DefaultBinder.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / DefaultBinder.cs / 1 / DefaultBinder.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
// This class represents the Default COM+ binder.
namespace System {

    using System; 
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
    using CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo; 
    //Marked serializable even though it has no state.
    internal class DefaultBinder : Binder
        // This method is passed a set of methods and must choose the best
        // fit.  The methods all have the same number of arguments and the object 
        // array args.  On exit, this method will choice the best fit method
        // and coerce the args to match that method.  By match, we mean all primitive 
        // arguments are exact matchs and all object arguments are exact or subclasses 
        // of the target.  If the target OR is an interface, the object must implement
        // that interface.  There are a couple of exceptions 
        // thrown when a method cannot be returned.  If no method matchs the args and
        // ArgumentException is thrown.  If multiple methods match the args then
        // an AmbiguousMatchException is thrown.
        // The most specific match will be selected.
        public override MethodBase BindToMethod( 
            BindingFlags bindingAttr, MethodBase[] canidates, ref Object[] args,
            ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String[] names, out Object state) 
            int i;
            int j;
            state = null;
            if (canidates == null || canidates.Length == 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_EmptyArray"),"canidates");
            #region Map named parameters to canidate parameter postions
            // We are creating an paramOrder array to act as a mapping
            //  between the order of the args and the actual order of the
            //  parameters in the method.  This order may differ because 
            //  named parameters (names) may change the order.  If names
            //  is not provided, then we assume the default mapping (0,1,...) 
            int[][] paramOrder = new int[canidates.Length][]; 

            for (i = 0; i < canidates.Length; i++) 
                ParameterInfo[] par = canidates[i].GetParametersNoCopy();

                // args.Length + 1 takes into account the possibility of a last paramArray that can be omitted 
                paramOrder[i] = new int[(par.Length > args.Length) ? par.Length : args.Length];
                if (names == null) 
                    // Default mapping 
                    for (j = 0; j < args.Length; j++)
                        paramOrder[i][j] = j;
                    // Named parameters, reorder the mapping.  If CreateParamOrder fails, it means that the method 
                    // doesn't have a name that matchs one of the named parameters so we don't consider it any further. 
                     if (!CreateParamOrder(paramOrder[i], par, names))
                         canidates[i] = null; 
            Type[] paramArrayTypes = new Type[canidates.Length];
            Type[] argTypes = new Type[args.Length]; 

            #region Cache the type of the provided arguments 
            // object that contain a null are treated as if they were typeless (but match either object
            // references or value classes).  We mark this condition by placing a null in the argTypes array.
            for (i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                if (args[i] != null)
                    argTypes[i] = args[i].GetType(); 

            // Find the method that matches... 
            int CurIdx = 0;
            bool defaultValueBinding = ((bindingAttr & BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding) != 0); 
            Type paramArrayType = null;
            #region Filter methods by parameter count and type
            for (i = 0; i < canidates.Length; i++)
                paramArrayType = null; 

                // If we have named parameters then we may have a hole in the canidates array. 
                if (canidates[i] == null) 
                // Validate the parameters.
                ParameterInfo[] par = canidates[i].GetParametersNoCopy();

                #region Match method by parameter count 
                if (par.Length == 0)
                    #region No formal parameters 
                    if (args.Length != 0)
                        if ((canidates[i].CallingConvention & CallingConventions.VarArgs) == 0)
                    // This is a valid routine so we move it up the canidates list.
                    paramOrder[CurIdx] = paramOrder[i]; 
                    canidates[CurIdx++] = canidates[i]; 

                else if (par.Length > args.Length)
                    #region Shortage of provided parameters
                    // If the number of parameters is greater than the number of args then 
                    // we are in the situation were we may be using default values. 
                    for (j = args.Length; j < par.Length - 1; j++)
                        if (par[j].DefaultValue == System.DBNull.Value)
                    if (j != par.Length - 1)
                    if (par[j].DefaultValue == System.DBNull.Value)
                        if (!par[j].ParameterType.IsArray)

                        if (!par[j].IsDefined(typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), true)) 
                        paramArrayType = par[j].ParameterType.GetElementType(); 
                else if (par.Length < args.Length)
                    #region Excess provided parameters 
                    // test for the ParamArray case
                    int lastArgPos = par.Length - 1; 
                    if (!par[lastArgPos].ParameterType.IsArray)

                    if (!par[lastArgPos].IsDefined(typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), true))
                    if (paramOrder[i][lastArgPos] != lastArgPos)
                    paramArrayType = par[lastArgPos].ParameterType.GetElementType();
                    #region Test for paramArray, save paramArray type 
                    int lastArgPos = par.Length - 1;
                    if (par[lastArgPos].ParameterType.IsArray 
                        && par[lastArgPos].IsDefined(typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), true)
                        && paramOrder[i][lastArgPos] == lastArgPos) 
                        if (!par[lastArgPos].ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(argTypes[lastArgPos]))
                            paramArrayType = par[lastArgPos].ParameterType.GetElementType();

                Type pCls = null; 
                int argsToCheck = (paramArrayType != null) ? par.Length - 1 : args.Length;

                #region Match method by parameter type
                for (j = 0; j < argsToCheck; j++) 
                    #region Classic argument coersion checks 
                    // get the formal type 
                    pCls = par[j].ParameterType;
                    if (pCls.IsByRef)
                        pCls = pCls.GetElementType();

                    // the type is the same 
                    if (pCls == argTypes[paramOrder[i][j]])
                    // a default value is available
                    if (defaultValueBinding && args[paramOrder[i][j]] == Type.Missing) 

                    // the argument was null, so it matches with everything
                    if (args[paramOrder[i][j]] == null) 
                    // the type is Object, so it will match everything 
                    if (pCls == typeof(Object))

                    // now do a "classic" type check
                    if (pCls.IsPrimitive)
                        if (argTypes[paramOrder[i][j]] == null || !CanConvertPrimitiveObjectToType(args[paramOrder[i][j]],(RuntimeType)pCls))
                            if (CanChangeType(args[paramOrder[i][j]],pCls,cultureInfo))
                        if (argTypes[paramOrder[i][j]] == null) 
                        if (!pCls.IsAssignableFrom(argTypes[paramOrder[i][j]]))
                            if (argTypes[paramOrder[i][j]].IsCOMObject)
                                if (pCls.IsInstanceOfType(args[paramOrder[i][j]]))
                            if (CanChangeType(args[paramOrder[i][j]],pCls,cultureInfo)) 

                if (paramArrayType != null && j == par.Length - 1) 
                    #region Check that excess arguments can be placed in the param array
                    for (; j < args.Length; j++)
                        if (paramArrayType.IsPrimitive)
                            if (argTypes[j] == null || !CanConvertPrimitiveObjectToType(args[j], (RuntimeType)paramArrayType)) 
                            if (argTypes[j] == null)

                            if (!paramArrayType.IsAssignableFrom(argTypes[j])) 
                                if (argTypes[j].IsCOMObject)
                                    if (paramArrayType.IsInstanceOfType(args[j]))

                if (j == args.Length) 
                    #region This is a valid routine so we move it up the canidates list 
                    paramOrder[CurIdx] = paramOrder[i]; 
                    paramArrayTypes[CurIdx] = paramArrayType;
                    canidates[CurIdx++] = canidates[i]; 

            // If we didn't find a method 
            if (CurIdx == 0) 
                throw new MissingMethodException(Environment.GetResourceString("MissingMember"));
            if (CurIdx == 1)
                #region Found only one method
                if (names != null) 
                    state = new BinderState((int[])paramOrder[0].Clone(), args.Length, paramArrayTypes[0] != null); 
                // If the parameters and the args are not the same length or there is a paramArray
                //  then we need to create a argument array.
                ParameterInfo[] parms = canidates[0].GetParametersNoCopy();
                if (parms.Length == args.Length)
                    if (paramArrayTypes[0] != null) 
                        Object[] objs = new Object[parms.Length]; 
                        int lastPos = parms.Length - 1;
                        Array.Copy(args, 0, objs, 0, lastPos);
                        objs[lastPos] = Array.CreateInstance(paramArrayTypes[0], 1);
                        ((Array)objs[lastPos]).SetValue(args[lastPos], 0); 
                        args = objs;
                else if (parms.Length > args.Length)
                    Object[] objs = new Object[parms.Length];

                    for (i=0;i args.Length) 
                Object[] objs = new Object[parameters.Length];
                for (i=0;i binderState.m_originalSize) { 
                    Object[] newArgs = new Object[binderState.m_originalSize];
                    Array.Copy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, binderState.m_originalSize); 
                    args = newArgs; 

        // Return any exact bindings that may exist. (This method is not defined on the
        //  Binder and is used by RuntimeType.) 
        public static MethodBase ExactBinding(MethodBase[] match,Type[] types,ParameterModifier[] modifiers)
            if (match==null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("match");
            MethodBase[] aExactMatches = new MethodBase[match.Length]; 
            int cExactMatches = 0;

            for (int i=0;i deepestHierarchy)
                    deepestHierarchy = currentHierarchyDepth;
                    methWithDeepestHierarchy = match[i];

            return methWithDeepestHierarchy; 

        // CanConvertPrimitive 
        // This will determine if the source can be converted to the target type
        private static extern bool CanConvertPrimitive(RuntimeType source,RuntimeType target);
        // CanConvertPrimitiveObjectToType
        // This method will determine if the primitive object can be converted 
        //  to a type. 
        static internal extern bool CanConvertPrimitiveObjectToType(Object source,RuntimeType type); 

        // This method will sort the vars array into the mapping order stored
        //  in the paramOrder array.
        private static void ReorderParams(int[] paramOrder,Object[] vars) 
            // This is an O(n) algorithm for sorting the array. 
            // For each position in the paramOrder array we swap the value 
            //  stored there into it's position until we swap position i into i.
            //  This moves things exactly the number of items out of position. 
            for (int i=0;i


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