DesignerUtils.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WinForms / System / WinForms / Design / DesignerUtils.cs / 1 / DesignerUtils.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design {
    using System; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; 
    using System.Design;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
    using System.Drawing.Imaging; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 
    ///       Contains designer utilities.
    internal static class DesignerUtils {
        private static Size minDragSize = Size.Empty; 

        //brush used to draw a 'hover' state over a designer action glyph 
        private static SolidBrush hoverBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, SystemColors.Highlight));

        //brush used to draw the resizeable selection borders around controls/components
        private static HatchBrush selectionBorderBrush = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, SystemColors.ControlDarkDark, Color.Transparent); 

        //Pens and Brushes used via GDI to render our grabhandles 
        private static IntPtr grabHandleFillBrushPrimary = SafeNativeMethods.CreateSolidBrush(ColorTranslator.ToWin32(SystemColors.Window)); 
        private static IntPtr grabHandleFillBrush = SafeNativeMethods.CreateSolidBrush(ColorTranslator.ToWin32(SystemColors.ControlText));
        private static IntPtr grabHandlePenPrimary = SafeNativeMethods.CreatePen(NativeMethods.PS_SOLID, 1, ColorTranslator.ToWin32(SystemColors.ControlText)); 
        private static IntPtr grabHandlePen = SafeNativeMethods.CreatePen(NativeMethods.PS_SOLID, 1,ColorTranslator.ToWin32(SystemColors.Window));

        //The box-like image used as the user is dragging comps from the toolbox
        private static Bitmap boxImage = null;
        public static int BOXIMAGESIZE = 16; 
        // selection border size
        public static int SELECTIONBORDERSIZE = 1;

        // Although the selection border is only 1, we actually want a 3 pixel hittestarea
        public static int SELECTIONBORDERHITAREA = 3; 

        // We want to make sure that the 1 pixel selectionborder is centered on the handles. 
        // The fact that the border is actually 3 pixels wide works like magic. 
        // If you draw a picture, then you will see why.
        //grabhandle size (diameter)
        public static int HANDLESIZE = 7;
        //how much should the grabhandle overlap the control
        public static int HANDLEOVERLAP = 2; 
        //we want the selection border to be centered on a grabhandle, so how much do
        //we need to offset the border from the control to make that happen 

        //no-resize handle size (diameter) 
        public static int NORESIZEHANDLESIZE = 5;
        //we want the selection border to be centered on a grabhandle, so how much do
        //we need to offset the border from the control to make that happen

        //lock handle height 
        public static int LOCKHANDLEHEIGHT = 9;
        //total lock handle width 
        public static int LOCKHANDLEWIDTH = 7;
        //how much should the lockhandle overlap the control
        public static int LOCKHANDLEOVERLAP = 2;
        //we want the selection border to be centered on the no-resize handle, so calculate how many pixels we need 
        //to offset the selection border from the control -- since the handle is not square, we need one in each direction

        // upper rectangle size (diameter) 
        public static int LOCKHANDLESIZE_UPPER = 5;
        // lower rectangle size
        public static int LOCKHANDLEHEIGHT_LOWER = 6;
        public static int LOCKHANDLEWIDTH_LOWER = 7; 

        //Offset used when drawing the upper rect of a lock handle 

        //Offset used when drawing the lower rect of a lock handle 

        public static int CONTAINERGRABHANDLESIZE = 15;
        //delay for showing snaplines on keyboard movements
        public static int SNAPELINEDELAY = 1000; 
        //min new row/col style size for the table layout panel
        public static int MINIMUMSTYLESIZE = 20; 
        public static int MINIMUMSTYLEPERCENT = 50;

        //min width/height used to create bitmap to paint control into.
        public static int MINCONTROLBITMAPSIZE = 1; 

        //min size for row/col style during a resize drag operation 
        public static int MINUMUMSTYLESIZEDRAG = 8; 

        //min # of rows/cols for the tablelayoutpanel when it is newly created 
        public static int DEFAULTROWCOUNT = 2;
        public static int DEFAULTCOLUMNCOUNT = 2;

        //size of the col/row grab handle glyphs for teh table layout panel 
        public static int RESIZEGLYPHSIZE = 4;
        //default value for Form padding if it has not been set in the designer (usability study request) 
        public static int DEFAULTFORMPADDING = 9;
        //use these value to signify ANY of the right, top, left, center, or bottom alignments with the ContentAlignment enum.
        public static readonly ContentAlignment anyTopAlignment = ContentAlignment.TopLeft | ContentAlignment.TopCenter | ContentAlignment.TopRight;
        /* UNUSED: private static readonly ContentAlignment anyBottom = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft | ContentAlignment.BottomCenter | ContentAlignment.BottomRight;*/
        public static readonly ContentAlignment anyMiddleAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft | ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter | ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; 

        ///     Used when the user clicks and drags a toolbox item 
        ///     onto the documentdesigner - this is the small box that
        ///     is painted beneath the mouse pointer. 
        public static Image BoxImage {
            get {
                if (boxImage == null) { 
                    boxImage = new Bitmap(BOXIMAGESIZE, BOXIMAGESIZE, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb);
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(boxImage)) { 
                        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(SystemColors.InactiveBorder), 0, 0, BOXIMAGESIZE, BOXIMAGESIZE); 
                        g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(SystemColors.ControlDarkDark), 0, 0, BOXIMAGESIZE-1, BOXIMAGESIZE-1);
                return boxImage;

        ///     Used by Designer action glyphs to render a 
        ///     'mouse hover' state.
        public static Brush HoverBrush {
            get {
                return hoverBrush;
        ///     Demand created size used to determine how far the user
        ///     needs to drag the mouse before a drag operation starts. 
        public static Size MinDragSize {
            get {
                if (minDragSize == Size.Empty) { 
                    Size minDrag = SystemInformation.DragSize;
                    Size minDblClick = SystemInformation.DoubleClickSize; 
                    minDragSize.Width = Math.Max(minDrag.Width, minDblClick.Width); 
                    minDragSize.Height = Math.Max(minDrag.Height, minDblClick.Height);
                return minDragSize;
        public static Point LastCursorPoint  {
            get { 
                int lastXY = SafeNativeMethods.GetMessagePos(); 
                return new Point(NativeMethods.Util.SignedLOWORD(lastXY),NativeMethods.Util.SignedHIWORD(lastXY)) ;

        // Recreate the brushes - behaviorservice calls this when the user preferences changes
        public static void SyncBrushes() { 
            hoverBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, SystemColors.Highlight)); 
            selectionBorderBrush = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, SystemColors.ControlDarkDark, Color.Transparent); 

            SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(new HandleRef(null, grabHandleFillBrushPrimary));
            grabHandleFillBrushPrimary = SafeNativeMethods.CreateSolidBrush(ColorTranslator.ToWin32(SystemColors.Window));
            SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(new HandleRef(null, grabHandleFillBrush));
            grabHandleFillBrush = SafeNativeMethods.CreateSolidBrush(ColorTranslator.ToWin32(SystemColors.ControlText)); 
            SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(new HandleRef(null, grabHandlePenPrimary));
            grabHandlePenPrimary = SafeNativeMethods.CreatePen(NativeMethods.PS_SOLID, 1, ColorTranslator.ToWin32(SystemColors.ControlText)); 

            SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(new HandleRef(null, grabHandlePen));
            grabHandlePen = SafeNativeMethods.CreatePen(NativeMethods.PS_SOLID, 1,ColorTranslator.ToWin32(SystemColors.Window));

        ///     Draws a ControlDarkDark border around the given image. 
        private static void DrawDragBorder(Graphics g, Size imageSize, int borderSize, Color backColor) { 

            Pen pen = SystemPens.ControlDarkDark;
            if (backColor != Color.Empty && backColor.GetBrightness() < .5) {
                pen = SystemPens.ControlLight; 
            //draw a border w/o the corners connecting 
            g.DrawLine(pen, 1, 0, imageSize.Width -2, 0);
            g.DrawLine(pen, 1, imageSize.Height -1, imageSize.Width -2, imageSize.Height - 1); 
            g.DrawLine(pen, 0, 1, 0, imageSize.Height-2);
            g.DrawLine(pen, imageSize.Width -1, 1, imageSize.Width - 1, imageSize.Height - 2);

            //loop through drawing inner-rects until we get the proper thickness 
            for (int i =1; i < borderSize; i ++) {
                g.DrawRectangle(pen, i,i, imageSize.Width - (2 + i), imageSize.Height -(2 + i)); 
        ///     Used for drawing the borders around controls that are being resized
        public static void DrawResizeBorder(Graphics g, Region resizeBorder, Color backColor) { 
            Brush brush = SystemBrushes.ControlDarkDark;
            if (backColor != Color.Empty && backColor.GetBrightness() < .5) { 
                brush = SystemBrushes.ControlLight; 
            g.FillRegion(brush, resizeBorder);

        ///     Used for drawing the frame when doing a mouse drag
        public static void DrawFrame(Graphics g, Region resizeBorder, FrameStyle style, Color backColor) { 
            Brush brush;
            Color color = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark; 
            if (backColor != Color.Empty && backColor.GetBrightness() < .5) {
                color = SystemColors.ControlLight;
            switch (style) {
                case FrameStyle.Dashed: 
                    brush = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, color, Color.Transparent); 
                case FrameStyle.Thick: 
                    brush = new SolidBrush(color);

            g.FillRegion(brush, resizeBorder); 

        ///     Used for drawing the grabhandles around sizeable selected controls and components.
        public static void DrawGrabHandle(Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds, bool isPrimary, Glyph glyph) { 
            IntPtr hDC = graphics.GetHdc();
            try { 
                //set our pen and brush based on primary selection 
                IntPtr oldBrush = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, isPrimary ? grabHandleFillBrushPrimary : grabHandleFillBrush));
                IntPtr oldPen = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, isPrimary ? grabHandlePenPrimary: grabHandlePen)); 

                //draw our rounded rect grabhandle
                SafeNativeMethods.RoundRect(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom, 2, 2);
                //restore old pen and brush
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, oldBrush)); 
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, oldPen)); 
            finally {

        ///     Used for drawing the no-resize handle for non-resizeable selected controls and components. 
        public static void DrawNoResizeHandle(Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds, bool isPrimary, Glyph glyph) { 
            IntPtr hDC = graphics.GetHdc();
            try {
                //set our pen and brush based on primary selection
                IntPtr oldBrush = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, isPrimary ? grabHandleFillBrushPrimary : grabHandleFillBrush)); 
                IntPtr oldPen = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, grabHandlePenPrimary));
                //draw our rect no-resize handle 
                SafeNativeMethods.Rectangle(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom);
                //restore old pen and brush
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, oldBrush));
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, oldPen));

            finally { 

        ///     Used for drawing the lock handle for locked selected controls and components. 
        public static void DrawLockedHandle(Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds, bool isPrimary, Glyph glyph) { 
            IntPtr hDC = graphics.GetHdc(); 
            try {
                IntPtr oldPen = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, grabHandlePenPrimary));

                // Upper rect - upper rect is always filled with the primary brush
                IntPtr oldBrush = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, grabHandleFillBrushPrimary)); 
                SafeNativeMethods.RoundRect(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), bounds.Left+LOCKHANDLEUPPER_OFFSET, bounds.Top,
                                            bounds.Left + LOCKHANDLEUPPER_OFFSET + LOCKHANDLESIZE_UPPER, bounds.Top + LOCKHANDLESIZE_UPPER,2,2); 
                // Lower rect - its fillbrush depends on the primary selection
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, isPrimary ? grabHandleFillBrushPrimary : grabHandleFillBrush)); 
                SafeNativeMethods.Rectangle(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), bounds.Left, bounds.Top+LOCKHANDLELOWER_OFFSET, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom);

                //restore old pen and brush
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, oldBrush)); 
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(glyph, hDC), new HandleRef(glyph, oldPen));
            finally {

        ///     Uses the lockedBorderBrush to draw a 'locked' border on the 
        ///     given Graphics at the specified bounds. 
        public static void DrawSelectionBorder(Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds) { 
            graphics.FillRectangle(selectionBorderBrush, bounds);

        ///     Used to generate an image that represents the given control.  First, this method will call
        ///     the 'GenerateSnapShotWithWM_PRINT' method on the control.  If we believe that this 
        ///     method did not return us a valid image (caused by some comctl/ax controls not properly 
        ///     responding to a wm_print) then we will attempt to do a bitblt of the control instead.
        public static void GenerateSnapShot(Control control, ref Image image, int borderSize, double opacity, Color backColor) {

            //GenerateSnapShot will return a boolean value indicating if the control
            //returned an image or not... 
            if (!GenerateSnapShotWithWM_PRINT(control, ref image)) {
                //here, we failed to get the image on wmprint - so try bitblt 
                GenerateSnapShotWithBitBlt(control, ref image) ; 
                //if we still failed - we'll just fall though, put up a border around an empty area and
                //call it good enough 

            //set the opacity
            if (opacity < 1.0 && opacity > 0.0) { 
                //make this semi-transparent
                SetImageAlpha((Bitmap)image, opacity); 

            //draw a drag border around this thing 
            if (borderSize > 0) {
                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image)) {
                    DrawDragBorder(g, image.Size, borderSize, backColor);

        ///     Retrieves the width and height of a selection border grab handle.
        ///     Designers may need this to properly position their user interfaces.
        public static Size GetAdornmentDimensions(AdornmentType adornmentType) {
            switch (adornmentType) { 
                case AdornmentType.GrabHandle: 
                    return new Size(HANDLESIZE, HANDLESIZE);
                case AdornmentType.ContainerSelector: 
                case AdornmentType.Maximum:
            return new Size(0, 0); 
        public static bool UseSnapLines(IServiceProvider provider) { 
            bool useSnapLines = true;
            object optionValue = null; 
            DesignerOptionService options = provider.GetService(typeof(DesignerOptionService)) as DesignerOptionService;
            if (options != null) {
                PropertyDescriptor snaplinesProp = options.Options.Properties["UseSnapLines"];
                if (snaplinesProp != null) { 
                    optionValue = snaplinesProp.GetValue(null);

            if (optionValue != null && optionValue is bool) { 
                useSnapLines = (bool)optionValue;

            return useSnapLines; 
        public static object GetOptionValue(IServiceProvider provider, string name) { 
            object optionValue = null;
            if (provider != null) { 
                DesignerOptionService desOpts = provider.GetService(typeof(DesignerOptionService)) as DesignerOptionService;
                if (desOpts != null) {
                    PropertyDescriptor prop = desOpts.Options.Properties[name];
                    if (prop != null) { 
                        optionValue = prop.GetValue(null);
                else {
                    IDesignerOptionService optSvc = provider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerOptionService)) as IDesignerOptionService; 

                    if (optSvc != null) {
                        optionValue = optSvc.GetOptionValue("WindowsFormsDesigner\\General", name);
            return optionValue;

        ///     Uses BitBlt to geta snapshot of the control
        public static void GenerateSnapShotWithBitBlt(Control control, ref Image image) { 
            //get the DC's and create our image
            HandleRef hWnd = new HandleRef(control, control.Handle); 
            IntPtr controlDC = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetDC(hWnd);
            image = new Bitmap(Math.Max(control.Width, MINCONTROLBITMAPSIZE), Math.Max(control.Height, MINCONTROLBITMAPSIZE), System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb);

            using (Graphics gDest = Graphics.FromImage(image)) { 
                //VSWhidbey #378593
                if (control.BackColor == Color.Transparent) { 
                IntPtr destDC = gDest.GetHdc();

                //perform our bitblit operation to push the image into the dest bitmap
                SafeNativeMethods.BitBlt(destDC, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, controlDC, 0, 0, 0xcc0020/*RasterOp.SOURCE*/); 
                //clean up all our handles and what not
        ///     Uses WM_PRINT to get a snapshot of the control.  This method will return true if the control
        //      properly responded to the wm_print message.
        public static bool GenerateSnapShotWithWM_PRINT(Control control, ref Image image) {
            IntPtr hWnd = control.Handle; 
            image = new Bitmap(Math.Max(control.Width, MINCONTROLBITMAPSIZE), Math.Max(control.Height, MINCONTROLBITMAPSIZE), System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb);
            //VSWhidbey #378593
            //Have to do this BEFORE we set the testcolor.
            if (control.BackColor == Color.Transparent) {
                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image)) { 

            //To validate that the control responded to the wm_print message, we pre-populate the 
            //bitmap with a colored center pixel.  We assume that the control _did not_ respond to
            //wm_print if these center pixel is still this value
            Color testColor = Color.FromArgb(255,252,186,238);
            ((Bitmap)image).SetPixel(image.Width /2, image.Height /2, testColor); 

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image)) { 
                IntPtr hDc = g.GetHdc(); 
                //send the actual wm_print message
                NativeMethods.SendMessage(hWnd, NativeMethods.WM_PRINT, hDc, (IntPtr)(NativeMethods.PRF_CHILDREN | NativeMethods.PRF_CLIENT | NativeMethods.PRF_ERASEBKGND | NativeMethods.PRF_NONCLIENT)); 

            //now check to see if our center pixel was cleared, if not then our wm_print failed 
            if (((Bitmap)image).GetPixel(image.Width /2, image.Height / 2).Equals(testColor)) {
                //wm_print failed 
                return false; 
            return true;

        ///     Used by the Glyphs and ComponentTray to determine the Top, Left, Right, Bottom and Body
        ///     bound rects related to their original bounds and bordersize. 
        public static Rectangle GetBoundsForSelectionType(Rectangle originalBounds, SelectionBorderGlyphType type, int borderSize) {
            Rectangle bounds = Rectangle.Empty;

            switch (type) {
                case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Top: 
                    bounds = new Rectangle(originalBounds.Left - borderSize, originalBounds.Top - borderSize, originalBounds.Width + 2*borderSize, borderSize);
                case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Bottom: 
                    bounds = new Rectangle(originalBounds.Left - borderSize, originalBounds.Bottom, originalBounds.Width + 2*borderSize, borderSize);
                case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Left:
                    bounds = new Rectangle(originalBounds.Left - borderSize, originalBounds.Top - borderSize, borderSize, originalBounds.Height + 2*borderSize);
                case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Right: 
                    bounds = new Rectangle(originalBounds.Right, originalBounds.Top - borderSize, borderSize, originalBounds.Height + 2*borderSize);
                case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Body: 
                    bounds = originalBounds;
            return bounds;
        ///     Used by the Glyphs and ComponentTray to determine the Top, Left, Right, Bottom and Body 
        ///     bound rects related to their original bounds and bordersize. 
        ///     Offset - how many pixels between the border glyph and the control 

        private static Rectangle GetBoundsForSelectionType(Rectangle originalBounds, SelectionBorderGlyphType type, int bordersize, int offset) {
            Rectangle bounds = GetBoundsForSelectionType(originalBounds, type, bordersize);
            if (offset != 0) { 
                switch (type) {
                    case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Top: 
                        bounds.Offset(-offset, -offset);
                        bounds.Width += 2*offset;
                    case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Bottom: 
                        bounds.Offset(-offset, offset);
                        bounds.Width += 2*offset; 
                    case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Left:
                        bounds.Offset(-offset, -offset); 
                        bounds.Height += 2*offset;
                    case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Right:
                        bounds.Offset(offset, -offset); 
                        bounds.Height += 2*offset;
                    case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Body: 
                        bounds = originalBounds;

            return bounds; 
        ///     Used by the Glyphs and ComponentTray to determine the Top, Left, Right, Bottom and Body 
        ///     bound rects related to their original bounds and bordersize.

        public static Rectangle GetBoundsForSelectionType(Rectangle originalBounds, SelectionBorderGlyphType type) { 

            return GetBoundsForSelectionType(originalBounds, type, DesignerUtils.SELECTIONBORDERSIZE, SELECTIONBORDEROFFSET); 

        public static Rectangle GetBoundsForNoResizeSelectionType(Rectangle originalBounds, SelectionBorderGlyphType type) { 
            return GetBoundsForSelectionType(originalBounds, type, DesignerUtils.SELECTIONBORDERSIZE, NORESIZEBORDEROFFSET);

        ///     Identifes where the text baseline for our control which should be
        ///     based on bounds, padding, font, and textalignment. 
        public static int GetTextBaseline(Control ctrl, ContentAlignment alignment) {
            //determine the actual client area we are working in (w/padding)
            Rectangle face = ctrl.ClientRectangle;

            //get the font metrics via gdi 
            int fontAscent = 0;
            int fontHeight = 0; 
            using (Graphics g = ctrl.CreateGraphics()) { 
                IntPtr dc = g.GetHdc();
                IntPtr hFont = ctrl.Font.ToHfont(); 
                IntPtr hFontOld;
                try {
                    hFontOld = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(ctrl, dc), new HandleRef(ctrl, hFont));
                    NativeMethods.TEXTMETRIC metrics = new NativeMethods.TEXTMETRIC(); 
                    SafeNativeMethods.GetTextMetrics(new HandleRef(ctrl, dc), metrics);
                    //add the font ascent to the baseline 
                    fontAscent = metrics.tmAscent + 1; 
                    fontHeight = metrics.tmHeight;
                    SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(ctrl, dc), new HandleRef(ctrl, hFontOld)); 
                finally {
                    SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(new HandleRef(ctrl.Font, hFont));
            //now add it all up
            if ((alignment & anyTopAlignment) != 0) { 
                return face.Top + fontAscent;
            else if ((alignment & anyMiddleAlignment) != 0) {
                return face.Top + (face.Height / 2) - (fontHeight/2) + fontAscent; 
            else { 
                return face.Bottom - fontHeight + fontAscent; 

        ///     Called by the ParentControlDesigner when creating a new
        ///     control - this will update the new control's bounds with the 
        ///     proper toolbox/snapline information that has been stored
        ///     off 
        ///     isMirrored - Is the ParentControlDesigner mirrored? If so, we need
        ///             to offset for that. This is because all snapline stuff is done 
        ///             using a LTR coordinate system
        public static Rectangle GetBoundsFromToolboxSnapDragDropInfo(ToolboxSnapDragDropEventArgs e, Rectangle originalBounds, bool isMirrored) {
            Rectangle newBounds = originalBounds; 

            //this should always be the case 'cause we don't 
            //create 'e' unless we have an offset 
            if (e.Offset != Point.Empty) {
                //snap either up or down depending on offset 
                if ((e.SnapDirections & ToolboxSnapDragDropEventArgs.SnapDirection.Top) != 0) {
                    newBounds.Y += e.Offset.Y;//snap to top - so move up our bounds
                else if ((e.SnapDirections & ToolboxSnapDragDropEventArgs.SnapDirection.Bottom) != 0) { 
                    newBounds.Y = originalBounds.Y - originalBounds.Height + e.Offset.Y;
                //snap either left or right depending on offset
                if (!isMirrored) { 
                    if ((e.SnapDirections & ToolboxSnapDragDropEventArgs.SnapDirection.Left) != 0) {
                        newBounds.X += e.Offset.X;//snap to left-
                    else if ((e.SnapDirections & ToolboxSnapDragDropEventArgs.SnapDirection.Right) != 0) { 
                        newBounds.X = originalBounds.X - originalBounds.Width + e.Offset.X;
                else {
                    // ParentControlDesigner is RTL, that means that the origin is upper-right, not upper-left 
                    if ((e.SnapDirections & ToolboxSnapDragDropEventArgs.SnapDirection.Left) != 0) {
                        // e.Offset.X is negative when we snap to left
                        newBounds.X = originalBounds.X - originalBounds.Width - e.Offset.X;
                    else if ((e.SnapDirections & ToolboxSnapDragDropEventArgs.SnapDirection.Right) != 0) {
                        // e.Offset.X is positive when we snao to right 
                        newBounds.X -= e.Offset.X; 

            return newBounds;

        ///     Determine a unique site name for a component, starting from a base name. Return value 
        ///     should be passed into the Container.Add() method. If null is returned, this just means
        ///     "let container generate a default name based on component type". 
        public static String GetUniqueSiteName(IDesignerHost host, String name) {
            // Item has no explicit name, so let host generate a type-based name instead
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { 
                return null;
            // Get the name creation service from the designer host
            INameCreationService nameCreationService = (INameCreationService) host.GetService(typeof(INameCreationService)); 
            if (nameCreationService == null) {
                return null;
            // See if desired name is already in use
            object existingComponent = host.Container.Components[name]; 
            if (existingComponent == null) {
                // Name is not in use - but make sure that it contains valid characters before using it! 
                return nameCreationService.IsValidName(name) ? name : null;
            else {
                // Name is in use (and therefore basically valid), so start appending numbers 
                String nameN = name;
                for (int i = 1; !nameCreationService.IsValidName(nameN); ++i) { 
                    nameN = name + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
                return nameN; 

        /// Applies the given opacity to the image
        private static unsafe void SetImageAlpha(Bitmap b, double opacity) 
            if (opacity == 1.0) 
            byte[]  alphaValues = new byte[256];
            // precompute all the possible alpha values 
            // into an array so we don't do multiplications in the loop
            for (int i = 0; i < alphaValues.Length; i++)
                alphaValues[i] = (byte)(i * opacity);

            // lock the data in ARGB format. 
            BitmapData data = b.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                // compute the number of pixels that we're modifying.
                int pixels = data.Height * data.Width; 
                int* pPixels = (int*)data.Scan0;
                // have the compiler figure out where to stop for us 
                // by doing the pointer math
                byte* maxAddr = (byte*)(pPixels + pixels);

                // now run through the pixels only modifyng the A byte,
                for (byte* addr = (byte*)(pPixels)+3; addr < maxAddr; addr += 4)
                    // the new value is just an index into our precomputed 
                    // value array from above.
                    *addr = alphaValues[*addr];
                // now, apply the data back to the bitmap. 


        /// This method removes types that are generics from the input collection
        public static ICollection FilterGenericTypes(ICollection types) { 
            if (types == null || types.Count == 0)
                return types; 

            //now we get each Type and add it to the destination collection if its not a generic
            ArrayList final = new ArrayList(types.Count);
            foreach (Type t in types) { 
                if (!t.ContainsGenericParameters) {
            return final;

        /// Checks the given container, substituting any nested container with its owning container.
        /// Ensures that a SplitterPanel in a SplitContainer returns the same container as other form 
        /// components, since SplitContainer sites its two SplitterPanels inside a nested container. 
        public static IContainer CheckForNestedContainer(IContainer container) { 
            NestedContainer nestedContainer = container as NestedContainer;

            if (nestedContainer != null) {
                return nestedContainer.Owner.Site.Container; 
            else { 
                return container; 

        /// Used to create copies of the objects that we are dragging in a drag operation 
        public static ICollection CopyDragObjects(ICollection objects, IServiceProvider svcProvider) { 

            if (objects == null || svcProvider == null) { 
                Debug.Fail("Invalid parameter passed to DesignerUtils.CopyObjects.");
                return null;
            Cursor oldCursor = Cursor.Current;
            try { 
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; 

                ComponentSerializationService css = svcProvider.GetService(typeof(ComponentSerializationService)) as ComponentSerializationService; 
                IDesignerHost host = svcProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;

                Debug.Assert(css != null, "No component serialization service -- we cannot copy the objects");
                Debug.Assert(host != null, "No host -- we cannot copy the objects"); 
                if (css != null && host != null) {
                    SerializationStore store = null; 

                    store = css.CreateStore(); 

                    // Get all the objects, meaning we want the children too
                    ICollection copyObjects = GetCopySelection(objects, host);
                    // The serialization service does not (yet) handle serializing collections
                    foreach (IComponent comp in copyObjects) { 
                        css.Serialize(store, comp); 
                    copyObjects = css.Deserialize(store);

                    // Now, copyObjects contains a flattened list of all the controls contained
                    // in the original drag objects, that's not what we want to return. 
                    // We only want to return the root drag objects, so that the caller gets
                    // an identical copy - identical in terms of objects.Count 
                    ArrayList newObjects = new ArrayList(objects.Count); 
                    foreach (IComponent comp in copyObjects) {
                        Control c = comp as Control; 
                        if (c != null && c.Parent == null) {
                        else if (c == null) { // this happens when we are dragging a toolstripitem 
                            ToolStripItem item = comp as ToolStripItem; 
                            if (item != null && item.GetCurrentParent() == null) { 

                    Debug.Assert(newObjects.Count == objects.Count, "Why is the count of the copied objects not the same?"); 

                    return newObjects; 

            finally {
                Cursor.Current = oldCursor;

            return null; 

        private static ICollection GetCopySelection(ICollection objects, IDesignerHost host) { 

            if (objects == null || host == null) {
                return null;

            ArrayList copySelection = new ArrayList(); 
            foreach (IComponent comp in objects) { 
                GetAssociatedComponents(comp, host, copySelection); 

            return copySelection;

        internal static void GetAssociatedComponents(IComponent component, IDesignerHost host, ArrayList list) { 
            if (host == null) {

            ComponentDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(component) as ComponentDesigner;
            if (designer == null) { 
            foreach (IComponent childComp in designer.AssociatedComponents) {
                if (childComp.Site != null) 
                    GetAssociatedComponents(childComp, host, list);



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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