FrameworkElementFactory.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / FrameworkElementFactory.cs / 1 / FrameworkElementFactory.cs

                            using System; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Markup; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Documents; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Collections;               // For ArrayList
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;   // HybridDictionary 
using System.Diagnostics;               // For Debug.Assert
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; 
using MS.Utility;
using MS.Internal; 

#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691  // suppressing PreSharp warnings

namespace System.Windows 
    ///     Templating instance representation 
    public class FrameworkElementFactory
        ///     Construction 
        public FrameworkElementFactory() : this(null, null) 
            // Forwarding

        ///     Construction
        /// Type of instance to create
        public FrameworkElementFactory(Type type) : this(type, null) 
            // Forwarding

        ///     Construction
        /// Text to add
        public FrameworkElementFactory(string text) : this(null, null) 
            Text = text;

        ///     Construction
        /// Type of instance to create
        /// Style identifier 
        public FrameworkElementFactory(Type type, string name) 
            Type = type; 
            Name = name;

        ///     Type of object that the factory will produce 
        public Type Type
            get { return _type; }
                if (_sealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory")); 

                if (_text != null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.FrameworkElementFactoryCannotAddText));
                if ( value != null ) // We allow null up until Seal
                    // If non-null, must be derived from one of the supported types 
                    if (!typeof(FrameworkElement).IsAssignableFrom(value) &&
                        !typeof(FrameworkContentElement).IsAssignableFrom(value) && 
                        #pragma warning suppress 6506 // value is obviously not null
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.MustBeFrameworkOr3DDerived, value.Name)); 
                // It is possible that _type is null when a FEF is created for text content within a tag
                _type = value; 

                // If this is a KnownType to the BamlMapTable, then there is a faster way to create
                // an instance of that type than using Activator.CreateInstance.  So in that case
                // rememeber the known ID for later creation. 
                _knownTypeId = BamlMapTable.GetKnownTypeIdFromType(_type);

        ///     Text string that the factory will produce
        public string Text
            get { return _text; }
                if (_sealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory"));

                if (_firstChild != null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.FrameworkElementFactoryCannotAddText)); 

                if ( value == null ) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                _text = value;

        ///     Style identifier
        public string Name
            get { return _childName; }
                if (_sealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory"));
                if (value == string.Empty)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.NameNotEmptyString));
                _childName = value;

        ///     Add a factory child to this factory
        /// Child to add 
        public void AppendChild(FrameworkElementFactory child)
            if (_sealed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory"));

            if (child == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("child");

            if (child._parent != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.FrameworkElementFactoryAlreadyParented)); 
            if (_text != null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.FrameworkElementFactoryCannotAddText)); 

            // Build tree of factories
            if (_firstChild == null) 
                _firstChild = child; 
                _lastChild = child; 
                _lastChild._nextSibling = child;
                _lastChild = child;

            child._parent = this; 

        ///     Simple value set on template child
        /// Dependent property
        /// Value to set 
        public void SetValue(DependencyProperty dp, object value)
            if (_sealed) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory")); 

            if (dp == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp");
            // Value needs to be valid for the DP, or Binding/MultiBinding/PriorityBinding.
            //  (They all have MarkupExtension, which we don't actually support, see above check.) 

            if (!dp.IsValidValue(value) && !(value is MarkupExtension) && !(value is DeferredReference))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidPropertyValue, value, dp.Name)); 
            // Styling the logical tree is not supported 
            if (StyleHelper.IsStylingLogicalTree(dp, value))
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.ModifyingLogicalTreeViaStylesNotImplemented, value, "FrameworkElementFactory.SetValue"));

            #pragma warning suppress 6506 // dp.DefaultMetadata is never null 
            if (dp.ReadOnly)
                // Read-only properties will not be consulting FrameworkElementFactory for value. 
                //  Rather than silently do nothing, throw error.
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.ReadOnlyPropertyNotAllowed, dp.Name, GetType().Name)); 

            ResourceReferenceExpression resourceExpression = value as ResourceReferenceExpression;
            DynamicResourceExtension dynamicResourceExtension = value as DynamicResourceExtension; 
            object resourceKey = null;
            if( resourceExpression != null ) 
                resourceKey = resourceExpression.ResourceKey; 
            else if( dynamicResourceExtension != null )
                resourceKey = dynamicResourceExtension.ResourceKey; 
            if (resourceKey == null) 
                TemplateBindingExtension templateBinding = value as TemplateBindingExtension; 
                if (templateBinding == null)
                    UpdatePropertyValueList( dp, PropertyValueType.Set, value );
                    UpdatePropertyValueList( dp, PropertyValueType.TemplateBinding, templateBinding ); 
                UpdatePropertyValueList(dp, PropertyValueType.Resource, resourceKey);
        ///     Set up data binding on template child
        /// Dependent property
        /// Description of binding
        public void SetBinding(DependencyProperty dp, BindingBase binding)
            // store Binding in the style - this will get converted to Binding
            // on demand (see Style.ProcessApplyValuesHelper) 
            SetValue(dp, binding); 
        ///     Resource binding on template child
        /// Dependent property 
        /// Resource identifier
        public void SetResourceReference(DependencyProperty dp, object name) 
            if (_sealed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory"));

            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp"); 

            UpdatePropertyValueList( dp, PropertyValueType.Resource, name ); 

        ///     Add an event handler for the given routed event. This action applies to the instances created by this factory 
        public void AddHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler) 
            // HandledEventToo defaults to false
            // Call forwarded 
            AddHandler(routedEvent, handler, false);

        ///     Add an event handler for the given routed event. This action applies to the instances created by this factory
        public void AddHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler, bool handledEventsToo) 
            if (_sealed) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory"));
            if (routedEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("routedEvent"); 
            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (handler.GetType() != routedEvent.HandlerType) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.HandlerTypeIllegal));

            if (_eventHandlersStore == null)
                _eventHandlersStore = new EventHandlersStore(); 
            _eventHandlersStore.AddRoutedEventHandler(routedEvent, handler, handledEventsToo); 

            // Keep track of whether we're listening to the loaded or unloaded events; 
            // if so, we have to trigger a listener in the FE/FCE (as a performance
            // optimization).

            if (  (routedEvent == FrameworkElement.LoadedEvent) 
                ||(routedEvent == FrameworkElement.UnloadedEvent))
                HasLoadedChangeHandler = true; 

        ///     Remove an event handler for the given routed event. This action applies to the instances created by this factory
        public void RemoveHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler)
            if (_sealed) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory")); 

            if (routedEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("routedEvent");
            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (handler.GetType() != routedEvent.HandlerType) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.HandlerTypeIllegal)); 

            if (_eventHandlersStore != null) 
                _eventHandlersStore.RemoveRoutedEventHandler(routedEvent, handler);

                // Update the loaded/unloaded optimization flags if necessary 

                if (  (routedEvent == FrameworkElement.LoadedEvent) 
                    ||(routedEvent == FrameworkElement.UnloadedEvent)) 
                    if (  !_eventHandlersStore.Contains(FrameworkElement.LoadedEvent) 
                        HasLoadedChangeHandler = false;

        ///     Store all the event handlers for this FEF
        internal EventHandlersStore EventHandlersStore
                return _eventHandlersStore; 
                _eventHandlersStore = value;

        // Says if we have anything listening for the Loaded or Unloaded
        // event (used for an optimization in FrameworkElement). 

        internal bool HasLoadedChangeHandler
            get { return _hasLoadedChangeHandler; }
            set { _hasLoadedChangeHandler = value; } 


        ///     Given a set of values for the PropertyValue struct, put that in
        /// to the PropertyValueList, overwriting any existing entry. 
        private void UpdatePropertyValueList( 
            DependencyProperty dp, 
            PropertyValueType valueType,
            object value) 
            // Check for existing value on dp
            int existingIndex = -1;
            for( int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++ ) 
                if( PropertyValues[i].Property == dp ) 
                    existingIndex = i;

            if( existingIndex >= 0 ) 
                // Overwrite existing value for dp 
                lock (_synchronized) 
                    PropertyValue propertyValue = PropertyValues[existingIndex]; 
                    propertyValue.ValueType = valueType;
                    propertyValue.ValueInternal = value;
                    // Put back modified struct
                    PropertyValues[existingIndex] = propertyValue; 
                // Store original data 
                PropertyValue propertyValue = new PropertyValue();
                propertyValue.ValueType = valueType;
                propertyValue.ChildName = null;  // Delayed
                propertyValue.Property = dp; 
                propertyValue.ValueInternal = value;
                lock (_synchronized) 
        ///     Create a DependencyObject instance of the specified type 
        ///     By default, reflection is used to create the instance. For 
        ///     best perf, override this and do specific construction
        /// New instance
        private DependencyObject CreateDependencyObject() 
            // Not expecting InvalidCastException - Type.set should have 
            //  verified that it is a FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement. 

            if (_knownTypeId != 0) 
                int positiveId = (int)-_knownTypeId;
                return KnownTypes.CreateKnownElement((KnownElements)positiveId) as DependencyObject;

            return (DependencyObject)Activator.CreateInstance(_type); 

        ///     FrameworkElementFactory mutability state
        public bool IsSealed
            get { return _sealed; }

        ///     Parent factory
        public FrameworkElementFactory Parent
            get { return _parent; }
        ///     First child factory 
        public FrameworkElementFactory FirstChild
            get { return _firstChild; } 
        ///     Next sibling factory
        public FrameworkElementFactory NextSibling
            get { return _nextSibling; }

        internal FrameworkTemplate FrameworkTemplate 
            get { return _frameworkTemplate; }

        internal object GetValue(DependencyProperty dp)
            // Retrieve a value previously set
            // Scan for record 
            for (int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++)
                if (PropertyValues[i].ValueType == PropertyValueType.Set &&
                    PropertyValues[i].Property == dp)
                    // Found a Set record, return the value 
                    return PropertyValues[i].ValueInternal;

            return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 

        // Seal this FEF
        internal void Seal(FrameworkTemplate ownerTemplate) 
            if (_sealed) 

            // Store owner Template
            _frameworkTemplate = ownerTemplate;
            // Perform actual Seal operation

        private void Seal() 
            if (_type == null && _text == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.NullTypeIllegal)); 
            if (_firstChild != null) 
                // This factory has children, it must implement IAddChild so that these 
                // children can be added to the logical tree
                if (!typeof(IAddChild).IsAssignableFrom(_type))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMustImplementIAddChild, _type.Name)); 
            if ((_childName != null) && (_childName != String.Empty))
                // ChildName provided
                if (!IsChildNameValid(_childName)) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ChildNameNamePatternReserved, _childName)); 

                _childName = String.Intern(_childName); 
                // ChildName not provided 

                _childName = GenerateChildName(); 

            lock (_synchronized)
                // Set delayed ChildID for all property triggers
                for (int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++) 
                    PropertyValue propertyValue = PropertyValues[i]; 
                    propertyValue.ChildName = _childName; 

                    // Freeze the FEF property value 

                    // Put back modified struct
                    PropertyValues[i] = propertyValue; 

            _sealed = true; 

            // Convert ChildName to Template-specific ChildIndex, if applicable
            if ((_childName != null) && (_childName != String.Empty) &&
                _frameworkTemplate != null ) 
                _childIndex = StyleHelper.CreateChildIndexFromChildName(_childName, _frameworkTemplate); 

            // Seal all children 
            FrameworkElementFactory child = _firstChild;
            while (child != null)
                if (_frameworkTemplate != null) 

                child = child._nextSibling; 

        // Instantiate a tree.  This is a recursive routine that will build the 
        //  subtree via calls to itself.  The root node being instantiated will
        //  have identical references for the "container" and "parent" parameters. 
        // The "affectedChildren" and "noChildIndexChildren" parameters refer to the children 
        //  chain for the "container" object.  This chain will have all the
        //  children - not just the immediate children.  The node being 
        //  instantiated here will be added to this chain.
        // The tree is instantiated in a depth-first traversal, so children nodes
        //  are added to the chain in depth-first order as well.
        //[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647 
        internal DependencyObject InstantiateTree(
                UncommonField           dataField, 
                DependencyObject                            container, 
                DependencyObject                            parent,
                List                      affectedChildren, 
            ref List                      noChildIndexChildren,
            ref FrugalStructList    resourceDependents)
            bool tracingEnabled = EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose); 
            if (tracingEnabled)
                EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.PARSEFEFCREATEINSTANCEGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.StartEvent); 
            FrameworkElement containerAsFE = container as FrameworkElement;
            bool isContainerAnFE = containerAsFE != null;

            DependencyObject treeNode = null; 
            // If we have text, just add it to the parent.  Otherwise create the child
            // subtree 
            if (_text != null) 
                // of FrameworkContentElement parent.  This is the logical equivalent 
                // to what happens when adding a child to a visual collection.
                IAddChild addChildParent = parent as IAddChild;

                if (addChildParent == null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMustImplementIAddChild, 
                // Factory create instance 
                treeNode = CreateDependencyObject();
                if (tracingEnabled)
                    EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.PARSEFEFCREATEINSTANCEGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent);

                // The tree node is either a FrameworkElement or a FrameworkContentElement. 
                //  we'll deal with one or the other... 
                FrameworkObject treeNodeFO = new FrameworkObject(treeNode);
                Visual3D treeNodeVisual3D = null;
                bool treeNodeIsVisual3D = false;

                if (!treeNodeFO.IsValid) 
                    // If it's neither of those, we have special support for Visual3D 
                    treeNodeVisual3D = treeNode as Visual3D;
                    if (treeNodeVisual3D != null) 
                        treeNodeIsVisual3D = true;

                Debug.Assert( treeNodeFO.IsValid || (treeNodeVisual3D != null), 
                    "We should not be trying to instantiate a node that is neither FrameworkElement nor FrameworkContentElement.  A type check should have been done when Type is set");
                // And here's the bool we'll use to make the decision. 
                bool treeNodeIsFE = treeNodeFO.IsFE;
                // Handle FE/FCE-specific optimizations

                if (!treeNodeIsVisual3D)
                    // Postpone "Initialized" event
                    NewNodeBeginInit( treeNodeIsFE, treeNodeFO.FE, treeNodeFO.FCE ); 
                    // Set the resource reference flags
                    if (StyleHelper.HasResourceDependentsForChild(_childIndex, ref resourceDependents)) 
                        treeNodeFO.HasResourceReference = true;
                    // Update the two chains that tracks all the nodes created
                    //  from all the FrameworkElementFactory of this Style. 
                    UpdateChildChains( _childName, _childIndex, 
                        treeNodeIsFE, treeNodeFO.FE, treeNodeFO.FCE,
                        affectedChildren, ref noChildIndexChildren ); 

                    // All FrameworkElementFactory-created elements point to the object
                    //  whose Style.VisualTree definition caused all this to occur
                    NewNodeStyledParentProperty( container, isContainerAnFE, treeNodeIsFE, treeNodeFO.FE, treeNodeFO.FCE ); 

                    // Initialize the per-instance data for the new element.  This 
                    // needs to be done before any properties are invalidated. 
                    if (_childIndex != -1)
                        Debug.Assert( _frameworkTemplate != null );

                        StyleHelper.CreateInstanceDataForChild(dataField, container, treeNode, _childIndex,
                            _frameworkTemplate.HasInstanceValues, ref _frameworkTemplate.ChildRecordFromChildIndex); 
                    // If this element needs to know about the Loaded or Unloaded events, set the optimization 
                    // bit in the element
                    if (HasLoadedChangeHandler)
                    if (_childName != null)
                        // Add this instance to the child index chain so that it may
                        // be tracked by the style

                        // Child nodes with no _childID (hence no _childIndex) are
                        //  tracked on a separate chain that will be appended to the 
                        //  main chain for cleanup purposes.
                        if (noChildIndexChildren == null)
                            noChildIndexChildren = new List(4); 

                // New node is initialized, build tree top down
                // (Node added before children of node) 
                if (container == parent)
                    // Set the NameScope on the root of the Template generated tree 
                    TemplateNameScope templateNameScope = new TemplateNameScope(container);
                    NameScope.SetNameScope(treeNode, templateNameScope); 

                    // This is the root of the tree
                    if (isContainerAnFE)
                        // The root is added to the Visual tree (not logical) for the
                        // case of FrameworkElement parents 
                        containerAsFE.TemplateChild = treeNodeFO.FE; 
                        // The root is added to the logical tree for the case
                        // of FrameworkContentElement parent.  This is the logical equivalent
                        // to what happens when adding a child to a visual collection. 
                        AddNodeToLogicalTree( (FrameworkContentElement)parent, _type,
                            treeNodeIsFE, treeNodeFO.FE, treeNodeFO.FCE ); 
                    // Call parent IAddChild to add treeNodeFO
                    AddNodeToParent( parent, treeNodeFO );

                // Either set properties or invalidate them, depending on the type 
                if (!treeNodeIsVisual3D)
                    // For non-3D content, we need to invalidate any properties that
                    // came from FrameworkElementFactory.SetValue or VisulaTrigger.SetValue
                    // so that they can get picked up.
                    Debug.Assert( _frameworkTemplate != null );
                                ref _frameworkTemplate.ChildRecordFromChildIndex,
                                false /*isDetach*/,
                    // For 3D, which doesn't understand templates, we set the properties directly
                    // onto the newly-instantiated element. 

                    for (int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++)
                        if (PropertyValues[i].ValueType == PropertyValueType.Set) 
                            // Get the value out of the table. 
                            object o = PropertyValues[i].ValueInternal; 

                            // If it's a freezable that can't be frozen, it's probably not sharable,
                            // so we make a copy of it.
                            Freezable freezableValue = o as Freezable;
                            if (freezableValue != null && !freezableValue.CanFreeze) 
                                o = freezableValue.Clone(); 

                            // Or, if it's a markup extension, get the value 
                            // to set on this property from the MarkupExtension itself.
                            MarkupExtension me = o as MarkupExtension;
                            if (me != null)
                                ProvideValueServiceProvider serviceProvider = new ProvideValueServiceProvider();
                                serviceProvider.SetData( treeNodeVisual3D, PropertyValues[i].Property ); 
                                o = me.ProvideValue( serviceProvider ); 
                            // Finally, set the value onto the object.
                            treeNodeVisual3D.SetValue(PropertyValues[i].Property, o);


                            // We don't support resource references, triggers, etc within the 3D content
                            throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.Template3DValueOnly, PropertyValues[i].Property) ); 


                // Build child tree from factories
                FrameworkElementFactory childFactory = _firstChild; 
                while (childFactory != null)
                        ref noChildIndexChildren,
                        ref resourceDependents); 

                    childFactory = childFactory._nextSibling;
                if (!treeNodeIsVisual3D)
                    // Fire "Initialized" event 
                    NewNodeEndInit( treeNodeIsFE, treeNodeFO.FE, treeNodeFO.FCE );
            return treeNode;

        //  Add a child to a parent, using IAddChild.  This has special support for Grid, 
        //  to allow backward compatibility with FEF-based templates that have Column/RowDefinition
        //  children directly  under the Grid. 

        private void AddNodeToParent( DependencyObject parent, FrameworkObject childFrameworkObject )
            Grid parentGrid;
            ColumnDefinition childNodeColumnDefinition; 
            RowDefinition childNodeRowDefinition = null; 

            if (    childFrameworkObject.IsFCE 
                &&  (parentGrid = parent as Grid) != null
                &&  (   (childNodeColumnDefinition = childFrameworkObject.FCE as ColumnDefinition) != null
                    ||  (childNodeRowDefinition = childFrameworkObject.FCE as RowDefinition) != null  )
                if (childNodeColumnDefinition != null) 
                else if (childNodeRowDefinition != null)
                // CALLBACK
                // Inheritable property invalidations will occur due to 
                //   OnParentChanged resulting from AddChild

                if (!(parent is IAddChild))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMustImplementIAddChild,


        // This tree is used to instantiate a tree, represented by this factory.
        // It is instantiated as a normal tree without any template optimizations. 
        // This is used by designers to inspect a template. 

        internal FrameworkObject InstantiateUnoptimizedTree() 

            if (!_sealed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.FrameworkElementFactoryMustBeSealed));
            // Create the object.
            FrameworkObject frameworkObject = new FrameworkObject(CreateDependencyObject());

            // Mark the beginning of initialization
            // Set values for this object, taking them from the shared values table. 

            ProvideValueServiceProvider provideValueServiceProvider = null; 
            FrameworkTemplate.SetTemplateParentValues( Name, frameworkObject.DO, _frameworkTemplate, ref provideValueServiceProvider );

            // Get the first child
            FrameworkElementFactory childFactory = _firstChild;
            // If we have children, get this object's IAddChild, because it's going to be a parent. 

            IAddChild iAddChild = null; 
            if( childFactory != null )
                iAddChild = frameworkObject.DO as IAddChild;
                if (iAddChild == null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMustImplementIAddChild, 

            // Build the children.

            while (childFactory != null) 
                if (childFactory._text != null) 

                    // Use frameworkObject's IAddChild to add this node.
                    FrameworkObject childFrameworkObject = childFactory.InstantiateUnoptimizedTree(); 
                    AddNodeToParent(frameworkObject.DO, childFrameworkObject ); 
                childFactory = childFactory._nextSibling;

            // Mark the end of the initialization phase 

            return frameworkObject;

        ///     Update the chain of FrameworkElementFactory-created nodes.
        ///     We have two collections of child nodes created from all the
        /// FrameworkElementFactory in a single Style.  Some we "care about" 
        /// because of property values, triggers, etc.  Others just needed
        /// to be created and put in a tree, and we can stop worrying about
        /// them.  The former is 'affectedChildren', the latter is
        /// 'noChildIndexChildren' so called because the nodes we don't 
        /// care about were not assigned a child index.
        private static void UpdateChildChains( string childID, int childIndex, 
            bool treeNodeIsFE, FrameworkElement treeNodeFE, FrameworkContentElement treeNodeFCE,
            List affectedChildren, ref List noChildIndexChildren ) 
            if (childID != null)
                // If a child ID exists, then, a valid child index exists as well 
                if( treeNodeIsFE )
                    treeNodeFE.TemplateChildIndex = childIndex; 
                    treeNodeFCE.TemplateChildIndex = childIndex;
                // Add this instance to the child index chain so that it may
                // be tracked by the style 
                affectedChildren.Add(treeNodeIsFE ? (DependencyObject)treeNodeFE : (DependencyObject)treeNodeFCE);
                // Child nodes with no _childID (hence no _childIndex) are
                //  tracked on a separate chain that will be appended to the 
                //  main chain for cleanup purposes.
                if (noChildIndexChildren == null) 
                    noChildIndexChildren = new List(4);

                noChildIndexChildren.Add(treeNodeIsFE ? (DependencyObject)treeNodeFE : (DependencyObject)treeNodeFCE);

        ///     Call BeginInit on the newly-created node to postpone the 
        /// "Initialized" event.
        internal static void NewNodeBeginInit( bool treeNodeIsFE,
            FrameworkElement treeNodeFE, FrameworkContentElement treeNodeFCE )
            if( treeNodeIsFE ) 
                // Mark the beginning of the initialization phase 
                // Mark the beginning of the initialization phase
        ///     Call EndInit on the newly-created node to fire the
        /// "Initialized" event. 
        private static void NewNodeEndInit( bool treeNodeIsFE,
            FrameworkElement treeNodeFE, FrameworkContentElement treeNodeFCE )
            if( treeNodeIsFE )
                // Mark the beginning of the initialization phase 
                // Mark the beginning of the initialization phase
        ///     Setup the pointers on this FrameworkElementFactory-created 
        /// node so we can find our way back to the object whose Style
        /// included this FrameworkElementFactory.
        private static void NewNodeStyledParentProperty( 
            DependencyObject container, bool isContainerAnFE,
            bool treeNodeIsFE, FrameworkElement treeNodeFE, FrameworkContentElement treeNodeFCE) 
            if( treeNodeIsFE )
                treeNodeFE._templatedParent = container ;
                treeNodeFE.IsTemplatedParentAnFE = isContainerAnFE;
                treeNodeFCE._templatedParent = container ; 
                treeNodeFCE.IsTemplatedParentAnFE = isContainerAnFE; 

        ///     When Style.VisualTree is applied to a FrameworkContentElement,
        /// it is actually added to the logical tree because FrameworkContentElement 
        /// has no visual tree.
        ///     A prime example of trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.
        internal static void AddNodeToLogicalTree( DependencyObject parent, Type type,
            bool treeNodeIsFE, FrameworkElement treeNodeFE, FrameworkContentElement treeNodeFCE)
            // If the logical parent already has children, then we can't add 
            // a logical subtree from the style, since there would be a conflict.
            // Throw an exception in this case. 
            FrameworkContentElement logicalParent = parent as FrameworkContentElement; 
            if (logicalParent != null)
                IEnumerator childEnumerator = logicalParent.LogicalChildren;
                if (childEnumerator != null && childEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AlreadyHasLogicalChildren, 

            IAddChild  addChildParent = parent as IAddChild; 
            if (addChildParent == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotHookupFCERoot,
                if (treeNodeFE != null)
        // This method is also used by XamlStyleSerializer to decide whether
        // or not to emit the Name attribute for a VisualTree node.
        internal bool IsChildNameValid(string childName)
            return !childName.StartsWith(AutoGenChildNamePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal);
        private string GenerateChildName()
            string childName = AutoGenChildNamePrefix + AutoGenChildNamePostfix.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            Interlocked.Increment(ref AutoGenChildNamePostfix);
            return childName;

        private void ApplyAutoAliasRules() 
            // See also StyleHelper.ApplyAutoAliasRules, which performs this auto-aliasing
            // for non-FEF (Baml) templates.
            if (typeof(ContentPresenter).IsAssignableFrom(_type))
                // ContentPresenter auto-aliases Content, ContentTemplate, and 
                // ContentTemplateSelector to respective properties on the
                // styled parent. 

                // The prefix is obtained from the ContentSource property.
                // If this is null, user is explicitly asking for no auto-aliasing.
                object o = GetValue(ContentPresenter.ContentSourceProperty); 
                string prefix = (o == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) ? "Content" : (string)o;
                // if Content is previously set, do nothing 
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) && !IsValueDefined(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty))
                    // find source properties, using prefix
                    Debug.Assert(_frameworkTemplate != null, "ContentPresenter is an FE and can only have a FrameworkTemplate");
                    Type targetType = _frameworkTemplate.TargetTypeInternal;
                    DependencyProperty dpContent = DependencyProperty.FromName(prefix, targetType);
                    DependencyProperty dpContentTemplate = DependencyProperty.FromName(prefix + "Template", targetType); 
                    DependencyProperty dpContentTemplateSelector = DependencyProperty.FromName(prefix + "TemplateSelector", targetType); 
                    DependencyProperty dpContentStringFormat = DependencyProperty.FromName(prefix + "StringFormat", targetType);
                    // if desired source for Content doesn't exist, report an error
                    if (dpContent == null && o != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.MissingContentSource, prefix, targetType)); 
                    // auto-alias the Content property 
                    if (dpContent != null)
                        SetValue(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(dpContent));

                    // auto-alias the remaining properties if none of them are previously set 
                    if (!IsValueDefined(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty) &&
                        !IsValueDefined(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateSelectorProperty) && 
                        if (dpContentTemplate != null) 
                            SetValue(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(dpContentTemplate));
                        if (dpContentTemplateSelector != null)
                            SetValue(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateSelectorProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(dpContentTemplateSelector));
                        if (dpContentStringFormat != null) 
                            SetValue(ContentPresenter.ContentStringFormatProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(dpContentStringFormat));
            else if (typeof(GridViewRowPresenter).IsAssignableFrom(_type)) 
                // GridViewRowPresenter auto-aliases Content and Columns to Content
                // property GridView.ColumnCollection property on the templated parent.
                // if Content is previously set, do nothing
                if (!IsValueDefined(GridViewRowPresenter.ContentProperty)) 
                    // find source property
                    Debug.Assert(_frameworkTemplate != null, "GridViewRowPresenter is an FE and can only have a FrameworkTemplate"); 
                    Type targetType = _frameworkTemplate.TargetTypeInternal;

                    DependencyProperty dpContent = DependencyProperty.FromName("Content", targetType);
                    // auto-alias the Content property
                    if (dpContent != null) 
                        SetValue(GridViewRowPresenter.ContentProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(dpContent));

                // if Columns is previously set, do nothing
                if (!IsValueDefined(GridViewRowPresenter.ColumnsProperty)) 
                    // auto-alias the Columns property 
                    SetValue(GridViewRowPresenter.ColumnsProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(GridView.ColumnCollectionProperty)); 

        private bool IsValueDefined(DependencyProperty dp) 
            for (int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++) 
                if (PropertyValues[i].Property == dp &&
                    (PropertyValues[i].ValueType == PropertyValueType.Set || 
                     PropertyValues[i].ValueType == PropertyValueType.Resource ||
                     PropertyValues[i].ValueType == PropertyValueType.TemplateBinding))
                    return true; 
            return false;

        private bool _sealed;
        // Synchronized (write locks, lock-free reads): Covered by FrameworkElementFactory instance lock
        /* property */ internal FrugalStructList PropertyValues = new FrugalStructList(); 
        // Store all the event handlers for this FEF
        // NOTE: We cannot use UnCommonField because that uses property engine 
        // storage that can be set only on a DependencyObject
        private EventHandlersStore _eventHandlersStore;

        internal bool                   _hasLoadedChangeHandler; 

        private Type _type; 
        private string _text; 
        private short _knownTypeId = 0;
        private string _childName; 
        internal int _childIndex = -1; // Being used in Style.ProcessTemplateStyles

        private FrameworkTemplate _frameworkTemplate;
        // Auto-generated ChildID uniqueness
        // Synchronized: Covered by Interlocked.Increment 
        private static int AutoGenChildNamePostfix = 1; 
        private static string AutoGenChildNamePrefix = "~ChildID";
        private FrameworkElementFactory _parent;
        private FrameworkElementFactory _firstChild;
        private FrameworkElementFactory _lastChild;
        private FrameworkElementFactory _nextSibling; 

        // Instance-based synchronization 
        private object _synchronized = new object(); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Markup; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Documents; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Collections;               // For ArrayList
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;   // HybridDictionary 
using System.Diagnostics;               // For Debug.Assert
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; 
using MS.Utility;
using MS.Internal; 

#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691  // suppressing PreSharp warnings

namespace System.Windows 
    ///     Templating instance representation 
    public class FrameworkElementFactory
        ///     Construction 
        public FrameworkElementFactory() : this(null, null) 
            // Forwarding

        ///     Construction
        /// Type of instance to create
        public FrameworkElementFactory(Type type) : this(type, null) 
            // Forwarding

        ///     Construction
        /// Text to add
        public FrameworkElementFactory(string text) : this(null, null) 
            Text = text;

        ///     Construction
        /// Type of instance to create
        /// Style identifier 
        public FrameworkElementFactory(Type type, string name) 
            Type = type; 
            Name = name;

        ///     Type of object that the factory will produce 
        public Type Type
            get { return _type; }
                if (_sealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory")); 

                if (_text != null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.FrameworkElementFactoryCannotAddText));
                if ( value != null ) // We allow null up until Seal
                    // If non-null, must be derived from one of the supported types 
                    if (!typeof(FrameworkElement).IsAssignableFrom(value) &&
                        !typeof(FrameworkContentElement).IsAssignableFrom(value) && 
                        #pragma warning suppress 6506 // value is obviously not null
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.MustBeFrameworkOr3DDerived, value.Name)); 
                // It is possible that _type is null when a FEF is created for text content within a tag
                _type = value; 

                // If this is a KnownType to the BamlMapTable, then there is a faster way to create
                // an instance of that type than using Activator.CreateInstance.  So in that case
                // rememeber the known ID for later creation. 
                _knownTypeId = BamlMapTable.GetKnownTypeIdFromType(_type);

        ///     Text string that the factory will produce
        public string Text
            get { return _text; }
                if (_sealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory"));

                if (_firstChild != null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.FrameworkElementFactoryCannotAddText)); 

                if ( value == null ) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                _text = value;

        ///     Style identifier
        public string Name
            get { return _childName; }
                if (_sealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory"));
                if (value == string.Empty)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.NameNotEmptyString));
                _childName = value;

        ///     Add a factory child to this factory
        /// Child to add 
        public void AppendChild(FrameworkElementFactory child)
            if (_sealed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory"));

            if (child == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("child");

            if (child._parent != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.FrameworkElementFactoryAlreadyParented)); 
            if (_text != null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.FrameworkElementFactoryCannotAddText)); 

            // Build tree of factories
            if (_firstChild == null) 
                _firstChild = child; 
                _lastChild = child; 
                _lastChild._nextSibling = child;
                _lastChild = child;

            child._parent = this; 

        ///     Simple value set on template child
        /// Dependent property
        /// Value to set 
        public void SetValue(DependencyProperty dp, object value)
            if (_sealed) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory")); 

            if (dp == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp");
            // Value needs to be valid for the DP, or Binding/MultiBinding/PriorityBinding.
            //  (They all have MarkupExtension, which we don't actually support, see above check.) 

            if (!dp.IsValidValue(value) && !(value is MarkupExtension) && !(value is DeferredReference))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidPropertyValue, value, dp.Name)); 
            // Styling the logical tree is not supported 
            if (StyleHelper.IsStylingLogicalTree(dp, value))
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.ModifyingLogicalTreeViaStylesNotImplemented, value, "FrameworkElementFactory.SetValue"));

            #pragma warning suppress 6506 // dp.DefaultMetadata is never null 
            if (dp.ReadOnly)
                // Read-only properties will not be consulting FrameworkElementFactory for value. 
                //  Rather than silently do nothing, throw error.
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.ReadOnlyPropertyNotAllowed, dp.Name, GetType().Name)); 

            ResourceReferenceExpression resourceExpression = value as ResourceReferenceExpression;
            DynamicResourceExtension dynamicResourceExtension = value as DynamicResourceExtension; 
            object resourceKey = null;
            if( resourceExpression != null ) 
                resourceKey = resourceExpression.ResourceKey; 
            else if( dynamicResourceExtension != null )
                resourceKey = dynamicResourceExtension.ResourceKey; 
            if (resourceKey == null) 
                TemplateBindingExtension templateBinding = value as TemplateBindingExtension; 
                if (templateBinding == null)
                    UpdatePropertyValueList( dp, PropertyValueType.Set, value );
                    UpdatePropertyValueList( dp, PropertyValueType.TemplateBinding, templateBinding ); 
                UpdatePropertyValueList(dp, PropertyValueType.Resource, resourceKey);
        ///     Set up data binding on template child
        /// Dependent property
        /// Description of binding
        public void SetBinding(DependencyProperty dp, BindingBase binding)
            // store Binding in the style - this will get converted to Binding
            // on demand (see Style.ProcessApplyValuesHelper) 
            SetValue(dp, binding); 
        ///     Resource binding on template child
        /// Dependent property 
        /// Resource identifier
        public void SetResourceReference(DependencyProperty dp, object name) 
            if (_sealed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory"));

            if (dp == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dp"); 

            UpdatePropertyValueList( dp, PropertyValueType.Resource, name ); 

        ///     Add an event handler for the given routed event. This action applies to the instances created by this factory 
        public void AddHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler) 
            // HandledEventToo defaults to false
            // Call forwarded 
            AddHandler(routedEvent, handler, false);

        ///     Add an event handler for the given routed event. This action applies to the instances created by this factory
        public void AddHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler, bool handledEventsToo) 
            if (_sealed) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory"));
            if (routedEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("routedEvent"); 
            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (handler.GetType() != routedEvent.HandlerType) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.HandlerTypeIllegal));

            if (_eventHandlersStore == null)
                _eventHandlersStore = new EventHandlersStore(); 
            _eventHandlersStore.AddRoutedEventHandler(routedEvent, handler, handledEventsToo); 

            // Keep track of whether we're listening to the loaded or unloaded events; 
            // if so, we have to trigger a listener in the FE/FCE (as a performance
            // optimization).

            if (  (routedEvent == FrameworkElement.LoadedEvent) 
                ||(routedEvent == FrameworkElement.UnloadedEvent))
                HasLoadedChangeHandler = true; 

        ///     Remove an event handler for the given routed event. This action applies to the instances created by this factory
        public void RemoveHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler)
            if (_sealed) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "FrameworkElementFactory")); 

            if (routedEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("routedEvent");
            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (handler.GetType() != routedEvent.HandlerType) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.HandlerTypeIllegal)); 

            if (_eventHandlersStore != null) 
                _eventHandlersStore.RemoveRoutedEventHandler(routedEvent, handler);

                // Update the loaded/unloaded optimization flags if necessary 

                if (  (routedEvent == FrameworkElement.LoadedEvent) 
                    ||(routedEvent == FrameworkElement.UnloadedEvent)) 
                    if (  !_eventHandlersStore.Contains(FrameworkElement.LoadedEvent) 
                        HasLoadedChangeHandler = false;

        ///     Store all the event handlers for this FEF
        internal EventHandlersStore EventHandlersStore
                return _eventHandlersStore; 
                _eventHandlersStore = value;

        // Says if we have anything listening for the Loaded or Unloaded
        // event (used for an optimization in FrameworkElement). 

        internal bool HasLoadedChangeHandler
            get { return _hasLoadedChangeHandler; }
            set { _hasLoadedChangeHandler = value; } 


        ///     Given a set of values for the PropertyValue struct, put that in
        /// to the PropertyValueList, overwriting any existing entry. 
        private void UpdatePropertyValueList( 
            DependencyProperty dp, 
            PropertyValueType valueType,
            object value) 
            // Check for existing value on dp
            int existingIndex = -1;
            for( int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++ ) 
                if( PropertyValues[i].Property == dp ) 
                    existingIndex = i;

            if( existingIndex >= 0 ) 
                // Overwrite existing value for dp 
                lock (_synchronized) 
                    PropertyValue propertyValue = PropertyValues[existingIndex]; 
                    propertyValue.ValueType = valueType;
                    propertyValue.ValueInternal = value;
                    // Put back modified struct
                    PropertyValues[existingIndex] = propertyValue; 
                // Store original data 
                PropertyValue propertyValue = new PropertyValue();
                propertyValue.ValueType = valueType;
                propertyValue.ChildName = null;  // Delayed
                propertyValue.Property = dp; 
                propertyValue.ValueInternal = value;
                lock (_synchronized) 
        ///     Create a DependencyObject instance of the specified type 
        ///     By default, reflection is used to create the instance. For 
        ///     best perf, override this and do specific construction
        /// New instance
        private DependencyObject CreateDependencyObject() 
            // Not expecting InvalidCastException - Type.set should have 
            //  verified that it is a FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement. 

            if (_knownTypeId != 0) 
                int positiveId = (int)-_knownTypeId;
                return KnownTypes.CreateKnownElement((KnownElements)positiveId) as DependencyObject;

            return (DependencyObject)Activator.CreateInstance(_type); 

        ///     FrameworkElementFactory mutability state
        public bool IsSealed
            get { return _sealed; }

        ///     Parent factory
        public FrameworkElementFactory Parent
            get { return _parent; }
        ///     First child factory 
        public FrameworkElementFactory FirstChild
            get { return _firstChild; } 
        ///     Next sibling factory
        public FrameworkElementFactory NextSibling
            get { return _nextSibling; }

        internal FrameworkTemplate FrameworkTemplate 
            get { return _frameworkTemplate; }

        internal object GetValue(DependencyProperty dp)
            // Retrieve a value previously set
            // Scan for record 
            for (int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++)
                if (PropertyValues[i].ValueType == PropertyValueType.Set &&
                    PropertyValues[i].Property == dp)
                    // Found a Set record, return the value 
                    return PropertyValues[i].ValueInternal;

            return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 

        // Seal this FEF
        internal void Seal(FrameworkTemplate ownerTemplate) 
            if (_sealed) 

            // Store owner Template
            _frameworkTemplate = ownerTemplate;
            // Perform actual Seal operation

        private void Seal() 
            if (_type == null && _text == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.NullTypeIllegal)); 
            if (_firstChild != null) 
                // This factory has children, it must implement IAddChild so that these 
                // children can be added to the logical tree
                if (!typeof(IAddChild).IsAssignableFrom(_type))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMustImplementIAddChild, _type.Name)); 
            if ((_childName != null) && (_childName != String.Empty))
                // ChildName provided
                if (!IsChildNameValid(_childName)) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ChildNameNamePatternReserved, _childName)); 

                _childName = String.Intern(_childName); 
                // ChildName not provided 

                _childName = GenerateChildName(); 

            lock (_synchronized)
                // Set delayed ChildID for all property triggers
                for (int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++) 
                    PropertyValue propertyValue = PropertyValues[i]; 
                    propertyValue.ChildName = _childName; 

                    // Freeze the FEF property value 

                    // Put back modified struct
                    PropertyValues[i] = propertyValue; 

            _sealed = true; 

            // Convert ChildName to Template-specific ChildIndex, if applicable
            if ((_childName != null) && (_childName != String.Empty) &&
                _frameworkTemplate != null ) 
                _childIndex = StyleHelper.CreateChildIndexFromChildName(_childName, _frameworkTemplate); 

            // Seal all children 
            FrameworkElementFactory child = _firstChild;
            while (child != null)
                if (_frameworkTemplate != null) 

                child = child._nextSibling; 

        // Instantiate a tree.  This is a recursive routine that will build the 
        //  subtree via calls to itself.  The root node being instantiated will
        //  have identical references for the "container" and "parent" parameters. 
        // The "affectedChildren" and "noChildIndexChildren" parameters refer to the children 
        //  chain for the "container" object.  This chain will have all the
        //  children - not just the immediate children.  The node being 
        //  instantiated here will be added to this chain.
        // The tree is instantiated in a depth-first traversal, so children nodes
        //  are added to the chain in depth-first order as well.
        //[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647 
        internal DependencyObject InstantiateTree(
                UncommonField           dataField, 
                DependencyObject                            container, 
                DependencyObject                            parent,
                List                      affectedChildren, 
            ref List                      noChildIndexChildren,
            ref FrugalStructList    resourceDependents)
            bool tracingEnabled = EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose); 
            if (tracingEnabled)
                EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.PARSEFEFCREATEINSTANCEGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.StartEvent); 
            FrameworkElement containerAsFE = container as FrameworkElement;
            bool isContainerAnFE = containerAsFE != null;

            DependencyObject treeNode = null; 
            // If we have text, just add it to the parent.  Otherwise create the child
            // subtree 
            if (_text != null) 
                // of FrameworkContentElement parent.  This is the logical equivalent 
                // to what happens when adding a child to a visual collection.
                IAddChild addChildParent = parent as IAddChild;

                if (addChildParent == null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMustImplementIAddChild, 
                // Factory create instance 
                treeNode = CreateDependencyObject();
                if (tracingEnabled)
                    EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.PARSEFEFCREATEINSTANCEGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent);

                // The tree node is either a FrameworkElement or a FrameworkContentElement. 
                //  we'll deal with one or the other... 
                FrameworkObject treeNodeFO = new FrameworkObject(treeNode);
                Visual3D treeNodeVisual3D = null;
                bool treeNodeIsVisual3D = false;

                if (!treeNodeFO.IsValid) 
                    // If it's neither of those, we have special support for Visual3D 
                    treeNodeVisual3D = treeNode as Visual3D;
                    if (treeNodeVisual3D != null) 
                        treeNodeIsVisual3D = true;

                Debug.Assert( treeNodeFO.IsValid || (treeNodeVisual3D != null), 
                    "We should not be trying to instantiate a node that is neither FrameworkElement nor FrameworkContentElement.  A type check should have been done when Type is set");
                // And here's the bool we'll use to make the decision. 
                bool treeNodeIsFE = treeNodeFO.IsFE;
                // Handle FE/FCE-specific optimizations

                if (!treeNodeIsVisual3D)
                    // Postpone "Initialized" event
                    NewNodeBeginInit( treeNodeIsFE, treeNodeFO.FE, treeNodeFO.FCE ); 
                    // Set the resource reference flags
                    if (StyleHelper.HasResourceDependentsForChild(_childIndex, ref resourceDependents)) 
                        treeNodeFO.HasResourceReference = true;
                    // Update the two chains that tracks all the nodes created
                    //  from all the FrameworkElementFactory of this Style. 
                    UpdateChildChains( _childName, _childIndex, 
                        treeNodeIsFE, treeNodeFO.FE, treeNodeFO.FCE,
                        affectedChildren, ref noChildIndexChildren ); 

                    // All FrameworkElementFactory-created elements point to the object
                    //  whose Style.VisualTree definition caused all this to occur
                    NewNodeStyledParentProperty( container, isContainerAnFE, treeNodeIsFE, treeNodeFO.FE, treeNodeFO.FCE ); 

                    // Initialize the per-instance data for the new element.  This 
                    // needs to be done before any properties are invalidated. 
                    if (_childIndex != -1)
                        Debug.Assert( _frameworkTemplate != null );

                        StyleHelper.CreateInstanceDataForChild(dataField, container, treeNode, _childIndex,
                            _frameworkTemplate.HasInstanceValues, ref _frameworkTemplate.ChildRecordFromChildIndex); 
                    // If this element needs to know about the Loaded or Unloaded events, set the optimization 
                    // bit in the element
                    if (HasLoadedChangeHandler)
                    if (_childName != null)
                        // Add this instance to the child index chain so that it may
                        // be tracked by the style

                        // Child nodes with no _childID (hence no _childIndex) are
                        //  tracked on a separate chain that will be appended to the 
                        //  main chain for cleanup purposes.
                        if (noChildIndexChildren == null)
                            noChildIndexChildren = new List(4); 

                // New node is initialized, build tree top down
                // (Node added before children of node) 
                if (container == parent)
                    // Set the NameScope on the root of the Template generated tree 
                    TemplateNameScope templateNameScope = new TemplateNameScope(container);
                    NameScope.SetNameScope(treeNode, templateNameScope); 

                    // This is the root of the tree
                    if (isContainerAnFE)
                        // The root is added to the Visual tree (not logical) for the
                        // case of FrameworkElement parents 
                        containerAsFE.TemplateChild = treeNodeFO.FE; 
                        // The root is added to the logical tree for the case
                        // of FrameworkContentElement parent.  This is the logical equivalent
                        // to what happens when adding a child to a visual collection. 
                        AddNodeToLogicalTree( (FrameworkContentElement)parent, _type,
                            treeNodeIsFE, treeNodeFO.FE, treeNodeFO.FCE ); 
                    // Call parent IAddChild to add treeNodeFO
                    AddNodeToParent( parent, treeNodeFO );

                // Either set properties or invalidate them, depending on the type 
                if (!treeNodeIsVisual3D)
                    // For non-3D content, we need to invalidate any properties that
                    // came from FrameworkElementFactory.SetValue or VisulaTrigger.SetValue
                    // so that they can get picked up.
                    Debug.Assert( _frameworkTemplate != null );
                                ref _frameworkTemplate.ChildRecordFromChildIndex,
                                false /*isDetach*/,
                    // For 3D, which doesn't understand templates, we set the properties directly
                    // onto the newly-instantiated element. 

                    for (int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++)
                        if (PropertyValues[i].ValueType == PropertyValueType.Set) 
                            // Get the value out of the table. 
                            object o = PropertyValues[i].ValueInternal; 

                            // If it's a freezable that can't be frozen, it's probably not sharable,
                            // so we make a copy of it.
                            Freezable freezableValue = o as Freezable;
                            if (freezableValue != null && !freezableValue.CanFreeze) 
                                o = freezableValue.Clone(); 

                            // Or, if it's a markup extension, get the value 
                            // to set on this property from the MarkupExtension itself.
                            MarkupExtension me = o as MarkupExtension;
                            if (me != null)
                                ProvideValueServiceProvider serviceProvider = new ProvideValueServiceProvider();
                                serviceProvider.SetData( treeNodeVisual3D, PropertyValues[i].Property ); 
                                o = me.ProvideValue( serviceProvider ); 
                            // Finally, set the value onto the object.
                            treeNodeVisual3D.SetValue(PropertyValues[i].Property, o);


                            // We don't support resource references, triggers, etc within the 3D content
                            throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.Template3DValueOnly, PropertyValues[i].Property) ); 


                // Build child tree from factories
                FrameworkElementFactory childFactory = _firstChild; 
                while (childFactory != null)
                        ref noChildIndexChildren,
                        ref resourceDependents); 

                    childFactory = childFactory._nextSibling;
                if (!treeNodeIsVisual3D)
                    // Fire "Initialized" event 
                    NewNodeEndInit( treeNodeIsFE, treeNodeFO.FE, treeNodeFO.FCE );
            return treeNode;

        //  Add a child to a parent, using IAddChild.  This has special support for Grid, 
        //  to allow backward compatibility with FEF-based templates that have Column/RowDefinition
        //  children directly  under the Grid. 

        private void AddNodeToParent( DependencyObject parent, FrameworkObject childFrameworkObject )
            Grid parentGrid;
            ColumnDefinition childNodeColumnDefinition; 
            RowDefinition childNodeRowDefinition = null; 

            if (    childFrameworkObject.IsFCE 
                &&  (parentGrid = parent as Grid) != null
                &&  (   (childNodeColumnDefinition = childFrameworkObject.FCE as ColumnDefinition) != null
                    ||  (childNodeRowDefinition = childFrameworkObject.FCE as RowDefinition) != null  )
                if (childNodeColumnDefinition != null) 
                else if (childNodeRowDefinition != null)
                // CALLBACK
                // Inheritable property invalidations will occur due to 
                //   OnParentChanged resulting from AddChild

                if (!(parent is IAddChild))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMustImplementIAddChild,


        // This tree is used to instantiate a tree, represented by this factory.
        // It is instantiated as a normal tree without any template optimizations. 
        // This is used by designers to inspect a template. 

        internal FrameworkObject InstantiateUnoptimizedTree() 

            if (!_sealed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.FrameworkElementFactoryMustBeSealed));
            // Create the object.
            FrameworkObject frameworkObject = new FrameworkObject(CreateDependencyObject());

            // Mark the beginning of initialization
            // Set values for this object, taking them from the shared values table. 

            ProvideValueServiceProvider provideValueServiceProvider = null; 
            FrameworkTemplate.SetTemplateParentValues( Name, frameworkObject.DO, _frameworkTemplate, ref provideValueServiceProvider );

            // Get the first child
            FrameworkElementFactory childFactory = _firstChild;
            // If we have children, get this object's IAddChild, because it's going to be a parent. 

            IAddChild iAddChild = null; 
            if( childFactory != null )
                iAddChild = frameworkObject.DO as IAddChild;
                if (iAddChild == null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMustImplementIAddChild, 

            // Build the children.

            while (childFactory != null) 
                if (childFactory._text != null) 

                    // Use frameworkObject's IAddChild to add this node.
                    FrameworkObject childFrameworkObject = childFactory.InstantiateUnoptimizedTree(); 
                    AddNodeToParent(frameworkObject.DO, childFrameworkObject ); 
                childFactory = childFactory._nextSibling;

            // Mark the end of the initialization phase 

            return frameworkObject;

        ///     Update the chain of FrameworkElementFactory-created nodes.
        ///     We have two collections of child nodes created from all the
        /// FrameworkElementFactory in a single Style.  Some we "care about" 
        /// because of property values, triggers, etc.  Others just needed
        /// to be created and put in a tree, and we can stop worrying about
        /// them.  The former is 'affectedChildren', the latter is
        /// 'noChildIndexChildren' so called because the nodes we don't 
        /// care about were not assigned a child index.
        private static void UpdateChildChains( string childID, int childIndex, 
            bool treeNodeIsFE, FrameworkElement treeNodeFE, FrameworkContentElement treeNodeFCE,
            List affectedChildren, ref List noChildIndexChildren ) 
            if (childID != null)
                // If a child ID exists, then, a valid child index exists as well 
                if( treeNodeIsFE )
                    treeNodeFE.TemplateChildIndex = childIndex; 
                    treeNodeFCE.TemplateChildIndex = childIndex;
                // Add this instance to the child index chain so that it may
                // be tracked by the style 
                affectedChildren.Add(treeNodeIsFE ? (DependencyObject)treeNodeFE : (DependencyObject)treeNodeFCE);
                // Child nodes with no _childID (hence no _childIndex) are
                //  tracked on a separate chain that will be appended to the 
                //  main chain for cleanup purposes.
                if (noChildIndexChildren == null) 
                    noChildIndexChildren = new List(4);

                noChildIndexChildren.Add(treeNodeIsFE ? (DependencyObject)treeNodeFE : (DependencyObject)treeNodeFCE);

        ///     Call BeginInit on the newly-created node to postpone the 
        /// "Initialized" event.
        internal static void NewNodeBeginInit( bool treeNodeIsFE,
            FrameworkElement treeNodeFE, FrameworkContentElement treeNodeFCE )
            if( treeNodeIsFE ) 
                // Mark the beginning of the initialization phase 
                // Mark the beginning of the initialization phase
        ///     Call EndInit on the newly-created node to fire the
        /// "Initialized" event. 
        private static void NewNodeEndInit( bool treeNodeIsFE,
            FrameworkElement treeNodeFE, FrameworkContentElement treeNodeFCE )
            if( treeNodeIsFE )
                // Mark the beginning of the initialization phase 
                // Mark the beginning of the initialization phase
        ///     Setup the pointers on this FrameworkElementFactory-created 
        /// node so we can find our way back to the object whose Style
        /// included this FrameworkElementFactory.
        private static void NewNodeStyledParentProperty( 
            DependencyObject container, bool isContainerAnFE,
            bool treeNodeIsFE, FrameworkElement treeNodeFE, FrameworkContentElement treeNodeFCE) 
            if( treeNodeIsFE )
                treeNodeFE._templatedParent = container ;
                treeNodeFE.IsTemplatedParentAnFE = isContainerAnFE;
                treeNodeFCE._templatedParent = container ; 
                treeNodeFCE.IsTemplatedParentAnFE = isContainerAnFE; 

        ///     When Style.VisualTree is applied to a FrameworkContentElement,
        /// it is actually added to the logical tree because FrameworkContentElement 
        /// has no visual tree.
        ///     A prime example of trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.
        internal static void AddNodeToLogicalTree( DependencyObject parent, Type type,
            bool treeNodeIsFE, FrameworkElement treeNodeFE, FrameworkContentElement treeNodeFCE)
            // If the logical parent already has children, then we can't add 
            // a logical subtree from the style, since there would be a conflict.
            // Throw an exception in this case. 
            FrameworkContentElement logicalParent = parent as FrameworkContentElement; 
            if (logicalParent != null)
                IEnumerator childEnumerator = logicalParent.LogicalChildren;
                if (childEnumerator != null && childEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AlreadyHasLogicalChildren, 

            IAddChild  addChildParent = parent as IAddChild; 
            if (addChildParent == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotHookupFCERoot,
                if (treeNodeFE != null)
        // This method is also used by XamlStyleSerializer to decide whether
        // or not to emit the Name attribute for a VisualTree node.
        internal bool IsChildNameValid(string childName)
            return !childName.StartsWith(AutoGenChildNamePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal);
        private string GenerateChildName()
            string childName = AutoGenChildNamePrefix + AutoGenChildNamePostfix.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            Interlocked.Increment(ref AutoGenChildNamePostfix);
            return childName;

        private void ApplyAutoAliasRules() 
            // See also StyleHelper.ApplyAutoAliasRules, which performs this auto-aliasing
            // for non-FEF (Baml) templates.
            if (typeof(ContentPresenter).IsAssignableFrom(_type))
                // ContentPresenter auto-aliases Content, ContentTemplate, and 
                // ContentTemplateSelector to respective properties on the
                // styled parent. 

                // The prefix is obtained from the ContentSource property.
                // If this is null, user is explicitly asking for no auto-aliasing.
                object o = GetValue(ContentPresenter.ContentSourceProperty); 
                string prefix = (o == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) ? "Content" : (string)o;
                // if Content is previously set, do nothing 
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) && !IsValueDefined(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty))
                    // find source properties, using prefix
                    Debug.Assert(_frameworkTemplate != null, "ContentPresenter is an FE and can only have a FrameworkTemplate");
                    Type targetType = _frameworkTemplate.TargetTypeInternal;
                    DependencyProperty dpContent = DependencyProperty.FromName(prefix, targetType);
                    DependencyProperty dpContentTemplate = DependencyProperty.FromName(prefix + "Template", targetType); 
                    DependencyProperty dpContentTemplateSelector = DependencyProperty.FromName(prefix + "TemplateSelector", targetType); 
                    DependencyProperty dpContentStringFormat = DependencyProperty.FromName(prefix + "StringFormat", targetType);
                    // if desired source for Content doesn't exist, report an error
                    if (dpContent == null && o != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.MissingContentSource, prefix, targetType)); 
                    // auto-alias the Content property 
                    if (dpContent != null)
                        SetValue(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(dpContent));

                    // auto-alias the remaining properties if none of them are previously set 
                    if (!IsValueDefined(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty) &&
                        !IsValueDefined(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateSelectorProperty) && 
                        if (dpContentTemplate != null) 
                            SetValue(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(dpContentTemplate));
                        if (dpContentTemplateSelector != null)
                            SetValue(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateSelectorProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(dpContentTemplateSelector));
                        if (dpContentStringFormat != null) 
                            SetValue(ContentPresenter.ContentStringFormatProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(dpContentStringFormat));
            else if (typeof(GridViewRowPresenter).IsAssignableFrom(_type)) 
                // GridViewRowPresenter auto-aliases Content and Columns to Content
                // property GridView.ColumnCollection property on the templated parent.
                // if Content is previously set, do nothing
                if (!IsValueDefined(GridViewRowPresenter.ContentProperty)) 
                    // find source property
                    Debug.Assert(_frameworkTemplate != null, "GridViewRowPresenter is an FE and can only have a FrameworkTemplate"); 
                    Type targetType = _frameworkTemplate.TargetTypeInternal;

                    DependencyProperty dpContent = DependencyProperty.FromName("Content", targetType);
                    // auto-alias the Content property
                    if (dpContent != null) 
                        SetValue(GridViewRowPresenter.ContentProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(dpContent));

                // if Columns is previously set, do nothing
                if (!IsValueDefined(GridViewRowPresenter.ColumnsProperty)) 
                    // auto-alias the Columns property 
                    SetValue(GridViewRowPresenter.ColumnsProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(GridView.ColumnCollectionProperty)); 

        private bool IsValueDefined(DependencyProperty dp) 
            for (int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++) 
                if (PropertyValues[i].Property == dp &&
                    (PropertyValues[i].ValueType == PropertyValueType.Set || 
                     PropertyValues[i].ValueType == PropertyValueType.Resource ||
                     PropertyValues[i].ValueType == PropertyValueType.TemplateBinding))
                    return true; 
            return false;

        private bool _sealed;
        // Synchronized (write locks, lock-free reads): Covered by FrameworkElementFactory instance lock
        /* property */ internal FrugalStructList PropertyValues = new FrugalStructList(); 
        // Store all the event handlers for this FEF
        // NOTE: We cannot use UnCommonField because that uses property engine 
        // storage that can be set only on a DependencyObject
        private EventHandlersStore _eventHandlersStore;

        internal bool                   _hasLoadedChangeHandler; 

        private Type _type; 
        private string _text; 
        private short _knownTypeId = 0;
        private string _childName; 
        internal int _childIndex = -1; // Being used in Style.ProcessTemplateStyles

        private FrameworkTemplate _frameworkTemplate;
        // Auto-generated ChildID uniqueness
        // Synchronized: Covered by Interlocked.Increment 
        private static int AutoGenChildNamePostfix = 1; 
        private static string AutoGenChildNamePrefix = "~ChildID";
        private FrameworkElementFactory _parent;
        private FrameworkElementFactory _firstChild;
        private FrameworkElementFactory _lastChild;
        private FrameworkElementFactory _nextSibling; 

        // Instance-based synchronization 
        private object _synchronized = new object(); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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