RootBrowserWindow.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / MS / Internal / AppModel / RootBrowserWindow.cs / 5 / RootBrowserWindow.cs

// File: RootBrowserWindow.cs
// Description: This class will implement the hosting and bridging logic 
//              between the browser and Avalon.  This will be the top
//              level "frame" that hosts all content in IE.  This class 
//              will not be public. 
// Created: 04/28/03 
// Copyright (C) 2001 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//  History: 
//      [....]  06/11/03    moved over to wcp tree
using System; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Automation.Peers; 
using System.Windows.Navigation; 
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Windows.Documents; 
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Printing; 
using System.Windows.Xps;
using MS.Internal.Controls; //WebBrowser
using MS.Win32;
using MS.Internal.Utility; 
using MS.Utility;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework;                   // SecurityHelper 
using MS.Internal.Commands;
using System.Windows.Xps.Packaging; 

//In order to avoid generating warnings about unknown message numbers and
//unknown pragmas when compiling your C# source code with the actual C# compiler,
//you need to disable warnings 1634 and 1691. (Presharp Documentation) 
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691
namespace MS.Internal.AppModel

    internal sealed class RootBrowserWindow : NavigationWindow, IWindowService, IJournalNavigationScopeHost
        // Constructors 
        #region Constructors

        static RootBrowserWindow() 
            CommandHelpers.RegisterCommandHandler(typeof(RootBrowserWindow), ApplicationCommands.Print,
                    new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnCommandPrint), new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(OnQueryEnabledCommandPrint)); 

        ///     Critical:Calls base class constructor that is only present for RBW scenario 
        private RootBrowserWindow():base(true)
            // Allow tabbing out to the browser - see KeyInputSite and OnKeyDown().
            // IE 6 doesn't provide the necessary support. 
            if (!IsDownlevelPlatform)
                SetValue(KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty, KeyboardNavigationMode.Continue); 
                SetValue(KeyboardNavigation.ControlTabNavigationProperty, KeyboardNavigationMode.Continue);
        #endregion Constructors

        // Protected Methods 
        #region Protected Methods 

        /// Creates AutomationPeer ()
        protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer()
            return new RootBrowserWindowAutomationPeer(this); 
        protected override void OnInitialized(EventArgs args)
            AddHandler(Hyperlink.RequestSetStatusBarEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(OnRequestSetStatusBar));
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) 
            return base.MeasureOverride(GetSizeInLogicalUnits()); 

        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeBounds)
            // Get the size of the avalon window and pass it to
            // the base implementation. The return value tells the Size 
            // that we are occupying.  Since, we are RBW we will occupy the 
            // entire available size and thus we don't care what our child wants.
            return arrangeBounds;

        protected override void OnActivated(EventArgs e) 
        protected override void OnDeactivated(EventArgs e)

        protected override void OnStateChanged(EventArgs e)
        protected override void OnLocationChanged(EventArgs e) 

        protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)

        protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e) 
        /// Critical - calls the SUC'd IBCS.PostReadyStateChange().
        /// TreatAsSafe - Only READYSTATE_COMPLETE is posted, once, at the end of the activation sequence,
        ///     when the browser expects it. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        protected override void OnContentRendered(EventArgs e) 

            // Posting READYSTATE_COMPLETE triggers the WebOC's DocumentComplete event.
            // Media Center, in particular, uses this to make the WebOC it hosts visible.
            if (!_loadingCompletePosted) 
                _loadingCompletePosted = true; 

        protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
            // In browser apps, Ctrl+Tab switches tabs. F6 simulates it here. 
            if (e.Key == Key.F6 && (e.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers & ~ModifierKeys.Shift) == 0)
                if (KeyboardNavigation.Navigate( 
                        e.KeyboardDevice.FocusedElement as DependencyObject ?? this,
                        Key.Tab, e.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers | ModifierKeys.Control)) 
                    e.Handled = true;

            if (!e.Handled) 

        #endregion Protected methods
        // Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods

        ///     Creates the RBW object and sets the Style property on it 
        ///     to the correct value
        ///     Critical: Calls RBW class constructor
        internal static RootBrowserWindow CreateAndInitialize()
            RootBrowserWindow rbw = new RootBrowserWindow(); 
            return rbw; 

        /// Critical: This code elevates to all window permission
        internal override void CreateAllStyle() 
            Invariant.Assert(App != null, "RootBrowserWindow must be created in an Application"); 
            IHostService ihs = (IHostService)App.GetService(typeof(IHostService));
            Invariant.Assert(ihs!=null, "IHostService in RootBrowserWindow cannot be null");
            Invariant.Assert(ihs.HostWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero, "IHostService.HostWindowHandle in RootBrowserWindow cannot be null");

            //This sets the _ownerHandle correctly and will be used to create the _sourceWindow 
            //with the correct parent
            UIPermission uip = new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows); 
            uip.Assert();//Blessed Assert to set owner handle and to set styles 
                this.OwnerHandle = ihs.HostWindowHandle;
                this.Win32Style = NativeMethods.WS_CHILD | NativeMethods.WS_CLIPCHILDREN | NativeMethods.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS;


        ///     Override for SourceWindow creation.
        ///     Virtual only so that we may assert. 
        ///     Critical: This code calls  critical function CreateSourceWindowImpl 
        ///         Elevates to set up the IKeyboardInputSite for the HwndSource.
        ///         Calls critical function GetForegroundWindow(). 
        internal override void CreateSourceWindowImpl()
            Invariant.Assert(IsSourceWindowNull == false, "Failed to create HwndSourceWindow for browser hosting"); 
            // _sourceWindowCreationCompleted specifies that HwndSource creation has completed.  This is used
            // to minimize the SetWindowPos calls from ResizeMove when Height/Width is set prior to calling 
            // show on RBW (this also occurs when Height/Width is set in the style of RBW)
            _sourceWindowCreationCompleted = true;

            if (_rectSet) 
                _rectSet = false; 
                ResizeMove(_xDeviceUnits, _yDeviceUnits, _widthDeviceUnits, _heightDeviceUnits); 

            // While the RBW is created and shown, the Top Browser window should have already been created and shown, 
            // Browser doesn't notify this RBW of the activation status again unless user activates/deactivates the main
            // window. It is time to transfer the Top Browser Window's activation status to this RBW so that user's 
            // code can get correct status through property IsActivate. 
            IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser;

            if (ibcs != null)
                IntPtr topWindow = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetAncestor(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), 2/*GA_ROOT*/);
                Debug.Assert(topWindow != IntPtr.Zero); 
                IntPtr activeWindow = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow(); 
                HandleActivate(activeWindow == topWindow);


        // No need to clear App.MainWindow for RBW case.  It throws an exception if attempted 
        internal override void TryClearingMainWindow()

        internal override void CorrectStyleForBorderlessWindowCase() 

        internal override void GetRequestedDimensions(ref double requestedLeft, ref double requestedTop, ref double requestedWidth, ref double requestedHeight) 
            requestedTop = 0; 
            requestedLeft = 0; 
            requestedWidth = this.Width;
            requestedHeight = this.Height; 

        ///     Critical - It also calls critical method (SetRootVisual) 
        internal override void SetupInitialState(double requestedTop, double requestedLeft, double requestedWidth, double requestedHeight) 
            // If RBW Height/Width was set before calling show in RBW, we need 
            // to update the browser with that size now

        internal override int nCmdForShow() 
            return NativeMethods.SW_SHOW;

        internal override bool HandleWmNcHitTestMsg(IntPtr lParam, ref IntPtr refInt)
            return false; 
        internal override WindowMinMax GetWindowMinMax() 
            return new WindowMinMax(0, double.PositiveInfinity); 

        // RBW overrides WmMoveChangedHelper default behavior where it calls
        // either SetValue/CoerceValue on Top/Left DPs since that will 
        // throw an exception for RBW.  Furthermore, in RBW, we don't want
        // to fire LocationChanged event. 
        internal override void WmMoveChangedHelper() 

        ///     Resizes and moves the RBW (which is a WS_CHILD window).  This is called by
        ///     AppProxyInternal when the host callsbacks into it with the new size/location. 
        ///     We need this internal since Height/Width/Top/Left on RBW govern the host'ss
        ///     properties. 
        ///     The location of WS_CHILD window is relative to it parent window thus when the 
        ///     browser moves it does not call this method since the relative position of this window
        ///     wrt the browser hasn't changed.
        /// New left of the RBW 
        /// New top of the RBW
        /// New width of the RBW 
        /// New height of the RBW 
        ///     Critical as this method handles critical data. 
        ///     TreatAsSafe - as the RBW is always contained within the browser's window.
        ///                          you can move the internal window all you want - but given that you're really
        ///                          contained within the BrowserWindow - the worse you could do is make some of your content not visible.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal void ResizeMove(int xDeviceUnits, int yDeviceUnits, int widthDeviceUnits, int heightDeviceUnits) 
            // _sourceWindowCreationCompleted specifies that HwndSource creation has completed.  This is used
            // to minimize the SetWindowPos calls from ResizeMove when Height/Width is set prior to calling 
            // show on RBW (this also occurs when Height/Width is set in the style of RBW).  Thus, we want to
            // resize the underlying avalon hwnd only after its creation is completed
            if (_sourceWindowCreationCompleted == false)
                _xDeviceUnits = xDeviceUnits;
                _yDeviceUnits = yDeviceUnits; 
                _widthDeviceUnits = widthDeviceUnits; 
                _heightDeviceUnits = heightDeviceUnits;
                _rectSet = true;


            Invariant.Assert(IsSourceWindowNull == false, "sourceWindow cannot be null if _sourceWindowCreationCompleted is true"); 
            HandleRef handleRef;
            handleRef = new HandleRef( this, CriticalHandle ) ; 

            UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos( handleRef ,
                           | NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE 
                           | NativeMethods.SWP_SHOWWINDOW);

        ///     This is called when the Title dependency property changes in the Window.
        /// Critical - calls SUC'd IBCS.SetTitle
        /// TreatAsSafe - setting the text on the browser's window is considered safe. 
        ///                 - spoofing is not possible as the browser prepends it's own string to the string
        ///                      e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer
        ///                 - it can be done in partial trust in HTML via the TITLE tag.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal override void UpdateTitle(string titleStr) 
            Invariant.Assert(App != null, "Application object must not be null for RootBrowserWindow");
            IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser;
            if (ibcs != null)
                string title = PruneTitleString(titleStr); 



        ///     This is called by NavigationService to set the status bar content 
        ///     for the browser
        ///     We propagate object.ToString() to the browser's status bar.
        ///     Critical - calls SetStatusText which is SUC'ed.
        ///     TreatAsSafe - setting the status bar text of the browser considered safe.
        ///                   IE/MSRC does not consider hostile setting of text ( even for hyperlink spoofing) 
        ///                   to be an exploit.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal void SetStatusBarText(string statusString)
            Invariant.Assert(App != null, "Application object must not be null for RootBrowserWindow");
            IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser;
            if (ibcs != null)

        ///     Called to update Height of the browser.  Currently, this method is called from
        ///     two places:
        ///     1) OnHeightInvalidated from window.cs 
        ///     2) SetBrowserSize in RBW
        ///     Critical - Can be used to change the size of the browser
        ///     TreatAsSafe - clamps values so that window cannot be sized greater than desktop bounds. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal override void UpdateHeight(double newHeightLogicalUnits)
            Point sizeDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(0, newHeightLogicalUnits));
            int heightDeviceUnits = (int)Math.Round(sizeDeviceUnits.Y); 
            IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser;
            if (ibcs != null) 
                // Note: right now IE is clipping browser height to desktop size.
                // However it should be clipped to available desktop size. See Windows OS Bug #1045038 
                // The code below is to fix this for now.
                // Even if IE's code is changed - likely we keep this as defense in-depth. 

                int maxHeightDeviceUnits = GetMaxWindowHeight(); 
                heightDeviceUnits = heightDeviceUnits > maxHeightDeviceUnits ? maxHeightDeviceUnits : heightDeviceUnits;
                heightDeviceUnits = heightDeviceUnits < MIN_BROWSER_HEIGHT_DEVICE_UNITS ? MIN_BROWSER_HEIGHT_DEVICE_UNITS : heightDeviceUnits;
        ///     Critical - Can be used to change the size of the browser
        ///     TreatAsSafe - clamps values so that window cannot be sized greater than desktop bounds. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal override void UpdateWidth(double newWidthLogicalUnits)
            Point sizeDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(newWidthLogicalUnits, 0));
            int widthDeviceUnits  = (int)Math.Round(sizeDeviceUnits.X); 
            IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser;
            if (ibcs != null) 
                // Note: right now IE is clipping browser width to desktop size.
                // However it should be clipped to available desktop size. See Windows OS Bug #1045038 
                // The code below is to fix this for now.
                // Even if IE's code is changed - likely we keep this as defense in-depth. 
                int maxWidthDeviceUnits = GetMaxWindowWidth();
                widthDeviceUnits = widthDeviceUnits > maxWidthDeviceUnits ? maxWidthDeviceUnits : widthDeviceUnits; 

                widthDeviceUnits = widthDeviceUnits < MIN_BROWSER_WIDTH_DEVICE_UNITS ? MIN_BROWSER_WIDTH_DEVICE_UNITS : widthDeviceUnits;
        /// When being reloaded from history in the browser, we need to
        /// set up the journal again 
        internal void SetJournalForBrowserInterop(Journal journal)
            Invariant.Assert(journal != null, "Failed to get Journal for browser integration");
            base.JournalNavigationScope.Journal = journal; 

        void IJournalNavigationScopeHost.OnJournalAvailable() 
            base.Journal.BackForwardStateChange += new EventHandler(HandleBackForwardStateChange);
        // For downlevel platforms, we don't have integration with the journal, so we have to
        // use our own Journal. 
        ///     Critical - calls IBCS.GoBack
        bool IJournalNavigationScopeHost.GoBackOverride()
            if (HasTravelLogIntegration) 
                IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser; 
                if (ibcs != null) 
#pragma warning disable 6502 // PRESharp - Catch statements should not have empty bodies 
                    catch (OperationCanceledException)
                        // Catch the OperationCanceledException when the navigation is canceled. 
                        // See comments in applicationproxyinternal._LoadHistoryStreamDelegate.
#pragma warning restore 6502
                return true;
            return false; // Proceed with internal GoBack.
        // For downlevel platforms, we don't have integration with the journal, so we have to
        // use our own Journal. 
        ///     Critical - calls IBCS.GoForward
        bool IJournalNavigationScopeHost.GoForwardOverride()
            if (HasTravelLogIntegration) 
                IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser; 
                if (ibcs != null)
#pragma warning disable 6502 // PRESharp - Catch statements should not have empty bodies 
                    catch (OperationCanceledException)
                        // Catch the OperationCanceledException when the navigation is canceled.
                        // See comments in applicationproxyinternal._LoadHistoryStreamDelegate.
#pragma warning restore 6502 
                return true; 
            return false; // Proceed with internal GoForward.

        internal override void VerifyApiSupported()
            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.NotSupportedInBrowser)); 
        internal override void ClearResizeGripControl(Control oldCtrl) 
            // don't do anything here since we do not support 
            // ResizeGrip for RBW

        internal override void SetResizeGripControl(Control ctrl) 
            // don't do anything here since we do not support 
            // ResizeGrip for RBW 
        // This is called in weboc's static constructor.
        internal void AddLayoutUpdatedHandler()
            LayoutUpdated += new EventHandler(OnLayoutUpdated); 
        internal void TabInto(bool forward) 
            TraversalRequest tr = new TraversalRequest( 
                forward ? FocusNavigationDirection.First : FocusNavigationDirection.Last);
        #endregion Internal Methods
        // Private Methods 
        #region Private methods
        ///     Sets the correct style property on the RBW object based on the
        ///     browser version 
        private void InitializeRBWStyle()
            // If we are on a downlevel platform, then we don't integrate with the browser's
            // travellog, so we have to use our own Journal and supply our own navigation chrome.
            if (!HasTravelLogIntegration)
                SetResourceReference(StyleProperty, SystemParameters.NavigationChromeDownLevelStyleKey);
                // if the Template property is not defined in a custom style, the property system gets 
                // the Template property value for the NavigationWindow from the theme file.  Since,
                // we want to get the Template property value from the browser styles, we need to 
                // set the DefaultStyleKeyProperty here.
                SetValue(DefaultStyleKeyProperty, SystemParameters.NavigationChromeDownLevelStyleKey);
                SetResourceReference(StyleProperty, SystemParameters.NavigationChromeStyleKey); 
                // if the Template property is not defined in a custom style, the property system gets
                // the Template property value for the NavigationWindow from the theme file.  Since, 
                // we want to get the Template property value from the browser styles, we need to
                // set the DefaultStyleKeyProperty here.
                SetValue(DefaultStyleKeyProperty, SystemParameters.NavigationChromeStyleKey);
        ///     Critical - elevates to get access to the HwndSource and installs hooks
        private void SetUpInputHooks()
            IKeyboardInputSink sink; 
            new UIPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert(); //BlessedAssert
                _inputPostFilter = new HwndWrapperHook(BrowserInteropHelper.PostFilterInput);
                HwndSource hwndSource = base.HwndSourceWindow; 

                sink = (IKeyboardInputSink)hwndSource;
            new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Assert(); //BlessedAssert 
                Debug.Assert(sink.KeyboardInputSite == null);
                sink.KeyboardInputSite = new KeyInputSite(new SecurityCriticalData(sink)); 

        ///     Updates browser size if Height/Width is not set to default value (NaN).  This 
        ///     means that Height/Width was set prior to calling Show on RBW and we need to
        ///     propagate that to the browser.  This method is called from SetupInitialize which 
        ///     is called from CreateSourceWindowImpl 
        private void SetBrowserSize() 
            Point requestedSizeDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(this.Width, this.Height));

            // if Width was specified 
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(this.Width))
                // at this stage, ActualWidth/Height is not set since 
                // layout has not happened (it happens when we set the
                // RootVisual of the HwndSource) 

            // if Height was specified 
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(this.Height))
                // at this stage, ActualWidth/Height is not set since 
                // layout has not happened (it happens when we set the
                // RootVisual of the HwndSource) 
        private string PruneTitleString(string rawString)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
            bool inMiddleOfWord = false;
            for (int i=0; i < rawString.Length; i++)
                if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(rawString[i]) == false)
                    inMiddleOfWord = true; 
                    if (inMiddleOfWord == true)
                        sb.Append(' ');
                        inMiddleOfWord = false; 

            // remove the last space if it exists 
            return sb.ToString().TrimEnd(' ');

        private void OnLayoutUpdated(object obj, EventArgs args) 
        private void VerifyWebOCOverlap(NavigationService navigationService) 
            for (int i = 0; i < navigationService.ChildNavigationServices.Count; i++) 
                NavigationService childNavService = (NavigationService)(navigationService.ChildNavigationServices[i]);
                WebBrowser webBrowser = childNavService.WebBrowser;
                if (webBrowser != null) 
                    for (int j = 0; j < _webBrowserList.Count; j++) 
                        // Note: We are using WebBrowser.BoundRect, which is relative to parent window.
                        // Since WebBrowsers are all siblings child windows right now, e.g., we don't allow WebOC inside 
                        // Popup window, this is a better performed way. If we change that, we should make sure the rects
                        // to compare are relative to desktop.
                        Rect rect = Rect.Intersect(webBrowser.BoundRect, _webBrowserList[j].BoundRect);
                        // Only when the intersect rect's Width and Height are both bigger than 0, we consider them overlapping. 
                        // Even when 2 edges are next to each other, it is considered as intersect by the Rect class.
                        if ((rect.Width > 0) && (rect.Height > 0)) 
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.WebBrowserOverlap));

        /// We are not using the CanGoBack/CanGoForward property change since that is fired only
        /// if the value changes eg. if we had 3 entries in the backstack, then a back navigation 
        /// won't fire this since the value is still 'true' and has not changed.
        /// What we need is the UpdateView() notification or the BackForwardState change 
        /// notification which is fired from UpdateView() of the Journal. 
        /// Trying to hook the event will create the journal even if there was no navigation
        /// so just using an virtual override to do the work. 
        ///     Critical - as this method calls into Browser call back method for back and forward.
        ///                This is a pinoke call. 
        ///     TreatAsSafe - as this is a safe operation.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private void HandleBackForwardStateChange(object sender, EventArgs args)
            //Nothing to do for downlevel platform
            if (!HasTravelLogIntegration)
            IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser;
            if (ibcs != null) 

        /// Given a proposed width - and curWidth - return the MaxWidth the window can be opened to.
        /// Used to prevent sizing of window > desktop bounds in browser. 
        /// Critical - calls back to browser to get the current left. 
        /// TreatAsSafe - this value isn't returned or stored.
        ///               value returned is the current maximum width allowed considered safe.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ] 
        private int GetMaxWindowWidth()
            NativeMethods.RECT desktopArea = WorkAreaBoundsForNearestMonitor; 
            int browserLeft = 0;
            int curBrowserWidth = 0; 
            IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser;

            bool successful = false ;
            successful = (ibcs != null) && ibcs.GetLeft(ref browserLeft );
            if ( ! successful ) 
                browserLeft = 0; 

            successful = (ibcs != null) && ibcs.GetWidth(ref curBrowserWidth);
            if (! successful)
                curBrowserWidth = 0; 
            int availableWidth = desktopArea.right - browserLeft;
            int maxWidth = availableWidth > curBrowserWidth ? availableWidth : curBrowserWidth;

            return maxWidth; 
        /// Given a proposed height - and curHeight - return the MaxHeight the window can be opened to.
        /// Used to prevent sizing of window > desktop bounds in browser. 
        /// Critical - calls back to browser to get the current top.
        /// TreatAsSafe - this value isn't returned or stored. 
        ///               value returned is the current maximum height allowed considered safe.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ] 
        private int GetMaxWindowHeight()
            NativeMethods.RECT desktopArea = WorkAreaBoundsForNearestMonitor;
            int browserTop = 0;
            int curBrowserHeight = 0;
            IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser; 
            bool successful = false ;
            successful = (ibcs != null) && ibcs.GetTop(ref browserTop ); 

            if ( ! successful ) 
                browserTop = 0;
            successful = (ibcs != null) && ibcs.GetHeight(ref curBrowserHeight);
            if ( ! successful ) 
                curBrowserHeight = 0; 

            int availableHeight =  desktopArea.bottom - browserTop ;
            int maxHeight = availableHeight > curBrowserHeight ? availableHeight : curBrowserHeight; 

            return maxHeight; 

        ///For browser hosting cases, we get the rects through OLE activation before we create the
        ///RootBrowserWindow. Even if SourceWindow or Handle are null, we can return the cached rects
        private Size GetSizeInLogicalUnits()
            Size size; 

            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid)
                // return _widthDeviceUnits & _heightDeviceUnits if hwndsource is not yet available.
                // We will resize when hwnd becomes available, because the DeviceToLogicalUnits calculation 
                // depends on hwnd being available. If it's not high dpi, the second resize will be optimized
                // by layout system. 
                size = new Size(_widthDeviceUnits, _heightDeviceUnits); 
                // It's better to get WindowSize instead of doing WindowSize.Width & WindowSize.Height
                // because WindowSize queries HwndSource.
                size = WindowSize; 
                Point ptLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(size.Width, size.Height));
                size = new Size(ptLogicalUnits.X, ptLogicalUnits.Y); 

            return size; 

        private void OnRequestSetStatusBar(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RequestSetStatusBarEventArgs statusEvent = e as RequestSetStatusBarEventArgs;
            if ( statusEvent != null ) 

        /// Prints the content of the App's MainWindow.  The logic is that if the content is not visual but IInputElement 
        /// we will try to let it handle the command first. If it does not handle the print command we will get the corresponding 
        /// visual in the visual tree and use that to print.
        private static void OnCommandPrint(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
            RootBrowserWindow rbw = sender as RootBrowserWindow; 
            Invariant.Assert(rbw != null);
            if (! rbw._isPrintingFromRBW) 
                Visual vis = rbw.Content as Visual; 

                if (vis == null)
                    // If the content is not Visual but IInputElement, try to let it handle the command first. 
                    // This is for the document scenario. Printing a document is different from printing a visual.
                    // Printing a visual is to print how it is rendered on screen. Printing a doc prints the full 
                    // doc inculding the part that is not visible. There might be other functionalities that are 
                    // specific for document. FlowDocument's viewer knows how to print the doc.
                    IInputElement target = rbw.Content as IInputElement; 

                    if (target != null)
                        // CanExecute will bubble up. If nobody between the content and rbw can handle it, 
                        // It would call back on RBW again. Use _isPrintingFromRBW to prevent the loop.
                        rbw._isPrintingFromRBW = true; 
                            if (ApplicationCommands.Print.CanExecute(null, target)) 
                                ApplicationCommands.Print.Execute(null, target);
                            rbw._isPrintingFromRBW = false;

                // Let the user choose a printer and set print options. 
                PrintDialog printDlg = new PrintDialog();
                // If the user pressed the OK button on the print dialog, we proceed 
                if (printDlg.ShowDialog() == true)
                    string printJobDescription = GetPrintJobDescription(App.MainWindow);

                    // If the root is not visual and does not know how to print itself, we find the
                    // corresponding visual and use that to print. 
                    if (vis == null)
                        INavigatorImpl navigator = rbw as INavigatorImpl; 
                        Invariant.Assert(navigator != null);
                        vis = navigator.FindRootViewer();
                        Invariant.Assert(vis != null);
                    // Area we can print to for the chosen printer
                    Rect imageableRect = GetImageableRect(printDlg); 
                    // We print Visuals aligned with the top/left corner of the printable area.
                    // We do not attempt to print very large Visuals across multiple pages. 
                    // Any portion that doesn't fit on a single page will get cropped by the
                    // print system.

                    // Used to draw our visual into another visual for printing purposes 
                    VisualBrush visualBrush = new VisualBrush(vis);
                    visualBrush.Stretch = Stretch.None; 
                    // Visual we will print - containing a rectangle the size of our
                    // original Visual but offset into the printable area 
                    DrawingVisual drawingVisual = new DrawingVisual();
                    DrawingContext context = drawingVisual.RenderOpen();
                                          new Rect(imageableRect.X,

                    printDlg.PrintVisual(drawingVisual, printJobDescription);
        private static void OnQueryEnabledCommandPrint(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs  e)
            RootBrowserWindow rbw = sender as RootBrowserWindow;
            Invariant.Assert(rbw != null);

            if ((!e.Handled) && (!rbw._isPrintingFromRBW)) 
                // While we could print null it doesn't really make sense to do so 
                e.CanExecute = rbw.Content != null; 

        /// Critical - calls out to PrintDialog to get the PrintQueue and its PrintCapabilities
        /// TreatAsSafe - these values aren't returned or stored 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private static Rect GetImageableRect(PrintDialog dialog) 
            Invariant.Assert(dialog != null, "Dialog should not be null."); 

            PrintQueue queue = null;
            PrintCapabilities capabilities = null;
            PageImageableArea imageableArea = null; 
            Rect imageableRect = Rect.Empty;
            // This gets the PringDocumentImageableArea.OriginWidth/OriginHeight 
            // of the PrintQueue the user chose in the dialog.
            CodeAccessPermission printp = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintingPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted); 
            printp.Assert();//Blessed Assert to get PageImageableArea
                queue = dialog.PrintQueue; 
                if (queue != null)
                    capabilities = queue.GetPrintCapabilities(); 

            if (capabilities != null) 
                imageableArea = capabilities.PageImageableArea;
                if (imageableArea != null) 
                    imageableRect = new Rect(imageableArea.OriginWidth,

            // If for any reason we couldn't get the actual printer's values 
            // we fallback to a constant and the values available from the
            // PrintDialog.
            if (imageableRect == Rect.Empty)
                imageableRect = new Rect(NON_PRINTABLE_MARGIN,

            return imageableRect;
        ///    Generate the title of the print job for a given Window. 
        private static string GetPrintJobDescription(Window window)
            Invariant.Assert(window != null, "Window should not be null.");

            string description = null;
            string pageTitle = null; 

            // Get the window title 
            string windowTitle = window.Title; 
            if (windowTitle != null)
                windowTitle = windowTitle.Trim();

            // Get the page title, if available 
            Page page = window.Content as Page;
            if (page != null) 
                pageTitle = page.Title;
                if (pageTitle != null) 
                    pageTitle = pageTitle.Trim();

            // If window and page title are available, use them together, 
            // otherwise use which ever is available 
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(windowTitle))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
                    description = SR.Get(SRID.PrintJobDescription, windowTitle, pageTitle);
                    description = windowTitle; 

            // No window title so use the page title on its own
            if (description == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle))
                description = pageTitle;
            // If neither window or page titles are available, try and use
            // the source URI for the content 
            if (description == null && BrowserInteropHelper.Source != null)
                Uri source = BrowserInteropHelper.Source;
                if (source.IsFile) 
                    description = source.LocalPath; 
                    description = source.ToString();
            // If no other option, use a localized constant
            if (description == null) 
                description = SR.Get(SRID.UntitledPrintJobDescription);

            return description;

        #endregion Private methods 
        // Private Properties
        #region Private properties 
        private static Application App
            get { return Application.Current; } 

        private static IBrowserCallbackServices Browser
                // There will be no IBrowserCallbackServices available in some situations, e.g., during shutdown 
                IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = (App == null ? null : App.BrowserCallbackServices); 
                return ibcs;

        /// Critical - calls the SUC'd IBCS.IsDownlevelPlatform. 
        /// TreatAsSafe - this information is okay to give out.
        private bool IsDownlevelPlatform 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                if (!_isDownlevelPlatformValid)
                    IBrowserCallbackServices ibcs = Browser;
                    _isDownlevelPlatform = (ibcs != null) ? ibcs.IsDownlevelPlatform() : false; 
                    _isDownlevelPlatformValid = true;
                return _isDownlevelPlatform;
        internal bool HasTravelLogIntegration
                return !IsDownlevelPlatform && BrowserInteropHelper.IsAvalonTopLevel; 

        #endregion Private properties 

        // Private Classes
        #region Private Classes

        /// This class is used to print objects which are not directly supported by XpsDocumentWriter.
        /// It's sole purpose is to make a non-abstract version of Visual. 
        private class PrintVisual : ContainerVisual { }

        private class KeyInputSite : IKeyboardInputSite
            internal KeyInputSite(SecurityCriticalData sink) 
                _sink = sink; 

            /// Critical: sets critical data.
            /// Safe: setting to null is okay.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            void IKeyboardInputSite.Unregister()
                _sink = new SecurityCriticalData(null); 
            /// Critical: IKeyboardInputSink could be used to spoof input.
            IKeyboardInputSink IKeyboardInputSite.Sink 
                get { return _sink.Value; } 
            /// Critical: calls the SUC'd IBCS.TabOut().
            /// Safe: tabbing out of the application is safe.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            bool IKeyboardInputSite.OnNoMoreTabStops(TraversalRequest request) 
                return Browser.TabOut(request.FocusNavigationDirection == FocusNavigationDirection.Next);
                // i. Tabbing-in is handled by ApplicationProxyInternal. 

            /// Critical: The encapsulated interface could be used to spoof input. 
            SecurityCriticalData _sink; 

        #endregion Private Classes 

        // Private Members
        #region private members
        //Cache the values until the HwndSourceWindow is created
        private int  _xDeviceUnits, _yDeviceUnits, _widthDeviceUnits, _heightDeviceUnits;
        private bool _rectSet;
        private bool _isPrintingFromRBW;
        private bool _isDownlevelPlatformValid; 
        private bool _isDownlevelPlatform; 
        private bool _sourceWindowCreationCompleted;
        private List _webBrowserList = new List();

        /// The event delegate has to be stored because HwndWrapper keeps only a weak reference to it. 
        /// Critical: could be used to spoof input 
        private HwndWrapperHook _inputPostFilter;

        private bool _loadingCompletePosted;
        const int READYSTATE_COMPLETE = 4; 

        // Fallback constant for the size of non-printable margin.  This is used if 
        // we cant retrieve the actual size from the PrintQueue. 
        private const int NON_PRINTABLE_MARGIN = 15;
        // Setting these as the min-browser width & height.
        // Note that we can't use User's min window-width & height - these are specifically about browser window.
        private const int MIN_BROWSER_WIDTH_DEVICE_UNITS = 200;
        private const int MIN_BROWSER_HEIGHT_DEVICE_UNITS = 200; 
        #endregion private members

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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