/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Core / TextUtf8RawTextWriter.cs / 1 / TextUtf8RawTextWriter.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WARNING: This file is generated and should not be modified directly. Instead, // modify TextWriterGenerator.cxx and run gen.bat in the same directory. // This batch file will execute the following commands: // // cl.exe /C /EP /D _UTF8_TEXT_WRITER TextWriterGenerator.cxx > Utf8TextWriter.cs // cl.exe /C /EP /D _ENCODED_TEXT_WRITER TextWriterGenerator.cxx > EncodedTextWriter.cs // // Because these two implementations of TextWriter are so similar, the C++ preprocessor // is used to generate each implementation from one template file, using macros and ifdefs. using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; //using System.Xml.Query; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; namespace System.Xml { // Concrete implementation of XmlRawWriter interface that serializes text events as encoded // text. All other non-text events are ignored. The general-purpose TextEncodedRawTextWriter uses the // Encoder class to output to any encoding. The TextUtf8RawTextWriter class combined the encoding // operation with serialization in order to achieve better performance. // internal class TextUtf8RawTextWriter : XmlUtf8RawTextWriter { // Construct an instance of this class that serializes to a Stream interface. public TextUtf8RawTextWriter( Stream stream, Encoding encoding, XmlWriterSettings settings, bool closeOutput ) : base( stream, encoding, settings, closeOutput ) { } // // XmlRawWriter // // Ignore Xml declaration internal override void WriteXmlDeclaration( XmlStandalone standalone ) { } internal override void WriteXmlDeclaration( string xmldecl ) { } // Ignore DTD public override void WriteDocType( string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset ) { } // Ignore Elements public override void WriteStartElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { } internal override void WriteEndElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { } internal override void WriteFullEndElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { } internal override void StartElementContent() { } // Ignore attributes public override void WriteStartAttribute( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { base.inAttributeValue = true; } public override void WriteEndAttribute() { base.inAttributeValue = false; } // Ignore namespace declarations internal override void WriteNamespaceDeclaration( string prefix, string ns ) { } // Output content of CDATA sections as plain text without escaping public override void WriteCData( string text ) { base.WriteRaw( text ); } // Ignore comments public override void WriteComment( string text ) { } // Ignore processing instructions public override void WriteProcessingInstruction( string name, string text ) { } // Ignore entities public override void WriteEntityRef( string name ) { } public override void WriteCharEntity( char ch ) { } public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity( char lowChar, char highChar ) { } // Output text content without any escaping; ignore attribute values public override void WriteWhitespace( string ws ) { if ( !base.inAttributeValue ) { base.WriteRaw( ws ); } } // Output text content without any escaping; ignore attribute values public override void WriteString( string textBlock ) { if ( !base.inAttributeValue ) { base.WriteRaw( textBlock ); } } // Output text content without any escaping; ignore attribute values public override void WriteChars( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) { if ( !base.inAttributeValue ) { base.WriteRaw( buffer, index, count ); } } // Output text content without any escaping; ignore attribute values public override void WriteRaw( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) { if ( !base.inAttributeValue ) { base.WriteRaw( buffer, index, count ); } } // Output text content without any escaping; ignore attribute values public override void WriteRaw( string data ) { if ( !base.inAttributeValue ) { base.WriteRaw( data ); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WARNING: This file is generated and should not be modified directly. Instead, // modify TextWriterGenerator.cxx and run gen.bat in the same directory. // This batch file will execute the following commands: // // cl.exe /C /EP /D _UTF8_TEXT_WRITER TextWriterGenerator.cxx > Utf8TextWriter.cs // cl.exe /C /EP /D _ENCODED_TEXT_WRITER TextWriterGenerator.cxx > EncodedTextWriter.cs // // Because these two implementations of TextWriter are so similar, the C++ preprocessor // is used to generate each implementation from one template file, using macros and ifdefs. using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; //using System.Xml.Query; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; namespace System.Xml { // Concrete implementation of XmlRawWriter interface that serializes text events as encoded // text. All other non-text events are ignored. The general-purpose TextEncodedRawTextWriter uses the // Encoder class to output to any encoding. The TextUtf8RawTextWriter class combined the encoding // operation with serialization in order to achieve better performance. // internal class TextUtf8RawTextWriter : XmlUtf8RawTextWriter { // Construct an instance of this class that serializes to a Stream interface. public TextUtf8RawTextWriter( Stream stream, Encoding encoding, XmlWriterSettings settings, bool closeOutput ) : base( stream, encoding, settings, closeOutput ) { } // // XmlRawWriter // // Ignore Xml declaration internal override void WriteXmlDeclaration( XmlStandalone standalone ) { } internal override void WriteXmlDeclaration( string xmldecl ) { } // Ignore DTD public override void WriteDocType( string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset ) { } // Ignore Elements public override void WriteStartElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { } internal override void WriteEndElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { } internal override void WriteFullEndElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { } internal override void StartElementContent() { } // Ignore attributes public override void WriteStartAttribute( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { base.inAttributeValue = true; } public override void WriteEndAttribute() { base.inAttributeValue = false; } // Ignore namespace declarations internal override void WriteNamespaceDeclaration( string prefix, string ns ) { } // Output content of CDATA sections as plain text without escaping public override void WriteCData( string text ) { base.WriteRaw( text ); } // Ignore comments public override void WriteComment( string text ) { } // Ignore processing instructions public override void WriteProcessingInstruction( string name, string text ) { } // Ignore entities public override void WriteEntityRef( string name ) { } public override void WriteCharEntity( char ch ) { } public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity( char lowChar, char highChar ) { } // Output text content without any escaping; ignore attribute values public override void WriteWhitespace( string ws ) { if ( !base.inAttributeValue ) { base.WriteRaw( ws ); } } // Output text content without any escaping; ignore attribute values public override void WriteString( string textBlock ) { if ( !base.inAttributeValue ) { base.WriteRaw( textBlock ); } } // Output text content without any escaping; ignore attribute values public override void WriteChars( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) { if ( !base.inAttributeValue ) { base.WriteRaw( buffer, index, count ); } } // Output text content without any escaping; ignore attribute values public override void WriteRaw( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) { if ( !base.inAttributeValue ) { base.WriteRaw( buffer, index, count ); } } // Output text content without any escaping; ignore attribute values public override void WriteRaw( string data ) { if ( !base.inAttributeValue ) { base.WriteRaw( data ); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- ValidationHelper.cs
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