/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / XPath / XPathDocument.cs / 1 / XPathDocument.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Collections.Generic; using MS.Internal.Xml.Cache; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; namespace System.Xml.XPath { ////// XDocument follows the XPath/XQuery data model. All nodes in the tree reference the document, /// and the document references the root node of the tree. All namespaces are stored out-of-line, /// in an Element --> In-Scope-Namespaces map. /// public class XPathDocument : IXPathNavigable { private XPathNode[] pageText, pageRoot, pageXmlNmsp; private int idxText, idxRoot, idxXmlNmsp; private XmlNameTable nameTable; private bool hasLineInfo; private DictionarymapNmsp; private Dictionary idValueMap; /// /// Flags that control Load behavior. /// internal enum LoadFlags { None = 0, AtomizeNames = 1, // Do not assume that names passed to XPathDocumentBuilder have been pre-atomized, and atomize them Fragment = 2, // Create a document with no document node } //----------------------------------------------- // Creation Methods //----------------------------------------------- ////// Create a new empty document. /// internal XPathDocument() { this.nameTable = new NameTable(); } ////// Create a new empty document. All names should be atomized using "nameTable". /// internal XPathDocument(XmlNameTable nameTable) { if (nameTable == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("nameTable"); this.nameTable = nameTable; } ////// Create a new document and load the content from the reader. /// public XPathDocument(XmlReader reader) : this(reader, XmlSpace.Default) { } ////// Create a new document from "reader", with whitespace handling controlled according to "space". /// public XPathDocument(XmlReader reader, XmlSpace space) { if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); LoadFromReader(reader, space); } ////// Create a new document and load the content from the text reader. /// public XPathDocument(TextReader textReader) { XmlTextReaderImpl reader = SetupReader(new XmlTextReaderImpl(string.Empty, textReader)); try { LoadFromReader(reader, XmlSpace.Default); } finally { reader.Close(); } } ////// Create a new document and load the content from the stream. /// public XPathDocument(Stream stream) { XmlTextReaderImpl reader = SetupReader(new XmlTextReaderImpl(string.Empty, stream)); try { LoadFromReader(reader, XmlSpace.Default); } finally { reader.Close(); } } ////// Create a new document and load the content from the Uri. /// public XPathDocument(string uri) : this(uri, XmlSpace.Default) { } ////// Create a new document and load the content from the Uri, with whitespace handling controlled according to "space". /// public XPathDocument(string uri, XmlSpace space) { XmlTextReaderImpl reader = SetupReader(new XmlTextReaderImpl(uri)); try { LoadFromReader(reader, space); } finally { reader.Close(); } } ////// Create a writer that can be used to create nodes in this document. The root node will be assigned "baseUri", and flags /// can be passed to indicate that names should be atomized by the builder and/or a fragment should be created. /// internal XmlRawWriter LoadFromWriter(LoadFlags flags, string baseUri) { return new XPathDocumentBuilder(this, null, baseUri, flags); } ////// Create a writer that can be used to create nodes in this document. The root node will be assigned "baseUri", and flags /// can be passed to indicate that names should be atomized by the builder and/or a fragment should be created. /// internal void LoadFromReader(XmlReader reader, XmlSpace space) { XPathDocumentBuilder builder; IXmlLineInfo lineInfo; string xmlnsUri; bool topLevelReader; int initialDepth; if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); // Determine line number provider lineInfo = reader as IXmlLineInfo; if (lineInfo == null || !lineInfo.HasLineInfo()) lineInfo = null; this.hasLineInfo = (lineInfo != null); this.nameTable = reader.NameTable; builder = new XPathDocumentBuilder(this, lineInfo, reader.BaseURI, LoadFlags.None); try { // Determine whether reader is in initial state topLevelReader = (reader.ReadState == ReadState.Initial); initialDepth = reader.Depth; // Get atomized xmlns uri Debug.Assert((object) this.nameTable.Get(string.Empty) == (object) string.Empty, "NameTable must contain atomized string.Empty"); xmlnsUri = this.nameTable.Get(""); // Read past Initial state; if there are no more events then load is complete if (topLevelReader && !reader.Read()) return; // Read all events do { // If reader began in intermediate state, return when all siblings have been read if (!topLevelReader && reader.Depth < initialDepth) return; switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: { bool isEmptyElement = reader.IsEmptyElement; builder.WriteStartElement(reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI, reader.BaseURI); // Add attribute and namespace nodes to element while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { string namespaceUri = reader.NamespaceURI; if ((object) namespaceUri == (object) xmlnsUri) { if (reader.Prefix.Length == 0) { // Default namespace declaration "xmlns" Debug.Assert(reader.LocalName == "xmlns"); builder.WriteNamespaceDeclaration(string.Empty, reader.Value); } else { Debug.Assert(reader.Prefix == "xmlns"); builder.WriteNamespaceDeclaration(reader.LocalName, reader.Value); } } else { builder.WriteStartAttribute(reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, namespaceUri); builder.WriteString(reader.Value, TextBlockType.Text); builder.WriteEndAttribute(); } } if (isEmptyElement) builder.WriteEndElement(true); break; } case XmlNodeType.EndElement: builder.WriteEndElement(false); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.CDATA: builder.WriteString(reader.Value, TextBlockType.Text); break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: if (reader.XmlSpace == XmlSpace.Preserve) builder.WriteString(reader.Value, TextBlockType.SignificantWhitespace); else // Significant whitespace without xml:space="preserve" is not significant in XPath/XQuery data model goto case XmlNodeType.Whitespace; break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: Debug.Assert(reader.XmlSpace != XmlSpace.Preserve); // Always filter top-level whitespace if (space == XmlSpace.Preserve && (!topLevelReader || reader.Depth != 0)) builder.WriteString(reader.Value, TextBlockType.Whitespace); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: builder.WriteComment(reader.Value); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: builder.WriteProcessingInstruction(reader.LocalName, reader.Value, reader.BaseURI); break; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: reader.ResolveEntity(); break; case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: // Create ID tables SchemaInfo info = XmlReader.GetDtdSchemaInfo(reader); if (info != null) builder.CreateIdTables(info); break; case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: case XmlNodeType.None: case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: break; } } while (reader.Read()); } finally { builder.Close(); } } ////// Create a navigator positioned on the root node of the document. /// public XPathNavigator CreateNavigator() { return new XPathDocumentNavigator(this.pageRoot, this.idxRoot, null, 0); } //----------------------------------------------- // Document Properties //----------------------------------------------- ////// Return the name table used to atomize all name parts (local name, namespace uri, prefix). /// internal XmlNameTable NameTable { get { return this.nameTable; } } ////// Return true if line number information is recorded in the cache. /// internal bool HasLineInfo { get { return this.hasLineInfo; } } ////// Return the singleton collapsed text node associated with the document. One physical text node /// represents each logical text node in the document that is the only content-typed child of its /// element parent. /// internal int GetCollapsedTextNode(out XPathNode[] pageText) { pageText = this.pageText; return this.idxText; } ////// Set the page and index where the singleton collapsed text node is stored. /// internal void SetCollapsedTextNode(XPathNode[] pageText, int idxText) { this.pageText = pageText; this.idxText = idxText; } ////// Return the root node of the document. This may not be a node of type XPathNodeType.Root if this /// is a document fragment. /// internal int GetRootNode(out XPathNode[] pageRoot) { pageRoot = this.pageRoot; return this.idxRoot; } ////// Set the page and index where the root node is stored. /// internal void SetRootNode(XPathNode[] pageRoot, int idxRoot) { this.pageRoot = pageRoot; this.idxRoot = idxRoot; } ////// Every document has an implicit xmlns:xml namespace node. /// internal int GetXmlNamespaceNode(out XPathNode[] pageXmlNmsp) { pageXmlNmsp = this.pageXmlNmsp; return this.idxXmlNmsp; } ////// Set the page and index where the implicit xmlns:xml node is stored. /// internal void SetXmlNamespaceNode(XPathNode[] pageXmlNmsp, int idxXmlNmsp) { this.pageXmlNmsp = pageXmlNmsp; this.idxXmlNmsp = idxXmlNmsp; } ////// Associate a namespace node with an element. /// internal void AddNamespace(XPathNode[] pageElem, int idxElem, XPathNode[] pageNmsp, int idxNmsp) { Debug.Assert(pageElem[idxElem].NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element && pageNmsp[idxNmsp].NodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace); if (this.mapNmsp == null) this.mapNmsp = new Dictionary(); this.mapNmsp.Add(new XPathNodeRef(pageElem, idxElem), new XPathNodeRef(pageNmsp, idxNmsp)); } /// /// Lookup the namespace nodes associated with an element. /// internal int LookupNamespaces(XPathNode[] pageElem, int idxElem, out XPathNode[] pageNmsp) { XPathNodeRef nodeRef = new XPathNodeRef(pageElem, idxElem); Debug.Assert(pageElem[idxElem].NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element); // Check whether this element has any local namespaces if (this.mapNmsp == null || !this.mapNmsp.ContainsKey(nodeRef)) { pageNmsp = null; return 0; } // Yes, so return the page and index of the first local namespace node nodeRef = this.mapNmsp[nodeRef]; pageNmsp = nodeRef.Page; return nodeRef.Index; } ////// Add an element indexed by ID value. /// internal void AddIdElement(string id, XPathNode[] pageElem, int idxElem) { if (this.idValueMap == null) this.idValueMap = new Dictionary(); if (!this.idValueMap.ContainsKey(id)) this.idValueMap.Add(id, new XPathNodeRef(pageElem, idxElem)); } /// /// Lookup the element node associated with the specified ID value. /// internal int LookupIdElement(string id, out XPathNode[] pageElem) { XPathNodeRef nodeRef; if (this.idValueMap == null || !this.idValueMap.ContainsKey(id)) { pageElem = null; return 0; } // Extract page and index from XPathNodeRef nodeRef = this.idValueMap[id]; pageElem = nodeRef.Page; return nodeRef.Index; } //----------------------------------------------- // Helper Methods //----------------------------------------------- ////// Set properties on the reader so that it is backwards-compatible with V1. /// private XmlTextReaderImpl SetupReader(XmlTextReaderImpl reader) { reader.EntityHandling = EntityHandling.ExpandEntities; reader.XmlValidatingReaderCompatibilityMode = true; return reader; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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