backend.cs source code in C# .NET

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/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / SrgsCompiler / backend.cs / 1 / backend.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description:
//		CFG Grammar backend 
// History:
//		5/1/2004	jeanfp		Created from the Sapi Managed code 

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser;
namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler
    /// Summary description for GrammarBackEnd.
    internal sealed partial class Backend
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors 

        internal Backend ()
            _words = new StringBlob (); 
            _symbols = new StringBlob ();
        internal Backend (StreamMarshaler streamHelper)
            InitFromBinaryGrammar (streamHelper);


        // Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods
        /// Optimizes the grammar network by removing the epsilon states and merging 
        /// duplicate transitions.  See GrammarOptimization.doc for details. 
        internal void Optimize () 
            //DumpGrammarStatistics ("GrammarOptimization: Pre optimize");
            _states.Optimize ();
            //DumpGrammarStatistics ("GrammarOptimization: Post optimize"); 

            // Most likely, there will be an arc with a weight != 1.  So we need a weight table. 
            _fNeedWeightTable = true; 
        /// Performs consistency checks of the grammar structure, creates the
        /// serialized format and either saves it to the stream provided by SetSaveOptions,
        /// or reloads it into the CFG engine. 
        internal void Commit (StreamMarshaler streamBuffer) 
            // For debugging purpose, assert if the position is not it is assumed it should be 
            // Keep the start position in the stream
            long startStreamPostion = streamBuffer.Stream.Position;

            // put all states State into a sorted array by rule parent index and serialized index 
            List sortedStates = new List (_states);
            // Release the memory for the original list of states 
            _states = null;
            sortedStates.Sort ();

            // Validate the grammar
            ValidateAndTagRules (); 
            CheckLeftRecursion (sortedStates);
            // Include null terminator 
            int cBasePath = _basePath != null ? _basePath.Length + 1 : 0;
            float [] pWeights; 
            int cArcs;

            // Add the top level semantic interpreatation tag
            // This should be set as the first symbol in the symbol string blog since it must hold on a 16 bits value. 
            int semanticInterpretationGlobals = 0;
            if (_globalTags.Count > 0) 
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
                foreach (string s in _globalTags) 
                    sb.Append (s);
                _symbols.Add (sb.ToString (), out semanticInterpretationGlobals); 
                semanticInterpretationGlobals = _symbols.OffsetFromId (semanticInterpretationGlobals);
                if (semanticInterpretationGlobals > UInt16.MaxValue) 
                    throw new OverflowException (SR.Get (SRID.TooManyRulesWithSemanticsGlobals));

#if !NO_STG
            // Write the method names as symbols 
            foreach (ScriptRef script in _scriptRefs)
                _symbols.Add (script._sMethod, out script._idSymbol); 
            // get the header
            CfgGrammar.CfgSerializedHeader header = BuildHeader (sortedStates, cBasePath, unchecked ((UInt16) semanticInterpretationGlobals), out cArcs, out pWeights);
            streamBuffer.WriteStream (header);
            //  For the string blobs, we must explicitly report I/O error since the blobs don't 
            //  use the error log facility. 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pszWords); 
            streamBuffer.WriteArrayChar (_words.SerializeData (), _words.SerializeSize ());

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pszSymbols);
            streamBuffer.WriteArrayChar (_symbols.SerializeData (), _symbols.SerializeSize ()); 

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pRules); 
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules) 
                rule.Serialize (streamBuffer); 

            if (cBasePath > 0)
                streamBuffer.WriteArrayChar (_basePath.ToCharArray (), _basePath.Length);
                // Add a zero to be compatible with SAPI 5 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (_basePath.Length + 1 == cBasePath);
                streamBuffer.WriteArrayChar (_achZero, 1); 

                // Zero-pad to align following structures
                streamBuffer.WriteArray (_abZero3, cBasePath * Helpers._sizeOfChar & 3);

            //  Write a dummy 0 index state entry 
            CfgArc dummyArc = new CfgArc (); 

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pArcs);
            streamBuffer.WriteStream (dummyArc);
            int ulWeightOffset = 1;
            uint arcOffset = 1; 
            bool semanticInterpretation = (GrammarOptions & GrammarOptions.MssV1) == GrammarOptions.MssV1;
            foreach (State state in sortedStates) 
                state.SerializeStateEntries (streamBuffer, semanticInterpretation, pWeights, ref arcOffset, ref ulWeightOffset);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pWeights);
            if (_fNeedWeightTable) 
                streamBuffer.WriteArray (pWeights, cArcs);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.tags);
            if (!semanticInterpretation)
                foreach (State state in sortedStates)
                    state.SetEndArcIndexForTags (); 

            // Remove the orphaned arcs
            // This could happen in the case of a  
            for (int i = _tags.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
                // When arc are created the index is set to zero. This value changes during serialization 
                // if an arc references it 
                if (_tags [i]._cfgTag.ArcIndex == 0)
                    _tags.RemoveAt (i);
            // Sort the _tags array by ArcIndex 
            _tags.Sort ();
            // Write the _tags array 
            foreach (Tag tag in _tags)
                tag.Serialize (streamBuffer);

#if !NO_STG 
            // Write the script references and the IL write after the header so getting it for the grammar
            // Does not require a seek to the end of the file 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (header.pScripts == 0 || streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pScripts); 
            foreach (ScriptRef script in _scriptRefs)
                script.Serialize (_symbols, streamBuffer);

            // Write the assembly bits 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (header.pIL == 0 || streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pIL);
            if (_il != null && _il.Length > 0) 
                streamBuffer.Stream.Write (_il, 0, _il.Length);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (header.pPDB == 0 || streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pPDB);
            if (_pdb != null && _pdb.Length > 0)
                streamBuffer.Stream.Write (_pdb, 0, _pdb.Length);
        /// Description:
        /// Combine the current data in a grammar with one comming from a CFG
        internal static Backend CombineGrammar (string ruleName, Backend org, Backend extra)

            Backend be = new Backend ();
            be._fLoadedFromBinary = true; 
            be._fNeedWeightTable = org._fNeedWeightTable;
            be._grammarMode = org._grammarMode; 
            be._grammarOptions = org._grammarOptions; 

            // Hash source state to destination state 
            Dictionary srcToDestHash = new Dictionary ();

            // Find the rule
            foreach (Rule orgRule in org._rules) 
                if (orgRule.Name == ruleName) 
                    be.CloneSubGraph (orgRule, org, extra, srcToDestHash, true);
            return be;
        internal State CreateNewState (Rule rule)
            return _states.CreateNewState (rule); 
        internal void DeleteState (State state)
            _states.DeleteState (state);

        internal void MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState (State from, State to) 
            _states.MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState (from, to);

        internal void MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState (State from, State to)
            _states.MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState (from, to); 
        /// Tries to find the rule's initial state handle. If both a name and an id
        /// are provided, then both have to match in order for this call to succeed. 
        /// If the rule doesn't already exist then we define it if fCreateIfNotExists,
        /// otherwise we return an error ().
        ///     - pszRuleName   name of rule to find/define     (null: don't care) 
        ///     - ruleId      id of rule to find/define       (0: don't care)
        ///     - dwAttribute   rule attribute for defining the rule 
        ///     - fCreateIfNotExists    creates the rule using name, id, and attributes 
        ///                             in case the rule doesn't already exist
        /// throws:
        ///       SPERR_RULE_NOT_FOUND        -- no rule found and we don't create a new one
        ///       SPERR_RULE_NAME_ID_CONFLICT -- rule name and id don't match 
        internal Rule CreateRule (string name, SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES attributes) 
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::CreateRule");


            if (attributes != 0 && ((attributes & ~allFlags) != 0 || ((attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Import) != 0 && (attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Export) != 0))) 
                throw new ArgumentException ("attributes");

            // PS: 52277 - SAPI does not properly handle a rule marked as Import and TopLevel/Active/Root.
            // - To maintain maximal backwards compatibility, if a rule is marked as Import, we will unmark TopLevel/Active/Root.
            // - This changes the behavior when application tries to activate this rule.  However, given that it is already 
            //   broken/fragile, we believe it is better to change the behavior.
            if ((attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Import) != 0 && ((attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_TopLevel) != 0 || (attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Active) != 0 || (attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Root) != 0)) 
                //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("Warning: A rule cannot be marked as both Import and TopLevel/Active/Root.\n" + "         TopLevel/Active/Root have been disabled.");

            if ((attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Import) != 0 && (name [0] == '\0'))
                LogError (name, SRID.InvalidImport);
            if (_fLoadedFromBinary)
                // Scan all non-dynamic names and prevent a duplicate...
                foreach (Rule r in _rules)
                    string wpszName = _symbols [r._cfgRule._nameOffset]; 

                    if (!r._cfgRule.Dynamic && name == wpszName) 
                        LogError (name, SRID.DuplicatedRuleName);

            int idString; 
            int cImportedRule = 0;
            Rule rule = new Rule (this, name, _symbols.Add (name, out idString), attributes, _ruleIndex, 0, _grammarOptions & GrammarOptions.TagFormat, ref cImportedRule); 
            rule._iSerialize2 = _ruleIndex++;
            if ((attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Root) != 0)
                if (_rootRule != null)
                    //We already have a root rule, return error code.
                    LogError (name, SRID.RootRuleAlreadyDefined); 
                    _rootRule = rule;
            // Add rule to RuleListByName and RuleListByID hash tables.
            if (rule._cfgRule._nameOffset != 0) 
                _nameOffsetRules.Add (rule._cfgRule._nameOffset, rule);

            //  It is important to insert this at the tail for dynamic rules to
            //  retain their slot number. 
            _rules.Add (rule); 
            _rules.Sort (); 

            return rule; 

        /// Internal method for finding rule in rule list 
        internal Rule FindRule (string sRule)
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::FindRule");
            Rule rule = null;

            if (_nameOffsetRules.Count > 0) 
                // Find rule corresponding to name symbol offset corresponding to the RuleName 
                int iWord = _symbols.Find (sRule); 

                if (iWord > 0) 
                    int dwSymbolOffset = _symbols.OffsetFromId (iWord);

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (dwSymbolOffset == 0 || _symbols [iWord] == sRule); 

                    rule = dwSymbolOffset > 0 && _nameOffsetRules.ContainsKey (dwSymbolOffset) ? _nameOffsetRules [dwSymbolOffset] : null; 
            if (rule != null)
                string sRuleFound = rule.Name;
                // at least one of the 2 arguments matched
                // names either match or they are both null! 
                if (!((string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRule) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRule) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRuleFound) && sRuleFound == sRule)))) 
                    LogError (sRule, SRID.RuleNameIdConflict); 

            return rule != null ? rule : null; 
        /// Adds a word transition from hFromState to hToState. If hToState == null
        /// then the arc will be to the (implicit) terminal state. If psz == null then 
        /// we add an epsilon transition. Properties are pushed back to the
        /// first un-ambiguous arc in case we can share a common initial state path.
        /// The weight will be placed on the first arc (if there exists an arc with
        /// the same word but different weight we will create a new arc). 
        internal Arc WordTransition (string sWord, float flWeight, int requiredConfidence) 
            return CreateTransition (sWord, flWeight, requiredConfidence);

        internal Arc SubsetTransition (string text, MatchMode matchMode)
            // Performs white space normalization in place 
            text = NormalizeTokenWhiteSpace (text);
            return new Arc (text, null, _words, 1.0f, CfgGrammar.SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE, null, matchMode, ref _fNeedWeightTable); 
        /// Adds a rule (reference) transition from hFromState to hToState.
        /// hRule can also be one of these special transition handles:
        ///     SPRULETRANS_WILDCARD   :    "WILDCARD" transition 
        ///     SPRULETRANS_DICTATION  :    single word from dictation
        ///     SPRULETRANS_TEXTBUFFER :    "TEXTBUFFER" transition 
        /// must be initial state of rule
        /// Rule calling the ruleref 
        internal Arc RuleTransition (Rule rule, Rule parentRule, float flWeight)
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::AddRuleTransition"); 
            Rule ruleToTransitionTo = null;
            if (flWeight < 0.0f) 
                XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedFormat); 

            Rule specialRuleTrans = null;
            if (rule == CfgGrammar.SPRULETRANS_WILDCARD || rule == CfgGrammar.SPRULETRANS_DICTATION || rule == CfgGrammar.SPRULETRANS_TEXTBUFFER)
                specialRuleTrans = rule; 
                ruleToTransitionTo = rule;
            bool fNeedWeightTable = false;
            Arc arc = new Arc (null, ruleToTransitionTo, _words, flWeight, '\0', specialRuleTrans, MatchMode.AllWords, ref fNeedWeightTable); 
            AddArc (arc);
            if (ruleToTransitionTo != null && parentRule != null)
                ruleToTransitionTo._listRules.Insert (0, parentRule);

            return arc; 

        /// Adds a word transition from hFromState to hToState. If hToState == null
        /// then the arc will be to the (implicit) terminal state. If psz == null then
        /// we add an epsilon transition. Properties are pushed back to the
        /// first un-ambiguous arc in case we can share a common initial state path. 
        /// The weight will be placed on the first arc (if there exists an arc with
        /// the same word but different weight we will create a new arc). 
        internal Arc EpsilonTransition (float flWeight)
            return CreateTransition (null, flWeight, CfgGrammar.SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE);

        internal void AddSemanticInterpretationTag (Arc arc, CfgGrammar.CfgProperty propertyInfo) 
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::AddSemanticTag");
            Tag tag = new Tag (this, propertyInfo);
            _tags.Add (tag);

            arc.AddStartTag (tag); 
            arc.AddEndTag (tag);
        internal void AddPropertyTag (Arc start, Arc end, CfgGrammar.CfgProperty propertyInfo)
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::AddSemanticTag");

            Tag tag = new Tag (this, propertyInfo);
            _tags.Add (tag); 

            start.AddStartTag (tag); 
            end.AddEndTag (tag); 
        /// Traverse the graph starting from SrcStartState, cloning each state as we go along,
        /// cloning each transition except ones originating from SrcEndState, and return
        /// the cloned state corresponding to SrcEndState. 
        internal State CloneSubGraph (State srcFromState, State srcEndState, State destFromState)
            Dictionary SrcToDestHash = new Dictionary ();    // Hash source state to destination state
            Stack CloneStack = new Stack ();       // States to process 
            Dictionary tags = new Dictionary ();
            // Add initial state to CloneStack and SrcToDestHash. 
            SrcToDestHash.Add (srcFromState, destFromState);
            CloneStack.Push (srcFromState); 

            // While there are still states on the CloneStack (ToDo collection)
            while (CloneStack.Count > 0)
                srcFromState = CloneStack.Pop ();
                destFromState = SrcToDestHash [srcFromState]; 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (destFromState != null); 

                // For each transition from srcFromState (except SrcEndState) 
                foreach (Arc arc in srcFromState.OutArcs)
                    // - Lookup the DestToState corresponding to SrcToState
                    State srcToState = arc.End; 
                    State destToState = null;
                    if (srcToState != null) 
                        // - If not found, clone a new DestToState, add SrcToState.DestToState to SrcToDestHash, and add SrcToState to CloneStack. 
                        if (!SrcToDestHash.ContainsKey (srcToState))
                            destToState = CreateNewState (srcToState.Rule);
                            SrcToDestHash.Add (srcToState, destToState); 
                            CloneStack.Push (srcToState);
                            destToState = SrcToDestHash [srcToState]; ; 

                    // - Clone the transition from SrcFromState.SrcToState at DestFromState.DestToState 
                    // -- Clone Arc
                    Arc newArc = new Arc (arc, destFromState, destToState); 
                    AddArc (newArc); 

                    // -- Clone SemanticTag 
                    newArc.CloneTags (arc, _tags, tags, null);

                    // -- Add Arc
                    newArc.ConnectStates (); 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (tags.Count == 0);
            return SrcToDestHash [srcEndState]; 

        /// Traverse the graph starting from SrcStartState, cloning each state as we go along, 
        /// cloning each transition except ones originating from SrcEndState, and return
        /// the cloned state corresponding to SrcEndState. 
        internal void CloneSubGraph (Rule rule, Backend org, Backend extra, Dictionary srcToDestHash, bool fromOrg)
            Backend beSrc = fromOrg ? org : extra; 

            List CloneStack = new List ();       // States to process 
            Dictionary tags = new Dictionary ();

            // Push all the state for the top level rule
            CloneState (rule._firstState, CloneStack, srcToDestHash); 

            // While there are still states on the CloneStack (ToDo collection) 
            while (CloneStack.Count > 0) 
                State srcFromState = CloneStack [0]; 
                CloneStack.RemoveAt (0);
                State destFromState = srcToDestHash [srcFromState];
                // For each transition from srcFromState (except SrcEndState)
                foreach (Arc arc in srcFromState.OutArcs) 
                    // - Lookup the DestToState corresponding to SrcToState 
                    State srcToState = arc.End; 
                    State destToState = null;
                    if (srcToState != null)
                        if (!srcToDestHash.ContainsKey (srcToState))
                            // - If not found, then it is a new rule, just clown it.
                            CloneState (srcToState, CloneStack, srcToDestHash); 
                        destToState = srcToDestHash [srcToState];

                    // - Clone the transition from SrcFromState.SrcToState at DestFromState.DestToState
                    // -- Clone Arc
                    int newWordId = arc.WordId; 
                    if (beSrc != null && arc.WordId > 0)
                        _words.Add (beSrc.Words [arc.WordId], out newWordId); 
                    Arc newArc = new Arc (arc, destFromState, destToState, newWordId);

                    // -- Clone SemanticTag
                    newArc.CloneTags (arc, _tags, tags, this); 

                    // For rule ref push the first state of the ruleref 
                    if (arc.RuleRef != null) 
                        string ruleName; 

                        // Check for DYNAMIC grammars
                        if (arc.RuleRef.Name.IndexOf ("URL:DYNAMIC#", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                            ruleName = arc.RuleRef.Name.Substring (12);
                            if (fromOrg == true && FindInRules (ruleName) == null) 
                                Rule ruleExtra = extra.FindInRules (ruleName);
                                if (ruleExtra == null) 
                                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.DynamicRuleNotFound, ruleName);
                                CloneSubGraph (ruleExtra, org, extra, srcToDestHash, false); 
                        else if (arc.RuleRef.Name.IndexOf ("URL:STATIC#", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 
                            ruleName = arc.RuleRef.Name.Substring (11); 
                            if (fromOrg == false && FindInRules (ruleName) == null)
                                Rule ruleOrg = org.FindInRules (ruleName);
                                if (ruleOrg == null) 
                                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.DynamicRuleNotFound, ruleName); 
                                CloneSubGraph (ruleOrg, org, extra, srcToDestHash, true);
                            ruleName = arc.RuleRef.Name; 
                            Rule ruleExtra = org.FindInRules (ruleName);
                            if (fromOrg == false) 
                                CloneSubGraph (arc.RuleRef, org, extra, srcToDestHash, true);
                        Rule refRule = FindInRules (ruleName);
                        if (refRule == null)
                            refRule = CloneState (arc.RuleRef._firstState, CloneStack, srcToDestHash);
                        newArc.RuleRef = refRule; 
                    // -- Add Arc
                    newArc.ConnectStates ();
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (tags.Count == 0);
        /// Delete disconnected subgraph starting at hState. 
        /// Traverse the graph starting from SrcStartState, and delete each state as we go along.
        internal void DeleteSubGraph (State state) 
            // Add initial state to DeleteStack. 
            Stack stateToProcess = new Stack ();           // States to delete 
            Collection arcsToDelete = new Collection ();
            Collection statesToDelete = new Collection (); 
            stateToProcess.Push (state);

            // While there are still states on the listDelete (ToDo collection)
            while (stateToProcess.Count > 0) 
                // For each transition from state, 
                state = stateToProcess.Pop (); 
                statesToDelete.Add (state);
                arcsToDelete.Clear (); 

                // Accumulate the arcs to delete and add new states to the stack of states to process
                foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs)
                    // Add EndState to listDelete, if unique
                    State endState = arc.End; 
                    // Add this state to the list of states to delete
                    if (endState != null && !stateToProcess.Contains (endState) && !statesToDelete.Contains (endState)) 
                        stateToProcess.Push (endState);
                    arcsToDelete.Add (arc); 
                // Clear up the arcs 
                foreach (Arc arc in arcsToDelete) 
                    arc.Start = arc.End = null; 

            foreach (State stateToDelete in statesToDelete) 
                // Delete state and remove from listDelete 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (stateToDelete != null); 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (stateToDelete.InArcs.IsEmpty);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (stateToDelete.OutArcs.IsEmpty); 
                DeleteState (stateToDelete);
        /// Modify the placeholder rule attributes after it has been created. 
        /// This is only safe to use in the context of SRGSGrammarCompiler. 
        internal void SetRuleAttributes (Rule rule, SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES dwAttributes)
            // Check if this is the Root rule
            if ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Root) != 0) 
                if (_rootRule != null)
                    //We already have a root rule, return error code.
                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RootRuleAlreadyDefined);
                    _rootRule = rule; 
            rule._cfgRule.TopLevel = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_TopLevel) != 0);
            rule._cfgRule.DefaultActive = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Active) != 0);
            rule._cfgRule.PropRule = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Interpreter) != 0);
            rule._cfgRule.Export = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Export) != 0); 
            rule._cfgRule.Dynamic = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Dynamic) != 0);
            rule._cfgRule.Import = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Import) != 0); 

        /// Set the path from which relative grammar imports are calculated. As specified by xml:base / meta base
        /// Null or empty string will clear any existing base path.
        internal void SetBasePath (string sBasePath)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sBasePath)) 
                // Validate base path. 
                Uri uri = new Uri (sBasePath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                //Url Canonicalized
                _basePath = uri.ToString (); 
                _basePath = null;

        /// Perform white space normalization in place. 
        /// - Trim leading/trailing white spaces.
        /// - Collapse white space sequences to a single ' '. 
        internal static string NormalizeTokenWhiteSpace (string sToken)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sToken));
            // Trim leading and ending white spaces
            sToken = sToken.Trim (Helpers._achTrimChars); 
            // Easy out if there are no consecutive double white spaces
            if (sToken.IndexOf ("  ", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1) 
                return sToken;
            // Normalize internal spaces
            char [] achSrc = sToken.ToCharArray (); 
            int iDest = 0; 

            for (int i = 0; i < achSrc.Length; ) 
                // Collapsed multiple white spaces into ' '
                if (achSrc [i] == ' ')
                    } while (achSrc [i] == ' ');
                    achSrc [iDest++] = ' ';
                // Copy the non-white space character
                achSrc [iDest++] = achSrc [i++]; 

            return new string (achSrc, 0, iDest); 

        // Internal Property 

        #region Internal Property

        internal StringBlob Words 
                return this._words;

        internal StringBlob Symbols
                return this._symbols; 


        // Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods

        /// Description: 
        /// Load compiled grammar data. This overwrites any existing data in the grammar
        /// We end up with containers of words, symbols, rules, arcs, states and state handles, etc. 
#if true
        internal void InitFromBinaryGrammar (StreamMarshaler streamHelper)
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::InitFromBinaryGrammar"); 
            CfgGrammar.CfgHeader header = CfgGrammar.ConvertCfgHeader (streamHelper);
            _words = header.pszWords; 
            _symbols = header.pszSymbols;
            _grammarOptions = header.GrammarOptions;

            // Build up the internal representation 
            State [] apStateTable = new State [header.arcs.Length]; 
            SortedDictionary ruleFirstArcs = new SortedDictionary (); 

            // Initialize the rules

            int previousCfgLastRules = _rules.Count; 

            BuildRulesFromBinaryGrammar (header, apStateTable, ruleFirstArcs, previousCfgLastRules); 
            //  Initialize the arcs 
            Arc [] apArcTable = new Arc [header.arcs.Length];
            bool fLastArcNull = true;
            CfgArc pLastArc = new CfgArc (); 
            State currentState = null;
            IEnumerator> ieFirstArcs = ruleFirstArcs.GetEnumerator (); 
            // If no rules, then we have no arcs
            if (ieFirstArcs.MoveNext ()) 
                KeyValuePair kvFirstArc = ieFirstArcs.Current;
                Rule ruleCur = kvFirstArc.Value;
                //  We repersist the static AND dynamic parts for now. This allows the grammar to be queried
                //  with the automation interfaces 
                for (int k = 1; k < header.arcs.Length; k++) 
                    CfgArc arc = header.arcs [k]; 

                    // Reset the Transition index based on the compbined stringblobs
                    if (arc.RuleRef)
                        // for a ruleref offset the rule index
                        ruleCur._listRules.Add (_rules [(int) arc.TransitionIndex]); 

                    if (kvFirstArc.Key == k) 
                        // we are entering a new rule now
                        ruleCur = kvFirstArc.Value;
                        // Reset to zero once we have read the last rule.
                        if (ieFirstArcs.MoveNext ()) 
                            kvFirstArc = ieFirstArcs.Current;

                    // new currentState?
                    if (fLastArcNull || pLastArc.LastArc) 
                        if (apStateTable [k] == null) 
                            uint hNewState = CfgGrammar.NextHandle;
                            apStateTable [k] = new State (ruleCur, hNewState, k);
                            AddState (apStateTable [k]);
                        currentState = apStateTable [k];
                    // now get the arc 
                    int iNextArc = (int) (arc.NextStartArcIndex);
                    Arc newArc;
                    State targetState = null; 

                    if (currentState != null && iNextArc != 0) 
                        if (apStateTable [iNextArc] == null)
                            uint hNewState = CfgGrammar.NextHandle;

                            apStateTable [iNextArc] = new State (ruleCur, hNewState, iNextArc);
                            AddState (apStateTable [iNextArc]); 
                        targetState = apStateTable [iNextArc]; 
                    float flWeight = header.weights != null ? header.weights [k] : CfgGrammar.DEFAULT_WEIGHT;

                    // determine properties of the arc now ...
                    if (arc.RuleRef) 
                        Rule ruleToTransitionTo = _rules [(int) arc.TransitionIndex]; 
                        newArc = new Arc (null, ruleToTransitionTo, _words, flWeight, CfgGrammar.SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE, null, MatchMode.AllWords, ref _fNeedWeightTable);
                        int transitionIndex = (int) arc.TransitionIndex;
                        int ulSpecialTransitionIndex = (int) ((transitionIndex == CfgGrammar.SPWILDCARDTRANSITION || transitionIndex == CfgGrammar.SPDICTATIONTRANSITION || transitionIndex == CfgGrammar.SPTEXTBUFFERTRANSITION) ? transitionIndex : 0); 
                        newArc = new Arc ((ulSpecialTransitionIndex != 0) ? 0 : (int) arc.TransitionIndex, flWeight, arc.LowConfRequired ? CfgGrammar.SP_LOW_CONFIDENCE : arc.HighConfRequired ? CfgGrammar.SP_HIGH_CONFIDENCE : CfgGrammar.SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE, ulSpecialTransitionIndex, MatchMode.AllWords, ref _fNeedWeightTable);
                    newArc.Start = currentState; 
                    newArc.End = targetState;
                    AddArc (newArc);
                    apArcTable [k] = newArc;
                    fLastArcNull = false;
                    pLastArc = arc; 
            //  Initialize the Semantics tags
            for (int k = 1, iCurTag = 0; k < header.arcs.Length; k++) 
                CfgArc arc = header.arcs [k];

                if (arc.HasSemanticTag) 
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (header.tags [iCurTag].StartArcIndex == k); 
                    while (iCurTag < header.tags.Length && header.tags [iCurTag].StartArcIndex == k)
                        // we should already point to the tag
                        CfgSemanticTag semTag = header.tags [iCurTag];

                        Tag tag = new Tag (this, semTag); 

                        _tags.Add (tag); 
                        apArcTable [tag._cfgTag.StartArcIndex].AddStartTag (tag); 
                        apArcTable [tag._cfgTag.EndArcIndex].AddEndTag (tag);
                        // If we have ms-properties than _nameOffset != overwise it is w3c tags.
                        if (semTag._nameOffset > 0)
                            tag._cfgTag._nameOffset = _symbols.OffsetFromId (_symbols.Find (_symbols.FromOffset (semTag._nameOffset))); 
                            // The offset of the JScrip expression is stored in the value field.
                            tag._cfgTag._valueOffset = _symbols.OffsetFromId (_symbols.Find (_symbols.FromOffset (semTag._valueOffset))); 
            _fNeedWeightTable = true;
            if (header.BasePath != null) 
                SetBasePath (header.BasePath);
            _guid = header.GrammarGUID;
            _langId = header.langId; 
            _grammarMode = header.GrammarMode; 

            _fLoadedFromBinary = true; 
            // Save Last ArcIndex

            DumpGrammarStatistics ("InitFromBinaryGrammar"); 
        private Arc CreateTransition (string sWord, float flWeight, int requiredConfidence)
            // epsilon transition for empty words
            return AddSingleWordTransition (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sWord) ? sWord : null, flWeight, requiredConfidence);
        private CfgGrammar.CfgSerializedHeader BuildHeader (List sortedStates, int cBasePath, UInt16 iSemanticGlobals, out int cArcs, out float [] pWeights)
            cArcs = 1; // Start with offset one! (0 indicates dead state). 
            pWeights = null;
            int cSemanticTags = 0;
            int cLargest = 0;

            foreach (State state in sortedStates) 
                // For new states SerializeId is INFINITE so we set it correctly here. 
                // For existing states we preserve the index from loading, 
                //  unless new states have been added in.
                state.SerializeId = cArcs; 

                int thisState = state.NumArcs;

#if DEBUG 
                if (thisState == 0 && state.InArcs.IsEmpty && state.Rule._cStates > 1)
                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.StateWithNoArcs); 
                cArcs += thisState;
                if (cLargest < thisState)
                    cLargest = thisState; 
                cSemanticTags += state.NumSemanticTags; 

            CfgGrammar.CfgSerializedHeader header = new CfgGrammar.CfgSerializedHeader (); 
            uint ulOffset = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgGrammar.CfgSerializedHeader));

            header.FormatId = CfgGrammar._SPGDF_ContextFree;
            _guid = Guid.NewGuid (); 
            header.GrammarGUID = _guid;
            header.LangID = (UInt16) _langId; 
            header.pszSemanticInterpretationGlobals = iSemanticGlobals; 
            header.cArcsInLargestState = cLargest;
            header.cchWords = _words.StringSize ();
            header.cWords = _words.Count;

            // For compat with SAPI 5.x add one to cWords if there's more than one word. 
            // The CFGEngine code assumes cWords includes the initial empty-string word.
            // See PS 11491 and 61982. 
            if (header.cWords > 0) 

            header.pszWords = ulOffset;
            ulOffset += (uint) _words.SerializeSize () * Helpers._sizeOfChar; 
            header.cchSymbols = _symbols.StringSize ();
            header.pszSymbols = ulOffset; 
            ulOffset += (uint) _symbols.SerializeSize () * Helpers._sizeOfChar; 
            header.cRules = _rules.Count;
            header.pRules = ulOffset; 
            ulOffset += (uint) (_rules.Count * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgRule)));
            header.cBasePath = cBasePath > 0 ? ulOffset : 0; //If there is no base path offset is set to zero
            ulOffset += (uint) (((int) cBasePath * Helpers._sizeOfChar + 3) & ~3);
            header.cArcs = cArcs; 
            header.pArcs = ulOffset;
            ulOffset += (uint) (cArcs * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgArc))); 
            if (_fNeedWeightTable) 
                header.pWeights = ulOffset; 
                ulOffset += (uint) (cArcs * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (float)));
                pWeights = new float [cArcs];
                pWeights [0] = 0.0f;
                header.pWeights = 0; 
                ulOffset += 0;

            if (_rootRule != null)
                //We have a root rule 
                header.ulRootRuleIndex = (uint) _rootRule._iSerialize;
                //-1 means there is no root rule 
                header.ulRootRuleIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;

            header.GrammarOptions = _grammarOptions | ((_alphabet == AlphabetType.Sapi) ? 0 : GrammarOptions.IpaPhoneme); 
#if !NO_STG
            header.GrammarOptions |= _scriptRefs.Count > 0 ? GrammarOptions.STG | GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairSrgs : 0; 
            header.GrammarMode = (uint) _grammarMode;
            header.cTags = cSemanticTags; 
            header.tags = ulOffset;
            ulOffset += (uint) (cSemanticTags * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgSemanticTag)));
#if !NO_STG
            header.cScripts = _scriptRefs.Count; 
            header.pScripts = header.cScripts > 0 ? ulOffset : 0;
            ulOffset += (uint) (_scriptRefs.Count * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgScriptRef))); 
            header.cIL = _il != null ? _il.Length : 0; 
            header.pIL = header.cIL > 0 ? ulOffset : 0;
            ulOffset += (uint) (header.cIL * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (byte))); 
            header.cPDB = _pdb != null ? _pdb.Length : 0;
            header.pPDB = header.cPDB > 0 ? ulOffset : 0;
            ulOffset += (uint) (header.cPDB * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (byte)));
            header.ulTotalSerializedSize = ulOffset;
            return header; 

        private CfgGrammar.CfgHeader BuildRulesFromBinaryGrammar (CfgGrammar.CfgHeader header, State [] apStateTable, SortedDictionary ruleFirstArcs, int previousCfgLastRules) 
            for (int i = 0; i < header.rules.Length; i++)
                // Check if the rule does not exist already 
                CfgRule cfgRule = header.rules [i];
                int firstArc = (int) cfgRule.FirstArcIndex; 
                cfgRule._nameOffset = _symbols.OffsetFromId (_symbols.Find (header.pszSymbols.FromOffset (cfgRule._nameOffset)));
                Rule rule = new Rule (this, _symbols.FromOffset (cfgRule._nameOffset), cfgRule, i + previousCfgLastRules, _grammarOptions & GrammarOptions.TagFormat, ref _cImportedRules);

                rule._firstState = _states.CreateNewState (rule);
                _rules.Add (rule); 

                // Add the rule to the list of firstArc/rule 
                if (firstArc > 0) 
                    ruleFirstArcs.Add ((int) cfgRule.FirstArcIndex, rule); 

                rule._fStaticRule = (cfgRule.Dynamic) ? false : true;
                rule._cfgRule.DirtyRule = false; 

                // by default loaded static rules have an exist 
                rule._fHasExitPath = (rule._fStaticRule) ? true : false; 

                // or they wouldn't be there in the first place 
                if (firstArc != 0)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (apStateTable [firstArc] == null);
                    rule._firstState.SerializeId = (int) cfgRule.FirstArcIndex; 
                    apStateTable [firstArc] = rule._firstState;
                if (rule._cfgRule.HasResources)
                    throw new NotImplementedException ();

                if (header.ulRootRuleIndex == i) 
                    _rootRule = rule; 

                // Add rule to RuleListByName and RuleListByID hash tables. 
                if (rule._cfgRule._nameOffset != 0)
                    // Look for the rule in the original CFG and map it in the combined string blobs
                    _nameOffsetRules.Add (rule._cfgRule._nameOffset, rule); 
            return header; 

        private Rule CloneState (State srcToState, List CloneStack, Dictionary srcToDestHash)
            bool newRule = false; 
            int posDynamic = srcToState.Rule.Name.IndexOf ("URL:DYNAMIC#", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            string ruleName = posDynamic != 0 ? srcToState.Rule.Name : srcToState.Rule.Name.Substring (12); 
            Rule dstRule = FindInRules (ruleName); 

            // Clone this rule into this GrammarBuilder if it does not exist yet 
            if (dstRule == null)
                dstRule = srcToState.Rule.Clone (_symbols, ruleName);
                _rules.Add (dstRule); 
                newRule = true;
            // Should not exist yet
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (!srcToDestHash.ContainsKey (srcToState)); 

            // push all the states for that rule
            State newState = CreateNewState (dstRule);
            srcToDestHash.Add (srcToState, newState); 
            CloneStack.Add (srcToState);
            if (newRule) 
                dstRule._firstState = newState; 

            return dstRule;

        private Rule FindInRules (string ruleName) 
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules)
                if (rule.Name == ruleName)
                    return rule;
            return null; 

        private static void LogError (string rule, SRID srid, params object [] args) 
            string sError = SR.Get (srid, args);
            throw new FormatException (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Rule=\"{0}\" - ", rule) + sError);

        /// Connect arc to the state graph. 
        private static 
 void AddArc (Arc arc) 
            arc.Backend = this; 

        private void ValidateAndTagRules ()
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::ValidateAndTagRules");

            bool fAtLeastOneRule = false; 
            int ulIndex = 0;
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules) 
                // set _fHasExitPath = true for empty dynamic grammars and imported rules 
                // Clear this for the next loop through the rules....
                rule._fHasExitPath |= (rule._cfgRule.Dynamic | rule._cfgRule.Import) ? true : false;
                rule._iSerialize = ulIndex++;
                fAtLeastOneRule |= (rule._cfgRule.Dynamic || rule._cfgRule.TopLevel || rule._cfgRule.Export); 
                rule.Validate ();
#if DEBUG 
            //  Now make sure that all rules have an exit path. 
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules)
                _ulRecursiveDepth = 0; 

                //The following function will use recursive function that might change _ulRecursiveDepth 
                rule.CheckForExitPath (ref _ulRecursiveDepth); 
            //  Check each exported rule if it has a dynamic rule in its "scope"
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules) 
                if (rule._cfgRule.Dynamic) 
                    rule._cfgRule.HasDynamicRef = true;
                    _ulRecursiveDepth = 0; 
                    rule.PopulateDynamicRef (ref _ulRecursiveDepth);

        private void CheckLeftRecursion (List states) 
            bool fReachedEndState;
            foreach (State state in states) 
                state.CheckLeftRecursion (out fReachedEndState);

        private Arc AddSingleWordTransition (string s, float flWeight, int requiredConfidence)
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::CGramComp::AddSingleWordTransition");
            Arc arc = new Arc (s, null, _words, flWeight, requiredConfidence, null, MatchMode.AllWords, ref _fNeedWeightTable); 
            AddArc (arc);
            return arc; 

        internal void AddState (State state)
            _states.Add (state);
        internal void DumpStateTable (string sTitle)
            List states = new List (_states); 

            DumpStateTable (sTitle, states.ToArray ()); 

        internal void DumpStateTable (string sTitle, State [] states) 
            CfgGrammar.TraceInformation2 (sTitle);

            int iHandle2 = 0; 

            for (int iState = 0; iState < states.Length; iState++) 
                State state = states [iState];
                if (state == null) 
                //string s = state.OutArcs.Count > 0 ? state.OutArcs.First.WordId > 0 ? _words [state.OutArcs.First.WordId] : string.Empty : string.Empty;
                string s = _symbols.FromOffset (state.Rule._cfgRule._nameOffset); 
                CfgGrammar.TraceInformation3 (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}: {1} {2} {3} '", iHandle2, state.Id, state.SerializeId, s));
                foreach (Arc arc2 in state.OutArcs)
                    int iWord = arc2.WordId;
                    string sWord = arc2.RuleRef != null ? _symbols.FromOffset (arc2.RuleRef._cfgRule._nameOffset) : iWord > 0 ? _words [iWord] : string.Empty; 

                    //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation3 (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1} [{2}]", (fFirst ? string.Empty : ", "), sWord, arc2.Id)); 
                    //if (arc2._tag != null) 
                    //    CfgGrammar.TraceInformation3 (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0}, {1}, {2})", _symbols.FromOffset (arc2._tag._cfgTag._valueOffset), arc2._tag._startArc.Id, arc2._tag._endArc.Id)); 

                CfgGrammar.TraceInformation2 ("'"); 
        internal void DumpStateMachine (TextWriter tw)
            tw.WriteLine ("Word Blobs");
            for (int i = 1; i < _words.Count; i++)
                tw.WriteLine ("  \"" + _words [i] + "\""); 
            tw.WriteLine ("\nSymbols Blobs"); 
            for (int i = 1; i < _symbols.Count; i++)
                tw.WriteLine ("  \"" + _symbols [i] + "\"");

            tw.WriteLine ("\nRules"); 
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules)
                tw.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "  \"{0}\" id: {1} flags: {2}", rule.Name, rule._cfgRule._id, rule._cfgRule._flag.ToString ("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); 
                tw.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "     States: {0}", rule._cStates));

            tw.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "\nStates:\n  Count: {0}", _states.Count));
            foreach (State state in _states)
                tw.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "  \"{0}\"", state.Rule.Name));

        /// Dump grammar statistics to debug window.  (Debug only)
        void DumpGrammarStatistics (string title)
            int iNumStates = 0; 
            int iNumArcs = 0;
            int iNumEpsilonArcs = 0; 
            int iMaxBranch = 0;
            int iNumProperties = 0;

            foreach (State state in _states) 
                int cArcs = 0;
                foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs)
                    if (arc.IsEpsilonTransition) 

                    //if (arc._tag != null) 
                    //    iNumProperties++;

                if (iMaxBranch < cArcs) 
                    iMaxBranch = cArcs; 

                iNumArcs += cArcs; 
            Console.WriteLine (title);
            Console.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}\n  NumStates      = {0}\n  NumArcs        = {1}\n  NumEpsilons    = {2}\n", iNumStates, iNumArcs, iNumEpsilonArcs));
            Console.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "  MaxBranch      = {0}\n" + "  NumProperties  = {1}\n", iMaxBranch, iNumProperties)); 


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        internal int LangId
                return _langId;
                _langId = value; 

        internal GrammarOptions GrammarOptions 
                return _grammarOptions;
                _grammarOptions = value;
        internal GrammarType GrammarMode 
                _grammarMode = value;

        internal AlphabetType Alphabet 
                _alphabet = value;
                return _alphabet;

        internal Collection GlobalTags 
                return _globalTags; 
                _globalTags = value;

#if !NO_STG
        internal Collection ScriptRefs
                _scriptRefs = value; 

        internal byte [] IL 
                _il = value;

        internal byte [] PDB
                _pdb = value; 

        // Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields

        private int _langId = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID; 

        private StringBlob _words; 
        private StringBlob _symbols;
        //private int _cResources;

        private Guid _guid;
        private bool _fNeedWeightTable;
        private Graph _states = new Graph (); 

        private List _rules = new List (); 

        private int _ruleIndex;

        private Dictionary _nameOffsetRules = new Dictionary (); 

        private Rule _rootRule; 
        private GrammarOptions _grammarOptions = GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairs; 
        private GrammarOptions _grammarOptions =  GrammarOptions.W3cV1;
        // It is used sequentially. So there is no thread issue
        private int _ulRecursiveDepth; 
        // Path from which relative grammar imports are calculated. As specified by xml:base
        private string _basePath; 

        // Collection of all SemanticTags in the grammar (sorted by StartArc)
        private List _tags = new List ();
        // Voice or DTMF
        private GrammarType _grammarMode = GrammarType.VoiceGrammar; 
        // Pron information is either IPA or SAPI
        private AlphabetType _alphabet = AlphabetType.Sapi; 

        // Global value for the semantic interpretation tags
        private Collection _globalTags = new Collection ();
        private static byte [] _abZero3 = new byte [] { 0, 0, 0 }; 
        private static char [] _achZero = new char [] { '\0' };
        private const uint SPGF_RESET_DIRTY_FLAG = 0x80000000;

        private int _cImportedRules; 

#if !NO_STG 
        // List of cd /reference Rule->rule 'on'method-> .Net method
        private Collection _scriptRefs = new Collection (); 

        // Grammar code assembly
        private byte [] _il;
        // Grammar debug symbols
        private byte [] _pdb; 

        private bool _fLoadedFromBinary; 



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description:
//		CFG Grammar backend 
// History:
//		5/1/2004	jeanfp		Created from the Sapi Managed code 

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser;
namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler
    /// Summary description for GrammarBackEnd.
    internal sealed partial class Backend
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors 

        internal Backend ()
            _words = new StringBlob (); 
            _symbols = new StringBlob ();
        internal Backend (StreamMarshaler streamHelper)
            InitFromBinaryGrammar (streamHelper);


        // Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods
        /// Optimizes the grammar network by removing the epsilon states and merging 
        /// duplicate transitions.  See GrammarOptimization.doc for details. 
        internal void Optimize () 
            //DumpGrammarStatistics ("GrammarOptimization: Pre optimize");
            _states.Optimize ();
            //DumpGrammarStatistics ("GrammarOptimization: Post optimize"); 

            // Most likely, there will be an arc with a weight != 1.  So we need a weight table. 
            _fNeedWeightTable = true; 
        /// Performs consistency checks of the grammar structure, creates the
        /// serialized format and either saves it to the stream provided by SetSaveOptions,
        /// or reloads it into the CFG engine. 
        internal void Commit (StreamMarshaler streamBuffer) 
            // For debugging purpose, assert if the position is not it is assumed it should be 
            // Keep the start position in the stream
            long startStreamPostion = streamBuffer.Stream.Position;

            // put all states State into a sorted array by rule parent index and serialized index 
            List sortedStates = new List (_states);
            // Release the memory for the original list of states 
            _states = null;
            sortedStates.Sort ();

            // Validate the grammar
            ValidateAndTagRules (); 
            CheckLeftRecursion (sortedStates);
            // Include null terminator 
            int cBasePath = _basePath != null ? _basePath.Length + 1 : 0;
            float [] pWeights; 
            int cArcs;

            // Add the top level semantic interpreatation tag
            // This should be set as the first symbol in the symbol string blog since it must hold on a 16 bits value. 
            int semanticInterpretationGlobals = 0;
            if (_globalTags.Count > 0) 
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
                foreach (string s in _globalTags) 
                    sb.Append (s);
                _symbols.Add (sb.ToString (), out semanticInterpretationGlobals); 
                semanticInterpretationGlobals = _symbols.OffsetFromId (semanticInterpretationGlobals);
                if (semanticInterpretationGlobals > UInt16.MaxValue) 
                    throw new OverflowException (SR.Get (SRID.TooManyRulesWithSemanticsGlobals));

#if !NO_STG
            // Write the method names as symbols 
            foreach (ScriptRef script in _scriptRefs)
                _symbols.Add (script._sMethod, out script._idSymbol); 
            // get the header
            CfgGrammar.CfgSerializedHeader header = BuildHeader (sortedStates, cBasePath, unchecked ((UInt16) semanticInterpretationGlobals), out cArcs, out pWeights);
            streamBuffer.WriteStream (header);
            //  For the string blobs, we must explicitly report I/O error since the blobs don't 
            //  use the error log facility. 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pszWords); 
            streamBuffer.WriteArrayChar (_words.SerializeData (), _words.SerializeSize ());

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pszSymbols);
            streamBuffer.WriteArrayChar (_symbols.SerializeData (), _symbols.SerializeSize ()); 

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pRules); 
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules) 
                rule.Serialize (streamBuffer); 

            if (cBasePath > 0)
                streamBuffer.WriteArrayChar (_basePath.ToCharArray (), _basePath.Length);
                // Add a zero to be compatible with SAPI 5 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (_basePath.Length + 1 == cBasePath);
                streamBuffer.WriteArrayChar (_achZero, 1); 

                // Zero-pad to align following structures
                streamBuffer.WriteArray (_abZero3, cBasePath * Helpers._sizeOfChar & 3);

            //  Write a dummy 0 index state entry 
            CfgArc dummyArc = new CfgArc (); 

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pArcs);
            streamBuffer.WriteStream (dummyArc);
            int ulWeightOffset = 1;
            uint arcOffset = 1; 
            bool semanticInterpretation = (GrammarOptions & GrammarOptions.MssV1) == GrammarOptions.MssV1;
            foreach (State state in sortedStates) 
                state.SerializeStateEntries (streamBuffer, semanticInterpretation, pWeights, ref arcOffset, ref ulWeightOffset);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pWeights);
            if (_fNeedWeightTable) 
                streamBuffer.WriteArray (pWeights, cArcs);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.tags);
            if (!semanticInterpretation)
                foreach (State state in sortedStates)
                    state.SetEndArcIndexForTags (); 

            // Remove the orphaned arcs
            // This could happen in the case of a  
            for (int i = _tags.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
                // When arc are created the index is set to zero. This value changes during serialization 
                // if an arc references it 
                if (_tags [i]._cfgTag.ArcIndex == 0)
                    _tags.RemoveAt (i);
            // Sort the _tags array by ArcIndex 
            _tags.Sort ();
            // Write the _tags array 
            foreach (Tag tag in _tags)
                tag.Serialize (streamBuffer);

#if !NO_STG 
            // Write the script references and the IL write after the header so getting it for the grammar
            // Does not require a seek to the end of the file 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (header.pScripts == 0 || streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pScripts); 
            foreach (ScriptRef script in _scriptRefs)
                script.Serialize (_symbols, streamBuffer);

            // Write the assembly bits 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (header.pIL == 0 || streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pIL);
            if (_il != null && _il.Length > 0) 
                streamBuffer.Stream.Write (_il, 0, _il.Length);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (header.pPDB == 0 || streamBuffer.Stream.Position - startStreamPostion == header.pPDB);
            if (_pdb != null && _pdb.Length > 0)
                streamBuffer.Stream.Write (_pdb, 0, _pdb.Length);
        /// Description:
        /// Combine the current data in a grammar with one comming from a CFG
        internal static Backend CombineGrammar (string ruleName, Backend org, Backend extra)

            Backend be = new Backend ();
            be._fLoadedFromBinary = true; 
            be._fNeedWeightTable = org._fNeedWeightTable;
            be._grammarMode = org._grammarMode; 
            be._grammarOptions = org._grammarOptions; 

            // Hash source state to destination state 
            Dictionary srcToDestHash = new Dictionary ();

            // Find the rule
            foreach (Rule orgRule in org._rules) 
                if (orgRule.Name == ruleName) 
                    be.CloneSubGraph (orgRule, org, extra, srcToDestHash, true);
            return be;
        internal State CreateNewState (Rule rule)
            return _states.CreateNewState (rule); 
        internal void DeleteState (State state)
            _states.DeleteState (state);

        internal void MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState (State from, State to) 
            _states.MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState (from, to);

        internal void MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState (State from, State to)
            _states.MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState (from, to); 
        /// Tries to find the rule's initial state handle. If both a name and an id
        /// are provided, then both have to match in order for this call to succeed. 
        /// If the rule doesn't already exist then we define it if fCreateIfNotExists,
        /// otherwise we return an error ().
        ///     - pszRuleName   name of rule to find/define     (null: don't care) 
        ///     - ruleId      id of rule to find/define       (0: don't care)
        ///     - dwAttribute   rule attribute for defining the rule 
        ///     - fCreateIfNotExists    creates the rule using name, id, and attributes 
        ///                             in case the rule doesn't already exist
        /// throws:
        ///       SPERR_RULE_NOT_FOUND        -- no rule found and we don't create a new one
        ///       SPERR_RULE_NAME_ID_CONFLICT -- rule name and id don't match 
        internal Rule CreateRule (string name, SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES attributes) 
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::CreateRule");


            if (attributes != 0 && ((attributes & ~allFlags) != 0 || ((attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Import) != 0 && (attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Export) != 0))) 
                throw new ArgumentException ("attributes");

            // PS: 52277 - SAPI does not properly handle a rule marked as Import and TopLevel/Active/Root.
            // - To maintain maximal backwards compatibility, if a rule is marked as Import, we will unmark TopLevel/Active/Root.
            // - This changes the behavior when application tries to activate this rule.  However, given that it is already 
            //   broken/fragile, we believe it is better to change the behavior.
            if ((attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Import) != 0 && ((attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_TopLevel) != 0 || (attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Active) != 0 || (attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Root) != 0)) 
                //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("Warning: A rule cannot be marked as both Import and TopLevel/Active/Root.\n" + "         TopLevel/Active/Root have been disabled.");

            if ((attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Import) != 0 && (name [0] == '\0'))
                LogError (name, SRID.InvalidImport);
            if (_fLoadedFromBinary)
                // Scan all non-dynamic names and prevent a duplicate...
                foreach (Rule r in _rules)
                    string wpszName = _symbols [r._cfgRule._nameOffset]; 

                    if (!r._cfgRule.Dynamic && name == wpszName) 
                        LogError (name, SRID.DuplicatedRuleName);

            int idString; 
            int cImportedRule = 0;
            Rule rule = new Rule (this, name, _symbols.Add (name, out idString), attributes, _ruleIndex, 0, _grammarOptions & GrammarOptions.TagFormat, ref cImportedRule); 
            rule._iSerialize2 = _ruleIndex++;
            if ((attributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Root) != 0)
                if (_rootRule != null)
                    //We already have a root rule, return error code.
                    LogError (name, SRID.RootRuleAlreadyDefined); 
                    _rootRule = rule;
            // Add rule to RuleListByName and RuleListByID hash tables.
            if (rule._cfgRule._nameOffset != 0) 
                _nameOffsetRules.Add (rule._cfgRule._nameOffset, rule);

            //  It is important to insert this at the tail for dynamic rules to
            //  retain their slot number. 
            _rules.Add (rule); 
            _rules.Sort (); 

            return rule; 

        /// Internal method for finding rule in rule list 
        internal Rule FindRule (string sRule)
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::FindRule");
            Rule rule = null;

            if (_nameOffsetRules.Count > 0) 
                // Find rule corresponding to name symbol offset corresponding to the RuleName 
                int iWord = _symbols.Find (sRule); 

                if (iWord > 0) 
                    int dwSymbolOffset = _symbols.OffsetFromId (iWord);

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (dwSymbolOffset == 0 || _symbols [iWord] == sRule); 

                    rule = dwSymbolOffset > 0 && _nameOffsetRules.ContainsKey (dwSymbolOffset) ? _nameOffsetRules [dwSymbolOffset] : null; 
            if (rule != null)
                string sRuleFound = rule.Name;
                // at least one of the 2 arguments matched
                // names either match or they are both null! 
                if (!((string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRule) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRule) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRuleFound) && sRuleFound == sRule)))) 
                    LogError (sRule, SRID.RuleNameIdConflict); 

            return rule != null ? rule : null; 
        /// Adds a word transition from hFromState to hToState. If hToState == null
        /// then the arc will be to the (implicit) terminal state. If psz == null then 
        /// we add an epsilon transition. Properties are pushed back to the
        /// first un-ambiguous arc in case we can share a common initial state path.
        /// The weight will be placed on the first arc (if there exists an arc with
        /// the same word but different weight we will create a new arc). 
        internal Arc WordTransition (string sWord, float flWeight, int requiredConfidence) 
            return CreateTransition (sWord, flWeight, requiredConfidence);

        internal Arc SubsetTransition (string text, MatchMode matchMode)
            // Performs white space normalization in place 
            text = NormalizeTokenWhiteSpace (text);
            return new Arc (text, null, _words, 1.0f, CfgGrammar.SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE, null, matchMode, ref _fNeedWeightTable); 
        /// Adds a rule (reference) transition from hFromState to hToState.
        /// hRule can also be one of these special transition handles:
        ///     SPRULETRANS_WILDCARD   :    "WILDCARD" transition 
        ///     SPRULETRANS_DICTATION  :    single word from dictation
        ///     SPRULETRANS_TEXTBUFFER :    "TEXTBUFFER" transition 
        /// must be initial state of rule
        /// Rule calling the ruleref 
        internal Arc RuleTransition (Rule rule, Rule parentRule, float flWeight)
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::AddRuleTransition"); 
            Rule ruleToTransitionTo = null;
            if (flWeight < 0.0f) 
                XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedFormat); 

            Rule specialRuleTrans = null;
            if (rule == CfgGrammar.SPRULETRANS_WILDCARD || rule == CfgGrammar.SPRULETRANS_DICTATION || rule == CfgGrammar.SPRULETRANS_TEXTBUFFER)
                specialRuleTrans = rule; 
                ruleToTransitionTo = rule;
            bool fNeedWeightTable = false;
            Arc arc = new Arc (null, ruleToTransitionTo, _words, flWeight, '\0', specialRuleTrans, MatchMode.AllWords, ref fNeedWeightTable); 
            AddArc (arc);
            if (ruleToTransitionTo != null && parentRule != null)
                ruleToTransitionTo._listRules.Insert (0, parentRule);

            return arc; 

        /// Adds a word transition from hFromState to hToState. If hToState == null
        /// then the arc will be to the (implicit) terminal state. If psz == null then
        /// we add an epsilon transition. Properties are pushed back to the
        /// first un-ambiguous arc in case we can share a common initial state path. 
        /// The weight will be placed on the first arc (if there exists an arc with
        /// the same word but different weight we will create a new arc). 
        internal Arc EpsilonTransition (float flWeight)
            return CreateTransition (null, flWeight, CfgGrammar.SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE);

        internal void AddSemanticInterpretationTag (Arc arc, CfgGrammar.CfgProperty propertyInfo) 
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::AddSemanticTag");
            Tag tag = new Tag (this, propertyInfo);
            _tags.Add (tag);

            arc.AddStartTag (tag); 
            arc.AddEndTag (tag);
        internal void AddPropertyTag (Arc start, Arc end, CfgGrammar.CfgProperty propertyInfo)
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::AddSemanticTag");

            Tag tag = new Tag (this, propertyInfo);
            _tags.Add (tag); 

            start.AddStartTag (tag); 
            end.AddEndTag (tag); 
        /// Traverse the graph starting from SrcStartState, cloning each state as we go along,
        /// cloning each transition except ones originating from SrcEndState, and return
        /// the cloned state corresponding to SrcEndState. 
        internal State CloneSubGraph (State srcFromState, State srcEndState, State destFromState)
            Dictionary SrcToDestHash = new Dictionary ();    // Hash source state to destination state
            Stack CloneStack = new Stack ();       // States to process 
            Dictionary tags = new Dictionary ();
            // Add initial state to CloneStack and SrcToDestHash. 
            SrcToDestHash.Add (srcFromState, destFromState);
            CloneStack.Push (srcFromState); 

            // While there are still states on the CloneStack (ToDo collection)
            while (CloneStack.Count > 0)
                srcFromState = CloneStack.Pop ();
                destFromState = SrcToDestHash [srcFromState]; 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (destFromState != null); 

                // For each transition from srcFromState (except SrcEndState) 
                foreach (Arc arc in srcFromState.OutArcs)
                    // - Lookup the DestToState corresponding to SrcToState
                    State srcToState = arc.End; 
                    State destToState = null;
                    if (srcToState != null) 
                        // - If not found, clone a new DestToState, add SrcToState.DestToState to SrcToDestHash, and add SrcToState to CloneStack. 
                        if (!SrcToDestHash.ContainsKey (srcToState))
                            destToState = CreateNewState (srcToState.Rule);
                            SrcToDestHash.Add (srcToState, destToState); 
                            CloneStack.Push (srcToState);
                            destToState = SrcToDestHash [srcToState]; ; 

                    // - Clone the transition from SrcFromState.SrcToState at DestFromState.DestToState 
                    // -- Clone Arc
                    Arc newArc = new Arc (arc, destFromState, destToState); 
                    AddArc (newArc); 

                    // -- Clone SemanticTag 
                    newArc.CloneTags (arc, _tags, tags, null);

                    // -- Add Arc
                    newArc.ConnectStates (); 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (tags.Count == 0);
            return SrcToDestHash [srcEndState]; 

        /// Traverse the graph starting from SrcStartState, cloning each state as we go along, 
        /// cloning each transition except ones originating from SrcEndState, and return
        /// the cloned state corresponding to SrcEndState. 
        internal void CloneSubGraph (Rule rule, Backend org, Backend extra, Dictionary srcToDestHash, bool fromOrg)
            Backend beSrc = fromOrg ? org : extra; 

            List CloneStack = new List ();       // States to process 
            Dictionary tags = new Dictionary ();

            // Push all the state for the top level rule
            CloneState (rule._firstState, CloneStack, srcToDestHash); 

            // While there are still states on the CloneStack (ToDo collection) 
            while (CloneStack.Count > 0) 
                State srcFromState = CloneStack [0]; 
                CloneStack.RemoveAt (0);
                State destFromState = srcToDestHash [srcFromState];
                // For each transition from srcFromState (except SrcEndState)
                foreach (Arc arc in srcFromState.OutArcs) 
                    // - Lookup the DestToState corresponding to SrcToState 
                    State srcToState = arc.End; 
                    State destToState = null;
                    if (srcToState != null)
                        if (!srcToDestHash.ContainsKey (srcToState))
                            // - If not found, then it is a new rule, just clown it.
                            CloneState (srcToState, CloneStack, srcToDestHash); 
                        destToState = srcToDestHash [srcToState];

                    // - Clone the transition from SrcFromState.SrcToState at DestFromState.DestToState
                    // -- Clone Arc
                    int newWordId = arc.WordId; 
                    if (beSrc != null && arc.WordId > 0)
                        _words.Add (beSrc.Words [arc.WordId], out newWordId); 
                    Arc newArc = new Arc (arc, destFromState, destToState, newWordId);

                    // -- Clone SemanticTag
                    newArc.CloneTags (arc, _tags, tags, this); 

                    // For rule ref push the first state of the ruleref 
                    if (arc.RuleRef != null) 
                        string ruleName; 

                        // Check for DYNAMIC grammars
                        if (arc.RuleRef.Name.IndexOf ("URL:DYNAMIC#", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                            ruleName = arc.RuleRef.Name.Substring (12);
                            if (fromOrg == true && FindInRules (ruleName) == null) 
                                Rule ruleExtra = extra.FindInRules (ruleName);
                                if (ruleExtra == null) 
                                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.DynamicRuleNotFound, ruleName);
                                CloneSubGraph (ruleExtra, org, extra, srcToDestHash, false); 
                        else if (arc.RuleRef.Name.IndexOf ("URL:STATIC#", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 
                            ruleName = arc.RuleRef.Name.Substring (11); 
                            if (fromOrg == false && FindInRules (ruleName) == null)
                                Rule ruleOrg = org.FindInRules (ruleName);
                                if (ruleOrg == null) 
                                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.DynamicRuleNotFound, ruleName); 
                                CloneSubGraph (ruleOrg, org, extra, srcToDestHash, true);
                            ruleName = arc.RuleRef.Name; 
                            Rule ruleExtra = org.FindInRules (ruleName);
                            if (fromOrg == false) 
                                CloneSubGraph (arc.RuleRef, org, extra, srcToDestHash, true);
                        Rule refRule = FindInRules (ruleName);
                        if (refRule == null)
                            refRule = CloneState (arc.RuleRef._firstState, CloneStack, srcToDestHash);
                        newArc.RuleRef = refRule; 
                    // -- Add Arc
                    newArc.ConnectStates ();
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (tags.Count == 0);
        /// Delete disconnected subgraph starting at hState. 
        /// Traverse the graph starting from SrcStartState, and delete each state as we go along.
        internal void DeleteSubGraph (State state) 
            // Add initial state to DeleteStack. 
            Stack stateToProcess = new Stack ();           // States to delete 
            Collection arcsToDelete = new Collection ();
            Collection statesToDelete = new Collection (); 
            stateToProcess.Push (state);

            // While there are still states on the listDelete (ToDo collection)
            while (stateToProcess.Count > 0) 
                // For each transition from state, 
                state = stateToProcess.Pop (); 
                statesToDelete.Add (state);
                arcsToDelete.Clear (); 

                // Accumulate the arcs to delete and add new states to the stack of states to process
                foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs)
                    // Add EndState to listDelete, if unique
                    State endState = arc.End; 
                    // Add this state to the list of states to delete
                    if (endState != null && !stateToProcess.Contains (endState) && !statesToDelete.Contains (endState)) 
                        stateToProcess.Push (endState);
                    arcsToDelete.Add (arc); 
                // Clear up the arcs 
                foreach (Arc arc in arcsToDelete) 
                    arc.Start = arc.End = null; 

            foreach (State stateToDelete in statesToDelete) 
                // Delete state and remove from listDelete 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (stateToDelete != null); 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (stateToDelete.InArcs.IsEmpty);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (stateToDelete.OutArcs.IsEmpty); 
                DeleteState (stateToDelete);
        /// Modify the placeholder rule attributes after it has been created. 
        /// This is only safe to use in the context of SRGSGrammarCompiler. 
        internal void SetRuleAttributes (Rule rule, SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES dwAttributes)
            // Check if this is the Root rule
            if ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Root) != 0) 
                if (_rootRule != null)
                    //We already have a root rule, return error code.
                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RootRuleAlreadyDefined);
                    _rootRule = rule; 
            rule._cfgRule.TopLevel = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_TopLevel) != 0);
            rule._cfgRule.DefaultActive = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Active) != 0);
            rule._cfgRule.PropRule = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Interpreter) != 0);
            rule._cfgRule.Export = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Export) != 0); 
            rule._cfgRule.Dynamic = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Dynamic) != 0);
            rule._cfgRule.Import = ((dwAttributes & SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES.SPRAF_Import) != 0); 

        /// Set the path from which relative grammar imports are calculated. As specified by xml:base / meta base
        /// Null or empty string will clear any existing base path.
        internal void SetBasePath (string sBasePath)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sBasePath)) 
                // Validate base path. 
                Uri uri = new Uri (sBasePath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                //Url Canonicalized
                _basePath = uri.ToString (); 
                _basePath = null;

        /// Perform white space normalization in place. 
        /// - Trim leading/trailing white spaces.
        /// - Collapse white space sequences to a single ' '. 
        internal static string NormalizeTokenWhiteSpace (string sToken)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sToken));
            // Trim leading and ending white spaces
            sToken = sToken.Trim (Helpers._achTrimChars); 
            // Easy out if there are no consecutive double white spaces
            if (sToken.IndexOf ("  ", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1) 
                return sToken;
            // Normalize internal spaces
            char [] achSrc = sToken.ToCharArray (); 
            int iDest = 0; 

            for (int i = 0; i < achSrc.Length; ) 
                // Collapsed multiple white spaces into ' '
                if (achSrc [i] == ' ')
                    } while (achSrc [i] == ' ');
                    achSrc [iDest++] = ' ';
                // Copy the non-white space character
                achSrc [iDest++] = achSrc [i++]; 

            return new string (achSrc, 0, iDest); 

        // Internal Property 

        #region Internal Property

        internal StringBlob Words 
                return this._words;

        internal StringBlob Symbols
                return this._symbols; 


        // Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods

        /// Description: 
        /// Load compiled grammar data. This overwrites any existing data in the grammar
        /// We end up with containers of words, symbols, rules, arcs, states and state handles, etc. 
#if true
        internal void InitFromBinaryGrammar (StreamMarshaler streamHelper)
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::InitFromBinaryGrammar"); 
            CfgGrammar.CfgHeader header = CfgGrammar.ConvertCfgHeader (streamHelper);
            _words = header.pszWords; 
            _symbols = header.pszSymbols;
            _grammarOptions = header.GrammarOptions;

            // Build up the internal representation 
            State [] apStateTable = new State [header.arcs.Length]; 
            SortedDictionary ruleFirstArcs = new SortedDictionary (); 

            // Initialize the rules

            int previousCfgLastRules = _rules.Count; 

            BuildRulesFromBinaryGrammar (header, apStateTable, ruleFirstArcs, previousCfgLastRules); 
            //  Initialize the arcs 
            Arc [] apArcTable = new Arc [header.arcs.Length];
            bool fLastArcNull = true;
            CfgArc pLastArc = new CfgArc (); 
            State currentState = null;
            IEnumerator> ieFirstArcs = ruleFirstArcs.GetEnumerator (); 
            // If no rules, then we have no arcs
            if (ieFirstArcs.MoveNext ()) 
                KeyValuePair kvFirstArc = ieFirstArcs.Current;
                Rule ruleCur = kvFirstArc.Value;
                //  We repersist the static AND dynamic parts for now. This allows the grammar to be queried
                //  with the automation interfaces 
                for (int k = 1; k < header.arcs.Length; k++) 
                    CfgArc arc = header.arcs [k]; 

                    // Reset the Transition index based on the compbined stringblobs
                    if (arc.RuleRef)
                        // for a ruleref offset the rule index
                        ruleCur._listRules.Add (_rules [(int) arc.TransitionIndex]); 

                    if (kvFirstArc.Key == k) 
                        // we are entering a new rule now
                        ruleCur = kvFirstArc.Value;
                        // Reset to zero once we have read the last rule.
                        if (ieFirstArcs.MoveNext ()) 
                            kvFirstArc = ieFirstArcs.Current;

                    // new currentState?
                    if (fLastArcNull || pLastArc.LastArc) 
                        if (apStateTable [k] == null) 
                            uint hNewState = CfgGrammar.NextHandle;
                            apStateTable [k] = new State (ruleCur, hNewState, k);
                            AddState (apStateTable [k]);
                        currentState = apStateTable [k];
                    // now get the arc 
                    int iNextArc = (int) (arc.NextStartArcIndex);
                    Arc newArc;
                    State targetState = null; 

                    if (currentState != null && iNextArc != 0) 
                        if (apStateTable [iNextArc] == null)
                            uint hNewState = CfgGrammar.NextHandle;

                            apStateTable [iNextArc] = new State (ruleCur, hNewState, iNextArc);
                            AddState (apStateTable [iNextArc]); 
                        targetState = apStateTable [iNextArc]; 
                    float flWeight = header.weights != null ? header.weights [k] : CfgGrammar.DEFAULT_WEIGHT;

                    // determine properties of the arc now ...
                    if (arc.RuleRef) 
                        Rule ruleToTransitionTo = _rules [(int) arc.TransitionIndex]; 
                        newArc = new Arc (null, ruleToTransitionTo, _words, flWeight, CfgGrammar.SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE, null, MatchMode.AllWords, ref _fNeedWeightTable);
                        int transitionIndex = (int) arc.TransitionIndex;
                        int ulSpecialTransitionIndex = (int) ((transitionIndex == CfgGrammar.SPWILDCARDTRANSITION || transitionIndex == CfgGrammar.SPDICTATIONTRANSITION || transitionIndex == CfgGrammar.SPTEXTBUFFERTRANSITION) ? transitionIndex : 0); 
                        newArc = new Arc ((ulSpecialTransitionIndex != 0) ? 0 : (int) arc.TransitionIndex, flWeight, arc.LowConfRequired ? CfgGrammar.SP_LOW_CONFIDENCE : arc.HighConfRequired ? CfgGrammar.SP_HIGH_CONFIDENCE : CfgGrammar.SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE, ulSpecialTransitionIndex, MatchMode.AllWords, ref _fNeedWeightTable);
                    newArc.Start = currentState; 
                    newArc.End = targetState;
                    AddArc (newArc);
                    apArcTable [k] = newArc;
                    fLastArcNull = false;
                    pLastArc = arc; 
            //  Initialize the Semantics tags
            for (int k = 1, iCurTag = 0; k < header.arcs.Length; k++) 
                CfgArc arc = header.arcs [k];

                if (arc.HasSemanticTag) 
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (header.tags [iCurTag].StartArcIndex == k); 
                    while (iCurTag < header.tags.Length && header.tags [iCurTag].StartArcIndex == k)
                        // we should already point to the tag
                        CfgSemanticTag semTag = header.tags [iCurTag];

                        Tag tag = new Tag (this, semTag); 

                        _tags.Add (tag); 
                        apArcTable [tag._cfgTag.StartArcIndex].AddStartTag (tag); 
                        apArcTable [tag._cfgTag.EndArcIndex].AddEndTag (tag);
                        // If we have ms-properties than _nameOffset != overwise it is w3c tags.
                        if (semTag._nameOffset > 0)
                            tag._cfgTag._nameOffset = _symbols.OffsetFromId (_symbols.Find (_symbols.FromOffset (semTag._nameOffset))); 
                            // The offset of the JScrip expression is stored in the value field.
                            tag._cfgTag._valueOffset = _symbols.OffsetFromId (_symbols.Find (_symbols.FromOffset (semTag._valueOffset))); 
            _fNeedWeightTable = true;
            if (header.BasePath != null) 
                SetBasePath (header.BasePath);
            _guid = header.GrammarGUID;
            _langId = header.langId; 
            _grammarMode = header.GrammarMode; 

            _fLoadedFromBinary = true; 
            // Save Last ArcIndex

            DumpGrammarStatistics ("InitFromBinaryGrammar"); 
        private Arc CreateTransition (string sWord, float flWeight, int requiredConfidence)
            // epsilon transition for empty words
            return AddSingleWordTransition (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sWord) ? sWord : null, flWeight, requiredConfidence);
        private CfgGrammar.CfgSerializedHeader BuildHeader (List sortedStates, int cBasePath, UInt16 iSemanticGlobals, out int cArcs, out float [] pWeights)
            cArcs = 1; // Start with offset one! (0 indicates dead state). 
            pWeights = null;
            int cSemanticTags = 0;
            int cLargest = 0;

            foreach (State state in sortedStates) 
                // For new states SerializeId is INFINITE so we set it correctly here. 
                // For existing states we preserve the index from loading, 
                //  unless new states have been added in.
                state.SerializeId = cArcs; 

                int thisState = state.NumArcs;

#if DEBUG 
                if (thisState == 0 && state.InArcs.IsEmpty && state.Rule._cStates > 1)
                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.StateWithNoArcs); 
                cArcs += thisState;
                if (cLargest < thisState)
                    cLargest = thisState; 
                cSemanticTags += state.NumSemanticTags; 

            CfgGrammar.CfgSerializedHeader header = new CfgGrammar.CfgSerializedHeader (); 
            uint ulOffset = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgGrammar.CfgSerializedHeader));

            header.FormatId = CfgGrammar._SPGDF_ContextFree;
            _guid = Guid.NewGuid (); 
            header.GrammarGUID = _guid;
            header.LangID = (UInt16) _langId; 
            header.pszSemanticInterpretationGlobals = iSemanticGlobals; 
            header.cArcsInLargestState = cLargest;
            header.cchWords = _words.StringSize ();
            header.cWords = _words.Count;

            // For compat with SAPI 5.x add one to cWords if there's more than one word. 
            // The CFGEngine code assumes cWords includes the initial empty-string word.
            // See PS 11491 and 61982. 
            if (header.cWords > 0) 

            header.pszWords = ulOffset;
            ulOffset += (uint) _words.SerializeSize () * Helpers._sizeOfChar; 
            header.cchSymbols = _symbols.StringSize ();
            header.pszSymbols = ulOffset; 
            ulOffset += (uint) _symbols.SerializeSize () * Helpers._sizeOfChar; 
            header.cRules = _rules.Count;
            header.pRules = ulOffset; 
            ulOffset += (uint) (_rules.Count * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgRule)));
            header.cBasePath = cBasePath > 0 ? ulOffset : 0; //If there is no base path offset is set to zero
            ulOffset += (uint) (((int) cBasePath * Helpers._sizeOfChar + 3) & ~3);
            header.cArcs = cArcs; 
            header.pArcs = ulOffset;
            ulOffset += (uint) (cArcs * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgArc))); 
            if (_fNeedWeightTable) 
                header.pWeights = ulOffset; 
                ulOffset += (uint) (cArcs * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (float)));
                pWeights = new float [cArcs];
                pWeights [0] = 0.0f;
                header.pWeights = 0; 
                ulOffset += 0;

            if (_rootRule != null)
                //We have a root rule 
                header.ulRootRuleIndex = (uint) _rootRule._iSerialize;
                //-1 means there is no root rule 
                header.ulRootRuleIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;

            header.GrammarOptions = _grammarOptions | ((_alphabet == AlphabetType.Sapi) ? 0 : GrammarOptions.IpaPhoneme); 
#if !NO_STG
            header.GrammarOptions |= _scriptRefs.Count > 0 ? GrammarOptions.STG | GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairSrgs : 0; 
            header.GrammarMode = (uint) _grammarMode;
            header.cTags = cSemanticTags; 
            header.tags = ulOffset;
            ulOffset += (uint) (cSemanticTags * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgSemanticTag)));
#if !NO_STG
            header.cScripts = _scriptRefs.Count; 
            header.pScripts = header.cScripts > 0 ? ulOffset : 0;
            ulOffset += (uint) (_scriptRefs.Count * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgScriptRef))); 
            header.cIL = _il != null ? _il.Length : 0; 
            header.pIL = header.cIL > 0 ? ulOffset : 0;
            ulOffset += (uint) (header.cIL * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (byte))); 
            header.cPDB = _pdb != null ? _pdb.Length : 0;
            header.pPDB = header.cPDB > 0 ? ulOffset : 0;
            ulOffset += (uint) (header.cPDB * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (byte)));
            header.ulTotalSerializedSize = ulOffset;
            return header; 

        private CfgGrammar.CfgHeader BuildRulesFromBinaryGrammar (CfgGrammar.CfgHeader header, State [] apStateTable, SortedDictionary ruleFirstArcs, int previousCfgLastRules) 
            for (int i = 0; i < header.rules.Length; i++)
                // Check if the rule does not exist already 
                CfgRule cfgRule = header.rules [i];
                int firstArc = (int) cfgRule.FirstArcIndex; 
                cfgRule._nameOffset = _symbols.OffsetFromId (_symbols.Find (header.pszSymbols.FromOffset (cfgRule._nameOffset)));
                Rule rule = new Rule (this, _symbols.FromOffset (cfgRule._nameOffset), cfgRule, i + previousCfgLastRules, _grammarOptions & GrammarOptions.TagFormat, ref _cImportedRules);

                rule._firstState = _states.CreateNewState (rule);
                _rules.Add (rule); 

                // Add the rule to the list of firstArc/rule 
                if (firstArc > 0) 
                    ruleFirstArcs.Add ((int) cfgRule.FirstArcIndex, rule); 

                rule._fStaticRule = (cfgRule.Dynamic) ? false : true;
                rule._cfgRule.DirtyRule = false; 

                // by default loaded static rules have an exist 
                rule._fHasExitPath = (rule._fStaticRule) ? true : false; 

                // or they wouldn't be there in the first place 
                if (firstArc != 0)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (apStateTable [firstArc] == null);
                    rule._firstState.SerializeId = (int) cfgRule.FirstArcIndex; 
                    apStateTable [firstArc] = rule._firstState;
                if (rule._cfgRule.HasResources)
                    throw new NotImplementedException ();

                if (header.ulRootRuleIndex == i) 
                    _rootRule = rule; 

                // Add rule to RuleListByName and RuleListByID hash tables. 
                if (rule._cfgRule._nameOffset != 0)
                    // Look for the rule in the original CFG and map it in the combined string blobs
                    _nameOffsetRules.Add (rule._cfgRule._nameOffset, rule); 
            return header; 

        private Rule CloneState (State srcToState, List CloneStack, Dictionary srcToDestHash)
            bool newRule = false; 
            int posDynamic = srcToState.Rule.Name.IndexOf ("URL:DYNAMIC#", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            string ruleName = posDynamic != 0 ? srcToState.Rule.Name : srcToState.Rule.Name.Substring (12); 
            Rule dstRule = FindInRules (ruleName); 

            // Clone this rule into this GrammarBuilder if it does not exist yet 
            if (dstRule == null)
                dstRule = srcToState.Rule.Clone (_symbols, ruleName);
                _rules.Add (dstRule); 
                newRule = true;
            // Should not exist yet
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (!srcToDestHash.ContainsKey (srcToState)); 

            // push all the states for that rule
            State newState = CreateNewState (dstRule);
            srcToDestHash.Add (srcToState, newState); 
            CloneStack.Add (srcToState);
            if (newRule) 
                dstRule._firstState = newState; 

            return dstRule;

        private Rule FindInRules (string ruleName) 
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules)
                if (rule.Name == ruleName)
                    return rule;
            return null; 

        private static void LogError (string rule, SRID srid, params object [] args) 
            string sError = SR.Get (srid, args);
            throw new FormatException (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Rule=\"{0}\" - ", rule) + sError);

        /// Connect arc to the state graph. 
        private static 
 void AddArc (Arc arc) 
            arc.Backend = this; 

        private void ValidateAndTagRules ()
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::ValidateAndTagRules");

            bool fAtLeastOneRule = false; 
            int ulIndex = 0;
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules) 
                // set _fHasExitPath = true for empty dynamic grammars and imported rules 
                // Clear this for the next loop through the rules....
                rule._fHasExitPath |= (rule._cfgRule.Dynamic | rule._cfgRule.Import) ? true : false;
                rule._iSerialize = ulIndex++;
                fAtLeastOneRule |= (rule._cfgRule.Dynamic || rule._cfgRule.TopLevel || rule._cfgRule.Export); 
                rule.Validate ();
#if DEBUG 
            //  Now make sure that all rules have an exit path. 
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules)
                _ulRecursiveDepth = 0; 

                //The following function will use recursive function that might change _ulRecursiveDepth 
                rule.CheckForExitPath (ref _ulRecursiveDepth); 
            //  Check each exported rule if it has a dynamic rule in its "scope"
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules) 
                if (rule._cfgRule.Dynamic) 
                    rule._cfgRule.HasDynamicRef = true;
                    _ulRecursiveDepth = 0; 
                    rule.PopulateDynamicRef (ref _ulRecursiveDepth);

        private void CheckLeftRecursion (List states) 
            bool fReachedEndState;
            foreach (State state in states) 
                state.CheckLeftRecursion (out fReachedEndState);

        private Arc AddSingleWordTransition (string s, float flWeight, int requiredConfidence)
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::CGramComp::AddSingleWordTransition");
            Arc arc = new Arc (s, null, _words, flWeight, requiredConfidence, null, MatchMode.AllWords, ref _fNeedWeightTable); 
            AddArc (arc);
            return arc; 

        internal void AddState (State state)
            _states.Add (state);
        internal void DumpStateTable (string sTitle)
            List states = new List (_states); 

            DumpStateTable (sTitle, states.ToArray ()); 

        internal void DumpStateTable (string sTitle, State [] states) 
            CfgGrammar.TraceInformation2 (sTitle);

            int iHandle2 = 0; 

            for (int iState = 0; iState < states.Length; iState++) 
                State state = states [iState];
                if (state == null) 
                //string s = state.OutArcs.Count > 0 ? state.OutArcs.First.WordId > 0 ? _words [state.OutArcs.First.WordId] : string.Empty : string.Empty;
                string s = _symbols.FromOffset (state.Rule._cfgRule._nameOffset); 
                CfgGrammar.TraceInformation3 (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}: {1} {2} {3} '", iHandle2, state.Id, state.SerializeId, s));
                foreach (Arc arc2 in state.OutArcs)
                    int iWord = arc2.WordId;
                    string sWord = arc2.RuleRef != null ? _symbols.FromOffset (arc2.RuleRef._cfgRule._nameOffset) : iWord > 0 ? _words [iWord] : string.Empty; 

                    //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation3 (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1} [{2}]", (fFirst ? string.Empty : ", "), sWord, arc2.Id)); 
                    //if (arc2._tag != null) 
                    //    CfgGrammar.TraceInformation3 (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0}, {1}, {2})", _symbols.FromOffset (arc2._tag._cfgTag._valueOffset), arc2._tag._startArc.Id, arc2._tag._endArc.Id)); 

                CfgGrammar.TraceInformation2 ("'"); 
        internal void DumpStateMachine (TextWriter tw)
            tw.WriteLine ("Word Blobs");
            for (int i = 1; i < _words.Count; i++)
                tw.WriteLine ("  \"" + _words [i] + "\""); 
            tw.WriteLine ("\nSymbols Blobs"); 
            for (int i = 1; i < _symbols.Count; i++)
                tw.WriteLine ("  \"" + _symbols [i] + "\"");

            tw.WriteLine ("\nRules"); 
            foreach (Rule rule in _rules)
                tw.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "  \"{0}\" id: {1} flags: {2}", rule.Name, rule._cfgRule._id, rule._cfgRule._flag.ToString ("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); 
                tw.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "     States: {0}", rule._cStates));

            tw.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "\nStates:\n  Count: {0}", _states.Count));
            foreach (State state in _states)
                tw.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "  \"{0}\"", state.Rule.Name));

        /// Dump grammar statistics to debug window.  (Debug only)
        void DumpGrammarStatistics (string title)
            int iNumStates = 0; 
            int iNumArcs = 0;
            int iNumEpsilonArcs = 0; 
            int iMaxBranch = 0;
            int iNumProperties = 0;

            foreach (State state in _states) 
                int cArcs = 0;
                foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs)
                    if (arc.IsEpsilonTransition) 

                    //if (arc._tag != null) 
                    //    iNumProperties++;

                if (iMaxBranch < cArcs) 
                    iMaxBranch = cArcs; 

                iNumArcs += cArcs; 
            Console.WriteLine (title);
            Console.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}\n  NumStates      = {0}\n  NumArcs        = {1}\n  NumEpsilons    = {2}\n", iNumStates, iNumArcs, iNumEpsilonArcs));
            Console.WriteLine (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "  MaxBranch      = {0}\n" + "  NumProperties  = {1}\n", iMaxBranch, iNumProperties)); 


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        internal int LangId
                return _langId;
                _langId = value; 

        internal GrammarOptions GrammarOptions 
                return _grammarOptions;
                _grammarOptions = value;
        internal GrammarType GrammarMode 
                _grammarMode = value;

        internal AlphabetType Alphabet 
                _alphabet = value;
                return _alphabet;

        internal Collection GlobalTags 
                return _globalTags; 
                _globalTags = value;

#if !NO_STG
        internal Collection ScriptRefs
                _scriptRefs = value; 

        internal byte [] IL 
                _il = value;

        internal byte [] PDB
                _pdb = value; 

        // Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields

        private int _langId = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID; 

        private StringBlob _words; 
        private StringBlob _symbols;
        //private int _cResources;

        private Guid _guid;
        private bool _fNeedWeightTable;
        private Graph _states = new Graph (); 

        private List _rules = new List (); 

        private int _ruleIndex;

        private Dictionary _nameOffsetRules = new Dictionary (); 

        private Rule _rootRule; 
        private GrammarOptions _grammarOptions = GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairs; 
        private GrammarOptions _grammarOptions =  GrammarOptions.W3cV1;
        // It is used sequentially. So there is no thread issue
        private int _ulRecursiveDepth; 
        // Path from which relative grammar imports are calculated. As specified by xml:base
        private string _basePath; 

        // Collection of all SemanticTags in the grammar (sorted by StartArc)
        private List _tags = new List ();
        // Voice or DTMF
        private GrammarType _grammarMode = GrammarType.VoiceGrammar; 
        // Pron information is either IPA or SAPI
        private AlphabetType _alphabet = AlphabetType.Sapi; 

        // Global value for the semantic interpretation tags
        private Collection _globalTags = new Collection ();
        private static byte [] _abZero3 = new byte [] { 0, 0, 0 }; 
        private static char [] _achZero = new char [] { '\0' };
        private const uint SPGF_RESET_DIRTY_FLAG = 0x80000000;

        private int _cImportedRules; 

#if !NO_STG 
        // List of cd /reference Rule->rule 'on'method-> .Net method
        private Collection _scriptRefs = new Collection (); 

        // Grammar code assembly
        private byte [] _il;
        // Grammar debug symbols
        private byte [] _pdb; 

        private bool _fLoadedFromBinary; 



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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