DesignBindingPicker.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WinForms / System / WinForms / Design / DesignBindingPicker.cs / 2 / DesignBindingPicker.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design { 
    using System;
    using System.Design; 
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design.Data; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Drawing.Design; 
    using System.Data;
    using System.Globalization;

    /// OVERVIEW:
    /// Multi-purpose data binding picker control. Used for picking data sources,
    /// data members, and data bindings. Invoked using the Pick() method.
    /// Data bindable items are displayed in tree form, with the following general 
    /// structure, consisting of data sources and two kinds of data member...
    ///     Data source 
    ///         Field member
    ///         Field member 
    ///         List member
    ///             Field member
    ///             Field member
    ///         List member 
    ///             Field member
    ///             Field member 
    ///     Data source 
    ///         Field member
    ///         Field member 
    ///         List member
    ///             Field member
    ///             Field member
    ///         List member 
    ///             Field member
    ///             Field member 
    /// ...where data sources are only top-level items, and list members can be
    /// nested to any depth. The tree can also be scoped to just show the members 
    /// of a specific data source. List members and field members can also be
    /// filtered out. The user can only select the 'deepest' kind of item being
    /// shown (ie. field members, then list members, then data sources).
    /// COMMON USES:
    /// Example property       UITypeEditor          Pick(showDS, showDM, selLists, rootDS) 
    /// ---------------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------
    /// DataGrid.DataSource    DataSourceListEditor  Pick(1, 0, -, null) 
    /// TextBox.Text           DesignBindingEditor   Pick(1, 1, 0, null)
    /// ComboBox.DisplayMember DataMemberFieldEditor Pick(0, 1, 0, ComboBox.DataSource)
    /// DataGrid.DataMember    DataMemberListEditor  Pick(0, 1, 1, DataGrid.DataSource)
    /// When data sources are included, the above tree structure is now organized 
    /// as shown below. Binding sources appear first, with other form-level data
    /// sources relegated to a sub-node. There is also a sub-node that exposes 
    /// project-level data sources.
    ///     ["None"]
    ///     Binding source 
    ///         {{{data members}}}
    ///     ["Other Data Sources"] 
    ///         ["Project Data Sources"] 
    ///             Project data source group
    ///                 Project data source 
    ///                     {{{data members}}}
    ///         ["Form List Instances"]
    ///             Data source
    ///                 {{{data members}}} 
    /// members shown under each BindingSource are fine-tuned to remove 
    /// the redundancy that confused Everett users; immediate child members 
    /// are shown, but nothing deeper than that.
    /// List members under either BindingSources or project-level data sources
    /// count as data sources. When one is picked, a new 'related' BindingSource
    /// is created that refers to that list member.
    internal class DesignBindingPicker : ContainerControl {

        private BindingPickerTree treeViewCtrl;   // Tree view that shows the available data sources and data members
        private BindingPickerLink addNewCtrl;     // Link that invokes the "Add Project Data Source" wizard 
        private Panel             addNewPanel;    // Panel containing the "Add Project Data Source" link
        private HelpTextLabel     helpTextCtrl;   // Label that displays helpful text as user mouses over tree view nodes 
        private Panel             helpTextPanel;  // Panel containing the help text label 

        private IServiceProvider serviceProvider; // Current VS service provider 
        private IWindowsFormsEditorService edSvc; // Service used to invoke the picker inside a modal dropdown
        private DataSourceProviderService dspSvc; // Service that provides project level data sources and related commands
        private ITypeResolutionService typeSvc;   // Service that can return Type info for types in the user's project, at design time
        private IDesignerHost hostSvc;            // Service that provides access to current WinForms designer session 

        private bool           showDataSources;   // True to show all data sources, false to just show contents of root data source 
        private bool           showDataMembers;   // True to show data members of every data source, false to omit data members 
        private bool           selectListMembers; // True to allow selection of list members, false to allow selection of field members
        private object         rootDataSource;    // Root data source used to build tree (set when picker is invoked)
        private string         rootDataMember;    // Root data member used to build tree (set when picker is invoked)

        private DesignBinding  selectedItem;      // Describes the initial selection on open, and the final selection on close 
        private TreeNode       selectedNode;      // Tree node that matches the initial selected item (selectedItem)
        private bool           inSelectNode;      // Prevents processing of node expansion events when auot-selecting a tree node 
        private NoneNode       noneNode;          // "None" tree node
        private OtherNode      otherNode;         // "Other Data Sources" tree node 
        private ProjectNode    projectNode;       // "Project Data Sources" tree node
        private InstancesNode  instancesNode;     // "Form List Instances" tree node

        private const int      minimumHeight = 250; 
        private const int      minimumWidth  = 250;
        private ITypeDescriptorContext context;   // Context of the current 'pick' operation 

        private BindingContext bindingContext = new BindingContext(); 

        // The type of RuntimeType.
        // When binding to a business object, the DesignBindingPicker needs to create an instance of the business object.
        // However, Activator.CreateInstance works only with RuntimeType - it does not work w/ Virtual Types. 
        // We use the runtimeType static to determine if the type of business object is a runtime type or not.
        private static Type    runtimeType = typeof(Object).GetType().GetType(); 
        /// Constructor - Initializes child controls and window layout
        public DesignBindingPicker() { 
            treeViewCtrl = new BindingPickerTree(); 
            treeViewCtrl.HotTracking = true;
            treeViewCtrl.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; 
            treeViewCtrl.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText;
            treeViewCtrl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            Size initialSize = treeViewCtrl.Size;
            treeViewCtrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; 
            treeViewCtrl.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(treeViewCtrl_MouseMove);
            treeViewCtrl.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(treeViewCtrl_MouseLeave); 
            treeViewCtrl.AfterExpand += new TreeViewEventHandler(treeViewCtrl_AfterExpand); 
            treeViewCtrl.AccessibleName = SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerTreeViewAccessibleName);
            Label addNewDiv = new Label();
            addNewDiv.Height = 1;
            addNewDiv.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark;
            addNewDiv.Dock = DockStyle.Top; 

            addNewCtrl = new BindingPickerLink(); 
            addNewCtrl.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerAddProjDataSourceLabel); 
            addNewCtrl.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            addNewCtrl.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; 
            addNewCtrl.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText;
            addNewCtrl.LinkBehavior = LinkBehavior.HoverUnderline;
            int addNewHeight = addNewCtrl.Height;
            addNewCtrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; 
            addNewCtrl.LinkClicked += new LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler(addNewCtrl_Click);
            Bitmap addNewBitmap = new Bitmap(typeof(DesignBindingPicker), "AddNewDataSource.bmp"); 
            PictureBox addNewIcon = new PictureBox();
            addNewIcon.Image = addNewBitmap;
            addNewIcon.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;
            addNewIcon.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText; 
            addNewIcon.Width = addNewHeight;
            addNewIcon.Height = addNewHeight; 
            addNewIcon.Dock = DockStyle.Left; 
            addNewIcon.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
            addNewIcon.AccessibleRole = AccessibleRole.Graphic; 

            addNewPanel = new Panel();
            addNewPanel.Height = addNewHeight + 1; 
            addNewPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; 

            Label helpTextDiv = new Label(); 
            helpTextDiv.Height = 1;
            helpTextDiv.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark;
            helpTextDiv.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
            helpTextCtrl = new HelpTextLabel();
            helpTextCtrl.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; 
            helpTextCtrl.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; 
            helpTextCtrl.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText;
            helpTextCtrl.Height *= 2; 
            int helpTextHeight = helpTextCtrl.Height;
            helpTextCtrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            helpTextPanel = new Panel(); 
            helpTextPanel.Height = helpTextHeight + 1; 
            helpTextPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
            this.Size = initialSize; 
            this.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;
            this.ActiveControl = treeViewCtrl; 
            this.AccessibleName = SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerAccessibleName);

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

        /// Invokes picker as a dropdown control, allowing user to pick a data source
        /// or data member to apply to some property of some component or control. 
        /// This is a modal call - it doesn't return until the dropdown closes.
        /// Arguments:
        ///     context              - Context of operation (ie. which property of which object is being set)
        ///     provider             - VS service provider (for IWindowsFormsEditorService and DataSourceProviderService) 
        ///     showDataSources      - True to show all data sources, false to just show contents of root data source 
        ///     showDataMembers      - True to show data members of every data source, false to omit data members
        ///     selectListMembers    - True to allow selection of list members, false to allow selection of field members 
        ///     rootObjectDataSource - Root data source, who's members we want to show (ignored if showDataSources = true)
        ///     rootObjectDataMember - Optional: For identifying root data source through data member of another data source
        ///     initialSelectedItem  - Optional: Describes which binding to show as the initial selection
        /// Return value:
        ///     Returns a DesignBinding that describes the binding 
        ///     the user picked, or null if no selection was made.

        /// FXCOP suggests we use generics to avoid boxing of value types when referencing
        /// values in the uiService.Styles hashtable.  However, the values contained within 
        /// can be of differing types - so we cannot do this.  Hence the suppression.
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1808:AvoidCallsThatBoxValueTypes")] 
        public DesignBinding Pick(ITypeDescriptorContext context, 
                                  IServiceProvider provider,
                                  bool showDataSources, 
                                  bool showDataMembers,
                                  bool selectListMembers,
                                  object rootDataSource,
                                  string rootDataMember, 
                                  DesignBinding initialSelectedItem) {
            // Get services 
            serviceProvider = provider; 
            edSvc = (IWindowsFormsEditorService) serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IWindowsFormsEditorService));
            dspSvc = (DataSourceProviderService) serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(DataSourceProviderService)); 
            typeSvc = (ITypeResolutionService) serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService));
            hostSvc = (IDesignerHost) serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));

            if (edSvc == null) { 
                return null;
            // Record basic settings
            this.context           = context; 
            this.showDataSources   = showDataSources;
            this.showDataMembers   = showDataMembers;
            this.selectListMembers = showDataMembers ? selectListMembers : true;
            this.rootDataSource    = rootDataSource; 
            this.rootDataMember    = rootDataMember;
            //Attempt to adjust the linklabel colors if we can get our ui service
            IUIService uiService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService; 
            if (uiService != null) {
                if (uiService.Styles["VsColorPanelHyperLink"] is Color) {
                    addNewCtrl.LinkColor = (Color)uiService.Styles["VsColorPanelHyperLink"];
                if (uiService.Styles["VsColorPanelHyperLinkPressed"] is Color) {
                    addNewCtrl.ActiveLinkColor = (Color)uiService.Styles["VsColorPanelHyperLinkPressed"]; 
            // Fill the tree with lots of juicy stuff

            // Set initial state of the various sub-panels 
            addNewPanel.Visible = (showDataSources && dspSvc != null && dspSvc.SupportsAddNewDataSource);
            helpTextPanel.Visible = (showDataSources); 
            // Set initial help text in help pane

            // Invoke the modal dropdown via the editor service (returns once CloseDropDown has been called)
            // Record any final selection
            DesignBinding finalSelectedItem = selectedItem; 
            selectedItem  = null; 

            // Clean up tree (remove nodes and clear node references) 

            // Clean up references
            serviceProvider = null; 
            edSvc = null;
            dspSvc = null; 
            hostSvc = null; 
            context = null;
            // Return final selection to caller
            return finalSelectedItem;
        /// If control is open as a dropdown, and a value has been picked 
        /// by the user, close the dropdown and end the picking session.
        private void CloseDropDown() {
            // VSWhidbey#256272. If the object being edited is a BindingSource, then tell its designer to notify
            // the DataSourceProviderService of this change, once the new DataSource/DataMember value has taken 
            // effect. This allows the service to generate any adapter components or fill statements needed to
            // set up whatever data source the BindingSource is now bound to. Scenario: Advanced user manually 
            // configuring a BindingSource. 
            if (context.Instance is BindingSource && hostSvc != null) { 
                BindingSourceDesigner designer = hostSvc.GetDesigner(context.Instance as IComponent) as BindingSourceDesigner;
                if (designer != null) {
                    designer.BindingUpdatedByUser = true;
            // Tell the editor service to close the dropdown 
            if (edSvc != null) {

        /// Resets tree view to empty state. 
        private void EmptyTree() { 
            noneNode      = null;
            otherNode     = null;
            projectNode   = null;
            instancesNode = null; 
            selectedNode  = null;
        /// Initializes and populates the tree view.
        private void FillTree(DesignBinding initialSelectedItem) { 
            // Set the initial selected item 
            selectedItem = initialSelectedItem;
            // Force tree into empty state

            // Create the 'special' nodes 
            noneNode      = new NoneNode();
            otherNode     = new OtherNode(); 
            projectNode   = new ProjectNode(this); 
            if (hostSvc != null && hostSvc.RootComponent != null && hostSvc.RootComponent.Site != null) {
                instancesNode = new InstancesNode(hostSvc.RootComponent.Site.Name); 
            } else {
                instancesNode = new InstancesNode(String.Empty);
            // Add the 'None' node at the top
            if (showDataSources) {
                // Add form-level data sources 

                // Add project-level data sources

                // Add the remaining 'special' nodes, if they are required 
                if (projectNode.Nodes.Count > 0) { 
                if (instancesNode.Nodes.Count > 0) {
                if (otherNode.Nodes.Count > 0) { 
            else {
                // Add contents of one specific data source 
                AddDataSourceContents(treeViewCtrl.Nodes, rootDataSource, rootDataMember, null);

            // If no node was matched to the selected item, just select the 'None' node 
            if (selectedNode == null) {
                selectedNode = noneNode; 

            // Selected node should be recorded now, so clear the selected item. 
            selectedItem = null;

            // Set default width (based on items in tree)
            Width = Math.Max(this.Width, treeViewCtrl.PreferredWidth + (SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth * 2)); 
        /// Fills the tree view with top-level data source nodes. 
        private void AddFormDataSources() {
            // VSWhidbey#455147. If the ITypeDescriptorContext does not have a container, grab the container from the 
            // IDesignerHost.
            IContainer container = null; 
            if (context != null) { 
                container = context.Container;

            if (container == null && hostSvc != null) {
                container = hostSvc.Container;

            // Bail if we have no container to work with 
            if (container == null) { 

            container = DesignerUtils.CheckForNestedContainer(container); // ...necessary to support SplitterPanel components

            ComponentCollection components = container.Components; 

            // Enumerate the components of the container (eg. the Form) 
            foreach (IComponent comp in components) { 

                // Don't add component to tree if it is the very object who's property the picker 
                // is setting (ie. don't let a BindingSource's DataSource property point to itself).
                if (comp == context.Instance) {

                // Don't add a DataTable to the tree if its parent DataSet is gonna be in the tree. 
                // ( redundancy-reducing measure for Whidbey) 
                if (comp is DataTable && FindComponent(components, ((comp as DataTable).DataSet as IComponent))) {

                // Add tree node for this data source
                if (comp is BindingSource) { 
                    AddDataSource(treeViewCtrl.Nodes, comp, null);
                else { 
                    AddDataSource(instancesNode.Nodes, comp, null);

        /// Adds a tree node representing a data source. Also adds the data source's immediate 
        /// child data members, so that the node has the correct +/- state by default. 
        private void AddDataSource(TreeNodeCollection nodes, IComponent dataSource, string dataMember) {
            // Don't add node if not showing data sources
            if (!showDataSources) {
            // Don't add node if this is not a valid bindable data source 
            if (!IsBindableDataSource(dataSource)) {

            // Get properties of this data source
            String getPropsError = null; 
            PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = null;
            try { 
                properties = GetItemProperties(dataSource, dataMember); 
                if (properties == null) {
            catch (System.ArgumentException e) {
                // Exception can occur trying to get list item properties from a data source that's 
                // in a badly configured state (eg. its data member refers to a property on its
                // parent data source that's invalid because the parent's metadata has changed). 
                getPropsError = e.Message; 
            // If data source has no properties, and we are in member-picking mode rather than
            // source-picking mode, just omit the data source altogether - its useless.
            if (showDataMembers && properties.Count == 0) {
            // Create node and add to specified nodes collection 
            DataSourceNode dataSourceNode = new DataSourceNode(this, dataSource, dataSource.Site.Name);

            // If this node matches the selected item, make it the selected node
            if (selectedItem != null && selectedItem.Equals(dataSource, "")) {
                selectedNode = dataSourceNode; 
            // Since a data source is added directly to the top level of the tree, rather than 
            // revealed by user expansion, we need to fill in its children and grand-children,
            // and mark it as 'filled'. 
            if (getPropsError == null) {
                // Properties were good: Add them underneath the data source node now
                AddDataSourceContents(dataSourceNode.Nodes, dataSource, dataMember, properties);
                dataSourceNode.SubNodesFilled = true; 
            else { 
                // Properties were bad: Tag the data source with the error message and show the 
                // data source as grayed. Error message will appear in help text for that data
                // source, and will prevent user from being able to select the data source. 
                dataSourceNode.Error = getPropsError;
                dataSourceNode.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText;

        /// Adds a set of tree nodes representing the immediate child data members of a data source.
        private void AddDataSourceContents(TreeNodeCollection nodes, object dataSource, string dataMember, PropertyDescriptorCollection properties) {
            // Don't add nodes if not showing data members (except for BindingSources, we always want to show list members)
            if (!showDataMembers && !(dataSource is BindingSource)) { 
            // Special case: Data source is a list type (or list item type) rather than a list instance.
            //    Arises when some component's DataSource property is bound to a Type, and the user opens the dropdown for the DataMember property. 
            //    We need to create a temporary instance of the correct list type, and use that as our data source for the purpose of determining
            //    data members. Since only BindingSource supports type binding, we bind a temporary BindingSource to the specified type - it will
            //    create an instance of the correct list type for us. Fixes VSWhidbey bugs 302757 and 280708.
            if (dataSource is Type) { 
                try {
                    BindingSource bs = new BindingSource(); 
                    bs.DataSource = dataSource; 
                    dataSource = bs.List;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    if (ClientUtils.IsCriticalException(ex)) {
                catch { 
            // Don't add nodes if this is not a valid bindable data source
            if (!IsBindableDataSource(dataSource)) {

            // Get properties of this data source (unless already supplied by caller) 
            if (properties == null) { 
                properties = GetItemProperties(dataSource, dataMember);
                if (properties == null) { 
            // Enumerate the properties of the data source
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; ++i) { 
                PropertyDescriptor property = properties[i]; 

                // Skip properties that do not represent bindable data members 
                if (!IsBindableDataMember(property)) {
                // Add a data member node for this property
                string dataField = String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataMember) ? property.Name : dataMember + "." + property.Name; 
                AddDataMember(nodes, dataSource, dataField, property.Name, IsListMember(property)); 

        /// Adds a tree node representing a data member. Also adds the data member's immediate 
        /// child data members, so that the node has the correct +/- state by default.
        private void AddDataMember(TreeNodeCollection nodes, object dataSource, string dataMember, string propertyName, bool isList) {
            // Special rules for BindingSources...
            // - Standard control bindings access data through a BindingContext, which supports 'dot' notation
            // in the DataMember property (eg. "Customers.Orders.Quantity") to indicate sub-lists (for complex 
            // binding) or fields in sub-lists (for simple bindings).
            // - BindingSources so not go through a BindingContext and so do not support the 'dot' notation. 
            // Sub-lists are accessed by 'chaining' BindingSources together.
            // So we must prevent the user from being able to create a binding that would result in the
            // DataMember property of a BindingSource containing 'dot' notation. To achieve this, we must
            // flatten certain parts of the tree so that nested sub-members cannot be reached. Specifically...
            // (a) We flatten the tree under every node that represents a BindingSource
            // (b) If the edited object is a BindingSource, we flatten the tree under every data source node 
            bool isBindingSourceListMember = isList && dataSource is BindingSource;
            bool pickingFieldMembers = showDataMembers && !selectListMembers; 
            bool omitMember = isBindingSourceListMember && pickingFieldMembers;
            bool omitMemberContents = (isBindingSourceListMember && !pickingFieldMembers) || context.Instance is BindingSource;

            // Just omit this member when necessary 
            if (omitMember) {

            // Don't add node if its not a list but we only want lists 
            if (selectListMembers && !isList) {
            // Create node and add to specified nodes collection
            DataMemberNode dataMemberNode = new DataMemberNode(this, dataSource, dataMember, propertyName, isList); 

            // If this node matches the selected item, make it the selected node 
            if (selectedItem != null && selectedItem.Equals(dataSource, dataMember) && dataMemberNode != null) {
                selectedNode = dataMemberNode;
            // Add contents of data member underneath the new node
            if (!omitMemberContents) { 

        /// Adds a set of tree nodes representing the immediate child data members of a data member. 
        /// Note: If one of the nodes lies in the path to the selected item, we recursively start 
        /// adding its sub-nodes, and so on, until we reach the node for that item. This is needed 
        /// to allow that node to be auto-selected and expanded when the dropdown first appears.
        private void AddDataMemberContents(TreeNodeCollection nodes, object dataSource, string dataMember, bool isList) {
            // Sanity check for correct use of the SubNodesFilled mechanism
            Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 0, "We only add data member content sub-nodes once."); 

            // Don't add nodes for a data member that isn't a list 
            if (!isList) { 

            // Get properties of this data member
            PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = GetItemProperties(dataSource, dataMember);
            if (properties == null) { 
            // Enumerate the properties of the data source
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; ++i) { 
                PropertyDescriptor property = properties[i];

                // Skip properties that do not represent bindable data members
                if (!IsBindableDataMember(property)) { 
                // Don't add sub-node if sub-member is not a list but we only want lists
                bool isSubList = IsListMember(property); 
                if (selectListMembers && !isSubList) {
                // Add a data member sub-node for this property
                DataMemberNode dataMemberNode = new DataMemberNode(this, dataSource, dataMember + "." + property.Name, property.Name, isSubList); 

                // Auto-select support... 
                if (selectedItem != null && selectedItem.DataSource == dataMemberNode.DataSource) {
                    if (selectedItem.Equals(dataSource, dataMemberNode.DataMember)) {
                        // If this node matches the selected item, make it the selected node
                        selectedNode = dataMemberNode; 
                    } else {
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedItem.DataMember) && 
                            selectedItem.DataMember.IndexOf(dataMemberNode.DataMember) == 0) { 
                            // If this node is an ancestor of the selected item, recursively start
                            // filling out sub-member tree (so that node for selected item will 
                            // end up being created and selected).

        /// AddDataMemberContents overload. This version supplies the information
        /// about the data member from an existing data member tree node.
        private void AddDataMemberContents(TreeNodeCollection nodes, DataMemberNode dataMemberNode) { 
            AddDataMemberContents(nodes, dataMemberNode.DataSource, dataMemberNode.DataMember, dataMemberNode.IsList); 
        /// AddDataMemberContents overload. This version supplies the information
        /// about the data member from an existing data member tree node, and adds 
        /// the contents to that node.
        private void AddDataMemberContents(DataMemberNode dataMemberNode) {
            AddDataMemberContents(dataMemberNode.Nodes, dataMemberNode); 

        /// Add project level data sources under the special 'Project' tree node
        private void AddProjectDataSources() {
            if (dspSvc == null) { 

            // Get the entire set of project-level data sources 
            DataSourceGroupCollection groups = dspSvc.GetDataSources();
            if (groups == null) { 
            // If we're gonna be expanding the Project node tree to select a specific
            // project data source or data member, just build the entire tree up front
            bool addMembers = (selectedItem != null && selectedItem.DataSource is DataSourceDescriptor);
            // Create nodes for every project-level data source
            foreach (DataSourceGroup g in groups) { 
                if (g != null) { 
                    if (g.IsDefault) {
                        // Data sources in project's default namespace go directly under 'Project' node 
                        AddProjectGroupContents(projectNode.Nodes, g);
                    else {
                        // All other data sources are organized into groups 
                        AddProjectGroup(projectNode.Nodes, g, addMembers);
            // If required, force top-level data sources to fill in their data members now
            if (addMembers) {
        /// Add node for a given project level data source 'group'. 
        private void AddProjectGroup(TreeNodeCollection nodes, DataSourceGroup group, bool addMembers) {
            // Create the group node, add its data sources, and wire it up 
            ProjectGroupNode groupNode = new ProjectGroupNode(this, group.Name, group.Image);
            AddProjectGroupContents(groupNode.Nodes, group); 

            // If required, force data sources in this group to fill in their data members now 
            if (addMembers) {

        /// Add nodes for data sources in a given project level data source 'group'.
        private void AddProjectGroupContents(TreeNodeCollection nodes, DataSourceGroup group) {
            DataSourceDescriptorCollection dataSources = group.DataSources;
            if (dataSources == null) { 
            foreach (DataSourceDescriptor dsd in dataSources) {
                if (dsd != null) { 
                    AddProjectDataSource(nodes, dsd);

        /// Add a node for a single project level data source.
        private void AddProjectDataSource(TreeNodeCollection nodes, DataSourceDescriptor dsd) {
            // Create and add the project data source tree node

            // vsw 477085: don't add the project data source if it points to a virtual type. 
            Type dsType = this.GetType(dsd.TypeName, true, true); 
            if (dsType != null && dsType.GetType() != runtimeType) {

            ProjectDataSourceNode projectDataSourceNode = new ProjectDataSourceNode(this, dsd, dsd.Name, dsd.Image);

            // Auto-select this new node if it corresponds to the current selection (ie. current value) 
            if (selectedItem != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedItem.DataMember)) {
                // If the current selection is a project-level data source, see if this node has the same name. 
                // - The current selection normally refers to a form-level instance of a data source; the only
                //   time the current selection will be a project-level data source is when the user has created
                //   a new one using the 'Add' wizard and we want to show it selected afterwards.
                if (selectedItem.DataSource is DataSourceDescriptor &&
                    String.Equals(dsd.Name, (selectedItem.DataSource as DataSourceDescriptor).Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ) 
                    selectedNode = projectDataSourceNode;
                // If the current selection is a simple type, see if this node refers to the same type.
                // - Bindable components can specify an item type as their data source at design time, which
                //   provides the necessary metadata info for the designer. The assumption is that the 'real'
                //   data source instance (that actually returns items of that type) gets supplied at run-time 
                //   by customer code.
                else if (selectedItem.DataSource is Type && 
                    String.Equals(dsd.TypeName, (selectedItem.DataSource as Type).FullName,  StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                    selectedNode = projectDataSourceNode; 
        /// Add the data member nodes for a project level data source. 
        private void AddProjectDataSourceContents(TreeNodeCollection nodes, DataSourceNode projectDataSourceNode) {
            DataSourceDescriptor dsd = (projectDataSourceNode.DataSource as DataSourceDescriptor);
            if (dsd == null) {
            // Get data source type 
            Type dataSourceType = this.GetType(dsd.TypeName, false, false);
            if (dataSourceType == null) { 

            // If data source type is instancable, create an instance of it, otherwise just use the type itself 
            object dataSourceInstance = dataSourceType;
            try { 
                dataSourceInstance  = Activator.CreateInstance(dataSourceType); 
            catch (Exception ex) { 
                if (ClientUtils.IsCriticalException(ex)) {
            catch {
                Debug.Fail("non-CLS compliant exception"); 

            // Is this data source just a "list of lists"? (eg. DataSet is just a set of DataTables) 
            bool isListofLists = (dataSourceInstance is IListSource) && (dataSourceInstance as IListSource).ContainsListCollection;

            // Fix for VSWhidbey#223724:
            // When offering choices for the DataSource of a BindingSource, we want to stop the user from being able to pick a table under 
            // a data set, since this implies a DS/DM combination, requiring us to create a new 'related' BindingSource. We'd rather the
            // user just picked the data set as the DS, and then set the DM to the table, and avoid creating a redundant BindingSource. 
            if (isListofLists && context.Instance is BindingSource) { 

            // Determine the properties of the data source
            PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = ListBindingHelper.GetListItemProperties(dataSourceInstance);
            if (properties == null) { 
            // Add data members for each property
            foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in properties) { 
                // Skip properties that do not represent bindable data members
                if (!IsBindableDataMember(pd)) {

                // Skip properties that are not browsable 
                if (!pd.IsBrowsable) { 

                // Don't add sub-node if member is not a list but we only want lists
                bool isSubList = IsListMember(pd);
                if (selectListMembers && !isSubList) { 
                // If data source is a "list of lists", then include list members
                // representing its sub-lists. Otherwise only include field members. 
                if (!isListofLists && isSubList) {
                // Add data member and also its contents (ie. sub-members)
                AddProjectDataMember(nodes, dsd, pd, dataSourceInstance, isSubList); 
        /// AddProjectDataSourceContents overload.
        private void AddProjectDataSourceContents(DataSourceNode projectDataSourceNode) { 
            AddProjectDataSourceContents(projectDataSourceNode.Nodes, projectDataSourceNode); 
        /// Add a node for a single data member of a project level data source.
        private void AddProjectDataMember(TreeNodeCollection nodes, 
                                          DataSourceDescriptor dsd, 
                                          PropertyDescriptor pd,
                                          object dataSourceInstance, 
                                          bool isList) {
            // vsw 477085: don't add the project data source if it points to a virtual type.
            Type dsType = this.GetType(dsd.TypeName, true, true);
            if (dsType != null && dsType.GetType() != runtimeType) { 
            DataMemberNode projectDataMemberNode = new ProjectDataMemberNode(this, dsd, pd.Name, pd.Name, isList);
            AddProjectDataMemberContents(projectDataMemberNode, dsd, pd, dataSourceInstance);

        /// Add nodes for the sub-members of a data member under a project level data source. 
        private void AddProjectDataMemberContents(TreeNodeCollection nodes, 
                                                  DataMemberNode projectDataMemberNode,
                                                  DataSourceDescriptor dsd,
                                                  PropertyDescriptor propDesc,
                                                  object dataSourceInstance) { 
            // List members under project data sources are only shown to a certain depth,
            // and should already have all been created by the time we get here. So if 
            // we're not adding field members, there's nothing more to do. 
            if (selectListMembers) {

            // If its not a list member, it can't have any sub-members
            if (!projectDataMemberNode.IsList) { 
            // Need data source instance or data source type to determine properties of list member
            if (dataSourceInstance == null) { 

            // Determine properties of list member 
            PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = ListBindingHelper.GetListItemProperties(dataSourceInstance, new PropertyDescriptor[]{propDesc});
            if (properties == null) { 
            // Add field member for each property
            foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in properties) {
                // Skip properties that do not represent bindable data members
                if (!IsBindableDataMember(pd)) { 
                // Skip properties that are not browsable
                if (!pd.IsBrowsable) { 

                // We only add field members (no nesting of list members under project data sources) 
                bool isSubList = IsListMember(pd);
                if (isSubList) { 
                // Add the field member (without contents)
                AddProjectDataMember(nodes, dsd, pd, dataSourceInstance, isSubList);

        /// AddProjectDataMemberContents overload.
        private void AddProjectDataMemberContents(DataMemberNode projectDataMemberNode,
                                                  DataSourceDescriptor dsd,
                                                  PropertyDescriptor pd, 
                                                  object dataSourceInstance) {
            AddProjectDataMemberContents(projectDataMemberNode.Nodes, projectDataMemberNode, dsd, pd, dataSourceInstance); 

        /// Puts a new BindingSource on the form, with the specified DataSource and DataMember values.
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")]
        private BindingSource CreateNewBindingSource(object dataSource, string dataMember) { 
            if (hostSvc == null || dspSvc == null) { 
                return null;

            // Create the BindingSource
            BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();
                bs.DataSource = dataSource; 
                bs.DataMember = dataMember; 
            catch (Exception ex) 
                IUIService uiService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService;
                DataGridViewDesigner.ShowErrorDialog(uiService, ex, this);
                return null; 
            // Give it a name 
            string bindingSourceName = GetBindingSourceNamePrefix(dataSource, dataMember);
            // If we have a service provider then use it to get the camel notation from ToolStripDesigner.NameFromText 
            if (serviceProvider != null) {
                bindingSourceName = ToolStripDesigner.NameFromText(bindingSourceName, bs.GetType(), serviceProvider);
            } else {
                bindingSourceName = bindingSourceName + bs.GetType().Name; 
            // Make sure the name is unique. 
            string uniqueSiteName = DesignerUtils.GetUniqueSiteName(hostSvc, bindingSourceName);
            DesignerTransaction trans = hostSvc.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(SR.DesignerBatchCreateTool, uniqueSiteName));

            try {
                // Put it on the form 
                try {
                    hostSvc.Container.Add(bs, uniqueSiteName); 

                catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) { 
                    if (trans != null) {
                    IUIService uiService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService; 
                    DataGridViewDesigner.ShowErrorDialog(uiService, ex, this);
                    return null; 

                catch (CheckoutException ex) { 
                    if (trans != null) {
                    IUIService uiService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService; 
                    DataGridViewDesigner.ShowErrorDialog(uiService, ex, this);
                    return null; 

                // Notify the provider service that a new form object is referencing this project-level data source 
                if (trans != null) {
                    trans = null; 
            finally {
                if (trans != null) { 
            return bs;
        /// CreateNewBindingSource overload, for project-level data sources.
        private BindingSource CreateNewBindingSource(DataSourceDescriptor dataSourceDescriptor, string dataMember) { 
            if (hostSvc == null || dspSvc == null) {
                return null; 

            // Find or create a form-level instance of this project-level data source 
            object dataSource = GetProjectDataSourceInstance(dataSourceDescriptor);
            if (dataSource == null) {
                return null;

            // Create a BindingSource that points to the form-level instance 
            return CreateNewBindingSource(dataSource, dataMember); 
        /// Chooses the best name prefix for a new BindingSource, based on the
        /// data source and data member that the binding source is bound to. 
        private string GetBindingSourceNamePrefix(object dataSource, string dataMember) { 
            // Always use the data member string, if one is available
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataMember)) { 
                return dataMember;

            // Data source should never be null 
            if (dataSource == null) {
                return ""; 

            // If data source is a type, use the name of the type 
            Type type = (dataSource as Type);
            if (type != null) {
                return type.Name;

            // If data source is a form component, use its sited name 
            IComponent comp = (dataSource as IComponent); 
            if (comp != null) {
                ISite site = comp.Site; 

                if (site != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(site.Name)) {
                    return site.Name;
            // Otherwise just use the type name of the data source 
            return dataSource.GetType().Name;

        /// Get the Type with the specified name. If TypeResolutionService is available, 
        /// use that in preference to using the Type class (since this service can more
        /// reliably instantiate project level types). 
        private Type GetType(string name, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase) { 
            if (typeSvc != null) {
                return typeSvc.GetType(name, throwOnError, ignoreCase);
            else { 
                return Type.GetType(name, throwOnError, ignoreCase);

        /// Finds the form-level instance of a project-level data source. Looks for form components
        /// who's type matches that of the project-level data source. If none are found, ask the
        /// provider service to add one for us. 
        /// Note: If the project-level data source is not instance-able, just return its type as 
        /// the data source to bind to ("simple type binding" case). 
        private object GetProjectDataSourceInstance(DataSourceDescriptor dataSourceDescriptor) {
            Type dsType = this.GetType(dataSourceDescriptor.TypeName, true, true);

            // Not an instance-able type, so just return the type 
            if (!dataSourceDescriptor.IsDesignable) {
                return dsType; 

            // Enumerate the components of the container (eg. the Form) 
            foreach (IComponent comp in hostSvc.Container.Components) {

                // Return the first matching component we find
                if (dsType.Equals(comp.GetType())) { 
                    return comp;

            // No existing instances found, so ask provider service to create a new one 
            try {
                return dspSvc.AddDataSourceInstance(hostSvc, dataSourceDescriptor);
            } catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) {
                IUIService uiService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService; 
                DataGridViewDesigner.ShowErrorDialog(uiService, ex, this);
                return null; 
            } catch (CheckoutException ex) { 
                IUIService uiService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService;
                DataGridViewDesigner.ShowErrorDialog(uiService, ex, this); 
                return null;
        /// See if a component collection contains a given component (simple linear search). 
        private bool FindComponent(ComponentCollection components, IComponent targetComponent) {
            foreach (IComponent c in components) {
                if (c == targetComponent) {
                    return true; 
            return false; 
        /// See if the given object is a valid bindable data source.
        private bool IsBindableDataSource(object dataSource) { 
            // Check for expected interfaces (require at least one) 
            if (!(dataSource is IListSource || dataSource is IList || dataSource is Array)) {
                return false; 

            // Check for [ListBindable(false)] attribute
            ListBindableAttribute listBindable = (ListBindableAttribute) TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(dataSource)[typeof(ListBindableAttribute)]; 
            if (listBindable != null && !listBindable.ListBindable) {
                return false; 

            return true; 

        /// See if the given property represents a bindable data member.
        /// [[....]] Oddly, we always check the [ListBindable] attribute on the property. This makes sense for 
        /// list members, but seems pretty meaningless for field members. But that's what we've always done,
        /// so let's continue to do it. 
        private bool IsBindableDataMember(PropertyDescriptor property) {
            // Special case: We want byte arrays to appear as bindable field members. 
            if (typeof(byte[]).IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType)) {
                return true; 

            // Check for [ListBindable(false)] attribute 
            ListBindableAttribute listBindable = (ListBindableAttribute) property.Attributes[typeof(ListBindableAttribute)];
            if (listBindable != null && !listBindable.ListBindable) {
                return false;

            return true; 

        /// See if the given property represents a list member rather than a field member.
        private bool IsListMember(PropertyDescriptor property) {
            // Special case: We want byte arrays to appear as bindable field members 
            if (typeof(byte[]).IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType)) { 
                return false;

            // If you assign an IList to it, then its a list member
            if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType)) {
                return true; 
            return false; 
        /// For a data source, or a data member that's a list, this method returns a
        /// description of the properties possessed by items in the underlying list. 
        private PropertyDescriptorCollection GetItemProperties(object dataSource, string dataMember) { 
            CurrencyManager listManager = (CurrencyManager) bindingContext[dataSource, dataMember];
            return (listManager == null) ? null : listManager.GetItemProperties(); 

        /// Update roll-over help text as user mouses from tree node to tree node.
        /// Basic rules... 
        /// - If the mouse is over a node, the node usually supplies its own help text.
        /// - Else if there is an existing selection, report that as the current binding. 
        /// - Else just display some general picker help text.
        /// The goal of the general text is to provide help in 'initial use and set up' scenarios,
        /// to guide the user through the set of steps needed to create their first binding. The 
        /// general text cases below get progressively further "back in time" as you go down.
        /// Note: All help text strings are geared specifically towards the context of a picker 
        /// that is showing data sources. So when the picker is just showing data members (scoped
        /// to a specific data source), the help text area will be hidden. 
        private void UpdateHelpText(BindingPickerNode mouseNode) {
            // See if node under mouse wants to supply its own help text 
            string mouseNodeHelpText = (mouseNode == null) ? null : mouseNode.HelpText;
            string mouseNodeErrorText = (mouseNode == null) ? null : mouseNode.Error; 
            // Set the colors...
            if (mouseNodeHelpText != null || mouseNodeErrorText != null) { 
                helpTextCtrl.BackColor = SystemColors.Info;
                helpTextCtrl.ForeColor = SystemColors.InfoText;
            else { 
                helpTextCtrl.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;
                helpTextCtrl.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText; 

            // Set the text... 
            if (mouseNodeErrorText != null) {
                // This node has an ERROR associated with it
                helpTextCtrl.Text = mouseNodeErrorText;
            else if (mouseNodeHelpText != null) {
                // Node specific help text 
                helpTextCtrl.Text = mouseNodeHelpText; 
            else if (selectedNode != null && selectedNode != noneNode) { 
                // Already bound to something (user has experience)
                helpTextCtrl.Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerHelpGenCurrentBinding), selectedNode.Text);
            else if (!showDataSources) { 
                // No data sources, so this is just a simple data member pick list
                helpTextCtrl.Text = (treeViewCtrl.Nodes.Count > 1) ? SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerHelpGenPickMember) : ""; 
            else if (treeViewCtrl.Nodes.Count > 1 && treeViewCtrl.Nodes[1] is DataSourceNode) {
                // BindingSources exist - tell user to pick one 
                helpTextCtrl.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerHelpGenPickBindSrc);
            else if (instancesNode.Nodes.Count > 0 || projectNode.Nodes.Count > 0) {
                // Data sources exist - tell user to pick one 
                helpTextCtrl.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerHelpGenPickDataSrc);
            else if (addNewPanel.Visible) { 
                // No data sources - tell user how to create one
                helpTextCtrl.Text = SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerHelpGenAddDataSrc); 
            else {
                // No data sources, and no way to create one!
                helpTextCtrl.Text = ""; 
        /// Always pass focus down to tree control (so that selection is always visible)
        protected override void OnGotFocus(EventArgs e) { 

        /// Updates the state of the control when shown or hidden. When shown, we make sure
        /// the current selection is visible, and start listening to node expand events (so
        /// we can fill the tree as the user drills down). 
        protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) { 
            if (Visible) {

        /// Enforces the control's minimum width and height.
        protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) {
            if ((specified & BoundsSpecified.Width) == BoundsSpecified.Width) {
                width = Math.Max(width, minimumWidth); 
            if ((specified & BoundsSpecified.Height) == BoundsSpecified.Height) { 
                height = Math.Max(height, minimumHeight); 
            base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified);

        /// Handle click on the "Add Project Data Source" link label. 
        private void addNewCtrl_Click(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { 
            // No provider service, or provider won't allow creation of new data sources right now
            if (dspSvc == null || !dspSvc.SupportsAddNewDataSource) {

            // Invoke the 'Add' wizard 
            DataSourceGroup newProjectDataSources = dspSvc.InvokeAddNewDataSource(this, FormStartPosition.CenterScreen); 

            // Wizard was cancelled or did not create any new data sources 
            if (newProjectDataSources == null || newProjectDataSources.DataSources.Count == 0) {
            // Rule: If multiple data sources were created, just use the first one.
            DataSourceDescriptor newProjectDataSource = newProjectDataSources.DataSources[0]; 
            // Update tree to include the new data source (and select it)
            FillTree(new DesignBinding(newProjectDataSource, "")); 

            // If we weren't able to select the node representing the new data
            // source, then something has gone horribly wrong - bail out now!
            if (this.selectedNode == null) { 
                Debug.Fail("Failed to select new project-level data source in DesignBindingPicker tree.");

            // Count the number of data members under this data source 
            int dataMemberCount = this.selectedNode.Nodes.Count;

            // Decide what to do with the new data source... 
            if (this.context.Instance is BindingSource) { 
                // Bindable object is a BindingSource - no choice, must bind to data source
            if (dataMemberCount == 0 || this.context.Instance is BindingSource) {
                // Zero data members - bind to the data source
            else if (dataMemberCount == 1) { 
                // One data member - bind to that data member 
            else {
                // Multiple data members - stay open and show them all
                this.selectedNode = null;
        /// Update roll-over help text as user mouses from tree node to tree node.
        private void treeViewCtrl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { 
            // Get the tree node under the mouse 
            Point pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
            TreeNode node = treeViewCtrl.GetNodeAt(pt); 

            // Make sure point is over the node label, since GetNodeAt() will return
            // a node even when the mouse is way off to the far right of that node.
            if (node != null && !node.Bounds.Contains(pt)) { 
                node = null;
            // Update the help text
            UpdateHelpText(node as BindingPickerNode); 

        /// Reset roll-over help text if user mouses away from the tree view.
        private void treeViewCtrl_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) {

        /// When user expands a tree node to reveal its sub-nodes, we fill in the contents
        /// of those sub-nodes, so that their +/- states are correct. In other words, we 
        /// fill the tree "one level ahead" of what the user has revealed. 
        private void treeViewCtrl_AfterExpand(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs tvcevent){
            // Ignore expansion caused by something other than direct user action (eg. auto-selection)
            if (inSelectNode || !Visible) {
            // Let the node do whatever it wants 
            (tvcevent.Node as BindingPickerNode).OnExpand();

        /// Ensure the initial selection is visible (ie. select the corresponding 
        /// tree node, which also causes auto-expand of all ancestor nodes).
        /// Note: Posting has to be used here because the tree view control won't 
        /// let us select nodes until all the underlying Win32 HTREEITEMs have
        /// been created. 
        private void ShowSelectedNode() {
        /// Selects a given node in the tree view. Because the tree view will auto-expand any 
        /// ancestor nodes, in order to make the selected node visible, we have to temporarily
        /// turn off a couple of things until selection is finished: (a) painting; (b) processing
        /// of 'node expand' events.
        private void SelectTreeNode(TreeNode node) { 
            if (inSelectNode) { 

            try {
                inSelectNode = true;
                treeViewCtrl.SelectedNode = node;
            finally {
                inSelectNode = false; 

        // The following methods exist to support posted (ie. delayed) selection of tree nodes...
        delegate void PostSelectTreeNodeDelegate(TreeNode node);
        private void PostSelectTreeNodeCallback(TreeNode node) {

        private void PostSelectTreeNode(TreeNode node) { 
            if (node != null && this.IsHandleCreated) { 
                this.BeginInvoke(new PostSelectTreeNodeDelegate(PostSelectTreeNodeCallback), new object[] {node});

        /// Label control that renders its text with both word wrapping, end ellipsis and partial line clipping. 
        internal class HelpTextLabel : Label {

            protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {
                TextFormatFlags formatFlags = TextFormatFlags.WordBreak | TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis | TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl; 
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Location, ClientRectangle.Size);
                rect.Inflate(-2, -2); 
                TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, Text, Font, rect, ForeColor, formatFlags); 

        /// Link label used by the DesignBindingPicker to display links. 
        internal class BindingPickerLink : LinkLabel { 

            /// Allow "Return" as an input key (so it allows the link to fire, instead of closing the parent dropdown). 
            protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys key) { 
                return (key == Keys.Return) || base.IsInputKey(key);

        /// Tree view used by the DesignBindingPicker to display data sources and data members. 
        internal class BindingPickerTree : TreeView {

            internal BindingPickerTree() {
                Image images = new Bitmap(typeof(DesignBindingPicker), "DataPickerImages.bmp"); 
                ImageList imageList = new ImageList();
                imageList.TransparentColor = Color.Magenta; 
                imageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth24Bit;
                ImageList = imageList; 

            internal int PreferredWidth {
                get { 
                    return GetMaxItemWidth(Nodes);

            /// Calculate the maximum width of the nodes in the collection recursively.
            /// Only walks the existing set of expanded visible nodes. Does NOT expand
            /// unexpanded nodes, since tree may contain endless cyclic relationships. 
            private int GetMaxItemWidth(TreeNodeCollection nodes) { 
                int maxWidth = 0;
                foreach (TreeNode node in nodes) {
                    Rectangle bounds = node.Bounds;
                    int w = bounds.Left + bounds.Width;
                    maxWidth = Math.Max(w, maxWidth); 

                    if (node.IsExpanded) 
                        maxWidth = Math.Max(maxWidth, GetMaxItemWidth(node.Nodes)); 
                return maxWidth;

            /// Processes user selection of tree node. If node is selectable, notifies 
            /// node of selection, retrieves data source and data member info for the 
            /// caller, and closes the dropdown.
            public void SetSelectedItem(TreeNode node) {
                DesignBindingPicker picker = Parent as DesignBindingPicker;
                if (picker == null) { 
                BindingPickerNode pickerNode = node as BindingPickerNode;
                picker.selectedItem = (pickerNode.CanSelect && pickerNode.Error == null) ? pickerNode.OnSelect() : null; 

                if (picker.selectedItem != null) {
            /// Process a mouse click on a node. 
            /// NOTE: Overriding OnAfterSelect() to handle selection changes is not sufficient because of a ComCtl32 quirk:
            /// Clicking on the *current* selection does not trigger a selection change notification. And we need to support
            /// re-selection of the current selection in certain scenarios. So instead of using OnAfterSelect(), we use 
            /// OnNodeMouseClick(), and use hit-testing to see whether the node's image or label were clicked.
            protected override void OnNodeMouseClick(TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) {
                TreeViewHitTestInfo tvhti = this.HitTest(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); 
                if (tvhti.Node == e.Node &&
                    (tvhti.Location == TreeViewHitTestLocations.Image ||
                     tvhti.Location == TreeViewHitTestLocations.Label)) {
            /// Treat "Return" as a mouse click select of a node.
            protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) { 

                if (e.KeyData == Keys.Return && SelectedNode != null) { 
            /// Allow "Return" as an input key. 
            protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys key) {
                return (key == Keys.Return) || base.IsInputKey(key);

        /// Base class for all nodes in the tree view.
        internal class BindingPickerNode : TreeNode { 

            private string error = null; 
            private bool subNodesFilled = false;
            protected DesignBindingPicker picker = null;

            public BindingPickerNode(DesignBindingPicker picker, string nodeName) : base(nodeName) {
                this.picker = picker; 
            public BindingPickerNode(DesignBindingPicker picker, string nodeName, BindingImage index) : base(nodeName) { 
                this.picker = picker;
                BindingImageIndex = (int) index; 

            /// Given a data source, return the corresponding BindingImageIndex.
            public static BindingImage BindingImageIndexForDataSource(object dataSource) {
                if (dataSource is BindingSource) { 
                    return BindingImage.BindingSource;

                IListSource ils = dataSource as IListSource; 
                if (ils != null)
                    if (ils.ContainsListCollection) 
                        return BindingImage.DataSource; 
                        return BindingImage.ListMember; 
                else if (dataSource is IList) 
                    return BindingImage.ListMember; 
                    return BindingImage.FieldMember; 
            // Called when a node is expanded by the user
            public virtual void OnExpand() { 

            // Forces the node's children to populate themeselves, so that their +/- states are correct 
            // when parent node is first expanded. If children have already been filled, does nothing.
            public virtual void FillSubNodes() { 
                // Sub-nodes already filled - nothing more to do here 
                if (SubNodesFilled) {

                // Fill in the contents of each sub-node
                foreach (BindingPickerNode node in Nodes) { 
                // Mark the expanded node as filled
                SubNodesFilled = true; 

            // Fills node with its child nodes (usually called by parent node's OnExpand method)
            public virtual void Fill() { 
            // Called when node is selected by user. Should only be called if node has 
            // returned 'true' for CanSelect. Node returns a DesignBinding representing
            // the data source + data member that it represents. 
            public virtual DesignBinding OnSelect() {
                return null;
            // Determines whether selecting this node will close the dropdown
            public virtual bool CanSelect { 
                get { 
                    return false;

            // Error message associated with this node
            public virtual string Error { 
                get {
                    return error; 
                set {
                    error = value; 

            // Mouse-over help text for this node 
            public virtual string HelpText {
                get { 
                    return null; 

            // Indexes of images in the tree view's image list
            public enum BindingImage {
                None           = 0, 
                Other          = 1,
                Project        = 2, 
                Instances      = 3, 
                BindingSource  = 4,
                ListMember     = 5, 
                FieldMember    = 6,
                DataSource     = 7,
            // Sets both the selected and unselected images to the same thing
            public int BindingImageIndex { 
                set { 
                    ImageIndex = value;
                    SelectedImageIndex = value; 

            // Let's you assign a custom image to a specific tree node. 
            // The image is automatically added to the tree view's image list.
            public Image CustomBindingImage { 
                set { 
                    try {
                        ImageList.ImageCollection images = picker.treeViewCtrl.ImageList.Images; 
                        images.Add(value, Color.Transparent);
                        BindingImageIndex = images.Count - 1;
                    catch (Exception) { 
                        Debug.Assert(false, "DesignBindingPicker failed to add custom image to image list.");
                    catch { 
                        Debug.Assert(false, "DesignBindingPicker failed to add custom image to image list.");

            // Indicates whether this node's child nodes have had their children 
            // added (we populate the tree one level deeper than the user can see,
            // so that the +/- states are correct. 
            public bool SubNodesFilled { 
                get {
                    return subNodesFilled; 
                set {
                    Debug.Assert(!subNodesFilled && value, "we can only set this bit to true once");
                    subNodesFilled = true; 

        /// Node representing a data source. 
        internal class DataSourceNode : BindingPickerNode { 

            private object dataSource; 

            public DataSourceNode(DesignBindingPicker picker, object dataSource, string nodeName) : base(picker, nodeName) {
                this.dataSource = dataSource;
                this.BindingImageIndex = (int) BindingImageIndexForDataSource(dataSource); 
            public object DataSource { 
                get {
                    return dataSource; 

            public override DesignBinding OnSelect() { 
                return new DesignBinding(DataSource, "");
            public override bool CanSelect {
                get { 
                    // If data members are included in tree, only
                    // they can be selected, not data sources.
                    return !picker.showDataMembers;
            // For any data source or data member derived node, we pick the mouse-over text 
            // from one of 12 possible string resources, based on the node's particular
            // combination of data source type (BindingSource, Project data source, or Form 
            // list instance), node type (data source, list member or field member) and current
            // selectability (true or false).
            public override string HelpText {
                get { 
                    string dsType, nodeType, resName, resValue;
                    if (DataSource is DataSourceDescriptor) 
                        dsType = "Project";
                    else if (DataSource is BindingSource) 
                        dsType = "BindSrc";
                        dsType = "FormInst";
                    if (!(this is DataMemberNode))
                        nodeType = "DS"; 
                    else if ((this as DataMemberNode).IsList) 
                        nodeType = "LM";
                        nodeType = "DM";

                    try {
                        resName = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "DesignBindingPickerHelpNode{0}{1}{2}", dsType, nodeType, (CanSelect ? "1" : "0")); 
                        resValue = SR.GetString(resName);
                    catch { 
                        resValue = "";

                    return resValue;
        /// Node representing a data member.
        /// Note: Inherits from DataSourceNode, so be careful when trying to distinguish between these two types. 
        internal class DataMemberNode : DataSourceNode { 

            private bool isList; 
            private string dataMember;

            public DataMemberNode(DesignBindingPicker picker,
                                  object dataSource, 
                                  string dataMember,
                                  string dataField, 
                                  bool isList) : base(picker, dataSource, dataField) { 
                this.dataMember = dataMember;
                this.isList = isList; 
                this.BindingImageIndex = (int) (isList ? BindingImage.ListMember : BindingImage.FieldMember);

            public string DataMember { 
                get {
                    return dataMember; 
            // List member or field member?
            public bool IsList {
                get {
                    return isList; 
            public override void Fill() {

            public override DesignBinding OnSelect() {
                if (picker.showDataMembers) { 
                    // Data member picking mode: Return data member info
                    return new DesignBinding(DataSource, DataMember); 
                else {
                    // Data source picking mode: Return data member wrapped in a BindingSource 
                    BindingSource newBindingSource = picker.CreateNewBindingSource(DataSource, DataMember);
                    return (newBindingSource == null) ? null : new DesignBinding(newBindingSource, "");

            public override bool CanSelect { 
                get { 
                    // Only pick list members in 'list mode', field members in 'field mode'
                    return (picker.selectListMembers == this.IsList); 
        /// Node representing the "None" choice. 
        internal class NoneNode : BindingPickerNode {
            public NoneNode() : base(null, SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerNodeNone), BindingImage.None) {
            public override DesignBinding OnSelect() {
                return DesignBinding.Null; 

            public override bool CanSelect {
                get { 
                    return true;

            public override string HelpText { 
                get {
                    return SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerHelpNodeNone);
        /// Node representing the "Other Data Sources" branch.
        internal class OtherNode : BindingPickerNode {
            public OtherNode() : base(null, SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerNodeOther), BindingImage.Other) { 
            public override string HelpText {
                get {
                    return SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerHelpNodeOther);
        /// Node representing the "Form List Instances" branch.
        internal class InstancesNode : BindingPickerNode { 
            public InstancesNode(string rootComponentName) : base(null, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerNodeInstances), rootComponentName), BindingImage.Instances) {

            public override string HelpText {
                get {
                    return SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerHelpNodeInstances); 

        /// Node representing the "Project Data Sources" branch. 
        internal class ProjectNode : BindingPickerNode { 

            public ProjectNode(DesignBindingPicker picker) : base(picker, SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerNodeProject), BindingImage.Project) { 

            public override string HelpText {
                get { 
                    return SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerHelpNodeProject);
        /// Node representing a group of data sources under the "Project Data Sources" branch.
        internal class ProjectGroupNode : BindingPickerNode {
            public ProjectGroupNode(DesignBindingPicker picker, string nodeName, Image image) : base(picker, nodeName, BindingImage.Project) {
                if (image != null) {
                    CustomBindingImage = image;
            public override string HelpText { 
                get {
                    return SR.GetString(SR.DesignBindingPickerHelpNodeProjectGroup); 
        /// Node representing a project level data source. 
        /// Note: dataSource is always a DataSourceDescriptor.
        internal class ProjectDataSourceNode : DataSourceNode {
            public ProjectDataSourceNode(DesignBindingPicker picker, object dataSource, string nodeName, Image image) : base(picker, dataSource, nodeName) { 
                if (image != null) {
                    CustomBindingImage = image; 

            public override void OnExpand() { 
                // Do nothing (not even call base class). Project data source
                // nodes are full populated when added to the tree. 

            public override void Fill() { 

            public override DesignBinding OnSelect() { 
                // When user selects a project-level data source (in data source picking mode),
                // we (a) create a form-level instance of the data source, (b) create a new 
                // BindingSource that points to that instance, and (c) return the new BindingSource 
                // as the data source to bind to.
                // EXCEPTION: If we are setting the DataSource property of a BindingSource, then
                // there is no need to create an intermediate BindingSource. Just return the
                // true data source instance for the BindingSource to bind to.
                DataSourceDescriptor dataSourceDescriptor = (DataSourceDescriptor) DataSource;
                if (picker.context.Instance is BindingSource) { 
                    object newDataSource = picker.GetProjectDataSourceInstance(dataSourceDescriptor);
                    if (newDataSource != null) { 
                        return new DesignBinding(newDataSource, "");
                    } else {
                        return null;
                else { 
                    BindingSource newBindingSource = picker.CreateNewBindingSource(dataSourceDescriptor, ""); 
                    return (newBindingSource == null) ? null : new DesignBinding(newBindingSource, "");

        /// Node representing a data member under a project level data source.
        /// Note: dataSource is always a DataSourceDescriptor.
        internal class ProjectDataMemberNode : DataMemberNode { 

            public ProjectDataMemberNode(DesignBindingPicker picker, 
                                         object dataSource, 
                                         string dataMember,
                                         string dataField, 
                                         bool isList) : base(picker, dataSource, dataMember, dataField, isList) {

            public override void OnExpand() { 
                // Do nothing (not even call base class). All project data
                // members get added when project data source is populated. 

            public override DesignBinding OnSelect() { 
                string bindingSourceMember;
                string designBindingMember;

                ProjectDataMemberNode parentListMember = (Parent as ProjectDataMemberNode); 

                if (parentListMember != null) { 
                    // Field member under list member: Point the BindingSource at list member, and the binding at the field member 
                    bindingSourceMember = parentListMember.DataMember;
                    designBindingMember = DataMember; 
                else if (IsList) {
                    // List member under data source: Point the BindingSource at list member, and the binding at the list member
                    bindingSourceMember = DataMember; 
                    designBindingMember = "";
                else { 
                    // Field member under data source: Point the BindingSource at the data source, and the binding at the field member
                    bindingSourceMember = ""; 
                    designBindingMember = DataMember;

                // Instance the project data source on the form, and point a BindingSource 
                // at the appropriate list member of the form instance
                DataSourceDescriptor dataSourceDescriptor = (DataSourceDescriptor) DataSource; 
                BindingSource newBindingSource = picker.CreateNewBindingSource(dataSourceDescriptor, bindingSourceMember); 
                return (newBindingSource == null) ? null : new DesignBinding(newBindingSource, designBindingMember);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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