ToolStripSplitStackLayout.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / ToolStripSplitStackLayout.cs / 1 / ToolStripSplitStackLayout.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace System.Windows.Forms {
    using System; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.Layout; 
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Globalization;

    internal class ToolStripSplitStackLayout : LayoutEngine {
        private int backwardsWalkingIndex; 
        private int forwardsWalkingIndex;
        private ToolStrip toolStrip; 
        private int overflowSpace; 
        private bool overflowRequired;
        private Point noMansLand; 
        private Rectangle displayRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;

        internal static readonly TraceSwitch DebugLayoutTraceSwitch = new TraceSwitch("DebugLayout", "Debug ToolStrip Layout code"); 
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch DebugLayoutTraceSwitch; 
        internal ToolStripSplitStackLayout(ToolStrip owner) {
            this.toolStrip = owner; 

        // this is the index we use to send items to the overflow
        // if we run out of room 
        protected int BackwardsWalkingIndex {
            get { 
                return backwardsWalkingIndex; 
            set { 
                backwardsWalkingIndex = value;
        // this is the index we use to walk the items and make
        // decisions if there is enough room. 
        protected int ForwardsWalkingIndex { 
            get {
                return forwardsWalkingIndex; 
            set {
                forwardsWalkingIndex = value;
        private Size OverflowButtonSize { 
            get {
                ToolStrip toolStrip = this.ToolStrip; 
                if (!toolStrip.CanOverflow) {
                    return Size.Empty;
                // since we havent parented the item yet - the auto size wont have reset the size yet.
                Size overflowButtonSize = toolStrip.OverflowButton.AutoSize ? toolStrip.OverflowButton.GetPreferredSize(displayRectangle.Size) : toolStrip.OverflowButton.Size; 
                return overflowButtonSize + toolStrip.OverflowButton.Margin.Size;

        private int OverflowSpace {
            get { 
                return overflowSpace;
            set { 
                overflowSpace = value;

        private bool OverflowRequired {
            get { 
                return overflowRequired;
            set { 
                overflowRequired = value;

        // the current winbar we're operating over.
        public ToolStrip ToolStrip { 
            get {
                return toolStrip; 
        // This method will mark whether items should be placed in the overflow or on the main winbar.
        private void CalculatePlacementsHorizontal() { 
            ToolStrip toolStrip = this.ToolStrip; 
            int currentWidth = 0; //toolStrip.Padding.Horizontal;
            if (ToolStrip.CanOverflow) {
                // determine the locations of all the items.
                for (ForwardsWalkingIndex = 0; ForwardsWalkingIndex < toolStrip.Items.Count; ForwardsWalkingIndex++) {
                    ToolStripItem item = toolStrip.Items[ForwardsWalkingIndex]; 

                    if (!((IArrangedElement)item).ParticipatesInLayout) { 
                        // skip over items not participating in layout.  E.G. not visible items 

                    // if we have something set to overflow always we need to show an overflow button
                    if (item.Overflow == ToolStripItemOverflow.Always) {
#if DEBUG 
                        if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "OverflowRequired - item set to alaways overflow: {0} ", item)); }
                        OverflowRequired = true; 
                    if (item.Overflow != ToolStripItemOverflow.Always && item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.None) {
                        // since we havent parented the item yet - the auto size wont have reset the size yet.
                        Size itemSize = item.AutoSize ? item.GetPreferredSize(this.displayRectangle.Size) : item.Size;
                        currentWidth += itemSize.Width + item.Margin.Horizontal;
                        int overflowWidth = (OverflowRequired) ? OverflowButtonSize.Width : 0; 

                        if (currentWidth > displayRectangle.Width - overflowWidth) { 
                            if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine("SendNextItemToOverflow to fres space for " + item.ToString()); }
                            int spaceRecovered = SendNextItemToOverflow((currentWidth + overflowWidth) - displayRectangle.Width, true); 

                            currentWidth -= spaceRecovered; 


        // This method will mark whether items should be placed in the overflow or on the main winbar. 
        private void CalculatePlacementsVertical() { 

            ToolStrip toolStrip = this.ToolStrip;
            int currentHeight = 0; //toolStrip.Padding.Vertical; 

            if (ToolStrip.CanOverflow) { 
                // determine the locations of all the items. 
                for (ForwardsWalkingIndex = 0; ForwardsWalkingIndex < ToolStrip.Items.Count; ForwardsWalkingIndex++) {
                    ToolStripItem item = toolStrip.Items[ForwardsWalkingIndex]; 

                    if (!((IArrangedElement)item).ParticipatesInLayout) {
                        // skip over items not participating in layout.  E.G. not visible items
                    // if we have something set to overflow always we need to show an overflow button 
                    if (item.Overflow == ToolStripItemOverflow.Always) {
                        OverflowRequired = true; 
                        if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "OverflowRequired - item set to always overflow: {0} ", item));

                    if (item.Overflow != ToolStripItemOverflow.Always && item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.None) { 
                        // since we havent parented the item yet - the auto size wont have reset the size yet. 
                        Size itemSize = item.AutoSize ? item.GetPreferredSize(displayRectangle.Size) : item.Size;
                        int overflowWidth = (OverflowRequired) ? OverflowButtonSize.Height : 0; 

                        currentHeight += itemSize.Height + item.Margin.Vertical;
                        if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Adding {0} Size {1} to currentHeight = {2}", item.ToString(), itemSize, currentHeight)); } 
                        if (currentHeight > displayRectangle.Height - overflowWidth) { 
#if DEBUG 
                            if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Got to {0} and realized that currentHeight = {1} is larger than displayRect {2} minus overflow {3}", item.ToString(), currentHeight, displayRectangle, overflowWidth)); }
                            int spaceRecovered = SendNextItemToOverflow(currentHeight - displayRectangle.Height, false);

                            currentHeight -= spaceRecovered;


        internal override Size GetPreferredSize(IArrangedElement container, Size proposedConstraints) {
            // undone be more clever here - perhaps figure out the biggest element and return that. 
            if (!(container is ToolStrip)) {
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripSplitStackLayoutContainerMustBeAToolStrip)); 

            if (toolStrip.LayoutStyle == ToolStripLayoutStyle.HorizontalStackWithOverflow) { 
                return ToolStrip.GetPreferredSizeHorizontal(container, proposedConstraints);
            else {
                return ToolStrip.GetPreferredSizeVertical(container, proposedConstraints); 

        // each time we perform a complete layout this stuff should be re-initialized 
        private void InvalidateLayout() {
            forwardsWalkingIndex = 0;
            backwardsWalkingIndex = -1;
            overflowSpace = 0; 
            overflowRequired = false;
            displayRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; 


        // this is part of the LayoutEngine - called when we need to do a layout.
        internal override bool LayoutCore(IArrangedElement container, LayoutEventArgs layoutEventArgs) {
            if (!(container is ToolStrip)) { 
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripSplitStackLayoutContainerMustBeAToolStrip));
            this.displayRectangle = toolStrip.DisplayRectangle; 

            // pick a location that's outside of the displayed region to send
            // items that will potentially clobber/overlay others.
            noMansLand = displayRectangle.Location; 
            noMansLand.X += toolStrip.ClientSize.Width + 1;
            noMansLand.Y += toolStrip.ClientSize.Height + 1; 
            if (toolStrip.LayoutStyle == ToolStripLayoutStyle.HorizontalStackWithOverflow) {
            else {

            return CommonProperties.GetAutoSize(container); 

        private bool LayoutHorizontal() { 
            ToolStrip toolStrip = ToolStrip;
            Rectangle clientRectangle = toolStrip.ClientRectangle;
            if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine("_________________________\r\nHorizontal Layout:" + toolStrip.ToString() + displayRectangle.ToString()); } 
            int lastRight = displayRectangle.Right;// - toolStrip.Padding.Right; 
            int lastLeft = displayRectangle.Left;// + toolStrip.Padding.Left; 
            bool needsMoreSpace = false;
            Size itemSize = Size.Empty; 
            Rectangle alignedLeftItems = Rectangle.Empty;
            Rectangle alignedRightItems = Rectangle.Empty;

            // this will determine where the item should be placed.
            bool needOverflow = toolStrip.CanOverflow && ((OverflowRequired) || (OverflowSpace >= OverflowButtonSize.Width));
        	toolStrip.OverflowButton.Visible = needOverflow; 

            // if we require the overflow, it should stick up against the edge of the toolstrip.
            if (needOverflow) {
                if (toolStrip.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.No) { 
                    lastRight = clientRectangle.Right;
                else { 
                    lastLeft = clientRectangle.Left;

            for (int j = -1; j < toolStrip.Items.Count; j++) {
                ToolStripItem item = null; 

                if (j == -1) { 
                    // the first time through place the overflow button if its required. 
                    if (needOverflow) {
                        item = toolStrip.OverflowButton; 
                        itemSize = OverflowButtonSize;
                    else { 
                        item = toolStrip.OverflowButton;
                else {
                    item = toolStrip.Items[j];

                    if (!((IArrangedElement)item).ParticipatesInLayout) { 
                        // skip over items not participating in layout.  E.G. not visible items

                    // since we havent parented the item yet - the auto size wont have reset the size yet. 
                    itemSize = item.AutoSize ? item.GetPreferredSize(Size.Empty) : item.Size;

                // if it turns out we dont need the overflow (because there are no Overflow.Always items and the width of everything 
                // in the overflow is less than the width of the overflow button then reset the placement of the as needed items to
                // main. 
                if (!needOverflow && (item.Overflow == ToolStripItemOverflow.AsNeeded && item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)) { 
                    if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Resetting {0} to Main - we dont need it to overflow", item)); } 

                // Now do the guts of setting X, Y and parenting. 
                // We need to honor left to right and head and tail. 
                //      In RTL.Yes, Head is to the Right, Tail is to the Left
                //      In RTL.No,  Head is to the Left,  Tail is to the Right 
                if ((item != null) && (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Main)) {
                    int x = displayRectangle.Left;
                    int y = displayRectangle.Top;
                    Padding itemMargin = item.Margin; 

                    if (((item.Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Right) && (toolStrip.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.No)) || ((item.Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Left) && (toolStrip.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes))) { 
                        //                  lastRight   x     Margin.Right 
                        //             [Item]<----------[Item]----------->|
                        //                   Margin.Left 
                        // this item should be placed to the right
                        // we work backwards from the right edge - that is place items from right to left.

                        x = lastRight - (itemMargin.Right + itemSize.Width); 
                        y += itemMargin.Top;
                        lastRight = x - itemMargin.Left; 
                        alignedRightItems = (alignedRightItems == Rectangle.Empty) ? new Rectangle(x,y,itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height) 
                                                :   Rectangle.Union(alignedRightItems, new Rectangle(x,y,itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height));
                    else {
                        //             x     Margin.Right lastLeft
                        // |<----------[Item]------------>| 
                        //  Margin.Left
                        // this item should be placed to the left 
                        // we work forwards from the left - that is place items from left to right 
                        x = lastLeft + itemMargin.Left;
                        y += itemMargin.Top; 
                        lastLeft = x + itemSize.Width + itemMargin.Right;
                        alignedLeftItems = (alignedLeftItems == Rectangle.Empty) ? new Rectangle(x,y,itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height)
                                                :   Rectangle.Union(alignedLeftItems, new Rectangle(x,y,itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height));
                    item.ParentInternal = ToolStrip; 

                    Point itemLocation = new Point(x,y); 
                    if (!clientRectangle.Contains(x, y)) {
                    else if (alignedRightItems.Width > 0 && alignedLeftItems.Width > 0 && alignedRightItems.IntersectsWith(alignedLeftItems)) { 
                        itemLocation = noMansLand;

                    if (item.AutoSize) { 
                        // autosized items stretch from edge-edge
                        itemSize.Height = Math.Max(displayRectangle.Height - itemMargin.Vertical, 0);
                    else { 
                        // non autosized items are vertically centered
                        Rectangle bounds = LayoutUtils.VAlign(item.Size, displayRectangle, AnchorStyles.None); 
                        itemLocation.Y = bounds.Y; 
                    SetItemLocation(item, itemLocation, itemSize);
                else {
                    item.ParentInternal = (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) ? toolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown : null; 
#if DEBUG 
                if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Item {0} Placement {1} Bounds {2} Parent {3}", item.ToString(), item.Placement.ToString(), item.Bounds.ToString(), (item.ParentInternal == null) ? "null" : item.ParentInternal.ToString())); } 
            return needsMoreSpace;
        private bool LayoutVertical() {
#if DEBUG 
            if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine("_________________________\r\nVertical Layout" + displayRectangle.ToString()); } 
            ToolStrip toolStrip = ToolStrip; 
            Rectangle clientRectangle = toolStrip.ClientRectangle;
            int lastBottom = displayRectangle.Bottom;
            int lastTop = displayRectangle.Top;
            bool needsMoreSpace = false; 
            Size itemSize = Size.Empty;
            Rectangle alignedLeftItems = Rectangle.Empty; 
            Rectangle alignedRightItems = Rectangle.Empty; 

            Size toolStripPreferredSize = displayRectangle.Size; 
            DockStyle dock = toolStrip.Dock;
            if (toolStrip.AutoSize && (!toolStrip.IsInToolStripPanel && (dock == DockStyle.Left) || (dock == DockStyle.Right))) {
                // if we're autosizing, make sure we pad out items to the preferred width, not the
                // width of the display rectangle. 
                toolStripPreferredSize = ToolStrip.GetPreferredSizeVertical(toolStrip, Size.Empty) - toolStrip.Padding.Size;

            bool needOverflow = toolStrip.CanOverflow && ((OverflowRequired) || (OverflowSpace >= OverflowButtonSize.Height)); 

            toolStrip.OverflowButton.Visible = needOverflow;

            for (int j = -1; j < ToolStrip.Items.Count; j++) { 
                ToolStripItem item = null;
                if (j == -1) { 
                    // the first time through place the overflow button if its required.
                    if (needOverflow) { 
                        item = toolStrip.OverflowButton;
                    else { 
                        item = toolStrip.OverflowButton;
                    itemSize = OverflowButtonSize; 

                else {
                    item = toolStrip.Items[j]; 

                    if (!((IArrangedElement)item).ParticipatesInLayout) { 
                        // skip over items not participating in layout.  E.G. not visible items 
                    // since we havent parented the item yet - the auto size wont have reset the size yet.
                    itemSize = item.AutoSize ? item.GetPreferredSize(Size.Empty) : item.Size;


                // if it turns out we dont need the overflow (because there are no Overflow.Always items and the height of everything 
                // in the overflow is less than the width of the overflow button then reset the placement of the as needed items to 
                // main.
                if (!needOverflow && (item.Overflow == ToolStripItemOverflow.AsNeeded && item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)) { 
                    if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Resetting {0} to Main - we dont need it to overflow", item)); }
                // Now do the guts of setting X, Y and parenting. 
                // Vertical split stack management ignores left to right.
                //      Items aligned to the Head are placed from Top to Bottom 
                //      Items aligned to the Tail are placed from Bottom to Top
                if ((item != null) && (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Main)) {
                    Padding itemMargin = item.Margin;
                    int x = displayRectangle.Left + itemMargin.Left; 
                    int y = displayRectangle.Top;
                    switch (item.Alignment) { 
                        case ToolStripItemAlignment.Right:
                            y = lastBottom - (itemMargin.Bottom + itemSize.Height); 
                            lastBottom = y - itemMargin.Top;
                            alignedRightItems = (alignedRightItems == Rectangle.Empty) ? new Rectangle(x,y,itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height)
                                                :   Rectangle.Union(alignedRightItems, new Rectangle(x,y,itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height));

                        case ToolStripItemAlignment.Left: 
                            y = lastTop + itemMargin.Top;
                            lastTop = y + itemSize.Height + itemMargin.Bottom; 
                            alignedLeftItems = (alignedLeftItems == Rectangle.Empty) ? new Rectangle(x,y,itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height)
                                                    :   Rectangle.Union(alignedLeftItems, new Rectangle(x,y,itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height));
                    item.ParentInternal = ToolStrip;
                    Point itemLocation = new Point(x,y); 

                    if (!clientRectangle.Contains(x, y)) { 
                    else if (alignedRightItems.Width > 0 && alignedLeftItems.Width > 0 && alignedRightItems.IntersectsWith(alignedLeftItems)) {
                        itemLocation = noMansLand; 
                    if (item.AutoSize) {
                         // autosized items stretch from edge-edge 
                         itemSize.Width = Math.Max(toolStripPreferredSize.Width - itemMargin.Horizontal -1, 0);
                    else {
                        // non autosized items are horizontally centered 
                        Rectangle bounds = LayoutUtils.HAlign(item.Size, displayRectangle, AnchorStyles.None);
                        itemLocation.X = bounds.X; 

                    SetItemLocation(item, itemLocation, itemSize); 
                else {
                    item.ParentInternal = (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) ? toolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown : null;
                if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Item {0} Placement {1} Bounds {2} Parent {3}", item.ToString(), item.Placement.ToString(), item.Bounds.ToString(), (item.ParentInternal == null) ? "null" : item.ParentInternal.ToString())); } 

            return needsMoreSpace;

        private void SetItemLocation(ToolStripItem item, Point itemLocation, Size itemSize) { 
            // make sure that things that dont fit within the display rectangle arent laid out. 
           if ((item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Main)
            && !(item is ToolStripOverflowButton)) { // overflow buttons can be placed outside the display rect. 

              bool horizontal = (ToolStrip.LayoutStyle == ToolStripLayoutStyle.HorizontalStackWithOverflow);
              Rectangle displayRect = displayRectangle;
              Rectangle itemBounds = new Rectangle(itemLocation, itemSize); 
              // in horizontal if something bleeds over the top/bottom that's ok - its left/right we care about
              // same in vertical. 
              if (horizontal) { 
                    if ((itemBounds.Right > displayRectangle.Right)
                        || (itemBounds.Left < displayRectangle.Left)) { 
                        if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "[SplitStack.SetItemLocation] Sending Item {0} to NoMansLand as it doesnt fit horizontally within the DRect", item)); }
                        itemLocation = noMansLand; 
              else { 
                  if ((itemBounds.Bottom > displayRectangle.Bottom)
                      || (itemBounds.Top < displayRectangle.Top)) {
                      if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "[SplitStack.SetItemLocation] Sending Item {0} to NoMansLand as it doesnt fit verticallu within the DRect", item)); } 
                      itemLocation = noMansLand; 
           item.SetBounds(new Rectangle(itemLocation, itemSize));
        private void PlaceItems() { 
            ToolStrip toolStrip = this.ToolStrip;
            for (int i = 0; i < toolStrip.Items.Count; i++) {
                ToolStripItem item = toolStrip.Items[i];
               // if we havent placed the items, place them now.
                if (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.None) { 
                    if (item.Overflow != ToolStripItemOverflow.Always) {
                        // as needed items will have already been placed into the overflow if they 
                        // needed to move over. 
                    else {
        private void ResetItemPlacements() {
            ToolStrip toolStrip = this.ToolStrip; 

            for (int i = 0; i < toolStrip.Items.Count; i++) {
                if (toolStrip.Items[i].Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) {
                    toolStrip.Items[i].ParentInternal = null; 

        // This method is called when we are walking through the item collection and we have realized that we
        // need to free up "X" amount of space to be able to fit an item onto the winbar. 
        private int SendNextItemToOverflow(int spaceNeeded, bool horizontal) {
#if DEBUG 
            if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "SendNextItemToOverflow attempting to free {0}", spaceNeeded)); } 

            int freedSpace = 0;
            int backIndex = BackwardsWalkingIndex;
            BackwardsWalkingIndex = (backIndex == -1) ? ToolStrip.Items.Count - 1 : backIndex -1;
            for (; BackwardsWalkingIndex >= 0; BackwardsWalkingIndex--) { 
                ToolStripItem item = ToolStrip.Items[BackwardsWalkingIndex]; 

                if (!((IArrangedElement)item).ParticipatesInLayout) { 
                    // skip over items not participating in layout.  E.G. not visible items
                Padding itemMargin = item.Margin; 

                // look for items that say they're ok for overflowing. 
                // not looking at ones that Always overflow - as the forward walker already skips these. 
                if (item.Overflow == ToolStripItemOverflow.AsNeeded && item.Placement != ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) {
#if DEBUG 
                    if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Found candidate for sending to overflow {0}", item.ToString())); }

                    // since we havent parented the item yet - the auto size wont have reset the size yet. 
                    Size itemSize = item.AutoSize ? item.GetPreferredSize(displayRectangle.Size) : item.Size;
                    if (BackwardsWalkingIndex <= ForwardsWalkingIndex) { 
                        // we've found an item that the forwards walking guy has already marched past,
                        // we need to let him know how much space we're freeing by sending this guy over 
                        // to the overflow.
                        freedSpace += (horizontal) ? itemSize.Width + itemMargin.Horizontal : itemSize.Height + itemMargin.Vertical;
                        if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Sweet! {0} FreedSpace - which is now {1}", itemSize, freedSpace.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } 
                    // send the item to the overflow.
                    if (this.OverflowRequired == false) {
                        // this is the first item we're sending down.
                        // we now need to account for the width or height of the overflow button
                        spaceNeeded += (horizontal) ? OverflowButtonSize.Width : OverflowButtonSize.Height; 
                        if (DebugLayoutTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Turns out we now need an overflow button, space needed now: {0}", spaceNeeded.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } 
                        this.OverflowRequired = true;

                    this.OverflowSpace += (horizontal) ? itemSize.Width + itemMargin.Horizontal : itemSize.Height + itemMargin.Vertical;
                if (freedSpace > spaceNeeded) {
            return freedSpace;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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