, Type enumType) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlUnknownConstant, value, enumType.Name)); } /// protected Exception CreateInvalidCastException(Type type, object value) { return CreateInvalidCastException(type, value, null); } /// protected Exception CreateInvalidCastException(Type type, object value, string id) { if (value == null) return new InvalidCastException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidNullCast, type.FullName)); else if (id == null) return new InvalidCastException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidCast, value.GetType().FullName, type.FullName)); else return new InvalidCastException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidCastWithId, value.GetType().FullName, type.FullName, id)); } /// protected Exception CreateBadDerivationException(string xsdDerived, string nsDerived, string xsdBase, string nsBase, string clrDerived, string clrBase) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlSerializableBadDerivation, xsdDerived, nsDerived, xsdBase, nsBase, clrDerived, clrBase)); } /// protected Exception CreateMissingIXmlSerializableType(string name, string ns, string clrType) { return new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlSerializableMissingClrType, name, ns, typeof(XmlIncludeAttribute).Name, clrType)); //XmlSerializableMissingClrType= Type '{0}' from namespace '{1}' doesnot have corresponding IXmlSerializable type. Please consider adding {2} to '{3}'. } /// protected Array EnsureArrayIndex(Array a, int index, Type elementType) { if (a == null) return Array.CreateInstance(elementType, 32); if (index < a.Length) return a; Array b = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, a.Length * 2); Array.Copy(a, b, index); return b; } /// protected Array ShrinkArray(Array a, int length, Type elementType, bool isNullable) { if (a == null) { if (isNullable) return null; return Array.CreateInstance(elementType, 0); } if (a.Length == length) return a; Array b = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, length); Array.Copy(a, b, length); return b; } /// protected string ReadString(string value) { return ReadString(value, false); } /// protected string ReadString(string value, bool trim) { string str = r.ReadString(); if (str != null && trim) str = str.Trim(); if (value == null || value.Length == 0) return str; return value + str; } /// protected IXmlSerializable ReadSerializable(IXmlSerializable serializable) { return ReadSerializable(serializable, false); } /// protected IXmlSerializable ReadSerializable(IXmlSerializable serializable, bool wrappedAny) { string name = null; string ns = null; if (wrappedAny) { name = r.LocalName; ns = r.NamespaceURI; r.Read(); r.MoveToContent(); } serializable.ReadXml(r); if (wrappedAny) { while (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace) r.Skip(); if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None) r.Skip(); if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && r.LocalName == name && r.NamespaceURI == ns) { Reader.Read(); } } return serializable; } /// protected bool ReadReference(out string fixupReference) { string href = soap12 ? r.GetAttribute("ref", Soap12.Encoding) : r.GetAttribute("href"); if (href == null) { fixupReference = null; return false; } if (!soap12) { // soap 1.1 href starts with '#'; soap 1.2 ref does not if (!href.StartsWith("#", StringComparison.Ordinal)) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMissingHref, href)); fixupReference = href.Substring(1); } else fixupReference = href; if (r.IsEmptyElement) { r.Skip(); } else { r.ReadStartElement(); ReadEndElement(); } return true; } /// protected void AddTarget(string id, object o) { if (id == null) { if (targetsWithoutIds == null) targetsWithoutIds = new ArrayList(); if (o != null) targetsWithoutIds.Add(o); } else { if (targets == null) targets = new Hashtable(); if (!targets.Contains(id)) targets.Add(id, o); } } /// protected void AddFixup(Fixup fixup) { if (fixups == null) fixups = new ArrayList(); fixups.Add(fixup); } /// protected void AddFixup(CollectionFixup fixup) { if (collectionFixups == null) collectionFixups = new ArrayList(); collectionFixups.Add(fixup); } /// protected object GetTarget(string id) { object target = targets != null ? targets[id] : null; if (target == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidHref, id)); } Referenced(target); return target; } /// protected void Referenced(object o) { if (o == null) return; if (referencedTargets == null) referencedTargets = new Hashtable(); referencedTargets[o] = o; } void HandleUnreferencedObjects() { if (targets != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry target in targets) { if (referencedTargets == null || !referencedTargets.Contains(target.Value)) { UnreferencedObject((string)target.Key, target.Value); } } } if (targetsWithoutIds != null) { foreach (object o in targetsWithoutIds) { if (referencedTargets == null || !referencedTargets.Contains(o)) { UnreferencedObject(null, o); } } } } void DoFixups() { if (fixups == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < fixups.Count; i++) { Fixup fixup = (Fixup)fixups[i]; fixup.Callback(fixup); } if (collectionFixups == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < collectionFixups.Count; i++) { CollectionFixup collectionFixup = (CollectionFixup)collectionFixups[i]; collectionFixup.Callback(collectionFixup.Collection, collectionFixup.CollectionItems); } } /// protected void FixupArrayRefs(object fixup) { Fixup f = (Fixup)fixup; Array array = (Array)f.Source; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string id = f.Ids[i]; if (id == null) continue; object o = GetTarget(id); try { array.SetValue(o, i); } catch (InvalidCastException) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayRef, id, o.GetType().FullName, i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } } } object ReadArray(string typeName, string typeNs) { SoapArrayInfo arrayInfo; Type fallbackElementType = null; if (soap12) { string itemType = r.GetAttribute(itemTypeID, soap12NsID); string arraySize = r.GetAttribute(arraySizeID, soap12NsID); Type arrayType = (Type)types[new XmlQualifiedName(typeName, typeNs)]; // no indication that this is an array? if (itemType == null && arraySize == null && (arrayType == null || !arrayType.IsArray)) return null; arrayInfo = ParseSoap12ArrayType(itemType, arraySize); if (arrayType != null) fallbackElementType = TypeScope.GetArrayElementType(arrayType, null); } else { string arrayType = r.GetAttribute(arrayTypeID, soapNsID); if (arrayType == null) return null; arrayInfo = ParseArrayType(arrayType); } if (arrayInfo.dimensions != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidArrayDimentions, CurrentTag())); // NOTE: don't use the array size that is specified since an evil client might pass // a number larger than the actual number of items in an attempt to harm the server. XmlQualifiedName qname; bool isPrimitive; Type elementType = null; XmlQualifiedName urTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(urTypeID, schemaNsID); if (arrayInfo.qname.Length > 0) { qname = ToXmlQualifiedName(arrayInfo.qname, false); elementType = (Type)types[qname]; } else qname = urTypeName; // try again if the best we could come up with was object if (soap12 && elementType == typeof(object)) elementType = null; if (elementType == null) { if (!soap12) { elementType = GetPrimitiveType(qname, true); isPrimitive = true; } else { // try it as a primitive if (qname != urTypeName) elementType = GetPrimitiveType(qname, false); if (elementType != null) { isPrimitive = true; } else { // still nothing: go with fallback type or object if (fallbackElementType == null) { elementType = typeof(object); isPrimitive = false; } else { elementType = fallbackElementType; XmlQualifiedName newQname = (XmlQualifiedName)typesReverse[elementType]; if (newQname == null) { newQname = XmlSerializationWriter.GetPrimitiveTypeNameInternal(elementType); isPrimitive = true; } else isPrimitive = elementType.IsPrimitive; if (newQname != null) qname = newQname; } } } } else isPrimitive = elementType.IsPrimitive; if (!soap12 && arrayInfo.jaggedDimensions > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayInfo.jaggedDimensions; i++) elementType = elementType.MakeArrayType(); } if (r.IsEmptyElement) { r.Skip(); return Array.CreateInstance(elementType, 0); } r.ReadStartElement(); r.MoveToContent(); int arrayLength = 0; Array array = null; if (elementType.IsValueType) { if (!isPrimitive && !elementType.IsEnum) { throw new NotSupportedException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlRpcArrayOfValueTypes, elementType.FullName)); } // int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { array = EnsureArrayIndex(array, arrayLength, elementType); array.SetValue(ReadReferencedElement(qname.Name, qname.Namespace), arrayLength); arrayLength++; r.MoveToContent(); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } array = ShrinkArray(array, arrayLength, elementType, false); } else { string type; string typens; string[] ids = null; int idsLength = 0; int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { array = EnsureArrayIndex(array, arrayLength, elementType); ids = (string[])EnsureArrayIndex(ids, idsLength, typeof(string)); // if (r.NamespaceURI.Length != 0){ type = r.LocalName; if ((object)r.NamespaceURI == (object)soapNsID) typens = XmlSchema.Namespace; else typens = r.NamespaceURI; } else { type = qname.Name; typens = qname.Namespace; } array.SetValue(ReadReferencingElement(type, typens, out ids[idsLength]), arrayLength); arrayLength++; idsLength++; // r.MoveToContent(); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } // special case for soap 1.2: try to get a better fit than object[] when no metadata is known // this applies in the doc/enc/bare case if (soap12 && elementType == typeof(object)) { Type itemType = null; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { object currItem = array.GetValue(i); if (currItem != null) { Type currItemType = currItem.GetType(); if (currItemType.IsValueType) { itemType = null; break; } if (itemType == null || currItemType.IsAssignableFrom(itemType)) { itemType = currItemType; } else if (!itemType.IsAssignableFrom(currItemType)) { itemType = null; break; } } } if (itemType != null) elementType = itemType; } ids = (string[])ShrinkArray(ids, idsLength, typeof(string), false); array = ShrinkArray(array, arrayLength, elementType, false); Fixup fixupArray = new Fixup(array, new XmlSerializationFixupCallback(this.FixupArrayRefs), ids); AddFixup(fixupArray); } // ReadEndElement(); return array; } /// protected abstract void InitCallbacks(); /// protected void ReadReferencedElements() { r.MoveToContent(); string dummy; int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement && r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.None) { ReadReferencingElement(null, null, true, out dummy); r.MoveToContent(); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } DoFixups(); HandleUnreferencedObjects(); } /// protected object ReadReferencedElement() { return ReadReferencedElement(null, null); } /// protected object ReadReferencedElement(string name, string ns) { string dummy; return ReadReferencingElement(name, ns, out dummy); } /// protected object ReadReferencingElement(out string fixupReference) { return ReadReferencingElement(null, null, out fixupReference); } /// protected object ReadReferencingElement(string name, string ns, out string fixupReference) { return ReadReferencingElement(name, ns, false, out fixupReference); } /// protected object ReadReferencingElement(string name, string ns, bool elementCanBeType, out string fixupReference) { object o = null; if (callbacks == null) { callbacks = new Hashtable(); types = new Hashtable(); XmlQualifiedName urType = new XmlQualifiedName(urTypeID, r.NameTable.Add(XmlSchema.Namespace)); types.Add(urType, typeof(object)); typesReverse = new Hashtable(); typesReverse.Add(typeof(object), urType); InitCallbacks(); } r.MoveToContent(); if (ReadReference(out fixupReference)) return null; if (ReadNull()) return null; string id = soap12 ? r.GetAttribute("id", Soap12.Encoding) : r.GetAttribute("id", null); if ((o = ReadArray(name, ns)) == null) { XmlQualifiedName typeId = GetXsiType(); if (typeId == null) { if (name == null) typeId = new XmlQualifiedName(r.NameTable.Add(r.LocalName), r.NameTable.Add(r.NamespaceURI)); else typeId = new XmlQualifiedName(r.NameTable.Add(name), r.NameTable.Add(ns)); } XmlSerializationReadCallback callback = (XmlSerializationReadCallback)callbacks[typeId]; if (callback != null) { o = callback(); } else o = ReadTypedPrimitive(typeId, elementCanBeType); } AddTarget(id, o); return o; } /// protected void AddReadCallback(string name, string ns, Type type, XmlSerializationReadCallback read) { XmlQualifiedName typeName = new XmlQualifiedName(r.NameTable.Add(name), r.NameTable.Add(ns)); callbacks[typeName] = read; types[typeName] = type; typesReverse[type] = typeName; } /// protected void ReadEndElement() { while (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace) r.Skip(); if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None) r.Skip(); else r.ReadEndElement(); } object ReadXmlNodes(bool elementCanBeType) { ArrayList xmlNodeList = new ArrayList(); string elemLocalName = Reader.LocalName; string elemNs = Reader.NamespaceURI; string elemName = Reader.Name; string xsiTypeName = null; string xsiTypeNs = null; int skippableNodeCount = 0; int lineNumber = -1, linePosition=-1; XmlNode unknownNode = null; if(Reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute){ XmlAttribute attr = Document.CreateAttribute(elemName, elemNs); attr.Value = Reader.Value; unknownNode = attr; } else unknownNode = Document.CreateElement(elemName, elemNs); GetCurrentPosition(out lineNumber, out linePosition); XmlElement unknownElement = unknownNode as XmlElement; while (Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (IsXmlnsAttribute(Reader.Name) || (Reader.Name == "id" && (!soap12 || Reader.NamespaceURI == Soap12.Encoding))) skippableNodeCount++; if ( (object)Reader.LocalName == (object)typeID && ( (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)instanceNsID || (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)instanceNs2000ID || (object)Reader.NamespaceURI == (object)instanceNs1999ID ) ){ string value = Reader.Value; int colon = value.LastIndexOf(':'); xsiTypeName = (colon >= 0) ? value.Substring(colon+1) : value; xsiTypeNs = Reader.LookupNamespace((colon >= 0) ? value.Substring(0, colon) : ""); } XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = (XmlAttribute)Document.ReadNode(r); xmlNodeList.Add(xmlAttribute); if (unknownElement != null) unknownElement.SetAttributeNode(xmlAttribute); } // If the node is referenced (or in case of paramStyle = bare) and if xsi:type is not // specified then the element name is used as the type name. Reveal this to the user // by adding an extra attribute node "xsi:type" with value as the element name. if(elementCanBeType && xsiTypeName == null){ xsiTypeName = elemLocalName; xsiTypeNs = elemNs; XmlAttribute xsiTypeAttribute = Document.CreateAttribute(typeID, instanceNsID); xsiTypeAttribute.Value = elemName; xmlNodeList.Add(xsiTypeAttribute); } if( xsiTypeName == Soap.UrType && ( (object)xsiTypeNs == (object)schemaNsID || (object)xsiTypeNs == (object)schemaNs1999ID || (object)xsiTypeNs == (object)schemaNs2000ID ) ) skippableNodeCount++; Reader.MoveToElement(); if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) { Reader.Skip(); } else { Reader.ReadStartElement(); Reader.MoveToContent(); int whileIterations = 0; int readerCount = ReaderCount; while (Reader.NodeType != System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EndElement) { XmlNode xmlNode = Document.ReadNode(r); xmlNodeList.Add(xmlNode); if (unknownElement != null) unknownElement.AppendChild(xmlNode); Reader.MoveToContent(); CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations, ref readerCount); } ReadEndElement(); } if(xmlNodeList.Count <= skippableNodeCount) return new object(); XmlNode[] childNodes = (XmlNode[])xmlNodeList.ToArray(typeof(XmlNode)); UnknownNode(unknownNode, null, null); return childNodes; } /// protected void CheckReaderCount(ref int whileIterations, ref int readerCount) { if (checkDeserializeAdvances) { whileIterations++; if ((whileIterations & 0x80) == 0x80) { if (readerCount == ReaderCount) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorReaderAdvance)); readerCount = ReaderCount; } } } /// /// protected class Fixup { XmlSerializationFixupCallback callback; object source; string[] ids; /// public Fixup(object o, XmlSerializationFixupCallback callback, int count) : this (o, callback, new string[count]) { } /// public Fixup(object o, XmlSerializationFixupCallback callback, string[] ids) { this.callback = callback; this.Source = o; this.ids = ids; } /// public XmlSerializationFixupCallback Callback { get { return callback; } } /// public object Source { get { return source; } set { source = value; } } /// public string[] Ids { get { return ids; } } } /// protected class CollectionFixup { XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback callback; object collection; object collectionItems; /// public CollectionFixup(object collection, XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback callback, object collectionItems) { this.callback = callback; this.collection = collection; this.collectionItems = collectionItems; } /// public XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback Callback { get { return callback; } } /// public object Collection { get { return collection; } } /// public object CollectionItems { get { return collectionItems; } } } } /// /// public delegate void XmlSerializationFixupCallback(object fixup); /// /// public delegate void XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback(object collection, object collectionItems); /// /// public delegate object XmlSerializationReadCallback(); internal class XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen : XmlSerializationCodeGen { Hashtable idNames = new Hashtable(); Hashtable enums; Hashtable createMethods = new Hashtable(); int nextCreateMethodNumber = 0; int nextIdNumber = 0; int nextWhileLoopIndex = 0; internal Hashtable Enums { get { if (enums == null) { enums = new Hashtable(); } return enums; } } class CreateCollectionInfo { string name; TypeDesc td; internal CreateCollectionInfo(string name, TypeDesc td) { = name; = td; } internal string Name { get { return name; } } internal TypeDesc TypeDesc { get { return td; } } } class Member { string source; string arrayName; string arraySource; string choiceArrayName; string choiceSource; string choiceArraySource; MemberMapping mapping; bool isArray; bool isList; bool isNullable; bool multiRef; int fixupIndex = -1; string paramsReadSource; string checkSpecifiedSource; internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping) : this(outerClass, source, null, arrayName, i, mapping, false, null) { } internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping, string choiceSource) : this(outerClass, source, null, arrayName, i, mapping, false, choiceSource) { } internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arraySource, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping) : this (outerClass, source, arraySource, arrayName, i, mapping, false, null) { } internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arraySource, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping, string choiceSource) : this (outerClass, source, arraySource, arrayName, i, mapping, false, choiceSource) { } internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping, bool multiRef) : this(outerClass, source, null, arrayName, i, mapping, multiRef, null) { } internal Member(XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen outerClass, string source, string arraySource, string arrayName, int i, MemberMapping mapping, bool multiRef, string choiceSource) { this.source = source; this.arrayName = arrayName + "_" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); this.choiceArrayName = "choice_" + this.arrayName; this.choiceSource = choiceSource; ElementAccessor[] elements = mapping.Elements; if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsArrayLike) { if (arraySource != null) this.arraySource = arraySource; else this.arraySource = outerClass.GetArraySource(mapping.TypeDesc, this.arrayName, multiRef); isArray = mapping.TypeDesc.IsArray; isList = !isArray; if (mapping.ChoiceIdentifier != null) { this.choiceArraySource = outerClass.GetArraySource(mapping.TypeDesc, this.choiceArrayName, multiRef); string a = choiceArrayName; string c = "c" + a; bool choiceUseReflection = mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string choiceTypeFullName = mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; string castString = choiceUseReflection?"":"(" + choiceTypeFullName + "[])"; string init = a + " = " + castString + "EnsureArrayIndex(" + a + ", " + c + ", " + outerClass.RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(choiceTypeFullName, choiceUseReflection) + ");"; this.choiceArraySource = init + outerClass.RaCodeGen.GetStringForArrayMember(a, c + "++", mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc); } else { this.choiceArraySource = this.choiceSource; } } else { this.arraySource = arraySource == null ? source : arraySource; this.choiceArraySource = this.choiceSource; } this.mapping = mapping; } internal MemberMapping Mapping { get { return mapping; } } internal string Source { get { return source; } } internal string ArrayName { get { return arrayName; } } internal string ArraySource { get { return arraySource; } } internal bool IsList { get { return isList; } } internal bool IsArrayLike { get { return (isArray || isList); } } internal bool IsNullable { get { return isNullable; } set { isNullable = value; } } internal bool MultiRef { get { return multiRef; } set { multiRef = value; } } internal int FixupIndex { get { return fixupIndex; } set { fixupIndex = value; } } internal string ParamsReadSource { get { return paramsReadSource; } set { paramsReadSource = value; } } internal string CheckSpecifiedSource { get { return checkSpecifiedSource; } set { checkSpecifiedSource = value; } } internal string ChoiceSource { get { return choiceSource; } } internal string ChoiceArrayName { get { return choiceArrayName; } } internal string ChoiceArraySource { get { return choiceArraySource; } } } internal XmlSerializationReaderCodeGen(IndentedWriter writer, TypeScope[] scopes, string access, string className) : base(writer, scopes, access, className) { } internal void GenerateBegin() { Writer.Write(Access); Writer.Write(" class "); Writer.Write(ClassName); Writer.Write(" : "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlSerializationReader).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(" {"); Writer.Indent++; foreach (TypeScope scope in Scopes) { foreach (TypeMapping mapping in scope.TypeMappings) { if (mapping is StructMapping || mapping is EnumMapping || mapping is NullableMapping) MethodNames.Add(mapping, NextMethodName(mapping.TypeDesc.Name)); } RaCodeGen.WriteReflectionInit(scope); } // pre-generate read methods only for the encoded soap foreach (TypeScope scope in Scopes) { foreach (TypeMapping mapping in scope.TypeMappings) { if (!mapping.IsSoap) continue; if (mapping is StructMapping) WriteStructMethod((StructMapping)mapping); else if (mapping is EnumMapping) WriteEnumMethod((EnumMapping)mapping); else if (mapping is NullableMapping) { WriteNullableMethod((NullableMapping)mapping); } } } } internal override void GenerateMethod(TypeMapping mapping) { if (GeneratedMethods.Contains(mapping)) return; GeneratedMethods[mapping] = mapping; if (mapping is StructMapping) { WriteStructMethod((StructMapping)mapping); } else if (mapping is EnumMapping) { WriteEnumMethod((EnumMapping)mapping); } else if (mapping is NullableMapping) { WriteNullableMethod((NullableMapping)mapping); } } internal void GenerateEnd() { GenerateEnd(new string[0], new XmlMapping[0], new Type[0]); } internal void GenerateEnd(string[] methods, XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types) { GenerateReferencedMethods(); GenerateInitCallbacksMethod(); foreach (CreateCollectionInfo c in createMethods.Values) { WriteCreateCollectionMethod(c); } Writer.WriteLine(); foreach (string idName in idNames.Values) { Writer.Write("string "); Writer.Write(idName); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.WriteLine("protected override void InitIDs() {"); Writer.Indent++; foreach (string id in idNames.Keys) { // string idName = (string)idNames[id]; Writer.Write(idName); Writer.Write(" = Reader.NameTable.Add("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(id); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } internal string GenerateElement(XmlMapping xmlMapping) { if (!xmlMapping.IsReadable) return null; if (!xmlMapping.GenerateSerializer) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError), "xmlMapping"); if (xmlMapping is XmlTypeMapping) return GenerateTypeElement((XmlTypeMapping)xmlMapping); else if (xmlMapping is XmlMembersMapping) return GenerateMembersElement((XmlMembersMapping)xmlMapping); else throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError), "xmlMapping"); } void WriteIsStartTag(string name, string ns) { Writer.Write("if (Reader.IsStartElement("); WriteID(name); Writer.Write(", "); WriteID(ns); Writer.WriteLine(")) {"); Writer.Indent++; } void WriteUnknownNode(string func, string node, ElementAccessor e, bool anyIfs) { if (anyIfs) { Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; } Writer.Write(func); Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(node); if (e != null) { Writer.Write(", "); string expectedElement = e.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? e.Namespace : ""; expectedElement += ":"; expectedElement += e.Name; ReflectionAwareCodeGen.WriteQuotedCSharpString(Writer, expectedElement); } Writer.WriteLine(");"); if (anyIfs) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } void GenerateInitCallbacksMethod() { Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.WriteLine("protected override void InitCallbacks() {"); Writer.Indent++; string dummyArrayMethodName = NextMethodName("Array"); bool needDummyArrayMethod = false; foreach (TypeScope scope in Scopes) { foreach (TypeMapping mapping in scope.TypeMappings) { if (mapping.IsSoap && (mapping is StructMapping || mapping is EnumMapping || mapping is ArrayMapping || mapping is NullableMapping) && !mapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) { string methodName; if (mapping is ArrayMapping) { methodName = dummyArrayMethodName; needDummyArrayMethod = true; } else methodName = (string)MethodNames[mapping]; Writer.Write("AddReadCallback("); WriteID(mapping.TypeName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteID(mapping.Namespace); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName,mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection)); Writer.Write(", new "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlSerializationReadCallback).FullName); Writer.Write("(this."); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("));"); } } } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (needDummyArrayMethod) { Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("object "); Writer.Write(dummyArrayMethodName); Writer.WriteLine("() {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("// dummy array method"); Writer.WriteLine("UnknownNode(null);"); Writer.WriteLine("return null;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } string GenerateMembersElement(XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping) { if (xmlMembersMapping.Accessor.IsSoap) return GenerateEncodedMembersElement(xmlMembersMapping); else return GenerateLiteralMembersElement(xmlMembersMapping); } string GetChoiceIdentifierSource(MemberMapping[] mappings, MemberMapping member) { string choiceSource = null; if (member.ChoiceIdentifier != null) { for (int j = 0; j < mappings.Length; j++) { if (mappings[j].Name == member.ChoiceIdentifier.MemberName) { choiceSource = "p[" + j.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; break; } } #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (choiceSource == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorDetails, "Can not find " + member.ChoiceIdentifier.MemberName + " in the members mapping.")); #endif } return choiceSource; } string GetChoiceIdentifierSource(MemberMapping mapping, string parent, TypeDesc parentTypeDesc) { if (mapping.ChoiceIdentifier == null) return ""; CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.MemberName); return RaCodeGen.GetStringForMember(parent, mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.MemberName, parentTypeDesc); } string GenerateLiteralMembersElement(XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping) { ElementAccessor element = xmlMembersMapping.Accessor; MemberMapping[] mappings = ((MembersMapping)element.Mapping).Members; bool hasWrapperElement = ((MembersMapping)element.Mapping).HasWrapperElement; string methodName = NextMethodName(element.Name); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("public object[] "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("() {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); Writer.Write("object[] p = new object["); Writer.Write(mappings.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine("];"); InitializeValueTypes("p", mappings); int wrapperLoopIndex = 0; if (hasWrapperElement) { wrapperLoopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; WriteIsStartTag(element.Name, element.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? element.Namespace : ""); } Member anyText = null; Member anyElement = null; Member anyAttribute = null; ArrayList membersList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList textOrArrayMembersList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList attributeMembersList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) { MemberMapping mapping = mappings[i]; string source = "p[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; string arraySource = source; if (mapping.Xmlns != null) { arraySource = "((" + mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName + ")" + source + ")"; } string choiceSource = GetChoiceIdentifierSource(mappings, mapping); Member member = new Member(this, source, arraySource, "a", i, mapping, choiceSource); Member anyMember = new Member(this, source, null, "a", i, mapping, choiceSource); if (!mapping.IsSequence) member.ParamsReadSource = "paramsRead[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; if (mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite) { string nameSpecified = mapping.Name + "Specified"; for (int j = 0; j < mappings.Length; j++) { if (mappings[j].Name == nameSpecified) { member.CheckSpecifiedSource = "p[" + j.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; break; } } } bool foundAnyElement = false; if (mapping.Text != null) anyText = anyMember; if (mapping.Attribute != null && mapping.Attribute.Any) anyAttribute = anyMember; if (mapping.Attribute != null || mapping.Xmlns != null) attributeMembersList.Add(member); else if (mapping.Text != null) textOrArrayMembersList.Add(member); if (!mapping.IsSequence) { for (int j = 0; j < mapping.Elements.Length; j++) { if (mapping.Elements[j].Any && mapping.Elements[j].Name.Length == 0) { anyElement = anyMember; if (mapping.Attribute == null && mapping.Text == null) textOrArrayMembersList.Add(anyMember); foundAnyElement = true; break; } } } if (mapping.Attribute != null || mapping.Text != null || foundAnyElement) membersList.Add(anyMember); else if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsArrayLike && !(mapping.Elements.Length == 1 && mapping.Elements[0].Mapping is ArrayMapping)) { membersList.Add(anyMember); textOrArrayMembersList.Add(anyMember); } else { if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsArrayLike && !mapping.TypeDesc.IsArray) member.ParamsReadSource = null; // collection membersList.Add(member); } } Member[] members = (Member[]) membersList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); Member[] textOrArrayMembers = (Member[]) textOrArrayMembersList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); if (members.Length > 0 && members[0].Mapping.IsReturnValue) Writer.WriteLine("IsReturnValue = true;"); WriteParamsRead(mappings.Length); if (attributeMembersList.Count > 0) { Member[] attributeMembers = (Member[]) attributeMembersList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); WriteMemberBegin(attributeMembers); WriteAttributes(attributeMembers, anyAttribute, "UnknownNode", "(object)p"); WriteMemberEnd(attributeMembers); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToElement();"); } WriteMemberBegin(textOrArrayMembers); if (hasWrapperElement) { Writer.WriteLine("if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) { Reader.Skip(); Reader.MoveToContent(); continue; }"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); } if (IsSequence(members)) { Writer.WriteLine("int state = 0;"); } int loopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; string unknownNode = "UnknownNode((object)p, " + ExpectedElements(members) + ");"; WriteMemberElements(members, unknownNode, unknownNode, anyElement, anyText, null); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); WriteMemberEnd(textOrArrayMembers); if (hasWrapperElement) { Writer.WriteLine("ReadEndElement();"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); WriteUnknownNode("UnknownNode", "null", element, true); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(wrapperLoopIndex); } Writer.WriteLine("return p;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); return methodName; } void InitializeValueTypes(string arrayName, MemberMapping[] mappings) { for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) { if (!mappings[i].TypeDesc.IsValueType) continue; Writer.Write(arrayName); Writer.Write("["); Writer.Write(i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.Write("] = "); if (mappings[i].TypeDesc.IsOptionalValue && mappings[i].TypeDesc.BaseTypeDesc.UseReflection) { Writer.Write("null"); } else { Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(mappings[i].TypeDesc.CSharpName, mappings[i].TypeDesc.UseReflection, false, false)); } Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } string GenerateEncodedMembersElement(XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping) { ElementAccessor element = xmlMembersMapping.Accessor; MembersMapping membersMapping = (MembersMapping)element.Mapping; MemberMapping[] mappings = membersMapping.Members; bool hasWrapperElement = membersMapping.HasWrapperElement; bool writeAccessors = membersMapping.WriteAccessors; string methodName = NextMethodName(element.Name); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("public object[] "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("() {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); Writer.Write("object[] p = new object["); Writer.Write(mappings.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine("];"); InitializeValueTypes("p", mappings); if (hasWrapperElement) { WriteReadNonRoots(); if (membersMapping.ValidateRpcWrapperElement) { Writer.Write("if (!"); WriteXmlNodeEqual("Reader", element.Name, element.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? element.Namespace : ""); Writer.WriteLine(") throw CreateUnknownNodeException();"); } Writer.WriteLine("bool isEmptyWrapper = Reader.IsEmptyElement;"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); } Member[] members = new Member[mappings.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) { MemberMapping mapping = mappings[i]; string source = "p[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; string arraySource = source; if (mapping.Xmlns != null) { arraySource = "((" + mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName + ")" + source + ")"; } Member member = new Member(this,source, arraySource, "a", i, mapping); if (!mapping.IsSequence) member.ParamsReadSource = "paramsRead[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; members[i] = member; if (mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite) { string nameSpecified = mapping.Name + "Specified"; for (int j = 0; j < mappings.Length; j++) { if (mappings[j].Name == nameSpecified) { member.CheckSpecifiedSource = "p[" + j.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; break; } } } } string fixupMethodName = "fixup_" + methodName; bool anyFixups = WriteMemberFixupBegin(members, fixupMethodName, "p"); if (members.Length > 0 && members[0].Mapping.IsReturnValue) Writer.WriteLine("IsReturnValue = true;"); string checkTypeHrefSource = (!hasWrapperElement && !writeAccessors) ? "hrefList" : null; if (checkTypeHrefSource != null) WriteInitCheckTypeHrefList(checkTypeHrefSource); WriteParamsRead(mappings.Length); int loopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; string unrecognizedElementSource = checkTypeHrefSource == null ? "UnknownNode((object)p);" : "if (Reader.GetAttribute(\"id\", null) != null) { ReadReferencedElement(); } else { UnknownNode((object)p); }"; WriteMemberElements(members, unrecognizedElementSource, "UnknownNode((object)p);", null, null, checkTypeHrefSource); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); if (hasWrapperElement) Writer.WriteLine("if (!isEmptyWrapper) ReadEndElement();"); if (checkTypeHrefSource != null) WriteHandleHrefList(members, checkTypeHrefSource); Writer.WriteLine("ReadReferencedElements();"); Writer.WriteLine("return p;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (anyFixups) WriteFixupMethod(fixupMethodName, members, "object[]", false, false, "p"); return methodName; } void WriteCreateCollection(TypeDesc td, string source) { bool useReflection = td.UseReflection; string item = (td.ArrayElementTypeDesc == null ? "object" : td.ArrayElementTypeDesc.CSharpName) + "[]"; bool arrayElementUseReflection = td.ArrayElementTypeDesc == null?false:td.ArrayElementTypeDesc.UseReflection; //cannot call WriteArrayLocalDecl since 'ci' is always //array and 'td' corresponds to 'c' if (arrayElementUseReflection) item = typeof(Array).FullName; Writer.Write(item); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write("ci ="); Writer.Write("("+item+")"); Writer.Write(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.WriteLine("for (int i = 0; i < ci.Length; i++) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForMethod("c", td.CSharpName,"Add",useReflection)); //cannot call GetStringForArrayMember since 'ci' is always //array and 'td' corresponds to 'c' if (!arrayElementUseReflection) Writer.Write( "ci[i]"); else Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetReflectionVariable(typeof(Array).FullName, "0") + "[ci , i]"); if (useReflection) Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine(");"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } string GenerateTypeElement(XmlTypeMapping xmlTypeMapping) { ElementAccessor element = xmlTypeMapping.Accessor; TypeMapping mapping = element.Mapping; string methodName = NextMethodName(element.Name); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("public object "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("() {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("object o = null;"); MemberMapping member = new MemberMapping(); member.TypeDesc = mapping.TypeDesc; //member.ReadOnly = !mapping.TypeDesc.HasDefaultConstructor; member.Elements = new ElementAccessor[] { element }; Member[] members = new Member[] { new Member(this,"o", "o", "a", 0, member) }; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); string unknownNode = "UnknownNode(null, " + ExpectedElements(members) + ");"; WriteMemberElements(members, "throw CreateUnknownNodeException();", unknownNode, element.Any ? members[0] : null, null, null); if (element.IsSoap) { Writer.WriteLine("Referenced(o);"); Writer.WriteLine("ReadReferencedElements();"); } Writer.WriteLine("return (object)o;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); return methodName; } string NextMethodName(string name) { return "Read" + (++NextMethodNumber).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + CodeIdentifier.MakeValidInternal(name); } string NextIdName(string name) { return "id" + (++nextIdNumber).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + CodeIdentifier.MakeValidInternal(name); } void WritePrimitive(TypeMapping mapping, string source) { if (mapping is EnumMapping) { string enumMethodName = ReferenceMapping(mapping); if (enumMethodName == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMissingMethodEnum, mapping.TypeDesc.Name)); if (mapping.IsSoap) { // SOAP methods are not strongly-typed (the return object), so we need to add a cast Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.Write(")"); } Writer.Write(enumMethodName); Writer.Write("("); if (!mapping.IsSoap) Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(")"); } else if (mapping.TypeDesc == StringTypeDesc) { Writer.Write(source); } else if (mapping.TypeDesc.FormatterName == "String") { if (mapping.TypeDesc.CollapseWhitespace) { Writer.Write("CollapseWhitespace("); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(")"); } else { Writer.Write(source); } } else { if (!mapping.TypeDesc.HasCustomFormatter) { Writer.Write(typeof(XmlConvert).FullName); Writer.Write("."); } Writer.Write("To"); Writer.Write(mapping.TypeDesc.FormatterName); Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(")"); } } string MakeUnique(EnumMapping mapping, string name) { string uniqueName = name; object m = Enums[uniqueName]; if (m != null) { if (m == mapping) { // we already have created the hashtable return null; } int i = 0; while (m != null) { i++; uniqueName = name + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); m = Enums[uniqueName]; } } Enums.Add(uniqueName, mapping); return uniqueName; } string WriteHashtable(EnumMapping mapping, string typeName) { CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(typeName); string propName = MakeUnique(mapping, typeName + "Values"); if (propName == null) return CodeIdentifier.GetCSharpName(typeName); string memberName = MakeUnique(mapping, "_" + propName); propName = CodeIdentifier.GetCSharpName(propName); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write(typeof(Hashtable).FullName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(memberName); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("internal "); Writer.Write(typeof(Hashtable).FullName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(propName); Writer.WriteLine(" {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("get {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("if ((object)"); Writer.Write(memberName); Writer.WriteLine(" == null) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(typeof(Hashtable).FullName); Writer.Write(" h = new "); Writer.Write(typeof(Hashtable).FullName); Writer.WriteLine("();"); ConstantMapping[] constants = mapping.Constants; for (int i = 0; i < constants.Length; i++) { Writer.Write("h.Add("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(constants[i].XmlName); if (!mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection){ Writer.Write(", (long)"); Writer.Write(mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.Write(".@"); CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(constants[i].Name); Writer.Write(constants[i].Name); } else{ Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(constants[i].Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)+"L"); } Writer.WriteLine(");"); } Writer.Write(memberName); Writer.WriteLine(" = h;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Write("return "); Writer.Write(memberName); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); return propName; } void WriteEnumMethod(EnumMapping mapping) { string tableName = null; if (mapping.IsFlags) tableName = WriteHashtable(mapping, mapping.TypeDesc.Name); string methodName = (string)MethodNames[mapping]; Writer.WriteLine(); bool useReflection = mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string fullTypeName = mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; if (mapping.IsSoap) { Writer.Write("object"); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("() {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("string s = Reader.ReadElementString();"); } else { Writer.Write(useReflection?"object":fullTypeName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("(string s) {"); Writer.Indent++; } ConstantMapping[] constants = mapping.Constants; if (mapping.IsFlags) { if (useReflection){ Writer.Write("return "); Writer.Write(typeof(Enum).FullName); Writer.Write(".ToObject("); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(fullTypeName, useReflection)); Writer.Write(", ToEnum(s, "); Writer.Write(tableName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(fullTypeName); Writer.WriteLine("));"); } else{ Writer.Write("return ("); Writer.Write(fullTypeName); Writer.Write(")ToEnum(s, "); Writer.Write(tableName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(fullTypeName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } } else { Writer.WriteLine("switch (s) {"); Writer.Indent++; Hashtable cases = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < constants.Length; i++) { ConstantMapping c = constants[i]; CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(c.Name); if (cases[c.XmlName] == null) { Writer.Write("case "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(c.XmlName); Writer.Write(": return "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForEnumMember(fullTypeName, c.Name, useReflection)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); cases[c.XmlName] = c.XmlName; } } Writer.Write("default: throw CreateUnknownConstantException(s, "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(fullTypeName, useReflection)); Writer.WriteLine(");"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteDerivedTypes(StructMapping mapping, bool isTypedReturn, string returnTypeName) { for (StructMapping derived = mapping.DerivedMappings; derived != null; derived = derived.NextDerivedMapping) { Writer.Write("else if ("); WriteQNameEqual("xsiType", derived.TypeName, derived.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(")"); Writer.Indent++; string methodName = ReferenceMapping(derived); #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (methodName == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorMethod, derived.TypeDesc.Name)); #endif Writer.Write("return "); if (derived.TypeDesc.UseReflection && isTypedReturn) Writer.Write("(" + returnTypeName + ")"); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.Write("("); if (derived.TypeDesc.IsNullable) Writer.Write("isNullable, "); Writer.WriteLine("false);"); Writer.Indent--; WriteDerivedTypes(derived, isTypedReturn, returnTypeName); } } void WriteEnumAndArrayTypes() { foreach (TypeScope scope in Scopes) { foreach (Mapping m in scope.TypeMappings) { if (m.IsSoap) continue; if (m is EnumMapping) { EnumMapping mapping = (EnumMapping)m; Writer.Write("else if ("); WriteQNameEqual("xsiType", mapping.TypeName, mapping.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); string methodName = ReferenceMapping(mapping); #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (methodName == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorMethod, mapping.TypeDesc.Name)); #endif Writer.Write("object e = "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("(CollapseWhitespace(Reader.ReadString()));"); Writer.WriteLine("ReadEndElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("return e;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } else if (m is ArrayMapping) { ArrayMapping mapping = (ArrayMapping) m; if (mapping.TypeDesc.HasDefaultConstructor) { Writer.Write("else if ("); WriteQNameEqual("xsiType", mapping.TypeName, mapping.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; MemberMapping memberMapping = new MemberMapping(); memberMapping.TypeDesc = mapping.TypeDesc; memberMapping.Elements = mapping.Elements; Member member = new Member(this,"a", "z", 0, memberMapping); TypeDesc td = mapping.TypeDesc; string fullTypeName = mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; if (td.UseReflection){ if (td.IsArray) Writer.Write(typeof(Array).FullName); else Writer.Write("object"); } else Writer.Write(fullTypeName); Writer.Write(" a = "); if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(fullTypeName, td.UseReflection, false, false)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } else Writer.WriteLine("null;"); WriteArray(member.Source, member.ArrayName, mapping, false, false, -1); Writer.WriteLine("return a;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } } } } void WriteNullableMethod(NullableMapping nullableMapping) { string methodName = (string)MethodNames[nullableMapping]; bool useReflection = nullableMapping.BaseMapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string typeName = useReflection ? "object" : nullableMapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write(typeName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.WriteLine("(bool checkType) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(typeName); Writer.Write(" o = "); if (useReflection) { Writer.Write("null"); } else { Writer.Write("default("); Writer.Write(typeName); Writer.Write(")"); } Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.WriteLine("if (ReadNull())"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("return o;"); Writer.Indent--; ElementAccessor element = new ElementAccessor(); element.Mapping = nullableMapping.BaseMapping; element.Any = false; element.IsNullable = nullableMapping.BaseMapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable; WriteElement("o", null, null, element, null, null, false, false, -1, -1); Writer.WriteLine("return o;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteStructMethod(StructMapping structMapping) { if (structMapping.IsSoap) WriteEncodedStructMethod(structMapping); else WriteLiteralStructMethod(structMapping); } void WriteLiteralStructMethod(StructMapping structMapping) { string methodName = (string)MethodNames[structMapping]; bool useReflection = structMapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string typeName = useReflection ? "object" : structMapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write(typeName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.Write("("); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable) Writer.Write("bool isNullable, "); Writer.WriteLine("bool checkType) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(typeof(XmlQualifiedName).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(" xsiType = checkType ? GetXsiType() : null;"); Writer.WriteLine("bool isNull = false;"); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable) Writer.WriteLine("if (isNullable) isNull = ReadNull();"); Writer.WriteLine("if (checkType) {"); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) { Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("if (isNull) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("if (xsiType != null) return (" + typeName + ")ReadTypedNull(xsiType);"); Writer.Write("else return "); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(structMapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName, useReflection, false, false)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } else Writer.WriteLine("null;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } Writer.Write("if (xsiType == null"); if (!structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) { Writer.Write(" || "); WriteQNameEqual("xsiType", structMapping.TypeName, structMapping.Namespace); } Writer.WriteLine(") {"); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) { Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("return ReadTypedPrimitive(new System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName(\"" + Soap.UrType + "\", \"" + XmlSchema.Namespace + "\"));"); Writer.Indent--; } Writer.WriteLine("}"); WriteDerivedTypes(structMapping, !useReflection && !structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot, typeName); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) WriteEnumAndArrayTypes(); Writer.WriteLine("else"); Writer.Indent++; if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) Writer.Write("return ReadTypedPrimitive(("); else Writer.Write("throw CreateUnknownTypeException(("); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlQualifiedName).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(")xsiType);"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable) Writer.WriteLine("if (isNull) return null;"); if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsAbstract) { Writer.Write("throw CreateAbstractTypeException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(structMapping.TypeName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(structMapping.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } else { if (structMapping.TypeDesc.Type != null && typeof(XmlSchemaObject).IsAssignableFrom(structMapping.TypeDesc.Type)) { Writer.WriteLine("DecodeName = false;"); } WriteCreateMapping(structMapping, "o"); MemberMapping[] mappings = TypeScope.GetAllMembers(structMapping); Member anyText = null; Member anyElement = null; Member anyAttribute = null; bool isSequence = structMapping.HasExplicitSequence(); ArrayList arraysToDeclareList = new ArrayList(mappings.Length); ArrayList arraysToSetList = new ArrayList(mappings.Length); ArrayList allMembersList = new ArrayList(mappings.Length); for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) { MemberMapping mapping = mappings[i]; CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(mapping.Name); string source = RaCodeGen.GetStringForMember("o", mapping.Name, structMapping.TypeDesc); Member member = new Member(this, source, "a", i, mapping, GetChoiceIdentifierSource(mapping, "o", structMapping.TypeDesc)); if (!mapping.IsSequence) member.ParamsReadSource = "paramsRead[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; member.IsNullable = mapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable; if (mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite) member.CheckSpecifiedSource = RaCodeGen.GetStringForMember("o", mapping.Name + "Specified", structMapping.TypeDesc); if (mapping.Text != null) anyText = member; if (mapping.Attribute != null && mapping.Attribute.Any) anyAttribute = member; if (!isSequence) { // find anyElement if present. for (int j = 0; j < mapping.Elements.Length; j++) { if (mapping.Elements[j].Any && (mapping.Elements[j].Name == null || mapping.Elements[j].Name.Length == 0)) { anyElement = member; break; } } } else if (mapping.IsParticle && !mapping.IsSequence) { StructMapping declaringMapping; structMapping.FindDeclaringMapping(mapping, out declaringMapping, structMapping.TypeName); throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlSequenceHierarchy, structMapping.TypeDesc.FullName, mapping.Name, declaringMapping.TypeDesc.FullName, "Order")); } if (mapping.Attribute == null && mapping.Elements.Length == 1 && mapping.Elements[0].Mapping is ArrayMapping) { Member arrayMember = new Member(this, source, source, "a", i, mapping, GetChoiceIdentifierSource(mapping, "o", structMapping.TypeDesc)); arrayMember.CheckSpecifiedSource = member.CheckSpecifiedSource; allMembersList.Add(arrayMember); } else { allMembersList.Add(member); } if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsArrayLike) { arraysToDeclareList.Add(member); if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsArrayLike && !(mapping.Elements.Length == 1 && mapping.Elements[0].Mapping is ArrayMapping)) { member.ParamsReadSource = null; // flat arrays -- don't want to count params read. if (member != anyText && member != anyElement) { arraysToSetList.Add(member); } } else if (!mapping.TypeDesc.IsArray) { member.ParamsReadSource = null; // collection } } } if (anyElement != null) arraysToSetList.Add(anyElement); if (anyText != null && anyText != anyElement) arraysToSetList.Add(anyText); Member[] arraysToDeclare = (Member[]) arraysToDeclareList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); Member[] arraysToSet = (Member[]) arraysToSetList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); Member[] allMembers = (Member[]) allMembersList.ToArray(typeof(Member)); WriteMemberBegin(arraysToDeclare); WriteParamsRead(mappings.Length); WriteAttributes(allMembers, anyAttribute, "UnknownNode", "(object)o"); if (anyAttribute != null) WriteMemberEnd(arraysToDeclare); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.Skip();"); WriteMemberEnd(arraysToSet); Writer.WriteLine("return o;"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); if (IsSequence(allMembers)) { Writer.WriteLine("int state = 0;"); } int loopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; string unknownNode = "UnknownNode((object)o, " + ExpectedElements(allMembers) + ");"; WriteMemberElements(allMembers, unknownNode, unknownNode, anyElement, anyText, null); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); WriteMemberEnd(arraysToSet); Writer.WriteLine("ReadEndElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("return o;"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteEncodedStructMethod(StructMapping structMapping) { if(structMapping.TypeDesc.IsRoot) return; bool useReflection = structMapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string methodName = (string)MethodNames[structMapping]; Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("object"); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.Write("("); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; Member[] members; bool anyFixups; string fixupMethodName; if (structMapping.TypeDesc.IsAbstract) { Writer.Write("throw CreateAbstractTypeException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(structMapping.TypeName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(structMapping.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(");"); members = new Member[0]; anyFixups = false; fixupMethodName = null; } else { WriteCreateMapping(structMapping, "o"); MemberMapping[] mappings = TypeScope.GetAllMembers(structMapping); members = new Member[mappings.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) { MemberMapping mapping = mappings[i]; CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(mapping.Name); string source = RaCodeGen.GetStringForMember("o", mapping.Name, structMapping.TypeDesc); Member member = new Member(this,source, source, "a", i, mapping, GetChoiceIdentifierSource(mapping, "o", structMapping.TypeDesc)); if (mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite) member.CheckSpecifiedSource = RaCodeGen.GetStringForMember("o", mapping.Name + "Specified", structMapping.TypeDesc); if (!mapping.IsSequence) member.ParamsReadSource = "paramsRead[" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "]"; members[i] = member; } fixupMethodName = "fixup_" + methodName; anyFixups = WriteMemberFixupBegin(members, fixupMethodName, "o"); // we're able to not do WriteMemberBegin here because we don't allow arrays as attributes WriteParamsRead(mappings.Length); WriteAttributes(members, null, "UnknownNode", "(object)o"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) { Reader.Skip(); return o; }"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); int loopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; WriteMemberElements(members, "UnknownNode((object)o);", "UnknownNode((object)o);", null, null, null); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); Writer.WriteLine("ReadEndElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("return o;"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (anyFixups) WriteFixupMethod(fixupMethodName, members, structMapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName, structMapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection, true, "o"); } void WriteFixupMethod(string fixupMethodName, Member[] members, string typeName, bool useReflection, bool typed, string source) { Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.Write("void "); Writer.Write(fixupMethodName); Writer.WriteLine("(object objFixup) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Fixup fixup = (Fixup)objFixup;"); WriteLocalDecl(typeName, source, "fixup.Source", useReflection); Writer.WriteLine("string[] ids = fixup.Ids;"); for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = members[i]; if (member.MultiRef) { string fixupIndex = member.FixupIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Writer.Write("if (ids["); Writer.Write(fixupIndex); Writer.WriteLine("] != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; string memberSource = /*member.IsList ? source + ".Add(" :*/ member.ArraySource; string targetSource = "GetTarget(ids[" + fixupIndex + "])"; TypeDesc td = member.Mapping.TypeDesc; if (td.IsCollection || td.IsEnumerable) { WriteAddCollectionFixup(td, member.Mapping.ReadOnly, memberSource, targetSource); } else { if (typed) { Writer.WriteLine("try {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBeginTyped(memberSource, member.Mapping.TypeDesc); } else WriteSourceBegin(memberSource); Writer.Write(targetSource); WriteSourceEnd(memberSource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (member.Mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite && member.CheckSpecifiedSource != null && member.CheckSpecifiedSource.Length > 0) { Writer.Write(member.CheckSpecifiedSource); Writer.WriteLine(" = true;"); } if (typed) { WriteCatchCastException(member.Mapping.TypeDesc, targetSource, "ids[" + fixupIndex + "]"); } } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteAddCollectionFixup(TypeDesc typeDesc, bool readOnly, string memberSource, string targetSource) { Writer.WriteLine("// get array of the collection items"); bool useReflection = typeDesc.UseReflection; CreateCollectionInfo create = (CreateCollectionInfo)createMethods[typeDesc]; if (create == null) { string createName = "create" + (++nextCreateMethodNumber).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + typeDesc.Name; create = new CreateCollectionInfo(createName, typeDesc); createMethods.Add(typeDesc, create); } Writer.Write("if ((object)("); Writer.Write(memberSource); Writer.WriteLine(") == null) {"); Writer.Indent++; if (readOnly) { Writer.Write("throw CreateReadOnlyCollectionException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(typeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } else { Writer.Write(memberSource); Writer.Write(" = "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(typeDesc.CSharpName, typeDesc.UseReflection, typeDesc.CannotNew, true)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Write("CollectionFixup collectionFixup = new CollectionFixup("); Writer.Write(memberSource); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write("new "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback).FullName); Writer.Write("(this."); Writer.Write(create.Name); Writer.Write("), "); Writer.Write(targetSource); Writer.WriteLine(");"); Writer.WriteLine("AddFixup(collectionFixup);"); } void WriteCreateCollectionMethod(CreateCollectionInfo c) { Writer.Write("void "); Writer.Write(c.Name); Writer.WriteLine("(object collection, object collectionItems) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("if (collectionItems == null) return;"); Writer.WriteLine("if (collection == null) return;"); TypeDesc td = c.TypeDesc; bool useReflection = td.UseReflection; string fullTypeName = td.CSharpName; WriteLocalDecl(fullTypeName, "c", "collection", useReflection); WriteCreateCollection(td, "collectionItems"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteQNameEqual(string source, string name, string ns) { Writer.Write("((object) (("); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlQualifiedName).FullName); Writer.Write(")"); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(").Name == (object)"); WriteID(name); Writer.Write(" && (object) (("); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlQualifiedName).FullName); Writer.Write(")"); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(").Namespace == (object)"); WriteID(ns); Writer.Write(")"); } void WriteXmlNodeEqual(string source, string name, string ns) { Writer.Write("("); if (name != null && name.Length > 0) { Writer.Write("(object) "); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(".LocalName == (object)"); WriteID(name); Writer.Write(" && "); } Writer.Write("(object) "); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(".NamespaceURI == (object)"); WriteID(ns); Writer.Write(")"); } void WriteID(string name) { if (name == null) { //Writer.Write("null"); //return; name = ""; } string idName = (string)idNames[name]; if (idName == null) { idName = NextIdName(name); idNames.Add(name, idName); } Writer.Write(idName); } void WriteAttributes(Member[] members, Member anyAttribute, string elseCall, string firstParam) { int count = 0; Member xmlnsMember = null; ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList(); Writer.WriteLine("while (Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) {"); Writer.Indent++; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.Mapping.Xmlns != null) { xmlnsMember = member; continue; } if (member.Mapping.Ignore) continue; AttributeAccessor attribute = member.Mapping.Attribute; if (attribute == null) continue; if (attribute.Any) continue; attributes.Add(attribute); if (count++ > 0) Writer.Write("else "); Writer.Write("if ("); if (member.ParamsReadSource != null) { Writer.Write("!"); Writer.Write(member.ParamsReadSource); Writer.Write(" && "); } if (attribute.IsSpecialXmlNamespace) { WriteXmlNodeEqual("Reader", attribute.Name, XmlReservedNs.NsXml); } else WriteXmlNodeEqual("Reader", attribute.Name, attribute.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? attribute.Namespace : ""); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteAttribute(member); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } if (count > 0) Writer.Write("else "); if (xmlnsMember != null) { Writer.WriteLine("if (IsXmlnsAttribute(Reader.Name)) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("if ("); Writer.Write(xmlnsMember.Source); Writer.Write(" == null) "); Writer.Write(xmlnsMember.Source); Writer.Write(" = new "); Writer.Write(xmlnsMember.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.WriteLine("();"); //Writer.Write(xmlnsMember.ArraySource); Writer.Write("(("+xmlnsMember.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName+")"+ xmlnsMember.ArraySource+")"); Writer.WriteLine(".Add(Reader.Name.Length == 5 ? \"\" : Reader.LocalName, Reader.Value);"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; } else { Writer.WriteLine("if (!IsXmlnsAttribute(Reader.Name)) {"); Writer.Indent++; } if (anyAttribute != null) { Writer.Write(typeof(XmlAttribute).FullName); Writer.Write(" attr = "); Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlAttribute).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(") Document.ReadNode(Reader);"); Writer.WriteLine("ParseWsdlArrayType(attr);"); WriteAttribute(anyAttribute); } else { Writer.Write(elseCall); Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(firstParam); if (attributes.Count > 0) { Writer.Write(", "); string qnames = ""; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) { AttributeAccessor attribute = (AttributeAccessor)attributes[i]; if (i > 0) qnames += ", "; qnames += attribute.IsSpecialXmlNamespace ? XmlReservedNs.NsXml : (attribute.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? attribute.Namespace : "") + ":" + attribute.Name; } WriteQuotedCSharpString(qnames); } Writer.WriteLine(");"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteAttribute(Member member) { AttributeAccessor attribute = member.Mapping.Attribute; if (attribute.Mapping is SpecialMapping) { SpecialMapping special = (SpecialMapping)attribute.Mapping; if (special.TypeDesc.Kind == TypeKind.Attribute) { WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); Writer.Write("attr"); WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } else if (special.TypeDesc.CanBeAttributeValue) { Writer.Write("if (attr is "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlAttribute).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlAttribute).FullName); Writer.Write(")attr"); WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } else throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError)); } else { if (attribute.IsList) { Writer.WriteLine("string listValues = Reader.Value;"); Writer.WriteLine("string[] vals = listValues.Split(null);"); Writer.WriteLine("for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++) {"); Writer.Indent++; string attributeSource = GetArraySource(member.Mapping.TypeDesc, member.ArrayName); WriteSourceBegin(attributeSource); WritePrimitive(attribute.Mapping, "vals[i]"); WriteSourceEnd(attributeSource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } else { WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); WritePrimitive(attribute.Mapping, attribute.IsList ? "vals[i]" : "Reader.Value"); WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } if (member.Mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite && member.CheckSpecifiedSource != null && member.CheckSpecifiedSource.Length > 0) { Writer.Write(member.CheckSpecifiedSource); Writer.WriteLine(" = true;"); } if (member.ParamsReadSource != null) { Writer.Write(member.ParamsReadSource); Writer.WriteLine(" = true;"); } } bool WriteMemberFixupBegin(Member[] members, string fixupMethodName, string source) { int fixupCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.Mapping.Elements.Length == 0) continue; TypeMapping mapping = member.Mapping.Elements[0].Mapping; if (mapping is StructMapping || mapping is ArrayMapping || mapping is PrimitiveMapping || mapping is NullableMapping) { member.MultiRef = true; member.FixupIndex = fixupCount++; } } if (fixupCount > 0) { Writer.Write("Fixup fixup = new Fixup("); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write("new "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlSerializationFixupCallback).FullName); Writer.Write("(this."); Writer.Write(fixupMethodName); Writer.Write("), "); Writer.Write(fixupCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine(");"); Writer.WriteLine("AddFixup(fixup);"); return true; } return false; } void WriteMemberBegin(Member[] members) { for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.IsArrayLike) { string a = member.ArrayName; string c = "c" + a; TypeDesc typeDesc = member.Mapping.TypeDesc; string typeDescFullName = typeDesc.CSharpName; if (member.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsArray) { WriteArrayLocalDecl(typeDesc.CSharpName, a, "null", typeDesc); Writer.Write("int "); Writer.Write(c); Writer.WriteLine(" = 0;"); if (member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier != null) { WriteArrayLocalDecl(member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName+"[]", member.ChoiceArrayName, "null", member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc); Writer.Write("int c"); Writer.Write(member.ChoiceArrayName); Writer.WriteLine(" = 0;"); } } else { bool useReflection = typeDesc.UseReflection; if (member.Source[member.Source.Length - 1] == '(' || member.Source[member.Source.Length - 1] == '{') { WriteCreateInstance(typeDescFullName, a, useReflection, typeDesc.CannotNew); Writer.Write(member.Source); Writer.Write(a); if (member.Source[member.Source.Length - 1] == '{') Writer.WriteLine("});"); else Writer.WriteLine(");"); } else { if (member.IsList && !member.Mapping.ReadOnly && member.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable) { // we need to new the Collections and ArrayLists Writer.Write("if ((object)("); Writer.Write(member.Source); Writer.Write(") == null) "); if (!member.Mapping.TypeDesc.HasDefaultConstructor) { Writer.Write("throw CreateReadOnlyCollectionException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(member.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } else { Writer.Write(member.Source); Writer.Write(" = "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(typeDescFullName, useReflection, typeDesc.CannotNew, true)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } WriteLocalDecl(typeDescFullName, a, member.Source, useReflection); } } } } } string ExpectedElements(Member[] members) { if (IsSequence(members)) return "null"; string qnames = string.Empty; bool firstElement = true; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.Mapping.Xmlns != null) continue; if (member.Mapping.Ignore) continue; if (member.Mapping.IsText || member.Mapping.IsAttribute) continue; ElementAccessor[] elements = member.Mapping.Elements; for (int j = 0; j < elements.Length; j++) { ElementAccessor e = elements[j]; string ns = e.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? e.Namespace : ""; if (e.Any && (e.Name == null || e.Name.Length == 0)) continue; if (!firstElement) qnames += ", "; qnames += ns + ":" + e.Name; firstElement = false; } } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ReflectionAwareCodeGen.WriteQuotedCSharpString(new IndentedWriter(writer, true), qnames); return writer.ToString(); } void WriteMemberElements(Member[] members, string elementElseString, string elseString, Member anyElement, Member anyText, string checkTypeHrefsSource) { bool checkType = (checkTypeHrefsSource != null && checkTypeHrefsSource.Length > 0); if (anyText != null) { Writer.WriteLine("string tmp = null;"); } Writer.Write("if (Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".Element) {"); Writer.Indent++; if (checkType) { WriteIfNotSoapRoot(elementElseString + " continue;"); WriteMemberElementsCheckType(checkTypeHrefsSource); } else { WriteMemberElementsIf(members, anyElement, elementElseString, null); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (anyText != null) WriteMemberText(anyText, elseString); Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine(elseString); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteMemberText(Member anyText, string elseString) { Writer.Write("else if (Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".Text || "); Writer.Write("Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".CDATA || "); Writer.Write("Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".Whitespace || "); Writer.Write("Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".SignificantWhitespace) {"); Writer.Indent++; if (anyText != null) { WriteText(anyText); } else { Writer.Write(elseString); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteText(Member member) { TextAccessor text = member.Mapping.Text; if (text.Mapping is SpecialMapping) { SpecialMapping special = (SpecialMapping)text.Mapping; WriteSourceBeginTyped(member.ArraySource, special.TypeDesc); switch (special.TypeDesc.Kind) { case TypeKind.Node: Writer.Write("Document.CreateTextNode(Reader.ReadString())"); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError)); } WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); } else { if (member.IsArrayLike) { WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); if (text.Mapping.TypeDesc.CollapseWhitespace) { Writer.Write("CollapseWhitespace(Reader.ReadString())"); } else { Writer.Write("Reader.ReadString()"); } } else { if (text.Mapping.TypeDesc == StringTypeDesc || text.Mapping.TypeDesc.FormatterName == "String") { Writer.Write("tmp = ReadString(tmp, "); if (text.Mapping.TypeDesc.CollapseWhitespace) Writer.WriteLine("true);"); else Writer.WriteLine("false);"); WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); Writer.Write("tmp"); } else { WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); WritePrimitive(text.Mapping, "Reader.ReadString()"); } } WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); } Writer.WriteLine(";"); } void WriteMemberElementsCheckType(string checkTypeHrefsSource) { Writer.WriteLine("string refElemId = null;"); Writer.WriteLine("object refElem = ReadReferencingElement(null, null, true, out refElemId);"); Writer.WriteLine("if (refElemId != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(checkTypeHrefsSource); Writer.WriteLine(".Add(refElemId);"); Writer.Write(checkTypeHrefsSource); Writer.WriteLine("IsObject.Add(false);"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine("else if (refElem != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write(checkTypeHrefsSource); Writer.WriteLine(".Add(refElem);"); Writer.Write(checkTypeHrefsSource); Writer.WriteLine("IsObject.Add(true);"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteMemberElementsElse(Member anyElement, string elementElseString) { if (anyElement != null) { ElementAccessor[] elements = anyElement.Mapping.Elements; for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++) { ElementAccessor element = elements[i]; if (element.Any && element.Name.Length == 0) { WriteElement(anyElement.ArraySource, anyElement.ArrayName, anyElement.ChoiceArraySource, element, anyElement.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier, anyElement.Mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite ? anyElement.CheckSpecifiedSource : null, false, false, -1, i); break; } } } else { Writer.WriteLine(elementElseString); } } bool IsSequence(Member[] members) { for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { if (members[i].Mapping.IsParticle && members[i].Mapping.IsSequence) return true; } return false; } void WriteMemberElementsIf(Member[] members, Member anyElement, string elementElseString, string checkTypeSource) { bool checkType = checkTypeSource != null && checkTypeSource.Length > 0; //int count = checkType ? 1 : 0; int count = 0; bool isSequence = IsSequence(members); if (isSequence) { Writer.WriteLine("switch (state) {"); } int cases = 0; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.Mapping.Xmlns != null) continue; if (member.Mapping.Ignore) continue; if (isSequence && (member.Mapping.IsText || member.Mapping.IsAttribute)) continue; bool firstElement = true; ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice = member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier; ElementAccessor[] elements = member.Mapping.Elements; for (int j = 0; j < elements.Length; j++) { ElementAccessor e = elements[j]; string ns = e.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified ? e.Namespace : ""; if (!isSequence && e.Any && (e.Name == null || e.Name.Length == 0)) continue; if (!firstElement || (!isSequence && count > 0)) { Writer.Write("else "); } else if (isSequence) { Writer.Write("case "); Writer.Write(cases.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine(":"); Writer.Indent++; } count++; firstElement = false; Writer.Write("if ("); if (member.ParamsReadSource != null) { Writer.Write("!"); Writer.Write(member.ParamsReadSource); Writer.Write(" && "); } if (checkType) { if (e.Mapping is NullableMapping) { TypeDesc td = ((NullableMapping)e.Mapping).BaseMapping.TypeDesc; Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(td.CSharpName, td.UseReflection)); } else { Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(e.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName, e.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection)); } Writer.Write(".IsAssignableFrom("); Writer.Write(checkTypeSource); Writer.Write("Type)"); } else { if (member.Mapping.IsReturnValue) Writer.Write("(IsReturnValue || "); if (isSequence && e.Any && e.AnyNamespaces == null) { Writer.Write("true"); } else { WriteXmlNodeEqual("Reader", e.Name, ns); } if (member.Mapping.IsReturnValue) Writer.Write(")"); } Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; if (checkType) { if (e.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType || e.Mapping is NullableMapping) { Writer.Write("if ("); Writer.Write(checkTypeSource); Writer.WriteLine(" != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; } if (e.Mapping is NullableMapping) { WriteSourceBegin(member.ArraySource); TypeDesc td = ((NullableMapping)e.Mapping).BaseMapping.TypeDesc; Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(e.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName, e.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection, false, true, "(" + td.CSharpName + ")" + checkTypeSource)); } else { WriteSourceBeginTyped(member.ArraySource, e.Mapping.TypeDesc); Writer.Write(checkTypeSource); } WriteSourceEnd(member.ArraySource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (e.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } if (member.FixupIndex >= 0) { Writer.Write("fixup.Ids["); Writer.Write(member.FixupIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.Write("] = "); Writer.Write(checkTypeSource); Writer.WriteLine("Id;"); } } else { WriteElement(member.ArraySource, member.ArrayName, member.ChoiceArraySource, e, choice, member.Mapping.CheckSpecified == SpecifiedAccessor.ReadWrite ? member.CheckSpecifiedSource : null, member.IsList && member.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable, member.Mapping.ReadOnly, member.FixupIndex, j); } if (member.Mapping.IsReturnValue) Writer.WriteLine("IsReturnValue = false;"); if (member.ParamsReadSource != null) { Writer.Write(member.ParamsReadSource); Writer.WriteLine(" = true;"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } if (isSequence) { if (member.IsArrayLike) { Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; } cases++; Writer.Write("state = "); Writer.Write(cases.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (member.IsArrayLike) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } Writer.WriteLine("break;"); Writer.Indent--; } } if (count > 0) { if (isSequence) Writer.WriteLine("default:"); else Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; } WriteMemberElementsElse(anyElement, elementElseString); if (count > 0) { if (isSequence) { Writer.WriteLine("break;"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } string GetArraySource(TypeDesc typeDesc, string arrayName) { return GetArraySource(typeDesc, arrayName, false); } string GetArraySource(TypeDesc typeDesc, string arrayName, bool multiRef) { string a = arrayName; string c = "c" + a; string init = ""; if (multiRef) { init = "soap = (System.Object[])EnsureArrayIndex(soap, " + c + "+2, typeof(System.Object)); "; } bool useReflection = typeDesc.UseReflection; if (typeDesc.IsArray) { string arrayTypeFullName = typeDesc.ArrayElementTypeDesc.CSharpName; bool arrayUseReflection = typeDesc.ArrayElementTypeDesc.UseReflection; string castString = useReflection?"":"(" + arrayTypeFullName + "[])"; init = init + a + " = " + castString + "EnsureArrayIndex(" + a + ", " + c + ", "+ RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(arrayTypeFullName, arrayUseReflection) + ");"; string arraySource = RaCodeGen.GetStringForArrayMember(a, c+"++", typeDesc); if (multiRef) { init = init + " soap[1] = " + a + ";"; init = init + " if (ReadReference(out soap[" + c + "+2])) " + arraySource + " = null; else "; } return init + arraySource; } else { return RaCodeGen.GetStringForMethod(arrayName,typeDesc.CSharpName,"Add",useReflection); } } void WriteMemberEnd(Member[] members) { WriteMemberEnd(members, false); } void WriteMemberEnd(Member[] members, bool soapRefs) { for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { Member member = (Member)members[i]; if (member.IsArrayLike) { TypeDesc typeDesc = member.Mapping.TypeDesc; if (typeDesc.IsArray) { WriteSourceBegin(member.Source); if (soapRefs) Writer.Write(" soap[1] = "); string a = member.ArrayName; string c = "c" + a; bool arrayUseReflection = typeDesc.ArrayElementTypeDesc.UseReflection; string arrayTypeFullName = typeDesc.ArrayElementTypeDesc.CSharpName; if (!arrayUseReflection) Writer.Write("(" +arrayTypeFullName +"[])"); Writer.Write("ShrinkArray("); Writer.Write(a); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(c); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(arrayTypeFullName, arrayUseReflection)); Writer.Write(", "); WriteBooleanValue(member.IsNullable); Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(member.Source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier != null) { WriteSourceBegin(member.ChoiceSource); a = member.ChoiceArrayName; c = "c" + a; bool choiceUseReflection = member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; string choiceTypeName = member.Mapping.ChoiceIdentifier.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; if(!choiceUseReflection) Writer.Write("(" +choiceTypeName+"[])"); Writer.Write("ShrinkArray("); Writer.Write(a); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(c); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(choiceTypeName, choiceUseReflection)); Writer.Write(", "); WriteBooleanValue(member.IsNullable); Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(member.ChoiceSource); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } else if (typeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Write(member.Source); Writer.Write(" = "); Writer.Write(member.ArrayName); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } } } void WriteSourceBeginTyped(string source, TypeDesc typeDesc) { WriteSourceBegin(source); if (typeDesc != null && !typeDesc.UseReflection) { Writer.Write("("); Writer.Write(typeDesc.CSharpName); Writer.Write(")"); } } void WriteSourceBegin(string source) { Writer.Write(source); if (source[source.Length - 1] != '(' && source[source.Length - 1] != '{') Writer.Write(" = "); } void WriteSourceEnd(string source) { // source could be of the form "var", "arrayVar[i]", // "collection.Add(" or "methodInfo.Invoke(collection, new object[] {" if (source[source.Length - 1] == '(' ) Writer.Write(")"); else if( source[source.Length - 1] == '{') Writer.Write("})"); } void WriteArray(string source, string arrayName, ArrayMapping arrayMapping, bool readOnly, bool isNullable, int fixupIndex) { if (arrayMapping.IsSoap) { Writer.Write("object rre = "); Writer.Write(fixupIndex >= 0 ? "ReadReferencingElement" : "ReadReferencedElement"); Writer.Write("("); WriteID(arrayMapping.TypeName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteID(arrayMapping.Namespace); if (fixupIndex >= 0) { Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write("out fixup.Ids["); Writer.Write((fixupIndex).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.Write("]"); } Writer.WriteLine(");"); TypeDesc td = arrayMapping.TypeDesc; if (td.IsEnumerable || td.IsCollection) { Writer.WriteLine("if (rre != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteAddCollectionFixup(td, readOnly, source, "rre"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } else { Writer.WriteLine("try {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBeginTyped(source, arrayMapping.TypeDesc); Writer.Write("rre"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); WriteCatchCastException(arrayMapping.TypeDesc, "rre", null); } } else { Writer.WriteLine("if (!ReadNull()) {"); Writer.Indent++; MemberMapping memberMapping = new MemberMapping(); memberMapping.Elements = arrayMapping.Elements; memberMapping.TypeDesc = arrayMapping.TypeDesc; memberMapping.ReadOnly = readOnly; Member member = new Member(this, source, arrayName, 0, memberMapping, false); member.IsNullable = false;//Note, [....]: IsNullable is set to false since null condition (xsi:nil) is already handled by 'ReadNull()' Member[] members = new Member[] { member }; WriteMemberBegin(members); if (readOnly) { Writer.Write("if (((object)("); Writer.Write(member.ArrayName); Writer.Write(") == null) || "); } else { Writer.Write("if ("); } Writer.WriteLine("(Reader.IsEmptyElement)) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.Skip();"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.ReadStartElement();"); int loopIndex = WriteWhileNotLoopStart(); Writer.Indent++; string unknownNode = "UnknownNode(null, " + ExpectedElements(members) + ");"; WriteMemberElements(members, unknownNode, unknownNode, null, null, null); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("ReadEndElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("}"); WriteMemberEnd(members, false); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); if (isNullable) { Writer.WriteLine("else {"); Writer.Indent++; member.IsNullable = true; WriteMemberBegin(members); WriteMemberEnd(members); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } } void WriteElement(string source, string arrayName, string choiceSource, ElementAccessor element, ChoiceIdentifierAccessor choice, string checkSpecified, bool checkForNull, bool readOnly, int fixupIndex, int elementIndex) { if (checkSpecified != null && checkSpecified.Length > 0) { Writer.Write(checkSpecified); Writer.WriteLine(" = true;"); } if (element.Mapping is ArrayMapping) { WriteArray(source, arrayName, (ArrayMapping)element.Mapping, readOnly, element.IsNullable, fixupIndex); } else if (element.Mapping is NullableMapping) { string methodName = ReferenceMapping(element.Mapping); #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (methodName == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorMethod, element.Mapping.TypeDesc.Name)); #endif WriteSourceBegin(source); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.Write("(true)"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } else if (!element.Mapping.IsSoap && (element.Mapping is PrimitiveMapping)) { if (element.IsNullable) { Writer.WriteLine("if (ReadNull()) {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBegin(source); if (element.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(element.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName, element.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection, false, false)); } else { Writer.Write("null"); } WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Write("else "); } if (element.Default != null && element.Default != DBNull.Value && element.Mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.WriteLine("if (Reader.IsEmptyElement) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("Reader.Skip();"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.WriteLine("else {"); } else { Writer.WriteLine("{"); } Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBegin(source); if (element.Mapping.TypeDesc == QnameTypeDesc) Writer.Write("ReadElementQualifiedName()"); else { string readFunc; switch (element.Mapping.TypeDesc.FormatterName) { case "ByteArrayBase64": case "ByteArrayHex": readFunc = "false"; break; default: readFunc = "Reader.ReadElementString()"; break; } WritePrimitive(element.Mapping, readFunc); } WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } else if (element.Mapping is StructMapping || (element.Mapping.IsSoap && element.Mapping is PrimitiveMapping)) { TypeMapping mapping = element.Mapping; if (mapping.IsSoap) { Writer.Write("object rre = "); Writer.Write(fixupIndex >= 0 ? "ReadReferencingElement" : "ReadReferencedElement"); Writer.Write("("); WriteID(mapping.TypeName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteID(mapping.Namespace); if (fixupIndex >= 0) { Writer.Write(", out fixup.Ids["); Writer.Write((fixupIndex).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.Write("]"); } Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.WriteLine("if (rre != null) {"); Writer.Indent++; } Writer.WriteLine("try {"); Writer.Indent++; WriteSourceBeginTyped(source, mapping.TypeDesc); Writer.Write("rre"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); WriteCatchCastException(mapping.TypeDesc, "rre", null); Writer.Write("Referenced("); Writer.Write(source); Writer.WriteLine(");"); if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsValueType) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } else { string methodName = ReferenceMapping(mapping); #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (methodName == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorMethod, mapping.TypeDesc.Name)); #endif if (checkForNull) { Writer.Write("if ((object)("); Writer.Write(arrayName); Writer.Write(") == null) Reader.Skip(); else "); } WriteSourceBegin(source); Writer.Write(methodName); Writer.Write("("); if (mapping.TypeDesc.IsNullable) { WriteBooleanValue(element.IsNullable); Writer.Write(", "); } Writer.Write("true"); Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } else if (element.Mapping is SpecialMapping) { SpecialMapping special = (SpecialMapping)element.Mapping; switch (special.TypeDesc.Kind) { case TypeKind.Node: bool isDoc = special.TypeDesc.FullName == typeof(XmlDocument).FullName; WriteSourceBeginTyped(source, special.TypeDesc); Writer.Write(isDoc ? "ReadXmlDocument(" : "ReadXmlNode("); Writer.Write(element.Any ? "false" : "true"); Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); break; case TypeKind.Serializable: SerializableMapping sm = (SerializableMapping)element.Mapping; // check to see if we need to do the derivation if (sm.DerivedMappings != null) { Writer.Write(typeof(XmlQualifiedName).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(" tser = GetXsiType();"); Writer.Write("if (tser == null"); Writer.Write(" || "); WriteQNameEqual("tser", sm.XsiType.Name, sm.XsiType.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; } WriteSourceBeginTyped(source, sm.TypeDesc); Writer.Write("ReadSerializable(( "); Writer.Write(typeof(IXmlSerializable).FullName); Writer.Write(")"); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(sm.TypeDesc.CSharpName, sm.TypeDesc.UseReflection, sm.TypeDesc.CannotNew, false)); bool isWrappedAny = !element.Any && IsWildcard(sm); if (isWrappedAny) { Writer.WriteLine(", true"); } Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (sm.DerivedMappings != null) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); WriteDerivedSerializable(sm, sm, source, isWrappedAny); WriteUnknownNode("UnknownNode", "null", null, true); } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError)); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalError)); } if (choice != null) { #if DEBUG // use exception in the place of Debug.Assert to avoid throwing asserts from a server process such as aspnet_ewp.exe if (choiceSource == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInternalErrorDetails, "need parent for the " + source)); #endif string enumTypeName = choice.Mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; Writer.Write(choiceSource); Writer.Write(" = "); CodeIdentifier.CheckValidIdentifier(choice.MemberIds[elementIndex]); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForEnumMember(enumTypeName, choice.MemberIds[elementIndex], choice.Mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } } void WriteDerivedSerializable(SerializableMapping head, SerializableMapping mapping, string source, bool isWrappedAny) { if (mapping == null) return; for (SerializableMapping derived = mapping.DerivedMappings; derived != null; derived = derived.NextDerivedMapping) { Writer.Write("else if (tser == null"); Writer.Write(" || "); WriteQNameEqual("tser", derived.XsiType.Name, derived.XsiType.Namespace); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; if (derived.Type != null) { if (head.Type.IsAssignableFrom(derived.Type)) { WriteSourceBeginTyped(source, head.TypeDesc); Writer.Write("ReadSerializable(( "); Writer.Write(typeof(IXmlSerializable).FullName); Writer.Write(")"); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(derived.TypeDesc.CSharpName, derived.TypeDesc.UseReflection, derived.TypeDesc.CannotNew, false)); if (isWrappedAny) { Writer.WriteLine(", true"); } Writer.Write(")"); WriteSourceEnd(source); Writer.WriteLine(";"); } else { Writer.Write("throw CreateBadDerivationException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(derived.XsiType.Name); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(derived.XsiType.Namespace); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(head.XsiType.Name); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(head.XsiType.Namespace); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(derived.Type.FullName); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(head.Type.FullName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } } else { Writer.WriteLine("// " + "missing real mapping for " + derived.XsiType); Writer.Write("throw CreateMissingIXmlSerializableType("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(derived.XsiType.Name); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(derived.XsiType.Namespace); Writer.Write(", "); WriteQuotedCSharpString(head.Type.FullName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); WriteDerivedSerializable(head, derived, source, isWrappedAny); } } int WriteWhileNotLoopStart() { Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); int loopIndex = WriteWhileLoopStartCheck(); Writer.Write("while (Reader.NodeType != "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.Write(".EndElement && Reader.NodeType != "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".None) {"); return loopIndex; } void WriteWhileLoopEnd(int loopIndex) { WriteWhileLoopEndCheck(loopIndex); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } int WriteWhileLoopStartCheck() { Writer.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "int whileIterations{0} = 0;", nextWhileLoopIndex)); Writer.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "int readerCount{0} = ReaderCount;", nextWhileLoopIndex)); return nextWhileLoopIndex++; } void WriteWhileLoopEndCheck(int loopIndex) { Writer.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "CheckReaderCount(ref whileIterations{0}, ref readerCount{1});", loopIndex, loopIndex)); } void WriteParamsRead(int length) { Writer.Write("bool[] paramsRead = new bool["); Writer.Write(length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Writer.WriteLine("];"); } void WriteReadNonRoots() { Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); int loopIndex = WriteWhileLoopStartCheck(); Writer.Write("while (Reader.NodeType == "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlNodeType).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".Element) {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("string root = Reader.GetAttribute(\"root\", \""); Writer.Write(Soap.Encoding); Writer.WriteLine("\");"); Writer.Write("if (root == null || "); Writer.Write(typeof(XmlConvert).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(".ToBoolean(root)) break;"); Writer.WriteLine("ReadReferencedElement();"); Writer.WriteLine("Reader.MoveToContent();"); WriteWhileLoopEnd(loopIndex); } void WriteBooleanValue(bool value) { Writer.Write(value ? "true" : "false"); } void WriteInitCheckTypeHrefList(string source) { Writer.Write(typeof(ArrayList).FullName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write(" = new "); Writer.Write(typeof(ArrayList).FullName); Writer.WriteLine("();"); Writer.Write(typeof(ArrayList).FullName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(source); Writer.Write("IsObject = new "); Writer.Write(typeof(ArrayList).FullName); Writer.WriteLine("();"); } void WriteHandleHrefList(Member[] members, string listSource) { Writer.WriteLine("int isObjectIndex = 0;"); Writer.Write("foreach (object obj in "); Writer.Write(listSource); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine("bool isReferenced = true;"); Writer.Write("bool isObject = (bool)"); Writer.Write(listSource); Writer.WriteLine("IsObject[isObjectIndex++];"); Writer.WriteLine("object refObj = isObject ? obj : GetTarget((string)obj);"); Writer.WriteLine("if (refObj == null) continue;"); Writer.Write(typeof(Type).FullName); Writer.WriteLine(" refObjType = refObj.GetType();"); Writer.WriteLine("string refObjId = null;"); WriteMemberElementsIf(members, null, "isReferenced = false;", "refObj"); Writer.WriteLine("if (isObject && isReferenced) Referenced(refObj); // need to mark this obj as ref'd since we didn't do GetTarget"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteIfNotSoapRoot(string source) { Writer.Write("if (Reader.GetAttribute(\"root\", \""); Writer.Write(Soap.Encoding); Writer.WriteLine("\") == \"0\") {"); Writer.Indent++; Writer.WriteLine(source); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteCreateMapping(TypeMapping mapping, string local) { string fullTypeName = mapping.TypeDesc.CSharpName; bool useReflection = mapping.TypeDesc.UseReflection; bool ctorInaccessible = mapping.TypeDesc.CannotNew; Writer.Write(useReflection ? "object" : fullTypeName); Writer.Write(" "); Writer.Write(local); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (ctorInaccessible) { Writer.WriteLine("try {"); Writer.Indent++; } Writer.Write(local); Writer.Write(" = "); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForCreateInstance(fullTypeName, useReflection, mapping.TypeDesc.CannotNew, true)); Writer.WriteLine(";"); if (ctorInaccessible) { WriteCatchException(typeof(MissingMethodException)); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("throw CreateInaccessibleConstructorException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(fullTypeName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); WriteCatchException(typeof(SecurityException)); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("throw CreateCtorHasSecurityException("); WriteQuotedCSharpString(fullTypeName); Writer.WriteLine(");"); Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } } void WriteCatchException(Type exceptionType) { Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); Writer.Write("catch ("); Writer.Write(exceptionType.FullName); Writer.WriteLine(") {"); } void WriteCatchCastException(TypeDesc typeDesc, string source, string id) { WriteCatchException(typeof(InvalidCastException)); Writer.Indent++; Writer.Write("throw CreateInvalidCastException("); Writer.Write(RaCodeGen.GetStringForTypeof(typeDesc.CSharpName, typeDesc.UseReflection)); Writer.Write(", "); Writer.Write(source); if (id == null) Writer.WriteLine(", null);"); else { Writer.Write(", (string)"); Writer.Write(id); Writer.WriteLine(");"); } Writer.Indent--; Writer.WriteLine("}"); } void WriteArrayLocalDecl( string typeName, string variableName, string initValue, TypeDesc arrayTypeDesc) { RaCodeGen.WriteArrayLocalDecl(typeName, variableName, initValue, arrayTypeDesc); } void WriteCreateInstance(string escapedName, string source, bool useReflection, bool ctorInaccessible){ RaCodeGen.WriteCreateInstance(escapedName, source, useReflection, ctorInaccessible); } void WriteLocalDecl(string typeFullName, string variableName, string initValue, bool useReflection) { RaCodeGen.WriteLocalDecl(typeFullName, variableName, initValue, useReflection); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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- DataGridViewComponentPropertyGridSite.cs
- SamlAuthenticationClaimResource.cs
- UpDownBase.cs
- TextRunProperties.cs
- VirtualStackFrame.cs
- CapabilitiesRule.cs
- HeaderElement.cs
- FileDataSourceCache.cs
- HttpCachePolicyElement.cs
- ProfileEventArgs.cs
- MsmqTransportSecurity.cs
- ReverseComparer.cs
- CssClassPropertyAttribute.cs
- OleDbWrapper.cs
- WindowsListViewSubItem.cs
- DependencyPropertyConverter.cs
- EdmRelationshipRoleAttribute.cs
- ExpanderAutomationPeer.cs
- DES.cs
- TextBox.cs
- Schema.cs
- DataSysAttribute.cs
- FontClient.cs
- RightsManagementEncryptionTransform.cs
- RangeValueProviderWrapper.cs
- BaseCollection.cs
- SizeAnimationClockResource.cs
- Attribute.cs
- FaultPropagationQuery.cs
- TextStore.cs
- WizardForm.cs
- SurrogateEncoder.cs
- CurrencyWrapper.cs
- Transaction.cs
- HealthMonitoringSectionHelper.cs
- TextEndOfLine.cs
- MemoryMappedFile.cs
- PeerNeighborManager.cs
- CacheHelper.cs
- HttpAsyncResult.cs
- XmlLinkedNode.cs
- EditorZone.cs
- StylusPointPropertyInfo.cs
- BinaryReader.cs
- AxisAngleRotation3D.cs
- ImageConverter.cs
- SQLMoney.cs
- NullReferenceException.cs
- DialogWindow.cs
- validationstate.cs
- RowUpdatingEventArgs.cs
- WebBrowserContainer.cs
- CompiledQueryCacheEntry.cs
- IdnElement.cs
- SqlInfoMessageEvent.cs
- ProfileServiceManager.cs
- EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.cs
- SplashScreenNativeMethods.cs
- ContextConfiguration.cs
- InputLanguageCollection.cs
- CqlParser.cs
- QueryCacheKey.cs
- PersonalizationStateQuery.cs
- DoubleUtil.cs
- DesignSurfaceCollection.cs
- DbModificationCommandTree.cs
- Unit.cs
- TransactionFormatter.cs
- ProtectedConfigurationProviderCollection.cs
- StringStorage.cs
- BindMarkupExtensionSerializer.cs
- NavigationWindow.cs
- FileDetails.cs
- CommentGlyph.cs
- AccessKeyManager.cs
- DataIdProcessor.cs
- IndentedWriter.cs
- DataGridState.cs
- ComboBoxRenderer.cs
- SimpleRecyclingCache.cs
- AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter.cs
- DataGridTableCollection.cs
- MessageSecurityOverMsmqElement.cs
- DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute.cs
- PropertyOrder.cs
- HitTestParameters3D.cs
- ImageKeyConverter.cs
- figurelength.cs
- WebRequest.cs
- LayoutDump.cs
- RevocationPoint.cs
- GridViewCellAutomationPeer.cs
- compensatingcollection.cs
- PrintingPermission.cs
- ContextBase.cs
- InfoCardRSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter.cs
- WhileDesigner.xaml.cs
- Decorator.cs
- ResourceDescriptionAttribute.cs
- DeleteHelper.cs