PasswordRecoveryDesigner.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WebForms / System / Web / UI / Design / WebControls / PasswordRecoveryDesigner.cs / 1 / PasswordRecoveryDesigner.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls { 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Design; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 
    using Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor;
    using Cursors = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors;

    /// The designer for the PasswordRecovery control.  Adds verbs for "Auto Format", "Switch View", "Convert To Template", and "Reset". 
    /// When the control is templated, removes properties that do not apply when templated. 
    [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
    public class PasswordRecoveryDesigner : ControlDesigner {

        private PasswordRecovery _passwordRecovery;
        private static DesignerAutoFormatCollection _autoFormats; 
        private const string _failureTextID = "FailureText";
        private static readonly string[] _userNameViewRegionToPropertyMap = new string[] { 

        private static readonly string[] _questionViewRegionToPropertyMap = new string[] { 

        private static readonly string[] _successViewRegionToPropertyMap = new string[] {
        private static readonly string[] _templateNames = new string[] {
        // Properties that do not apply to the control when it is templated
        // Removed from the property grid when there is a user template 
        private static readonly string[] _nonTemplateProperties = new string[] { 
        public override DesignerActionListCollection ActionLists {
            get {
                DesignerActionListCollection actionLists = new DesignerActionListCollection(); 
                actionLists.Add(new PasswordRecoveryDesignerActionList(this)); 
                return actionLists;

        public override DesignerAutoFormatCollection AutoFormats {
            get { 
                if (_autoFormats == null) {
                    _autoFormats = CreateAutoFormats(AutoFormatSchemes.PASSWORDRECOVERY_SCHEMES, 
                        delegate(DataRow schemeData) { return new PasswordRecoveryAutoFormat(schemeData); }); 
                return _autoFormats; 

        private ViewType CurrentView { 
            get {
                object view = DesignerState["CurrentView"]; 
                return (view == null) ? ViewType.UserName : (ViewType)view; 
            set { 
                DesignerState["CurrentView"] = value;
        /// Returns true if the current view is templated. 
        private bool Templated {
            get { 
                return (GetTemplate(_passwordRecovery) != null);
        private TemplateDefinition TemplateDefinition {
            get { 
                string templateName = _templateNames[(int)CurrentView]; 
                return new TemplateDefinition(this, templateName, _passwordRecovery, templateName, ((WebControl)ViewControl).ControlStyle);

        private PropertyDescriptor TemplateDescriptor {
            get { 
                PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component);
                string templateName = _templateNames[(int)CurrentView]; 
                PropertyDescriptor templateDescriptor = (PropertyDescriptor)properties.Find(templateName, false); 
                return templateDescriptor;

        public override TemplateGroupCollection TemplateGroups { 
            get {
                TemplateGroupCollection groups = base.TemplateGroups; 
                TemplateGroupCollection templateGroups = new TemplateGroupCollection(); 
                for (int i = 0; i < _templateNames.Length; i++) {
                    string templateName = _templateNames[i]; 
                    TemplateGroup templateGroup = new TemplateGroup(templateName, ((WebControl)ViewControl).ControlStyle);
                    templateGroup.AddTemplateDefinition(new TemplateDefinition(this, templateName, _passwordRecovery, templateName, ((WebControl)ViewControl).ControlStyle));

                return groups; 

        protected override bool UsePreviewControl {
            get {
                return true; 
        private bool ConvertToTemplateChangeCallback(object context) {
            try { 
                IDesignerHost designerHost = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));
                ConvertToTemplateHelper convertToTemplateHelper = new ConvertToTemplateHelper(this, designerHost);
                ITemplate template = convertToTemplateHelper.ConvertToTemplate();
                TemplateDescriptor.SetValue(_passwordRecovery, template); 
                return true;
            catch (Exception e) { 
                return false; 

        public override string GetDesignTimeHtml() {
            string designTimeHtml; 
            try { 
                IDictionary parameters = new HybridDictionary(1);
                parameters["CurrentView"] = CurrentView; 

                // Make sure the child controls are recreated
                ICompositeControlDesignerAccessor designerAccessor = (ICompositeControlDesignerAccessor)ViewControl; 
                designTimeHtml = base.GetDesignTimeHtml(); 
            } catch (Exception e) {
                designTimeHtml = GetErrorDesignTimeHtml(e); 
            return designTimeHtml;
        protected override string GetErrorDesignTimeHtml(Exception e) { 
            return CreatePlaceHolderDesignTimeHtml(SR.GetString(SR.Control_ErrorRenderingShort) + "
" + e.Message); } private ITemplate GetTemplate(PasswordRecovery passwordRecovery) { ITemplate template = null; switch (CurrentView) { case ViewType.UserName: template = passwordRecovery.UserNameTemplate; break; case ViewType.Question: template = passwordRecovery.QuestionTemplate; break; case ViewType.Success: template = passwordRecovery.SuccessTemplate; break; } return template; } /// public override void Initialize(IComponent component) { VerifyInitializeArgument(component, typeof(PasswordRecovery)); _passwordRecovery = (PasswordRecovery) component; base.Initialize(component); } private void LaunchWebAdmin() { IDesignerHost designerHost = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); if (designerHost != null) { IWebAdministrationService webadmin = (IWebAdministrationService)designerHost.GetService(typeof(IWebAdministrationService)); if (webadmin != null) { webadmin.Start(null); } } } private void ConvertToTemplate() { InvokeTransactedChange(Component, new TransactedChangeCallback(ConvertToTemplateChangeCallback), null, SR.GetString(SR.WebControls_ConvertToTemplate), TemplateDescriptor); } private void Reset() { // UpdateDesignTimeHtml(); InvokeTransactedChange(Component, new TransactedChangeCallback(ResetChangeCallback), null, SR.GetString(SR.WebControls_Reset), TemplateDescriptor); } /// /// /// If the current view is templated, remove properties that do not apply when templated. /// protected override void PreFilterProperties(IDictionary properties) { base.PreFilterProperties(properties); if (Templated) { foreach (string propertyName in _nonTemplateProperties) { PropertyDescriptor property = (PropertyDescriptor) properties[propertyName]; Debug.Assert(property != null, "Property is null: " + propertyName); if (property != null) { properties[propertyName] = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(property.ComponentType, property, BrowsableAttribute.No); } } } } /// /// Transacted change callback to invoke the Reset operation. /// /// Removes the user template from the control, causing it to use the default template. /// Applies only to the current view. /// private bool ResetChangeCallback(object context) { try { TemplateDescriptor.SetValue(_passwordRecovery, null); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.Message); return false; } } public override string GetDesignTimeHtml(DesignerRegionCollection regions) { bool useRegions = UseRegions(regions, GetTemplate(_passwordRecovery)); if (useRegions) { EditableDesignerRegion region = new TemplatedEditableDesignerRegion(TemplateDefinition); region.Description = SR.GetString(SR.ContainerControlDesigner_RegionWatermark); regions.Add(region); // VSWhidbey 382801 Always enable the controls in the designer so we can drag and drop controls ((WebControl)ViewControl).Enabled = true; IDictionary parameters = new HybridDictionary(1); parameters.Add("RegionEditing", true); ((IControlDesignerAccessor)ViewControl).SetDesignModeState(parameters); } return GetDesignTimeHtml(); } public override string GetEditableDesignerRegionContent(EditableDesignerRegion region) { ITemplate template = GetTemplate(_passwordRecovery); if (template == null) { return String.Empty; } IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); return ControlPersister.PersistTemplate(template, host); } public override void SetEditableDesignerRegionContent(EditableDesignerRegion region, string content) { IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)Component.Site.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); Debug.Assert(host != null, "IDesignerHost is null."); ITemplate template = ControlParser.ParseTemplate(host, content); // Region name maps to the template property PropertyDescriptor descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)[region.Name]; using (DesignerTransaction transaction = host.CreateTransaction("SetEditableDesignerRegionContent")) { descriptor.SetValue(Component, template); transaction.Commit(); } } private enum ViewType { UserName = 0, Question = 1, Success = 2 } private class PasswordRecoveryDesignerActionList : DesignerActionList { private PasswordRecoveryDesigner _designer; public PasswordRecoveryDesignerActionList(PasswordRecoveryDesigner designer) : base(designer.Component) { _designer = designer; } public override bool AutoShow { get { return true; } set { } } [TypeConverter(typeof(PasswordRecoveryViewTypeConverter))] public string View { get { if (_designer.CurrentView == ViewType.UserName) { return SR.GetString(SR.PasswordRecovery_UserNameView); } else if (_designer.CurrentView == ViewType.Question) { return SR.GetString(SR.PasswordRecovery_QuestionView); } else if (_designer.CurrentView == ViewType.Success) { return SR.GetString(SR.PasswordRecovery_SuccessView); } else { Debug.Fail("Unexpected view value"); } return String.Empty; } set { if (String.Compare(value, SR.GetString(SR.PasswordRecovery_UserNameView), StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { _designer.CurrentView = ViewType.UserName; } else if (String.Compare(value, SR.GetString(SR.PasswordRecovery_QuestionView), StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { _designer.CurrentView = ViewType.Question; } else if (String.Compare(value, SR.GetString(SR.PasswordRecovery_SuccessView), StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { _designer.CurrentView = ViewType.Success; } else { Debug.Fail("Unexpected view value"); } // Update the property grid, since the visible properties may have changed if // the view changed between a templated and non-templated view. TypeDescriptor.Refresh(_designer.Component); _designer.UpdateDesignTimeHtml(); } } public void ConvertToTemplate() { Cursor originalCursor = Cursor.Current; try { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; _designer.ConvertToTemplate(); } finally { Cursor.Current = originalCursor; } } public void LaunchWebAdmin() { _designer.LaunchWebAdmin(); } public override DesignerActionItemCollection GetSortedActionItems() { DesignerActionItemCollection items = new DesignerActionItemCollection(); items.Add(new DesignerActionPropertyItem("View", SR.GetString(SR.WebControls_Views), String.Empty, SR.GetString(SR.WebControls_ViewsDescription))); if (!_designer.InTemplateMode) { if (_designer.Templated) { items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this, "Reset", SR.GetString(SR.WebControls_Reset), String.Empty, SR.GetString(SR.WebControls_ResetDescriptionViews), true)); } else { items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this, "ConvertToTemplate", SR.GetString(SR.WebControls_ConvertToTemplate), String.Empty, SR.GetString(SR.WebControls_ConvertToTemplateDescriptionViews), true)); } } items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this, "LaunchWebAdmin", SR.GetString(SR.Login_LaunchWebAdmin), String.Empty, SR.GetString(SR.Login_LaunchWebAdminDescription), true)); return items; } public void Reset() { _designer.Reset(); } private class PasswordRecoveryViewTypeConverter : TypeConverter { public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { string[] names = new string[3]; names[0] = SR.GetString(SR.PasswordRecovery_UserNameView); names[1] = SR.GetString(SR.PasswordRecovery_QuestionView); names[2] = SR.GetString(SR.PasswordRecovery_SuccessView); return new StandardValuesCollection(names); } public override bool GetStandardValuesExclusive(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return true; } public override bool GetStandardValuesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return true; } } } private sealed class ConvertToTemplateHelper : LoginDesignerUtil.GenericConvertToTemplateHelper { // Controls that are persisted when converting to template private static readonly string[] _persistedControlIDs = new string[] { "UserName", "UserNameRequired", "Question", "Answer", "AnswerRequired", "SubmitButton", "SubmitImageButton", "SubmitLinkButton", "FailureText", "HelpLink", }; // Controls that are persisted even if they are not visible when the control is rendered // They are not visible at design-time because the values are computed at runtime private static readonly string[] _persistedIfNotVisibleControlIDs = new string[] { "UserName", "Question", "FailureText" }; public ConvertToTemplateHelper(PasswordRecoveryDesigner designer, IDesignerHost designerHost) : base(designer, designerHost) { } protected override string[] PersistedControlIDs { get { return _persistedControlIDs; } } protected override string[] PersistedIfNotVisibleControlIDs { get { return _persistedIfNotVisibleControlIDs; } } protected override Style GetFailureTextStyle(PasswordRecovery control) { return control.FailureTextStyle; } protected override Control GetDefaultTemplateContents() { Control container = null; switch (Designer.CurrentView) { case ViewType.UserName: container = Designer.ViewControl.Controls[0]; break; case ViewType.Question: container = Designer.ViewControl.Controls[1]; break; case ViewType.Success: container = Designer.ViewControl.Controls[2]; break; } Table table = (Table)(container.Controls[0]); return table; } protected override ITemplate GetTemplate(PasswordRecovery control) { return Designer.GetTemplate(control); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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