TypeCodeDomSerializer.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / CompMod / System / ComponentModel / Design / Serialization / TypeCodeDomSerializer.cs / 1 / TypeCodeDomSerializer.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization { 
    using System;
    using System.CodeDom; 
    using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.Design;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    ///     This class performs the same tasks as a CodeDomSerializer only serializing an object through this class defines a new type.
    public class TypeCodeDomSerializer : CodeDomSerializerBase { 
        // Used only during deserialization to provide name to object mapping.
        private IDictionary _nameTable; 
        private Dictionary _statementTable; 

        private static readonly Attribute[] _designTimeFilter = new Attribute[] { DesignOnlyAttribute.Yes }; 
        private static readonly Attribute[] _runTimeFilter = new Attribute[] { DesignOnlyAttribute.No };
        private static object _initMethodKey = new object();
        private static TypeCodeDomSerializer _default;

        internal static TypeCodeDomSerializer Default { 
            get { 
                if (_default == null) {
                    _default = new TypeCodeDomSerializer(); 

                return _default;
        ///    This method deserializes a previously serialized code type declaration.  The default 
        ///    implementation performs the following tasks:
        ///    �    Case Sensitivity Checks:  It looks for a CodeDomProvider service to decide if it should treat
        ///        members as case sensitive or case insensitive. 
        ///    �    Statement Sorting:  All member variables and local variables from init methods are stored in
        ///        a table.  Then each statement in an init method is added to a statement collection grouped according 
        ///        to its left hand side.  So all statements assigning or operating on a particular variable are grouped 
        ///        under that variable.  Variables that have no statements are discarded.
        ///    �    Deserialization:  Finally, the statement collections for each variable are deserialized 
        ///        according to the variable.
        ///    Deserialize returns an instance of the root object.
        public virtual object Deserialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, CodeTypeDeclaration declaration) {
            if (manager == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("manager"); 
            if (declaration == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("declaration");
            object rootObject = null;
            using (TraceScope("TypeCodeDomSerializer::Deserialize")) { 
                // Determine case-sensitivity
                bool caseInsensitive = false; 
                CodeDomProvider provider = manager.GetService(typeof(CodeDomProvider)) as CodeDomProvider;

                TraceWarningIf(provider == null, "Unable to determine case sensitivity. Make sure CodeDomProvider is a service of the manager.");
                if (provider != null) { 
                    caseInsensitive = ((provider.LanguageOptions & LanguageOptions.CaseInsensitive) != 0);
                // Get and initialize the document type.
                Type baseType = null; 
                string baseTypeName = declaration.Name;

                foreach (CodeTypeReference typeRef in declaration.BaseTypes) {
                    Type t = manager.GetType(GetTypeNameFromCodeTypeReference(manager, typeRef)); 

                    baseTypeName = typeRef.BaseType; 
                    if (t != null && !(t.IsInterface)) { 
                        baseType = t;

                if (baseType == null) { 
                    TraceError("Base type for type declaration {0} could not be loaded.  Closest base type name: {1}", declaration.Name, baseTypeName);
                    Error(manager, SR.GetString(SR.SerializerTypeNotFound, baseTypeName), SR.SerializerTypeNotFound); 

                if (TypeDescriptor.GetReflectionType(baseType).IsAbstract) { 
                    TraceError("Base type {0} is abstract, which isn't allowed", baseType.FullName);
                    Error(manager, SR.GetString(SR.SerializerTypeAbstract, baseType.FullName), SR.SerializerTypeAbstract);
                ResolveNameEventHandler onResolveName = new ResolveNameEventHandler(OnResolveName);
                manager.ResolveName += onResolveName; 
                rootObject = manager.CreateInstance(baseType, null, declaration.Name, true);
                // Now that we have the root object, we create a nametable and fill it with member declarations.
                _nameTable = new HybridDictionary(declaration.Members.Count, caseInsensitive);
                _statementTable = new Dictionary(declaration.Members.Count);
                Dictionary names = new Dictionary(); 
                RootContext rootCxt = new RootContext(new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), rootObject);
                try { 
                    StringComparison compare = caseInsensitive ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal;
                    foreach (CodeTypeMember typeMember in declaration.Members) { 
                        CodeMemberField member = typeMember as CodeMemberField;
                        if (member != null) {

                            if (!string.Equals(member.Name, declaration.Name, compare)) { 
                                // always skip members with the same name as the type -- because that's the name
                                // we use when we resolve "base" and "this" items... 
                                _nameTable[member.Name] = member; 

                                if (member.Type != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(member.Type.BaseType)) { 
                                    names[member.Name] = GetTypeNameFromCodeTypeReference(manager, member.Type);
                    CodeMemberMethod[] methods = GetInitializeMethods(manager, declaration); 

                    if (methods == null) { 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();

                    Trace("Members to deserialize: {0}", _nameTable.Keys.Count); 
                    Trace("Methods to deserialize: {0}", methods.Length);
                    TraceWarningIf(methods.Length == 0, "Serializer did not find any methods to deserialize."); 
                    // Walk through all of our methods and search for local variables.  These guys get added to our
                    // nametable too. 
                    foreach(CodeMemberMethod method in methods) {
                        foreach (CodeStatement statement in method.Statements) {
                            CodeVariableDeclarationStatement local = statement as CodeVariableDeclarationStatement;
                            if (local != null) {
                                _nameTable[local.Name] = statement; 

                    // The name table should come pre-populated with our root expression.
                    _nameTable[declaration.Name] = rootCxt.Expression;
                    // We fill a "statement table" for everything in our init methods.  This statement
                    // table is a dictionary whose keys contain object names and whose values contain 
                    // a statement collection of all statements with a LHS resolving to an object 
                    // by that name.  If supportGenerate is true, FillStatementTable will skip methods
                    // that are marked with the tag "GeneratedStatement". 

                    foreach (CodeMemberMethod method in methods) {
                        FillStatementTable(manager, _statementTable, names, method.Statements, declaration.Name);

                    // Interesting problem.  The CodeDom parser may auto generate statements 
                    // that are associated with other methods. VB does this, for example, to 
                    // create statements automatically for Handles clauses.  The problem with
                    // this technique is that we will end up with statements that are related 
                    // to variables that live solely in user code and not in InitializeComponent.
                    // We will attempt to construct instances of these objects with limited
                    // success.  To guard against this, we check to see if the manager
                    // even supports this feature, and if it does, we must look out for 
                    // these statements while filling the statement collections.
                    PropertyDescriptor supportGenerate = manager.Properties["SupportsStatementGeneration"]; 
                    if (supportGenerate != null && supportGenerate.PropertyType == typeof(bool) && ((bool)supportGenerate.GetValue(manager)) == true) { 
                        // Ok, we must do the more expensive work of validating the statements we get.
                        foreach (string name in _nameTable.Keys) { 
                            if (_statementTable.ContainsKey(name)) {
                                CodeStatementCollection statements = _statementTable[name];
                                bool acceptStatement = false;
                                foreach (CodeStatement statement in statements) {
                                    object genFlag = statement.UserData["GeneratedStatement"]; 
                                    if (genFlag == null || !(genFlag is bool) || !((bool)genFlag)) {
                                        acceptStatement = true; 
                                if (!acceptStatement) {

                    // Design time properties must be resolved before runtime properties to make
                    // sure that properties like "language" get established before we need to read 
                    // values out the resource bundle.
                    Trace("     Beginning deserialization of {0} (design time)", declaration.Name);

                    // Deserialize design time properties for the root component.
                    DeserializePropertiesFromResources(manager, rootObject, _designTimeFilter);
                    // sort by the order so we deserialize in the same order the objects
                    // were decleared in. 
                    OrderedCodeStatementCollection[] statementArray = new OrderedCodeStatementCollection[_statementTable.Count]; 
                    _statementTable.Values.CopyTo(statementArray, 0);
                    Array.Sort(statementArray, StatementOrderComparer.Default); 

                    // make sure we have fully deserialized everything that is referenced in the statement table.
                    // Skip the root object for last
                    OrderedCodeStatementCollection rootStatements = null; 
                    foreach (OrderedCodeStatementCollection statements in statementArray) {
                        if (statements.Name.Equals(declaration.Name)) { 
                            rootStatements = statements; 
                        else { 
                            DeserializeName(manager, statements.Name, statements);
                    if (rootStatements != null) { 
                        DeserializeName(manager, rootStatements.Name, rootStatements);
                finally {
                    _nameTable = null; 
                    _statementTable = null;
                    Debug.Assert(manager.Context.Current == rootCxt, "Context stack corrupted");
                    manager.ResolveName -= onResolveName;
            return rootObject;

        ///     This takes the given name and deserializes it from our name table.  Before blindly
        ///     deserializing it checks the contents of the name table to see if the object already 
        ///     exists within it.  We do this because deserializing one object may call back
        ///     into us through OnResolveName and deserialize another. 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2102:CatchNonClsCompliantExceptionsInGeneralHandlers")]
        private object DeserializeName(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, string name, CodeStatementCollection statements) { 
            object value = null;

            using (TraceScope("RootCodeDomSerializer::DeserializeName")) {
                // If the name we're looking for isn't in our dictionary, we return null.  It is up to the caller 
                // to decide if this is an error or not.
                value = _nameTable[name]; 

                CodeObject codeObject = value as CodeObject; 
                string typeName = null;
                CodeMemberField field = null;

                TraceIf(codeObject == null, "Name already deserialized.  Type: {0}", (value == null ? "(null)" : value.GetType().Name)); 
                if (codeObject != null) {
                    // If we fail, don't return a CodeDom element to the caller!  Also 
                    // clear out our nametable entry here -- A badly written serializer may cause a recursion here, and 
                    // we want to stop it.
                    value = null;
                    _nameTable[name] = null;

                    // What kind of code object is this? 
                    Trace("CodeDom type: {0}", codeObject.GetType().Name); 
                    CodeVariableDeclarationStatement declaration = codeObject as CodeVariableDeclarationStatement;
                    if (declaration != null) { 
                        typeName = GetTypeNameFromCodeTypeReference(manager, declaration.Type);
                    else {
                        field = codeObject as CodeMemberField; 

                        if (field != null) { 
                            typeName = GetTypeNameFromCodeTypeReference(manager, field.Type); 
                        else { 
                            CodeExpression exp = codeObject as CodeExpression;
                            RootContext rootCxt = manager.Context[typeof(RootContext)] as RootContext;
                            if (rootCxt != null && exp != null && rootCxt.Expression == exp) {
                                value = rootCxt.Value; 
                                typeName = TypeDescriptor.GetClassName(value);
                            else { 
                                Debug.Fail("Unrecognized code object in nametable.");
                else if (value == null) { 

                    // See if the container has this object.  This may be necessary for 
                    // visual inheritance. 

                    IContainer container = (IContainer)manager.GetService(typeof(IContainer)); 

                    if (container != null) {
                        Trace("Try to get the type name from the container: {0}", name);
                        IComponent comp = container.Components[name];
                        if (comp != null) { 
                            typeName = comp.GetType().FullName;
                            // we had to go to the host here, so there isn't a nametable entry here --
                            // push in the component here so we don't accidentally recurse when
                            // we try to deserialize this object.
                            _nameTable[name] = comp;
                if (typeName != null) {
                    // Default case -- something that needs to be deserialized
                    Type type = manager.GetType(typeName); 

                    if (type == null) { 
                        TraceError("Type does not exist: {0}", typeName); 
                        manager.ReportError(new CodeDomSerializerException(SR.GetString(SR.SerializerTypeNotFound, typeName), manager));
                    else {
                        if (statements == null && _statementTable.ContainsKey(name)) {
                            statements = _statementTable[name];

                        if (statements != null && statements.Count > 0) { 
                            CodeDomSerializer serializer = GetSerializer(manager, type); 

                            if (serializer == null) { 
                                // We report this as an error.  This indicates that there are code statements
                                // in initialize component that we do not know how to load.
                                TraceError("Type referenced in init method has no serializer: {0}", type.Name); 
                                manager.ReportError(new CodeDomSerializerException(SR.GetString(SR.SerializerNoSerializerForComponent, type.FullName), manager));
                            else { 
                                Trace("     Beginning deserialization of {0}", name); 
                                try {
                                    value = serializer.Deserialize(manager, statements);
                                    // Search for a modifiers property, and set it.
                                    if (value != null && field != null) { 
                                        PropertyDescriptor prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(value)["Modifiers"];
                                        if (prop != null && prop.PropertyType == typeof(MemberAttributes)) {
                                            MemberAttributes modifiers = field.Attributes & MemberAttributes.AccessMask;

                                            prop.SetValue(value, modifiers); 
                                    _nameTable[name] = value;
                                catch (Exception ex) {
            return value;


        ///    This method returns the method to emit all of the initialization code to for the given member.
        ///    The default implementation returns an empty constructor. 
        protected virtual CodeMemberMethod GetInitializeMethod(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, CodeTypeDeclaration declaration, object value) {
            if (manager == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("manager"); 
            if (declaration == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("declaration");

            if (value == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

            CodeConstructor ctor = declaration.UserData[_initMethodKey] as CodeConstructor; 
            if (ctor == null) {
                ctor = new CodeConstructor(); 
                declaration.UserData[_initMethodKey] = ctor;

            return ctor; 
        ///    This method returns an array of methods that need to be interpreted during deserialization. 
        ///    The default implementation returns a single element array with the constructor in it.
        protected virtual CodeMemberMethod[] GetInitializeMethods(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, CodeTypeDeclaration declaration) {
            if (manager == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("manager");
            if (declaration == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("declaration"); 

            foreach (CodeTypeMember member in declaration.Members) {
                CodeConstructor ctor = member as CodeConstructor; 

                if (ctor != null && ctor.Parameters.Count == 0) { 
                    return new CodeMemberMethod[] { ctor }; 

            return new CodeMemberMethod[0];
        ///     Called by the serialization manager to resolve a name to an object. 
        private void OnResolveName(object sender, ResolveNameEventArgs e) {
            Debug.Assert(_nameTable != null, "OnResolveName called and we are not deserializing!"); 
            using (TraceScope("RootCodeDomSerializer::OnResolveName")) {
                Trace("Name: {0}", e.Name);

                // If someone else already found a value, who are we to complain? 
                if (e.Value != null) { 
                    TraceWarning("Another name resolver has already found the value for {0}.", e.Name); 
                else { 
                    IDesignerSerializationManager manager = (IDesignerSerializationManager)sender;
                    e.Value = DeserializeName(manager, e.Name, null);
        ///    This method serializes the given root object and optional collection of members to create a 
        ///    new type definition.  The members collection can be null or empty.  If it contains values,
        ///    these values will be serialized.  Values themselves may decide to serialize as either member
        ///    variables or local variables.  This determination is done by looking for an extender property
        ///    on the object called GenerateMember.  If true, a member is generated.  Otherwise, a local 
        ///    variable is generated.  For convenience, the members collection can contain the root object.
        ///    In this case the root object will not also be added as a member or local variable.  The return 
        ///    value is a CodeTypeDeclaration that defines the root object.  The name of the type will be taken 
        ///    from the root object�s name, if it was a named object.  If not, a name will be fabricated from the
        ///    simple type name of the root class. 
        ///    The default implementation of Serialize performs the following tasks:
        ///    �    Context Seeding.  The serialization context will be �seeded� with data including the RootContext, 
        ///        and CodeTypeDeclaration.
        ///    �    Member Serialization.  Next Serialize will walk all of the members and call SerializeToExpression. 
        ///        Because serialization is done opportunistically in SerializeToExpression, this ensures that we do 
        ///        not serialize twice.
        ///    �    Root Seralization.  Finally, the root object is serialized and its statements are added to the statement 
        ///        collection.
        ///    �    Statement Integration.  After all objects have been serialized the Serialize method orders the statements
        ///        and adds them to a method returned from GetInitializeMethod.  Finally, a constructor is fabricated that calls
        ///        all of the methods returned from GetInitializeMethod (this step is skipped for cases when GetInitializeMethod 
        ///        returns a constructor.
        public virtual CodeTypeDeclaration Serialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object root, ICollection members) { 

            if (manager == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("manager");

            if (root == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("root");
            // As a type serializer we are responsible for creating the type declaration.  Other
            // serializers may access this type declaration and add members to it, so we need
            // to place it on the context stack.  The serialization process also looks at the
            // root context to see if there is a root component.  The root context is also used 
            // by the serializers to add statement collections for serialized components.
            CodeTypeDeclaration docType = new CodeTypeDeclaration(manager.GetName(root)); 
            CodeThisReferenceExpression thisRef = new CodeThisReferenceExpression();
            RootContext rootCxt = new RootContext(thisRef, root); 
            StatementContext statementCxt = new StatementContext();

            // Populate the statement context with a list of members we'd like to see
            // statements for 
            if (members != null) { 
            try {
                // Do each component, skipping us, since we handle our own serialization. 
                // This looks really sweet, but is it worth it?  We take the
                // perf hit of a quicksort + the allocation overhead of 4 
                // bytes for each component.  Profiles show this as a 2%
                // cost for a form with 100 controls.  Let's meet the perf
                // goals first, then consider uncommenting this.
                //ArrayList sortedComponents = new ArrayList(components);
                //components = sortedComponents; 

                if (members != null) { 
                    foreach (object member in members) {
                        if (member != root) {
                            string memberName = manager.GetName(member); 
                            if (memberName == null) memberName = member.ToString();
                            Trace("     Beginning serialization of {0}", memberName); 

                            // This returns an expression for the object, if possible.  We ignore that.  Besides returning
                            // an expression, it fills the statement table in the statement context and we're very interested
                            // in that.  After serializing everything we will walk over the statement context's statement table. 
                            // We will validate that each and every member we've serialized has a presence in the
                            // statement table.  If it doesn't, that's an error in the member's serializer. 
                            SerializeToExpression(manager, member);

                // Now do the root object last. 

#if DEBUG 
                string rootName = manager.GetName(root); 
                if (rootName == null) rootName = root.ToString();
                Trace("     Bedginning serialization of root object {0}", rootName);
                // Now, do the root object last.
                SerializeToExpression(manager, root); 

                // After serializing everything we will walk over the statement context's statement table. 
                // We will validate that each and every member we've serialized has a presence in the
                // statement table.  If it doesn't, that's an error in the member's serializer.

                IntegrateStatements(manager, root, members, statementCxt, docType); 
            finally { 
                Debug.Assert(manager.Context.Current == statementCxt, "Somebody messed up our context stack"); 

            Trace("     Generated code for ", manager.GetName(root));

            return docType; 

        ///    Takes the statement context and integrates all the statements into the correct methods.  Then, those methods are added to the code type declaration. 
        private void IntegrateStatements(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object root, ICollection members, StatementContext statementCxt, CodeTypeDeclaration typeDecl) { 
            Dictionary methodMapIndex = new Dictionary();
            List methodMap = new List(); 

            // Go through all of our members and root object and fish out matching statement context
            // info for each object.  The statement context will probably contain more objects than
            // our members, because each object that returned a statement collection was placed in the 
            // context. That's fine, because for each major component we serialized it pushed its
            // statement collection on the context stack and statements were added there as well, forming 
            // a comlete graph. 

            if (members != null) { 
                foreach(object member in members) {
                    if (member != root) { // always skip the root and do it last
                        CodeStatementCollection statements = statementCxt.StatementCollection[member];
                        if (statements != null) { 
                            CodeMemberMethod method = GetInitializeMethod(manager, typeDecl, member);
                            if (method == null) { 
                                throw new InvalidOperationException();

                            CodeMethodMap map;
                            int mapIndex;
                            if (methodMapIndex.TryGetValue(method.Name, out mapIndex)) {
                                map = methodMap[mapIndex]; 
                            else {
                                map = new CodeMethodMap(method); 
                                methodMapIndex[method.Name] = methodMap.Count - 1;
                            if (statements.Count > 0) {

            // Finally, do the same thing for the root object. 

            CodeStatementCollection rootStatements = statementCxt.StatementCollection[root]; 
            if (rootStatements != null) {
                CodeMemberMethod rootMethod = GetInitializeMethod(manager, typeDecl, root); 

                if (rootMethod == null) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                CodeMethodMap rootMap; 
                int rootMapIndex; 

                if (methodMapIndex.TryGetValue(rootMethod.Name, out rootMapIndex)) { 
                    rootMap = methodMap[rootMapIndex];
                else {
                    rootMap = new CodeMethodMap(rootMethod); 
                    methodMapIndex[rootMethod.Name] = methodMap.Count - 1; 

                if (rootStatements.Count > 0) {

            // Final step -- walk through all of the sections and emit them to the type declaration. 
            foreach (CodeMethodMap map in methodMap) {
                Trace("...generated {0} statements into method {1}", map.Method.Statements.Count, map.Method.Name);

        #region OrderedStatementsCollection Class 
        private class StatementOrderComparer : IComparer {
            public static readonly StatementOrderComparer Default = new StatementOrderComparer();

            private StatementOrderComparer() {

            public int Compare(object left, object right) { 
                OrderedCodeStatementCollection cscLeft = left as OrderedCodeStatementCollection; 
                OrderedCodeStatementCollection cscRight = right as OrderedCodeStatementCollection;
                if (left == null) {
                    return 1;
                else if (right == null) { 
                    return -1;
                else if (right == left) { 
                    return 0;

                return cscLeft.Order - cscRight.Order;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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