Stacktrace.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FXUpdate3074 / FXUpdate3074 / 1.1 / untmp / whidbey / QFE / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Diagnostics / Stacktrace.cs / 3 / Stacktrace.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
namespace System.Diagnostics {
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Threading; 
    using System;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization; 

    // READ ME: 
    // Modifying the order or fields of this object may require other changes
    // to the unmanaged definition of the StackFrameHelper class, in
    // VM\DebugDebugger.h. The binder will catch some of these layout problems.
    internal class StackFrameHelper
        private Thread targetThread;
        private int[] rgiOffset; 
        private int[] rgiILOffset;
        // this field is here only for backwards compatibility of serialization format
        private MethodBase[] rgMethodBase;
#pragma warning disable 414  // Field is not used from managed.
        // dynamicMethods is an array of System.Resolver objects, used to keep 
        // DynamicMethodDescs alive for the lifetime of StackFrameHelper. 
        private Object dynamicMethods;
#pragma warning restore 414 

        private RuntimeMethodHandle[] rgMethodHandle;
        private String[] rgFilename; 
        private int[] rgiLineNumber;
        private int[] rgiColumnNumber; 
        private int iFrameCount; 
        private bool fNeedFileInfo;

        public StackFrameHelper(bool fNeedFileLineColInfo, Thread target)
            targetThread = target; 
            rgMethodBase = null;
            rgMethodHandle = null; 
            rgiOffset = null; 
            rgiILOffset = null;
            rgFilename = null; 
            rgiLineNumber = null;
            rgiColumnNumber = null;
            dynamicMethods = null;
            iFrameCount = 512;  //read by the internal to EE method: this is the 
                                // number of requested frames
            fNeedFileInfo = fNeedFileLineColInfo; 

        public virtual MethodBase GetMethodBase (int i) 
            // There may be a better way to do this.
            // we got RuntimeMethodHandles here and we need to go to MethodBase
            // but we don't know whether the reflection info has been initialized 
            // or not. So we call GetMethods and GetConstructors on the type
            // and then we fetch the proper MethodBase!! 
            RuntimeMethodHandle mh = rgMethodHandle [i]; 

            if (mh.IsNullHandle()) 
                return null;

            mh = mh.GetTypicalMethodDefinition();
            return RuntimeType.GetMethodBase(mh);
        public virtual int GetOffset (int i) { return rgiOffset [i];}
        public virtual int GetILOffset (int i) { return rgiILOffset [i];} 
        public virtual String GetFilename (int i) { return rgFilename [i];}
        public virtual int GetLineNumber (int i) { return rgiLineNumber [i];}
        public virtual int GetColumnNumber (int i) { return rgiColumnNumber [i];}
        public virtual int GetNumberOfFrames () { return iFrameCount;} 
        public virtual void SetNumberOfFrames (int i) { iFrameCount = i;}
        // serialization implementation
        void OnSerializing(StreamingContext context)
            // this is called in the process of serializing this object. 
            // For compatibility with Everett we need to assign the rgMethodBase field as that is the field
            // that will be serialized 
            rgMethodBase = (rgMethodHandle == null) ? null : new MethodBase[rgMethodHandle.Length]; 
            if (rgMethodHandle != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < rgMethodHandle.Length; i++)
                    if (!rgMethodHandle[i].IsNullHandle())
                        rgMethodBase[i] = RuntimeType.GetMethodBase(rgMethodHandle[i]); 

        void OnSerialized(StreamingContext context)
            // after we are done serializing null the rgMethodBase field
            rgMethodBase = null; 
        void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext context)
            // after we are done deserializing we need to transform the rgMethodBase in rgMethodHandle
            rgMethodHandle = (rgMethodBase == null) ? null : new RuntimeMethodHandle[rgMethodBase.Length];
            if (rgMethodBase != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < rgMethodBase.Length; i++)
                    if (rgMethodBase[i] != null) 
                        rgMethodHandle[i] = rgMethodBase[i].MethodHandle;
            rgMethodBase = null;

    // Class which represents a description of a stack trace 
    // There is no good reason for the methods of this class to be virtual.
    // In order to ensure trusted code can trust the data it gets from a 
    // StackTrace, we use an InheritanceDemand to prevent partially-trusted
    // subclasses.
    [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, UnmanagedCode=true)]
    public class StackTrace 
        private StackFrame[] frames;
        private int m_iNumOfFrames; 
        public const int METHODS_TO_SKIP = 0;
        private int m_iMethodsToSkip;

        // Constructs a stack trace from the current location. 
        public StackTrace()
            m_iNumOfFrames = 0; 
            m_iMethodsToSkip = 0;
            CaptureStackTrace (METHODS_TO_SKIP, false, null, null); 

        // Constructs a stack trace from the current location.
        public StackTrace(bool fNeedFileInfo)
            m_iNumOfFrames = 0; 
            m_iMethodsToSkip = 0;
            CaptureStackTrace (METHODS_TO_SKIP, fNeedFileInfo, null, null); 

        // Constructs a stack trace from the current location, in a caller's
        // frame 
        public StackTrace(int skipFrames) 

            if (skipFrames < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("skipFrames",

            m_iNumOfFrames = 0; 
            m_iMethodsToSkip = 0;
            CaptureStackTrace (skipFrames+METHODS_TO_SKIP, false, null, null); 
        // Constructs a stack trace from the current location, in a caller's
        // frame
        public StackTrace(int skipFrames, bool fNeedFileInfo) 
            if (skipFrames < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("skipFrames",

            m_iNumOfFrames = 0;
            m_iMethodsToSkip = 0;
            CaptureStackTrace (skipFrames+METHODS_TO_SKIP, fNeedFileInfo, null, null);

        // Constructs a stack trace from the current location. 
        public StackTrace(Exception e)
            if (e == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); 

            m_iNumOfFrames = 0; 
            m_iMethodsToSkip = 0; 
            CaptureStackTrace (METHODS_TO_SKIP, false, null, e);

        // Constructs a stack trace from the current location.
        public StackTrace(Exception e, bool fNeedFileInfo) 
            if (e == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); 

            m_iNumOfFrames = 0; 
            m_iMethodsToSkip = 0;
            CaptureStackTrace (METHODS_TO_SKIP, fNeedFileInfo, null, e);
        // Constructs a stack trace from the current location, in a caller's
        // frame 
        public StackTrace(Exception e, int skipFrames)
            if (e == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e");

            if (skipFrames < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("skipFrames",
            m_iNumOfFrames = 0;
            m_iMethodsToSkip = 0; 

            CaptureStackTrace (skipFrames+METHODS_TO_SKIP, false, null, e);
        // Constructs a stack trace from the current location, in a caller's
        // frame 
        public StackTrace(Exception e, int skipFrames, bool fNeedFileInfo)
            if (e == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e");

            if (skipFrames < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("skipFrames",
            m_iNumOfFrames = 0;
            m_iMethodsToSkip = 0; 

            CaptureStackTrace (skipFrames+METHODS_TO_SKIP, fNeedFileInfo, null, e);

        // Constructs a "fake" stack trace, just containing a single frame. 
        // Does not have the overhead of a full stack trace. 
        public StackTrace(StackFrame frame) 
            frames = new StackFrame[1];
            frames[0] = frame;
            m_iMethodsToSkip = 0; 
            m_iNumOfFrames = 1;

        // Constructs a stack trace for the given thread 
        public StackTrace(Thread targetThread, bool needFileInfo)
            m_iNumOfFrames = 0; 
            m_iMethodsToSkip = 0;
            CaptureStackTrace (METHODS_TO_SKIP, needFileInfo, targetThread, null); 


        internal static extern void GetStackFramesInternal(StackFrameHelper sfh, int iSkip, Exception e);
        internal static int CalculateFramesToSkip (StackFrameHelper StackF, int iNumFrames)
            int iRetVal = 0;
            String PackageName = "System.Diagnostics"; 

            // Check if this method is part of the System.Diagnostics
            // package. If so, increment counter keeping track of
            // System.Diagnostics functions 
            for (int i=0; i m_iNumOfFrames)
                m_iMethodsToSkip = m_iNumOfFrames; 

            if (m_iNumOfFrames != 0) 
                frames = new StackFrame [m_iNumOfFrames];
                for (int i=0; i= 0)) 
                return frames [index+m_iMethodsToSkip]; 

            return null; 

        // Returns an array of all stack frames for this stacktrace.
        // The array is ordered and sized such that GetFrames()[i] == GetFrame(i) 
        // The nth element of this array is the same as GetFrame(n).
        // The length of the array is the same as FrameCount. 
        public virtual StackFrame [] GetFrames() 
            if (frames == null || m_iNumOfFrames <= 0)
                return null;
            // We have to return a subset of the array. Unfortunately this
            // means we have to allocate a new array and copy over. 
            StackFrame [] array = new StackFrame[m_iNumOfFrames]; 
            Array.Copy(frames, m_iMethodsToSkip, array, 0, m_iNumOfFrames);
            return array; 

        // Builds a readable representation of the stack trace
        public override String ToString()
            // Include a trailing newline for backwards compatibility 
            return ToString( TraceFormat.TrailingNewLine );

        // TraceFormat is Used to specify options for how the
        // string-representation of a StackTrace should be generated.
        internal enum TraceFormat 
            TrailingNewLine,        // include a trailing new line character 
            NoResourceLookup    // to prevent infinite resource recusion

        // Builds a readable representation of the stack trace, specifying
        // the format for backwards compatibility.
        internal String ToString( TraceFormat traceFormat ) 
            String word_At = "at"; 
            String inFileLineNum = "in {0}:line {1}"; 

            if( traceFormat != TraceFormat.NoResourceLookup ) 
                word_At = Environment.GetResourceString("Word_At");
                inFileLineNum = Environment.GetResourceString("StackTrace_InFileLineNumber");

            bool fFirstFrame = true; 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(255); 
            for (int iFrameIndex=0; iFrameIndex < m_iNumOfFrames; iFrameIndex++)
                StackFrame sf = GetFrame(iFrameIndex);
                MethodBase mb = sf.GetMethod();
                if (mb != null)
                    // We want a newline at the end of every line except for the last
                    if (fFirstFrame) 
                        fFirstFrame = false; 
                        sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); 

                    sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "   {0} ", word_At);

                    Type t = mb.DeclaringType; 
                     // if there is a type (non global method) print it
                    if (t != null) 
                        sb.Append (t.FullName.Replace('+', '.'));
                        sb.Append ("."); 
                    sb.Append (mb.Name);

                    // deal with the generic portion of the method 
                    if (mb is MethodInfo && ((MethodInfo)mb).IsGenericMethod)
                        Type[] typars = ((MethodInfo)mb).GetGenericArguments(); 
                        sb.Append ("[");
                        int k=0; 
                        bool fFirstTyParam = true;
                        while (k < typars.Length)
                            if (fFirstTyParam == false) 
                                sb.Append (",");
                                fFirstTyParam = false; 

                            sb.Append (typars[k].Name); 
                        sb.Append ("]");

                    // arguments printing 
                    sb.Append ("("); 
                    ParameterInfo[] pi = mb.GetParameters();
                    bool fFirstParam = true; 
                    for( int j=0; j < pi.Length; j++ )
                        if (fFirstParam == false)
                            sb.Append (", "); 
                            fFirstParam = false; 
                        String typeName = "";
                        if (pi[j].ParameterType != null) 
                            typeName = pi[j].ParameterType.Name;
                        sb.Append (typeName + " " + pi[j].Name);
                    sb.Append (")"); 

                    // source location printing 
                    if (sf.GetILOffset() != -1) 
                        // It's possible we have a debug version of an executable but no PDB.  In 
                        // this case, the file name will be null.
                        String fileName = null;

                            fileName = sf.GetFileName(); 
                        catch (SecurityException)

                        if (fileName != null) {
                            // tack on " in c:\tmp\MyFile.cs:line 5" 
                            sb.Append(' ');
                            sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, inFileLineNum, fileName, sf.GetFileLineNumber()); 

            if( traceFormat == TraceFormat.TrailingNewLine ) 
                sb.Append( Environment.NewLine );
            return sb.ToString(); 
        // This helper is called from within the EE to construct a string representation
        // of the current stack trace.
        private static String GetManagedStackTraceStringHelper(bool fNeedFileInfo)
            // Note all the frames in System.Diagnostics will be skipped when capturing
            // a normal stack trace (not from an exception) so we don't need to explicitly 
            // skip the GetManagedStackTraceStringHelper frame. 
            StackTrace st = new StackTrace(0, fNeedFileInfo);
            return st.ToString(); 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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