TemplateNameScope.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / TemplateNameScope.cs / 1305600 / TemplateNameScope.cs

* File: TemplateNameScope.cs
*  Used to store mapping information for names occuring 
*  within the template content section.
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Utility;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Markup; 

namespace System.Windows
    //  Class TemplateNameScope 
    //  This class implements the name scope that is used for template content
    //  (i.e. that which is applied to each templated parent, not the template itself). 
    //  During apply (except for FEF-based templates), this is the INameScope to which the BamlRecordReader
    //  calls.  We take those opportunities to hook up FEs and FCEs (e.g.
    //  with the TemplatedParent pointer).  After apply, this services
    //  FindName requests. 
    internal class TemplateNameScope : INameScope
        #region Constructors

        // This constructor builds a name scope that just supports lookup.
        // This is used for FEF-based templates. 

        internal TemplateNameScope(DependencyObject templatedParent) 
                        : this( templatedParent, null, null ) 

        internal TemplateNameScope(
                                    DependencyObject templatedParent, 
                                    List affectedChildren,
                                    FrameworkTemplate frameworkTemplate ) 
            Debug.Assert(templatedParent == null || (templatedParent is FrameworkElement || templatedParent is FrameworkContentElement),
                         "Templates are only supported on FE/FCE containers."); 

            _affectedChildren = affectedChildren;

            _frameworkTemplate = frameworkTemplate; 

            _templatedParent = templatedParent; 
            _isTemplatedParentAnFE = true;

        #endregion Constructors
        #region INameScope
        /// Registers the name - element combination
        /// Name of the element
        /// Element where name is defined
        void INameScope.RegisterName(string name, object scopedElement)
            // We register FrameworkElements and FrameworkContentElements in FrameworkTemplate.cs
            // Since we register them during object creation, we don't need to process it the second 
            // time it shows up. 
            if (!(scopedElement is FrameworkContentElement || scopedElement is FrameworkElement))
                RegisterNameInternal(name, scopedElement);
        internal void RegisterNameInternal(string name, object scopedElement) 
            FrameworkElement fe; 
            FrameworkContentElement fce; 

            Helper.DowncastToFEorFCE( scopedElement as DependencyObject, 
                                      out fe, out fce,
                                      false /*throwIfNeither*/ );

            int childIndex; 

            // First, though, do we actually have a templated parent?  If not, 
            // then we'll just set the properties directly on the element
            // (this is the serialization scenario). 

            if( _templatedParent == null )
                if (_nameMap == null) 
                    _nameMap = new HybridDictionary(); 

                _nameMap[name] = scopedElement; 

                // No, we don't have a templated parent.  Loop through
                // the shared values (assuming this is an FE/FCE), and set them
                // directly onto the element. 

                if( fe != null || fce != null ) 
                    SetTemplateParentValues( name, scopedElement );


            // We have a templated parent, but is this not a FE/FCE? 

            else if (fe == null && fce == null) 
                // All we need to do is update the _templatedNonFeChildren list
                Hashtable nonFeChildren = _templatedNonFeChildrenField.GetValue(_templatedParent);
                if (nonFeChildren == null)
                    nonFeChildren = new Hashtable(1); 
                    _templatedNonFeChildrenField.SetValue(_templatedParent, nonFeChildren);
                nonFeChildren[name] = scopedElement;

            // Otherwise, we need to hook this FE/FCE up to the template.
                // Update the list on the templated parent of the named FE/FCEs.
                _affectedChildren.Add(scopedElement as DependencyObject);

                // Update the TemplatedParent, IsTemplatedParentAnFE, and TemplateChildIndex.
                if( fe != null )
                    fe._templatedParent = _templatedParent; 
                    fe.IsTemplatedParentAnFE = _isTemplatedParentAnFE;
                    childIndex = fe.TemplateChildIndex = (int)_frameworkTemplate.ChildIndexFromChildName[name];
                    fce._templatedParent = _templatedParent;
                    fce.IsTemplatedParentAnFE = _isTemplatedParentAnFE; 
                    childIndex = fce.TemplateChildIndex = (int)_frameworkTemplate.ChildIndexFromChildName[name]; 
                // Entries into the NameScope MUST match the location in the AffectedChildren list
                Debug.Assert(_affectedChildren.Count == childIndex);

                // Make updates for the Loaded/Unloaded event listeners (if they're set). 

                HybridDictionary templateChildLoadedDictionary = _frameworkTemplate._TemplateChildLoadedDictionary; 
                FrameworkTemplate.TemplateChildLoadedFlags templateChildLoadedFlags
                        = templateChildLoadedDictionary[ childIndex ] as FrameworkTemplate.TemplateChildLoadedFlags; 

                if( templateChildLoadedFlags != null )
                    if( templateChildLoadedFlags.HasLoadedChangedHandler || templateChildLoadedFlags.HasUnloadedChangedHandler ) 
                        BroadcastEventHelper.AddHasLoadedChangeHandlerFlagInAncestry((fe != null) ? (DependencyObject)fe : (DependencyObject)fce); 

                // Establish databinding instance data.

                                (fe!=null) ? (DependencyObject)fe : (DependencyObject)fce, 
                                ref _frameworkTemplate.ChildRecordFromChildIndex);


        /// Unregisters the name - element combination 
        /// Name of the element 
        void INameScope.UnregisterName(string name)
            Debug.Assert(false, "Should never be trying to unregister via this interface for templates");

        /// Find the element given name 
        object INameScope.FindName(string name) 
            // _templatedParent is null if template.LoadContent() was responsible
            if (_templatedParent != null)
                FrameworkObject fo = new FrameworkObject(_templatedParent);
                if (fo.IsFE)
                    return StyleHelper.FindNameInTemplateContent(fo.FE, name, fo.FE.TemplateInternal);
                    return null;
                if (_nameMap == null || name == null || name == String.Empty)
                    return null;

                return _nameMap[name]; 
        #endregion INameScope

        //  SetTemplateParentValues
        //  This method takes the "template parent values" (those that look like local values in the template), which 
        //  are ordinarily shared, and sets them as local values on the FE/FCE that was just created.  This is used
        //  during serialization. 

        private void SetTemplateParentValues( string name, object element ) 
            FrameworkTemplate.SetTemplateParentValues( name, element, _frameworkTemplate, ref _provideValueServiceProvider ); 


        #region Data
        // This is a HybridDictionary of Name->FE(FCE) mappings 
        private List _affectedChildren;
        // This is the table of Name->NonFE mappings
        private static UncommonField _templatedNonFeChildrenField = (UncommonField)StyleHelper.TemplatedNonFeChildrenField;

        // The templated parent we're instantiating for 
        private DependencyObject       _templatedParent;
        // The template we're instantiating 
        private FrameworkTemplate      _frameworkTemplate;
        // Is templated parent an FE or an FCE?
        private bool                   _isTemplatedParentAnFE;

        ProvideValueServiceProvider    _provideValueServiceProvider; 

        // This is a HybridDictionary of Name-Object maps 
        private HybridDictionary _nameMap; 

        #endregion Data 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* File: TemplateNameScope.cs
*  Used to store mapping information for names occuring 
*  within the template content section.
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Utility;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Markup; 

namespace System.Windows
    //  Class TemplateNameScope 
    //  This class implements the name scope that is used for template content
    //  (i.e. that which is applied to each templated parent, not the template itself). 
    //  During apply (except for FEF-based templates), this is the INameScope to which the BamlRecordReader
    //  calls.  We take those opportunities to hook up FEs and FCEs (e.g.
    //  with the TemplatedParent pointer).  After apply, this services
    //  FindName requests. 
    internal class TemplateNameScope : INameScope
        #region Constructors

        // This constructor builds a name scope that just supports lookup.
        // This is used for FEF-based templates. 

        internal TemplateNameScope(DependencyObject templatedParent) 
                        : this( templatedParent, null, null ) 

        internal TemplateNameScope(
                                    DependencyObject templatedParent, 
                                    List affectedChildren,
                                    FrameworkTemplate frameworkTemplate ) 
            Debug.Assert(templatedParent == null || (templatedParent is FrameworkElement || templatedParent is FrameworkContentElement),
                         "Templates are only supported on FE/FCE containers."); 

            _affectedChildren = affectedChildren;

            _frameworkTemplate = frameworkTemplate; 

            _templatedParent = templatedParent; 
            _isTemplatedParentAnFE = true;

        #endregion Constructors
        #region INameScope
        /// Registers the name - element combination
        /// Name of the element
        /// Element where name is defined
        void INameScope.RegisterName(string name, object scopedElement)
            // We register FrameworkElements and FrameworkContentElements in FrameworkTemplate.cs
            // Since we register them during object creation, we don't need to process it the second 
            // time it shows up. 
            if (!(scopedElement is FrameworkContentElement || scopedElement is FrameworkElement))
                RegisterNameInternal(name, scopedElement);
        internal void RegisterNameInternal(string name, object scopedElement) 
            FrameworkElement fe; 
            FrameworkContentElement fce; 

            Helper.DowncastToFEorFCE( scopedElement as DependencyObject, 
                                      out fe, out fce,
                                      false /*throwIfNeither*/ );

            int childIndex; 

            // First, though, do we actually have a templated parent?  If not, 
            // then we'll just set the properties directly on the element
            // (this is the serialization scenario). 

            if( _templatedParent == null )
                if (_nameMap == null) 
                    _nameMap = new HybridDictionary(); 

                _nameMap[name] = scopedElement; 

                // No, we don't have a templated parent.  Loop through
                // the shared values (assuming this is an FE/FCE), and set them
                // directly onto the element. 

                if( fe != null || fce != null ) 
                    SetTemplateParentValues( name, scopedElement );


            // We have a templated parent, but is this not a FE/FCE? 

            else if (fe == null && fce == null) 
                // All we need to do is update the _templatedNonFeChildren list
                Hashtable nonFeChildren = _templatedNonFeChildrenField.GetValue(_templatedParent);
                if (nonFeChildren == null)
                    nonFeChildren = new Hashtable(1); 
                    _templatedNonFeChildrenField.SetValue(_templatedParent, nonFeChildren);
                nonFeChildren[name] = scopedElement;

            // Otherwise, we need to hook this FE/FCE up to the template.
                // Update the list on the templated parent of the named FE/FCEs.
                _affectedChildren.Add(scopedElement as DependencyObject);

                // Update the TemplatedParent, IsTemplatedParentAnFE, and TemplateChildIndex.
                if( fe != null )
                    fe._templatedParent = _templatedParent; 
                    fe.IsTemplatedParentAnFE = _isTemplatedParentAnFE;
                    childIndex = fe.TemplateChildIndex = (int)_frameworkTemplate.ChildIndexFromChildName[name];
                    fce._templatedParent = _templatedParent;
                    fce.IsTemplatedParentAnFE = _isTemplatedParentAnFE; 
                    childIndex = fce.TemplateChildIndex = (int)_frameworkTemplate.ChildIndexFromChildName[name]; 
                // Entries into the NameScope MUST match the location in the AffectedChildren list
                Debug.Assert(_affectedChildren.Count == childIndex);

                // Make updates for the Loaded/Unloaded event listeners (if they're set). 

                HybridDictionary templateChildLoadedDictionary = _frameworkTemplate._TemplateChildLoadedDictionary; 
                FrameworkTemplate.TemplateChildLoadedFlags templateChildLoadedFlags
                        = templateChildLoadedDictionary[ childIndex ] as FrameworkTemplate.TemplateChildLoadedFlags; 

                if( templateChildLoadedFlags != null )
                    if( templateChildLoadedFlags.HasLoadedChangedHandler || templateChildLoadedFlags.HasUnloadedChangedHandler ) 
                        BroadcastEventHelper.AddHasLoadedChangeHandlerFlagInAncestry((fe != null) ? (DependencyObject)fe : (DependencyObject)fce); 

                // Establish databinding instance data.

                                (fe!=null) ? (DependencyObject)fe : (DependencyObject)fce, 
                                ref _frameworkTemplate.ChildRecordFromChildIndex);


        /// Unregisters the name - element combination 
        /// Name of the element 
        void INameScope.UnregisterName(string name)
            Debug.Assert(false, "Should never be trying to unregister via this interface for templates");

        /// Find the element given name 
        object INameScope.FindName(string name) 
            // _templatedParent is null if template.LoadContent() was responsible
            if (_templatedParent != null)
                FrameworkObject fo = new FrameworkObject(_templatedParent);
                if (fo.IsFE)
                    return StyleHelper.FindNameInTemplateContent(fo.FE, name, fo.FE.TemplateInternal);
                    return null;
                if (_nameMap == null || name == null || name == String.Empty)
                    return null;

                return _nameMap[name]; 
        #endregion INameScope

        //  SetTemplateParentValues
        //  This method takes the "template parent values" (those that look like local values in the template), which 
        //  are ordinarily shared, and sets them as local values on the FE/FCE that was just created.  This is used
        //  during serialization. 

        private void SetTemplateParentValues( string name, object element ) 
            FrameworkTemplate.SetTemplateParentValues( name, element, _frameworkTemplate, ref _provideValueServiceProvider ); 


        #region Data
        // This is a HybridDictionary of Name->FE(FCE) mappings 
        private List _affectedChildren;
        // This is the table of Name->NonFE mappings
        private static UncommonField _templatedNonFeChildrenField = (UncommonField)StyleHelper.TemplatedNonFeChildrenField;

        // The templated parent we're instantiating for 
        private DependencyObject       _templatedParent;
        // The template we're instantiating 
        private FrameworkTemplate      _frameworkTemplate;
        // Is templated parent an FE or an FCE?
        private bool                   _isTemplatedParentAnFE;

        ProvideValueServiceProvider    _provideValueServiceProvider; 

        // This is a HybridDictionary of Name-Object maps 
        private HybridDictionary _nameMap; 

        #endregion Data 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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