MetadataCollection.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Metadata / Edm / MetadataCollection.cs / 1305376 / MetadataCollection.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Data.Common; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm
    /// Class representing an actual implementaton of a collection of metadata objects 
    /// The type of items in this collection 
    internal class MetadataCollection : IList where T : MetadataItem 
        // The way the collection supports both case sensitive and insensitive search is that it maintains two lists: one list 
        // for keep tracking of the order (the ordered list) and another list sorted case sensitively (the sorted list) by the
        // identity of the item.  When a look up on ordinal is requested, the ordered list is used.  When a look up on the name
        // is requested, the sorted list is used.  The two list must be kept in [....] for all update operations.  For case
        // sensitive name lookup, the sorted list is searched.  For case insensitive name lookup, a binary search is used on the 
        // sorted list to find the match.
        // Note: Care must be taken when modifying logic in this class to call virtual methods in this class.  Since virtual methods 
        // can be override by a derived class, the possible results must be thought through.  If needed, add an internal method and
        // have the public virtual method delegates to it. 

        #region Constructors
        /// Default constructor for constructing an empty collection 
        internal MetadataCollection() 
            : this(null) 

        /// The constructor for constructing the collection with the given items
        /// The items to populate the collection
        internal MetadataCollection(IEnumerable items) 
            _collectionData = new CollectionData();
            if (items != null) 
                foreach (T item in items)
                    if (item == null) 
                        throw EntityUtil.CollectionParameterElementIsNull("items"); 

                    Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Identity), "Identity of the item must never be null or empty"); 
        #region Fields
        /// structure to contain the indexes of items whose identity match by OrdinalIgnoreCase
        private struct OrderedIndex {
            /// the index of the item whose identity was used to create the initial dictionary entry
            internal readonly int ExactIndex; 

            /// the continuation of indexes whose item identities match by OrdinalIgnoreCase 
            internal readonly int[] InexactIndexes; 

            internal OrderedIndex(int exactIndex, int[] inexactIndexes) 
                ExactIndex = exactIndex;
                InexactIndexes = inexactIndexes;
        private CollectionData _collectionData; 
        private bool _readOnly;

        #region Properties
        /// Gets whether the collection is a readonly collection
        public bool IsReadOnly 
                return _readOnly;

        /// Returns the collection as a readonly collection 
        public virtual System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection AsReadOnly 
                return _collectionData.OrderedList.AsReadOnly(); 

        /// Returns the collection as a read-only metadata collection.
        public virtual ReadOnlyMetadataCollection AsReadOnlyMetadataCollection()
            return new ReadOnlyMetadataCollection(this);
        /// Gets the count on the number of items in the collection 
        public virtual int Count
                return _collectionData.OrderedList.Count; 
        /// Gets an item from the collection with the given index
        /// The index to search for 
        /// An item from the collection
        /// Thrown if the index is out of the range for the Collection 
        /// Always thrown on setter 
        public virtual T this[int index]
                return _collectionData.OrderedList[index];
                throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection(); 

        /// Gets an item from the collection with the given identity
        /// The identity of the item to search for
        /// An item from the collection 
        /// Thrown if identity argument passed in is null 
        /// Thrown if the Collection does not have an item with the given identity
        /// Always thrown on setter 
        public virtual T this[string identity]
                return GetValue(identity, false);
                throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection(); 
        #region Methods
        /// Gets an item from the collection with the given identity 
        /// The identity of the item to search for 
        /// Whether case is ignore in the search
        /// An item from the collection
        /// Thrown if identity argument passed in is null
        /// Thrown if the Collection does not have an item with the given identity 
        public virtual T GetValue(string identity, bool ignoreCase)
            T item = InternalTryGetValue(identity, ignoreCase); 
            if (null == item)
                throw EntityUtil.ItemInvalidIdentity(identity, "identity");
            return item;

        /// Adds an item to the collection 
        /// The item to add to the list 
        /// Thrown if item argument is null
        /// Thrown if the item passed in or the collection itself instance is in ReadOnly state
        /// Thrown if the MetadataCollection already contains an item with the same identity
        /// Thrown if the item passed into Setter has null or String.Empty identity 
        public virtual void Add(T item)
        /// Adds an item to the identityDictionary
        /// The collection data to add to
        /// The identity to add
        /// The identity's index in collection 
        /// Whether the item should be updated if a matching item is found.
        /// Index of the added entity, possibly different from the index 
        /// parameter if updateIfFound is true.
        private static int AddToDictionary(CollectionData collectionData, string identity, int index, bool updateIfFound)
            Debug.Assert(collectionData != null && collectionData.IdentityDictionary != null, "the identity dictionary is null");
            Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(identity), "empty identity"); 
            int[] inexact = null;
            OrderedIndex orderIndex; 
            int exactIndex = index; 

            // find the item(s) by OrdinalIgnoreCase 
            if (collectionData.IdentityDictionary.TryGetValue(identity, out orderIndex))
                // identity was already tracking an item, verify its not a duplicate by exact name
                if (EqualIdentity(collectionData.OrderedList, orderIndex.ExactIndex, identity)) 
                    // If the item is already here and we are updating, there is no more work to be done. 
                    if (updateIfFound) 
                        return orderIndex.ExactIndex; 
                    throw EntityUtil.ItemDuplicateIdentity(identity, "item", null);
                else if (null != orderIndex.InexactIndexes) 
                    // search against the ExactIndex and all InexactIndexes 
                    // identity was already tracking multiple items, verify its not a duplicate by exact name 
                    for(int i = 0; i < orderIndex.InexactIndexes.Length; ++i)
                        if (EqualIdentity(collectionData.OrderedList, orderIndex.InexactIndexes[i], identity))
                            // If the item is already here and we are updating, there is no more work to be done.
                            if (updateIfFound) 
                                return orderIndex.InexactIndexes[i]; 
                            throw EntityUtil.ItemDuplicateIdentity(identity, "item", null);
                    // add another item for existing identity that already was tracking multiple items
                    inexact = new int[orderIndex.InexactIndexes.Length + 1];
                    orderIndex.InexactIndexes.CopyTo(inexact, 0); 
                    inexact[inexact.Length-1] = index;
                    // turn the previously unique identity by ignore case into a multiple item for identity by ignore case 
                    inexact = new int[1] { index };
                // the index of the item whose identity was used to create the initial dictionary entry
                exactIndex = orderIndex.ExactIndex; 
            // else this is a new identity 
            collectionData.IdentityDictionary[identity] = new OrderedIndex(exactIndex, inexact);
            return index; 

        /// Adds an item to the collection 
        /// This method only exists to allow ctor to avoid virtual method call 
        /// The item to add to the list 
        /// Thrown if item argument is null
        /// Thrown if the item passed in or the collection itself instance is in ReadOnly state 
        /// Thrown if the MetadataCollection already contains an item with the same identity
        /// Thrown if the item passed into Setter has null or String.Empty identity
        private void AddInternal(T item)
            Util.AssertItemHasIdentity(item, "item");
            AddInternalHelper(item, _collectionData, false);

        // This magic number was determined by the performance test cases in SQLBU 489927.
        // It compared Dictionary (hashtable), SortedList (binary search) and linear searching. 
        // Its the approximate (x86) point at which doing a OrdinalCaseInsenstive linear search on _orderedItems.
        // becomes slower than doing a OrdinalCaseInsenstive Dictionary lookup in identityDictionary. 
        // On x64, the crossover point is lower - but we desire to keep a smaller overal memory footprint. 
        // We expect the ItemCollections to be large, but individual Member/Facet collections to be small.
        private const int UseSortedListCrossover = 25; 

        /// Adds an item to the collection represented by a list and a dictionary
        /// The item to add to the list
        /// The collection data where the item will be added 
        /// Whether the item should be updated if a matching item is found. 
        /// Thrown if item argument is null
        /// Thrown if the item passed in or the collection itself instance is in ReadOnly state 
        /// Thrown if the MetadataCollection already contains an item with the same identity
        /// Thrown if the item passed into Setter has null or String.Empty identity
        /// If updateIfFound is true, then an update is done in-place instead of 
        /// having an exception thrown. The in-place aspect is required to avoid
        /// disrupting the indices generated for indexed items, and to enable 
        /// foreach loops to be able to modify the enumerated facets as if it 
        /// were a property update rather than an instance replacement.
        private static void AddInternalHelper(T item, CollectionData collectionData, bool updateIfFound)
            Util.AssertItemHasIdentity(item, "item");
            int index;
            int listCount = collectionData.OrderedList.Count; 
            if (null != collectionData.IdentityDictionary) 
                index = AddToDictionary(collectionData, item.Identity, listCount, updateIfFound); 
                // We only have to take care of the ordered list. 
                index = IndexOf(collectionData, item.Identity, false);
                if (0 <= index) 
                    // The item is found in the linear ordered list. Unless
                    // we're updating, it's an error. 
                    if (!updateIfFound)
                        throw EntityUtil.ItemDuplicateIdentity(item.Identity, "item", null);
                    // This is a new item to be inserted. Grow if we must before adding to ordered list.
                    if (UseSortedListCrossover <= listCount) 
                        collectionData.IdentityDictionary = new Dictionary(collectionData.OrderedList.Count + 1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        for (int i = 0; i < collectionData.OrderedList.Count; ++i)
                            AddToDictionary(collectionData, collectionData.OrderedList[i].Identity, i, false);
                        AddToDictionary(collectionData, item.Identity, listCount, false); 

            // Index will be listCount when AddToDictionary doesn't find
            // an existing match, and -1 if IndexOf doesn't find in ordered list. 
            if (0 <= index && index < listCount)
                collectionData.OrderedList[index] = item; 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(index == -1 || index == listCount);
        /// Adds a collection of items to the collection
        /// The items to add to the list
        /// Thrown if item argument is null
        /// Thrown if the item passed in or the collection itself instance is in ReadOnly state
        /// Thrown if the item that is being added already belongs to another ItemCollection 
        /// Thrown if the ItemCollection already contains an item with the same identity
        /// Whether the add was successful 
        internal bool AtomicAddRange(List items) 
            CollectionData originalData = _collectionData; 
            CollectionData newData = new CollectionData(originalData, items.Count);

            // Add the new items, this will also perform duplication check
            foreach (T item in items) 
                AddInternalHelper(item, newData, false); 

            CollectionData swappedOutData = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _collectionData, newData, originalData); 

            // Check if the exchange was done, if not, then someone must have changed the data in the meantime, so
            // return false
            if (swappedOutData != originalData) 
                return false; 

            return true; 

        /// Does Item at index have the same identity
        private static bool EqualIdentity(List orderedList, int index, string identity) 
            return ((string)orderedList[index].Identity == (string)identity); 

        /// Not supported, the collection is treated as read-only.
        /// The index where to insert the given item
        /// The item to be inserted 
        /// Thrown if the item passed in or the collection itself instance is in ReadOnly state
        void IList.Insert(int index, T item) 
            throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection();

        /// Not supported, the collection is treated as read-only.
        /// The item to be removed
        /// True if the item is actually removed, false if the item is not in the list 
        /// Always thrown 
        bool ICollection.Remove(T item)
            throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection();

        /// Not supported, the collection is treated as read-only.
        /// The index at which the item is removed 
        /// Always thrown
        void IList.RemoveAt(int index) 
            throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection();
        /// Not supported, the collection is treated as read-only. 
        /// Always thrown
        void ICollection.Clear() 
            throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection();
        /// Determines if this collection contains the given item 
        /// The item to check for
        /// True if the collection contains the item 
        /// Thrown if item argument passed in is null
        /// Thrown if the item passed in has null or String.Empty identity
        public bool Contains(T item)
            Util.AssertItemHasIdentity(item, "item");
            return (-1 != IndexOf(item)); 

        /// Determines if this collection contains an item of the given identity
        /// The identity of the item to check for
        /// True if the collection contains the item with the given identity 
        /// Thrown if identity argument passed in is null
        /// Thrown if identity argument passed in is empty string 
        public virtual bool ContainsIdentity(string identity) 
            EntityUtil.CheckStringArgument(identity, "identity"); 
            return (0 <= IndexOf(_collectionData, identity, false));

        /// Find the index of an item identitified by identity 
        /// The collection data to search in
        /// The identity whose index is to be returned 
        /// Should OrdinalIgnoreCase be used? 
        /// The index of the found item, -1 if not found
        /// Thrown if ignoreCase and an exact match does not exist, but has multiple inexact matches 
        private static int IndexOf(CollectionData collectionData, string identity, bool ignoreCase)
            Debug.Assert(null != identity, "null identity");
            int index = -1;
            if (null != collectionData.IdentityDictionary) 
            {   // OrdinalIgnoreCase dictionary lookup 
                OrderedIndex orderIndex;
                if (collectionData.IdentityDictionary.TryGetValue(identity, out orderIndex)) 
                    if (ignoreCase)
                        index = orderIndex.ExactIndex; 
                    //return this, only in case when ignore case is false 
                    else if (EqualIdentity(collectionData.OrderedList, orderIndex.ExactIndex, identity)) 
                    {   // fast return if exact match
                        return orderIndex.ExactIndex; 

                    // search against the ExactIndex and all InexactIndexes
                    if (null != orderIndex.InexactIndexes) 
                        if (ignoreCase) 
                        {   // the ignoreCase will throw, 
                            throw EntityUtil.MoreThanOneItemMatchesIdentity(identity);
                        // search for the exact match or throw if ignoreCase
                        for (int i = 0; i < orderIndex.InexactIndexes.Length; ++i)
                            if (EqualIdentity(collectionData.OrderedList, orderIndex.InexactIndexes[i], identity)) 
                                return orderIndex.InexactIndexes[i]; 
                    Debug.Assert(ignoreCase == (0 <= index), "indexof verification");
            else if (ignoreCase) 
            {   // OrdinalIgnoreCase linear search
                for(int i = 0; i < collectionData.OrderedList.Count; ++i) 
                    if (String.Equals(collectionData.OrderedList[i].Identity, identity, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (0 <= index)
                            throw EntityUtil.MoreThanOneItemMatchesIdentity(identity);
                        index = i;
            {   // Ordinal linear search
                for (int i = 0; i < collectionData.OrderedList.Count; ++i)
                    if (EqualIdentity(collectionData.OrderedList, i, identity)) 
                        return i; 
            return index;

        /// Find the index of an item
        /// The item whose index is to be looked for 
        /// The index of the found item, -1 if not found
        /// Thrown if item argument passed in is null 
        /// Thrown if the item passed in has null or String.Empty identity
        public virtual int IndexOf(T item)
            Util.AssertItemHasIdentity(item, "item"); 
            int index = IndexOf(_collectionData, item.Identity, false);
            if (index != -1 && _collectionData.OrderedList[index] == item) 
                return index; 

            return -1;

        /// Copies the items in this collection to an array 
        /// The array to copy to 
        /// The index in the array at which to start the copy
        /// Thrown if array argument is null
        /// Thrown if the arrayIndex is less than zero
        /// Thrown if the array argument passed in with respect to the arrayIndex passed in not big enough to hold the MetadataCollection being copied 
        public virtual void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex)
            EntityUtil.GenericCheckArgumentNull(array, "array"); 

            if (arrayIndex < 0) 
                throw EntityUtil.ArgumentOutOfRange("arrayIndex");
            if (_collectionData.OrderedList.Count > array.Length - arrayIndex)
                throw EntityUtil.ArrayTooSmall("arrayIndex"); 
            _collectionData.OrderedList.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);

        /// Gets the enumerator over this collection
        public ReadOnlyMetadataCollection.Enumerator GetEnumerator()
            return new ReadOnlyMetadataCollection.Enumerator(this);

        /// Gets the enumerator over this collection
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this.GetEnumerator();

        /// Gets the enumerator over this collection
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this.GetEnumerator();

        /// Set this collection as readonly so no more changes can be made on it
        public MetadataCollection SetReadOnly() 
            for (int i = 0; i < _collectionData.OrderedList.Count; i++) 
            _readOnly = true;
            return this; 

        /// Gets an item from the collection with the given identity
        /// The identity of the item to search for
        /// Whether case is ignore in the search 
        /// An item from the collection, null if the item is not found
        /// True an item is retrieved 
        /// Thrown if the identity argument is null  
        public virtual bool TryGetValue(string identity, bool ignoreCase, out T item)
            item = InternalTryGetValue(identity, ignoreCase);
            return (null != item);
        /// Gets an item from the collection with the given identity 
        /// The identity of the item to search for
        /// Whether case is ignore in the search 
        /// item else null
        private T InternalTryGetValue(string identity, bool ignoreCase)
            int index = IndexOf(_collectionData, EntityUtil.GenericCheckArgumentNull(identity, "identity"), ignoreCase); 
            Debug.Assert((index < 0) ||
                        (ignoreCase && String.Equals(_collectionData.OrderedList[index].Identity, identity, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) || 
                        EqualIdentity(_collectionData.OrderedList, index, identity), "different exact identity"); 
            return (0 <= index) ? _collectionData.OrderedList[index] : null;

        /// Throws an appropriate exception if the given item is a readonly, used when an attempt is made to change
        /// the collection 
        internal void ThrowIfReadOnly() 
            if (IsReadOnly)
                throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection();
        #region InnerClasses 

        /// The data structures for this collection, which contains a list and a dictionary
        private class CollectionData
            /// The IdentityDictionary is a case-insensitive dictionary 
            /// used after a certain # of elements have been added to the OrderedList. 
            /// It aids in fast lookup by T.Identity by mapping a string value to
            /// an OrderedIndex structure with other case-insensitive matches for the 
            /// entry.  See additional comments in AddInternal.
            internal Dictionary IdentityDictionary;
            internal List OrderedList; 

            internal CollectionData() 
                OrderedList = new List();

            internal CollectionData(CollectionData original, int additionalCapacity)
                this.OrderedList = new List(original.OrderedList.Count + additionalCapacity); 
                foreach (T item in original.OrderedList)
                {   // using AddRange results in a temporary memory allocation 
                if (UseSortedListCrossover <= this.OrderedList.Capacity)
                    this.IdentityDictionary = new Dictionary(this.OrderedList.Capacity, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    if (null != original.IdentityDictionary)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair pair in original.IdentityDictionary) 
                            this.IdentityDictionary.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value); 
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.OrderedList.Count; ++i)
                            AddToDictionary(this, this.OrderedList[i].Identity, i, false); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Data.Common; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm
    /// Class representing an actual implementaton of a collection of metadata objects 
    /// The type of items in this collection 
    internal class MetadataCollection : IList where T : MetadataItem 
        // The way the collection supports both case sensitive and insensitive search is that it maintains two lists: one list 
        // for keep tracking of the order (the ordered list) and another list sorted case sensitively (the sorted list) by the
        // identity of the item.  When a look up on ordinal is requested, the ordered list is used.  When a look up on the name
        // is requested, the sorted list is used.  The two list must be kept in [....] for all update operations.  For case
        // sensitive name lookup, the sorted list is searched.  For case insensitive name lookup, a binary search is used on the 
        // sorted list to find the match.
        // Note: Care must be taken when modifying logic in this class to call virtual methods in this class.  Since virtual methods 
        // can be override by a derived class, the possible results must be thought through.  If needed, add an internal method and
        // have the public virtual method delegates to it. 

        #region Constructors
        /// Default constructor for constructing an empty collection 
        internal MetadataCollection() 
            : this(null) 

        /// The constructor for constructing the collection with the given items
        /// The items to populate the collection
        internal MetadataCollection(IEnumerable items) 
            _collectionData = new CollectionData();
            if (items != null) 
                foreach (T item in items)
                    if (item == null) 
                        throw EntityUtil.CollectionParameterElementIsNull("items"); 

                    Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Identity), "Identity of the item must never be null or empty"); 
        #region Fields
        /// structure to contain the indexes of items whose identity match by OrdinalIgnoreCase
        private struct OrderedIndex {
            /// the index of the item whose identity was used to create the initial dictionary entry
            internal readonly int ExactIndex; 

            /// the continuation of indexes whose item identities match by OrdinalIgnoreCase 
            internal readonly int[] InexactIndexes; 

            internal OrderedIndex(int exactIndex, int[] inexactIndexes) 
                ExactIndex = exactIndex;
                InexactIndexes = inexactIndexes;
        private CollectionData _collectionData; 
        private bool _readOnly;

        #region Properties
        /// Gets whether the collection is a readonly collection
        public bool IsReadOnly 
                return _readOnly;

        /// Returns the collection as a readonly collection 
        public virtual System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection AsReadOnly 
                return _collectionData.OrderedList.AsReadOnly(); 

        /// Returns the collection as a read-only metadata collection.
        public virtual ReadOnlyMetadataCollection AsReadOnlyMetadataCollection()
            return new ReadOnlyMetadataCollection(this);
        /// Gets the count on the number of items in the collection 
        public virtual int Count
                return _collectionData.OrderedList.Count; 
        /// Gets an item from the collection with the given index
        /// The index to search for 
        /// An item from the collection
        /// Thrown if the index is out of the range for the Collection 
        /// Always thrown on setter 
        public virtual T this[int index]
                return _collectionData.OrderedList[index];
                throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection(); 

        /// Gets an item from the collection with the given identity
        /// The identity of the item to search for
        /// An item from the collection 
        /// Thrown if identity argument passed in is null 
        /// Thrown if the Collection does not have an item with the given identity
        /// Always thrown on setter 
        public virtual T this[string identity]
                return GetValue(identity, false);
                throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection(); 
        #region Methods
        /// Gets an item from the collection with the given identity 
        /// The identity of the item to search for 
        /// Whether case is ignore in the search
        /// An item from the collection
        /// Thrown if identity argument passed in is null
        /// Thrown if the Collection does not have an item with the given identity 
        public virtual T GetValue(string identity, bool ignoreCase)
            T item = InternalTryGetValue(identity, ignoreCase); 
            if (null == item)
                throw EntityUtil.ItemInvalidIdentity(identity, "identity");
            return item;

        /// Adds an item to the collection 
        /// The item to add to the list 
        /// Thrown if item argument is null
        /// Thrown if the item passed in or the collection itself instance is in ReadOnly state
        /// Thrown if the MetadataCollection already contains an item with the same identity
        /// Thrown if the item passed into Setter has null or String.Empty identity 
        public virtual void Add(T item)
        /// Adds an item to the identityDictionary
        /// The collection data to add to
        /// The identity to add
        /// The identity's index in collection 
        /// Whether the item should be updated if a matching item is found.
        /// Index of the added entity, possibly different from the index 
        /// parameter if updateIfFound is true.
        private static int AddToDictionary(CollectionData collectionData, string identity, int index, bool updateIfFound)
            Debug.Assert(collectionData != null && collectionData.IdentityDictionary != null, "the identity dictionary is null");
            Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(identity), "empty identity"); 
            int[] inexact = null;
            OrderedIndex orderIndex; 
            int exactIndex = index; 

            // find the item(s) by OrdinalIgnoreCase 
            if (collectionData.IdentityDictionary.TryGetValue(identity, out orderIndex))
                // identity was already tracking an item, verify its not a duplicate by exact name
                if (EqualIdentity(collectionData.OrderedList, orderIndex.ExactIndex, identity)) 
                    // If the item is already here and we are updating, there is no more work to be done. 
                    if (updateIfFound) 
                        return orderIndex.ExactIndex; 
                    throw EntityUtil.ItemDuplicateIdentity(identity, "item", null);
                else if (null != orderIndex.InexactIndexes) 
                    // search against the ExactIndex and all InexactIndexes 
                    // identity was already tracking multiple items, verify its not a duplicate by exact name 
                    for(int i = 0; i < orderIndex.InexactIndexes.Length; ++i)
                        if (EqualIdentity(collectionData.OrderedList, orderIndex.InexactIndexes[i], identity))
                            // If the item is already here and we are updating, there is no more work to be done.
                            if (updateIfFound) 
                                return orderIndex.InexactIndexes[i]; 
                            throw EntityUtil.ItemDuplicateIdentity(identity, "item", null);
                    // add another item for existing identity that already was tracking multiple items
                    inexact = new int[orderIndex.InexactIndexes.Length + 1];
                    orderIndex.InexactIndexes.CopyTo(inexact, 0); 
                    inexact[inexact.Length-1] = index;
                    // turn the previously unique identity by ignore case into a multiple item for identity by ignore case 
                    inexact = new int[1] { index };
                // the index of the item whose identity was used to create the initial dictionary entry
                exactIndex = orderIndex.ExactIndex; 
            // else this is a new identity 
            collectionData.IdentityDictionary[identity] = new OrderedIndex(exactIndex, inexact);
            return index; 

        /// Adds an item to the collection 
        /// This method only exists to allow ctor to avoid virtual method call 
        /// The item to add to the list 
        /// Thrown if item argument is null
        /// Thrown if the item passed in or the collection itself instance is in ReadOnly state 
        /// Thrown if the MetadataCollection already contains an item with the same identity
        /// Thrown if the item passed into Setter has null or String.Empty identity
        private void AddInternal(T item)
            Util.AssertItemHasIdentity(item, "item");
            AddInternalHelper(item, _collectionData, false);

        // This magic number was determined by the performance test cases in SQLBU 489927.
        // It compared Dictionary (hashtable), SortedList (binary search) and linear searching. 
        // Its the approximate (x86) point at which doing a OrdinalCaseInsenstive linear search on _orderedItems.
        // becomes slower than doing a OrdinalCaseInsenstive Dictionary lookup in identityDictionary. 
        // On x64, the crossover point is lower - but we desire to keep a smaller overal memory footprint. 
        // We expect the ItemCollections to be large, but individual Member/Facet collections to be small.
        private const int UseSortedListCrossover = 25; 

        /// Adds an item to the collection represented by a list and a dictionary
        /// The item to add to the list
        /// The collection data where the item will be added 
        /// Whether the item should be updated if a matching item is found. 
        /// Thrown if item argument is null
        /// Thrown if the item passed in or the collection itself instance is in ReadOnly state 
        /// Thrown if the MetadataCollection already contains an item with the same identity
        /// Thrown if the item passed into Setter has null or String.Empty identity
        /// If updateIfFound is true, then an update is done in-place instead of 
        /// having an exception thrown. The in-place aspect is required to avoid
        /// disrupting the indices generated for indexed items, and to enable 
        /// foreach loops to be able to modify the enumerated facets as if it 
        /// were a property update rather than an instance replacement.
        private static void AddInternalHelper(T item, CollectionData collectionData, bool updateIfFound)
            Util.AssertItemHasIdentity(item, "item");
            int index;
            int listCount = collectionData.OrderedList.Count; 
            if (null != collectionData.IdentityDictionary) 
                index = AddToDictionary(collectionData, item.Identity, listCount, updateIfFound); 
                // We only have to take care of the ordered list. 
                index = IndexOf(collectionData, item.Identity, false);
                if (0 <= index) 
                    // The item is found in the linear ordered list. Unless
                    // we're updating, it's an error. 
                    if (!updateIfFound)
                        throw EntityUtil.ItemDuplicateIdentity(item.Identity, "item", null);
                    // This is a new item to be inserted. Grow if we must before adding to ordered list.
                    if (UseSortedListCrossover <= listCount) 
                        collectionData.IdentityDictionary = new Dictionary(collectionData.OrderedList.Count + 1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        for (int i = 0; i < collectionData.OrderedList.Count; ++i)
                            AddToDictionary(collectionData, collectionData.OrderedList[i].Identity, i, false);
                        AddToDictionary(collectionData, item.Identity, listCount, false); 

            // Index will be listCount when AddToDictionary doesn't find
            // an existing match, and -1 if IndexOf doesn't find in ordered list. 
            if (0 <= index && index < listCount)
                collectionData.OrderedList[index] = item; 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(index == -1 || index == listCount);
        /// Adds a collection of items to the collection
        /// The items to add to the list
        /// Thrown if item argument is null
        /// Thrown if the item passed in or the collection itself instance is in ReadOnly state
        /// Thrown if the item that is being added already belongs to another ItemCollection 
        /// Thrown if the ItemCollection already contains an item with the same identity
        /// Whether the add was successful 
        internal bool AtomicAddRange(List items) 
            CollectionData originalData = _collectionData; 
            CollectionData newData = new CollectionData(originalData, items.Count);

            // Add the new items, this will also perform duplication check
            foreach (T item in items) 
                AddInternalHelper(item, newData, false); 

            CollectionData swappedOutData = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _collectionData, newData, originalData); 

            // Check if the exchange was done, if not, then someone must have changed the data in the meantime, so
            // return false
            if (swappedOutData != originalData) 
                return false; 

            return true; 

        /// Does Item at index have the same identity
        private static bool EqualIdentity(List orderedList, int index, string identity) 
            return ((string)orderedList[index].Identity == (string)identity); 

        /// Not supported, the collection is treated as read-only.
        /// The index where to insert the given item
        /// The item to be inserted 
        /// Thrown if the item passed in or the collection itself instance is in ReadOnly state
        void IList.Insert(int index, T item) 
            throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection();

        /// Not supported, the collection is treated as read-only.
        /// The item to be removed
        /// True if the item is actually removed, false if the item is not in the list 
        /// Always thrown 
        bool ICollection.Remove(T item)
            throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection();

        /// Not supported, the collection is treated as read-only.
        /// The index at which the item is removed 
        /// Always thrown
        void IList.RemoveAt(int index) 
            throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection();
        /// Not supported, the collection is treated as read-only. 
        /// Always thrown
        void ICollection.Clear() 
            throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection();
        /// Determines if this collection contains the given item 
        /// The item to check for
        /// True if the collection contains the item 
        /// Thrown if item argument passed in is null
        /// Thrown if the item passed in has null or String.Empty identity
        public bool Contains(T item)
            Util.AssertItemHasIdentity(item, "item");
            return (-1 != IndexOf(item)); 

        /// Determines if this collection contains an item of the given identity
        /// The identity of the item to check for
        /// True if the collection contains the item with the given identity 
        /// Thrown if identity argument passed in is null
        /// Thrown if identity argument passed in is empty string 
        public virtual bool ContainsIdentity(string identity) 
            EntityUtil.CheckStringArgument(identity, "identity"); 
            return (0 <= IndexOf(_collectionData, identity, false));

        /// Find the index of an item identitified by identity 
        /// The collection data to search in
        /// The identity whose index is to be returned 
        /// Should OrdinalIgnoreCase be used? 
        /// The index of the found item, -1 if not found
        /// Thrown if ignoreCase and an exact match does not exist, but has multiple inexact matches 
        private static int IndexOf(CollectionData collectionData, string identity, bool ignoreCase)
            Debug.Assert(null != identity, "null identity");
            int index = -1;
            if (null != collectionData.IdentityDictionary) 
            {   // OrdinalIgnoreCase dictionary lookup 
                OrderedIndex orderIndex;
                if (collectionData.IdentityDictionary.TryGetValue(identity, out orderIndex)) 
                    if (ignoreCase)
                        index = orderIndex.ExactIndex; 
                    //return this, only in case when ignore case is false 
                    else if (EqualIdentity(collectionData.OrderedList, orderIndex.ExactIndex, identity)) 
                    {   // fast return if exact match
                        return orderIndex.ExactIndex; 

                    // search against the ExactIndex and all InexactIndexes
                    if (null != orderIndex.InexactIndexes) 
                        if (ignoreCase) 
                        {   // the ignoreCase will throw, 
                            throw EntityUtil.MoreThanOneItemMatchesIdentity(identity);
                        // search for the exact match or throw if ignoreCase
                        for (int i = 0; i < orderIndex.InexactIndexes.Length; ++i)
                            if (EqualIdentity(collectionData.OrderedList, orderIndex.InexactIndexes[i], identity)) 
                                return orderIndex.InexactIndexes[i]; 
                    Debug.Assert(ignoreCase == (0 <= index), "indexof verification");
            else if (ignoreCase) 
            {   // OrdinalIgnoreCase linear search
                for(int i = 0; i < collectionData.OrderedList.Count; ++i) 
                    if (String.Equals(collectionData.OrderedList[i].Identity, identity, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (0 <= index)
                            throw EntityUtil.MoreThanOneItemMatchesIdentity(identity);
                        index = i;
            {   // Ordinal linear search
                for (int i = 0; i < collectionData.OrderedList.Count; ++i)
                    if (EqualIdentity(collectionData.OrderedList, i, identity)) 
                        return i; 
            return index;

        /// Find the index of an item
        /// The item whose index is to be looked for 
        /// The index of the found item, -1 if not found
        /// Thrown if item argument passed in is null 
        /// Thrown if the item passed in has null or String.Empty identity
        public virtual int IndexOf(T item)
            Util.AssertItemHasIdentity(item, "item"); 
            int index = IndexOf(_collectionData, item.Identity, false);
            if (index != -1 && _collectionData.OrderedList[index] == item) 
                return index; 

            return -1;

        /// Copies the items in this collection to an array 
        /// The array to copy to 
        /// The index in the array at which to start the copy
        /// Thrown if array argument is null
        /// Thrown if the arrayIndex is less than zero
        /// Thrown if the array argument passed in with respect to the arrayIndex passed in not big enough to hold the MetadataCollection being copied 
        public virtual void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex)
            EntityUtil.GenericCheckArgumentNull(array, "array"); 

            if (arrayIndex < 0) 
                throw EntityUtil.ArgumentOutOfRange("arrayIndex");
            if (_collectionData.OrderedList.Count > array.Length - arrayIndex)
                throw EntityUtil.ArrayTooSmall("arrayIndex"); 
            _collectionData.OrderedList.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);

        /// Gets the enumerator over this collection
        public ReadOnlyMetadataCollection.Enumerator GetEnumerator()
            return new ReadOnlyMetadataCollection.Enumerator(this);

        /// Gets the enumerator over this collection
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this.GetEnumerator();

        /// Gets the enumerator over this collection
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this.GetEnumerator();

        /// Set this collection as readonly so no more changes can be made on it
        public MetadataCollection SetReadOnly() 
            for (int i = 0; i < _collectionData.OrderedList.Count; i++) 
            _readOnly = true;
            return this; 

        /// Gets an item from the collection with the given identity
        /// The identity of the item to search for
        /// Whether case is ignore in the search 
        /// An item from the collection, null if the item is not found
        /// True an item is retrieved 
        /// Thrown if the identity argument is null  
        public virtual bool TryGetValue(string identity, bool ignoreCase, out T item)
            item = InternalTryGetValue(identity, ignoreCase);
            return (null != item);
        /// Gets an item from the collection with the given identity 
        /// The identity of the item to search for
        /// Whether case is ignore in the search 
        /// item else null
        private T InternalTryGetValue(string identity, bool ignoreCase)
            int index = IndexOf(_collectionData, EntityUtil.GenericCheckArgumentNull(identity, "identity"), ignoreCase); 
            Debug.Assert((index < 0) ||
                        (ignoreCase && String.Equals(_collectionData.OrderedList[index].Identity, identity, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) || 
                        EqualIdentity(_collectionData.OrderedList, index, identity), "different exact identity"); 
            return (0 <= index) ? _collectionData.OrderedList[index] : null;

        /// Throws an appropriate exception if the given item is a readonly, used when an attempt is made to change
        /// the collection 
        internal void ThrowIfReadOnly() 
            if (IsReadOnly)
                throw EntityUtil.OperationOnReadOnlyCollection();
        #region InnerClasses 

        /// The data structures for this collection, which contains a list and a dictionary
        private class CollectionData
            /// The IdentityDictionary is a case-insensitive dictionary 
            /// used after a certain # of elements have been added to the OrderedList. 
            /// It aids in fast lookup by T.Identity by mapping a string value to
            /// an OrderedIndex structure with other case-insensitive matches for the 
            /// entry.  See additional comments in AddInternal.
            internal Dictionary IdentityDictionary;
            internal List OrderedList; 

            internal CollectionData() 
                OrderedList = new List();

            internal CollectionData(CollectionData original, int additionalCapacity)
                this.OrderedList = new List(original.OrderedList.Count + additionalCapacity); 
                foreach (T item in original.OrderedList)
                {   // using AddRange results in a temporary memory allocation 
                if (UseSortedListCrossover <= this.OrderedList.Capacity)
                    this.IdentityDictionary = new Dictionary(this.OrderedList.Capacity, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    if (null != original.IdentityDictionary)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair pair in original.IdentityDictionary) 
                            this.IdentityDictionary.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value); 
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.OrderedList.Count; ++i)
                            AddToDictionary(this, this.OrderedList[i].Identity, i, false); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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