ColumnMapProcessor.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Query / PlanCompiler / ColumnMapProcessor.cs / 1 / ColumnMapProcessor.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....], [....]
using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using md = System.Data.Metadata.Edm; 
using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees;
using System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler; 
//using System.Diagnostics; // Please use PlanCompiler.Assert instead of Debug.Assert in this class... 
using System.Globalization;
namespace System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler {

    internal class ColumnMapProcessor {
        #region "public" methods
        internal ColumnMap ExpandColumnMap() { 
            // special handling for the case when the top-level var is a collection.
            // The element type of the collection may have changed, and consequently a new 
            // var will have been created. We simply create a columnmap with that var.
            CollectionVarInfo collectionVarInfo = m_varInfo as CollectionVarInfo;
            if (collectionVarInfo != null) {
                return new VarRefColumnMap(m_columnMap.Var.Type, m_columnMap.Name, collectionVarInfo.NewVar); 
            else { 
                return this.CreateColumnMap(m_columnMap.Var.Type, m_columnMap.Name); 


        #region Constructors 

        internal ColumnMapProcessor(VarRefColumnMap columnMap, VarInfo varInfo, StructuredTypeInfo typeInfo) { 
            m_columnMap = columnMap; 
            m_varInfo = varInfo;
            PlanCompiler.Assert(varInfo.NewVars != null && varInfo.NewVars.Count > 0, "No new Vars specified"); 
            m_varList = varInfo.NewVars.GetEnumerator();
            m_typeInfo = typeInfo;
        #region private state 

        private IEnumerator m_varList; 
        private VarInfo m_varInfo;
        private VarRefColumnMap m_columnMap;
        private StructuredTypeInfo m_typeInfo;
        private const string c_TypeIdColumnName = "__TypeId"; // name of the typeid column 
        private const string c_EntitySetIdColumnName = "__EntitySetId"; // name of the entityset column
        private const string c_NullSentinelColumnName = "__NullSentinel"; // name of the nullability column 
        #region private methods

        private Var GetNextVar() {
            if (m_varList.MoveNext()) { 
                return m_varList.Current;
            PlanCompiler.Assert(false, "Could not GetNextVar"); 
            return null;

        /// Creates a column map for a column
        /// column datatype
        /// column name 
        private ColumnMap CreateColumnMap(md.TypeUsage type, string name) {
            // For simple types, create a simple column map 
            // Temporarily, handle collections exactly the same way
            if (!TypeUtils.IsStructuredType(type)) {
                return CreateSimpleColumnMap(type, name);

            // At this point, we must be dealing with either a record type, a 
            // complex type, or an entity type 
            return CreateStructuralColumnMap(type, name);

        /// Create a column map for a complextype column
        /// Type information for the type
        /// column name 
        /// Supertype info if any 
        /// Dictionary of typeidvalue->column map
        /// List of all maps 
        private ComplexTypeColumnMap CreateComplexTypeColumnMap(TypeInfo typeInfo, string name, ComplexTypeColumnMap superTypeColumnMap,
            Dictionary discriminatorMap, List allMaps) {
            List propertyColumnMapList = new List(); 
            IEnumerable myProperties = null;
            SimpleColumnMap nullSentinelColumnMap = null; 
            if (typeInfo.HasNullSentinelProperty) {
                nullSentinelColumnMap = CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(typeInfo.NullSentinelProperty), c_NullSentinelColumnName); 

            // Copy over information from my supertype if it already exists
            if (superTypeColumnMap != null) { 
                foreach (ColumnMap c in superTypeColumnMap.Properties) {
                myProperties = TypeHelpers.GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(typeInfo.Type);
            else {
                // need to get all members otherwise
                myProperties = TypeHelpers.GetAllStructuralMembers(typeInfo.Type);

            // Now add on all of my "specific" properties 
            foreach (md.EdmMember property in myProperties) { 
                ColumnMap propertyColumnMap = CreateColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(property), property.Name);

            // Create a map for myself
            ComplexTypeColumnMap columnMap = new ComplexTypeColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, propertyColumnMapList.ToArray(), nullSentinelColumnMap); 

            // if a dictionary is supplied, add myself to the dictionary 
            if (discriminatorMap != null) { 
                discriminatorMap[typeInfo.TypeId] = columnMap;
            if (allMaps != null) {
            // Finally walk through my subtypes - use the same column name 
            foreach (TypeInfo subTypeInfo in typeInfo.ImmediateSubTypes) {
                CreateComplexTypeColumnMap(subTypeInfo, name, columnMap, discriminatorMap, allMaps); 

            return columnMap; 

        /// Create a column map for an entitytype column. 
        /// Currently, the key columns are not duplicated (ie) they point into the
        /// same locations as in the properties list. 
        /// Note: we also don't handle keys that are properties of nested fields 
        /// Type information for the type 
        /// column name
        /// supertype information if any
        /// Dictionary of typeid->column map information
        /// List of all column maps (including those without typeid) 
        /// should we handle rel-properties?
        private EntityColumnMap CreateEntityColumnMap(TypeInfo typeInfo, string name, EntityColumnMap superTypeColumnMap, 
            Dictionary discriminatorMap, List allMaps, bool handleRelProperties) {
            EntityColumnMap columnMap = null; 
            List propertyColumnMapList = new List();

            // Copy over information from my supertype if it already exists
            if (superTypeColumnMap != null) { 
                // get supertype properties
                foreach (ColumnMap c in superTypeColumnMap.Properties) { 
                // Now add on all of my "specific" properties 
                foreach (md.EdmMember property in TypeHelpers.GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(typeInfo.Type)) {
                    ColumnMap propertyColumnMap = CreateColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(property), property.Name);
                // create the entity column map w/ information from my supertype
                columnMap = new EntityColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, propertyColumnMapList.ToArray(), superTypeColumnMap.EntityIdentity); 
            else {
                SimpleColumnMap entitySetIdColumnMap = null; 
                if (typeInfo.HasEntitySetIdProperty) {
                    entitySetIdColumnMap = CreateEntitySetIdColumnMap(typeInfo.EntitySetIdProperty);
                // build up a list of key columns
                List keyColumnMapList = new List(); 
                // Create a dictionary to look up the key properties 
                Dictionary keyPropertyMap = new Dictionary();
                foreach (md.EdmMember property in TypeHelpers.GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(typeInfo.Type)) {
                    ColumnMap propertyColumnMap = CreateColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(property), property.Name);
                    // add property to keymap, if this property is part of the key 
                    if (md.TypeSemantics.IsPartOfKey(property)) {
                        md.EdmProperty edmProperty = property as md.EdmProperty; 
                        PlanCompiler.Assert(edmProperty != null, "EntityType key member is not property?"); 
                        keyPropertyMap[edmProperty] = propertyColumnMap;

                // Build up the key list if required
                foreach (md.EdmMember keyProperty in TypeHelpers.GetEdmType(typeInfo.Type).KeyMembers) { 
                    md.EdmProperty edmKeyProperty = keyProperty as md.EdmProperty;
                    PlanCompiler.Assert(edmKeyProperty!=null, "EntityType key member is not property?"); 
                    SimpleColumnMap keyColumnMap = keyPropertyMap[edmKeyProperty] as SimpleColumnMap; 
                    PlanCompiler.Assert(keyColumnMap != null, "keyColumnMap is null");

                // Create the entity identity. 
                EntityIdentity identity = CreateEntityIdentity((md.EntityType)typeInfo.Type.EdmType, entitySetIdColumnMap, keyColumnMapList.ToArray()); 
                // finally create the entity column map
                columnMap = new EntityColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, propertyColumnMapList.ToArray(), identity); 

            // if a dictionary is supplied, add myself to the dictionary (abstract types need not be added)
            if (discriminatorMap != null) { 
                // where DiscriminatedNewInstanceOp is used, there will not be an explicit type id for an abstract type
                // or types that do not appear in the QueryView 
                // (the mapping will not include such information) 
                if (null != typeInfo.TypeId) {
                    discriminatorMap[typeInfo.TypeId] = columnMap; 
            if (allMaps != null) {
            // Finally walk through my subtypes 
            foreach (TypeInfo subTypeInfo in typeInfo.ImmediateSubTypes) { 
                CreateEntityColumnMap(subTypeInfo, name, columnMap, discriminatorMap, allMaps, false);

            // Build up the list of rel property column maps
            if (handleRelProperties) {
                BuildRelPropertyColumnMaps(typeInfo, true); 
            return columnMap;

        /// Build up the list of columnmaps for the relproperties.
        /// Assumption: rel-properties follow after ALL the regular properties of the 
        /// types in the type hierarchy.
        /// For now, we're simply going to ignore the rel-property columnmaps - we're 
        /// just going to use this function to "drain" the corresponding vars 
        /// typeinfo for the entity type 
        /// should we get rel-properties from our supertype instances
        private void BuildRelPropertyColumnMaps(TypeInfo typeInfo, bool includeSupertypeRelProperties) {
            // Get the appropriate set of rel-properties 
            IEnumerable relProperties = null; 
            if (includeSupertypeRelProperties) {
                relProperties = m_typeInfo.RelPropertyHelper.GetRelProperties(typeInfo.Type.EdmType as md.EntityTypeBase); 
            else {
                relProperties = m_typeInfo.RelPropertyHelper.GetDeclaredOnlyRelProperties(typeInfo.Type.EdmType as md.EntityTypeBase);

            // Create a column-map for each rel-properties 
            foreach (RelProperty property in relProperties) { 
                ColumnMap propertyColumnMap = CreateColumnMap(property.ToEnd.TypeUsage, property.ToString());

            // Add all subtypes
            foreach (TypeInfo subTypeInfo in typeInfo.ImmediateSubTypes) { 
                BuildRelPropertyColumnMaps(subTypeInfo, false);

        /// Create a column map for the entitysetid column 
        private SimpleColumnMap CreateEntitySetIdColumnMap(md.EdmProperty prop) {
            return CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(prop), c_EntitySetIdColumnName); 

        /// Creates a column map for a polymorphic type. This method first 
        /// creates column maps for each type that is a subtype of the input type,
        /// and then creates a dictionary of typeid value -> column 
        /// Finally, a PolymorphicColumnMap is created with these pieces of information 
        /// Info about the type 
        /// column name
        private SimplePolymorphicColumnMap CreatePolymorphicColumnMap(TypeInfo typeInfo, string name) {
            // if the typeInfo has a DiscriminatorMap, use TrailingSpaceComparer to ensure that lookups 
            // against discriminator values that SQL Server has right-padded (e.g. nchar and char) are properly
            // interpreted 
            Dictionary discriminatorMap = new Dictionary( 
                typeInfo.RootType.DiscriminatorMap == null ? null : TrailingSpaceComparer.Instance);
            // abstract types may not have discriminator values, but may nonetheless be interesting 
            List allMaps = new List();

            // SQLBUDT #433011 -- Polymorphic types must construct column maps
            //                    that map to the entire type hierarchy, so we 
            //                    need to use the RootType, not the current type.
            TypeInfo rootTypeInfo = typeInfo.RootType; 
            // Get the type discriminant column first
            SimpleColumnMap typeIdColumnMap = CreateTypeIdColumnMap(rootTypeInfo.TypeIdProperty); 

            // Prepare a place for the constructors to put the columns on the base
            // type, as they identify them.
            TypedColumnMap rootTypeColumnMap = null; 

            // process complex/entity types appropriately 
            // use the same name for the column 
            if (md.TypeSemantics.IsComplexType(typeInfo.Type)) {
                rootTypeColumnMap = CreateComplexTypeColumnMap(rootTypeInfo, name, null, discriminatorMap, allMaps); 
            else {
                rootTypeColumnMap = CreateEntityColumnMap(rootTypeInfo, name, null, discriminatorMap, allMaps, true);

            // Naturally, nothing is simple; we need to walk the rootTypeColumnMap hierarchy 
            // and find the column map for the type that we are supposed to have as the base 
            // type of this hierarchy.
            TypedColumnMap baseTypeColumnMap = null;
            foreach (TypedColumnMap value in allMaps) {
                if (md.TypeSemantics.IsEquivalent(value.Type, typeInfo.Type))
                    baseTypeColumnMap = value;
            PlanCompiler.Assert(null != baseTypeColumnMap, "Didn't find requested type in polymorphic type hierarchy?"); 

            // Create a polymorphic column map
            SimplePolymorphicColumnMap result = new SimplePolymorphicColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, baseTypeColumnMap.Properties, typeIdColumnMap, discriminatorMap);
            return result; 
        /// Create a column map for a record type. Simply iterates through the
        /// list of fields, and produces a column map for each field 
        /// Type information for the record type
        /// column name
        private RecordColumnMap CreateRecordColumnMap(TypeInfo typeInfo, string name) {
            PlanCompiler.Assert(typeInfo.Type.EdmType is md.RowType, "not RowType"); 
            SimpleColumnMap nullSentinelColumnMap = null; 
            if (typeInfo.HasNullSentinelProperty) {
                nullSentinelColumnMap = CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(typeInfo.NullSentinelProperty), c_NullSentinelColumnName); 

            md.ReadOnlyMetadataCollection properties = TypeHelpers.GetProperties(typeInfo.Type);
            ColumnMap[] propertyColumnMapList = new ColumnMap[properties.Count]; 
            for (int i = 0; i < propertyColumnMapList.Length; ++i) {
                md.EdmMember property = properties[i]; 
                propertyColumnMapList[i] = CreateColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(property), property.Name); 
            RecordColumnMap result = new RecordColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, propertyColumnMapList, nullSentinelColumnMap);
            return result;
        /// Create a column map for a ref type 
        /// Type information for the ref type
        /// Name of the column 
        /// Column map for the ref type
        private RefColumnMap CreateRefColumnMap(TypeInfo typeInfo, string name) {
            SimpleColumnMap entitySetIdColumnMap = null;
            if (typeInfo.HasEntitySetIdProperty) { 
                entitySetIdColumnMap = CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(typeInfo.EntitySetIdProperty), c_EntitySetIdColumnName);
            // get the target entity type,
            md.EntityType entityType = (md.EntityType) (TypeHelpers.GetEdmType(typeInfo.Type).ElementType); 

            // Iterate through the list of "key" properties
            SimpleColumnMap[] keyColList = new SimpleColumnMap[entityType.KeyMembers.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < keyColList.Length; ++i) { 
                md.EdmMember property = entityType.KeyMembers[i];
                keyColList[i] = CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(property), property.Name); 

            // Create the entity identity 
            EntityIdentity identity = CreateEntityIdentity(entityType, entitySetIdColumnMap, keyColList);

            RefColumnMap result = new RefColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, identity);
            return result; 
        /// Create a simple columnmap - applies only to scalar properties
        /// (Temporarily, also for collections) 
        /// Simply picks up the next available column in the reader
        /// Column type
        /// column name 
        /// Column map for this column
        private SimpleColumnMap CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.TypeUsage type, string name) { 
            Var newVar = GetNextVar(); 
            SimpleColumnMap result = new VarRefColumnMap(type, name, newVar);
            return result; 

        /// Create a column map for the typeid column 
        private SimpleColumnMap CreateTypeIdColumnMap(md.EdmProperty prop) {
            return CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(prop), c_TypeIdColumnName); 

        /// Create a column map for a structural column - ref/complextype/entity/record 
        /// Type info for the type 
        /// column name 
        private ColumnMap CreateStructuralColumnMap(md.TypeUsage type, string name) { 
            // Get our augmented type information for this type
            TypeInfo typeInfo = m_typeInfo.GetTypeInfo(type);

            // records? 
            if (md.TypeSemantics.IsRowType(type)) {
                return CreateRecordColumnMap(typeInfo, name); 

            // ref? 
            if (md.TypeSemantics.IsReferenceType(type)) {
                return CreateRefColumnMap(typeInfo, name);
            // polymorphic type?
            if (typeInfo.HasTypeIdProperty) { 
                return CreatePolymorphicColumnMap(typeInfo, name); 
            // process complex/entity types appropriately
            if (md.TypeSemantics.IsComplexType(type)) {
                return CreateComplexTypeColumnMap(typeInfo, name, null, null, null);

            if (md.TypeSemantics.IsEntityType(type)) { 
                return CreateEntityColumnMap(typeInfo, name, null, null, null, true); 
            // Anything else is not supported (this currently includes relationship types)
            throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(type.GetType().ToString());
        /// Build out an EntityIdentity structure - for use by EntityColumnMap and RefColumnMap 
        /// the entity type in question
        /// column map for the entitysetid column 
        /// column maps for the keys
        private EntityIdentity CreateEntityIdentity(md.EntityType entityType,
            SimpleColumnMap entitySetIdColumnMap, 
            SimpleColumnMap[] keyColumnMaps) {
            // If we have an entitysetid (and therefore, a column map for the entitysetid), 
            // then use a discriminated entity identity; otherwise, we use a simpleentityidentity
            // instead 
            if (entitySetIdColumnMap != null) {
                return new DiscriminatedEntityIdentity(entitySetIdColumnMap, m_typeInfo.EntitySetIdToEntitySetMap, keyColumnMaps);
            else {
                md.EntitySet entitySet = m_typeInfo.GetEntitySet(entityType); 
                PlanCompiler.Assert(entitySet != null, "Expected non-null entityset when no entitysetid is required. Entity type = " + entityType); 
                return new SimpleEntityIdentity(entitySet, keyColumnMaps);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....], [....]
using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using md = System.Data.Metadata.Edm; 
using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees;
using System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler; 
//using System.Diagnostics; // Please use PlanCompiler.Assert instead of Debug.Assert in this class... 
using System.Globalization;
namespace System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler {

    internal class ColumnMapProcessor {
        #region "public" methods
        internal ColumnMap ExpandColumnMap() { 
            // special handling for the case when the top-level var is a collection.
            // The element type of the collection may have changed, and consequently a new 
            // var will have been created. We simply create a columnmap with that var.
            CollectionVarInfo collectionVarInfo = m_varInfo as CollectionVarInfo;
            if (collectionVarInfo != null) {
                return new VarRefColumnMap(m_columnMap.Var.Type, m_columnMap.Name, collectionVarInfo.NewVar); 
            else { 
                return this.CreateColumnMap(m_columnMap.Var.Type, m_columnMap.Name); 


        #region Constructors 

        internal ColumnMapProcessor(VarRefColumnMap columnMap, VarInfo varInfo, StructuredTypeInfo typeInfo) { 
            m_columnMap = columnMap; 
            m_varInfo = varInfo;
            PlanCompiler.Assert(varInfo.NewVars != null && varInfo.NewVars.Count > 0, "No new Vars specified"); 
            m_varList = varInfo.NewVars.GetEnumerator();
            m_typeInfo = typeInfo;
        #region private state 

        private IEnumerator m_varList; 
        private VarInfo m_varInfo;
        private VarRefColumnMap m_columnMap;
        private StructuredTypeInfo m_typeInfo;
        private const string c_TypeIdColumnName = "__TypeId"; // name of the typeid column 
        private const string c_EntitySetIdColumnName = "__EntitySetId"; // name of the entityset column
        private const string c_NullSentinelColumnName = "__NullSentinel"; // name of the nullability column 
        #region private methods

        private Var GetNextVar() {
            if (m_varList.MoveNext()) { 
                return m_varList.Current;
            PlanCompiler.Assert(false, "Could not GetNextVar"); 
            return null;

        /// Creates a column map for a column
        /// column datatype
        /// column name 
        private ColumnMap CreateColumnMap(md.TypeUsage type, string name) {
            // For simple types, create a simple column map 
            // Temporarily, handle collections exactly the same way
            if (!TypeUtils.IsStructuredType(type)) {
                return CreateSimpleColumnMap(type, name);

            // At this point, we must be dealing with either a record type, a 
            // complex type, or an entity type 
            return CreateStructuralColumnMap(type, name);

        /// Create a column map for a complextype column
        /// Type information for the type
        /// column name 
        /// Supertype info if any 
        /// Dictionary of typeidvalue->column map
        /// List of all maps 
        private ComplexTypeColumnMap CreateComplexTypeColumnMap(TypeInfo typeInfo, string name, ComplexTypeColumnMap superTypeColumnMap,
            Dictionary discriminatorMap, List allMaps) {
            List propertyColumnMapList = new List(); 
            IEnumerable myProperties = null;
            SimpleColumnMap nullSentinelColumnMap = null; 
            if (typeInfo.HasNullSentinelProperty) {
                nullSentinelColumnMap = CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(typeInfo.NullSentinelProperty), c_NullSentinelColumnName); 

            // Copy over information from my supertype if it already exists
            if (superTypeColumnMap != null) { 
                foreach (ColumnMap c in superTypeColumnMap.Properties) {
                myProperties = TypeHelpers.GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(typeInfo.Type);
            else {
                // need to get all members otherwise
                myProperties = TypeHelpers.GetAllStructuralMembers(typeInfo.Type);

            // Now add on all of my "specific" properties 
            foreach (md.EdmMember property in myProperties) { 
                ColumnMap propertyColumnMap = CreateColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(property), property.Name);

            // Create a map for myself
            ComplexTypeColumnMap columnMap = new ComplexTypeColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, propertyColumnMapList.ToArray(), nullSentinelColumnMap); 

            // if a dictionary is supplied, add myself to the dictionary 
            if (discriminatorMap != null) { 
                discriminatorMap[typeInfo.TypeId] = columnMap;
            if (allMaps != null) {
            // Finally walk through my subtypes - use the same column name 
            foreach (TypeInfo subTypeInfo in typeInfo.ImmediateSubTypes) {
                CreateComplexTypeColumnMap(subTypeInfo, name, columnMap, discriminatorMap, allMaps); 

            return columnMap; 

        /// Create a column map for an entitytype column. 
        /// Currently, the key columns are not duplicated (ie) they point into the
        /// same locations as in the properties list. 
        /// Note: we also don't handle keys that are properties of nested fields 
        /// Type information for the type 
        /// column name
        /// supertype information if any
        /// Dictionary of typeid->column map information
        /// List of all column maps (including those without typeid) 
        /// should we handle rel-properties?
        private EntityColumnMap CreateEntityColumnMap(TypeInfo typeInfo, string name, EntityColumnMap superTypeColumnMap, 
            Dictionary discriminatorMap, List allMaps, bool handleRelProperties) {
            EntityColumnMap columnMap = null; 
            List propertyColumnMapList = new List();

            // Copy over information from my supertype if it already exists
            if (superTypeColumnMap != null) { 
                // get supertype properties
                foreach (ColumnMap c in superTypeColumnMap.Properties) { 
                // Now add on all of my "specific" properties 
                foreach (md.EdmMember property in TypeHelpers.GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(typeInfo.Type)) {
                    ColumnMap propertyColumnMap = CreateColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(property), property.Name);
                // create the entity column map w/ information from my supertype
                columnMap = new EntityColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, propertyColumnMapList.ToArray(), superTypeColumnMap.EntityIdentity); 
            else {
                SimpleColumnMap entitySetIdColumnMap = null; 
                if (typeInfo.HasEntitySetIdProperty) {
                    entitySetIdColumnMap = CreateEntitySetIdColumnMap(typeInfo.EntitySetIdProperty);
                // build up a list of key columns
                List keyColumnMapList = new List(); 
                // Create a dictionary to look up the key properties 
                Dictionary keyPropertyMap = new Dictionary();
                foreach (md.EdmMember property in TypeHelpers.GetDeclaredStructuralMembers(typeInfo.Type)) {
                    ColumnMap propertyColumnMap = CreateColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(property), property.Name);
                    // add property to keymap, if this property is part of the key 
                    if (md.TypeSemantics.IsPartOfKey(property)) {
                        md.EdmProperty edmProperty = property as md.EdmProperty; 
                        PlanCompiler.Assert(edmProperty != null, "EntityType key member is not property?"); 
                        keyPropertyMap[edmProperty] = propertyColumnMap;

                // Build up the key list if required
                foreach (md.EdmMember keyProperty in TypeHelpers.GetEdmType(typeInfo.Type).KeyMembers) { 
                    md.EdmProperty edmKeyProperty = keyProperty as md.EdmProperty;
                    PlanCompiler.Assert(edmKeyProperty!=null, "EntityType key member is not property?"); 
                    SimpleColumnMap keyColumnMap = keyPropertyMap[edmKeyProperty] as SimpleColumnMap; 
                    PlanCompiler.Assert(keyColumnMap != null, "keyColumnMap is null");

                // Create the entity identity. 
                EntityIdentity identity = CreateEntityIdentity((md.EntityType)typeInfo.Type.EdmType, entitySetIdColumnMap, keyColumnMapList.ToArray()); 
                // finally create the entity column map
                columnMap = new EntityColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, propertyColumnMapList.ToArray(), identity); 

            // if a dictionary is supplied, add myself to the dictionary (abstract types need not be added)
            if (discriminatorMap != null) { 
                // where DiscriminatedNewInstanceOp is used, there will not be an explicit type id for an abstract type
                // or types that do not appear in the QueryView 
                // (the mapping will not include such information) 
                if (null != typeInfo.TypeId) {
                    discriminatorMap[typeInfo.TypeId] = columnMap; 
            if (allMaps != null) {
            // Finally walk through my subtypes 
            foreach (TypeInfo subTypeInfo in typeInfo.ImmediateSubTypes) { 
                CreateEntityColumnMap(subTypeInfo, name, columnMap, discriminatorMap, allMaps, false);

            // Build up the list of rel property column maps
            if (handleRelProperties) {
                BuildRelPropertyColumnMaps(typeInfo, true); 
            return columnMap;

        /// Build up the list of columnmaps for the relproperties.
        /// Assumption: rel-properties follow after ALL the regular properties of the 
        /// types in the type hierarchy.
        /// For now, we're simply going to ignore the rel-property columnmaps - we're 
        /// just going to use this function to "drain" the corresponding vars 
        /// typeinfo for the entity type 
        /// should we get rel-properties from our supertype instances
        private void BuildRelPropertyColumnMaps(TypeInfo typeInfo, bool includeSupertypeRelProperties) {
            // Get the appropriate set of rel-properties 
            IEnumerable relProperties = null; 
            if (includeSupertypeRelProperties) {
                relProperties = m_typeInfo.RelPropertyHelper.GetRelProperties(typeInfo.Type.EdmType as md.EntityTypeBase); 
            else {
                relProperties = m_typeInfo.RelPropertyHelper.GetDeclaredOnlyRelProperties(typeInfo.Type.EdmType as md.EntityTypeBase);

            // Create a column-map for each rel-properties 
            foreach (RelProperty property in relProperties) { 
                ColumnMap propertyColumnMap = CreateColumnMap(property.ToEnd.TypeUsage, property.ToString());

            // Add all subtypes
            foreach (TypeInfo subTypeInfo in typeInfo.ImmediateSubTypes) { 
                BuildRelPropertyColumnMaps(subTypeInfo, false);

        /// Create a column map for the entitysetid column 
        private SimpleColumnMap CreateEntitySetIdColumnMap(md.EdmProperty prop) {
            return CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(prop), c_EntitySetIdColumnName); 

        /// Creates a column map for a polymorphic type. This method first 
        /// creates column maps for each type that is a subtype of the input type,
        /// and then creates a dictionary of typeid value -> column 
        /// Finally, a PolymorphicColumnMap is created with these pieces of information 
        /// Info about the type 
        /// column name
        private SimplePolymorphicColumnMap CreatePolymorphicColumnMap(TypeInfo typeInfo, string name) {
            // if the typeInfo has a DiscriminatorMap, use TrailingSpaceComparer to ensure that lookups 
            // against discriminator values that SQL Server has right-padded (e.g. nchar and char) are properly
            // interpreted 
            Dictionary discriminatorMap = new Dictionary( 
                typeInfo.RootType.DiscriminatorMap == null ? null : TrailingSpaceComparer.Instance);
            // abstract types may not have discriminator values, but may nonetheless be interesting 
            List allMaps = new List();

            // SQLBUDT #433011 -- Polymorphic types must construct column maps
            //                    that map to the entire type hierarchy, so we 
            //                    need to use the RootType, not the current type.
            TypeInfo rootTypeInfo = typeInfo.RootType; 
            // Get the type discriminant column first
            SimpleColumnMap typeIdColumnMap = CreateTypeIdColumnMap(rootTypeInfo.TypeIdProperty); 

            // Prepare a place for the constructors to put the columns on the base
            // type, as they identify them.
            TypedColumnMap rootTypeColumnMap = null; 

            // process complex/entity types appropriately 
            // use the same name for the column 
            if (md.TypeSemantics.IsComplexType(typeInfo.Type)) {
                rootTypeColumnMap = CreateComplexTypeColumnMap(rootTypeInfo, name, null, discriminatorMap, allMaps); 
            else {
                rootTypeColumnMap = CreateEntityColumnMap(rootTypeInfo, name, null, discriminatorMap, allMaps, true);

            // Naturally, nothing is simple; we need to walk the rootTypeColumnMap hierarchy 
            // and find the column map for the type that we are supposed to have as the base 
            // type of this hierarchy.
            TypedColumnMap baseTypeColumnMap = null;
            foreach (TypedColumnMap value in allMaps) {
                if (md.TypeSemantics.IsEquivalent(value.Type, typeInfo.Type))
                    baseTypeColumnMap = value;
            PlanCompiler.Assert(null != baseTypeColumnMap, "Didn't find requested type in polymorphic type hierarchy?"); 

            // Create a polymorphic column map
            SimplePolymorphicColumnMap result = new SimplePolymorphicColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, baseTypeColumnMap.Properties, typeIdColumnMap, discriminatorMap);
            return result; 
        /// Create a column map for a record type. Simply iterates through the
        /// list of fields, and produces a column map for each field 
        /// Type information for the record type
        /// column name
        private RecordColumnMap CreateRecordColumnMap(TypeInfo typeInfo, string name) {
            PlanCompiler.Assert(typeInfo.Type.EdmType is md.RowType, "not RowType"); 
            SimpleColumnMap nullSentinelColumnMap = null; 
            if (typeInfo.HasNullSentinelProperty) {
                nullSentinelColumnMap = CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(typeInfo.NullSentinelProperty), c_NullSentinelColumnName); 

            md.ReadOnlyMetadataCollection properties = TypeHelpers.GetProperties(typeInfo.Type);
            ColumnMap[] propertyColumnMapList = new ColumnMap[properties.Count]; 
            for (int i = 0; i < propertyColumnMapList.Length; ++i) {
                md.EdmMember property = properties[i]; 
                propertyColumnMapList[i] = CreateColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(property), property.Name); 
            RecordColumnMap result = new RecordColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, propertyColumnMapList, nullSentinelColumnMap);
            return result;
        /// Create a column map for a ref type 
        /// Type information for the ref type
        /// Name of the column 
        /// Column map for the ref type
        private RefColumnMap CreateRefColumnMap(TypeInfo typeInfo, string name) {
            SimpleColumnMap entitySetIdColumnMap = null;
            if (typeInfo.HasEntitySetIdProperty) { 
                entitySetIdColumnMap = CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(typeInfo.EntitySetIdProperty), c_EntitySetIdColumnName);
            // get the target entity type,
            md.EntityType entityType = (md.EntityType) (TypeHelpers.GetEdmType(typeInfo.Type).ElementType); 

            // Iterate through the list of "key" properties
            SimpleColumnMap[] keyColList = new SimpleColumnMap[entityType.KeyMembers.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < keyColList.Length; ++i) { 
                md.EdmMember property = entityType.KeyMembers[i];
                keyColList[i] = CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(property), property.Name); 

            // Create the entity identity 
            EntityIdentity identity = CreateEntityIdentity(entityType, entitySetIdColumnMap, keyColList);

            RefColumnMap result = new RefColumnMap(typeInfo.Type, name, identity);
            return result; 
        /// Create a simple columnmap - applies only to scalar properties
        /// (Temporarily, also for collections) 
        /// Simply picks up the next available column in the reader
        /// Column type
        /// column name 
        /// Column map for this column
        private SimpleColumnMap CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.TypeUsage type, string name) { 
            Var newVar = GetNextVar(); 
            SimpleColumnMap result = new VarRefColumnMap(type, name, newVar);
            return result; 

        /// Create a column map for the typeid column 
        private SimpleColumnMap CreateTypeIdColumnMap(md.EdmProperty prop) {
            return CreateSimpleColumnMap(md.Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(prop), c_TypeIdColumnName); 

        /// Create a column map for a structural column - ref/complextype/entity/record 
        /// Type info for the type 
        /// column name 
        private ColumnMap CreateStructuralColumnMap(md.TypeUsage type, string name) { 
            // Get our augmented type information for this type
            TypeInfo typeInfo = m_typeInfo.GetTypeInfo(type);

            // records? 
            if (md.TypeSemantics.IsRowType(type)) {
                return CreateRecordColumnMap(typeInfo, name); 

            // ref? 
            if (md.TypeSemantics.IsReferenceType(type)) {
                return CreateRefColumnMap(typeInfo, name);
            // polymorphic type?
            if (typeInfo.HasTypeIdProperty) { 
                return CreatePolymorphicColumnMap(typeInfo, name); 
            // process complex/entity types appropriately
            if (md.TypeSemantics.IsComplexType(type)) {
                return CreateComplexTypeColumnMap(typeInfo, name, null, null, null);

            if (md.TypeSemantics.IsEntityType(type)) { 
                return CreateEntityColumnMap(typeInfo, name, null, null, null, true); 
            // Anything else is not supported (this currently includes relationship types)
            throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(type.GetType().ToString());
        /// Build out an EntityIdentity structure - for use by EntityColumnMap and RefColumnMap 
        /// the entity type in question
        /// column map for the entitysetid column 
        /// column maps for the keys
        private EntityIdentity CreateEntityIdentity(md.EntityType entityType,
            SimpleColumnMap entitySetIdColumnMap, 
            SimpleColumnMap[] keyColumnMaps) {
            // If we have an entitysetid (and therefore, a column map for the entitysetid), 
            // then use a discriminated entity identity; otherwise, we use a simpleentityidentity
            // instead 
            if (entitySetIdColumnMap != null) {
                return new DiscriminatedEntityIdentity(entitySetIdColumnMap, m_typeInfo.EntitySetIdToEntitySetMap, keyColumnMaps);
            else {
                md.EntitySet entitySet = m_typeInfo.GetEntitySet(entityType); 
                PlanCompiler.Assert(entitySet != null, "Expected non-null entityset when no entitysetid is required. Entity type = " + entityType); 
                return new SimpleEntityIdentity(entitySet, keyColumnMaps);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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